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FA - Strategic Planning in Education (MOED7153)

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Strategic Planning in Education [ MOED7153 ]

Student Name : Choi Chin Yang (

Student ID : 202209050108



Question 1

Online learning has become a new norm in today's education and even for an organization.
Elaborate on the effective strategic planning in order to promote the method of online learning
especially for the young generations.


Online learning, also known as e-learning or distance education, refers to a form of

education where students can access course materials and participate in learning activities

remotely over the internet, rather than being physically present in a traditional classroom setting.

Online learning can take many different forms, including online courses, webinars, video

lectures, virtual classrooms, and other digital educational resources (Mokhtar et. al., 2021)

Online learning has become increasingly popular in recent years, particularly with the

growth of the internet and advancements in technology. It offers a flexible and convenient way

for people to learn new skills and acquire knowledge, without the need to travel to a physical
location and allows students to study at their own pace. It also requires self-motivation and self-

discipline, but lacks the personal interaction and support of traditional classroom learning.

Furthermore, The phrase "new norm" refers to the changes and adjustments that have

become necessary due to significant and long-lasting shifts in society or the world at large (Paul

Atkinson, 2020). It is often used to describe the changes that have resulted from major events,

such as the COVID-19 pandemic, or from technological advancements. It may refer to changes

in the way people work, learn, socialize, or conduct business, among other areas. For example,

the pandemic has caused a shift to remote work arrangements and online learning, which has

become a new norm for many students and educational institutions.

Online learning has indeed become a new norm in education and organizational training

nowadays, and it is crucial to have effective strategic planning to promote this method of

learning, particularly for young generations.

Content 1: Develop a Comprehensive Plan

A comprehensive plan should be developed to ensure that online learning is effectively

integrated into the education system or organizational training program. Start by identifying the

specific goals and objectives to achieve through online learning. This could include improving

learning outcomes, increasing access to education, or enhancing the flexibility of the learning

experience. For instance, a school district might identify a goal of increasing access to education

by offering online courses to students who are unable to attend in-person classes due to distance

or other constraints.
Moreover, understanding the needs of young learners is essential for developing effective

online learning programs. This includes considerations such as age, learning style, and

technological proficiency. For example, an online learning program might assess the needs of

young learners by conducting surveys or focus groups to understand their preferences for

learning methods and technology use.

Content 2 : Provide Access to Resources

It is important to ensure that students or employees have access to the necessary

resources for online learning, including high-speed internet, reliable computers, and relevant

software. For online learning to be successful, it is crucial that young learners have access to

digital infrastructure, such as internet connectivity, computers or laptops, tablets, or smartphones.

Providing access to these resources can be done in a number of ways, such as loaning devices to

students, providing internet hotspots or partnering with community organizations.

The policymakers or the Ministry of Education (MOE) should emphasize budgets to

provide resources. For instance, a school district might partner with a community organization

to provide internet connectivity and devices to learners who don't have access to them at home.

This would help ensure that all learners have equal access to the digital infrastructure necessary

for online learning especially in the rural area and low-income communities.

Furthermore, providing access to online learning platforms and tools is also essential for

effective online learning. These platforms can include learning management systems (LMS),

educational apps, and online libraries or resources. Providing access to a range of platforms and

tools can help cater to different learning styles and preferences.

For example, a variety of learning management systems and educational apps may be

accessible through an online learning program to aid with learning. These could include tools

that offer features like interactive movies or gamification to make learning more interesting and

effective, as well as platforms created for certain subjects or age groups.

Content 3 : Training and Support

Training and support are critical components of effective strategic planning to promote

online learning for young generations and it should be provided to students or employees to

ensure they have the necessary skills to navigate online learning platforms. This could include

training sessions, online tutorials, or one-on-one support from instructors or trainers.

Educator training should be given to the teachers on effective online teaching

methodologies, pedagogy, classroom management, and technology tools. This training should be

ongoing and comprehensive, providing teachers with the necessary skills to deliver online

learning effectively (Yehya, 2020). For instance, A school district might offer regular

professional development workshops on topics such as developing effective online lesson plans,

using technology tools, and managing online classrooms. Teachers may also receive coaching

and support from instructional technology specialists.

Furthermore, Students should receive technical support, or young learners and their

families may require technical assistance to access and use online learning resources. Parents can

play an important role in supporting their children's online learning. They may need training on

how to use online learning tools, how to support their children's learning at home, and how to

communicate effectively with teachers. For example, a school or community organization might
offer parent training workshops on topics such as effective online learning strategies, how to

support learning at home, and how to communicate with teachers in an online environment.

Content 4 : Collaboration and Peer Learning

Online learning platforms should also provide opportunities for students or employees to

collaborate and engage in peer learning. Building a sense of community among students is

crucial for promoting collaboration and peer learning. This can be accomplished through

activities such as icebreakers, group discussions, and online forums. For instance, an online

learning program might create a virtual "student lounge" where students can socialize, ask

questions, and share resources with one another.

Additionally, online learning should develop group projects and assignments to provide

opportunities for students to collaborate and learn from one another. These activities can also

help students develop important teamwork and communication skills. For example, an online

learning program might assign group projects that require students to work together on a research

project, presentation, or multimedia project.

Furthermore, social learning activities such as simulations, role-playing exercises, and

virtual field trips can provide engaging and interactive learning experiences for students. These

activities can also help students learn from one another and develop important critical thinking

and problem-solving skills. For instance, a learning program might use a virtual simulation to

teach students about historical events or scientific concepts, or create a role-playing exercise that

requires students to work together to solve a problem.

Content 5 : Ongoing Evaluation

Continuous evaluation of the effectiveness of online learning is necessary to ensure that it

is meeting the learning objectives and addressing any short-comings. Teachers and parents

should monitor learner progress to adjust instruction. This can include regular assessments,

progress reports, and ongoing communication with learners and families. For instance, an online

learning program might use regular assessments, such as quizzes or tests, to monitor learner

progress. Teachers can use this data to identify areas where learners are struggling and adjust

instruction accordingly (Saad et. al., 2020). They can also communicate regularly with learners

and families to provide feedback and support.

Furthermore, it is vital to regularly assess the success of online training to ensure that it is

meeting the needs of learners. This can involve evaluating the utility of online materials,

educational quality, and the overall efficacy of the online learning environment. For example, a

school or organization might conduct regular evaluations of their online learning program to

assess the effectiveness of instruction. They might use surveys or focus groups to gather

feedback from learners, families, and educators. They might also analyze data on learner

outcomes, such as test scores or graduation rates, to evaluate the effectiveness of the program.

It's easier to make sure the online learning environment is efficient and fits young

learners' goals if continual evaluation is incorporated into a strategy plan for promoting online

learning for young generations. As the program continues to develop and fit the needs of learners

over time, ongoing evaluation can help pinpoint areas that could use improvement.

While the technology advancement of social media, the issues have been voiced out by

the public as in pros and cons. The negative side of social media such as bullying by wording

and viral video clips has been happening. Young learners may need additional support to

succeed in an online learning environment such as academic support, social-emotional support

(Fazliza & Razak, 2020), and access to resources such as counseling and tutoring.

For instance, a school might offer a variety of support services to young learners,

including online tutoring services, counseling and mental health services, and academic support

programs. The policymaker should implement a specific restriction to those who made criminal

cases online. It is important to protect and guide them with a correct path morally to build a

peaceful society.

Finally, the strategic plan for promoting online learning for young generations can be

made more effective by incorporating a thorough plan, infrastructure, resources, and training

methods. Collaboration and ongoing evaluation can also help to make sure that students,

teachers, and families have the tools they need to succeed in an online learning environment.


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Question 2

Planning may create rigidity. Formal planning efforts can lock an organization into specific goals
to be achieved within specific timetables. Such goals may have been set under the assumption
that the environment would not change. Elaborate and criticize the idea behind the strategic
planning. Also discuss the reason why the strategic planning can also be a failure in organization.


Planning in an organization refers to the process of setting goals, defining strategies, and

outlining the actions and resources required to achieve those goals. It is an essential function of

management and helps organizations to focus their efforts and resources towards a common goal.

In order to position the organization to compete successfully in its environment, strategic

planning includes examining competitive possibilities and threats as well as the strengths and

weaknesses of the organization. Generally speaking, the entire organization participates in

strategic planning, which also involves setting goals. The organization's mission, which is the

primary reason for its existence, is frequently the foundation of strategic planning. Strategic

planning is typically carried out by an organization's senior management (Bryson, 2011).

Furthermore, the idea behind strategic planning is to set a course of action for an

organization or individual to achieve a desired goal. However, while strategic planning can be a

useful tool, it can also have limitations and potential drawbacks. If the assumptions on which the
goals were based turn out to be incorrect, the organization may become locked into a plan that is

no longer relevant or achievable.

Content 1: The Planning Process Issues

There are several reasons why strategic planning can fail in an organization. One of the

main reasons is that the planning process may not be inclusive enough, meaning that not all

stakeholders are involved in the process, leading to resistance to change or lack of buy-in from

key stakeholders. Another reason is that the planning process may not be flexible enough to

respond to changes in the business environment, leading to a misalignment between the plan and

the actual reality (Hitt et. al., 2017).

For instance, if employees are not consulted during the planning process, they may feel

excluded, and this can create a lack of engagement and commitment to the plan. Similarly, if

customers or suppliers are not involved in the planning process, their needs and preferences may

not be considered, leading to a misalignment between the plan and their expectations.

Another reason why the planning process may not be inclusive enough is that some

stakeholders may have more power or influence than others, leading to a bias in the planning

process. For example, if senior executives make all the decisions without consulting other

employees or stakeholders, they may prioritize their own interests over the interests of others.

In summary, the planning process may not be inclusive enough or flexible enough to

respond to changes in the business environment. Organizations must ensure that all stakeholders

are involved in the planning process, build a culture of openness and collaboration, and remain
flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances. By doing so, organizations can achieve their

goals while remaining responsive to the needs of all stakeholders.

Content 2: Lack of Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation are critical components of strategic planning. Without proper

monitoring and evaluation, it is difficult to know whether the plan is progressing as expected or

whether it needs to be modified to achieve the desired results. Failure to monitor and evaluate

can result in execution failure of the strategic plan, which can have serious consequences for the

organization (Ugboro et. al., 2011).

One of the main reasons why a lack of monitoring and evaluation can lead to execution

failure is that it makes it difficult to identify issues and challenges that arise during execution.

This can lead to a situation where problems are not addressed in a timely manner, and the plan

falls behind schedule or fails altogether. For example, a company may develop a strategic plan to

improve customer satisfaction, but without monitoring and evaluation, it may not realize that

customer complaints are increasing, leading to a decline in customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, a lack of monitoring and evaluation can lead to execution failure of an

organization's strategic plan. It can make it difficult to identify issues and challenges, undermine

accountability, and result in a misalignment between the plan and the actual reality. To avoid

execution failure, organizations must prioritize monitoring and evaluation, regularly review

progress, and adjust the plan as necessary to achieve the desired outcomes.

Content 3: Misleading by the Manager

Managers play a critical role in the success or failure of a strategic plan. They are

responsible for overseeing the execution of the plan, allocating resources, and making decisions

that can impact the organization's ability to achieve its goals. However, there are several ways in

which managers can cause the failure of a strategic plan.

One way in which managers can cause the failure of a strategic plan is by not fully

understanding or supporting the plan. Managers may not fully understand the goals or objectives

of the plan, leading to a lack of direction or misalignment of efforts. Additionally, managers may

not fully support the plan, leading to a lack of commitment and motivation among employees.

For example, if a company develops a strategic plan to expand its product line, but the manager

responsible for the product development team does not fully understand or support the plan, the

team may not be fully engaged in the effort, leading to a failure to achieve the desired outcomes.

Moreover, managers may cause the failure of a strategic plan by not effectively managing

risks or responding to changes in the business environment. A strategic plan is developed with a

certain set of assumptions about the future, and if those assumptions change, managers must

respond by adjusting the plan or developing contingency plans. If managers do not effectively

manage risks or respond to changes, the plan may become irrelevant or ineffective. For example,

if a company develops a strategic plan to expand into a new market, but the manager responsible

for the initiative does not effectively manage risks or respond to changes in the market, the plan

may fail to achieve the desired outcomes (O'Regan et. al., 2004).

In conclusion, managers play a critical role in the success or failure of a strategic plan.

They can cause the failure of a plan by not fully understanding or supporting the plan, not

effectively communicating the plan to employees, not effectively managing resources, or not
effectively managing risks or responding to changes in the business environment. To avoid

failure, managers must fully understand and support the plan, effectively communicate the plan

to employees, effectively manage resources, and effectively manage risks and respond to


Content 4: Poor Relationship

The bonding or relationship between leaders and staff/subordinates is an important factor

in the success or failure of a strategic plan. If there is a lack of trust or communication between

leaders and staff, it can lead to a breakdown in the execution of the plan and ultimately cause it

to fail.

One way in which a poor relationship between leaders and staff can cause the failure of a

strategic plan is by leading to a lack of buy-in or commitment from staff. If staff members do not

feel valued or included in the planning process, they may not fully support the plan or be

motivated to carry it out (Walker et. al., 2010). Additionally, if there is a lack of trust between

leaders and staff, it may be difficult to build the necessary relationships and partnerships needed

to execute the plan effectively.

Furthermore, a poor relationship between leaders and staff can also cause the failure of a

strategic plan by leading to a lack of alignment or direction. If leaders and staff have different

priorities or objectives, it can lead to a misalignment of efforts and a failure to achieve the

desired outcomes. Additionally, if staff members do not feel that they are working towards a

common goal or vision, it can lead to a lack of motivation and a failure to execute the plan

For example, suppose a company develops a strategic plan to implement new

technologies to increase productivity and reduce costs. If the leaders of the company do not

involve staff in the planning process, do not provide sufficient training or support for the new

technologies, and do not effectively communicate the goals and objectives of the plan, it could

lead to a lack of buy-in and motivation from staff. This could result in staff members not using

the new technologies effectively, causing the plan to fail.

In conclusion, the relationship between leaders and staff is an important factor in the

success or failure of a strategic plan. A lack of trust, communication, alignment, or direction can

lead to a failure to execute the plan effectively. To avoid failure, leaders should involve staff in

the planning process, communicate openly and honestly with staff, build strong relationships and

partnerships, and ensure that staff members feel valued and motivated to carry out the plan

(Posch & Garaus, 2019).


While strategic planning can provide a useful framework for organizations to achieve

their goals and objectives, it can also be a failure if not executed correctly. Therefore, it is

essential to strike a balance between the rigidity of formal planning and the flexibility to adapt to

changes in the business environment. Additionally, the planning process must be inclusive,

flexible, linked to day-to-day operations, and adequately resourced to ensure its success.

Overall, a strategic plan is essential for organizations that want to be successful in the

long-term. It provides a clear roadmap for the organization, helps to identify potential challenges

and opportunities, and ensures that resources are being used effectively towards achieving the

organization's goals.

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