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Keyboard Semester 1 Lesson Notes

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Music School Keyboard Lesson Notes Semester 1

Week 1 – Introduction to the Keyboard

How to warm up.
• Rotate your wrist (clockwise and anti-clockwise)
• Move your fingers in and out
• Massage one hand with the other
• Spread your fingers
• Play scales slowly (scales have not been introduced yet.)

• Avoid bent wrists

Left hand (5 to 1)
Right hand (1 to 5)
Ex. Thumb is 1

Music Notes
Going up the keyboard vs. going down the keyboard
➢ Going up the keyboard is moving to the right. Going down the keyboard is going to
the left.
➢ When you go down the notes are lower in pitch. When you go up the notes are
higher in pitch.
White Keys
A B C D E F G (the names of the white keys)
C and F are easiest to identify.
C is the first white key in front of the 2 black keys. F is the first white key in front of
the 3 black keys.
>>> Quick Quiz/Game on identifying the other white keys using C and F as a reference
Black Keys

• Named with # and b (common accidental)

• Sharp (#) raises a note by a half step (explain in the interval lesson)
• Flat (b) lowers a note by a half step
• Going up the keyboard by one note is sharpening.
• Going down the keyboard by one is flattening.
• A black key is named after the white keys that surround it.
• C#/Db D#/Eb F#/Gb G#/Ab A#/Bb
Music School Keyboard Lesson Notes Semester 1

>>> Quick Quiz/Game on identifying black keys

Explain that the keys on the keyboard are repeated groups of notes/keys.

Week 2 – Introduction To Music Theory: Intervals Part 1

Definition: The space between two notes. Musical Distance.
Using C as a starting point demonstrate the following intervals
1. Minor second/half step (C to C#)
2. Major second/whole step (C to D)
3. Octave (C to C)
NB. A Minor Second is a half-step and a Major Second is a whole step
NB. They must be memorised
>>> >>> Quick Quiz/Game on identifying intervals using notes as a guide
>>>Homework (Learning intervals starting using G as a starting point)
Music School Keyboard Lesson Notes Semester 1

Week 3 – The Major Scale (in Key C,D,G,&A)

Another name for a Minor second/half step is a Semitone
Another name for a Major second/whole step is a Tone

Major Scales (performed as formulas)

Formula: T – T – St – T – T – T – St
T = Tone, St = Semitone
➢ Let students identify the notes of the major scale in key C,D,G, & A with one finger
using the formula
➢ Now, show the appropriate fingering, in Key C, D, G, & A.
o Teach the right hand only > let students practice it
o Teach the left hand only > let students practice it
o Demonstrate for both hands > let students practice it.
o Students should use the rest of the time to practice; it will take some time to
digest it.
Extra info:

• The most important note in a scale is the 3rd it decides between major and minor
• Major scale has a major 3rd, major 6th and major 7th

Week 4 – The Major Scale (in Key E&F)

Formula: T – T – St – T – T – T – St
T = Tone, St = Semitone
➢ Recap the scales learnt the previous week. Let students demonstrate.
➢ Let students identify the notes of the major scale in E & F with one finger using the
➢ Now, show the appropriate fingering, in Key E & F.
o Teach the right hand only > let students practice it
o Teach the left hand only > let students practice it
o Demonstrate for both hands > let students practice it.
o Students should use the rest of the time to practice; it will take some time to
digest it.
➢ Homework: Learn the Major Scale in C# and F#

Week 6 – Introduction to Music Theory: Intervals Part 2

Definition: The space between two notes. Musical Distance.
Music School Keyboard Lesson Notes Semester 1

Using C as a starting point demonstrate the following intervals:

1. Minor 3rd (C to Eb)
2. Major 3rd (C to E)
3. Perfect 4th (C to F)
4. Tritone/augmented 4th/diminished 5th (C to F#)
5. Perfect 5th (C to G)
6. Minor 6th/augmented 5th (C to Ab)
7. Major 6th (C to A)
8. Minor 7th/augmented 6th (C to Bb)
9. Major 7th (C to B)

Week 5 – Introduction to Time Signatures

Intro: Songs are divided into phrases. Phrases are divided into measures (bars), and measures
are divided into beats
Time Signatures describe the rhythm of a piece of music.
Note Lengths (demonstration needed):
Whole Note:
Half Note: 1, 2
Quarter Note: 1 2 3 4
Eighth Note : 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and
Sixteenth Note 1 e-and-a 2 e-and-a 3 e-and-a 4 e-and-a
Common Time Signature: 4/4 & 3/4
4/4 Four beats per bar. Song example: Take me deeper
3/4 Three beats per bar. Song example: The Old rugged cross
Major Scale (continued):
Review Homework (major scale in C# and F#)
Teach Major Scale in Eb, Ab, and Bb (same procedure used in Week 3 and 4)

Week 6 – Chord Theory, Triads (Part 1)

Triads are made using the intervals of thirds (stacking thirds)
Types of Triads
Music School Keyboard Lesson Notes Semester 1

• Major = Maj 3rd + Min 3rd

• Minor = Min 3rd + Maj 3rd
• Diminished = Min 3rd + Min 3rd
• Augmented = Maj 3rd + Maj 3rd
Demonstrate how each triad is formed. Use C and F# as an example.
Students should learn each triad for all notes: right hand only, left hand only and both hands
Practice Sequence: Minor > Augmented >Diminished > Augment for each note

Week 7 – Test (Written & Oral including scriptures)

After the test:
Analytical Listening (joint class)

• Top Instruments
o Vox
o Horns
▪ Trumpets
▪ Saxophone
▪ Trombone
• Mid Instruments
o Guitar
o Keys
• Rhythm
o Bass
o Percussion
o Drums
Repeat practice from previous week after.

Week 8 – Retreat

Week 9 – Chord Theory, Triads (Part 2)

Triads in the major Scale

Number System I II III IV V VI VII

Sol-fa Notation Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti
Triads Major Minor Minor Major Major Minor Diminished

Demonstrate playing the major scale with triads

Music School Keyboard Lesson Notes Semester 1

Allow students to practice through as many keys.

Homework: Continue practicing the triads in the major scale through all keys

Week 10 – Basic Progressions 251, 3625, 1345

Review Homework
➢ These basic chord progressions can be found in a lot of songs and being able to identify
them as you listen helps you learning songs quickly.

251: II V I
Demonstrate the progression in all keys if possible.
Let students practice the progression.

3625: III VI II V
Demonstrate the progression in all keys if possible.
Let students practice the progression.

1345: I III IV V
Demonstrate the progression in all keys if possible.
Let students practice the progression.
Homework: Students should practice in the progression in all keys. Students should bring a list
of five songs that have any of these progressions.

Week 11 – Inversions
Review Homework
An inversion is a chord with a note other than the root on the bottom.
Triads have three possible position: root position, first inversion, and second inversion
Using C major and C minor demonstrate all three positions (inversions)
Let students practice inversions for all chord types (Major, Minor, Dim, Aug) for all notes
using the practice sequence from Week 6.
Homework: Continue to practice inversions.

Week 12 – What to play with the Left Hand

Review Homework
Music School Keyboard Lesson Notes Semester 1

Demonstrate how the number of notes played in the left hand affect the tension of the chord.
Demonstrate the generic approach of using the left hand:
➢ Playing the root note only
➢ Playing the root note with its octave
➢ Playing the root and the fifth
➢ Playing the root, the fifth, and octave of the root
Allow students to practice

Week 13 – Worship Songs

Select two worship songs and teach their progressions.

• Hosanna (Hillsong)
• Lead me to the cross (Hillsong)
Use the songs to demonstrate the importance of the concepts learnt from week 9 to 11

Week 14 – Praise Songs

Select two Praise songs and teach their progressions.
Use the songs to demonstrate the importance of the concepts learnt from week 9 to 11

Week 15 – Other genres (Reggae)

Song: Stir it up
➢ Use the song to demonstrate the importance of the concepts learnt from week 9 to 11
➢ Teach the song progression
➢ Demonstrate different Reggae chops

Week 16 – Test (Writing & Oral including scriptures)

Transcription & How to Approach Practicing (Joint class for the end of the

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