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Biology f4t1 Pp3 2024 - Ms

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Name…………………………………………………class…………Adm. No……......

(Prac cal)
Paper 3
Time: 1 ¾ hours
1. You are provided with specimen R, use it to answer the ques ons that follow.
a) Cut a longitudinal sec on of specimen R to obtain two halves. Draw a surface of the cut specimen
and label a seed and pericarp. (4mks)

b) State the type of placenta on in the specimen. (1mk)


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c) Crush the remaining pieces of the specimen using a motor and pestle. Add 10ml of water to obtain
a paste. Decant the fluid in a beaker provided. Using the reagents provided, test for the food
substance in the fluid. Record your observa on in the table below. (8mks)
Food substance Procedure Observa on Conclusion
Vit C; Add the food substance into The DCPIP is Vit C present;
DCIPIP drop wise; decolourised;

Proteins; Add CuSO4 solu on to the food The solu on turns Proteins absent;
substance in a test tube and yellow/ purple
shake, colour does not
Add NaOH solu on dropwise; appear;

2. Below is a plant organ used in the study of biology. Study it and answer the ques ons that follow.

a. Iden fy the organ. (1mk)

b. Name part H and state its func ons. (2mks)
H – Sepals.
Func on – protect the flower during the bud stage;
c. State the term used to describe the petals. (1mk)
d. State with a reason the class into which the organ belongs? (2mks)
Class – Dicotyledonae;
Reason – Five petals/ five s gmas;
e. i. Name the agent of pollina on. (1mk)
ii. state a reason for your answer in (i) above. . (1mk)
- brightly coloured petals/ conspicuous;

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f. State the importance of the organ to a plant. (1mk)
Reproduc on;
g. Measure the length of the petal from point A to B. (1mk)

h. If the actual length of the petal is 5cm, calculate the magnifica on of the photograph above.

3. The specimens in the diagrams below were obtained by a class during an ecological study. Use
the dichotomous key provided below to place all the specimens into their families.

Dichotomous Key.
1 a) Animal with Wings………………………………………………………….…go to 2
b) Animal without wings……………………………………………………….…go to 3

2. a) Animal with one pair of wings……………………………………. …..……. Muscidae

b) Animal with two pairs of wings…………………………………………. …Aeshnidae.

3 a) With three pairs of legs ………………………………………………….…. Formicidae

b) With more than 3 pairs of legs…………………………………………….……. go to 4

4. a) With four pairs of legs………………………………………………………. Araneidae

b) With more than four pairs of legs………………………………………………. go to 5

5. a) With two pair of antennae…………………………………………………...…. go to 6

b) With one pair of antennae………………………………………………….……go to 7

6. a) With six pairs of legs……………………………………….……….…. Microcerberidea.

b) With ten pairs of legs…………………………………………………………Alpheoidea.

7. a) With a cylindrical body……………………………………………… ...Sphearotheridae.

b) With a dorso – ventrally flattened body……………………………………...Pselliodidae

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i. Give the families and the steps followed to identify the specimens E, F, G, H, and J. (10 mks)

Specimen Steps followed Identity

E 1a, 2a Muscidae;
F 1b,3b, 4a Araneidae;
G 1b,3b,4b,5a,6b Alpheoidea;
H 1b,3b, 4b,5b,7b Pselliodidae;
J 1b, 3b,4b,5b,7a Sphearotheridae;

ii. The scientific name for specimen E is Musca domestica. Classify the specimen into the following
taxonomic units. (6mks)
Kingdom- Animalia;
Phylum – Arthropoda;
Class – Insecta;
Family - Muscidae;
Genus - Musca;
Specific name – Domestica;

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