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Assessment of Nitrogen Retention

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The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 31(4): 2021, Page: 1116-1125

Raza et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci., 31 (4) 2021

ISSN (print): 1018-7081; ISSN (online): 2309-8694


S. T. Raza1,2, Z. Bo1*, T. J. Liang1, Z. Ali3*, H. Iqbal4, and R. Ahmad3

Key Laboratory of Mountain Surface Processes and Ecological Regulation, Institute of Mountain Hazards and
Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 9, Section 4, Renmin Road-South, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan, China;
International College, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China.
Laboratory of Environmental Health & Wildlife, Department of Zoology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 54590,
Pakistan; 4Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 818, Beijing South Road,
Urumqi, China.
Corresponding author’s Email:,

An option for ecological engineers is to increase the yield of the agroecosystem with the reuse of nitrogen through the
application of vermicomposting with Eisenia fetida prepared by using crop residues and wetlands plants jointly. The
experiment was designed considering recycling and reuse of the agricultural crop (Zea mays) residues and wetland plants
(Canna indica, Cyperus alternifolius, Acorus calamus, and Hydrocotyle vulgaris) and pig manure found in the Sichuan
Basin, China. A total of fourteen treatments (V1-V14) were prepared, and the experiment for V1 to V4 treatments was set-
up in cemented plots, and separate experiments were set-up for V5-V8 and V9-V14 in containers for three months
(September to December 2017). The amount of total nitrogen (TN) improved in all the treatments (V1-V14) throughout
the experimental period of 90 days. In case of group 1, considering major parameters like TOC, C:N ratio and TN,
combination of Zea mays and Canna indica (V3) can be regarded as most suitable combination for vermicomposting. In
the second group, V6 treatment [(Cyperus alternifolius (60%): Pig manure (40%)] was found to be suitable based on TN
recovery. The mixture of combined Zea mays (50%), Cyperus alternifolius (5%), Acorus calamus (5%) and pig manure
(V13) increased 76% TN and can be regarded as best in group 3 based on percent change. Results indicated that ditch
plants and crop residues could be used as substrates in vermicomposting for nutrient recovery.
Keywords: Crop residues, Wetland plants, Vermicompost, Nitrogen, Sichuan Basin. Published online December 15, 2020

INTRODUCTION resulting in air pollution that needs to be used sustainably

(Ren et al., 2019). The main commodity grain is maize
Nutrient recycling from organic and agricultural (Yin, 2016) that has caused a threat in crop production and
wastes in a sustainable manner is a current issue due to for that matter, maize producers are being encouraged to
rapid increase of human population worldwide. To fulfil use crop residues in agriculture soil for improvement in
the needs of growing population, China has made soil organic matter. It will not only improve the quality of
substantial improvements to increase production of food in the soil (Turmel et al., 2015) but also refrain people from
less than 0.1 hectares per capita arable area (Lu et al., the ill effects of maize residues burning.
2015). As the arable area is shrinking due to urbanization As mentioned earlier, China is facing both soil
and industrialization, China is relying on nitrogen and water pollution, ecological ditches and wetland plants
fertilizers to increase food production (Lv et al., 2019) and are very important for pollution reduction in water and
it is reported for 28% of world’s nitrogen fertilizer sustaining the agriculture environment (Xiong et al., 2015).
consumption (FAO 2019). Increased use of nitrogen The plants found in the ditches not only reduce the
fertilizers and less recycling of organic matter has caused pollutants and heavy metals for water bodies from
soil and water pollution in China (Lv et al., 2019). As per slopping cropland but, also provide a rich medium of
the year plan 2016 to 2020, China is focusing on recycling agricultural nutrients especially nitrogen that can be reused
and treatment of organic waste material ending in compost for the nutrient recovery by different techniques. In the
to promote the circular economy (ISWA, 2020). In China, nitrogen cycle, materials are transformed from unusable
an estimated 700 million tones crop residues were forms to usable form of nitrogen for plants during several
produced per year in 2014 (Liu, 2015), but the utilization processes like composting and vermicomposting (Cáceres
of crop residues increased 80% till 2015 by using it in et al., 2018). To recover nutrients by vermicomposting,
animal feed, fertilizers or fuel (NDRC, 2016) but still a different substrates were used, including crops found
large amount of these residues is burnt (Lv et al., 2019) abundantly as agriculture wastes in upland areas of China

Raza et al., The J. Anim. Plant Sci., 31 (4) 2021

(Raza et al., 2019). Various waste materials like agro- means less pollution. To conclude anything, the first two
industrial wastes (Pigatin et al.,2016), vegetable waste above-mentioned points need to be tested experimentally
(Huang et al., 2013), distillery slurry (Singh et al., 2014), to suggest the use of ditch plants and crop residues as a
bakery industry (Yadav et al., 2015), and milk industry nitrogen-rich source, and economical organic fertilizer as
slurry (Singh et al., 2017) have been used for only a few researches have been done on vermicomposting
vermicomposting. using ditch plants. The major objectives of the current
Vermicomposting is an effective and most study were (a) to study different combinations of crop
valuable method for the utilization of bio-waste materials residues and ditch plants for maximum nutrient recovery,
(Yang et al., 2017). Agriculture wastes can be recycled and (b) to analyze the physicochemical properties, carbon, and
reused through different techniques, but still, there is a nitrogen reactive forms during vermicomposting.
need to regain the nutrients from agroecological wetland
plants found in ditches. Vermicomposting can be done MATERIALS AND METHODS
with different species of earthworms, but Eisenia fetida
has been considered most suitable as it studied well with Collection of Raw Materials: Crop residues (Zea mays)
several substrates such as waste produced by vegetables and ditch plants were harvested from constructed wetlands
and food (Sharma and Garg, 2017), green wastes (Gong et around Agroecological Research Station of CAS
al., 2018), coffee husk along with market wastes (31°16'N, 105°28'E), Yanting, Sichuan Basin, China. Pig
(Ordoñez-Arévalo et al., 2018), household wastes along manure was arranged from the pig breeding farm, located
with biological and chemical sludge (Amouei et al., 2017) nearby the site, while clitellate earthworms (Eisenia fetida)
and human excrement (Yadav et al., 2010). were arranged from the market for decomposition of
The use of ditch plants and crop residues can be materials as this species native to the study site area. The
helpful in three ways (i) use of ditch plants can reduce detailed physicochemical properties of raw materials have
water pollution and might be used as a source of nitrogen been shown in Table 1.
to the soil (ii) crop residues can be recycled as nutrient-
rich material for soil (iii) less burning of crop residues

Table 1. Physicochemical properties of raw materials before the experiment set-up of organic wastes (mean ±SD,
Raw dry materials N (g/kg) C (g/kg) OM (g/kg) C:N ratio pH EC (µs|cm) TDS (mg|L)
Crop residues (Maize) 12.1±1.0 376.6±8.1 649.2±14.0 31.3±2.3 6.5±0.0 3.6±0.4 2.4±0.3
Pig manure 28.7±0.2 368.3±13.7 634.9±23.7 12.9±0.6 6.5±0.0 4.8±0.0 3.3±0.1
Canna indica 14.6±1.1 378.8±7.8 653.1±13.5 26.1±0.6 7.2±0.1 11.0±1.8 7.4±1.2
Cyperus alternifolius 11.0±0.8 381.7±15.1 658.1±26 34.7±3.7 6.8±0.1 9.7±0.5 6.5±0.4
Acorus calamus 15.2±0.2 377.5±13.5 650.8±23.4 24.9±1.4 6.6±0.0 9.1±0.2 6.1±0.1
Hydrocotyle vulgaris 33.9±4.5 319.0±0.7 683.2±13.8 9.4±0.1 6.2±0.1 5.3±0.1 3.5±0.0

Experimental designs among different treatments: prepared in circular containers. The V5 to V8 treatments
Vermicomposting system was established for three were designed independently as 60% species of ecological
months (September to December 2017) in covered ditch plants with 40% of pig manure. Four species of
cemented plots (1m length and 1.50m width having 0.6m wetland plants with pig manure were also decomposed
depth) using plants wastes in three replicates in the with earthworms independently
presence of 15cm purplish soil as a base layer having a V5. Canna indica (60%): Pig manure (40%)
light texture and alkaline in nature (Zhou et al., 2014). V6. Cyperus alternifolius (60%): Pig manure (40%)
Different treatments were prepared with varying ratios, V7. Acorus calamus (60%): Pig manure (40%)
crop residues of maize, and ecological wetland plants. The V8. Hydrocotyle vulgaris (60%): Pig manure (40%)
combination of four treatments, V1 to V4, was as follows. Besides, the agricultural and ecological waste
V1. Crop residues (Maize + Canna indica):12 kg 4:6 Pig mixtures (treatments V9 to V14) were prepared, and the
manure 18kg concentration of pig manure (40%) was constant for the
V2. Crop residues (Maize + Canna indica):15 kg 5:5 Pig following treatments given as follows.
manure 15kg V9. Maize (50%) +Canna indica (5%) +Cyperus
V3. Crop residues (Maize + Canna indica):18 kg 6:4 Pig alternifoilus (5%)
manure12kg V10. Maize (50%) +Canna indica (5%) +Hydrocotyle
V4. Crop residues (Canna indica): 18 kg 6:4 Pig vulgaris (5%)
manure 12kg V11. Maize (50%) +Canna indica (5%) +Acorus calamus
While experimental design for the (5%)
vermicomposting process with treatments (V5-V8) was V12.Maize (50%) +Cyperus alternifolius (5%)


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+Hydrocotyle vulgaris (5%) decreased in all treatments substantially from their initial
V13. Maize (50%) +Cyperus alternifolius (5%) +Acorus values (Table 2). In group 1, that pH at the initial stage
calamus (5%) ranged from a minimum of 6.63±0.2 (V1) to a maximum
V14. Maize (50%) +Acorus calamus (5%) +Hydrocotyle of 6.66±0.0 (V4), while minimum and maximum pH after
vulgaris (5%) the completion of the experiment was 6.32±0.1 (V3) and
The treatments from V9 to V14 were mixed as 6.42±0.0 (V1), respectively. In the second group (V5 to
maize residues combined with a mixture of ecological V8), a maximum decline in pH was observed in V5, while
ditch plant species with pig manure into 6:4 ratios. All the V8 showed the minimum decrease in pH from its initial
materials were taken on a dry-weight basis. Maize residues concentration. In the third group (V9 to V14), pH
and ditch plants mentioned in the above treatments were decreased from 6.83±0.0 to 6.59±0.0 in V11 treatment
chopped into smaller pieces of less than 5cm and then showing the maximum decline in the group from its initial
filled into circular plastic containers (0.6m diameter and concentration. The findings of the current research are
0.5m height), furthermore, kept under the shady area to similar to the results concluded by Hau et al. (2005), where
prevent direct sunlight and rain and to provide a favorable the optimum pH of most plant species ranged from 6.5-8.6.
environment for vermicomposting. All the material was The present study showed that the pH increased during the
filled and mixed thoroughly. After two weeks, 100 initial period while decreased during the rest of the process.
clitellate earthworms were added into compost piles and Similarly, the differences in increase and
covered with plastic mesh to avoid escape, prevention decrease of electrical conductivity (EC) might be due to
from predators such as birds, and direct environmental different ratios of the substrates. Values were optimum at
effects. Water was sprinkled two times a week to maintain an initial stage while showed a decrease at the final stage
the moisture around 60-70 % during the complete in V1 to V4. Less EC is suitable for plant growth, as low
experiment. Mixture piles were well mixed twice a month EC slowly releases the mineral salts, which are adequate
for better aeration. for plant growth (Ansari and Kumar, 2010). The maximum
EC was found in V4 (5.68±1.1), and it showed a
Physicochemical analysis: Samples were taken from each
substantial decline at the final stage with EC (2.53±0.4).
treatment for analysis. The frequency of collected compost
Whereas, increase in EC was observed at the final stage in
samples was firstly one month, and then after every twenty
V5 to V8 and V9 to V14. The results were in accordance
days. The physicochemical properties of the
with the study of Garg et al. (2006), which could be
vermicompost, including pH, total dissolved solids, and
regarded as an activity of earthworms to release the bond
electrical conductivity, were measured in deionized water
element during earthworm digestion, which release
suspension (1/10). The values were determined by pH
minerals as cations through the process of decomposition
meter and conductivity meter (Mahaly et al., 2018).
in the vermicompost (Hanc and Chadimova, 2014). Ansari
To determine total carbon and total nitrogen,
and Rajpersaud (2012), also showed an initial decrease and
dried samples were analyzed with an elemental analyzer
rapid increase in EC at the final stage.
(Germany). Organic matter concentration was calculated
Total dissolved salts (TDS) increased at final
by losses during ignition. The fresh compost samples were
stages in V1 and V5 to V8 and V9 to V14, whereas the in
also taken and packed into plastic bags and analyzed for
rest of the treatments, TDS decreased in the final stage.
dissolved organic carbon (DOC), reactive nitrogen forms
Like EC, in the case of TDS, a maximum decline in values
such as ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N), and nitrate-
was observed in V4 in first group while increase in TDS
nitrogen (NO3-_N) contents using 25 mL of K2SO4 solution
was noted in second and third groups as shown in Table 2.
(0.5M) by Auto-analyzer Germany.
Changes in nutrients and its reactive forms during
Statistical Analysis: The treatments for various nutrients
vermicomposting: In our study, TOC decreased in all
were statistically analyzed by using SPSS through one-
treatments but no significant difference was observed
way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey’s test. The statistical
within groups. The maximum decrease was observed in
analysis was performed groupwise, such as Group 1 (V1
V4 (53.06%) followed by V1 (44.87%) (Table 3). A higher
to V4), Group 2 (V5 to V8), Group 3 (V9 to V14).
reduction in TOC in V1 treatment can also be due to
Intergroup comparison was not done due to differences in
earthworms and microbial respiration and carbon
experimental conditions. The significance of differences
assimilation as earthworms and microbial biomass
among different treatments was evaluated on the basis of
(Pattnaik and Reddy, 2010). The reduction of TOC was
the least significant difference LSD (P< 0.05) values. The
well explained by Nikaeen et al.(2015), as degraded
graphical representation is shown by using Origin 2018
organic wastes by microbial respiration during the
vermicomposting process. The decline in TOC
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION concentration over the period of time can be regarded as
due to microbial oxidation from carbon to carbon dioxide
Physicochemical Changes: In this study, the pH (Das et al., 2014).


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Table 2. Initial and final physicochemical properties during the experiment (mean ±SD, n=3).

Treatments pH EC (µs|cm) TDS (mg|L)

Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final
V1 6.63±0.2 6.42±0.0 4.46±0.1 3.08±1.2 2.99±0.1 3.17±0.1
V2 6.64±0.1 6.35±0.1 3.95±0.3 3.50±0.3 2.64±0.2 2.35±0.2
V3 6.64±0.0 6.32±0.1 4.15±0.4 4.04±0.4 2.78±0.2 2.65±0.3
V4 6.66±0.0 6.40±0.0 5.68±1.1 2.53±0.4 3.81±0.7 2.12±0.1
V5 6.74±0.1 6.60±0.2 5.29±0.5 6.11±0.8 3.55±0.3 4.10±0.5
V6 6.72±0.1 6.66±0.1 5.59±0.1 5.85±0.5 3.74±0.1 3.92±0.3
V7 6.72±0.1 6.70±0.1 5.69±0.5 5.70±0.2 3.81±0.3 3.82±0.1
V8 6.78±0.0 6.77±0.1 4.44±0.4 5.08±0.4 2.97±0.3 3.41±0.3
V9 6.86±0.1 6.64±0.1 3.66±0.4 4.37±0.5 2.45±0.3 3.02±0.4
V10 6.83±0.1 6.67±0.0 3.59±0.2 4.24±0.2 2.40±0.1 2.84±0.1
V11 6.83±0.0 6.59±0.0 3.42±0.3 4.67±0.2 2.29±0.2 3.13±0.1
V12 6.71±0.1 6.54±0.0 2.66±0.7 4.16±0.5 2.40±0.0 2.78±0.4
V13 6.65±0.1 6.57±0.0 3.41±0.2 3.87±0.2 2.28±0.1 2.60±0.1
V14 6.64±0.0 6.52±0.1 3.20±0.4 4.40±0.2 2.28±0.1 2.95±0.3

The OM content reduced in all treatments, in soil medium while without soil in V5, the reduction
whether species were degraded individually and in carried out were 15.27±4.3%. The initial and final values
mixtures of different ratios. The maximum OM loss was from V1-V4 are shown in Fig. 1a. While from V5 to V9
significantly (P<0.05) reduced as 53.08± 5.2 % in V4 in are represented in Fig. 1b.
which Canna indica was vermicompost with pig manure

Fig. 1. (a) Organic matter (OM) from treatments V1-V4 (b) treatments V5-V14 during a vermicomposting period
and bars represents standard deviations.

The decreased OM showed the degradation which showed consistency with other studies (Hait and
process of organic waste materials. The microbial Tare, 2012).
activities and aeration enhanced OM loss (Dias et al., Total nitrogen (TN) content increased in all
2010). In our study, the presence of earthworms treatments, but no significant difference was observed in
accelerated the degradation process in all treatments, intragroup statistical analysis (Table 3, Fig. 2a).


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Table 3 Percentage increase of total nitrogen and decrease of total organic carbon and C:N ratios during
vermicomposting (mean ±SD, n=3).

TOC (%) TN (%) C:N ratio (%)

Treatments Initial Final % Initial Final % Initial %
Final value
Value value Decrease value value Increase value Decrease
V1 38.35±1.1 21.14±8.5 44.87 1.56±0.1 2.59±0.2 66.02 24.57±2.5 13.01±1.1 46.68
V2 36.15±1.0 22.98±3.8 36.43 1.51±0.1 2.24±0.1 48.34 23.88±1.0 13.45±1.3 43.67
V3 37.70±1.1 25.29±7.1 32.91 1.30±0.2 2.25±0.4 73.07 29.85±6.5 16.58±0.4 44.45
V4 33.24±2.7 15.60±3.0 53.06 2.06±0.2 2.45±0.2 18.92 16.44±3.8 10.70±0.5 34.91
V5 37.96±1.4 32.16±2.5 15.27 2.18±0.5 2.52±0.1 15.59 18.19±5.0 14.09±6.2 22.53
V6 38.98±1.2 33.47±0.8 14.13 2.21±0.4 2.92±0.0 32.12 17.92±2.7 14.64±2.4 18.30
V7 35.76±1.6 32.79±1.2 8.30 2.23±0.2 2.28±0.2 2.24 14.13±1.3 13.69±0.6 3.11
V8 33.08±3.8 29.70±2.0 10.21 2.06±0.0 2.13±0.1 3.39 13.47±1.8 13.37±1.5 0.74
V9 34.67±4.4 33.59±1.6 3.11 1.64±0.4 2.20±0.1 34.14 22.59±7.0 15.24±0.3 32.53
V10 36.95±0.8 34.52±1.1 6.57 1.60±0.1 2.17±0.0 35.62 23.20±2.4 16.71±1.7 27.97
V11 37.76±0.8 34.32±1.3 9.11 1.58±0.1 2.32±0.4 46.83 24.00±2.9 17.04±1.8 29
V12 38.42±1.6 32.48±1.8 16.41 1.36±0.2 1.95±0.0 43.38 28.71±5.4 17.12±1.1 40.36
V13 38.86±1.5 34.28±4.0 11.78 1.13±0.0 1.99±0.1 76.10 34.28±3.4 19.65±5.2 42.67
V14 37.52±1.6 33.76±4.1 10.02 1.49±0.1 2.13±0.5 42.95 25.29±3.0 18.69±3.2 26.09

3.5000 Mean of C:N Ratio 25.0000

Mean of TN (%)

2.0000 15.0000
1.5000 10.0000
.0000 .0000


Treatments Treatments

Fig. 2. (a) TN content in different treatments (b) C: N ratio of all treatments

Percentage change was also calculated over the The carbon to nitrogen ratio for the three groups
initial, and V3 showed a maximum increase (73.07%) was also determined along with percentage change over
while V4 showed the minimum (18.92%). In the second the initials. Like TN, no significant difference was
and third groups, the maximum increase was observed in observed in intragroup statistical analysis. Percent change
V6 (32.12%) and V13 (76.10%), respectively. An increase showed that the C/N ratio decreased around 46.68% in V1
of 48% TN from initial cattle dung was reported by Jjagwe that was found to maximum reduction as compared to
et al. (2019), while Bhat et al. (2015) observed about 49% other treatments. The maximum reduction in C:N ratio in
increase in TN which is less than the increment of TN in the second and third groups was observed in V5 and V13,
V13 treatment of the current study. An increase in TN respectively. C/N reduction during a whole
during whole vermicomposting duration can be attributed vermicomposting period of sewage sludge encouraged
to several processes, i.e., decrease in produced dry mass, decreased loadings of total greenhouse gases to lessen the
mechanisms of composting organic waste products having environmental loadings (Lv et al., 2018). The C/N ratio is
mutualistic approach between microorganisms and considered as a scale to determine the quality and
earthworms. The decomposition (Atiyeh et al., 2000), maturation of vermicompost (Hait and Tare, 2011). and
ammonification is a process that releases inorganic ideal C:N ratio is less than 20 (Hau et al., 2005), and the
nitrogen back into the ecosystem as ammonia during results of the current study are in compliance with it.
decomposition (Zhang and Sun, 2014). In the current study,
Trends in reactive forms, dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
the nitrogen increase in all treatments was supported in
and (NH4+-N and NO3--N) during vermicomposting: The
another study(Boruah et al., 2019) that explained nitrogen
dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in all treatments from
increase with green wastes.


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initial values to final vermicompost showed a reducing There was a gradual increase during the early stages in V8
trend (Fig. 3a to 3c). It is an important parameter in ( Fig. 3b), while after 45 days, little increase in DOC
vermicomposting processes, and the decrease in occurred probably because of CO2 production during
concentration is a reflection of enhanced decomposition biological activities in composted piles (Christ and David,
(Ansari and Rajpersaud, 2012) and degradation of OM. 1996).

Fig. 3. (a) DOC from treatments V1-V4 (b) treatments V5-V8 (c) treatments V9-V14 during a vermicomposting
period and bars represent standard deviations.

In the current research, DOC decreased very also supported during vermicomposting of sewage sludge
sharply except in V8 treatment. Then a gradual increase (Lv et al., 2018).
was observed, but the overall reduction was noted, and our The dynamics of NO3--N content for all
results were in accordance with other scientists who treatments increased in all treatments from its initial to a
worked on vermicomposting (Chen et al., 2019; Wang et final value (Fig.5a to 5c). It might be attributed due to
al., 2016). Our results are similar to previous studies nitrification processes within compost piles by
during vermicomposting in which DOC decreased earthworms’ activities. Hence, our results are also
significantly due to chemical and biological reactions in accordingly (Lv et al., 2018). The gradual increase in
degrading organic waste materials (Aira et al., 2007; NH4+-N was also observed after 65 days that may be
Caricasole et al.,2010; Lv et al., 2013). attributed due to ammonia excretory products found in
The trends of NH4+-N in all treatments are shown earthworms and can affect decreased hydrogen ions
in Fig. 4a to 4c during the degradation processes of wastes. concentrations. The overall decrease in NH 4+-N and
The decreased contents of NH4+-N weredue to the increase in NO3--N was also reported in earlier studies
transformation of ammonia to nitrate by nitrobacteria (Hanc and Chadimova, 2014).
(Jiang et al., 2016). The decreasing trend of NH4+-N was


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Fig. 4. (a) NH4+-N from treatments V1-V4 (b) treatments V5-V8 (c) treatments V9-V14 during a vermicomposting
period, and bars represent standard deviations.

Fig. 5. (a) NO3--N from treatments V1-V4 (b) treatments V5-V8 (c) treatments V9-V14 during a vermicomposting
period, and bars represent standard deviations.


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Conclusion: The agricultural wastes and particularly fetida. Bioresour.Technol. 294: 122147.
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