HOPPING, TRANSCEIVER • The TR6000 is a Software Defined Radio (SDR) using Micro/DSP technology that allows configuration flexibility and an upgrade path. • Offers Low Band VHF Ground-Ground and ATC Band Ground-Air communications. • Output power is 10W when used in the manportable configuration and 40W when used in the vehicle or base station configuration. • Can be used as vehicle or base station transceiver without an external power amplifier.
VHF SECURE FREQUENCY HOPPING MANPACK TRANSCEIVER TR6000 The TR6000 forms part of the Tactical communication product range which was designed to meet the operational requirements of the modern digital battlefield and is suitable for use by military and paramilitary organisations.
Digitally encrypted voice communications. Frequency Range Digital Modes: 30MHz to 88MHz Digitally encrypted data communications. FM and USB Mode: 30MHz to 88MHz Supports Voice-Over-Data. Airband Mode (AM):118MHz to 137MHz Encryption Algorithm: AES with 256 Bit Key Length. Channel Increments FM: 6.25kHz USB: 50Hz Frequency Hopping for Encrypted Digital Voice and Encrypted Data Airband: 6.25kHz Modes. Frequency Accuracy ± 1ppm FM communication in the 30MHz to 88MHz band with 5kHz peak deviation. Channels 99 channels selectable from the Front Panel AM communication in the 118MHz to 137MHz band PC Programmable An Extended Range Mode using USB Modulation. Operating Modes FM with 5 kHz peak deviation Software upgradeability allowing extended product life cycle. Encrypted Digital Voice Embedded GPS used for Situational Awareness. Encrypted Data Embedded Short Message Service Frequency Hopping DATA ARQ provided for error free data transmission. AM (Ground to Air) USB (J3E) Data Store and Forward capability. Supply Voltage Manpack Deployment: 14V DC Modular construction and BIT allows for fast MTTR and hardware Vehicle/Base Deployment: 27V DC upgrades. Protection Antenna PC Applications allowing for: Battery Terminals • Control of the TR6000 Static Discharge • Transmission and reception of data High VSWR • Loading of channel information and Crypto Keys. Wireless connectivity to reduce the number of cables required. BIT Reverse Polarity All Modules (Bluetooth) Audio and Visual alarms Squelch available in all modes of operation. Re-broadcast capability. TRANSMITTER Fill device for loading channel information Output Power Remote control available. High Manpack: 10W PEP ±1dB (Nominal 14V DC.) RECEIVER Vehicle and Base station: 40W PEP ±ldB (Nominal 27V DC.) Receiver Sensitivity Low FM: -119dBm for 10dB SINAD Manpack: 1W PEP Vehicle and Base station: 5W PEP AM: -111 dBm for 10dB SINAD TX Phase Noise -130dBm at an offset of 100kHz in a USB: -123 dBm for 10dB SINAD 1 Hz bandwidth Digital Voice & Data: -113dBm Harmonic Related Spurious >50dB Image Rejection (SSB) 30MHz to 88MHz >75dB. Emission 118MHz to 137MHz >90dB. Discrete Frequency Spurious >60dB IF Rejection >90dB. Emission AF Output Power 10mW into 300Ω. Audio Distortion Speech Processing in USB DSP based offers improved <5% Mode intelligibility at poor S/N conditions Squelch Available in all modes
(Transceiver only) Test method Based on MIL-STD-810F Width 230mm Immersion 1m Length 260mm Operating Temperature -30°C to +55°C Height 93mm Storage Temperature -40°C to + 70°C Weight <4kgs EMI requirements based on MIL-STD-461 C. Products are supplied both locally and internationally, and cater for short, medium, long range and intra-platform communications. Typical applications include command and control, situational awareness, virtual radar, forward observation link and messaging services.
Capabilities include design, development, product customization and manufacture to military
standards. Full product life cycle support packages suit individual customer requirements, while joint development partnerships and transfer of technology ensure local indigenization PRODUCTS | SOLUTIONS | SUPPORT and in-country support. www.reutechcomms.com / communications@reutech.com Tel: +27 31 719 5700 Fax: +27 31 719 5800 TOMORROW’S SOLUTIONS TODAY 9 Valley View Road, New Germany, Kwa-Zulu Natal, 3610 P.O. Box 285, New Germany, Kwa-Zulu Natal, 3620, South Africa Specifications are subject to change without notice. Consult manufacturer for latest specifications. All manufacturing rights reserved. This document is for information only and shall not form part of any contract