Skeletal System in Man
Skeletal System in Man
Skeletal System in Man
Human skeleton is made of 206 bones which have formed from some 300 bones through
fusion. The bones are arranged into axial and appendicular skeleton. Number of bones in
child = 350
Axial Skeleton
It is part of endoskeleton which occurs along the middle longitudinal axis of the body. Axial
skeleton has 80 bones forming four structures — skull, vertebral column, sternum and ribs.
Skull (29 bones)
It constitutes skeleton of the head region. Skull consists of four parts — cranium, facial
bones, hyoid and ear bones.
Cervical vertebrae:
The first seven vertebrae of the vertebral column constitute the cervical vertebrae. These are
small sized and present in the neck region. The first vertebra is called atlas and second is
called axis.
1, 2, 7 cervical vertebrae are atypical and 3, 6 are typical.
Atlas supports the head and consists of a complete ring of bone. On its upper surface, facets
for articulation with the condyles of the occipital bone, forming a condyloid joint at which the
nodding movement of head take place.
Axis is the pivot on which the atlas turns in the rotatory movements of the head. From the
body of the axis a process of bone rises which is called odontoid peg which articulates with
the back of the anterior arch of the atlas. The atlas moves round the odontoid peg of the axis,
forming a pivot joint at which the head rotates.
Thoracic vertebrae are larger than the cervical vertebrae and are located in the chest. There
are 12 thoracic vertebrae which contains sites for the attachment for ribs. The ribs attach to
the thoracic vertebraeand protect heart and lungs.
Thoracic 2-8 are typical. 1,9,1,11,12 are typical.
Thoracic vertebra
Centrum acoelus.
Neural canal is formed by union of two neural arches.
Neural spine is a flat & long directed backward.
Club shaped transverse process.
Neural arch with superior articular process.
Two demifacets for articulation of head of a rib are present.
Lumbar vertebrae:
It is the strongest, thickest and largest vertebrae present in the vertebral column. It consist of
5 vertebrae present in the abdomen, which bear the weight of the trunk.
Lumbar vertebrae:
Centrum acoelus.
Neural spine well developed.
Transverse process are thin and long.
Small accessory process present near the root of each transverse process.
It is the largest vertebrae
Sacral vertebrae
It is fusion of five vertebrae. It fuses to form a triangular bony complex or structure called
It is present in the pelvic region.
Sacral canal is formed by sacral vertebral foramina.
In female sacrum is shorter and wider.
Transverse process is much modified into a broad sloping mass project laterally from the
It is formed by fusion of four caudal vertebrae.
It is last section of backbone.
It is small triangular bone.
Two coccygeal cornua project up to articulate with sacral cornua.
Rudimentary transverse process.
. A. Typical cervical vertebra. B. Atlas and axis. C. Typical thoracic vertebra. D. Typical
lumbar vertebra. Regional vertebrae. E. Sacrum. F. Coccyx.
They are bony supporting complexes of skeleton which mediate attachment of limb bones to
axial skeleton. There are two girdles, pectoral and pelvic.
Pectoral Girdle (Shoulder Girdle).
1. It is supporting bony complex between upper limbs and axial skeleton.
2. Pectoral girdle consists of two halves, right and left.
3. Each half consists of two bones, clavicle and scapula.
4. Clavicle or collar bone is f-shaped twice curved, thin and elongated bone. At one end
it is connected with acromion process of scapula and at the other end it is attached to
manubrium of sternum.
5. Scapula is a flat, thin curved triangular bone, popularly called shoulder blade. It
extends on the back side of thorax between second and seventh rib. It has a hook- like
coracoid process and a diagonally placed sharp protuberance called spine. At one end
spine possesses thick acromion process.
6. Scapula contains glenoid cavity for articulation with head of humerus.
They are of two types, fore limbs and hind limbs.
Bones of Fore-Limbs.
1. There is a pair of fore-limbs or upper limbs.
2. Each fore-limb has 30 bones and three parts—upper arm, lower or fore-arm and hand.
3. Upper arm has only one bone, fore arm two bones while remaining 27 bones belong
to hand.
4. Humerus is the single long bone of upper arm. Its body is called shaft. Upper or
proximal end bears a round head. Below it is present a narrow neck and two
tuberosities— greater tuberosity and lesser tuberosity. A deltoid tuberosity occurs
over the shaft- Distal end of humerus has a pulley-like trochlea (attachment of ulna),
convex capitulum (attachment to radius) and outgrowths or epicondyles.
5. The two bones of fore or lower arm are radius and ulna. Both are curved with radius
towards thumb side and ulna towards the side of little finger. The two bones may lie
parallel to each other or cross each other.
6. The latter happens when palm is kept in backward position. Radius is shorter than
ulna. Its lower end is broader with two articular facets for carpals. Proximal end of
ulna is elongated to form olecranon that produces elbow joint. Distal end of ulna has
one facet for attachment of carpal.