738 Submission
738 Submission
738 Submission
training to get the most out of its operation, adaptation y ( nT )= ∑ x k h ( nT −kT )=x k h ( 0 )+ ∑ x k h ( nT −kT )
techniques can help minimize the effects of training on k=−∞ k ≠∞
the channel response. (2)
The network signals' lowest square-cost value is
Nc Nf
determined by the recursive RLS filter.
∑ ∑ (Y i , j− X i , j)2 (12)
i=1 j=1
n EVM Frame =
C (w n)=∑ e (k )λ 2 n−k
(8) Nc N f
The frame number is Nf, the number of carriers Nc, the
The forgetting factor's exponential reduction helps number of receiving symbols Yi,j , and the actual symbol
minimize the influence of errors from earlier samples on
the given weights. This is different from the algorithm
used by LMS, which is focused on minimizing mean
square errors.
W n +1=W n−μΔC (w n)
Figure 5. Equalisation output for a) LMS Linear EQ (b) LMS DFE EQ (c) RLS Linear EQ (d) RLS
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