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FORCE FX-8CAS Service Manual - en

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Service Manual

Force FX

Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS

Service Manual


Force FX
Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS

This manual and the equipment it describes are for use only by qualified medical
professionals trained in the particular technique and surgical procedure to be performed.
It is intended as a guide for servicing the Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS only.

Additional information about the generator is available in the Force FX Electrosurgical

Generator 8CAS User’s Guide.
Equipment covered in this manual:
Covidien Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS —110 V ~ Nominal / 230 V ~ Nominal
(auto selected)
The Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual consists of two parts—the
text (part 1 of 2) and a Schematics Supplement (part 2 of 2).

Conventions Used in this Guide

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a hazard which may result in product damage.

Indicates an operating tip or maintenance suggestion.

ii Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Limited Warranty
Covidien warrants the covered product listed below to be free from defects in material and
workmanship for normal use and service for the period(s) set forth below. Covidien’s
obligation under this warranty is limited to the repair or replacement, at its sole option, of
any product, or part thereof, which has been returned to it (or its authorized distributor)
within the applicable time period shown below after delivery of the product to the original
purchaser, and which examination discloses, to Covidien’s satisfaction, that the product is
defective. This limited warranty does not apply to any product, or part thereof, which has
been repaired or altered in a way so as, in Covidien’s judgment, to affect its stability or
reliability, or which has been subjected to misuse, neglect, or accident.
The warranty period for this Covidien product is as follows:

Electrosurgical Generators One year from date of shipment

Mounting Fixtures (all models) One year from date of shipment

Footswitches (all models) One year from date of shipment

Sterile Single Use Items Sterility only as stated on packaging

Patent Return Electrodes Shelf life only as stated on packaging

Notwithstanding any other provision herein or in any other document or communication,

Covidien’s liability with respect to this limited warranty and the products sold hereunder
shall be limited to the aggregate purchase price for the products sold to the customer. This
limited warranty is non-transferable and runs only to the original purchaser of the covered
product(s). There are no warranties which extend beyond the terms hereof. Covidien
disclaims any liability hereunder or elsewhere in connection with the sale of products and
for any form of indirect, tort, or consequential damages.
This limited warranty and the rights and obligations hereunder shall be construed under
and governed by the laws of the State of Colorado, USA. The sole forum for resolving
disputes arising under or relating in any way to this limited warranty is the District Court
of the County of Boulder, State of Colorado, USA.
Covidien reserves the right to make changes in covered products built or sold by it at any
time without incurring any obligation to make the same or similar changes to equipment
previously built or sold by it.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual iii

Software License
Covidien llc, (collectively called “COVIDIEN” herein) own the entire right, title, and
interest in and to all of the computer programs and all portions thereof, and associated
documentation (collectively, the “Software”) provided to Customer as may be installed in
the Products and equipment addressed herein or provided separately, and it has the sole
right to grant licenses hereunder.
The evaluation allowance herein and any ultimate price paid by Customer for the
products incorporating the Software include as a portion of that evaluation allowance, or
price, a license fee granting Customer only the rights set forth in this Software License.
Customer further acknowledges and agrees that the Software is owned exclusively by
COVIDIEN. The Software is licensed to be used on only one computing device or Product,
and a valid license must be purchased for each computing device on which the Software
is installed.
Single User License Grant: COVIDIEN grants to Customer a limited, nonexclusive, non-
sublicensable, nontransferable and revocable license to use the Software, exclusively at
Customer’s location as identified by Customer as the ship-to location of the Product,
solely in machine-readable object code form only on a single central processing unit
owned or leased by Customer or otherwise embedded in equipment provided by
COVIDIEN, and for the sole purpose of Customer’s internal business purpose in the
operation of the Product or equipment purchased from, other otherwise provided by,
COVIDIEN or its affiliates.
Except to the extent expressly authorized in this Software License or by law, Customer
shall not and shall not cause any third party to: (i) decompile, disassemble, or reverse
engineer the Software; (ii) modify or create any derivative works (including, without
limitation, translations, transformations, adaptations or other recast or altered versions)
based on the Software, or alter the Software in any way; (iii) merge the Software with
any other software or product not supplied by Supplier; (iv) use, copy, sell, sublicense,
lease, rent, loan, assign, convey or otherwise transfer the Software except as expressly
authorized by the Agreement; (v) distribute, disclose or allow use of the Software, in any
format, through any timesharing service, service bureau, network or by any other means,
to or by any third parties; (vi) remove or modify any copyright, confidential and/or
proprietary markings, legends or restriction which are in the Software originally supplied
to Customer; or (vii) violate any obligations with regard to COVIDIEN’s Confidential
Information. To the extent that Customer is expressly permitted by applicable mandatory
law to undertake any of the activities listed in the preceding sentence, Customer will not
exercise those rights until Customer has given COVIDIEN thirty (30) days written notice of
Customer’s intent to exercise any such rights unless an order of a government agency of
competent jurisdiction will not so allow.
Except for the limited license rights expressly granted in this Software License, COVIDIEN
reserves all rights in and to the Software and any modifications thereto and derivations
thereof, including, but not limited to, all title, ownership, intellectual property rights and
all other rights and interests. Customer will own only the hardware or physical media on
which the Software is stored or processed, if any.
Customer agrees that the Software, including the specific design and structure of
individual programs, constitute confidential information and trade secrets of COVIDIEN,
whether or not the programs may be copyrighted or copyrightable, and/or patented or

iv Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

patentable. Customer agrees not to disclose, provide, or otherwise make available such
confidential information, trade secrets or copyrighted material in any form to any third
party. Customer agrees that it will make the Software available only to employees,
contractors, or consultants with a need to know, who are obligated to comply with all
license restrictions contained in this Software License Agreement and to maintain the
secrecy of the Software and all other Confidential Information. Customer is responsible
for the compliance of all users with these obligations.
Customer may, from time to time, request that COVIDIEN incorporate certain features,
enhancements or modifications into the Software. COVIDIEN may, in its sole discretion,
undertake to incorporate such changes and distribute the Software so modified to all or
any of COVIDIEN's customers. All such error corrections, bug fixes, patches, updates or
other modifications provided to COVIDIEN shall be the sole property of COVIDIEN.
This Software License is effective until terminated. Customer may terminate this License
at any time by destroying all copies of Software including any documentation. This
License will terminate immediately upon notice from COVIDIEN if Customer fails to
comply with any provision of this License or any supplier agreement. COVIDIEN may
terminate the Software licenses granted herein and exercise all available rights by giving
written notice, effective immediately, if within ten (10) business days of Customer’s
receipt of a reasonably detailed written request to cure, Customer has not cured all
breaches of this License’s limitations or restrictions. Upon such termination, Customer will
immediately pay all undisputed fees outstanding, cease use of all Software, return or
delete, at COVIDIEN’s request, all copies of the Software in Customer’s possession, and
certify compliance with all of the obligations herein to COVIDIEN in writing.
Limited Warranty: COVIDIEN represents and warrants to Customer that the Software
will perform substantially as described in COVIDIEN's then current documentation for
such Software for the longer of (a) the remaining warranty applicable to the product with
which such Software was delivered (not to exceed one year) or (b) ninety (90) days from
the date such Software was shipped or first made available to Customer for electronic
download from COVIDIEN’s service site. If you notify COVIDIEN of defects during the
warranty period, COVIDIEN will replace the Software or, at its option, refund the
purchase price. Your remedy for breach of this limited warranty shall be limited to
replacement or refund and shall not encompass any other damages. No dealer,
distributor, agent or employee of COVIDIEN is authorized to make any modification or
addition to the warranty and remedies stated above.
Notwithstanding these warranty provisions, all of COVIDIEN's obligations with respect to
such warranties shall be contingent on Customer’s use of the Software in accordance
with this Agreement and in accordance with COVIDIEN's instructions as provided by
COVIDIEN in the documentation, as such instructions may be amended, supplemented,
or modified by COVIDIEN from time to time. COVIDIEN shall have no warranty
obligations with respect to any failures of the Software which are the result of accident,
abuse, misapplication, extreme power surge or extreme electromagnetic field.
This warranty does not apply to any damages, malfunctions, or non-conformities caused
to or by: (i) Customer’s use of Software in violation of the license granted under the
Agreement or in a manner inconsistent with any provided documentation; (ii) use of non-
COVIDIEN furnished equipment, software, or facilities with its equipment or Products; (iii)
Customer’s failure to follow COVIDIEN’s installation, operation, repair or maintenance
instructions; (iv) Customer’s failure to permit COVIDIEN timely access, remote or

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual v

otherwise, to Products; (v) failure to implement all new Updates to Software provided
under the Agreement; (vi) Products or equipment with their original manufacturer’s serial
numbers altered, defaced or deleted; (vii) Products or equipment that have been altered,
serviced or modified by a party other than COVIDIEN; or (viii) Software that has been
subjected to abnormal physical or electrical stress, misuse, negligence or accident by
Customer or a third party.
U.S. Government Rights. The Software is a “commercial item” developed exclusively at
private expense, consisting of “commercial computer software” and “commercial
computer software documentation” as such terms are defined or used in the applicable
U.S. acquisition regulations. The Software is licensed hereunder (i) only as a commercial
item and (ii) with only those rights as are granted to all other customers pursuant to the
terms and conditions of this License. Customer shall not use, duplicate, or disclose the
Software in any way not specifically permitted by this License. Nothing in this License
requires COVIDIEN to produce or furnish technical data for or to Customer.
If any provision of this Agreement shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be
illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and
This License Agreement contains the entire understanding and agreement between the
parties respecting the Software. This Agreement may not be supplemented, modified,
amended, released or discharged except by an instrument in writing signed by each
party's duly authorized representative. All captions and headings in this Agreement are
for purposes of convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation
of any of its provisions. Any waiver by either party of any default or breach hereunder
shall not constitute a waiver of any provision of this Agreement or of any subsequent
default or breach of the same or a different kind.
The construction and performance of this Agreement will be governed by the laws of the
State of Colorado without reference to its choice of law principles. The parties hereby
submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Colorado.

vi Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Table of Contents
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Conventions Used in this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Limited Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Software License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iv
Table of Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Chapter 1. Introduction
General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
List of Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Service Personnel Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Active Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Patient Return Electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Fire/Explosion Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Electric Shock Hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Chapter 2. Controls, Indicators, and Receptacles
Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Bipolar Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Bipolar Instrument Receptacle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Monopolar Cut Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Monopolar Coag Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Monopolar Instrument Receptacles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
REM Alarm Indicator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Rear Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
Footswitch Receptacles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
Monopolar Footswitch Receptacles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
Bipolar Footswitch Receptacle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
Power Entry Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Activation Tone Volume Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
Option Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
Chapter 3. Technical Specifications
Performance Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Dimensions and Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Operating Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual vii

Transport and Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Duty Cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Internal Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Audio Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
REM Contact Quality Monitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Serial Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
RF Activation Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Expansion Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Low Frequency (50–60 Hz) Leakage Current . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
High Frequency (RF) Leakage Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Input Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Power Cord Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Standards and IEC Classifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
Class I Equipment (IEC 60601-1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Type CF Equipment (IEC 60601-1)/Defibrillator Proof . . . 3-17
Liquid Spillage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Electromagnetic Interference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Electromagnetic Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Cables Used for the Force FX EMC Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19
Voltage Transients (Emergency Generator Mains
Transfer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-20
Output Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25
Maximum Output for Bipolar and Monopolar Modes . . . 3-25
Maximum Output for Ultrasonic Electrosurgery . . . . . . . . 3-26
Available Power Settings in Watts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-26
Output Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29
Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
Bipolar Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
Monopolar Cut Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-37
Monopolar Coag Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43
Chapter 4. Principles of Operation
Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Functional Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Instant Response Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Ultrasonic Electrosurgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Simultaneous Coag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
REM Contact Quality Monitoring System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
Control Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
Microcontrollers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

viii Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Main Microcontroller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Shared RAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
I/0 Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Keyboard Interface and Activation Inputs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Power Supply Supervisor Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
A/D and D/A Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Waveform Generation (T_ON ASIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
T_ON Average Check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Audio Alarm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
Serial Interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
Dosage Error Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
Instant Response Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
Membrane Keyboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
Power Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
REM Connector/Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
CEM Mechanism Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
Display Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
RF Indicator Lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
REM Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
LED and Seven-Segment Display Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
CEM Switch Circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
Mode Selection and Power Control Switches . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
Footswitch Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
Footswitch Decode Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
Audio Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
Power Supply/RF Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
Power Supply/RF Board Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
High Voltage Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
Low Voltage Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-22
RF Output Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
Spark Control Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26
RF Leakage Reduction Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26
REM Circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27
IsoBloc Circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27
Temperature Sense Circuits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28
Autobipolar Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
80 kHz Signal Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
Tissue Impedance Sense Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual ix

Analog Detection Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-30
Chapter 5. Setup, Tests, and Adjustments
Setting Up the Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Connections for Bipolar or Macrobipolar Surgery. . . . . . . . 5-3
Setting the Bipolar Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Connections for Monopolar Surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
Selecting Cut and Coag Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
Changing the Desiccate Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
Simultaneous Coag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Using Two Generators Simultaneously . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
Connecting the CUSA Handpiece with CEM Nosecone . . 5-10
Setting the Output Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
Simultaneous Coag with a CUSA System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
Changing the Mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
Changing the Power Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
Activating the Surgical Instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
Autobipolar Activation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
Autobipolar Setup Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
Access the Autobipolar Setup Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
Select the Activation Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
Adjust the Activation Delay Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15
Select the Deactivation Impedance Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15
Periodic Safety Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-17
Recommended Test Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18
Inspecting the Generator and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18
Inspecting the Internal Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-20
Testing the Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-21
Verifying REM Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22
Confirming Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23
Checking the Bipolar Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23
Checking Output for the Monopolar Cut Modes . . . . . . . 5-24
Checking Output for the Monopolar Coag Modes . . . . . . 5-25
Checking the Autobipolar Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-25
Checking Low Frequency Leakage Current and Ground Resis-
tance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27
Checking High Frequency Leakage Current . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-28
Calibrating the Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-30
Preparing for Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31
Entering Calibration Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31

x Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Exiting Calibration Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32
Verify the Generator Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-32
Adjust the Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-33
Adjust the Clock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-34
Check and Adjust the REM Oscillator Frequency and Imped-
ance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-34
Check and Adjust the Current Sense Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-35
Check and Adjust the Voltage Sense Gain. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-37
Check and Adjust the Reactance Gain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-40
Checking the Reactance Gain for Monopolar Output . . . 5-41
Check and Adjust the ECON Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-42
Check and Adjust the Autobipolar Oscillator Frequency and
Impedance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-46
Using the RS-232 Serial Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-48
Establish the Communications Link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-48
Enter the Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-49
Disconnect the Computer from the Generator . . . . . . . . . 5-55
Chapter 6. Troubleshooting
Inspecting the Generator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Inspecting the Receptacles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Inspecting the Internal Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
Correcting Malfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Responding to System Alarms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12
Correcting T_ON ASIC Malfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-28
Correcting Battery-Backed RAM Malfunctions . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-30
Chapter 7. Replacement Procedures
Interconnect Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2
Battery Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Control Board Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4
Display Board Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
Remove the Display Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
Install the Display Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
Display Board Seven-Segment LED Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7
Autobipolar Board Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
Fan Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
Footswitch Board Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-9
Front Panel Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
Remove the Front Panel Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-10
Remove and Reinstall the Front Panel Components . . . . . 7-10

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual xi

Install the Front Panel Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Front Panel REM Module Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-12
Front Panel Power Switch Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
Fuse Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
Replacing Fuses in the Fuse Drawer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
Replacing the Fuse on the Power Supply/RF Board . . . . . . 7-15
Left Front Heat Sink and Component Replacement . . . . . . . . 7-16
Remove the Left Front Heat Sink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16
Replace Left Front Heat Sink Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-17
Install the Left Front Heat Sink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-17
Left Rear Heat Sink and Component Replacement . . . . . . . . . 7-18
Remove the Left Rear Heat Sink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-18
Replace Left Rear Heat Sink Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19
Install the Left Rear Heat Sink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19
Right Heat Sink and Component Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20
Remove the Right Heat Sink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-20
Replace Right Heat Sink Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-21
Install the Right Heat Sink. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-22
Low Voltage Power Supply Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23
Remove the Low Voltage Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-23
Install the Low Voltage Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-24
Power Entry Module Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-26
Remove the Power Entry Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-26
Install the Power Entry Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-26
Power Supply/RF Board Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-28
Remove the Power Supply/RF Board Assembly . . . . . . . . . 7-28
Remove Components from the Old Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-29
Install Components on the New Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-30
Install the Power Supply/RF Board Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . 7-31
Chapter 8. Repair Policy and Procedures
Responsibility of the Manufacturer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
Returning the Generator for Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
Obtain a Return Authorization Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2
Clean the Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
Ship the Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
Returning Circuit Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
Technical Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-3
Training/Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-4

xii Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Chapter 9. Service Parts
Ordering Replacement Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2
Generator Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-5
Front Panel Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-7
Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-9
Control Board Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
Autobipolar Board Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10
Display Board Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-13
Footswitch Board Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-16
Power Supply/RF Board Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-19
Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-21
Supply/RF Board Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-24

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual xiii

Chapter 1

This manual provides instructions for servicing the Covidien Force FX

Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS with Instant ResponseTM technology. This chapter
introduces the features and components of the generator and reviews the
precautions associated with generator repair.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 1-1

General Description

General Description
The Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS—also referred to in this manual as Force
FX-8CAS generator—is an isolated output electrosurgical generator that provides the
appropriate power for cutting, desiccating, and fulgurating tissue during bipolar and
monopolar surgery.
It includes the following features:
• Instant Response technology
• Three bipolar modes: precise (low), standard (medium), and macro (macrobipolar)
• Autobipolar mode
• Three monopolar cut modes: low, pure, and blend
• Three monopolar coag modes: desiccate (low), fulgurate (medium), and spray (high)
• Support for simultaneous coagulation
• The Covidien REMTM Contact Quality Monitoring System
• Support for ultrasonic electrosurgery using the CUSA EXcel system and a CUSA

handpiece with a CUSA electrosurgical module (CEM ) nosecone


• Handswitch or footswitch activation

• Recall of most recently used mode and power settings
• Adjustable activation tone volume
• An RF activation port, RS-232 serial port, and expansion port
• ValleylabTM Argon Gas Delivery Unit II compatibility

List of Components
The Force FX-8CAS generator is a self-contained unit, consisting of a main enclosure
(cover and base) and power cord. The main components of the generator are the
• Front panel components—power switch; controls for setting the modes and output
power; a button for recalling the power settings and modes that were used last;
receptacles for connecting electrosurgical accessories; and indicators that alert you to
the current settings and patient return electrode status.
• Rear panel components—volume control; three footswitch receptacles; power entry
module; equipotential grounding lug; and three ports (serial port, RF activation port,
and expansion port).
• Internal components—Control (microcontroller) board; Display board; Footswitch
board; Power Supply/RF board; autobipolar board, low voltage power supply; fan; and
heat sinks.

1-2 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Service Personnel Safety

A handle is located on the underside of the chassis.
For details about the interaction of the main components and circuit board descriptions,
refer to Chapter 4, Principles of Operation.

Service Personnel Safety

Before servicing the generator, it is important that you read, understand, and follow the
instructions supplied with it and with any other equipment used to install, test, adjust, or
repair the generator.

Use the generator only if the self-test has been completed as described. Otherwise, inaccurate
power outputs may result.

The instrument receptacles on this generator are designed to accept only one instrument at a
time. Do not attempt to connect more than one instrument at a time into a given receptacle.
Doing so will cause simultaneous activation of the instruments.

Do not stack equipment on top of the generator or place the generator on top of electrical
equipment (except an Argon Gas Delivery Unit II or a CUSA EXcel unit). These configurations are
unstable and/or do not allow for adequate cooling.

Provide as much distance as possible between the electrosurgical generator and other electronic
equipment (such as monitors). An activated electrosurgical generator may cause interference with

Do not turn the activation tone down to an inaudible level. The activation tone alerts the surgical
team when an accessory is active.

If required by local codes, connect the generator to the hospital equalization connector with an
equipotential cable.

Connect the power cord to a wall receptacle having the correct voltage. Otherwise, product
damage may result.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 1-3

Service Personnel Safety

Active Accessories

Electric Shock Hazard Do not connect wet accessories to the generator.

Electric Shock Hazard Ensure that all accessories and adapters are correctly connected and that
no metal is exposed.

Accessories must be connected to the proper receptacle type. In particular, bipolar accessories
must be connected to the Bipolar Instrument receptacle only. Improper connection may result in
inadvertent generator activation or a REM Contact Quality Monitor alarm.

Set power levels to the lowest setting before testing an accessory

During bipolar electrosurgery, do not activate the generator until the forceps have made contact
with the patient. Product damage may occur.

Patient Return Electrodes

Using a patient return electrode without the REM safety feature will not activate the REM Contact
Quality Monitoring System.

Fire/Explosion Hazards
Danger: Explosion Hazard Do not install the generator in the presence of flammable
anesthetics, gases, liquids, or objects.

Fire Hazard Do not place active accessories near or in contact with flammable materials (such
as gauze or surgical drapes). Electrosurgical accessories that are activated or hot from use can
cause a fire. Use a holster to hold electrosurgical accessories safely away from personnel and
flammable materials.

Fire Hazard Do not use extension cords.

Fire Hazard For continued protection against fire hazard, replace fuses only with fuses of the
same type and rating as the original fuse.

1-4 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Service Personnel Safety

Electric Shock Hazards
Connect the generator power cord to a properly grounded receptacle. Do not use power plug

Do not connect a wet power cord to the generator or to the wall receptacle.

To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at least five minutes before
replacing parts.

Always turn off and unplug the generator before cleaning.

Do not touch any exposed wiring or conductive surfaces while the generator is disassembled and
energized. Never wear a grounding strap when working on an energized generator.

When taking measurements or troubleshooting the generator, take appropriate precautions, such
as using isolated tools and equipment, using the “one hand rule,” etc.

Potentially lethal AC and DC voltages are present in the AC line circuitry, high voltage DC circuitry,
and associated mounting and heat sink hardware described in this manual. They are not isolated
from the AC line. Take appropriate precautions when testing and troubleshooting this area of the

High frequency, high voltage signals that can cause severe burns are present in the RF output
stage and in the associated mounting and heat sink hardware described in this manual. Take
appropriate precautions when testing and troubleshooting this area of the generator.

Read all warnings, cautions, and instructions provided with this generator before servicing.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

After installing a new low voltage power supply, verify that the voltages are correct.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 1-5

Service Personnel Safety

To avoid inadvertent coupling and/or shunting of RF currents around the resistor elements, keep
the resistors at least 4" (10.2 cm) away from any metal surface including tabletops and other
resistors. This is especially true if several resistors are connected in series or parallel to obtain a
specified value. Do not allow the resistor bodies to touch each other

After completing any calibration step, proceed to the next step to save the values from the
completed calibration step.

Do not activate the generator with any load resistor higher than 10 ohms (10 Ω) while calibrating
the current sense gain. Otherwise, product damage will result.

Do not activate the generator with any load resistor lower than 1000 Ω while calibrating the
voltage sense gain for bipolar output. Otherwise, product damage will result.

Do not activate the generator with any load resistor lower than 3000 Ω while calibrating the
voltage sense gain for the Low and Pure cut modes. Do not activate the generator with any load
resistor lower than 2000 Ω while calibrating the voltage sense gain for the Blend mode.
Otherwise, product damage will result.

Do not adjust the current sense gain (I factor), the voltage sense gain (V factor), or the reactance
gain (Z factor) while the generator is activated.

After calibration, the generator will be ready to use only after you initiate the internal self-test by
turning the generator off, then on.

Calibrate the generator after you install a new battery. Calibration values are lost when the
battery is replaced.

Calibrate the generator after you install a new Control board. Otherwise, the default calibration
values are used.

Calibrate the generator after you install a new heat sink or replace components on the heat sink.
Component differences may affect output waveforms.

Calibrate the generator after you install a new Power Supply/RF board. Component differences
may affect output waveforms.

Do not clean the generator with abrasive cleaning or disinfectant compounds, solvents, or other
materials that could scratch the panels or damage the generator.

1-6 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Chapter 2

Controls, Indicators and Receptacles

This chapter describes the front and rear panels, including all controls, indicators,
receptacles, the fuse drawer, and ports.
Front Panel

Front Panel
Layout of controls and indicators on the front panel

Recall Button
Pressing this button sets the
CEM Indicator
generator to the most recently used
REM Alarm
mode and power settings.

Bipolar Controls Cut Controls Coag Controls

Bipolar Instrument Monopolar 2

Receptacle Instrument Receptacle
Monopolar 1/CEM
Instrument Receptacle

Power Switch
Patient Return Electrode
This switch supplies power to the
For monopolar electrosurgery,
connect a patient return
To turn on the generator, press ( | ).
electrode to this receptacle.
To turn off the generator, press (O).

2-2 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Bipolar Controls

Bipolar Controls
Buttons and indicators for bipolar controls
Bipolar Display Bipolar Indicator
Shows the power setting, in When you activate bipolar, this
watts, for the selected mode. indicator illuminates blue and
an activation tone sounds.

Controls, Indicators and

Mode Indicators
Autobipolar Button

Illuminate green
when you press the Select for autobipolar
corresponding mode mode.*

Power Buttons
Press Δ to increase the
Press ∇ to decrease the

Precise Mode Button

Select for fine bipolar
tissue desiccation. Macro Mode Button
Select for macrobipolar output.

Standard Mode Button

Select for standard bipolar tissue
desiccation. This is the default
bipolar mode.

* When this mode is selected, the leftmost Bipolar digit displays either an uppercase
“A” or “P” indicating whether keying is automatic (A) or accomplished through a
footswitch pedal (P).

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 2-3

Bipolar Instrument Receptacle

Bipolar Instrument Receptacle

Connect accessories to the proper receptacle type. In particular, bipolar accessories must be
connected to the Bipolar Instrument receptacle only. Improper connection may result in
inadvertent generator activation or a REM Contact Quality Monitor alarm.

You can connect either a footswitching or handswitching bipolar instrument to the

Bipolar instrument receptacle.
Connect a footswitching instrument with a two-pin connector.

Connect a handswitching instrument with a three-pin connector.

2-4 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Monopolar Cut Controls

Monopolar Cut Controls

Buttons and indicators for cut controls (monopolar)
Cut display Cut indicator
Shows the power setting, in When you activate cut, this
watts, for the selected indicator illuminates yellow and
mode. an activation tone sounds.

Controls, Indicators and

Mode indicators
Illuminate green when
Power buttons

you press the
corresponding mode Press Δ to increase
button. the power.
Press ∇ to decrease
the power.

Low mode button Blend mode button

Select for a cut with little Select for slower cutting and
or no sparking. additional hemostasis.

Pure mode button

Select for an even cut with little or no
hemostasis. This is the default monopolar cut

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 2-5

Monopolar Coag Controls

Monopolar Coag Controls

Buttons and indicators for coag controls (monopolar)
Coag display
Shows the power setting, in Coag indicator
watts, for the selected When you activate coag, this
mode. indicator illuminates blue and
an activation tone sounds.

Mode indicators
Illuminate green when
you press the
corresponding mode Power buttons
button. Press Δ to increase
the power.
Press ∇ to decrease
the power.

Spray mode button

Desiccate mode button Select to evenly coagulate a
Select to desiccate the area of wide area of tissue with a spray
tissue that is in direct contact of sparks; penetration is
with the active electrode. shallower and tissue area is
larger than in fulgurate mode.

Fulgurate mode button

Select to fulgurate an area of tissue with a spray of
This unit is equipped with an additional fulgurate
mode which incorporates a lower crest factor (LCF)
than the factory default fulgurate mode. For details
about this additional fulgurate mode, LCF Fulgurate,
refer to Chapter 4, Before Surgery, in the Force FX
Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS User’s Guide.
Fulgurate is the default monopolar coag mode.
However, the default coag mode can be changed to
either Desiccate or Spray through the serial port on
the rear panel.

2-6 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Monopolar Instrument Receptacles

Monopolar Instrument Receptacles

The instrument receptacles on this generator are designed to accept only one instrument at a
time. Do not attempt to connect more than one instrument at a time into a given receptacle.
Doing so will cause simultaneous activation of the instruments.

You can connect a footswitching or handswitching monopolar instrument to the

monopolar receptacles. Some footswitching instruments may require a single-pin adapter
(E0502 Series) or E0017, available from Covidien.

Controls, Indicators and

Connect one monopolar instrument to the Monopolar 1/CEM Instrument receptacle:

A single-pin footswitching instrument or a three-pin handswitching instrument
A four-pin CUSA handpiece with CEM nosecone. (The CEM indicator in the upper right
of the front panel illuminates green.) Refer to Chapter 4, Connecting the CUSA
Handpiece with CEM Nosecone, in the Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS User’s
Connect one monopolar instrument to the Monopolar 2 Instrument receptacle:

• A single-pin footswitching instrument or a three-pin handswitching instrument.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 2-7

REM Alarm Indicator

REM Alarm Indicator

This indicator illuminates red until you properly apply a REM Polyhesive patient return

electrode to the patient and connect it to the generator. Then the indicator illuminates
green. (When you connect an electrode without the REM safety feature, the indicator
does not illuminate.)

If the REM system senses an alarm condition, the indicator flashes red until you correct
the alarm condition—then the indicator illuminates green. (If you are using a return
electrode without the REM safety feature, the red indicator light is extinguished when
you correct the alarm condition.)

2-8 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Rear Panel

Rear Panel
Controls and receptacles on the rear panel

Power entry module

Volume control

Controls, Indicators and

Monopolar Footswitch Bipolar Footswitch
receptacles receptacle
Option panel
Equipotential grounding lug
Use to connect the generator to
earth ground.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 2-9

Footswitch Receptacles

Footswitch Receptacles
The rear panel contains three footswitch receptacles: two for monopolar and one for

Monopolar Footswitch Receptacles

You must connect a monopolar footswitch if you connect a monopolar footswitching
instrument to the generator.
Use only a Valleylab monopolar footswitch with the Force FX-8CAS generator. Use of an
incompatible footswitch may cause unexpected output.
Connect a two-pedal Valleylab monopolar footswitch to the Monopolar 1 Footswitch

The connected footswitch activates monopolar output for the instrument that is
connected to the Monopolar 1/CEM Instrument receptacle on the front panel.
Connect a two-pedal monopolar footswitch to the Monopolar 2 Footswitch receptacle.

The connected footswitch activates monopolar output for the instrument that is
connected to the Monopolar 2 Instrument receptacle on the front panel.

Bipolar Footswitch Receptacle

You must connect a bipolar footswitch if you connect a bipolar footswitching instrument
to the generator.
Connect a single-pedal bipolar footswitch to the Bipolar Footswitch receptacle.

The connected footswitch activates bipolar output for the instrument that is connected
to the Bipolar Instrument receptacle on the front panel.

2-10 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Power Entry Module

Power Entry Module

Components in the power entry module
The power entry module consists of a power cord receptacle and a fuse drawer.

Fuse drawer
The fuse drawer contains two fuses. Refer
to Fuse Replacement on page 7-14, for
instructions on changing the fuses.

Controls, Indicators and

Power cord receptacle

Activation Tone Volume Control
Turn to adjust the volume of the tones that sound when the generator is activated
(activation tone). To ensure that the surgical team is alerted to inadvertent activation,
these tones cannot be silenced.

To increase the volume of activation tones, turn the knob clockwise.

To decrease the volume, turn the knob counterclockwise.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 2-11

Option Panel

Option Panel
A removable plate on the rear panel covers a serial port, an expansion port, and an RF
activation port. Remove this plate to obtain information through the RS-232 port or to
install a peripheral device such as a Bipolar Current Monitor, but retain the original cover
plate. After obtaining information or removing a peripheral device, reinstall the original
cover plate.
To avoid product damage, do not operate the Force FX-8CAS generator without an appropriate
cover plate in place.

To review the technical specifications for each port, refer to Chapter 3, Technical
The three ports behind the option panel
Expansion port
Allows a connected device to receive information
about the RF voltage and current being generated
as well as signal the generator to halt RF output.

Serial port RF Activation port

Allows connection of a computer to the generator. You Allows a connected device to
can obtain information about the generator using RS- receive information during RF
232 communications protocol or change the default activation of the generator, which
coag mode from Fulgurate to Desiccate or Spray. Refer will then generate a response in
to Using the RS-232 Serial Port on page 5-48 for the device.

2-12 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Chapter 3
Technical Specifications

All specifications are nominal and subject to change without notice. A

specification referred to as “typical” is within ± 20% of a stated value at room
temperature (77° F/25° C) and a nominal input power voltage.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-1

Performance Characteristics

Performance Characteristics


Output configuration Isolated output

Cooling Natural convection; side and rear panel vents; fan

Display Nine digital seven-segment displays: 0.75" (1.9 cm)


Mounting Covidien cart (UC8009), CUSA EXcel System, an

Argon Gas Delivery Unit II, or any stable flat surface

Dimensions and Weight

Width 14" (35.6 cm)

Depth 18" (45.7 cm)

Height 4 3/8" (11.1 cm)

Weight <18 lb (< 8.2 kg)

Operating Parameters

Ambient temperature 50° to 104° F (10° to 40° C)


Relative humidity 30% to 75%, noncondensing

Atmospheric pressure 700 to 1060 millibars

Warm-up time If transported or stored at temperatures outside the

operating temperature range, allow one hour for the
generator to reach room temperature before use.

3-2 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Performance Characteristics

Transport and Storage

Ambient temperature -40° to 158° F (-40° to 70° C)


Relative humidity 25% to 85%, noncondensing

Atmospheric pressure 500 to 1060 millibars

Duration of storage If stored longer than one year, the battery must be
replaced and a full checkout, including calibration,
must be completed before use. For instructions, refer
to Chapter 5, Setup, Tests, and Adjustments.

Duty Cycle
Under maximum power settings and rated load conditions (Pure cut, 300 watt setting,
300 Ω load) the generator is suitable for activation times of 10 seconds on, 30 seconds
off for one hour.
If the internal temperature of the generator is too high, an alarm tone sounds and a
number (451) flashes in the Cut display alternately with the power settings. You can
activate the generator and change the power settings while this condition exists.

Technical Specifications

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-3

Performance Characteristics

Internal Memory

Nonvolatile SRAM and A nonvolatile SRAM stores calibration parameters,

Battery-backed RTC statistical data, power-on settings, and memory
Memory settings on power-down. It is also used for general,
temporary data storage by the main microcontroller.
The RTC memory that is used to maintain the time of
day and date has 114 bytes of nonvolatile battery-
backed RAM that is used as a secondary backup for all
the calibration data, power-on settings, and memory
settings stored in the NVSRAM.
Battery type: 3 V lithium button cell
Battery life: 5 years

Storage capacity One configuration, including three power settings and

three mode settings
The last 20 error codes detected by the generator
The number of times and length of activation for each
The average power setting used for each mode
The total time the generator is on
Other service-related information.

3-4 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Performance Characteristics

Audio Volume
The audio levels stated below are for activation tones (bipolar, cut, and coag) and alarm
tones (REM and system alarms) at a distance of one meter. Alarm tones meet the
requirements for IEC 60601-2-2.

Activation Tone

Volume (adjustable) 45 to ≥ 65 dBA

Frequency Bipolar: 940 Hz

Cut: 660 Hz
Coag: 940 Hz
Simultaneous Coag: 940 Hz for 400 ms & 660 Hz for
100 ms

Duration Continuous while the generator is activated

Alarm Tone

Volume (not ≥ 65 dBA


Technical Specifications
Frequency 660 Hz

Duration 250 to 500 ms

REM Contact Quality Monitor

REM current is measured according to IEC 60601-1, Ed. 1988, Figure 15.

Measurement 80 kHz ± 10 kHz


Measurement current < 10 μA

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-5

Performance Characteristics

Acceptable Resistance Range

REM resistance measurements are ± 10% during RF activation and ± 5% when RF output
is not activated.
REM Polyhesive patient return electrode: 5 to 135 Ω or up to a 40% increase in the initial
measured contact resistance (whichever is less).
Patient return electrode without the REM safety feature (single section electrode): 0 to
20 Ω.
If the measured resistance is outside the acceptable range(s) noted above, a REM fault
condition occurs.

REM Alarm Activation

REM Polyhesive patient return electrode: When the measured resistance exceeds the
standard range of safe resistance (below 5 ΩΩ or above 135 Ω) or when the initial
measured contact resistance increases by 40% (whichever is less), the REM Alarm
indicator flashes red, a tone sounds twice, and RF output is disabled. The indicator
remains illuminated red until you correct the condition causing the alarm. Then, the
indicator illuminates green and RF output is enabled.
Patient return electrode without the REM safety feature: When the measured
resistance between the patient return electrode pins exceeds 20 Ω, the REM Alarm
indicator flashes red, a tone sounds twice, and RF output is disabled. The indicator
remains illuminated red until you correct the condition causing the alarm. Then, the red
indicator is extinguished and RF output is enabled.

Serial Port
RS-232 compatible; 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.

9-pin connector Pin 2–isolated transmit

supports the (serial data output transmit line)
following signals
Pin 3–isolated receive
(serial data input receive line)
Pin 5–isolated ground
(reference for transmit and receive).

3-6 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Performance Characteristics

RF Activation Port
The RF activation port is a subminiature telephone jack attached to the contacts of a
small relay. The contacts are closed when the output is energized and open at all other
times. This port provides a means to tell other equipment that RF current is being
generated. This may be useful when making EEG or ECG measurements.

Expansion Port

15-pin connector; • Pin 2–isolated transmit

supports the (serial data output transmit line)
following signals
• Pin 3–isolated receive
(serial data input receive line)
• Pin 5–isolated ground
(reference for transmit and receive)
• Pin 9–RF disable: input signal which, when activated
by an external device, disables active RF output
• Pin 10–RF current: output signal proportional to
active RF current
• Pin 11–RF voltage: output signal proportional to
active RF voltage.

Expansion power + 5 V (pin 6),-12 V (pin 14), + 12 V (pin 15), and

Technical Specifications
(from the low voltage ground (pins 12 & 13)
power supply)

Low Frequency (50–60 Hz) Leakage Current

Enclosure source < 300 μA

current, ground open

Source current, Normal polarity, intact ground: < 10 μA

patient leads, all
Normal polarity, ground open: < 50 μA
Reverse polarity, ground open: < 50 μA

Sink current at high < 20 μA

line, all inputs

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-7

Performance Characteristics

High Frequency (RF) Leakage Current

Bipolar RF leakage < 60 mArms


Monopolar RF leakage < 150 mArms

(additional tolerance)

CEM output modes < 150 mArms at ≤ 50 W

Input Power
100–120 Volt 220–240 Volt

Maximum VA at nominal line Voltage: Maximum VA at nominal line Voltage:

Idle: 52 VA Idle: 52 VA
Bipolar: 450 VA Bipolar: 450 VA
Cut: 924 VA Cut: 924 VA
Coag: 530 VA Coag: 530 VA

Input mains voltage, operating range: Input mains voltage, operating range:
90–132 Vac 208–264 Vac

Mains current (maximum): Mains current (maximum):

Idle: 0.4 A Idle: 0.2 A
Bipolar: 2.0 A Bipolar: 1.0 A
Cut: 7.0 A Cut: 3.5 A
Coag: 4.0 A Coag: 2.0 A

Mains line frequency range (nominal): Mains line frequency range (nominal):
50 to 60 Hz 50 to 60 Hz

Fuses (2): F8 A Fuses (2): T4 A

Power cord: 3-prong hospital grade Power cord: 3-prong locally approved
connector connector

3-8 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Performance Characteristics

Power Cord Specification

This unit was equipped from the factory with either a 110VAC hospital grade NEMA 5-15
power cord or a 220VAC CEE7/7 power cord. Should the AC power cord need to be
replaced to match another plug configuration, the replacement plug/cable/receptacle
configuration must meet or exceed the following specifications:

100-120 VAC
Cable - SJT16/3, IEC color code, maximum length 15 ft (5 m)
Plug - minimum 10 A - 125 VAC
Unit receptacle - IEC female, minimum 10 A - 25 VAC

220-240 VAC
Cable - H05VVF3G1.0 VDE, maximum length 15’ (5 meters)
Plug - minimum 6 A - 250VAC
Unit receptacle - IEC female, minimum 6 A - 250VAC

Technical Specifications

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-9

Standards and IEC Classifications

Standards and IEC Classifications

Front Panel

Symbol Definition Reference

Read data from store

ISO 7000-1026

Recall button

Consult instructions for use ISO 7000-1641

Indicates the operating instructions should be considered

when operating the device

Caution ISO 7000-0434A

Indicates that caution is necessary when operating the
device, or to indicate that the current situation needs
operator awareness or operator action in order to avoid
undesirable consequences

"ON" (power) IEC 60417-5007

"OFF" (power) IEC 60417-5008

Defibrillation-proof type CF applied part IEC 60417-5336

C= cardiac
F= floating applied part

Electrosurgery, cutting mode

Low cutting mode IEC 60417-5780

Pure cutting mode

3-10 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Standards and IEC Classifications

Symbol Definition Reference

Electrosurgery, blended cutting mode

IEC 60417-5781

Blend cutting mode

Electrosurgery, coagulation mode

Desiccate coagulation mode IEC 60417-5782

Fulgurate coagulation mode

Electrosurgery, spray coagulation mode

Technical Specifications
IEC 60417-5783
Spray coagulation mode

Electrosurgery, bipolar coagulation mode

IEC 60417-5784

Bipolar mode

Caution, risk of electric shock IEC 60417-6042

HF isolated patient circuit IEC 60601-2-2

IEC 1193/06

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-11

Standards and IEC Classifications

Symbol Definition Reference

Monopolar 1/CEM instrument receptacle

Monopolar 2 instrument receptacle

Patient return electrode receptacle

For monopolar electrosurgery, connect a patient return

electrode to this receptacle

REM alarm indicator

Rear Panel

Symbol Definition Reference

Caution ISO 7000-0434A

Indicates that caution is necessary when operating the
device, or to indicate that the current situation needs
operator awareness or operator action in order to avoid
undesirable consequences

Non-anesthetic proof

ISO 7000-1364
To identify the control by means of which a quantity is
increased or decreased

Loudspeaker IEC 60417-5080

Volume Control

3-12 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Standards and IEC Classifications

Symbol Definition Reference

Date of manufacture IEC 7000-2497

Indicates the date when the medical device was


Manufacturer ISO 7000-3082

Indicates the medical device manufacturer, as defined in

European Council Directives 90/385/EEC, 93/42/EEC, and

Catalogue number ISO 7000-2493

Indicates the manufacturer’s catalogue number so that the

medical device can be identified

Serial number ISO 7000-2498

Indicates a serial number so that a specific medical device

can be identified

Authorized representative in the European community ISO 15223 5.1.2

Indicates the authorized representative in the European


Technical Specifications
IEC 60417-5016

Equipotential ground IEC 60417-5021

Alternating current IEC 60417-5032

Not to be used in residential areas IEC 60417-5109

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-13

Standards and IEC Classifications

Symbol Definition Reference


IEC 60417-5114

Monopolar footswitch


IEC 60417-5114
Bipolar footswitch

Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation IEC 60417-5140

General limits IEC 60417-5649

10 sec.

To identify the activation time duty cycle (10 seconds ON,

30 sec.
30 seconds OFF)

Caution, risk of electric shock IEC 60417-6042

WEEE (Waste from electrical and electronic equipment) WEEE directive

Dispose of electrical and electronic equipment in

compliance with local regulations

ETL Listed mark: Medical Electrical Equipment, Systems, & ETL-Intertek


Rx only FDA

Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on

the order of a (licensed healthcare practitioner)

3-14 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Standards and IEC Classifications

Symbol Definition Reference


Russian approval

CE marking

Not made with natural rubber latex

Inside Enclosure

Symbol Definition Reference

Caution ISO 7000-0434A

Indicates that caution is necessary when operating the
device, or to indicate that the current situation needs
operator awareness or operator action in order to avoid
undesirable consequences

Technical Specifications
Protective earth ground IEC 60417-5019

Caution, risk of electric shock IEC 60417-6042

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-15

Standards and IEC Classifications

Shipping Box

Symbol Definition Reference

Temperature limit
ISO 7000-0632
Indicates the temperature limits to which the medical
limit device can be safely exposed

Humidity limitation ISO 7000-2620

Indicates the range of humidity to which the medical

device can be safely exposed

Rx only FDA

Caution: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on

the order of a (licensed healthcare practitioner)


Russian approval

CE marking

Not made with natural rubber latex

Date of manufacture IEC 7000-2497

Indicates the date when the medical device was


Manufacturer ISO 7000-3082

Indicates the medical device manufacturer, as defined in

European Council Directives 90/385/EEC, 93/42/EEC, and

Catalogue number ISO 7000-2493

Indicates the manufacturer’s catalogue number so that the

medical device can be identified

3-16 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Standards and IEC Classifications

Symbol Definition Reference

Serial number ISO 7000-2498

Indicates a serial number so that a specific medical device

can be identified

Authorized representative in the European community ISO 15223 5.1.2

Indicates the authorized representative in the European


Consult instructions for use ISO 7000-1641

Consult Indicates the operating instructions should be considered

for use when operating the device

Class I Equipment (IEC 60601-1)

Accessible conductive parts cannot become live in the event of a basic insulation failure
because of the way in which they are connected to the protective earth conductor.

Type CF Equipment (IEC 60601-1)/Defibrillator Proof

Technical Specifications
The Force FX-8CAS generator provides a high degree of protection against
electric shock, particularly regarding allowable leakage currents.It is type CF
isolated (floating) output and may be used for procedures involving the
The Force FX-8CAS generator patient return electrode terminal is protected
from defibrillator discharge according to ANSI/AAMI HF18 and IEC 60601-

Liquid Spillage
The Force FX-8CAS generator enclosure is constructed so that liquid spillage in normal
use does not wet electrical insulation or other components which when wetted are likely
to adversely affect the safety of the equipment.

Electromagnetic Interference
When placed on or beneath an activated Covidien electrosurgical generator, the
Force FX-8CAS generator operates without interference. The generator minimizes
electromagnetic interference to video equipment used in the operating room.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-17

Standards and IEC Classifications

Electromagnetic Compatibility
The Force FX-8CAS generator complies with the appropriate IEC 60601-1-2 and
IEC 60601-2-2 specifications regarding electromagnetic compatibility.
The Force FX-8CAS generator should not be used adjacent to or stacked with equipment other
than specified in the Force FX-8CAS User Guide and Service Manual. If adjacent or stacked use is
necessary, the Force FX-8CAS generator should be observed to verify normal operation in the
configuration in which it will be used.

The Force FX-8CAS generator intentionally applies RF energy for diagnosis or treatment during
activation. Observe other electronic medical equipment in the vicinity during the Force FX-8CAS
generator activation for any possible adverse electromagnetic effects. Ensure adequate separation
of electronic medical equipment based on observed reactions.

3-18 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Standards and IEC Classifications

Cables Used for the Force FX EMC Test

Force FX EMC Test—Cables Used

Model Function Length Location

207002060 AC cable 15 ft. Rear panel

Multicontact Part Number: Equipotential cable 15 ft. Rear panel


E2450HDBNSB Two-button pencil 15 ft. Front panel mono 1

E2450HDBNSB Two-button pencil 15 ft. Front panel mono 2

E7507DB Adult REM pad 15 ft. Front panel REM

E0020V / E4073CT Foot switching bipolar 15 ft. Front panel bipolar

cord / bayonet forceps

E6019 Dome bipolar footswitch 15 ft. Rear panel bipolar

E6008B Monopolar footswitch 15 ft. Rear panel mono 1

E6008B Monopolar footswitch 15 ft. Rear panel mono 2

Technical Specifications
VLCM Bipolar current monitor 24 ft. Rear panel

EA3730 EKG blanking cable 5 ft. Rear panel

Warning: The use of accessories, other than specified in the Force FX-8CAS User’s Guide and
Service Manual, may result in increased emissions or decreased immunity of the Force FX-8CAS
Only the use of Covidien-branded monopolar cables and accessories, bipolar cables and
accessories, and footswitches are approved for use with the Force FX generator. Use of non-
Covidien-branded cables and accessories have not been assessed and therefore do not comply
with the safety and EMC requirements of IEC 60601-1, IEC 60601-1-2, and/ or IEC 60601-2-2.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-19

Standards and IEC Classifications

Voltage Transients (Emergency Generator Mains Transfer)

The Force FX-8CAS generator operates in a safe manner when the transfer is made
between line AC and an emergency generator voltage source.

Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic emissions

The Force FX-8CAS generator is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
below. The customer or the user of the Force FX-8CAS generator should ensure that it is used in
such an environment.

Emissions test Compliance Electromagnetic

environment - guidance

RF emissions Group 1 The Force FX-8CAS generator

CISPR 11 uses RF energy only for its
internal function. Therefore,
its RF emissions are very low
and are not likely to cause any
interference in nearby
electronic equipment.

RF emissions Class A The Force FX-8CAS generator

CISPR 11 is suitable for use in all
establishments other than
Harmonic emissions Class A domestic and those directly
IEC 61000-3-2 connected to the public low-
voltage power supply network
Voltage fluctuations/ flicker Complies that supplies buildings used
emissions IEC61000-3-3 for domestic purposes.

3-20 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Standards and IEC Classifications

Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic immunity

The Force FX-8CAS generator is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
below. The customer or the user of the Force FX-8CAS generator should ensure that it is used in
such an environment.

Immunity test IEC 60601 Compliance Electromagnetic environment -

test level level guidance

Electrostatic +/-6 kV +/-6 kV Floors should be wood, concrete

discharge (ESD) contact contact or ceramic tile. If floors are covered
IEC 61000-4-2 with synthetic material, the relative
+/-8 kV air +/-8 kV air
humidity should be at least 30%.

Electrical fast +/-2 kV for +/-2 kV for Mains power quality should be
transient/burst IEC power supply power supply that of a typical commercial or
61000-4-4 lines lines hospital environment.
+/-1 kV for +/-1 kV for
input/output input/output
lines lines

Surge +/-1 kV +/-1 kV Mains power quality should be

IEC 61000-4-5 differential differential that of a typical commercial or
mode mode hospital environment.
+/-2 kV +/-2 kV

Technical Specifications
common common
mode mode

Voltage dips, short <5% Ut <5% Ut Mains power quality should be

interruptions and (>95% dip in (>95% dip in that of a typical commercial or
voltage variations on Ut) for 0,5 Ut) for 0,5 hospital environment. If the user of
power supply input cycle cycle the Force FX-8CAS generator
lines requires continued operation
40% Ut 40% Ut
IEC 61000-4-11 during power mains interruptions,
(>60% dip in (>60% dip in
it is recommended that the Force
Ut) for 5 Ut) for 5 cycles
FX-8CAS generator be powered
70% Ut from an uninterruptible power
70% Ut (>30% dip in supply or a battery.
(>30% dip in Ut) for 25
Ut) for 25 cycles
<5% Ut
<5% Ut (>95% dip in
(>95% dip in Ut) for 5 sec
Ut) for 5 sec

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-21

Standards and IEC Classifications

Power frequency (50/ 3 A/m 3 A/m Power frequency magnetic fields

60 Hz) magnetic field should be at levels characteristic of
IEC 61000-4-8 a typical location in a typical
commercial or hospital

NOTE: Ut is the a.c. mains voltage prior to the application of the test level.

3-22 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Standards and IEC Classifications

Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic immunity

The Force FX-8CAS generator is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified
below. The customer or the user of the Force FX-8CAS generator should ensure that it is used in
such an environment.

Immunity test IEC 60601 test Compliance Electromagnetic environment

level level - guidance

Portable and mobile RF

communications equipment
should be used no closer to any
part of the Force FX-8CAS
generator, including cables, than
the recommended separation
distance calculated from the
equation applicable to the
frequency of the transmitter.

Conducted RF 3 Vrms 7V Recommended separation

IEC 61000-4-6 150KHz to 80MHz distance

Radiated RF 3 V/m 7 V/m d=0.5√P 80MHz to 800MHz

IEC 61000-4-3 80MHz to 2.5GHz d=√P 800MHz to 2.5GHz

Technical Specifications
Where P is the maximum output
power rating of the transmitter
in watts (W) according to the
transmitter manufacturer and d
is the recommended separation
distance in meters (m).
Field strengths from fixed RF
transmitters, as determined by
an electromagnetic site survey,
should be less than the
compliance level in each
frequency range.
Interference may occur in the
vicinity of equipment marked
with the following symbol:

NOTE 1 At a 80MHz and 800MHz, the higher frequency range applies.

NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is
affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-23

Standards and IEC Classifications

a. Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless)
telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV
broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic
environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be considered.
If the measured field strength in the location in which the Force FX-8CAS generator is used
exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the Force FX-8CAS generator should be
observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures
may be necessary, such as reorienting or relocating the Force FX-8CAS generator.
b. Over the frequency range 150kHz to 80MHz, field strengths should be less than 7V/m.

Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF communication

equipment and the Force FX-8CAS Generator

The Force FX-8CAS generator is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which
radiated RF disturbances are controlled. The Customer or the user of the Force FX-8CAS
generator can help prevent electromagnetic interferences by maintaining a minimum distance
between portable and mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the Force FX-
8CAS generator as recommended below, according to the maximum output power of the
communications equipment.

Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter (m)

Rated maximum
output power of 150 kHz to 80MHz 80MHz to 800MHz 800MHz to 2.5GHz
transmitter (W) d=0.5√P d=0.5√P d=√P

0.01 0.05 m 0.05 m 0.1 m

0.1 0.16 m 0.16 m 0.32 m

1 0.5 m 0.5 m 1m

10 1.6 m 1.6 m 3.2 m

100 5m 5m 10 m

For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended
separation distance d in meters (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the
frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the transmitter in
watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.

NOTE 1 At a 80MHz and 800MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency range
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation is
affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.

3-24 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Characteristics

Output Characteristics
Power Efficiency Rating (PER) = 98*

Maximum Output for Bipolar and Monopolar Modes

Power readouts agree with actual power into rated load to within 15% or 5 W,
whichever is greater.

Open Circuit Open Circuit Rated Power Crest

Mode Peak Voltage P-P Voltage Load (max) Factor+
(max) (max) (max)

Precise 230 V 450 V 100 Ω 70 W 1.5
Standard 170 V 320 V 100 Ω 70 W 1.5
Macro 430 V 750 V 100 Ω 70 W 1.5

Low 770 V 1350 V 300 Ω 300 W 1.5
Pure 1400 V 2300 V 300 Ω 300 W 1.5
Blend 1710 V 3300 V 300 Ω 200 W 2.5

Technical Specifications
Desiccate 1 2500 V 3500 V 500 Ω 120 W 5.0
Desiccate 2 575 V 1000 V 300 Ω 120 W 1.5
Desiccate 3 685 V 1200 V 300 Ω 120 W 1.5
Fulgurate 5000 V 8500 V 500 Ω 120 W 7.0
LCF 3660 V 6900 V 500 Ω 120 W 5.5
Spray 5550 V 9000 V 500 Ω 120 W 8.0

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-25

Output Characteristics

Maximum Output for Ultrasonic Electrosurgery

Open Circuit P-P Rated Load Power (max) Crest Factor+
Mode Voltage (max) (max)

Monopolar Cut
Low 1000 V 300 Ω 100 W 1.5

Monopolar Coag 3500 V 500 Ω 70 W 5.0

* Power Efficiency Rating indicates the ability of an electrosurgical generator to deliver

the selected power over a wide range of tissue impedances. PER value is approximate.
+ An indication of a waveform’s ability to coagulate bleeders without a cutting effect

Available Power Settings in Watts

Bipolar and Autobipolar (all modes)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

45 50 55 60 65 70

3-26 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Characteristics

Monopolar Cut: Low and Pure

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

95 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280

290 300

Monopolar Cut: Blend

Technical Specifications
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

95 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180

190 200

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-27

Output Characteristics

Monopolar Coag

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

95 100 110 120


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90

95 100

3-28 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Characteristics

CEM Coag

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

45 50 55 60 65 70

Output Waveforms
Instant Response technology, an automatic adjustment, controls all bipolar modes and all
cut modes. It does not control the coag modes because of their fulguration capabilities.
As tissue resistance increases from zero, the generator outputs constant current followed
by constant power followed by constant voltage. The maximum output voltage is
controlled to reduce capacitive coupling and video interference and to minimize sparking.


Technical Specifications
Precise 470 kHz sinusoid

Standard 470 kHz sinusoid

Macro 470 kHz sinusoid

Monopolar Cut

Low 390 kHz sinusoid. Similar to the Pure cut mode except
the maximum voltage is limited to a lower value.

Pure 390 kHz sinusoid

Blend 390 kHz bursts of sinusoid, recurring at 27 kHz

intervals. 50% duty cycle.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-29

Output Characteristics

Monopolar Coag

Desiccate 1 240 kHz sinusoid repeated at 39 kHz. 8% duty cycle

Desiccate 2 390 kHz sinusoid

Desiccate 3 390 kHz sinusoid

Fulgurate 470 kHz damped sinusoidal bursts with a repetition

frequency of 30 kHz into 500 Ω

LCF Fulgurate 470 kHz damped sinusoidal bursts with a repetition

frequency of 57 kHz into 500 Ω

Spray 390 kHz sinusoidal bursts with a randomized

repetition centered at 28 kHz. Frequencies include
21 kHz < f < 35 kHz. Output is further modulated by a
random 250 Hz envelope with a variable duty cycle.

3-30 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

The graphs that follow depict the changes for each mode at specific power settings.
Note: These curves represent the lower and upper limits of output power with tolerance
included. The normal output power will be halfway between these two curves.

Bipolar Graphs
The insulating surface described in IEC 60601-2-2 was used to obtain the bipolar output

Precise Bipolar Mode

Output power vs. impedance for Precise bipolar 35W mode
Output Power (watts)

Technical Specifications
Load Resistance (ohms)

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-31

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. impedance for Precise bipolar 70W mode

Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Open circuit peak voltage vs. output power for Precise bipolar mode
Open Circuit Peak Voltage (volts)

Output Power (watts)

3-32 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. generator settings Precise bipolar mode

Output Power (watts)

Generator Setting

Standard Bipolar Mode

Output power vs. impedance for Standard bipolar 35W mode

Technical Specifications
Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-33

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. impedance for Standard bipolar 70W mode

Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Note: In the Bipolar Standard mode only, the power curve will reflect both High and Low
output values between the impedance range of 475-600 ohms. This is based on the
sensed impedance value the generator calculates, and the tolerances of the sensing
circuits. This is a function of the generator, as the software is designed to reduce (switch
to Low output) the output power when the impedance exceeds a reference (475-600
ohms impedance) level. Clinically, above 475 ohms the tissue is almost completely
desiccated. By dropping to lower output power levels, we allow the surgeon sufficient
time to deactivate the output before tissue sticking occurs.

Open circuit peak voltage vs. output power for Standard bipolar mode
Open Circuit Peak Voltage (volts)

Output Power (watts)

3-34 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. generator settings Standard bipolar mode

Output Power (watts)

Generator Setting

Macrobipolar Mode
Output power vs. impedance for Macrobipolar 35W mode

Technical Specifications
Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-35

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. impedance for Macrobipolar 70W mode

Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Open circuit peak voltage vs. output power for Macrobipolar mode
Open Circuit Peak Voltage (volts)

Output Power (watts)

3-36 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. generator settings Macrobipolar mode

Output Power (watts)

Generator Setting

Monopolar Cut Graphs

These measurements were taken using short (< 0.5 meter) leads.

Technical Specifications
Low Cut Mode
Output power vs. impedance for Low cut 150W mode
Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-37

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. impedance for Low cut 300W mode

Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Open circuit peak voltage vs. output power for Low cut mode
Open Circuit Peak Voltage (volts)

Output Power (watts)

3-38 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. generator settings Low cut mode

Output Power (watts)

Generator Setting

Pure Cut Mode

Output power vs. impedance for Pure cut 150W mode

Technical Specifications
Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-39

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. impedance for Pure cut 300W mode

Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Open circuit peak voltage vs. output power for Pure cut mode
Open Circuit Peak Voltage (volts)

Output Power (watts)

3-40 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. generator settings Pure cut mode

Output Power (watts)

Generator Setting

Blend Cut Mode

Output power vs. impedance for Blend cut 100W mode

Technical Specifications
Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-41

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. impedance for Blend cut 200W mode

Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Open circuit peak voltage vs. output power for Blend cut mode
Open Circuit Peak Voltage (volts)

Output Power (watts)

3-42 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. generator settings Blend cut mode

Output Power (watts)

Generator Setting

Monopolar Coag Graphs

These measurements were taken using short (< 0.5 meter) leads.

Technical Specifications
Desiccate 1 Coag Mode
Output power vs. impedance for Desiccate 1 coag 60W mode
Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-43

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. impedance for Desiccate 1 coag 120W mode

Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Open circuit peak voltage vs. output power for Desiccate 1 coag mode
Open Circuit Peak Voltage (volts)

Output Power (watts)

3-44 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. generator settings Desiccate 1 coag mode

Output Power

Generator Setting

Desiccate 2 Coag Mode

Output power vs. impedance for Desiccate 2 coag 60W mode

Technical Specifications
Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-45

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. impedance for Desiccate 2 coag 120W mode

Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Open circuit peak voltage vs. output power for Desiccate 2 coag mode
Open Circuit Peak Voltage (volts)

Output Power (watts)

3-46 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. generator settings Desiccate 2 coag mode

Output Power (watts)

Generator Setting

Desiccate 3 Coag Mode

Output power vs. impedance for Desiccate 3 coag 60W mode

Technical Specifications
Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-47

Output power vs. impedance for Desiccate 3 coag 120W mode

Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Open circuit peak voltage vs. output power for Desiccate 3 coag mode
Open Circuit Peak Voltage (volts)

Output Power (watts)

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. generator settings Desiccate 3 coag mode

Output Power (watts)

Generator Setting

Fulgurate Coag Mode

Output power vs. impedance for Fulgurate coag 60W mode

Technical Specifications
Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-49

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. impedance for Fulgurate coag 120W mode

Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Output power vs. peak voltage Fulgurate coag mode

Open Circuit Peak Voltage (volts)

Output Power (watts)

3-50 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. generator settings Fulgurate coag mode

Output Power (watts)

Generator Setting

LCF Fulgurate Coag Mode

Output power vs. impedance for LCF Fulgurate coag 60W mode

Technical Specifications
Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-51

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. impedance for LCF Fulgurate coag 120W mode

Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Output power vs. peak voltage LCF Fulgurate mode

Open Circuit Peak Voltage (volts)

Output Power (watts)

3-52 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. generator settings LCF Fulgurate mode

Output Power (watts)

Generator Setting

Spray Coag Mode

Output power vs. impedance Spray coag 60W mode

Technical Specifications
Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-53

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. impedance Spray coag 120W mode

Output Power (watts)

Load Resistance (ohms)

Output power vs. peak voltage Spray coag mode

Open Circuit Peak Voltage (volts)

Output Power (watts)

3-54 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Output Power vs. Resistance Graphs

Output power vs. generator settings Spray coag mode

Output Power (watts)

Generator Setting

Technical Specifications

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 3-55

Chapter 4
Principles of Operation

This chapter provides detailed information about how the Force FX-8CAS
Electrosurgical Generator functions and how the internal components interact.

The circuitry resides on four printed circuit boards: The circuitry resides on five
printed circuit boards: the Control board, the Autobipolar board, the Display
board, the Footswitch board, and the Power Supply/RF board.

This chapter includes the following information:

• A block diagram that illustrates how the generator functions

• A general description of how the generator works
• Detailed descriptions of the circuitry for each printed circuit board

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-1

Block Diagram

Block Diagram
A diagram of generator interconnections

4-2 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Functional Overview

Functional Overview
The Force FX-8CAS generator is specifically designed to cut and coagulate (desiccate and
fulgurate) tissue during bipolar or monopolar electrosurgery.
During electrosurgery, RF current flows from the generator to an active electrode, which
delivers the current to the patient. The resistance to the current, provided by the patient’s
tissue and/or the air between the active electrode and the tissue, produces the heat that
is necessary for the surgical effect. The RF current flows from the active electrode,
through the patient’s body tissue to the return electrode, which recovers the current and
returns it to the generator.

Instant Response Technology

The Force FX-8CAS generator automatically senses resistance and adjusts the output
voltage to maintain a consistent tissue effect across different tissue impedance. This
adjustment is based on the selected mode (bipolar or cut modes only), the power setting,
and the level of tissue resistance. For details, refer to Instant Response Algorithm on
page 4-13.

Ultrasonic Electrosurgery
The Force FX-8CAS generator works in conjunction with the CUSA EXcel system for
procedures where ultrasonic electrosurgery is desirable. When you connect a CUSA
handpiece with CEM nosecone to the generator for ultrasonic electrosurgery, the
generator limits the monopolar output power automatically.
• The maximum power setting for monopolar cut is 100 W.
• The maximum power setting for monopolar coag is 70 W.
When you activate the handpiece for cut or coag output, the Low cut mode or the
Desiccate 1 coag mode is in effect automatically. The remaining cut modes and coag
modes are not available.
For more information, refer to CEM Mechanism Switch on page 4-14 and CEM Switch
Circuit on page 4-16.

Simultaneous Coag
Principles of Operation

When you simultaneously activate two monopolar instruments for coag output, each
receives a percentage of the coag power setting set for the selected mode. The amount
of power each instrument receives depends on the tissue resistance sensed by the
generator at each surgical site. Generally, the site with lower resistance receives
proportionately more power. The combined total output power does not exceed the
coag power setting.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-3

Functional Overview

You can also use a CUSA handpiece with a CEM nosecone for simultaneous coag when
you connect a monopolar instrument to the Monopolar 2 Instrument receptacle. For the
Force FX-8CAS generator, only Desiccate 1 coag is available; the maximum power setting
is 70 W.

REM Contact Quality Monitoring System

The Force FX-8CAS generator uses the REM Contact Quality Monitoring System to
monitor the quality of electrical contact between the patient return electrode and the
patient. The REM system is designed to eliminate the risk of burns at the return electrode
site during monopolar electrosurgery.
When you connect a REM Polyhesive patient return electrode to the Patient Return
Electrode receptacle, you activate the REM system. When you activate monopolar
output, the generator connects the patient return electrode path. If you activate bipolar
output while a return electrode is connected to the patient, the return electrode circuit is
deactivated automatically to eliminate the possibility of current dispersal.
The REM system continuously measures resistance at the return electrode site and
compares it to a standard range of safe resistance (between 5 and 135 Ω), thus
eliminating intermittent false alarms that could result from small changes in resistance.
The REM system also adapts to individual patients by measuring the initial contact
resistance (baseline resistance) between the patient and the patient return electrode. If
the tissue impedance at the return electrode decreases during electrosurgery, the REM
system resets the baseline resistance.

REM Alarm Activation

The REM Alarm indicator flashes red, a tone sounds, and the generator stops producing
output power when either of the following occurs:
• The measured resistance is below 5 Ω or above 135 Ω, the limits of the standard
range of safe resistance.
• An increase in contact resistance is greater than 40% from the initial measurement
(baseline resistance).
The REM Alarm indicator remains illuminated red until you correct the condition causing
the alarm. Then, the indicator illuminates green and RF output is enabled.

Force FX-8CAS Generator Autobipolar Mode Effect on the REM

When configuring the Force FX-8CAS generator for surgery and the Autobipolar mode is
turned ON, the REM light on the front of the generator will remain red and cannot be
turned ON (green) when connecting a new REM Polyhesive pad.
With the green lamp illuminated, going back into Autobipolar mode will not change the
REM light state (it will remain green), even if the REM Polyhesive pad is disconnected
from the generator. The only time the REM light will change from green to red is during
keyed Monopolar.

4-4 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Control Board

Use one of the following two methods to activate the REM circuit:
• Turn OFF the Autobipolar mode and then connect the REM Polyhesive pad.
• Key the generator in the Monopolar mode once.

Electrodes Without the REM Safety Feature

When you use a patient return electrode that does not have the REM safety feature, the
REM system does not monitor the patient contact area. The REM system can monitor
only the pin-to-pin resistance at the connector and can detect broken wires or connectors
in the return electrode cord.
The REM Alarm indicator does not illuminate green when you connect a non-REM
patient return electrode. Instead, the indicator light is extinguished. If the generator
detects a break in continuity between the electrode and the generator, the indicator
illuminates red.

When resistance between the Patient Return Electrode receptacle pins exceeds 20 Ω, the
REM Alarm indicator flashes red, a tone sounds twice, and RF output is disabled. The
indicator remains illuminated red until you correct the condition causing the alarm. Then,
the red indicator light is extinguished and RF output is enabled.
For additional information, refer to REM Circuit on page 4-27.

Control Board
Refer to Chapter 9, Service Parts, for components and the Schematics Supplement for
Board Drawings and Schematics.
The Control board contains the circuitry that controls the generator, including the
indicators and switches on the Display board and the RF output stage on the Power
Supply/RF board. Firmware on the Control board performs many diagnostic and
initialization routines. Errors are reported as alarm numbers on the front panel.
The Control board interfaces with the Power Supply/RF board through a 96-pin card edge
connector. It interfaces with the Display board through a 64-pin ribbon cable.

Two microcontrollers on the Control board control the generator. These microprocessors
Principles of Operation

communicate with each other through a shared RAM. The main microcontroller (U5)
performs all system functions, except the time-critical real time feedback control of
generator RF output.
The feedback microcontroller (U11), which is a separate, dedicated microcontroller,
handles the time-critical real time feedback control of generator RF output. All system
analog signals are available to these microcontrollers.
A third microcontroller (U9) functions as an application-specific integrated circuit, or
ASIC. It generates the RF drive waveforms (T_ON\) for the RF output stage.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-5

Control Board

Main Microcontroller
The main microcontroller (U5) is an 80C562 that incorporates an 8-input multiplexed
8-bit A/D converter. The main microcontroller is responsible for overall system control. It
monitors all dosage error functions and safety circuits. It implements the user interface,
including activation control. It is primarily responsible for these functions:
• Segment display drivers and LED update
• Power control buttons, mode buttons, and the activation interface
• Serial port interface
• Alarm handling
• Audio control
• Memory control and storage (system alarms with time stamps; calibration values)
• Real-time clock control and interface
• Internal self-tests
• Communicating with the feedback microcontroller

Main Microcontroller Memory

The Main Controller section includes a XilinxTM* Spartan XC6SLX9 FPGA (U16), along with
a 4 Mbit SST39LF040 NOR Flash memory (U17) and CypressTM* CY14B256LA Nonvolatile
RAM (NVRAM) (U18). The Cypress NVRAM and the SST NOR Flash memory are interfaced
to the controller through FPGA (U16).
The Cypress CY14B256LA-SP45XI is a fast static RAM, with a nonvolatile element in each
memory cell. The access time is typically 45ns. The memory is organized as 32 K bytes of
8 bits each. Data transfers from the SRAM to the nonvolatile elements (the STORE
operation) take place automatically at power-down. On power-up, data is restored to the
SRAM (the RECALL operation) from the nonvolatile memory.
The NOR Flash memory acts as a code memory for the Main Controller, which does not
have ROM memory.

Battery-Backed RAM
A socket on the Control Board contains a 3.0 V lithium button cell battery (BT) that
provides backup power to the DS12885Q + T&R Real-Time clock (U6). The device has
several features, including 114 bytes of general purpose Nonvolatile RAM not dedicated
to any special function within the device. This NV RAM is used by the processor program
as battery-backed memory.

4-6 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Control Board

Feedback Microcontroller
The feedback microcontroller (U11), like the main microcontroller, is an 80C562. It
receives commands from the main microcontroller and, when the generator is activated,
establishes the appropriate relay closures and activates RF output. It continually adjusts
the output signal of the generator by controlling the high voltage DC power supply and
the RF clock circuitry. It is primarily responsible for these functions:
• Scaling relay control and output relay control
• T_ON ASIC waveform control
• Leakage control (coag)
• Constant voltage, current, and power feedback control
• ECON initialization
• Real-time information update (actual voltage, current, power, impedance, effect
• Memory tests
• Communicating with the main microcontroller.

Feedback Microcontroller Memory

The Feedback Controller section uses a Xilinx Spartan XC6SLX9 FPGA (U36) along with a
4 Mbit SST39LF040 NOR Flash memory (U43). However, unlike the Main Controller
section, the Feedback section uses the Block Memory in the FPGA.
The NOR Flash memory acts as a code memory for the Feedback Controller, which does
not have ROM memory. The Flash memory is interfaced to the controller through FPGA

Principles of Operation

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-7

Control Board

Shared RAM
The 4K x 8 external shared static RAM is provided by IDT71342LA (U50) DPRAM with
semaphore flags. The shared RAM allows the main microcontroller (U5) and the feedback
microcontroller (U11) to share common variables. It functions as a communications
interface between the main and feedback microcontrollers. It also provides additional
general purpose RAM to these microcontrollers.

I/0 Expansion
The FPGAs used in the Main and Feedback sections provide I/Os logic blocks and to
implement the glue Logic. The FPGA is interfaced to the controller P80C562 on the
parallel address and data bus.
The JTAG port is provided for programming the PROM (Configuration memory of FPGA)
in the Main and Feedback sections. Both the PROMs (U23 and U45) and FPGAs (U16-E
and U36-F) are connected in the JTAG chain.

Keyboard Interface and Activation Inputs

The keyboard interface is a row and column matrix between three-bank selected output
lines (BANK0, BANK1, and BANK2-labeled 413_PA6) of the Dual Supply Bus Transceiver
with Configurable Voltage Translation SN74LVC16T245 (U31). The voltage translator
(U31) signals interface with the FPGA XC65LX9-3CSG225C (U16-D), which is used by the
Main Microcontroller and eight Keyboard input lines (KBD_D0-KBD_D7).
The two Bus Transceiver SN74LVC2T45 (U32-U33) devices receive activation inputs from
the IsoBlocTM decoding circuits on the Power Supply/RF Board. These two devices interface
with the FPGA (U16-D).

Power Supply Supervisor Circuit

The controller assembly requires three different voltage levels, +5V, +3.3V and +1.2V.
These three power supply supervisory circuits use the MicrelTM* MIC2776N-YM5 IC, to
provide under-voltage monitoring and power-on reset generation.
The voltage present at the IN pin is compared to the internal 300mV reference voltage. A
reset is triggered if and when VIN falls below VREF. The +5V Supervisory threshold is set to
trigger a reset signal at +4.69V, the +3.3V Supervisory circuit will trigger a reset signal at
+3.16V, and the +1.2V Supervisory circuit will initiate a reset signal at +1.15V.

4-8 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Control Board

A/D and D/A Conversion

Each 80C562 microcontroller (U5 and U11) contains an 8-channel multiplexed 8-bit A/D
converter. Resolution of voltage and current sense inputs is enhanced by incorporating
gain scaling relays in the sense circuits on the Power Supply/RF board and prescaling
based on the expected input voltage or current values.
An AD7226 quad D/A converter (U15) provides 4-channel 8-bit D/A capabilities for the
feedback microcontroller to output 0 to 5 Vdc analog voltages.

Waveform Generation (T_ON ASIC)

A dedicated AtmelTM* AT89C51 microcontroller (U9) generates the RF drive waveforms
(T_ON\) for the RF output amplifier on the Power Supply/RF board. The microcontroller
functions as an application-specific integrated circuit, or ASIC, performing an endless
series of repetitive tasks while enabled.
The feedback microcontroller (U11) holds the T_ON ASIC (U9) in a reset state until the
feedback microcontroller detects a valid activation request. After validating the request,
the feedback microcontroller releases the T_ON ASIC from reset and communicates a
4-bit code that represents the generator mode to be activated. The acceptable activation
codes are listed below:
0: Precise bipolar
1: Standard and Macro bipolar
2: Low cut, Pure cut, Desiccate 1, and Desiccate 2
3: Blend cut
7: Desiccate coag
8: LCF Fulgurate coag
9: Spray coag
11: Spark-controlled Blend
12: Fulgurate Coag
Codes 4, 5, 6, 10 and A–F are unused.
Each code generates a unique waveform pattern to be delivered to the RF output stage
of the generator. The T_ON ASIC reads and evaluates the code and, if the code value is
acceptable, repetitively generates the appropriate waveform until the activation request
ends. After the request ends, the feedback microcontroller places the T_ON ASIC back
Principles of Operation

into reset.
If the code received by the T_ON ASIC is not valid, the internal program sets an error flag,
deactivates all output signals, and remains in an error state until the system is reset.

T_ON Average Check

The T_ON waveform generator output waveform is integrated in hardware and returned
to the main microcontroller as an analog value called T_ON average. The T_ON average is

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-9

Control Board

different for each distinct output mode of the T_ON waveform generator. The main
microcontroller continually checks the T_ON average for compliance with the calibrated
value to ensure that the T_ON waveform generator is operating properly.
The T_ON average signal rests at 5 V when the generator is not activated and drops to
the calibrated value when activation occurs. The main microcontroller checks to make
sure the T_ON average signal is within ± 15 counts of the calibrated value.
During wave control in the coag modes, the T_ON average rises an indeterminate
amount. Due to this unknown, the T_ON average is allowed to rise to 253 counts, which
guarantees the T_ON waveform generator is still operating. The T_ON average is still not
allowed to drop below the lower limit of 15 counts mentioned above.

Audio Alarm
The audio alarm circuit is located on the Footswitch board. The audio alarm is controlled
by software and hardware.
• Software control is provided by the UP_TONE\ (microcontroller tone) and LO_TONE
signals generated by the main microcontroller in response to activation inputs, alarms,
and at power-up. These signals connect from the Control board to the Power Supply/
RF board through the 96-pin connector and then from the Power Supply/RF board to
the Footswitch board through the 16-pin footswitch ribbon connector.
• Hardware control is provided by the RF_TONE\ signal generated in the RF output stage
by RF sensing circuitry on the Power Supply/RF board.

Serial Interface
The RS-232 serial port is a software-polled interface to the main microcontroller (U5). It is
used for diagnostics and calibration. Transmission and receipt of command strings do not
stop real time processing, except as single characters are read from or written to the serial
port. The serial port is configured to 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, with no parity.
This timing is derived from the main microcontroller oscillator frequency of 11.0592 MHz.
The Control board serial port signals connect to the Power Supply/RF board through the
96-pin connector. The signals are then connected to the 9-pin serial port connector on
the Power Supply/RF board.

4-10 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Control Board

Dosage Error Algorithm

Dosage Error Algorithm for Closed-Loop Modes

The dosage error algorithm for the closed-loop modes (bipolar and cut) is based on a
comparison between the actual power as calculated by the main microcontroller (U5)
using the backup sensors and the maximum allowed power.
While the feedback microcontroller is operating the generator output, the main
microcontroller calculates and checks the values to make sure the feedback
microcontroller is operating the generator properly.
In closed-loop modes there is a delay, based on the keyed mode, before the dosage error
algorithm monitors the actual RMS output of the generator. This delay allows for the
control loop to become stable. After the delay, the algorithm checks to see that the
actual power calculated by the backup sensors is less than in the table below.
The algorithm compares the desired current, voltage, and power calculated by the main
microcontroller to the desired current, voltage, and power calculated by the feedback
microcontroller and communicated via DPRAM.

Setting (% of
power setting) Maximum Allowed Output Power (not to exceed 400 W)

< 10% 20% of maximum power setting for that mode

10% to 25% setting times 2

>25% to 80% setting + 25% of maximum power setting for that mode

>80% to 100% setting + 30% of maximum power setting for that mode

During closed-loop activation, the main microcontroller continually checks for a non-
functional high voltage power supply or RF stage. In doing so, the main microcontroller
verifies that ECON is greater than 90% full-scale while both the backup sensors (voltage
and current) are compared to ensure the difference between the voltage sensors and
current sensors is not greater than 50%, and to ensure that these sensors are not
Principles of Operation

During spark control, the software makes allowances for the shift in frequency. The
voltage sensor returns a value that is approximately 20-25% high and the current sensor
returns a value that is approximately 10-15% low. At the start of a spark, the dosage
error buckets used by the software are reset.

Dosage Error Algorithm for Open-Loop Modes

The dosage error algorithm for open-loop modes is based on the calculated ECON for the
mode. The main microcontroller calculates a maximum ECON that represents the

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-11

Control Board

maximum allowed output power using the previous table. While the generator is keyed,
the main microcontroller verifies that HV_SEN does not exceed this maximum ECON
value and the high voltage power supply is operating within acceptable limits.

Dosage Error Algorithm While Keying Inactive

When the generator is not keyed, the main microcontroller monitors the current and
voltage sensors. If the primary or backup current sensors, or the primary or backup
voltage sensors, rise above 2.5 v for more than 250 ± 50 ms while the generator is not
keyed, the main microcontroller generates a non-recoverable error and RF is disabled.

T_ON Average Check

The T_ON microcontroller output waveform is averaged in hardware and sent to the
main microcontroller as an analog value called T_ON_AVG (average). The main
microcontroller continually checks T_ON average for compliance with the calibrated value
to ensure the T_ON waveform generator is delivering a waveform that produces an
acceptable average value.
The T_ON_AVG signal rests at 5V (0xFF or 255) when the generator is not keyed and
drops to the calibrated value when keying. The main microcontroller checks to make sure
the T_ON_AVG signal is within ± 10 of the calibrated value.
During spark control in the cut and closed-loop Desiccate modes, T_ON_AVG will rise an
indeterminate amount. During pulse whacking in the Fulgurate and Spray modes,
T_ON_AVG will also rise an indeterminate amount. Due to this unknown, the T_ON_AVG
may rise to the value of 0xFF (or 255), which guarantees that the T_ON microcontroller is
operating. The T_ON_AVG signal is not allowed to fall below the lower limit from the
calibrated value.
These tests detect stuck or aberrant sensors and improperly delivered power in all modes.
The dosage error firmware executes in less than one second.

4-12 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Control Board

Instant Response Algorithm

This mode is a closed loop control algorithm implemented in microcontroller firmware. It
is applied to the bipolar modes and the cut modes. It is not applied to the coag modes.
As tissue impedance increases from short circuit to open circuit, the algorithm
implements first constant current, then constant power, and finally, constant voltage. The
maximum output voltage is controlled to reduce capacitive coupling, reduce video
interference, and eliminate sparking. At low impedances, constant current protects
output circuitry. At high impedances, constant voltage control limits arcing and
electromagnetic interference.
Constant current: output voltage is held at constant output current according to:
I = (P/R) ˆ(1/2)
where I is the output current, P is the power set by the user, and R is the constant current
to constant power impedance switchpoint.
Constant power: the power set by the user is maintained.
Constant voltage: the output voltage is maintained according to:
V = (P*R) ˆ(1/2)
where V is the output voltage, P is the power set by the user, and R is the constant power
to constant voltage impedance switchpoint.

High Impedance Operation

The firmware algorithm clamps the output voltage to specific levels for high impedance
conditions. The clamp level is a function of the mode that is activated. This helps prevent
arcing and electromagnetic interference.

Analog to Digital Saturation

Analog to digital saturation works in conjunction with RF leakage current limiting. If the
analog to digital converter is saturated, the effect mode feedback loop reduces the
output voltage to allow for an unsaturated operating condition. The feedback loop
switches the control function to maintaining the analog to digital converter in the linear
operating range. Principles of Operation

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-13

Front Panel

Front Panel
The front panel consists of an injection molded plastic bezel with a membrane keyboard,
power switch, CEM mechanism switch, and REM connector with switch. These front
panel components interface with the Display board and the Power Supply/RF board.

Membrane Keyboard
The membrane keyboard is attached to the bezel with a high strength adhesive. It is not
removable. The membrane contains 17 metal dome push-button switches. Six of these
switches control the up and down sequencing of the power seven-segment LEDs (light-
emitting diodes). One switch controls the previous settings Recall function and nine
switches control each of the nine output modes of the generator.
The membrane also contains nine LEDs, one for each mode. A 25-pin flat ribbon cable
connects the membrane keyboard switches and LEDs to the Display board.

Power Switch
A double pole single throw switch snaps into the front of the bezel. This switch supplies
the AC mains current to the generator.

REM Connector/Switch
An internal REM connector and sense switch connects to the inside of the bezel with two
screws. Two cables leave this assembly. One cable is the actual REM connector; the other
cable is the output of the internal switch that senses the presence or absence of the
center pin on the REM plug.

CEM Mechanism Switch

A small plastic lever arm mechanism is attached to the inner wall of the front panel bezel
on the Monopolar 1/CEM output jack. When you connect a CUSA handpiece with a CEM
nosecone to the Monopolar 1/CEM Instrument receptacle, the arm actuates a small
switch that connects to the Display board with a 4-pin connector.

4-14 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Display Board

Display Board
Refer to Chapter 9, Service Parts, for components and the Schematics Supplement for
Board Drawings and Schematics.
The Display board is located in the front panel assembly. It contains RF indicator lamps,
seven-segment LED power setting displays, REM alarm LEDs, and a CEM indicator LED.
The Display board switch circuitry includes the LED and lamp driver circuitry, power
selection switches, mode selection switches, the REM switch circuit, and the CEM switch

RF Indicator Lamps
The RF indicator lamps illuminate during RF activation to visually indicate the presence of
RF power. Each of the three indicator bars (Bipolar, Cut, and Coag) on the front panel is
illuminated by four incandescent bulbs (LP1–LP12).
• LP1–LP4 illuminate the blue Bipolar bar, indicating bipolar activation.
• LP5–LP8 illuminate the yellow Cut bar, indicating cut activation.
• LP9–LP12 illuminate the blue Coag bar, indicating coag activation.
The RF indicator lamps are controlled by the BIP_LMP, CUT_LMP, and COAG_LMP signals.
These signals originate from the I/O pins of the main FPGA (U16) on the Control board.
Buffers in U1 turn the RF indicator lamps on and off. Resistors R1–R12 set the amount of
current flowing through the lamps when they are turned on. The value of these resistors
varies for each indicator bar, depending on the color of the bar, to make the different
colors of the bars illuminate with equal intensities.

REM Indicators
The REM indicator consists of two bicolor LED arrays incorporating one red and four
green LEDs per array. The LEDs are controlled by the REM_RED and REM_GREEN signals
originating from port A of the Main Controller section (FPGA U16, NOR Flash U17 and
SRAM U18) on the Control Board. The signals are buffered on the Display Board by driver
U1. Both the red and green LEDs are current limited by 100Ω resistors (R13, R14, R15,
and R16).

LED and Seven-Segment Display Drivers

Principles of Operation

This circuit contains three display drivers for the LEDs and the seven-segment displays.
The LEDs indicate modes of operation, and the REM condition. The seven-segment
displays indicate bipolar, cut, and coag power settings.
Each display driver (U6, U10, and U14) can drive up to eight banks of eight LEDs by
multiplexing the time that each bank is turned on. The banks can be wired together to
increase the time that a group of LEDs is on, effectively increasing the brightness of that

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-15

Display Board

U10 drives the discrete LEDs and the CEM LED. These include green indicators for the
bipolar modes (Precise, Standard, and Macro), the cut modes (Low, Pure, and Blend), and
the coag modes (Desiccate, Fulgurate, and Spray). The anode of the mode selection LEDs
are tied to driver U10. By using pairs of the driver digit lines, the duty ratio for these LEDs
is effectively 1/4.
U6 drives the seven-segment displays that indicate power settings. U4 and U5 indicate
the bipolar power setting, U7–U9 indicate the cut power setting, and U11–U13 indicate
the coag power setting. The anodes of these displays are each tied to only one digit line
of the driver. The effective duty cycle is 1/8 for each seven-segment display.
U14 drives the seven-segment display U15, which indicates whether or not the generator
is in autobipolar mode. U15 is an amber display located in the left-hand position of the
bipolar window.
Some filtering components are associated with U6, U10, and U14. Bypass capacitors C3,
C4, C7, C8, C9, and C10 are connected between + 5V and DGND. C3, C4, and C10
have a relatively small capacitance value of 0.1 μF to filter higher frequency noise. C7,
C8, and C9 have a relatively large capacitance value of 47 μF to supply the large spikes of
current for the LEDs generated by the multiplexing action of the drivers, which typically
occurs at 250 Hz.
Resistor array R18 reduces the input impedance of the display driver inputs as seen by the
main microcontroller on the Control board. This rounds off the edges of these digital
signals, reducing high frequency emissions. The lowered impedance also reduces the
susceptibility of the circuit to noise from other circuits.

CEM Switch Circuit

When you plug a CUSA handpiece with a CEM nosecone into the Monopolar 1/CEM
Instrument receptacle, the small nonconductive pin in the plug pushes a spring-loaded
plastic lever arm mounted inside the front panel. This lever arm activates a small switch
that plugs into the Display board. The switch signal tells the microcontroller to limit the

Mode Selection and Power Control Switches

The mode selection and power control switches are arranged in a matrix. The main
microcontroller selects a bank of switches to read by asserting a bank select signal
(BANK0, BANK1, and BANK2-labeled 413_PA6) through port A of the Dual Supply Bus
Transceiver with Configurable Voltage Translation SN74LVC16T245 (U31) and the FPGA
XC65LX9-3CSG225C (U16-D) on the Control Board. These signals are buffered by FETs
Q1, Q2, and Q3 respectively and become the switch drive signals COM0, COM1, AND
• When COM0 is selected, the power control switches is read.
• When COM1 is selected, the Recall Switch and the Bipolar mode select switches are
• When COM2 is selected, the Cut and Coag mode select switches are read.

4-16 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Footswitch Board

To read the switches, the main microcontroller asserts the desired BANK select line and
reads the state of the keyboard switch return lines KBD_D0 through KBD_D7. These lines
are read through port A of FPGA U16-D and Voltage Translator U20 on the Control

Footswitch Board
Refer to Chapter 9, Service Parts, for components and the Schematics Supplement for
Board Drawings and Schematics.
The Footswitch board is mounted inside the rear panel. It contains circuitry accepting and
decoding footswitch keying inputs and an audio circuit for announcing generator keying
and various alarm tones. The Footswitch board interfaces with the Power Supply/RF

Footswitch Decode Circuit

Two monopolar footswitch connectors and a bipolar footswitch connector are mounted
on the Footswitch board and extend through the rear panel. The monopolar footswitch
connectors (J3 and J2) accept monopolar footswitches and provide footswitching
capability for the Monopolar 1/CEM and Monopolar 2 Instrument receptacles located on
the front panel.
Use only a Valleylab monopolar footswitch with the Force FX-8CAS generator. Use of an
incompatible footswitch may cause unexpected output. The bipolar footswitch connector
(J4) accepts a bipolar footswitch and provides footswitching capability for the Bipolar
Instrument receptacle on the front panel. Capacitors C39–C46 provide filtering that
blocks high frequency noise from exiting the generator on the footswitch cables.
As required by the IEC, the footswitch circuit is isolated from patient connected and
ground referenced circuits and is able to withstand a potential of 500 Vrms (50/60 Hz). To
obtain this isolation, the footswitch connected circuitry is powered from an isolated
power supply (U2). The isolated power supply, an MER1S1212SC, operates from the
ground referenced +12 V power supply and supplies an isolated 12 V.
Resistors R18 and R19 form a voltage divider that yields a signal (Vref2) of approximately
6 V. This reference voltage is applied to the noninverting inputs of comparators U3A,
U3B, U4A, U4B, and U5A.
The common terminal of each footswitch is connected to the +12 V isolated power
source. Footswitch activation causes this voltage to be applied to a resistor divider. The
Principles of Operation

values of the resistors comprising the input divider are selected to provide a switching
threshold of approximately 750 Ω.
The divided voltage is then applied to the inverting input of one of the five comparators.
When the voltage at the inverting input exceeds the voltage at the noninverting input,
the open collector output of the comparator turns on, causing current to flow in the LED
of the corresponding optoisolator. This current generates an IR beam that causes the
associated photo-transistor to conduct. The collectors of the transistors are connected to
input pins of an I/O port on the microcontroller where they activate the desired mode of

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-17

Footswitch Board

Audio Circuit
The audio system consists of an audio oscillator, tone control signals, a volume control
potentiometer, an audio amplifier, and a speaker. A reference voltage (Vref) is used
throughout the audio circuit and is generated by dividing the +12 V power supply down
to about 2 V by R9 and R8.
The audio circuit annunciates the presence of RF output and provides an auditory
indication of alarm conditions. A potentiometer adjusts the volume of RF output
activation tones. The speaker volume cannot be turned off entirely. The volume of the
tone issued during alarm conditions is not adjustable.
The audio oscillator is enabled when UP_TONE\ or RF_TONE\ is pulled low. Diodes D1 and
D2 provide a wired OR function for the two signals. Because UP_TONE\ and RF_TONE\
are +5 V (logic level) signals, resistors R4 and R6 divide the +12 V audio power supply
down to about 4.85 V to prevent D1 and D2 from sourcing current into the Voltage
Translator U22 pins, which interfaces with FPGA U16-B, on the Control board.
When either UP_TONE\ or RF_TONE\ is enabled low, the voltage at the noninverting input
of U1B is pulled below the Vref threshold present at U1B inverting input, the open
collector output of U1B is turned on, grounding R31 and allowing U6A to oscillate.
U6A is a relaxation oscillator whose frequencies are determined by the RC time constants
of R30, C35, and C18. This design allows the oscillator to produce two distinct
frequencies that can be selected by the state of the LO_TONE signal.
• When LO_TONE is not asserted, R30 and C35 determine the frequency of operation
of the oscillator (approximately 900 Hz).
• When LO_TONE is asserted (+5 V), the voltage at the noninverting input of U1A
exceeds the 2 V Vref signal at the inverting input, turning on its output transistor. This
effectively connects C18 in parallel with C35 to produce a higher RC time constant
for the oscillator, which results in a lower audio frequency of approximately 700 Hz.
The ALARM signal selects the user-controlled audio volume or the fixed alarm level
volume. U1C and U1D are configured in an exclusive OR arrangement in which the state
of the output transistors of U1C or U1D is complementary.
In other words, the output transistor of one of these two devices is always on, but both
cannot be on simultaneously. Under normal operating conditions, the ALARM signal is
low, allowing the U1C output to float while the U1D output transistor is turned on.
The output of U1D creates a voltage divider through R11, R12 (the volume control
potentiometer), and R32 to attenuate the audio signal to levels acceptable for input to
the audio amplifier. R32 determines the maximum audio volume and R11 determines the
minimum audio volume. R10 determines the audio alert volume level. R34 provides an
alternate audio signal path in the event of an open volume control potentiometer.
When the ALARM signal is high, the U1C output transistor is turned on while the output
of U1D floats. When the U1C output transistor is on, R10 is pulled to ground and creates
a fixed voltage divider with R32 to produce the alarm volume level at the input to audio
amplifier U7.

4-18 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Power Supply/RF Board

Meanwhile, the output of U1D is allowed to float, thus removing the variable resistor
divider from the circuit. In this case, the volume control potentiometer becomes a small
resistance in series with the high impedance input from the audio amplifier, negating the
effect of the volume setting.
Audio amplifier U7 and speaker SP1 comprise the final stage in the audio system. The
audio signal is AC coupled to the amplifier by C25 to eliminate the need for well-
controlled input biasing.
The voltage gain of U7 is set to about 20 by floating its gain select pins. Because the U1
output signal is internally biased to Vcc/2, it is necessary to AC couple the speaker
through C27 to prevent the amplifier from DC biasing the speaker.

Power Supply/RF Board

Refer to Chapter 9, Service Parts, for components and the Schematics Supplement for
Board Drawings and Schematics.
The Power Supply/RF board is the main board of the generator. It contains the high
voltage power supply and the RF output stage. Circuitry on this board performs several
other functions:
• Output voltage monitoring
• Output current monitoring
• Leakage current sensing (RF leakage sensing and reduction circuits)
• Spark control circuit
• REM impedance monitoring (REM circuit)
• Handswitch closure detection (IsoBloc circuit)
• RS-232 connector
• Expansion connector
• EKG contact closure connector
• Output high voltage relays
• Temperature monitoring and fan control.

Power Supply/RF Board Interfaces

Principles of Operation

The Power Supply/RF board interfaces to other boards and components as noted below:
• AC input line filter
• Control board
• Autobipolar board
• Footswitch board
• Heat sink components (RF damping resistor, RF MOSFET, and high voltage power
supply MOSFETs)

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-19

Power Supply/RF Board

• Single-wire attachment points for connecting the sense transformers

• Low voltage power supply (AC input and DC output)
• Low noise fan
A series of fuse clips connect the RF outputs and other front panel interfaces (i.e.,
REM and handswitching signals). The fuse clips mate to lugs located in the output
portion of the front panel.

High Voltage Power Supply

Potentially lethal AC and DC voltages are present in the AC line circuitry, high voltage DC circuitry,
and associated mounting and heat sink hardware described in this manual. They are not isolated
from the AC line. Take appropriate precautions when testing and troubleshooting this area of the

This section contains the power entry circuitry, auto mains switching circuitry, AC/DC
conversion circuitry, and a DC/DC switching regulator.

Power Entry Circuit

The power entry circuit consists of an integral three wire power cord receptacle, fuse
drawer, EMI filter, and a separate power switch. The power switch is mounted on the
front panel. The receptacle/filter is mounted on the rear panel of the generator. AC line
fuses are changeable from the rear of the generator.

Auto Mains Switching Circuitry

The auto mains switching circuit detects the AC line voltage level and controls the triac
(D1). This triac controls the topology of the AC/DC converter. For 120 Vac operation, the
triac is on, which connects the AC neutral to the center of the AC/DC converter capacitor
bank (C3, C10, C11, and C22).
In this configuration, the circuit acts as a doubler using the right hand half of the bridge
rectifier (CR80). For 240 Vac operation the triac is off and CR80 is used as a full wave
The control IC (U1) functions as follows: The series circuit (CR1, R1, R2, and C9) provides
power for U1. Pin 1 (Vss) is a shunt regulator that provides a -9 V (nominal) output. The
divider (R3 and R4) measures the input line voltage. Because the voltage at pin 8 varies
with the line, it can sense the line voltage zero crossing as well as the peak voltage. Pins
2 and 3 are inputs to an oscillator used for triac triggering timing. R7 and C1 set the
oscillator frequency. Pin 7 is tied to Vss, which places the circuit in the fail-safe mode.
Thus, once the circuit enters full bridge mode, it remains in that mode until input power
is recycled. A power dropout cannot cause the circuit to accidentally act as a doubler
when the higher input voltage range is used.

4-20 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Power Supply/RF Board

AC/DC Converter
The AC/DC converter uses CR80 as either a doubler or full wave rectifier, depending on
the input voltage. In either case, an unregulated nominal 300 Vdc is provided to the
DC/DC switching regulator. Thermistors R32 and R33 provide inrush current limiting, and
fuse F4 provides protection against faults in the DC/DC switcher.
Capacitors C3, C10, C11, and C22 are an energy storage reservoir for the DC/DC
switcher. C29 is a high frequency bypass filter. Bleeder resistors R5 and R6 discharge the
capacitors when the AC line is disconnected or the power switch is turned off.

DC/DC Switching Regulator

The DC/DC switching regulator is a buck derived, pulse width modulated (PWM)
transformer. It is an isolated, fixed frequency, full bridge converter. The PWM IC (U5) is
used in the voltage mode. The output of the regulator is adjustable from approximately
zero (0) to 180 Vdc.
The full bridge consists of four power MOSFETs (Q1, Q3, Q4, and Q5) that operate at AC
line potential. Transistors Q3 and Q5 are on while Q1 and Q4 are off, and the reverse. In
this manner, power signals to the power transformer are bidirectional, or push-pull. This
allows full utilization of the transformer core magnetization capability.
Regulation is achieved by modulating the time that each MOSFET pair is on. Capacitor
C32 in series with the power transformer T3 primary prevents DC flux imbalance. A
snubber circuit (C27 and R31) absorbs leakage energy spikes. Another snubber circuit
(C49 and R51) reduces spikes due to reverse recovery of the output bridge rectifier.
The gate driver circuitry for each MOSFET is transformer-coupled through T1 to provide
AC line isolation. It consists of a dual MOSFET driver (U3) and various damping resistors.
Resistors R12, R18, R21, and R26 minimize turn-off oscillations. Resistors R22 and R23
damp ringing due to parasitic inductances in T1. Blocking capacitors C24 and C25
prevent DC flux imbalance in T1.
Note: T1 consists of two transformers electrically and magnetically isolated from each
other but assembled into the same package. T1A and T1B form one transformer; T1C
and T1D form the other.
The output of the power transformer is full wave rectified by a high voltage diode bridge
(CR10, CR13, CR19, and CR23). L1, C33, and C35 filter the rectified power signal. The
regulated DC output from this supply is the input to the RF stage of the generator.
The SYS_ECON signal from the microcontroller controls the output voltage level. This 0 to
5 Vdc signal sets the reference for the PWM control loop. An external op-amp (U7B) is
Principles of Operation

used for gain and integration, because common mode voltage limitations in U5’s internal
op-amp preclude its use over the full range of 0 to 5 V.
The internal op-amp is connected as a follower. SYS_ECON is compared to the feedback
voltage from the output divider (R34, R35, and R49), and an error signal (ECON) is sent to
the PWM microcontroller. In addition to the error signal, U7B and the associated R-C
networks provide lead-lag loop compensation to increase the bandwidth of the regulator
beyond that of the output L-C filter.
Note: U7A is used for random gain switching in the Spray mode and is configured for
unity gain in all other modes.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-21

Power Supply/RF Board

The output of U5 is a pair of 180 degrees out-of-phase signals that are pulse width
modulated by comparing ECON with the internal oscillator ramp waveform. At the start
of an oscillator cycle, an output is turned on. It turns off when the ramp voltage crosses
the ECON level. The two output signals from U5 (pins 11 and 14) feed the MOSFET
drivers (U3A and U3B).
R36 and C42 set the U5 oscillator frequency to approximately 170 kHz. C45 controls the
ramp-up of the pulse width at power on for slow start control. Transformer T2 limits the
power transformer primary current, protecting against faults in the DC/DC switcher
power stage and faults in circuitry downstream of the switcher.
The output of T2 is rectified (CR3–CR6), filtered (R30 and C30), and fed to the current
limit pin (pin 9 of U5). During an overcurrent condition the U5 current limit function
resets the slow start circuit, resulting in the output cycling from on to off until the current
Pin 9 of U5 is also used for remote shut down of the DC/DC switcher through U6A and
CR8. The shut down signal comes from the main microcontroller on the Control board.
The resistor divider on the high voltage DC output formed by R52 and R53 is used for
dosage error sensing.

Low Voltage Power Supply

The low voltage power supply is rated for 40 W. It delivers a regulated +5 Vdc and
±12 Vdc output. This power supply automatically adjusts for both input voltage ranges. It
also has internal current limiting. The pinouts between the low voltage power supply and
the Power Supply/RF board are listed below:

Low Voltage Voltage PSRF Board Test Point

Supply J2-PIN BW14-PIN

1 (ORG Lead) + 12 V 3 TP6

2 (RED Lead) +5V 1 TP8

3 (RED Lead) +5V 6 TP 8

4 (BLK Lead) GROUND 4 TP9

5 (BLK Lead) GROUND 5 TP9

6 (BLU Lead) - 12 V 2 TP5

4-22 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Power Supply/RF Board

The low voltage power supply specifications are as follows:

Output Voltage Output Current Output Power*

+5 Vdc 4000 mA 20.0 W

-12 Vdc 400 mA 4.8 W

+12 Vdc 2000 mA 24.0 W

* Total output power cannot exceed 40 W.

RF Output Stage

High frequency, high voltage signals that can cause severe burns are present in the RF output
stage and in the associated mounting and heat sink hardware described in this manual. Take
appropriate precautions when testing and troubleshooting this area of the generator.

The RF stage consists of a single MOSFET power switch with associated gate drive
circuitry, an RF power transformer, tuning capacitors, an RF output L-C-C filter, output
directing relays, and topology selecting relays. Also included in this section are the RF
voltage and current sense circuits and a switched damping network for certain
operational modes.
The MOSFET gets its gating signal from the T_ON ASIC on the Control board. The T_ON
ASIC also provides the gating signal for the switched damping network.
When the topology selecting relays (K2 and K14) are unenergized, the RF stage is in the
Fulgurate and Spray coag modes; when both are energized, the RF stage is in the cut and
bipolar modes. For the Desiccate coag mode, K2 is unenergized and K14 is energized.

Primary Sense Circuits

The primary voltage and current sense circuits provide feedback information to the
feedback microcontroller in the bipolar and cut modes, and in Desiccate 2 and Desiccate
3 for Force FX-8CAS generators.
Principles of Operation

For voltage sensing, the two 10 k Ω resistors (R148 and R149) in series with the primary
of T13 work with the 100 Ω resistor across the secondary to divide the output voltage
Depending on the front panel power setting, one of the four relays (K3 to K6) is switched
in to give optimum scaling. The four AD827 high speed op-amps, along with the
associated resistors, capacitors, and diodes, form a precision full wave rectifier circuit.
U11B is a high input impedance follower to prevent the rectifier circuit from loading
down the resistive divider.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-23

Power Supply/RF Board

U11A is a follower that adds phase delay, which improves balance in the rectified
waveform between positive and negative half cycles of the input signal.
The actual rectification is done with U8A and U8B. The rectified waveform is converted to
DC by the R-C filter after the last op-amp, with full scale being 5 Vdc.
The current sense circuit, which uses current transformers T6 and T8, works the same as
the voltage sense circuit. T6 senses bipolar current and T8 senses monopolar current.
Relay K7 selects the appropriate current. Note that the current scaling relays (K8 to K11)
switch at different power settings than the voltage scaling relays.

Redundant Sense Circuits

Redundant voltage and current sense circuits provide dosage error monitoring.
T16 monitors the current through the output capacitors (C150, C152, and C158). This
current is proportional to the output voltage of the generator. A full bridge rectifier is
formed by CR25–CR28. The rectifier output is filtered by R118 and C96. Op-amp U18
buffers the DC signal. R119 and C97 provide additional filtering.
T17 and the associated circuitry operate the same as the redundant voltage sense circuit.
The output is a signal proportional to the output current of the generator.

Cut Modes
In the cut modes, K2 is set so that diode CR2 is in parallel with the MOSFET body drain
diode, C34 and C41 are across the MOSFET, and the transformer primary consists of
windings 1-2 and 3-4 in series. K14 is closed so the series capacitor bank (C150–C152,
C158, and C159) is across the output.
In the Low and Pure cut modes, the T_ON\ signal is a continuous pulse train with a pulse
width of 846 ns and a frequency of 390 kHz. In this case, essentially two resonant circuits
operate in tandem.
The output L-C filter is tuned just slightly higher than the RF switching frequency,
achieving a high degree of filtering. The output is very sinusoidal over the full range of
load impedances. Capacitors C34 and C41 are tuned with the RF transformer primary so
that the flyback voltage appearing across the MOSFET at turn off is a half sine pulse and
returns to zero volts before the next cycle begins.
The T_ON\ pulse width is chosen to support this tuning. This zero voltage switching
improves the efficiency of the RF stage and is effective over a wide range of load
The circuit topology of the Blend cut mode is the same as the Pure cut mode. In Blend
mode, however, the T_ON\ signal is an interrupted pulse train with a 50% duty cycle and
a pulse train repetition rate of 27 kHz.
For a given power setting, Blend gives a higher peak current, providing better hemostasis
than Pure or Low. To minimize ringing at the beginning of the off period of the Blend
waveform envelope, the damping resistor is switched on just before switching ends and
stays on for part of the off period.

4-24 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Power Supply/RF Board

Bipolar Modes
The circuit topology for the bipolar modes is essentially the same as the cut modes,
except the output voltage is tapped off C152 and the switching frequency is 470 kHz.
These differences allow for the higher currents and lower voltages required in bipolar
surgery while still maintaining the advantages of zero voltage switching in the MOSFET.
The T_ON\ signal is a continuous pulse train with a 423 ns pulse width.

Coag Modes
In the Fulgurate and Spray coag modes, K2 is set so that diode CR2 blocks reverse current
in the power MOSFET, C40 as well as C34 and C41 are across the MOSFET, and the
transformer primary consists of winding 1-2 only. K14 is open, keeping the series
capacitor bank (C150–C152, C158, and C159) out of the circuit.
In the LCF Fulgurate coag mode, the T_ON\ signal is a continuous pulse train with a pulse
width of 1.69 μs and a repetition frequency of 57 kHz. When the MOSFET turns on,
some energy is delivered to the output and some is stored in the T4 core. When the
MOSFET is turned off, the energy stored in the core rings out with a frequency of
591 kHz.
The frequency is set by C34, C40, C41, and the inductance of winding 1-2 of T4. CR2
blocks reverse current in the body drain diode of the MOSFET so that the power
waveform can ring negative.
This allows high peak voltages to be achieved at the output. In most cases, all the energy
stored in the transformer core during one switching cycle is delivered to the load before
the next cycle begins. The Fulgurate mode works the same as the LCF Fulgurate mode,
except the T_ON\ signal is a continuous pulse train with a pulse width of 1.69 μs and a
repetition frequency of 30 kHz.
The Spray mode works essentially the same as the Fulgurate mode, except the T_ON\
pulse frequency is randomized over the range of 21.6 kHz to 35.23 kHz. In addition,
amplifier U7A randomly varies the output amplitude by 10%. The ECON–GAIN signal
from the Control board changes the gain of U7A between 1 and 1.1.
To minimize ringing on the output voltage waveform at light loads, transistor Q7
switches in the 50 watt, 150 Ω heat sink mounted resistor in series with the transformer
primary for part of the RF switching cycle.
In the Desiccate 1 coag mode, K2 is closed and K14 is open. The T_ON\ signal is a
continuous pulse train with a pulse width of 2 μs and a frequency of 39 kHz. The output
resonates with a frequency of 308 kHz.
Principles of Operation

The Desiccate 2 and Desiccate 3 coag modes are treated by the microcontroller as
feedback controlled cut modes. Their operation is the same as Pure Cut described in this
section, except the power curves are different.

Output Relays
In all monopolar modes, K13 is closed and routes patient return current through the
Patient Return Electrode receptacle. K15 routes active current through the Monopolar
1/CEM Instrument receptacle. K16 routes the active current through the Monopolar 2

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-25

Power Supply/RF Board

Instrument receptacle.
In bipolar mode, the Patient Return Electrode receptacle relay is open. Relays K12 and
K17 route bipolar current to the Bipolar Instrument receptacle.
All output relays are open when the generator is not being activated.

Spark Control Circuit

The spark control uses the voltage sense circuit to monitor the output voltage. It
interrupts the delivery of power if the output voltage exceeds a preset threshold. This
greatly reduces sparking when an activated accessory is removed from tissue.
The sparking occurs because the RF stage tuning results in a higher natural gain at light
loads than at heavy loads. Thus, during sudden transitions from heavy to light loads, the
output voltage rises faster than the microcontroller can respond. This analog circuit works
outside the microcontroller loop at a much greater speed.
The rectified but unfiltered waveform from the output voltage sense circuit is fed into a
peak detector (U23A, CR29, and C104). A high impedance buffer (U23B) maintains the
integrity of the peak detected signal. The output of this buffer is divided and fed to a
comparator. The other input to the comparator is an analog threshold level (VMAX_CLP)
that is set by the main microcontroller on the Control board and depends on the mode
and power setting.
When the peak detected sample of the output voltage exceeds the threshold, one-shot
U14A is fired and generates a 3 ms pulse (SPARK_CON) that is sent to the T_ON ASIC on
the Control board. This pulse is ignored if it occurs during the first 0.2 seconds of
activation. Otherwise, SPARK_CON causes the T_ON\ signal to stop.
The feedback microcontroller on the Control board senses this and realizes that a spark
has been suppressed. The feedback microcontroller waits 100 ms in Pure cut, then re-
initiates T_ON\ with a frequency of 470 kHz. The frequency returns to 394 kHz after
1 second of continuous activation or when the generator is reactivated.

RF Leakage Reduction Circuit

Fulgurate and Spray Coag Modes

For the Fulgurate and Spray coag modes, the high voltage RF output pulse repetition
period varies with changes in spark and patient tissue impedance to limit the RF leakage
current to a desired level.
The VSENSE signal is obtained from the divider (R58, R25) located on the primary side of
T4. VSENSE is input to a negative peak detector (U24A) that generates the analog signal
(VPEAK–). Then U25A amplifies and inverts the signal.
The averaged signal (now called VPK+) is input to the feedback microcontroller on the
Control board and added to the ECON value at the selected power setting. The sum of
these signals, with the proper gain factors, varies linearly with load impedance at the
patient site.

4-26 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Power Supply/RF Board

This sum is input into a pulse width modulator that sends its output (WAK\) to a NAND
gate. Thus, the T_ON\ signal is inhibited for up to four consecutive cycles. Without the
leakage control, the pulse repetition period is 17 μs. With the leakage control fully
activated, the total pulse train repeats every 84 μs with a maximum dead time of 60% or
51 μs.

REM Circuit
Components U17 along with R95, R96, R97, and C79 form a precision oscillator. R96 is
adjusted for the frequency that will produce maximum voltage amplitude (80 ± 10 kHz)
at the REM connector (J17). R98 is a temperature compensating thermocouple that
cancels temperature drift from the components forming the oscillator.
The REM transformer (T10) provides isolated reflected impedance sensing for tissue
impedance across the REM Polyhesive patient return electrode terminals (connected to
J17, pins 1 and 2). In addition to tuning the REM circuit, capacitors C155, C156, C169,
and C170 provide a return path for high frequency RF signals through C157 to the RF
output transformer. The REM transformer (T10) and capacitors C155, C156, C169, and
C170 form a resonant circuit with a nominal operating frequency of 80 kHz.
Pin 1 of T10 clocks the active synchronous rectifier formed by CMOS switch U28A. This
device is closed during the positive period of the REM_AC signal and open during the
negative period.
When the switch is closed, C122 is charged to the peak positive value of REM_AC. Then,
U31B amplifies, filters and buffers the charge on C122 to produce the R_SEN signal. The
microcontrollers monitor the R_SEN signal (which is a DC voltage proportional to
impedance) to determine the patient return electrode status.

IsoBloc Circuit
The IsoBloc circuit provides a means of detecting a switch closure in an output accessory
while maintaining electrical isolation between the generator output and ground
referenced circuitry.
The IsoBloc circuit consists of an isolated DC power supply, a comparator to detect switch
closure, and an optoisolator link from the output connected circuitry to the ground
referenced low voltage circuitry. Each handswitching output of the generator is
associated with its own IsoBloc power source and isolated signal paths.
Principles of Operation

The oscillator circuit consists of a chain of 74HC14 inverters. The output of the oscillator
yields a 67.5 kHz square wave that is applied to the input of three 4081 buffers (U29).

Power Supply
The three 4081 buffers (U29) drive three TN2404KL FETs connected to transformers
which are operated in a quasi-resonant flyback mode with their associated 6800 pF

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-27

Power Supply/RF Board

The voltages at the secondaries of the three transformers are half-wave rectified and
referenced to three separate isolated grounds to provide -8 V for operating the isolated
activation circuitry.

The isolated power supply voltages produced by the IsoBloc power supplies are
connected to the active output terminals of the generator. Handswitch activation is
accomplished by sensing active to CUT or active to COAG switch closure in a handheld
Switch closure is detected by comparing the voltage across the switch to a divider
reference with comparators U32, U33, and U34. Current through the limiting resistors, in
series with the LEDs in the optoisolators, cause the LEDs to light.
The phototransistor, which is connected to an input on the FPGA U16-B, through the
U24 Bus Transceiver, in the main microcontroller circuit turns on, pulling the associated
input low. This is interpreted by the software as an activation request and the generator is
activated accordingly.

Temperature Sense Circuits

The Force FX-8CAS generator features two temperature sense circuits.
The first temperature sense circuit measures the air temperature adjacent to the RF
output FET heat sink. When the temperature at this location reaches approximately
40° C, a cooling fan switches on to minimize heat buildup. The fan switches off when
the temperature drops below approximately 35° C.
The second temperature sense circuit measures the air temperature near the Control
board, which is located in the forward third of the generator enclosure. When this
temperature reaches approximately 50° C, the main microcontroller flashes number 451
alternately with the power settings to indicate that the generator is too hot. Generator
operation reverts to normal when the temperature decreases to below 40° C.

Thermal Sensing (Fan Control)

A reference voltage is applied to the noninverting input of comparator U2A. Resistors
R15 and R16 determine the reference voltage. When the temperature of NTC thermistor
R19 is 40° C, the reference voltage is set to be equal to the voltage at the inverting input
of U2A. Resistor R10 provides positive feedback causing approximately 5° C of hysteresis.
At temperatures below 40° C, the output of U2A is low. When the thermistor exceeds
the threshold, the voltage comparator changes state causing the output at U2A to go
high, turning on FET Q2. This applies 12 V to the cooling fan. When the temperature
drops to 35° C, the circuit reverts to its low temperature state, and the cooling fan
switches off.

4-28 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Autobipolar Board

Thermal Sensing (High Temperature Limit)

A reference voltage is applied to the non-inverting input of comparator U26A. Resistors
R111 and R110 determine the reference voltage. When the temperature of NTC
thermistor R109 is 50° C, the reference voltage is set to be equal to the voltage at the
inverting input of U26A. Resistor R94 provides positive feedback causing approximately
10° C of hysteresis.
When the thermistor exceeds the threshold, the voltage comparator changes state,
causing the output at U26A to go high. The main microcontroller reads this signal
(TEMP_HI) and flashes number 451 alternately with the power settings. When the
temperature drops to 40° C, the circuit reverts to its low temperature state, and the
generator allows activation for an unlimited duration.

Autobipolar Board
Refer to Chapter 9, Service Parts, for components and the Schematics Supplement for
board drawings and schematics.
The autobipolar board is located between the front panel assembly and the Control
board. It consists of an 80 kHz signal generator, a tissue impedance sense circuit, and an
analog detection circuit.

80 kHz Signal Generator

A 5-volt 80 ± 10 kHz square wave is generated from pin 7 of a precision oscillator (U1).
The output frequency is set by the combination of R6, R7, R8, R9, and C8, and can be
altered by adjusting the potentiometer R6. ABP_ON is a signal from the main
microcontroller that either enables or disables the oscillator.
When ABP_ON is high, Q2 turns on, thus grounding the BIAS pin (5) of the oscillator and
providing a 5 Vdc output on pin 7, instead of an 80 kHz square wave. When ABP_ON is
low, Q2 turns off, and the oscillator generates the 80 kHz square wave.

Tissue Impedance Sense Circuit

The tissue impedance across the bipolar forceps is reflected through the sense circuit and
across the ABP transformer T1, which isolates the sensed impedance from the rest of the
autobipolar circuitry. T1 and C3 form a resonant circuit operating at 80 kHz, which filters
out the 80 kHz sine wave from the square wave generated by the oscillator.
Principles of Operation

To keep the RF output balanced and to protect against single point failure, two identical
serial resonant circuits (L1–L4, C1 and L5–L8, C2) were included. Both circuits operate at
80 kHz and provide a large, reactive impedance for the 470 kHz RF signal.
When RF is on, both bipolar relays on the Power Supply/RF board (K12B and K17B) are
closed. Therefore, C152 is put in parallel with tissue, changing the 80 kHz load. To cancel
out the reactance of C152, the relay K1 closes during RF generation, and L9–L16 are
placed in parallel with C152.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 4-29

Autobipolar Board

Analog Detection Circuit

The 80 kHz sine wave carrying the reflected tissue impedance passes from T1 to U3B, a
high impedance follower that prevents the rest of the circuit from loading down the
resistor divider of R17 and R18.
The combination of U3A, C11, C12, and R19 form a two-pole band pass filter that
eliminates all the noise as well as the 40 kHz signal. The circuit is based on a bridged-T
RC circuit with an op-amp to provide negative feedback and outputs a pure 80 kHz sine
U2, together with the accompanying resistors, capacitors, and diodes, forms a precision
full-wave rectifier. The output at pin 1 of U2 produces a 160 kHz sine wave.
C15 and R16 form a RC filter and convert the rectified waveform to a DC voltage, which
is proportional to the tissue impedance. This voltage is sent to the main microcontroller
as the ABP_SEN signal. The Zener diode CR7 guarantees that the DC voltage does not
exceed 6 V.

4-30 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Chapter 5
Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

After unpacking or after servicing the Force FX-8CAS generator, set it up and
verify that it functions correctly.

If the generator does not satisfactorily complete the self-test, calibrate it to

ensure its accuracy.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-1

Setting Up the Generator

Setting Up the Generator

Electric Shock Hazard Connect the generator power cord to a properly grounded receptacle.
Do not use power plug adapters.

Fire Hazard Do not use extension cords.

Do not stack equipment on top of the generator or place the generator on top of electrical
equipment (except an Argon Gas Delivery Unit II or a CUSA EXcel unit). These configurations are
unstable and/or do not allow adequate cooling.

Provide as much distance as possible between the electrosurgical generator and other electronic
equipment (such as monitors). An activated electrosurgical generator may cause interference with

If required by local codes, connect the generator to the hospital equalization connector with an
equipotential cable.

Connect the power cord to a wall outlet having the correct voltage. Otherwise product damage
may result.

1. Verify the generator is off by pressing the power switch off (O).
2. Place the generator on a stable flat surface, such as a table, platform, or Covidien
cart. Carts with conductive wheels are recommended. For details, refer to the
procedures for your institution or to local codes.
Provide at least four to six inches of space from the sides and top of the generator for
cooling. Normally, the top, sides, and rear panel are warm when the generator is used
continuously for extended periods of time.
Ensure that the generator rests securely on the cart or platform. The underside of the
generator contains four rubber feet and additional holes that allow you to reposition
the feet to ensure stability.
Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the rubber feet from the generator.
Then, reinstall the feet in the preferred location.
3. According to the procedures used by your institution, connect an equipotential
grounding cable to the grounding lug on the rear panel of the generator. Then,
connect the cable to earth ground.
4. Plug the generator power cord into the rear panel receptacle.
5. Plug the generator power cord into a grounded receptacle.

5-2 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Setting Up the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

6. Turn on the generator by pressing the power switch on (|). Verify the following:
– All visual indicators and displays on the front panel illuminate.
– Activation tones sound to verify that the speaker is working properly.

If the coag mode has been optionally changed to default to Desiccate or Spray, that
corresponding indicator illuminates after the self-test is performed successfully.

7. If the self-test is successful, a tone sounds. Verify the following:

– Indicators above the default mode buttons (Standard bipolar, Pure cut, and
Fulgurate coag) illuminate green.
– Each display shows a power setting of one watt.
– The REM Alarm indicator illuminates red.
If the self-test is not successful, an alarm tone sounds. A number may momentarily
appear in the Cut display and, in most cases, the generator is disabled. Note the
number and refer to Responding to System Alarms on page 6-12.

Connections for Bipolar or Macrobipolar Surgery

If you plan to use a footswitching bipolar instrument, you must connect a bipolar
footswitch. You may also use a footswitch to activate a handswitching instrument. Refer
to the next two illustrations.
Electric Shock Hazard
• Do not connect wet accessories to the generator.
• Ensure that all accessories and adapters are correctly connected and that no metal is exposed.

Accessories must be connected to the proper receptacle type. In particular, bipolar accessories
must be connected to the Bipolar receptacle only. Improper connection may result in inadvertent
generator activation or a REM Contact Quality Monitor alarm.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-3

Setting Up the Generator

Bipolar or macrobipolar connections—footswitch activation and a handswitching or

footswitching instrument

Bipolar footswitch

Footswitching or handswitching

Bipolar or macrobipolar connection—handswitching instrument

Handswitching instrument

5-4 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Setting Up the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Setting the Bipolar Output
Set power levels to the lowest setting before testing an accessory.

1. (Optional) To display the previous settings, press the Recall button.

2. To set the Bipolar mode, press the Precise, Standard, or Macro button. The
corresponding indicator illuminates green.
3. To set the Autobipolar mode, press the Auto button.
4. To increase the power for the selected mode, press the white up arrow ( Δ ) button. To
decrease the power, press the white down arrow ( ∇ ) button. The maximum power
setting is 70 W.

Connections for Monopolar Surgery

If you plan to use a footswitching monopolar instrument, you must connect a Valleylab
monopolar footswitch. You may also use a footswitch to activate a handswitching
instrument or a CUSA handpiece with CEM nosecone. Refer to the next three

Electric Shock Hazard
• Do not connect wet accessories to the generator.
• Ensure that all accessories and adapters are correctly connected and that no metal is exposed.

Use only a Valleylab monopolar footswitch with the Force FX-8CAS generator. Use of an
incompatible footswitch may cause unexpected output.

The instrument receptacles on this generator are designed to accept only one instrument at a
time. Do not attempt to connect more than one instrument at a time into a given receptacle.
Doing so will cause simultaneous activation of the instruments.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-5

Setting Up the Generator

Monopolar connection—footswitch activation and a footswitching or handswitching

instrument using Monopolar 1 Footswitch receptacle and Monopolar 1/CEM Instrument

Footswitching or

Valleylab monopolar

Patient return electrode

Monopolar connection—footswitch activation and a footswitching or handswitching

instrument using Monopolar 2 Footswitch receptacle and Monopolar 2 Instrument

Footswitching or

Valleylab monopolar

Patient return electrode

5-6 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Setting Up the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Monopolar connection—handswitch activation and a monopolar handswitching
instrument using either Monopolar Instrument receptacle


Patient return electrode

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-7

Setting Up the Generator

Selecting Cut and Coag Modes

Set power levels to the lowest setting before testing an accessory.

1. (Optional) To display the previous settings, press the Recall button.

2. To select a cut mode, press the Low, Pure, or Blend button. The corresponding
indicator illuminates green.
3. To increase the power for the cut mode you selected, press the yellow up arrow ( Δ )
button. To decrease the power, press the yellow down arrow ( ∇ ) button. The
maximum power setting for Low and Pure is 300 W. The maximum power setting for
Blend is 200 W.
4. To select a coag mode, press the Low (Desiccate), Med (Fulgurate), or High (Spray)
button. The corresponding indicator illuminates green.
To select the LCF Fulgurate mode, press the Med button and hold for two seconds. A
tone sounds and an “L” appears on the left side of the Coag display.
To return to the standard Fulgurate mode, press the Med button and hold for two
seconds. A tone sounds and the “L” disappears from the left side of the Coag display.
5. To increase the power for the selected coag mode, press the blue up arrow ( Δ )
button. To decrease the power, press the blue down arrow ( ∇ ) button. The
maximum power setting for each coag mode is 120 W.
In the LCF Fulgurate mode, an “L” appears on the left side of the Coag display. When
the LCF Fulgurate power setting is above 95 W, the power setting display alternates
between the power setting (for example, 110 W) and “L--”.

Changing the Desiccate Mode

The default Desiccate coag mode is Desiccate 1. On the Force FX-8CAS generator, the
Desiccate coag mode can be changed to Desiccate 2 or Desiccate 3.
The Desiccate coag mode does not need to be set every time the generator is prepared
for surgery. The generator will recall the most recently programmed mode when it is
turned on.
The Desiccate mode can be changed by using the RS-232 port. Refer to Using the RS-232
Serial Port on page 5-48 for details on the commands.

5-8 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Setting Up the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Simultaneous Coag
Connect two monopolar instruments for simultaneous coag. Each receives a percentage
of the overall power setting. The amount of power provided to each instrument depends
on the tissue resistance sensed by the generator at each surgical site.
Generally, the site with lower resistance receives proportionately more power. The
combined total output power does not exceed the overall power setting for the coag
mode selected.
Connections for simultaneous coag—two handswitching instruments


Patient return electrode


Simultaneous Tone Details:

The simultaneous coag tone sounds and coag indicator illuminates blue upon pressing
Monopolar 1 Coag and Monopolar 2 Coag handswitch buttons simultaneously, or
alternatively pressing Monopolar 1 Coag and Monopolar 2 Coag footswitch pedals

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-9

Setting Up the Generator

Using Two Generators Simultaneously

Do not stack equipment on top of the generator or place the generator on top of electrical
equipment (except an Argon Gas Delivery Unit II or a CUSA EXcel unit). These configurations are
unstable and/or do not allow adequate cooling.

Two generators (and two patient return electrodes) may be used simultaneously on the
same patient, provided the generators are the same type (both are isolated or both are
ground referenced). However, the two generators are not synchronized.
One return electrode frequently acquires a high positive voltage while the other acquires
an opposite negative voltage. When this occurs, the potential voltage difference between
them may cause the current to flow from one patient return electrode to the other. The
current causes no harm if it produces no sparks or high current densities on the patient.
Place each patient return electrode as close as possible to the site of the surgery to be
performed by the generator to which it is connected. Ensure that the two patient return
electrodes do not touch.

Connecting the CUSA Handpiece with CEM Nosecone

Electric Shock Hazard
• Do not connect wet accessories to the generator.
• Ensure that all accessories and adapters are correctly connected and that no metal is exposed.

Connections for combined monopolar/ultrasonic surgery

CEM indicator
illuminates green

CUSA handpiece
with CEM If you choose to use a monopolar
nosecone footswitch, you must use only a
Valleylab monopolar footswitch
and connect it to the Monopolar 1
Footswitch receptacle

Connect to CUSA system

Patient return electrode

5-10 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Setting Up the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Setting the Output Power
Set power levels to the lowest setting before testing an accessory.

When you use the CUSA handpiece with CEM nosecone for ultrasonic electrosurgery,
only Low cut or Desiccate 1 coag are available when you activate the handpiece.
To verify or change the Low cut power setting:
To increase the power, press the yellow up arrow ( Δ ) button. To decrease the power,
press the yellow down arrow ( ∇ ) button. The maximum cut power is 100 W.
To verify or change the Desiccate 1 coag power setting:
To increase the power, press the blue up arrow ( Δ ) button. To decrease the power, press
the blue down arrow ( ∇ ) button. The maximum coag power is 70 W.

Simultaneous Coag with a CUSA System

To use a CUSA handpiece with CEM nosecone for simultaneous coag, connect the
handpiece to the Monopolar 1/CEM Instrument receptacle.
Then connect a monopolar instrument to the Monopolar 2 Instrument receptacle. During
simultaneous coag, only Desiccate coag is available; the maximum power is limited to
70 W.

Changing the Mode

Verify the selected mode with the surgeon. You cannot change the mode while the
generator is activated.
To change the mode, press the desired bipolar, cut, or coag mode button. The indicator
above that button illuminates green. You can activate only one mode at a time.
When you change modes within a function (bipolar, cut, coag), the power setting
remains the same unless it exceeds the maximum for the new mode.
In that case, it reverts to the maximum for the new mode. For example, if you set the
power to 250 W for Pure cut, when you select Blend, the power setting changes to
200 W, the maximum for Blend.
If, however, you set the power to 65 W in Desiccate, when you select Fulgurate, the
power setting does not change because it falls within that mode’s range.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-11

Setting Up the Generator

Changing the Power Setting

Verify the power settings for the selected mode with the surgeon. You can change the
power setting when the generator is on, including when it is activated.
To increase the power, press the up arrow (Δ) button for the selected mode.
To decrease the power, press the down arrow (∇) button for the selected mode.
When you press and release the power button, the power changes by one setting (1, 5,
or 10 W), based on the settings available for the selected mode. The available power
settings are listed in Chapter 3, Technical Specifications.
To reach the maximum or minimum power setting for the selected mode, press and hold
the up arrow (Δ) or down arrow (∇) button. The setting changes slowly at first, then
more rapidly.
Release the button when the desired setting is displayed. If you try to set the power
above the maximum setting or below the minimum setting for the selected mode, a tone

Activating the Surgical Instrument

Do not activate the generator until the forceps have made contact with the patient. Product
damage may occur.

To activate a handswitching instrument, use the controls on the instrument or on the

appropriate footswitch. To activate a footswitching instrument, you must use a
To reduce the possibility of alternate site burns that may be caused by RF leakage
currents, avoid unnecessary and prolonged activation of the generator.
If you use bipolar output when a return electrode is applied to the patient, the return
electrode circuit is deactivated automatically to eliminate the possibility of current

Autobipolar Activation
Autobipolar activation allows the surgeon to grasp tissue between the tines of a bipolar
forceps for a preset amount of time before the generator automatically activates. The
generator deactivates when the tissue impedance reaches a certain level.
In Autobipolar mode, the generator continuously monitors the impedance between the
tines of the forceps. The generator output activates when this measured impedance
remains below a predetermined value for a preset amount of time.
The generator delivers output power until the measured impedance reaches a user-
defined limit. In addition, the generator will not deliver output power into impedances
below approximately 20 Ω. This prevents activation if the forceps’ tines touch.

5-12 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Setting Up the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Enter and exit the Autobipolar mode by pressing the front panel Auto button. The left-
most bipolar digit will display either an uppercase “A” or “P” as described in the
following section, to indicate that the generator is in Autobipolar mode.
While in Autobipolar mode, only Precise and Standard modes are available. Pressing the
Macro button while in the Autobipolar mode will put the generator back into normal
Bipolar mode. Also, the Auto button is inactive when the generator is in Macrobipolar

Auto Versus Footswitch Start

When the generator is set for footswitch start (factory default), the Bipolar display will
read “PXX,” where “XX” is the bipolar power setting. The unit will activate when the
sense impedance is between the turn-on value of 20 Ω and the user-specified turn-off
impedance, and when the footswitch pedal is depressed.
Once activated, the unit will proceed until the turn-off impedance threshold is reached,
regardless of the state of the footswitch input.
When the generator is set for auto start, the Bipolar display will read “AXX,” where
“XX” is the bipolar power setting. In this state, as soon as the generator senses a valid
turn-on input impedance, the RF activation sequence begins.

Autobipolar Delay Function

Once the generator detects a valid turn-on input impedance, it initiates an autobipolar
activation sequence. If the activation delay time is zero, RF activation begins immediately.
If the activation delay time is greater than zero, the unit displays the preset delay when it
receives a valid turn-on input impedance, and then “counts down” the delay in 0.5
second increments (0.0 will not be displayed).
At the end of the delay time, the Bipolar display reverts to the current power setting, and
RF activation commences. A short audio tone (660 Hz nominal) accompanies each step in
the count down.
The user may adjust the volume of this tone in a manner identical to the activation tones
described in Activation Tone Volume Control on page 2-11.

Autobipolar Deactivation
RF activation will continue until the generator senses that its upper impedance limit has
been reached. At this time, RF activation ceases automatically.

Alternating Autobipolar and Monopolar Activation

The user may alternate between autobipolar and monopolar activation. When the
generator is in Autobipolar mode and idle, both monopolar and autobipolar keying
inputs are valid, and the unit will respond to the first input detected.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-13

Setting Up the Generator

Once an autobipolar activation sequence begins (during either delay count down or RF
activation), no other keying inputs are processed until the activation sequence is
In the Autobipolar mode the generator automatically activates any time an impedance (e.g.,
tissue) is sensed in contact with the forceps tines. Extreme care should be taken when using this
mode. Never place the forceps on the patient or hold the forceps by the tines because activation
may occur. Always place forceps in a holster when not in use.

Autobipolar Setup Mode

Autobipolar mode allows the user to configure three autobipolar parameters: activation
input, activation delay time, and deactivation impedance level. Autobipolar setup mode is
not accessible during generator activation.

Entering Autobipolar Setup Mode

When Autobipolar setup mode is active, a step number appears in the Bipolar display
(display format “AbX,” where “X” is setup step number). Use the Bipolar up (Δ) and
down (∇) arrow buttons to select setup steps.
The values associated with each setup step appear in the Coag display. Use the Coag up
(Δ) and down (∇) arrow buttons to adjust the displayed value.

Access the Autobipolar Setup Mode

1. Make sure the generator is on.
2. Press and hold the Auto button for at least two seconds. Generator mode indicators
(Precise, Fulgurate, etc.) will not illuminate during autobipolar setup since RF
activation is not possible.

Select the Activation Source

Select either footswitch activation or automatic activation according to the following
procedure. The factory-set activation source will be footswitch (P).
1. Verify that the Bipolar display shows setup step number 1.
2. To select footswitch activation, press the Coag up (ΔΔ) or down (∇) arrow buttons
until the letter “P” appears in the Coag display. To select automatic activation, press
the Coag up (Δ) or down (∇) buttons until the letter “A” appears in the Coag display.
3. Press the Bipolar up (Δ) button to advance to the next setup step or press the Recall
button to save the setting and exit the Autobipolar setup mode, or turn the generator
off to exit without saving.

5-14 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Setting Up the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Adjust the Activation Delay Time
Adjust the delay time from when the generator senses a valid load between the bipolar
electrodes until RF activation occurs.
Available settings: 0 to 2.5 seconds in 0.5 second steps. The factory-set delay is zero. The
delay feature only applies to automatic activation. Footswitch activation disables the
delay feature.
1. Verify that the Bipolar display shows setup step number 2.
2. The currently active delay time value will appear in the Coag window (display format:
X.X). Use the Coag up (Δ) and down (∇) arrow buttons to adjust the delay time to the
desired value.
3. Press the Bipolar up (Δ) button to advance to the next step or press the Recall button
to save the setting and exit the Autobipolar setup mode, or turn the generator off to
exit without saving.

Select the Deactivation Impedance Level

Select the turn-off impedance threshold by choosing one of four impedance values. Turn-
off levels are 1500, 1800, 2000, and 2200 Ω. The factory-set turn-off level is 1800 Ω.
1. Verify that the Bipolar display shows setup step number 3.
2. The currently active turn-off impedance setting number (1, 2, 3, or 4) appears in the
Coag window (display format: X). Use the Coag up (Δ) and down (∇) arrow buttons
to adjust the turn-off impedance to the desired value.
Numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 correspond to 1500, 1800, 2000, and 2200 Ω, respectively.
3. Press the Recall button to save the new values and exit setup mode, or turn the
generator off to exit without saving.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-15

Setting Up the Generator

Exiting Setup Mode

Exit the Autobipolar setup mode at any time. To exit and save the new setup values, press
the Recall button. The generator immediately returns to the power and mode settings
selected prior to entering setup. To exit without saving the new setup values, turn off the
generator. The values that were in effect prior to entering setup mode remain in effect.
Activation Indicators

Handswitching Footswitching Activation Indicator

Bipolar Close forceps tines Press pedal Activation tone sounds–

firmly Bipolar indicator illuminates

Monopolar Press Cut or Coag Press Cut or Coag Activation tone sounds–Cut
button pedal indicator illuminates yellow
or Coag indicator illuminates
Close forceps tines

CUSA handpiece Press Cut or Coag Press Cut or Coag Activation tone sounds–Cut
with CEM button on CEM pedal indicator illuminates yellow
nosecone nosecone or Coag indicator illuminates
blue–CEM indicator on front
panel illuminates green
when handpiece is properly
connected to the generator

Autobipolar Close forceps tines Close forceps tines Activation tone sounds–
firmly firmly Bipolar indicator illuminates

Monopolar Press Monopolar 1 Press Monopolar 1 Simultaneous Coag tone

Simultaneous Coag and Coag and sounds–Coag indicator
Coag Monopolar 2 Coag Monopolar 2 Coag illuminates blue
buttons pedals
simultaneously simultaneously

5-16 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Periodic Safety Check

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Periodic Safety Check
When testing RF equipment, follow these test procedures to duplicate manufacturer test data.
Keep test leads to the minimum length usable; lead inductance and stray capacitance can
adversely affect readings. Carefully select suitable ground points to avoid ground loop error in

The accuracy of most RF instruments is approximately 1–5% of full scale. Using uncompensated
scope probes causes large errors when measuring high voltage RF waveforms.

Perform the following safety check every six months to verify that the generator is
functioning properly. Record the test results for reference in future tests. If the generator
fails to meet any of the checks, refer to Chapter 6, Troubleshooting.

Electric Shock Hazard When taking measurements or troubleshooting the generator, take
appropriate precautions, such as using isolated tools and equipment, using the “one hand rule,”

Electric Shock Hazard Do not touch any exposed wiring or conductive surfaces while the
generator is disassembled and energized. Never wear a grounding strap when working on an
energized generator.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

Here is a summary of safety checks:

• Inspect the generator and accessories
• Inspect the internal components
• Test the generator
• Verify REM function
• Confirm outputs
• Check leakage current and ground resistance

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-17

Periodic Safety Check

Recommended Test Equipment

• Digital voltmeter—FlukeTM* 77 or 87, or equivalent
• True RMS voltmeter—Fluke 8920, or equivalent
• Oscilloscope—Tektronix 2445, or equivalent
• Leakage current tester—Use UL load device or commercially available leakage tester
• Leakage table—per IEC 60601-2-2, Figure 104
• 100, 200, 300, 500 Ω, all 250 watt, 1% tolerance, noninductive (DaleTM* NH-250 or

Inspecting the Generator and Accessories

Equipment required
• Bipolar footswitch or monopolar footswitch
• Bipolar instrument cords (handswitching and footswitching)
• Monopolar instrument cords (handswitching and footswitching).
Turn off the generator, and disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.

Rear Panel
1. Check the rear panel footswitch receptacles for obstructions or damage. Check for a
secure fit by inserting the bipolar footswitch or monopolar footswitch connector into
the appropriate receptacle.
2. Remove the fuse and verify correct voltage and current rating. Refer to Performance
Characteristics on page 3-2.
If either connection is loose, replace the Footswitch board assembly. Refer to Footswitch
Board Replacement on page 7-9.

Front Panel
1. Check the Bipolar Instrument receptacle for obstructions or damage. Insert the
bipolar instrument connector (footswitching and handswitching) into the appropriate
receptacle to verify a secure fit.
If the connection is loose, replace the front panel assembly. Refer to Front Panel
Replacement on page 7-10.
2. Check the monopolar instrument receptacles for obstructions or damage. Insert the
monopolar instrument connector (footswitching and handswitching) into the
appropriate receptacle to verify a secure fit.
If any of the connections are loose, replace the front panel assembly. Refer to Front
Panel Replacement on page 7-10.

5-18 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Periodic Safety Check

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

3. Check the Patient Return Electrode receptacle for a broken pin or an obstruction. If
the receptacle is damaged or obstructed, replace the front panel assembly. Refer to
Front Panel Replacement on page 7-10.

1. Disconnect the footswitch from the generator.
2. Disassemble the footswitch connector. Inspect the connector for damage or
3. Reassemble the footswitch connector.
4. Inspect the footswitch for damage.
5. Reconnect the footswitch to the generator.

Power Cord
1. Disconnect the power cord from the unit and ensure that it is unplugged from the
wall receptacle.
2. Inspect the power cord for damage.
3. Reconnect the power cord to the generator and wall receptacle.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-19

Periodic Safety Check

Inspecting the Internal Components

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

1. Turn off the generator.

2. Loosen the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
chassis. Set the cover aside for reinstallation.
3. Verify that all connectors are firmly seated.
4. Inspect each board for damaged components, wires, cracks, and corrosion.
– If you find evidence of damage on the Control board, Autobipolar board, Display
board, or Footswitch board, replace the board. Refer to
Control Board Replacement on page 7-4
Autobipolar Board Replacement on page 7-8
Display Board Replacement on page 7-5
Footswitch Board Replacement on page 7-9
– If you find evidence of damage on the Power Supply/RF board, replace the board
only if the damage is severe. Refer to Power Supply/RF Board Replacement on
page 7-28.
5. Reinstall the cover on the generator. Position the cover above the chassis and slide it
down. Tighten the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis.

5-20 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Periodic Safety Check

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Testing the Generator
Turning on the generator initiates an internal self-test to verify the calibration. The self-
test also checks the operation of the speaker, all indicators, and the displays.
Use the generator only if the self-test has been completed as described. Otherwise, inaccurate
power outputs may result.

1. Turn on the generator by pressing the front panel On (|) switch. Verify the following:
– All visual indicators and displays on the front panel illuminate.
– Activation tones sound to verify that the speaker is working properly.

If the coag mode has been optionally changed to default to Desiccate or Spray, that
corresponding indicator illuminates after the self-test is performed successfully.

2. If the self-test is successful, a tone sounds. Verify the following:

– Indicators above the default mode buttons (Standard bipolar, Pure cut, and
Fulgurate coag) illuminate green.
– Each display shows a power setting of one watt.
– The REM Alarm indicator illuminates red.
If the self-test is not successful, an alarm tone sounds. A number may momentarily
appear in the Cut display and, in most cases, the generator is disabled. Note the
number and refer to Responding to System Alarms on page 6-12.
If you removed and/or replaced the battery, alarm number 212 may appear in the Cut
display when you turn on the generator. If this happens, calibrate the generator.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-21

Periodic Safety Check

Verifying REM Function

Equipment required
• REM plug and resistance substitution box.

1. Set the resistance substitution box to 120 Ω. Connect the resistance box to the
generator and confirm that the REM indicator illuminates green.
2. Slowly increase the resistance and verify that the REM alarm sounds at 135 ± 5 Ω.
3. Decrease the resistance to 60 Ω and verify that the REM indicator illuminates green.
4. Increase the resistance to 100 Ω and verify that the REM alarm sounds.
5. Decrease the resistance to 30 Ω and verify that the REM indicator illuminates green.
6. Decrease the resistance to 10 Ω and verify that the REM indicator illuminates green.
7. Decrease the resistance to 3 Ω and verify that the REM alarm sounds.
8. Switch to a connector without the pin, and increase the resistance from 3 Ω to 24 Ω.
Verify that the REM alarm sounds.

5-22 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Confirming Outputs

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Confirming Outputs
Use this procedure to ensure the accuracy of the generator. Always confirm the output:
• After calibrating the generator
• Every six months

Equipment required
• Two small test cables (less than 24" [61 cm] long) with banana plugs
• Current transformer
• True RMS voltmeter (such as the Fluke 8920 or equivalent)
• 100, 300, and 500 Ω 1% noninductive power resistors
• Bipolar footswitch and monopolar footswitch

Checking the Bipolar Output

1. Verify that the generator successfully completes the self-test as described in Testing
the Generator on page 5-21.
2. Connect the test equipment for bipolar output.
a. Connect the two test cables to the Bipolar Instrument receptacle.
b. Pass one test cable through the current transformer and connect the current
transformer to the voltmeter.
c. Connect the 100 Ω power resistor across the output jacks at the end of the test
d. Connect the bipolar footswitch to the Bipolar Footswitch receptacle on the rear
3. Press the Precise button and set the bipolar power to 10 W.
4. Test the output current for the selected Bipolar mode.
a. Press the footswitch pedal and, while activating the generator, note the output on
the voltmeter.
b. Release the footswitch pedal.
c. Based on the voltmeter setting and the current transformer you are using,
calculate and record the output current.
5. Press the Standard button and repeat step 4 (above).

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-23

Confirming Outputs

6. Press the Macro button and repeat step 4 (above).

7. Verify that the generator output for each mode is 315 ± 24 mArms.
If the output is outside the specified range, calibrate the bipolar output as described
in Calibrating the Generator on page 5-30.
Then repeat this procedure. If the output for one or more modes remains outside the
specified range, call the Covidien Service Center.

Checking Output for the Monopolar Cut Modes

1. Verify that the generator successfully completes the self-test as described in Testing
the Generator on page 5-21.
2. Connect the test equipment for monopolar output.
a. Connect one test cable to the left jack in the Monopolar 1/CEM Instrument
receptacle. Pass the test cable through the current transformer and connect the
current transformer to the voltmeter.
b. Use a test cable to short the two pins on the Patient Return Electrode receptacle.
c. Connect the second test cable from the voltmeter to both pins of the Patient
Return Electrode receptacle.
d. Connect the 300 Ω resistor across the output jacks at the end of the test cables.
e. Connect the monopolar footswitch to the Monopolar 1 Footswitch receptacle on
the rear panel of the generator.
3. Press the Pure button.
4. Press the Cut up (Δ) or down (∇) arrow buttons to set the cut power to 75 W.
5. Test the monopolar cut output.
a. Press the footswitch cut pedal and, while activating the generator, note the output
on the voltmeter.
b. Release the footswitch pedal.
c. Based on the voltmeter setting and the current transformer you are using,
calculate and record the output current.
6. Press the Low cut button and repeat step 5 (above).
7. Press the Blend button and repeat step 5 (above).
8. Verify that the generator output for each mode is 499 ± 38 mArms.
If the output is outside the specified range, calibrate the monopolar output as
described in Calibrating the Generator on page 5-30.
Then, repeat this procedure. If the output for one or more cut modes remains outside
the specified range, call the Covidien Service Center.

5-24 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Confirming Outputs

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Checking Output for the Monopolar Coag Modes
1. Complete items 1 and 2 of the previous step, replacing 300 Ω resistor with 500 Ω
resistor in item 2d.
2. Press the Desiccate button.
3. Press the Coag up (Δ) or down (∇) arrow buttons to set the coag power to 30 W.
4. Test the monopolar coag output.
a. Press the footswitch coag pedal and, while activating the generator, note the
output on the voltmeter.
b. Release the footswitch pedal.
c. Based on the voltmeter setting and the current transformer you are using,
calculate and record the output current.
5. Press the Fulgurate button and repeat step 4 (above).
6. Press the Med (Fulgurate) button and hold for two seconds. After the tone sounds
and the “L” appears on the left side of the Coag display, repeat step 4 (above).
7. Press the Spray button and repeat step 4 (above).
8. Verify that the generator output for each mode is 245 ± 19 mArms.
If the output is outside the specified range, calibrate the monopolar output as
described in Calibrating the Generator on page 5-30.
Then, repeat this procedure. If the output for one or more coag modes remains
outside the specified range, call the Covidien Service Center.

Checking the Autobipolar Feature

Equipment required
• 20, 50, 300, 1000, and 1500 Ω load (250 W)
• Four test cables (less than 24" [61 cm] long) with banana leads
• Bipolar footswitch
1. Enter the Autobipolar mode by pressing the Auto button on the Bipolar display. Verify
that the autobipolar function is available in Precise and Standard bipolar modes, but is
not available in the Macrobipolar mode. The generator is in the autobipolar mode
when a “P” or an “A” appears in the left-hand digit of the Bipolar display. Set bipolar
power to 10 W.
2. Enter the Autobipolar setup mode by pressing the Auto button for at least two
Press the Coag Up (Δ) button until a “P” appears in the Coag display. Press the Recall
button to save changes and exit Autobipolar setup mode.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-25

Confirming Outputs

3. Connect a 20 Ω load to the Bipolar output. Press the bipolar footswitch, and verify
that RF generation occurs and continues after the footswitch pedal is released (make
sure the generator is in Autobipolar mode).
Disconnect the load. Verify that RF generation stops.
4. Enter the Bipolar setup mode by pressing the Auto button for at least two seconds.
Press the Coag Up (Δ) button until an “A” appears in the Coag display. Press the
Recall button to save changes and exit Autobipolar setup mode.
5. Connect a 1000 Ω load to the Bipolar output. Verify that RF generation occurs
automatically. Disconnect the load. Verify that RF generation stops.
6. Connect a 1050 Ω load to the Bipolar output. Verify that RF generation does not
7. Enter the Autobipolar setup mode by pressing the Auto button for at least two
Press the Bipolar Up (Δ) button until a “3” appears in the Bipolar display.
Press the Coag UP (Δ) button until a “2” appears in the Coag display. Press the Recall
button to save changes and exit Autobipolar setup mode.
8. Connect a 300 Ω load in series with a 1500 Ω load.
Short the 1500 Ω load with a banana lead so that the load resistance is equivalent to
300 Ω. Verify that RF generation occurs.
Remove the short across the 1500 Ω load for a total load resistance of 1800 Ω. Verify
that RF generation stops.
9. Short the 1500 Ω load. Verify that RF generation does not occur. (The generator
should not see an open circuit for this test.)
10.Disconnect the 1800 Ω load from the Bipolar output. Short the Bipolar output with a
pair of banana leads. Verify that RF generation does not occur.

5-26 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Confirming Outputs

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Checking Low Frequency Leakage Current and Ground
Check the low frequency leakage current and ground resistance before returning the
generator to clinical use.
Equipment required
• Leakage current tester
Leakage current test circuit per IEC 60601-1

Output Receptacles and REM Source Current

1. Set the DVM to AC volts (200 millivolts [mV]) and connect the leakage current test
2. Turn on the generator.
3. Measure between all the output receptacles (including the Patient Return Electrode
receptacle) and earth ground. Record the largest reading.
4. Determine the leakage current using the conventional 1 microamp (μA) per 1 mV.
5. Verify under normal conditions (ground closed, normal polarity) the leakage current is
less than 10 μA. If the leakage current is greater than 10 μA, call the Covidien Service
6. Verify single fault conditions (ground open) the leakage current is less than or equal to
50 μA. If the leakage current is greater than 50 μA, call the Covidien Service Center.

Chassis or Earth Leakage

1. Set the DVM to AC volts (200 mV) and connect the leakage current test circuit.
2. Turn on the generator.
3. Measure between the chassis and earth ground.
4. Determine the leakage current using the conventional 1 μA per 1 mV.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-27

Confirming Outputs

5. Verify under normal conditions (ground closed, normal polarity) the leakage current is
less than 100 μA. If the leakage current is greater than 100 μA, call the Covidien
Service Center.
6. Verify single fault conditions (ground open) the leakage current is less than or equal to
300 μA. If the leakage current is greater than 300 μA, call the Covidien Service

Output Receptacles and REM Sink Current

1. Set the DVM to AC volts (200 mV) and connect the leakage current test circuit.
2. Turn on the generator and connect the end of the leakage current test circuit to mains
voltage through a 120 kΩ resistor.
3. Connect the other side of the IEC leakage load to all of the output receptacles
(including the Patient Return Electrode receptacle).
4. Determine the leakage current using the conventional 1 μA per 1 mV.
5. Verify the leakage current is less than or equal to 20 μA. If the leakage current is
greater than 20 μA, call the Covidien Service Center.

Checking High Frequency Leakage Current

Check the high frequency leakage current and ground resistance before returning the
generator to clinical use. Check the leakage current:
• After calibrating the generator
• Every six months.
Equipment required
• 200 Ω, 250 watt, noninductive resistor
• Current transformer
• True RMS voltmeter (Fluke 8920 or equivalent)
• Bipolar and monopolar footswitches
• Leakage table - per IEC 60601-2-2, Figure 104*.
* If a high frequency leakage table is not available, use a short lead configuration—two
18" (45.7 cm) banana leads (short lead configuration only).

Checking Monopolar High Frequency Leakage Current

1. Connect the 200 Ω load from the active accessory through the current transformer to
the equipotential ground lug on the rear of the generator.
2. Connect the current transformer to a true RMS voltmeter.
3. Connect a monopolar footswitch to the Monopolar 1 Footswitch receptacle on the
rear panel.

5-28 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Confirming Outputs

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

4. Activate the footswitch in each Monopolar mode at the maximum control setting.
Record the leakage current. If using the leakage table, leakage current should not
exceed 150 mA for any mode. If using the short lead configuration, the leakage
current should not exceed 100 mA for any mode.
5. If the high frequency leakage exceeds 150 mA (using leakage table) or 100 mA (using
short lead configuration), call the Covidien Service Center for further instructions.

Checking Bipolar High Frequency Leakage Current

1. Remove the monopolar accessories, and connect the 200 Ω load from one side of the
bipolar output through the current transformer to the equipotential ground lug on
the rear of the generator.
2. Connect the current transformer to the true RMS voltmeter.
3. Connect a bipolar footswitch to the Bipolar Footswitch receptacle on the rear panel.
4. Activate the footswitch in each mode at maximum control setting. Record the leakage
current. It should not exceed 60 mA for any mode using either the leakage table or
short lead configuration.
5. If the high frequency leakage exceeds 60 mA, call the Covidien Service Center for
further instructions.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-29

Calibrating the Generator

Calibrating the Generator

There are nine calibration steps. During calibration you verify information specific to the
generator, adjust the date, and adjust the clock. You also adjust the REM circuit and
several values, or factors, that ensure the proper operation of the generator.
The calibration steps and the values you can adjust are summarized below. Certain values
are not adjustable but must be verified.
After completing any calibration step, proceed to the next step to save the values from the
completed calibration step.

Calibration Step and Description Adjustable?

1. Generator data
Generator model number No (verify value)
Master microcontroller software version No (verify value)
Feedback microcontroller software version No (verify value)

2. Calendar
Month Yes
Day of the month Yes
Year Yes

3. Clock
Hour Yes
Minute Yes

4. REM oscillator frequency and impedance Yes

5. Current sense gain factor Yes

6. Voltage sense gain factor Yes

7. Reactance gain factor Yes

8. ECON factor Yes

9. Autobipolar oscillator frequency and Yes


5-30 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Calibrating the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Preparing for Calibration
Equipment required
• Bipolar footswitch and monopolar footswitch
• Two small test cables (less than 24" [61 cm] long) with banana plugs
• REM plug (modified)
• Resistor substitution box
• Oscilloscope
• True RMS voltmeter (such as the Fluke 8920A or equivalent)
• Current transformer (such as the PearsonTM* Model 411 or equivalent)
• Noninductive power resistors (such as a Dale NH-250) with these values (in Ω): 10, 20,
30, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, and 3000.10, 20, 30, 100, 200, 500, 700, 1000,
1500, 1800, 2000, 2200, and 3000
If these exact values are not available, you may substitute series or parallel
combinations of other values.

Entering Calibration Mode

When you are in calibration mode, the calibration step number appears in the Bipolar
display. The value(s) associated with each calibration step appears in the Cut and Coag
displays. You use the Cut and Coag up (Δ) or down (∇) arrow buttons to adjust the
displayed values.
1. If the generator is off, turn it on.
If you removed and/or replaced the battery, alarm number 212 will appear in the Cut
display the first time you turn on the generator. Turn off, then turn on the generator
to clear the number. Then calibrate the generator.
If Error 15 appears, then R6 on the autobipolar board needs to be adjusted. Turn the
generator off and fully rotate potentiometer R6 clockwise.
If any other number appears, calibrate the generator before taking the appropriate
action to respond to the number.
2. To enter calibration mode, simultaneously press the Recall, Pure, and Desiccate
The first calibration step number (C1) appears in the Bipolar display. For instructions
on completing this step, refer to the first calibration step, Verify the Generator Data
on page 5-32.
If an error occurs during calibration, an alarm number will appear in the Cut display. Note
the number and refer to Responding to System Alarms on page 6-12.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-31

Calibrating the Generator

After completing any calibration step, proceed to the next step to save the values from the
completed calibration step.

Exiting Calibration Mode

You can exit calibration mode at any time. If you want to save the new values for a
particular calibration step, press the Bipolar up arrow (Δ) button at the end of that step
before exiting calibration mode. Calibration values are saved one step at a time.
For example, if you only want to adjust the clock, first enter calibration mode and press
the Bipolar up arrow (Δ) button until the generator displays calibration step 3 (C3). Next,
change the hour and/or minute values.Then press the Bipolar up arrow (Δ) button. This
saves the changes for calibration step 3 (C3) and displays the next calibration step (C4).
After saving the changes, turn off the generator to exit calibration mode.
If you do not want to save the changes you make for a particular calibration step, turn off
the generator [do not press the Bipolar up arrow (Δ) button at the end of the step]. The
values that were in effect before you started that step remain in effect.
After calibration, the generator will be ready to use only after you initiate the internal self-test by
turning the generator off, then on.

To save the changes for the present calibration step, press the bipolar up arrow (Δ) button
to display the next calibration step number. Then, turn off the generator to exit
calibration mode.
To exit calibration mode without saving the changes for the present calibration step, turn
off the generator.

Verify the Generator Data

In calibration step 1 (C1), you verify the generator model number and the software
version numbers for the main and feedback microcontrollers. You cannot adjust these
• The generator code (model number) for the Force FX-8CAS generator is 5.
• The software version number for the main microcontroller may vary among
manufacturing lots, but should never be 0.
• The software version number for the feedback microcontroller may vary among
manufacturing lots, but should never be 0.

5-32 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Calibrating the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

If one or more of the values that appear as you complete this calibration step are not
correct, call the Covidien Service Center.
1. In the Bipolar display, verify that the calibration step number is C1.
2. In the Cut display, verify that the generator model number is 5.
3. In the Coag display, verify that the main microcontroller version number is a value
other than 0.
4. To display the feedback microcontroller version number, press the Fulgurate button.
Verify that the version number in the Coag display is a value other than 0.
5. To proceed to the next calibration step, press the Bipolar up arrow (Δ) button.
At the end of each calibration step, press the Bipolar up arrow (Δ) button to advance
to the next step. If you need to return to a previous calibration step, press the Bipolar
down arrow (∇) button.
The Bipolar up arrow (Δ) button cycles through the calibration steps. For example,
when you reach step C10 and press the Bipolar up arrow (Δ) button, the generator
returns to step C1.
Next, check the month, day, and year values as described in Adjust the Calendar.

Adjust the Calendar

The month, day of the month, and year values are stored in the real-time clock on the
Control board.
1. Verify that the Bipolar display shows calibration step number C2.
2. To select the month, press the Coag up (Δ) or down (∇) arrow buttons until the
correct value (1–12) appears in the Coag display.
3. To display the day value, press the Fulgurate button.
4. To select the day, press the Coag up (Δ) or down (∇) arrow buttons until the correct
value (1–31) appears in the Coag display.
5. To display the year value, press the Spray button. Initially, the Coag display may show
a value outside the normal range of 0 to 99. Ignore the displayed value.
6. To select the year, press the Coag up (Δ) or down (∇) arrow buttons until the correct
value (0–99) appears in the Coag display.
7. Examples:
– For 1997, set the year value to 97.
– For 2001, set the value to 1.
8. To save the month, day, and year values and go to the next calibration step, press the
Bipolar up arrow (Δ) button.
Next, check the hour and minute values as described in Adjust the Clock.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-33

Calibrating the Generator

Adjust the Clock

The hour and minute values are stored in the real-time clock on the Control board. The
clock was originally set for Mountain Standard Time. The clock is configured to the
24-hour (i.e., military time) format.
1. Verify that the Bipolar display shows calibration step number C3.
2. To select the hour, press the Coag up ( Δ ) or down ( ∇ ) arrow buttons until the
correct value (0–23) appears in the Coag display.
– For 2 AM, set the hour value to 2.
– For 2 PM, set the value to 14.
3. To display the minute value, press the Fulgurate button.
4. To select the minute value, press the Coag up ( Δ ) or down ( ∇ ) arrow buttons until
the correct value (0–59) appears in the Coag display.
5. To save the hour and minute values and go to the next calibration step, press the
Bipolar up arrow ( Δ ) button.
Next, check the REM impedance as described in Check and Adjust the REM Oscillator
Frequency and Impedance.

Check and Adjust the REM Oscillator Frequency and

Equipment required
• Oscilloscope
• REM plug (modified) or two small (less than 24"[61 cm]) test cables
• Resistor substitution box.

Electric Shock Hazard Do not touch any exposed wiring or conductive surfaces while the
generator is disassembled and energized. Never wear a grounding strap when working on an
energized generator.

1. Verify
– The Bipolar display shows calibration step number C4.
– The Coag display shows the letters OP (open circuit).
2. Calibrate the REM oscillator frequency.
a. Connect an oscilloscope across the Patient Return Electrode receptacle pins.
b. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis and lift the cover off
the chassis.

5-34 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Calibrating the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

c. On the Power Supply/RF board, adjust potentiometer R96 for maximum amplitude
of the voltage waveform across the Patient Return Electrode receptacle pins. The
frequency of this waveform should be approximately 82 kHz.
d. Remove the oscilloscope.
e. Install the cover by positioning it above the chassis and sliding it down. Install the
five screws that secure the cover to the chassis.
3. Open circuit the REM connection. Press the Coag up arrow (Δ) button once. Verify
that 10 appears in the Coag display.
4. Connect the resistor substitution box across the two terminals in the Patient Return
Electrode receptacle using a modified REM plug or two test cables.
5. Set the resistor substitution box to 10 Ω. Press the Coag up arrow (Δ) button once.
Verify that 70 appears in the Coag display.
6. Set the resistor substitution box to 70 Ω. Press the Coag up arrow (Δ) button once.
Verify that 135 appears in the Coag display.
7. Set the resistor substitution box to 135 Ω.
8. To save the REM calibration values and go to the next calibration step, press the
Bipolar up arrow (Δ) button.
Next, check the current sense gain factor as described in Check and Adjust the Current
Sense Gain.

Check and Adjust the Current Sense Gain

Equipment required
• Two short test cables (less than 24" [61 cm] long) with banana plugs
• Current transformer (such as the Pearson Model 411 or equivalent)
• True RMS voltmeter (such as the Fluke 8920 or equivalent)
• 10 Ω noninductive power resistor (such as the Dale NH-250)
• Bipolar footswitch and monopolar footswitch

To avoid inadvertent coupling and/or shunting of RF currents around the resistor elements, keep
the resistors at least 4" (10.2 cm) away from any metal surface including tabletops and other
resistors. This is especially true if several resistors are connected in series or parallel to obtain a
specified value. Do not allow the resistor bodies to touch each other.

Do not activate the generator with any load resistor higher than 10 W while calibrating the
current sense gain. Otherwise, product damage will result.

Do not adjust the current sense gain while the generator is activated.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-35

Calibrating the Generator

Verify that the Bipolar display shows calibration step number C5. The Cut and Coag
displays show the I (current) factor. If it is four or more digits, the most significant digits
appear in the Cut display.

Checking the Current Sense Gain for Bipolar Output

1. Connect the test equipment for bipolar output.
a. Connect the two test cables to the Bipolar Instrument receptacle.
b. Pass one test cable through the current transformer and connect the current
transformer to the voltmeter.
c. Connect the 10 Ω resistor across the output jacks at the end of the test cables.
d. Connect the bipolar footswitch to the Bipolar Footswitch receptacle on the rear
2. Check and adjust the I factor for bipolar output.
a. Press the Standard button.
b. Press the bipolar footswitch pedal and check the voltmeter for a reading
equivalent to 1790 ± 20 mArms.
c. Stop activation. If the output current reading was too high, raise the I factor by
pressing the Coag up arrow ( Δ ) button. If the reading was too low, lower the I
factor by pressing the Coag down arrow ( ∇ ) button.
Repeat this step until the voltmeter reading is within the stated range. The I factor for
the Precise and Macro modes is adjusted automatically.
3. Disconnect the test cables from bipolar output.

Checking the Current Sense Gain for Monopolar Output

1. Connect the test equipment for monopolar output.
a. Connect one test cable to the left jack in the Monopolar 1/CEM Instrument
receptacle. Pass the test cable through the current transformer and connect the
current transformer to the voltmeter.
b. Use a test cable to short the two pins on the Patient Return Electrode receptacle.
c. Connect the second test cable from the voltmeter to both pins of the Patient
Return Electrode receptacle.
d. Verify that the 10 Ω resistor is connected to the test cables through the current
transformer for monopolar output.
e. Connect a monopolar footswitch to the Monopolar 1 Footswitch receptacle on
the rear panel.
2. Check and adjust the I factor for the Low and Pure cut modes.
a. Press the Pure button.

5-36 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Calibrating the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

b. Press the footswitch cut pedal and check the voltmeter for a reading equivalent to
1250 ± 8 mArms.
c. Stop activation. If the output current reading was too high, raise the I factor by
pressing the Coag up (Δ) arrow button. If the reading was too low, lower the I
factor by pressing the Coag down arrow (∇) button.
Repeat this step until the voltmeter reading is within the stated range. The I factor for
the Low cut mode is adjusted automatically.
3. Check and adjust the I factor for the Blend mode.
a. Press the Blend button.
b. Press the footswitch cut pedal and check the voltmeter for a reading equivalent to
1000 ± 8 mArms.
c. Stop activation. If the output current reading was too high, raise the I factor by
pressing the Coag up arrow (Δ) button. If the reading was too low, lower the I
factor by pressing the Coag down arrow (∇) button.
Repeat this step until the voltmeter reading is within the stated range.
4. Disconnect the test cables and remove the 10 Ω resistor.
5. To save the current sense gain calibration and go to the next calibration step, press
the Bipolar up arrow (Δ) button.
Next, check the voltage sense gain factor as described in Check and Adjust the Voltage
Sense Gain.

Check and Adjust the Voltage Sense Gain

Equipment required
• Two short test cables (less than 24" [61 cm] long) with banana plugs
• Current transformer (such as the Pearson Model 411 or equivalent)
• True RMS voltmeter (such as the Fluke 8920 or equivalent)
• 1000, 2000, and 3000 Ω noninductive power resistors (such as the Dale NH-250)
• Bipolar footswitch and monopolar footswitch

Do not adjust the voltage sense gain while the generator is activated.

Verify that the Bipolar display shows calibration step C6. The Cut and Coag displays show
the V (output voltage) factor. If it is four or more digits, the most significant digits are in
the Cut display.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-37

Calibrating the Generator

Checking the Voltage Sense Gain for Bipolar Output

Do not activate the generator with any load resistor lower than 1000 W while calibrating the
voltage sense gain for bipolar output. Otherwise, product damage will result.

1. Connect the test equipment for bipolar output.

a. Connect the two test cables to the Bipolar Instrument receptacle.
b. Pass one test cable through the current transformer and connect the current
transformer to the voltmeter.
c. Connect the 1000 Ω resistor across the output jacks at the end of the test cables.
d. Connect the bipolar footswitch to the Bipolar Footswitch receptacle on the rear
2. Check and adjust the V factor for bipolar output.
a. Press the Standard button.
b. Press the bipolar footswitch pedal and check the voltmeter for a reading
equivalent to 98 ± 14 mArms.
c. Stop activation. If the output current reading was too high, raise the V factor by
pressing the Coag up arrow (Δ) button. If the reading was too low, lower the V
factor by pressing the Coag down arrow (∇) button.
Repeat this step until the voltmeter reading is within the stated range. The V factor
for the Precise and Macro modes adjusts automatically.
3. Disconnect the test cables and remove the 1000 Ω resistor.

Checking the Voltage Sense Gain for Monopolar Output

Do not activate the generator with any load resistor lower than 3000 W while calibrating the
voltage sense gain for the Low and Pure cut modes. Do not activate the generator with any load
resistor lower than 2000 W while calibrating the voltage sense gain for the Blend mode.
Otherwise, product damage will result.

1. Connect the test equipment for monopolar output.

a. Connect one test cable to the left jack in the Monopolar 1/CEM Instrument
receptacle. Pass the test cable through the current transformer and connect the
current transformer to the voltmeter.
b. Use a test cable to short the two pins on the Patient Return Electrode receptacle.
c. Connect the second test cable from the voltmeter to both pins of the Patient
Return Electrode receptacle.

5-38 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Calibrating the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

d. Connect the 3000 Ω resistor to the test cables through the current transformer for
monopolar output.
e. Connect a monopolar footswitch to the Monopolar 1 Footswitch receptacle on
the rear panel.

2. Check and adjust the V factor for the Low and Pure cut modes.
a. Press the Pure button.
b. Press the footswitch cut pedal and check the voltmeter for a reading equivalent to
216 ± 3 mArms.
c. Stop activation. If the output current reading was too high, raise the V factor by
pressing the Coag up arrow (Δ) button. If the reading was too low, lower the V
factor by pressing the Coag down arrow (∇) button.
Repeat this step until the voltmeter reading is within the stated range. The V factor
for the Low cut mode is adjusted automatically.
3. Replace the 3000 Ω resistor with the 2000 Ω resistor.
4. Check and adjust the V factor for the Blend mode.
a. Press the Blend button.
b. Press the footswitch cut pedal and check the voltmeter for a reading equivalent to
300 ± 3 mArms.
c. Stop activation. If the output current reading was too high, raise the V factor by
pressing the Coag up arrow (Δ) button. If the reading was too low, lower the V factor
by pressing the Coag down arrow (∇) button.
Repeat this step until the voltmeter reading is within the stated range.
5. Disconnect the test cables and remove the 2000 Ω resistor.
6. To save the voltage sense gain calibration and go to the next calibration step, press
the Bipolar up arrow (Δ) button.
Next, go to Check and Adjust the Reactance Gain.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-39

Calibrating the Generator

Check and Adjust the Reactance Gain

Equipment required
• Two short test cables (less than 24" [61 cm] long) with banana plugs
• Current transformer (such as the Pearson Model 411 or equivalent)
• True RMS voltmeter (such as the Fluke 8920 or equivalent)
• 30 and 200 Ω noninductive power resistors (such as the Dale NH-250)
• Bipolar footswitch and monopolar footswitch

Do not adjust the reactance gain while the generator is activated.

Verify that the Bipolar display shows calibration step C7. The Cut and Coag displays show
the Z (reactance) factor. If it is four or more digits, the most significant digits are shown in
the Cut display.

Checking the Reactance Gain for Bipolar Output

1. Connect the test equipment for bipolar output.
a. Connect the two test cables to the Bipolar receptacle.
b. Pass one test cable through the current transformer and connect the current
transformer to the voltmeter.
c. Connect the 30 Ω resistor across the output jacks at the end of the test cables.
d. Connect the bipolar footswitch to the Bipolar Footswitch receptacle.
2. Adjust the Z factor for bipolar output.
a. Press the Standard button.
b. Press the bipolar footswitch pedal and check the voltmeter for a reading
equivalent to 1250 ± 12 mArms.
c. Stop activation. If the output current reading was too high, lower the Z factor. If
the reading was too low, raise the Z factor.
To change the Z factor by ones, press the Coag up (Δ) or down (∇) arrow buttons.
To change it by hundreds, press the Cut up (Δ) or down (∇) arrow buttons.
Repeat this step until the voltmeter reading is within the stated range. The Z factor for
the Precise and Macro modes is adjusted automatically.
3. Disconnect the test cable and remove the 30 Ω resistor.

5-40 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Calibrating the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Checking the Reactance Gain for Monopolar Output
1. Connect the test equipment for monopolar output.
a. Connect one test cable to the left jack in the Monopolar 1/CEM Instrument
receptacle. Pass the test cable through the current transformer and connect the
current transformer to the voltmeter.
b. Use a test cable to short the two pins on the Patient Return Electrode receptacle.
c. Connect the second test cable from the voltmeter to both pins of the Patient
Return Electrode receptacle.
d. Connect the 200 Ω resistor to the test cables through the current transformer for
monopolar output.
e. Connect a monopolar footswitch to the Monopolar 1 Footswitch receptacle on
the rear panel.
2. Adjust the Z factor for the Low and Pure cut modes.
a. Press the Pure button.
b. Press the footswitch cut pedal and check the voltmeter for a reading equivalent to
949 ± 3 mArms.
c. Stop activation. If the output current reading was too high, lower the Z factor. If
the reading was too low, raise the Z factor.
To change the Z factor by ones, press the Coag up (Δ) or down
(∇) arrow buttons. To change it by hundreds, press the Cut up (Δ) or down (∇)
arrow buttons.
Repeat this step until the voltmeter reading is within the stated range. The Z factor for
the Low cut mode is adjusted automatically.
3. Adjust the Z factor for the Blend mode.
a. Press the Blend button.
b. Press the footswitch cut pedal and check the voltmeter for a reading equivalent to
1000 ± 10 mArms.
c. Stop activation. If the output current reading was too high, lower the Z factor. If
the reading was too low, raise the Z factor.
To change the Z factor by ones, press the Coag up (Δ) or down
(∇) arrow buttons. To change it by hundreds, press the Cut up (Δ) or down (∇)
arrow buttons.
Repeat this step until the voltmeter reading is within the stated range.
4. Disconnect the test cables and remove 200 Ω resistor.
5. To save the reactance gain calibration and go to the next calibration step, press the
Bipolar up arrow (Δ) button.
Next, go to Check and Adjust the ECON Factor.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-41

Calibrating the Generator

Check and Adjust the ECON Factor

Equipment required
• Two short test cables (less than 24" [61 cm] long) with banana plugs
• 30, 100, and 500 Ω noninductive power resistors (such as the Dale NH-250)
• Bipolar footswitch and monopolar footswitch
• Current transformer (such as the Pearson Model 411 or equivalent)
• True RMS voltmeter (such as the Fluke 8920 or equivalent)
Verify that the Bipolar display shows calibration step C8.

Checking Bipolar Output

1. Connect the test equipment for bipolar output.
a. Connect the two test cables to the Bipolar Instrument receptacle.
b. Connect the 30 Ω resistor across the output jacks at the end of the test cables.
c. Connect the bipolar footswitch to the Bipolar Footswitch receptacle.
2. Press the Precise button.
3. Check the ECON for the selected bipolar mode.
a. Verify that the Coag display shows 30.
b. Use the bipolar footswitch to activate bipolar output for between two and five
c. Stop activation. Verify that the Coag display changed to 70.
d. Use the bipolar footswitch again to activate bipolar output for between two and
five seconds.
e. Stop activation. Verify that the Coag display changed to 30.
If the display did not change as described, call the Covidien Service Center.
4. To check the Standard mode, press the Standard button and repeat step 3.
5. To check the Macro mode, press the Macro button and repeat step 3.
6. Disconnect the test cables and remove the 30 Ω resistor.

5-42 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Calibrating the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Checking Monopolar Cut Output
1. Connect the test equipment for monopolar output.
a. Connect one test cable to the left jack in the Monopolar 1/CEM Instrument
receptacle. Pass the test cable through the current transformer and connect the
current transformer to the voltmeter.
b. Use a test cable to short the two pins on the Patient Return Electrode receptacle.
c. Connect the second test cable from the voltmeter to both pins of the Patient
Return Electrode receptacle.
d. Connect the 100 Ω resistor to the test cables.
e. Connect a monopolar footswitch to the Monopolar 1 Footswitch receptacle on
the rear panel.
2. Press the Low button.
3. Check the ECON for the selected cut mode.
a. Verify that the Coag display shows 30.
b. Press the footswitch cut pedal to activate monopolar output for between two and
five seconds.
c. Stop activation. Verify that the Coag display changed to 300.
d. Press the cut pedal again to activate monopolar output for between two and five
e. Stop activation. Verify that the Coag display changed to 30.
If the display did not change as described, call the Covidien Service Center.
4. To check the Pure mode, press the Pure button and repeat step 3 (above).
5. Check the Blend mode.
a. Press the Blend button. The Coag display changes to 20.
b. Press the cut pedal to activate monopolar output for between two and five
c. Stop activation. Verify that the Coag display changed to 200.
d. Press the cut pedal again to activate monopolar output for between two and five
e. Stop activation. Verify that the Coag display changed to 20.
If the display did not change as described, call the Covidien Service Center.
6. Remove the 100 Ω resistor from the test cables.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-43

Calibrating the Generator

Checking Monopolar Coag Output

1. Connect the test equipment for monopolar output.
a. Connect one test cable to the left jack in the Monopolar 1/CEM Instrument
receptacle. Pass the test cable through the current transformer and connect the
current transformer to the voltmeter.
b. Use a test cable to short the two pins on the Patient Return Electrode receptacle.
c. Connect the second test cable from the voltmeter to both pins of the Patient
Return Electrode receptacle.
d. Verify that the monopolar footswitch is connected to the Monopolar 1 Footswitch
receptacle on the rear panel.
e. Connect the 500 Ω resistor across the output jacks at the end of the test cables.
2. Press the Desiccate button.
3. Check the ECON for the selected coag mode.
a. Verify that "10" appears in the Coag display.
b. Press the footswitch coag pedal and, while activating the generator, press the
Coag up (Δ) or down (∇) arrow buttons until the voltmeter reading is equivalent to
141 ± 9 mArms. Ignore changes to the Coag display.
c. Stop activation. Verify that the Coag display changed to 120.
d. Press the coag pedal again and, while activating the generator, press the Coag up
(Δ) or down (∇) arrow buttons until the voltmeter reading is equivalent to 489
± 5 mArms. Ignore changes to the Coag display.
e. Stop activation. Verify that the Coag display changed to 10.
4. Press the Desiccate button again.
a. Verify that 10 appears in the Coag display and 2–3 appears in the Cut display.
b. Disconnect the 500 Ω load and connect a 100 Ω load to the monopolar output.
c. Press the footswitch Coag pedal to activate the monopolar output for two to five
d. Stop activation. Verify that the Coag display changed to 300.
e. Press the coag pedal again to activate monopolar output for between two and five
f. Stop activation. Verify that the Coag display changed to 10.
g. Disconnect the 100 Ω load and connect a 500 Ω load to the monopolar output.
5. To check the Fulgurate mode, press the Fulgurate button and repeat step 3 (above).
a. If a “0” (zero) appears in the Cut display and a “10” appears in the coag display,
repeat step 3. This completes LCF Fulgurate mode calibration.

5-44 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Calibrating the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

b. Press the Med (Fulgurate) button. Verify that an “H” appears in the Cut display
and a “10” appears in the coag display. Repeat step 3. This completes Fulgurate
mode calibration.
6. To check the Spray mode, press the Spray button.
a. Verify that “C10” appears in the Coag display.
b. Press the coag pedal and, while activating the generator, press the Coag up (Δ) or
down (∇) arrow buttons until the voltmeter reading is equivalent to 141
± 13 mArms. Ignore changes to the Coag display.
c. Stop activation. Verify that the Coag display changed to 120.
d. Press the coag pedal again and, while activating the generator, press the Coag up
(Δ) or down (∇) arrow buttons until the voltmeter reading is equivalent to 489
± 6 mArms. Ignore changes to the Coag display.
e. Stop activation. Verify that the Coag display changed to 10.
7. To save the ECON calibration values, press the Bipolar up arrow (Δ) button.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-45

Calibrating the Generator

Check and Adjust the Autobipolar Oscillator Frequency

and Impedance
Equipment required
• Short test cables (less than 24" [61 cm] long) with banana plugs
• Oscilloscope with 10X probe
• 20, 1000, 1500, 1800, 2000, 2200, and 3000 Ω noninductive resistors
• Potentiometer screw driver
• Digital voltmeter

Autobipolar Oscillator Frequency Calibration

1. Connect an oscilloscope to Test Point 3 on the autobipolar board using a 10X probe.
2. Adjust R6 for the maximum peak-to-peak voltage (approximately 9-10 Vpp @
80 kHz).
3. Connect a 3000 Ω load to the bipolar jacks on the front panel.
4. Connect a digital voltmeter (DVM) to Test Point 4 on the autobipolar board.
5. Adjust R1 until the DVM reads 5.0 Vdc.

Autobipolar Impedance Calibration

1. The Cut display will show 0-, indicating activation is not required. The Coag display
will show OP.
2. Open-circuit the connection to the bipolar output. Press the Coag up (Δ) button once.
The Cut display will show 0-. The Coag display will show 20.
3. Connect a 20 Ω load to the bipolar output. Press the Coag up (Δ) button once. The
Cut display will show 1-, indicating activation is required. The Coag display will
continue to show 20.
4. Activate the bipolar output for at least one second using the bipolar footswitch. Stop
activation. Press the Coag up (Δ) button once. The Cut display will show 0-. The Coag
display will show 1000.
5. Connect a 1000 Ω load to the bipolar output. Press the Coag up (Δ) button once. The
Cut display will show 1-, indicating activation is required. The Coag display will
continue to show 1000.
6. Activate the bipolar output for at least one second using the bipolar footswitch. Stop
activation. Press the Coag up (Δ) button once. The Cut display will show 1-1. The
Coag display will show 500.
7. Connect a 1500 Ω load to the bipolar outlet.

5-46 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Calibrating the Generator

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

8. Activate the bipolar output using the bipolar footswitch for at least one second. Stop
activation. Press the Coag up (Δ) button once. The Cut display will show 1–1. The
Coag display will show 800.
9. Connect an 1800 Ω load to the bipolar output.
10.Activate the bipolar output using the bipolar footswitch for at least one second. Stop
activation. Press the Coag up (Δ) button once. The Cut display will show 1–2. The
Coag display will show 000.
11.Connect a 2000 Ω load to the bipolar output.
12.Activate the bipolar output using the bipolar footswitch for at least one second. Stop
activation. Press the Coag up (Δ) button once. The Cut display will show 1–2. The
Coag display will show 200.
13.Connect a 2200 Ω load to the bipolar output.
14.Activate the bipolar output using the bipolar footswitch for at least one second. Stop
activation. Press the Bipolar up (Δ) button once, so that the Bipolar display shows a
C10. This saves the step C9 calibration values.
To leave Calibration mode, refer to Exiting Calibration Mode on page 5-32.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-47

Using the RS-232 Serial Port

Using the RS-232 Serial Port

The RS-232 serial port allows communication between an attached computer or terminal
and the main microcontroller of the generator. This communication link lets you obtain
information regarding calibration values, power and mode settings, and the alarm
number history of the generator. You can also use the link when calibrating the
Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver

Establish the Communications Link

1. Turn off the generator.
2. On the rear panel of the generator, remove the screws that secure the metal plate
that covers the serial port.
3. Connect a standard DB 9 serial cable to your computer and to the serial port.
– Pin 2 is the serial output data line.
– Pin 3 is the serial data input line.
– Pin 5 is the reference line.
4. On your computer, enter your communication program. Configure your computer for
9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
5. Turn on the generator. Information similar to the following is displayed on your
FX Main
Gen Model: Force FX Autobipolar
Main F/W Version: #
Feedback F/W Version: #
ABP Frequency = Y
REM Frequency = X
where # is the version number of the software for the listed microcontrollers. X is a
numeric representation of the REM oscillator frequency. Y is a numeric representation
of the ABP oscillator frequency.
One of the following messages is displayed (with the Keying ENABLED message)
when you activate the generator:

5-48 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Using the RS-232 Serial Port

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

keying ENABLED
When activation ceases, the following message is displayed:
key request removed

Enter the Commands

You can enter commands to change settings or display data about the generator. Each
command should begin with a colon (:) and end with Enter. The # symbol represents a
numeric value that you enter with specific commands as noted. The characters for a
command may be entered in capital and/or lowercase letters.

Data Displays
Some commands result in the display of data for each mode, including CEM. The display
format is as follows:

Bipolar Precise Bipolar Standard Bipolar Macro Fulgurate

Cut Low Cut Pure Cut Blend Cut CEM

Coag Desiccate LCF Fulgurate Coag Spray Coag CEM

In data displays, numbers represent the Force FX-8CAS generator modes. You also use
these numbers when you enter commands to select a specific mode.
Bipolar Modes
0 precise
1 Standard
2 Macro
Cut Modes
0 Low
1 Pure
2 Blend

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-49

Using the RS-232 Serial Port

Coag Modes
0 Desiccate
1 Fulgurate
2 Spray

Commands for Selecting Modes and Power Settings

Commands are available in all generator modes, except where indicated. Commands
marked with “+” are not available in calibration mode.
Category ‘F’ = Front panel button pushes or settings
3rd character represents the function of the front panel
(B = bipolar, T = cut, G = coag)
4th character represents a button or value selection in that section
Additional characters represent a numeric value, indicated by #

Command Action

:FBM# Specify the bipolar mode (for #, enter the number for the
desired mode):
0 = Precise
1 = Standard
2 = Macro

:FBP# Specify the bipolar power setting (# = 1, 2, 3, … 65, 70).

:FBU Increment the bipolar power setting to the next higher value.

:FBD Decrement the bipolar power setting to the next lower value.

+:FBA Toggles autobipolar on/off.

:FTM# Specify the cut mode (for #, enter the number for the desired
0 = Low
1 = Pure
2 = Blend

:FTP# Specify the cut power setting:

1 to 300 W for Low cut and Pure cut
1 to 200 W for Blend
1 to 100 W for CEM cut

:FTU Increment the cut power setting to the next higher value.

5-50 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Using the RS-232 Serial Port

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Command Action

:FTD Decrement the cut power setting to the next lower value.

:FGM# Specify the coag mode (for #, enter the number for the desired
0 = Desiccate
1 = Fulgurate
2 = Spray

Commands for Changing the Default Coag Mode

Command Action

:MC <letter> where <letter> may be any

of the following
sets default coag mode
D to desiccate
sets default coag mode
F to fulgurate
sets default coag mode
S to spray

:MD <value> Modifies the selected

desiccate mode setting,
where <value> represents a
selection as follows:
1 Desiccate 1
2 Desiccate 2
3 Desiccate 3

:MF <value> Modifies the selected

Fulgurate mode setting,
where <value> represents a
selection as follows:
0 LCF Fulgurate
1 Fulgurate

No result is displayed unless a character other than D, F, or S is entered. Then the

following is displayed:
No Change
Try Again!
To save the new default mode, turn off, then turn on the generator.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-51

Using the RS-232 Serial Port

Commands for Displaying Data on a Computer

Command Action

:FGP# Specify the coag power value:

1 to 120 W for Desiccate, Fulgurate, and Spray
1 to 70 W for CEM coag

:FGU Increment the coag power setting to the next higher value.

:FGD Decrement the coag power setting to the next lower value.

+:FR Recall the previous front panel settings, excluding autobipolar


+:PP Front panel values.

:PA Request analog values (8 bit ADC values):

V_SEN <backup value> <primary

I_SEN value>
ABP_SENa <backup value> <primary
FIVE_V value>

:PV Request actual voltage, current, and power values, and the
feedback variable, where:

RMS voltage: <value> volts times 8

RMS current: <value> amps times 1024
RMS power: <value> W times 8
0 = no feedback
1 = constant current
2 = constant voltage
3 = constant power
ECON: <value>
Measured voltage: <value> volts times 8

5-52 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Using the RS-232 Serial Port

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Command Action

:PW Request actual voltage, current, and power values (data only,
no supporting text), where:

<RMS voltage value> volts times 8

<RMS current value> amps times 1024
<RMS power value> watts times 8

Commands for Displaying Data on a Computer (Continued)

Command Action

:PD Request desired voltage, current and power values, and T_ON
waveform variable, where:

Control voltage: <primary value>, <backup

value> volts times 8
Control current <primary value>, <backup
value> amps times 1024
Control power: <primary value>, <backup
value> W times 8
T_ON waveform: 0 = Standard bipolar, Macro
1 = Precise bipolar
2 = Pure cut, Low cut, CEM cut,
Desiccate2, Desiccate3
3 = Blend cut
7 = Desiccate1, CEM coag
8 = Fulgurate
9 = Spray

Note: The primary value is calculated in the Feedback and the

backup value is determined in the Master.

+:PR Request calculated REM impedance (ohms times 100).

:PT Request real-time clock date and time, where:

Date: mm/dd/yr
Time: hr:mm:ss

+:PZ Request calculated ABP impedance.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-53

Using the RS-232 Serial Port

Command Action

+:PS <letter> Request statistical data values, where <letter> indicates:

O–total time generator on
C–time and date of last calibration
A–total time activated in each mode
B–number of times activated in each mode
K–number of times each output has been activated
P–average power setting used in each mode
F–first 10 of 20 latest system errors, with time and date stamp
L–last 10 of 20 latest system errors, with time and date stamp
R–number of REM errors occurred
T–number of high temperature errors occurred
E <error>–number of times specified error code has occurred

+:PG Request generator model and firmware version numbers.

+:PM <letter> Request mode values, where <letter> indicates:

C–coag default power-up mode setting
D–selected desiccate mode setting

Commands for Displaying Data on a Computer (Continued)

Command Action

:PB Request autobipolar setup values, where:

On-keying source: <letter> (P = footswitch,

A = automatic)
On-keying delay: <value> (seconds)

Off-keying impedance: <value> (ohms)

:PC <letter> Request calibration values, where <letter> indicates:

E–econ gains
O–econ offsets
V–v_sns gains
U–backup v_sns gains
I–i_sns gains
H–backup i_sns gains
W–coag wak(not) factors
R–rem gain and rem offset
T–ton average waveform test values
Z–voltage sense impedances
Y–backup voltage sense impedances
S–spark dac offsets
P–ABP sense values

5-54 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Using the RS-232 Serial Port

Setup, Tests, and Adjustments

Commands for Changing Autobipolar Setup Values

Command Action

:AD Restore default autobipolar setup values.

:AS <letter> Modify on-keying source setting, where <letter> represents a

selection as follows:

P Footswitch
A Automatic

:AT <value> Modify selected on-keying delay time setting, where <value>
represents a selection as follows:

0 0.0 seconds
1 0.5 seconds
2 1.0 seconds
3 1.5 seconds
4 2.0 seconds
5 2.5 seconds

:AZ <value> Modify selected off-keying impedance limit setting, where

<value> represents a selection as follows:

1 1500 Ω
2 1800 Ω
3 2000 Ω
4 2200 Ω

Disconnect the Computer from the Generator

1. Turn off the generator.
2. Disconnect the DB 9 cable from the generator.
3. Position the panel over the serial port and install the screws that secure it to the rear
panel of the generator.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 5-55

Chapter 6

If the generator is not functioning properly, use the information in this chapter
to perform the following tasks:

• Identify and correct the malfunction

• If a system alarm number was displayed, take the appropriate action to
correct the alarm condition

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-1

Inspecting the Generator

Inspecting the Generator

If the generator malfunctions, check for obvious conditions that may have caused the
• Check the generator for visible signs of physical damage.
• Verify that all accessory cords are properly connected.
• Check the power cord. Replace the power cord if you find exposed wires, cracks,
frayed insulation, or a damaged connector.
• Open the fuse drawer and inspect the fuse housing and fuses for damage and
corrosion. Verify that the fuses are firmly seated.
An internal component malfunction in the generator can damage the fuses. You may
need to replace the fuses if the generator fails the self-test or stops functioning. Refer to
Fuse Replacement page 7-14.

Inspecting the Receptacles

Equipment required
• Bipolar footswitch
• Monopolar footswitch
• Bipolar instrument cords (handswitching and footswitching)
• Monopolar instrument cords (handswitching and footswitching)

1. Turn off the generator.

2. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
3. Check the three Footswitch receptacles on the rear panel for obstructions or damage.
Check for a secure fit by inserting the bipolar footswitch or monopolar footswitch
connector into the appropriate receptacle.
If any connection is loose, replace the Footswitch board assembly. Refer to Footswitch
Board Replacement page 7-9.
4. Check the Bipolar Instrument receptacle on the front panel for obstructions or
Insert the bipolar instrument connector (footswitching and handswitching) into the
appropriate receptacle to verify a secure fit.
If the connection is loose, replace the front panel. Refer to Front Panel Replacement
page 7-10.
5. Check the Monopolar 1/CEM and Monopolar 2 Instrument receptacles on the front
panel for obstructions or damage.
Insert the monopolar instrument connector (footswitching and handswitching) into
the appropriate receptacle to verify a secure fit.

6-2 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Inspecting the Generator

If any of the connections are loose, replace the front panel. Refer to Front Panel
Replacement page 7-10.
6. Check the Patient Return Electrode receptacle for a broken pin or an obstruction. If
the receptacle is damaged or obstructed, replace the REM module. Refer to Front
Panel REM Module Replacement page 7-12.

Inspecting the Internal Components

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

1. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
chassis. Save the cover and screws for reinstallation.
2. Verify that all connectors are firmly seated.
3. Inspect each board for damaged components, wires, cracks, and corrosion.
– If you find evidence of damage on the Control board, Autobipolar board, Display
board, or Footswitch board, replace the board. Refer to
Control Board Replacement page 7-4
Autobipolar Board Replacement page 7-8
Display Board Replacement page 7-5
Footswitch Board Replacement page 7-9
– If you find evidence of damage on the Power Supply/RF board, replace the board
only if the damage is severe. Refer to Power Supply/RF Board Replacement
page 7-28.
4. To reinstall the cover, position the cover above the chassis and slide it down. Install the
five screws that secure the cover to the chassis.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-3

Correcting Malfunctions

Correcting Malfunctions
If a solution is not readily apparent, use the table below to help identify and correct
specific malfunctions. After you correct the malfunction, verify that the generator
completes the self-test as described in Testing the Generator page 5-21.

Situation Possible Cause Recommended Action

Generator does Disconnected power Check power cord connections (generator and
not respond cord, faulty wall wall receptacle). Connect the power cord to a
when turned on receptacle, or faulty functional wall receptacle. If necessary, replace the
power cord power cord.

Fuse drawer is open Close the fuse drawer. If necessary, replace the
or fuses are blown fuse(s). Refer to Fuse Replacement page 7-14. If a
problem persists, use a backup generator.

Loose or Check all internal connections.

disconnected internal

Faulty power entry Check the power entry module and its cable
module or connections.

Faulty low voltage Check the low voltage power supply.

power supply

Damaged Control Remove the Control board and inspect the

board connectors connectors to the Power Supply/RF board and to
and/or the Display board for damage, poor seating, etc.
If the problem persists, replace the Control board.
Control board
For instructions, refer to Control Board
Replacement page 7-4.

Shorts or disconnects Check the Power Supply/RF board for shorts or

on Power Supply/RF disconnects.

Faulty power switch Replace the power switch. Refer to Front Panel
Power Switch Replacement page 7-13.

Malfunctioning front Replace the front panel assembly. Refer to Front

panel components Panel Replacement page 7-10.

6-4 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Correcting Malfunctions

Situation Possible Cause Recommended Action

Generator is on, An alarm condition Check the display for an alarm number. Note the
but did not exists number and refer to Responding to System Alarms
complete the self- page 6-12.
Software Turn off, then turn on the generator.

Loose or Check and correct all internal connections.

disconnected internal

Faulty low voltage Check the low voltage power supply.
power supply

Damaged Control Remove the Control board and inspect the

board connectors connectors to the Power Supply/RF board and to
and/or the Display board for damage, poor seating, etc. If
malfunctioning the problem persists, replace the Control board.
Control board For instructions, refer to Control Board
Replacement page 7-4.

Shorts or disconnects Check the Power Supply/RF board for shorts or

on Power Supply/RF disconnects.

Faulty power switch Replace the power switch. Refer to Front Panel
Power Switch Replacement page 7-13.

Malfunctioning front Replace the front panel assembly. Refer to Front

panel components Panel Replacement page 7-10.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-5

Correcting Malfunctions

Situation Possible Cause Recommended Action

Alarm number The battery was Turn off, then turn on the generator to clear the
212 appears in removed and/or number. Calibrate the generator. For instructions,
the Cut display replaced, but the refer to Calibrating the Generator page 5-30.
during the self- generator was not
test calibrated

Faulty battery on Replace the battery and check the battery-backed

Control board RAM device. Refer to Correcting Battery-Backed
causing loss of RAM Malfunctions page 6-30.

Loss of battery- Replace the Control board. Refer to Control Board

backed RAM due to Replacement page 7-4.
faulty component on
the Control board
(other than the

Alarm number The battery was Specify autobipolar setup values.

217 appears in removed and/or
the Cut display replaced, but the
during the self- generator was not
test. calibrated.

Faulty battery on Replace the battery and check the battery-backed

Control board RAM device. Refer to Correcting Battery-Backed
causing loss of RAM Malfunctions page 6-30.

Loss of battery- Replace the Control board. Refer to Control Board

backed RAM due to Replacement page 7-4.
faulty component on
the Control board
(other than battery).

Activation and/or Poor connection or Check/correct connection. If indicated, replace the

alarm tones do damaged Footswitch Footswitch board. Refer to Footswitch Board
not sound; board ribbon cable Replacement page 7-9.
speaker is
malfunctioning Faulty connections or Replace the Footswitch board. Refer to Footswitch
speaker on Board Replacement page 7-9.
Footswitch board

Audio signal Replace the Control board. Refer to Control Board

malfunction on Replacement page 7-4.
Control board

6-6 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Correcting Malfunctions

Situation Possible Cause Recommended Action

Blank or Faulty ribbon cable Check/connect ribbon cable that connects the
confusing LED between Control Display board to the Control board.
display board and Display

Incorrect display Replace the Control board. Refer to Control Board

modes Replacement page 7-4.
through the Control

Display board Replace the Display board. Refer to Display Board
malfunction Replacement page 7-5.

Mode buttons do Faulty ribbon cable Check/connect ribbon cable that connects the
not function between Control Display board to the Control board.
correctly when board and Display
pressed board

Incorrect modes Replace the Control board. Refer to Control Board

communicated Replacement page 7-4.
through the Control

Faulty ribbon cable Check/connect the ribbon cable that connects the
between the front Display board to the front panel.
panel and the Display

Incorrect modes are Replace the front panel. Refer to Front Panel
being communicated Replacement page 7-10.
from the front panel

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-7

Correcting Malfunctions

Situation Possible Cause Recommended Action

Generator is on Malfunctioning Turn off the generator. Check and correct all
and accessory is footswitch or accessory connections.
activated, but handswitching
Turn on the generator. Replace the accessory if it
generator does instrument
continues to malfunction.
not deliver output

Incompatible Use only a Valleylab footswitch with the

footswitch Force FX-8CAS generator.

Footswitch Connect the footswitch to the Monopolar 2

connected to Footswitch receptacle.
Monopolar 1 or
Footswitch Connect the instrument to the Monopolar 1/CEM
receptacle is being Instrument receptacle.
used for instrument
connected to
Monopolar 2

Footswitch Connect the footswitch to the Monopolar 1

connected to Footswitch receptacle.
Monopolar 2 or
Footswitch Connect the instrument to the Monopolar 2
receptacle is being Instrument receptacle.
used for instrument
connected to
Monopolar 1/CEM

Power set too low Increase the power setting.

An alarm condition Check the Cut display for an alarm number. Note
exists the number and refer to Responding to System
Alarms page 6-12.

Blown fuse on Power Check the high voltage power supply fuse (F1) and
Supply/RF board replace if necessary. Refer to Fuse Replacement
page 7-14.

Control board If the indicator bar does not illuminate and the
malfunction tone does not sound, replace the Control board.
Refer to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

High voltage power If high voltage is not present at TP3 on the Power
supply malfunction Supply/RF board, troubleshoot the high voltage
(high voltage is not power supply.
present during

6-8 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Correcting Malfunctions

Situation Possible Cause Recommended Action

Generator is on RF output stage Troubleshoot the RF output stage as described

and accessory is malfunction (high below:
activated, but voltage is present
On the Power Supply/RF board, verify T_ON\ pulses
generator does during activation)
at U4 during activation.
not deliver output
• If pulses are not present before U4, replace the
Control board. Refer to Control Board
Replacement page 7-4.
• If pulses are present at U4 but not after U4,
replace U4.

Check the power MOSFET at J9 for failure
(typically fail shorted).
Check all output relays to verify that they are
toggling during operation. If they are not, check
the relay drivers (U15 and U16).
Check for shorting of the output tuning inductors
(T14 and T15).

If in Autobipolar Grasp a smaller piece of tissue between the

mode, the sense forceps.
impedance may be
too high to activate
the generator.

Footswitch will Malfunctioning or Replace the Footswitch board. Refer to Footswitch

not activate damaged footswitch Board Replacement page 7-9.
output receptacle

Footswitch activation Replace the Control board. Refer to Control Board

signal lost on Control Replacement page 7-4.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-9

Correcting Malfunctions

Situation Possible Cause Recommended Action

Continuous Faulty chassis-to- • Check and correct the chassis ground

monitor ground connections connections for the monitor and, if applicable,
interference for the generator.
• Check other electrical equipment in the room
for defective grounds.

Electrical equipment Plug all electrical equipment into line power at the
is grounded to same location.
different objects
rather than a
common ground.
The generator may
respond to the
resulting voltage
differences between
grounded objects.

Malfunctioning Replace the monitor.


Interference with Metal-to-metal Check all connections to the generator, patient

other devices only sparking return electrode, and accessories.
when generator
is activated High settings used Use lower power settings for fulguration or select
for fulguration the Desiccate mode.

Electrically Verify that all ground wires are as short as possible

inconsistent ground and go to the same grounded metal.
wires in the
operating room

If interference Check with the manufacturer of the monitor.

continues when the
Some manufacturers offer RF choke filters for use
generator is
in monitor leads. The filters reduce interference
activated, the
when the generator is activated and minimize the
monitor is
potential for an electrosurgical burn at the site of
responding to
the monitor electrode.
radiated frequencies.

6-10 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Correcting Malfunctions

Situation Possible Cause Recommended Action

Pacemaker Intermittent Check all connections to the generator.

interference connections or
It may be necessary to reprogram the pacemaker.

Current traveling Use bipolar instruments, if possible. If you must

from active to return use a monopolar instrument, place the patient
electrode during return electrode as close as possible to the surgical
monopolar site. Make sure the current path from the surgical
electrosurgery is site to the patient return electrode does not pass

passing too close to through the vicinity of the heart or the site where
pacemaker. the pacemaker is implanted.
Always monitor patients with pacemakers during
surgery and keep a defibrillator available.
Consult the pacemaker manufacturer or hospital
Cardiology Department for further information
when use of electrosurgical appliances is planned
in patients with cardiac pacemakers.

Abnormal Metal-to-metal Check all connections to the generator, patient

neuromuscular sparking return electrode, and active electrodes.
stimulation (stop
surgery Can occur during Use a lower power setting for the Fulgurate and
immediately) coag Spray modes or select the Desiccate mode.

Abnormal 50–60 Hz Inside the generator, carefully inspect for damage

leakage currents that may cause shorting between the AC line
voltage and connected patient components.

Autobipolar The cord inserted Ensure that a bipolar cord is inserted in the Bipolar
activation/ into the Bipolar Active receptacle.
deactivation at Active receptacle is
incorrect tissue not a bipolar cord.
impedance levels.
The generator is not Have the generator recalibrated by qualified
calibrated service personnel.
If the above steps do not remedy the problem,
contact a Covidien Service Center.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-11

Responding to System Alarms

Responding to System Alarms

When a system alarm condition exists, an alarm tone sounds and a number flashes in the
Cut display. The generator is disabled until the condition is cleared.
Most system alarms require some action on your part to correct the condition; however,
some are corrected automatically. Use the following table to determine how to correct an
alarm condition.
After correcting the alarm condition, verify that the generator completes the self-test as
described in Testing the Generator page 5-21.
Note that autobipolar (abp) error messages occur only in Force FX-8CAS generators.

Number Description Recommended Action

0 Main microcontroller failed to Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
hold feedback microcontroller error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
in reset to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

Main microcontroller failed to

1 power up feedback

2 Feedback microcontroller Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again.
failed to power up and If error reappears, replace the control board.
initialize RAM in time allotted Refer to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

Feedback microcontrolled
3 failed to checksum battery-
backed RAM data in dual-port
RAM in time allotted

4 Internal diagnostics Replace the Control board. Refer to Control

Board Replacement page 7-4.
Main microcontroller CPU test
failed Calibrate the generator. Refer to Calibrating the
Generator page 5-30 for instruction.
If the alarm number reappears, record the
number and call the Covidien Service Center.

5 Main microcontroller unable Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again.
to access FEEDBACK_SEM If error reappears, replace the control board.
semaphore Refer to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

6 Main microcontroller unable

to access ECON_SEM

7 Main microcontroller unable

to access KEY_ACTIVE_SEM

6-12 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

10 Software malfunction. Invalid Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
alarm number (number shown number reappears, record the number and call
on terminal using serial port) the Covidien Service Center.

11 Internal diagnostics. Invalid Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
activated power, function, error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
mode, or key request mode to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.
echoed by feedback

12 Diagnostics/microcontroller Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again.
malfunction. T_ON_ERR test If error reappears, replace the control board.
failed Refer to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

13 Main microcontroller unable Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again.
to access GEN_SEM If error reappears, replace the control board.
semaphore Refer to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

14 Internal diagnostics. Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again.
Calibration data checksum If error reappears, replace the control board.
error on main microcontroller Refer to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.
(data in error shown on
terminal using serial port)

15 Autobipolar circuit failure. Turn generator off and fully rotate potentiometer
Autobipolar oscillator R6 on the ABP board clockwise (as instructed in
frequency outside of Entering Calibration Mode page 5-31) and
acceptable operating range. complete calibration step 9 (refer to Calibrating
the Generator page 5-30).

16 Diagnostics/microcontroller Calibrate the ECON factor. Refer to Calibrating

malfunction. T_ON average the Generator page 5-30 for instructions.
test failed
If the alarm number reappears, refer to
Correcting T_ON ASIC Malfunctions page 6-28.

17 Isns and/or Vsns voltage Do not attempt to use the generator. Record the
detected without activation. number and call the Covidien Service Center.

18 REM circuit failure. REM Calibrate REM oscillator (refer to Calibrating the
oscillator frequency outside Generator page 5-30).
acceptable operating range.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-13

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

19 Overvoltage detected on +5V Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
supply. number reappears, record the number and call
the Covidien Service Center.
20 ABP_SEN voltage detected
without autobipolar oscillator

21 ABP impedance comparison


30 Software malfunction.
audio_state value outside
state range.

31 Software malfunction. Invalid

alarm number.

32 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
alarm_state value outside number reappears, record the number and call
state range. the Covidien Service Center.
40 Software malfunction.
selection_state [button_num]
value outside state range.

50 Software malfunction.
abp_state value outside state

51 Software malfunction.
abp_setup_step value outside
state range.

52 Software malfunction.
which_display value outside
state range.

53 Main micro unable to access Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again.
GEN_SEM semaphore. If error reappears, replace the control board.
Refer to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

6-14 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

59 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
abp_setup_data number reappears, record the number and call
[ABP_KEYING_SOURCE] value the Covidien Service Center.
60 Software malfunction.
which_display value outside
state range.

61 Software malfunction.
which_led value outside state


62 Software malfunction.
key_req_mode value outside
state range.

63 Software malfunction.
direction value outside state
Software malfunction.
msg.action_code value
outside state range.
Software malfunction.
flash_state value outside state
Software malfunction. Unable
66 to find alarm number to
Internal diagnostics. Settings
67 data may be corrupted.

68 Main microcontroller unable Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again.
to access GEN_SEM If error reappears, replace the control board.
semaphore Refer to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

69 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
flash_power_state value number reappears, record the number and call
outside state range the Covidien Service Center.
70 Software malfunction.
key_req_mode value outside
state range

71 Software malfunction.
request+1 value outside state

80 Software malfunction.
*input[i].p_state value outside
state range

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-15

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

81 Internal component Do not attempt to use the generator. Record the

malfunction. Optoisolator test number and call the Covidien Service Center.

90 Generator model number in Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again.
main microcontroller Flash If error reappears, replace the control board.
Memory not Force FX-8CAS Refer to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.
generator model number
95 Generator model number in
main microcontroller Flash
Memory not Force FX-8CAS
generator model number

100 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
rem_update_state value number reappears, record the number and call
outside state range the Covidien Service Center.
101 Software malfunction.
rem_pad_state value outside
state range

102 Software malfunction.

rem_state value in
re_rem_control( ) outside state

103 Software malfunction.

rem_state value in
re_non_rem_control( ) outside
state range

104 Software malfunction.

rem_flash_state value outside
state range
Software malfunction.
rem_led_state value outside
state range
Software malfunction.
cal_state value in
ca_generator_setup( ) outside
state range
Software malfunction.
111 cal_state value in
ca_clock_date_setup( ) outside
state range

6-16 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

112 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
cal_mode value in number reappears, record the number and call
ca_clock_date_setup( ) outside the Covidien Service Center.
state range
Software malfunction.
113 cal_state value in
ca_clock_time_setup( ) outside
state range
Software malfunction.

cal_mode value in
ca_clock_time_setup( ) outside
state range
Software malfunction.
115 cal_state value in
ca_coag_leakage_cal( )
outside state range
Software malfunction.
116 cal_state value in ca_econ_cal(
) outside state range
Software malfunction.
econ_cal_state value outside
117 state range
Software malfunction.
cal_state value in ca_rem_cal( )
118 outside state range
Software malfunction.
rem_cal_state value outside
state range

120 Calibration malfunction. Repeat the failing calibration step. If the alarm
Calibration value(s) outside number reappears, record the number and call
acceptable range the Covidien Service Center.

121 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
cal_mode value in number reappears, record the number and call
ca_generator_setup( ) outside the Covidien Service Center.
state range

122 Open circuit REM sense failure Repeat the failing calibration step. If the alarm
number reappears, record the number and call
the Covidien Service Center.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-17

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

123 Main microcontroller unable Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
to access GEN_SEM error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
semaphore to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.
124 Main microcontroller unable
to access FEEDBACK_SEM

125 Main microcontroller unable

to access ECON_SEM

126 Main microcontroller unable

to access KEY_ACTIVE_SEM

6-18 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

130 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
convert_this value outside number reappears, record the number and call
state range. the Covidien Service Center.
131 Software malfunction.
settings[COAG]. mode_setting
outside state range.
Software malfunction.
132 settings[COAG]. mode_setting

outside state range.
Software malfunction.
cal_settings.cal_value value in
133 cd_rem_value_conversion
outside state range.
Software malfunction.
cal_step value outside state
134 range.
Software malfunction.
cal_settings.cal_value value in
outside state range.
Software malfunction.
button_function value outside
state range.
Software malfunction.
which_display value outside
state range.
Software malfunction.
update_this value outside
state range.
Software malfunction.
cal_state value in cb_abp_cal(
) outside state range

141 Main micro unable to access Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
GEN_SEM semaphore. error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.
142 Main micro unable to access
FEEDBACK_SEM semaphore.

143 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
abp_cal_state value outside number reappears, record the number and call
state range. the Covidien Service Center.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-19

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

144 Open-circuit ABP sense failure. Repeat failing calibration step. If the alarm
number reappears, record the number and call
the Covidien Service Center.

150 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
cal_state value in cs_v_sns_cal( number reappears, record the number and call
) outside state range. the Covidien Service Center.

151 Main microcontroller unable Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again.
to access GEN_SEM If error reappears, replace the control board.
semaphore Refer to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

152 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
cal_state value in cs_i_sns_cal( number reappears, record the number and call
) outside state range the Covidien Service Center.

154 Main microcontroller unable Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
to access FEEDBACK_SEM error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
semaphore to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

156 Software malfunction. Desired Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
RMS values comparison failed. number reappears, record the number and call
the Covidien Service Center.
Software malfunction.
157 dos_err_state
value outside state range.
Internal diagnostics. High
158 voltage power supply high.
Internal diagnostics. High
voltage power supply dead or
159 low.

160 Internal component Calibrate the ECON factor. Refer to Calibrating

malfunction. Dosage error test the Generator page 5-30 for instructions.
failed. ADC values display at
If the alarm number reappears, refer to
Correcting T_ON ASIC Malfunctions page 6-28.

161 Dosage error while keying a Do not attempt to use the generator. Record the
closed-loop mode. HVPS or RF number and call the Covidien Service Center.
power stage failed.
162 Dosage error while keying a
closed-loop mode. Primary
current sensor saturated.

163 Dosage error while keying an

open-loop mode.

6-20 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

164 Dosage error while keying a Calibrate the Isns factor. Refer to Calibrating the
closed-loop mode. Backup Generator page 5-30 for instructions. If alarm
current sensor saturated. number reappears, record the number and call
the Covidien Service Center.

165 Dosage error while keying a Calibrate the Isns and Vsns factors. Refer to
closed loop mode. Backup Calibrating the Generator page 5-30 for
sensor reads over desired instructions. If alarm number reappears, record
power limit the number and call the Covidien Service Center.

166 Dosage error while keying a Calibrate the Vsns factor. Refer to Calibrating the
closed loop mode. Backup Generator page 5-30 for instructions. If alarm
voltage sensor saturated. number reappears, record the number and call
the Covidien Service Center.

167 Dosage error while keying a Do not attempt to use the generator. Record the
closed-loop mode. Backup number and call the Covidien Service Center.
voltage sensor not consistent
with primary voltage sensor.
168 Dosage error while keying a
closed-loop mode. Backup
current sensor not consistent
with primary current sensor.
169 Dosage error while keying a
closed-loop mode. Primary
voltage sensor saturated.

170 Watchdog malfunction. Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
Correct value not sent from error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
feedback microcontroller to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

171 Watchdog malfunction. Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
Correct value not sent from error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
main microcontroller to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.
172 Watchdog malfunction. Main
microcontroller unable to
access watchdog semaphore

173 Watchdog malfunction. Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
Feedback microcontroller error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
unable to access watchdog to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

174 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
which_errors value outside number reappears, record the number and call
state range the Covidien Service Center.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-21

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

180 Internal diagnostics. Main Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
microcontroller ST error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
Microelectronics RAM check to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

181 Internal diagnostics. Feedback Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
microcontroller ST error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
Microelectronics RAM check to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

182 Internal diagnostics. Main Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
microcontroller dual-port RAM error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
check failed to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.
183 Internal diagnostics. Main
microcontroller Page 0 (zero)
Flash Memory CRC test failed
Internal diagnostics. Main
184 microcontroller Page F Flash
Memory CRC test failed

185 Internal diagnostics. Feedback Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
microcontroller Flash Memory error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
CRC test failed to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

189 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
display_state value outside number reappears, record the number and call
state range the Covidien Service Center.

6-22 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

190 Internal diagnostics. Bipolar 1. Turn off, then turn on the generator. Do not
buttons (up arrow, down press buttons or accessory activation devices
arrow, Precise, Standard, and/ during the self-test.
or Macro) may be stuck 2. If the alarm number reappears, disconnect all
191 Internal diagnostics. Cut accessories. Turn off, then turn on the
buttons (up arrow, down generator again.
arrow, Low, Pure, and/or If the alarm number reappears, record the
Blend) may be stuck (button number and call the Covidien Service
shown on terminal using serial Center.

192 Internal diagnostics. Coag
buttons (up arrow, down
arrow, Desiccate, Fulgurate,
and/or Spray) may be stuck
(button shown on terminal
using serial port)

193 Internal diagnostics. Recall

button may be stuck (button
shown on terminal using serial

194 Internal diagnostics.

Handswitch or Monopolar 1
Footswitch cut pedal may be
Internal diagnostics.
Handswitch or Monopolar 1
Footswitch coag pedal may be
Internal diagnostics.
Handswitch or Monopolar 2
Footswitch cut pedal may be
Internal diagnostics.
Handswitch or Monopolar 2
197 Footswitch coag pedal may be
Internal diagnostics.
Handswitch or Bipolar
198 Footswitch pedal may be stuck

199 Internal diagnostics. Main and Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
feedback microcontrollers are error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
not compatible to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-23

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

200 Internal diagnostics. Main 1. Replace the Control board. Refer to Control
microcontroller SEML line may Board Replacement page 7-4 for instructions.
be stuck 2. Calibrate the generator. Refer to Calibrating
201 Internal diagnostics. Feedback the Generator page 5-30 for instructions.
microcontroller SEMR line may If the alarm number reappears, record the
be stuck number and call the Covidien Service Center.

202 Internal diagnostics. Main Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
microcontroller watchdog test error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
failed to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

203 Internal diagnostics. Feedback Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
microcontroller watchdog test error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
failed to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

206 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
doserr_test_state value in number reappears, record the number and call
st_m_doserr_test outside state the Covidien Service Center.
207 Software malfunction.
doserr_test_state value in
st_fb_doserr_test outside state

208 Main microcontroller timer 1. Replace the Control board. Refer to Control
interrupt failed Board Replacement page 7-4.

209 Feedback microcontroller 2. Calibrate the generator. Refer to Calibrating

timer interrupt failed the Generator page 5-30 for instructions.
If the alarm number reappears, record the
number and call the Covidien Service Center.

210 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
data_type value outside state number reappears, record the number and call
range the Covidien Service Center.
211 Software malfunction.
which_data value outside
state range

212 Generator not calibrated Refer to Correcting Battery-Backed RAM

Malfunctions page 6-30.

213 Internal diagnostics. Firmware Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
not compatible with hardware error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

6-24 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

215 Internal diagnostics. Real-time 1. Replace the Control board. Refer to Control
clock chip (U1) not compatible Board Replacement page 7-4.
with firmware 2. Calibrate the generator. Refer to Calibrating
the Generator page 5-30 for instructions.
If the alarm number reappears, record the
number and call the Covidien Service Center.

216 Internal memory battery 1. Replace the battery. Refer to Battery

exhausted Replacement page 7-3.
2. Calibrate the generator. Refer to Calibrating

the Generator page 5-30 for instructions.
If the alarm number reappears, record the
number and call the Covidien Service Center.

217 Internal diagnostics. Enter the autobipolar setup mode by holding

Autobipolar setup data down the Auto button for at least two seconds.
checksum error. Set the autobipolar setup parameters to their
default values by pressing the recall button.
If the error still does not clear, call the Covidien
Service Center.

220 Feedback microcontroller Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
unable to access error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
KEY_REQ_SEM semaphore to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.
221 Feedback microcontroller
unable to access GEN_SEM

222 Main microcontroller failed to

copy battery-backed RAM
data to dual-port RAM in time

223 Main microcontroller failed to

complete initialization in time

224 Internal diagnostics. Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
Calibration data checksum error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
error on feedback to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.
microcontroller (data in error
shown on terminal using serial

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-25

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

225 Internal diagnostics. Feedback 1. Replace the Control board. Refer to Control
microcontroller CPU test failed Board Replacement page 7-4.
2. Calibrate the generator. Refer to Calibrating
the Generator page 5-30 for instructions.
If the alarm number reappears, record the
number and call the Covidien Service Center.

226 Feedback microcontroller Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
unable to access error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
FEEDBACK_SEM semaphore to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

2 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
30 keyed_state value outside number reappears, record the number and call
state range the Covidien Service Center.
231 Software malfunction.
key_req_mode value outside
state range

232 Feedback microcontroller Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
unable to access error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
KEY_ACTIVE_SEM semaphore to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.

240 Software malfunction. Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
activation_seq value outside number reappears, record the number and call
state range the Covidien Service Center.
241 Software malfunction.
feedback value in
do_feedback( ) outside state

242 Software malfunction.

feedback value in
do_cal_feedback( ) outside
state range

244 Software malfunction.

disable_seq value outside state

245 Software malfunction.

spark_state value outside state

246 Feedback microcontroller Turn the power switch off (O) then on (I) again. If
unable to access error reappears, replace the control board. Refer
FEEDBACK_SEM semaphore to Control Board Replacement page 7-4.
Feedback microcontroller
247 unable to access ECON_SEM

6-26 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Responding to System Alarms

Number Description Recommended Action

260 Internal diagnostics. A/D 1. Replace the Control board. Refer to Control
conversion did not complete Board Replacement page 7-4 for instructions.
in allowed time 2. Calibrate the generator. Refer to Calibrating
the Generator page 5-30 for instructions.
If the alarm number reappears, record the
number and call the Covidien Service Center.

261 Software malfunction. Delay Turn off, then turn on the generator. If the alarm
time out of bounds on main number reappears, record the number and call
microcontrollers the Covidien Service Center.

262 Software malfunction. Delay
time out of bounds on
feedback microcontroller
Software malfunction. Data
270 type in me_rtc_get_() outside
of the state range

271 Software malfunction. Data

type in me_rtc_put_() outside
of the state range

451 The internal temperature limit Verify that the location of the generator allows
was exceeded due to length of for adequate cooling.
activation time.
Use the lowest power setting that achieves the
desired effect. Limit activation times, if possible.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-27

Correcting T_ON ASIC Malfunctions

Correcting T_ON ASIC Malfunctions

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver
• Surface mount, quad pack chip extractor

Electric Shock Hazard To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at
least five minutes before replacing parts.

Electric Shock Hazard Do not touch any exposed wiring or conductive surfaces while the
generator is disassembled and energized. Never wear a grounding strap when working on an
energized generator.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

If you are responding to a specific alarm number, first calibrate the ECON factor as described in
Calibrating the Generator page 5-30. If the alarm number reappears after calibration, complete
this procedure.

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
3. Remove the Control board.
a. Unlock the connector on the Control board and disconnect the Display board
ribbon cable from the Control board.
b. Carefully slide the Control board straight up through the slots in the heat sinks to
disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board.
4. Replace the Control board.
a. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
b. Remove the Control board (refer to step 3 on page 6-28).
c. Install the new Control board. Position the Control board over the Power Supply/
RF board with the components facing the rear panel. Fit the edges of the board
into the slots on the heat sinks. Slide the board down, carefully fitting the
connector into the matching connector on the Power Supply/RF board.

6-28 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Correcting T_ON ASIC Malfunctions

d. Connect the Display board ribbon cable to the Control board and lock the
5. Calibrate the generator. Refer to Calibrating the Generator page 5-30 for instructions.
If the alarm number reappears, record the number and call the Covidien Service
6. To install the cover, position the cover above the chassis and slide it down. Install the
five screws that secure the cover to the chassis.


Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-29

Correcting Battery-Backed RAM Malfunctions

Correcting Battery-Backed RAM Malfunctions

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver
• Surface mount, quad pack chip extractor

Electric Shock Hazard To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at
least five minutes before replacing parts.

Electric Shock Hazard Do not touch any exposed wiring or conductive surfaces while the
generator is disassembled and energized. Never wear a grounding strap when working on an
energized generator.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

Calibrate the generator after you install a new battery. Calibration values are lost when the
battery is replaced. Refer to Calibrating the Generator page 5-30 for instructions. Note: You will
also need to specify the autobipolar setup values. Refer to Autobipolar Setup Mode page 5-14.

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
3. Remove the Control board.
a. Unlock the connector on the Control board and disconnect the Display board
ribbon cable from the Control board.
b. Carefully slide the Control board straight up through the slots in the heat sinks to
disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board.

All data stored in internal memory (refer to Internal Memory page 3-4) is lost when the battery is

4. Replace the battery.

a. Grasp the battery and slide it up and out of the socket.
b. Position the new 3 V button-cell battery above the socket so that the positive side
of the battery is facing out (visible).

6-30 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Correcting Battery-Backed RAM Malfunctions

c. Slide the new battery down into the socket.

5. Install the Control board.
a. Position the Control board over the Power Supply/RF board with the components
facing the rear panel.
Fit the edges of the board into the slots on the heat sinks.
Slide the board down, carefully fitting the edge connector into the matching
connector on the Power Supply/RF board.
b. Connect the Display board ribbon cable to the Control board and lock the

6. Calibrate the generator. Refer to Calibrating the Generator page 5-30 for instructions.
If the calibration is successful, install the cover (refer to step 12).
7. If the alarm number reappears, replace the Control board.
a. Turn off the generator.
b. Remove the Control board (refer to step 3).
c. Install the new Control board (refer to step 6).
8. Recalibrate the generator. If the alarm number reappears, record the number and call
the Covidien Service Center.
9. To install the cover, position the cover above the chassis and slide it down. Install the
five screws that secure the cover to the chassis.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 6-31

Chapter 7
Replacement Procedures

Follow the procedures in this chapter when you need to replace the parts listed

• Battery for battery-backed RAM

• Control board
• Display board and seven-segment LEDs
• Autobipolar board
• Fan
• Footswitch board
• Front panel
• Front panel components, including the REM module and power switch
• Fuses, including two in the fuse drawer and one on the Power Supply/RF
• Heat sinks (left front, left rear, and right heat sinks) and associated heat sink
• Low voltage power supply
• Power entry module
• Power Supply/RF board
For your reference, this chapter also includes an electrical cable interconnect
diagram that illustrates all cable connections.

The parts used in these procedures are illustrated in Chapter 9, Service Parts.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-1

Interconnect Diagram

Interconnect Diagram
A block diagram of generator interconnections



7-2 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Battery Replacement

Battery Replacement
Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver

Electric Shock Hazard To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at
least five minutes before replacing parts.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

Calibrate the generator after you install a new battery. Calibration values are lost when the
battery is replaced. Refer to Calibrating the Generator on page 5-30 for instructions.

All data stored in internal memory (refer to Internal Memory on page 3-4) is lost when the battery

Replacement Procedures
is removed.

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
chassis. Set the cover and screws aside for reinstallation.
3. Locate the battery at the upper left corner of the Control board.
4. Grasp the battery and slide it up and out of the socket.
5. Install the new 3 V button-cell battery (CR2450 or equivalent).
a. Position the battery above the socket so that the positive side of the battery is
facing out (visible).
b. Slide the battery down into the socket until it is firmly seated.
6. Position the cover above the chassis and slide it down. Install the five screws that
secure the cover to the chassis.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-3

Control Board Replacement

Control Board Replacement

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver

Electric Shock Hazard To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at
least five minutes before replacing parts.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

Calibrate the generator after you install a new battery. Calibration values are lost when the
battery is replaced. Refer to Calibrating the Generator on page 5-30 for instructions.

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
chassis. Set the cover and screws aside for reinstallation.
3. Unlock the connector on the Control board and disconnect the Display board ribbon
cable from the Control board.
4. Carefully slide the Control board straight up through the slots on the heat sinks to
disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board.
5. Verify that the packaging for the new Control board contains the part number for the
Force FX-8CAS generator Control board. Do not install any other Control board.
6. Install the battery in the battery socket (positive side facing up).
7. Position the new Control board over the Power Supply/RF board with the Control
board components facing the rear panel.
Fit the edges of the board into the slots on the heat sinks.
Slide the board down, carefully fitting the edge connector into the matching
connector on the Power Supply/RF board.
8. Connect the Display board ribbon cable to the Control board and lock the connector.
9. Position the cover above the chassis and slide it down. Install the five screws that
secure the cover to the chassis.

7-4 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Display Board Replacement

Display Board Replacement

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver

Remove the Display Board

Electric Shock Hazard To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at
least five minutes before replacing parts.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
chassis. Set the cover and screws aside for reinstallation.
3. Remove the Control board.

Replacement Procedures
a. Unlock the connector on the Control board and disconnect the Display board
ribbon cable from the Control board.
b. Carefully slide the Control board straight up through the slots on the heat sinks to
disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board. Set the board aside in an antistatic
container for reinstallation.
4. Disconnect and remove the front panel assembly.
a. Disconnect the power switch from the Power Supply/RF board.
b. Disconnect the two REM connectors from the Power Supply/RF board.
c. Remove the four screws that secure the front panel to the chassis. Save the screws
for reinstallation.
d. Slide the front panel assembly forward, carefully disengaging it from the electrical
contacts on the Power Supply/RF board.
5. Detach and disconnect the Display board from the front panel.
a. Remove the four screws that secure the Display board to the front panel. Save the
screws for reinstallation.
b. Disconnect the CEM switch cable from the Display board.
c. Disconnect the membrane keyboard ribbon cable from the Display board.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-5

Display Board Replacement

d. Disconnect the grounding clips from each side of the bezel by sliding the clips
away from the bezel until they are loose and held only by the Display board.

Install the Display Board

1. Connect and attach the Display board to the front panel.
a. Connect the membrane keyboard ribbon cable to the Display board.
b. Connect the CEM switch cable to the Display board.
c. Connect the grounding clips to each side of the bezel by sliding the clips toward
the bezel until they are snug.
d. Position the Display board over the front panel posts and install the four screws
that secure the board to the front panel.
2. Install the front panel assembly.
a. Position the front panel assembly in front of the chassis and carefully slide it into
the electrical contacts on the Power Supply/RF board.
b. Install the four screws that secure the front panel to the chassis.
c. Connect the power switch cable to J10 on the Power Supply/RF board.
3. Connect the REM wires to the Power Supply/RF board.
a. Connect the white wires with the 2-pin nonlocking connector to J15.
b. Connect the red wires with the 2-pin locking connector to J17.
4. Install the Control board.
a. Position the Control board over the Power Supply/RF board with the Control board
components facing the rear panel.
Fit the edges of the board into the slots on the heat sinks.
Slide the board down, carefully fitting the edge connector into the matching
connector on the Power Supply/RF board.
b. Connect the Display board ribbon cable to the Control board and lock the
5. Position the cover above the chassis and slide it down. Install the five screws that
secure the cover to the chassis.

7-6 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Display Board Seven-Segment LED Replacement

Display Board Seven-Segment LED Replacement

1. Remove the Display board (observe all warnings and cautions). Refer to Display Board
Replacement on page 7-5.
2. Grasp the seven-segment LED and pull it out of the Display board, taking care not to
bend the pins. Note the orientation of pin 1 (the corner with the small 45 degree
3. Verify that the replacement LED is the correct color (green).
4. Install the new seven-segment LED, making sure that the orientation of pin 1
(designated by the small 45 degree chamfer) is the same as that of the LED you
5. Reinstall the Display board. Refer to Display Board Replacement on page 7-5.

Replacement Procedures

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-7

Autobipolar Board Replacement

Autobipolar Board Replacement

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver

Electric Shock Hazard To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at
least five minutes before replacing parts.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
chassis. Set the cover and screws aside for reinstallation.
3. Disconnect the Display board ribbon cable from the Control board and the 2-wire
bipolar connector from the autobipolar board.
4. Carefully slide the autobipolar board straight up through the slots on the heat sinks to
disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board.
Verify that the packaging for the new autobipolar board contains the part number for
the Force FX-8CAS generator autobipolar board. Do not install any other autobipolar
5. Position the new autobipolar board over the Power Supply/RF board with the
autobipolar board components facing the front panel.
Fit the edges of the board into the slots on the heat sinks.
Slide the board down, carefully fitting the edge connector into the matching
connector on the Power Supply/RF board.
6. Connect the 2-wire bipolar connector to the autobipolar board and the Display board
ribbon cable to the Control board.
7. Connect the Display board ribbon cable to the Control board and lock the connector.
8. Position the cover above the chassis and slide the cover down. Install the five screws
that secure the cover to the chassis.

7-8 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Fan Replacement

Fan Replacement
1. Remove the Power Supply/RF board and attached heat sinks (observe all warnings and
cautions). Refer to Power Supply/RF Board Replacement on page 7-28.
2. Disconnect the fan connector from the Power Supply/RF board.
3. Turn the Power Supply/RF board over, and remove the four screws and nuts that
secure the fan to the board.
4. Position the new fan on top of the Power Supply/RF board and install the four nuts
and screws that secure it to the board.
5. Connect the fan connector to J4 on the Power Supply/RF board.
6. Reinstall the Power Supply/RF board and attached heat sinks. Refer to Power Supply/
RF Board Replacement on page 7-28.

Footswitch Board Replacement

1. Remove the Power Supply/RF board and attached heat sinks (observe all warnings and
cautions). Refer to Power Supply/RF Board Replacement on page 7-28.
2. Remove the Footswitch board assembly.
a. On the rear panel, remove the six screws that secure the footswitch receptacles to
the rear panel.
b. Inside the rear panel, remove the three screws that secure the Footswitch board

Replacement Procedures
assembly to the rear panel standoffs.
3. Install the new Footswitch board assembly.
a. Position the assembly inside the rear panel and install the three screws that secure
the assembly to the rear panel.
b. On the rear panel, install the six screws that secure the footswitch receptacles to
the rear panel.
4. Reinstall the Power Supply/RF board and attached heat sinks. Refer to Power Supply/
RF Board Replacement on page 7-28.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-9

Front Panel Replacement

Front Panel Replacement

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver

Electric Shock Hazard To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at
least five minutes before replacing parts.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

Remove the Front Panel Assembly

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
chassis. Set the cover and screws aside for reinstallation.
3. Unlock the connector on the Control board and disconnect the Display board ribbon
cable from the Control board.
4. Disconnect the power switch cable from the Power Supply/RF board.
5. Disconnect the two REM connectors from the Power Supply/RF board.
6. Remove the four screws that secure the front panel to the chassis. Save the screws for
7. Slide the front panel assembly forward, carefully disengaging it from the electrical
contacts on the Power Supply/RF board.

Remove and Reinstall the Front Panel Components

If you are replacing the entire front panel assembly, go to Install the Front Panel Assembly
on page 7-11.
If you are replacing only the front panel, follow these instructions to remove the
components (Display board, REM module, and power switch) and install them on the
new front panel.
1. Detach and disconnect the Display board from the front panel.
a. Remove the four screws that secure the Display board to the front panel. Save the
screws for reinstallation.

7-10 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Front Panel Replacement

b. Disconnect the CEM switch cable from the Display board.

c. Disconnect the membrane display ribbon cable from the Display board.
d. Disconnect the grounding clips from each side of the bezel by sliding the clips
away from the bezel until they are loose and held only by the Display board.
2. Remove the REM module and reinstall it on the new front panel.
a. Remove the two screws that secure the REM module to the front panel. Then,
remove the bracket that covers the REM module and remove the REM module.
b. From inside the new front panel, insert the REM module into the front panel
c. Place the bracket over the REM module and install the two screws that secure the
module to the new front panel.
3. Remove the power switch and reinstall it on the new front panel.
a. Inside the front panel, press the four tabs that secure the power switch and push
the switch (and connected cable) out the opening.
b. Outside the new front panel, route the power switch cable through the power
switch opening.
c. Position the power switch with the On (|) switch above the Off (O) switch. Press to
snap the switch into place.
4. Install the Display board on the new front panel.
a. Connect the membrane keyboard ribbon cable to the Display board.

Replacement Procedures
b. Connect the CEM switch cable to the Display board.
c. Connect the grounding clips to each side of the bezel by sliding the clips toward
the bezel until they are snug.
d. Position the Display board over the front panel posts and install the four screws
that secure the board to the front panel.

Install the Front Panel Assembly

1. Position the front panel assembly in front of the chassis and carefully slide it into the
electrical contacts on the Power Supply/RF board.
2. Install the four screws that secure the front panel to the chassis.
3. Connect the REM wires to the Power Supply/RF board.
a. Connect the white wires with the 2-pin nonlocking connector to J15.
b. Connect the red wires with the 2-pin locking connector to J17.
4. Connect the power switch cable to J10 on the Power Supply/RF board.
5. Connect the Display board ribbon cable to the Control board and lock the connector.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-11

Front Panel REM Module Replacement

6. Position the cover above the chassis and slide it down. Install the five screws that
secure the cover to the chassis.

Front Panel REM Module Replacement

1. Remove the front panel assembly (observe all warnings and cautions). Refer to Front
Panel Replacement on page 7-10.
2. Remove the two screws that secure the REM module to the front panel and remove
the bracket that covers the REM module. Set the bracket and screws aside for
3. Replace the existing module with a new REM module.
4. Position the bracket over the new REM module and install the two screws that secure
the module to the front panel.
5. Reinstall the front panel assembly. Refer to Front Panel Replacement on page 7-10.

7-12 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Front Panel Power Switch Replacement

Front Panel Power Switch Replacement

1. Remove the front panel assembly (observe all warnings and cautions). Refer to Front
Panel Replacement on page 7-10.
2. Inside the front panel, press the four tabs that secure the power switch and push the
switch (and connected cable) out the opening.
Removing and disconnecting the power switch




Replacement Procedures
3. Remove the heat shrink from the cables and old switch.
4. Slide a piece of heat shrink tubing (1" [2.54 cm] wide; 2.5" [6.35 cm] long) over the
5. Connect the cable to the new power switch assembly, using the illustration or the
assembly you just removed as a reference.
6. Using a heat gun, shrink the tubing around the electrical connectors on the switch.
Do not allow the heat shrink tubing to cover the plastic tabs on the switch.
7. Outside the front panel, route the power switch cable through the power switch
8. Position the power switch with the On (|) switch above the Off (O) switch. Press to
snap the switch into place.
9. Reinstall the front panel assembly. Refer to Front Panel Replacement on page 7-10.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-13

Fuse Replacement

Fuse Replacement

Replacing Fuses in the Fuse Drawer

Equipment required
• Small flathead screwdriver
• Fuse puller

Fire Hazard For continued protection against fire hazard, replace fuses only with fuses of the
same type and rating as the original fuse.

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
Disconnect the power cord from the rear panel for easier access to the adjacent fuse
2. To release the fuse drawer, insert a small flathead screwdriver into the slot on the
drawer below the power cord receptacle. Then, slide the drawer out.
Replacing fuses in the fuse drawer

3. Use a fuse puller to remove each blown fuse from the fuse drawer.
4. Replace each blown fuse with one of the same type and rating:
• For 120 V operation, use 8-amp fuses.
• For 240 V operation, use 4-amp fuses.
5. Slide the fuse drawer into its slot until it snaps into place.
6. Connect the power cord to the rear panel.

7-14 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Fuse Replacement

Replacing the Fuse on the Power Supply/RF Board

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver
• Fuse puller

Fire Hazard For continued protection against fire hazard, replace fuses only with fuses of the
same type and rating as the original fuse.

Electric Shock Hazard To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at
least five minutes before replacing parts.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
chassis. Set the cover and screws aside for reinstallation.

Replacement Procedures
3. Locate the fuse at the rear of the Power Supply/RF board, near the power entry
module. Use a fuse puller to remove the blown fuse.
4. Replace the blown fuse with a 6.3-amp fuse.
5. Position the cover above the chassis and slide it down. Install the five screws that
secure the cover to the chassis.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-15

Left Front Heat Sink and Component Replacement

Left Front Heat Sink and Component Replacement

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver

Electric Shock Hazard To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at
least five minutes before replacing parts.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

Calibrate the generator after you install a new heat sink or replace components on the heat sink.
Component differences may affect output waveforms. Refer to Calibrating the Generator on
page 5-30 for instructions.

Remove the Left Front Heat Sink

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
chassis. Save the cover and screws for reinstallation.
3. Remove the Control board.
a. Unlock the connector on the Control board and disconnect the Display board
ribbon cable from the Control board.
b. Carefully slide the Control board straight up through the slots on the heat sinks to
disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board. Set the board aside in an antistatic
container for reinstallation.
4. Remove the three screws (one plastic and two metal) that secure the support bracket
to the heat sinks. Save the screws and bracket for reinstallation.
5. On the left side of the chassis, remove the two screws that secure the base of the left
front heat sink to the rail under the Power Supply/RF board. Save the screws for
6. Lift the heat sink to disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board.
If you plan to replace one or more components on the existing heat sink, go to Replace
Left Front Heat Sink Components on page 7-17.

7-16 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Left Front Heat Sink and Component Replacement

If you plan to replace the entire left front heat sink assembly, go to Install the Left Front
Heat Sink.

Replace Left Front Heat Sink Components

Replacing left front heat sink components

HVPS Output Diodes

HVPS Secondary Damping Resistor

• To replace one or more HVPS (high voltage power supply) output diodes, remove the
screw and shoulder washer that secure the diode to the heat sink. Position the new
diode on the heat sink and reinstall the shoulder washer and screw.
• To replace the HVPS secondary damping resistor, remove the screw that secures it to
the heat sink. Position the new resistor on the heat sink and reinstall the screw.

Install the Left Front Heat Sink

Replacement Procedures
1. Inspect the assembly for bent pins. On the left side of the chassis, carefully slide the
heat sink down into the matching connectors on the Power Supply/RF board.
2. Install the two screws that secure the left front heat sink to the rail under the Power
Supply/RF board.
3. Position the support bracket over the heat sinks and install the three screws that
secure the bracket to the left rear heat sink (plastic screw) and to the left front and
right heat sinks (two metal screws).
4. Install the Control board.
a. Position the Control board over the Power Supply/RF board with the Control board
components facing the rear panel.
Fit the edges of the board into the slots on the heat sinks.
Slide the board down, carefully fitting the edge connector into the matching
connector on the Power Supply/RF board.
b. Connect the Display board ribbon cable to the Control board and lock the
5. Position the cover above the chassis and slide it down. Install the five screws that
secure the cover to the chassis.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-17

Left Rear Heat Sink and Component Replacement

Left Rear Heat Sink and Component Replacement

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver

Electric Shock Hazard To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at
least five minutes before replacing parts.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

Calibrate the generator after you install a new heat sink or replace components on the heat sink.
Component differences may affect output waveforms. Refer to Calibrating the Generator on
page 5-30 for instructions.

Remove the Left Rear Heat Sink

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
chassis. Set the cover and screws aside for reinstallation.
3. Remove the three screws (one plastic and two metal) that secure the support bracket
to the heat sinks. Save the screws and bracket for reinstallation.
4. Disconnect the 4-wire heat sink (bridge rectifier) cable from the Power Supply/RF
5. Loosen but do not remove the screw securing the component clip below the bridge
6. On the left side of the chassis, remove the two screws that secure the base of the left
rear heat sink to the rail under the Power Supply/RF board. Save the screws for
7. Lift the left rear heat sink to disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board.
If you plan to replace one or more components on the existing heat sink, go to Replace
Left Rear Heat Sink Components on page 7-19.
If you plan to replace the entire left rear heat sink assembly, go to Install the Left Rear
Heat Sink.

7-18 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Left Rear Heat Sink and Component Replacement

Replace Left Rear Heat Sink Components

Components of the left rear heat sink

Bridge Rectifier

HVPS Primary
Damping Resistor

7 5 3 1


• To replace the HVPS (high voltage power supply) primary damping resistor, remove
the screw and shoulder washer that secure it to the heat sink. Position the new
resistor on the heat sink and reinstall the washer and screw.
• To replace one or more of the four HVPS FETs, remove the screw and shoulder washer
that secure the FET to the heat sink. Position the new FET on the heat sink and
reinstall the washer and screw.

Replacement Procedures
• To replace the bridge rectifier, note the orientation of the four wires. Mark them for
reinstallation. Then, detach them from the rectifier.
Remove the screw that secures the rectifier to the heat sink. Position the new bridge
rectifier on the heat sink and reinstall the screw.
Connect the four wires to the appropriate terminal on the rectifier.

Install the Left Rear Heat Sink

1. Position the left rear heat sink over the matching connectors on the Power Supply/RF
board. Slide the components into the connectors.
2. Install the two screws that secure the left rear heat sink to the rail.
3. Connect the 4-wire heat sink (bridge rectifier) cable to J8 on the Power Supply/RF
4. Tighten the screw securing the component clip over the Triac Thermistor.
5. Position the support bracket over the heat sinks and install the three screws that
secure the bracket to the left rear heat sink (plastic screw) and to the left front and
right heat sinks (two metal screws).
6. Position the cover above the chassis and slide it down. Install the five screws that
secure the cover to the chassis.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-19

Right Heat Sink and Component Replacement

Right Heat Sink and Component Replacement

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver

Electric Shock Hazard To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at
least five minutes before replacing parts.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

Calibrate the generator after you install a new heat sink or replace components on the heat sink.
Component differences may affect output waveforms. Refer to Calibrating the Generator on
page 5-30 for instructions.

Remove the Right Heat Sink

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
chassis. Set the cover and screws aside for reinstallation.
3. Remove the Control board.
a. Unlock the connector on the Control board and disconnect the Display board
ribbon cable from the Control board.
b. Carefully slide the Control board straight up through the slots on the heat sinks to
disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board.
Set the board aside in an antistatic container for reinstallation.
4. Remove the three screws (one plastic and two metal) that secure the support bracket
to the heat sinks. Save the screws and bracket for reinstallation.
5. Disconnect the cable from the tank damping resistor on the right heat sink from J12
on the Power Supply/RF board.
6. On the right side of the chassis, remove the two screws that secure the base of the
right heat sink to the rail under the Power Supply/RF board. Save the screws for
7. Lift the heat sink to disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board.

7-20 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Right Heat Sink and Component Replacement

If you plan to replace one or more components on the existing heat sink, go to Replace
Right Heat Sink Components.
If you plan to replace the entire right heat sink assembly, go to Install the Right Heat Sink
on page 7-22.

Replace Right Heat Sink Components

Components of the right heat sink

Circuit board

Tank Damping

RF Power Diode

Replacement Procedures
Damping Resistor FET

• To replace the damping resistor FET, remove the screw and shoulder washer that
secure it to the heat sink.
Position the new damping resistor FET on the heat sink and reinstall the washer and
• To replace the RF power diode, remove the screw and shoulder washer that secure the
diode to the heat sink.
Position the new RF power diode on the heat sink and reinstall the washer and screw.
• To replace the tank damping resistor, remove the two screws that secure the top and
bottom of the resistor to the heat sink.
Position the new tank damping resistor on the heat sink and reinstall the screws.
• To replace the power MOSFET (under the small circuit board), remove the four screws
that secure the small circuit board to the heat sink.
Set the board and screws aside for reinstallation.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-21

Right Heat Sink and Component Replacement

Note the orientation of the power MOSFET. Then, remove the two screws that secure
it to the heat sink.
Position the new power MOSFET on the heat sink and reinstall the two screws.
Position the small circuit board over the power MOSFET and reinstall the four screws
that secure the board to the heat sink.

Install the Right Heat Sink

1. On the right side of the chassis, slide the heat sink components down into the
matching connectors on the Power Supply/RF board.
2. Install the two screws that secure the right heat sink to the rail under the Power
Supply/RF board.
3. Connect the right heat sink tank damping resistor cable to J12 on the Power Supply/
RF board.
4. Position the support bracket over the heat sinks and install the three screws that
secure the bracket to the left rear heat sink (plastic screw) and to the left front and
right heat sinks (two metal screws).
5. Install the Control board.
a. Position the Control board over the Power Supply/RF board with the Control board
components facing the rear panel.
Fit the edges of the board into the slots on the heat sinks.
Slide the board down, carefully fitting the edge connector into the matching
connector on the Power Supply/RF board.
b. Connect the Display board ribbon cable to the Control board and lock the
6. Position the cover above the chassis and slide it down. Install the five screws that
secure the cover to the chassis.

7-22 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Low Voltage Power Supply Replacement

Low Voltage Power Supply Replacement

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver

Electric Shock Hazard To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at
least five minutes before replacing parts.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

Remove the Low Voltage Power Supply

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
chassis. Set the cover and screws aside for reinstallation.
3. Remove the three screws (one plastic and two metal) that secure the support bracket

Replacement Procedures
to the heat sinks. Save the screws and bracket for reinstallation.
4. Disconnect and remove the low voltage power supply.
a. Disconnect the Power Supply/RF board cables from the low voltage power supply
(red spade lug and 3-pin connector at the rear; 6-pin connector at the front). Mark
the cables for reinstallation.
b. Remove the four screws that secure the low voltage power supply to the Power
Supply/RF board. Save them for reinstallation.
c. Lift the low voltage power supply off the Power Supply/RF board.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-23

Low Voltage Power Supply Replacement

Install the Low Voltage Power Supply

1. Place the new low voltage power supply on the Power Supply/RF board and install the
four screws that secure it to the board.
2. Facing the front of the unit, connect the cables from the Power Supply/RF board to
the new low voltage power supply.
Low voltage power supply

3-Pin Cable Connected to J1


6-Pin Cable
Connected to

To BW14 on
the Power

To J7 on the Power Supply/RF


a. Connect the 3-pin cable to J1 at the rear of the low voltage power supply. Verify
that this cable is connected to J7 on the Power Supply/RF board.
b. Connect the red spade lug with the green and yellow ground wire to the ground
lug on the left rear corner of the low voltage power supply.
c. Connect the 6-pin cable to J2 at the front of the low voltage power supply. Solder
the six wires from the opposing end of this cable to the Power Supply/RF board as
– J2 pin 1 (orange wire) to location BW14 pin 3 on Power Supply/RF board
– J2 pin 2 (red wire) to location BW14 pin 1 on Power Supply/RF board
– J2 pin 3 (red wire) to location BW14 pin 6 on Power Supply/RF board
– J2 pin 4 (black wire) to location BW14 pin 4 on Power Supply/RF board

7-24 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Low Voltage Power Supply Replacement

– J2 pin 5 (black wire) to location BW14 pin 5 on Power Supply/RF board

– J2 pin 6 (blue wire) to location BW14 pin 2 on Power Supply/RF board
3. Position the support bracket over the heat sinks and install the three screws that
secure the bracket to the left rear heat sink (plastic screw) and to the left front and
right heat sinks (two metal screws).
4. Position the cover above the chassis and slide it down. Install the five screws that
secure the cover to the chassis.

Replacement Procedures

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-25

Power Entry Module Replacement

Power Entry Module Replacement

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver

Electric Shock Hazard To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at
least five minutes before replacing parts.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

Remove the Power Entry Module

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Disconnect the power cord from the power entry module.
3. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
chassis. Set the cover and screws aside for reinstallation.
4. Disconnect the power entry module cable from J6 on the Power Supply/RF board.
5. Remove the two screws that secure the power entry module to the rear panel. Save
the screws for reinstallation.
6. Slide the module out the rear panel until you can access the grounding lug post inside
the rear panel.
Then, remove the nut and washer that secure the ground wire ring terminal to the
grounding lug. Save the nut and washer for reinstallation.
7. Slide the ring terminal off the post and remove the power entry module assembly
from the unit.

Install the Power Entry Module

1. Check the cable connections on the new power entry module, using the illustration or
the module you just removed as a reference.
2. Position the new power entry module near the rear panel opening, routing the cable/
ring terminal through the opening.

7-26 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Power Entry Module Replacement

Cable connections on the power entry module

Ring Terminal

MolexTM* Connectors


1 2 Blue
(L) (N)


3. Slide the ground wire ring terminal onto the grounding lug post on the rear panel.
Then, install the washer and nut that secure the ring terminal to the post.
4. Press firmly to snap the power entry module in place. Install the two screws that
secure it to the rear panel.

Replacement Procedures
5. Connect the power entry module cable to J6 on the Power Supply/RF board.
6. Position the cover above the chassis and slide it down. Install the five screws that
secure the cover to the chassis.
7. Reconnect the power cord to the rear panel.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-27

Power Supply/RF Board Replacement

Power Supply/RF Board Replacement

Equipment required
• Phillips screwdriver

Electric Shock Hazard To allow stored energy to dissipate after power is disconnected, wait at
least five minutes before replacing parts.

The generator contains electrostatic-sensitive components. When repairing the generator, work at
a static-control workstation. Wear a grounding strap when handling electrostatic-sensitive
components, except when working on an energized generator. Handle circuit boards by their
nonconductive edges. Use an antistatic container for transport of electrostatic-sensitive
components and circuit boards.

Calibrate the generator after you install a new heat sink or replace components on the heat sink.
Component differences may affect output waveforms.

Remove the Power Supply/RF Board Assembly

1. Turn off the generator. Disconnect the power cord from the wall receptacle.
2. Remove the five screws that secure the cover to the chassis. Lift the cover off the
chassis. Set the cover and screws aside for reinstallation.
3. Disconnect and remove the front panel assembly.
a. Unlock the connector on the Control board and disconnect the Display board
ribbon cable from the Control board.
b. Disconnect the power switch cable from the Power Supply/RF board.
c. Disconnect the two REM connectors from the Power Supply/RF board.
d. Remove the four screws that secure the front panel to the chassis. Save the screws
for reinstallation.
e. Slide the front panel assembly forward, carefully disengaging it from the electrical
contacts on the Power Supply/RF board.
4. Disconnect the Footswitch Board ribbon cable from the Power Supply/RF board.
5. Disconnect the power entry module from the Power Supply/RF board.
6. Remove the four screws that secure the rail to the chassis.
Also remove the screw in the center of the Power Supply/RF board (behind the
Control board). Save the screws for reinstallation.

7-28 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Power Supply/RF Board Replacement

7. Remove the assembly (Power Supply/RF board, heat sinks, Control board, low voltage
power supply, fan) from the chassis.

Remove Components from the Old Board

Save all parts, screws, brackets, etc. for reinstallation.

1. To remove the Control board, carefully slide the Control board straight up to
disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board.
Set the board aside in an antistatic container for reinstallation.
2. To remove the Autobipolar board, carefully slide the Autobipolar board straight up to
disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board.
Set the board aside in an antistatic container for reinstallation.
3. To remove the support bracket, remove the three screws that secure the bracket to
the top of the heat sinks.
4. To remove the left front heat sink, remove the two screws that secure the base of the
heat sink to the rail under the Power Supply/RF board.
Lift the heat sink to disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board.
5. Remove the left rear heat sink.

Replacement Procedures
a. Disconnect the 4-wire heat sink (bridge rectifier) cable from the Power Supply/RF
b. On the left side of the chassis, remove the two screws that secure the base of the
left rear heat sink to the rail under the Power Supply/RF board.
Lift the heat sink to disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board.
c. Loosen but do not remove the screw securing the component clip below the
bridge rectifier.
6. Remove the right heat sink.
a. Disconnect the right heat sink cable from the Power Supply/RF board.
b. On the right side of the chassis, remove the two screws that secure the base of the
heat sink to the rail under the Power Supply/RF board. Save the screws for
Lift the heat sink to disconnect it from the Power Supply/RF board.
7. Remove the low voltage power supply.
a. Disconnect the low voltage power supply cables from the Power Supply/RF board
at J7.
b. Disconnect the 6-pin cable that is connected to J2 on the low voltage power

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-29

Power Supply/RF Board Replacement

c. Remove the four screws that secure the low voltage power supply to the Power
Supply/RF board. Remove the low voltage power supply.
8. Remove the fan.
a. Disconnect the fan control connector from the Power Supply/RF board.
b. Remove the four screws and nuts that secure the fan to the underside of the
Power Supply/RF board.

Install Components on the New Board

Follow these steps to reinstall the components you removed from the existing board onto
the new Power Supply/RF board.
1. Install the fan on the new Power Supply/RF board.
a. Position the fan on the underside of the Power Supply/RF board and install the
four nuts and screws that secure it to the board.
b. Connect the fan control connector to J4 on the Power Supply/RF board.
2. Install the low voltage power supply on the new board.
a. Place the low voltage power supply on the Power Supply/RF board and install the
four screws that secure it to the board.
b. Connect the 6-pin low voltage power supply cable to J7 on the Power Supply/RF
c. Connect the 6-pin low voltage power supply cable located at BW14 on the Power
Supply/RF board to J2 on the low voltage power supply.
3. Install the right heat sink.
a. On the right side of the Power Supply/RF board, slide the right heat sink
components into the matching connectors.
b. Install the two screws that secure the heat sink to the rail under the board.
c. Connect the right heat sink cable to J12 on the Power Supply/RF board.
4. Install the left rear heat sink.
a. Slide the left rear heat sink components into the matching connectors on the left
rear of the Power Supply/RF Board.
b. Install the two screws that secure the heat sink to the rail under the board.
c. Tighten the screw securing the component clip over the Triac Thermistor.
d. Connect the 4-wire heat sink (bridge rectifier) cable to J8 on the Power Supply/RF
5. Install the left front heat sink on the new board.
a. Slide the left front heat sink into the matching connectors on the left front of the
Power Supply/RF board.

7-30 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Power Supply/RF Board Replacement

b. Install the two screws that secure the heat sink to the rail under the board.
6. Position the support bracket over the heat sinks and install the three screws that
secure the bracket to the left rear heat sink (plastic screw) and to the left front and
right heat sinks (two metal screws).
7. To install the Control board, position the board over the Power Supply/RF board with
the Control board components facing the rear panel.
Fit the edges of the board into the slots on the heat sinks.
Slide the board down, carefully fitting the edge connector into the matching
connector on the Power Supply/RF board.
8. To install the Autobipolar board, position the board over the Power Supply/RF board
with the Autobipolar board components facing the front panel.
Fit the edges of the board into the slots on the heat sinks.
Slide the board down, carefully fitting the edge connector into the matching
connector on the Power Supply/RF board.

Install the Power Supply/RF Board Assembly

1. Position the Power Supply/RF board assembly on the floor of the chassis and install
the four screws that secure the rail to the chassis.
Install the screw in the center of the board (behind the Control board).
2. Connect the power entry module cable to J6 on the Power Supply/RF board.

Replacement Procedures
3. Connect the Footswitch board ribbon cable to J5 on the Power Supply/RF board.
4. Install the front panel assembly.
a. Position the front panel assembly in front of the chassis and carefully slide it into
the electrical contacts on the Power Supply/RF board.
b. Install the four screws that secure the front panel to the chassis.
c. Connect the REM wires to the Power Supply/RF board.
d. Connect the white wires with the 2-pin nonlocking connector to J15.
e. Connect the red wires with the 2-pin locking connector to J17.
f. Connect the power switch cable to J10 on the Power Supply/RF board.
g. Connect the Display board ribbon cable to the Control board and lock the
5. Position the cover above the chassis and slide it down. Install the five screws that
secure the cover to the chassis.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 7-31

Chapter 8
Repair Policy and Procedures

This chapter contains the following information:

• The manufacturer’s responsibility

• Returning the generator for service
• Returning circuit boards
• Technical service

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 8-1

Responsibility of the Manufacturer

Responsibility of the Manufacturer

Covidien is responsible for the safety, reliability, and performance of the generator only
under the following circumstances:
• Installation and setup procedures in this manual are followed.
• Assembly operation, readjustments, modifications, or repairs are carried out by
persons authorized by Covidien.
• The electrical installation of the relevant room complies with local codes and
regulatory requirements, such as the IEC and BSI.
• The equipment is used in accordance with the Covidien instructions for use.
For warranty information, refer to Limited Warranty in the Preface of this manual.

Returning the Generator for Service

Before you return the generator, call your Covidien Representative for assistance. If you
are instructed to send the generator to Covidien, first obtain a Return Authorization
Number. Then, clean the generator and ship it to Covidien for service.

Obtain a Return Authorization Number

Call the Covidien Customer Service Center for your area to obtain a Return Authorization
Number. Have the following information ready when you call:
• Hospital/clinic name/customer number
• Telephone number
• Department/address, city, state, and zip code
• Model number
• Serial number
• Description of the problem
• Type of repair to be done.

8-2 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Returning Circuit Boards

Clean the Generator

Electric Shock Hazard Always turn off and unplug the generator before cleaning.

Do not clean the generator with abrasive cleaning or disinfectant compounds, solvents, or other
materials that could scratch the panels or damage the generator.

1. Turn off the generator, and unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.
2. Thoroughly wipe all surfaces of the generator and power cord with a mild cleaning
solution or disinfectant and a damp cloth. Follow the procedures approved by your
institution or use a validated infection control procedure. Do not allow fluids to enter
the chassis. The generator cannot be sterilized.

Ship the Generator

1. Attach a tag to the generator that includes the Return Authorization Number and the
information (hospital, phone number, etc.) listed in Obtain a Return Authorization
Number on page 8-2.
2. Be sure the generator is completely dry before you pack it for shipment. Package it in
its original shipping container, if available.
3. Ship the generator, prepaid, to the Covidien Service Center.

Returning Circuit Boards

Package circuit boards for shipment as follows:
4. Place each circuit board in an electrostatic discharge (ESD) bag or container.
5. Provide a separate packing container for each circuit board.
6. Attach a tag to the container that includes the Return Authorization Number and the
information (hospital, phone number, etc.) listed previously in Obtain a Return
Authorization Number on page 8-2.
Repair Policy and Procedures

7. Ship the circuit board prepaid to the Covidien Service Center.

Technical Service
For a complete list of service centers worldwide, please refer to the Covidien web site:

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 8-3

Technical Service

For clinical professionals and service training options, please refer to the Covidien web

8-4 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Chapter 9
Service Parts

Replacement parts for the Force FX-8CAS generator are listed in this chapter. If
the part number is not listed for a specific item, a replacement for that item is not

All components must be replaced with parts of identical construction and value.
Replacement ratings and tolerances must be equal to or better than the original.

No modification of this equipment is allowed.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-1

Ordering Replacement Parts

Ordering Replacement Parts

You can order parts from the Covidien Service Center for your location.
When ordering replacement parts, include this information:
• Model number (located on the rear panel of the generator)
• Serial number (located on the rear panel of the generator)
• Part number (for the part you are ordering)
• Modification number, if applicable
If you do not know the part number or if you wish to order spare parts, call the Covidien
Service Center for assistance.

9-2 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Generator Assembly

Service Parts
Generator Assembly
Generator assembly




 

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-3

Generator Assembly

Generator assembly–continued

9-4 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Generator Assembly

Service Parts
Parts List

Item Description Part Number

1 Chassis, lower 1081478

2 Assembly, Footswitch board 1052932

See Footswitch Board Components on page 9-16.

3 Cable assembly, line filter 202 701 983

Cable, filter line ground 207 500 723
Cable, filter line 207 500 543
Tubing, heatshrink black 1/4 ID 249 001 002
Line filter, 10 amp 251 400 007
Fuse, 4A, 5 x 20 mm Slow Blow 215 100 074

4 Handle, collapsible tray 223 300 054

6 Equipotential ground lug 208 200 141

8 Screw, Phillips M4 x 0.7 x 10 237 050 139

9 Sealant, loctite #222 232 301 148

10 Screw, panhead Phillips M4 x 0.7 x 8 mm 237 050 113

11 Washer, lock internal metric M4 253 300 045

12 Screw, panhead Phillips M3 x 0.5 x 12 zinc 237 050 135

13 Washer, lock internal metric M3 253 300 044

14 Screw, panhead M3 x 0.5 x 8 zinc 237 050 149

15 Lockwasher, M6 ext tooth 253 300 000

16 Nut, hex M6 x 10 brass nickel plated 224 300 000

21 Assembly, front panel 1081729 /

See Front Panel Assembly on page 9-7.

22 Assembly, Programmed control board 1043386

See Control Board Components on page 9-10.

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-5

Generator Assembly

Item Description Part Number

23 Cover, upper 1012587 /


28 Washer, metric M6 253 300 046

35 Assembly, Autobipolar board 1052934

See Autobipolar Board Components on page 9-10.

48 Cable tie 555049001 /


Not shown

Insulator handle 214 100 104

Assembly, Power Supply/RF board 1052930

See Power Supply/RF Board Assembly on page 9-

Cover plate 223 301 139

Power cord, right angle molded, 220V 207 002 061

Fuse, 4A, 5x20 215 100 074

Washer, flat M4 253 300 005

Rubber foot 1005706

Battery 3V 1053105

9-6 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Front Panel Assembly

Service Parts
Front Panel Assembly
Front panel assembly


13, 14

Brown Wire
Brown Wire

Ribbon cable from

membrane panel to J2
Blue Wire
Blue Wire
Cable Assy from
CEM Assy to J3 5

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-7

Front Panel Assembly

Front panel assembly–continued

17, 18


9-8 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Front Panel Assembly

Service Parts
Parts List

Item Description Part Number

4 Switch 243 025 037

5 Tubing, heatshrink 1 inch ID 249 001 010

6 Bipolar bracket 223 500 077

7 Tape, foam one-sided 1/16 x 1/4 232 301 185

8 Cable assembly, REM 1049479

9 REM retaining plate 1049490 /


10 Screw, panhead Phillips M3 x 0.5 x 12 zinc 237 050 135

11 Washer, lock internal metric M3 253 300 044

12 Assembly, Display board 1052933

See Display Board Components on page 9-13.

13 Screw, thread forming #4-20 0.625 237 050 147

14 Display board spacer 223 400 626

15 Cable assembly, power switch 207 500 213

16 Shroud, bipolar 223 100 998

17 Assembly, CEM switch S1052008

18 Adhesive, prism 411 232 301 213

19 Washer, flat M3 253 300 004

Not shown

Overlay jack 1049876

Keyboard front 1012783

Control panel 223 200 667

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-9

Control Board Components

Control Board Components

Designator Description Part Number

1 Effect mode controller PCB 1052935

Autobipolar Board Components

Reference Part Number

Designator Description


C1, C2 DMC 8200 pF 500 V 5% 1042388

C3 CAP POLPRO 0.047 μH 400 V 5% 1042383

C4, C7 CAP 0.1 μF 100 V 10% X7R AXIAL 1042248

C5, C6, C9, CAP Z5U 50 V 20% 0.1 μH AX 1041634

C10, C13,
C14, C15,

C8 CAP COG 100 V 1% 1000 pF AX 1042384

C11, C12 CAP COG 50 V 5% 0.01 μH AX 1042382


CR1 DIO SCHOTTKY SB040 1042365

CR2 DIO RECT IN4001 1042386

CR3, CR4 DIO 1N4148 1042284

CR5, CR6 DIO ZENER 10 V 1N5240B 1042286

CR7 DIO ZENER 6.0 V 1N5233B 1047324


9-10 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Autobipolar Board Components

Service Parts
Reference Part Number
Designator Description

K1 RLY COTO 9442 1042363


Q1 XSTR 2N2222A 1047325



R1 TRPT 10 kΩ 3299X 1042385

R2 RES CF 0.25 W 5% 3.3 K Ω 1042302

R3, R13, R14, RES MF 0.25 W 1% 2 K Ω 1042298


R5, R7 RES MF 0.25 W 1% 1 K Ω 1042280

R6 TRPT 2.0 K Ω 3299X 1042387

R8 RES MF 0.25 W 1% 499 K Ω 1042315

R9 RES MF 0.25 W 1% 11 K Ω 1042379

R10 RES CF 0.25 W 5% 3.9 K Ω 1042304

R11 RES CF 0.25 W 5% 5.1 K Ω 1042318

R12 RES CF 0.25 W 5% 620 Ω 1042378

R15 RES CF 0.25 W 5% 10 K Ω 1042262

R16, R21 RES CF 0.25 W 5% 4.7 K Ω 1042313

R17 RES CF 0.25 W 5% 56 Ω 1042377

R18 RES MF 0.125 W 1% 806 Ω 1042381

R19 RES MF 0.125 W 1% 787 Ω 1042380

R22 RES CF 0.25 W 5% 6.8 kΩ 1042323

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-11

Autobipolar Board Components

Reference Part Number

Designator Description

R23 RES CF 0.25 W 5% 100 Ω 1041640



Integrated Circuits

U1 XR2209 oscillator 1049736

U2, U3 IC AMPL OPNL DUAL 8 PIN DIP AD827 1042334


U5 IC QUAD 2 INP 4093B 1042241


J1 PCB CONN 3CKT 1042356

J3 CONN R ANG 32 PIN DIN 1042389

L1, L2, L3, L4, INDUCTOR 120 μH 1042390

L5, L6, L7, L8

L9, L10, L11, INDUCTOR 470 μH 1042391

L13, L14, L15

L12, L16 INDUCTOR 560 μH 1042392

TP1, TP2, TP3, Test point 1049705

TP4, P5, TP6,
TP7, TP8

9-12 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Display Board Components

Service Parts
Display Board Components

Designator Description Part Number


C1, C2 CAP CER 0.01 μF 50 V 10% X7R SMD 0603 1078153

C3, C4, C5, C6, C10 CAP CER 0.1 μF 50 V 10% X7R SMD 0603 1078164

C7, C8, C9 CAP TANT 47 μF 20 V 20% SMD D CASE 1078170

C11, C12, C13, C14, CAP MICA 30 PF 100 V 5% SMD 0805 1078179
C15, C16, C17, C18,
C19, C20, C21, C43,
C44, C45, C46, C47,
C48, C49, C50, C51,
C52, C53

C22, C23, C24, C25, CAP CER 240PF 50 V 5% NPO SMD 0603 1078168
C26, C27, C31, C32,
C35, C36, C37, C38,
C39, C40, C41, C42

C28, C29, C30, C33, C34 CAP CER 0.01 μF 100 V 10% X7R SMD 0603 1078154

LEDs and Lamps

D1 LED GRN 0.2 DIA 1041644

LP1, LP2, LP3, LP4, LP5, Lamp 1041648

LP6, LP7, LP8, LP9, LP10,
LP11, LP12


Q1, Q2, Q3 XSTR FET N-CHAN 100 V 1A 1042942


R1, R2, R3, R4 RES THICK FILM 2010 16 Ω 5% SMD 1078167

R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, RES THICK FILM 1206 0 Ω SMD 1078165
R11, R12

R13, R16 RES NTWK 8 PIN SIP 1041650

R14, R15 RES THICK FILM 1206 100 Ω 5% SMD 1078152

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-13

Display Board Components

Designator Description Part Number

R17, R18 RES NTWK SIP 0.12 W 2% 1k Ω 1041651

R19, R20, R21 RES THICK FILM 1206 270K Ω 5% SMD 1078169

R33, R34, R35, R36, R37, RES THICK FILM 0603 100 Ω 1% SMD 1078166
R38, R39, R40, R41, R42,

R22, R23, R24, R25, R26, VARISTOR 24V 0603 1078180

R27, R28, R29, R30, R31,
R32, R44, R45, R46, R47,
R48, R49, R50, R51, R52,
R53, R54

Integrated Circuits

U1 IC DRVR DSPL 18 PIN SOIC ULN2803A 1078181

U2, U3 BICOLOR DSPL 1042943

U6, U10, U14 IC LED DRVR 64 SEG 5V 28-PIN SOIC W 1078177

U4, U5, U7, U8, U9, U11, LED DSPL 7 SEG GRN HDSP561 1041646
U12, U13

U15 LED DSPLY 7 SEG HDSP570/YEL 1041647



L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, FERRITE 3A 100 Ω 1206 SMD 1078178
L8, L9, L10, L11, L12, 13,
L14, L15, L16, L17, L18,
L19, L20, L21, L22


J3 CONN PC MALE 2-PINS 1041643

J2 CONN 25 PIN R ANG 1041645

Miscellaneous (not shown)

9-14 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Display Board Components

Service Parts
Designator Description Part Number

SKT DIP 30 PIN GLD 1042945

SKT IC 16 PIN 1042944


Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-15

Footswitch Board Components

Footswitch Board Components

Designator Description Part Number


C38, C47, C48, CAP CER 1000 PF 100 V 10% X7R SMD 0603 1078188

C2, C14, C16, CAP CER 0.01 μF 100 V 10% X7R SMD 0603 1078154

C3, C4, C5, C6, CAP CER 0.1 μF 100 V 10% X7S SMD 0603 1078183
C7, C12, C13,
C15, C17, C20,
C21, C22, C24,
C26, C28, C29,
C30, C31, C32,
C33, C36, C45,

C1 CAP CER 4.7 μF 25 V 10% X5R SMD 0805 1078182

C39, C40, C41, CAP MICA 30 PF 100 V 5% SMD 0805 1078179

C42, C43, C51

C8, C19, C23, CAP CER 0.1μF 100 V 10% X7R SMD 0805 1078184
C25, C34, C37

C44 CAP CER 2200 PF 100 V 10% X7R SMD 0805 1078189

C46 CAP CER 1 μF 25 V 10% X5R SMD 0805 1078190

C52 CAP CER 0.1 μF 50 V 10% X7R SMD 0805 1078191

C9, C10, C27 CAP TANT 22 μF 25 V 20% SMD D CASE 1078185

C11 CAP CER 1 μF 50 V 20% X7R SMD 0805 1078186

C35 P CER 0.022 μF 100 V 10% X7R SMD 0805 1078187


D1, D2 DIODE SWITCH 100 V 0.15 A SOD 123 1078289

D3, D4, D5 TVS DIODE 5.5 VWM SOT 143 1078192

D6 DIODE ZENER 15 V 500 MW SOD 123 1078193

9-16 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Footswitch Board Components

Service Parts
Designator Description Part Number




R1, R2, R3, R4, RES THICK FILM 1206 10 K Ω 5% SMD 1078196
R7, R9

R5, R31 RES THICK FILM 1210 10.0 K Ω 1% SMD 1078197

R6 RES THICK FILM 1206 6.8 K Ω 5% SMD 1078198

R8, R15, R22, RES THICK FILM 1206 2 K Ω 5% SMD 1078199

R23, R26, R29

R10 RES THICK FILM 1210 33.2 K Ω 1% SMD 1078200

R11 RES THICK FILM 1210 432 Ω 1% SMD 1078201

R12 Pot, 5 kΩ 1042215

R13, R16, R20, RES THICK FILM 1210 1.40 K Ω 1% SMD 1078202
R24, R27

R14, R17, R18, RES THICK FILM 1210 2.15 K Ω 1% SMD 1078203
R19, R21, R25,
R28, R56

R30 RES THICK FILM 1210 19.6 K Ω 1% SMD 1078204

R32 RES THICK FILM 1210 200 K Ω 1% 1078268

R33 RES THICK FILM 1210 5.11 K Ω 1% SMD 1078269

R34 RES THICK FILM 1206 56 K Ω 5% SMD 1078270

R35 RES THICK FILM 1206 100 K Ω 5% SMD 1078271

R37, R38, R39, VARISTOR 24 V 0603 1078180

R40, R41, R43,
R48, R53

R36 RES THICK FILM 1206 1.20 K Ω 1% SMD 1078272

R42 RES 0805 1.00 K 1% Ω SMD 1078273

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-17

Footswitch Board Components

Designator Description Part Number

R44, R46, R49, RES THICK FILM 0603 7.50 K Ω 1% SMD 1078274
R51, R54

R45, R47, R50, RES THICK FILM 0603 4.99 K Ω 1% SMD 1078275
R52, R55

R57 RES THICK FILM 0603 10.0 Ω 1% SMD 1078276

Integrated Circuits

U1 IC COMPARATOR QUAD 15 V / 30 V 14-PIN SOIC 1078277

U2 CNVTR DC/DC HPR107 1047294

U3, U4, U5 IC COMPARATOR DUAL 18 V / 36 V 8-PIN SOIC 1078278

U6 IC OP AMP DUAL GP 16 V / 32 V 8-PIN SOIC 1078279





SP1 SPKR 8 Ω 1047286

Not shown



SCR PNH M3 10 MM 1047291

WSHR FLAT M3.01 1045722

WSHR E.T. M3 STL 1047292


W TEF 24 AWG WHT 1047293

9-18 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Power Supply/RF Board Assembly

Service Parts
Power Supply/RF Board Assembly
Power Supply/RF board assembly

Page: 9-19

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-19

Power Supply/RF Board Assembly

Power Supply/RF board assembly–continued

16, 19


28, 13

from heat
sink Assy

23, 19


9-20 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Power Supply/RF Board Assembly

Service Parts
Parts List

Item Description Part Number

1 PSRF BOARD 1078157

2 RAIL, MOUNT 1052545

3 ASSEMBLY, FAN 1049728

FAN 1050021
TERMINAL 1050022
HOUSING 1050023



6 SOCKET (for pins with large lead diameter) 1049714

7 SOCKET RELAY 1049735

8 SCREW, PANHEAD M3 x 0.5 x 8 ZINC 1049775

9 WASHER, M3 NYLON 1049723

10 SCREW, PHILLIPS M3 x 0.5 x 8 NYLON 1049721

11 SCREW, PANHEAD PHILLIPS M4 x 0.7 x 35 ZINC 1049717

12 STANDOFF, HEX NYLON M3 x 37 F-F 1049720

13 WASHER, M4 NYLON 1049723

15 NUT, M4 x 0.7 1049719

16 SCREW, PANHEAD PHH M4 x 0.7 x 8 mm 1049730

18 SCREW, PANHEAD PHILLIPS M4 x 0.7 x 12 ZINC 1049729


Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-21

Power Supply/RF Board Assembly

Item Description Part Number

20 ASSEMBLY, HEAT SINK, OUTPUT (right) 1078630

PCB FET 1052506
SCREW, PNH PHH M4 x 0.7 x 8 mm 1049780
SCREW, PNH PHILLIPS M3 x 0.5 x 12 ZINC 1049782
DIODE, ULTRA FAST 30 A, 1000 V 1042335

21 ASSEMBLY, HEAT SINK, HIGH VOLTAGE (left rear) 1078311

RESISTOR, MF 150 Ω ± 5%, 20 W 1042270
SCREW, PANHEAD PHILLIPS M3 x 0.5 x 12 ZINC 1049782
TRANSISTOR FET N-CH 8 A, 500 V 1042350
DIODE BRIDE 35 A, 400 V 1045714
WASHER, FLATM3.0 1045722

22 ASSEMBLY, HEAT SINK, RECTIFIER (left front) 1078315

RESISTOR, MF 150 Ω ± 5%, 20 W 1042270
SCREW, PANHEAD PHILLIPS M2.5 x 04.5 x 10 mm ZINC 1045720

23 PANHEAD PHILLIPS M4 x 0.7 x 20 mm 1049726

24 FUSE HOLDER 1049706


28 SCREW, PANHEAD PHILLIPS M4 x 0.7 x 8 NYLON 1049727

30 WIRE, TS, 20 AWG, YELLOW 1049731


32 WIRE, TS, 20 AWG, RED 1049732


9-22 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Power Supply/RF Board Assembly

Service Parts
Item Description Part Number

34 Tie wire 1049738




42 BRKT PSRF GRND 1076217

Not Shown




SCREW, PANHEAD PHILLIPS M4 x 0.7 x 12 ZINC 1049729


CLIP, RELAY, 6-POLE 1049739





Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-23

Supply/RF Board Components

Supply/RF Board Components

Designator Description Part Number


C1, C90 100 pF ± 5%, 100 V 1042261

C2, C43, .01 μF ± 20%, 50 V 1041635

C46, C48,
C52, C65,
C71, C82,
C84, C86,
C117, C118,
C156, C170,

C3, C10, 680 μF, 400 V 1042328

C11, C22

C4, C12, .01 μF ± 10%, 100 V 1047297

C13, C44,
C50, C91,
C93, C94,
C96, C97,
C102, C132,
C134, C137,
C139, C140,
C141, C144,
C145, C146,

C5, C6, C7, CAP CER 1000 PF 100 V 10% X7R SMD 0603 1078188
C14, C15,
C16, C17,
C18, C19,
C20, C21,
C23, C181

C8 .22 μF ± 20%, 250 V 1042249

C9 33 μF ± 10%, 35 V 1042308

C58, C98, CAP CER 0.01 μF 100 V 10% X7R SMD 0603 1078283

9-24 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Supply/RF Board Components

Service Parts
Designator Description Part Number

C24, C25, 1 μF ± 20%, 50 V 1042288

C26, C39,
C61, C70,
C113, C120,
C122, C124,
C127, C130,
C136, C142,
C147, C149,
C160, C161,
C162, C163,
C164, C165,
C166, C167,

C27, C49 680 pF ± 5%, 500 V 1042327

C28, C36, .1 μF ± 20%, 50 V 1041634

C37, C38,
C45, C47,
C51, C53,
C55, C56,
C57, C62,
C64, C72,
C74, C78,
C80, C83,
C88, C89,
C92, C95,
C103, C106,
C109, C110,
C114, C115,
C116, C121,
C123, C125,
C128, C131,
C133, C135,
C138, C143,
C153, C173

C29 2 μF ± 10%, 400 V 1042300

C30 180 pF ± 5%, 100 V 1042277

C31, C87 22 μF ± 20%, 25 V 1042294

C32 1 μF ± 10%, 250 V 1042287

C33, C35 15 μF ± 10%, 200 V 1042275

C34 7500 pF ± 5%, 500 V 1042269

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-25

Supply/RF Board Components

Designator Description Part Number

C40 18000 pF ± 5%, 500 V 1042271

C41, C60 15000 pF ± 5%, 500 V 1042272

C42 1500 pF ± 5%, 100 V 1042273

C54, C81, .47 μF ± 20%, 50 V 1042250


C63 22 pF ± 5%, 100 V 1042293

C59, C66, CAP CER 0.1 μF 100 V 10% X7S SMD 0603 1078183
C67, C69,
C76, C77,
C85, C100,

C73 33 pF ± 5%, 100 V 1042307

C107 1000 pF ± 5%, 100 V 1042257

C105, C108 .047 μF ± 20%, 50 V 1042247

C119, C126, 6800 pF ± 5%, 100 V 1042326


C150, C151, 3900 pF ± 5%, 500 V 1042309

C158, C159

C152 3300 pF ± 5%, 500 V 1042306

C154, C157 .0047 μF ± 10%, 2000 V 1042244

C155, C169 .68 μF, 100 V 1042251

C171 10 μF ± 20%, 25 V 1042266

C174 470 pF ± 5%, 100 V 1042314

C111, C112, CAP MICA 30 PF 100 V 5% SMD 0805 1078179

C175, C176,
C177, C178,
C179, C180,

C68 CAP CER 22 PF 100 V 5% COG SMD 0603 1078284

C75 CAP CER 33 PF 100 V 5% NPO SMD 0603 1078285

9-26 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Supply/RF Board Components

Service Parts
Designator Description Part Number

C79 CAP CER 1000 PF 100 V 5% COG 0603 1078286


CR1 1N4007 1042283

CR3, CR4, 1N4148 1042284

CR5, CR6,
CR7, CR8,
CR12, CR15,
CR25, CR26,
CR27, CR28,
CR34, CR37,
CR39, CR41

CR9 LED, GREEN, 2 DIA. 1041644

CR14, CR16, SCHOTTKY 0.6 A, 40 V 1042365


CR20, CR21, ZENER 1N5240B, 10 V 1042286

CR22, CR24,
CR32, CR36,
CR38, CR40,

CR33, CR42, ZENER 1N5233B 1042285

CR44, CR45,
CR46, CR52

CR17, CR18, DIODE SWITCH 100 V 0.15 A SOD 123 1078289

CR47, CR48,
CR49, CR50


F1, F2, F3 FUSE, SUB-MINI 1/2 A 1049716

F4 FUSE, 5 x 20 mm, 6.3 A 1042348


K1, K3, K4, 12 V 1042361

K5, K6, K8,
K9, K10, K11

K2 6-POLE 1042362

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-27

Supply/RF Board Components

Designator Description Part Number

K7 RELAY 1042364

K12, K13, COTO-9442 1042363

K14, K15,
K16, K17


Q2 FET N-CH 14 A, 60 V 1042979

Q6, Q8, Q9, FET TN2404KL 1042981



R1, R2 9.1 K Ω, 1 W 1042332

R3, R38, R69 1 M Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042282

R4 18.2 K Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042276

R5, R6 30 K Ω ± 5%, 3 W 1042305

R7 91 K Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042333

R8, R169 390 Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042235

R9 10 Ω ± 5%, 1 W 1042255

R10 63.4 K Ω ± 1%, 1/4 W 1042325

R11, R17, 1 K Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042278

R20, R25,
R39, R75,
R79, R92,
R101, R106,

R12, R18, 51 Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042233

R21, R26,
R131, R136,

R74, R81, RES 0603 1.00 K Ω 1% SMD 1078294

R87, R180,

9-28 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Supply/RF Board Components

Service Parts
Designator Description Part Number

R13, R14, 10 K Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042262

R15, R45,
R48, R67,
R86, R91,
R93, R99,
R100, R107,
R108, R111,
R112, R122,
R130, R132,
R133, R134,
R137, R142,
R143, R173

R16 4.75 K Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042312

R19, R109 Thermistor, 10 K Ω, 25 C 1042265

R22, R23 10 Ω ± 5%, 1/2 W 1042254

R24, R34, 100 Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1041640

R102, R117,

R27 267 Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042296

R28, R54, 4.7 K Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042313

R118, R119,

R29, R127 3.32 K Ω ± 1%, 1/4 W 1042301

R30 1.3 K Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042252

R32, R33 Thermistor 1042367

R35, R52 100 K Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042259

R36 12.4 K Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042268

R37 10 Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042231

R40 7.5 Ω ± 5%, 1/2 W 1042330

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-29

Supply/RF Board Components

Designator Description Part Number

R121, R182, RES THICK FILM 0603 100 Ω 1% SMD 1078166

R183, R184,
R185, R187,
R188, R189,
R190, R191,
R192, R193,
R194, R195,

R70, R125, RES 0603 4.70 K Ω 1% SMD 1078292

R126, R128

R41 649 Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042279

R42, R55, 10 K Ω ± 1%, 1/4 W 1042263

R151, R156,
R158, R162,
R163, R165

R95 RES 0603 10.0 K Ω 1% SMD 1078300

R43, R104 68 K Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042329

R44 5.6 M Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042319

R46 330 Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042234

R47 1.6 K Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042253

R49, R53 2.67 K Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042290

R50 511 Ω ± 1%, 1/2 W 1042321

R56 200 K Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042291

R57, R66 110 K Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042267

R58 39 K Ω ± 5%, 1/2 W 1042310

R59, R60, 2 K Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042298

R63, R65

R61, R64 1 K Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042280

R62 499 Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042315

R68 510 Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042236

9-30 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Supply/RF Board Components

Service Parts
Designator Description Part Number

R76 100 Ω ± 1%, 2 W 1042256

R77 221 Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042292

R78 280 Ω ± 1%, 1/4 W 1042297

R71, R72, RES 0603 2.00 Ω 1% SMD 1078293

R73, R85

R82 RES 0603 499 Ω 1% SMD 1078295

R80 62 K Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042324

R83, R84 RES 0603 249 Ω 1% SMD 1078296

R88 RES 0603 6.80 K Ω 1% SMD 1078297

R89 RES 0603 5.10 K Ω 1% SMD 1078298

R90 RES 0603 3.92 K Ω 1% SMD 1078299

R94 56.2 K Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042322

R96 TRIMPOT, 5 K Ω 1042299

R97 RES 0603 301 Ω 1% SMD 1078302

R98 THERMISTOR, 1 K /25C 5% 1042281

R103 47 Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042232

R105, R141 100 K Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042258

R110 2.15 K Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042289

R113, R114, 820 Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042238


R120 3.40 K Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042303

R123 270 K Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1041641

R124, R144, 750 Ω ± 5%, 1/4 W 1042237

R146, R147,
R152, R155

R139 93.1 K Ω ± 1%, 1/4 W 1063247

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-31

Supply/RF Board Components

Designator Description Part Number

R138 15.0 K Ω ± 1%, 1/4 W 1042274

R145, R154, 5.11 K Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042317

R157, R161,

R148, R149 10 K Ω ± 1%, 10 W 1042264

R186 RES 0603 10.0 Ω 1% SMD 1078303

R116, R129, VARISTOR 24 V 0603 1078180

R172, R174,
R175, R176,
R177, R178,

R150, R153, 4.32 K Ω ± 1%, 1/8 W 1042311

R159, R166,

R160, R164 5.6 M Ω ± 10%, 2 W 1042320


T1 PULSE, DUAL 1049710


T16, T17


T4 RF, MOLDED 3F3 CORE 1049713

T7, T10, T11, SQUARE CORE, REM 1051726



T14, T15 RF CHOKE 1049704

Integrated Circuits


U1 AVS1AC 1042976

U2, U9, U20, LM 393 N 1042353


9-32 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Supply/RF Board Components

Service Parts
Designator Description Part Number

U3, U13, U19 MOSFET DRIVER TSC1427 1042239



U6 QUAD 2 INPUT 4093B 1042241

U7 OP-AMP MAX 492CPA 1042354

U8, U10, DUAL OP-AMP AD827 1042334

U11, U12,

U14 MULTIVIBRATOR 74LS221 1042242

U15, U16 2803A 1041652

U18, U21 OP-AMP LF412 1042351

U24 LM319 1042352

U25, U31 OP-AMP TL052A 1042368


U29 4081 1042240

U30 IC HEX INV 74 HC14 1042331




J1 PHONE JACK 1042360

J2 CONNECTOR 15 PIN R/A 1042343





Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-33

Supply/RF Board Components

Designator Description Part Number






J13 CONNECTOR 96 PIN 1042339

J15, J4 CONN-PC MALE 1042336




J21, J22, J23, FUSE CLIP 1042983

J24, J25, J26,
J27, J28

J29, J30 CONN HEADER VERT 4 POS .100 TIN 1078291

FB1, FB2, FB3, FERRITE 3A 100 Ω 1206 SMD 1078178

FB4, FB5, FB6,
FB7, FB8, FB9,
FB10, FB11,
FB12, FB13,
FB14, FB15,
FB16, FB17,
FB18, FB19,
FB20, FB21

L1 INDUCTOR, 0.75 MH 1049708

9-34 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Supply/RF Board Components

Service Parts
Designator Description Part Number



TP1, TP2, TP3, TEST POINT 1049705

TP4, TP5,TP6,
TP7, TP8, TP9,
TP10, TP11,
TP12, TP13,
TP17, TP18,


Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual 9-35

Part No. PT00002139

COVIDIEN, COVIDIEN with logo, and Covidien logo and Positive

Results for Life are U.S. and internationally registered trademarks of
Covidien AG. Other brands are trademarks of a Covidien company,
™* brands are trademarks of their respective owner.

May be covered by U.S. Patents:

©2011 Covidien.

Consult Made in China. Printed in China.

for use
Manufactured for Covidien llc, 15 Hampshire Street, Mansfield,
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Covidien Ireland Limited, IDA Business & Technology Park,
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1-800-255-8522 [T]
REV 12/2014
Schematics Supplement

Force FX

Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS

Schematics Supplement

This supplement contains the assembly drawings and schematics for the printed
circuit board assemblies listed below:

• Control Board
• Display Board
• Footswitch Board
• Power Supply/RF Board
• Autobipoloar Board
Control Board Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Control Board Schematic - Sheet 1 of 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Control Board Schematic - Sheet 2 of 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Display Board Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Display Board Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Footswitch Board Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Footswitch Board Schematic - Sheet 1 of 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Footswitch Board Schematic - Sheet 2 of 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Power Supply/RF Board Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Power Supply/RF Board Schematic - Sheet 1 of 2 . . . . . . 14
Power Supply/RF Board Schematic - Sheet 2 of 2 . . . . . . 15
Autobipolar Board Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Autobipolar Board Schematic - Sheet 1 of 2 . . . . . . . . . . 17
Autobipolar Board Schematic - Sheet 2 of 2 . . . . . . . . . . 18

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual Schematics page 3

Control Board Layout

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual Schematics page 5

Control Board Schematic - Sheet 1 of 4


M_P4_1 (U5) REMPOT_U D
413_PA5 (U3) BANK1 SMT_CNT1
413_PA6 (U3) BANK2 SMT_CNT2
413_PB1 (U3) _DPYB_WR SAME
413_PB2 (U3) _DPYC_WR


412_PA1 (U6) BIP_RLY
412_PA2 (U6) MONO2_RLY
412_PA3 (U6) MONO1_RLY
412_PA4 (U6) CUT_RLY
412_PA5 (U6) EKG_RLY
412_PB0 (U6) V_RLY_0
412_PB1 (U6) V_RLY_1
412_PB2 (U6) V_RLY_2
412_PB3 (U6) V_RLY_3
412_PB4 (U6) I_RLY_0
412_PB5 (U6) I_RLY_1
412_PB6 (U6) I_RLY_2
412_PB7 (U6) I_RLY_3
412_PE3 (U6) CAP_RLY

Schematics page 6 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Control Board Schematic - Sheet 2 of 4
C154 10K
C153 D

R4 C126 U55

10K 24 1
U51 23 2
0.1UF 0.1UF D 0.1UF VCCB DIR
1 6 D
22 3 R16 100E
D 2 5 M_AD00 R415 100E 21 4 R17 100E M_G_D[0:7]
GND DIR +12V B1 A2
3 4 R357 +5V M_AD01 R416 100E 20 5 R18 100E 3V3
A B M_CLK_IN_1 +5V B2 A3
M_AD02 R417 100E 19 6 R19 100E
100E B3 A4
SN74LVC1T45DCKT M_AD03 R418 100E 18 7 R20 100E 3V3
3V3 B4 A5
M_AD04 R419 100E 17 8 R21 100E
B5 A6 C105
3V3 +V1 TP10 C178 C173 M_AD05 R420 100E 16 9 R22 100E
B6 A7 U16-A C106

M_AD06 R421 100E 15 10 R23 100E
B7 A8


100PF 100PF + M_AD07 R422 100E 14 11

C14 C67 B8 GND A2 D
C201 R5 1UF C15 13 12 IO_L1N_VREF_0 D

8X 22K OHM
C202 U46 R6 C16 B3 0.1UF 3V3
10K 10V 0.01UF
0.01UF IO_L2P_0
0.1UF 1 6 1K 0.01UF D +5V D SN74LVC8T245DBR D A3 J7 U18
10K R59
2 5 D D5 48
10K R60
3 4 +5V C5 10K R61
3V3 A B D D C206 IO_L3N_0 2 M_G_A00 20 25
D C205 U22 C4 A0 VCC 10K R62
R358 16X 100 OHM IO_L4P_0 3 M_G_A01 19
SN74LVC1T45DCKT 6 2 61 A4 A1

A 24 1 U16-C
VCCB VCCA IO_L4N_0 4 M_G_A02 18 46
3V3 3V3 57 R31 M_AD00 23 2 D E6 P13 A2 HSB NVRAM_HSB
3V3 100E 56 R32 M_AD01 0.1UF 22 3 R47 100E D6 A3 OE NVRAM_OE
P0.1/AD1 D OE A1 IO_L5N_0 M11 D M_G_A04 9 30
9 IO_L12P_D1_MISO2_2

55 R33 21 4 R48 100E B5 A4 CE NVRAM_CE

M_AD02 M_AD08 N11 M_G_A05 7 45
FB4 2 P0.2/AD2 B1 A2 IO_L6P_0 IO_L12N_D2_MISO3_2 A5 WE NVRAM_WE
8 C21 59 54 R34 M_AD03 M_AD09 20 5 R49 100E A5 27X 100 OHM 6
100 OHM C222 VREF+ P0.3/AD3 B2 A3 IO_L6N_0 M_G_A06 A6
10 R3 D1 53 R35 M_AD04 M_AD10 19 6 R50 100E D7 R10 R63 M_G_D0
C156 D6 0.01UF P0.4/AD4 B3 A4 IO_L7P_0 IO_L13N_D10_2 M_G_A07 5 16 M_G_D0
0.1UF 10K 52 R36 M_AD05 M_AD11 18 7 R51 100E C7 L9 R64 M_G_D1 A7 DQ0
0.1UF U1 5 P0.5/AD5 B4 A5 IO_L7N_0 IO_L14P_D11_2 M_G_A08 43 21 M_G_D1
LT1029 5% 51 R37 M_AD06 M_AD12 17 8 R52 100E C6 M10 R65 M_G_D2 A8 DQ1
1 6 3 U5 P0.6/AD6 B5 A6 IO_L33P_0 IO_L14N_D12_2 M_G_A09 42 22 M_G_D2
VCCA VCCB D 4 58 50 R38 M_AD07 M_AD13 16 9 R53 100E A6 M9 R66 M_G_D3 A9 DQ2
D 2 5 VREF- P0.7/AD7 B6 A7 IO_L33N_0 IO_L15P_2 M_G_A10 31 26 M_G_D3
GND DIR M_AD14 15 10 R54 100E E7 N9 R67 M_G_D4 A10 DQ3
3 4 LM336/5V B7 A8 IO_L34P_GCLK19_0 IO_L15N_2 M_G_A11 40 27 M_G_D4
A B +5V A 39 R39 M_AD08 M_AD15 14 11 D8 P9 R68 M_G_D5 A11 DQ4
P2.0/AD8 B8 GND M_CLK_IN_1 IO_L34N_GCLK18_0 IO_L16P_2 M_G_A12 4 28 M_G_D5
D 35 40 R40 M_AD09 13 12 B7 R9 R69 M_G_D6 A12 DQ5
SN74LVC1T45DCKT XTAL1 P2.1/AD9 GND GND IO_L35P_GCLK17_0 IO_L16N_VREF_2 M_G_A13 44 33 M_G_D6
R1 41 R41 M_AD10 R55 100E A7 N8 R70 M_G_D7 A13 DQ6
P2.2/AD10 +5V 3V3 D IO_L35N_GCLK16_0 IO_L29P_GCLK3_2 M_G_A14 3 29 M_G_D7
10K C117 34 42 R42 M_AD11 D SN74LVC8T245DBR R56 100E C8 A14 DQ7
XTAL2 P2.3/AD11 IO_L36P_GCLK15_0 R8 R71 M_G_A00
10PF 43 R43 M_AD12 R57 100E A8 IO_L29N_GCLK2_2
C162 P2.4/AD12 C128 C136 IO_L36N_GCLK14_0 M8 R72 M_G_A01 12
U49 C157 C172 R314 R30 15 44 R44
R58 100E B9 IO_L30P_GCLK1_D13_2 NC
0.1UF M_AD13 N7 R73 M_G_A02 38
1 4 47E 45 R45 M_AD14 VCCB VCCA D R410 100E A9 K8 R74 M_G_A03
EOH VCC 0.01UF 100PF U48 D P2.6/AD14 7 2 0.1UF IO_L37N_GCLK12_0 IO_L31P_GCLK31_D14_2 23 8
10K D 16 46 R46 M_AD15 M_ALE B1 A1 R411 100E F8 L8 R75 M_G_A04 NC NC
D 5 P1.0/CT0 P2.7/AD15 D 0.1UF 6 3 IO_L38P_0 IO_L31N_GCLK30_D15_2 24 10 C68
17 M_WR B2 A2 E8 P7 R76 M_G_A05 NC NC
D ESU_ID0 P1.1/CT1 5 4 IO_L38N_VREF_0 IO_L32P_GCLK29_2 15 39 100UF
2 3 1 TP24 18 7 D10 NC NC

GND CLKO 4 +5V ESU_ID1 P1.2/CT2 P4.0/CMSR0 M_P4_0 IO_L39P_0 IO_L32N_GCLK28_2 NC NC 10V
19 8 C9 L7

ESU_ID2 P1.3/CT3 P4.1/CMSR1 M_P4_1 SN74LVC2T45DCTR IO_L39N_0 R78 M_G_A07 47 37
2 D IO_L47P_2 NC NC
D CB3LV-3I-11M0592 5V_RESET 20 9 D F10 M6 R79 M_G_A08 14 C12
REM_DRV P1.4/T2 P4.2/CMSR2 M_P4_2 3V3 1V2_RESET IO_L40P_0 IO_L47N_2 NC 3V3
21 10 E9

MF_P1_5 P1.5/RT2 P4.3/CMSR3 3V3_RESET IO_L40N_0 N6 R80 M_G_A09 34 1


P1.6 P4.4/CMSR4
11 +5V
IO_L62P_0 R6 R81 M_G_A10 11

23 12 U2 A10 NC
M_INT P1.7 P4.5/CMSR5 RESET_OUT_FB IO_L62N_VREF_0 P5 R82 M_G_A11 35 36 68UF

13 8 1 R398 100E B11 NC VSS
D P4.6/CMT0 VCCB VCCA D M_FLASH_OE IO_L63P_SCP7_0 R5 R83 M_G_A12 13 10V
7 2 0.1UF 3V3 IO_L49N_D4_2 VSS


24 14 M_RD B1 A1 R397 100E A11 L6 R84 M_G_A13
M_RXD P3.0/RXD P4.7/CMT1 D 0.1UF 6 3 M_FLASH_WE IO_L63N_SCP6_0 IO_L62P_D5_2 D
25 R104 M_PSEN B2 A2 R399 100E D11 L5 R85 M_G_A14 CY14B256LA-SP45XIT
M_TXD P3.1/TXD 5 4 M_FLASH_CS IO_L64P_SCP5_0 IO_L62N_D6_2 3V3
26 48 DIR GND R402 100E C11 B12 N4 R86 M_G_A15

27 R400 100E B13 B4 R4 R87 M_G_A16
U17 C158
M_SEM P3.3/INT1 100E SN74LVC2T45DCTR NVRAM_CE IO_L65P_SCP3_0 VCCO_0 IO_L63N_2 M_G_A00 20 8
28 A13 B8

D R401 100E M5 R88 M_G_A17 A0 VDD
29 R403 100E C12 D9 M_G_A01 19
RS232_CLK P3.5/T1 NVRAM_HSB IO_L66P_SCP1_0 VCCO_0 M7 N5 R89 M_G_A18 A1 D

VCCO_2 IO_L64N_D9_2 18 7 0.1UF

R100 30 R407 100E A12 P12 M_G_A02 A2 WE# M_FLASH_WE
M_WR P3.6/WR TP2 DIR_CNTL_M IO_L66N_SCP0_0 VCCO_2 M_G_A03 17 30
R101 31 +5V P4 A3 CE# M_FLASH_CS
M_RD P3.7/RD C130 3V3 VCCO_2 M_G_A04 16 32
2X 100 OHM 1 C134 VCCO_2 M_G_A05 15
ADC_6 P5.0/ADC0 A5
68 4 0.1UF M_G_A06 14 21 M_G_D0
10K P5.1/ADC1 PWM0 D U4 XC6SLX9-3CSG225C A6 DQ0
M_G_A07 13 22 M_G_D1

67 8 1 D A7 DQ1
R96 C26 MF_ADC2 P5.2/ADC2 VCCB VCCA 0.1UF M_G_A08 3 23 M_G_D2
66 5 R363 100E 7 2 A8 DQ2
0.01UF MF_ADC3 P5.3/ADC3 PWM1 M_RAM_CS B1 A1 M_G_A09 2 25 M_G_D3
ADC_0 65 R364 100E 6 3 A9 DQ3
TP17 P5.4/ADC4 RTC_CS B2 A2 31 26
64 M_G_A10 M_G_D4

63 3V3 DIR GND M_G_A11 1 27 M_G_D5
A R105 A11 DQ5
T_ON_AVG P5.6/ADC6 M_G_A12 12 28 M_G_D6
62 47 R106 10K SN74LVC2T45DCTR D A12 DQ6
DAC_1 P5.7/ADC7 PSEN M_PSEN +5V M_G_A13 4 29 M_G_D7
A13 DQ7
TP34 3 100E
3V3 M_G_A14 5



C137 M_G_A15 11

3V3 U26 C133 A15
M_G_A16 10
R99 +5V D 0.1UF 6 1 A16
R109 VCCB VCCA M_G_A17 6 24
P80C562EBA/02,512 49 36 37 60 5 2 A17 VSS
ADC_7 R102 DIR GND D 9
D 4 3 0.1UF M_G_A18 A18
10K RS232_CLK B A
10K D
C27 +5V
10K C131 SST39LF040-55-4C-WHE
R97 0.01UF SN74LVC1T45DCKT D 3V3
8. ADC_1
TP42 C132
A D U14
0.01UF 10K
8 1
7 2 +5V
B1 A1
6 3 MT5 C24

5 4
R116 10K SN74LVC2T45DCTR D
1 Y1 0.01UF
U6 28


3V3 +5V +5V 2 VCC D
3V3 C31 MT6 MOT
3 MT19
2 X1
3V3 32.768KHZ 4 27

C141 U50 X2 SQW
D 0.01UF 25
C150 14 50V M_AD00 M_AD00 5 24

C223 C224 D 2 15 M_AD01 M_AD01 6 23


0.1UF M_A00
3 16 M_AD02 7 22

4 17 M_AD03 M_AD03 8 21


U19 M_A02 A2L I/O3L AD3 RD M_RD
M_G_A[00:18] D D +5V 5 19 M_AD04 M_AD04 9 19
48 1 U29 C140 6 20 M_AD05 M_AD05 10 17


M_G_A00 47 2 R373 100E 1 24 7 21 M_AD06 M_AD06 12 16
M_G_A01 46 3 R374 100E 2 23 8 22 M_AD07 M_AD07 14
1A2 1B2 M_A01 DIR VCCB D M_A06 A6L I/O7L AD7
45 4 M_G_A08 3 22 0.1UF 10
M_G_A02 44 5 R375 100E M_G_A09 4 21 R365 100E 11 R118
1A3 1B3 M_A02 A2 B1 A8L D 0.25W
M_G_A03 43 6 R376 100E M_G_A10 5 20 R366 100E 12 9

1A4 1B4 M_A03 A3 B2 A9L N/C GND1 GND 10K
42 7 M_G_A11 6 19 R367 100E 62 13
M_G_A04 41 8 R377 100E F_G_A08 7 18 R368 100E 61 18 DS12885Q+T&R 15 20
1A5 1B5 M_A04 A5 B4 A11L N/C
M_G_A05 40 9 R378 100E F_G_A09 8 17 R369 100E 23 +
1A6 1B6 M_A05 A6 B5 N/C
39 10 F_G_A10 9 16 R370 100E
59 24 47UF
M_G_A06 38 11 R379 100E F_G_A11 10 15 R371 100E 58 30
1A7 1B7 M_A06 A8 B7 M_RAM_CS CEL N/C D D
F_G_A[00:18] M_G_A07 37 12 R380 100E 11 14 R372 100E 1 35

1A8 1B8 M_A07 GND B8 M_RD OEL N/C
F_G_A00 36 13 R381 100E 12 13 60
F_G_A01 35 14 R382 100E
2A2 2B2 F_A01
34 15
47 26 F_AD00

F_G_A02 33 16 R383 100E 46 27 F_AD01

2A3 2B3 F_A02 F_A01 A1R I/O1R
F_G_A03 32 17 R384 100E 45 28 F_AD02
2A4 2B4 F_A03 F_A02 A2R I/O2R
31 18 44 29 F_AD03
F_G_A04 30 19 R385 100E 43 31 F_AD04 3V3
2A5 2B5 F_A04 F_A04 A4R I/O4R
F_G_A05 29 20 R386 100E 42 32 F_AD05
2A6 2B6 F_A05 A5R I/O5R


28 21 41 33 F_AD06 D
F_G_A06 27 22 R387 100E 39 34 F_AD07
2A7 2B7 F_A06 F_A07 A7R I/O7R
F_G_A07 26 23 R388 100E 38
2A8 2B8 F_A07 A8R

25 24 37

3V3 2OE 2DIR A9R

51 36
3V3 A10R N/C F_G_D[0:7]
3V3 SN74LVC16T245DGGR 52 40
D D A11R N/C
3V3 3V3 49 J8 3V3 C159
54 50
C155 3V3 F_WR R/WR N/C 1
55 56 0.1UF D 3V3
3V3 R120 48 63 10K

D C69 10K C139 10K 53 64 U36-C R182
100 OHM 10 0.1UF
F_SEM SEMR N/C 4 U43 10K R183
C152 U42 P13
U52 IO_L2P_CMPCLK_2 F_G_A00 20 8 10K R184
1 6 71342LA20PFG M11 D A0 VDD


1 6 0.1UF VCCA VCCB 0.1UF D IO_L12P_D1_MISO2_2 19
VCCA VCCB D 2 5 N11 F_G_A01 A1
2 5 GND DIR IO_L12N_D2_MISO3_2 27X 100 OHM F_G_A02 18 7 F_FLASH_WE
GND DIR 3 4 R359 A2 WE#
3 4 D A B F_CLK_IN_1 F_G_A03 17 30
R10 R185 F_G_D0 A3 CE# F_FLASH_CS
100E IO_L13N_D10_2 F_G_A04 16 32

R113 SN74LVC1T45DCKT R315 F_AD[00:15] IO_L14P_D11_2 F_G_A05 15
M10 R187 F_G_D2 A5
IO_L14N_D12_2 F_G_A06 14 21 F_G_D0
10K C161 3V3 +5V
R131 10K M9 R188 F_G_D3 A6 DQ0
100E IO_L15P_2 F_G_A07 13 22 F_G_D1
3V3 N9 R189 F_G_D4 A7 DQ1
C167 DIR_CNTL_F IO_L15N_2 F_G_A08 3 23 F_G_D2
U3 R240 P9 R190 F_G_D5 A8 DQ2
+5V IO_L16P_2 F_G_A09 2 25 F_G_D3
1 4 47E C203 3V3 D R9 R191 F_G_D6 A9 DQ3
EOH VCC 0.01UF 100PF IO_L16N_VREF_2 F_G_A10 31 26 F_G_D4
C184 C179 +5V C149 N8 R192 F_G_D7 A10 DQ4
C204 U54 IO_L29P_GCLK3_2 F_G_A11 1 27 F_G_D5

R8 R193 F_G_A00 A11 DQ5


D 0.1UF 1 6 +5V U35 IO_L29N_GCLK2_2 F_G_A12 12 28 F_G_D6

2 3 VCCA VCCB 0.1UF +12V 100PF 100PF C148 M8 R194 F_G_A01 A12 DQ6
GND CLKO 2 5 IO_L30P_GCLK1_D13_2 F_G_A13 4 29 F_G_D7
GND DIR D 24 1 0.1UF D
N7 R195 F_G_A02 A13 DQ7
D CB3LV-3I-11M0592 D A B D + C46 C9 23 2 K8 R196 F_G_A03 A14
C47 D 0.1UF VCCB DIR IO_L31P_GCLK31_D14_2 F_G_A15 11
R316 1UF 22 3 R132 100E L8 R197 F_G_A04 A15
OE A1 IO_L31N_GCLK30_D15_2

SN74LVC1T45DCKT F_G_A16 10
10V 0.01UF
0.01UF F_AD00 R423 100E 21 4 R133 100E P7 R198 F_G_A05 A16
B1 A2 IO_L32P_GCLK29_2


F_G_A17 6 24
C48 +5V F_AD01 R424 100E 20 5 R134 100E R7 R199 F_G_A06 A17 VSS
8X 22K OHM

100E R122 B2 A3 IO_L32N_GCLK28_2 F_G_A18 9

0.01UF F_AD02 R425 100E 19 6 R135 100E L7 R200 F_G_A07 A18
1K B3 A4 IO_L47P_2 D
D F_AD03 R426 100E 18 7 R136 100E M6 R201 F_G_A08
A D B4 A5 IO_L47N_2 SST39LF040-55-4C-WHE
TP26 F_AD04 R427 100E 17 8 R137 100E N6 R202 F_G_A09
B5 A6 IO_L48P_D7_2
6 2 61 16X 100 OHM F_AD05 R428 100E 16 9 R138 100E U36-A R6 R203 F_G_A10
EW VDD AVDD 57 R154 F_AD00 F_AD06 R429 100E 15 10 R139 100E P5 R204 F_G_A11
P0.0/AD0 B7 A8 IO_L49P_D3_2
56 R155 F_AD01 F_AD07 R430 100E 14 11
A2 R5 R205 F_G_A12
P0.1/AD1 B8 GND
IO_L1N_VREF_0 IO_L49N_D4_2
8 55 R156 F_AD02 13 12
B3 L6 R206 F_G_A13
TP16 2 P0.2/AD2 GND GND
IO_L2P_0 IO_L62P_D5_2
D4 59 54 R157 F_AD03 A3 L5 R207 F_G_A14
VREF+ P0.3/AD3 D D IO_L2N_0 IO_L62N_D6_2
53 R158 F_AD04 SN74LVC8T245DBR
D5 N4 R208 F_G_A15
D7 5 C53 P0.4/AD4 3V3 IO_L3P_0 IO_L63P_2
52 R159 F_AD05 3V3 R4 R209 F_G_A16
R145 0.01UF P0.5/AD5 +5V C5 IO_L63N_2
LT1029 4 51 R160 F_AD06 IO_L3N_0 M5 R210 F_G_A17
ADC_0 3 P0.6/AD6 C207 U56 C208 C4 IO_L64P_D8_2
58 50 R161 F_AD07 IO_L4P_0 M7 N5 R211 F_G_A18
10K VREF- P0.7/AD7 24 1 A4 VCCO_2 IO_L64N_D9_2
9 23 2 0.1UF D
C55 39 R162 F_AD08 VCCB DIR IO_L5P_0 P4
A P2.0/AD8 D 0.1UF 22 3 R170 100E D6 VCCO_2
0.01UF TP15 35 40 R163 F_AD09 OE A1 IO_L5N_0 P8
XTAL1 P2.1/AD9 F_AD08 21 4 R171 100E B5 VCCO_2
41 R164 F_AD10 B1 A2 IO_L6P_0
P2.2/AD10 F_AD09 20 5 R172 100E A5
A C122 34 42 R165 F_AD11 B2 A3 IO_L6N_0 XC6SLX9-3CSG225C
XTAL2 P2.3/AD11 F_AD10 19 6 R173 100E D7
10PF 43 R166 F_AD12 B3 A4 IO_L7P_0
R146 P2.4/AD12 F_AD11 18 7 R174 100E C7
15 44 R167 F_AD13 B4 A5 IO_L7N_0
ADC_1 +5V RESET P2.5/AD13 F_AD12 17 8 R175 100E C6
D 45 R168 F_AD14 B5 A6 IO_L33P_0
10K P2.6/AD14 F_AD13 16 9 R176 100E A6
R150 16 46 R169 F_AD15 B6 A7 IO_L33N_0
T_ON_EN P1.0/CT0 P2.7/AD15 F_AD14 15 10 R177 100E E7
TP14 17 B7 A8 IO_L34P_GCLK19_0
0.01UF P1.1/CT1 F_AD15 14 11 D8
18 7 B8 GND F_CLK_IN_1 IO_L34N_GCLK18_0
10K P1.2/CT2 P4.0/CMSR0 MODE0 13 12 B7
MF_ADC2 P1.3/CT3 P4.1/CMSR1 MODE1 R178 100E A7
A +5V 20 9 D IO_L35N_GCLK16_0
P1.4/T2 P4.2/CMSR2 MODE2 SN74LVC8T245DBR D R179 100E C8
R147 +5V 21 10 IO_L36P_GCLK15_0
MF_P1_5 P1.5/RT2 P4.3/CMSR3 MODE3 R180 100E A8
22 11 3V3 IO_L36N_GCLK14_0

ADC_2 MF_P1_6 P1.6 P4.4/CMSR4 SPARK_CON_EN +5V R181 100E B9


23 12 C147 C146 IO_L37P_GCLK13_0




C60 P4.6/CMT0 T_ON_P1_6 U40 R412 100E F8

0.01UF TP13 24 14 0.1UF 8 1 IO_L38P_0
25 D
F_TXD P3.1/TXD F_ALE B1 A1 D10

26 48 R153 6 3 1V2_RESET IO_L39P_0

A 27 F_ALE 5 4 3V3_RESET IO_L39N_0
F_SEM P3.3/INT1 100E DIR GND F10
28 M_5V_RESET IO_L40P_0
R148 413_PE6 P3.4/T0 R404 100E E9
ADC_3 P3.5/T1 D R405 100E C10
R151 100E 30 F_FLASH_WE IO_L62P_0
10K F_WR P3.6/WR TP6 3V3 R406 100E A10
R152 100E 31 +5V F_FLASH_CS IO_L62N_VREF_0
F_RD P3.7/RD C144 R408 100E B11
C62 TP37 C145 DIR_CNTL_F IO_L63P_SCP7_0 3V3
TP12 U37
0.01UF 1 IO_L63N_SCP6_0
P5.0/ADC0 8 1
68 4 0.1UF VCCB VCCA D IO_L64P_SCP5_0
P5.1/ADC1 PWM0 D 7 2 0.1UF C11 B12
A MF_ADC2 67 F_RD B1 A1 IO_L64N_SCP4_0 VCCO_0
P5.2/ADC2 6 3
B13 B4
MF_ADC3 66 5 F_PSEN B2 A2
R149 P5.3/ADC3 PWM1 WAK 5 4
A13 B8
65 DIR GND 3V3 IO_L65N_SCP2_0 VCCO_0

ADC_4 P5.4/ADC4 C12 D9

64 U11 IO_L66P_SCP1_0 VCCO_0
10K MF_ADC5 P5.5/ADC5 A12

C64 62 47


TP11 100E +5V



A C142 D

P80C562EBA/02,512 49 36 37 60 D 0.1UF
R119 8 1
R361 100E 7 2 0.1UF
R362 100E 6 3
10K DAC_CS B2 A2
3V3 5 4
C65 R217 SN74LVC2T45DCTR
0.01UF D


Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual Schematics page 7

Control Board Schematic - Sheet 3 of 4


100 OHM R309
3V3 1K
TP35 3V3

C36 C2

1 4 1 TP25
T_ON_OSC_EN E/D VDD 0.01UF 2 +
0.01UF C32
TP1 C52
R409 1UF C33 0.1UF
R111 D U65 C43
2 3 10V 1 0.01UF 0.01UF
10K D 2 +12V
FXO-HC735-28.322 47E +5V
D C42
3V3 D8
35 36

8X 2K
LT1029 50V
+5V 3V3 40 R333
34 R334 D3 C49
24 R335 4 8
+5V +5V 25 R336
P0.1/AD1 R216
38 26 R337 3V3 5 0.01UF
R112 RESET P0.2/AD2 TP28
10K 27 R338 50V A
R229 P0.3/AD3 3V3 +5V LM336/5V 1K
3V3 28 R339 C217 5%
10K P0.4/AD4 A
C221 41 29 R340 F_AD[00:15] R141
P1.0/AN0/T2 P0.5/AD5
0.1UF 42 30 4 18
P1.1/AN1/T2EX P0.6/AD6 DAC_1
R324 43 31 R228 C160
D C220 P1.2/AN2/ECI P0.7/AD7 D 0.1UF VREF VDD 1K
44 10K F_AD07 7
10K P1.3/AN3/CEX0 0.1UF D7 C54
1 6 U28 F_AD06 8 0.01UF
0.1UF P1.4/AN4/CEX1 P3.0/RXD TON_RXD D6
TP36 2 7 1 24 F_AD05 9 TP27
U63 3 8 2 23
D P1.6/AN6/CEX3 P3.2/INT0 DIR VCCB F_AD04 10 U15
1 6 4 9 3 22 D4 A
VCCA VCCB P1.7/AN7/CEX4 P3.3/INT1 A1 OE F_AD03 11 2
2 5 10 4 21 D3 VOUT1
3 4 11 5 20 D2 R142
T_ON_EN A B P3.5/T1 A3 B2 TNK_DMP +V1 F_AD01 13 1
5 12 6 19 D1 VOUT2 DAC_2
EA P3.6/WR A4 B3 T_ON_P3_0 F_AD00 14
D SN74LVC1T45DCKT 32 13 7 18 D0 1K
33 8 17 VOUT3
23 9 16 +5V
17 19


P2.0/A8 A7 B6 F_A00 A0 VOUT4

22 10 15 16
P2.1/A9 A8 B7 A1

14 21 11 14 F_A01 A
P4.0 P2.2/A10 GND B8 R143

15 20 12 13 0.01UF
P4.1 P2.3/A11 GND GND C163 15
R356 19 D TP23 TP9 WR DAC_3
P2.4/A12 0.1UF
J5 2K 39 18 D SN74LVC8T245DBR 1K
17 5 0.01UF TP29
1 P2.6/A14 U10-B 14 D
10 37 16 1 1 VSS AGND DGND

3 4 DAC_CS

U7 4 3 5 6 AD7226KRZ
3 D D 3V3 2 6 C59 A
4 C219 D 5 F_WR 0.01UF R144


6 3V3 D
3V3 74HCT00 1K
0.1UF C218 33.2K C61

7 D A


D D5 0.01UF
8 0.1UF WAK
9 +5V U62
3 1
R331 1 24 U10-C U10-D
2 23 9 12 A
D 3 22 8 11
4 21 10 13 -5.1V

5 20
R332 A3 B2 MODE0
6 19 7
10K A4 B3 MODE1 74HCT00
7 18 HI_Z 74HCT00
8 17
9 16
10 15 D

A8 B7 T_ON_P1_6

11 14
D GND B8 T_ON_P1_7
12 13


50V TP33




+5V 3V3 +5V

R308 3V3
U58 0E 3V3
U59 R306 +5V VTH=4.69V 10K
5 3



1 3 R279
C3 C4 IN PGND U30 U53 10K
10UF C5 6 2 C10 C125 0E C104
1UF BIAS FB 5 1 1 6

2 5

7 4 C8 4.7UF GND DIR
EN GND 10UF 3 4
4 9 C100 A B M_5V_RESET
+5V 1 8 0.1UF GND
3V3 5 8 C210 R307



10UF 120E D
7 6 4 3



C209 MIC2776N-YM5
D D D 1NF R26







3V3 3V3 3V3

D 3V3
+5V VTH=3.16V R29 C166 VTH=1.15V R93
10K 0.1UF 10K
C101 3V3 1V2
0.1UF U47 D U41
R296 5 1 5 1
U60 R27 2 R94 2
5 1 510K 510K
4 3 4 3


+5V R28 MIC2776N-YM5 MIC2776N-YM5
+5V +5V +5V +5V R95
4 3
53.6K 180K

MIC2776N-YM5 C18 C44 C50

C41 C1

0.01UF 0.01UF

0.01UF 0.01UF D D

D 100 OHM

Schematics page 8 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Control Board Schematic - Sheet 4 of 4


3V3 3V3
3V3 3V3 TP21 TP20 TP19
3V3 3V3






D2 C35







3V3 3V3 3 1
3V3 3V3
3V3 3V3
U16-E U36-E 0.01UF
J6 3V3_RESET 3V3_RESET MMBD4148 0.01UF
3V3 B2 D
2 P15 3V3 IO_L74N_DOUT_BUSY_1 U8 TP22

R12 U23






GND R14 10 18

R14 10 18 DONE_2 CE VCCINT C81 M_TXD T1

C83 C80 1 2 3 4 1 13
5 IO_L13P_M1_2 R325 VCCO P11 1 20 0.1UF 0.1UF 0.1UF C37
GND P11 1 20 C82 C71 C72 IO_L3P_D0_DIN_MISO_MISO1_2 DO VCCJ 3V3
6 IO_L3P_D0_DIN_MISO_MISO1_2 DO VCCJ R2 8 14 2 5 2
7 0.1UF 27E


8 R3 3 13 IO_L65N_CSO_B_2 CLK CEO TP5 13 1 6 8
GND TMS TMS R13 8 7 J2 22230
11 A14 TCK TCK

4 3 3 12

12 N12 5 17 IO_L1P_CCLK_2 TMS TMS TDO F_TDO 5 6 4 11
13 P3 6 16 IO_L65P_INIT_B_2 TCK TCK (DNC) 9 10 5 10

SUSPEND (DNC) 12 11 6 9

D12 4 14


D (DNC) D P14 L10 11 9 7 7 14

5 1 C39


6 + 4.7UF TP7 TP8
4N26 4 2


3V3 +5V



C110 C108 C87

+5V C78 0.1UF R243 0.1UF 0.1UF
C109 C77 C88 C107
0.1UF 0.1UF 0.1UF 0.1UF 0.1UF 10K
U24 U31 D D
D 1 48 D D 48 1

2 47 47 2 R389 100E

8255_PB0 1B1 1A1 1A1 1B1 DIS00
3 46 46 3 R390 100E
8255_PB1 1B2 1A2 1A2 1B2 DIS01
4 45 45 4
5 44 44 5 R391 100E +5V +5V +5V
A1 1K 8255_PB2 1B3 1A3 1A3 1B3 DIS02
GND 6 43 43 6 R392 100E J4
A15 1V2 8255_PB3 1B4 1A4 U16-B U16-D 1A4 1B4 DIS03
GND 7 42 42 7 1A
GND 8255_PB4 8 41 B14 M4 41 8 R393 100E 1B
B6 K7 1B5 1A5 IO_L1P_A25_1 IO_L1P_3 1A5 1B5 DIS04 C7
GND VCCINT 9 40 B15 L3 40 9 R394 100E C51 C66 1C
C13 J8 8255_PB5 1B6 1A6 IO_L1N_A24_VREF_1 IO_L1N_VREF_3 1A6 1B6 DIS05 +12V
GND VCCINT 10 39 G11 P2 39 10 0.01UF 0.01UF 0.01UF 2A
GND VCCINT 11 38 G12 P1 38 11 R395 100E 2B
E11 H9 8255_PB6 1B7 1A7 IO_L30N_A20_M1A11_1 IO_L2N_3 1A7 1B7 DIS06
GND VCCINT 12 37 F11 N2 37 12 R396 100E 2C
F14 H7 8255_PB7 1B8 1A8 IO_L31P_A19_M1CKE_1 IO_L37P_M3DQ0_3 1A8 1B8 DIS07 -12V
GND VCCINT 13 36 F12 N1 36 13 3A
F2 G8 8255_PC0 2B1 2A1 IO_L31N_A18_M1A12_1 IO_L37N_M3DQ1_3 2A1 2B1 413_PA0
GND VCCINT 14 35 H10 M3 35 14 3B
F6 G6 8255_PC1 2B2 2A2 IO_L32P_A17_M1A8_1 IO_L38P_M3DQ2_3 2A2 2B2 413_PA1
GND VCCINT 15 34 H11 M1 34 15 3C
G7 F9 GND GND IO_L32N_A16_M1A9_1 IO_L38N_M3DQ3_3 GND GND DAC_2
GND VCCINT 16 33 C14 L2 33 16 4A
G9 8255_PC2 2B3 2A3 IO_L33P_A15_M1A10_1 IO_L39P_M3LDQS_3 2A3 2B3 413_PA2 DAC_3
GND 17 32 C15 L1 32 17 4B
H8 3V3 8255_PC3 2B4 2A4 IO_L33N_A14_M1A4_1 IO_L39N_M3LDQSN_3 2A4 2B4 413_PA3
GND 18 31 H12 K3 31 18 4C
GND 19 30 G13 K1 30 19 5A
J9 M12 8255_PC4 2B5 2A5 IO_L34N_A12_M1BA2_1 IO_L40N_M3DQ7_3 2A5 2B5 BANK0 412_PA0
GND VCCAUX 20 29 D13 J2 29 20 5B
K14 L4 T_ON_ERR 2B6 2A6 IO_L35P_A11_M1A7_1 IO_L41P_GCLK27_M3DQ4_3 2A6 2B6 BANK1
GND VCCAUX 21 28 D15 J1 28 21 5C
K2 K9 GND GND IO_L35N_A10_M1A2_1 IO_L41N_GCLK26_M3DQ5_3 GND GND 412_PA1
GND VCCAUX 22 27 J11 H3 27 22 6A
K6 J6 8255_PC6 2B7 2A7 IO_L36P_A9_M1BA0_1 IO_L42P_GCLK25_TRDY2_M3UDM_3 2A7 2B7 413_PA6 412_PA2
G10 8255_PC7
2B8 2A8
IO_L36N_A8_M1BA1_1 IO_L42N_GCLK24_M3LDM_3
2A8 2B8
413_PA7 3V3
N13 F7 2DIR 2OE IO_L37P_A7_M1A0_1 IO_L43P_GCLK23_M3RASN_3 2OE 2DIR R276 412_PA3
N3 E12 D IO_L37N_A6_M1A1_1 IO_L43N_GCLK22_IRDY2_M3CASN_3

16X 10K OHM

D K10 G2 SN74LVC16T245DGGR D 412_PA4

IO_L38P_A5_M1CLK_1 IO_L44P_GCLK21_M3A5_3 D

P10 B1 K11 G1 10K

P6 F13 K5 +5V 1 412_PA5
GND IO_L39P_M1A3_1 IO_L45P_M3A3_3 8A
R1 F15 J4 2 412_PB0
GND 3V3 3V3 IO_L39N_M1ODT_1 IO_L45N_M3ODT_3
+12V 8B


R15 3V3 K12 F3 3

8X 2K
GND +5V IO_L40P_GCLK11_M1A5_1 IO_L46P_M3CLK_3
+12V 8C
C124 L12 F1 C111 U20 4 412_PB1
D IO_L40N_GCLK10_M1A6_1 IO_L46N_M3CLKN_3 C113 5 9A
D XC6SLX9-3CSG225C G14 J5 0.1UF 1 24 412_PB2
IO_L41P_GCLK9_IRDY1_M1RASN_1 IO_L47P_M3A0_3 2 23 0.1UF 6

G15 H4 D D D DIR VCCB 413_PA1 9C
C123 0.1UF IO_L41N_GCLK8_M1CASN_1 IO_L47N_M3A1_3 3 22 7 412_PB3
H13 G5 A1 OE 10A

D 8 412_PB4

0.1UF 3V3 H15 G3 4 21


U27 IO_L42N_GCLK6_TRDY1_M1LDM_1 IO_L48N_M3BA1_3 A2 B1 KBD_D0
9 10B
TP39 TP40 TP41 J14 H6 5 20 413_PA3
24 1 IO_L43P_GCLK5_M1DQ4_1 IO_L49P_M3A7_3 A3 B2 KBD_D1
10 10C
D VCCB VCCA R244 10K J15 H5 6 19 412_PB5
23 2 IO_L43N_GCLK4_M1DQ5_1 IO_L49N_M3A2_3 A4 B3 KBD_D2
11 11A
VCCB DIR K13 F5 7 18 412_PB6
22 3 IO_L44P_A3_M1DQ6_1 IO_L50P_M3WE_3 A5 B4 KBD_D3
12 11B
OE A1 K15 F4 8 17
21 4 IO_L44N_A2_M1DQ7_1 IO_L50N_M3BA2_3 A6 B5 KBD_D4
13 11C
413_PE2 B1 A2 L14 E5 9 16 412_PB7
20 5 IO_L45P_A1_M1LDQS_1 IO_L51P_M3A10_3 A7 B6 KBD_D5
14 12A
413_PE3 B2 A3 L15 3V3 E4 TP46 10 15 412_PE3
19 6 A8 B7 KBD_D6 8255_PB0 12B
413_PE4 B3 A4
IO_L45N_A0_M1LDQSN_1 IO_L51N_M3A4_3 11 14 15
18 7
M13 3V3 E2 GND B8 KBD_D7 8255_PB1 12C
413_PE5 B4 A5
IO_L46P_FCS_B_M1DQ2_1 IO_L52P_M3A8_3 12 13 16 SPARK_CON
17 8
M15 D14 E1 GND GND 13A
413_PE6 B5 A6
IO_L46N_FOE_B_M1DQ3_1 VCCO_1 IO_L52N_M3A9_3 17 M_P4_0
16 9
N14 H14 D4 13B
413_PE7 B6 A7
IO_L47P_FWE_B_M1DQ0_1 VCCO_1 IO_L53P_M3CKE_3 TP45 D SN74LVC8T245DBR D 18 M_P4_1
N15 J12 M2 E3 13C
15 10

B7 A8
IO_L47N_LDC_M1DQ1_1 VCCO_1 VCCO_3 IO_L53N_M3A12_3 19 M_P4_2
M14 D2 D3 3V3 14A

14 11 VCCO_1 VCCO_3 IO_L54P_M3RESET_3 +5V 20 ADC_6

B8 GND G4 D1 C115 KBD_D0 14B
13 12 VCCO_3 IO_L54N_M3A11_3 21 ADC_7
GND GND H2 C2 3V3 KBD_D1 14C
VCCO_3 IO_L83P_3 U32 22
SN74LVC8T245DBR XC6SLX9-3CSG225C C1 0.1UF 15A

D D IO_L83N_VREF_3 1 8 D 23 ADC_0


2 7 R312 100E KBD_D3


C112 3 6 R329 100E 25 ADC_1

A2 B2
5 3V3
26 ADC_2
GND DIR R257 27 16B
D 10K KBD_D5 16C
3V3 D D D SN74LVC2T45DCTR 28 ADC_3

D 17A
10K 29 ADC_4
3V3 BANK1 R349 3V3 KBD_D6 17B
KBD_D7 17C
BANK0 3V3 +5V 31 ADC_5
D9 C118 32 18A
R237 8255_PB0
C85 BANK0 18B
C84 C86 C89 C114 U33 33
0.1UF BANK1 18C
C13 C19 C20 C73
100UF 4.7UF 4.7UF 1 8 D 34 8255_PB1
0.47UF 1K 0.1UF VCCA VCCB 19A
100UF 4.7UF 2 7 R330 100E 35 8255_PB2
0.47UF 4.7UF SML-311UTT86K 413_PA6 19B
A1 B1 413_PB2 36
3 6 R414 100E 413_PA7 19C
A2 B2 MODE_CNTL 37 8255_PB3
4 5 3V3 20A
D 8255_PB5 20B
D 8255_PB4 20C
10K 40 ESU_ID2
41 21A
3V3 8255_PB6
8255_PC0 21B
3V3 BANK3 21C
43 8255_PB7
BANK2 44 22A
413_PB2 22B
C91 413_PB1 22C
C90 C92 C95 46 REM_DRV
C75 100UF 47 23A
C74 C76 C79 4.7UF 4.7UF 8255_PC1
0.47UF DPYA_WR 23B
100UF 3V3 48
0.47UF 4.7UF 4.7UF +5V MODE_CNTL 23C
49 8255_PC2
50 24A
DIS00 24B
D DIS01 24C
D C116 U39 52 8255_PC4
C119 U36-F 25A
0.1UF 1 6 53 8255_PC6
2 5 GND 54
3V3 GND DIR A15 1V2 DIS03 25C
1V2 3 4 GND 55 8255_PC7
D A B B10 56 26A
C3 J10 59 27A
C22 C23 C25 C70 C99 C102 C103 E11 H9 DIS06 27B
C45 C97 U36-D GND VCCINT 60
100UF 4.7UF F14 H7 DIS07 27C
0.47UF 0.47UF 100UF 4.7UF 4.7UF 0.47UF 4.7UF 4.7UF 3V3 +5V GND VCCINT 61 413_PE5
M4 U36-B 3V3 F2 G8 28A
IO_L1P_3 GND VCCINT 62 413_PE6
L3 F6 G6 +5V 28B
P2 IO_L1P_A25_1 C93 G7 F9 +5V 28C
IO_L2P_3 B15 GND VCCINT 64 413_PE7
D IO_L2N_3 G11 GND +5V
N2 IO_L30P_A21_M1RESET_1 0.1UF R260 0.1UF H8 3V3 29B
IO_L37P_M3DQ0_3 G12 GND
N1 IO_L30N_A20_M1A11_1 D C120 10K C121 D J7 29C
IO_L37N_M3DQ1_3 F11 GND +5V
M3 IO_L31P_A19_M1CKE_1 J9 M12 A D 30A
IO_L38N_M3DQ3_3 H10 D 48 1 D GND VCCAUX
L2 IO_L32P_A17_M1A8_1
H11 47
0.1UF K2
+ 1 T_ON_EN
IO_L39N_M3LDQSN_3 C14 1A1 1B1 412_PA0 K6 J6 31A
3V3 46 3 GND VCCAUX C96 T_ON_P3_0
K3 IO_L33P_A15_M1A10_1 1A2 1B2 412_PA1 L11 G10 31B
IO_L40P_M3DQ6_3 C15 45 4 GND VCCAUX 100UF 2
3V3 BANK1 K1 IO_L33N_A14_M1A4_1 GND GND N13 F7 31C
J2 IO_L34P_A13_M1WE_1 1A3 1B3 412_PA2 N3 E12 32A
J1 IO_L34N_A12_M1BA2_1 1A4 1B4 412_PA3 P10 B1 32B
IO_L41N_GCLK26_M3DQ5_3 D13 42 7 GND VCCAUX D
C176 C177 C180 H3 IO_L35P_A11_M1A7_1 VCCA VCCB P6 32C
C175 IO_L42P_GCLK25_TRDY2_M3UDM_3 D15 41 8 GND RD
100UF H1 IO_L35N_A10_M1A2_1 1A5 1B5 412_PA4 R1
C164 0.47UF 4.7UF 4.7UF IO_L42N_GCLK24_M3LDM_3 J11 40 9 GND
C11 C165 C168 K4 IO_L36P_A9_M1BA0_1 1A6 1B6 412_PA5 R15
IO_L43P_GCLK23_M3RASN_3 J13 39 10 GND
4.7UF 4.7UF J3 IO_L36N_A8_M1BA1_1 GND GND
0.47UF IO_L43N_GCLK22_IRDY2_M3CASN_3 E14 38 11
G2 IO_L37P_A7_M1A0_1 1A7 1B7 412_PB0 A SG D
IO_L44P_GCLK21_M3A5_3 E15 D XC6SLX9-3CSG225C
1A8 1B8
K5 IO_L38P_A5_M1CLK_1 2A1 2B1 412_PB2
IO_L45P_M3A3_3 K11 35 14
D J4 IO_L38N_A4_M1CLKN_1 2A2 2B2 412_PB3
IO_L45N_M3ODT_3 F13 34 15
3V3 IO_L46P_M3CLK_3 F15 33 16
F1 IO_L39N_M1ODT_1 2A3 2B3 412_PB4
IO_L46N_M3CLKN_3 K12 32 17
3V3 BANK3 J5 IO_L40P_GCLK11_M1A5_1 2A4 2B4 412_PB5
IO_L47P_M3A0_3 L12 31 18
H4 IO_L40N_GCLK10_M1A6_1
BANK2 IO_L47N_M3A1_3 G14 30
G5 IO_L41P_GCLK9_IRDY1_M1RASN_1 2A5 2B5 412_PB6
IO_L48P_M3BA0_3 G15 29 20
C182 C183 C186 G3 IO_L41N_GCLK8_M1CASN_1 2A6 2B6 412_PB7
C181 IO_L48N_M3BA1_3 H13 28 21
100UF 4.7UF 4.7UF H6 IO_L42P_GCLK7_M1UDM_1 GND GND
C170 0.47UF TP43 IO_L49P_M3A7_3 H15
C169 C171 C174 H5 IO_L42N_GCLK6_TRDY1_M1LDM_1 27 22
IO_L49N_M3A2_3 J14 2A7 2B7 HI_Z
100UF 4.7UF F5 IO_L43P_GCLK5_M1DQ4_1 26 23
0.47UF 4.7UF IO_L50P_M3WE_3 J15 2A8 2B8 412_PE3
F4 IO_L43N_GCLK4_M1DQ5_1 25 24
TP44 IO_L50N_M3BA2_3 K13 2OE 2DIR
E5 IO_L44P_A3_M1DQ6_1 D 3V3
IO_L51P_M3A10_3 K15
16X 10K OHM

D E4 IO_L44N_A2_M1DQ7_1 SN74LVC16T245DGGR
IO_L51N_M3A4_3 L14 D R355
D E2 3V3 3V3 IO_L45P_A1_M1LDQS_1
3V3 IO_L52P_M3A8_3 L15
D10 IO_L52N_M3A9_3 M13 10K
1V2 R311 D4 IO_L46P_FCS_B_M1DQ2_1
IO_L53P_M3CKE_3 D14 M15

IO_L53N_M3A12_3 VCCO_3 H14 N14

1K D3 D2 VCCO_1 IO_L47P_FWE_B_M1DQ0_1
SML-311UTT86K D1 G4 VCCO_1 IO_L47N_LDC_M1DQ1_1
IO_L54N_M3A11_3 VCCO_3 M14
C195 R350
C2 H2 VCCO_1
C194 C196 C199 C200 IO_L83P_3 VCCO_3
C188 0.47UF 100UF 4.7UF 4.7UF 4.7UF IO_L83N_VREF_3 D
C190 C187 C189 C192
100UF 10K XC6SLX9-3CSG225C
0.47UF 0.47UF 4.7UF 4.7UF D XC6SLX9-3CSG225C


Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual Schematics page 9

Display Board Layout

Schematics page 10 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Display Board Schematic



R2 0.100A
U1 10
1 18 LP8

CUT_LMP D1 Q1 16
2 17
3 16 12V +5V +5V
4 15 R4 0.100A KBD_D6

5 14
6 13 LP5 CUT_LMP C33
D6 Q6 16 KBD_D5
7 12 C32 0.01UF C27
D7 Q7 0.01UF 240PF

+5V 8 11
D8 Q8 12V 240PF 5%
R1 0.100A 5% KBD_D7 +5V
.1UF 9 ULN2803 BIP_UP
16 C31 C26
C5 240PF
12V 240PF 5% BIP_DN
DGND R3 0.100A 5% COM_2


16 C30 C25


U2 U3 LP10 Vp 240PF
VERTICAL GRID MU13 3 7 MU13 3 7 5%


R6 0.100A .01UF
C29 C24 240PF
LP12 Vn



R8 0.100A .01UF COAG_DN

LP9 C28 C23 240PF


R5 0.100A







R32 CG0603MLU-24E

R7 0.100A BIP_LOM
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
R31 CG0603MLU-24E

12V R30 CG0603MLU-24E

R10 0.100A V
R29 CG0603MLU-24E
1 100 1 100 LP4
R28 CG0603MLU-24E

100 1%
100 1%

100 1%

100 1%

100 1%

100 1%

100 1%

100 1%

100 1%
100 1%

+5V R9 0.100A V
R27 CG0603MLU-24E
C6 LP3 V
R26 CG0603MLU-24E
12V V






0.100A R25 CG0603MLU-24E




1 R17
LP1 30PF L1 V
0_OHM 5% HI1206N101R-10 R24 CG0603MLU-24E
12V 30PF L2 V
1K J3 CEM R11 0.100A 5% HI1206N101R-10
R23 CG0603MLU-24E
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +5V C13
2 2 30PF V
AEM_SW 5% L3
1 1 0_OHM HI1206N101R-10
C4 C14 R22 CG0603MLU-24E COAG_LOW
BERG/2 5% HI1206N101R-10 L4 V
DGND + .1UF 30PF

DPYA_WR DGND 5% HI1206N101R-10 L5 IGND1

47UF U10 19
C8 18 30PF

20% DD8 HI1206N101R-10 L6
21 5%
DD7 C17 J2 P3
22 30PF
17 5% HI1206N101R-10 1 1
20 2 2
23 HI1206N101R-10 L8 3 3
DD3 5%
8 16 C19 4 4
15 5 5
DD1 5% HI1206N101R-10 L9
9 6 6

D1 CMD3450
30PF 7 7
HI1206N101R-10 L10 8 8
C21 9 9
COM_1 30PF 10 10
HI1206N101R-10 L11
5% 11 11
DIS07 5 12 12
DIS06 6 13 13
DIS05 10 14 14
Q1 3 Q2 3 Q3 3 ID4
DIS04 12 15 15
DIS03 14 27 16 16
1 1 1 ID3 SEGA

30PF 5%

30PF 5%
30PF 5%

30PF 5%

30PF 5%

30PF 5%

30PF 5%
30PF 5%

30PF 5%

30PF 5%

30PF 5%
BANK2 BANK1 BANK0 DIS02 11 3 17 17
2 2 2 ID1 SEGB
DIS01 13 1 18 18
DIS00 7 25 19 19
R19 2 20 20
R20 R21 SEGE
270K 24 21 21
270K 270K SEGF
26 22 22

4 IGND1 23 23
24 24 GRID







28 25 25
1 R54 CG0603MLU-24E
+12V V
3 L12
+12V HI1206N101R-10 R53 CG0603MLU-24E
5 HI1206N101R-10 L13 V
L14 V
BIP_LMP HI1206N101R-10
9 R51 CG0603MLU-24E
HI1206N101R-10 L15 V
11 R50 CG0603MLU-24E
13 L16 V
HI1206N101R-10 R49 CG0603MLU-24E
MONI_COAG [NU] HI1206N101R-10 L17 V
16 R48 CG0603MLU-24E
18 L18 V
19 R47 CG0603MLU-24E 2 4 MU16 2 4 MU16 2 4 MU16 2 4 MU16 2 4 MU16 2 4 MU16 2 4 MU16 2 4 MU16 2 4 MU16
20 L19
KBD_D0 HI1206N101R-10 V
KBD_D1 R46 CG0603MLU-24E
KBD_D2 HI1206N101R-10 L20 V
24 R45 CG0603MLU-24E
26 HI1206N101R-10 L21 V
27 R44 CG0603MLU-24E
1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3
29 C3 HI1206N101R-10 L22 V
31 + .1UF DGND IGND1
32 47UF
BANK0 C35 C36 C37 C38 C39 C40 C41 C42
33 C7
34 20%
240PF 240PF 240PF 240PF 240PF 240PF U6 19 CUT COAG
BANK2 5% 5% 18
5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%

36 DD8
38 22
39 17 GRID
40 20
41 23





42 REM_SW [NU] 8
43 15
DPYB_WR 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8
47 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
48 U4 U5 U7 U8 U9 U11 U12 U13
49 HDSP5601 HDSP5601 HDSP5601 HDSP5601 HDSP5601 HDSP5601 HDSP5601 HDSP5601
DIS00 .1UF
+ DIS06 5
51 DIS05 6 A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H A B C D E FG H A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H A B C D E F G H
DIS01 47UF ID5
DGND 19 DIS04 10 7 6 4 2 1 9 5 7 6 4 2 1 9 5 7 6 4 2 1 9 5 7 6 4 2 1 9 5 7 6 4 2 1 9 5 7 6 4 2 1 9 5 7 6 4 2 1 9 5 7 6 4 2 1 9 5







52 U14 ID4
C9 12
53 18 DIS00 ID0

DIS02 DD8 20%

54 21 DIS03 14 27
55 22 DIS01 11 3
56 17 DIS02 13 1
57 20 DGND DIS07 7 25
58 23 2
59 16 8 24
60 15 26

DD1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4
+5V 1K
63 28 ICM7228
+5V 8 3

ID6 R18
6 DIS05
H GF E D C B A ID5 1
10 DIS04
5 9 1 2 4 6 7 ID4

12 DIS00
27 14 DIS03
3 11 DIS01 DGND
1 13 DIS02
7 DIS07
SEGF 2 1


ICM7228 DIS[00:07]



Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual Schematics page 11

Footswitch Board Layout

Schematics page 12 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Footswitch Board Schematic - Sheet 1 of 2

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual Schematics page 13

Footswitch Board Schematic - Sheet 2 of 2

Schematics page 14 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Power Supply/RF Board Assembly

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual Schematics page 15

Power Supply/RF Board Schematic - Sheet 1 of 2

1 3 +HVDC TP3


CR13 CR19 C35
15UF R52
10% 15UF
1 2 10% 100K OHMS
200V 1%
CR10 CR23 R34
Z15 1%
R51 C49

GBPC3504 150/20W/5% 680PF

F4 5% +12V
R32 Z14
P5 J8 5 OHM 6.3A
+V +V TP1
CR80 -V 6 -V
5 T3
GBPC3504 5 + 2
AC2 4 AC2 2 7 9 2 C24 10UF
3 T1-D Z9 Z11 Z1 Z4 R37
3 R26 R12 1UF R22
Q5 Q1 10 20% 25V 1 10
2 AC1
51 51
1 11 1 IRF840 IRF840 1 5 1 5 4
1 3 4 6 3
AC1 5% C47
U3-B R35
+ + T1-A 100K/.125W/1% .1UF
C22 C3 R5
1427 +REF
30K Z13 C38 C43
20% 20% Z10 1K 1UF T2 1K Z5 TP4
5% .1UF .01UF
AW1 BW1 U7-A
U7-B R43 R45
+12V 8 3
MAX492 68K


5 1
C27 +
R31 2 7 R48 2 10K

D1 680PF NI -
C29 150 1 6 4 C50 R55
AVS12CB 5% 500V INV -

2UF 5% .01UF 10K
C46 10%
10% C26 C28 U5 10K 1%

Z12 R46 C54 .01UF
TP2 1UF .1UF UC3825A C51 R41

330 R47
1.6K 649
.47UF .1UF

+ C9 + + R24

T1-B Z6 Z3 2 100 2 Z2 R18 Z8 11 C48
33UF R33 R6 R21 1UF R23 OUTA
C10 C11 Q4 Q3 51 6 4 R44 R42
10% 5 OHM 30K 51 10 CLK R49
R3 680UF 680UF

7 1 IRF840 IRF840 1 1 2 9 3 7 2 14 5.6M 10K
1M 20% 20% 5% OUTB 2.67K
R8 3 3 7 .01UF 1%

400V 5% RAMP 1%
390 3 16 6

POWER SWITCH 7 8 R20 R17 10 4 1427 9 5


Z7 1K 10

.1UF TP24
U1 -12V
C45 C42


C2 .1UF
R36 1500PF BSP130

1.3K 12.4K

.01UF R56
R7 C1 200K
91K 100PF R29

5% 3.32K R28
CR5 CR4 1% 4.7K

1N4148 1N4148


TP8 R27 +5V
CR6 CR3 267

1N4148 1N4148 1% +5V
+5V 1N4148


1N4148 R38
P6 J6 J7 P7 J1 J2 6 TP5 1M
F2 J9 BW14
1 C8 1 1 BLU 3 3 1 1 ORG 1 14

LINE 2 .22UF 2 2 2 RED 1 U6-A R169
2 +5.1V
FILTER 3 20% 3 3 1 1 3 3 RED 2 3
3 AC (LINE) +5.1V -12V 4093
F3 4 4 BRN 4 4 BLK 2
5 5 5 5 5 BLK 3 390
5 COM +12V .1UF
6 6 6 BLU 7
-12V C39
5 TP6


C120 T7
+5V 1UF
+5V 1 4
-V_ISO_1 +12V
.01UF 1N4148
10% C119 CR36 C160
TP28 6800PF 1N5240B 1UF
2 5 R13
+12V U30-A U30-B U30-C 5%
14 U29-A 14 TP27 63.4K
C116 C102
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 R131 1%
.01UF 3 1
4081 Q8
1N4148 7 2 I1 2 J4
10% 74HC14 74HC14
CR25 CR28 51 BSP130 +5V +5 V +5V +5V
.1UF 74HC14
1N4148 7 C4
C127 T12 .01UF
R118 CR41
TP26 10%
3 8 C174 1UF 1 4 R9
+ R119 -V_ISO_2
1 470PF 10
U18-A V2_SEN
4.7K 2 5% 1N4148 10K 10K 5%
- LF412 C126 CR40 C142
CR27 CR26 R117 4 4.7K TP31 R14 R15
1N4148 C96 CR33 6800PF 1N5240B 1UF
1N4148 100 C115 C97 R141 R173 2 5
CR32 1N5233B 5%
.01UF .01UF 2
1N5240B 10%
U29-B TP30 3 8 Q2
B + 1
.1UF 100K 10K 5 R136 1 IRF531
4 2 3
+5V 4081 Q9 -
-12V 6 I2 4 U2-A
51 BSP130 +5V LM393

C130 T11
TP29 CR39 R16
1UF C13 C12
1 4 R19 4.75K
-V_ISO_3 .01UF .01UF
+12V 1% 10%
10K 10%
1N4148 10K/25C/5%
R130 C129 CR38 C136
C C100 TP22
6800PF 1N5240B 1UF
2 5
CR50 5% +5V
CR47 U29-C
1N4148 R126 TP21
1N4148 .1UF
4.7K 8 R140
3 8 R128 10
+ 4081
1 9 Q10 I3
2 51 BSP130
- LF412 R107
CR49 R121 4
CR48 C101 CR52
100 CR51 C98 TP20 R94
1N4148 1N4148 C99 1N5233B
.01UF 56.2K
1N5240B .01UF
10% 1%
10% +12V +12V
D .1UF

-12V +5 V +5V C93
+12V .01UF
C85 10%
U17 6.80K
XR2209 10K 10K
1% .1UF R108 R111
1 8 6
2 7 2 7
3 6
.1UF 1000PF TC2 V- 3 8
4 5 5 3 U19-A +
10% 5% TR1 BIAS +12V 1
U6-B 4 1427 U26-A TEMP_HI
R95 6 4093 -
4 LM393


10.0K 1%
4.70K R89

R97 2.15K
1K/25C/5% 1% 5.10K .01UF .01UF
301 1%
1% 10% 10%

2 C69 R90

9 LM319
+ 5
14 +
U32-C 7 9 15 14
8 U18-B + B A
- 6 7 U13-B
LP339 - U24-B
LF412 10 C
U30-D -
U14-B 4 5 16 DG412 4 5
11 8
+ 9 8 U19-B
13 4 LP339 5
U32-D - 6 + 1427 1427
- 2 C 7 U28-C +12V
U34-B 74HC14 U21-B
LP339 5
+ 6 RF
U30-E 7 LF412 10 11
5 5
+ +
7 7 C
9 11 10 9 5 U31-B U9-B U6-C
+ A0 Q 6 6 9 DG412
14 10 - - 8 R39
U34-C 11
12 TL052 LM393
9 - 74HC14 CLR Q 10 1K
+ LP339 5
14 + U28-D 9
U33-C U30-F 7
- U2-B 5 5
74221 6 + + 4093
LP339 11 - 7 7 7 6
+ 13 12 LM393 U25-B U20-B B A

13 6 6
U34-D - - U6-D

11 10 TL052 LM393 C
13 74HC14 12

U33-D LP339 5 8 DG412

- 7
LP339 U26-B 13












-V_ISO_2 LM393 4093

Schematics page 16 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Power Supply/RF Board Schematic - Sheet 2 of 2

T4 J16 T14 3900PF/500V K15-B
BW5 C154 .0047UF/2KV
1 7 1 2
1 -V_ISO_1
2 IND/110UH J18
3 BW3 C161 1
2 4 T15 +5V +12V 1UF 2
C40 3
C150 1









18000PF CONN4 IND/110UH 4

3 3900PF/500V 2 J23

BIP_A R151 1UF
C95 1
R164 10K
4 T16 .1UF 5.6M J24

U22 1% 2





K2-A K14-B 1% C164
BW11 A 1 16
B 2 15
EN A2 4.32K

3 14 1% +5V
R58 4 13
39K BW10 5 12
CONN15/30EDGE 5% C152 6 11 4
2 S3 S6 3 I1 2
3300PF/500V 7 10
15B S4 S7 R160 6
C41 C34 8 9 -
15A ABP/REM_DRV D S8 5.6M 1 R133
15000PF 7500PF BW8 U32-A
14B T17 1% 7 10K
1 CR2 5% 5%
VSENSE DG508 + LP339
14A C158 R165
APT30D100B C CR30
13B 3900PF/500V 10K 12 MON1_COAG
RF D C83 C140 R145 5
13A 1% 5.11K
BW4 .1UF .01UF
DRAIN 12B TP19 R75 10% 1% 1 B140-13-F
12A 1K PMEG4010CEH C121
C132 C133
11B C159 +12V .1UF
11A 3900PF/500V
-12V C62 .01UF .1UF
10B TP41
.1UF I1 10% R144

9B RF C87 RF
9A 22UF -V_ISO_1
8B 20% J12 P11
Z16 R60 R59
8A + 1 2K 2K
SOURCE 7B 2 R148 2 8 1% 1% I1
10K - 1
7A 3 1
1% U11-A J25
6B C60 3 2
R79 + AD827
6A 15000PF K6-B 4 C74
C80 MOLEX/3 1K R166
5B 5% 2 4 7 1 5 .1UF 4.32K

.1UF Z18 - +5V
5A Z17 7 CR14 1%
U13-A 2 T13 U11-B +12V
SB040 OPT2
4B R61 6
RF 6 Q7 + C53 R152 4
4A 1
1K OHM AD827 .1UF 2
2 7 BUZ80A 1%
GATE 3B TNK_DMP_OUT 150 1 3 4
3 C73 -12V -
3A K5-B R64 2 750
3 1427 R76 7 1 33PF R65 U32-B R132
100 2K 1K OHM 5 10K
10K +
2A RESISTOR ON HEATSINK R149 1% 1% R63 1% LP339
R86 RF 2K CR31
1B 10K R62 2 8 R54 V_SEN MON1_CUT
RF - C139 C141 R167 5
1A 1% 499 1
U8-A .01UF .01UF 5.11K TP40
1% 1% 3
+ 10% 10% 1% 1 3
J9 K4-B CR21 CR15 4 AD827 4.7K B140-13-F C110
+5V C52 C153
+12V 7 1 1N5240B PMEG4010CEH
RF C63 6 1N4148 .1UF
C31 + .01UF .1UF OPI11011
22PF 7 C55
22UF R78
U8-B .1UF
280 -
10K 1% AD827
20% CR12
R112 CR20 I1

TP17 K3-B 1N4148 I1

C36 1N5240B CR44
7 1
.1UF MIC4421 1N5233B
1 8 C107
7 R40 1000PF R77
2 5% 221 -V_ISO_2
T_ON U4 1% 2 J19
6 1
7.5 C166 1
4 5 5% 1UF 2
270K 1 3
C165 2 J26 4


+12V +5V HSWCOG 2 J27
+12V TP13 R162
+12V 10K
C106 +12V
.1UF C92 1%
.1UF R170 C88 R168 +5V
1 2 .1UF 4.32K
C71 R66 C57
R122 11 R104 1%
U24-A TL052 .01UF .1UF TP38 OPT3
4 68K 1K 110K


+ VPEAK- R106 10K 4
12 2 8 CR29 8 2 3 I2 2
VSENSE LM319 - 1K - R80 R67 TP14
10K 5 1 +5V +12V TP12 1 6
- U25-A VPK+ U23-A R99 62K -
C90 3 R103 3 1 R137
+ SB040 + R57 U33-A
100PF CR34 6 3 R105 4 C81 47 4 7 10K
AD827 AD827 110K + LP339
100K C105 R124 C108 .47UF 5 10K 2 8 R163 CR35
5% 1N4148 CR42 - - MON2_COAG
.047UF 750 .047UF 16 7 1 10K 12
C109 U23-B U9-A 5
1N5233B 14 C118 6 3 1%

C R102 + + RF_TONE C145 R161
.01UF 4 5.11K 1 3 B140-13-F
100 .01UF
C103 LM393 C167 10% 1% PMEG4010CEH
C89 .1UF U14-A 15 .1UF C56 R68 1UF OPI11011
RC R92 C123
74221 C104 .1UF 510 R155
-12V 1 1K 8 3 C144 C143 .1UF
.1UF 13 .47UF C65 R69 750
Q A0 +
-12V 2 1 .01UF .1UF
4 3 2 .01UF
Q CLR - C168 10%

TP11 4
LM393 1UF
-12V -V_ISO_2
8 R101
R100 1K
I2 1
J13 2 J28
1B C82


1C K7-A K15-A K17-A .01UF +12V +5V
2A -12V VMAX_CLP R153
2B K13-A K16-A K12-A EKG BLANKING 4.32K
2C K14-A K1-A K1-B C67 1%
+12V .1UF R146 4
1 5 J1 R71 2
3B C70 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 2.00K 2.00K TP37
C72 7
3C 1 TIP T6 2 8 1% 4
SYS_V_OUT .1UF 1UF - 1% - 750
4A 2 SLEEVE 1 2 R143
3 K7-B
U12-A U33-B 10K
4B SHUNT AD827 5
10 1 K11-B
R87 + + CR43
4C U15 1 4
6 7 1
1.00K 1% C76 LP339 MON2_CUT
5A MON_RLY 1 18 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 5 5

D1 Q1 4 3 - .1UF C146 C134

5B BIP_RLY 2 17 7 7 +12V
GND D2 Q2 U12-B .01UF .01UF R154
5C MON2_RLY 3 16 14 R81 6 SB040 1 3
D3 Q3 T8 + 10% 10% 5.11K B140-13-F C128
6A MON1_RLY 4 15 1.00K AD827 -12V 1% PMEG4010CEH
D4 Q4 J14 1% C59 .1UF
6B 5 14 C135 OPI11011
CAP_RLY D5 Q5 C75 .1UF
6C 6 13 1A K10-B .1UF
D6 Q6 BIP_RLY 33PF R74
7A CUT_RLY 7 12 1B 7 1 1.00K
D7 Q7 5% R85 2.00K R73
2A CR24

7B EKG_RLY 8 11 ABP_ON/OFF BW6 BW9 R50 1% 2.00K 1%

D8 Q8 2B 1N5240B R70
7C 511 R82 2 8 4.70K 1%
3A 499 - I_SEN
8A ULN2803 9 ABP_SEN 1% 1
+12V 3B 1% 1% U10-A I2
8B K5-A K3-A K10-A K8-A 3
+ I2
8C K6-A K4-A K11-A K9-A ABP_CMD
4A K9-B CR18 4 AD827
4B 7 1 C58
9A CR22 6 1N4148 C66
+12V 5A + .01UF
9B ABP_DRV 1N5240B 7


C64 5 5B R83 C68 22PF U10-B
9C C61 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
.1UF 6A 249 -
10A 1UF ESU_ID0 5% CR17
6B 1% AD827 .1UF
10B ESU_ID1 BW12
10C ESU_ID2 K8-B
1N5233B K12-B
11A U16 10 7B 7 1 -12V
11B V_RLY_0 1 18 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8A 1 2 BIPRF1

11C V_RLY_1 2 17 R84
D2 Q2 9A BW2
12A V_RLY_2 3 16 249 BW7
12B V_RLY_3 4 15 1% BW13
D4 Q4 10A -V_ISO_3

13A I_RLY_1 6 13 1 2 BIPRF2 2
D6 Q6 11A
13B I_RLY_2 7 12
D7 Q7 11B

13C I_RLY_3 8 11 1
OSC_SEL D8 Q8 12A J20
14A V2_SEN
14B 9 12B 3 CLIP/BIP
I2_SEN ULN2803 C147 C149
13A -12V +12V C124 1UF 20%

14C 1UF 1UF 4
13B R159
15A V_SEN R158
14A C157 10K 4.32K
+5V 14B .0047UF/2KV K13-B 93.1K 1% 1%
15C R139 1%

16A TP10 C125 +5V
16B 15B TP43
.1UF TP42
16A TP34 +12V
16C R_SEN 3
+5V 16B TP33 U28-A R138 I3 OPT5
17A MNRET1 T10 15.0K 1% 6 R147 4
VPK+ R134 C84 -
17B C155 R127 13 3 TP15 1 2
10K C156 V+ A .01UF U34-A
17C CONN16X2/V J17 4 1 3.32K 1% 2 12 7
HV_SEN .01UF .68UF B VL +5V + LP339 750
18A R135 1 4 5 C122 R156 R142
18B R113 100 2 1UF 10K 12 10K
18C -12V 1 DG412 .01UF R157 CR53
MON1_COAG 820 C114 1% BFSW_DES
19A C170 C169 5 2 3 8 10% 5.11K
MON2_CUT J15 TP35 + R171 5
19B C113 MNRET2 .01UF .68UF .1UF 1 1%
C78 U31-A R_SEN
19C 1UF 1 2 1 3 B140-13-F
MON2_COAG .1UF - C138 C131
20A 2 TP32 4 4.7K C137 PMEG4010CEH
ESU_ID0 C86 .1UF .1UF
20B TL052 .01UF OPI11011
ESU_ID1 .01UF C172 CR46 TP44
ESU_ID2 .01UF 1N5233B I3 10%
3.40K TP45

21C 1% -V_ISO_3
SWITCH FB13 R185 100 J30

23A ABP_CMD R114 R115 1

FB14 2
820 I3
23C FB15 3
24A R184 100 4 REM_CLK REM_DRV

24C 640456-4
R116 R129 R172 C185 C111 C112 C23
25A C181
25B 30PF 30PF 30PF

5% 5% 5% .001UF
27A J5
27B R196 100 FB2 1
27C FB19 R195 100 FB1 2
28A CHGND2 R194 100 FB4 3
28B R193 100 FB3 4
28C R192 100 FB6 5
29A R191 100 FB5 6
29B R190 100 FB8 7
4 100 1 LO_TONE
29C R183 FB16 R189 100 FB7 8
+5V 5 2 UP_TONE
30A 100 R188 100 FB10 9
T_ON 6 R182 FB17 3 RF_TONE
30B +5V R187 100 FB9 10
30C F3 .5A 125V FB18 R186 10 FB11 11
8 5 +12V
FB20 6
TNK_DMP_OUT 1.00K 1% 8
11 R180
32A TD_EMC 15
12 FB21 9
R174 R175 R176
32C RD_EMC F2 R177 R178 R179 C6 C5 C14 C7 C16 C15 C18 C17 C20 C19 C21 17

.5A 125V SYS_V_OUT .001UF X 12 18


15 C175
CONN96 C176 C177 C178 C180 MTG175/PTH 19
16 R181 1.00K 1% C179
-12V 30PF 30PF 30PF
5% 5% 5%
5% GND

2 F1
4 TO J30 .5A 125V

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual Schematics page 17

Autobipolar Board Layout

Schematics page 18 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Autobipolar Board Schematic - Sheet 1 of 2

Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual Schematics page 19

Autobipolar Board Schematic - Sheet 2 of 2

Schematics page 20 Force FX Electrosurgical Generator 8CAS Service Manual

Part No. PT00002139

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