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Jnana Sangama, Belagavi, Karnataka - 590 018


Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application

A Mini Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the Degree
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering

Submitted by:

USN Student Name

Under the Guidance of
Prof Sudha B
Asst Prof
Dept of ETE, BIT, B’lore-560004


K.R. Road, V.V.Pura, Bengaluru-560004

Submitted on:
K.R. Road, V.V.Pura, Bengaluru-560004

Certified that the Mini project entitled Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN application
work carried out by K RAGHVENDRA RAO (1BI21ET014), KAVYA KARTIK
(1BI21ET016), BHAGAT SINGH (1BI21ET021),a bonafide student of Bangalore Institute of
Technology in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Electronics
and Telecommunication Engineering of the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
during the year 2024-2025. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for internal
assessment have been incorporated in the report deposited in the Department Library. The Mini
project Report has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Mini
project work prescribed for the said Degree.

Prof Bhavya A R
Asst Professor

Project Guide: Head of the Department

Prof Sudha B
Asst Professor

It would be our privilege to express our heartfelt gratitude and respect to thank all those
who guided us in the completion of the Mini Project work. We are highly indebted to
Rajya Vokkaligara Sangha trust for introducing a great educational institute for studies.
We express our deep sense of gratitude to our beloved Principal Dr.Ashwath M.U., for
providing an excellent academic environment which enabled us to complete our mini
project successfully.
We would like to thank our Head of Department, Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering Dr.M.Rajeswari, for her constant encouragement and
support throughout the course of engineering in the institution.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and thank to our mini project coordinator
Dr. Girish Kumar N G, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering, for his constant guidance during the course of project
We would like express our heartfelt gratitude to our project internal guide Prof Sudha B,
Asst Prof, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, for her
constant support and guidance during the project.
I am grateful to all the teaching and non-teaching staff of the Department of Electronics
and Telecommunication Engineering, for their support and cooperation and I would like
to thank my parents for their constant moral support and encouragement throughout the
completion of the Seminar.


This project focuses on the design and simulation of a microstrip patch antenna for
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications, utilizing HFSS (High-Frequency Structure
Simulator) software and an FR-4 epoxy substrate. The objective is to develop an efficient
and cost-effective antenna tailored for the 2.4 GHz frequency band, commonly used in
WSNs due to its favourable propagation characteristics.
The choice of FR-4 epoxy substrate, with a relative dielectric constant of 4.4 provides a
balance of performance, availability, and cost-effectiveness. These properties are crucial in
determining the antenna's resonant frequency and overall efficiency.
The design process involves optimizing the dimensions of the rectangular microstrip patch
antenna to achieve the desired frequency and performance metrics. HFSS simulation tools
are employed to model the antenna's behaviour, allowing for precise adjustments and
performance predictions. Key parameters analysed include return loss (S11), gain,
radiation pattern, and bandwidth.
The simulation results demonstrate that the designed antenna achieves a return loss below -
10 dB at the target frequency of 2.4 GHz, indicating good impedance matching.
By using FR-4 epoxy substrate, the project underscores the practicality and feasibility of
developing efficient antennas for WSN applications without incurring high costs associated
with more specialized substrates. The findings provide valuable insights into the trade-offs
and design considerations necessary for achieving a balance between performance and cost
in antenna design.
This work contributes to the field of wireless sensor networks by presenting a detailed
methodology for designing and simulating microstrip patch antennas using accessible
materials and advanced simulation tools. The successful implementation of this design in
HFSS validates the approach and highlights its potential for widespread application in
educational and practical WSN deployments.

Title Page No
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
List of Abbreviations viii
1.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………
1.2 Antenna……………………………………………………………………..
1.3 Microstrip patch antenna……………………………………………………
2.1 Literature Survey…………………………………………………………...
3.1 Design Flow………………………………………………………………..
4.1 About HFSS………………………………………………………………..
4.2 Key Features of HFSS……………………………………………………...
4.3 Implementation of Design using HFSS…………………………………….
CHAPTER 6 : APPLICATIONS………………………………………………

List of Figures

Fig No. Title Pg no.

1.1 Microstrip patch Antenna 2
3.2 Suspended configuration 8
3.3 Design flow process for the Rectangular Microstrip Patch antenna 9
4.1 Selecting shape of the substrate 13
4.2 Selecting of dielectric material for substrate 14
4.3 Solid Box properties 14
4.4 Modelling substrate of accurate Dimensions 15
4.5 Patch Parameters 16
4.6 Making both the ground and patch as perfect E 16
4.7 Creating a port 17
4.8 Final Design of Suspended Rectangular Microstrip patch antenna 18
4.9 Setting up Frequency sweep settings 18
4.10 Sweep frequency range and points setting 19
4.11 Simulation Toolbar 19
5.1 Gain Plot 20
5.2 Reflection Coefficient 22
5.3 VSWR Plot 24
5.4 Radiation Pattern of Antenna 26
5.5 Directivity 3D Plot 28

List of Tables

Fig. No Title Page. No

7.1 Comparing 2 Designs with different parameters & configuration 31


Abbreviation Description
WSN Wireless Sensor Network
HFSS High-Frequency Structure Simulator
FEM Finite Element Method
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
RF Radio Frequency
PCB Printed Circuit Board
IC Integrated Circuit
ISM Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (frequency band)
S11 Reflection Coefficient
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
GHz Gigahertz
dB Decibel
CAD Computer-Aided Design
DXF Drawing Exchange Format
IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
STEP Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data
THz Terahertz

Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024


Micro strip antennas are low-profile antennas. A metal patch mounted at a ground
level with a dielectric material in-between constitutes a Micro strip or Patch Antenna.
These are very low size antennas having low radiation. Micro strip patch antennas
have become more popular in the area of wireless communication The polarization
of an antenna is defined as the direction of the electromagnetic fields produced by the
antenna as energy radiates away from it. Matching the polarization in both the
transmitter and receiver antennas is important in terms of decreasing transmission

Antenna is a transitional structure providing transition of EM waves between guided
wave and free space wave. Antenna being an impedance transducer converts guided
EM wave into unguided free space EM wave. Antenna parameters such as reflection
co-efficient, VSWR (Voltage Wave Standing Ratio), directivity, Gain, Radiation
pattern, bandwidth plays a vital role in choosing the antenna for a specific
application. It is necessary to have uncompromised results for a particular application
along with miniaturized models which are compatible with existing systems.

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, B.I.T. 1

Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024


• Micro strip antennas are extensively used with the introduction of monolithic
microwave integrated circuits (MMIC’s). A metal patch mounted at a ground
level with a dielectric material in-between constitutes a Micro strip or Patch

• These are very low size antennas having low radiation. Micro strip patch
antennas have become more popular in the area of wireless communication.

• Antenna is a transitional structure providing transition of EM waves between

guided wave and free space wave.

• Antenna parameters such as reflection co-efficient, VSWR (Voltage Wave

Standing Ratio), directivity, Gain, Radiation pattern, bandwidth plays a vital role
in choosing the antenna for a specific application.

Figure1.1: Microstrip patch Antenna

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024




“2.4 GHz Circularly Substrate, Role of Substrate Thickness: For
polarized Microstrip thickness, the proposed antenna with substrate
Patch Antenna with Bandwidth, thickness t = 3 mm, the 10 dB
Diagonal Structural Efficiency bandwidth is 3.08% and the
Symmetry” , G Guru corresponding radiation efficiency
Varun Nitin, is 88.38%. By varying the
Divyabramham thickness of the substrate from 3 to
Kandimalla 4.25 mm the bandwidth has been
increased from 3.08 to 3.92 % but
the efficiency has been decreased
from 88.38 to 85.37%. With
increase in the thickness the loss
due to surface waves increases
which eventually reduces the
efficiency. The numerical values of
10 dB bandwidth and efficiency
with the substrate thickness are
“Performance Selection of suitable The selection of the substrate
Analysis of substrate material is important in order to
Rectangular predict the antennas general
Microstrip Patch performance. The overall
Antenna with dimensions of the antennas are
Different Substrate closely related to its dielectric
Material at 2.4 GHz constant. A high dielectric constant
for WLAN would produce a small antenna
Applications” , Zhou dimension. A lower dielectric
Chen Fei, Permesh constant and loss tangent
L. Jethi contributed to the high gains. The
impedance of the antennas must
reach 50 Ohms.

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, B.I.T. 3

Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024
“Broadband Configuration for The BW of the MSA is directly
Microstrip MSA,BW,Gain.Substrate proportional to the substrate
Antennas”, Girish thickness thickness(h) and inversely
Kumar,K. P. Ray proportional to the square root of its
dielectric constant. The BW of the
MSA increases with an increase in
height and a decrease in dielectric
constant. The effect of the increase
in height and the decrease in
dielectric constant can also be
realized using the suspended-
microstrip configuration.
The patch is fabricated on one side
of the dielectric substrate, and it is
suspended in air with an air gap of
Δ. The suspended configuration
consisting of two dielectric layers
can be replaced by a single layer of
equivalent dielectric constant
E(eq) of thickness h + Δ.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

We selected suspended configuration because it offers several advantages over

traditional microstrip patch antennas and other broadband antenna designs for
following parameters.
Enhanced Bandwidth, Cost-Effective and Practical.
• Using air as part of the dielectric reduces the material cost.
• The use of air as a part of the dielectric reduces the overall dielectric losses, leading
to higher radiation efficiency.
• By suspending the patch above the ground plane, the effective height of the antenna
increases, which reduces the substrate effects and thereby increases the bandwidth.
• Introducing an air gap between the patch and the substrate further enhances the
bandwidth by lowering the effective dielectric constant. This results in wider
impedance bandwidth compared to conventional microstrip patch antennas.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, B.I.T. 6

Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

Chapter 3

• In the current work, design of a antenna with 100 MHz characteristics has been
• It was simulated using a FR4 substrate.
• The dielectric constant of the substrate was 4.4 with a thickness of 1.6 mm and air
substrate of thickness 5 mm to get an equivalent dielectric constant of around
1.3 to get a bandwidth of around 100MHz in the Wi-Fi (2.4Ghz) frequency band.
• The selection. of width and the length of the antenna was in accordance to tuning it
to respective frequency band. The patch length value of the antenna has been
outlined to be at half of the wavelength of the guide relating to a frequency of
• Impedance matching was achieved between the antenna and the port using coaxial
type feeding technique.
• The coaxial type of feed is placed at the edge of the patch to attain the required
value of around 50 ohm impedance.

Design of linear polarization antenna

Designing a linear patch antenna involves several steps, including selecting the
dimensions, choosing the substrate material, determining the feed mechanism, and
optimizing the design for desired performance parameters.

Choosing Operating Frequency

The operating frequency of your patch antenna. This frequency will dictate the
dimensions of the patch and other parameters.

Choosing Substrate Material

Select a substrate material with appropriate dielectric properties for your desired
frequency range. Common substrate materials include FR-4, Rogers, or Duroid. The
dielectric constant (εr) of the substrate will affect the dimensions and impedance of
the antenna.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

Simulate and Optimize

Use simulation software HFSS (Ansys) to simulate your antenna design.
Simulations help you analyze the antenna's performance, impedance matching,
radiation pattern, and gain. Make adjustment to dimensions, feed location, and
other parameters to optimize the antenna's performance.

For Calculating Parameters

We use Different Dimensions and configuration for two designs, formulas for both
Antennas are same only length, width, thickness of the patch. The length of the
patch is almost about half the wavelength of the operating frequency. The width of
the patch is related to the bandwidth of the antenna. It is directional proportional to
the bandwidth of the antenna. The thickness is also directional proportional to the
bandwidth, but it also decreases the efficiency of the antenna. Based on the
requirement, the parameters are adjusted. the formulas for calculating Parameters
are given

(𝜺𝑹 +𝟏) (𝜺𝑹 −𝟏) −𝟏⁄𝟐

𝜺𝒆 =
(𝟏 + 𝟏𝟎 𝒉⁄𝒘) … (1)

𝑳 = 𝑳𝒆 − 𝟐𝜟𝑳

𝜟𝑳 = …(3)

𝑳𝒆 = …(4)
𝟐𝑭𝟎 √𝜺𝒆

𝜺 +𝟏 …(5)
𝟐𝑭𝟎 √ 𝑹 𝟐

𝜺𝑹 𝒉 + 𝜺𝑹 𝚫
𝜺𝒆𝒒 = …(6)
𝜺𝑹 𝚫 + 𝒉

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

Figure 3.1: Suspended configuration

Equation (1) represents the effective dielectric constant (𝜺𝒆 ) in terms of dielectric
constant of the substrate (𝜺𝑹 ), height or thickness of the substrate (𝒉) and width of
the patch (𝒘)
Equation (2) is used for calculating the physical length of the patch (𝑳). It is slightly
smaller than the effective length (𝑳𝒆 ) of the substrate.
Equation (3) is for calculating extension length (𝜟𝑳) of the patch used for calculating
physical length.
Equation (4) is used for effective length calculation. It is inversely proportional to the
operating frequency (𝑭𝟎 ) and effective dielectric constant of the substrate.
Equation (5) is used as a starting point for calculating the width of the patch for
the operating frequency (in our case 2.4GHz) and is fine-tuned through simulations.
Equation (6) is used to calculate the equivalent dielectric constant between the
ground plane and the patch. It is related to the thickness of the substrate and air gap
(𝚫) as shown. [1][2]

Suspended Configuration
A suspended configuration microstrip patch antenna is designed to improve
performance parameters such as bandwidth, efficiency, and radiation pattern by
employing a specific mounting arrangement. In this design, the patch is suspended
above a dielectric substrate, rather than being directly mounted on it. This
configuration can be achieved through various methods, including the use of support
structures or an additional layer of dielectric material.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024


Choosing the FR4 substrate

Determining the length and

width of the patch for the
frequency of 2.4 GHz

initial calculation and

determination of the thickness
of substrate and air thickness

Inserting coaxial feed to the


determining the location of

the feed for impedance

initial simulation

making necessary changes to

the parameters for fine tuning

getting the desired result

Figure 3.2: Design flow process for the Rectangular Microstrip Patch antenna

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

HFSS (High-Frequency Structure Simulator) is a leading simulation tool developed
by Ansys for analyzing the electromagnetic behavior of high-frequency and high-
speed components. Renowned for its accuracy and advanced capabilities, HFSS is
essential for engineers and researchers in the fields of RF, microwave, and
millimeter-wave device design. By leveraging the Finite Element Method (FEM) and
other numerical techniques, HFSS provides precise solutions to Maxwell's equations,
enabling detailed insight into electromagnetic fields and wave propagation in
complex structures.

It caters to a wide range of applications, from antenna design and signal integrity
analysis to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference
(EMI) studies. For instance, in antenna design, HFSS can model and optimize
various types of antennas, including patch, dipole, and array configurations, ensuring
optimal performance in terms of gain, radiation pattern, and impedance matching. In
the realm of high-speed digital circuits, HFSS helps in assessing and mitigating
signal loss, crosstalk, and impedance mismatches in PCBs and IC packages, ensuring
robust signal integrity.


1. Electromagnetic Field Simulation:

• Finite Element Method (FEM): Maxwell's equations are numerically solved by

HFSS using the FEM. This technique provides a comprehensive and precise
representation of the electromagnetic fields by breaking the simulation domain into
smaller, finite parts where the field values are estimated.
• Hybrid Solvers: To effectively address many kinds of electromagnetic problems,
HFSS integrates FEM with other solvers such as the Method of Moments (MoM)
and Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD).

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024
2. High-Frequency Analysis:
• Broad Frequency Range: HFSS is appropriate for a variety of applications, including
RF, microwave, and optical devices, since it can simulate components over a wide
frequency range, from low MHz frequencies to high GHz and even THz frequencies.
• S-Parameter Extraction: This technology can extract S-parameters, also known as
scattering parameters, which are essential for describing the behavior of radio
frequency (RF) and microwave components in a network.

3. 3D Modeling:
• Creation of Geometries: HFSS provides powerful tools to import CAD files or start
from scratch when building intricate 3D geometries. Standard formats including
DXF, IGES, and STEP are supported.
• Material Definition: To accurately simulate real-world materials, users can create and
assign materials with certain electromagnetic properties (permittivity, permeability,
and conductivity) to various areas of the model

4. Advanced Solver Technologies:

• The frequency-domain solver computes field solutions at discrete frequencies,
making it perfect for steady-state sinusoidal applications.
• Time-Domain Solver: This tool computes the evolution of fields over time and is
useful for transient analysis.
• Eigenmode Solver: This tool determines the modes and resonant frequencies of
structures such as waveguides and cavities.
• Integral Equation Solver: This method reduces the simulation domain to the object's
surface, making it effective for open-region applications like antennas and scattering

5. Automatic Adaptive Meshing:

• Adaptive Mesh Refinement: To ensure accurate results while optimizing
computational resources, HFSS automatically refines the mesh in areas with larger
field gradients or where more information is required.
• Convergence Criteria: Until the required precision is attained, the software iteratively
refines the mesh while keeping an eye on the convergence of the solution.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

6. Optimization and Parametric Analysis:

• Parameter Sweeps: Users can define design parameters (such as dimensions and
material attributes) and run sweeps to examine how they affect performance. This
process is known as parameter sweeps
• Optimization Algorithms: To automatically identify the optimal design parameters
that satisfy performance requirements, HFSS incorporates a number of optimization
techniques (such as gradient-based and evolutionary algorithms).
• Sensitivity analysis: An essential tool for resilient design, it helps to comprehend
how sensitive design performance is to changes in parameters.

7. Integration with Other Tools:

• Ansys Workbench Integration: HFSS enables coupled thermal, structural, and
electromagnetic analysis when it is incorporated into the Ansys Workbench platform
for multi-physics simulations.
• Circuit Simulation: It can export data, including S-parameters, to third-party tools for
system-level analysis or to circuit simulators such as Ansys Designer.
• 3D Layout Tools: Effective simulation of intricate PCB layouts and IC packages is
made possible by integration with tools like as Ansys HFSS 3D Layout.


These are the procedures for designing an antenna in HFSS 2024 R1, where the
design of a rectangular microstrip patch antenna and the modeling of its outcomes
are completed.
1. Open HFSS and Create a New File. Select view option in the taskbar and click on
draw box icon.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

Figure 4.1: Selecting shape of the substrate

2. After Drawing the box in the 3D view, a new solid model is created in the panel list.
Expand the solids view in the panel and select the box icon. A dialog box appears on
the screen where the various box properties can be changed. To identifying the
component of the Microstrip antenna, name the box as substrate. Since we are using
FR-4 Epoxy substrate for our design, the material is changed to FR-4 epoxy by
selecting the material settings and clicking on edit. In the new dialog box go to
search bar and type FR4_epoxy and click on OK.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

Figure 4.2: Selecting of dielectric material for substrate

Figure 4.3: Solid Box properties

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

3. After creating the substrate material, we need the substrate to be of required

dimensions. This is done by expanding the solids list, then expanding the FR4 Epoxy
list and then choosing the substrate and expanding the list. Under substrate click on
‘Create Box’. This will open up a dialog box. Write the required dimensions of
length, width and height in the X size, Y size and Z size box respectively.

Figure 4.4: Modelling substrate of accurate

4. Similarly for creating a ground plane instead of a box, the rectangular shape is
selected from the options under the draw option in the taskbar and the similar steps
are followed.
5. Next, the patch is designed by selecting draw, the choosing rectangle from the
options and then approximately drawing the rectangle in the 3D view. Now from
under the list of components under sheets, select the rectangle, name it as patch and
once the sheet properties are chosen, select the create rectangle option by expanding
the patch list and give the appropriate position of the patch with respect to the other
components such as ground and substrate and the dimensions of the patch as it is the
most important part of the design

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

Figure 4.5: Patch Parameters

6. After patch and the ground are created they are converted into perfect conductors or
perfect E materials by right clicking on them and from options, choosing ‘assign
boundary’ and selecting Perfect E.

Figure 4.6: Making both the ground and patch as perfect

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

7. The coaxial feed is created by creating 3 cylinders- one cylinder for the outer part of
the cable which is connected to the ground plane the other cylinder for representing
the dielectric material, and the last cylinder for the inner conductor which is
connected to the feed of the patch. Then the port is assigned to the bottom of the
cylinder for providing energy for feeding to the patch.
8. The port is created by drawing a circle and placing it at the bottom of the coaxial
cable feed, providing basic properties and assigning dimensions, in this case radius to
the port. Then right click the port and choose ‘assign excitation’ option and then
choose port from the sub option and selecting terminal lumped port.

Figure 4.7: Creating a port

9. The final steps remaining are to create a radiation box for simulation purposes and
setting up the analysis setup for simulation. The analysis setup is opened by selecting
Analysis option in the project manager window and right-clicking it and choosing
add solution setup. In the dialog box that opens, write the resonant operating
frequency in the frequency box and then pressing Ok. In the next dialog box give the
range of frequency for the sweep and increase or decrease the number of points for
high resolution but more computation time or low resolution but low computation

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

Figure 4.8: Final Design of Suspended Rectangular Microstrip patch antenna

Figure 4.9: Setting up Frequency sweep settings

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

Figure 4.10: Sweep frequency range and points setting

10. Finally, the is checked for any errors by clicking validate in options from the
simulation taskbar and then clicking on ‘Analyze All’.

Figure 4.11: Simulation Toolbar

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024



5.1 GAIN

Figure 5.1: Gain Plot


1) Image Description:
• The above image, Figure 5.1, is a 3D radiation pattern plot generated using Ansys
HFSS software.
• The plot represents the gain of the designed microstrip patch antenna.
• The gain is color-coded, with red indicating maximum gain and blue/green
indicating lower gain values.
• The color scale on the left shows the gain values ranging from -35 dB to +10 dB.
2) Maximum Gain:
• The maximum gain achieved by the antenna is 10 dB, as indicated by the top of
the color scale.
• The red region in the plot shows the direction where the maximum gain occurs,
which is along the main lobe of the antenna's radiation pattern.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

3) Radiation Pattern:
• The plot shows a typical directional radiation pattern for a microstrip patch
• The main lobe is oriented in the positive Z-axis direction, indicating that the
antenna radiates most strongly in this direction.
The radiation pattern is relatively symmetrical, suggesting a well-designed
antenna with a consistent performance in the desired direction.
4) Gain Distribution:
• The gain decreases gradually from the main lobe to the side lobes and back lobes.
• The yellow and green regions indicate areas where the gain is lower than the
maximum but still relatively high.
• The blue and green regions at the bottom and sides indicate areas with the lowest
gain, approaching -31.93 dB, as shown at the bottom of the scale.
5) Side Lobes and Back Lobes:
• The presence of side lobes is minimal, indicating good directivity and reduced
radiation in unwanted directions.
• The back lobes are small, suggesting minimal radiation behind the antenna,
which is beneficial for reducing interference and improving efficiency.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024


Figure 5.2: Reflection Coefficient


1) Image Description:
• The above image, Figure 5.2, is a plot of the reflection coefficient (S11) for a
microstrip patch antenna, generated using Ansys HFSS software.
• The plot shows the reflection coefficient (in dB) versus frequency (in GHz) over
the range of 2.0 GHz to 3.0 GHz.
• Three markers (m1, m2, m3) highlight specific points on the curve, providing
values for frequency and reflection coefficient.
2) Minimum Reflection Coefficient (S11):
• The lowest point on the curve occurs at marker m1, indicating the best
impedance match.
• At m1, the reflection coefficient is -18.5798 dB at 2.4000 GHz.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

• This suggests that the antenna is well-matched at this frequency, with minimal
reflection and maximum power transfer.
3) Operational Bandwidth:
• The markers m2 and m3 provide insight into the bandwidth around the central
• At m2 (2.3266 GHz) and m3 (2.4673 GHz), the reflection coefficient values are -
10.1773 dB and -10.2193 dB, respectively.
• Typically, a reflection coefficient below -10 dB is considered acceptable for
practical applications, indicating that the antenna operates efficiently within this
frequency range.
• The operational bandwidth can be estimated by calculating the frequency range
between m2 and m3: 2.4673 GHz - 2.3266 GHz = 0.1407 GHz or 140.7 MHz.
4) Frequency Range:
• The antenna operates effectively from approximately 2.3266 GHz to 2.4673
GHz, centered around 2.4 GHz.
• This range covers the 2.4 GHz ISM band, commonly used for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,
and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs).
5) Performance at 2.4 GHz:
• The reflection coefficient at 2.4 GHz (m1) is significantly below -10 dB,
indicating excellent performance and impedance matching at the target
• This ensures that the antenna can effectively transmit and receive signals at 2.4
GHz with minimal loss.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024


Figure 5.3:VSWR Plot


1) Image Description:
• The above image,Figure 5.3, is a Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) plot for
a microstrip patch antenna, generated using Ansys HFSS software.
• The plot shows VSWR versus frequency over the range of 2.0 GHz to 3.0 GHz.
• Three markers (m1, m2, m3) highlight specific points on the curve, providing
values for frequency and VSWR.
2) Minimum VSWR:
• The lowest VSWR is observed at marker m1, which indicates the best impedance
• At m1, the VSWR is 1.2670 at 2.4000 GHz.
• A VSWR close to 1 indicates minimal reflection and maximum power transfer,
suggesting optimal performance at this frequency.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

3) Operational Bandwidth:
• Markers m2 and m3 provide insights into the VSWR values around the central
• At m2 (2.3216 GHz) and m3 (2.4724 GHz), the VSWR values are 1.9732 and
1.9632, respectively.
• Typically, a VSWR below 2 is considered acceptable for practical applications,
indicating that the antenna operates efficiently within this frequency range.
• The operational bandwidth can be estimated by calculating the frequency range
between m2 and m3: 2.4724 GHz - 2.3216 GHz = 0.1508 GHz or 150.8 MHz.
4) Frequency Range:
• The antenna operates effectively from approximately 2.3216 GHz to 2.4724 GHz,
centered around 2.4 GHz.
• This range covers the 2.4 GHz ISM band, commonly used for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth,
and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs).
5) Performance at 2.4 GHz:
• The VSWR at 2.4 GHz (m1) is significantly below 2, indicating excellent
performance and impedance matching at the target frequency.
• This ensures that the antenna can effectively transmit and receive signals at 2.4
GHz with minimal loss and reflection.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024


Figure 5.4:Radiation Pattern of Antenna


• Red Curve: Represents the radiation pattern in the E-plane (Phi = 0 degrees).
• Green Curve: Represents the radiation pattern in the H-plane (Phi = 90 degrees).
1) Radiation Pattern Symmetry:
• The red and green curves indicate the radiation patterns in two orthogonal planes.
• The patterns are not perfectly circular, suggesting directional radiation rather than
isotropic (equal in all directions).
2) Main Lobe Direction and Width:
• The main lobes in both the E-plane and H-plane show the direction in which the
antenna radiates most of its power.
• The width of the main lobes indicates the beamwidth, which is the angular width
where the radiation power falls to half its maximum value (-3 dB point).

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

3) Side Lobes and Back Lobes:

• Both patterns exhibit side lobes, which are smaller lobes of radiation in directions
other than the main lobe. Side lobes represent unwanted radiation that can cause
• The presence of back lobes (radiation in the direction opposite to the main lobe) is
also noted, although they are typically weaker.
4) Gain:
• The plot is given in dB (decibels), with the gain values annotated along the radial
• The maximum gain can be observed at the peaks of the main lobes.
5) Comparative Analysis:
• Comparing the red and green curves, the radiation pattern is different in the two
orthogonal planes, suggesting the antenna's polarization and radiation characteristics
vary with orientation.
• The green curve (H-plane) appears to have a broader beamwidth compared to the
red curve (E-plane), indicating a more spread out radiation in the H-plane.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024


Figure 5.1: Directivity 3D PLOT


1) Color Scale:
• The color scale on the left indicates the directivity values in decibels (dB).
• Red represents the highest directivity, while green, blue, and other colors
represent lower directivity values.
2) Max and Min Directivity:
• The maximum directivity is 10.05 dB, as shown at the top of the color scale.
• The minimum directivity is -31.89 dB, as shown at the bottom of the color scale.
3) Radiation Pattern Shape:
• The 3D plot shows the directional characteristics of the antenna's radiation.
• The main lobe, where the highest directivity is observed, is colored in red,
indicating the direction in which the antenna radiates most of its power.
• Side lobes and back lobes are also visible, with different colors indicating lower
directivity values.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

4) Orientation:
• The plot is oriented with respect to the coordinate system shown at the bottom

left corner, with X, Y, and Z axes labeled.

• The main lobe appears to be directed along a specific axis, indicating the primary
radiation direction of the antenna.
5) Lobe Analysis:
• The main lobe is relatively broad, suggesting that the antenna has a moderate
• Side lobes are present, indicating some radiation in directions other than the main
lobe. These side lobes are less intense compared to the main lobe.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024


6.1 Application of Microstrip Patch Antenna

Microstrip patch antenna has wide variety of applications in different domains, some
of the domains where it is being used are,

6.1.1 Medical Applications

In medical science microstrip patch antenna has played a vital role in treating
malignant tumors. The microwave energy emitted by the copper antenna has can
induce hyperthermia which is most effective. The radiating source should be light
weighted for this application, sturdy or rugged with a user-friendly handling feature.
For this requirement to be fulfilled only a patch type radiator is used. The annular
rings and printed dipoles were earlier microstrip radiator designs for S-band (2-4

6.1.2 Applications of Satellite and Mobile Communication

Low cost, small and low-profile antenna are preferred in mobile communications. In
mobile communication system, different patch antennas are used, and it meets all
requirements. Circularly polarized radiation patterns are required by satellite
communication which can be realized by using circular or square shape antenna with
one or multiple feed points. Operating Frequency bands for Satellite and Mobile
communications are 10.7 GHz to 12.75 GHZ Ku- Band and 2 GHz to 3 GHz S-

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024




The designed microstrip patch antenna meets the key performance criteria for WSN
applications, including:

• Directional Radiation: The antenna provides a directional radiation pattern with

sufficient gain and directivity, ensuring effective communication in targeted
directions, which is crucial for sensor networks.
• Frequency Compatibility: Operating at 2.4 GHz, the antenna is well-suited for
WSNs, providing compatibility with widely used communication protocols like
Zigbee, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth.
• Efficiency and Reliability: The antenna design ensures efficient radiation with
minimal losses, contributing to reliable data transmission in the network.

Table 7.1: Comparing 2 Designs with different parameters & configuration

Parameters Design-1 Design-2

VSWR 1.02 1.26
GAIN 1.44 dB 10.00 dB
DIRECTIVITY 2.64 10.05
REFLECTION -37.87 dB -18.57 dB

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

7.2 Future Scope

While the current design and analysis of the microstrip patch antenna have
demonstrated promising results, several avenues for future work can be explored to
further enhance the antenna's performance and applicability in Wireless Sensor
Networks (WSNs). Here are some potential directions for future work:
1. Bandwidth Enhancement:
• Multi-band Antenna Design: Develop antennas that can operate over multiple
frequency bands, allowing compatibility with various WSN standards and
• Wideband Techniques: Implement techniques such as using multiple resonators,
parasitic elements, or fractal geometries to increase the bandwidth of the
2. Miniaturization:
• Compact Designs: Explore techniques for miniaturizing the antenna further
without significantly compromising performance. This can involve using high-
permittivity substrates, meandered lines, or folded patch designs.
• Integration with Electronics: Investigate methods for integrating the antenna with
other electronic components on a single substrate to reduce the overall footprint
of WSN nodes.
3. Polarization:
• Circular Polarization: Develop circularly polarized antennas to mitigate the
effects of multipath propagation and improve communication reliability in
complex environments.
• Dual Polarization: Design antennas with dual polarization capabilities to increase
the diversity and robustness of the communication link.
4. Environmental Adaptability:
• Flexible and Wearable Antennas: Design flexible or conformal antennas using
materials like conductive textiles or flexible polymers for applications in
wearable technology and flexible electronics.
• Environmental Robustness: Test and optimize the antenna's performance under
various environmental conditions, such as temperature variations, humidity.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

5. Antenna Arrays:
• Array Design: Develop antenna arrays to increase gain, directivity, and beam-
steering capabilities. This can improve communication range and coverage in
• Beamforming Techniques: Implement beamforming techniques to dynamically
adjust the radiation pattern and optimize signal strength and coverage.
6. Simulation and Optimization:
• Advanced Simulation Tools: Use more advanced simulation tools and
optimization algorithms to fine-tune the antenna design parameters for optimal
• Machine Learning: Explore the application of machine learning techniques to
predict and optimize antenna performance based on design parameters and
environmental conditions.
7. Experimental Validation:
• Prototyping and Testing: Fabricate prototypes of the antenna and conduct
extensive experimental validation to compare simulation results with real-world
• Field Trials: Deploy the antenna in actual WSN deployments to assess
its performance in real-world scenarios and gather data for further
8. Energy Harvesting Integration:
• Energy Harvesting Antennas: Investigate the integration of energy harvesting
capabilities into the antenna design to power WSN nodes using ambient RF
energy, reducing the dependency on battery power.
9. Security and Privacy:
• Secure Communication: Develop antennas with built-in features for secure
communication, such as frequency hopping or encryption capabilities, to
enhance the security and privacy of WSNs.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024


Rectangular patch antennas have their own advantages and disadvantages,

depending on the specific application and design requirements.

➢ Advantages of Rectangular Patch Antennas

• Linear Polarization: Rectangular patch antennas naturally produce linearly

polarized radiation, which is suitable for many communication systems that
require linear polarization.

• Compact Size: Rectangular patches can be more compact for a given

operating frequency compared to circular patches, which can be advantageous
in size-limited applications.

• Ease of Integration: Rectangular patches can be easily integrated into planar

circuits and arrays, making them useful in phased-array systems.

➢ Disadvantages of Rectangular Patch Antennas

• Complex Radiation Patterns: The radiation patterns of rectangular patches can

exhibit sidelobes and asymmetry, leading to potential challenges in achieving
desired coverage patterns.

• Narrower Bandwidth: Rectangular patches may exhibit narrower bandwidths

compared to circular patches, which could limit their performance in certain
broadband applications.

• More Difficult Feed Mechanism: Feeding rectangular patches can be more

complex, especially in achieving good impedance matching and reduced

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

1) Design of Directional Two L shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Applications
Using Sea Lion Optimization Algorithm.
2) Girish Kumar, K.P. Ray - Broadband Microstrip Antennas-Artech House Publishers
3) 2.4GHz Operational PSI-Shaped Patch Antenna Design for Multi-Purpose
4) Design and Fabrication of Dual band Slotted Microstrip Patch_Antenna-3.5_GHz and
2.4 GHz.
5) Design of a Microstrip Circular Patch Antenna at 2.4 GHz Using HFSS for IoT
6) Design of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for 2.4 GHz applied a WBAN.
7) Design of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wi-Fi Application Enhancement
of Bandwidth and Gain.
8) Performance Analysis of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with Different
Substrate Material at 2.4 GHz for WLAN Applications.
9) Simulation Study of High Gain 2.45 GHz Wearable Microstrip Patch Antenna for
WSN Applications.
10) John. D. Kraus, Ronald J. Marhefka - Antennas-for-All-Applications.
11) Kraus - Antennas And Wave Propagation (Sie) 4E-Mc Graw Hill India (2010).
12) P. Bhartia, Inder Bahl, R. Garg, A. Ittipiboon - Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook
(Artech House Antennas and Propagation Library)-Artech House Publishers (2001).
13) Samuel Y. Liao - Microwave Devices and Circuits-Prentice Hall (1985).

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024



Selection of Software for easy designing of
Week-1 14-06-24 Microstrip patch Antenna. We discussed the
Feasibility and approach for different
softwares. Sudha mam approved the selection
of HFSS.
Selection of Substrate and its configuration.
Week-2 21-06-24 Sudha mam told us substrate relation with
Bandwidth. We presented our detail findings
to Sudha mam & explain reasons why we
choose FR-4 Epoxy as substrate.
Parameters for designing of antenna like
Week-3 28-06-24 Bandwidth, thickness, length, width. We
show Sudha mam about formulas for
calculations of above parameters.
After calculating all parameters, we designed
Week-4 10-07-24 Microstrip patch antenna. Showed the results
to Sudha mam. Mam reviewed our
presentation and advised us on few topics to
be checked again.
After Identification of problem, we found the
Week-5 12-07-24 solution. The problem was Gain deficiency.
Sudha mam approved our changes in design
configuration. We got the results which was
more than satisfactory. Showed the result &
presentation to guide & evaluator.

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, B.I.T. 36

Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024


• PEO1: Solve complex technical problems and design systems that are useful to society by
applying the fundamental scientific principles that underpin the Telecommunication
Engineering profession.
• PEO2: Graduates work productively as Telecommunication Engineers, including
supportive and leadership roles on multidisciplinary teams.
• PEO3: Be sensitive to the consequences of their work, both ethically and professionally,
for productive professional careers.


• PSO1: Analyze and Design Analog & Digital modules for a given specification and
• PSO2: Implement functional blocks of hardware-software co-designs for Embedded
Systems, Signal Processing, Communication and Networking Applications.


• PO1: Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to the solution of complex
engineering problems.
• PO2: Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences.
• PO3: Design/Development of solution: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with
appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.
• PO4: Conduct Investigation of Complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
• PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
• PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to professional engineering practice.
• PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
• PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.

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Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna for WSN Application 2023-2024

• PO9: Individual and Teamwork: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member

or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
• PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with
the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend
and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and
give and receive clear instructions.
• PO11: Project Management Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
• PO12: Life-long Learning: Life- long learning: Recognize the need for and have the
preparation and ability to engage in independent and life- long learning in the broadest
context of technological change.


• CEO1: To inculcate innovative thinking preferably interdisciplinary field.

• CEO2: To analyze, evaluate and solve the given problem.
• CEO3: To expose students to team design and implementation.
• CEO4: To improve the team building, communication and management skills of the
• CEO5: To promote the concept of entrepreneurship.


After completing this course, students will be able to:

• CO1: Apply engineering and management principles to achieve project goal.
• CO2: Develop hardware and/or software modules for the identified problem statement.
• CO3: Collaborate with teammates and communicate effectively to manage all aspects of
the project Including finance, time and resources.
• CO4: Test and analyze the modules of planned project.
• CO5: Write technical report and deliver presentation.


The mapping has been done in the following way:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2

Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, B.I.T. 38

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