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Arts Philippine Theater Production

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Second Quarter Examinations

aesthetic images to challenge those who

Lesson 1: Modern Art
believed art created spiritual values.
 It is an art movement that emerged in the  Marcel Duchamp is most well-known
late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was dadaist whose earliest work was a ready-
characterized by a shift away from made bicycle wheel on a kitchen stool
traditional styles to a more abstract, (1913).
experimental approach to creating works
of art.
 Inspired by thoughts of the subconscious
Characteristics of Modern Art
 Use of vibrant colors and bold  Based on emotive semi-abstract forms
brushstrokes and dream-like images through realistic art
 Abstract, expressive forms, and shapes styles.
 Exploration of new concepts such as  Known Surrealists are Sigmund Freud,
movement, time, and space Giorgio de Chirico, Salvador Dali, Meret
 Rejection of mainstream values and Oppenheim, etc.
traditional techniques
Abstract Expressionism
Impressionism  The New York School of Art, a US abstract
 A spontaneous outdoor painting style, art movement, emphasized painting, color,
primarily focused on landscapes and texture, and artist-paint interaction,
everyday scenes, capturing the rapidly utilizing dribbling, spilling, and splashing
changing effects of light on objects. techniques on large canvases.
 Known Impressionists are Claude Monet,
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Edouard
Manet Op Art
 Also known as Optical Art and Perceptual
Abstraction, is a visual art style that uses
Expressionism optical illusions to create movement on the
 It uses bold colors to express inner picture surface.
emotions, disregarding contemporary art
rules, and distortion or exaggeration to
reflect their inner world. Pop Art
 Known Expressionists are Edvard Munch  A movement in the mid-1950s and 1960s,
and Wassily Kandinsky that reacted against abstract art elitism
and commercial culture, originating in New
York, highlighting the impact of popular
Cubism culture.
 Picasso and Braque's early 20th century
art movement, focusing on tragedy and
chaos, revolutionized art by transforming Performance Art
everyday concepts into geometric shapes.  Live performances challenge traditional
 Analytic: Three-dimensional objects were visual art conventions by using artists'
split into facets and analyzed before being bodies as artistic mediums for simple
're-assembled' as complex two- activities or performances, often with
dimensional images. collaborators or performers.
 Synthetic: The images became simpler,
the colors were brighter, and the collage
was introduced. Happenings
 Were unplanned multi-media theatrical
Dadaism events that aimed to break down the
division between art and life.
 During WW1, Dadaists protested war's  Emerged in the 1950s and lasted until the
pointlessness and horrors, highlighting early 1970s.
hypocrisy in art and producing anti-


Second Quarter Examinations

3. Travel
4. Photojournalism
Art Mob
 It started in Manhattan in 2003 and spread
Outstanding Filipino Photogra
across the entire world.
 A group of artists moving around and
showcasing their artworks.
Jake Verzosa - a successful Manila-
Reference for Modern Artbased freelance photographer who
brought to many places in the Philippines.
 Louisse De Guzman  His most memorable trip was in
o Kalinga, where he saw and
6e42e226-eb07-45ef-98bb- documented the traditional batok
cf8785226f65?share=direct art of the Butbut tribe.

Lesson 3: Media-based Arts and Design in the Philippines

2. George Tapan - started as a
photographer for movie posters, shooting
movie stills for several local film studios.
America’s Pioneer Photographers
Since then, Tapan has gone to different
places as a travel photographer.
 He won two Pacific Asia Travel
Association (PATA) Gold
1. Ansel Adams - an American landscape Photography awards, an ASEAN
photographer and environmentalist known Tourism Association award, and
for his black-and-white images of the the National Geographic Photo
American West. Contest - Places Category, which
is the most prestigious
international photo contest.
2. Richard Avedon - an American fashion
and portrait photographer.
3. John K. Chua - a renowned photographer
with over 40 years of experience in various
3. Cindy Sherman - an American artist fields, is a prominent figure in the
whose work consists primarily of Philippines' adventure and advertising
photographic self-portraits, depicting photography industry.
herself in many different contexts and as
various imagined characters.
Outstanding Contemporary Filipino

Elements of Photography

1. Kidlat Tahimik - known as Eric de Guia,

gained fame in the film industry after
1. Self-expression - it is undeniable that winning the International Film Critic's Prize
photography helps people express at the 1977 Berlin Film Festival for his
themselves and it is each photographer’s indie film, Mababangong Bangungot.
2. Documentation - a picture is a proof of
the value we give to our lives. 2. Nick Deocampo - his film Oliver garnered
3. Communication - a picture is said to be top honors at international festivals of
worth a thousand words. short films.

Types of Photography
3. Brillante Mendoza - an independent
1. Advertising (Food) Filipino filmmaker, has been nominated for
2. Fashion


Second Quarter Examinations

all three major prizes from "The Big Three"

(Cannes, Berlin, Venice). Known for his
films Lola and Mindanao. Philippine Comic Books
 Comic books in the Philippines began with
the publication of local komiks such as
4. Laurice Guillen - a Filipino actress, film Liwayway and Bulaklak in the 1920s.
and television director, and college  Romualdo Ramos and Antonio
professor known for her films American Velasquez were the pioneers of the art of
Adobo and Tanging Yaman. comic books and they created the first
iconic Philippine comic book character,
5. Maryo J. de los Reyes - a film and
television director known for his film Lesson 4: Theater Producti
Magnifico (2003) which earned 50 awards
in worldwide film festivals from Berlin to
Philippine Theater Group

6. Auraeus Solito - known for his film

Busong (2011). He was selected at the 1. Philippine Educational Theater
prestigious Cannes Directors’ Fortnight Association (PETA) – founded by Cecile
Section, Cannes Film Festival. Guidote Alvarez in the late 1960s; it is an
innovative theater group cultivating a
modern perspective on Philippine art and
Technology-based Art of Animation in society
the Philippines
and one of the most organized and
 Larry Alcala, a Komiks cartoonist, created successful theater groups in the country.
the first Filipino animated cartoon, "Moving
Picture," in 1953, featuring a girl and a boy
playing with jump rope and yoyo. 2. Tanghalang Pilipino (TP) – organized in
 Gerry Garcia, successor to Larry Alcala, 1987 under the Cultural Center of the
produced Panday (1986), the first Filipino Philippines; known for its production of
TV animation series, with Fernando Poe original Filipino plays like Zsa Zsa
Jr., but only lasted 6 months due to high Zaturnnah Ze Musikal by Carlo Vergara
production costs. Other works include which Zsa Zsa Padilla played the starring
Adarna, Urduja, Darna, and Captain character. Their slogan is Utak, Puso,
Barbel. Bayan.

3. Repertory Philippines Foundation Inc.

Philippine Animation Industry
(REP) - founded in 1967 by Baby Barredo
 The Philippines is now known worldwide and Zenaida Amador, is the Philippines'
as one of the “strongest players” in the leading theater company, producing
production of cartoon animations. blockbuster shows like Beauty and the
 The Animation Council of the Philippines Beast, Alice in Wonderland, and Les
(ACPI) and the Philippine Animation Misérables.
Studio Inc. (PASI)
4. New Voice Company (NVC) - founded in
1994 by Monique Wilson, aims to raise
Filipino Animators That Were Hired Globally about social and political
issues in the Philippines through theater
1. Jess Espanola - The Simpsons
arts, particularly through its production of
2. Ruben Aquino - Beauty and the Beast,
The Vagina Monologues.
The Lion King, Pocahontas, Mulan, Lilo &
Stitch, The Little Mermaid, etc.
5. Trumpets – it is Asia’s first professional
3. Anthony Ocampo - Helen of Troy
gospel theater group established in 1989
4. Nelson Bohol and Ronnie del Carmen -
and it is known for its wholesome family
entertainment musicals such as The Little
5. Armand Serrano - Mulan


Second Quarter Examinations

Mermaid, The Dreamer, and The Blue responsibility of bringing the character
Bird. he/she is playing to life.

Roles in Theater Production

4. Script or libretto - the story is narrated,
danced around, or sung through this
important element.
1. Director - it is the key figure in theater
production. 5. Music or sound - it is essential in
improving the effect of the discourse in the
2. Stage Manager - it is the architect of the play.
performing arts.

3. Set/Production Designer - it is their

responsibility to give the audience an idea
about the concept of the production,
provide the space that will fulfill the
requirements of the script, and ensure a
safe workplace for actors and crew.

4. Costume, mask, and accessories

Designer - the designer's job is to provide
a visual element that aids in creating a
visually pleasing and effective

5. Makeup Artist - the artist's job is to

emphasize the actors' and actresses'
natural features in creating a character.

Program or Design Brief

 The production designer collaborates with
the design team to discuss set details and
the director's vision, while the design brief
outlines project objectives, expectations,
and purpose.

Elements of Art as Applied in Original Performance

1. Theme - it is the central idea of the


2. Plot - as always explained, it is the

storyline and it is what is happening.

3. Character - the actors and actresses are

the various characters interwoven with the
plot of the play and each character has a
personality of its own and has a


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