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Lateral Earth Pressure on Lagging in Soldier Pile Wall Systems

Article · November 2008

DOI: 10.1179/dfi.2008.006

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2 authors, including:

Howard A Perko
Colorado State University


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Lateral Earth Pressure on Lagging in Soldier Pile Wall
Howard A. Perko, Ph.D, P.E., CTL|Thompson, Fort Collins, CO, USA
John J Boulden, SGM, Inc., Grand Junction, CO

Soldier pile and lagging is a conventional means of temporary excavation shoring. Timber lagging
design has traditionally been based upon the designer’s experience or empirical rules. One such method
is the Goldberg Zoino chart used by the Federal Highway Administration. Most of these methods
restrict the designer to a consistent soil profile, certain pile spacing, construction grade timber lagging,
and limited depth. The methods do not take into account surcharge loads or a variety of other factors
that could arise. A designer working outside of ordinary circumstances with unusual loads, varying soil
conditions, or alternate lagging materials has difficulty estimating lateral earth pressures.

In rigid earth retention systems, lateral earth pressure is generally assumed to be constant along the
length of the wall. In soldier pile and lagging systems, the lagging is often considerably less stiff than
the steel soldier piles. As the lagging deflects, the soil tends to bridge between the stiffer elements
resulting in a lower pressure on the lagging. Several previously published methods by others for
determining this reduced pressure are summarized and discussed. These methods typically consist of
using a portion of the active earth pressure in several different pressure distributions.

A simple theoretical model is presented for determination of lateral earth pressures on wood lagging.
The model is based on a three-dimensional “silo” shaped sliding wedge analysis. Results of the model
are compared with other published methods. The model compares well with these methods which
cover the normal spectrum of design situations. In addition, the model can be used to estimate lateral
earth pressures outside typical situations.

INTRODUCTION be drug from the top and pulled downward.

Soldier pile and lagging walls are commonly In other soils, lagging is sometimes installed
used systems for supporting excavations in continuously on the outside of the piles. If
urban environments where property lines, sloughing or slight caving occurs, soil is packed
roads, and utilities prohibit sloped or benched behind the lagging.
excavations. Soldier pile and lagging walls can
be more economical and faster to construct than
many other earth shoring systems. Excavations
in excess of 30 m (100 ft) in depth have been
successfully completed using soldier pile and
lagging systems with tie-backs or bracing.
The main components of soldier pile and
lagging excavation support systems are steel
H-piles placed vertically at 1.22 m to 3.05 m (4 [Fig. 1] Portion of Soldier Pile and Lagging Wall System (US
Navy, 1988)
to 10 ft) on center with lagging placed between
the piling to retain the soil. An example of Soldier pile and lagging systems are usually
a portion of a soldier pile and lagging wall is employed in competent soils and are not
shown in Fig. 1. The lagging may consist of effective in soft clays or below the groundwater
rough sawn timber, metal decking, or even pre- table where experience has shown that the soils
cast concrete planks. H-piles can be installed by cannot arch between piles.
driving, vibrating, or by drilling a hole and wet-
setting the pile in a grout column at the bottom TRADITIONAL DESIGN METHODS
of the excavation. Soldier piles are placed prior
It is well-known that soil arches between soldier
to excavation. As the excavation is advanced,
piling creating a silo effect as shown in Fig. 2.
lagging is placed between the soldier piles.
Friction and cohesion along the sides of the
In soils with some stand-up time, lagging can “silo” resist sliding of the soil mass and thereby

[46] DFI JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 1 November 2008

reduce lateral pressure. It is also well known The chart provides no assistance for other types
by practitioners that the pressure on lagging of lagging materials. Surcharge loads at the
approaches a constant at some depth for most ground surface are not taken into account.
soil conditions. Another popular method of estimating the
Lagging has traditionally been designed based pressure on timber lagging has become known
upon experience or empirical methods. One in practice as Terzaghi’s trap door analogy.
method is a chart of recommended timber Terzaghi (1943) explained that when an opening
lagging thickness for different soil types, pile is created in a structure containing soil, a shear
spacing, and wall heights. This chart was zone is created above the opening. Soil above
developed by Goldberg-Zoino and Associates to the shear zone is held in place by arching.
be used by the Federal Highway Administration Therefore, the load acting on the “door” of the
for designing timber lagging. It is also opening is equal to the weight of soil below the
referenced by the US Navy (1988). The chart is shear zone. This soil weight is independent of
shown in Fig. 3. the height of soil above the opening. Rather it
depends only on the density and shear strength
of the soil which defines the geometry of the
shear zone.
In an unpublished document, Spencer, White
and Prentis, Inc. (1986), stated that Terzaghi’s
trap door analogy could be extended to explain
horizontal arching between soldier piles. They
showed that mixed hardwood with 76 mm
(3-inch) thickness and an allowable bending
strength of 11 MPa (1600 psi) could span an
unsupported distance of 2.9 m (9’-6”) in sand
soils with a friction angle of 30 deg. The
pressure on the lagging did not depend on the
height of retained earth.
The Terzaghi trap door analogy is useful
because it takes cohesion into account. It gives
a value of pressure on the lagging which can
be used in design of different materials. The
method has been used successfully for many
years. However, its simple derivation causes
some structural engineers to question its
validity. It is difficult for some to make the leap
from vertical pressure as derived by Terzaghi
to horizontal pressure as suggested by Spencer,
White and Prentis, Inc. Also, the method was
not published in open literature to the author’s
knowledge. A more rigorous mathematical
[Fig. 2] Silo Effect for Soil Lagging model subject to the scrutiny of professional
(US Navy, 1988) publication may be beneficial to the industry.
Several other mathematical methods have been
In the Goldberg-Zoino chart, soils are classified
used to estimate the reduced soil pressure
into three categories based upon their degree of
on the lagging. These methods typically
competency. Timber lagging thickness is then
consist of using a portion of the active earth
selected from two or three depth categories and
pressure in different distributions. Two
the lagging clear span. The maximum depth
pressure distributions are shown in Fig. 4. The
available on the chart is 60 feet. Determination
pressure distribution on the left side of the
of soil category is left to the judgment of the
figure is based on a theory that the active earth
pressure is a maximum at the soldier piles and
The Goldberg-Zoino chart does not address a minimum midway between the piles. The
different species or grades of timber lagging. pressure distribution on the right side of the

DFI JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 1 November 2008 [47]

[Fig. 3] Goldberg-Zoino and Associates Chart (Goldberg, et al. 1976)

[48] DFI JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 1 November 2008

[Fig. 4] Reduced Soil Pressure Diagrams on Lagging (MacNab, 2002)

figure is based on a theory that the pressure where

on the lagging is equal to half the active earth W = weight of soil silo = aD
pressure. According to both methods the
w = uniform distributed surcharge load
pressure exerted on the lagging increases
proportionally with depth without limit, which a = cross-sectional area of silo = 1/8 πl2
is contrary to experience. D = height of silo
T = shear strength of soil = zKatan()
l = lagging clear span
Ka = coefficient of active earth pressure
Mechanics of the soil semi-silo pictured in Fig. 2
cannot be analyzed using conventional grain  = unit weight of soil
silo theory as described in Bowles (1988). Static  = internal angle of friction
grain silo theories ignore friction along the
sides of the silo. Dynamic theories are based
on flow of grain down the center of the silo
and resulting conical wedge that adds to hoop
The earth pressure acting on timber lagging can
be modeled using a sliding wedge analysis. A
number of assumptions can be made to simplify
the model. First, it is assumed that the soil
bridges between the piles creating a silo of soil
behind the lagging with semi-circular cross
section as shown below in Fig. 5. It is further
assumed that the bottom of the silo has a
wedge shape opening toward the lagging. The
shape shown in Fig. 5 is chosen because it is a
simple combination of surcharge over a small
active earth wedge.
The vertical “surcharge” pressure, Fv, acting
on the small wedge at a depth D is the weight
of the column of soil, W, and any uniform
surcharge acting upon it minus the friction
along the sides of the “silo”. The friction of
surrounding soil can be integrated over the
surface area of the cylinder. Friction along the
front of the “silo” against the lagging is ignored
to be conservative and also because the lagging
often can slide with respect to the pile. The
vertical “surcharge” force of the columnar silo [Fig. 5] Soil Wedge Geometry
is given by
The angle of the bottom of the wedge relative
(1) to horizontal would be 45+(/2) according to
Rankine. The slope of the bottom wedge can be
DFI JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 1 November 2008 [49]
approximated as 45 degrees in the model for The active earth pressure coefficient and
simplicity of integration. As long as the earth tangent term are both functions of angle of
pressure is still computed based on Rankine, internal friction, . If a new parameter is
the only effect of this geometric simplification introduced, , such that
is a slight change in depth of the “silo”. The
horizontal pressure, P, on the lagging at a
depth D+ l/2 is the active earth pressure on the (6)
small bottom wedge and the vertical surcharge
pressure, Fv/a, times the active earth pressure then Eqn. (5) can be re-written as the product
coefficient, Ka. of this new parameter and the free span of the
K a �l Fv K a lagging given by
P= +
2 a (2)

Dmax = χl (7)
After inserting Eqn. (1) and integrating the
shear strength term, the lateral pressure at
depth, D+l/2, is If Eqn. (7) is substituted for D in Eqn. (3), the
 lγ 2γ
P = K a  + w + γD −

K a tan (ϕ )D 2  ( ) maximum pressure on the lagging, Pmax, can be
2 l  (3)
 1 
A sample plot of lateral pressure distribution Pmax = K a  w + lγ (1 + χ )
 2  (8)
(Eqn. 3) shows that the pressure increases with
depth to a maximum value where friction on the Further simplifications can be made by
soil overcomes the driving force. In actuality, examining the parameter, . A graph showing
a tension crack will develop due to bridging values of  for various angles of internal
and the pressure will remain constant with friction, , is shown below. At very low values
increasing depth. of friction indicating weak soils,  can be as
pressure high as 5 to 7 or even higher. This (Eqn. 7)
indicates the depth to maximum pressure is 5
to 7 or more times greater than the clear span
of the lagging, l. Pressure on the lagging is also
high. For most common granular materials, the
angle of internal friction commonly lies between

develops 15 deg and 45 deg. The value of  is fairly

constant over this range as shown in Fig. 7.

In fact,  is within approximately +/- 5% of a
constant value of 1.4 over the range of most
granular soils. If =1.4 is substituted into Eqn.
(7) and Eqn. (8), one obtains the following very
[Fig. 6] Sample Results
simple equations for maximum pressure on
Figure 6-Sample Results lagging and the depth at which this pressure
The depth at which the maximum pressure on occurs and then remains constant.
the lagging occurs can be found by taking the
partial derivative of horizontal pressure (Eqn. 3) Dmax = 1.4l
with respect to depth and setting the result
equal to zero as shown below.
Pmax = K a ( w + 1.2lγ )
∂P  4 K a tan(ϕ )  If there is no surcharge, then the maximum
= K a γ 1 − D = 0
∂D  l  (4) pressure is even simpler.

Pmax = 1.2K a lγ
Solving for the silo height at which the (11)
maximum pressure occurs, Dmax, yields
Dmax =

4 K a tan(ϕ ) (5)

[50] DFI JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 1 November 2008

28 degrees and a unit weight of 1,760 kg/m3
(110 pcf). The potentially dangerous soil was
assumed to have an angle of internal friction of
18 degrees and a unit weight of 1,600 kg/m3
(100 pcf). For the purpose of this comparison,
lagging was assumed to have a maximum
bending stress of 69 MPa (1,000 psi) which is
consistent with the lowest reported values in
the FHWA report. NDS (2005) factors for short
duration use, wet service, repetitive member,
and flat use were incorporated into the design.
When combined, these factors increase bending
strength by a factor of approximately 1.6.
[Fig. 7] Fairly Constant  Parameter
Figure 7-Fairly Constant Ȗ Parameter
Shown in Table 1 is a comparison of the
COMPARISON OF RESULTS recommended thickness from Goldberg-
Zoino and the calculated thickness based on
Experience has shown that soil pressure on
the model for the three different soils. It is
lagging is generally constant with depth.
important to note that the clear span of the
Deeper excavations typically do not have
lagging shown on the table is defined as the
thicker lagging; rather the supporting piles
distance between the outermost extents of the
have to be larger to resist the greater lateral
H-Pile flanges, not the center-to-center spacing
earth pressures. The model confirms this
of the piles. The calculated values based on
the model are not as conservative as the values
The model can be compared with Terzaghi’s shown on the Goldberg-Zoino chart for short
trap door analogy given by Spencer, White and free spans and almost exactly the same for
Prentis, Inc. (1986). According to this analogy, longer spans. This seems to match common
the maximum pressure on lagging is given by practice fairly well.

l⎜ γ − ⎟
l ⎠
Pmax = Ka ⎝ (12) The model can be used to determine required
2 tan � lagging thickness for many soil conditions and
which for cohesionless soils reduces to load cases outside those considered in the
Goldberg-Zoino chart. The lower portion of
K a lγ Table 1 shows the required lagging thickness
Pmax = (13) for the same three different soil conditions and
2 tan �
lagging spans of 1.52 to 3.05 m (5 to 10 ft) with
When Eqn. 13 is compared with the new model, a 9.58 kPa (200 psf) uniform surcharge at the
Eqn. 11, one observes that there are many ground surface. This is an important capability
similarities. In fact, both equations result in the when the soldier pile and lagging wall system
same pressure at an angle of internal friction borders roads, sidewalks, or other structures.
of approximately π/8 (22.5 deg). The trap door The model also allows for determination
analogy predicts much higher pressure (about of lateral earth pressures on other lagging
155%) at smaller angles of friction. The new materials. For comparison, the model was
model is not influenced as much by friction used to calculate required lagging thicknesses
angle but is becomes more conservative at for utility grade lumber. Utility grade lumber
higher angles of friction. is rated at only ¼ times the allowable bending
Using the model, timber lagging thicknesses strength of construction grade lumber
were calculated for three theoretical soils and according to NDS (2005). It is very apparent the
compared to the thicknesses recommended in effect that timber strength has on the required
the chart by Goldberg-Zoino and Associates. The lagging thickness. On average, utility grade
competent soil was assumed to have an internal lumber needs to be almost twice as thick as
angle of friction of 38 degrees and a unit weight construction grade lumber.
of 1,920 kg/m3 (120 pcf). The difficult soil was The model also could be used to size other
assumed to have an angle of internal friction of materials such as flexible steel decking

DFI JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 1 November 2008 [51]

[Table 1] Comparison of Results

spanning between soldier piles. One caution strength of the brick wall was estimated based
is that the derivation of the model is based on on a “dry stack” approach using friction only.
the assumption that a lagging material that is Lateral earth pressures based on the model
considerably less rigid than the soldier piles. indicated that the brick wall would bridge
Rigid pre-cast concrete plank may be required between the soldier piles with sufficient factor
to carry full active earth pressures. of safety. The excavation was made without
Recently, the model was tested successfully on a excess movement or any damage to the nearby
project in New York City for an unusual shoring structures. The brick wall was approximately
condition. The model was used to estimate ten feet deep. The excavation extended to
the earth pressure on an existing 6-wyth brick a depth of approximately 5 m (16 ft) below
foundation wall that was braced with soldier existing grades. Wood lagging was used below
piles. A photograph of the wall system is shown the brick wall. A waler with cross braces was
in Fig. 8. The brick wall in the photograph positioned near the top of the soldier piles. The
existed directly adjacent a gas station with one- waler was removed after construction of the
story block structure, several buried tanks, and a structural mat foundation.
canopy. The developer did not have permission On another recent project, the Convention Center
to place shoring outside of the brick wall. The Hotel project in Denver, soil caving occurred
shoring contractor determined that there was during placement of timber lagging. The soil
too much risk of movement of the adjacent conditions consisted of fairly clean, poorly
structures to remove the brick wall. graded, coarse sand overlying claystone bedrock.
It was decided to attempt to use the brick wall The soil which flowed out from beneath the
as lagging between the soldier piles. Mortar in lagging formed a nearly perfect silo shape as
the brick wall was severely degraded such that shown in Fig. 9. This image gives credence to the
it was essentially held together by friction. The assumptions used in development of the model
soils were silty sands and high plastic silts with for sand soils. Although this caving occurred,
some ground water. The punching and flexural the soil successfully arched between the solder

[52] DFI JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 1 November 2008

that would be determined
from Terzaghi’s trap door
analogy given by Eqn. 12.
Those who have worked
around soldier pile and
lagging systems for some
time have long recognized
that cohesive soil behind
lagging seldom comes into
contact with the lagging.
The photograph shown in
Fig. 10 taken from another
project in Colorado is a
demonstration of this. The
gap between the cohesive
soils and the lagging at the
top of the wall system is
very apparent. In addition,
the lack of any discernable
deflection of the lagging
[Fig. 8] Existing Brick Wall Used as Lagging
is clearly shown despite
the fact that the wall is in
piles with no detriment to the shoring system. excess of 5.5 m (18 ft) tall. (Hart, 2008)
(Hart, 2008) Many fine grain soils and some well-graded
Some attempt was made to include cohesion coarse grain soils exhibit some cohesion. In
in the derivation of the model so that it could some cases, this cohesion is apparent meaning
be extended to fine grain soils. It was found that it can dissipate over time and with the
during that exercise that a small amount of introduction of moisture. The use of cohesion
cohesion significantly reduced the computed
pressure on the lagging. In fact, the predicted
pressure on the lagging became negligible at a
cohesion, c, given by

2 (14)
This indicates that a soil cohesion of only about
14.4 kPa (300 psf) would reduce pressure to
zero for lagging with a clear span of 1.52 m (5
ft). Interestingly, this is exactly the same result

[Fig. 9] Soil Silo Formed by Caving (Courtesy of Coggins and [Fig. 10] Separation Between Lagging and Cohesive Soils
Sons, Inc.) (Courtesy of Coggins and Sons, Inc.)

DFI JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 1 November 2008 [53]

in the design of temporary shoring systems 4. American Forest and Paper Association,
should be approached with caution and is the (2005) “National Design Specification, Design
decision of the experienced designer. Values for Wood Construction”, pp 31-35
It was commented by one of the reviewers of 5. US Navy (1988) “Military Handbook:
this paper that tie-back post tensioning often Seawalls, Bulkheads, and Quaywalls” MIL-
governs the lateral pressure on lagging for HDBK-1025/4, Sept. 30
tall walls. This is an excellent observation. It 6. Terzaghi, K. (1943) Theoretical Soil
is suggested that the upper limit of lagging Mechanics, Wiley, New York
pressure in this case could be computed
7. Spencer, White and Prentis, Inc. (1986)
by substituting the passive earth pressure
“Lagging Design”, Sample Calculations
coefficient, Kp, for the active earth pressure
provided by Tom Tuozzolo, Moretrench
coefficient in Eqns. 8 and 11.
Geotec, Rockaway, NJ (unpublished)
CONCLUSIONS 8. Bowles (1988) Foundation Analysis and
Design, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New
A mathematical model based on a “silo” shaped
sliding wedge analysis was presented. The
results of the mathematical model compare
well with the recommended lagging thicknesses
shown in the chart prepared by Goldberg-Zoino
and Associates in the 1976 FHWA report. Using
the mathematical model produces results which
are slightly more conservative than the charted
values at larger lagging spans, but the model
allows the designer the freedom of designing
outside of the normal situations. The model
predicts a constant lateral earth pressure
beginning at a depth of roughly 1.4 times the
spacing between the soldier piles.
Reduced active pressure diagrams suggested
previously by others were not compared with
the model. The reason is because the reduced
active pressure diagrams suggest a lateral
pressure that increases without limit, and the
new model gives a constant value of pressure
beyond a certain depth. Any comparison
between the reduced active pressure diagrams
and a new model would show one value that
matches exactly at some depth. Thereafter,
the reduced active pressure diagrams would
be more conservative for deeper excavations.
A constant pressure model is a better
representation of conditions observed in

1. Macnab, A. (2002) Earth Retention Systems
Handbook, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 319-
2. Goldberg, D.T., Jaworski, W.E. and Gordon,
M.D. (1976) “Lateral Support Systems and
Underpinning”, FHWA-RD-75-128, pp 118-
3. Hart, J. (2008) Coggins and Sons, Inc.,
Denver, CO (Personal Communication)
[54] DFI JOURNAL Vol. 2 No. 1 November 2008
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