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HighNote2 3 Placement Test B

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Placement test | Group B

Name: ________________________________________ Class: ___________

Choose the correct option A, B, C or D. 18 These socks are big __ for me.
1 Mark and Tessa often __ about money. A than B too C enough D as
A argue B argues C is arguing 19 I usually wear __ in bed.
D are arguing A a belt B tights C a tie D pyjamas
2 We’re looking for __ to live. 20 Is there __ milk in the fridge?
A something B someone C somebody A some B any C many D a few
D somewhere
21 It isn’t necessary to dust the furniture.
3 The wedding __ went on until 3 a.m.
You __ do it.
A exchange B reception C invitation
A may not B can’t C mustn’t
D invite
D don’t have to
4 Jane gets __ well with her sister.
22 Please put the dirty dishes in the __.
A on B in C off D over
A freezer B washing machine
5 We __ Vienna at the moment. C dishwasher D microwave
A visit B visits C is visiting 23 I need to __ my shoes.
D are visiting
A dust B make C polish D walk
6 __ you cold in the stadium yesterday?
24 I went to the doctor to get a(n) __ for some
A Did B Are C Have you been medicine.
D Were
A prescription B temperature C indigestion
7 The __ gave the football player a red card. D ambulance
A captain B manager C fan D referee 25 When I was a girl, I wasn’t allowed to ride a bike.
8 Did you meet the football team? I __ do it.
Yes, we __. A mustn’t B can’t C shouldn’t
A did B didn’t C was D weren’t D couldn’t

9 Please could you __ the worksheets? 26 I’m going to the gym because I want to __ my
A hand B hand on C hand out
A build up B dye C take up D put on
D hand about
27 We __ anything special next weekend.
10 We didn’t __ to study Spanish at school.
A don’t do B won’t do C aren’t going to do
A use B used C usually D using
D didn’t do
11 What __ yesterday at 5 p.m.?
28 We need to find __ the truth.
A are you doing B do you do C did you do
D were you doing A on B in C out D about

12 You need your boarding __ to get on the plane. 29 He believes in himself. He’s very __.

A gate B lounge C airline D pass A self-confident B insecure C calm

D affectionate
13 Barcelona is a city __ has a lot of museums.
30 I’m sure Harry __ well in his exams.
A which B who C where D whose
A does B isn’t doing C will do
14 I want to __ a trip to visit my grandmother.
D are going to do
A make B climb C lie D pack
31 We need to take __ more staff next year.
15 I’ll meet you at the tube __ at 4 p.m.
A in B on C over D off
A luggage B station C centre D rank
32 The show ____.
16 A burger is __ than a sandwich.
A already start B is already starting
A tasty B tastier C the most tasty C already started D has already started
D not as tasty
33 I work on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
17 I don’t like olives. They’re __. It’s a __ job.
A delicious B disgusting C mild D sweet A full-time B part-time C weekend
D boss

Photocopiable © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019
High Note 2 / High Note 3
Placement test | Group B
Name: ________________________________________ Class: ___________

34 I work in a factory. I work in __. 50 The man had the perfect __. He was out of the
A agriculture B fishing C mining country when the crime took place.
D manufacturing A suspect B alibi C burglar D witness
35 I’ve lived here __ six months. 51 Ballroom dancing __ more popular every year.
A for B since C ago D until A becomes B is becoming C was becoming
36 I like to do __ in the laboratory in my science D had become
lessons. 52 Paul was the only person wearing a suit at the
A facts B hypothesis C results party. Everyone else was in jeans! He was
D experiments completely __.

37 I can’t stand __ facts. A underdressed B overdressed

C well-dressed D dressed up
A learn B to learn C learning D learned
53 Tom doesn’t have a lot of hair left. He is __.
38 I __ my profile every week.
A balding B clean shaven C unshaven
A cut B paste C swipe D update
D wavy
39 If you tap this icon, you __ the image.
54 Sarah is __.
A would see B will see C saw
A dentist B a dentist C any dentist
D have seen
D the dentist
40 What does USB stand __?
55 David has got a __ chin.
A on B in C for D out
A twin B double C two D full
41 I love this painting. It’s very __ and colourful.
56 How many emails __ this morning?
A irritating B unsophisticated C bright
D depressing A do you write B are you writing
C have you been writing D have you written
42 By the time we arrived, the exhibition __.
57 Jupiter is the largest planet in our __.
A already starts B has already started
C already started D had already started A constellation B galaxy C solar system
D universe
43 This film __ the 1950s in Italy.
58 Sam has been learning Spanish __ six years.
A is based on B is set in C is a remake of
D plays a good part in A since B from C for D in

44 ‘I’ve got the part!’ said Peter. 59 __ is the force that makes things fall to the
Peter said that __ the part.
A Gravity B Pressure C Organism
A I got B I have got C he has got
D Radiation
D he had got
60 This idea has __ my mind.
45 The __ clapped at the end of the performance.
A done B made C thought D blown
A audience B club C classical music
D concert hall 61 What __ last Sunday at 3 p.m.?

46 A man __ by the police yesterday. A did you watch B were you watching
C did you use to watch D have you watched
A arrests B arrested C is arrested
D was arrested 62 Have you ever __ your shoulder?

47 The criminal __ the law several times. A dislocated B misplaced C lost D backed

A arrested B made C broke 63 By the time she was 20, Nina __ the world
D reported record.

48 A clue __ today. A broke B has broken C was breaking

D had broken
A is being found B has been found
64 My friend was knocked __ by a car, but he’s not
C had been found D will be found
badly hurt.
49 If I saw a crime, I __ the police.
A around B into C down D on
A call B will call C would call
65 When I was a little boy, I __ walk to school every
D would have called

Photocopiable © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019
High Note 2 / High Note 3
Placement test | Group B
Name: ________________________________________ Class: ___________

A should B use to C would D might A trailer B title sequence C dialogue

66 You __ report that crime to the police so they D subtitles
can catch the person who did it. 83 ‘Where do you live?’ Sarah asked.
A ought to B mustn’t C don’t have to Sarah asked me __.
D will A if I lived B where do you live
67 Please __ away your tray table now. C where I lived D where do I live
A fasten B book C choose D fold 84 A(n) __ is a short performance that an actor
68 Our hotel is __ the beaten track. gives to try to get a part.

A on B of C off D around A cast B audition C rehearsal

D costume
69 Athens, __ is the capital of Greece, is a great
place for a holiday. 85 I __ my first break when I was 16.

A who B which C where D when A did B made C got D gave

70 __ energy, such as wind power, is good for the 86 The new product __ in Egypt.
environment. A will make B will be making C will be made
A Toxic B Renewable C Congestion D will have made
D Diesel 87 I can’t go out to eat tonight because I’m a bit __
71 Larry always wants to win. He’s very __. of money right now.

A competitive B dedicated C mature A long B short C run out D rolling

D sharp 88 What __ do people use in Brazil?
72 I’ve checked the timetable. My train __ at 9.35. A account B cashpoint C currency
A leaves B is leaving C will leave D credit
D is going to leave 89 I had my hair __ yesterday.
73 We’ve come up __ an idea for a new project. A do B doing
A to B for C with D in C to do D done
74 What __ this time next week? 90 Two coffees for the price of one. What a __!
A do you do B are you doing C will you do A bargain B rip off C waste D price
D will you be doing 91 A(n)__is the land at the edge of the sea or lake.
75 We __ the campus by 3 p.m. tomorrow. A current B tsunami C shore
A are about to explore B explore D earthquake
C will have explored D will be exploring 92 If I had seen the weather forecast, I __ sailing.
76 Damion always lies __ his teeth. A don’t go B won’t go C wouldn’t go
A on B into C through D down D wouldn’t have gone
77 If he __ more money, he’d go on holiday. 93 Please __ of your rubbish carefully.
A have B had C would have A disturb B minimise C sort
D had had D dispose
78 If you __, you say something very quietly. 94 A(n)__happens when a lot of snow falls down a
A whisper B glance C wink D stare mountain.

79 I’ll go to the party __ you come with me. A avalanche B drought C tornado D flood

A unless B as long as C until D after 95 If only I __ my sister the truth when I had the
80 That guy __ fun of my clothes.
A tell B have told C told D had told
A did B had C made D got
96 I’m sure she isn’t the thief. She __ be the thief.
81 ‘You can stay with me,’ said Emma.
A mustn’t B may not C might not D can’t
Emma said that __ with her.
A you can stay B you could stay C I can stay
D I could stay 97 A(n)__is the decision that is made by a court
during a trial.
82 Have you seen the __ for that new film? I think
it’ll be really good! A evidence B trial C verdict D defence

Photocopiable © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019
High Note 2 / High Note 3
Placement test | Group B
Name: ________________________________________ Class: ___________

98 I’m sure that he stole my necklace. He __ have

stolen it.
A might B could C must D may
99 The accused was held in__ until the trial.
A security B custody C bail D arrest
100 The thief was arrested yesterday after his
brother had turned him __.
A out B on C in D off
TOTAL ___ / 100

Photocopiable © Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019

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