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Gating of a Molecular Transistor: Electrostatic and Conformational

Avik W. Ghosh,* Titash Rakshit, and Supriyo Datta
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue UniVersity, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
Received December 1, 2003; Revised Manuscript Received February 12, 2004

2004 Vol. 4, No. 4 565-568

We derive a general result that can be used to evaluate and compare the transconductance of different field-effect mechanisms in molecular transistors, both electrostatic and conformational. The electrostatic component leads to the well-known thermal limit in the absence of tunneling. We show that in a standard three-terminal geometry and in the absence of strong electronphonon coupling, the conformational component can lead to significant advantages only if the molecular dipole moment is comparable to etox, tox being the thickness of the oxide. Surprisingly, this conclusion is independent of the softness of the conformational modes involved or other geometrical factors. Detailed numerical results for specific examples are presented in support of the analytical results.

Device miniaturization is progressively heading toward solidstate electronic components that are molecular in nature.1,2 Molecular transistors are of great current interest from both basic and applied points of view. Despite theoretical proposals3-5 and experimental reports6-8 of three-terminal molecular devices, their general physical principles are not yet well understood. In a standard silicon MOSFET, the gate modulates the current by controlling the channel charge through its electrostatic potential. Good transistor action requires that this channel potential respond much more to the gate than to the drain, implying an oxide thickness tox that is much smaller than the channel length L (Figure 1a). A molecular transistor operating on electrostatic principles ought to have the same design limitation, so that even nominal gate control in a 10 molecule such as phenyl dithiol (PDT)1 demands an oxide that is prohibitively thin.9 It is therefore natural to investigate alternative principles of molecular transistor action, such as by utilizing conformational degrees of freedom.4 For instance, a gate field coupled with a molecular dipole moment b could cut off the current by tilting it away from a contact (Figure 1b), or by twisting one part relative to the other, breaking its conjugation10,11 (Figure 1c). Such a mechanism could respond more strongly to the gate than to the drain if b is engineered to lie along the source-drain field. In this paper, we derive a general expression for the transconductance per unit current gm/I ) (1/I)(I/Vg) (I: current, Vg: gate voltage)12 for different transistor mechanisms, both electrostatic and conformational.15 For a large separation of time scales between electronic and vibronic modes, as is typical in room-temperature molecular conductors,16 the electrostatic and conformational transconductances
10.1021/nl035109u CCC: $27.50 Published on Web 03/16/2004 2004 American Chemical Society

Figure 1. In a standard transistor (a) the gate voltage Vg controls the current I by controlling the induced charge. In conformational transistors the gate controls the current through the configurational parameter . This could be either (b) through a variation in coupling with the contact, or (c) a variation in transmission through the molecule itself.

are additive, with a well-known electrostatic maximum: [ges/I]max ) e ) (25mV)-1 ) 40V-1 m (1)

where is the inverse thermal energy, achieved only if tox , L and if there is negligible tailing in the density of states.

In addition, we find a fundamental conformational maximum, independent of modal stiffness or molecular geometry: [gconf/I]max ) e(/etox) m (2)

T(E) over the energy range 1 < E < 2. From eq 4, straightforward algebra gives gm ) ges + gconf, where m m ges m 1 T0 ) I T0 Vg

These simple expressions for gate control are later corroborated with detailed numerical results that self-consistently combine a semiempirical description of the device Hamiltonian with a nonequilibrium Greens function (NEGF) description of transport. Based on these results, it seems that good molecular transistor action in a standard MOS geometry with a modest gate insulator thickness would require degenerately doped semiconducting contacts, along with the incorporation of a molecular dipole aligned along the sourcedrain direction and large enough to overcome any roomtemperature thermal averaging over conformations, i.e., larger than etox. We assume above that conducting and nonconducting molecular states lie in the same valley in the conformational potential landscape. The gate voltage shifts the minimum within this valley but thermal excitations lead to a statistical average over the entire valley, making it difficult to change the current any faster than the fundamental limit implied by eq 2. One could get around this limit if the conducting and nonconducting molecular states belong to distinct metastable valleys,4 such that thermal averaging takes place only over one valley or the other. The role of the gate then is to shift the molecule from one valley to the other through a large impulsive force. Such a mechanism, however, is very different from the operating principles of present day MOS devices. We will now discuss these issues quantitatively by deriving eq 5 for gm/I and evaluating its electrostatic and conformational components for specific illustrative examples, with detailed numerical calculations for support. Transconductance Equation. A source-drain bias Vd splits the contact chemical potentials 1,2 by the applied voltage. The molecular I-V is obtained from Landauer theory,13 which can be recast in the less familiar form: I) 2e h


gconf m U U ) T - T0 I Vg T0 0 Vg

[ ]


The transconductance has two additive contributions: an electrostatic term describing how the gate controls the channel charge, and a conformational term describing how the gate controls the transmission by deforming the molecule.16 We now discuss these terms one by one. Electrostatic Control. Electrostatically, the gate modulates the self-consistent potential, effectively moving the molecular energy levels relative to the contacts. A complete treatment of this effect requires a self-consistent solution of the Schrodinger-Poisson equations. However, one can get a qualitative description by assuming that a gate bias rigidly shifts the energy levels and hence the transmission: T(E, Vg) T(E - eVg). The parameter tells us the average molecular potential Vm in response to a change in gate bias: Vm/Vg. Using eq 5a, ges m e T0 ) I T0 E


dET(E) (3)

T(E) ) T(E) X FT(E)

Thermal broadening appears14 as a convolution X of the transmission T(E) at zero lead temperature with the thermal broadening function FT(E) ) -f(E)/E, f(E) ) 1/[exp(E) + 1]. gives a thermal average over various molecular configurations {x} with probabilities set by the conformational potential energies U({x}): T(E) ) iT(E; xi)wi iwi wi ) exp[-U(xi)]

where CG/(CG + CS + CD + CQ), where CG,S,D represent the effective capacitances coupling the molecule to the gate, source, and drain respectively, while CQ is the quantum capacitance proportional to the molecular density of states.17 One could view CG,S,D as a representation of Poissons equation, and CQ as a linearized representation of Schrod ingers equation. Under OFF conditions, CQ is negligible and can be made close to one in a well-designed FET by making tox , L, so that CG . CS,D. However, as we noted earlier, this becomes increasingly difficult as we try to engineer ultrasmall devices that are only tens of atoms long (L 1-5 nm). The electrostatic parameter is then severely reduced, motivating us to look for nonelectrostatic mechanisms for control. Note that the electrostatic restriction on is fundamental and may not be easy to handle without using large dielectric constant insulators with a small effective thickness. Equation 6 also elucidates the role of a sharp transition in T0 as a function of E in realizing good electrostatic control. A metallic conductor with constant T0(E) cannot be used to build an electrostatic switch. Semiconductors by contrast have a band-edge where T0(E) drops to zero over a very small energy range E, so that from eq 6 ges/I e/E m (7)


xi denoting the coordinate of the ith configuration. From eq 3, I ) (2e/h)(1 - 2)T0, T0 being the average value of

Since T0(E) represents a convolution of T(E) and FT(E), the minimum value of E equals that for FT(E), which is 1/.
Nano Lett., Vol. 4, No. 4, 2004

This leads to the well-known upper limit of e for ges/I, m corresponding to ) 1 and E ) 1/. An important point to note is that increased tunneling in nanodevices can make T(E) nonzero below the band gap, with E . 1/. This condition is made worse by the use of metallic (rather than semiconducting) source and drain regions, which is common for molecular devices.1,2 In view of recent progress in growing molecules on silicon surfaces,18 using doped semiconducting contacts seems a realizable and highly desirable ideal. Conformational Control. The conformational mechanism (eq 5b) operates by changing the relative energies U for different molecular configurations {xi}. As expected, we get zero transconductance if T0 is independent of the configu ration {xi}, or its variation is uncorrelated with U/Vg. But if T0 and U/Vg are negatively correlated such that con figurations with larger transmission T0 have their energies U reduced by the gate voltage Vg (and hence made more likely), then the current increases, with a positive gconf/I. To m estimate gconf/I, we write m U(; Vd; Vg) ) U0() - (Vg/tox) sin - (Vd/L) cos (8) where is the angle between the molecular dipole b and the source-drain field Vd/L. Aligning the dipole along the latter eliminates its torque,19 giving the gate field Vg/tox an obvious superiority. Using eq 8 in eq 5b, gconf m T0sin - T0 sin ) - I tox T0


makes thermal averaging more significant, so that no advantage is gained as far as gm is concerned. The quantity inside parentheses in eq 9 can ideally have a maximum value of one if T0 is very sharply varying. In practice it is smaller, depending on the variation of T0 with . As an example, we model a self-assembled PDT monolayer (Figure 1b) chemisorbed on a Au(111) substrate, varying the tilt angle from default (0 20) to upright position and increasing the sulfur-gold coupling exponentially. Although accidental symmetries at specific angles of the highly directional orbital wave functions quench the overlap,11,22 such orientational effects wash out on averaging over various possible positions of the sulfur and gold surface atoms in the upright configuration. The dominant angular dependence in T0 then arises from the overlap between sulfur and gold radial wave functions: T0() exp[-2ZL(1 cos)/na0], (Z ) 3; screened nuclear charge, n; principal quantum number of sulfur, a0 ) 0.529 ). This gives a correlation in eq 9 of 0.1 at room temperature ( 8 D, Vg/tox ) 1 V/nm). This variation can be made to approach a delta-function by increasing L, giving a stronger correlation. Similarly for the rotational configuration in Figure 1c we find T0() cos4 ,23 leading to a configurational average 0.3. The correlation depends not only on the variation T0() but also on the weighting factors, which in turn depend on the bond stiffness, temperature, gate field, and dipole moment. Numerical Results. We now present detailed calculations of the I-V for the structures in Figures 1b,c. The transmission at a given angle is calculated using the nonequilibrium Greens function (NEGF) formalism24 with an extended Huckel Hamiltonian H. We solve G(E) ) (ES - H - U(F) - 1 - 2)-1 F)
-(f1G1G + f2G2G) dE/2

The quantity within parantheses has a maximum value of one, indicating that the maximum conformational transconductance is given by /tox as stated earlier (see eq 2). If is comparable to etox, then it is indeed possible for this mechanism to provide respectable levels of control. For a 10 oxide, /etox 0.15 for an aromatic molecule with one redox NO2 sidegroup per benzene ring. Although it is hard to squeeze in any more dipolar subgroups per ring, one could incorporate large effective dipoles external to the molecule, using a strong piezoelectric gate-molecular coupling, for instance.7 In any case, a conformational transconductance that is, say, a tenth of e may still be useful in view of the difficulties with the electrostatic mechanism discussed earlier. Significantly, the upper limit on the conformational transconductance (eq 2) is unaffected by the softness of the modes described by U0() in eq 8. For the bending and twisting configurations in Figures 1(b,c), we write U0() ) Ubend( - 0)2/2 0 U0() ) Utwist(1 - cos 2)/2 0 (10)

T ) trace(1G2G)


Twisting a molecular bond is much easier than bending it (Ubend 2 eV,20 Utwist 0.03 eV21); however, twisting also 0 0
Nano Lett., Vol. 4, No. 4, 2004

self-consistently (S: overlap matrix, f1, 2 ) f(E - 1,2)). An ideal Au(111) surface geometry24 is used to calculate the contact self-energies 1,2 and level broadenings 1,2. The selfconsistent potential U(F) is obtained by solving Laplaces equation for the device geometry with a 10 oxide and a Hubbard-type electron-electron term. Figure 2 shows the zero-temperature I-V for a PDT relay for various tilt angles. The current tends to saturate on crossing the HOMO level and increases with decreasing tilt (increasing Vg). In addition, there is a conventional electrostatic gate influence.9 For a p-type (HOMO) conduction, a negative gate bias raises the molecular levels relative to the contacts, producing a lateral shift in the conductance (G ) I/Vd) toward lower |Vd| (inset). Figure 3 shows the three-terminal I-V of the Tour-Reed molecule25 containing a nitroamine redox group at (a) 0 K and (b) 300 K.26 EF is assumed to lie in the HOMO tail, giving an ohmic I-V at low Vd. The impedance is compromised by the poor electrostatics due to the oxide thickness

employing other kinds of electromechanical gate-molecular coupling (piezoelectric for example), or using nontraditional, bistable potentials with large impulsive gate voltages.4 Equation 5 gives us a general way to quantitively compare the transconductance of these various field-effect mechanisms in molecular transistors. Acknowledgment. We thank P. Damle, D. Monroe, P. Solomon, and M. Lundstrom for useful discussions, and T. Raza for the image in the table of contents. This work is supported by the U.S. ARO and the Semiconductor Technology Focus Center on Materials, Structures and Devices. References
(1) Reed, M. A.; et al. Science 1997, 278, 252. (2) Dekker, C. Phys. Today 1999, 52, 22. Chen, B.; et al. J. Phys. Chem. B 1999, 103, 4447. Kergueris, C.; et al. Phys. ReV. B 1999, 59, 12505. Reichert, J.; et al. Phys. ReV. Lett. 2002, 88, 176804. (3) Di Ventra, M.; Pantelides, S. T.; Lang, N. D. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2000, 76, 3448. Emberly, E. G.; Kirczenow, G. Phys. ReV. B 2000, 62, 10451. (4) Wada, Y. Proc. IEEE 2001, 89, 1147. von Allmen, P.; Hess, K. Phys. ReV. B 1995, 52, 5243. (5) GoldhaberGordon, D.; et al. Proc. IEEE 1997, 85, 521. (6) Park, H.; et al. Nature 2000, 407, 57. (7) Joachim, C.; Gimzewski, J. K. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1997, 265, 353. (8) Lee, J.-O.; et al. Nano Lett. 2003, 3, 113. Kagan, C. R.; et al. Nano Lett. 2003, 3, 119. (9) Damle, P.; Rakshit, T.; Paulsson, M.; Datta, S. cond-mat/0206328. (10) The end rings are tethered to the contacts and are relatively immobile. The relative twist can be further enhanced using a four-ring extension, with diametrically opposite dipoles on the central rings rotating in opposite directions in the gate field. (11) Samanta, M. P.; Tian, W.; Datta, S.; Henderson, J. I.; Kubiak, C. P. Phys. ReV. B 1995, 53, R7626. Magoga, M.; Joachim, C. Phys. ReV. B 1999, 59, 16011. Zhou, C. Ph.D. Thesis, Yale University, 1999. (12) We use gm/I rather than gm to ensure that this figure of merit is a measure of the effectiveness of the mechanism rather than of the number of molecules involved. (13) Datta, S. Electronic Transport in Mesoscopic Systems; Cambridge University Press: New York, 1995. (14) Bagwell, P. F.; Orlando, T. P. Phys. ReV. B 1989, 40, 1456. (15) We are not considering resonant or single-electron tunneling devices. The former can be analyzed using eqs 3, 4, and 5, but the latter needs a many-particle description. (16) The additivity of the two contributions arises from the widely different time-scales between electronic (10 THz) and conformational (10 GHz) modes. This causes a relatively weak influence of vibrations on the I-V, even at high bias (see for example, Di Ventra, M.; et al. Phys. ReV. Lett. 2002, 88, 046801). (17) Luryi, S. Appl. Phys. Lett. 1988, 52, 501. (18) Wolkow, R. A. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 1 2001, 40, 4378. Guisinger, N. P.; et al. Nano Lett. 2004, 4, 55. (19) Eliminating source-drain torque may require a double-gated device (P. Solomon, private communications). (20) Jung, H. H.; et al. Langmuir 1999, 15, 1147. (21) Saito, K.; et al. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 1995, 7, 8919. (22) Bratkovsky, A. M.; Kornilovich, P. E. cond-mat/0204597. (23) Including multiple coherent reflections between rings makes T0() more complicated (see ref 13, eq 3.2.4). (24) Damle, P. S.; Ghosh, A. W.; Datta, S. Phys. ReV. B 2001, 64, 201403(R). (25) Chen, J.; et al. Science 1999, 286, 1550. (26) Experimentally these molecules show negative differential resistance,25 but the mechanism is unclear and does not follow from the formulation used here. (27) Dequesnes, M.; et al. Nanotechnology 2002, 13, 120.

Figure 2. The I-V for PDT at a given angle saturates on crossing the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) level, increasing with decreasing tilt angle. The electrostatic gate influence (inset) causes a shift in the conductance peak toward lower voltages for p-type (HOMO) conduction.

Figure 3. I-V of the Tour-Reed molecule25 for various gate voltages at (a) 0 K and (b) 300 K, EF lying in the tail of the HOMO level. At 300 K there is some gate modulation, although it is hard to completely switch the current off.

and MIGS, as discussed earlier. The low-temperature gm/I is impressive due to the low torsion constant and the large dipole, a mere 400 mV gate bias reducing the current two hundred times. At room temperature, however, the molecule samples a wide range of angles, reducing gm/I substantially. The gate modulation continues to be observable, but the current is a lot harder to switch off. A lower torsion constant gives better gate control, but increases thermal effects as well. The performance of a transistor also depends on its operating speed. While complicated isomeric cis-trans rotations tend to be slow, bond rotations are much faster (10-100 GHz) and need to be damped out without consuming too much power. Image forces and van der Waals interactions with electrodes27 as well as steric and hydrogen bonding interactions between molecules5 in a mixed monolayer could damp out such oscillations. We have shown that conformational transitions can aid electrostatic gate control significantly if we could engineer a large molecular dipole along a suitable direction. Ways around such design restrictions require going beyond eq 8,



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