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JU PH D Regulation 2024 EC Approved Final Draft July 2024

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Provisions relating to Doctorate Degree

The following Amendments to the Ph.D. Regulations 2017 of Jadavpur University, in consonance
with UGC Ph.D Regulations 2022, shall be applicable to all Ph.D. programmes offered by the
university, and to the Ph.D. programmes offered by other institutes that are recognized by and
affiliated to Jadavpur University, with effect from May 24, 2024. Award of degre es to
candi dates regi stered for the Ph .D. progra mme on or after M a y 1 6 , 2 0 1 7 b u t
b e f o r e May 24, 2024, shall be governed by the Ph.D. Regulations 2017 of Jadavpur
University; Award of degre es to candi dates registered for the Ph.D. programme on
or after July 11, 2009, but before May 16, 2017, shall b e governed by the Ph.D.
Regulations 2010 of Jadavpur Univers ity that were adopted in conso nance with
provi sions of the UGC M.Phil / Ph.D Regulations 2016 and UGC (Mini mum Standards
and procedure for Awards of Ph.D Degree) Regulation, 2009, respectively.

17. The University will award the following Doctorate Degrees:

i) D.Litt. in Arts; D.Sc. in Science, Engineering & Technology / Pharmacy

ii) Ph.D. (Arts), Ph.D. (Science), Ph.D. (Engg. / Pharm.) in Arts, Science and Engineering &
Technology / Pharmacy respectively.

Of the above two categories, the degree of D.Litt. & D.Sc. are to be considered as
Doctorate Degrees of higher level and no supervisory guidance will be necessary.
Supervisory guidance is compulsory for Ph.D. degrees in all disciplines.

Ph.D. Programme shall be of a minimum duration of three years including course work,
and the maximum duration is as specified in clause 19(v) below.

Eligibility for Admission

18. i) The application for admission to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programme is to be
made to the Registrar in the prescribed form.

(i i ) Fo l l owi ng ca ndi dat es a r e el i gi b l e t o ap pl y f o r ad m i s s i o n t o t h e P h . D.
progr am m es of J ada vpur U ni vers i t y:

1. Candidates who have completed a 1-year/2-semester master's degree programme after a 4-year/8-
semester bachelor’s degree programme or a 2-year/4-semester master’s degree programme after a 3-
year bachelor’s degree programme or qualifications declared equivalent to the master’s degree by
the corresponding statutory regulatory body, with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its equivalent
grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed or equivalent qualification from a foreign
educational institution accredited by an assessment and accreditation agency which is approved,
recognized or authorized by an authority, established or incorporated under a law in its home
country or any other statutory authority in that country to assess, accredit or assure quality and
standards of the educational institution.

2. Candidates who have completed a bachelors degree in engineering/ architecture/ pharmacy/

technology or an equivalent professional qualification followed by M.E/ M.Arch/ M.Pharm/ M.Tech
or MS (of min 2 years duration) or MSc in Engineering and/or equivalent integrated course, with a
minimum 5 years duration in total whatsoever the case may be with at least 55% marks in aggregate;
Or its equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed or equivalent
qualification from a foreign educational institution accredited by an assessment and accreditation
agency which is approved, recognized or authorized by an authority, established or incorporated
under a law in its home country or any other statutory authority in that country to assess, accredit or
assure quality and standards of the educational institution.

Provided that a candidate seeking admission after a 2/3 year (4/6 semester) MCA degree programme
should have a minimum of 65% marks marks in aggregate, or its equivalent grade in a point scale
wherever grading system is followed.

3. A candidate seeking admission after a 4-year/8-semester bachelor’s degree programme should have
a minimum of 75% marks in aggregate or its equivalent grade on a point scale wherever the
grading system is followed.

4. Candidates who have completed the M.Phil. programme with at least 55% marks in aggregate or its
equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed or equivalent qualification
from a foreign educational institution accredited by an assessment and accreditation agency which
is approved, recognized or authorized by an authority, established or incorporated under a law in its
home country or any other statutory authority in that country to assess, accredit or assure quality
and standards of educational institutions, shall be eligible for admission to the Ph.D. programme.
5. In each of the above cases 1 – 4, a relaxation of 5% marks or its equivalent grade may be allowed
for those belonging to SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/Differently-Abled, Economically Weaker
Section (EWS) and other categories of candidates or as per the decision of the Commission from
time to time.
iii) A candidate shall submit a statement that s/he is not currently enrolled or registered for the
doctorate degree in any University / Institute and as long as s/he is registered for the
Ph.D. degree programme at this University s/he will not get registered at any other
University / Institute if not pursuing any joint doctorate degree programme of this

iv) Subject to the conditions laid down in Clause 18(ii) above, candidates who have qualified for
Fellowship/Scholarship and/or for Assistant Professor/ admission to Ph.D. programme only in the
UGC-NET/CSIR-NET/ SET/ GATE/GPAT/ CEED or s i m i l a r o t h e r N a t i o n a l l e v el t e s t s ,
will have to be successful in the interview on the subject as mentioned under clause
18(viii) below to be conducted by the Ph.D. Research Committee of the
Department/School concerned constituted as per clause 21 (iii)(A) to qualify for admission.

Provided that the Master’s Degree or a degree deemed equivalent to the Master’s degree for such a
candidate is in the discipline/subject in which he/she is applying for Ph.D. Degree or in a
discipline/subject deemed relevant/allied by the Doctorate Committee of the Faculty concerned.

In all other cases the candidates, including candidates possessing a 2-year M.Phil. Degree o r an
equivalent Degree of an Indian Institution, will have to appear for an admission test to be
conducted by the office of the Controller of Examinations of the University and if
qualified as per the clause 18(vii) below, have to be successful in the interview on the
subject as mentioned under clause 18(viii) below to be conducted by the Ph.D. Research
Committee of the Department/School concerned constituted as per clause 21(iii)(A) to qualify
for admission.

The admission test procedure will be decided by the Doctorate Committee concerned in
consultation with the relevant Head of the Department/Director of the School.

Following the admission procedure, a list of qualified candidates (preferably mentioning

their area(s) of research interest(s)) will be published and displayed by the University
through respective faculty office.

v) Each Doctorate Committee shall predetermine t h e n u m b e r o f Ph.D. scholars to be

admitted depending on the number of available Research Supervisors and other academic and
physical facilities available, keeping in mind the norms regarding the scholar-teacher ratio,
laboratory, library and such other facilities.

Admission test schedule shall be notified at least once in every year, well in advance in
the institutional website and through advertisement in at least two (2) national newspapers, of
which at least one (1) shall be in the regional language, along with the number of seats for
admission for Ph.D. in each subject/discipline, criteria for admission, procedure for admission,
examination centre(s)where entrance test(s) shall be conducted and all other relevant information;

The reservation policy of the State Government shall be applicable for admission to the Ph.D

vii) The qualifying marks in the Written Entrance Test (WRET) shall be 50% for General category
applicants. The Entrance Test shall consist of 50% of research methodology and 50% shall be
subject specific. A syllabus/ broad guidelines, as prepared by the Department / School concerned
and approved by the Doctorate Committee of the Faculty concerned, may be provided to the

(b) A relaxation of 5 % marks will be allowed in the entrance examination for the candidates
belonging to SC/ST/OBC/differently-abled category, Economically Weaker Section (EWS), and
other categories of candidates as per the decision of the Commission from time to time.
(c) For the selection of candidates based on the entrance test and interview, a weightage of 70% for
the entrance test and 30 % for the performance in the interview/viva- voce shall be given.
(d) For selection of candidates who have qualified for Assistant Professor/ admission to Ph.D.
programme only in the UGC-NET/CSIR-NET/ GATE/GPAT/ CEED or s i m i l a r o t h e r
N a t i o n a l l e v e l t e s t s , a weightage of 70% for the score in the concerned N a t i o n a l l e v e l test
and 30 % for the performance in the interview/viva- voce shall be given.
(e) The same 70:30 selection criterion (as in 18(vii) (d) above) shall be applied for candidates who
have qualified for Fellowship/Scholarship in the UGC-NET/CSIR-NET/ GATE/GPAT/ CEED
or similar other National level tests.

(f) Admission rules for applicants who are awarded A IC T E D o c t o r a l F e l l o w s h i p

( A D F ) / Q IP / C S IR d i r e c t f e l l o w s h i p a n d s i m i l a r o t h e r fe l l o w s h i p s under any
Government scheme or sponsored projects w i l l b e d e s i g n e d b y t h e r e l e v a n t F a c u l t y.

viii) In the interview/viva-voce, a candidate shall be required to discuss his/her research

interest/area through a presentation before the Ph.D. Research Committee of the
Department/School constituted as per clause 21 (iii)(A).

The interview/viva voce shall also consider the following aspects, viz. whether:
(a) the candidate possesses the competence for the proposed research;
(b) the research work can be suitably undertaken at the Department/School concerned;
(c) the proposed area of research can contribute to new/additional knowledge

ix) The HEIs may decide their own selection procedure for Ph.D. admission of international students
keeping in view the guidelines/norms in this regard issued by statutory/regulatory bodies
concerned from time to time.
Subject to the eligibility condition laid down in 18(ii) (1-2) above, the selection shall be made as per
the following process:
(a) Initial screening by the Ph.D. Research Committee of the Department/School concerned
constituted as per the clause 21 (iii)(A) below, based on the merit of the proposed research
work, whether it can suitably be undertaken at the Department/School concerned, and letter of
recommendations for the candidate regarding his/her scholastic aptitudes and research
(b) Interview of the candidate shortlisted by the Ph.D. Research Committee of the Department/
School concerned on the basis of 18 (ix)(a) above.

Procedure for Registration
19.i) The Doctorate Committee of the Faculty concerned shall process the application of the
qualified candidates as per clause 18 (ii) and (iv) above.
If the Doctorate Committee accepts the candidate for registration on the
recommendation of the Ph.D. Research Committee of the Department/School concerned as
per Clause 18(vii) a n d ( v i i i ) above, then s/he shall have to register her/his name or get
admitted to the Ph.D. programme on or within the date specified by the Doctorate
Committee, by paying a registration fee as per Clause 19(iv) below, plus such other fees
duly determined by the University, failing of which the offer of admission/registration shall
be cancelled.

The scheme of the work and title of thesis shall have to be registered by the student/scholar
through his/her Research Advisory Committee (RAC), constituted as per Clause 21(iii)(B) below,
within two years from the date of registration/admission to the Ph.D. programme or within
one year from the date of successful completion of the course-work, whichever is
applicable. However, the title of research work/thesis of a student may be registered
through RAC as per 21(iii)(B) below, on the recommendation of the Ph.D. Research
Committee of the Department/School concerned, before the successful completion of Ph.D.
course-work in cases where he/she has been awarded with a Fellowship by UGC/CSIR or
any such funding agency, the commencement of which requires the registration of the title
of his/here research work. Notwithstanding any such requirements, continuation of Ph.D.
research work and validity of registrations shall be subject to conditions laid down under
Clause 19(v) below.

ii) Registration for Ph.D. degree shall be granted to a candidate provided that the Doctorate
Committee is satisfied that:
a) the candidate satisfies the requirements for eligibility as laid down under 18(ii) above.
b) His/her admission to the Ph.D. programme is recommended by the Ph.D. Research Committee of
the concerned Department/School as per clauses 18(vii), 18(viii) and 1 8 (ix) above.
c) it shall be possible for the candidate to maintain regular contact with her/his Supervisor
throughout the entire period of her/his work, and
d) the experimental part, if any, of the work can be carried out at this University or in
other recognized University or institution or research organization or Industry where
adequate facilities for carrying out such work exist.
e) There is evidence that a person qualified under (21)(i) – (ii) is willing to act as
supervisor for the candidate.

iii) In case of failure to register within the prescribed time, the application shall be deemed to
have been cancelled unless granted permission by the Registrar on the basis of a written
application by the candidate and recommendation of the Doctorate Committee/Admission
Committee of the Faculty concerned.

iv) On payment of the registration fee, the candidate’s name and other particulars will be
included in the register maintained by the Office of the faculty concerned.

The date of payment of Registration fee, or the first instalment as may be permitted by the
University, shall be taken as the date of Registration and admission to the Ph.D. programme.

The Registration Certificate shall be issued to a candidate by the Registrar only after full
payment of the Registration fee by him/her.

Registration fee to be paid by each admitted Ph.D. scholar in PhD programmes under Faculty of
Arts and Faculty of Science, regardless of his/her employment and scholarship status, be Rs.
25,000/-, subject to revisions from time to time as decided by the respective Faculties and the
Registration fee to be paid by each admitted Ph.D. scholar in PhD programmes under Faculty of
Engineering and Technology, regardless of his/her employment and scholarship status, be Rs.
22,000/- at the time of admission and Rs. 5000/- per semester during his/her entire duration of
PhD, subject to revisions from time to time as decided by the Faculty and the university.
Registration fee applicable for a foreign scholar admitted to any Ph.D. programme of the
university as per clause 18(ix) above shall be as decided by the university from to time.

v) Registration shall remain valid for six years from the date of admission to the Ph.D.
programme, provided that the candidate successfully completes the Ph.D. course work as
stipulated under clause 20(iii) and (v) below, he/she maintains regular contact with her/his
Supervisor throughout the entire period of her/his work, her/his research progress is found
to be satisfactory by the Research Advisory Committee of the candidate concerned as per
Clause 20 (iv) below and has paid registration fee and other fees applicable in full within 18
months from her/his date of registration as defined under 19(iv) above.

Subject to fulfilment of the above criteria and on the recommendations of the Research
Advisory Committee of the candidate concerned, as per Clause 21(iii)(B) below, on the
basis of satisfactory progress in his/her research work, the relevant Doctorate Committee may
a l l o w r e - r e gi s t r a t i o n f o r additional two (2) years beyond six years provided that the total
period for completion of a Ph.D. programme should not exceed eight (8) years from the date of
admission in the Ph.D. programme, by paying a re-registration fee for each year to the amount of
50% of the registration fee paid at the time of admission to the Ph.D. programme of the university, or
as may be decided by the university from time to time.

For a female candidate and for a candidate with at least 40% disability, the period of valid
registration shall be six years subject to fulfilment of the above requirements, with maximum of
two (2) extensions of one-year each may be permitted by the Doctorate Committee on the
recommendations of the Research Advisory Committee of the candidate concerned as
constituted under Clause 21(iii)(B) below, on the basis of satisfactory progress in her research work.
Beyond 8 years of registration period (including the two-year extension), r e - r e g i s t r a t i o n m a y
b e a l l o w e d f o r additional two (2) years provided that the total period for completion of a Ph.D.
programme should not exceed ten (10) years from the date of admission in the Ph.D. programme. A
re-registration fee to the amount of 50% of the registration fee paid at the time of admission to the
Ph.D. programme of the university, or as may be decided by the university from time to time, shall
be applicable.

Re-registration fee applicable for a foreign scholar admitted to any Ph.D. programme of the
university as per clause 18(ix) above shall be as decided by the university from to time.

A female Ph.D scholar may be provided maternity / child care leave for up to 240 days in the entire
duration of Ph.D programme. The period of maternity / child care leave shall not be
counted/included in the relevant period of validity of the registration, extension and/or re-
registration, and such period(s) shall automatically be extended by the number of days granted for
Maternity/Child Care leave.
The same rule of the total period for completion of a Ph.D. programme as specified above shall be
applicable for a registered foreign student, unless otherwise a shorter duration is stipulated by the
sponsoring agency.
vi) The candidate may apply to the Registrar for cancellation of registration stating reasons,
and such application, preferably forwarded by the Supervisor(s) must be placed and
recorded at the meeting of the Doctorate Committee. If approved, the candidate’s
registration will be cancelled.
vii) Registration of a student/scholar may also be cancelled by the university if the
candidate does not fulfil the criteria mentioned under 19(v) above and 20(iii)-(v) below. In
cases where the progress of the candidate is not satisfactory as per Clause 20(iv) below, the
Research Advisory Committee of the candidate concerned may recommend to the
Registrar for cancellation of his/her registration. The recommendation of the concerned
Research Advisory Committee shall be placed at the meeting of the Doctorate Committee
and the candidate will be notified in writing the provisional decision taken by the
Doctorate Committee. Final decision will be taken by the Doctorate Committee after
obtaining the reply within a stipulated period of time.

The Research Advisory Committee of the student/scholar concerned may also

recommend cancellation of his/her registration if he/she fails to present his/her research progress
in work–in– progress presentations before the members of the RAC concerned as per Clause 20(iv)
below in due time for two or more consecutive occasions.

Privileges and obligations of registered candidates

2 0 . i) A registered student/scholar shall work under the guidance of the Supervisor(s)

appointed by the Doctorate Committee on the recommendation of the Ph.D. Research
Committee of the Department/School concerned.

ii) A registered candidate shall abide by such regulations as may be prescribed by the Doctorate
Committee from time to time.

iii) Number of Courses and Credit Requirement:

Faculty of Arts: For all departments, the Ph.D. course work shall be of minimum 16 credits, and
maximum 20 credits – each paper being of 4 credit – of which 4 credit (or one paper) must be on
Research Methodology and 4 credit (or one paper) must be on Research and Publication Ethics. The
exact number of Courses and total credits (of not less than 16 credit and not more than 20 credits) for
each discipline/subject shall be determined by the Doctorate Committee of the Faculty o f A r t s
on the recommendation of the Ph.D. Research Committee of the Department/School concerned.

Faculty of Science: For all departments, the Ph.D. course work shall be of 16 credits – each paper
being of 4 credit – of which 4 credit (or one paper) must be on Research Methodology and 4 credit
(or one paper) must be on Research and Publication Ethics.

Faculty of Engineering & Technology: For all departments, Ph.D. coursework shall be of minimum
20 credits for scholars with BE/B.Tech and MCA degrees; and 12 credits for all other scholars. Each
paper shall be of 4 credit; one paper (of 4 credit) must be on Research Methodology and one paper
(of 4 credit) must be on Research and Publication Ethics.

The exact number of Courses and total credits (of not less than 12 credit or 20 credits as may be
applicable) for each discipline/subject shall be determined by the Doctorate Committee of the
Faculty o f Engineering & Technology on the recommendation of the Ph.D. Research Committee
of the Department/School concerned.

Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, Law and Management: For all schools, the minimum credits for
a Ph.D. coursework shall be as prescribed by the Faculty of Arts/Science/Technology depending on
under which Faculty the School’s Ph.D. programme is affiliated or the scholar’s Ph.D is registered.

The exact number of Courses and total credits (of not less than the credits prescribed by the Faculty
of Arts/Science/Technology as may be applicable) for each discipline/subject shall be determined
by the Doctorate Committee of the Faculty o f Interdisciplinary Studies, Law and Management on
the recommendation of the R A C o f t h e S c h o l a r a n d t h e Ph.D. Research Committee of the
School concerned.

The course on Research Methodology would usually cover areas such as quantitative
methods, computer applications, and review of published research in the relevant field,
training, field work, etc. Other course(s) shall be advanced level course(s) in the
relevant subject/discipline.

Under all four Faculties, the Ph.D Dissertation shall be of 32 credits. A certificate for fulfilment of
total credit hours completed by a candidate (which shall not be less than 44 credits) shall be
issued by the Registrar on the authentication from the Secretary of the concerned Faculty
Council, only after recommendation of the award of the Doctorate Degree by the viva voce
examiners as per clause 26(v) below.

Examinations of the Ph.D. course work shall be conducted by the office of the Controller of
Examinations of this University as per the provisions laid down under 20(v) below.

iv) A research scholar shall appear before the Research Advisory Committee once in six months to
make a presentation of the progress of his/her work for evaluation and further guidance. On the
basis of work-in-progress presentation by a candidate, the six monthly progress reports shall be
prepared and submitted by the Research Advisory Committee to the Dean of the Faculty concerned.

v) Examination Rule for Course-work

a) Students shall not be awarded any class or rank on the basis of course-work examination. There
will be no supplementary examination for any course. Students who fail to qualify in any
course/paper shall be eligible to appear for the same courses/papers in the regular semester
examination in the subsequent corresponding semester. No student shall be permitted to take
any end semester examination more than two times.

b) Each 4-credit course in the one-semester course-work shall be evaluated out of 50 marks under
Faculty of Arts, and Faculty of Science; out of 100 for Faculty of Engineering and Technology; out of
50/100 marks for Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, Law and Management (FISLM) as determined
by the Doctorate Committee of the F I S L M on the recommendation of the Ph.D. Research
Committee of the School concerned.

c) Each Ph.D. scholar will be required to obtain at least 55% in each paper/course and 55% in
aggregate or grade point of 6.25 in 10-point scale in order to be declared passed, and to continue in
the Ph.D. programme.

vi) In case of relocation of a female Ph.D. scholar due to marriage or otherwise, the research data shall
be allowed to be transferred to the Higher Educational Institution to which the scholar intends to
relocate, provided all the other conditions in these Regulations are followed, and the research work
does not pertain to a project sanctioned to the parent Institution/Supervisor by any funding agency.
Such scholar shall, however, give due credit to the parent institution and the supervisor for the part
of research already undertaken.

21.i) Permanent faculty members working as Professor/Associate Professor of Jadavpur University with
a Ph.D., and at least five research publications in peer-reviewed or refereed journals, and permanent
faculty members working as Assistant Professors in Jadavpur University with a Ph.D., and at least
three research publications in peer-reviewed or refereed journals, may be recognized as a Research
Supervisor in Jadavpur University or in its affiliated Post-graduate Colleges/institutes.

Provided that in areas/disciplines where there is no or only a limited number of refereed journals,
the university may relax the above condition for recognition of a person as Research Supervisor
with reasons recorded in writing.

(ii)(a) Only a full time regular teacher of Jadavpur University can act as a supervisor. The external
supervisors having a Ph.D. and requisite number of publications as per 21(i) above and
vacancies as per Clause 21(iv) below may be allowed as a Co-supervisor as per the
recommendation of the Research Advisory Committee constituted as per Clause 21(iii)(B) below, and
approved by the Doctorate Committee of the Faculty concerned.

Co-supervisor(s) from within the department/school or from other department/ school of Jadavpur
University fulfilling the requirements as laid down under 21(i) above and 21(iv) below, can be
appointed as a Co-supervisor on the recommendation of the Research Advisory Committee
of a student in specific cases where specialized nature of research requires supplementing
the expertise of the Research Supervisor concerned.

(b) The allocation of Research Supervisor for a selected research scholar shall be decided by
the Ph.D. Research Committee (PRC) of the Department/School concerned depending on the
number of scholars per Research Supervisor, the available specialization among the Supervisors and
research interests of the scholars as indicated by them at the time of interview/viva voce.

(c) Subsequent to allocation of supervisor to a candidate and formation of the Research Advisory
Committee (RAC) for his/her research work, if the RAC feels that the inter-disciplinary/
specialized nature of Ph.D. research of the candidate requires supplementing expertise from
within/outside the department/School, then it may recommend to the Ph.D. Research
Committee of the Department/School concerned for appointment of a Co-supervisor
from within/outside the Department/School/Faculty/University subject to the requirements as laid
down under 21(i) above and 21(iv) below on such terms and conditions as may be specified and
agreed upon by the consenting Institutions/Colleges.

(A) Ph. D. Research Committee (PRC) for Departments / Schools shall be composed of the
following members:
a) Head of the Department / Director of the School concerned as chairman.
b) Elected/nominated member of the Doctorate Committee from the department / Joint Director of the
c) 4 (four) subject experts of whom at least one must from outside the department / school and one
must be from outside the University, nominated for a maximum period of four years
d) Secretary, Faculty Council concerned – Convener

Full-time permanent teachers of the department/school, fulfilling requirements as per clause 21(i)
above, who have declared vacancies for Ph.D. supervision as per clause 21(iv) below, shall be invited
in the meeting of the Ph.D. Research Committee convened for the interview and selection of candidates
against the pre-determined vacancies. Invited members will not give marks to candidates based on their
interview performances. However, their opinion will be given due consideration.

If the incumbent Head of the Department / Director of the School concerned is himself/herself a
registered Ph.D. student of this university, he/she is shall neither be the Chairperson of the committee
and nor be an ex-officio member of the committee till such time he/she is awarded the degree. The
elected/nominated member of the Doctorate Committee from the department / Joint Director of the
School will chair the meetings of the Ph.D. Research Committee till such time.

The term of each nominated member of the Ph.D. Research Committee of the Department/School shall
be four (4) years from the date of approval by the Doctorate Committee concerned

Powers and Functions of the Ph. D. Research Committee for Departments / Schools shall be as follows:
(1) It shall select candidates against number of pre-determined vacancies and recommend to the
Doctorate Committee concerned for approval of their admission to the Ph.D. programme;
(2) ascertain and recommend waiver from Ph.D. course-work, wherever applicable;
(3) assign Research Supervisor and Co-Supervisors as per the provisions laid down under 21 (i) and
21 (ii) above;
(4) Nominate subject experts for Research Advisory Committee for a student concerned

(B) Research Advisory Committee (RAC) for each admitted Ph.D. scholar shall be composed
of the following members:
a) Chairperson of the Ph.D. Research Committee of the Department/School concerned or his/her
nominee from within the Department/ School, as Chairperson of the concerned RAC
b) At least one and at most two subject experts (who may be from outside the concerned department/
school) to be nominated by the Ph.D. Research Committee of the Department/School concerned in
consultation with the Research Supervisor
c) concerned Research Supervisor as Convener
d) concerned Co-supervisor(s) as member(s), wherever applicable

Powers and Functions of the Research Advisory Committee for Departments / Schools
shall be as follows:

It shall
(1) review the research proposal, finalize the topic and title of research work/Ph.D. thesis, and
forward its recommendation to the Doctorate Committee of the Faculty concerned for
registration of the same;
(2) guide the research scholar to develop the study design and methodology of research and
identify the course(s) that he/she may have to do.
(3) periodically review and assist in the progress of the research work of the research scholar.
(4) to assess and evaluate research progress of the Ph.D. scholar concerned on the presentation
given by him/her before the Committee on the progress of his/her work once in six months, and
provide further guidance.
(5) submit the six monthly progress reports to the Dean of the concerned Faculty through the
Chairperson of the Ph.D. Research Committee of the Department/School on the basis of
presentation made by the Ph.D. scholar concerned. A copy of the report shall be given to the
research scholar.
(6) recommend extension/re-registration subject to the satisfaction of criteria as laid down under
clause 19(v) and 20(iv) above.

The Research Advisory Committee may also recommend cancellation of registration of the Ph.D.
scholar concerned as per provisions under clause 19(vii) above.

All recommendations/minutes of RAC should be sent to the Dean of the concerned Faculty through
the PRC of the department/school concerned.

21(iv) A Research Supervisor/Co-supervisor who is a Professor, at any given point of time, cannot guide
more than Eight (8) Ph.D. scholars. An Associate Professor as Research Supervisor/Co-supervisor
can guide up to a maximum of six (6) Ph.D. scholars and an Assistant Professor as Research
Supervisor//Co-supervisor can guide up to a maximum of four (4) Ph.D. scholars.

Each supervisor can guide up to two international research scholars on a supernumerary basis over and
above these permitted number of Ph.D. scholars.

Submission of thesis

22. i) A registered candidate shall have to work for a minimum period of three years after the
date of registration. If the Supervisor / RAC certifies that the thesis embodies at least three
years’ work, then the Doctorate Committee may permit a candidate to submit his/her thesis
one year after the successful completion of coursework, but not before two years from the
date of registration subject to satisfying the criteria as laid down under 22(ii) below.

ii) A student must have two (2) publications in refereed journals, preferably in
SCOPUS/Web of Science indexed/UGC-CARE journals ; OR at least one publications in a
refereed journal, preferably in SCOPUS/Web of Science indexed/UGC-CARE journals, and
made one paper presentations in conferences/seminars out of his/her doctoral research work,
prior to submission and examination of his/her thesis, and shall produce evidence for the
same in the form of acceptance letter or offprint and presentation certificates.

A Ph.D. scholar registered under FET must have two (2) publications in SCOPUS/Web of
Science indexed journals; Or, one (1) publication in a SCOPUS/Web of Science indexed
journal and one (1) full paper publication in proceedings of
Conference/Seminar/Symposium/Workshop. These publications must be out of his/her thesis
work and post admission and registration.

iii) Before final submission of the thesis a student who has satisfactorily completed the
course work following clause 20(iii) and 20(v), must present his/her work at a meeting
of the Research Advisory Committee as constituted under 21(iii)(B). Such presentation
shall be open to all faculty members and other research scholars. Any suggestion may be
suitably incorporated under the advice of the supervisor(s).

23. i) The thesis shall be an original contribution to knowledge, and must bear evidence of
the candidate’s having carried out individual investigations in her/his chosen field.

ii) S/he shall state in the preface the proposition on which the work is based and how the work
contributes to the general advancement of knowledge. S/he shall also state the sources
from which her/his information has been derived and shall indicate which portion(s) of
her/his thesis s/he claims as her / his original contribution.

The Executive Council of the university shall evolve a mechanism using well developed
software and gadgets to detect plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty. While
submitting for evaluation, the dissertation/thesis shall have an undertaking from the research
scholar and a certificate from the Research Supervisor and Co-Supervisor(s) attesting to the
originality of the work, vouching that there is no plagiarism and that the work has not been
submitted for the award of any other degree/diploma of the same Institution where the work was
carried out, or to any other Institution.

iii) A candidate cannot submit as her/his thesis any work for which a degree or Diploma or other
academic award has been conferred on her/him by this University or any other University
or Institution.

24. i) The fee for submitting a thesis for examination will be as determined by the University
from time to time.
ii) A registered candidate shall have to submit four hard copies (the number may be
determined separately in case of joint supervision) and one electronic copy of the
thesis embodying the results of the research s/he has carried out together with four copies
of the synopsis of the thesis.
The copies of the thesis should be submitted to the Registrar together with a receipt of
the fees paid to this University for this purpose.
iii) The fee so paid is not refundable.
iv) Proof of the candidate’s fulfilment of other requirements shall also be submitted at this
v) The Executive Council shall have the power to revoke any Ph.D. degree conferred duly if
the candidate is subsequently proved guilty of plagiarism, falsification / copying of data /
information or any other form of academic or ethical malpractice.
Examination of thesis

25 i) The Doctorate Committee o f t h e c o n c e r n e d F a c u l t y shall approve names of six

persons, at least three of whom must be from outside the state of West Bengal, who are
well known authorities on the subject for appointment as examiners of a thesis by
considering the list submitted by the Supervisor(s) concerned, as may be approved by the
RAC concerned. Such examiners shall neither be teachers of this University nor persons
who are supervising candidates for the PhD degree registered at this University.

ii) A Board of Examiners, consisting of the supervisor(s) under whose guidance the candidate
worked, and two external experts from the panel of external experts approved by the
Doctorate Committee of the Faculty concerned as laid down under 25(i) above, of which
at least one external expert shall be from outside the state of West Bengal, shall be
nominated by the Vice Chancellor and appointed by the Executive Council.

iii) Examiners will be requested to state their opinion in the prescribed form that has the
following options:
“(a) The thesis may be accepted for the award of the PhD degree of the University
(b) The thesis may be accepted for the award of the PhD degree of the University
provided that the following modifications are addressed in a separate addendum.

The Examiners present at the viva voce must certify that the modifications
are satisfactorily addressed, failing which the thesis must be resubmitted
after addressing the suggested modifications.
(c) The thesis may be accepted for the award of the PhD degree of the University only
after addressing the following questions and resubmitting the thesis.
(d) The thesis shall not be considered for the award of the PhD degree of this

A detailed report must also be submitted and signed by the external examiners.

iv) A thesis which has been directed to be resubmitted by the examiners may be submitted
again after due revision, modification or alteration but not earlier than three months from
the date of communication of the recommendation to the candidate and a fee shall have to
be paid at the time of resubmission as decided by the University. The Board of Examiners
appointed under 25(ii) will examine the resubmitted thesis again. A thesis may be
resubmitted only once.

v) If there is a difference of opinion in the recommendations (clauses 25 (iii)) above) of the

external examiners, all the reports and the thesis will be sent to a third external
examiner appointed by the Doctorate Committee, who will act as special adjudicator
and her/his recommendation will be considered as binding.

vi) If both the external examiners rejects the thesis (clause 2 5 (iii)(d) above), it shall not
be further processed for t h e award of the PhD degree of this University and it will be
considered as rejected.

vii) If all the external Examiners are of the opinion that the candidate may be awarded
the degree, or in case of a favourable opinion of the special adjudicator, s/he shall be
asked to appear at a viva voce examination.

Viva Voce Examination

26. i) There shall be an open viva voce examination for which notice should be issued 15
days before the examination and teachers of all faculties shall be invited to attend the
examination. Other interested persons may also attend.

In cases of exigency, on the basis of written application by the supervisor of the Ph.D.
student concerned, the Dean of the Faculty concerned may allow viva voce
examination to be conducted after 7 days from the date of issue of notice for the same.

ii) From the panel of external examiners as recommended by the Doctorate Committee as per
Cause 25(i) above, the Vice Chancellor shall nominate and the Executive Council shall
appoint one person who is not a teacher of this University and is a well-known authority on
the subject, and the Supervisor(s) of the candidate, as examiners for the viva voce
examination. In case the Supervisor is not available, the University shall appoint another
examiner in her/his place.

In the event of a Ph.D. candidate proceeding abroad after submission of the thesis,
a competent scholar in the field abroad may be appointed as an examiner for the open viva
voce as a special case with the approval of the Vice Chancellor.
(iii) The examiners at the viva voce examination may ask questions beyond the subject of
the thesis in order to satisfy themselves that the candidate has adequate knowledge
of the particular branch of the subject on which s/he has submitted the thesis. If
there is an addendum as mentioned under 25 (iii)(b), the examiners will certify that it is

iv) If the examiners are not satisfied, the candidate may be directed to appear again at the
viva-voce examination after six months. Such a candidate shall pay an additional
fee duly determined by the University.

v) The degree will be awarded by this University if the examiners of the viva voce examinations are
of the opinion that the candidate is a fit person to receive the degree.


27. The members of the Board of Examiners and the subject expert of the RAC who is from
another university/institution shall be paid honorarium as per the rate determined from time
to time by the University for the examination of the thesis and the oral examination

Honorarium will be paid to the examiners at the same rate as mentioned above for re-examination
of the thesis.

Registration of Candidates under Supervisors who are not teachers of Jadavpur University
28. i) The research institute and/or Ph.D. programme of a research institute shall only
be recognized by Jadavpur University if said institute does not confer Ph.D.
degrees independently. P rovided that the research institute satisfies the following
(a) The concerned research institute has at least two Ph.D. qualified teachers/scientists/
other academic staff in the Department concerned along with required infrastructure,
supporting administrative and research promotion facilities
(b) In case of science and technology disciplines, the concerned research institute has
exclusive research laboratories with sophisticated equipment as specified by Jadavpur
University with provision for adequate space per research scholar along with computer
facilities and essential software, and uninterrupted power and water supply;
(c) The concerned research institute has earmarked library resources including latest
books, Indian and international journals, e-journals, extended working hours for all
disciplines, adequate space for research scholars in the Department/ library for reading,
writing and storing study and research materials.

Ph.D. programme of an Institute/college affiliated to Jadavpur University as per

the Jadavpur University Statute must also satisfy all the above mentioned criteria in order
to be recognized by Jadavpur University for award of Ph.D. degree.

ii) When an institute or its Ph.D. programme, or the Ph.D. programme of an
affiliated college/institute is thus identified by the Executive Council of this
University, the institute must follow the rules and regulations of this University
regarding the Ph.D. programme as laid down above.

iii) The Head / Director of the Institute must forward the selected candidate’s application
form for registration to the Ph.D. programme of this University.

iv) The P h . D Research Committee as constituted for department / unit as per

provisions laid down under clause 21 (iii)(A) above by the concerned research institute
or the affiliated college/institute will conduct the interview; and the Research Advisory
Committee of a Ph.D. scholar concerned constituted as per provisions laid down under
clause 21 (iii)(B) above, s h a l l review the title and scheme of work, progress of the
scholar, recommend re-registration and conduct pre-submission presentation of the
scholar and forward its report to the concerned Doctorate Committee of Jadavpur

Cancellation of Registration

29. (i) The candidate may apply to the Registrar for cancellation of registration stating
reasons, and such application, preferably forwarded by the Supervisor(s) must be
placed and recorded at the meeting of the Doctorate Committee. If approved, the
candidate’s registration will be cancelled.

ii) A candidate’s registration may also be cancelled by the University i f s / h e d o e s n o t

f u l f i l t h e c r i t e r i a a s l a i d d o w n i n C l a u s e 1 9 ( v ) a b o v e , a n d as per the
provisions laid down in Clause 19(vii) above.

Depository with INFLIBNET:

30. Following the successful completion of the evaluation process and before the announcement of
the award of the Ph.D. degree(s), the university shall submit an electronic copy of the Ph.D. thesis
to the INFLIBNET, for hosting the same so as to make it accessible to all Institutions/Colleges.


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