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Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College: J. Ratna Sirisha M. Naga Teja Sri B.Tech, Cse B.Tech, Cse

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Velagapudi RamaKrishna Siddhartha Engineering College

Paper on Bio Cybernics-Its a revolution

Presented by

J. Ratna Sirisha B.Tech, cse


M. Naga Teja Sri B.Tech, cse

Man always wanted to scale new heights of technology in order to make his life better than the best. In this quest we present you the world of bionics which examines the ways in which technology is inexorably driving us to Tran humanism. We are going beyond what was once only science fiction to create bionic people with fully integrated artificial components and it will not be long before we reach the ultimate goal of constructing a completely synthetic human-like being. The central idea of bionics is learning from nature, Hence by the bio-mimetic approach we can improve the quality of living. The central idea of bionics can be summarized as learning from nature. Bionics also called Trans humanism in human perspective. This paper also deals about curing blindness. This paper describes the development of Artificial vision system. Finally the advancements made in this system and scope of this in the future is also presented clearly.








summarized as learning from nature. In an evolutionary process lasting millions of years, nature has developed refined solutions to problems which remain a great challenge to scientists. Examples include robust, natural composite bio-materials, perfected information and communication systems, highly sensitive sensors for perception etc. It requires a minimum amount of energy for the development and implementation of its solutions and recycles all waste produced. Using this original bio-principle, scientists have created a Bionic suit. Wastage of valuable human energy is minimized and provides efficiency. It offers hope to the physically challenged people with bionic eye, bionic ear, bionic leg, bionic hand, kidney, and cardio-west. Nature offers a wealth of experience. It ranges from the exploitation of the principles of macroscopic phenomena. Not least at this molecular level, a great many promising new approaches for bionic innovations are expected in the near future.

There is no lovelier way to thank God for your sight than by giving a helping hand to those in dark. Bionics is an interdisciplinary field dealing with BIO-logy and Tech-NICS and is official science since the 60 years approx. 2

What is Bionic / Bio-cybernics?

Today there are many new, fascinating approaches for developing bionic innovations due to recent dynamic advances in biological research and technology especially at the molecular level. Bionics pursues an

interdisciplinary application in nature.



solving never,

actuators push on the frame that lets your forearms lift the patient, the waist



reducible to a one to one copy of the models

Methods and Examples Bio-suit:

This is an interesting approach in the field of engineering is the application of mechanisms mechanical derived systems from of the microwhich insects actuator helps straighten your back and the knee actuators help you straighten your legs.

minimize friction and wear. Research aimed at understanding the functional surfaces of biological micro-joints provides a foundation for the technical development of actuators. A robotic exoskeleton has been created by researchers to allow nurses to lift patients effortlessly without damaging their backs. Sensor pads taped to the major muscle groups calculate how much force you need to pick up a patient. As you lift, the sensors send data to a microcomputer limb and body actuators powered by compressed air. The suit has five actuators: one for each elbow, one for the waist and one for each knee. The elbow 3

Bionic Ear

Steps in Bionic Ear Working: In people having sensor-neural deafness, the hair cells are unable to function, therefore severing the path of sound to the brain. To restore connection, a lead of electrodes is implanted in the ear to replicate the function of hair cells and stimulate the cochlea. The implanted lead contains anywhere from 1 to 22 electrodes. Muscles can change electrical energy into mechanical energy. This allows for signals to by-pass damaged parts yet still stimulates the nerve. Cochlear implants are also dependent on the electromagnetic the electrodes. spectrum and quantum

would use an external laser to power the chip.. The power source would have to be able to pass through the cornea without damaging the corneal tissue.

A light tap on the side of your head could one day restore your eyesight, believe scientists. The tap would tighten a band of artificial muscle wrapped round your eyeballs, changing their shape and bringing blurry images into focus. By using artificial muscle a "smart eye band". It will be stitched to the sclera, and activated by an electromagnet in a hearing-aid-sized unit fitted behind one ear. Most of the eye's focusing is done by the cornea, the lens is responsible only for finetuning. Tightening the smart eye band causes the eyeball to elongate, just as squeezing the middle of a peeled hard-boiled egg causes the egg to lengthen. Stitching a band of artificial muscle to your eyeball sounds drastic, but the necessary surgical techniques are already commonly used for treating detached retinas. 4

mechanics for getting the external sound to

Bionic Eye
The idea for sending an electrical current to the nerve ganglia behind the retina started in 1988. This tested method proved that the nerves behind the retina could still possibly function even though the retina degenerated. Researchers, have designed a chip that could possibly work because it

Bionics which is making waves in this modern era is Artificial vision.


There are at least two silicon microchip devices that are being developed. The concept for both devices is 1. Small enough to be implanted in the eye 2.Supplied with a continuous source of power 3. Biocompatible with the surrounding eye tissue
Figure illustrating the AV SYSTEM. The goggles are transparent so if the user still has some vision, they can match that with the new information.


Light enters the camera, which then sends the image to a wireless wallet-sized computer for processing. The computer transmits this information to an infrared LED screen on the goggles. The goggles reflect an infrared image into the eye and on to the retinal chip, stimulating photodiodes on the chip. The photodiodes mimic the retinal cells by converting light into electrical signals, which are then transmitted by cells in the inner retina via nerve pulses to the brain. The patient should wear sunglasses with a tiny pinhole camera mounted on one lens and an ultrasonic range finder on the other. Both devices communicate with a small computer carried on his hip, which highlights the edges between light and dark areas in the camera. It then tells an adjacent computer to send appropriate signals to an array of small electrodes on the surface of patients brain, through electrodes wires entering his skull. The stimulate certain brain cells,

making the person perceive the specks of light. The shifting patterns as scans across a 5

scene tells him where light areas meet dark ones, letting him find the black cap on the white wall, for example

Bionic Limbs
The behavior of the prosthesis is determined by combination of artificial proprioceptors resulting in the keyed sound side sensory control. This performance is top rated -as it has 170 Nm torque generated at the knee to provide assistance during stair ascent and descent, dynamic adjustment of the prosthesis behavior achieved with a broad range of cadences ensuring effortless walking. Further work on the motorized lower limb prosthesis is aimed to restore lower limb functionality by improving bio-mechanical performance of both the knee and the ankle on high pace. Prosthesis control is through sound side sensory control will be pushed a step further by interpreting the neurological signal

Bionic Leg

The goal of bionics is to elaborate methods for the repairment and substitution of impaired functions of the human system and to make life better).

Global threats
Bio ethics can be broken. Human rights can be violated. Cybercrimes may increase. Proof less crime

Bionic Hand

It is a creativity technique that tries to use biological prototypes to get ideas for engineering solutions. A less common and recent meaning of the term "bionics" refer to merging organism and machine. This results in a hybrid system combining biological and engineering parts, which can also be referred as cybernetic organism. Bionics gives a ray of hope to the physically challenged people i.e., bionic eye, bionic ear, bionic leg, artificial 6

heart, heart monitoring, kidney dialysis, reversing blindness and for many neurological disorders. It provides more power, and more efficiency with out fatigue. It can be used in extra-terrestrial research in extreme conditions.

In short it makes life better. References:

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