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Chap 29

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Magnetic Force and Field

Chapter 29
The magnetic force
v parallel to the current.
The magnitude of the magnetic force
is directly proportional to the product
of the current I, the charge q, and the
speed v, and it is inversely
proportional to the distance r.

The minus sign in this formula

indicates that the force is attractive if
the charge q is positive and the
velocity v and the current I are in the
same direction
if we reckon 𝑣 as positive when parallel to the current and negative
when antiparallel, then the magnetic force is attractive if the product
𝑞𝑣𝐼 is positive and repulsive if 𝑞𝑣𝐼 is negative.
In the SI system of units, the numerical value of the constant of
proportionality is exactly,

Magnetic constant or the permeability

v in the radial direction
The velocity 𝑣 is directed
perpendicularly away from the
direction of the current. The
magnetic force is now in the 𝒙
direction, parallel to the direction
of the current.
v in the tangential direction.
The velocity v is now directed
tangentially to the circumference of a
circle concentric with the current. For
the position of the charge q at the
instant, the direction of the velocity is
the z direction.
A long, straight wire carries a current of 50 A. An electron of speed
2.0 × 106 𝑚𝑠 −1 is (instantaneously) moving parallel to this wire at a
distance of 0.030 m. what magnetic force does the current in the wire
exert on the electron?
Magnetic Field
The magnetic force is communicated from one moving charge q to
another moving charge q through a magnetic field,
Direction of Magnetics
For a long wire, the direction of the magnetic field of the current is
tangent to a circle with the current at its center.
Direction of the magnetic field
Right-hand rule for the
magnetic field.

if the thumb of the right

hand is placed along the
direction of the current, then
the fingers will curl around
the wire in the direction of
the magnetic field.
if the point charge moves at some general
angle 𝛼 with respect to the magnetic field,
only the component of its velocity
perpendicular to the magnetic field generates
a magnetic force,
This right-hand rule
Lorentz force
If both electric and magnetic fields exert forces on a charge q, the net
force on the charge is the vector sum of the individual forces. The
total force due to both an electric field E and a magnetic field B is
called the Lorentz force,

The magnetic field B
The direction of the magnetic field is parallel or antiparallel to that
direction of motion that results in zero force.

The magnitude of the magnetic field is obtained by dividing the

magnitude of the maximum force (the force that acts when the
motion of the test charge is perpendicular to the direction of the
magnetic field) by the charge and the speed:
SI unit of Magnetic Field
The SI unit of magnetic field is N/(C.m.s), the unit of force divided by
the unit of charge and of velocity; this unit is called the tesla (T):

A non-SI unit of magnetic field in common use is the gauss (G):

In Florida, the Earth’s magnetic field is in the
north–south vertical plane (and toward the
north), but directed downward from the
horizontal at an angle of 58 degree (see Fig.) .
The magnitude of this magnetic field is 5.3 ×
10−5 𝑇. Suppose that an electron in a TV
tube is moving with an (instantaneous)
horizontal velocity of 𝟐. 𝟎 × 10^6 𝒎𝒔−𝟏 in
the south to north direction. What are the
magnitude and the direction of the force that
the magnetic field of the Earth exerts on this

Magnetic field can be

represented graphically by
field lines.

The decrease of the strength

of the magnetic field with
distance is indicated by the
decrease of density of the
field line.
Compass needle alignment with magnetic field

Small compass needles align

in the direction of the
magnetic field.

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