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Grape Eng Rev4

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Platform for
Education & Engineering

RELAP5 Analysis Platform to Strongly Accelerate Your Research Activity

GRAPE is an analysis platform compatible with RELAP5-based codes, RELAP/SCDAPSIM and RELAP5-3D.
GRAPE automatically sets up analysis and visualization environments by importing input deck files for
RELAP5-based codes. Therefore you can start using GRAPE only with simple operations. The analysis environment
reduces the hustle to make input decks, and the visualization environment dissolves your pain for post-
processing of calculation results. GRAPE accelerates your research and development activities with effective and
helpful features of GRAPE.

Features and Benefits inp out rst

Input, output, restart files

Import Your Own RELAP5 Input Decks
When you introduce an analysis platform, it often
・Variable component list
takes much time to prepare configuration files. But if ・Component list, etc.
you have an input deck of RELAP5-based codes, you
Convert tool
are all done. GRAPE reads it and automatically sets up
analysis and visualization environments so that you
can quickly start using GRAPE for your research.
As soon as you verify whether your model is
Ex.) noding diagram

Configuration files
properly configured , the visualization functionary of
GRAPE is for you. The convert tool automatically
generates configuration files from your input deck.
GRAPE reads it and visualizes calculation results.

Visualization with GRAPE

Powerful but Easy Graph Making

When you make many graphs from calculation

results, you need to extract necessary data and
visualize them using Excel, for example. It
unexpectedly takes a lot of efforts, especially when
you want to repeat changing conditions and
parameters. GRAPE automatically extracts data and
visualizes with simple operations, just clicking a few drag&drop
times. You become free from such annoying works and
you will be able to devote to research activities such as
data analyses, etc.

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Macro Language to Support Automation
Request of
In sensitivity analyses, it is necessary to perform sensitivity analysis

many calculations with various conditions and to

summarize their results. The tasks for managing
parameters to change, making input decks for these
parameters and summarizing their results are quite
complicated. With macros implemented in GRAPE to Convert tool
support sensitivity analyses, the process from
execution of calculation to visualization is
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automatically performed, which greatly reduces your
effort and time. Input files Calculation results


Customizable input conditions Plant animation and widjet graphs on pllant diagram

Select nodes to show trends

Select nodes to show trend graph Thermal-hydraulic parameter distributions on noding


Head Office : 1-3-7 Tosabori, Nishi-ku, Osaka City 550-0001, Japan
Tel : +81-6-6446-1141, Fax : +81-6-6446-1218
E-mail :

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