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Jude The Obscure Literature Card

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Jude the Obscure When does the work take place?: 1890s How is the work organized: Chapters divide

Description Significance of the work, Jude was orphaned at a very young age Aunt. He aspired to study in Christminster, but was an To portray the sufferances of the obscure and average; Ju communicate his insignificance in the world. hroughout his life and never realized his dreams. ives in Christminster. She is buffeted around by men, Jude is the main character, and Sue is his main focus in th and independent views, and is caught up with teacher, father, husband and student are all overshadowed . She lived alone, unmarried, with a man before she met However in reality Sue is completely inconsequential; ev hen married Phillotson, then divorced him are completely absorbed by the tiny gossips passing throu ived with Jude, her cousin, unmarried (super when the couple leaves. Sue, and Judes experience with took care of Little Jude together, and had two children arrangements with her, represents all that Jude wished to ra super scandalous). inexorable fate to end up merely obscure. ad a son, although Arabella kept the sons birth a secret Little Father Time, though one of the most notable charac ther Time was raised as a child by Arabellas parents in he killed his siblings!) is interesting because he was over eally took him in as her own (showing unexpected First, Jude doesnt even realize that LFT exists. Then, Ara when Jude realized he had a son. His name, Little and Sue and doesnt seem to care much about her own so his interesting behaviors that make people think that LFT, or Little Jude, is to continue the line of obscurity. Ju he is a child but he acts like an old man. obscure, and LFT will be just as forgotten. In a story that mainly portrays the women as fickle usersat taught Jude when he was a boy and ignited a sense of Sue and Arabella, Phillotson is a good example of a level in him. He is kind enough to send the schoolbooks does try to use Sue at first, almost forcing her to marry hi em, and gives Sue a job. He marries Sue (somewhat good character he showed near the beginning (helping Ju in shows his kind side by letting her go when she cant go when she wants to leave him. His characters main sig understanding nature; he accepts his obscurity and infam Arabella fits in to society despite her somewhat free na Jude to marry her by tricking him. She has a very caught in scandal, and uses her sexual power to achieve h and uses her sexuality to get what she wants; a limit herself by societal rules, but still manages to functio avel. She has a son, Little Jude, but doesnt tell Jude function as a contrast to Sue, who also pushes at the boun boy is born. satires the fickle nature of society (in who and why it per young orphan who dreamt of escaping his small, rural town through education and learning. He gets tricked into m he stays in Marygreen, but when she leaves him he pursues an education in Christminster. He tries to avoid falling ls. He gets her a job with his old teacher Phillotson to help her stay in Christminster, but then is crushed when he dnt seen as a competitor before (because hes old). Then, Sue is unhappy in her marriage, and decides she will all bella comes back from Australia and sleeps with Jude, mentioning her marriage to another man afterwards. Both J spouses (with no problems, despite Arabellas double marriage, proving the groups obscurity). Jude realizes that

m as their own and eventually have two children, despite not being married. Jude and Sue have trouble finding lo scandal follows them everywhere (though they are quickly forgotten once they leave). LFT decides that the fami n the family, and kills his half-siblings one morning while Jude and Sue are having breakfast. Sue chocks it all up ng back to Phillotson. Jude, once again, gets tricked by Arabella, and lives with her for a short time before dying a arrator?: 3rd person limited, mainly focusing on Jude How does it illuminate a theme How does it enhance the work? work as a whole? looked round the room, and at In general foreshadowing has a c Samson and Delilah which hung This series of quotes is distinctly related. The reader. Specifically, though, this (1,2) reference to Samson follows Jude throughout inevitability. No matter what Ju nd sitting down the sight of the the work, and serves to foreshadow the marriages will end in pain, and (l son and Delilah on the wall developing relationship between Jude and before him) this pattern will cont recognize the place as that he Arabella as a parallel to Samsons story. This series of quotes illuminates h Arabella on that first Sunday significantly that of marriage as a ir courtship. He called for allusion to the Samson story exag also parallels it. He was taken ad her shorn Samson was asleep she and despite an ability to excel he bedside and stood regarding him. influence of Arabella unravels Ju ush on his face from the debauch him as Samson was broken by D s evening lessened the fragility of ppearance... (2) tle creature's habit, it did not The symbolism enhances the work by adding This quote parallels Judes own b cry; and probably would not do depth to Judes character; he manages to kill the trap of marriage. He cries nce or twice; but would remain the rabbit, despite earlier reservations about Arabella throughout his life. He s ure till the morrow when the killing, and he seems to be aware of his own until he dies. come and knock it on the head. situation. This awareness illuminates the theme --> me of marrigae as something painful, something forced, is rampant in this novel, Hardy himself was married twice stems from his own problems. The theme manages to imbue the reader with a sense of dread; ever marriage, eve nd in confusion. Upon losing Arabella, Jude nearly kills himself. His relationship with Sue (nearing a sense of mar rauma. Phillotson leaves his marriage with Sue as a social reject, even when doing what he feels is the right thi They struggle, they try, but they fail. Jude fails in marriage (despite his great respect for the sacrament), in educat ), in love (Sue). Sue and Phillotson fail in their careers, and even Arabella ends up with Jude in the end (not mana characters are obscure; they are quickly forgotten by society and overlooked by the law. Although this is sometim ey cannot succeed because no one sees them.



Significance to

w; but my doctrines "

Jude, to Sue When they are both awoken by the crying rabbit

trines or my religion me help you, even if I .." eing poor obscure Jude, to Sue ngs are done for us in a was afraid her criminal been discovered, and ok any interest in her pected it. go on living always as Sue, to Jude and only meeting by or the woman at least, man.

Character: This illuminates a transition in Judes youth, quite religious. He held great respect for the and judged Sue for her disregard/ignorance of the we see that he has transitioned from this devout, a has abandoned the conventions of religion and soc

Jude is referencing the Title: Here we see that Jude realizes his own obsc dissolution of his were always to make something of himself, to be m marriage to Sue, speaking stonemason or low-class worker, here he revels in happily of their new class allows. This is an example of the title (Obsc situation, being able to be theme of invisibility. together freely in public. Sue is discussing how she Theme: This example focuses on the theme of the and Jude will proceed; as Sue convinces Jude to fully abandon his previous lovers or as spouses previous character because he loves her so much. inevitability of their relationships failure; even wi coupling ends in pain.Ironically, Sue leaves Jude d believing that by living as lovers she has incurred

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