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1st Summative Test in Eapp

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I.Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is NOT true about the reaction paper?
A. The writer expresses ideas and opinions about what has been read or seen.
B. It may be informal, two pages long.
C. It has an introduction, body and conclusion.
D. It is a summary of the article.
2. Which of the following should be included in the first part of the reaction paper?
A. Personal thoughts B. Information about the author C. Main problem D.

II.A.Give the meaning of the following words from the pool of words given in each item.
3. Cynic - critic idealist optimist positivist
4. Demoralize - boost cheer discourage inspire
5. Chronic disease - health illness treatment wellness
6. Authentic - artificial imitation original unnatural

B. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

7. Which of the following is NOT true about the reaction paper?
A. It is purely made of opinions.
B. It conveys incisive insights into its analysis of events.
C. It may include the main purpose of the event.
D. It is mainly written to communicate a fair assessment.

8. Which of the following can be a form of a reaction paper?

A. Lyric Poem B. Survey Report C. Movie Review D. Anecdotal Report

9. Which of the following is needed to make an objective assessment?

A. Facts B. Opinions C. Reactions D. Traditions

10. Which of the following is NOT a form of reaction paper?

A. Appeal B. Protest C. Reflection D. Report

11. Why should we cite specific sources?

A. It helps support claims. C. It adds to creativity.
B. It makes the paper longer. D. It makes the paper interesting.

12. Which critical approach focuses on understanding ways gender roles are reflected or contradicted by
A. Reader-response B. Feminism C. Historicism D. Marxist

13. Which critical approach focuses on ways texts reflect, reinforce, or challenge the
effects of class, power relations, and social roles?
A. Reader-response B. Feminism C. Historicism D. Marxist

14. Which critical approach focuses on understanding texts by viewing texts in the context of other texts?
A. Reader-response B. Feminism C. Historicism D. Marxist

15. Which critical approach focuses on each reader's personal reactions to a text?
A. Reader-response B. Feminism C. Historicism D. Marxist

16. Which critical approach focuses on "objectively" evaluating the text, identifying its
underlying form. It may study, for example, a text's use of imagery, metaphor, or
A. Reader-response B. Media Criticism C. Historicism D.

III.A. Read these opening sentences. What discipline/s do these abstracts ‘belong’ to? Remember, some
papers are written by multidisciplinary teams. Choose from Column B what the abstract from Column 2’s
particular key intention.
Column A Column B
17. Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) A. To propose a profile
of a good working capital
18. This paper documents the behavior of corporate treasurers B. Used for authentication and
who are involved in the decision-making process in the areas of identification applications as well
cash, inventory, accounts receivable… as the cryptographic key
C. To have a positive effect on the
attitudes of students
towards Australian literature.
B. Choose the letter that presents the best summary in each of the following paragraphs:
19. Tomorrow is Ji l's birthday. She is excited because she gets to pick where she will eat dinner. Will it be
Mexican food at the Big Enchilada House? Or will l it be fried chicken at the Chicken Shack, or a big
cheeseburger at Al's Hamburger Palace. She just couldn't decide. Then there was always the Pizza Shop
with that great pepperoni pizza. How would she ever decide? Maybe she would just flip a coin.
A. Jill has many restaurants to choose from for her birthday.
B. Jill loves Mexican food.
C. The Pizza Shop has the best pizza intown.
D. Jill will choose a place by flipping a coin.

20. It started when they got to the bears. Peter felt tired and his stomach hurt. He dragged himself over to
see the elephants, which were eating from a stack of hay. Normally, the elephants were his favorite.
Without much interest, Peter followed his classmates to the camels, which were busy swatting flies with
their tails. Peter knew he should be having fun at the zoo, but he just felt terrible and al he wanted to do
was lie down and rest. Even the lions and tigers did not interest him now.
A. Peter's favorite animals were the elephants.
B. The camels were swatting flies with their tails.
C. It was hot at the zoo.
D. Peter didn't enjoy the zoo because he felt bad.

C. True or False (Write T if the statement is True and write F if the statement is False).
21. Entries in the topic outline are in sentence form.
22. A writer needs to develop an outline after writing the entire essay.
23. There are two types of outlines: Topic and Sentence outline

IV.A.Determine if the set of sentences were paraphrased by Changing of Parts of Speech, By Changing of
Structure, or By Synonym Replacement.
24. It is very easy to see how children grow as they often become taller and heavier.
It is not hard to determine the growth of children as they commonly become bigger and weighty.
By Changing of Parts of Speech By Changing of Structure By Synonym Replacement
25. People commonly don’t notice the other changes in their body parts as they age.
Changes in the body parts are hardly noticed by people as they age.
By Changing of Parts of Speech By Changing of Structure By Synonym Replacement
26. A special doctor stated that noses, mouths, and ears get larger as human grow older. A specialist in
this field specified that other parts of the body like nose, mouth, and ear grow larger as human ages.
By Changing of Parts of Speech By Changing of Structure By Synonym Replacement
B. Read each statement carefully. Then, write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each
_____27. This is a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or
proved. It also tells the reader what will be in your paper.
A. essay B. thesis statement C. research topic
_____28. Thesis statement consists of ______.
A. 1-2 sentence long B. 1- 3 sentence long C. 2 paragraph long
_____29. The thesis statement can be found at the _______ of your paper.
A. introduction B. body C. conclusion

C. Identify the text structure used in each passage. Look at the choices and select the best answer.
Cause and Effect Classification Persuasion
30. A bicycle is a mechanism that has transported man for many decades. Nowadays, bicycling is a great
way to move from one place to another in short distances. Bicycles should be used for short distances to
protect the environment as well as your health. By riding a bicycle, people can decrease gasoline
consumption, improve the quality of their lives, and protect the environment.
31. Have you ever wondered how mountain bikes can ride so smoothly on rough 3 surfaces? The reason for
this is that mountain bikes have suspension systems. Suspension systems keep the wheels in continuous
contact with the ground. This improves control and insulates the rider from changes on the surface.
Suspension systems also reduce vibrations and make the ride more comfortable. Just don't get too
comfortable and put your feet up because you still need those for peddling.
32. How do you know which kind of bike is right for you and the riding you’ll do? Well, that’s what this
guide is for. Road bikes are lightweight, efficient bikes with drop handlebars and narrow tires for
recreational riding on pavement. Mountain bikes are rugged machines with flat handlebars and wide,
knobby tires for riding narrow dirt trails. Utility bikes are bikes designed for utility , such as commuting or
errands, including some that haul kids or cargo.

V. A.Read the passages and determine how the information is being organized.
Choose your answer from the list of words below. Write the letter of your choice on a
separate sheet of paper. (
a. Narrative d. Descriptive
b. Cause and Effect e. Problem-Solution
c. chronological/sequence f. Compare & Contrast
______33. Ice-cream is a delicious frozen treat that comes in a many different colors and flavors. Two of
my favorite flavors are strawberry and chocolate. Though both flavors are delicious, strawberry may
contain pieces of fruit while chocolate usually will not. Even though more chocolate ice-cream is sold
across the country annually than strawberry, each flavor tastes great inside of a milk shake.
_______34. The ice-cream shop around the corner from my house has the best ice-cream in the city.
When you first walk inside, there is a long chrome counter with matching stools extending alongside the
far wall. Right where the counter stops, the booth seating begins. There are lots of old-timey knickknacks
on the walls and chrome napkin holders on all the tables. My favorite part of the shop is behind the
counter glass, where they keep all the ice cream flavors. A rainbow of delicious sugary flavors is kept cool
and delicious behind the counter glass.
______35. Freezer burn may have wasted more ice-cream than sidewalks. If you don’t know, freezer burn
is when ice crystals form on the surface of ice-cream. These ice crystals can ruin the texture and flavor of
ice cream. But you can prevent freezer burns. Since freezer burn is caused when melted ice-cream is
refrozen, rather than eating your ice-cream from the container as it melts, scoop your ice cream into a
bowl and put the container back in the fridge immediately. Doing this ought to help you solve your issues
with freezer burn.

B. Choose from the options the correct discipline where the text belongs. Write the letter of your answer on
the space provided on column marked Choices. (Academic Text with Choices)
36.The growing popularity of wearable devices for leisure activities, professional sports and monitoring
medical conditions has led to increasing interest in the development of batteries that are flexible enough
to sit inside such devices. Until now, most research in this field has concentrated on modifications to the
ubiquitous lithium-ion batteries found, for example, in mobile phones. However, these batteries – like the
alkali ones in torches and alarm clocks – can self-discharge, particularly when left unused for a long time.
A. Biology B. Chemistry C. Literature D. Performing Arts
37. Friedrich Nietzsche notably referred to the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky as “the only
psychologist from whom I have anything to learn.” Dostoevsky’s ability to encapsulate the darkest and
most twisted depths of the human psyche within his characters has had a profound impact on those
writers operating on the periphery of society. Through research on his writing style, biography, and a close
reading of his novel Notes from the Underground I am exploring the impact of his most famous outcast, the
Underground Man, on counterculture writers in America during the great subculture upsurge of the 1950s
and 60s. Ken Kesey, Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac employ both the universal themes expressed by the
Underground Man as well as more specific stylistic and textual similarities.
A. Biology B. Chemistry C. Literature D. Performing Arts

38. Frederick Griffith, established that there was a transforming principle in bacterial genetics in a ground-
breaking experiment, performed in 1928. He postulated that information could somehow be transferred
between different strains of bacteria. This was long before the discovery of DNA and was an inspired piece
of scientific detective work.
A. Biology B. Chemistry C. Literature D. Performing Arts

39. As productions turn away from resurrecting museum pieces, integrating costumes from two different
historical periods has become more popular. This research project focuses on what makes costume
integration successful. A successful integration must be visually compelling, but still gives character depth
and tell the story of the play. By examining several Shakespearean theatre productions, this paper has
pinpointed the key aspects of each costume integration that successfully assist the production.

C. Read the following passages carefully. Then, decide whether the passage is an academic text reflecting
formality and objectivity by writing Formal, or a literary text by writing Fiction.
40.If the purpose of reading is established early on, the reader will save time and improve comprehension

VI.Choose the correct answer for each question.

41. What is the term for a written or printed work that conveys information, ideas, or stories and can be
found in various forms such as books, articles, or essays?
Introduction Thesis Statement Conclusion Text
42. In a well-structured essay, which of the following is a distinct unit of text that typically consists of a
group related sentences focused on a single idea or topic?
Paragraph Conclusion Introduction Thesis Statement
43. Which of the following is a concise group of words that expresses the main idea of a paragraph or
section of text?
Expository text Jargon Topic Sentence Conclusion
44. What type of text aims to explain, describe, or inform about a particular subject without expressing
opinions or arguments?
Argumentative text Expository text Descriptive text Inductive pattern
45.Which part of an essay is responsible for bringing in the main ideas and the overall purpose of writing?
Body paragraph Introduction paragraph Conclusion Transition words

VII. Based on the characteristics of academic and non-academic texts, analyze whether the
description is Academic or Non-Academic.
46. It uses a formal tone and avoids contractions, colloquial language, and informal expressions.
47.A writer's personal opinions and feelings are often included in this style of writing.
48. Plagiarism can be avoided by properly citing sources, paraphrasing, and summarizing.
49. It uses colloquial language, slang, and contractions. This means the writing often comes across as
more conversational.
50. It has a clear structure, such as introduction, methodology, and conclusion sections.
1. D
2. B
3. Critic
4. Discourage
5. Illness
6. Original
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. D
14. C
15. A
16. D
17. B
18. A
19. A. Jill has many restaurants to choose from for her birthday.
20. D. Peter didn't enjoy the zoo because he felt bad.
21. F
22. F
23. T
24. By Synonym Replacement
25. By Changing of Structure
26. By Changing of Parts of Speech
27. B. thesis statement
28. A. 1-2 sentence long
29. A. introduction
30. Persuasion
31. Cause and Effect
32. Classification
33. f. Compare & Contrast
34. d. Descriptive
35. e. Problem-Solution
36. B. Chemistry
37. C. Literature
38. A. Biology
39. D. Performing Arts
40. Formal
41. Text
42. Paragraph
43. Topic sentence
44. Expository text
45. Introduction paragraph
46. Academic
47. Non-academic
48. Academic
49. Non-academic
50. Academic

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