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Environmental Resilience and Transformation in Times of COVID-19: Climate Change Effects On Environmental Functionality A.L. Ramanathan

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Environmental Resilience and Transformation in

Times of COVID-19: Climate Change Effects on
Environmental Functionality A.L. Ramanathan
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AL. Ramanathan
School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

Sabarathinam Chidambaram
Water Research Centre, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Safat, Kuwait

M.P. Jonathan
Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo (CIIEMAD),
Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Ciudad de México (CDMX), México

M.V. Prasanna
Department of Applied Geology, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Curtin University Malaysia,
CDT 250, Sarawak, Miri, Malaysia

Pankaj Kumar
Natural resources and Ecosystem Services, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Hayama, Japan

Francisco Muñoz Arriola

Department of Biological Systems Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, United States;
School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE. United States
Radarweg 29, PO Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, Netherlands
The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, United Kingdom
50 Hampshire Street, 5th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139, United States

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Contributors xi 3.1 Introduction 25

Preface xv 3.2 Impact on air and water quality 27
Acknowledgement xix 3.3 Natural regeneration of biodiversity 30
3.4 Migration of labor from other States 32
3.5 Conclusion 33
I References 33

Environmental modifications, 4. Changes in nighttime Lights during

degradation and human health risks COVID-19 lockdown over Delhi, India
1. COVID-19: a wake-up call to protect
4.1 Introduction 37
planetary health
4.2 Study area and data used 38
4.3 Methodology 39
4.4 Results and discussion 40
1.1 Emerging infectious disease, COVID-19, and planetary 4.5 Conclusions and recommendations 46
health 3 Acknowledgements 47
1.2 Lockdown as a temporary respite for the environment 4 References 47
1.3 Pandemic reclaiming the plastic usage: demand,
production, and usage 5
5. Socio-environmental factors affecting mental
1.4 Waste management: the intensifying crisis 6 health of people during COVID-19 in coastal
1.5 Ocean pollution and landfills 7 urban areas of Bangladesh
1.6 Exacerbated inequalities and vulnerabilities 8 ROZINA AKTER, MUKTA AKTER, MD. TANVIR HOSSAIN,
1.7 Recommendations 9 MD. NASIF AHSAN
1.8 COVID-19 calls for reflection—conclusion 10
5.1 Introduction 49
References 12
5.2 Method 51
5.3 Results 52
2. Zoonotic disease in the face of rapidly changing
5.4 Conclusion 56
human–nature interactions in the Anthropocene Appendix 1 57
6. Mitigating transboundary risks by integrating
2.1 Introduction: why zoonotic diseases can be a concern
in the Anthropocene 17
risk reduction frameworks of health and DRR:
2.2 Resilience and its change due to biodiversity loss A perspective from COVID-19 pandemic
2.3 The case of zoonotic diseases 19
2.4 Possible measures to fight next pandemics with 6.1 Introduction 63
concept of resilience 22 6.2 Impacts of transboundary disasters 64
2.5 Conclusion 22 6.3 Existing risk reduction frameworks and their gaps/
References 23 challenges 67
6.4 A comparison of responses to COVID-19 by India
3. Impact of Covid-19 lockdown on the and Japan 67
socioenvironmental scenario of Indian 6.5 Measures for strengthening risk reduction frameworks 70
Sundarban Acknowledgments 74
vi Contents

II 10. Addressing associated risks of COVID-19

infections across water and wastewater service
Water resources: Planning, chain in Asia
management and governance PHAM NGOC BAO, VU DUC CANH

7. An overview of Kuwait’s water resources 10.1 Introduction 103

and a proposed plan to prevent the spread 10.2 SARS-CoV-2 in feces and wastewater 104
of the Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) 10.3 Addressing potential risks associated with water
pandemic through Kuwait’s water supply and wastewater services 106
facilities and groundwater system 10.4 Regular virus surveillance in wastewater for
COVID-19 110
10.5 Conclusions and recommendations 111
7.1 Prelude 79 References 111
7.2 Introduction 79
7.3 Sources of water 80 11. Governance of wastewater surveillance systems
7.4 Current status of water availability and to minimize the impact of COVID-19 and
consumption 81 future epidemics: Cases across Asia-Pacific
7.5 Possible spread of the Novel Corona Virus through T. TAKEDA, M. KITAJIMA, A. ABEYNAYAKA, N.T.T. HUONG,
water facilities 84 N.Q. DINH, K. SIRIKANCHANA, M. NAVIA, A.A. SAM, M.
7.6 Monitoring of water quality and collection of TSUDAKA, T. SETIADI, D.T. HUNG, E. HARAMOTO
water samples 85 11.1 State of COVID-19 in selected countries 116
7.7 Preservation, analysis, and treatment of water 11.2 Wastewater surveillance of COVID-19 117
samples 86 11.3 Wastewater management in selected countries 117
7.8 Concluding remarks 86 11.4 Stakeholders for wastewater monitoring 119
Acknowledgments 86 11.5 Legislation and frameworks 119
References 87 11.6 Challenges and opportunities 121
11.7 Recommendations 121
8. Survival of SARS-COV-2 in untreated
Acknowledgments 123
and treated wastewater—a review
References 123
12. Impact of COVID-19 lockdown on real-time
8.1 Introduction 89 DO–BOD variation of river Ganga
8.2 SARS-COV-2 in treated and untreated wastewater 89 AJIT KUMAR VIDYARTHI, SUNITI PARASHAR, PRABHAT
8.3 Transmission through wastewater 91 RANJAN, A.L. RAMANATHAN
8.4 Impact 92
8.5 Future research needs to be carried out 93 12.1 Introduction 127
Acknowledgment 93 12.2 Impact of lockdown on main stem of river Ganga 128
Conflict of interest 93 12.3 Impact of lockdown on river Ganga tributaries 132
References 93 12.4 Conclusion 133
References 133
9. Wastewater discharge and surface water
contamination pre- and post- COVID 19— 13. Covid-19 and opportunity for integrated
global case studies management of water–energy–food resources
for urban consumption

9.1 Introduction 95 13.1 Introduction 135

9.2 Presence in aquatic environment 96 13.2 Methodology 136
9.3 Persistence and removal 97 13.3 Result and discussion 137
9.4 Wastewater-based epidemiology 98 13.4 Integrated mitigation measures 139
9.5 Case studies 99 13.5 Conclusion 140
9.6 Environmental implications and policies 100 References 140
9.7 Conclusion 100
References 101
Contents vii

14. COVID-19 lockdown impacts on biochemical 17. A safe and effective sample collection method
and microbiological parameters in southern for assessment of SARS-CoV-2 in aerosol
Indian coast samples
17.1 Introduction 173
14.1 Introduction 143 17.2 Novel aerosol sampling method 174
14.2 Major coastal activities influenced by COVID-19 17.3. Trizol versus phosphate buffer solution as
pandemic 144 collection medium 174
14.3 COVID-19 lockdown impacts of biochemical and 17.4 Next generation-based applications 177
microbiological parameters on South Indian coasts 145 17.5 Conclusions 177
14.4 Effects of gas emissions with coastal water quality 147 References 177
14.5 Refusing on phytoplankton biomass and NO2
emissions 147 18. Meteorological parameters and COVID-19
14.6 Conclusion 148 spread-Russia a case study


18.1 Introduction 179

Air and water quality: Monitoring, fate,
18.2 Study area 180
transport, and drivers of socio- 18.3 Methodology 183
environmental change 18.4 Results and discussion 183
18.5 Conclusion 187
15. Air quality index and criteria pollutants in References 188
ambient atmosphere over selected sites:
Impact and lessons to learn from COVID 19 19. Short-Term resilience and transformation
of urban socioenvironmental systems to
COVID-19 lockdowns in India using air
15.1 Introduction 153 quality as proxy
15.2 Data source and data collection point 155 JAGRITI JAIN, FRANCISCO MUÑOZ ARRIOLA, DEEPAK KHARE
15.3 Results 157
15.4 Summary 161 19.1 Introduction 191
Acknowledgments 161 19.2 Area of study and its components 193
References 161 19.3 Conceptualization of NAMUSS resilience to
COVID-19 194
16. Study of the aerosol parameters and radiative 19.4 Methodology 197
forcing during COVID-19 pandemic over 19.5 Results and discussion 198
Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand 19.6 Conclusion 204

16.1 Introduction 163 20. Covid-19 Pandemic-changes in the context of

16.2 Site description and meteorology 164 global environment and lessons learned
16.3 Result and discussions 165 NEHA JAISWAL, S. JAYAKUMAR
16.4 Conclusions 170
Acknowledgments 170 20.1 Introduction 207
Abbreviation List 170 20.2 The pros and cons of Covid-19 worldwide 209
References 171 20.3 Lessons learned from the current crisis 217
viii Contents

20.4 Conclusion 218 23. Socio-economic and environmental impacts of

Abbreviations 219 COVID-19 pandemic: Building resilience of
References 219 the seven lakes of San Pablo city, Philippines


Marine and lacustrine environment FATIMA A. NATUEL, SARENA GRACE L. QUIÑONES, YVES

21. Coral reefs: globally predicted climate change 23.1 Introduction 255
impact mitigation, mediated by the marine 23.2 COVID-19 cases in the Philippines 256
flora and their ecosystem connectivity, with a 23.3 COVID-19 cases in San Pablo city 257
case study from Neil Island (the Andamans) 23.4 Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on the
BALAJI VEDHARAJAN, GOUTHAM BHARATHI, 23.5 Effects of the pandemic on society and economy 264
23.7 Summary and lessons learned 268
21.1 Introduction 225 Acknowledgement 269
21.2 Mangroves: A refuge for coral reefs in times of References 269
climate change 226
21.3 Seagrasses in enhancing reef resilience potential 228
21.4 Reefs–seaweeds interactions in the troubled ocean 229 V
21.5 Ecosystem connectivity between mangroves, Sustainable development goals
seagrasses and coral reefs 230
21.6 Coastal and marine faunal resources of the Neil
and environmental justice
Island (the Andamans) - A case study 231
24. Impacts and implications of the COVID-19
21.7 Fishes 236
21.8 Conclusions 236
crisis and its recovery for achieving
Acknowledgement 237 sustainable development goals in Asia: A
References 237 review from an SDG interlinkage perspective
22. Temporal variability (1966–2020) of the fish
assemblage and hydrometeorology of the 24.1 Introduction 273
24.2 Methodology of the SDG interlinkage analysis 274
Tampamachoco Lagoon, Veracruz, Mexico:
24.3 Impacts of COVID-19 on SDGs 276
Pre-and during Covid-19 scenario 24.4 Implications of COVID-19 measures for achieving
GUADALUPE M. AUSTRIA-ORTÍZ, ALEJANDRA REYES- the SDGs: A review from an SDG interlinkage
perspective 281
24.5 Discussion 285
22.1 Introduction 241 24.6 Conclusion 286
22.2 Study area 242 Acknowledgements 287
22.3 Methods 243 References 287
22.4 Results 245
22.5 Discussion 249 25. The COVID-19 impacts on India’s low
22.6 The COVID-19 pandemic scenario 251 carbon infrastructure
Abbreviations 252 RAWAT, ERI IKEDA
Acknowledgments 252 25.1 Introduction 289
References 252 25.2 Impact on renewable energy infrastructure 290
Contents ix

25.3 Challenges to the deveopment of low carbon 28.6 The study of urban housing in Mexico during the
infrastructure and smart cities 291 COVID-19 pandemic 326
25.4 Responses towards the impact on low carbon 28.7 Characterization of the surveyed subjects living in
infrastructure: policy analysis 293 the urban dwellings studied 327
25.5 Conclusion 295 28.8 Characteristics of urban dwellings registered in the
References 295 survey 327
28.9 Problems in the urban areas of the metropolitan area
26. Green spaces resume their importance in of Mexico City during and post COVID-19
cities after the COVID-19 pandemic: A case pandemic 328
of study from Mexico City 28.10 Recommendations for the sustainable and resilient
MARÍA CONCEPCIÓN MARTÍNEZ RODRÍGUEZ, ANA LAURA design of the urban spaces studied 328
CERVANTES NÁJERA, MARTÍN VERA MARTÍNEZ 28.11 Housing problems in urban areas of the metropolitan
area of Mexico City studied 329
26.1 Introduction 299
28.12 Recommendations for urban dwellings in the
26.2 Cities as epicentres for the spread of the coronavirus 301
metropolitan area of Mexico City studied 331
26.3 Agenda 2030 and the sustainable development goals 303
28.13 Conclusions 331
26.4 Mexico City: A case study 304
References 332
26.5 Reflections 307
26.6 Conclusions 308 29. COVID-19 as an opportunity to make field-
Acknowledgement 308
based earth sciences and other similar courses
References 308
easily accessible and affordable
27. Climate change, adaptation and AAISYAH D., SAHARI S., SHAH A.A., QADIR A., PRASANNA
gender concerns: Approaches and learnings M.V., SHALABY R.

from global and Indian experiences 29.1 Introduction 333

27.1 Introduction 311 29.3 Materials and methods 335
27.2 Gender differentiated impacts of climate change 312 29.4 Results and interpretations 337
27.3 The state of gender representation in global 29.5 Discussion 340
climate agenda 313 29.6 Conclusions 341
27.4 The global gender agenda 314 Acknowledgement 341
27.5 Adding a gender perspective to climate actions 315 References 341
27.6 Recognition of gender considerations in climate
actions in India 316 30. Livelihood and health vulnerabilities of forest
27.7 Approaches and learnings from India 317 resource-dependent communities amidst the
27.8 Results/outcomes 319 COVID-19 pandemic in southwestern regions
27.9 Key learnings and conclusion 320 of Bangladesh
28. Urban housing in the metropolitan area of JAHAN, KHANDKAR-SIDDIKUR RAHMAN, MD. NASIF
the Mexico City, in the context of climate
change and the COVID 19 pandemic 30.1 Introduction 343
JUAN MAYORGA, JOSÉ SOTO 30.2 COVID-19 pandemic situation and its impacts on
forest resource-dependent communities 344
28.1 Introduction 323
30.3 The Sundarbans forest of Bangladesh and the
28.2 Climate change in the world, origins of its study 323
resource-dependent communities 345
28.3 Climate change in Mexico in the 21st century 324
30.4 Materials and methods 346
28.4 Mexico’s urban areas in the 21st Century 325
30.5 Impact assessment of COVID-19 on the Sundarbans
28.5 COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico and the world 325
forest-dependent communities 348
x Contents

30.6 Coping strategies of the Sundarbans forest-dependent 32.6 Declaration of competing interest 381
communities in the pandemic situation 351 Acknowledgement 381
30.7 Conclusion and recommendations 352 Abbreviations 381
30.8 Appendix 353 References 382
References 354
33. Significance of conventional Indian food
31. Sustainable utilization of natural resources for acting as immune boosters to overcome
socio-environmental resilience and COVID-19
transformation in the mountains of Nepal MADHAVI LATHA KONE, DHANU RADHA SAMAYAMANTHULA
BASANTA BARAL 33.1 Introduction 385
33.2 Methodology 386
31.1 Natural resources and environment: background 357 33.3 Results and discussion 386
31.2 Local and indigenous practices 358 33.4 Conclusion 394
31.3 Policies, programs, and institutions 360 References 394
31.4 COVID-19 and changing scenario on mountain
economy 362 34. COVID-19 pandemic impact on food security
31.5 Resilience and transformation through sustainable and food system of India: Lessons for future
utilization 364 USHA MINA, RAM KUMAR
31.6 Summary 369
References 370 34.1 Introduction 397
34.2 COVID pandemic: Food security and food system
32. How resilient are mountain livelihoods of India 399
against extreme events? Learnings from 34.3 COVID pandemic impact on food system
Central Mexico in a COVID-19 world productive attribute of India 399
BARBARA KOVÁCS, JUAN CARLOS CAMPOS BENHUMEA 34.4 COVID pandemic and food security in India 403
34.5 COVID pandemic and future lessons 404
32.1 Introduction 373 34.6 Conclusion 405
32.2 Methods and material 374 Acknowledgements 406
32.3 Results and discussion 377 References 406
32.4 Conclusions 381
32.5 Credit author statement 381 Index 409

A.A. Sam Department of Social Studies, Faculty of Arts, Asmita Deep Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Indian
National University of Samoa, Lepapaigalagala, Toomatagi, Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Dehradun, India;
Samoa Faculty of Geoinformation Science and Earth Observation
A.A. Shah Department of Geosciences, Universiti Brunei (ITC), University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
Darussalam, Brunei Atul Rawat University of Petroleum and Energy Studies,
AL. Ramanathan School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Derhadun, India
Nehru University, New Delhi 110067, India Balaji Vedharajan OMCAR Palk Bay Centre, East Coast Road,
A. Abeynayaka Graduate School of Environment and Thanjavur District, Tamil Nadu, India
Information Studies, Tokyo City University, Yokohama Banajarani Panda Water Sciences Lab, University of
158-0087, Japan; Research and Development Division, Pirika Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
Inc./Pirika Association, Ebisu, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0013, Barbara Kovács Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones y
Japan Estudios sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo (CIIEMAD),
A. Akber Water Research Center, Kuwait Institute for Scien- Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Calle 30 de Junio de
tific Research, Kuwait 1520 s/n, Barrio La Laguna Ticomán, Del. Gustavo A.
A. Mukhopadhyay Water Research Center, Kuwait Institute Madero, C.P., Ciudad de México (CDMX), Mexico
for Scientific Research, Kuwait Basanta Baral DV Excellus Pvt. Ltd., Nepal
A. Qadir Independent Researcher Binaya Kumar Mishra School of Engineering, Pokhara
Ajit Kumar Vidyarthi Central Pollution Control Board, New University, Nepal
Delhi, India Canesio D. Predo Institute of Renewable Natural Resources,
Alejandra Reyes-Márquez Instituto Politécnico Nacional, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna,
Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Prol. del Carpio y Philippines
Plan de Ayala s/n Col. Santo Tomás, CDMX, México Chandani Appadoo Department of Biosciences and Ocean
Alok Kumar Thakur Discipline of Earth Science, Indian Studies, University of Mauritius, Reduit, Mauritius
Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382 355, India D.T. Hung Laboratory Center, Hanoi University of Public
Alok Sagar Gautam Department of Physics, HNB Garhwal Health, 1A Duc Thang Road, Duc Thang Ward, North Tu
University, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India Liem District, Hanoi, Viet Nam
Ana Laura Cervantes Nájera Centro Interdisciplinario de D. Aaisyah Department of Geosciences, Universiti Brunei
Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Medio Ambiente y Desar- Darussalam, Brunei
rollo (CIIEMAD) from Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Damasa B. Magcale-Macandog Institute of Biological
30 deJunio de 1520, La Laguna Ticomán, Gustavo A. Madero, Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College,
Mexico City Laguna, Philippines
Anisha Shajan Biotechnology Program, Environment and Life Deepak Khare Department of Water Resources Development
Sciences Research Center, Kuwait Institute for Scientific and Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee,
Research, Kuwait India
Arindam Malakar Water Sciences Lab, University of Deepak Singh Department of Geography and Resource
Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha
Arjun Gautam School of Engineering, Pokhara University, Tin, New Territories, Hong Kong, SAR, China
Nepal Dhanu Radha Samayamanthula Water Research Center,
Arpah bt. Abu Bakar Universiti Utara Malaysia, Kedah, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Shuwaikh,
Malaysia Kuwait
Arthur James Rathinam Department of Marine Science, Drishya Pathak POP (Protect Our Planet) Movement, 800
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 620024, India Third Avenue, Suite 2800, New York, NY 10022, USA
Ash Pachauri POP (Protect Our Planet) Movement, 800 Third E. Haramoto Interdisciplinary Center for River Basin Environ-
Avenue, Suite 2800, New York, NY 10022, USA ment, University of Yamanashi, 4-3-11 Takeda, Kofu,
Yamanashi 400-8511, Japan
xii Contributors

Eri Ikeda Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India Leones avenue 28, Lomas de Tecamachalco, Estado de
Eugenia López-López Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Escuela México, México
Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Prol. del Carpio y Plan de K. Shankar Department of Applied Geology, School of
Ayala s/n Col. Santo Tomás, CDMX, México Applied Natural Science, Adama Science and Technology
Fadila Al-Salameen Biotechnology Program, Environment University, Adama, Ethiopia
and Life Sciences Research Center, Kuwait Institute for K. Sirikanchana Research Laboratory of Biotechnology,
Scientific Research, Kuwait Chulabhorn Research Institute, 54 Kampangpetch 6 Road
Farhana Zakir Food and Nutrition Program, Environment and Laksi, Bangkok 10210, Thailand
Life Sciences Research Center, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Karan Singh Department of Physics, HNB Garhwal Univer-
Research, Kuwait sity, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India
Fatima A. Natuel School of Environmental Science and Khandkar-Siddikur Rahman Solidaridad Network Asia,
Management, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Dhaka, Bangladesh
College, Laguna, Philippines Komal Mittal POP (Protect Our Planet) Movement, 800 Third
Francisco Muñoz Arriola Department of Biological Systems Avenue, Suite 2800, New York, NY 10022, USA
Engineering, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, Lubaba Khan Sociology Discipline, Social Science School,
United States; School of Natural Resources, University of Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh
Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE. United States
M.V. Prasanna Department of Applied Geology, Faculty of
G. Gnanachandrasamy School of Geography and Planning, Engineering and Science, Curtin University Malaysia, CDT
Sun Yat -Sen University, Guangzhou, P.R. China; Center 250, Sarawak, Miri, Malaysia
for Earth, Environment and Resources, Sun Yat -Sen
M. Kitajima Division of Environmental Engineering,
University, Guangzhou, P.R. China
Hokkaido University, North 13 West 8 Kita-ku, Sapporo,
Goutham Bharathi Andaman & Nicobar Regional Centre, Hokkaido 060-8628, Japan
Zoological Survey of India, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar
M. Mahalakshmi School of Civil Engineering, SASTRA
Islands, India
Deemed University, Thanjavur, India
Guadalupe M. Austria-Ortíz Instituto Politécnico Nacional,
M. Navia Thunderstruck Resources Limited, Nadi Back Road,
Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, Prol. del Carpio y
Nadi, Fiji
Plan de Ayala s/n Col. Santo Tomás, CDMX, México
M. Tsudaka Strategic Management Office, Institute for Global
Harish Chandra Nainwal Department of Geology, HNB
Environmental Strategies, 2108-11 Kamiyamaguchi,
Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand,
Hayama, Kanagawa 240-0115, Japan
Ma. Grechelle Lyn D. Perez School of Environmental Science
Henciya Santhaseelan Department of Marine Science,
and Management, University of the Philippines Los Baños,
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 620024, India
College, Laguna, Philippines
Jagriti Jain Department of Water Resources Development and
Madhavi Latha Kone Department of Gynecology, Kalyan
Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
Hospital,Payakoropeta, Andhra Pradesh, India
John Vicent R. Pleto Institute of Biological Sciences, Univer-
Mahfuza Zaman Ela Sociology Discipline, Social Science
sity of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna,
School, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh
Manish Kumar Discipline of Earth Science, Indian Institute of
Joseph G. Campang Institute of Biological Sciences, Univer-
Technology Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382 355, India
sity of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna,
Philippines Mariko Yokoo Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
(IGES), Hayama, Japan
José Soto ESIA Tecamachalco Campus, Instituto Politécnico
Nacional (National Polytechnic Institute), Fuente de los Martín Vera Martínez Universidad Autónoma de Baja
Leones avenue 28, Lomas de Tecamachalco, Estado de California. Tijuana, Universidad 14418, Parque Internacio-
México, México nal Industrial Tijuana, Baja California, Tijuana, Mexico
Juana López-Martínez Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas María Concepción Martínez Rodríguez Centro Interdisciplin-
del Noroeste, Km. 1 Carretera a San Juan de La Costa “EL ario de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Medio Ambiente y
COMITAN” La Paz, BCS, México Desarrollo (CIIEMAD) from Instituto Politécnico Nacional
(IPN), 30 deJunio de 1520, La Laguna Ticomán, Gustavo A.
Juan Carlos Campos Benhumea Centro Interdisciplinario de
Madero, Mexico City
Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Medio Ambiente y
Desarrollo (CIIEMAD), Instituto Politécnico Nacional Md. Nasif Ahsan Economics Discipline, Social Science School,
(IPN), Calle 30 de Junio de 1520 s/n, Barrio La Laguna Khulna University 9208, Bangladesh
Ticomán, Del. Gustavo A. Madero, C.P., Ciudad de México Md. Nasif Ahsan Economics Discipline, Social Science School,
(CDMX), Mexico Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh
Juan Mayorga ESIA Tecamachalco Campus, Instituto Politéc- Md. Nazrul Islam Forestry and Wood Technology Discipline,
nico Nacional (National Polytechnic Institute), Fuente de los Life Science School, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh
Contributors xiii
Md. Tanvir Hossain Sociology Discipline, Social Science Punarbasu Chaudhuri Department of Environmental Science,
School, Khulna University 9208, Bangladesh University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India
Md. Tanvir Hossain Sociology Discipline, Social Science R.S. Negi Department of Rural Technology, HNB Garhwal
School, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh University, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India
Montaha Behbehani Environment Pollution and Climate R. Shalaby Department of Geosciences, Universiti Brunei
Change Program, Environment and Life Sciences Research Darussalam, Brunei
Center, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait R. Thilagavathi Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai
Mukta Akter Economics Discipline, Social Science School, University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamilnadu, India
Khulna University 9208, Bangladesh Rajeev Issar UNDP, Bangkok, Thailand
Mustafa Moinuddin Institute for Global Environmental Ram Kumar Directorate of Agriculture, New Secretariat,
Strategies (IGES), 2108-11Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama, Bihar, India
Kanagawa, Japan
Ravi Bhandari Nepal Innovation Technology & Entrepreneur-
Muthukumar Krishnan Department of Physics, National ship Center, Pokhara University, Nepal
Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli 620015, India
Ritika Mandhyan Department of Urban Engineering,
N.Q. Dinh Vietnam Institute of Geosciences and Mineral University of Tokyo, Japan
Resources (VIGMR), 67 Chien-Thang-Str, Thanh Xuan,
100000 Hanoi, Viet Nam Rozina Akter Economics Discipline, Social Science School,
Khulna University 9208, Bangladesh
N.T.T. Huong Faculty of Biotechnology, Chemistry and
Environmental Engineering, Phenikaa University, Hanoi Sabarathinam Chidambaram Water Research Centre, Kuwait
100000, Viet Nam; Phenikaa Research and Technology Institute for Scientific Research, Safat, Kuwait
Institute (PRATI), A&A Green Phoenix Group, 167 Hoang S. Jayakumar Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Sciences,
Ngan, Hanoi 10000, Viet Nam School of Life Sciences, Pondicherry University,
N. Devaraj Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai Univer- Puducherry
sity, Annamalai Nagar, Tamilnadu, India S. Sahari Department of Geosciences, Universiti Brunei
Nandakumar Janardhanan Institute for Global Environmen- Darussalam, Brunei
tal Strategies, Japan Saif Uddin Environment Pollution and Climate Change
Nazima Habibi Biotechnology Program, Environment and Program, Environment and Life Sciences Research Center,
Life Sciences Research Center, Kuwait Institute for Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait
Scientific Research, Kuwait Sanjeev Kumar Department of Physics, HNB Garhwal
Neha Jaiswal Dept. of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, University, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India
School of Life Sciences, Pondicherry University, Puducherry Santhosh Gokul Murugaiah Department of Marine Science,
Nethanel Jireh A. Larida Institute of Biological Sciences, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 620024, India
University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna, Sarena Grace L. Quiñones Institute of Biological Sciences,
Philippines University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna,
Norma Patricia Muñoz Sevilla Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Philippines
CIIEMAD, POP Movement, Calle 30 de Junio de 1520 s/n, Sergio Aguíñiga-Garcíab Instituto Politécnico Nacional,
Colonia Barrio de la Laguna, Ticomán, CDMX 07340, Mexico Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas, Avenida
City, Mexico Politécnico Nacional s/n Col. Playa Palo de Santa Rita,
Nusrat Jahan Sociology Discipline, Social Science School, Apartado Postal 592, La Paz, BCS, México
Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh Shailly Kedia The Energy & Resources Institute, Jawaharlal
P. Ragavan Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Pankaj Kumar Natural resources and Ecosystem Services, Shamik Chakraborty Hosei University Tokyo, Japan
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Hayama, Japan Shresth Tayal The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi,
Pham Ngoc Bao Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services, India
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Kanagawa, Sivakumar Kannan CAS in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine
Japan Sciences, Annamalai University, TN, India
Philo Magdalene A POP (Protect Our Planet) Movement, 800 Sivaperuman Chandrakasan Andaman & Nicobar Regional
Third Avenue, Suite 2800, New York, NY 10022, USA Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Port Blair, Andaman &
Prabhat Ranjan Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi, Nicobar Islands, India
India Sivapuram V.R.K. Prabhakar Institute for Global Environ-
Prasun Kumar Gupta Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), mental Strategies (IGES), Hayama, Japan
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Dehradun, India Somya Bhatt Environment, Climate Change and Natural
Prosun Bhattacharya Department of Sustainable Development, Resource Management Programme, Deutsche Gesellschaft
Environmental Science and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, New
of Technology, Teknikringen 10B, Stockholm SE-10044, Sweden Delhi, India
xiv Contributors

Subarna Bhattacharyya School of Environmental Studies, Taufiq-E-Ahmed Shovo Sociology Discipline, Social Science
Jadavpur University, Jadavpur, India School, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh; School of
Sudesh Yadav School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Humanities and Social Science, Faculty of Education and
Nehru University, New Delhi 110067, India Arts, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia
Suniti Parashar Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi, Usha Mina School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal
India Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Vengateshwaran Thasu Dinakaran Department of Marine
Sushil Kumar School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal
Science, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli 620024,
Nehru University, New Delhi 110067, India
Swati Singh TERI School of Advanced Studies, New Delhi,
Vijeta Rattani Environment, Climate Change and Natural
Resource Management Programme, Deutsche Gesellschaft
T. Setiadi Centre for Environmental Studies (PSLH), Institut für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, New
Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Sangkuriang 42 A, Bandung 40135, Delhi, India
Indonesia Vu Duc Canh Department of Urban Engineering, the Univer-
T. Takeda Department of Earth and Planetary Science, The sity of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Xin Zhou Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES),
113-0033, Japan 2108-11Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan
Taposhi Rabya Lima Sociology Discipline, Social Science Yves Christian L. Cabillon Institute of Biological Sciences,
School, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna,

The whole world has been on intermittent lockdowns lockdowns have influenced the socioenvironmental pro-
due to the present COVID-19 pandemic. The industrial cesses amid climate change. Sevilla et al., provide a global
deacceleration caused by the pandemic has affected perspective of how our natural and built systems have
everyone without distinction of wealth, religion, or been altered with polarized ramifications. For example,
nationality. Also, the pandemic has evidenced how the short-term reclaims of flora and fauna for spaces and
socio-environmental processes have been altered or the estimated long-term effect of plastic disposal due
accentuated, relieving the environment momentarily to the increase in packaging and PPE use, both activated
from an almost chronic deterioration. Likewise, the by our incipient understanding and handling of the pan-
lockdown has affected the aquatic systems where direct demic. Also, both situations evidence how social and
or indirect improvements in ecosystem services have environmental drivers of our Earth-living support system
been observed. In the atmosphere, the presence and are interwoven. Chakraborty et al., propose that the
dynamics of pollutants worldwide provide some expansion of zoonotic diseases and weakened resilience
insights into the responsibility of the acceleration of the resides in increasing exposure to the natural environment
human enterprise. The induced de-acceleration, evi- through our more invasive management of natural eco-
denced in reduced human movement, industrial closure, systems. Chaudhuri and Bhattacharyya illustrate how
and tourists’ reduction, also affected water quality, fish this coupling increases the chances of the spreading of
populations in lacustrine, marine, and lagoon environ- new viruses to humans, integrating socioenvironmental
ments. This pandemic has opened up new challenges elements of human health attributions to environmental
focusing on sustainable development goals in the global shifts. As the pandemic evolves, the pandemic evidences
economy and the way forward to achieve them on time. novel or unexpected expressions of interdependence
The book presents five different themes, with thirty- between the human-environment. Deep and Gupta use
four chapters capturing the collective thinking on how night-time lights to identify the relationship between
our environment change during the COVID-19 lock- energy consumption and human activity in Delhi, India.
downs. The studies encompass short-term variations of Typical regimes shifted during the lockdown to decreased
specific climatic factors that indicate a shred of unclear energy consumption and an increase in night-time lights
evidence on climate change mitigation. Yet, the collec- due to workers’ temporal return to their hometowns.
tive evidence represents the basis for assessing how a Such socioenvironmental expressions in urban centers
sudden reduction in our industrialization can benefit are also expressed in human behavior, like those identi-
the environment. fied by Ahsan et al. They highlighted how human stress
As humankind suffers the most significant threat since and anxiety in Bangladesh’s coastal urban areas emerge.
World War II, the COVID-19 has made us aware of our The symptoms of stress and anxiety in populations of
individual and global interactions with the environment. developing countries triggered by agitation, scarcity,
We have seen how socially and economically vulnerable trauma, infodemic, age, literacy level, and living condi-
we are to COVID-19 by confining individuals and com- tion can indicate a deterioration of socioenvironmental
munities to tackle the pandemic and using social net- systems’ resilience abilities. Changes in the functionali-
works and media to survive social distancing and ties within a community and across boundaries can lead
quarantine. We have seen how persistent inequality to increased community risks because of the impacts of
makes chronically disadvantaged communities more health emergencies or natural disasters as mentioned by
vulnerable to a virus that has attacked our bodies’ and Prabhakar et al.
societal functionalities. Across the globe and within small Environmental (water and air) quality integrated the
communities, the pandemic has evidenced educational, social and environmental responses to the COVID-19
technological, and social divides leading to uneven access lockdowns.
to safe jobs, affordable health care, and educational ser- To start, water quality in the book provides a glance
vices. The present book, “Environmental Resilience And of methodologies to track COVID-19 and evaluate envi-
Transformation in Times of COVID-19,” integrates a collec- ronmental states during the lockdown phases. The
tive of analyses and assessments on how COVID-19 COVID-19 pandemic forced several nations to impose
xvi Preface

restrictions on all activities including industrial and microplastics, NO3, and Chl-a indicating phytoplankton
vehicular movements. It is expected to reduce the rate biomass enhancement.
of pollutants entering the ecosystem in many places. As the world came to a standstill there were multiple
Since water pollution remained a major concern over a changes in the atmospheric environment with reduc-
few decades before COVID, these studies analyze the tions in major air pollutants, which were used in in
impact of lockdown on water quality to get an insight many places in multiple industrial and transportation
into the short-term environmental changes. Akbar et al sectors. Air pollution reductions, ozone increases, and
highlight the spread of COVID through water facilities manifold changes in the atmospheric conditions of major
and the GW system in Kuwait. It addresses sample col- cities around the world are some of the important vari-
lection, preservation, and analysis and identifies the ations around the globe. All these changes have not only
migration pathways for possible treatment to remove shown or modified due to the pandemia but the large
viruses in contaminated mediums. The SARS-CoV-2 sur- scale variations have also heavily affected the environ-
vival in treated and untreated water generated by ment. Kumar and Yadav, provided an input on the
infected humans. Panda et al, Manish et al, Bao and changes in air quality index and the pollutants in the
Canh, and Takeda et al, recommends adopting 100% ambient atmosphere in New Delhi, India. The four phase
removal treatment to stop its spread in high population lockdown in New Delhi (from 25th March to 31st May,
density areas to minimize the transmission of the lethal 2020) indicates reduction of CO, NOx, SO2, Pb, O3, and
virus. The fate of water and wastewater contamination PM2.5 was not on the same level to all pollutants. Aerosol
of COVID RNA in various countries was brought parameters were measured during the lockdown period
forward here. It stresses the framework for epidemiol- in Garhwal University of Srinagar, India. The higher
ogy management and proper surveillance of wastewater values of aerosols observed during the lockdown period
to avoid fecal/ urinal shedding of infected individuals. is mainly due to the transportation of aerosols and may
Effective monitoring in infected communities at an be due to the precipitation/ washout of aerosols (Gautam
early-stage through wastewater-based epidemiology, et al). Habibi et al, demonstrated a safe way to collect
together with clinical diagnostic testing or clinical sur- airborne samples of COVID-19 virus through high pre-
veillance is poor, effective interventions, and prepared- caution. The results suggest that samples collected with
ness actions can be taken as early as possible to restrict TRIzol gave 90%-100% of the microbial load, which is
the movements of the infected population, as well as to highly safe, meeting all the requirements of the virology
minimize the pathogen spread and threat to public laboratory. Shankar et al, reported the importance of
health. To get an insight into the existing challenges and studying the meteorological parameters and the COVID-
bottlenecks, a comparative study between eight coun- 19 spread in Russia. Overall results collected from 31st
tries across the Asia-Pacific was carried out in this January to 31st August, 2020 indicate positive relations
chapter. A better understanding of common issues, as with COVID cases and temperature rise and vice versa.
well as issues specific to each country, makes it is pos- Moreover, identifying these changes will help the public
sible to build a robust multistakeholder system to and policy makers in the near future. A short-term resil-
monitor SARS-CoV-2 as well as future pathogens in ience study was done in Mumbai, India during the lock-
wastewater as an effective disease surveillance system down period to understand the changes in air quality
for COVID-19 and unknown epidemics (disease X) in and its indices. The results indicate urban socioenviron-
the community level. Ranjan listed first-hand informa- mental systems with particular indices were identified
tion on the COVID lockdown period from the most for environmental and social aspects which act as a
densely populated river in the world: Ganga. Main- social drive of resilience (Jain et al). A global study was
stream recorded much-improved water quality levels done on the environmental changes and the lessons
with respect to DO and BOD at most locations during learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. The chapter
the lockdown as a cumulative effect of rains and focuses on the past climatic issues across the globe and
decreased industrial & commercial activities. Tayal and how the environment is capable of adapting and its
Singh, discussed the various aspects of the water-energy- transformation during this period, where various lessons
food (WEF) nexus in two cities in India under pre- and are taught to protect our environment from the pan-
post-COVID scenario for implementing integrated demic (Jaiswal and Jeyakumar).
measures to ensure optimization of WEF for sustainable The aquatic environment, characterized in the collec-
environmental benefits. James et al, brought out the tive presented in this book, integrates three studies in a
impact of waste-water input on coastal water quality land-to-ocean assessment of the impact of the COVID-19
due to COVID lockdown, which was found to have a lockdowns. Theme 4 focuses on the impact of the pan-
considerable benefit on the coastal ecosystem in the Gulf demic on the marine, lagoonal, and lacustrine environ-
of Manner with a reduced concentration in heavy metals, ment. The Marine environment has served as the key for
the survival of corals, dependent biota, and plays a
Preface xvii

significant role in the food chain. The lagoonal environ- robust in nature to absorb sudden additional shocks
ment has been a sink for many contaminants and likes COVID-19 pandemics along with rapid global
attempts to filter the anthropogenic stress reaching the changes and uncertain extreme weather conditions.
marine ecosystem. The freshwater ecosystem in the Zhou and Moinuddin, highlighted that due to the intrin-
recent days are affected by tourism, inland sewage, sic interactions among the SDGs, an interlinkage per-
industrial waste, etc., affecting the biota. The observa- spective is very important to grasp a wider picture of
tions made by Sivakumar et al have also revealed that COVID-19 impact and inform about the synergies and
the marine flora and the reef ecosystem had a significant trade-offs of the COVID-19 measures in order to achieve
impact during this pandemic period. The chapter also SDGs by year 2030. They have proposed SDG interlink-
highlights that the mangrove habitats can act as alternate age analysis for identifying the impacts of COVID-19
refuges for corals during climate threats, particularly and its recovery and then applied for an empirical study
increasing seawater temperature, high levels of solar for two Asian countries, Bangladesh and the Republic of
radiation, and ocean acidification. Guadalupe et al, have Korea. Janardhanan et al, discuss creating or promoting
also recorded that the COVID-19 has registered an incip- decarbonized and decentralized society with both eco-
ient evidence of trophic recovery in the Tampamachoco nomic and social benefits for India’s low carbon infra-
lagoonal environment. It is emphasized that the inter- structure. Rodriguez et al, looks into lessons learned
connectivity of the marine ecosystems should be consid- through these cascade effects of COVID-19 pandemic,
ered for deriving the management policies to protect the and promotes greener economies for enhancing system
ecological health of these coastal habitats. The fresh resilience and adaptive capacity. Rattani et al, presents
water bodies, such as lakes and lagoons, have also suf- how COVID-19 brought additional and disproportional
fered socioeconomic and environmental impacts. challenges for women and girls, the weaker section of
Damasa et al has identified the improvement in water society in different parts of India. It also presents differ-
quality and increase in fish population after the lock- ent approaches for analyzing gender specific differenti-
down period. This study has provided a sign of positive ated risk assessment and finally highlights the importance
development in the environmental condition due to the of state of art of gender consideration in national policies
Bayanihan Acts of Philippine government to fight as a sustainable solution. Cervantes and Ruíz, and Shah,
COVID-19. The change observed was mainly due to have presented recommendations that can serve in the
reduction in the tourist and anthropogenic activities. development of methods for the diagnosis of existing
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and environ- urban houses and newly created dwelling and thereby
mental justice in the book highlights the slow progress make them sustainable and resilient. Three different
for achieving different global goals especially those in chapters (Hossain et al, Bhandari et al, and Kovacs and
the world’s developing economies and what are the Benhumea) highlight unseen problems and challenges
additional challenges and opportunities imposed by COVID-19 brought to the people or communities
COVID-19 pandemic to achieve them in a timely manner. dependent on natural resources, such as mountains and
Finally, it discusses the way forward for recovery, the forests for their livelihood. They also discussed how
need to redesign our system-oriented policies to be more community resilience in these vulnerable areas can be
inclusive with constricted interventions in order to built through the reduction of consumption, diversifica-
achieve mutually agreed global goals like Sustainable tion of income sources, and claiming support from the
Development Goals (SDGs), Aichi Target, Sendai Frame- government. Two chapters (Samayamanthula and Latha,
work for Disaster Management, etc., a necessary ingredi- Mina and Kumar) have discussed various challenges
ent for achieving sustainable development, economic different countries are facing to achieve food security as
growth, and human well-being in timely manner. The a most pressing issue in the time of this uncertain pan-
area of thrust of all eleven chapters within this theme demic. They highlighted the importance of immunity
ranges from sectors like energy, natural resources, and and how to build up an immune system to fight against
food security. They all echoed for the need to codesign any viral infections especially COVID-19 by adopting
and coimplement the environmental adaptation and conventional foods habits. It also stressed the resilient
mitigation strategies to preserve our natural resources, food system-based policy interventions needs to be
boost the immune system and make our system more implemented by policy makers.

We would like to thank all the contributing authors who, Centre, Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kuwait;
during the pandemic, provided scientific narratives on 3) Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Environment
diverse themesand critical findings and shared their and Development (Centro Interdisciplinario de Investiga-
knowledge on our environment. ciones y Estudios sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo),
We appreciate the two external reviewers for each National Polytechnic Institute (Instituto Politécnico
chapter around the globe who contributed improving Nacional), Mexico City, Mexico; 4) Faculty of Engineering
the quality of the book. We would like to thank the and Science, Department of Applied Geology, Curtin Uni-
special work of the Elsevier publishing teams and espe- versity Malaysia, Malaysia; 5) Natural Resources and Eco-
cially Editorial Project Leader Ms. Leticia Lima. system Services, Institute for Global Environmental
We sincerely thank all six institutions from different Strategies (IGES), Japan; and 6) Department of Biological
countries: 1) School of Environmental Sciences, Jawahar- Systems Engineering, School of Natural Resources,
lal Nehru University, New Delhi, India; 2) Water Research University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA.
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Third stage. Isolation of the mamma from the front backwards.
Ligature of the vessels of supply. Extirpation.
Fourth stage. Suture and drainage.

Abdominal cavity, diseases of, 478
Ablation of the mammæ, 771
Abomasal indigestion, 182
Abomasum, 114
„ hernia of the, 493
„ obstruction of the, 194
„ strongylosis of, in the ox, 268
Abortion, epizootic, in cows, 553
Acariasis, non-psoroptic forms of, 645
Accessory glands of the genital apparatus, 597
Accidental phlebitis, 396
Acid theory in diseases of bones, 3
Acids, caustic, poisoning by, 217
Acne in the sheep, 606
Acorns, poisoning by, 228
Acquired herniæ, 489
Actinomycosis, 672
Actual cautery, castration with the, 758
Acute cystitis, 511
„ deep-seated glossitis, 131
„ eczema, 599
„ enteritis, 203
„ gastric indigestion in swine, 185
„ gastritis, 188
„ inflammation of the gastric compartments, 186
„ laryngitis, 333
„ mammitis, 573
„ metritis, 550
„ nephritis, 528
„ parotiditis, 134
„ peritonitis, 478
„ pleurisy, 361
„ tuberculosis, 704
„ vaginitis, 544
Æsculaceæ, 246
Agalaxia, 587
Agaricaceæ, 225
Alkalies, caustic, poisoning by, 217
Aloes, poisoning by, 221
Alsinaceæ, 229
Ambrosiaceæ, 256
Amputation of the claw, 730
Anæmia in cattle, 268
„ lambs, 268
„ sheep, 268
Anæsthesia, 726
Annual mercury, poisoning by, 256
Anomalies, physiological, 567
Anus, 116
„ imperforate, 742
Apiaceæ, 247
Apocynaceæ, 251
Apparatus of locomotion, 730
Aragallus spicatus, poisoning by, 237
Arsenic, poisoning by, 218
Arsenical dips, 632
Arteries, examination of, 371
“Arthritis of milch cows”, 99
Articular rheumatism, 89
„ causes, 89
„ complications, 91
Articulations, diseases of, 45
Ascites, 483
Asclepiadaceæ, 252
Aspergilli, pneumo-mycosis due to, 350
Barberry family, 235
Beech family, 228
Beef measles, 79
„ cause, 79
„ symptoms, 81
„ where prevalent, 79
Bell-flower family, 255
Berberidaceæ, 235
Biceps femoris, 70
Bile ducts, cancer of, 282
Bilharziosis in cattle and sheep, 439
Bistournage, 751
Bitter milk, 591
Bladder, diseases of the, 511
„ eversion of the, 519
„ paralysis of the, 519
Bleeding, 727
„ in the pig, 728
„ in sheep, 727
Blood, diseases of the, 406
„ examination of, 372
„ poisoning in sheep and lambs in New Zealand, 415
„ -vessels, diseases of, 396
Blood-wort family, 228
Bloody flux in calves and lambs, 271
Blue milk, 590
Boars, castration of, 759
Bog spavin in the ox, 46
Bone, actinomycosis of, 681
„ tumours, 30
Bones and articulations, tuberculosis of the, 701
Bones, diseases of, 3
„ „ acid theory, 3
„ „ inflammation theory, 4
„ „ theory of insufficiency, 3
Bovine animals, calculi in, 515
„ piroplasmosis, 416
Box family, 246
Brain, tuberculosis of the, 702
Braxy, 435
Bronchi, 333
Bronchitis, 336
„ chronic, 337
„ pseudo-membranous, 339
„ simple acute, 337
„ verminous, in sheep and cattle, 340
Broncho-pneumonia, gangrenous, due to foreign bodies, 351
„ infectious, 354
„ of sucking calves, 356
„ sclero-caseous, of sheep, 358
Bryony, poisoning by, 256
Buckwheat poisoning, 606
Bull, castration of the, 751
Bunch-flower family, 227
Bursal sheath of the flexor tendons, distension of, 49
Butneriaceæ, 235
Butter, milk without, 589
Buxaceæ, 246
Calculi in bovine animals, 515
„ urinary, in sheep, 518
Calculus formation, 514
Calves, depraved appetite in, 160
„ diarrhœic enteritis in, 212
„ dysentery in, 210
„ goitre in, 453
„ intestinal coccidiosis of, 271
„ lumbricosis of, 267
„ mycotic stomatitis in, 124
„ necrosing stomatitis in, 123
Calving, dropping after, 461
Campanulaceæ, 255
Cancer of the bile ducts, 282
„ liver, 282
Cancerous pericarditis, 375
Canker, 40
„ treatment, 41
Capillary system, examination of, 372
Carbolic acid poisoning, 221
„ dips, 633
Cardiac anomalies, 374
Carduaceæ, 256
Carrot family, 247
Caseous lymphadenitis of the sheep, 453
Casting, control of oxen by, 723
Castor oil cake, poisoning by, 257
Castration, 751
„ complications after, 760
„ by clams, 756
„ the covered method, 757
„ „ elastic ligature, 758
„ „ exposed method, 757
„ torsion, 757
„ of boars and young pigs, 759
„ „ the bull and ram, 751
„ „ „ cow, 761
„ „ cryptorchids, 760
„ „ the ram, 759
„ „ „ „ by bistournage, 759
„ „ „ „ „ ligature, 759
„ „ „ „ „ tearing, 759
„ „ „ sow, 765
with the actual cautery, 758
Catarrhal gastritis in swine, 190
„ stomatitis in sheep, 122
„ „ general, in swine, 126
Catheter, passage of the, in the cow, 750
„ „ „ „ ram, 749
Cattle, anæmia in, 268
„ bilharziosis in, 439
„ diarrhœa in, 268
„ hæmorrhagic septicæmia in, 716
„ parasitic gastro-enteritis in, 268
„ pseudo-membranous pharyngitis in, 141
„ verminous bronchitis in, 340
Caustic acids, poisoning by, 217
„ alkalies, poisoning by, 216
Cerebral congestion, 456
„ tumours, 459
Changes in the milk, 587
Chaps, 568
Chemical dyspepsia, 195
Chenopodiaceæ, 229
Chorioptic mange, 636, 640, 642
Chronic bronchitis, 337
„ cystitis, 513
„ diarrhœa, 207
„ eczema, 600
„ enteritis, 207
„ gastritis, 194
„ glossitis, 132
„ indigestion, 194
„ mammitis, 581
„ metritis, 552
„ nephritis, 530
„ parotiditis, 136
„ pericarditis, 389
„ peritonitis, 481
„ pleurisy, 362
„ simple synovitis, forms of, 45
„ tympanites, 194
„ vaginitis, 546
Circulation, organs of the, 370
Circulatory apparatus, 727
Clams, castration by, 756
Claw and third phalanx, disarticulation of the, 731
„ amputation of the, 730
„ surgical dressing for a, 730
Claws, congestion of the, 31
Clément’s bath, 623
Clotted milk, 589
Cœnurosis, 467
Colchicum poisoning, 256
Cold water, colic due to ingestion of, 162
Colic, 116
„ as a result of strangulation, 167
Colic due to invagination, 163
„ in the ox, 162
Common salt, poisoning by, 217
Complications after castration, 760
Condylomata, 38
Congenital herniæ, 487
Congestion, pulmonary, 343
„ of the claws, 31
„ „ kidneys, 527
„ „ liver, 280
„ „ udder, 570
Congestive colic, 162
Conjunctivitis, 662
Contagious disease (takosis) of goats, 412
„ mammitis in milch cows, 580
„ vaginitis, 545
“Contagious foot disease”, 41
Contraction of the sphincter, 567
Control of pigs, 725
„ sheep and goats, 725
„ oxen, 720
„ „ by casting, 723
„ general, of oxen, 722
Contusions of the sole, 31
Convallariaceæ, 228
Copper poisoning, 221
Coryza, gangrenous, 320
„ simple, 319
Cotton cake, poisoning by, 257
Covered method, castration by the, 757
Cow, castration of the, 761
„ „ „ complications in, 764
„ passage of the catheter in the, 750
Cows, epizootic abortion in, 553
Cowper’s glands, 597
Cow-pox, 665
„ and human variola, 669
Cracks, 568
Creolin bath, 324
Croupal vaginitis, 545
Crowfoot family, 230
Crushing a foreign body in the œsophagus, 735
Cryptorchids, castration of, 760
Cysticerci, infection with, 73
Cysticercosis, 290
„ peritoneal, 485
Cysticercus disease of the pig, 73
Cystic parasites of animals, table of, 73
Cystitis, acute, 511
„ chronic, 513
Cysts of the udder, 585
Defæcation: examination of fæcal material, 118
Demodecic mange, 643
Depraved appetite, 158
„ „ in calves and lambs, 160
„ „ „ the ox, 158
Diaphragmatic herniæ, 496
Diarrhœa, chronic, 207
„ in cattle, 268
„ „ lambs, 268
„ „ sheep, 268
Diarrhœic enteritis in calves, 212
Digestive apparatus, 734
„ „ diseases of, 106
„ „ fistulæ of, 500
„ „ parasites of, 263
„ „ semiology of, 106
Digestive tract, tuberculosis of the, 699
Dilatation of the œsophagus, 149
„ „ orifice of the teat, 770
Disarticulation of the claw and third phalanx, 731
„ „ two first phalanges, 732
Diseases of the bladder, 511
„ „ blood, 406
„ „ kidneys, 527
„ „ liver, 279
„ „ lymphatic system, 444
„ „ mouth, 106
„ „ œsophagus, 109
„ „ pharynx, 108
„ „ salivary glands, 108
„ „ stomach, 110, 169
„ „ rumen, 110
„ „ peritoneum and abdominal cavity, 478
„ „ urinary apparatus, 502
„ produced by distillery and sugar factory pulp, 259
„ transmissible to man through the medium of milk, 593
Distillery and sugar factory pulp, diseases produced by, 259
Distomatosis, 293
Disturbance in the milk secretion, 587
Dogbane family, 251
Dropping after calving, 461
Dysentery in calves, 210
„ „ and lambs, 271
Dyspepsia, 194
„ motor, 195
„ secretory or chemical, 195
Echinococcosis of the liver, 283
„ suppurative, 288
Ectopia of the heart, 374
Eczema, 599
„ acute, 599
„ chronic, 600
„ due to feeding with potato pulp, 603
„ sebaceous or seborrhœic, 601
Elastic ligature, castration by the, 758
Emphysema, pulmonary, 359
„ subcutaneous, 659
Encephalitis, 458
Endocarditis, 394
Enteritis, 203
„ acute, 203
„ chronic, 207
„ diarrhœic, in calves, 212
„ hæmorrhagic, 206
Epizootic abortion in cows, 553
Equisetaceæ, 225
Ergot family, 223
Ergot of rye, poisoning by, 223
Ergotism, 223
Ericaeæ, 249
Euphorbiaceæ, 244
Eventration, 499
Eversion of the bladder, 519
Exostoses, 27
Exposed method, castration by the, 757
External ischio-tibial muscle, rupture of the, 70
Exudative pericarditis due to foreign bodies, 376
Eyes, diseases of the, 661
Facial sinuses of sheep, œstrus larvæ in the, 330
„ „ trephining the, 745
Fæcal material, examination of, 118
Fagaceæ, 228
Fagopyrism, 606
False sturdy, 330
Fasciola hepatica, 294
Felon, 41
Female genital organs, examination of, with the speculum, 760
Femoro-tibial articulation, luxation of the, 61
„ „ symptoms, 62
„ „ treatment, 63
Femur, luxation of, 56
„ „ „ symptoms, 57
„ „ „ treatment, 58
Fennel, poisoning by, 249
Ferments, lactic, 588
Fern family, 225
Fetlock joint, distension of the synovial capsule of the, 48
„ strain of, 54
Figwort family, 255
Fistula, parotid, 136
Fistulæ, milk, 569
„ of the digestive apparatus, 500
Flax family, 244
Flexor metatarsi, rupture of the, 72
„ tendons, distension of the bursal sheath of, 49
Food, poisoning due to, 215
Foot, diseases of the, 31
„ rot, 43
„ „ symptoms, 43
„ „ treatment, 44
„ scab, 636
Foreign bodies causing diseases of the eyes, 661
„ „ exudative pericarditis due to, 376
„ „ gangrenous broncho-pneumonia due to, 351
„ „ gastric disturbance due to, 198
„ „ migration of, from the reticulum, pneumonia due to, 348
Foreign bodies, pneumonia due to, 347
Foreign body in the œsophagus, crushing a, 735
„ „ „ „ submucous dissection of, 736
Fractures, 20
France, bovine piroplasmosis in, 424
Frontal sinus, trephining the, 745
„ „ purulent collections in, 327
Gangrenous broncho-pneumonia due to foreign bodies, 351
„ coryza, 320
„ mammitis in goats, 584
„ „ of milch ewes, 583
Gaseous indigestion, 170
Gastric compartments, acute inflammation of, 186
„ „ tumours of the, 202
„ disturbance due to foreign bodies, 198
„ indigestion, acute, in swine, 185
Gastritis, 186, 188–194
Gastro-intestinal strongylosis in sheep, 263
Gastrotomy, 739
“Gathered Nail”, 37
General diseases, 4
Genital apparatus, 542
„ „ accessory glands of the, 597
„ malformations, 560
„ organs, male, 594
„ „ tuberculosis of the, 700
Genito-urinary organs, 747
„ regions, 502
Gid, 467
Glands, mammary, diseases of, 565
Glans penis and sheath, polypi of, 506
Glossitis, 130
„ acute, deep-seated, 131
„ chronic, 132
„ nodular sclerosing, 133
„ superficial, 130
Goat, demodecic mange in the, 644
„ mange in the, 641
„ ringworm in the, 653
Goats, control of, 725
„ gangrenous mammitis in, 584
Goitre in calves, 453
„ lambs, 453
Goosefoot family, 229
Grass family, 226
„ tick, life history of, 432
Grease, 41
Hæmaturia, 520
Hæmodoraceæ, 228
Hæmorrhagic enteritis, 206
„ „ in calves and lambs, 271
„ septicæmia in cattle, 716
Hæmorrhagic septicæmia, infective diseases confused with, 718
Haunch, hygroma of, 67
Heart, ectopia of the, 374
Heat stroke, 442
Heath family, 249
Hellebore, poisoning by, 234
Helminthiasis, intestinal, in ruminants, 275
Hemlock, poisoning by, 248
Hepatitis, nodular necrosing, 280
Hernia, inguinal, in young pigs, 741
„ of the abomasum, 493
„ „ intestine, 494
„ „ rumen, 490
„ perineal, of young pigs, 487
Herniæ, 487, 741
„ acquired, 489
„ congenital, 487
„ diaphragmatic, 496
„ treatment of, 495
Hock, hygroma of the point of the, 68
„ joint, distension of the synovial capsule of the, 46
„ „ strain of, 55
„ region, distension of the tendon sheaths in, 46
Hoose, 340
Horn core, trephining the, 745
Horns, anatomy of, 21
„ detachment of, 23
„ fissuring of, 24
„ fractures of, 21, 25
„ splints for, 26
„ treatment of, 25
Horse-chestnut family, 246
Horsetail family, 225
Human variola and cow-pox, 669
Husk, 340
Hydro-nephrosis, 531
Hydro-pneumo-thorax, 366
Hygroma of the haunch, 67
„ „ knee, 65
„ „ point of the hock, 68
„ „ point of the sternum, 69
„ „ stifle, 67
„ „ trochanter of the femur, 67
Hygromas, 64
Hypericaceæ, 246
Hypocreceæ, 223
Hypodermosis in the ox, 646
Impaction of the omasum, 179
„ „ rumen, 175
Imperforate anus, 742
„ condition of the teat, 567
„ vagina, 560
Impetigo in the pig, 605
Indigestion, 170
„ abomasal, 182
„ acute gastric, in swine, 185
„ as a result of over-eating, 175
„ chronic, 194
Infectious broncho-pneumonia, 354
Infectious diseases, 665
„ pyelo-nephritis, 533
„ pseudo-rheumatism in adults, 99
„ „ „ symptoms, 100
„ „ „ treatment, 103
„ rheumatism in young animals, 94
„ „ „ causes, 94
„ „ „ symptoms, 95
Infective diseases, confused with hæmorrhagic septicæmia, 718
Inflammation of the sheath, 506
„ „ submaxillary salivary gland, 137
Inflammatory diseases, 570
Inguinal hernia in young pigs, 741
Insolation, 460
Interdigital space, inflammation of the, 38
Internal infectious phlebitis, 398
Interstitial mammitis, 574
Intestinal helminthiasis in ruminants, 275
„ tuberculosis, 699
Intestine, 116
„ hernia of the, 494
Invagination, colic due to, 163
Inversion and prolapsus of the rectum, 743
Iodine poisoning, 22
Iodism, 222
Iodoform poisoning, 222
Ischial urethrotomy, 747
Ischio-tibial muscle, external, rupture of the, 70
Issues, 728
Joints, luxation of, 56
Keratitis, 662
Kidney worm of swine, 539
Kidneys, congestion of the, 527
„ diseases of the, 527
Knee, distension of tendon sheaths in the region of, 49
„ hygroma of, 65
„ joint, distension of the synovial capsule of the, 47
„ strain of, 53
Lactic ferments, 588
Lambs, anæmia in, 268
„ blood poisoning in, in New Zealand, 415
„ depraved appetite in, 160
„ diarrhœa in, 268
„ goitre in, 453
„ intestinal coccidiosis of, 271
„ parasitic gastro-enteritis in, 268
Laminitis, 32
„ symptoms, 33
„ treatment, 34
Laparotomy, 740
Larkspur poisoning in sheep, 231
Laryngitis, 333
„ acute, 333
„ pseudo-membranous, 333
Larynx, 333
„ examination of, 313
„ tumours of, 335
Lathyrism, 243
Lead poisoning, 220
Licking habit, 158
Lily of the valley family, 228
Lime and sulphur dips, 627
„ „ prejudice against, 628
Linaceæ, 244
Liver, 119
„ cancer of, 282
„ congestion of, 280
„ diseases of, 279
„ echinococcosis of, 283
„ rot, 293
Liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica), 294
„ disease, 293
Local affections, 20
Locomotion, apparatus of, 730
„ organs of, diseases of, 1
„ gait in, 1
„ inspection for, 1
„ palpation and pressure to detect, 1
„ percussion in, 1
Louping-ill, 429
Lumbar prurigo, or “trembling,” in sheep, 475
Lumbricosis of calves, 267
Lund’s truss, 770
Lungs, 343
Lupines, poisoning by, 241
Luxation of the femoro-tibial articulation, 61
„ „ femur, 56
„ „ patella, 58
„ „ scapulo-humeral joint, 63
Lymphadenitis, 448
Lymphatic glands, tuberculosis of, 696
„ glandular apparatus, topography of, 445
„ system, diseases of, 444
Lympho-cythæmia, 448
Lymphogenic diathesis, 448
Magnoliaceæ, 229
Magnolia family, 229
Maize, poisoning by the male tufts of, 226
Male genital organs, 594
Malformations, genital, 560
Malignant œdema, 415
Mammæ, ablation of the, 771
Mammary glands, diseases of, 565
„ toxæmia, 461
Mammitis, 571
„ acute, 573
„ chronic, 581
„ contagious, in milch cows, 580
Mammitis, gangrenous in goats, 584
„ „ of milch ewes, 583
„ interstitial, 574
„ parenchymatous, 575
Mange, 611
„ chorioptic, 636, 640, 642
„ demodecic, 643
„ in the goat, 641
„ „ ox, 638
„ „ pig, 642
„ psoroptic, 614, 639
„ sarcoptic, 638, 641
„ symbiotic, 636
Manual technique in bistournage, 752
„ „ castration of the cow, 762
„ „ „ „ sow, 766
Martelage, 756
Maxilla, actinomycosis of the, 673
Maxillary sinus, purulent collections in, 329
„ „ trephining the, 745
Measles, beef, 79
„ pork, 78
Mechanical pneumonia, 347
Mediastinum, diseases of structures enclosed within the, 368
„ tuberculosis of the, 697
„ tumours of, 369
Medicated milk, 591
Melanthaceæ, 227
Meliaceæ, 244
Meningitis, 456
Mercurial poisoning, 219
„ stomatitis, 128
„ „ nature of, 129
Metritis, 547
„ acute, 550
„ chronic, 552
„ septic, 547
Microbic changes in milk, 588
Migration of foreign bodies from the reticulum, pneumonia due to,
Milch cows, contagious mammitis in, 580
„ ewes, gangrenous mammitis of, 583
Milk, bitter, 591
„ blue, 590
„ changes in the, 587
„ clotted, 589
„ diseases transmissible to man through the medium of, 593
„ fever, 461
„ fistulæ, 569
„ medicated, 591
„ microbic changes in, 588
„ mucous, viscous, or thready, 589
„ preservation of, 591
„ putrid, 589
„ red, 590
„ secretion, disturbance in the, 587
„ thready, 589
„ viscous, 589
„ without butter, 589
„ yellow, 590
Milkweed family, 252
Molasses refuse, poisoning by, 258
Motor dyspepsia, 195
Mouth, diseases of, 106, 121
Mucous milk, 589
Muguet, 124
Muscles and tendons, diseases of, 70
„ parasitic diseases of, 73
Muscular rheumatism, 92
Mushroom family, 225
Mycotic stomatitis in calves, 124
Myelo-cythæmia, 448
Nails, picked-up, 37
Nasal cavities, 319
„ „ examination of, 311
„ „ tumours of, 325
„ gleet, 326
„ sinuses, purulent collections in, 326
Neck, actinomycosis of the, 675
Necrosing stomatitis in calves, 123
Nephritis, acute, 528
„ chronic, 530
„ suppurative, 537
Nervous system, 456
Nettle family, 229
New-born animals, septicæmia of, 406
„ „ umbilical phlebitis of, 399
New Zealand, blood poisoning in sheep and lambs in, 415
Nitrates of potash and soda, poisoning by, 217
Nodular necrosing hepatitis, 280
„ sclerosing glossitis, 133
Non-psoroptic forms of acariasis, 645
Nympho-mania, 562
Obstruction of the abomasum, 194
Œsophageal obstructions, 152
„ „ treatment, 154
„ sounds, 155
Œsophagitis, 145
Œsophagotomy, 156, 736
Œsophagus, 734
„ dilatation of, 149
„ diseases of, 109, 145
„ ruptures and perforations of, 157
„ stricture of, 148
Œstrus larvæ in the facial sinuses of sheep, 330
Oleaceæ, 251
Olive family, 251
Omasum, 113
„ impaction of the, 179
Omphalo-phlebitis, 402
“Open arthritis”, 51
“Open Synovitis, 49
Operations, 720
Ophthalmia, verminous, of the ox, 663
Organs of circulation, semiology of, 370
„ locomotion, diseases of, 1
„ „ „ methods of examination in, 1
Orifice of the teat, dilatation of the, 770
Osseous cachexia, 7
„ „ causes of, 14
„ „ history of, 8
Osseous cachexia, phases of, 9–11
„ „ symptoms of, 8, 11
„ „ treatment of, 18
Ostitis, suppurating, 29
Ovary, tumours of the, 559
Over-eating, indigestion as a result of, 175
Over-exertion, 442
Ovine pasteurellosis, 263
„ piroplasmosis, 425
Ox, colic in the, 162
„ demodecic mange in the, 644
„ depraved appetite in the, 158
„ hypodermosis in the, 646
„ mange in the, 638
„ strongylosis of the abomasum in the, 268
„ urethrotomy in the, 747
„ verminous ophthalmia of the, 663
Oxen, canker in, 40
„ control of, 720
„ „ by casting, 723
„ „ the limbs, 720
„ warts in, 655
Panaritium, 41
Pancreas, 119
Papaveraceæ, 235
Papillomata, verrucous, of the udder, 586
Paralysis of the bladder, 519
Parasites, cystic, of animals, table of, 73
„ of the digestive apparatus, 263
Parasitic diseases of muscles, 73
„ gastro-enteritis, 268
„ „ in cattle, 268
„ „ in lambs, 268
„ „ in sheep, 268
Parenchymatous mammitis, 575
Parotid fistula, 136
„ glands, actinomycosis of the, 675
Parotiditis (Parotitis), 134, 136
Parturient apoplexy, 461
Passage of the catheter in the cow, 750
„ „ „ ram, 749
Passing the probang, 735
Patella, luxation of, 58
„ „ bandage for, 60
„ „ symptoms, 59
„ „ treatment, 60
Patellar synovial capsule, inflammation of, 45
Pea family, 236
Pelvis, fractures of, 20
Pericarditis, 375
„ cancerous, 375
„ chronic, 389
„ exudative, due to foreign bodies, 376
„ simple acute, 375
„ specific, 375
Perineal hernia of young pigs, 487
Perinephritis, 537
Peripneumonia and pneumonia, differences between, 347
Perisporaceæ, 223
Peritoneal cysticercosis, 485
Peritoneum, diseases of, 478
Peritonitis, 478
„ acute, 478
„ chronic, 481
Persistence of the urachus, 508
Phallaceæ, 225
Pharyngeal polypi, 143
Pharyngitis, 138
Pharynx, actinomycosis of the, 675
„ diseases of, 108, 134
Phlebitis, 396
„ accidental, 396
„ internal infectious, 398
„ umbilical, 402
„ „ of new-born animals, 399
„ utero-ovarian, 398
Phosphorus poisoning, 219
Phthiriasis, 608
Physiological anomalies, 567
Phytolaccaceæ, 229
Pica, 158
Picked-up nails, 37
Pig, cysticercus disease of the, 73
„ „ „ „ cause of, 74
„ „ „ „ examination fo, 77
„ „ „ „ symptoms of, 75
„ „ „ „ treatment, 78
„ demodecic mange in the, 644
„ impetigo in the, 605
„ mange in the, 642
„ pneumonia of the, 710, 714
„ ringworm in the, 653
„ urticaria in the, 656
„ verrucous endocarditis of the, 710, 713
Pigs, control of, 725
„ ringing, 734
„ tonsilitis in, 138
„ young, castration of, 759
„ „ inguinal hernia in, 741
„ „ perineal hernia of, 487
Pink family, 229
Piroplasmosis, 416
Plantar aponeurosis, injury to, 38
Plants poisonous to stock, 223
Pleura, diseases of, 361
Pleuræ, 343
Pleurisy, acute, 361
„ chronic, 362
Plugs, 728
Plum family, 236
Pneumonia due to foreign bodies, 347
„ „ migration of foreign bodies from the reticulum, 348
„ mechanical, 347
„ mycosis due to aspergilli, 350
„ of the pig, 710
„ simple, 343
Pneumo-thorax, 362
Poaceæ, 226
Poisoning, 213
„ by acorns, 228
„ „ aloes, 221
„ „ annual mercury, 256
„ „ Aragallus spicatus, 237
„ „ arsenic, 218
„ „ bryony, 256
„ „ castor oil cake, 257
„ „ caustic acids, 217
„ „ „ alkalies, 216
„ „ common salt, 217
„ „ cotton cake, 257
„ „ ergot of rye, 223
„ „ fennel, 249
„ „ hellebore, 234
„ „ hemlock, 248
„ „ lupines, 241
„ „ male tufts of maize, 226
„ „ molasses refuse, 258
„ „ nitrates of potash and soda, 217
„ „ poppies, 235
„ „ ranunculaceæ, 234
„ „ smut of barley, 224
„ „ St. John’s wort, 246
„ „ sweet sorghum grass, 226
„ „ tartar emetic, 218
„ „ vetches, 243
„ „ white loco weed, 237
„ „ wild chervil, 248
„ carbolic acid, 221
„ colchicum, 256
„ copper, 221
„ due to food, 215
„ iodine, 222
„ iodoform, 222
„ larkspur, in sheep, 231
„ lead, 220
„ mercurial, 219
„ phosphorus, 219
„ strychnine, 222
„ tobacco, 254
Pokeweed family, 229
Polypi of the glans penis and sheath, 506
„ pharyngeal, 143
Polypodiaceæ, 225
Poppies, poisoning by, 235
Poppy family, 235
Post-partum paralysis, 461

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