21st-Century Q2 Mod2 Wk2 V5
21st-Century Q2 Mod2 Wk2 V5
21st-Century Q2 Mod2 Wk2 V5
21 Century Literature
from the Philippines
and the World
Quarter 2 - Module 2, Week 2
Asian Literature – Singaporean
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21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World - SHS
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 2, Week 2: Asian Literature – Singaporean
First Edition, 2020
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Management Team
Chairperson: Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent
The lessons contained in this module is Asian Literature specifically the literature
of Singapore.
In this module, you are going to write a close analysis and critical interpretation
of literary texts, applying a reading approach, and doing an adaptation of these which
require you the ability to:
c. compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and their
elements, structures, and traditions from across the globe;
How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the cited objectives, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.
Asian Literature: Singaporean
Grade 11/12, First Semester, Q2 – Week 2
What I Know
Congratulations! You have finished exploring Chinese literature. You were able
to compare and contrast two poems written by high caliber poets. Now, it’s time for
you to move to another destination - a country which is just a neighbor to us in
Southeast Asia. But before we move on, let’s check what you now know about
Singapore’s literature.
Prompts: Read each statement carefully. Choose the correct answer by writing the
2. The poetry of this Singaporean younger generation is often politically aware,
______________ and cosmopolitan.
A. global B. transnational C. national D. hierarchical
9. The passenger of the taximan wants him to take her to the ________________.
A. National hotel of Singapore
B. National University of Singapore
C. National Museum of Singapore
D. National airport of Singapore
What’s In
Before we move on, let’s check what you’ve learned about Chinese literature.
Prompts: Fill in the blanks with word/s that will complete each statement about
Chinese literature. Write your answer in your LITERATURE ACTIVITY
What’s New
Create a semantic web about everything you know about Singapore and its
literature. An example of a semantic map is given below. You may create your own.
Write your answer in your LITERATURE ACTIVITY NOTEBOOK.
What Is It
Below is the text “The Taximan’s Story.” Read the text and identify the points
in which Singaporean literature is similar with Philippine literature and the points in
which they differ.
Have you been taxi man for a long time? What did you say, Madam? I said
have you been taxi man for a long time? Ha, ha, Yes, yes. I’ve been taxi man for 20
years now, Madam. A long time ago, Singapore not like this – so crowded, so busy.
Last time, more peaceful, not so much taxi men or so much cars and buses.
Oh, you must been working so hard! Yes, Madam, I can make a living. So so.
What to do? I must work hard if wants to success in Singapore. People like us, no
education, no capital for business, we must sweat to earn money for wife and children.
Do you have a big family? Yes, Madam, quite big family–eight children, six
sons, two daughters. Big family! Ha!ha! No good, Madam. In those days, where got
Family Planning in Singapore? People born many, many children, every year, one
childs is no good at all. Two children, three children, enough, stop. Our government
say stop.
Lucky for me, all my children big now. Four of my sons working–one a
businessman, two clerks, one a teacher in Primary school, one in National Service,
one still schooling. My eldest daughter, she is twenty plus, stay at home, help the
Is your daughter already married? No, not married yet–very shy, and her health
not so good, but a good, obedient girl. My other girl– Oh, Madam! Very hard for father
when daughter is no good and go against her parents. Very sad, like punishment from
Today, young people not like us when we are young. We obey. Our parents say
don’t do this, we never do. Otherwise, the cane. My father cane me, I was big enough
to be married, and still got caning. My father he was very strict, and that is good thing
for parents to be strict. If not, young boys and girls become very useless. Do not want
to study, but run away, and go to night clubs and take drugs and make love. You agree
with me, Madam?
Yes! I absolutely agree with you. Today, young people they are very trouble to
their parents. Madam, you see this young girl over there, outside the coffee house?
See what I mean, Madam? Yes. they are only schoolboys and schoolgirls, but they
act as big shots, spending money, smoking, wearing latest fashion, and making love.
Yes, that’s true. Even though you’re just a taxi man you are aware about the behavior
of the teenagers today. Ah, madam, I know! As taxi man, I know them and their habits.
Madam, you are a teacher, you say? Yes. You know or not that young
schoolgirls, fifteen, sixteen year old, they go to school in the morning in their uniforms
and then afterschool, they don’t go home, they have clothes in their schoolbag, and
they go to public lavatory or hotel and change into these clothes, and they put make-
up on their face. Their parents never know. They tell their Mom go school meeting,
got sports and games, this, that, but they really come out and play the fool.
Ah, Madam, I see you surprise but I know, I know all their tricks a lot. as I take
them in my taxi. they usual is wait in bowling alley or coffee house or hotel, and they
walk up, and friend, the European and American tourists, and this is how they make
fun and also extra money.
Madam, you believe or not when I tell you how much money they got? I say!
Last night, Madam, this young girl, very pretty and make-up and wear sexy dress. She
told me take her to orchid mansions – this place famous, Madam, fourth floor flat –
and she open her purse to pay me, and I say! All American notes – ten dollar notes
all, and she pull one out and say keep change! As she has no time already.
Madam, I tell you this, every month, I got more money from these young girls
and their American and European boyfriends in my taxi, more than I get from other
people who bargain and say don’t want go by meter and wait even for ten cents
change. Phui!! Some of them really make me mad. But these young girls and their
boyfriends don’t bargain, they just pay, pay, and they make love in taxi so much they
don’t know if you go round and round and charge them by meter!
I tell you, Madam, some of them don’t care how much they spend on taxi. It is
like this: after 1 a.m. taxi fare double, and I prefer working this time, because naturally,
much more money. I go and wait outside Elroy Hotel or Tung Court or Orchid
Mansions, and such enough, Madam, will have plenty business. Last Saturday,
Madam, no joking, on one day alone I make nearly one hundred and fifty dollars! Some
of it for services. Some of tourists don’t know where, so I tell them and take them there,
and that’s extra money.
You surely know a lot of things. Ah Madam, if I tell you all, no end to the story.
But I will tell you this, Madam. If you have young daughter and she say Mummy I got
meeting today in school and will not come home, you must not say, Yes, yes, but you
must go and ask her where and why and who, and you find out. Today young people
not to trust, like young people in many years ago.
Why are you telling this? Oh, Madam, I tell you because I myself have a
daughter – oh, Madam, a daughter I love very much, and she is so good and study
hard. And I see her report cards and her teacher write ‘Good work’ and ‘Excellent’ so
on, so on. Oh, Madam, she my favourite child, and I ask her what she want to be after
left school, and she says go to University.
None of my other children could go to University, but this one, she is very smart
and intelligent – no boasting, Madam – her teachers write ‘Good’ and ‘Excellent, and
so on, so on, in her report cards. She study at home, and help the mother, but
sometimes a little lazy, and she say teacher want her to go back to school to do extra
work, extra coaching, in her weak subject, which is math, Madam.
So I let her stay back in school and day after day she come home in evening,
then she do her studies and go to sleep. Then one day, oh Madam, it makes me so
angry even now – one day, I in my taxi driving, driving along and hey! I see a girl
looking like my Lay Choo, with other girls and some Europeans outside a coffee-house
but I think, it cannot be Lay Choo, how can, Lay Choo is in school, and this girl is all
dressed up and mak-up, and very bold in her behavior, and this is not like my daughter
at all.
Then they go inside the coffee-house, and my heart is very, very – how you
describe it, Madam, my heart is very susah hati’ and I say to myself, I will watch that
Lay Choo and see her monkey tricks. The very next day she is there again I stop my
taxi, Madam, and I am so angry. I rush up to this wicked daughter and I catch her by
the shoulders and neck, and slap her and she scream, but I don’t care. Then I drag
her to my taxi and drive all the way home, and at home I thrash the stupid food and I
beat her and slap her till like hell. My wife and some neighbors they pull me away, and
I think they not pull me away, I sure to kill that girl.
I lock her up in her room for three days, and I ashamed to tell her teacher, so I
just tell the teacher that Lay Choo is sick, so please to excuse her. Oh, Madam, how
you feel in my place? Make herself so cheap, when her father drive taxi all day to save
money for her University.
Is everything between you and your daughter okay now? What is it, Madam? I
said is everything between you and your daughter okay now? Yes, yes, everything
okay now, thank you. she cannot leave the house except to go to school, and I tell her
mother always check, check in everything she do, and her friends – what sort of people
they are…
Can you wait for me until my meeting is done? What, Madam? Oh, so sorry,
Madam, cannot wait for you to finish your meeting. Must go off, please to excuse me.
In a hurry, Madam. Must go off to Hotel Elroy –there plenty people to pick up. So very
sorry, Madam, and thank you very much. Oh, that’s ok. Here’s the payment. Thank
you for sharing your story to me.
My youngest daughter have a similar behavior. Similar like the other schoolgirls
that act like gangster since you’re a teacher, did you know something strange about
the girls? After school time, they don’t really go home but they go to hotels and other
places for sure.
If you have a daughter, don’t accept her trust. But you only do that when she
wants to go out just like my naughty daughter who really got caught. For that, I scolded
her so loud that I don’t even care so I just shout. ----end----
Source: https://www.piqsels.com/sv/search?q=singapore%2C+stad&page=12
What’s More
Prompts: Answer the questions below. Write your answers in your LITERATURE
1. Who are the characters presented in “The Taximan’s Story”? Describe each of
Prompts: Answer the following questions about the story you’ve read. Write your
2. Do you think the characteristics and personality of the taxi driver is true to all taxi
drivers? Explain your answer.
5. What do you think of the taximan? Do you feel sympathy for him?
What I Can Do
Post Assessment
Directions: Let’s recall our lesson about Singapore literature. Read carefully each
statement. Choose the correct answer by writing the letter in your
1. Poetry writing in English did not start in earnest until after _____________.
A. war B. independence C. World War 1 D. holocaust
7. The passenger of the taximan wants him to take her to the ________________.
A. National hotel of Singapore C. National museum of Singapore
B. National University of Singapore D. National airport of Singapore
8. What is the theme of The Taximan’s Story?
A. lack of moral values among teenagers these days
B. the problem of the taximan about his daughter
C. the financial struggle of the taximan
D. the dishonesty of some students towards their parents
10. In the Singaporean literature, The Taximan’s Story, what is the irony?
A. The taximan picks up young girls and their foreign boyfriends in his taxi to make
more money, but his son also hangs out with his foreign friends to make money.
B. The taximan states that he must sweat a lot, so he could support his family while
he just lets his daughter stay in the house.
C. The taximan talks to his passenger about his life as a taxi man, where he had
been driving the taxi for 20 years, but he said that his life has no improvement.
D. The taximan picks up young girls and their foreign boyfriends in his taxi to make
more money, but his daughter also hangs out with foreign men for money.
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"Sparknotes: The Hunger Games: Full Book Quiz". 2020. Sparknotes.Com.
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