Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Internship Duration: June 25, 2007 to August 13, 2007 Introduction: This report covers the activities and responsibilities that I performed during my internship at Haleeb Foods Limited. HFL is the National Company with a burning passion to take on the international market. In the clutter of multinational companies HFL has a distinguished place. The report starts with the introduction of the company, then the mission and the vision of the organization and its structure covering all the departments. HFL's products portfolio, SWOT Analysis, Pest Analysis and Porter Five Forces Model. Then the next part includes my duties and responsibilities and the assignments and projects they gave the problems and then me and limitations I have founded while doing the internship and then recommendations Internship Assignment: The assignment was to work with a professional organization to get professional experience of the office routines and the working of the organization at the initial level. Learning: I worked their as an intern for the 7 weeks in the marketing department. In the marketing department of HFL I learned a lot of things related to marketing and sales. My boss gave me many assignments, which were related to marketing and sales, and also many other things that will help me a lot when I will start my professional career. Contribution: My contributions in that department were valuable, because of my contributions I succeed in taking the load of work of my boss. Introduction of HFL: This report provides a cavernous insight of the departments and products of the company.
HFL is now one of the fastest growing packaged food companies in Pakistan with an annual turnover of Rs. 9.2 Billion (F2006). It is a private limited company. It started commercial production in July 1987. Due to consistently superior performance, it has achieved undisputed leadership in the liquid packaged milk category with a market share of over 52%. HFL has a very strong brand portfolio consisting of dairy as well as non-dairy products. Haleeb Foods has segmented its product portfolio in 3 leading brands including Haleeb, Candia and Tropico. Haleeb is the flagship brand of the company. Haleeb UHT Milk is available in 5 Skus of Tetrapak packaging. Due to its strong positioning of the thickest milk for best tea, it has the highest top of mind awareness and penetration in the dairy industry of Pakistan. In order to increase consumer and trade penetration of the brand, it is also available in Tetra Fino Packaging under the brand extension of Haleeb Dairy Queen. Haleeb has also progressively diversified from UHT Milk to other product categories as well. These product line extensions include Haleeb Butter, Haleeb Yogurt, Haleeb Cream, Haleeb Labban (Drinking Yogurt), Haleeb Asli Desi ghee (Butter Oil), Haleeb Funday Juice Drink, Haleeb Skimz (skimmed milk), Haleeb N'Rish Full Cream Milk Powder & Haleeb Good day Pure Juices. Haleeb Good day is the only range of 100% pure juices in the country with a variety of 6 pure juice flavors. Haleeb Foods, having a Franchise agreement with Cadillac France, launched Candia Double Sterilized Milk in bottle format in April 1999. Candia is also available in the Candia Classic variant which is positioned for Tea. Another recent initiative is Candia Candy Up, which is flavored milk for children. HFL has one of the largest nation-wide distribution networks delivering high quality products, even in the remote areas of Pakistan. With a network of +1100 distributors the company ensures that the product range is available in all the urban and semi urban areas of Pakistan. Furthermore, concerted efforts are being made to develop the rural market as well. HFL has an efficient and resourceful Export department, which has successfully tapped opportunities in foreign markets including Korea, Hong Kong, USA, UK, China, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and the Middle East.
In order to provide best quality products to its consumers, HFL has a well-developed supply chaininfrastructure. It has heavily invested in a vast network of company operated milk collection centers across the country. HFL has a strict and stringent quality policy regarding intake of raw milk. It is the only company that conducts 21 rigorous quality tests to ensure that only fresh milk of the highest quality is accepted at the plant premises. These internationally recognized tests are used to check for: a) adulteration, b) microbiological contamination and c) adequacy of nutritional contents. Further, Haleeb Foods is the only food company in Pakistan that has the following international certifications of quality and prestige: HACCP (in process controls for safer products) ISO 9001 2000 (better quality for greater customer satisfaction) ISO 14001 (environment-friendly operations) HFL believes in using cutting edge processing and packaging technologies to meet consumer expectations of hygienic and high quality food products. It has more than 30 Tetra machines for its UHT milk brands and 5 UHT units with a capacity of producing more than 1 Million Liters of Milk everyday. Keeping in view the volume potential and increasing growth trend of the market, the company has recently inaugurated a second independent UHT plant at Rahim Yar Khan. Haleeb Foods has a highly professional management team with a progressive operating style. The management team comprises of highly seasoned professionals with diverse global experience of managing and developing brands. It can lay claim to be one of the very few Pakistani organizations, which are truly following the model adopted by globally successfully corporations, with clearly defined roles for shareholders and the management team. The company takes pride in being a model national organization delivering international quality products and higher value for money to its consumers. The management team at HFL strongly believes that Pakistan offers enormous potential for food business due to a large consumer base, high acceptance of packaged food, and a growing urban middle class consumer segment. History:
Haleeb Foods Ltd. was incorporated on July 1st, 1984 with a capital of
Limited and now it is known to be as Haleeb Foods Limited. At that time it had the capacity of
Rs. 46 Million under the name of Chaudhry Dairies Limited which was renamed as CDL Foods
producing 80,000 / liters of milk per day having total area of 32 acres. Initially 150 people were employed at the plant. The production process started with UHT liquid milk. The liquid milk was the first product launched in the market, it started its operation in 1985 at that time 20 other dairy plants were also coming in, and all those including MILKPAK were using obsolete technology that was used in EUROPE. Haleeb Plant was the only plant based on the latest technology and the basic idea behind that were particularly dairy foods products. Haleeb is one brand that is toady known everywhere.
From November 1989 till December 1991 Haleeb had a joint venture with fries land FricoDomo of Netherlands. This joint was amicably dissolved on account of FFD's change in management in their global strategy. Today as an ISO 9002 certified company, Haleeb is the dominant market leader of UHT milk in Pakistan by capturing 52 % share. Franchise agreement with Canada, a market leader in the liquid milk market in France, was assigned in December 1998. Under this arrangement, the company launched Candia range of value added liquid milk product and also have assess to latest production, technical and marketing know how. Initially company launched different products but some of them could not become successful. As the company's core concern is quality eventually company abandoned products that were not according to the market needs. In 2002 the company contributed 54% to the country's packed milk market.
Problem and Purpose:. This report seeks to look at the operations of Haleeb Foods Limited. What kind if products and services HFL is providing to the consumers, also about the environment in which it is operating. Sources and Methods: The greater part of information presented in this report has been taken from published material of the company like its broachers and website. The information regarding HFL is taken from the senior managers and the supervisor under whom I am doing my internship. I tried my level best to write updated and latest information and in the report. Main Sources of information are:
Limitations: The most important limitation in writing this report was the nature of the company. Haleeb Food Limited is a private limited doesnt allow leaking any of its internal information, specially the information regarding the financial position of the company and the policies related to Human Resource Department. Scope: The scope of the report is to examine in detail the operation of HFL. The focus of this report is mainly on the marketing department of Haleeb Foods Limited.