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Rights of The Accused

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Rights of the Accused (Rule 115) rights without the assistance of

the councel.
1. The rights of the accused are d. To testify….
ordinarily treated in Constitutional
Law specially under the topic on the
Bill of Rights.
2. Section 1 of Rule 115- rights at the
a. To be Presumed innocent until
the contrary is proved beyond
reasonable doubt.
b. To be informed of the nature and
cause of the accusations against
c. To be present and defend in
person and by the counsel at
every stage of the proceedings,
from arraignment to the
promulgation of the judgement.
The accused may, however,
waive his presence at the trial
pursuant to the stipulations set
forth in his bail, unless his
presence is specifically ordered
by the court for purpose of
identification. The absence of
the accused without justifiable
cause at the trial of which he had
notice shall be considered a
waiver of his right to be present
thereat. When an accused under
custody escapes, he shall be
deemed to have waived his right
to be present on all subsequent
trial dates until custody over him
is regained. Upon motion, the
accused may be allowed to
defend himself in person when it
sufficiently appears to the court
that he can properly protect his
Presumptions of Innocence (Bar - The basis of this
2005) constitutional
presumptions that case
Presumption- is an assumption law maintains that the
of fact that the law requires to conviction of the accused
be made from another fact or must rest on the strength
group of facts found or of the prosecution.
otherwise established in the 3. Disputable presumption
action or proceeding. (Rule 301. “that official duty has been
Presumptions in general. regularly performed.” (Sec.
3m, rule 131, Rules of Court)
1. The presumption of - But the presumption of
innocence under the Rules is regularity in the
of a constitutional origin and performance of official
a mere substantial reiteration duty should not, by itself,
of Sec. 14 of Art III of the prevail over the
1987 Constitution of the presumption of
Philippines: innocence ( Casona v.
2. Jurisprudence- established - Presumption of regularity
that the prosecution bears is merely just a mere
the burden to overcome such presumption
-It must rely on the strength
of its own evidence and not
the weakness of the
evidence presented by the
defense. If the prosecution
fails to discharge this burden,
the accused deserves a
judgement of acquittal.
Presumption of innocence in
favor of the accused imposes
upon the People of the
Philippines, as a plaintiff in
criminal cases, to prove
beyond reasonable doubt not
only each element of the
crime but also the identity of
the accused as the criminal.

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