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Game Mechanics

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Rediscovering the Fun of Traditional Filipino Games: Laro ng Lahi

Game Mechanics:


English: Stealing Bases
Filipino: Agawan Base

Equipment: markers to be used as the base, 2 pcs. (you can use two trees or two
slippers or two chairs as your bases)
Number of players: minimum 20, ten in each team (more players for more fun

Mechanics: There are two bases, each base has equal number of members. There will
be one person assigned to guard the base. The others may leave the base to run and try
to catch another members of the other team or to try to steal the opponent’s base. If you
touch the base of your opponent first, before members of that team tag you, you steal
their base and your team wins.

Another main goal is to catch as many of the opponents as your team can. A captive
opponent becomes a prisoner and stands on the captor’s base until a member of his own
team saves him by touching/tagging him. Once he is tagged and “saved”, the prisoner is
freed and goes back to his base.
The game can be as small-scale as teams just facing each other and trying to tap the
opponents to catch them or as large as team members hiding and strategising whom to
catch first – for example, the weakest links or the slowest runners. If there are no more
members at large, meaning all opponents have been captured, all members of the
stronger team will have to try and get the base from the “guard” by tagging it. The one
left must try not to leave the base lest it be overtaken by the opponents. In this case, the
stronger team wins


Sambunot is a Philippine game which may be played outdoors by ten or more players, but not to exceed
twenty. The goal in the game is to get the coconut husk out of the circle.
A circle is drawn on the floor, big enough to accommodate the number of players. A coconut husk is placed at
the center of the circle. The players position themselves inside the circle. At the signal ″GO,″ players will rush
to the center to get the coconut husk. Players may steal the coconut husk from another player in an attempt
to be the one to take the husk put of the circle. A player who is successful in getting out of the circle with the
coconut husk wins, and the game starts again.

Ubusan Lahi

- game of conquer - One tries to conquer the members of a group (as in claiming the members of another's
clan). The tagged player from the main group automatically becomes an ally of the tagger. The more players,
the better. The game will start with only one it and then try to find and tag other players. Once one player is
tagged, he or she then will help the it to tag the other players until no other participant is left. Some people
also know this a Bansai.

Slipper Game

Materials/ Equipment needed in the game

A grassy field with a lots of room to run and tumble or a gym that can fit with this game


Describe how the game played

The pitcher will throw the slipper (just like the baseball game) then if the striker can striker o
r kick the slipper to the back of the pitcher without catching of the catcher and make it home run, 1 point is
for the team. But if you can’t strike the slipper 3 times, it is totally one point down, until 3 times of none strike.
But if the catcher catch the slipper strike by the striker the point is given to the catcher team.


Give the manner of scoring or ways to win the game

Each players must be finish with home run with the total score of the team of 6 point. If the team
has finally got 6 points, the game is over.


The game requires eight participants. These participants are divided into two teams. Eachteamiscomposedof4
members. Moreover, the players prepare 4 pieces(ortwosets)ofbamboopoles. These poles are of equal
heights, 10 feet long. And, each pole is fitted with a foot- size stepladder.

1. The first player on each team stands behind the starting point. While the second player stands on the 25th-
meter mark. The third player waits at the 50th-meter mark. And, the last player on the 75th mark. 2. At the
signal of“Get set”,the first players stand ready behind the starting line. They now hold their respective stilts. 3.
At the signal of“Go”,the players mount their stilts and start walking towards the 25th-meter mark. Then, they
get off the stilts for the second players to continue the course to the 50th mark. This process is repeated until
the fourth players reach the finish line (or the 100th-meter).

4. The team that completes the course first is the winner.

5. Each player is allowed only two errors. This means that if the player falls off the stilts more than twice, his
team loses the game
Rediscovering the Fun of Traditional Filipino Games: Laro ng Lahi

Game Mechanics:


A hand-clapping game generally involving 4 people. They are split into two pairs, a pair having 2 people facing
each other, and all members from both pairs facing the center (the two pairs being perpendicular to each
other). Each pair then does a hand clapping "routine" while singing the "bahay kubo." At the middle of the
song, each pair exchanges "routines" with the other.


A role-playing game where children act as members of an imaginary family, sometimes to the extent that one
of them becomes the family "pet." They then act out various household situations such as dinner, going to
mass, and the like.


A rough circle is drawn on the ground and one person from the group is tagged. He is not allowed to enter the
circle, but instead has to touch one of the people inside the circle without having entered it. If he succeeds, he
can enter the circle, and the person touched becomes the next one tagged.


Go round and round until the hanky drops - After the it is determined, he or she goes around the circle and
drops a handkerchief behind one of the players in the circle. If this player notices the handkerchief, he or she
has to pick up the handkerchief and go after the it around the circle. The it has to reach the vacant spot left by
the player before the it is tagged; otherwise, the it has to take the handkerchief and repeat the process all
over again.


Heaven and earth - One "It" chases after players who are allowed to run on level ground (lupa) and clamber
over objects (langit). The "It" may tag players who remain on the ground, but not those who are standing in
the "langit" (heaven). The tagged player then becomes "It" and the game continues.


hopscotch- The players stand behind the edge of a box, and each should throw their cue ball. The first to play
is determined depending on the players' agreement (e.g. nearest to the moon, wings or chest). Whoever
succeeds in throwing the cue ball nearest to the place that they have agreed upon will play first. The next
nearest is second, and so on.

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