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Mapeh 10 Arts P.E Health

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Outdated customs, practices, and superstitions without scientific basis

2. Information based on ignorance and prejudice
3. Commercialized health information
PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN AND ELEMENTS OF ARTS 4. Personal options and incomplete information
A. UNITY AND VARIETY 5. Quack or pseudo healers
Unity refers to the appearance or condition of the oneness of an What are Health Products?
artwork. All the elements such as line, color, texture, and others belong Health products are food, drugs, cosmetics, devices, biologicals,
together, which results in having a coherent and harmonious whole. As vaccines, invitro diagnostic reagents, household/urban hazardous substances,
variety provides diversity, yet it acts as a counterbalance to extreme unity. and/or a combination of and/or a derivative thereof (FDA Act, 2009).
The visual themes were established with the use of lines, shapes, These products may be purchased from various places like
and colors. The many figures and the objects in the complex compositions of supermarkets, pharmacies, and hospitals. Examples: eyeglasses, appliances,
Lawrence formed a unified design through the artist's skillful use of medicines, grooming aids, car, etc.
abstraction, theme, and variation. What is a Healthcare Service?
B. BALANCE Healthcare services refer to the furnishing of medicines, medical
Balance is the condition in which acting influences are held in or surgical treatments, nursing, hospital service, dental service, optometric
check by opposing forces or what is on the left side should appear on the service, and complementary health services.
right side also in order to achieve equilibrium. The near or exact matching of These are often connected to healthcare. These programs aim to
the left and right sides of a three-dimensional form or a two-dimensional appraise the health conditions of individuals through screening and
composition is called symmetrical balance. Two sides that are not the same is examinations, cure and treat disorders, prevent and control the spread of
asymmetrical balance. diseases, provide safety, emergency care, and first aid, and ensure a follow-up
C. EMPHASIS AND SUBORDINATION program for individuals who have undergone treatments. Examples: medical
To draw our attention to an area or areas, the artist uses and dental consultation and treatment, services from beauty parlors and
emphasis. To create emphasis, position, contrast, color intensity, and size can barber shops, etc.
all be used. Neutral areas of lesser interest are created by artists through Guidelines on the Purchase of Goods and Services
subordination to keep us from being distracted from the areas of emphasis. 1. Evaluate which products and services will be beneficial, harmful,
D. CONTRAST or useless.
The juxtaposition of strongly dissimilar elements is called contrast. 2. Know the local laws and regulations that protect consumers.
Dark set against light, large against small, bright colors against dull are 3. Locate dependable medical, dental, and nursing services.
examples of contrasts. Visual experience becomes monotonous without 4. Apply knowledge acquired with respect to personal and
contrast. Contrast can be seen also in the thick and thin areas of a single environmental health in the purchase of personal goods and
brushstroke. services
The repetition of visual elements gives a composition of unity, 1. Gather correct and sufficient information
continuity, flow, and emphasis. Rhythm in visual art is created through the - get as much information by reading the details critically on the
regular recurrence of elements with related variations. nutritional quality of the food. Be aware that being knowledgeable of
F. SCALE AND PROPORTION the laws will protect you as a consumer.
The scale is the relation of one thing to another. It is one of the 2. Compare and contrast details of available products
first decisions an artist makes when planning a work of art. Proportion is the - compare and contrast the products and services available before you
size relationship of parts to a whole. purchase. Judge for yourself which among the products are most
effective. You can use the questions in assessing the health information
HEALTH as your initial guide.
2. Inquire for more and review if possible
COMPONENTS OF CONSUMER HEALTH – ask direct questions from sales personnel if things about the product
are not clear to you before buying it. Clarifying things will make you
What is Consumer Health?
more confident as a consumer. You can also get some information from
Consumer Health is not just about buying health products and
other consumers regarding the product.
services. It is also about making decisions and having a clear and deeper
Health services are usually offered by healthcare providers. “A
understanding to make wise choices.
healthcare provider is a trained professional who provides people with
Consumer Health has three components: health information,
healthcare.” Health services are offered by health service providers. There are
health products, and health services. Health information plays a big role in
three types, as follows:
the life of individuals. It gives details that people can use to make informed
Health Professionals.
decisions about their health and of others.
These are individuals who are licensed to practice medicine and other allied
What is Health Information?
health programs and work in the medical profession. Examples: doctors,
 Health information is any concept, step, or advice that various
nurses, nutritionists, etc.
sources give to aid the health status of an individual. The type of
Healthcare Facilities
information varies depending on various considerations such as
These are places or institutions that offer healthcare services. Examples:
but not limited to health history, drugs and alcohol consumption,
hospitals, walk-in surgery centers, health centers, extended healthcare
and eating disorders.
 All information about the health products are included in this
Health Insurance
area. It gives the materials used in manufacturing the product,
It is a financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual
date, uses, expirations, and even cautions.
or group for the payment of healthcare costs.
 People acquire health information and products from various
sources such as authorized persons, media, and technology. It is
essential to identify the reliability of these sources.
 Medical and health professionals (Family and school doctors,
dentists, nurses, health science educators)
 Government agencies like the Department of Health (DOH), Food
and Drug Administration (FDA), Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD),
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)
 Websites ending in gov, edu, and org.
 Local health officials
 Educational institutions
Some Unreliable Sources of Health Information
STRENGTH TRAINING Starting with legs together and bent, lie on one side. Extend the arm close to
Strength training specializes in the inducement of muscular the ground 30-45 degrees from the body as support or balance. Position the
contraction through the use of free weights, weight machines, and resistance other arm across the chest or have it float in front of it. Lift the shoulder
bands which builds the strength, size of skeletal muscles, and anaerobic closer to the ground while legs and the chest slightly face upward. Return to
endurance. It strengthens and increases the amount of muscle mass in the the original position without letting the shoulder touch the ground.
body by making the muscles work harder than they're used to. It improves 5. SQUATS
overall health and well-being because the bones, muscles, tendons, and From an upright position with arms and hands crossed in front of the chest or
ligaments are strengthened and toughened. It also increases metabolism, up, squat lower until the thighs are parallel to the ground. The chest and butt
improves cardiac function, and elevates good cholesterol. must be pushed out and the knee must not thrust forward beyond the toes.
Strength training is most commonly seen as a weight-bearing Return to the original position, keeping both legs and slightly.
activity. There are two terms concerning strength exercises: Repetition and FOOD REQUIREMENTS
Sets. The way we eat when we were children may strongly affect our
A rep (repetition) is one full movement from the starting point to eating behavior as adults. When we repeat this behavior over many years, it
finish. A set is a group of repetitions. The most basic training design is to have becomes a habit. Eating proper food and proper exercise should go hand in
anywhere between 6 and 15 reps in a set and performing 3 sets. Some hand to achieve a healthy and active lifestyle.
people will go for 6 to 9 reps, some will go for 9-12 and some will go for 12-15 A combination of good exercise routine and consistent intake of a
reps in a set. These numbers are for upper body strength training. The lover balanced diet can help achieve a well-rounded health and fitness level.
body reps must be anywhere between 15-25 reps also with an approximate FOOD AND NUTRIENTS
of three sets. WATER
BENEFITS OF THE WEIGHT-BEARING STRENGTH TRAINING EXERCISES During exercise, evaporation is usually the primary mechanism of heat
1. have an increase in muscle strength; dissipation. The temperature rises rapidly if the body cannot adequately
2. strengthen tendons and ligaments; evaporate sweat from the skin’s surface. Continuous sweating might lead to
3. improve in a range of motion joints; losing valuable fluids from the reservoir within the body. The rate is being
4. have a reduction of body fat and increase in lean muscle mass; related to exercise intensity, individual differences, environmental conditions,
5. potentially improve his/her blood pressure levels; acclimatization state, clothing, and baseline hydration status.
6. gain positive changes in levels of blood cholesterol; CARBOHYDRATES
7. gain an improvement in glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity; The majority of your diet must consist of healthy, natural carbohydrates.
and These should not come from sugar (even though sugar is packed with
8. gain overall strength, balance, and functional ability. carbohydrates). Get your carbohydrates from natural sources such as rice and
Even if we are so concentrated on developing a healthy and active lifestyle, PROTEIN
we still need to consider our safety. So, bear in mind the following Protein is very important if you add strength training to your aerobic routine.
precautionary measures: You need to consider protein to be an integral part of your diet. The amino
1. Before engaging yourself in the activity, warm up first through walking. acids that makeup proteins are the small amount of acid that makes every
After doing the exercise, cool down for five to ten minutes through stretching. biological function of your body possible. For those trying to lose weight,
2. Align the body correctly and move smoothly through each exercise. Focus diets high in protein and fiber are very likely to limit cravings and make you
on form, not weight. Poor form can cause injuries and slow gains. When feel full faster and longer.
learning a strength training routine, start with no weight, or very lightweight, FRUITS and VEGETABLES
then concentrate on slow-smooth lifts and equally control descents while Make your plate filled with fruits and vegetables. Dark green, red, orange
isolating a muscle group. vegetables, have high levels of nutrients such as vitamin C, calcium, and fiber.
3. To be in control is to work at the right tempo. Take three counts while Adding spinach or romaine lettuce and tomato to your sandwich is the easiest
lowering weight and hold, then count three again while raising it to the way to get more veggies in your meal.
starting position. GRAINS
4. Pay attention to your breathing during workouts. Exhale while working Choose whole grains, like wholewheat bread, brown rice, and oatmeal. It is
against resistance by lifting, pushing, or pulling and inhale at every release. also best to consume them with fruits.
5. Keep challenging muscles by slowly increasing weight or resistance. The DAIRY
right weight differs depending on the exercise. If you are trying to build strong bones, drink fat-free, or low-fat milk products.
6. Stick with the routine. Working all the major muscles of the body two or In some cases, when you cannot digest lactose, there are alternatives that
three times a week is ideal. you can have like soy or rice milk and low-fat yogurt instead.
7. Give time for muscles to recover too. Strength training causes tiny tears in PIZZA, CANDY, and FAST FOOD
muscle tissue. These tears aren't harmful, but they are important. Muscles You don’t need to deprive yourself of eating these items. Eating less of them
grow stronger as the tears knit hours to recover before the next strength may help you maintain a healthy weight. Pizza, candy, fast food, and sodas
training session. Always give the muscles at least 48 hours to recover before have a lot of added sugar, solid fats, and sodium which could be beneficial at
the next strength training session. some point especially when consumed in the proper amounts. A healthy
THE FIVE BASIC STRENGTH TRAINING EXERCISES eating plan should still be observed.
Regular push-ups are prescribed to most people. However, for some who
have health concerns, newbies, and even females, they may start with knee
push-ups. Regular push-ups are performed with the body forming a straight
line from the heels. The body is lowered until the chest is approximately one
fist off the ground. The body is then pushed off the ground to return to its
original position.
From prone lying position, lift both arms and legs. Try not to bend the legs;
then lower arms and legs without relaxing the ground.
From the supine lying position while legs are bent with arms touching the
ears, lift the head and shoulders with the shoulder blades lifting off
completely from the ground. Return to the original position while keeping the
head elevated off the ground.


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