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q-6r+sr6n (tqr gq Eo-{rt) -Bftq 6t 6rqimq, qtqe-tsl ,


No. /Pension/DRSSA,/Punjab-10/2021-22 Date- 24, Ob'W)4-

All District/Sub Treasury Officers

Sub:- Clarification regarding grant of benefit ACP/DACP of scheme to state

Government employees during revision of pay under Punjab Civil Service
(Revised Pay) Rules, 2021.

Ref:- I Circular No. PEN-12/Imp. Order,/DA/SSA No. 13121-2213030-64A dated

07 .04.2022 O/o the Accountant General (A&E) Punjab, Chandigarh'
2 Gor.t. of Punjab Finance Department (Finance Personnel-l Branch) Notification
No. File NO. FD-FP-10ACP (DACPy5/2021-5FP1 dated 15.12.2021

I am to enclose herewith the copy of SSA received from O/o the Accountant

General (A&E) Punjab, Chandigarh which encloses the letters referred above regarding

Clarification for grart of benefit ACP/DACP of scheme to state Govemment employees during

revision of pay under Punjab Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2021 . T\e same is being placed

copy of this letter may be exhibited on the notice board of the treasury.

It will be the responsibility of the pension disbursing authority to download the orders

regarding payment from the website and take necessary action accordingly.

Sr. Accor\nts OIIi cer/Pension

No. /Pension/DRSSA/Punjab-10/2021-22 Date:-

Endt. Copy for information-

O/o the Accountant General (A&E) Punjab, Chandigarh- 16001 7 for information regarding
your letter dated 07.04.2022.

Address : L€kha Bhawan, Jhansi Road. Gwalior474002 .rar Sr.,.tqorrst$ffrleflBfrcion +z+ooz

Phone ': 07 5l-232396A
Fax *tTrs : 075t-2323r8
': 07 5l-2432194
fn : 4751-2432194
r $.
o\\ 5t \)b

CHAN DIG ARH - 1600 t7.


PEN- 12Am p.Order/DA"/SSA.NO. B t2l-22 13030-64'-A Dated


1 The Accountant General (A&E) I, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad-
2 The Accountant General (A&E) II, Andhra Pradesh, Ilyderabad-
3 The Accountant General A&E Jharkhand, Ranchi
4 The Accountant General A&E II Bihar, Patna
5 The Accountant General (A&E) I, Gujarat, Rajkot
6 The Accountant General (A&E) II, Guj arat, Ahmadabad
7 The Pr. Accountant General (A&E) Kerala,MG road, PB No. 5607,
Thiruvanananthapuram - 695039
g .? -fhe Accountant General (A&E) Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior
9 The Accountant General (A&E) -l Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal
10 The Pr.Accountant General (A&E) Tamil Nadu, Chennai-600018
1l The Pr.Accountant General (A&E) I, Maharashtra, Mumbai
t2 The Accountant General (A&E) II, Maharashtra, Nagpur
l3 The Pr.Accou ntant General (A&E) Karnataka, Bangalore
t4 The Pr. Accountant General (A&E) Orissa, Bhubneshwar
15 The Pr.AccountantGeneral (A&E) Haryana, Chandigarh
t6 The Pr.Accountant General A&E U,T. Chandi rh
t7 The Accountant General A&E Himachal Pradesh, Shimla-l71003
to Tlie Pi'.Accoultant Gencral & lt I (a asthan Jal ur
l9 The Pr. Accountant General (A&E) West Bengat, Treasury Building
? Kolkata - 700001
20 The Accountant General A&E IUP Allahabad
2t The Accountant General (A&E) II UP, Allahabad, 20, Sarojini
Naidu Marg, Allahabad 211001

22 The Accountant General A&E Jammu & Kashmir Srina r

23 T h e A c c o u n ta n t G e n e r a I A & E M a n I ur, Im hal
24 The Accountant General A&E Tri ura A rthala
)1 zre 25 T h e P r A c c o ll n ta n t G e n e ra I A & E A s s a m Guwahati
26 T h e Acco u n ta n t G e n e ra I A & E U ttraK h a n d D e h ra d u n
)frc{- 27 The Pr, Accountant General A&E M hala Shillon
28 T h e Acc o u n ta n t G e n e ra I A & E N a a l a n d Ko h lm a
n .4 T h e A cc o ll n ta n t G e n e ra I A & E C h h a ttis r h Rai u r
2i The Di rector of Audit & Pension, Govt, of Arunachal p radesh,

t 3t
iriairria un-79i i i0
The Chief Controller of Accounts , Ministr5 of External Affairs,
Akbar Bhawan Chanak a uri, New Delhi 110021
32 The Government of Goa,Di rectorate of Accounts, Pension Section,
Pan a i, Goa.
33 The Pa &A er. of Delhi, Dethi
34 The Account nt ener I m, n ok
35 The Account ntG en era tzofam awl

ulltrl, rerrr>
'Subject:- Clarification regarding grant of benefit ACP/DACP of scheme to state
Government employees during revision of pay under Punjab Civil
Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2021.
Please find enclosed herewith copy of Finance Department Pb. Go!'t.
(Finance Personnel-1 Branch) notification No. File No. FD-FP-1OACP (DACP)1512021-
5FPl dated 15/12/2021 on the subject cited above.
It is requested that this order may be circulated to all District Treasury
offrcers under your control.
Please acknowledge receipt of the same.

Encl: As above
Yours faithfully

Sr. Accounts Officer
,\ Flle No.FD-FP-I0ACP(DACP[5202i.5FP1 315
lliitf-.*n., .

Dated, chatrdignh t'l sdz- LeJ

i. All Spedd Ctief Seoetuies, Addltional Ctrief Secretaries,
Finalcial Commissioners, Priucipal Secretaries and
&hintsradve Seceurries to Govemment of Punjab.
il, All Head oI Deparmens of rhe State;
lllAll Commbdoners of Di'risions;
iv.The Registrar, Punjab and Haryana High Coun, Chandigut;
v, All Deputy Commisdoners and Disnict & Sessions Judges and;
vi. Seoetary, hnjab Viilhan Sabha
fim: - Pun.h Clvll ScMccr (Rcvlacd P.y) Rut.., eOzt r*4a E"iI €
itflfi-dttf/T{t{B€tttr € gaqq ffi? Ts6 arT Ef.S/&.B.nS. rdlr s sg
Er afrfr'5r;626=-,

EF rriFs xq{e }tf lEr nn*E 6 Ee,ttls AA 0 lh aa ,res€
iS ?rFJ 6t {k garflu qi'rE?r.€qt rarra rjf{r rdtt *3t'{t faeEai * fE3'
E+ar €* lrdHmr fri os.oz.zozr ad erg dv faq'0r
2. 6e {hr':E 3tr{'E q0ffit {# aq g ryAedryrearreslt{t t
e.f.4. rr.!.fr.f. r*rr crrg rar af0 ffi a't Snra rA t6u' a?tt fra Ea
i!r*'oi.ot:ore E nd 3ct8.:0?l 3? e FJ*'s .$ rrr&'adal.tta=;nr+u+E'

tfr.f/*r s ssfg (du!) htffi'rttl<sliedt'{t €

q!E!0, @
Entt'E, Pun.b clvll s.rvlc.. (Rcvlccd Prv) Rul.., 2o2t Edfr ad lfdBafa v*dtl
t-.f,.'S/{.}""fi{ 'lr&t Et ss t E 0{s rde tE E rgs i ffi <a
tsr--it at E sffi{ fiiaet :rrrra q0rmt I aq € Er&re'Ahf' Eo
E fr.O/&.E fr.O.a'fir {qrs AE Ed.far}re €E f*t frrs'ar €* ftnr aqE' EB' arr6'

€d.y 3 s'g ilaF rr3 Efqs ryfuErdu.rduErdt lfta nA ffi i?5s66 at 3l

ga Er 6 vaqo:rtam'fr5il4, fl'tdfr ?lrr lEE Edtfr adca"irflreSr*dhEd l
rrlaraa*a q r1ars 6rd 6E n€t
o. grc I Ers'{:' et filg 3trr{qu E0{mt €tC ffi tinrs du nrj
fuw ffi €F' rr+a €S 486' s9 ary *a ar e ryfra'ftlqmrgdr*t f*n'
s ti:tlr.:t;d.E$..r*. ?r,&q ldF n't 0f,t O.r.fn.aorr itt t'R 5 r*.sg ffi ife' j.
Hr' .{t+:Iad!',fiflre?enifinn fi ery 6 rr.-3 Erl}-htJiil.gfrrs.rr4}r er rls ir, frf.i'

Yours iaitirh'ily
-.-.*.-. -.-.t.".

,Jaswin. r SiI;3r",;
Ur: er Setrg ,rjl

A copy of u\e above is furwarded to the foilowing fcr r. j,;rmaEon't,:ri

necessal acdon:-
i. Accormunr Gentral (Aurltt), P,rnjab.
2. kcounant Gener';J (A& E), i.unlab, Cnand:ga:h
? J'u.

{ copy of &e aimve is brwarderl to the lollmrir,g for informadr:n and

i:.-:a*isir J ACSqll.
i. .{il dre Disa'Ileasu-y Offlcer i Tnasry Offlcers in &e State for ir.iormation
ard nrcessary action;
?. Tt: Pay and Acccurts Uffictr.,+r"rlab Bhawa4 dopemiros Miirg, ller;: Lreift;
zliD';., .i

A copy ol &e Sove is fonrarded to &e t*lloulng fr'rr lnluoadon am riec€ssar:

:. fnr Chcf Semtary to Gow.of Pru$ah, Chdlg:rh.
:i. 'I-s., Besidert Comrririssiarrer, hlnjab Bhawa& New Delhl.

' ''EF.^\
'{- ,t'-


A copy cf dre above is forwatded to thE followlng for lnforuadon 'nd

*,::9ssar:f ]ition:'

i, lte R'eEistrar. i.gicrf.nll;l Uliverdty, I,udhiana.

:i. The ieg.str:1, P*r;a5i t-Imversiqt, Padala.

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