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The Shop Documentation

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Developer: ActiveITzone Limited

Author Name : ActiveITzone
Author Link:
Software Framework : Laravel, VUE.JS, MySQL
Demo URL:
Marketplace: Codecanyon

2022 © All Rights Reserved @ ACTIVE IT ZONE

1. What are the requirements to install the script?
2. How to activate your license?
3. Where will I find the purchase code?
4. How to install the script?
5. How to configure PWA?
6. How to download the latest version?
7. How to upgrade to the Latest Version?
8. How to configure shipping cost?
9. How to configure tax?
10. How to add a product brand?
11. How to translate product brand information for multiple languages?
12. How to add a product attribute & product attribute value?
13. How to translate product attribute information & product attribute value information for multiple
14. How to translate products for multiple languages?
15. How to add a product category?
16. How to translate product category information for multiple languages?
17. How to upload products?
18. How to translate product information for multiple languages?
19. How to create an offer?
20. How to manage Order?
21. How to set up a website's general information?
22. How to set up the website header part?
23. How to Set up the website footer part?
24. How to set up the home page?
25. How to set up the policy pages?
26. How to create custom pages?
27. How to set up banners of different pages?
28. How to send a newsletter??
29. How to create coupons??
30. How to set up currency?
31. How to add a new currency?
32. How to set up language?
33. How to translate using Google translate?
34. How to manage general settings?
35. How to configure the SMTP system?
36. How to configure login with Facebook?
37. How to configure login with Google?
38. How to configure login with Twitter?
39. How to configure Facebook pixel?
40. How to configure Facebook Chat?
41. How to configure Google analytics?
42. How to create a staff role with permission?
43. How to create a staff with a role?
44. How to configure the Amazon S3 file system?
45. How to migrate existing uploaded files to s3?
46. How to configure payment methods?
47. How to configure the login option/ otp / sms gateway?
48. How to add a blog category?
49. How to add a Blog?
50. What is Club point?
51. How to configure the club point?
52. How to set points for products?
53. How to earn points?
54. How can one see his earning points log?
55. How to convert the points?
56. How to use the converted points?
57. How to set the minimum amount for a seller withdrawal request?
01. What are the Server Requirements to activate the script?
- The shop needs to be installed in subdomain/main domain. It can’t be installed in any folder.
- If you want to install in localhost you need to create a virtual host for installing the shop.
- SSL certificate is required for PWA, payment gateways, social media login.
- To install the Script minimum server requirements are:
● Php version 7.3 or 7.4
● MySQL 5.6+
● mod_rewrite Apache
● BCMath PHP Extension
● Ctype PHP Extension
● JSON PHP Extension
● Mbstring PHP Extension
● OpenSSL PHP Extension
● PDO PHP Extension
● Tokenizer PHP Extension
● XML PHP Extension
● ZipArchive Extension
● Fileinfo Extension
● GD Extension
- In most servers, these extensions are enabled by default, but you should check with your hosting

02. How to activate your license?

Answer: Follow these given procedure below will make the license activated for your domain and
you’ll be able to use the script smoothly:
● Open this link in the browser.
● In the respective fields, put your Name, E-mail, CodeCanyon Username, Purchase Key and
your intended domain name for the script.
● The form will be submitted to check the purchase key and then activate the license for
that domain.
● You can change the activation later from this same form. Activating a Regular license
again with another domain name will remove the activation of the previous domain.
03. Where will I find the purchase code?
● Log into your Envato Market account.
● Hover the mouse over your username at the top of the screen.
● Click ‘Downloads’ from the drop-down menu.`
● Click ‘License certificate & purchase code’ (available as PDF or text file).

04. How to install the script?

Ans : To install the script follow the steps below.

● Extract the downloaded .zip file from codecanyon on your PC. You’ll find a zip file named after extracting.
● Upload the file to your server public_html or subdomain directory you intend to
run the script.
● Extract the zip file in that directory.
● Create a new database from your server MySQL database.
● Create a DB user to the database and link that database to the DB user.
● Then, hit your site URL in your browser and it will automatically take you to the
installation wizard.
● Click on the Start Installation Process.
● You will get the Checking File Permission page. If everything is ok then click on Go to the
next step.
● Now you need to set Database Host, Database Name, Database Username, Database
Password, and click Continue.
● Now you need to import the SQL file.
● Now fill up the information of the shop and click Continue.
● Click on Go to Home/ Login to the admin panel.

05. How to configure PWA(Progressive Web Application)?

- SSL certificate is required for PWA.
- For changing pwa app icon, color theme, name follow below instruction
- Go to \public\web-assets\img\icons folder in your installation.
- Replace all files(icons & splash images) with your icons, splash images keeping the same
resolution, name & extension.
- N.B. Chrome uses a huge cache for these icons. If you change these icons it won’t reflect
on the customer installed app. So before customers browsing your site replace those
icons, splash images.
- Open manifest.json file in the root of your installation folder.
- "name": "The Shop"
- "short_name": "The Shop"
- "theme_color": "#F5A100"
- "background_color": "#ffffff"
- Change those bold marked content with your app name & color theme
- Open pwa.blade.php in \resources\views\frontend\inc folder of your installation and
- <meta name="theme-color" content="#F5A100">
- <meta name="application-name" content="The Shop">
- <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="The Shop">
- Change those bold marked content with your app name & color theme

06. How to download the latest version?

Answer: To download your item(s):
● Login to your Codecanyon account.
● Hover over your username from the top right corner and click ‘Downloads’ from the
drop-down menu.
● The downloads section displays a list of all the items purchased using your account.
● Click the ‘Download’ button next to the item and select ‘Main File(s)’ which contains all
files, or ‘Licence Certificate and Purchase Code’ for the item license information only.

07. How to upgrade to the Latest Version?

a. Extract the downloaded file from codecanyon.
b. There you will get a zipped folder named ‘’. Upload that to the root directory
on your server in which your previous version is running. Unzip that file by
selecting “Extract here”.
c. Now reload the home page and click on ‘Update Now’.

d. It’s Done!

e. The full system has been updated with a single click.

f. Let’s Browse The Shop - PWA eCommerce cms cms Latest Version.

08. How to configure shipping cost?

Answer: For configuring shipping cost follow these steps.

● Enable those countries where you want to ship from the admin panel Settings > Shipping
> Shipping Countries. Disabled other countries.
● Enable states where you want to ship from the admin panel Settings > Shipping >
Shipping States. Disabled other states. And create new states with Name & select
● Enable cities where you want to ship from the admin panel Settings > Shipping >
Shipping Cities. Disabled other states. And create new cities with Name & select states.
● Now create Zone from admin panel Settings > Shipping > Shipping Zone with Name ,
Cities, Standard Delivery Cost & Express Delivery Cost
● During zone creation you can select multiple cities which you’ve enabled. One city can be
selected for one zone only. Those which city you’ve selected in a zone, you won’t find
those in other zone creation lists.
● Create multiple zones with cities in which you’ll ship products.
● Customer will see the delivery cost based on his shipping address > city > zone.
● If any city is not available in any zone, then the customer won’t be able to place an order &
he’ll see a message “delivery is not available in this shipping address”.

09. How to configure tax?

Answer: For configuring tax follow these steps.

● Go to admin panel Settings > Tax. Create multiple tax with name like tax/ vat/ gst
● Then you’ll find those created tax names with each product add/edit.
● You can add fixed/percentage type tax for each of those created tax with each product.
● Customers will see product prices after adding all of those taxes.

10. How to add a product brand?

Answer: From admin panel Click on ‘’Product> Brand’’

● Add New “Brand Name”

● Upload “Logo”
● Then Save

Then the new Brand of the product will be saved to the Brand option.

11. How to translate product brand information for multiple languages?

Answer: Click on edit option from the brands list from the admin panel.
● Select the language from the upper section and write the name of the brand in your
● Here only brand name can be translated to multiple languages

12. How to add a product attribute and attributes value?

Answer: From admin panel Click on ‘’Product> Attribute’’
● Write the name of new product attributes then save.
*** Attributes are non deletable. You can only add or edit.
● Then Click on the values button to add product attributes value from the Action
● And add attribute value names and save.

13. How to translate product attribute information & product attribute value information for multiple
Answer: After adding value click on the edit button from the action section and translate the
product attribute name to the other language by selecting the language section.
By clicking on the values option from the action section go to the values option then click on edit option
and change the language to the desired language.

14. How to translate products for multiple languages?

Answer: Click on Products edit option from Product > Inhouse Products. Then select the
language from the upper section. And write the product's name or other translatable section.
Here Product name, Unit, product description can be translated to multiple languages.
15. How to add a product category?
Answer: From the admin panel go to Product> category.
● Click on “Product new category” Then fill up the category information.
❖ Category name.
❖ Parent category.
❖ Ordering number: This section to set the category serial. Higher numbers have
high priority.
❖ Banner.
❖ Meta Title
❖ Meta Description
❖ Meta image.
❖ Filtering attributes
● Then save.

16. How to translate product category information for multiple languages?

Answer: Click on edit option from the category section.
● Select the language from the upper section and write the name of the category.
● Here only category names can be translated to multiple languages
17. How to upload products?
Answer: Go to Inhouse Products from the product section and click on to Add new product. Only
admin’s uploaded product will be shown in inhouse products. And seller’s uploaded products will be
visible in the seller products section.
● Product Information.
❖ Insert a product name.
❖ Insert the product unit like pc, kg, ltr etc.
❖ Insert the product’s Minimum purchase quantity
❖ Insert the product’s Maximum purchase quantity. Customers will be able to
purchase this maximum quantity for this product. Default 0 for unlimited.
● Product Images
❖ Upload the thumbnail image. Thumbnail Image preferable 300x300
❖ Upload the Gallery Images. Preferable size 600x600
● Product Price, Stock:
❖ Variant products can be on or off.
If the variation product is off then
❖ Insert Regular price of the product.
❖ Insert SKU
❖ And select in stock or Out of stock.
If the variation product is on then
❖ Select an option for this product and then select choices of each option.
Like If you select Size then you can select choices Large, Medium,
Small.XL, XXl etc.
❖ For one product can be selected 3 options maximum like size, fabric,
❖ Then under the variant you can set the price for variation.
❖ SKU and Image.

● Product Discount:
❖ You can set a discount date range.
❖ Set the discount on percentage or flare rate basis.

● Shipping Information: Add shipping information. Like Standard delivery time, Express
delivery time, Weight, Heigh, Length, Width.

● Product description: Add product description of the product.

● Product attribute: Add product attribute only for filter of the product.
● SEO Meta Tags: Add Meta tag, description, Meta image.
● Product Status: You can select product status. Publish or unpublish.
● Product Brand
● Product Category like women clothing, man clothing etc.
● Product Tags: This tag will be used for product search.
● VAT/GST & Tax

18. How to translate product information for multiple languages?

Answer: Go to Inhouse products from the product section. Click on the edit from options
● Select the language from the upper section of the Edit product page.
● Translate the translatable section to the selected language.
● Product name, Unit and product description section are translatable.
● Then click on the Update button.

19. How to create an offer?

Answer: Go to the marketing section and click on the offer.
● Add offer information inputting
❖ Title.
❖ Banner (1920x500)
❖ Date: select Date from
❖ Products. Then choose the specific product.
❖ Then the offers will be shown to the website of the offer section.
***If any product has a discount or exists in another offer, that discount will be replaced by this discount &
time limit.

20. How to manage Order?

Answer: From the Inhouse orders from Order section of admin panel,
❖ Admin can check order status by filtering paid/unpaid.
❖ Admin can check order filtering by delivery status like Order placed/ confirmed/
proceed/ shipped.
❖ And also can search order by order code.
❖ Admin can check full order details and can change the payment status and
delivery status.
❖ From here admin can also cancel the order.

❖ Admin can download invoices from the download section .

❖ Also can delete an order.

21. How to set up a website's general information?

Answer: Click on Website Setup> Appearance.
● General settings
❖ Website Theme Color: Input the Hex Color Code of the website.
● Then click on the Update.
● Global Seo: Fillup below sections.
❖ Meta Title:
❖ Meta description
❖ Keywords
❖ Meta Image
● Then click on the Update.

22. How to set up the website header part?

Answer: Go to Website Setup from the admin panel and click on to Header.
● Header Setting
❖ Topbar Banner: Upload here the topbar banner.
❖ Top Bar Banner Link.
❖ Play Store Link
❖ App Store Link
❖ Helpline number
❖ Header Logo: Upload here the Header logo.
❖ Header Nav Menu: Admin can add here the header nav menu from the selective
❖ Then click on update.

23. How to Set up the website footer part?

Answer: Go to Website Setup from the admin panel and click on to Footer.
● Footer Widget
❖ Footer logo: Upload the footer logo.
❖ Then click on the update button.
● Link widget one:
❖ Title: Write the title here.
❖ Links: Input here the useful links as much as you want.
❖ Then click on the update button.

● Link widget two:

❖ Title: Write the title here.
❖ Links: Input here the useful links as much as you want.
❖ Then click on the update button.
● Contact info widget
❖ Contact address: Add here contact address.
❖ Contact email: Contact email.
❖ Contact phone: Phone number.
❖ Then click on the update button.
● Mobile apps link
❖ Play Store Link: Input here the play store link.
❖ App Store Link: input here App Store Link.
❖ Then click on the update button.

● Footer Bottom:
❖ Footer menu:
❖ Links: admin can set links as much as admin wants.
*** Links must be like this. ”/terms-and-conditions” .Here main domain will not work
● Copyright Widget:
❖ Copyright Text: Write here copyright text.
● Social Link Widget:
❖ Write here social links like facebook, youtube etc.
❖ And click on update.
24.How to set up the home page?
Answer: Go to the pages section from the Website Setup section. Then click on Homepage
● Home Page Settings:
❖ Home Page Main Sliders:
❖ 1st Sliders image & link: Here recommended banner size 640x310. Admin can
upload 3 banners here and can give a link along with the banner. So clicking on
the banner page will load the given banner.
❖ Admin can set images as much as admin wants.
❖ 2nd/3rd/4th Sliders image & link: Here recommended banner size 310x310.
Admin can upload 3 banners here and can give a link along with the banner. So
clicking on the banner page will load the given banner.
❖ Then click on update
● Popular Categories: select popular categories here. Admin can add as many categories
he wants.
● Product section 1
❖ Section title: Write the section title
❖ Select product: Select products here.
● Home banner section 1

❖ Banner image & link: Upload banner image and link along with the banner. So
clicking on the banner page will load the given banner.
❖ Recommended size 1300x145
● Shop Section 1
❖ Section Title
❖ Select Shop
● Home Shop banner section 1:
❖ Banner image & link: Upload banner image and link along with the banner. So
clicking on the banner page will load the given banner.
❖ Recommended size 420x200

● Product section 2
❖ Section title: Write the section title
❖ Select product: Select products here as much as admin wants.
❖ Click on Update.
● Home banner section 2:
❖ Banner image & link: Upload banner image and link along with the banner. So
clicking on the banner page will load the given banner.
❖ Recommended size 640x145
❖ Click on the update section.
● Shop Section 2:
❖ Section Title
❖ Select Shop
● Home Shop banner section 2:
❖ Banner image & link: Upload banner image and link along with the banner. So
clicking on the banner page will load the given banner.
❖ Recommended size 1300x350
● Shop Section 3:
❖ Section Title
❖ Select Shop
● Product section 3:
❖ Section title: Write the section title
❖ Banner image & link: Upload banner image and link along with the banner. So
clicking on the banner page will load the given banner.
❖ Recommended size 200x310
❖ Select product: Select products here as much as admin wants.
❖ Click on Update.

● Home banner section 3:

❖ Banner image & link: Upload banner image and link along with the banner. So
clicking on the banner page will load the given banner.
❖ Recommended size 420x145
❖ Click on the update section.
● Shop Section 4:
❖ Section Title
❖ Select Shop
● Product section 4:
❖ Section title: Write the section title
❖ Select product: Select products here as much as admin wants.
❖ Click on Update.
● Shop Section 5:
❖ Section Title
❖ Select Shop
● Home Shop banner section 3:
❖ Banner image & link: Upload banner image and link along with the banner. So
clicking on the banner page will load the given banner.
❖ Recommended size 640x290
● Product section 5:
❖ Section title: Write the section title
❖ Select product: Select products here as much as admin wants.
❖ Click on Update
● Home banner section 4 :
❖ Banner image & link: Upload banner image and link along with the banner. So
clicking on the banner page will load the given banner.
❖ Recommended size 310x145
❖ Click on the update section.
● Product section 6:
❖ Section title: Write the section title
❖ Banner image & link: Upload banner image and link along with the banner. So
clicking on the banner page will load the given banner.
❖ Recommended size 280x310
❖ Select product: Select products here as much as admin wants.
❖ Click on Update.
● Home button about text
❖ Write the description about the shop details.
25. How to set up the policy pages?
Answer: Go to the pages section from the website setup section. Then click on Policy pages
● Edit Page Information
❖ Page Content
➔ Title : Write title here.
➔ Link : Input the link
➔ Add Content : Write detailed content.
● Select the language from the upper section of the Policy page.
● Translate the translatable section to the selected language.
● Here title and add content is translatable.
● Seo Fields:
❖ Meta Title
❖ Meta description
❖ Keywords
❖ Meta Image
❖ And Click on update button

26. How to create custom pages?

Answer: Go to the pages section from the website setup section. Then click on Add new page.
● Then write Page Content
➔ Title : Write title here.
➔ Link : Input the link
➔ Add Content : Write detailed content.
● Seo Fields:
❖ Meta Title
❖ Meta description
❖ Keywords
❖ Meta Image
❖ And Click on update button

*** Custom pages can be translated into multiple languages after adding the page.

27. How to set up banners of different pages?

Answer: Go to the Banners section from the website setup section.
● Login page
❖ Login page banner & link: Upload the Login page banner and link
❖ Recommended size 520x475.
● Registration page:
❖ Registration page banner & link: Upload the Login page banner and link
❖ Recommended size 520x720.
● Forgot password page banner & link:
❖ Forgot password page banner & link: Upload the Login page banner and link
❖ Recommended size 520x435.
● Product listing page banner & link:
❖ Product listing page banner & link: Upload the Login page banner and link
❖ Recommended size 1300x80.
● Product details page banner & link:
❖ Product details page banner & link: Upload the Login page banner and link
❖ Recommended size 200x200.
● Checkout page
❖ Checkout page banner & link: Upload the Login page banner and link
❖ Recommended size 300x315.
● Customer dashboard top banner & link
❖ Customer dashboard top banner & link
❖ Recommended size 1025x120
● Customer dashboard bottom banner & link
❖ Customer dashboard bottom banner & link
❖ Recommended size 315x425
● All shops page banner & link:
❖ All shops page banner & link: Upload the Login page banner and link
❖ Recommended size 315x425.
● Shop registration page banner & link:
❖ Shop registration page banner & link: Upload the Login page banner and link
❖ Recommended size 315x425.
28. How to send a newsletter?
Answer: Go to the Newsletter section from the Marketing section.
● Send Newsletter
❖ Emails (Users): Select Email address of User
❖ Emails (Subscribers): Select Email address of Subscribers.
❖ Newsletter subject: Write subjects
❖ Newsletter content: Write content
❖ Then click on send.
29. How to create coupons?
1. Login admin panel and go Marketing > Coupon
2. Click on “Add New Coupon”
3. Select Coupon type - (a) Products base and (b )Total Order base
4. For products :-
a. Type the coupon code.
b. Choose Banner.
c. Select Products.
d. Fill the Start date and End date.
e. Enter the “Discount” and Select “Discount Type”.
f. Click on Save.
5. For total orders :-
a. Type the coupon code.
b. Choose Banner.
c. Enter the minimum shopping price in “Minimum Shopping” field
d. Enter the “Discount” and Select “Discount Type”
e. Enter the “Maximum Discount Amount”
f. Fill the Start date and End date.
g. Click on Save.

30. How to set up currency?

Answer : To configure currency from the existing list, follow the steps below.
1. Go to Admin Settings->Currency.
2. Select the system default currency and save.
3. Select symbol format, Decimal Separator, no of decimals & Shorten Large Price and

31. How to add a new currency?

Answer : Go to left navigation bar and click Settings > Currency
1. Click add new currency
2. Fill the form with Name(eg US Dollar), Symbol(eg $), Code(eg USD), exchange rate(1USD
= ? eg 100)
3. And then click save.
4. You can also edit a currency and make a currency as default.
32. How to set up language?
Answer : To set language go to admin > Settings > languages.
1. Select system default Language and save.
2. Click on the “add new” button to add a new language.
3. Insert language name, select flag & ISO 639-1 Code code. Follow this link for checking
4. Click save. Page will redirect to the listing page.
5. Click “translation” from the “options” column on required language from the list.
6. Input the value of the key words according to the language. These words will appear on
the site.
7. Then click on save.

33. How to translate using Google translate?

Answer: Follow the below steps:
1. First go to admin panel Settings -> Languages
2. Click Translation button of any language
3. Translate the site using the “Google Translate” browser extension into your language.
4. Click on translate extension and then click translate this page.
5. Select your language from this dropdown.

6. Then press the “Copy Translations” button at the bottom of the page and then click on

34. How to manage general settings?

Answer : Go to admin panel settings > general settings
1. General Settings
a. Here you can change system name, System Logo, System Logo - Black, System
Timezone, Admin login page background, Product weight unit, Product
dimensions unit.
b. Click Update.
2. Shop Settings
a. Set Minimum order amount.
b. And click Update.
3. Cache Settings
a. Set the current cache version.
b. You can clear your system cache files.
c. Click Force Clear Cache.
4. Features Activation
a. You can enable/disable forcefully https redirection.
b. You can enable/disable Wallet System Activation.
c. You can enable/disable Conversation System Activation.
d. You can enable/disable Sticky Header.
e. Click Update.
5. Chat setting
a. Configure chat logo, and chat name.
b. Click Update.
6. Invoice setting
a. Configure logo, address, email, phone for invoice.
b. Click Update.

35. How to configure the SMTP system?

Answer : To configure the SMTP system follow the steps below.
1. If you’re using cpanel then follow this link
3. Create an email from your server panel
4. After creating an email account, go to The Shop admin Dashboard -> Settings -> SMTP
5. Fill up the form as below:
a. MAIL DRIVER : smtp
b. MAIL HOST : your domain smtp host (sample:
c. MAIL PORT : 587/465
d. MAIL USERNAME : Your email id
e. MAIL PASSWORD : Your email password
f. MAIL ENCRYPTION : ssl/tls
g. MAIL FROM ADDRESS : Your mail address
6. If you want to use Google SMTP you need to disable two factor authentication & allow a
low secure app from here

36. How to configure login with Facebook?

Answer : To configure facebook login api follow the steps below.
1. Log into using facebook email and password.
2. Click on My App and then click the Add New App.
3. Give the name of the app and then click on Create App ID. It will automatically redirect to
the App dashboard.
4. Then go to Settings -> Basic.
5. Set the App Domains and click on Save Changes.
6. Get the App ID and App Secret.
7. Now click on Products and select Facebook login.
8. It will redirect you to Quick Settings.
9. Select Web and give your site url and click Save.
10. Go to Facebook login -> Settings.
11. Set the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs
(example: and click on Save.
12. Now go to The Shop - PWA eCommerce cms admin Dashboard -> Settings -> Social
media logins and set the App ID and App Secret in Facebook Login Credential.
13. Click on Save.
37. How to configure login with Google?
Answer : To configure google login api follow the steps below.
a. Go to
b. Click on Configure A Project.
c. Give your project name and click next.
d. Give your product name and click next.
e. Configure 0auth client by selecting the web server and give your Authorized redirect URIs
(example: and click on Create.
f. Then you will get the Client ID and Client Secret.
g. Now go to Active Super Shop admin Dashboard -> Settings > Social media logins and set
the Client ID and Client Secret in Google Login Credential.
h. Click on Save.

38. How to configure login with Twitter?

Answer : To configure twitter login api follow the steps below.
1. Go to
2. Click on Create An App.
3. Fill in your application details.
4. After creating the app follow their steps to get client Id & client secret.
5. Now go to Active Super Shop admin Dashboard -> Settings -> Social media logins and
set the Client ID and Client Secret in Twitter Login Credential & turn on activation switch.
6. Click on Save.

39. How to configure Facebook pixel?

Answer: Login to your admin panel
1. Then go to left navigation bar and click Settings > Third Party Settings
2. Turn on the switch of facebook pixel
3. Then fill the field with Pixel ID.
4. For getting your pixel id please follow the steps
○ Log in to Facebook and go to your Ads Manager account.
○ Open the Navigation Bar and select Events Manager.
○ Here you’ll find your pixel id.
40. How to configure Facebook Chat?
1. Login admin panel and go Settings > Third Party Settings
2. Enable Facebook chat and insert page ID.
3. Now reload the homepage.That's it.

41. How to configure Google analytics?

Answer: To configure google analytics follow the procedure mentioned below:
1. Go to admin panel & click Settings > Third Party Settings
2. Scroll down to Google Analytics Setting section
3. Click turn on the switch of Google Analytics
4. Then fill the field with Tracking ID and click save.
a. For getting your tracking id please follow the steps
b. Log in to the analytics dashboard and Admin > Property Column > Tracking Info >
Tracking Code.

42. How to create a staff role with permission?

Answer: To create a staff role follow the procedure mentioned below:
1. Go to admin panel Staffs > Roles
2. Click Add New Role button
3. Input role name. eg.(Manager)
4. Turn on the switch of sections & actions of which you want to give access for those role
5. Finally click save for creating this role.

43. How to create a staff with a role?

Answer: To create a staff role follow the procedure mentioned below:
1. Go to admin panel Staffs > All staffs
2. Click Add New Staff
3. Input Name, email, phone, password & role for this staff.
4. And click the save button for creating this staff.
44. How to configure the Amazon S3 file system?
Answer: To use amazon s3 file system follow the procedure mentioned below:
1. Firstly, login into the AWS dashboard. And select the s3 service from the services list.
2. Then click the Create bucket button.
- Input your bucket name, AWS Region
- Click create bucket button to create bucket
3. Search iAm User from the top search bar. And go to the user list.
- Create add users
- Input user name and select Access key - Programmatic access
- Click next: permissions
- Click Attach existing policies directly tab
- Search from policies list with “AmazonS3FullAccess”
- Select AmazonS3FullAccess
- Click Next: Tags
- Click Next: Review
- Click Create User
- Copy these id & key
4. Now you need to make your bucket public & generate a policy for accessing.
- Go to your bucket page and go to permission tab
- Scroll down to Block public access (bucket settings) and click edit.
- Uncheck Block all public access and click save changes. A confirm dialog will be
opened. Type confirm and click confirm
- Then Scroll down to Bucket policy and create edit
- Click policy generator button
- A new tab will be opened.
- Select s3 bucket policy from Select Type of Policy
- Select Allow in Effect option
- Input * in Principal field
- Select GetObject in Actions dropdown
- Input arn:aws:s3:::bucket_name/* in Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
- Replace bucket_name with your bucket name in Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
- Click add statement
- Click generate policy
- A dialog will be opened with a policy code. Copy that code & go to the previous
- Input copied code in bucket policy and click save changes
5. Go to you the shop admin panel > settings > File System Configuration
6. Input those id and key in AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID & AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY field
7. Input your bucket name in AWS_BUCKET field
8. For AWS_DEFAULT_REGION go to your bucket list and check url(check below screenshot)
& input that in AWS_DEFAULT_REGION field
9. And input AWS_URL like this format
10. And save these information & enable S3 File System Activation.

45. How to migrate existing uploaded files to s3?

Answer: To migrate to amazon s3 file system follow the procedure mentioned below:
1. Download all files from the public/uploads folder.
2. Create a folder named uploads in the s3 bucket.
3. Upload all downloaded files to the uploads folder of s3 bucket.

46. How to configure payment methods?

Answer : To configure payment methods follow the steps,
a) Log in to the admin panel.
b) From the navigation, go to Settings -> Payment Methods.
c) Switch on by clicking the switchery of the methods which you want to activate.
d) Insert necessary Information of the methods.
i) Cash Payment - Switch on or off to an active cash payment system.
ii) Paypal - Insert the paypal client ID, Client secret and switch off the sandbox
mode(which for demo transactions). Then click on save.
iii) Stripe - Insert the stripe key, stripe secret which you will get from your stripe
account and switch off the sandbox mode(which for demo transactions).Then
click on save.
iv) Paystack - Insert the public key, secret key, merchant email which you will get
from your paystack account. Then click on save. Set paystack callback URL on
the paystack dashboard. The callback URL -
v) SSlCommerz - Insert the SSLCZ store ID, SSLCZ store password and switch off
the sandbox mode. Then click on save.
vi) Flutterwave - Insert the Flutterwave public key, Flutterwave Secret key,
Flutterwave Encryption key And click on Save
vii) Razorpay - Insert the Razorpay key, Razorpay secret which you will get from your
razorpay account. Then click on save.
viii) Paytm - Insert the Paytm merchant id, Paytm merchant key which you will get
from your paytm account. Then click on save.

47. How to configure the login/registration option/ otp / sms gateway?

Answer : To configure payment methods follow the steps,
1. Login to your admin panel
2. From the navigation, go to Settings -> OTP Settings.
3. Here you can select in which way a customer can login/registration and send OTP
verification code.
4. You need to configure any sms gateway if you want to use phone number verification.
48. How to add a blog category?
Answer: From the admin panel go to Blog > Blog Categories.
● Add the Blog Category Name.
● Then click on the save button.

49. How to add a Blog?

Answer: From the admin panel go to Blog > All Blog.
● Click on “Add new Blog Post” Then fill up the blog information.
❖ Blog Title.
❖ Category.
❖ Slug.
❖ Banner.
❖ Short Description,
❖ Full description.
❖ Meta Title
❖ Meta Description
❖ Meta image.
❖ Meta Keywords.
● Then save.

50. What is Club point?

Answer: Club point is a feature that gives some reward points to customers after
purchasing any product. Customers can convert those points into a wallet.

51. How to configure the club point?

Answer: To configure club point you need to follow the below steps:
● First Login into the Admin panel And activate the Wallet Option from Settings > general
Settings and enable wallet system activation.
● From the admin panel go to Club Point System > Club Point Configurations
● Fill up the form with a point-to-wallet money conversion rate and Click on Save.

52. How to set points for products?

Answer: You can set the points for the products in three differents ways:
Set Point for Product Within a Range:
● Log in to your admin panel and go to Set point for product from Club Point System > Club
Point Configurations.
● You will get a form on the right side of that page.
● You need to put Set Point for multiple products, min price, max price, And click on save.
(Set any specific point for those products that are between Min-price and Max-price.
Min-price should be less than Max-price)

Set Point for all Products:

● Log in to your admin panel and go to Set point for product from Club Point System > Club
Point Configurations.
● You will get a form on the right side of that page.
● Set Point For 1.00$ and Click on Save.
Set points for individual products:
● Log in to your admin panel and go to product > Inhouse products > Add new products.
● Fill up all information about the product and also you can set the club point.

Also you can edit club point and put the new club point value, by following the below procedure:
● Log in to your admin panel and go to Set point for product from Club Point System > Club
Point Configurations.
● You will get all the products on that page.
● Edit the product from this page by clicking the edit action.
● Set points for that product using a form and click on Save.
**Admin also can edit the club point from the product page’s edit option.
53. How to earn points?
Answer: When any customer visits your website he/she will find the points in each product’s box.
To earn that point he/she needs to purchase that product. Whenever he/she purchases the product,
he/she will get the point.

54. How can one see his earning points log?

Answer: To see the earning points log, user needs to follow the steps:
● First of all the user needs to log into his/her panel.
● Then he/she needs to go to the earning points menu from the left side navbar.
● He/she can see the full earning log history and point converted rate.

55. How to convert the points?

Answer: To convert the points the user need to follow the below steps:
● First of all the user needs to log into his/her panel.
● Then he/she needs to go to the Earning Points menu from the left side navbar.
● He/she will get the full earning log history and a convert button.
● He/she needs to click on Convert Now Button and points will be converted into wallet
** Orders have to be paid for converting the points to wallet money.
56. How to use the converted points?
Answer: After converting the points, money will be stored in the user wallet. The user can use that
wallet money when he/she goes to purchase some products.

57. How to set the minimum amount for a seller withdrawal request?
Answer: Go to the Admin panel and follow the screenshot given below:
● First go to the Admin Panel.
● Click on the Settings.
● Then click on the General Settings.
● Enter the minimum amount.
● Click on the update button.

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