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Detailed Contents
Chapter 1. The Philosophical and Ideological Underpinnings of Corrections
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives
Introduction: What Is Corrections?
From Arrest to Punishment
The Theoretical Underpinnings of Corrections
A Short History of Correctional Punishment
The Emergence of the Classical School
The Emergence of Positivism: Should Punishment Fit the Offender or the
The Function of Punishment
Perspective From a Practitioner: Robert Bayer, Prison Warden
The Philosophical Assumptions Behind Justifications for Punishment
The Major Punishment Justifications
Selective Incapacitation
Comparative Corrections: The Four Legal Traditions and Why They Are Useful to
The Due Process and Crime Control Models and Cultural Comparisons
In Focus 1.1. Is the United States Hard or Soft on Crime?
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 2. Correctional History: Ancient Times to Colonial Jails
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives

Introduction: The Evolving Practice of Corrections
Themes: Truths That Underlie Correctional Practice
Early Punishments in Westernized Countries
The First Jails
Comparative Corrections: The Tower of London
Galley Slavery
Poverty and Bridewells, Debtors’ Prisons, and Houses of Correction
Enlightenment—Paradigm Shift
Spock Falls in Love
John Howard
In Focus 2.1. Modern-Day John Howard: Ken Kerle
Bentham and Beccaria
William Penn
Colonial Jails and Prisons
Perspective From a Practitioner: Marianne Fisher-Giorlando, Board Member of
Louisiana State Penitentiary Museum Foundation
Comparative Corrections: Early European and British Prisons
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 3. Correctional History: The 17th to 20th Centuries
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives
Introduction: The Grand Reforms
Early Modern Prisons and the Pennsylvania and New York Models
The Walnut Street Jail
Newgate Prison—New York City
The Pennsylvania Prison Model (Separate System)
Comparative Corrections: The Pentonville Prison
Auburn, Sing Sing, and the New York (Congregate) System
In Focus 3.1. Charles Dickens’s Impressions of the Eastern Pennsylvania Prison
and the Silent System in 1842
Early Prisons and Jails Not Reformed

Prisons: “The Shame of Another Generation”
In Focus 3.2. Lewis E. Lawes’s Observations About Sing Sing History and
Dorothea Dix’s Evaluation of Prisons and Jails
The Failure of Reform Is Noted
The Renewed Promise of Reform
The 1870 American Prison Congress
The Creation of Probation and Parole
Southern and Northern Prisons, the Contract and Lease Systems, and Industrial
Industrial Prisons
Correctional Institutions or Warehouse Prisons?
Themes That Prevail in Correctional History
Perspective From a Practitioner: Pat Mahoney, Alcatraz Corrections Officer
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 4. Ethics and Corrections
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives
Introduction: To Do the Right Thing!
Defining Ethics: What Is Right (and Wrong)?
In Focus 4.1. A Lack of Ethics: Florida’s YSI Private Prisons for Youths
Ethical Foundation for Professional Practice
Ethical Formalism
In Focus 4.2. Mentally Ill Inmate Dies at Rikers
Religious Perspective
Natural Law
Ethics of Virtue
Ethics of Care
Why People Behave Unethically

Official Deviance
Noble Cause Corruption
In Focus 4.3. Subcultural Values of Probation and Parole Officers
How to Prevent Unethical Behavior and Promote Ethical Work Practices
In Focus 4.4. The Abuse of Solitary Confinement in Florida
War on Drugs = Attack on Ethics?
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 5. Sentencing: The Application of Punishment
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives
Introduction: What Is Sentencing?
Types of Sentences: Indeterminate, Determinate, and Mandatory
Habitual Offender Statutes
Other Types of Sentences: Shock, Split, and Non-custodial Sentences
Victim Impact Statements
Sentencing by Civil Commitment for Sex Offenders
Problem-Solving Courts
Drug Courts
Sentencing Disparity, Legitimate and Illegitimate
Structuring Sentencing: The Presentence Investigation Report
PSI Controversies
In Focus 5.1. Modern-Day John Howard—Dr. Ken Kerle Example of a PSI
Structured Sentencing: Sentencing Guidelines
Perspective From a Practitioner: Laura Kiehl, Presentence Investigator
In Focus 5.2. Policy Statement of the American Correctional Association
Regarding Sentencing
The Future of Sentencing Guidelines
Comparative Corrections: Sentencing in Comparison Countries
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions

Chapter 6. Jails and Detention Centers
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives
Introduction: The Community Institution
Jail Types
Jail Inmates and Their Processing
Trends in Jail Populations
Gender, Juveniles, Race, and Ethnicity
Perspective From a Practitioner: Brian Cole, County Corrections Director
The Poor and the Mentally Ill
In Focus 6.1. High Schools in Jails
Medical Problems
Elderly Inmates
Female Inmates
Juvenile Inmates
Rights to Medical Care
Substance Abuse and Jails
Suicides, Gangs, and Sexual Violence in Jails
Sexual Violence
Innovations in Jails
New-Generation or Podular Direct-Supervision Jails
Community Jails
In Focus 6.2. Prison Rape Elimination Act Controversy
Coequal Staffing
Reentry Programs for Jails
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 7. Community Corrections: Probation and Intermediary Sanctions
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives

Introduction: The Origins of Probation
Number and Demographic Characteristics of Offenders on Probation
Why Do We Need Community Corrections?
The Probation Officer Role
Models of Probation Supervision
Probation Violations and Graduated Sanctions
Perspective From a Practitioner: Brian Fallock, Probation and Parole Officer
Probation Officer Stress
Engaging the Community to Prevent Recidivism
Comparative Corrections: Community Corrections in the United Kingdom
Intermediate Sanctions
Work Release
Intensive Supervision Probation
Shock Probation/Parole and Boot Camps
Victim–Offender Reconciliation Programs
In Focus 7.1. Community Supervision and Recidivism
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 8. Prisons and the Correctional Client
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives
Introduction: The State of Prisons
Prison Organizations
Prison Types and Levels
In Focus 8.1. False Imprisonment as a Result of Wage Slavery
In Focus 8.2. Alcatraz: The United States’ First Supermax
Prison Value?
Attributes of the Prison That Shape the Experience
Total Institutions
Pains of Imprisonment
In Focus 8.3. Prison Debate Project
The Prison Subculture

Roles for Inmates and Staff
In Focus 8.4. Inmate Roles Identified by Sykes (1958) and Sykes and Messinger
Gangs and the Prison Subculture
Why Prisons Are Violent
The Amount of Violence
Sexual Assaults
Solutions to Prison Violence
In Focus 8.5. The Story of Wilbert Rideau
Social Support
Special Populations
Elderly Inmates
Physically Ill Inmates
Mentally Ill Inmates
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex Inmates
Perspective From a Practitioner: Michael Klein, Former Correctional Officer
Perspective From a Former Inmate: Rex E. Hammond, Former Inmate and
Doctoral Student
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 9. The Corrections Experience for Staff
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives
Introduction: What Is a Profession?
The State of the Work in Correctional Institutions and Programs
Growth in Staff and Clients or Inmates
Perceived Benefits of Correctional Work
Collective Bargaining
Why Require More Education and Training?
Stanford Prison Experiment
Abu Ghraib

In Focus 9.1. ACA Code of Ethics
Correctional Work Is Little Understood
Individual-Level Factors That Affect the Correctional Workplace
Race or Ethnicity and Gender
Perspective From a Practitioner: Michael Klein, Former Correctional Officer
Prior Military Service
Correctional Roles
The Role Defined
Street-Level Bureaucrats
Hack Versus Human Service
The Subculture and Socialization
Subcultural Values
Staff Interactions With Inmates
The Defects of Total Power
In Focus 9.2. Staff Stress, Burnout, and Turnover
The Correctional Role When Supervising Children
Abuse of Power
Use of Force
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 10. Community Corrections: Parole and Prisoner Reentry
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives
Introduction: What Is Parole?
Brief History of Parole
The Modern Parole System
Parolee Recidivism
In Focus 10.1. Example of Parole Conditions
Parole Boards
What Goes In Must Come Out: Prisoner Reentry Into the Community
The Impact of Imprisonment and Reentry on Communities

What Makes for a Successful Reentry?
Determining Parole “Success”
Perspective From a Practitioner: Lisa Growette Bostaph, Parole Commissioner
Parole Violations and Graduated Sanctions
Halfway Houses
House Arrest, Electronic Monitoring, and Global Positioning Systems
Comparative Corrections: Chinese Community Corrections
Concluding Remarks on Reentry and Recidivism
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 11. Women and Corrections
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives
History and Growth
The History of Women in Prisons
Race in Early Prisons
Discipline in Women’s Prisons
Hiring of Female Matrons
Houses of Refuge for Girls and Boys
Growth in Numbers of Women and Girls
Women and Girls in Corrections Today
Female Correctional Clients
Meeting Female Inmates’ Needs and Providing Programming
In Focus 11.1. Orange Is the New Black (or Not)
Adjustment, Misconduct, and Pseudofamilies
In Focus 11.2. Gender Pathways to Community Corrections, Jails, and Prisons
Female Correctional Officers
Female Staff
Perspective From a Practitioner: Kay Heinrich, Correctional Program Manager
Overcoming Employment Obstacles

Current Status
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 12. Minorities and Corrections
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives
Defining Race, Ethnicity, Disparity, and Discrimination
Disparity and Discrimination
A Legacy of Racism
African Americans
In Focus 12.1. Hate Groups in the United States
In Focus 12.2. The Scottsboro Case
In Focus 12.3. Fourteen Examples of Racism in the Criminal Justice System
Native Americans/American Indians
In Focus 12.4. Documented Lynchings of Mexican Americans
Asian Americans
The Connection Between Class and Race/Ethnicity
Minorities: Policies and Practices That Have Resulted in Increased Incarceration
The Drug War: The New Jim Crow?
Crack Versus Powder Cocaine
In Focus 12.5. Harsh Justice and the Scott Sisters
Racial Profiling and Driving While Black or Brown
Evidence-Driven Public Health Prosecution Used to Reduce Minority Group
Correctional Populations
Minorities: Experiencing Incarceration
Victimization by Race and Ethnicity
Probation or Prison?
Perspective From a Practitioner: James Watkins, Classification Counselor
Minorities Working in Corrections

• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 13. Juveniles and Corrections
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives
Introduction: Delinquency and Status Offending
The Extent of Delinquency
The Juvenile Brain and Juvenile Behavior
History and Philosophy of Juvenile Justice
Childhood in the United States
The Beginning of the Juvenile Courts
Processing Juvenile Offenders
Juveniles Waived to Criminal Court
Extending Due Process to Juveniles
Juveniles and the Death Penalty
Perspective From a Practitioner: Skyler Brouwer, Juvenile Probation Officer
Juvenile Community Corrections
Intensive Probation
Residential and Institutional Juvenile Corrections
Comparative Corrections: Juvenile Justice Philosophies
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 14. Legal Issues in Corrections
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives
The Rule of Law
The Hands-Off Period: 1866–1963
The Prisoners’ Rights Period: 1964–1978
The Deference Period: 1997–Present
Perspective From a Practitioner: Barbara Beldot, Attorney
First Amendment

Fourth Amendment
In Focus 14.1. Any Complaints This Morning?
Eighth Amendment
Fourteenth Amendment
The Civil Commitment of Sex Offenders
Curtailing Prisoner Petitions
Legal Issues in Probation and Parole
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 15. Correctional Programming and Treatment
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives
Introduction: The Rise and Fall (and Rise Again) of Rehabilitation
In Focus 15.1. The American Correctional Association’s 1870 Declaration on
The Shift From “Nothing Works” to “What Works?”
Evidence-Based Practices
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Substance Abuse Programming
Drug Treatment With Swift Consequences for Failure: Hawaii’s HOPE
Perspective From a Practitioner: Margaret Jackson, Drug Treatment Specialist
Therapeutic Communities
Pharmacological Treatment
Anger Management
Sex Offenders and Their Treatment
Mentally Ill Offenders
Comparative Corrections: Offender Treatment
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 16. The Death Penalty
• Test Your Knowledge

• Learning Objectives
Introduction: The Death Penalty and Public Opinion
Methods of Execution Used in the United States
Legal Challenges to the Death Penalty
Does the Death Penalty Deter?
Financial Costs and the Death Penalty
Racial Disparity in Death Sentences
The Issue of Victim’s Race
In Focus 16.1. Karl Marx on Capital Punishment and Brutalization
Women and the Death Penalty
The Chivalry Hypothesis
The Evil Woman Hypothesis
The Death Penalty and Mental Disability
The Death Penalty and Mental Illness
Comparative Corrections: The Death Penalty in China and Saudi Arabia
The Innocence Revolution
Some Concerns With DNA Technology
Perspective From a Practitioner: Ginny Hatch, Investigator for Idaho Innocence
Some Concerns With Neuroimaging Technology
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Chapter 17. Corrections in the 21st Century
• Test Your Knowledge
• Learning Objectives
Introduction: Learning From the Past So That We Have Hope for the Future
Punitive Policies Yield Overuse of Corrections
Explanations for the Decline in the Use of Corrections
The Recession, Cost Cutting, and the Decreased Use of Corrections
Implications of Decarceration and the Need for a Plan of Action
Penal Help Versus Penal Harm
Professionalization and Innovation

Corrections Is a Relationship Business
Green Prisons and Jails
The Profit Motive in Corrections
Idaho’s Own Private Prison
In Focus 17.1. Privatization and the Walnut Grove Correctional Facility
The Extent of Privatization and Its Problems
Concluding Thoughts
• Summary
• Key Terms
• Discussion Questions
Answers to Test Your Knowledge
About the Authors


There are plenty of excellent corrections books available for use, but we think that this
particular book fills a niche for professors and students in that it is comprehensive and
relatively inexpensive. These twin ideas became our goals and guided our development and
writing of this textbook. We wanted to cover the most interesting and compelling
information currently available on all aspects of corrections while also keeping the page limit
within reason and the book published as a paperback. We hope that readers will find this
work both informative and accessible.

The information in this textbook is what you might expect from major texts. However,
beyond the facts, figures, and concepts commonly contained in textbooks, this book also
showcases the history and research on a number of aspects of corrections. We chose, despite
the relative brevity of the book, to include two chapters on history, rather than one chapter,
because a historical perspective provides the framework for all that follows in corrections as in
so many other social, political, and cultural initiatives and enterprises. We also believe that
the presentation of research findings from academic, government, and journalistic sources will
provide the context for understanding policy decisions and their consequences, both past and

Other special features of the book, which are designed to develop perspective, include brief
comparative corrections sections that highlight what other countries are doing in terms of
correctional operation. This glimpse of corrections internationally is meant to provide readers
with another way of viewing correctional practice in the United States while also giving them
some insight into how alternative practices might work. In many of the chapters, we also
include practitioner perspective sections on the topics in those chapters; doing so allows us to
learn how policy and theory get translated into practice in the field. There are also ethical
dilemmas presented in each chapter that challenge students to think critically about the
material and to acknowledge the complexities of the correction system.

This book can serve as a primary text for an undergraduate course in corrections or as a
supplemental text for a graduate course. The areas covered are comparable to those in other
major texts, with the exceptions noted above regarding the inclusion of enhanced history,
research, and the comparative perspectives. Undergraduates, we hope, will find this book

informative and enlivening. Graduate students might use it as an introduction, overview, and
backdrop for other, more specialized books or articles. Discussion questions appear at the end
of each chapter and might be used by both types of students to spur thought about, and
critique of, corrections.

Structure of the Book
The structure of the book is much like that found in other textbooks on corrections. We
begin with an overview of corrections and some key concepts. We include two chapters on
history, although many textbooks have only one chapter. We then follow the flow of the
corrections system, from sentencing, to jails, to probation, to prisons. We include a chapter
on ethics in corrections, as the fourth chapter, to prepare students to review operations and
institutional and individual actions through that kind of lens. We then stop and examine the
correctional experience for staff after examining the experience for inmates and probationers
in the preceding chapters. We finish the system description with a discussion of parole and
reentry. In the three chapters that follow, we address the reality for women, minorities, and
juveniles in corrections. We then focus attention on legal issues, capital punishment, and
correctional programming and treatment. We end with a look to the future of corrections and
what developments we might expect during the coming years.

New to This Edition
In this third edition of Corrections: The Essentials, we updated the coverage of ethical
considerations, special populations, and the history of corrections to provide students with the
context for understanding policy decisions and their consequences, both past and present. We
also provided more coverage of disparities in sentencing and drug courts as a means of
encouraging students to think critically about U.S. drug policies and the effectiveness of those
policies. In fact, all chapters have been thoroughly updated to reflect the most current data,
facts, figures, and research available, thus helping students understand the world of
corrections today.

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