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Science EP5

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The key takeaways are that the Earth rotates anticlockwise, causing the stars and Sun to appear to rise in the east and set in the west each day.

A star map or star chart can be used to tell the position of the stars in the sky. It can also allow us to know the identity of the star.

Star maps have been used since ancient times to allow astronomers and sailors to tell the position of a star in the sky. This can help astronomers in finding the direction, since stars rise in the east and set in the west.


Teachers Guide

Complies with the requirements of the Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551
Author Chua Tung Kian Revised by Porntip Siripatharachai, PhD. Ed. Chris Tarn, M. Sc. Piroon Sirisakdi, M. Ed. Editor Tipsuda Buakaew


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The teachers guide is written to aid teachers in planning and conducting science lessons. The teachers guide is divided into the following sections: Background information This section provides the teacher with valuable information on the topic that is taught. The content provided in this section is above and beyond what is required for Primary Science pupils, but it serves as a good grounding for the teacher. Learning outcomes The learning outcomes dictate what the pupils should understand at the end of each series of lessons. These learning outcomes can be assessed by questioning, workbook activities and class tests or examinations. Lesson plans Keywords Various important keywords in each subsection in each chapter are highlighted. The teacher should take extra note of these keywords and emphasise them to the pupils. Concept development Each lesson should begin with the teacher questioning the pupils to assess their prior content knowledge. If pupils are well-abled in a particular area, the teacher can take the opportunity to go more in-depth. Questioning is also a good technique to make pupils think and reduce their reliance on the teacher. Instructional strategies This section details how a possible lesson could be carried out. The teacher is free to adapt the strategies to his/her personal teaching style. It would be good for the pupil if a mix of approaches is used, e.g. field trips, projects, group discussions, individual reports, and experiments. Questions to develop thinking This section typically contains question(s) with relevance to real life scenarios. The teacher should take extra effort to make pupils link their knowledge to real world situations. Answers This section contains answers to Review Questions and Experiment Time! in the textbook. Answers to workbook activities are also provided. Do note that all lesson plans and information provided should be supplemented with materials at your professional discretion to make learning more enriching for your pupils.

Scoring Rubrics
1. The need for assessment
Assessment in education involves the documentation, in measurable terms, of the pupils extent of learning based on their level of knowledge, skills, attitudes and thought processes. Through assessment, the teacher can: a) obtain feedback on his/her effectiveness of teaching and allow him/her to revise his/her teaching methodology b) gather information of the different intellectual abilities of the pupils c) discover misconceptions that might have developed over the course of the pupils learning d) provide pupils with a gauge of their current level of understanding e) provide a sense of accomplishment and achievement for pupils who attain a high level of proficiency in the assessment Todays continuously changing learning landscape requires assessment to be formative, summative or both.

2. Formative and summative assessments

2.1 Formative assessment Formative assessments are carried out throughout the course of study. This type of assessment allows the teacher to provide feedback to a pupil on his/her current level of understanding. Normal quantitative grading systems are ineffective as formative assessments because giving a numerical score could steer a pupil toward learning purely for achieving higher scores rather than learning out of passion. A level system can be used in formative assessments. A level system assesses pupils based on their level of competencies. 2.2 Competency levels for formative assessment Level 4 (highest) Translated grade A Competency description Pupil is able to articulate fluently what he/she has learnt and apply the learnt concepts into other similar situations. He/she can link two or more concepts together with ease to better understand a particular problem or scenario. Pupil is able to explain what he/she has learnt and apply it into other similar situations with assistance from the teacher. Pupil is able to recall what he/she has learnt that is particular to the situation/scenario/problem taught. He/she has difficulties transferring the concept into another situation/scenario/problem which is of a similar stature. Pupil is not able to recall and explain the concept taught. He/she has misunderstanding/misconceptions and requires much assistance for mediation.

3 2


1 (lowest)


2.3 Summative assessment A summative assessment is usually performed at the end of a course or study. Educational systems utilise summative assessments to assign a course grade to the pupils. Summative assessments are meant to be evaluative and can incorporate both objective and subjective questions, but with more of the former. Objective summative assessment questions present a yes/no, correct/incorrect option for pupils. Subjective summative assessment questions aim to elicit the pupils thoughts and philosophy. A well-balanced summative assessment should have 70/30 proportion of objective and subjective questions. 2.4 Point-based system for summative assessment Summative assessment scoring is quantitative (versus the qualitative system for formative assessments). A correct answer is given a score of 1; an incorrect answer is given a score of 0. The culmination of all the scores gives the total score for a pupil. This total score can be translated into a grade point. Score range or % 100-80 Grade point and indication A: Pupil has excellent comprehension of concepts and can apply them with ease into similar or different situations. B: Pupil has good comprehension of concepts but encounters some problems when applying them into similar or different situations. C: Pupil has poor comprehension of concepts and encounters many problems when applying them into similar or different situations. D: Pupil has poor comprehension of concepts and cannot apply them into any other situations. E: Pupil does not understand what he/she has learnt and cannot apply into any situations. Possible action by the teacher Enrichment exercises beyond the current scope of the syllabus, e.g. projects. Revision exercises to improve score to the range of an A grade.



Simple exercises of similar difficulty to those encountered.


Remediation by teaching concepts in other ways and at a slower pace.

30 and below

3. Development of rubrics
Rubrics are a useful tool that teachers can use to assess pupils learning and progress. Sections 2 and 3 outline the basis upon which a rubrics should be designed. The teacher must first decide the objectives of the assessment and what he/she would like to see the pupil achieve, e.g. pupil must be able to recall the theory, pupil must be able to apply the concept into another situation, etc. Rubrics are then crafted according to the objectives set. It is important to note that the rubrics should not be excessively demanding as this may result in the pupils losing interest in the subject.


An example of a formative rubric for an activity in the textbook would be as follows: Activity: Chapter 2, page 21, Put on Your Thinking Cap Nature of assessment: Formative Rubrics Level 4 (Excellent) Competency(ies) exhibited a) Pupil makes the link between seed dispersal and seed viability, i.e. the ability of the seed to still remain alive to germinate into a new plant. b) Pupil makes the link between the seed coat and its ability to resist destruction by digestion c) Pupil deduces that seed coat must be thick and resistant to digestive juices in the digestive system of the animal. a) Pupil makes the link between seed dispersal and seed viability, i.e. the ability of the seed to still remain alive to germinate into a new plant. b) Pupil makes the link between the seed coat and its ability to resist destruction by digestion a) Pupil makes the link between seed dispersal and seed viability, i.e. the ability of the seed to still remain alive to germinate into a new plant. a) Pupil cannot suggest any property for the seed that might allow it to remain viable after ingestion by the animal.

3 (Very good)

2 (Good) 1 (Fair)

Grade assigned: 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 Date: / /

Name of assessor: Comments by assessor

A summative rubric would incorporate only two elements: a) Mark scheme with marking points b) Grade sheet, where pupils are assigned a grade based on their total points in the mark scheme



Tasks requiring rubrics development

The following table presents the list of activities in the Textbook (TB) and Workbook (WB) sorted into either summative or formative assessments. The order of the tasks follows the order of teaching. Both TB and WB activities answers are provided in the Teachers Guide (TG). The teacher will need to determine which points he/she would like to assess the pupil on and craft the rubrics accordingly. Rubrics are more important for formative assessments due to the lack of definite marking points. Summative assessments can simply be assigned numerical scores which can be converted into grades by following the table in Section 2.4. Chapter 1 Location WB WB WB TB TB WB 2 WB WB TB WB WB WB TB TB WB 3 TB WB TB TB WB 4 TB WB TB WB WB TB TB WB Activity 1.1 Activity 1.2 Activity 1.3 Review questions Experiment Time Revision worksheet 1 Activity 2.1 Activity 2.2 Put on Your Thinking Cap Activity 2.3 Activity 2.4 Activity 2.5 Review Questions Experiment Time Revision worksheet 2 Put on Your Thinking Cap Activity 3.1 Review Questions Experiment Time Revision worksheet 3 Put on Your Thinking Cap Activity 4.1 Put on Your Thinking Cap Activity 4.2 Activity 4.3 Review Questions Experiment Time Revision worksheet 4 Task Page 1 3 4 10 10 6 7 9 21 11 13 15 34 34 16 43 17 48 48 18 51 19 58 21 22 67 67 24 Nature of assessment Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative Formative Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative Formative Summative Summative Summative Summative Formative Summative Formative Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative

Chapter 5

Location WB WB TB TB TB TB WB Activity 5.1 Activity 5.2 Try This Try This


Page 25 26 75 77 79 79 30 31 89 34 36 98 38 40 100 100 42 43 100 45 47 109 110 110 48 49 118 50 126 126 52 53 134 134 54

Nature of assessment Summative Summative Formative Formative Summative Summative Summative Summative Formative Summative Summative Formative Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative Formative Summative Summative Formative Summative Summative Summative Summative Formative Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative Summative

Review Questions Experiment Time Revision worksheet 5 Activity 6.1 Put on Your Thinking Cap Activity 6.2 Activity 6.3 Try This Activity 6.4 Activity 6.5 Review Questions Experiment Time Revision worksheet 6 Activity 7.1 Put on Your Thinking Cap Activity 7.2 Activity 7.3 Try This Review Questions Experiment Time Revision worksheet 7 Activity 8.1 Put on Your Thinking Cap Activity 8.2 Review Questions Experiment Time Revision worksheet 8 Activity 9.1 Review Questions Experiment Time Revision Worksheet 9






Living Things and Living Processes Chapter 1 Classifying Plants Chapter 2 Reproduction in Plants Chapter 3 Classifying Animals Chapter 4 Reproduction in Animals Matter and Properties Chapter 5 Matter and their Properties Force and Motion Chapter 6 Forces and their Effects Energy Chapter 7 Sound Energy Earth Processes Chapter 8 Weather Astronomy and Space Chapter 9 Stars 53 46 40 32 26 1 6 14 18

Blank page

Chapter 1: Classifying Plants

Lesson schedule
Topic Pupils should be able to: Classify plants into flowering and non-flowering plants. Activities 1.11.3 Pupils should be able to : Classify flowering plants into two groups, monocotyledons and dicotyledons, by observing their roots, stems and leaves. Learning outcomes Workbook activity Cross-curricular links p. 3 ational N Eductaion

Suggested time frame

1 week (2 periods)

1.1 lowering and nonF flowering plants

2 week (6 periods)

1.2 icotyledons and D monocotyledons

Background information
Plants are one of the most numerous life forms on Earth. They originated during the Paleozoic era and were initially tiny bodies. Over the course of evolution, they grew larger and currently, the surviving members of the Kingdom Plantae can be classified into twelve phyla. The most important plants to Man are the seed plants from the phyla Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. It is noteworthy to know that Angiosperms have coevolved with animals, leading to the development of several characteristics favouring animal pollination. Plants can be largely grouped into two main groups, flowering and non-flowering plants. Flowering plants produce flowers while non-flowering plants do not produce flowers. Flowers are the sexual organs of flowers and they usually contain male and female parts which have pollen and ovules respectively. Flowering plants can again be largely classified into either monocotyledons or dicotyledons. Several distinguishing factors separate these two classes. Monocotyledons have parallel venation, vascular bundles arranged randomly in the stem, one seed leaf and a fibrous/ adventitious root system. Dicotyledons have network venation, vascular bundles arranged in a ring around the stem, two seed leaves and a tap root system. Tap roots Tap roots are straight, tapering roots that grow vertically down into the soil. Many eudicotyledons (eudicots) have a taproot system consisting of a single, large, deep growing primary root with many less prominent lateral roots extending out. Tap roots anchor the plant deep in the soil and often make them hard to uproot. Tap roots are also often modified into food storage organs in many plants, e.g. carrots, turnip and radishes. Fibrous/adventious roots Fibrous roots are generally composed of numerous thin roots that grow from the bottom of the stem. This root system is present in monocotyledons (monocots) and some eudicots (rarely). The branching of fibrous roots provides a large surface area for both support and water absorption. As such, grasses with fibrous root systems are not only hard to uproot but can also hold soil very well. Hence, plants with fibrous roots are often used to protect hills from soil erosion due to surface runoff. Leaves The leaves are the main photosynthetic organs of most plants. They are typically green in colour, indicating the presence of large number of chlorophyll-containing chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are sites where photosynthesis occurs, converting carbon dioxide from the air and water obtained from the soil into glucose. Excess glucose is converted into starch, which is stored away in various parts of the plant. The leaves generally are found high up the plants to allow for ease of capture of sunlight. The leaves are also organs where transpiration occurs, which is the evaporative loss of water from the leaves. This loss is through stomata present on the leaf surface. Leaf venation is the pattern of the veins on the leaf. The veins are actually vascular bundles which appear more prominently due to their larger size. The veins run across the entire leaf blade to allow all parts of the leaf to have sufficient materials for photosynthesis.

Stems The stems of plants consist mainly of the pith and vascular bundles. The pith is the central region that usually serves as a storage tissue. The vascular bundles comprise the xylem and phloem vessels, with the former involved in water transport and the latter in nutrient transport. The xylem vessels are usually highly lignified for additional strength. Eudicots and monocots can be easily differentiated by looking at their stems. The vascular bundles in eudicot stems are arranged in a ring, while those in a monocot are scattered around. Seed leaves Seed leaves, also known as cotyledons, are a store of nutrients for the germinating plant. The germinating plant cannot produce food by photosynthesise as the leaves are not mature. Hence, enzymes break down the store of food, mainly starch, in the seed leaves to provide the plant with the required sugars for plant processes. The rest of the minerals and water are obtained from the soil.

Learning outcomes
Pupils should be able to: 1. Classify plants into flowering and non-flowering plants. 2. Classify flowering plants into two groups, monocotyledons and dicotyledons, by observing their roots, stems and leaves.

Lesson plans
1.1 Flowering and non-flowering plants
Keywords flowering, non-flowering, Concept development Why do some plants always appear to have flowers? Why do some plants never seem to have any flowers? How did such plants come about in this world? Plants which bear flowers are known as flowering plants; those which do not are known as nonflowering plants. Non-flowering plants were the first plants to have appeared on Earth millions of years ago. Gradually, they evolved to produce flowers for the purpose of sexual reproduction. Instructional strategies Bring samples of flowering and non-flowering plants to the class. Ask pupils to group these plants into two categories, flowering and non-flowering. Explain to pupils that flowering plants are those which can bear flowers, while non-flowering plants are those which do not bear flowers. Let pupils name some flowering and non-flowering plants.

Questions to develop thinking Which plants do you think appeared on Earth first, the flowering or non-flowering plants? Why? Non-flowering plants appeared on Earth first. Non-flowering plants are usually plants with simple structures, e.g. ferns and fungi. Such plants gradually evolved to bear flowers due to the importance of sexual reproduction in the development of new characteristics not possible if the plants reproduced by themselves (asexually).


Dicotyledons and monocotyledons

Keywords dicotyledon, monocotyledon, cotyledon, seed leaf, leaf venation, veins, network venation, parallel venation, stem, adventitious roots, fibrous roots, taproots, Concept development What are the differences between a green bean plant and a rice/maize plant? Why do some young plants have two seed leaves while some only have one? Why do grasses have lines (veins) which run parallel to the leaf blade? Why do some leaves have lines which branch out from the middle of the leaf and extend all over the leaf blade? Why do some plants have a big clump of roots which emerge from the bottom of the stem? Why do some plants have roots which look to be an enlargement of the young root? Flowering plants can be classified as dicotyledons and monocotyledons depending on various characteristics. Externally, dicotyledons have two seed leaves, network venation on the leaves and a taproot system. Monocotyledons have one seed leaf, parallel venation on the leaves and a fibrous root system. When observed under a microscope, dicotyledons have vascular bundles arranged in a ring around the stem while monocotyledons have vascular bundles that are randomly arranged. Instructional strategies Show pupils examples of monocotyledons and dicotyledons. Explain the four main differences between a monocotyledon and a dicotyledon. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activities 1.1 - 1.3. Ask pupils to write down all the differences between monocotyledons and dicotyledons.

Questions to develop thinking John grew a green bean plant from a seed. After germination, John removed the seed leaves of the green bean plant. He continued to water the plant and left it under sunlight. After a few days, the young plant died. Why? The leaves of the young plant cannot photosynthesise and make food for the plant. The source of food for the growing young plant is from the seed leaves. During heavy rains, water running off the slopes of hills and mountains can easily carry off the fertile topsoil. Which type of plants, monocotyledons or dicotyledons, would be best suited to be grown to prevent this from happening? Monocotyledons. They have a fibrous root system which spreads widely from the plant. This allows the roots to hold the soil and prevent it from being washed away. 4

Answers to Review Questions

1. Allamanda, Rose, Flame of the forest 2. Bird nest fern, Pine, Moss 3. Monocotyledons have parallel venation, adventitious roots and one seed leaf. Dicotyledons have network venation, tap roots and two seed leaves.

Answers to Experiment Time!

I felt tired. The grass was not easy to pluck from the soil. The grass had adventitious roots that hold it firmly in the ground. The wide spread of the adventitious roots allow it to hold onto more soil, making it hard to remove the grass.

Answers to workbook activities

Activity 1.1: Is the plant a dicotyledon or monocotyledon? 5. Depends on the plants which students collect) Dicotyledons have network venation and ( taproots; monocotyledons have parallel venation and fibrous roots. Bonus question Monocotyledons have randomly arranged vascular bundles in the stem while dicotyledons have vascular bundles arranged in a ring. Monocotyledons have one seed leaf while dicotyledons have two seed leaves. Activity 1.2: Secret identity! 3. lant the seed on some moist cotton wool. Water the seed daily until it grows and develops P into a young plant. Study the number of seed leaves that the young plant has. 4. Monocotyledons have one seed leaf and dicotyledons have two seed leaves. Activity 1.3: Whats the difference in the stems? 7. onocotyledons have randomly arranged vascular bundles in the stem while dicotyledons M have vascular bundles arranged in a ring. Bonus question The food-carrying tubes are facing the outside of the stem while the water-carrying tubes are facing the inside of the stem.

Answers to Revision worksheet 1

1. The monocotyledon stated should have parallel venation, one seed leaf and adventitious root system; the dicotyledons stated should have network venation, two seed leaves and tap root system. 2. To attract insects and animals for pollination with its bright colours; to protect the reproductive organs of the flower.

6 Topic Activity 2.1 Pupils should be able to: Observe and identify parts of flowers. Identify the reproductive parts of flowering plants. Pupils should be able to: Explain that flowering plants can reproduce by asexual and sexual propagation methods. Activity 2.4 Activities 2.22.3 Learning outcomes Workbook activity Cross-curricular links p.19 (Wow!) Health education Activity 2.5 Pupils should be able to: Explain plant propagation methods such as seed cultivation, cutting, layering, budding, approach grafting, grafting and micropropagation are used to increase the numbers and quality of plants when required.

Chapter 2: Reproduction in Plants

Lesson schedule

Suggested time frame

1 week (3 periods)

2.1 Parts of a flower

1 week (3 periods)

2.2 Reproduction in flowering plants

1 week (4 periods)

2.3 ife cycles of flowering Pupils should be able to: L plants Explain the life cycle of some flowering plants.

1 week (4 periods)

2.4 Plant propagation

Background information
Flowers are the reproductive organs of the phylum Angiosperms. A generalised flower has parts such as sepals (or collective known as the calyx), petals (or collective known as the corolla), pistil which is the female sex organ (comprising the stigma, style and ovary with ovule(s)) and stamen which is the male sex organ (comprising the anthers and filament). Flowers which have either all male or all female sex organs are called imperfect flowers (e.g. cucumber, melon) whereas flowers with both male and female sex organs are called perfect flowers (e.g. roses, dandelion). Flowers may occur singly or be grouped together to form an inflorescence, or what is known to the layman as a bunch of flowers. Flower structures have evolved over time to favour their pollinators, which can be insects, animals or natural phenomenon such as wind. As the flowers are reproductive organs, their main function in flowering plants is to produce fruit and seeds for perpetuation of the plant. Fruit development occurs after fertilisation and this is preceded by pollination. Flowers also have many uses as defined by Man such as decorative and medicinal purposes. The colour from the flower petals can also be extracted and used as dyes for clothing. These colours originate from pigments contained within organelles known as chromoplasts. The process of extraction breaks the chromoplasts, allowing the pigments to escape. Pollination and fertilisation Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the male sex organ to the female sex organ of the flower. When the pollen grain from the male flower lands on the stigma of the female flower, a pollen tube germinates and grows down through the pistil until it reaches the ovule chamber. Fertilisation occurs when the male gamete carried by the pollen grain fuses with the ovule. Fruit development can only begin after fertilisation, with the ovule developing into a seed while the ovary walls develop into the fruit. There are two main ways whereby pollination is often carried out, namely wind and animal pollination. Wind pollinated flowers usually produce plenty of pollen that can be easily dispersed by the wind. They are often held at the end of long stamens that protrude from the corolla. Animal pollinated flowers are usually brightly coloured and sweet smelling to attract the animal pollinators. Animal or insect pollinated flowers may have evolved to present characteristics that favour only one type of animal or insect pollinator. Fruits Fruits are formed from fertilised flowers. Fruits develop from the ovary walls of the pistil while the ovules (in the pistil) develop into seeds. Angiosperms or flowering plants produce fruits to help disperse their seeds to propagate their life cycles. A fruit has one of more fruit chambers called loculi. In some fruits, the pericarp becomes hard and dry while in others, they remain fleshy and succulent. There are four main categories of fruits, the simple fruit, aggregate fruit, multiple fruit and accessory fruit. For the purpose of the syllabus, only simple fruits will be elaborated upon. Simple fruits can be either dry or fleshy and are formed from a simple or compound ovary with only one pistil. Fleshy fruits are normally dispersed by animals while dry fruits can be dehiscent (disperse the seeds via explosive action) or non-dehiscent (do not disperse the seeds by explosive action).

The parts of a fruit can normally be divided into the pericarp, which is the external part of the fruit and the seed. The pericarp can be further subdivided into the exocarp, mesocarp and endocarp. The exocarp is what we usually call the skin of the fruit, the mesocarp the flesh and the endocarp is a thin layer covering the seed. For other fruits such as tomatoes, the mesocarp is the walls of the tomato while the endocarp is the layer that surrounds the juicy pulp. In citrus fruits such as grapefruit, the exocarp and mesocarp are fused together to form the thick outer skin while the endocarp is the region that is fleshy and surrounds the seed. Fruits generally have two scars, one where it was attached to the receptacle (originally where the flower was attached to the stalk) and one representing the remains of the style of the stigma. The petals and stamens of the flower usually fall off after fertilisation. The sepal may fall off or may be modified to help in fruit dispersal. In many instances, the fruit of plants have co-evolved with their living environment. Dispersal of the seeds is the main function of the fruit. If their living environment is devoid of animals or insects, the fruits would have evolved to disperse the seeds via mechanical actions of by natural phenomena such as wind and rain. If there are numerous animals around, the fruits would evolve to be brightlycoloured, fleshy and often edible. There are also other ways of dispersal of fruits such as by running water. Plants such as the coconut tree are located near to the shore. The fruits have thick husks which can trap air, allowing them to float on water and be carried to other places to germinate. Dispersal helps to prevent overcrowding of plants in one area, thereby preventing competition between parent and young plant for sunlight and water. It also allows the plant to colonise new areas and can help reduce the spread of disease due to their different locations. Seeds A seed is the part of a fruit that can grow into a young plant. It consists of an embryo surrounded by cotyledon(s) (or seed leaf) and is covered with a seed coat (or testa). The seed is formed from the ovule after fertilisation while the ovary walls form the fruit. In monocotyledons, the seed has only one cotyledon while in dicotyledons, the seed has two cotyledons. There are also plants where the seed has more than two cotyledons. The cotyledons or seed leaves store nutrients that allow the embryo to germinate under suitable conditions as the embryo cannot photosynthesise yet. Seeds usually have one scar from their attachment to the placenta of the fruit. Seeds can be dispersed in several ways. Seeds, with the aid of flattened wing-like structures can be dispersed by wind, e.g. African tulip. Other seeds can float and be dispersed by water. Most seeds are dispersed by animals. The fruit is consumed but the seed is not digested. Instead, they are passed out with the excrement of the animals and can then germinate. Some fruits have structures which allow them to be attached to the body coverings of animals. Germination involves the embryo of the seed growing into a young plant. For seeds to germinate, there must be oxygen, water, a suitable temperature and they must be viable. Oxygen, water and a suitable temperature are needed for respiration and enzyme reactions to occur in the cotyledon to convert the stored food into usable products. Seed viability differs between the seeds of plants. Some plants may have seeds that can lay dormant for thousands of years and germinate when conditions are right, e.g. lotus. Other plants may have seeds that remain viable for only a few days, e.g. willows and poplars. Maize seeds can remain viable for about two years. Seed viability also depends on the storage conditions. Seeds stored under dry and cool conditions can remain viable for longer periods of time.

Plant propagation methods Plant propagation methods aim to replicate the parent plant without losing the desirable characteristics of the parent plant. Most of the methods adopted are asexual methods. Since no sexual reproduction is involved, there is no dilution of the gene pool and the offspring is an exact clone of the parent. Various methods are used for various plants, but these methods are most commonly applied for fruit trees and plantations.

Learning outcomes
Pupils should be able to: 1. Observe and identify parts of flowers. 2. Identify the reproductive parts of flowering plants. 3. Explain that flowering plants can reproduce by asexual and sexual propagation methods. 4. Explain plant propagation methods such as seed cultivation, cutting, layering, budding, approach grafting, grafting and micropropagation are used to increase the numbers and quality of plants when required. 5. Explain the life cycle of some flowering plants.

Lesson plans
2.1 Parts of a flower
Keywords sepals, petals, stamen, pistil, stigma, ovules, ovary, egg (or ovum), anther, filament, pollen, pollen sacs Concept development Why does a flower have so many parts? What are the functions of the various parts? Why do some flowers have large petals while some have very small petals? Why are some flowers highly coloured and smell nice while other flowers have dull colours for their petals and do not have a nice smell? What is the long structure that is found at the centre of the flower? What is the powdery material that you get on your hands when you brush over a flower? Flowers are important reproductive organs of flowering plants. The sex cells of the plants are located in/on the flowers. Some plants have evolved large, brightly coloured and nicely scented flowers to attract insect and animal pollinators. Other flowers have evolved specialised structures which only allow specific insects or animals to pollinate them. Instructional strategies Show pupils a large printout of a diagram showing the various parts of a flower. Bring a real flower, e.g. hibiscus, to class so that pupils can look at a real sample after seeing the diagram. Explain the various parts of the flower to pupils. Bring pupils on a field trip to identify the various parts of a flower on different plants. Ask pupils to collect flowers for Workbook Activity 2.1 as well. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 2.1. Ask pupils to draw and label the various parts of a flower.

Questions to develop thinking Observe the petals of the bougainvillea flower carefully. Observe the rest of the plants carefully as well. What are the brightly coloured structures surrounding the flowers? They are modified leaves, not petals. The flower of the bougainvillea plant is only the tube like structure in the centre of the modified leaves. Why are flowers usually located near the top or around the top of a plant? To allow easier access and make it more visible to the pollinators.


Reproduction in flowering plants

Keywords asexual, sexual, reproduction, underground stems, suckers, pollination, fertilisation, seed dispersal, germination, pollen, fruit, seeds, wind, water, animals, explosive action Concept development Why do plants reproduce? How many different ways can plants reproduce? Why can some plants reproduce by themselves? What are the stages that occur when a plant reproduces? What does a plant need to reproduce? How can Man help a desirable plant to reproduce? Plants reproduce to ensure that their kind do not become extinct. Plants can reproduce either asexually or sexually. Both have its disadvantages and advantages. Man has, over the years, devised several methods to propagate plants to carry over the desirable characteristics of parent plants to their offspring. All this is only possible with knowledge of how plants reproduce. Instructional strategies Ask pupils what will happen if plants did not reproduce and link this to the survival of almost all living organisms on the planet. Show pupils pictures of various flowering and non-flowering plants and ask them how these plants reproduce. Introduce pupils to the terms asexual and sexual. Show pupils ginger and onion that have begun to grow new plants and explain about underground stems. Show pupils bryophyllum leaves which have begun sprouting roots at the leaf edge to explain about growing from leaves. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 2.2. Bring pupils to a pineapple plantation and let them study the suckers at the bottom of the pineapple stalk. Draw the four processes of sexual reproduction on the board and explain each step in detail with pictures and real samples. Bring a few fruits that are dispersed in different ways to the class and let pupils predict what the modes of seed dispersal are. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 2.3. Plant several green bean plants one day apart to have a few different sub-stages during the germination of the seed into a young plant and show this to the pupils. Ask pupils to state the various stages in sexual reproduction of flowering plants.


Questions to develop thinking What is the problem with a rice plantation that is grown from virtually the same parent plant? In the event that a disease strikes, there will not be any ability to resist the disease since all are from the same plant. If the parent plant can be easily killed by the disease, so will the offsprings. Suggest the advantages of being able to reproduce asexually. It is not necessary to have another plant for reproduction as the parent plant can self-divide; there is no need to germinate from seeds which could be a slow process; the offsprings will retain all the favorable characteristics of the parent plant.

2.3 Life cycles of flowering plants

Keywords life cycle, development Concept development How many stages are there in the life cycle of a plant? What is the importance of knowing the life cycle of plants? Are all life cycles the same? The main stages of a plants life cycle include the germination stage, the young plant stage, the adult stage. Knowing the life cycle of a plant can allow us to time the planting and harvesting periods to avoid meeting bad weather conditions, and also to maximise the total number of croppings in a year. Instructional strategies Explain the life cycle of a plant with a simple diagram of the life cycle for a green bean plant. Show the life cycles of other plants if necessary. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 2.4. Questions to develop thinking Why is it useful for farmers to know the life cycle of a plant? To determine when the best planting and harvesting time is; to determine when different fertilisers and pesticides have to be applied.


Plant propagation

Keywords propagation, seed cultivation, sexual propagation, plant cutting, asexual propagation, ground layering, air layering, budding, stem grafting, stock, scion, approach grafting, micropropagation, tissue culture


Concept development How can Man grow plants which they want quickly? How can Man ensure that the plants they grow have the qualities of the parents? What methods of plant growing are there? There are several methods of propagating plants. Most of the time, asexual methods are used as this ensures that the offspring will have all the qualities of the parent plant. Currently, with the development of biotechnology, tissue culture methods have also been playing a large part in plant propagation. Instructional strategies Ask pupils why farmers want to propagate their plants. Ask pupils why farmers only want to propagate the plants with desirable characteristics? Show pupils a picture of a farmer doing seed cultivation. Explain to pupils about the offsprings that grow from the seeds having non-identical characteristics to the parent. Explain to pupils about plant cutting and show them a demonstration of how it is done. Bring pupils to a farm and show them how ground layering and air layering is done. Bring pupils to a farm and show them how budding is done. Bring pupils to a fruit farm and show them how grafting is done. Show pupils a video on tissue culture from youtube. Ask pupils to state the various methods of plant propagation. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 2.5. Questions to develop thinking Why is farming in Thailand controlled by the large biotechnology/seed companies? The seeds from the plants grown do not have the ability to grow into offsprings with the same desirable characteristics as those bought from the seed companies. The seeds from the seed companies are from specially bred plants which only divide asexually, thereby maintaining all the characteristics of the parent plants. Why are more commercial farms moving towards tissue culture? It is much easier to be done and a large number of offsprings can be grown from just a small sample of the parent plant.

Answers to Review Questions

1. Stamen and pistil 2. Allows the plant to reproduce quickly; allows characteristics of the parent plant to be transmitted to the offspring; can reproduce by itself without pollination 3. Cutting, layering, budding, approach grafting, grafting, micropropagation

Answers to Experiment Time!

Young ginger plants can grow from ginger blocks which have buds. No young ginger plants grow from ginger blocks which do not have buds. Growth of new plants can only take place from the buds. The rest of the ginger stem mainly serves to store food.


Answers to workbook activities

Activity 2.1: Dissecting a flower 5. epal: To protect the unbloomed flower; petal: attract animals for pollination; pistil: female S reproductive part of the flower; stamen: male reproductive part of the flower. Activity 2.2: How do I reproduce? 5. Asexual reproduction. Begonia, African violet. Activity 2.3: Sexual reproduction in plants 4. (a) Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma. Wind, animal, insect pollination. (b) Fertilisation is the process whereby the nucleus of the pollen grain enters the ovule and fuses with the egg to form a fertilised egg. To allow development of fruit and seeds. (c) Scattering of seeds by the plants to avoid overcrowding. By wind, animals, water and explosive action. (d) The development of a seed into a young plant. Water and air. Activity 2.4: Life cycle of a green bean plant 4. Variable, usually about 2 to 3 weeks. Bonus question Explosive action. The seed pod dries up and splits open, scattering the seeds away from the parent plant. Activity 2.5: Plant propagation methods 1: propagation 2: asexual 3: seed 4: cutting 5: layering 6: air 7: tissue 8: approach 9: bud

Answers to Revision worksheet 2

1. Ground layering. Outer covering of a branch is removed. Growth substances are applied to the branch and branch is buried insoil. The branch is cut off when the roots start growing. 2. Wind carries the pollen from the stamen to the stigma. The pollen then germinates and fertilises the ovum, following which fruit and seed growth begins.


14 Topic Activity 3.1 Pupils should be able to: lassify animals into groups C according to internal and external criteria. dentify some vertebrates and I invertebrates. Learning outcomes Workbook activity Cross-curricular links

Chapter 3: Classifying Animals

Lesson schedule

Suggested time frame

1 week (4 periods)

3.1 lassification of C animals

Background information
Animals belong to the kingdom Animalia and are believed to have evolved from ancestral colonial flagellated protists. Animals are typically multicellular organisms incapable of making food unlike green plants. They obtain their food through active expenditure of energy, e.g. movement to the food source. As such, they have evolved features which allow them to move to regions where food can be found. Movement of animals also allows them to escape from predators and to look for shelter and mates. In almost all instances, the body coverings of animals have evolved in conjunction with their living environments and their mechanism of movement. This is known as adaptation. Animals can be broadly classified into two categories: vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates are chordates with backbones or spinal columns. This includes the reptiles, mammals, birds and fish. Invertebrates are animals without backbones, making up almost 95% of the animal species on Earth. Animals in each category can be grouped again based on their characteristics. This practice and science of classifying animals into specific groups based on certain properties and characteristics is known as taxonomy. Reptiles Reptiles are members of the class Reptilia. They breathe air and are cold blooded. Reptiles lay eggs and their young hatch from the eggs. A few reptiles are capable of giving birth to young alive. Reptiles are taught to have appeared on Earth millions of years ago, with the dinosaurs being the most famous of the ancient reptiles. Mammals Mammals are warm-blooded vertebrates where the female mammal can produce milk to feed its young. The milk is produced by the mammary glands. The body surfaces of mammals are covered with hair or fur at least during some stage in their life. Mammals also have three inner ear bones to assist in the hearing. A diaphragm is also present which separates the heart and lungs from the rest of the organs in the body. Birds Birds are winged, warm-blooded vertebrates that lay eggs. They have a body covering of feathers which help them to stay warm. Birds which can fly employ the feathers to trap and move air when flapping their wings. They all have a lightweight skeleton to reduce their body weight, which is especially important for birds which fly. Fish Fishes are cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates that are covered with scales. They have fins which assist them in moving through the water smoothly, and sometimes for defensive purposes, e.g. lionfish has spines on the fins. Fish can be found in both fresh, brackish and sea water. Fish breathe through gills, whereby the oxygen in the water flowing pass the gills diffuses into the blood and carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood into the water. Some fish such as the lungfish, have a pair of lungs which allow it to absorb oxygen from air. Fish range in size from extremely large, e.g. sharks, to small tiny fishes, e.g. Paedocypris fish.


Insects Insects are invertebrates which have a hard exoskeleton and three section body, i.e. head, thorax and abdomen, three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes and two antennae or feelers. Insects number the most on Earth and they can be found almost everywhere on the planet.

Learning outcomes
Pupils will be able to: 1. Classify animals into groups according to internal and external criteria. 2. Identify some vertebrates and invertebrates.

Lesson plans
3.1 Classification of animals
Keywords vertebrates, invertebrates, characteristics, backbone, mammals, give birth to young, milk, hair, fur, reptiles, cold-blooded, birds, beak, wings, feet, feathers, eggs, poultry, fish, scales, fins, tail, gills, insects, head, thorax, abdomen, feelers Concept development What is the difference between a human and a worm? Why is the worm so soft and flexible while a human has a rigid structure? Animals can be broadly classified into two main groups, vertebrates or invertebrates, depending on the presence or absence of a backbone. The backbone, or vertebra, can be easily observed during the growth of the embryo. Can we further group animals into different groups? A human does not look like an ant, nor does an eagle look like a gorilla. Can we use these differences in characteristics to groups animals together? The classification of animals is a branch of Science known as taxonomy. By classifying the animals, we can better know its lineage and family line. Animals are generally classified in terms of their Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and then Species. Instructional strategies Show pupils several pictures of animals and ask them to identify the differences. Show pupils the internal structure of several animals and ask them to identify the differences. Explain the terms vertebrate and invertebrate to pupils. Ask pupils to name some vertebrates and invertebrates. Divide the pupils into five groups to investigate each of the different groups of animals: Mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and insects. Give pupils photographs of animals from each of the various groups. Ask pupils to pick out the similarities between animals of the same group. Allow pupils to present to their classmates, the similarities of the animals in the same group. As a class, ask the pupils to point out the differences between animals from the different groups. Ask pupils to carry out Worbook Activity 3.1. Ask pupils to state some animals from each of the various groups.


Questions to develop thinking Which class of animals do you think appeared first on the Earth, vertebrates or invertebrates? Invertebrates. There are much more invertebrates than vertebrates on the Earth. Slowly over time, invertebrates evolved to give the vertebrates. Why is it important for scientists to group animals separately based on their characteristics into the different groups of animals? To allow us to study how the animals evolved from their ancestors. A new animal was discovered. It has thin fur, four legs and burrows under the ground. The animal can also swim through water. It gives birth to its young alive. Which group would you classify the animal under? Mammals.

Answers to Review Questions

1. Invertebrates do not have a backbone while vertebrates have a backbone. 2. Three pairs of legs, three body segments, a pair of antennae 3. Body covered with fur, most give birth to young alive, female produces milk to feed the young.

Answers to Experiment Time!

Young cockroaches hatch from the plastic containers placed at the warm place and in the classroom. Hatching of eggs require certain conditions such as warmth and air. The eggs soaked in cooking oil did not hatch as they did not have air. The eggs in the freezer did not hatch as the temperature was too low.

Answers to Revision worksheet 3

1. Earthworms, spiders, ants, butterflies, bees, starfish, octopus, snails etc. They have no backbone 2. Feathered, have beaks, have two feet


18 Topic Learning outcomes Workbook activity Cross-curricular links Pupils should be able to: Explain that animals can reproduce by asexual and sexual propagation methods. Activity 4.1 Pupils should be able to : Describe some animal propagation methods such as selective breeding and artificial insemination which are used by humans to increase the number and quality of animals when required. Activity 4.2 Pupils should be able to: Explain the life cycles of the butterfly, mosquito and frog. Use the knowledge about life cycles of animals for agriculture, industry and environment. Activity 4.3 Pupils should be able to: Observe, explore, compare and identify ones own characteristics with family members. Explain genetic inheritance and transmission of hereditary characteristics of living things through each generation.

Chapter 4: Reproduction in Animals

Lesson schedule

Suggested time frame

1 week (2 periods)

4.1 Animal reproduction

1 week (4 periods)

4.2 Animal propagation

1 week (3 periods)

4.3 Life cycles of animals

1 week (4 periods)

4.4 Heredity

Background information
DNA and heredity Heredity is the passing on of traits (or characteristics) from parents to offsprings. Heredity allows offsprings to gain desirable characteristics (and also undesirable characteristics) from their parents. These characteristics could be vital for their survival, e.g. immunity to certain prevalent diseases during the point in time or in a particular region, or be an additional advantage to them when they look for a mate, e.g. birds which can sing for longer periods of time can have a higher chance of attracting a mate. The study of heredity is known as genetics. The material which is passed on from parent to offspring is deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA. DNA is the genetic material found in the nucleus of eukaryotes. In prokaryotes, it is still found in the cell, but not in a distinct membranous nucleus. The DNA strand is made up of a sugar and phosphate backbone. Directly bonded to the sugar units (deoxyribose units) are the bases. In DNA, there are four different bases, adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine (abbreviated as ATCG). The bases are bound to a complementary base by hydrogen bonds. A binds to T while C bind to G. This gives rise to two complementary strands. The DNA molecule is supercoiled to allow it to fit into the nucleus. During cell division, the DNA strands undergo further coiling, giving rise to chromosomes. Sexual reproduction Sexual reproduction is a process that involves the combination of genetic material from two parents. For sexual reproduction to occur, two processes must take place, namely meiosis and fertilisation. Meiosis is the process whereby the total number of chromosomes within a cell is halved. Meiosis confers genetic variability due to a process known as crossing-over which takes place during metaphase. Meiosis occurs during gametogenesis, i.e. a process whereby the gametes are formed. Gametes, or sex cells, will hence have half the number of chromosomes as the other body cells. In humans for example, sperms and eggs contain only 23 chromosomes. In a normal somatic cell, there are 46 chromosomes. Fertilisation is the process whereby the male gamete fuses with the female gamete. Fertilisation enables the 2n (where n is an integer) chromosomal number to be obtained. Cells having 2n chromosomes are called diploid cells (gametes are haploid). After fertilisation, the fertilised egg (or ovum) is known as an embryo. Sexual reproduction allows the offspring to be genetically different from that of the parents due to the recombination that occurs during gametogenesis, as well as the combination of genetic material from both parents. The resulting phenotypes (or the outward expression of the genes) will also be different compared to that of the parents. This variability confers adaptability to the offspring. Sexual reproduction is also thought to be the main process for the evolution of organisms on Earth. Asexual reproduction Asexual reproduction or parthenogenesis is the process whereby parents replicate themselves to give offsprings without undergoing fertilisation. In cellular terms, the cells undergo a process known as mitosis. Mitosis is cell division without halving of chromosome number. The new cells formed have identical genetic material and characteristics as the parent cell, i.e. there is no variation. Asexual reproduction helps a parent organism replicate itself quickly. However, since there is no variation during asexual reproduction, all offsprings and parents will be susceptible to the same diseases, and will not be able to adapt to changes in environmental conditions. Variability is only introduced by genetic mutations which occur infrequently. Several plants can asexually reproduce themselves. This is due to the fact that plants mainly consists of only a few types of cells, compared to higher organisms which have specialised cells.


Selective breeding Selective breeding is a propagation method carried out for both plants and animals. This process involves controlling the reproductive opportunity of the organisms, allowing only those with desirable characteristics to reproduce. Selective breeding has been known to be carried out since humans started rearing animals and planting crops, selecting for those organisms which could give the best quality meat or the highest crop yield. One major problem faced by selective breeders is the gradual diminishing gene pool of the organisms. Since only desirable organisms are bred while the undesirable organisms left to die, the gene pool is gradually stifled, leaving little variability amongst the organisms present. In the event of a disease that is susceptible by the selectively bred organism, all other organisms will most likely succumb to the disease as well. Artificial insemination Artificial insemination is an animal propagation method whereby sperm from the selected male animal is manually inserted into the reproductive tract of the selected female animal. Most often, artificial insemination is carried out for the breeding of race horses, dairy cows and pigs. Artificial insemination allows one male animal to impregnate several female animals; this is not possible if selective breeding was carried out. The sperm collected from the male animal can also be stored under liquid nitrogen for a long period of time. Since the semen contains millions of sperms, it can be diluted with suitable saline solutions to increase its volume, allowing distribution to more animals. In the event that the male animal passes away, the stored semen can still be used to impregnate female animals; this is one advantage artificial insemination has over selective breeding.

Learning outcomes
Pupils should be able to: 1. Explain that animals can reproduce by asexual and sexual propagation methods. 2. Describe some animal propagation methods such as selective breeding and artificial insemination are used by humans to increase the number and quality of animals when required. 3. Explain the life cycles of the butterfly, mosquito and frog. 4. Use the knowledge about life cycles of animals for agriculture, industry and environment. 5. Observe, explore, compare and identify ones own characteristics with family members. 6. Explain genetic inheritance and transmission of hereditary characteristics of living things through each generation.

Lesson plans
4.1 Animal reproduction
Keywords reproduction, extinct, asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction, sperm, egg, fertilised egg, ovaries, testes, mating, fertilisation Concept development Why is it important for animals to reproduce? What will happen if animals stop reproducing or do not have the ability to reproduce? Can animals reproduce by themselves? Do they require a mate for reproduction? What are the cells involved in reproduction? How does the offspring get the genetic material from the parents?


Reproduction ensures the continuity of life and prevents an animal from becoming extinct. Animals often do not reproduce by themselves because by mating with another animal, the offspring can have the good genes from both parents. Instructional strategies Ask pupils to think about what could happen if animals stopped reproducing. Show pupils pictures of animals and their young/eggs and ask them why some animals have a lot of offsprings while some only have a few. Explain that animals are extremely complex and it would be hard for them to self-divide, unlike plants which only have a few types of cells. Explain that some animals still have the ability to produce eggs by themselves without mating while others, e.g. some frogs, can change sex. Explain the advantages of sexual reproduction. Show pupils a short video on a sperm fertilising an egg. Video can be found on youtube. Focus pupils attention on the male and female reproductive systems and name the various parts. Explain to pupils about puberty and the processes that occur during puberty. Show pupils a video on the development of a baby. Video can be found on youtube. Introduce to pupils the idea about the sanctity of life and the importance of abstinence to prevent unwanted conception. Questions to develop thinking Why are abortions not advisable? It would mean the killing of an unborn child; ending the life of an unborn child prematurely. (Teachers can use this question to further develop on the issue of abstinence and the use of contraception, e.g. condoms.)


Animal propagation

Keywords increase number, maintain qualities, selective breeding, desirable, artificial insemination Concept development What should a farmer do if he/she wants to increase the number of animals he/she has while maintaining the good qualities of the parent animals? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the techniques that he/she can use? A farmer can now turn to methods such as selective breeding and artificial insemination to increase the number of his livestock and yet maintain the desirable qualities, e.g. large volume milk production in dairy cows, high quality eggs by chickens, etc. However, such breeding methods are decreasing the size of the gene pools for animals, and may inadvertently remove some of the desirable but not yet expressed genes.


Instructional strategies Give a short introduction on selective breeding and artificial insemination, explaining why farmers carry out these breeding methods and what their advantages are. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 4.1. Consolidate all the various breeding methods and get students to briefly explain how each method is carried out. Questions to develop thinking Why is it essential to retain parent animals with different characteristics even though only those with desirable characteristics are preferred by farmers? This is to ensure that the gene pool is not reduced by selective breeding and artificial insemination. These two methods only select for those animals with desirable characteristics. However, this severely limits the gene pool of the organisms. Keeping other parent animals with different characteristics will allow farmers/scientists to ensure that there still remains a large variety of animals to contribute to the gene pool.


Life cycles of animals

Keywords reproduce, fertilised eggs, young animal, adult animal, larva, chrysalis, pupa Concept development How many stages are the in the life cycle of an animal? What happens during the different stages? What is the importance of understanding the life cycles of an animal? How can we apply this understanding of the life cycles to everyday life? The life cycle shows the different stages that an animal goes through from young until adult. Some animals start off their life from an egg, while others are born alive from their mother. Understanding the life cycle of animals can allow farmers, for instance, to plan when would be the best time to cull the animal and sell its meat. Understanding the life cycle of harmful insects can also give us some idea when certain control measures should be taken. Instructional strategies Show pupils pictures of the eggs of several animals and ask them what comes out from these eggs. Explain to pupils that the life cycles of several animals start off from eggs. Show pupils several examples of life cycles of various animals showing how the animal looks like at each stage. Explain to pupils what a life cycle shows. Explain to pupils the life cycle of a butterfly. Highlight that farmers can take appropriate control measures such as spraying insecticide when the larva emerges from the eggs to reduce crop damage. Explain to pupils the life cycle of a mosquito. Highlight control measures such as spraying oil and rearing fish to reduce the number of mosquitoes. Explain to pupils the life cycle of a frog. Highlight that some frogs can change sex during the adult stage if there are insufficient frogs of the opposite sex. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 4.2. Ask pupils to describe and present the life cycle of the meal worm to their classmates. 22

Questions to develop thinking Why are control measures for mosquito numbers most effective if we know the life cycle of the mosquito? Each stage in the life cycle requires a different control measure. For example, spraying oil on the surface of water will not be able to control the population of the adult mosquito since it can fly around. Why are the mosquito breeding seasons getting shorter and shorter? Global warming has caused each stage in the life cycle to become shorter. This results in faster maturing of the adult mosquito.



Keywords resemble, heredity, trait (or characteristic), deoxyribonucleic acid (or DNA), fertilisation Concept development Do the young of animals always look like their parents? Why do the young animals eventually grow up to look like their parents? Why do parent and offspring have similar characteristics? What do we call this resemblance between parent and offspring? The passing on of characteristics from parent to offspring is known as heredity. Characteristics such as double-eyelids, tongue rolling (for humans) can be passed from parent to offspring. However, sometimes, the young may not resemble the parent at all, e.g. tadpole and adult frog, but will eventually grow and mature to look like the parent animal. What is the material that is transmitted from parents to offspring which gives the offspring traits which resemble their parents? How is it transmitted from parents to offspring? DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the material contained within the cells (or specifically in the nucleus) that is responsible for the traits of an organism. DNA is transmitted from parent to offspring via sex cells; sperm from the male parent and egg (or ovum) from the female parent. Instructional strategies Show pupils pictures of parents and offspring and ask them to study the pictures for any resemblance. (Show pictures of offspring that both resemble and dont resemble the parents.) Ask pupils why offspring tend to resemble parents. Explain to pupils that these characteristics are known as traits, and offspring tend to have traits that resemble their parents. Explain to pupils that this passing on of traits is known as heredity. Ask pupils to observe photographs of themselves and their parents and try to find points of similarities. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 4.3. Ask pupils to match the photographs of the young of animals to their parents. Explain to pupils about DNA and its functions. Explain to pupils how DNA is transmitted from parent to offspring (using humans as an example). Show pupils pictures of a sperm fertilising an egg. Show pupils the history of the discovery of DNA and the pioneers who discovered it. 23

Questions to develop thinking Why dont babies look exactly like their parents? Offspring produced by sexual reproduction (rather than asexually) have genes from both parents (male parent and female parent). Hence they have a mix of genes and their characteristics are a blend of both parents. During fertilisation, a sperm must enter the egg. Why does the egg prevent more than one sperm from entering for fertilisation? The number of genes present in the cell of an organism is always the same (except for the sex cells which has half the number of any other normal body cell). Hence, to prevent problems during development, the egg quickly produces a substance which stops any other sperms from entering after one sperm has successfully gained entry.

Answers to Review Questions

1. To increase the number of animals; to ensure quality of the new offsprings; to pass down desirable characteristics of parents to the offsprings 2. The life cycle of the butterfly involves a larva stage which eats crops. Knowing when the larva stage would arrive can allow the farmer to only spray pesticide during that period. 3. The child receives his/her DNA from their parent. Hence, any genetic problems might also be transmitted from parent to child.

Answers to Experiment Time!

The mosquito larvae and pupae dies after a short while when the oil is poured onto the surface of the water. The larvae and pupae require air from the surroundings to survive. Pouring oil on the surface of the water cuts off their air supply and they die.

Answers to workbook activities

Activity 4.1: Internet investigation! 5. (a) llows farmers to increase the number of their livestock but still maintain the desirable A qualities of the parents; prevents animals which do not have desirable characteristics from breeding; artificial insemination allows animals which are hard to mate to have offsprings with desirable characteristics. (b) ecreases the gene pool of the animals; animals can catch common diseases easily if the D original parent animal did not have the immunity. Activity 4.3: How alike do we look? 3. e have genes which are from both parents, i.e. from the sperm and egg of the male and W female parent respectively. Bonus question Offsprings contain a mix of genes from both parents, not just from a single parent.


Answers to Revision worksheet 4

1. Egg larva pupa adult. Larvae and pupae stages can be controlled by rearing fish in the water as they live in the water. 2. To prevent genetic problems from appearing, to allow new characteristics to develop.


26 Topic Activities 5.15.3 Pupils should be able to: Experiment, investigate and explain properties of matter such as elasticity, hardness, tensile strength, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and density. Learning outcomes Workbook activity Cross-curricular links Pupils should be able to: Search for information and explain how the uses of materials are related to its properties.

Chapter 5: Matter and their Properties

Lesson schedule

Suggested time frame

1 week (3 periods)

5.1 Properties of materials

1 week (4 periods)

5.2 Uses of materials

Background information
Matter, as defined in Science, is a physical substance that has mass and occupies space (has volume). This definition means that almost everything in the Universe is matter, including the atoms that make up all substances. By this definition, light, for instance, is not considered to be matter as it has no mass and does not take up space. Density Density is defined as the mass per unit volume of matter. The larger the mass whilst maintaining a constant volume, the larger the density. Density is a commonly employed property used to explain if an item will sink or float in another medium. A less dense item will float when placed in a denser medium, e.g. wood floats on water because wood is less dense than water. Elasticity, flexibility and plasticity Elasticity is the property of matter to be stretched but yet return to the same shape when the external force applied on it is removed. For example, when a rubber band is stretched, its length increases. When the external force is removed, the rubber band returns to the original shape. Flexibility is the ability of a material to be bent without breaking. A material which exhibits this property is said to be flexible. When a length of copper wire is stretched, its length increases. However, it does not return to its original length when the external force is removed. We call this plastic deformation. The material is in the plasticity phase. Even flexible and elastic materials like rubber can also undergo plastic deformation if too large a force is applied. It cannot return to its original length when the force is removed. We say that the limit of proportionality has been exceeded and the item no longer obeys Hookes Law. Hardness Hardness is the ability of an object to withstand scratches. A harder object can scratch a softer object. On the Mohs scale, the hardest natural substance that is found on Earth is diamond. The hardness of an object is determined by the strength of the bonds which hold the particles together; the stronger the bond, the harder the object. Tensile strength Tensile strength measures how much an object can be bent without breaking. An object with high tensile strength can be bent to a large extent and still return to its original shape when the force is removed. This is known as elastic deformation. If an object is bent to such an extent that prevents it from returning to its original shape, it is said to have undergone plastic deformation. Breaking strength has to be applied to the point where the object can no longer bend and instead breaks apart.


Thermal conductivity Thermal conductivity is the ability of an object to conduct thermal energy. (The term heat is often used wrongly. Heat is in fact the transfer of thermal energy from a hotter body to a cooler body. However, in grade 1 to 6 Science, heat can still be used to a certain extent.) Thermal energy, in kinetic particle theory, is due to the vibrational motion of the particles; the higher the temperature, the larger is the vibrational motion and the greater the kinetic energy of the particles. An object which can conduct thermal energy well must be able to transmit these vibrations from the heated end to the cooler end quickly. Metals are good thermal conductors due to the presence of mobile valence electrons in the lattice structure. The mobile valence electrons move rapidly and collide with other mobile valence electrons, imparting the kinetic energy quickly from the hotter end of the metal to the cooler end. An object which cannot conduct thermal energy well is known as a poor thermal conductor. Poor thermal conductors are also known as thermal insulators, e.g. plastics, cotton. This is why handles of pots and pans are made with a plastic known as Bakelite as it is a thermal insulator. Conversely, good thermal conductors are also poor thermal insulators. Electrical conductivity Electrical conductivity is the ability of an object to conduct electricity. Electricity is conducted by mobile charge carriers, which can be ions or electrons. A ionic compound such as sodium chloride, when dissolved in water, has mobile ions present. The migration of mobile ions across a potential difference allows the conduction of electricity. In metals, the mobile valence electrons can migrate along the potential difference to conduct electricity. Silver is the best electrical conductor but it is not used extensively for wiring due to its high costs. Copper is used instead.

Learning outcomes
Pupils should be able to: 1. Explain what matter is. 2. Identify matter. 3. Experiment, investigate and explain properties of matter such as elasticity, hardness, tensile strength, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and density. 4. Search for information and explain how the uses of materials are related to its properties.

Lesson plans
5.1 Properties of materials
Keywords matter, mass, occupies space, density Concept development What is matter? Where can you find matter? How do you know if something is matter? What are the characteristics of matter? What are the various properties of matter? Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. Hence, air, water, wood, metal, stone and even people are made up of matter. On the contrary, light and shadows are not matter as they do not have mass and do not occupy space.


Instructional strategies Explain to pupils about the properties of matter and get them to identify different types of matter around themselves. Show pupils an actual set up of the two balloons on a weighing balance. The weighing balance can be easily constructed by drilling a hole in the centre of a metre rule and pivoting it from a nail clamped to a retort stand. Use this setup to show that air has mass. Show pupils the demonstration of a floating wooden block and the sinking metal block. Explain to pupils that anything that has mass and occupies volume has a property known as density. (Density is mass divided by volume.) Questions to develop thinking Is there matter in a vacuum, e.g. space. No. Vacuum is a place where there is nothing, hence there is nothing with mass and nothing that occupies space. Hence, vacuum is not matter.


Use of materials

Keywords elasticity, elastic, hardness, tensile strength, thermal conductivity, good thermal conductor, poor thermal conductor, electrical conductivity, good electrical conductor, poor electrical conductor Concept development How do the properties of matter affect what they are used for? Matter can be elastic, hard, strong, can conduct heat or can conduct electricity, or can be a combination of all these. The uses of different types of matter for different purposes all depends on the properties of the matter. For example, you cannot use wood to make electrical wires, otherwise the wires will be completely useless! Instructional strategies Bring a few rubber bands to class and ask pupils to stretch them. Explain to pupils about elasticity. Ask pupils to stretch some other non-elastic material, e.g. plasticine and wooden pencils. Bring some iron nails and toothpicks to class. Get pupils to try to use the toothpick to scratch the iron nail. Explain to students about hardness. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 5.1. Bring a few disposable wooden chopsticks and a few iron rods to class. Ask pupils to try to bend and break them with their bare hands. Explain to pupils about tensile strength. Bring a saucepan to class. Warm up the saucepan with a Bunsen burner and ask pupils why the handle still remains cool to the touch. Ask pupils why wood and plastic are not used for making the part of the saucepan that is exposed to fire. Explain to pupils about thermal conductivity and use the terms good and poor thermal conductors. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 5.2. Set up a circuit with a light bulb and battery, connecting the parts together with rubber bands. Ask pupils why the light bulb does not light up. Explain to pupils about electrical conductivity. Show pupils the electrical plug from an electrical appliance and ask them to identify the parts which can conduct electricity and the parts which cannot. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 5.3. 29

Questions to develop thinking Explain why the stone benches in the park still feel warm in the evening even though the metal benches already feel cool to the touch? Stone is a poor thermal conductor while metal is a good thermal conductor. The poor thermal conductor gains heat slowly and also loses heat slowly. Good thermal conductors gain heat quickly and also lose heat quickly.

Answers to Review Questions

1. The uses of different types of matter for different purposes depends on the properties of the matter. 2. (i) Wood, metal (ii) Metal (iii) Cloth 3. The wooden spoon is less dense than water so it floats on water. The metal spoon is denser than water so it sinks when placed in water.

Answers to Experiment Time!

1. The metal spring returns to its original length when extended by 1 cm. However, it does not return to its original length when extended by 10 cm. 2. The metal spring is elastic as it can return to its original length when stretched a little. However, if it is stretched too long, it cannot return to its original length as it is no longer elastic.

Answers to workbook activities

Activity 5.1: Which material is harder?

Iron nail Iron nail Marble Wood Rubber Glass Acrylic Granite


3 3

3 3 3

3 3

3 3 3

3 3

3 3

3. rubber, acrylic, wood, marble/granite/glass, iron nail Activity 5.2: Which is the best thermal conductor? 7. Metal rod. It takes the shortest time for the wax to melt. Bonus question About twice the time taken in question 5


Activity 5.3: Can it conduct electricity ? 5. Electrical conductors are those which cause the bulb to light up by completing the circuit. Extension activity The parts which do not conduct electricity are the parts which we hold to plug the electrical plug into the wall socket. These parts are made of electrical insulators to prevent an electric shock when handling the appliances.

Answers to Revision worksheet 5

1. Good conductor of heat. 2. (a) elastic (b) strength (c) good (d) tensile


32 Topic Learning outcomes Workbook activity Cross-curricular links Pupils should be able to: Define what force is. Understand the effects of a force. Pupils should be able to: Experiment and explain about finding resultant force of two coplanar forces of the same magnitude and direction. Pupils should be able to: Explain that a vertical force from air per unit area is called air pressure. Explain that a vertical force from liquids per unit area is called water pressure. Pupils should be able to: Explain about upthrust and how it allows an object to float or sink in water. Pupils should be able to: Define frictional force and state its usefulness. Activity 6.2 Activity 6.1 p. 83 Mathematics P. 90 (Wow!) Geography Activity 6.3 P. 93 (Going Further) Social Science Activities 6.46.5

Chapter 6: Forces and their Effects

Lesson schedule

Suggested time frame

1 week (3 periods)

6.1 hat is a force? W

6.2 Resultant force

1 week (4 periods)

6.3 Pressure

1 week (3 periods)

6.4 To float or to sink?

1 week (3 periods)

6.5 Frictional force

Background information
A force can be defined as a push or pull. By Newtons second law of motion, the acceleration of a body of mass m is directly proportional to the force applied, F = ma, where F is force and a is acceleration. Forces are best described with vector diagrams, with the resultant vector indicating the direction of motion of the body onto which the force is applied. There are only four fundamental forces in Physics, namely the strong force, weak force, electromagnetic force and gravitational force. A cumulation of these fundamental forces can give rise to several types of forces such as frictional force, elastic spring force, compression force, etc. Forces have the ability to do work such as move stationary objects, accelerate or change the directions of moving objects, stop a moving object or even change the shape of objects. All these events are controlled by how large (or small) the force applied is and the original state of the body. Resultant force When two forces act together on the same body, they give rise to a resultant force. If both forces are in the same direction and on the same plane, they add up to give a larger resultant force. If they are in opposite directions but on the same plane, one of the forces is assigned a negative value while the other force is assigned a positive value, which are then added up to give a smaller resultant force. Assigning a positive or negative value to the force indicates the direction of the force. Essentially, a force is a vector quantity with both magnitude and direction. If all forces for a particular situations are taken to be of a positive value when directed towards the left, any force directed to the right is given a negative value. Pressure Pressure is defined as force per unit area. The force can be applied by any medium. When applied by air, the resulting pressure is known as air pressure. When applied by liquids, the resulting pressure is known as hydraulic pressure. For a given force, the smaller the area, the higher the pressure. This would mean that a woman wearing high heels exert more pressure on the ground than an elephant. Since pressure is directly proportional to the force, this would mean that the smaller the force, the lower the pressure. As climbers go up a mountain, the column of air that acts down on them decreases. This would mean that there is a smaller force, and hence a lower air pressure. In the same way, the deeper a person dives, the larger the column of water pressing down on him and hence the higher the water pressure. Floating An object floats when its density is less than that of the medium it is in. In another way, an object floats when the force exerted upwards by the medium exceeds that of its weight. The force exerted upwards is known as upthrust. Upthrust is dependent on the volume of the medium displaced. If the volume displaced exceeds the weight of the object, it will remain afloat. This is why the hulls of ships, although being made of steel, can still float. The large V-shape allows the hull to displace a large volume of water. This volume of water displaced exerts an upthrust that is larger than the weight of the hull, allowing the boat to remain afloat.


Frictional force Frictional force arises from the unevenness of all surfaces in contact with one another. This unevenness results in the protrusions catching onto the indentations, retarding movement. Frictional forces can be useful or detrimental depending on the situation. For example, a person requires friction to walk properly. Otherwise, he will slip and fall. However, friction in the moving parts of cars causes surfaces to wear down, resulting in eventual mechanical failure. Newtons three laws of motion Newtons three laws of motion aims to explain how forces acting on a body affects the motion of that body. There were first published by Sir Isaac Newton in 1687 in the journal Principia Mathematica in Latin. The first law states that when there are no external forces acting on a body, it either: (a) Remains at rest if it is originally at rest, or (b) Continues to move in a straight line with constant speed if it is originally in motion. The second law states that a body which experiences a force of magnitude F (in Newtons, N), experiences an acceleration which is dependent on the mass of the body, i.e. F = ma, where m is mass in kg and a is acceleration in m s2. The third law states that when one body exerts a force of magnitude F (in Newtons, N) on another body, the other body exerts an equal and opposite force of magnitude F (in Newtons, N) but in the opposite direction on the first body. Newtons three laws of motion are widely studied and have been proven to be correct in multiple instances, e.g. a rocket expels propellant in space (which is a vacuum) but can move forward because the backwards force of the ejected propellant results in an equal and opposite force on the rocket, pushing it forward (in the opposite direction to the ejection of propellant).

Learning outcomes
Pupils sholud be able to: 1. Experiment and explain about finding resultant force of two coplanar forces of the same magnitude and direction. 2. Explain that a vertical force from air per unit area is called air pressure. 3. Explain that a vertical force from liquids per unit area is called water pressure. 4. Explain about upthrust and how it allows an object to float or sink in water. 5. Define frictional force and state its usefulness.

Lesson plans
6.1 What is a force?
Keywords push, pull, Newton Concept development Why does a ball move when you kick it? Why does a rolling ball move faster after you kick it? Why can you kick to change the direction of the movement of a ball? Why does a rolling ball stop moving if you put your feet on it? Why does a lump of plasticine change shape if you press on it? 34

These are all because of forces. A force is a push or pull. However, it is important to note that in Physics, a force applied does not necessarily mean that work is done. This is because work is done only if the force applied moves the object over a distance. Instructional strategies Bring pupils to the field to play a short game of soccer. Divide the class into two; one half will be playing while the other half will be observing the movement of the ball. Get pupils to summarise what happens during the game of soccer. Introduce the term force, and define this term. Introduce the term Newton, and explain to students that Newton is the unit for force. Relate this to cm for distance and kg for mass. Questions to develop thinking If you push on the wall with all your strength, are you applying a force? If so, why doesnt the wall move? Yes. A force is still applied. However, the wall doesnt move because the force applied is not enough to move it. No work is done in this case. Can a force be both a push and pull at the same time? No. A force is a push OR pull. If a force is both a push and pull, it will cancel out itself.


Resultant force

Keywords vector, resultant force, same direction, coplanar, opposite direction, cancel out, cancel each other but not completely Concept development Why does a heavy object move more easily if two people are pushing in the same direction? Why is it a waste of effort if two people push a heavy object from opposite directions? When two forces act in the same direction and are in the same plane (level), they can add up, giving rise to a resultant force that is greater than each individual force. When two forces act in opposite directions in the same plane, they can cancel out each other, or give rise to a resultant force in the direction of the stronger force. Instructional strategies Get pupils to go to the carpark. Borrow a car and ask students to push the car, one at a time. Get enough pupils to push the car such that the car can start to roll. Get some pupils to go to the opposite side of the car and push on the car. Ask pupils to observe if the car will roll. Introduce vectors to pupils. Draw an arrow on the board and tell pupils that this arrow represents a force in a certain direction. Introduce scenario 1 in Textbook (p.83).


Introduce scenario 2 in Textbook (p.84). Get pupils to relate to the car pushing activity. Explain to them that if forces act in the same plane and in the same direction, they can add up to give a resultant force. Introduce scenario 3 in Textbook (p.84). Introduce scenario 4 in Textbook (p.85). Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 6.1. Questions to develop thinking If a box is pushed from the side and from the top by forces of 50 N each, can the two forces add up to give you a resultant force of 100 N? No. The forces are not coplanar.



Keywords air pressure, water pressure Concept development Why is it harder to breathe as you climb higher and higher up a mountain? Why is it harder to breathe as you dive deeper and deeper into the ocean? This is because both air and water exert pressure. Pressure is the force exerted per unit area due to the weight of the air or water. Instructional strategies Show pupils a picture of a submarine. Ask pupils why submarines have to be made of steel and why the walls must be thick. Explain to pupils that submarines are designed to withstand the pressure of the water. Conduct a demonstration on air pressure. Heat up a small milo tin without its lid. When the tin is still hot, quickly put on the lid. Throw the tin into a basin of water and observe what happens. The tin is immediately crushed by the air pressure. (The basin of water just serves to cool the tin.) Explain air pressure. Explain about the column of air pressing down on the surface. Show pupils pictures of climbers wearing oxygen masks to help them to breathe as the air pressure is very low high up in the mountains. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 6.2. This activity shows that liquids also exert pressure, i.e. water pressure. Questions to develop thinking Why does an object feel lighter when submerged into water? The pressure exerted by the water at the top of the object is less than the pressure exerted by the water at the bottom. This is because there is a greater column of water to the bottom of the object than to the top. Hence, there is an upwards force pushing the object up. This makes the object feel lighter.



To float or to sink?

Keywords float, sink, displaces, upward force, assistance force (or upthrust), buoyancy, afloat Concept development Why does a lump of metal sink but can still be made into hulls of ships which can float? Why does wood float by itself? An object floats if it can displace more water than its weight. Making a block of iron into a large empty hull filled with air will allow it to displace much more water than its weight, allowing it to float. Instructional strategies Bring a roll of aluminium foil to class. Cut out two equal sized pieces. Crush one piece into a ball and fold another piece into the shape of a boat. Drop both pieces into a basin of water and ask pupils to observe the foil. Show pupils pictures of boats that are made of steel and ask them why the boats can float. Get them to relate this to the floating aluminium foil boat. Introduce the term displacement. Explain upward thrust as the force exerted by the displaced water upwards. Introduce assistance force or upthrust. Explain floating and sinking with the aluminium foil boat and ball. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 6.3. Questions to develop thinking Why is a person who is struggling in the water sink while a person that is calm and not moving in the water float? When a person is struggling, his hands may be above the water. This reduces the volume of water that he can displace, reducing the upthrust on him. Additionally, when he is struggling, he exerts forces in all directions, some downwards, causing him to sink faster.


Frictional force

Keywords friction, frictional force, smooth, rough, generate heat, wear out surfaces Concept development What causes a car to stop moving when the brakes are applied? Why does a ball stop rolling after a while? Why does rubbing our hands together make our hands feel warm? Why do car tires become smooth and treadless after a while? All this is due to friction. Friction is the force which opposes motion. Friction has both advantages and disadvantages. Friction allows us to walk without slipping, but at the same time, wears down the soles of our shoes.


Instructional strategies Get pupils to push an object over their table top and study its motion. Explain to pupils that frictional force is the force which causes the object to slow down and stop moving. Get pupils to push an object over the floor and study its motion. Explain to pupils that a rougher surface causes more friction between the floor and the moving object. Get pupils to rub their hands together vigorously and explain what they feel. Show pupils examples of some moving parts, e.g. door hinges, to show the effects of friction. Show pupils ball bearings and explain to them what they are used for. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 6.4. Get pupils to define friction and state some examples of friction in action. Questions to develop thinking Why do you think door hinges, car engines and other moving parts have to be oiled frequently? The oil helps to reduce friction between the moving surfaces.

Answers to Review Questions

1. 0 N 2. The deeper they dive, the greater the pressure due to water. Their hulls must be built to be able to withstand the high pressure. 3. Allows us to walk without slipping; allows us to hold onto objects; produces heat.

Answers to Experiment Time!

1. More force is required to pull the box over the rough road surface than over the smooth concrete surface. 2. There is more friction between the rough road surface and the box. More force is required to overcome friction to allow the box to move.

Answers to workbook activities

Activity 6.1: Resultant force a): 0 N; not applicable. b): 50 N; towards the right c): 100 N; towards the left d): 200 N; towards the left e): 100 N; towards the left f): 50 N; towards the right g): 150 N; towards the left h): 0 N; not applicable Extension activity The resultant force is in the direction of the winners side.


Activity 6.2: Air pressure versus water pressure 5. The air bubble gets bigger and bigger as it rises to the surface. 6. s the air bubble rises, it experiences less and less water pressure. This allows the air inside A the bubble to push outwards more easily, expanding the bubble and increasing its size. Bonus question The deeper it goes, the higher the water pressure. Too high a pressure could crush the submarine. Activity 6.3: A plasticine boat of marbles 4. If the boat does not sink, it is because it displaces enough water for the upthrust to be larger than its weight; if the boat sinks, it is because it does not displace enough water for the upthrust to be larger than its weight. 5. The boat sinks because the upthrust cannot support the weight of the boat and marbles. Extension Activity 1. Yes. The upthrust is larger than the weight of the paper. 2. The paper has soaked up water, causing its weight to be larger than the upthrust. Activity 6.4: Friction has its good uses Part 1 3. o (or very difficult). The oil reduces the friction between the paper with the pencil mark and N the eraser. Part 2 2. The shoe with the oil on the sole feels slippery and smooth during movement. The oil has reduced the friction between the sole of the shoe and the floor. 3. riction prevents us from slipping, allowing us to grip the ground to push ourselves forward. F Part 3 4. Smoke can be seen. Friction between the stick and the dried leaves generated heat which caused a fire to start. Activity 6.5: Friction can be bad too! Part 1 2. Friction between the drill bit and the surface it was drilling. Part 2 3. Diamond. Diamond is the hardest natural substance which occurs on Earth. Part 3 4. Yes. Friction between the eraser and floor has caused the eraser to be worn down.

Answers to Revision worksheet 6

1. 200 N in the direction the boys are moving. 2. The air pressure is lower up in the mountains than at sea level as the air column pressing down is shorter. 3. Unwanted heat is produced and there is wear and tear of the moving parts, requiring them to be replaced.


40 Topic Activity 7.1 Learning outcomes Workbook activity Cross-curricular links Pupils should be able to: xperiment and explain that E sound arises from vibration of matter and sound sources. xperiment and explain E that sound propagates in all directions and moves in a medium. Activity 7.2 Pupils should be able to: xperiment and explain that E the pitch of sound arises from the frequency of the sound. Activity 7.3 Pupils should be able to: xperiment and explain that E the volume of sound arises from the amplitude of the vibrations. Pupils should be able to: nvestigate, explore and I discuss on the dangers of listening to loud noises. p. 108 Social Science

Chapter 7: Sound Energy

Lesson schedule

Suggested time frame

1 week (4 periods)

7.1 What is sound?

1 week (2 periods)

7.2 Pitch of sound

1 week (2 periods)

7.3 Volume of sound

1 week (2 periods)

7.4 Different sounds

Background information
Sound is a wave which originates from changes in pressure transmitted through a medium. A sound wave has properties of frequency and amplitude. The frequency is the number of oscillations of the sound wave each second. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch of the sound. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). Amplitude is the magnitude of the oscillating sound wave. The larger the amplitude, the louder is the sound. Volume of sound is measured in decibels (dB). Sound energy is the energy possessed by a sound wave that is capable of doing work. Since sound can only travel through a medium, sound energy cannot be transmitted in space because it is a vacuum. The human ear can hear sounds between 20 Hz and 20000 Hz. This is also known as the audible range. Sounds with frequencies below the audible range are known as infrasounds; sounds with frequencies above the audible range are known as ultrasounds. Animals such as dogs can hear ultrasound. It is known that as a person ages, the ability to hear high frequency sound also diminishes. Sound of a uniform sound wave is usually pleasant to the ears unless the amplitude is very large. If the waveform is non-uniform and extremely distorted, the sound heard is usually termed as noise. A person exposed to noise for long periods of time will gradually experience hearing loss due to desensitisation of the mechanisms in the inner ear which allow him/her to perceive sound. This is the bodys natural response to protect the person.

Learning outcomes
Pupils should be able to: 1. Experiment and explain that sound arises from vibration of matter and sound sources. 2. Experiment and explain that sound propagates in all directions and moves in a medium. 3. Experiment and explain that the pitch of sound arises from the frequency of the sound. 4. Experiment and explain that the volume of sound arises from the amplitude of the vibrations. 5. Investigate, explore and discuss on the dangers of listening to loud noises.

Lesson plans
7.1 What is sound?
Keywords sound, vacuum, vibrating source, travels in all directions, frequency, amplitude Concept development What is sound? How is sound produced? How does sound travel? Why are some sounds loud while some soft? Why are some sounds high-pitched while some low-pitched? Can sound travel through space? Can sound travel through water? Sound is caused by the vibration of matter. It travels in all directions from the source that produces it. Sound, like light, can be reflected off a surface. Sound occurs as waves, and has a frequency (which determines its pitch) and amplitude (which determines its volume). Sound can travel only when there is a medium present, e.g. water, air, wood, metal; it cannot travel through a vacuum as there is nothing for the vibrations to be imparted.


Instructional strategies Play a short piece of music. Ask pupils to describe what they hear. Show pupils pictures of astronauts communicating in space. Ask them if they will be able to hear the music if the radio was in space. Bring in the concept of medium for sound travel. Set up the vibrating speaker cone as shown in the textbook. Show pupils that the source vibrates, giving rise to sound. Get pupils to walk around a radio that is playing and listen for the music. Draw a sound wave on the whiteboard and introduce the terms frequency and amplitude. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 7.1. Questions to develop thinking Why do Red Indians place their ear on the ground to listen for the sounds of incoming horses? Sound can travel through the ground faster than through air.


Pitch of sound

Keywords pitch, high-pitched, low-pitched, frequency Concept development Why are some sounds high pitched? Why are some sounds low pitched? What gives rise to the pitch of a sound? The pitch of a sound depends on the frequency of the sound wave. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch. The opposite is true for low pitch sounds. Instructional strategies Ask pupils to hum their highest and/or lowest pitches. Draw the sound wave of a low-pitched sound and a high-pitched sound on the board. Ask pupils to identify the difference. Explain that the frequency of a sound wave determines its pitch. The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 7.2. Questions to develop thinking Is it possible for a human to hear all the frequencies of sound? No. Humans can only hear sounds between 20 Hz and 20000 Hz. Hz or hertz is the unit of frequency. For example, humans cannot hear a dog whistle because it is producing sound above 20000 Hz.


Volume of sound

Keywords volume, amplitude


Concept development Why are some sounds loud? Why are some sounds soft? What gives rise to the volume of a sound? The volume of a sound depends on the amplitude of the sound wave. The larger the amplitude, the louder the sound. The opposite is true for soft sounds. Instructional strategies Bring a radio to class and turn on some music. Slowly turn the volume up. Draw a sound wave of a loud sound and a sound wave of a soft sound on the whiteboard. Explain to pupils that volume is determined by amplitude of the sound wave. Carry out the Styrofoam balls on speaker cone demonstration. Ask pupils to observe the height of the balls as they jump when the volume increases. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 7.3. Questions to develop thinking Why do loud sounds travel further than soft sounds? Loud sounds have more energy than soft sounds.


Different sounds

Keywords noise, pleasant, smooth and regular, irregular, jagged shape, unpleasant, hearing loss Concept development When is a sound considered a noise? What is different between the sound waves of a pleasant sound and one that is considered to be a noise? A sound is considered a noise when it starts to feel unpleasant. This could be due to loud volumes of high and low-pitched sounds continuously being played. Why is it not good for our ears if we are exposed to loud sounds or noises continuously for a long period of time? What is hearing loss and what can cause hearing loss? Listening to prolonged periods of loud sounds or noises can cause a person to develop hearing loss. This is because the eardrum in our ears can be damaged by the loud sounds or noises. Instructional strategies Bring a hammer and a block of wood to class. Knock on the wood with the hammer continuously. Ask pupils to describe what they hear. Strike a tuning fork and allow students to hear the humming sound. Ask pupils to compare between the sound produced by the hammer knocking on the wood and the humming sound of the tuning fork. Introduce the term noise and explain when a sound is considered a noise. Ask pupils to list all the sources of loud sounds and noises that they know of. Ask pupils why it is not good to be listening to music at high volumes. Explain to pupils about hearing loss. 43

Questions to develop thinking Why is a classroom of pupils making sounds at the same time considered as noisy? The volume is loud and there is a mixture of various sounds, giving rise to an unpleasant sound called noise. Why do workers working at construction sites wear ear mufflers? This is to protect their hearing by reducing the volume of the sounds and noises produced at the construction site.

Answers to Review Questions

1. Sound waves arise from the vibration of matter and sound sources. 2. The pitch of a sound wave depends on the frequency. The volume of a sound wave depends on the amplitude. 3. Loud sounds can damage the ear drums, leading to loss of hearing.

Answers to Experiment Time!

1. The sound produced is softer when the string is flicked gently. The sound produced is louder when the string is flicked harder. 2. The amplitude of the vibration of the string is larger when it is flicked harder. Hence the volume produced is louder.

Answers to workbook activities

Activity 7.1: Lets make some sounds 2. A humming sound 3. (c) he water starts to spray out when the tuning fork touches it. Then small waves can be T seen on the surface of the water. Bonus question Yes. Sound can travel as long as a medium is present, e.g. water. Activity 7.2: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do 6. The intensity increases as the pitch increases. The pitch depends on the frequency. The higher the pitch, the higher the frequency. Hence the intensity of the water sprays also increase. Extension activity As the pitch increases, the frequency increases. As the pitch decreases, the frequency decreases. Activity 7.3: How loud is the music playing? 5. The height that the Styrofoam balls jump to increases as volume increases.


Answers to Revision worksheet 7

1. Loud and low-pitched sound. 2. Both sound waves drawn should have the same amplitude. However, the high-pitched sound wave should have a higher frequency (number of oscillations per second) compared to the lowpitched sound wave. 3. Sources: Construction work, plane taking off, loud music. Ways to protect hearing: Wearing ear mufflers, avoiding long exposure to the loud sounds.


46 Topic Learning outcomes Workbook activity Cross-curricular links Pupils should be able to: nvestigate, experiment and I explain about cloud formation, fog, dew, rain and hail. Pupils should be able to: xperiment and explain the E water cycle as a continuous cycle that circulates the water on the Earths surface and water in the atmosphere. Pupils should be able to: esign and make simple tools D for measuring temperature, humidity and air pressure, and verify the changes in these factors with their tools. Activity 7.3 Activity 8.1 p. 118 (Put on Your Thinking Cap) National Eductaion pp. 120 to 122 Geography Activity 8.2 Pupils should be able to: xperiment and explain E that wind is the horizontal movement of air from a low temperature area to a high temperature area. Utilise wind energy to produce electric current.

Chapter 8: Weather

Lesson schedule

Suggested time frame

1 week (3 periods)

8.1 ater in the W atmosphere

1 week (3 periods)

8.2 The water cycle

1 week (4 periods)

8.3 nstruments of I measurement

1 week (4 periods)

8.4 Wind and its uses

Background information
The water cycle or the hydrologic cycle depicts the movement of water on our planet. This movement can occur on the surface, below the surface and in the atmosphere of Earth. The water cycle is a continuous cycle that has no starting and ending point. However, for explanation purposes, we will assume that the water cycle starts from the water found on the surface of Earth. This water from the surface can enter into the water cycle by various means such as evaporation and transpiration. The water in the atmosphere can then undergo condensation and precipitation to return back to the surface. Evaporation Evaporation is the change of state of a liquid such as water into the gaseous state. Evaporation occurs on the surface of all water bodies and the oceans contribute almost 90% of all the evaporated water that enters into the water cycle. Evaporation is hastened on warm and sunny days and slower on cool, cloudy days. Transpiration Transpiration is the loss of water vapour from plants mainly through the stomata of the leaves. This water originates from the soil and is taken up by the roots. Transpiration serves to draw water and mineral salts up the plant and also to cool the plant during warm and sunny days. Condensation Water vapour from evaporation and transpiration rises up into the atmosphere. As the distance from the ground increases, the temperature of the surrounding environment decreases. This decrease in temperature results in the condensation of the water vapour into tiny water droplets. These water droplets amass to form clouds. Precipitation The presence of fine dust particles in the air serve as seeds for larger water droplets to form. When the weight of the water droplets cannot be sustained by the uprising warm air from the Earths surface, they fall as rain. This is also known as precipitation. The rain water reaches the surface of the Earth and is absorbed by the soil or enters into the seas and oceans. It can then undergo evaporation or transpiration and re-enter the water cycle again. Wind Sea breeze Convection currents can also give rise to natural events such as breezes. The sea breeze helps to draw in cooler air to lower temperatures on land during the day. In the day, solar radiation from the Sun heats up both the land and sea. As the sea is a large mass of water with high specific heat capacity, the sea can absorb more solar radiation, keeping the temperatures constant. The land, because of dark surfaces and other substances present, tends to absorb solar radiation at a faster rate. As a result of this different rate of absorption between the sea and land, the sea becomes significantly cooler than the land. As a result, the air above the land becomes warmer than the air above the sea. Warmer air rises due to a decrease in density, creating a partial vacuum over the land surface. This sucks in cooler air above the sea. The cycle repeats until night falls or when the temperature of the land is the same as that of the sea.


Wind Land breeze The principles of land breezes are the same as sea breezes. However, land breezes usually occur at night. This is because the land loses thermal energy to the atmosphere much faster than the sea due to the lower specific heat capacity of the land. As a result, the land is cooler than the sea at night. Effectively, air above the sea will be warmer than the air above land. This warmer air is cycled in a convection cycle over the top of the land down towards the ground, keeping the land warm at night. However, this circulation of warm air can cause showers or thunderstorms if there is sufficient moisture in the air. Instruments of measurement Meteorologists use several instruments to measure and chart the progress of the weather over a long period of time. This allows them to make accurate weather forecasts. Commonly, temperatures, humidity, air pressure, wind speed and cloud cover are recorded. Temperatures are measured with a thermometer; humidity is measured with a hygrometer; pressure is measured with a barometer; wind speed is measured with an anemometer; cloud cover is recorded by satellite imagery. A thermometer allows temperature to be read off the scale and works by the principle of expansion and contraction. When temperatures increase, the liquid in the bulb expands and the column increases in length. The reverse happens when temperatures drop. A hygrometer measures relative humidity by determining the amount of water vapour present in the air. Electronic hygrometers work by measuring the relative conductivity of the air. Wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometers work by measuring the rate of evaporation of water. The more humid the air, the slower the evaporation rate. Evaporation removes latent heat and will cool the wet-bulb thermometer. The lower the evaporation rate, the less the extent of cooling and the smaller the difference in temperature between the wetbulb thermometer and the dry-bulb thermometer. A barometer measures pressure. Pressure exerts a force on a precalibrated part of the barometer, causing it to change in size. This change in size is shown by a needle which moves along a calibrated scale. An anemometer measures the speed of wind by measuring the number of rotations of the cups each second. Recently, with improvement in technology, meteorologists can predict the weather very accurately by observing cloud patterns taken by satellites. Forecasts of hurricanes and typhoons have also been made easier by satellite imagery of cloud cover since there is a distinctive pattern in the clouds before such weather occurs. Classification of cloud types Clouds are classified into a system that uses Latin to describe the appearance of clouds. Latin Cumulus Stratus Cirrus Nimbus Translation Heap Layer Curly Rain Common examples Fair weather cumulus Altostratus Cirrus clouds Cumulonimbus

Clouds are further classified by height of the cloud base. High level clouds (containing the prefix cirr-) High level clouds usually form about 20000 feet above the ground. At such altitudes, the temperatures are very cold and clouds usually comprise ice crystals. These clouds are thin and white in appearance. 48

Mid level clouds (containing the prefix alto-) Mid level clouds are typically found about 6500 to 20000 feet above the ground. Temperatures are lower and such clouds comprise water droplets. Low level clouds Low level clouds are mostly water droplets due to the relatively higher temperatures found below altitudes of 6500 feet. Vertically-developed clouds (cumulus) Cumulus clouds are towering clouds generated most commonly through thermal convection of frontal lifting. These clouds can grow to more than 30000 feet in height. Such clouds often bring about rain (cumulonimbus clouds).

Learning outcomes
Pupils should be able to: 1. Investigate, experiment and explain about cloud formation, fog, dew, rain and hail. 2. Experiment and explain the water cycle as a continuous cycle that circulates the water on the Earths surface and water in the atmosphere. 3. Design and make simple tools for measuring temperature, humidity and air pressure, and verify the changes in these factors with their tools. 4. Experiment and explain that wind is the horizontal movement of air from a low temperature area to a high temperature area. 5. Utilise wind energy to produce electric current.

Lesson plans
8.1 Water in the atmosphere
Keywords clouds, tiny water droplets, atmosphere, rain, fog, humid, hail Concept development Why is water so important? Can we live without water? Can there be life without water? Where can water be found? What are clouds? What is rain, fog, dew and hail? Water is essential for life. It is thought that without water, there would be no life possible on Earth. The water on Earth is cycled continuously in the form of clouds, rain, fog, dew and hail between the atmosphere and the ground sources such as lakes, rivers, seas and oceans. Instructional strategies Bring pupils to the field and ask them to observe the clouds in the sky. Ask them to try to identify as many different types of clouds as possible. Explain that clouds are tiny water droplets held high in the atmosphere by the rising air from the Earths surface. Explain to pupils about rain formation. Explain to pupils about fog. Ask them to relate their previous experiences of fogs.


Explain to pupils about dew. Ask pupils to wake up early one day and observe the grass outside their house for dew drops on the grass blades. Explain to pupils about hail. Get students to think of the dangers of a hailstorm. Questions to develop thinking Some countries which have high mountains set up big nets on the top of the mountains to catch the clouds. Suggest what the purpose of catching the clouds is. To collect water since clouds are made up of water droplets.


The water cycle

Keywords water cycle, evaporate, condense Concept development What is the water cycle? Why is it important that rain falls? How does water from the seas and oceans get onto the land? The water cycle is a cycle that is powered by the Sun and continuously cycles the water on the Earths surface and atmosphere. Without the water cycle, the water on Earth would all be trapped in a few locations like the oceans, seas and atmosphere, greatly reducing the amount available for life on Earth. Instructional strategies Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 8.1. Skip question 4 first. Explain the processes that occur in a water cycle to the pupils. Ask pupils to complete question 4 of Workbook Activity 8.1. Questions to develop thinking Why does the water cycle not occur readily over deserts? There are no large bodies of water in or near the deserts for evaporation of water to occur.


Instruments of measurement

Keywords temperature, thermometer, humidity, wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometer, air pressure, elevation, barometer Concept development Why is it important for us to be able to measure changes in the weather? What can be measured? How do we measure these changes? Meteorologists measure temperature, humidity and pressure to allow them to predict changes in the weather. With modern technology, satellite photographs showing cloud formation are also taken into consideration. Temperature, humidity and pressure can be measured with simple tools. 50

Instructional strategies Ask pupils what it would be like if they did not know the weather forecast for the next day and proceeded for a field trip. Introduce the factors temperature, humidity and air pressure. Explain temperature to pupils and ask them how it is measured. Make the thermometer as described in Textbook (p. 120) and use it to measure the changes in temperature of the inside of the classroom and the outside. Explain humidity to pupils and describe the wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometer to them. Make the wet-bulb and dry-bulb thermometer as described in the Textbook (p. 121) and read the humidity levels over a few days. Refer to the following website orchids/wet&dry.html for information on how to relate the wet bulb depression to humidity levels. Explain air pressure and elevation. Explain to pupils that the higher one goes, the lower the pressure. Introduce the barometer to pupils. Make the balloon barometer as described in the Textbook (p. 122) and measure changes in air pressure over the next few days. A drop in air pressure usually indicates rain is coming. Questions to develop thinking What is the importance of taking several readings over many days before a weather forecast can be made? The readings will tell the meteorologists how the weather might be changing over time. Having only one reading will give a very inaccurate prediction.


Wind and its uses

Keywords wind, horizontal movement, warmer region, lowering of pressure, higher pressure region Concept development What is wind? What causes wind? Why is there wind? Wind is the horizontal movement of air caused by differences in pressure between two regions, with the air moving from the high pressure region to the low pressure region. Instructional strategies Ask pupils to describe their worst encounter with strong winds. Explain how winds form. Show pupils pictures of wind turbines and ask them what they are used for. Introduce wind energy as a renewable source of energy. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 8.2.


Questions to develop thinking The land is warmer during the day compared to the sea. Which direction would the wind blow? From the sea to the land, also known as a sea breeze. The land loses heat faster at night compared to the sea. Which direction would the wind blow? From the land to the sea, also known as a land breeze.

Answers to Review Questions

1. Evaporation, condensation, precipitation 2. The thermometer allows us to know whether the day will be hot or cold; the barometer indicates the air pressure, which if low, could mean that rain is coming; the wet-bulb and drybulb thermometer measures relative humidity, and can tell us if there might be rain from the humidity levels. 3. There are no poisonous fumes released. Wind is free. Electricity produced from wind is cheaper.

Answers to Experiment Time!

1. The metal block has the most number of dew drops on its surface per unit area. The wooden plank has the least number of dew drops on its surface per unit area. 2. To form dew drops, the water vapour in the air must condense on the surface of the material. The metal block loses heat most quickly and hence cools fastest. This allows its temperature to be lower than the surroundings. This allows dew drops to form. The wooden block cools slowest and the dew drops only start to form when the wooden block is cooler than the surroundings.

Answers to workbook activities

Activity 8.1: Water cycle 3. Drops of water can be seen. 4. vaporation water from the basin evaporates when heated by the Sun; Condensation water E vapour condenses on the plastic sheet; Rain - the water droplets collect in the middle and become larger in size and fall when they are too heavy. Activity 8.2: Wind powered light 3. The LED lights up. 4. Wind energy to electrical energy to light energy. Note to teacher: If the bulb does not light up, connect the legs of the LED in the opposite way and try again.

Answers to Revision worksheet 8

1. Wind is the horizontal movement of air from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure. 2. Measurements taken nearer the sea would be lower.


Chapter 9: Stars

Lesson schedule
Topic Learning outcomes Workbook activity Cross-curricular links

Suggested time frame

1 week (4 periods)

9.1 he movement of T stars

Pupils should be able to: bserve and explain about O directions and rising and setting of stars by using a star map. xplain that because Earth E turns anticlockwise, the stars and Sun are observed to rise in the east and set in the west. Pupils should be able to: Use a star map to identify position of stars in the sky. Activity 9.1

1 week (2 periods)

9.2 sing a star map U


Background information
Stars are immense balls of gases which have collapsed over the course of billions of years due to gravity, generating a sufficiently high temperature due to this gravitational collapse to begin nuclear fusion, fusing hydrogen into helium. There are several trillion stars in the Universe, with our Milky Way estimated to have 400 billion stars already. Stars appear as small dots of light in the sky as they are extremely far away. Light from the stars take several hundreds or even thousands of light years to travel to Earth. Since ancient times, Man has used the stars as guides and signposts at night. They are observed to rise in the east after sunset and set in the west during sunrise. However, this motion is termed an apparent motion as they do not actually move across the sky. The Earth is constantly rotating on its own axis as it orbits around the Sun. The rotation of the Earth is in an anticlockwise direction. The stars in the Universe remain in the same position. Hence, due to the rotation, we see them rising in the east and setting in the west. Actually, stars are always present in the sky. However, we do not see them during the day as their light is overwhelmed by the bright sunlight. Since stars follow a fixed pattern of motion in the sky throughout the year, they can be easily mapped onto a chart known as a star map or star chart. This map/chart shows the position of the stars and the identity of the stars. The imagination of man has also led him to associate the stars with legends, leading to constellations. Constellations are basically figures mapped out on the brighter stars in the sky. Some of the more common constellations are Orion the Hunter, Leo the Lion and the Big Dipper. Modern computer software can accurately model the night sky in any area and at any point in time. The model will show the stars present and even their names. Such models are highly useful for predicting occultations, which are events whereby the planets move in front of a star. Occultations can allow scientists to calculate the mass of the planet accurately.

Learning outcomes
Pupils should be able to: 1. Observe and explain about directions and rising and setting of stars by using a star map. 2. Explain that because Earth turns anticlockwise, the stars and Sun are observed to rise in the east and set in the west. 3. Use a star map to identify position of stars in the sky.

Lesson plans
9.1 The movement of stars
Keywords anticlockwise, star trails Concept development Why do the Sun and stars appear to move over the sky? Are they actually moving about? What direction do they move in? The Sun and stars actually do not move, but instead, because the Earth is rotating in an anticlockwise direction, we see the Sun and stars appear to rise in the east and set in the west.


Instructional strategies Briefly explain the various terms that might be encountered on a star map. Bring a model of the Earth to the class. Stick a cutout person on the equator. Draw a star on the whiteboard. Place the globe away from the whiteboard and slowly rotate the globe in an anticlockwise direction. Ask pupils in which direction would the person on the equator see the Sun and stars move. Questions to develop thinking The planet Venus rotates in a clockwise direction. If you were standing on Venus, how would the stars and Sun appear to move? They would rise in the west and set in the east.


Using a star map

Keywords star map, star chart, astronomical objects, constellations Concept development How can we know what star is in the sky at any moment in time? A star map or star chart can be used to tell the position of the stars in the sky. It can also allow us to know the identity of the star. Star maps have been used since ancient times to allow astronomers and sailors to tell the position of a star in the sky. This can help astronomers in finding the direction, since stars rise in the east and set in the west. Instructional strategies Bring a few big printed star maps to class. Divide the pupils into groups and distribute one star map to each group. Ask pupils to study the star maps. Introduce the term constellations, and draw a few constellations on the whiteboard. Show pupils astrophotographs of these constellations. They can be easily found on google. If possible, bring pupils out on a night field trip to a dark location and use a star map to identify stars in the sky. Ask pupils to carry out Workbook Activity 9.1 concurrently with field trip. Questions to develop thinking How can you tell the direction you are facing by looking at the star in the sky at a specific date and time? The star map will tell which direction the star is in. This will allow us to know the bearing, i.e. north, south, east or west.

Answers to Review Questions

1. This is because the Earth rotates from the west to the east. 2. Constellation


Answers to Experiment Time!

1. The angle obtained by estimating with fingers is about the same as the angle obtained from the map. 2. The fingers on my hand can be used to measure the angles between two objects quite accurately. This can be used to determine the angles between two stars when viewed from Earth.

Answers to Revision worksheet 9

2. Observe the night sky for stars in the star map. Rotate the star map to align the stars in the star map in the correct orientation as the night sky. Read off the compass bearing from the star map.


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