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Earth Science - NEW Week 7

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Teaching Dates and Oct. 11&13, 2023 Quarter FIRST QUARTER
Time WEEK 7


A. Content 1. the three main categories of rocks
Standards 2. the origin and environment of formation of common minerals and rocks
3. the various sources of energy (fossil fuels, geothermal, hydroelectric)
4. the amount of usable water resources on Earth
5. the distribution of arable land on Earth
6. waste generation and management
B. 1. make a plan that the community may use to conserve and protect its resources for future generations
Performance 2. prepare a plan that the community may implement to minimize waste when people utilize materials and resources
C. Most Explain how heat from inside the Earth Explain how heat from inside the Earth Identify the various water resources Identify the various water
Essential (geothermal) and from flowing water (geothermal) and from flowing water on Earth resources on Earth
Learning (hydroelectric) is tapped as a source of (hydroelectric) is tapped as a source of energy
Competencies/ energy for human use for human use
MECLCS Code S11ES-Ie-11 S11ES-Ie-11 S11ES-If-g-15 S11ES-If-g-15
for each
II. CONTENT Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem
1. Teacher’s Pp 37-45 Pp 37-45 Pp 48-52 Pp 48-52
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Pp 37-45 Pp 37-45 Pp 48-52 Pp 48-52
Material Pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional Audio-Visual Presentation , boards, chalk, Audio-Visual Presentation , boards, chalk, Audio-Visual Presentation , boards, Audio-Visual Presentation ,
Materials from blackboard erasers blackboard erasers chalk, blackboard erasers boards, chalk, blackboard erasers
Learning Note: Powerpoint presentation is Note: Powerpoint presentation is uploaded in Note: Powerpoint presentation is Note: Powerpoint presentation is
Resources (LR) uploaded in the fb group the fb group uploaded in the fb group uploaded in the fb group
B. Other
A. Reviewing The learners will give different usage of The learners will give different usage of fossil The learners will cite different ways The learners will cite different
previous fossil fuel. fuel. of conserving energy. ways of conserving energy.
lesson or
presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing The teacher will show a set of jumbled The teacher will show a set of jumbled letters, Using the famous game “4 pics 1 Using the famous game “4 pics 1
a purpose for letters, then, the learners will arrange it to then, the learners will arrange it to get the word”, the learners will guest the word”, the learners will guest the
the lesson get the hidden word/s. hidden word/s. hidden word/s behind the set of hidden word/s behind the set of
pictures presented. pictures presented.
C. Presenting Read the quotation below. Answer the Read the quotation below. Answer the Picture Analysis. Picture Analysis.
examples/ questions that will follow. questions that will follow. Analyze the picture and answer the Analyze the picture and answer
instances of following guide questions. the following guide questions.
the new lesson

Questions: Questions: Questions: Questions:

1. What is “positive energy” for you? 1. What is “positive energy” for you? 1. What is in the picture? 1. What is in the picture?
2. What happens if you run out of energy? 2. What happens if you run out of energy? 2. Is the water polluted? 2. Is the water polluted?
3. If you had unlimited energy, what are 3. If you had unlimited energy, what are the 3. What are the ways that you need 3. What are the ways that you
the things you would like to things you would like to do? to do in preventing the water for to need to do in preventing the
do? much pollution. water for to much pollution.

D. Discussing Discussion Discussion Discussion Discussion

new concepts Renewable energy is often referred to as Renewable energy is often referred to as clean The total amount of water in the The total amount of water in the
and practicing clean energy. It is energy resulting energy. It is energy resulting planet, also known as Earth’s water planet, also known as Earth’s
new skill #1 from natural resources that replenish from natural resources that replenish budget, generally remains constant water budget, generally remains
themselves over a period of time without themselves over a period of time without through time. Water moves and constant through time. Water
exhausting the Earth's resources. These exhausting the Earth's resources. These assets changes in form, but is neither moves and changes in form, but
assets also have the benefit of being also have the benefit of being created not destroyed. Only a very is neither created not destroyed.
plentiful and available in some capacity plentiful and available in some capacity nearly small percentage is added to the Only a very small percentage is
nearly everywhere, and they cause little, if everywhere, and they cause little, if hydrologic system by volcanic added to the hydrologic system
any, environmental destruction. any, environmental destruction. eruptions and meteors from space. by volcanic eruptions and
Most of the water on Earth today meteors from space. Most of the
have been cycling through the water on Earth today have been
hydrologic system for billions of cycling through the hydrologic
years. system for billions of years.

E. Discussing Discussion. Discussion. Discussion Discussion

new concepts Geothermal energy literally means heat Geothermal energy literally means heat from THREE MAJOR ZONES in the Ocean THREE MAJOR ZONES in the
and practicing from the earth. Geo is Latin for earth, the earth. Geo is Latin for earth, 1. Surface Layer is the realm of the Ocean
new skill #2 therme is heat. Earth contains and therme is heat. Earth contains and produces ocean is that is infiltrated -- to ever- 1. Surface Layer is the realm of
produces heat which is apparent on or heat which is apparent on or near its surface in lessening degrees with depth -- by the ocean is that
near its surface in many areas. Since long many areas. Since long before, human sunlight. It consists of relatively is infiltrated -- to ever-lessening
before, human populations have utilized populations have utilized this earth heat warm, lowdensity water, extends degrees with depth -- by sunlight.
this earth heat directly in a number of directly in a number of ways. In the last from the ocean surface to a depth of It consists of relatively warm,
ways. In the last century, near-surface century, near-surface geothermal sources 100-200meters. lowdensity water, extends from
geothermal sources emerged and have emerged and have gained recognition as a 2. Thermocline Layer, temperature the ocean surface to a depth of
gained recognition as a valuable valuable renewable energy decreases rapidly from the mixed 100-200meters.
renewable energy resource for generation resource for generation of electricity. Research upper layer of the ocean to much 2. Thermocline Layer,
of electricity. Research and development and development and technology colder deep water in the thermocline. temperature decreases rapidly
and technology investigations, as well as economic and 3. Deep Zone where the temperature from the mixed upper layer of the
investigations, as well as economic and political trends, now propose the potential of is ocean to
political trends, now propose the potential geothermal being an even more significant uniformly low. 80% of the water in much colder deep water in the
of geothermal being an even more component of our rapidly developing the ocean is in the deep zone. thermocline.
significant component of our rapidly energy future.
developing 3. Deep Zone where the
energy future. temperature is uniformly low.
80% of the water in the ocean is
in the deep zone.

F. Developing Using the given picture, the learners will Using the given picture, the learners will Directions: Arrange the jumbled Directions: Arrange the jumbled
Mastery explain how does Geothermal Power Plant explain how does Geothermal Power Plant letters below to form the correct letters below to form the correct
works. works. word. Use word. Use
these words to complete the these words to complete the
sentence. Write your answers in a sentence. Write your answers in a
separate sheet separate sheet
of paper. of paper.
1. MASTRFEORP - __________ is made 1. MASTRFEORP - __________ is
of a combination of soil, rocks and made of a combination of soil,
sand that are held together by ice. rocks and
2. AOECN – __________ is a vast body sand that are held together by
of saline water. It covers 71% of ice.
Earth. 2. AOECN – __________ is a vast
3. AENRGUOWDR – __________ is body of saline water. It covers
freshwater found in the rock and soil 71% of Earth.
layers 3. AENRGUOWDR – __________ is
beneath the surface freshwater found in the rock and
4. SAEKL – __________ is a body of soil layers
fresh or saline water that is beneath the surface
surrounded 4. SAEKL – __________ is a body of
by land fresh or saline water that is
5. FURAESC ERTAW – is any body of surrounded
water above ground, including by land
streams, 5. FURAESC ERTAW – is any body
rivers, lakes, wetlands, reservoirs, of water above ground, including
and creeks. streams,
6. EVRRI – is a stream which a rivers, lakes, wetlands,
considerable volume and a well- reservoirs, and creeks.
define 6. EVRRI – is a stream which a
channel. considerable volume and a well-
7. ARHMS – __________ is a shallow define
wetland around lakes, streams, and channel.
oceans where grasses and reeds are 7. ARHMS – __________ is a
the dominant vegetation. shallow wetland around lakes,
8. UTYRAES – ___________ usually streams, and
found where rivers meet the sea. oceans where grasses and reeds
9. AAISCNP ASE – ___________ the are the dominant vegetation.
world’s largest lake 8. UTYRAES – ___________ usually
10. GAAASWINL SRAMH – __________ found where rivers meet the sea.
the largest wetland in the Philippines. 9. AAISCNP ASE – ___________ the
world’s largest lake
__________ the largest wetland in
the Philippines.
G. Finding The students will create an action plan The students will create an action plan with 10 Base on the discussion, cite the Base on the discussion, cite the
practical with 10 concrete ways in conserving concrete ways in conserving energy. different ways of conserving water. different ways of conserving
applications of energy. water.
concepts &
skills in daily
H. Making Cite different benefits of using renewable Cite different benefits of using renewable The learners will enumerate and The learners will enumerate and
generalizations resources of energy. resources of energy. explain each surface water reservoir. explain each surface water
& abstractions reservoir.
about the
I. Evaluating Direction. Read the questions carefully. Direction. Read the questions carefully. Direction. Read the questions Direction. Read the questions
Learning Choose the best answer Choose the best answer carefully. Choose the best answer carefully. Choose the best answer
then write your answers in a separate then write your answers in a separate sheet of then write then write
sheet of paper. paper. your answers in a separate sheet of your answers in a separate sheet
1. Where does geothermal energy come 1. Where does geothermal energy come from? paper. of paper.
from? A. Heat from the Earth 1. It is the most abundant substance 1. It is the most abundant
A. Heat from the Earth B. Ocean tides and waves on the Earth’s surface. substance on the Earth’s surface.
B. Ocean tides and waves C. Rivers A. Land A. Land
C. Rivers D. Wind B. Air B. Air
D. Wind 2. What does it mean when we say that C. Water C. Water
2. What does it mean when we say that geothermal energy is D. Heat D. Heat
geothermal energy is “sustainable”? 2. ___________ percent of the Earth's 2. ___________ percent of the
“sustainable”? A. That there is limited supply surface is covered by water and the Earth's surface is covered by
A. That there is limited supply B. That it can be used anywhere on Earth oceans water and the oceans
B. That it can be used anywhere on Earth C. That it generates greenhouse gases currently contain __________ percent currently contain __________
C. That it generates greenhouse gases D. That it will not be used up of the Earth's water percent of the Earth's water
D. That it will not be used up 3. Which of the following methods are A. Ninety-seven. . . seventy-five A. Ninety-seven. . . seventy-five
3. Which of the following methods are considered a way of harnessing B. Seventy-five. . . ninety-seven B. Seventy-five. . . ninety-seven
considered a way of harnessing geothermal energy? C. Seventy-five. . . eighty C. Seventy-five. . . eighty
geothermal energy? A. Dry steam power plants D. Seventy. . . eighty-five D. Seventy. . . eighty-five
A. Dry steam power plants B. Flash steam power plants 3. What is the region where water 3. What is the region where water
B. Flash steam power plants C. Geothermal heat pumps collects and drains within the collects and drains within the
C. Geothermal heat pumps D. All of the above landscape? landscape?
D. All of the above 4. What ancient civilization used hot springs to A. Watershed A. Watershed
4. What ancient civilization used hot heat their floors and B. Groundwater B. Groundwater
springs to heat their floors and public baths? C. Estuary C. Estuary
public baths? A. Aztec D. Wetland D. Wetland
A. Aztec B. Egyptians 4. The largest among the four oceans 4. The largest among the four
B. Egyptians C. Greeks A. Arctic oceans
C. Greeks D. Romans B. Indian A. Arctic
D. Romans 5. What is the main disadvantage to building C. Pacific B. Indian
5. What is the main disadvantage to geothermal energy plants? D. Southern C. Pacific
building geothermal energy plants? A. Cost 5. Which is the best aquifer? D. Southern
A. Cost B. Nuclear fallout A. Mudstone 5. Which is the best aquifer?
B. Nuclear fallout C. Pollution B. Sand layers A. Mudstone
C. Pollution D. They can only build in Antarctica C. Fractured basalt B. Sand layers
D. They can only build in Antarctica D. Crystalline granite C. Fractured basalt
D. Crystalline granite
J. Additional As a student, give 5 ways that you can As a student, give 5 ways that you can help Research about the mitigation plan of Research about the mitigation
activities for help conserving energy. conserving energy. the government in our bodies of plan of the government in our
application or water. bodies of water.
VI. To be filled-out by the teacher after the To be filled-out by the teacher after To be filled-out by the teacher
REFLECTION execution of the lesson. the execution of the lesson. after the execution of the lesson.
A. No. of
learners who
earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of
learners who
activities for
C. Did the
lesson work?
No. of learners
who caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of
learners who
continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did thiese
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with

Prepared by: Checked by:


Special Science Teacher I Secondary School Principal I

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