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Programming Using Java Aug Sep2023

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NP - 318

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Il Semester B.C.A. Examination, AugusUSeptember 2A23
(NEP Scheme)
Paper - 2.2: Object Oriented Programming Using Java

Time '.21/z Haurs Max. Marks : 60

lnstruction : Answer any four questions from each Part.

l. Answer any four questions, each question carries 2 marks.

1) Define polymorphism.

2) What are the Java Tokens ?

3) How to create objects ?

4) What is swing in Java ?

5) Define threads.

6) What is package ?


ll. Answer any four questions, each question carries five marks. (4x5=20)

7) Expiain features Jf -iuur.

8) What is constructor ? Explain constructor overloading with an example.

9) What is inheritance ? Discuss various types of inheritance.

10) Explain layout manager in Java.

1 1) What is exception handling ? Explain types of exceptions.
12) WAP to find the sum of digits of a given number using objects and class.

NP - 318 rilfliltilillilililiffitfirtfl


lll. Answer any four questions, each question carries 8 marks. (4x8=32)
13) a) Discnss the access specifiers with example. 3
b) Explain different types of looping statements. 5
14) a) Explain process of applet execution. 5
b) What are the features of Swing ? 2

15) a) Explain life cycle of thread" 5

b) What is array ? Explain one dimension array. 3
16) What is interface ? Explain different kinds of interface. 8
17\ a) Explain the life cycle of applet. 4
b) Differentiate method overloading and method overriding. 4
18) a) Write a program to implement arithmetic operations using
inheritance. 5
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of java beans ? 3

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