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….. Matric number…



I hereby declare that this project has been written by me and is a record of my own
research work. It has not been presented in any previous application for a higher
degree of this or any other University. All citations and sources of information are
clearly acknowledged by means of reference.





This is to certify that the content of this project entitled ‘Design And
Implementation of an Enhanced Crime Alert System with Multi-level User
Access’ was prepared and submitted by MARVELOUS SOLOMON EKPE in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE
IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. The original research work was carried out by him
under by supervision and is hereby accepted.

(Signature and Date)


(Signature and Date)

Dr. A. Mebawondu
Coordinator, Department of Computer Science and Mathematics
















1.1 Background to the Study 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem 2

1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study 3

1.4 Proposed Methodology 3

1.5 Significance of the Study 3

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study 4

1.7 Definition of Terms 5

1.8 Organization of Project 6



2.1 Hostel 8

2.2 Historical development of hostels 8

2.3 Student Housing in Nigeria Tertiary Institutions 10

2.4 Information System 11

2.4.1 Types of Information System 12

2.5 System Development Life Cycle 13

2.6 System Design using Unified Modeling Languages (UML) 15

2.6.1 Structured Modeling 15

2.6.2 Unstructured Modeling 16

2.7.1 System Development Tools 17

2.7.2 Object-oriented programming paradigm 18

2.7.3 The relevance of OOP in system design and implementation 19

2.8 Current System at Case-Study: Mountain Top University 20

2.9 Related Works 20



3.1 Method of Identification of User and System Requirements 22

3.1.1 Identification of system requirements 22

3.1.2 Identification of user requirements 25

3.2 System Design Methods 25

3.2.1 Use-Case Diagram 25

3.2.2 Sequence Diagram 32

3.2.3 Activity diagram 36

3.2.4 Class diagram 37

3.2.5 System architecture 38

3.3 System Implementation 38

3.3.1 Database Implementation 39

3.3.2 Front-end Implementation 40

3.3.3 Back-end Implementation 42

4.1 Overview 44

4.1.1 Log in Action 44

4.1.2 Book Hostel Action 48

4.1.3 User Registration Action 54

4.2 Web Application 57

4.3 Discussion of Results 72

5.1 Summary 73

5.2 Conclusion 73

5.3 Recommendation 73


Table Page

Figure Page


1.1 Background to the Study
The city of Lagos, one of Nigeria’s most populous and vibrant urban areas,
faces ongoing challenges related to crime management and public safety. Traditional
crime reporting systems, reliant on manual processes and outdated technologies,
struggle to keep pace with the dynamic nature of criminal activities. As a result, there
is a pressing need for a modernized approach to crime reporting and response that
leverages cutting-edge technologies and community involvement.
The current landscape of crime reporting in Lagos is characterized by
inefficiencies, delays, and limited citizen participation. Manual reporting methods
often lead to delays in information dissemination, hindering swift responses from law
enforcement and emergency services. Moreover, the lack of real-time data integration
and mapping capabilities makes it difficult to visualize crime trends spatially and
allocate resources effectively.
Citizen engagement in crime prevention and reporting is another area that
requires attention. Many existing systems lack user-friendly interfaces and fail to
incentivize or empower ordinary citizens to actively participate in reporting criminal
activities. Enhancing community involvement is crucial for creating a more inclusive
and responsive crime management ecosystem that leverages the collective efforts of
both authorities and citizens.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The current crime reporting systems in Lagos face significant challenges that
hinder effective crime management and response. One of the primary issues is the
inefficiency and delay in reporting and response times. These systems rely heavily on
manual processes, leading to slower dissemination of information and subsequent
delays in law enforcement and emergency services’ responses to reported crimes. As
a result, timely interventions and actions are compromised, impacting public safety
and security within the city.
Another critical problem is the limited mapping and resource allocation
capabilities of existing crime reporting systems. Without robust mapping and tracking
systems, authorities struggle to visualize crime hotspots, allocate resources efficiently,
and deploy personnel strategically. This deficiency in spatial data integration and
location-based alert distribution further exacerbates response times and hampers
proactive measures to address emerging crime patterns effectively.
Additionally, there is a notable lack of citizen engagement in crime prevention
and reporting. Complex reporting procedures, coupled with the absence of user-
friendly interfaces and inadequate feedback mechanisms, contribute to low levels of
citizen participation. Empowering and incentivizing citizens to actively report crimes
is essential for enhancing the overall effectiveness of crime management strategies.
Addressing these challenges requires the development of an Enhanced Crime Alert
System with Multi-level User Access, leveraging advanced technologies to streamline
reporting processes, enable real-time data updates and alerts, integrate mapping and
tracking capabilities, enhance citizen engagement, and ensure robust security and
1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study
The aim of this project is to design and implement an Enhanced Crime Alert
System with Multi-level User Access to address the shortcomings of existing crime
monitoring and reporting systems.
The specific objectives of the project are to
i. Identify the system and user requirements
ii. Specify the design of the system based on (i)
iii. Implement the system.
iv. Test the system

1.4 Proposed Methodology

a) Work on this yourself
1.5 Significance of the Study
The significance of the proposed study on the Enhanced Crime Alert System
with Multi-level User Access in Lagos extends across various critical areas of crime
management and community safety.
Firstly, the implementation of an advanced crime alert system addresses the
pressing need for real-time data integration and efficient response mechanisms. By
leveraging technologies such as Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Google Maps API, and
related libraries, the system can streamline crime reporting processes, enable instant

updates and alerts, and facilitate location-based alert distribution. This translates into
faster response times from law enforcement, emergency services, and relevant
authorities, ultimately leading to improved crime resolution rates and enhanced public
Secondly, the multi-level user access structure embedded within the system
promotes collaborative efforts between citizens and response agencies. Ordinary
citizens gain a user-friendly platform to report crimes and receive updates on
incidents within their locality, fostering a sense of community involvement in crime
prevention. On the other hand, personnel at various levels, including police, fire
service, vigilantes, and administrators, benefit from targeted alerts, specific
responsibilities, and efficient resource allocation based on their expertise and
proximity to reported crimes. This collaborative approach not only enhances the
effectiveness of response efforts but also strengthens trust and communication
between the community and law enforcement agencies.
Furthermore, the integration of mapping systems and dynamic personnel
allocation features contributes significantly to proactive crime management strategies.
By visualizing crime locations in real-time and intelligently assigning personnel based
on proximity and expertise, the system optimizes resource utilization and response
times. This proactive approach not only aids in crime prevention but also enables
authorities to identify and address emerging crime trends swiftly, thus deterring
criminal activities and improving overall security levels in the Lagos locality.
In essence, the significance of this study lies in its potential to revolutionize
crime management practices by harnessing technology, fostering community
engagement, and implementing proactive response strategies. The outcomes of this
study have far-reaching implications for enhancing public safety, reducing crime
rates, and creating a more secure and resilient urban environment in Lagos..

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of the Enhanced Crime Alert System with Multi-level User
Access project encompasses the design and implementation of a comprehensive
system using modern technologies such as Python, Django framework,
PostgreSQL database, and RESTful APIs. The system will include features such
as real-time crime reporting, multi-level user access controls, seamless
communication channels, and advanced analytical capabilities. The project aims
to revolutionize crime monitoring and reporting practices, enhancing
collaboration among law enforcement agencies and stakeholders for proactive
crime prevention and response. LOOK INTO THIS AND EDIT TO YOUR TASTE

The limitations of the project are as follows:

a. The system's scope may not extend to cover all aspects of law enforcement
operations beyond crime monitoring and reporting. Functions related to forensic
analysis, legal proceedings management, or physical infrastructure management may
fall outside the project's scope.
b. As a software-based solution, the system's scalability and performance may
be influenced by factors such as server capabilities, network infrastructure, and data
processing speeds. The effectiveness of real-time updates and alerts may be subject to
network latency and system load.
c. The system's accuracy in crime detection and prediction may be limited by
the quality and timeliness of the data sources integrated into the system. Data integrity
issues, incomplete data sets, or delayed updates from external sources may impact the
system's analytical capabilities and decision-making accuracy.
d. The project's timeline and resources may impose constraints on the depth
and complexity of features implemented in the system. Advanced functionalities or
enhancements beyond the initial project scope may require additional development
efforts and resources.
e. The system's usability and adoption may face challenges related to user
training, interface design, and user experience. Ensuring that stakeholders, including
law enforcement personnel and community members, can effectively utilize and
benefit from the system may require ongoing support and training initiatives.

1.7 Definition of Terms

a. Enhanced Crime Alert System: A comprehensive software solution
designed to improve crime monitoring and reporting capabilities by
providing real-time crime alerts, multi-level user access controls, seamless
communication channels, and advanced analytical features.

b. Multi-level User Access: A system feature that allows different levels of
access permissions based on user roles, ensuring that users can only access
and perform actions relevant to their designated roles within the system.
c. Real-time Updates: Instantaneous and continuous updates or notifications
provided by the system, enabling stakeholders to receive timely
information about ongoing criminal incidents as they unfold.
d. Analytics: The process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data to
identify patterns, trends, and insights related to crime activities, aiding in
decision-making and proactive law enforcement strategies.
e. Communication Channels: Integrated platforms or tools within the system
that facilitate seamless communication and information sharing among law
enforcement agencies, community watch groups, and other stakeholders
involved in crime prevention and response efforts.
f. User Interface (UI): The graphical interface through which users interact
with the system, comprising elements such as menus, buttons, and screens
designed for ease of use and navigation.
g. Database Management System (DBMS): A software application that
manages and organizes data in databases, facilitating efficient data storage,
retrieval, and manipulation for the crime alert system.
h. Security Protocols: Measures and protocols implemented within the
system to safeguard sensitive data, prevent unauthorized access, and
ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
i. Complaint Management: A system module or feature that allows users to
register, track, and resolve complaints related to crime incidents, ensuring
transparent and efficient handling of grievances.
j. Scalability: The system's ability to handle increasing volumes of data,
users, and transactions without compromising performance, ensuring that
it can accommodate future growth and evolving needs effectively.

2.1 Alert Systems
Alert systems are essential components in various sectors such as healthcare,
aviation, and emergency response. These systems are designed to deliver timely
notifications or warnings about specific events or conditions that necessitate attention
or action. In healthcare, alert systems can aid in the early identification of critical
conditions like acute kidney injury Park et al. (2018) or severe illness in COVID-19
patients (Yin et al., 2022). Aviation alert systems are crucial for flight safety by
issuing alerts for potential conflicts or hazards (Waldron et al., 2013; Cone et al.,
2019). Additionally, in disease surveillance, alert systems are vital for outbreak
detection and public health emergency management (Runge-Ranzinger et al., 2014;
Nguyen et al., 2019).
The concept of alert systems typically involves the interplay of attentional
networks, including alerting, orienting, and executive control functions (Fan et al.,
2002; Zani & Proverbio, 2017; Fan et al., 2009). The alerting function is responsible
for maintaining an adaptive alert state and responding to warning signals (Fan et al.,
2009). Orienting involves selecting relevant information from the environment, while
executive control manages conflicting information processing (Zani & Proverbio,

2017). These networks collaborate to enable individuals to effectively respond to
stimuli and make well-informed decisions.
Moreover, alert systems can vary in complexity and design based on the
specific application. For example, in aviation, alert systems may incorporate
automated conflict resolution features to enhance operator situational awareness
(Waldron et al., 2013). In healthcare, these systems may utilize artificial intelligence
and machine learning models to enhance prediction and decision-making processes
(Lee et al., 2021). Furthermore, alert systems in public health settings may integrate
risk assessment tools and surveillance algorithms to detect and respond to disease
outbreaks (Runge-Ranzinger et al., 2014; Runge-Ranzinger et al., 2016).
In summary, alert systems play a critical role in improving safety, efficiency,
and decision-making across various sectors. By harnessing advanced technologies and
understanding the underlying attentional networks, organizations can develop
effective alert systems that help mitigate risks, enhance response times, and ultimately
save lives
2.2 History of Alert Systems development
Alert systems have a rich history of development and implementation across
various domains. Kuligowski & Kimball (2018) discuss the guidance on alerts issued
by outdoor siren and short message alerting systems, emphasizing the importance of
public response to audible and short message alerts. Similarly, Kuligowski &
Wakeman (2017) review outdoor siren systems, highlighting the variability in siren
usage, testing, and education, which can lead to confusion among community
residents during emergencies.
In the medical field, Harrison et al. (2016) address the development and
implementation of sepsis alert systems, cautioning against potential issues like alert
fatigue and human error if not implemented considering big data. Tamblyn et al.
(2012) delve into physicians' responses to computerized alerts for psychotropic drugs,
noting that many alert systems rely on expert opinion rather than robust evidence.
Moreover, the design and evaluation of medication alerting systems have been a focus
of research. Zheng et al. (2021) present a tool for evaluating medication alerting
systems, emphasizing the importance of usability in such systems. Phansalkar et al.
(2010) review human factors principles for designing medication safety alerts,
stressing the significance of alert timing.
Additionally, Tamblyn et al. (2008) highlight the effectiveness of in-house
developed systems that target specific drug problems in altering prescribing practices.
The evolution of alert systems spans various fields, from public safety with outdoor
sirens to medical contexts with medication alerts. Understanding user responses,
incorporating human factors principles, and ensuring usability are crucial aspects in
the design and implementation of effective alert systems.
2.3 Alert Systems in Nigeria
Alert systems in Nigeria have advanced significantly across various sectors
including healthcare, agriculture, and emergency response. The implementation of
automated alert systems has been suggested to rectify errors in different fields, such as
medicine and transportation (Parasuraman & Riley, 1997). Within the healthcare
sector, research has concentrated on strategies to prevent adverse events by addressing
drug safety alerts (Sijs et al., 2006). Efforts have also been made to enhance patient
safety through the development of medication safety alerts within clinical information
systems (Phansalkar et al., 2010).
In agriculture, Nigeria has utilized alert systems effectively, including
initiatives like fertilizer subsidies and electronic wallet systems (Olayide et al., 2015).
Technological progress has been evident in the country with the introduction of online
monitoring systems for poultry diseases (Oyetunji, 2017). Furthermore, innovative
intelligent insole systems have demonstrated success in reducing the recurrence of
diabetic foot ulcers (Abbott et al., 2019).
Regarding emergency alerts, studies have explored efficient alert delivery
systems, emphasizing the integration of various alert mechanisms (Chang, 2021).
Additionally, real-time health monitoring systems utilizing smartphones and wearable
sensors have been developed to improve remote patient care (Kakria et al., 2015).
These systems have proven crucial in addressing public health challenges, such as the
potential spread of diseases like Lassa fever from Nigeria (Tuite et al., 2019).
The evolution of alert systems in Nigeria mirrors technological advancements
and a growing commitment to enhancing efficiency and safety across diverse
2.4 Information System

A Crime Alert system is a mechanism designed to raise community awareness
about criminal activities, identify suspects, and communicate information swiftly
when a crime occurs (Akalis et al., 2008). These systems are crucial for enhancing
public safety and aiding law enforcement in apprehending suspects (Adams-Clark et
al., 2020). Crime alerts typically focus on violent crimes such as robbery, armed
robbery, and aggravated assault (Pelfrey et al., 2016). One of the most well-known
crime alert systems is the AMBER Alert, which was established in response to the
abduction and murder of a child in 1998 (Sicafuse & Miller, 2010). The AMBER
Alert system is specifically tailored to intervene in abduction cases in progress to
prevent further harm (Griffin et al., 2007).

Crime alert systems, including the AMBER Alert, have been scrutinized for
their effectiveness and impact on public safety. Some studies have suggested that the
AMBER Alert system may serve as a form of "crime control theater," where the
perceived benefits may not align with the actual outcomes (Miller et al., 2017; Griffin
& Miller, 2008). Despite debates on the effectiveness of such systems, they remain
integral in addressing immediate threats and mobilizing communities to assist in
crime prevention and resolution (Griffin et al., 2021).

In the context of universities, crime alert systems play a vital role in ensuring
the safety of students and staff by quickly disseminating information about crimes on
campus (Adams-Clark et al., 2020). These systems are part of a broader emergency
response strategy that leverages various communication channels, including text
alerts, to combat noise and capture attention during crises (Stephens et al., 2013).
Understanding the demographics and patterns of crime alerts is essential for
optimizing the effectiveness of these systems and tailoring responses to specific
threats (Pelfrey et al., 2016).

In conclusion, Crime Alert systems, such as the AMBER Alert, are essential
tools for enhancing public safety, raising awareness about criminal activities, and
mobilizing communities to prevent and address crimes effectively. While there are
ongoing discussions about the effectiveness and unintended consequences of such
systems, their role in immediate threat response and community engagement cannot
be understated.

2.4.1 Types of Information System

Crime alert systems can be classified into various types based on their
functionality, target audience, and mode of operation. Here are several types of crime
alert systems:

1. Public Crime Alert Systems: These systems are designed to disseminate crime
alerts and safety information to the general public. They often utilize platforms
like social media, mobile apps, email newsletters, and SMS alerts to reach a
wide audience. Public crime alert systems aim to enhance community
awareness and engagement in crime prevention efforts.
2. Law Enforcement Crime Alert Systems: These systems are tailored for use by
law enforcement agencies to monitor criminal activities, share intelligence,
and coordinate response efforts. They may include features such as real-time
crime mapping, suspect tracking, incident reporting, and information sharing
among law enforcement personnel.
3. Community-Based Crime Alert Systems: These systems involve collaboration
between law enforcement agencies and local communities or neighborhood
watch groups. They empower community members to report suspicious
activities, share crime-related information, and receive alerts about incidents
occurring in their vicinity. Community-based crime alert systems foster a
sense of shared responsibility for crime prevention and safety.
4. Campus Crime Alert Systems: These systems are specific to educational
institutions and are designed to alert students, faculty, and staff about safety
concerns, crime incidents, and emergency situations on campus. They may
include features such as panic buttons, emergency notifications, campus maps
with safety zones, and reporting tools for campus security.
5. Business or Corporate Crime Alert Systems: These systems are utilized by
businesses and corporations to monitor internal security threats, track theft or
fraud incidents, and ensure employee safety. They may incorporate
surveillance cameras, access control systems, alarm systems, and incident
reporting mechanisms to enhance security within the workplace.
6. Mobile Personal Safety Apps: These are mobile applications designed for
individuals to enhance their personal safety and receive crime alerts based on
their location. These apps often include features such as SOS alerts, GPS
tracking, safety tips, and real-time notifications about crime incidents nearby.
7. Traffic and Transportation Crime Alert Systems: These systems focus on
monitoring and preventing crime-related activities in transportation networks,
such as public transit systems, airports, and highways. They may include
surveillance cameras, license plate recognition systems, emergency call boxes,
and real-time alerts for law enforcement and security personnel.

Each type of crime alert system serves distinct purposes and targets specific
audiences, contributing to overall crime prevention and safety efforts within
communities, institutions, and businesses.

2.5 System Development Life Cycle

The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a structured framework that
guides the step-by-step development of software systems, from initial planning to
implementation and maintenancep. It plays a crucial role in the field of software
engineering by ensuring a systematic and efficient approach to software development.
Each phase of the SDLC has its own set of activities and deliverables, contributing to
the overall success of system development.

The SDLC is particularly relevant in the design and implementation of systems

like a virtual wallet system for cross-border financial transactions using virtual tokens.
There are several reasons why the SDLC is important in system design and

a. Structured Approach: The SDLC provides a well-defined and disciplined

approach to system development, ensuring consistency and minimizing the
risk of errors and defects.

b. Meeting Requirements: Through the SDLC, requirements are carefully

gathered, analyzed, and incorporated into the system design and
implementation, ensuring alignment with stakeholder needs and expectations.
Testing activities further validate the functional and non-functional
requirements of the system.

c. Collaboration: The SDLC promotes collaboration among developers, project

managers, and end-users, facilitating clear communication and understanding
of system requirements. This collaboration minimizes misunderstandings and
helps ensure the system meets the needs of all stakeholders.

d. Risk Reduction: The SDLC includes testing activities that help identify and
address defects and bugs, reducing the risk of errors in the system.
Additionally, the maintenance phase ensures that the system remains up-to-
date and secure.

e. Efficiency: By providing a structured approach, the SDLC enhances the

efficiency of the development process, enabling timely and effective
completion of development activities.

f. Planning and Management: The SDLC supports better planning and

management of the development process. The planning phase defines project
goals, objectives, and scope, while implementation activities ensure adherence
to timelines and budget requirements.

g. User Satisfaction: By prioritizing user and stakeholder needs, the SDLC

contributes to increased user satisfaction and adoption of the system.

2.6 System Design using Unified Modeling Languages (UML)

System design involves defining the architecture, components, interfaces, and
data of a system. Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standardized visual
language used in software engineering to represent system designs. It provides a
graphical notation for specifying, visualizing, and documenting software-intensive
system artifacts, aiding in communication and understanding among software
engineers. UML diagrams depict classes, objects, interactions, and behaviors, based
on object-oriented programming concepts.

One of the key advantages of UML is its ability to ensure consistency and
coherence in system design and implementation. By establishing a standardized
notation, UML promotes a shared understanding among designers and developers,
reducing the risk of errors resulting from misunderstandings.

UML also facilitates comprehension and communication of system

architecture and components through visual representations. UML diagrams help in
identifying design flaws and issues by illustrating the system's structure, behavior, and

interactions. Additionally, UML supports prototyping, allowing stakeholders to
visualize and interact with the system before its actual development.

Furthermore, UML aids in the development process by assisting in

requirements identification, defining use cases, and creating test cases. This ensures
that the system is aligned with stakeholder needs and undergoes thorough testing
before deployment.

In summary, UML serves as a standardized language for visually representing

system designs. It plays a crucial role in software engineering by enabling effective
communication, ensuring consistency, facilitating comprehension, and supporting the
development process.

2.6.1 Structured Modeling

Structured modeling is an approach used in system design and implementation

that involves decomposing a system into its constituent parts for separate analysis.
This method is commonly applied in software engineering and system engineering to
design complex systems. Structured modeling enables the breakdown of intricate
systems into manageable components and supports systematic analysis and design

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a widely utilized structured

modeling technique. It is a graphical language employed to model software systems
and provides a standardized notation for describing various components of a software
system. UML comprises diverse diagrams, such as use case diagrams, class diagrams,
and sequence diagrams, which represent different aspects of a software system. Use
case diagrams describe interactions between the system and its users, while class
diagrams model software system classes and objects.

Another structured modeling technique used in system engineering is the

Systems Modeling Language (SysML). SysML is a versatile modeling language
utilized for modeling complex systems in industries like aerospace, defense, and
automotive. SysML encompasses diagrams such as block diagrams, state diagrams,
and activity diagrams to represent different aspects of a system. Block diagrams

illustrate system components and their interconnections, while state diagrams model
system states and transitions.

Structured modeling is significant as it allows for the breakdown of complex

systems into smaller, manageable parts. This approach facilitates analysis and design
by considering each part individually. Additionally, structured modeling ensures the
proper integration of different system aspects by designing each part to function
harmoniously with others.

2.6.2 Unstructured Modeling

Unstructured modeling is an approach used in system design and

implementation that deviates from predetermined structures. It finds relevance in
fields such as data science and artificial intelligence, where the analysis of
unstructured data is required. Unstructured data, such as text or images, can be
analyzed through techniques like natural language processing and image recognition.
These methods rely on statistical approaches to identify patterns rather than
predefined structures.

One instance of unstructured modeling is natural language processing (NLP),

which comprehends and analyzes human language, be it written text or spoken
communication. NLP performs tasks like sentiment analysis, determining the
emotional tone of text, or named entity recognition, identifying specific entities in the
text, such as people or locations.

Image recognition represents another example of unstructured modeling,

involving the examination of images to identify objects and characteristics within
them. This technique finds applications in tasks like recognizing image content or
detecting objects in videos.

Unstructured modeling holds significance as it enables the analysis and

comprehension of data that lacks a predefined structure. In fields like data science,
where vast volumes of data are generated and analyzed, unstructured modeling
techniques assist in revealing patterns and relationships that may not be immediately
apparent. These approaches offer insights into complex systems and phenomena,
benefiting researchers and analysts.

2.7.1 System Development Tools

In this study, the system development tools used are:

Add your preferred technology for the project

2.7.2 Object-oriented programming paradigm

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a software development paradigm that

revolves around the concept of objects. It is widely used in building complex and
scalable applications. OOP emphasizes the creation of reusable software components
called objects, which encapsulate data and the methods that manipulate that data. This
approach brings several fundamental concepts into play:

a. Encapsulation: Encapsulation involves bundling data and related methods

within an object to ensure data integrity and control access to it.
b. Inheritance: Inheritance enables one class to acquire properties and behaviors
from another class, facilitating code reuse and establishing class hierarchies.
c. Polymorphism: Polymorphism allows objects to take on multiple forms,
enabling a single method to be employed with different object types.
d. Abstraction: Abstraction simplifies complex systems by providing a more
straightforward interface, shielding developers from underlying complexities.

2.7.3 The relevance of OOP in system design and implementation

The relevance of OOP in system design and Implementation is significant and can
be seen in various aspects:

a. Modularity: OOP facilitates modular code development, enabling reuse across

different parts of an application and streamlining the creation of complex
b. Maintainability: OOP promotes easier maintenance and updates by isolating
specific components, reducing the impact of changes on the overall system.
c. Extensibility: OOP supports easy extension of existing code, allowing the
addition of new classes and features without modifying the existing codebase.

d. Scalability: OOP aids in building scalable applications by breaking down
systems into manageable objects, capable of handling large amounts of data
and user interactions.
e. Reusability: OOP promotes code reuse through the creation of reusable
objects, reducing the need to write new code from scratch and saving time and

Various programming languages adhere to the OOP paradigm, including:

a. Java: Java is a widely used programming language that embraces OOP

principles, providing extensive support for creating robust applications.
b. C#: C# is a programming language developed by Microsoft, built upon OOP
concepts. It is commonly used for developing applications within the .NET
c. Python: Python, a versatile high-level language, supports OOP and finds
application in diverse domains such as machine learning and data science.
In summary, OOP is a powerful software development paradigm that enables
modular, maintainable, extensible, scalable, and reusable code. It is widely
implemented in languages like Java, C#, and Python to build sophisticated and
efficient applications.

2.8 Current System at Case-Study: Mountain Top University

Write about the current system at MTU or wherever you choose

2.9 Related Works

Enhanced crime alert systems are crucial for informing and protecting
communities. Research indicates that crime alerts are primarily issued for violent
crimes such as robbery, armed robbery, and aggravated assault (Pelfrey et al., 2016).
These alerts are designed to raise awareness and identify individual criminal suspects
without significantly influencing attitudes towards the suspect's social group (Akalis
et al., 2008). Universities commonly utilize crime alert systems, like "Crime Alert"
emails, to promptly communicate crime incidents (Adams-Clark et al., 2020).
Studies have investigated the impact of different interfaces on user anxiety
when receiving crime alerts, with emotional intensity linked to crime severity (Xie &
Newhagen, 2012). Additionally, the effectiveness of AMBER Alerts in preventing

crimes has been discussed, emphasizing its focus on prevention compared to other
crime control programs (Griffin et al., 2007). However, some researchers have
expressed concerns about the potential theatrical nature of AMBER Alerts, suggesting
they may serve as symbolic solutions to socially constructed crimes (Griffin & Miller,
2008). In the realm of technology, advancements in neural surveillance and intrusion
detection systems have been explored for real-time crime detection, focusing on
reducing false positives and enhancing alert classification (Potter et al., 2020; Orang
et al., 2012). Furthermore, the utilization of augmented reality technologies in mobile
crime prevention systems has been studied to offer users visual crime-related
information overlaid on their physical surroundings (Liao et al., 2020).
Future research directions include optimizing alert mechanisms to improve
their appropriateness and reduce alert fatigue, ensuring that alerts are serious and
relevant to users (Chien et al., 2022; Kopel et al., 2014). Additionally, exploring users'
preferences and behaviors towards crime alerts, particularly in areas prone to natural
disasters or high crime rates, can further enhance the effectiveness of alert systems
(Kopel et al., 2014).
In conclusion, enhanced crime alert systems are indispensable tools for
community safety and crime prevention. By considering factors such as crime
severity, interface design, and the potential theatrical nature of alerts, researchers can
continue to enhance these systems to better serve and protect the public.

3.1 Method of Identification of User and System Requirements
The process of identifying user and system requirements for the Enhanced
Crime Alert System with Multi-level User Access was thorough and comprehensive.
It began with stakeholder interviews involving law enforcement agencies, community
watch groups, local authorities, and citizens. These interviews provided valuable
insights into specific needs, expectations, and challenges related to crime reporting
and response. The discussions helped in understanding desired features,
functionalities, and usability requirements crucial for designing an effective crime
alert system.

Additionally, surveys and questionnaires were distributed among potential

system users to gather broader feedback on various aspects of the system. This
approach allowed for a more extensive reach and provided insights into interface
preferences, reporting mechanisms, and information dissemination preferences. The
feedback received from these surveys and questionnaires played a pivotal role in
shaping the user interface design, workflow processes, and overall user experience of
the crime alert system.

Furthermore, a detailed review of existing crime alert systems, both locally

and globally, was conducted. This review aimed to identify industry standards, best
practices, and areas for improvement. Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of
existing systems provided valuable insights into which functionalities and features
would be most beneficial and impactful for the Enhanced Crime Alert System.

Lastly, workshops and focus groups were organized with representatives from
different user categories, including ordinary citizens, law enforcement personnel, and
system administrators. These collaborative sessions facilitated discussions on defining
functionalities, access levels, reporting protocols, and workflows within the system.
The input gathered from these workshops and focus groups helped refine the system
requirements, ensuring alignment with the needs and expectations of all stakeholders.

3.1.1 Identification of system requirements

In the Identification of System Requirements section, the specific requirements of
the Automated Hostel Allocation and Information System are thoroughly discussed.
These requirements encompass both functional and non-functional aspects of the

a. Non-functional requirements:

a) Performance: The system should be capable of handling a high volume of

concurrent users and processing real-time data efficiently to ensure swift
response times for crime alerts and updates.
b) Reliability: The system should have minimal downtime and be resilient to
failures, ensuring continuous availability for users and reliable delivery of
alerts to relevant authorities.
c) Scalability: The system should be scalable to accommodate future growth
in user base, data volume, and system functionalities without
compromising performance or usability.
d) Security: The system must implement robust security measures, including
encryption of sensitive data, secure user authentication mechanisms,
access control policies, and regular security audits to mitigate potential
e) Usability: The system's user interface should be intuitive, user-friendly,
and accessible across different devices (desktops, mobile devices),
ensuring ease of use for both ordinary citizens reporting crimes and
personnel responding to alerts.
f) Compliance: The system must comply with relevant legal and regulatory
requirements regarding data privacy, information sharing protocols, and
security standards.

b. Functional requirements:

The Enhanced Crime Alert System should provide the following


a) User Registration and Authentication: Users should be able to create
accounts, log in securely, and manage their profiles, including personal
information and notification preferences.
b) Crime Reporting: Users should have the ability to report various types
of crimes, including descriptions, locations, and supporting evidence,
through an intuitive reporting interface.
c) Alert Distribution: The system should automatically send alerts to
relevant personnel (police, fire service, etc.) based on the type and
location of reported crimes, ensuring swift responses and interventions.
d) Mapping and Visualization: Integration with Google Maps API to
visually represent crime locations, provide real-time tracking of
responders, and optimize personnel allocation based on proximity to
reported incidents.
e) User Roles and Access Control: Implement a three-tiered user structure
(ordinary users, personnel, admin) with specific permissions and
responsibilities, ensuring secure and role-based access to system
features and data.
f) Complaint Management: Include a module for users to lodge
complaints, track complaint status, and provide feedback on resolution
processes, enhancing transparency and accountability.
g) Analytics and Reporting: Provide tools for analyzing crime data,
generating reports on crime trends, hotspots, and response times,
aiding in decision-making and resource allocation for law enforcement

c. Hardware requirements:
a) Server Infrastructure: Deploy servers capable of handling high traffic
loads, data processing, and storage requirements, ensuring scalability,
reliability, and performance.
b) Networking Equipment: Ensure robust network infrastructure with
high-speed connectivity, redundancy, and failover mechanisms to
support real-time data transmission and communication between
system components.
d. Software requirements:

The system requires the following software components:

a) Backend Framework: Utilize Node.js and Express for developing the backend
logic, APIs, and business logic, ensuring scalability, modularity, and
performance optimization.
b) Database Management System: Employ MongoDB as the database solution
for storing crime data, user information, and system configurations, providing
flexibility, scalability, and efficient data retrieval.
c) Mapping and Location Services: Integrate Google Maps API and relevant
libraries for mapping crime locations, optimizing route planning for
responders, and enhancing visualizations within the system.
d) Security Tools: Implement security libraries, encryption algorithms, and
authentication mechanisms (such as JWT) to ensure data security, user
authentication, and access control within the system.

e) Development Tools: Use IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) such

as Visual Studio Code, version control systems like Git, and collaboration
platforms for efficient team collaboration, code management, and deployment

This comprehensive set of system requirements encompasses both

functional and non-functional aspects, ensuring that the Enhanced Crime Alert
System with Multi-level User Access meets user expectations, technical standards,
and regulatory compliance.

3.1.2 Identification of user requirements

This section highlights the important entities of the software which are:

a. Registered Users
a) User Registration and Profile Management: Ordinary users should be
able to register for an account, log in securely, and manage their

profiles, including personal information, contact details, and
notification preferences.
b) Crime Reporting: Users should have the ability to report various types
of crimes, including descriptions, locations, and supporting evidence,
through a simple and intuitive reporting interface.
c) View Crime Alerts: Users should be able to view a list of reported
crimes, including details such as crime type, location, date/time, and
status updates on ongoing investigations or resolutions.
d) Receive Alerts: Users should receive real-time alerts and notifications
about crime incidents occurring within their specified locality or areas
of interest, ensuring timely awareness and potential safety measures.

b. Personnel (Police, Fire Service, Vigilantes, etc.)

a) Authentication and Authorization: Personnel should have secure login
credentials and role-based access control, ensuring access only to
relevant features and data based on their responsibilities.
b) Alert Response: Personnel should receive immediate alerts and
notifications about reported crimes within their designated response
areas, enabling quick assessment and deployment of resources.
c) Incident Management: Personnel should have tools for managing
reported incidents, including updating incident statuses, assigning
tasks, recording actions taken, and communicating with other
d) Mapping and Navigation: Integration with Google Maps API should
provide visual representation of crime locations, optimized routing for
responders, and real-time tracking to reach crime scenes efficiently.
e) Communication: Personnel should have communication tools, such as
messaging or chat features, to collaborate with other responders, share
updates, and coordinate response efforts effectively.

c. Personnel Heads and Admin

a) User Management: Personnel heads and administrators should have
privileges to manage user accounts, roles, permissions, and access control
settings within the system.
b) Resource Allocation: Personnel heads should be able to assign
responsibilities, tasks, and areas of coverage to personnel based on their
expertise, availability, and proximity to reported incidents.
c) Analytics and Reporting: Admins should have access to analytical tools for
generating reports on crime trends, hotspots, response times, and overall
system performance, aiding in decision-making and resource allocation.
d) System Configuration: Admins should be able to configure system
settings, customize workflows, set up automated alerts and notifications,
and manage integrations with external systems or databases.
e) Training and Support: Provide training materials, documentation, and
support resources for personnel heads and admins to effectively utilize and
manage the system, ensuring optimal system performance and user

3.2 System Design Methods

The design of an automatic hostel allocation and information system
involves the use of UML diagrams like use case, sequence, class, and activity
diagrams. These diagrams represent the functions available in the system and
how they are used by the system users. OBSERVE THIS AND WRITE YOURS

3.2.1 Use-Case Diagram

The use case diagram for this system describes the various actors or users of
the system and the actions they can perform. Figure 3.1 shows the different roles of
the users and the conditions that must be met for each actor to perform specific
activities successfully.
Table 3.1 of the use case diagram presents the “User Registration” process
which involves the user filling out a registration form, providing their personal
information and creating a login ID and password. The user's information is then

stored in the system's database and they are granted access to the Hostel allocation
and information system.
Table 3.2 describes the "Book Hostel" use case, which can be performed by
registered user, in this case, student. The user logs in to the system, selects the "Book
Hostel" option, fills in the required information, and submits the form. The system
runs it algorithm and assigns a room randomly to the user.


Figure 3.1: Use case diagram of the system

Table 3.1: Register User use case
Use case Name User Registration
Actors Admin
Flow of Events  The system administrator logs in to the Automatic
Hostel Allocation and Information System.
 The administrator selects the "User Registration"
 The system prompts the administrator to enter the
user details (e.g., name, email, phone number, etc.).
 The administrator submits the user details to the
 The system saves the user details.
Entry Condition The system administrator must have the necessary credentials
to log in to the Automatic Hostel Allocation and Information
Exit Condition The user is registered on the database.
Quality The Automatic Hostel Allocation and Information System must
Requirements ensure the security of user information.

Table 3.2: Book Hostel use case
Use case Name Book Hostel
Actors Student
Flow of Events  The student logs in to the Automatic Hostel Allocation
and Information System.
 The student selects the "Book Hostel" option.
 The student select level from the level drop down
 The student clicks the submit button
 The Hostel Allocation and Information System allots a
room to the student and notifies the student with an
alert “Room Alloted”.
Entry Condition The student must be logged in to the Hostel Allocation and
Information System.
Exit Condition The Automatic Hostel Allocation and Information System
displays a notification to user to confirm that the room and
hostel has been allotted.
Quality a. The Automatic Hostel Allocation and Information System
Requirements must ensure students that already have rooms can’t book
rooms twice.
c. The Automatic Hostel Allocation and Information System
should be reliable and consistent in allotting and randomizing
rooms to users.

Table 3.3 displays the use case for creating porters. The actor of this use case
is the administrator user. The administrator navigates to the "Create Porter" page, fills
the form with the necessary or required information and submit to upload the
information to the database.
Table 3.4 shows the use case for adding hostel. The actor of this use case is the
Administrator. The authenticated Admin clicks on “Hostels” in the dashboard, then
choose from the dropdown options of either “Manage Hostels” or “Add Hostel”
options. The admin clicks the “Add Hostel” option to register a hostel which involves
the admin filling out a form, providing details about the hostel to be added in the
required fields of the form. The hostel data is then stored in the system's database and
it is added to the list of registered hostel.
Table 3.5 shows the use case of making complaints. The actor of this use case
is the student. The authenticated student clicks on “Complaints” where the students
fills the fields of the complaints form with the required information. The student
clicks submit, then the form is uploaded to the database and the system notifies the
student that the complaints has been submitted.

Table 3.3: Create porter use case
Use case Name Create porter
Actors Admin
Flow of Events  The system administrator logs in to the automated
hostel allocation system.
 The administrator selects the "Create Porter" option
from the dashboard.
 The system displays a registration form with fields
required to create porter.
 The administrator adds the necessary information and
click the submit button.
 The system displays a prompt that the porter has
been registered.
Entry Condition The system administrator must have the necessary
credentials to log in to the hostel allocation system.
Exit Condition The system notifies the admin that the porter have been
Quality The system should be able to handle a large number of
Requirements porter creation task simultaneously without any delay or

Table 3.4: Create Hostel use case
Use case Name Create hostel
Actors Admin
Flow of Events  The system administrator logs in to the automated
hostel allocation system.
 The administrator selects the "Hostel" option from
the dashboard which splits into two “Create Hostel”
and “Manage Hostel” on the dashboard
 The administrator selects the “Create Hostel” option.
 The system displays a registration form with fields
required to create hostel.
 The administrator adds the necessary information and
click the submit button.
 The system displays a prompt that the Hostel has
been created.
Entry Condition The system administrator must have the necessary
credentials to log in to the hostel allocation system.
Exit Condition The system displays a notification to the admin that the
hostel have been created.
Quality The system should be able to handle a large number of
Requirements Hostel creation task simultaneously without any delay or

Table 3.5: Complaints use case
Use case Name Complaints
Actors Student
Flow of Events  The Student logs in to the automated hostel
allocation system.
 The Student selects the "Complaints" option from the
 The system displays a complaint form with fields
required for a complaint.
 The student fills the form with the necessary
information and click the submit button.
 The system displays a prompt that the complaint has
been submitted.
Entry Condition The Student must have the necessary credentials to log in to
the hostel allocation system.
Exit Condition The system displays a notification alert to the student that
the complaints has been submitted.
Quality The system should be able to handle a large number of
Requirements complaints submission processes simultaneously without any
delay or downtime.

3.2.2 Sequence Diagram

For the Automatic Hostel Allocation and Information System, sequence
diagrams were utilized to illustrate the chronological order of actions and interactions
between the system components and users involved in various processes. These
diagrams provide a visual representation of the flow of events within the system.
Some of the processes designed with this diagram include logging in, Booking Hostel,
creating Hostel and making Complaints
a. Login sequence
Figure 3.2 below, describes the login activity. The user requests the login form
from the frontend application. The user then has to put in their details e.g., Email and
Password. Next, the credentials from the login form are stored as variables and the
database is queried using SQL statements on the availability of the credentials on the

Figure 3.2: Login sequence

b. Book Hostel sequence

Figure 3.3 below, describes the Book Hostel sequence. In the sequence, the
authenticated user – student, clicks on the “Book Hostel” option on the dashboard.
The Front-End application then prompts the user for details on current level, which is
then stored in a variable which is processed on the Back-end and considered with
other variable such as gender to allocated a random room suitable for the student. The
database then stores the room and hostel number allocated to the student and in the
case of duplicate booking command, the Back-end checks if the student has been
allotted a hostel before proceeding with the correct action which is either to allocate a
hostel or reject the request of allocation and alert the user that hostel can not be
allotted twice.

Figure 3.3: Book Hostel sequence

c. Create Hostel sequence

Figure 3.4 below, depicts the process for creating hostels within the platform. The
authenticated administrator user selects the “Hostel” Option on the Admin Dashboard.
On click, the “Hostel” option drop down two options of “Create Hostel” and “Manage
Hostel”. The Administrator selects “Create Hostel” and the system displays a
registration form for hostel creation with fields like Hostel Name, capacity and other
related fields. The Administrator fills the form, then clicks the “submit” button and
the system notifies the administrator that the Hostel has been created.

Figure 3.4: Create Hostel sequence

d. Complaints sequence
Figure 3.5 below, depicts the process of making a complaint. An authenticated
user – student, clicks on the “Complaints” option on the user dashboard, which would
direct them to a page for filling the complaints form. The user – student, fills the
complaint form required fields and clicks the submit button which uploads the
complaints into the complaint database where the Admin can see it and resolve it.

Figure 3.5: Complaints sequence

3.2.3 Activity diagram

Figure 3.6 shows the activity diagram for the system. In this system, users can
log in to their accounts with specific roles. If a user logs in successfully, they can
access their account with their assigned role. If the login is unsuccessful, the user will
be prompted to try again. On successful login the user – student, can book hostel,
apply for hostel, lodge complaints, view room details, print room details and view
activity logs. The user – porter, can register student, manage student details, receive
complaints and view logs. If the user is an admin, they can perform all the activities of
the user – porter, and several other activities such as creating hostel, managing
hostels, creating porter and managing porters.

Figure 3.6: Activity Diagram of System Architecture

3.2.4 Class diagram

The class diagram in Figure 3.7 below depicts the relationships between the
system entities, and the attributes of these entities represent the columns of the tables
modeled in the database. The user context is composed of properties that define the
users of the system, such as account holders and administrators, and includes various
methods used for performing different operations and objects associated with this

Figure 3.7: System class diagram

3.2.5 System architecture

Figure 3.8 is a diagram that shows the overall system architecture as well as
how the various building components interact with one another. The user is served
webpages that are hosted on localhost or intranet server. The user can then take
actions on the web app by making function calls. The functions which are written in
PHP in the backend and SQL for the database manipulations.

3.3 System Implementation

The next section of this project focuses on how the software is setup and built.
This section further explains the logic behind implementation choices and decisions
made, as well as brief descriptions of some layers of implementation.

Figure 3.8 Architecture of the System
Figure 3.8 shows the relationship between different components of the software and
how they would be connected.

3.3.1 Database Implementation

3.3.2 Front-end Implementation

3.3.3 Back-end Implementation


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