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Els Test Sample Items Updated

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1 Sample–ELS–Beaver Cluster

Base your answers to questions 1 through 6 on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.

The beaver is New York State’s official mammal. This animal has
many unique structures that serve various functions for growth and
survival. A beaver’s eyes work best for short distances, yet they contain
a second set of eyelids made of a thin transparent (see-through)
membrane. The extra lids are pulled over the eyeballs, allowing the
beaver to see under water. The beaver’s thick, oily coat/fur keeps the
animal warm and helps it float in water. Their four front teeth (incisors)
are self-sharpening. These large teeth continuously grow. If the teeth
become too long, the beaver’s mouth will not be able to close and the
grinding teeth will not meet, leading to starvation. Gnawing on woody
material wears down the teeth and keeps them at a length that allows
the beaver to survive and get food. Beavers also have oversized lungs
that help them stay under water for up to 15 minutes.

The beaver is one of the few animals that change their environment
in order to live. When a beaver family identifies a stream area that has
enough food and water resources, they can quickly, working at night,
turn a wooded area with a flowing stream into a pond with a dam.
2 Sample–ELS–Beaver Cluster

1 Identify one external structure that functions to support the behavior of beaver in
its habitat. Explain how this structure supports the behavior of the beaver. [1]

External structure:


The teeth of the beaver are important structures that serve many functions for the
survival of the beaver. A student recorded some other facts about beaver teeth.

Fact 1: The beaver has large, sharp teeth to cut through wood.
Fact 2: Beavers have 20 teeth in their mouth.
Fact 3: Bright orange teeth are visible in the beaver’s mouth.
Fact 4: Self-sharpening teeth help the beaver cut down small trees.

2 Which facts describe how the teeth function to support the survival of the beaver?

A facts 1 and 2
B facts 2 and 3
C facts 3 and 4
D facts 4 and 1
3 Sample–ELS–Beaver Cluster

The map below shows the areas (shaded gray) of North America where beaver
populations can be found. The location of two different beaver populations, one in
California and one in Massachusetts, are labeled. Both populations are located near
water sources.
4 Sample–ELS–Beaver Cluster

The graphs below show the changing populations of beavers over about a 40-year
time span in the two locations indicated on the map.
5 Sample–ELS–Beaver Cluster

3 Using evidence from the map and graphs, which claim accurately describes that
in a particular habitat, beavers sometimes survive well, less well, or cannot
survive at all.

A Beavers survive well in many regions of North America, and the population
of the beaver only increased in Massachusetts and California over 40 years.
B Beavers are found only in a few regions of North America, and the
population of beavers in California and Massachusetts changed over 40 years.
C Beavers survive well in many regions of North America, and the population
of beavers in California and Massachusetts changed over 40 years.
D Beavers are found only in a few regions of North America, and the
population of beavers only increased in Massachusetts and California over
40 years.

4 One graph shows the number of beaver families, and the other graph shows the
number of beavers. Using evidence from the graphs, describe how both beaver
populations changed over the same time span regardless of their location in the
United States. [1]
6 Sample–ELS–Beaver Cluster

A company wants to clear some forested areas around the pond and stream
inhabited by beavers to build six houses.

The criteria for the project is listed below:

• Clear six forest sites to build houses

• Have a view of the pond from some houses
• Maintain a forest area between each house for privacy
• Maintain the beaver habitat and population

The models below show the two designs for the project.
7 Sample–ELS–Beaver Cluster

5 Which statement best explains why one of the designs is more appropriate for
maintaining the beaver population around the pond?

A Design 1 is more appropriate because it provides easy access to the food in

the forested areas.
B Design 1 is more appropriate because it provides a view of the pond from all
the houses.
C Design 2 is more appropriate because it provides easy access to the food in
the forested areas.
D Design 2 is more appropriate because it provides a view of the pond from all of
the houses.

6 Identify one environmental factor, other than humans, that could be responsible
for changing a beaver population. Make a claim about how this factor could
change a beaver population. [1]

Environmental factor:

1 Sample–ELS–Bowling Cluster

Base your answers to questions 1 through 5 on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.

Bowling is a sport in which a person rolls a ball down a lane into

ten pins. The goal of bowling is to knock down the pins in one or two
rolls. The sequence of photographs below, labeled A, B, and C, shows
an adult person rolling a bowling ball down a lane and that same
bowling ball colliding with pins.

When the person releases the bowling ball as seen in photograph

A, the ball is traveling about 21 miles per hour. By the time the ball
reaches the position shown in photograph B, it is traveling about 17
miles per hour.

1 Construct an explanation, with evidence, for what happens to the amount of

motion energy the ball has as the ball moves from the position shown in
photograph A to the position shown in photograph B. [1]
2 Sample–ELS–Bowling Cluster

2 Kinetic energy is the energy an object has due to its motion. Which statement
accurately describes the change in the kinetic energy of the ball and the pins from
photograph B to photograph C?

A The kinetic energy of the ball and the kinetic energy of the pins both
B The kinetic energy of the ball and the kinetic energy of the pins both increase.
C The kinetic energy of the ball decreases and the kinetic energy of the pins
D The kinetic energy of the ball increases and the kinetic energy of the pins

3 The bowling pins have multiple forces acting on them even though they are not
moving. When the bowling ball strikes the pins, the forces on the pins become

A balanced, because the sum of all forces on the pins is 0.

B balanced, because the sum of all forces on the pins is greater than 0.
C unbalanced, because the sum of all forces on the pins is 0.
D unbalanced, because the sum of all forces on the pins is greater than 0.

4 In addition to energy being transferred to the pins during the collision, energy is
also converted from one form to another. Identify one type of energy conversion
that occurs when the ball collides with the pins. [1]

from energy to energy

3 Sample–ELS–Bowling Cluster

Photograph D shows a fifth-grade student bowling on the same lane as the adult
person in photograph A, using the same bowling ball. When the student releases the
bowling ball, the ball is traveling about 10 miles per hour as it rolls straight down
the lane.

5 Compared to the strength and direction of the force exerted on the bowling ball
by the adult person, place one check mark in the table to describe the strength of
the force and place one check mark in the table to describe the direction of the
force exerted on the same bowling ball by the fifth-grade student shown in
photograph D. [1]
1 Sample–ELS–Climate Cluster

Base your answers to questions 1 through 5 on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.

The Köppen-Geiger climate classification is one of the most

widely used climate classification systems. It divides climates into five
main groups based on the seasonal precipitation and temperature
patterns that occurred over a long period of time. The table below shows
a modified version of this classification system.

Group Description Average Annual Average Temperature (°F)

(inches) Coolest Warmest
Month Month
A tropical 59 or more 64 or warmer 64 or warmer
arid less than 10 27 or warmer 104 or warmer
B hot semi-arid 10 to 20 32 or warmer 64 or warmer
cold semi-arid 10 to 20 32 or cooler 64 or cooler
subtropical and 30 to 79 between 27 and 50 or warmer
temperate 64
continental 24 to 47 27 or cooler 50 or warmer
summers and cold
polar less than 10 27 or cooler between 14 and

1 What are the general temperature and precipitation conditions of a tropical region?

A warm and dry

B warm and rainy
C cool and dry
D cool and rainy
2 Sample–ELS–Climate Cluster

The map below shows the location of five cities and a scientific research station.
The table below shows temperature and precipitation data for four of these cities.

Cities Average Yearly Average Yearly Temperature (°F)

Precipitation in
Inches Yearly Minimum Yearly Maximum
New York City,
44 46 61
Tokyo, Japan 60 51 66
Rio de Janeiro,
43 69 79
Sydney, Australia 48 57 71

2 The climate of Tokyo, Japan is best described as

A hot semi-arid
B cold semi-arid
C subtropical
D continental
3 Sample–ELS–Climate Cluster

3 Identify the evidence that explains why the climate of New York City is cooler
than the climate of Rio de Janeiro even though they receive about the same
amount of yearly precipitation. [1]
4 Sample–ELS–Climate Cluster

The two graphs below show average monthly precipitation data in inches (in.) for
two locations, McMurdo Station, Antarctica and Cairo, Egypt.

4 The climate at McMurdo Station, Antarctica is described as polar, while the

climate at Cairo, Egypt is described as arid. Explain why the climate at McMurdo
Station and Cairo could also be classified as deserts. Support your explanation
using numerical data from tables or graphs. [1]
5 Sample–ELS–Climate Cluster

5 Based on the average monthly temperature data for McMurdo Station, Antarctica
and Cairo, Egypt, what claim can be made about these two locations?

A Both locations are in the Northern Hemisphere.

B Both locations are in the Southern Hemisphere.
C McMurdo Station is in the Northern Hemisphere and Cairo is in the Southern
D McMurdo Station is in the Southern Hemisphere and Cairo is in the Northern
1 Sample–ELS–Energy and Matter
in a Closed System Cluster

Base your answers to questions 1 through 5 on the information below and on your
knowledge of science.

Energy and Matter in a Closed System

The diagram below represents the setups a teacher showed
students for an investigation about energy and matter using a closed
system. In Setup 1, the teacher placed a balloon over the top of a
container that has some water in it. The total mass of this closed
system was 460 grams.
In Setup 2, the teacher used appropriate safety equipment and
followed all safety procedures as the container was placed on a stand
above a heat source for five minutes. The students observed changes
in the water and the balloon.

Setup 2

Setup 1

1 In Setup 2, energy is first transferred from the

A container to the flame

B container to the water
C flame to the container
D water to the container
2 Sample–ELS–Energy and Matter
in a Closed System Cluster

2 The images below show water particles in different phases. Based on the balloon
observations in Setup 2, a student made a claim that even though matter is made of
particles too small to be seen, matter can be detected by other means.

Select the correct lettered images of water particles and place the letters in the
appropriate boxes to develop a model that supports the student’s claim and provides
evidence for the change in size of the balloon from Setup 1 to Setup 2. [1]

Models of Water Particles in Different Phases

3 Sample–ELS–Energy and Matter
in a Closed System Cluster

3 Complete the bar graph below to represent the masses of this closed system in Setup
1 and Setup 2 by drawing each bar between the dashed lines above each setup label.
In Setup 2, the system is made up of the same balloon, container, tube, stopper, and
water, as in Setup 1. The stand and heat source are not part of the system. [1]

Masses of Closed Systems

4 Sample–ELS–Energy and Matter
in a Closed System Cluster

The teacher continued the investigation by placing the same

container in an ice water bath, shown in Setup 3, in order to model
a water cycle process that affects Earth’s weather.

Setup 3

4 Identify the water cycle process that will occur inside the balloon as a result of
placing the container in the ice water bath. Then, describe how this water cycle
process changes one weather condition in Earth’s atmosphere. [1]

Water cycle process:

Description of weather condition:

5 Sample–ELS–Energy and Matter
in a Closed System Cluster

The teacher performed another investigation using Setup 2 to

demonstrate what would happen if the balloon was released from
the tube in the stopper.

Setup 2

The model below represents three stages in the motion of the

balloon from the start of this new investigation to the end.
6 Sample–ELS–Energy and Matter
in a Closed System Cluster

5 Which argument explains the motion of the balloon after being released from the
tube in Stage 1?

A In Stage 1, the gravitational force on the balloon is balanced by another force,

causing the balloon to begin to rise.
B In Stage 2, the gravitational force and another force on the balloon are unbalanced,
causing the balloon to be suspended motionless in the air.
C In Stage 3, the gravitational force and another force on the balloon are unbalanced,
causing the balloon to fall downward.
D In Stages 1 through 3, the gravitational force is directed upward, causing the
different motions of the balloon.

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