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ColorQUEST Sphere II with SpecWare Software
Instruction Manual

Manual Version 1.0

August, 1993


Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.

11491 Sunset Hills Road
Reston, Virginia 22090-5280 U.S.A.
Tel.: (703) 471-6870
FAX: (703) 471-4237
Telex: 292821 HLAB UR

This documentation contains proprietary information o f Hunter Associates Laboratory, Inc.
The reproduction, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of Hunter As
sociates Laboratory, Inc., is prohibited.

registered trademarks o f International Business Machines Corporation.

MS/DOS is a registered trademark o f Microsoft Corporation.

LOTU S 1-2-3 is a registered trademark o f Lotus Development Corporation.

Any references to "IBM Compatible Equipment" may be trademarks o f the specific

trademark holder(s).
Table of Contents

Use of the Instruction M an u a l............................... 1-1

System D escription.......................................... 2-1
Parts of the System............................................................................. 2-1
Color Measurements..........................................................................2-6

Installation.................................................... 3-1
Installation of H a rd w a re ....................................................................3-1
Installation of S oftw are.......................................................................3-4

Standardization.............................................. 4-1
Standardizing the Instrum ent..............................................................4-1
Saving Standardization....................................................................... 4-5

Quick S ta rt.................................................... 5-1

Starting and Standardizing.................................................................5-1
Creating a S e tu p ................................................................................ 5-3
Saving S e tu p s ................................................................................... 5-7
Measuring Standards and S a m p le s ................................................. 5-8
Displaying M easurem ents.................................................................5-11
Saving M easurem ents.......................................................................5-15
Clearing M easurem ents....................................................................5-17
Instrument Status................................................................................ 5-18
H e lp ...................................................................................................5-19
Exit to D O S ......................................................................................... 5-20
M aintenance...................................................................................... 5-21

F3 Output...................................................... 6-1
P r in t ...................................................................................................6-1
S e n d ...................................................................................................6-1
File T ra n s fe r...................................................................................... 6-1

F4 Clear ...................................................... 7-1

F5 Setups .................................................... 8-1
Print S e tu p ......................................................................................... 8-2
Send Setup Screen............................................................................. 8-5
Color Setup Screen ..........................................................................8-7
Spectral Data Setup S c re e n ..............................................................8-9

08/93 T a b le o f C o n te n ts i
iv Table of Contents 08/93

Use of the Instruction Manual

T he ColorQUEST™ Sphere II Instruction Manual is divided into the following chapters:

• Chapter 2 - System Description

• Chapter 3 - Installation

• Chapter 4 - Standardization

• Chapter 5 - Quick Start

• Chapter 6 - F3 Output

• Chapter 7 - F4 Clear

• Chapter 8 - F5 Setups
• Chapter 9 - F6 Procedures

• Chapter 10 - F7 Average

• Chapter 11 - F8 Data

• Chapter 12 - F9 Screens

• Chapter 13 - F10 Run

• Chapter 14 - Measurement Guidelines

• Chapter 15 - Options
• Chapter 16 - Maintenance

08/93 U s e o f th e Instru ction M anual 1-1

• Appendix A - Specifications
• Appendix B - Additional Programs
• Appendix C - Error Messages

• Appendix D - Instrument Replacement and Repair

• Appendix E - Glossary

• Appendix F - References

Chapter 2 describes the components of the ColorQ U EST Sphere II system and lists the
items in the standards box which accompanies the instrument. Lists o f all color scales, color
difference scales, and illuminants that can be used for measurements are also given.

Chapter 3 gives instructions for installing your ColorQ U EST Sphere II system and load
ing the C olorQ U E S T SpecWare software for the first time.

Chapter 4 describes all the different modes available for instrument standardization and
gives instructions on how to attain the appropriate hardware configuration for each mode.
Instructions for saving standardization modes are also included.

Chapter 5 gives you an overview of the operation of the system by describing a typical
measurement sequence.

Chapters 6 through 13 describe in detail each of the SpecWare software menu choices
accessed through the function keys.

Chapter 14 gives you guidelines to follow when measuring certain types o f specimens.
These guidelines can help you attain accurate repeatable measurements.

Chapter 15 describes the software and hardware options available with the ColorQ U EST
Sphere II system.

Chapter 16 lists the procedures to be followed in order to keep your ColorQ U EST
Sphere II in go od working condition. Instructions on replacing the lamp and the fuse are
also given here.

Appendix A lists the specifications o f the instrument and describes how all displayed
values are calculated.

Appendix B gives instructions on installing software upgrades, changing port designa

tions, and changing port parameters.

Appendix C describes all o f the error messages.

1-2 U s e o f th e In stru ction M anual 08/93

Appendix D gives HunterLab warranty information and gives instructions for returning
the instrument for repair.

Appendix E provides a glossary o f some frequently used terms.

Appendix F gives a list o f references.

The instruction manual is written describing keyboard operation. However, a mouse may
also be used to make selections. Simply place the cursor over the desired item and click the
left mouse button once.

Before you begin using the ColorQUEST, read Chapters 2 through 5 to familiarize yourself
with the instrument and a typical operation sequence. In addition, read Chapter 16 to b e
com e familiar with the routine maintenance o f the instrument. Later you can refer to Chap
ters 7 through 15 for a more thorough description of each function. At times you may also
need to refer to one o f the Appendices, such as when an error message appears or when
you want to upgrade your software.

08/93 U se o f th e Instru ction M anual 1-3

1-4 Use of the Instruction Manual 08/93

System Description

Parts of the System

T he ColorQUEST™ Sphere II system consists o f a ColorQ U EST Sphere II optical sensor
with a power supply and an IBM computer com posed o f the system unit, keyboard, math
coprocessor and monitor. A printer and a mouse may also be used with the system.

The Sphere Sensor

T he sphere sensor can measure either the reflected or transmitted color o f a product. The
integrating sphere is a chamber 6 inches in diameter coated by barium sulfate (BaS04)
which diffuses the light from the lamp. The light illuminates the sample and is either
reflected from it or transmitted through it. A lens is located at an angle o f 8° from the per
pendicular o f the sample surface. The lens collects the reflected or transmitted light and
directs it to a diffraction grating. The grating then disperses the light into its component
wavelengths. This dispersed light is reflected onto a 32 element silicon diode array which
measures the light every 10 nm across the spectrum o f 400 nm to 710 nm. The signals from
the diode array are amplified usinglaser trimmed operational amplifiers and processed by a
16 bit analog-to-digital converter. The computer receives the converted data and manipu
lates it to produce the information needed for the selected setup o f the instrument.

Power Switch

The sensor power switch is located on the right side o f the sensor.

Reflectance Port

T he reflectance port is located at the front o f the sensor as shown in Figure 2-1. The port is
covered by a port plate either with 1 inch or 1/4 inch opening. When using the small area
view lens, the 1/4 inch port plate must be installed at the reflectance port. Spring clamps
can also b e attached to the small holes of the port plate to aid in the placement of
specimens. T h eport plate is covered by a clamp which holds the specimen in place during
measurement. Tne clamp pulls straight back from the port and locks when fully extended. It
can then be released by pulling back on the clamp. The clamp also contains a damper to
reduce the impact on the port when the clamp is released. The clamp can also be removed
from the sensor when you are measuring large or otherwise cumbersome samples

08/93 S y s t e m D e scrip tio n 2-1

F igu re 2-1

Transmission Compartment

Reflectance Port

Transmission Compartment

The transmission compartment located in the middle of the sensor and shown in Figure 2-1
is used when measuring the transmitted color of transparent objects or liquids. From the
transmission compartment you can also install the small area view lens. Tne transmission
compartment door must b e closed while standardizing and taking measurements.

Computer System
Several computer systems are available from HunterLab with the ColorQ U E ST Sphere II.

The following accessories are provided with the ColorQ U EST sphere system and can be
found in the standards box.

• White calibrated tile - placed at the reflectance port during standardization.

• Gray calibrated tile - placed at the reflectance port during standardization.

• Light trap - placed at the reflectance port during standardization. The light
trap is shown in Figure 2-2.
• Black card - placed in the transmission compartment during standardization.
• G reen tile - used to check instrument performance.

• Transmission sample holder (optional) - used to hold samples in the light path
when taking transmittance measurements. The transmission sample holder is
shown in Figure 2-3.

2-2 S y s te m D e scrip tio n 08/93

Cleaning procedure card - gives instructions on how to clean all of the ceramic

Fuse - a 1 amp fuse is provided as a spare.

Lamp - one lamp is provided as a spare.

Figure 2-2

Light trap

Any or all o f the following options may be included:

• Transmission specimen holder

• Reflectance sample shelf and light cover

• Small area view lens, sample port plate, and retroviewer

• Ultraviolet absorbing filter

Transmission Specimen Holder

The transmission specimen holder is used to hold samples in the light path when taking
transmittance measurements and is shown in Figure 2-3. The pins on the bottom of the
holder are placed into 2 o f 3 positioning holes in the transmission compartment. The for
ward 2 holes are used to align samples at the sphere opening when making total transmit
tance measurements. The 2 rear holes are used to align samples at the lens when making
regular transmission measurements.

08/93 S y s te m D e scrip tio n 2-3

An additional platform is also provided with the holder to raise the stage where the sample
sits. The platform is a different width on each side and can be placed on the platform in
either orientation. C h oose the orientation that best fits the type of transmission cell you are

Figure 2-3


ds' Stage

Reflectance Sample Shelf and Light Cover

T he sample shelf and light cover is used to measure small translucent objects or translucent
liquids and is shown in Figure 2-4.

T o use the sample shelf

1. Pull back the sample clamp and lock it in position.

2. Place the pins o f the shelf into the spacer block near the sample clamp.

3. Place your sample in a glass cell and place the cell against the opening in the instru
ment. B e sure the level o f sample is high enough to cover the opening.

4. Place the light cover over the cell to prevent the room light from interfering with
the measurement.

2-4 S y s te m D e scrip tio n 08/93

F igu re 2-4

Small Area View

T he small area view option consists o f a small area view lens, a small area port plate and a
retroviewer. Use o f the small area view option is described in the chapter on stand

UV Fitter

T h e U V filter is an option that is installed at the factory. The use o f the UV filter is
described in the chapter on standardization.

08/93 S y s te m D e scrip tio n 2-5

Color Measurements
The C olorQ U E S T Sphere spectrocolorimeter can be used to measure virtually any kind of

E roduct. O paque and translucent materials can be placed at the reflectance port on the
ont o f the sensor and the reflected color can be measured. Transparent samples such as
films and liquids can b e placed in the transmission compartment and transmitted color can
be measured.

Reflectance Measurements
There are two types o f reflectance measurements available. The first type, reflectance -
specular included, measures the diffuse plus specular reflectance o f the specimen at the
port. These measurements are made with the specular exclusion port door closed. The
specular included m ode is recommended for interlaboratory measurement comparisons.

The other type, reflectance - specular excluded, measures the sample excluding a substan
tial part o f the specular component reflected by the sample. These measurements are made
with the specular exclusion port door open.

Transmittance Measurements
There are two types o f transmittance measurements available. The first, total transmittance,
includes both the light that is transmitted directly through the sample and the light that is
diffusely scattered. When measuring total transmittance, place the specimen in the transmis
sion compartment as close to the sphere as possible.

The second type, regular transmittance, measures the light that passes directly through the
sample. W hen measuring regular transmittance, place the specimen in the transmission
compartment as close to the lens as possible.

Color Scales
The following color scales are available for measurements

• XYZ • Yxy

• Hunter Lab • CIELAB (L* a* b*)

• CIELCh (L*C*h) • Rdab

• AnLab

Information concerning calculation o f all color scales is given in Appendix A.

2-6 S y s te m D e scrip tio n 08/93

Color Difference Scales
The following color difference scales are available.

• AE and A C for Hunter Lab • AE*, AC*, and AH* for CIELAB
and Rdab
• AE, AL, AC, and AH for CM C • AE, AL, RG, YB for FMC2

Information concerning calculation o f all color difference scales is given in Appendix A.

In addition to the color scales, 9 single indices are available.

• Whiteness Index E313 • Z%

• APHA20 • 457 nm Brightness

• Yellowness Index D1925 • Dominant Wavelength

• Yellowness Index E313 • Excitation Purity

• Metamerism Index

Information concerning calculation of all indices is given in Appendix A.

llluminants and Observers

The following illuminants are available with the 2° standard observer or the 10° standard ob

• A (Tungsten) • C (Daylight)

• D65 (Daylight) • F 2 (Fluorescent)

• T LA (Fluorescent) • ULT (Fluorescent)

• D 50 • D60

• D 75

08/93 S y s te m D e scrip tio n 2-7

2-8 System Description 08/93


The instructions in this chapter guide you through the initial installation o f your
C olorQ U E S T Sphere II system and SpecWare software. T o upgrade software, change sen
sor port or change communication port parameters refer to Appendix B - Additional

Installation of Hardware
Refer to the IBM Installation Guide for detailed installation instructions o f the computer.

1. Unpack all cartons and remove wrappings and cable ties. Inspect for damage and
notify the carrier and HunterLab immediately if any is discovered. Save the packing
materials in case it becom es necessary to return the instrument to the factory.

2. Place the instrument on a flat working surface where the measurements will be
made. Place computer in close proximity to the sensor and the power supply.

3. Unwrap the IBM Guide to Operations Manual and insert the additions and up
dates in the proper locations.

Computer Setup
1. O pen the IBM Guide to Operations to the tab labeled SETUP. This section con
tains step-by-step instructions and detailed diagrams to assist you while setting up

2. Connect the cable from the monitor labeled V ID E O INPUT to the graphics board
on the IBM system unit. For System 2 M odel 30 computers, connect the cable to
the upper 9 pin female socket on the back o f the computer and not the one next to
the 25 pin socket. For the M odel 50 computers, connect the cable to the 15 pin
female socket on the back o f the computer.

08/93 Installation 3-1

3. Connect the keyboard cable to the DIN cable socket in the back o f the IBM system

4. O nce the IBM is installed, there are a few tests which should be run to ensure the
IBM components are operating properly. These tests are called diagnostics and are
on the diskette located in the back o f the IBM Guide to Operations Manual. Refer
to the corresponding section o f the manual and perform the tests.

If the tests are positive, proceed with the next step. While performing Test 400, the
error message E R R O R - SYSTEM UNIT 401 will be displayed. This is due to the
use o f the high resolution Terminal Graphics Master color video adapter and is ex
pected. The failure o f this test does not affect the SpecWare software. Press
E N T E R to continue. If any test other than the one mentioned is negative, do not go
any further.

Note: When asked fo r the fixed disk test, answer Y\ It will not affect the SpecWare

All E G A cards for use with SpecWare must be configured for high resolution graphics. The
bank o f 4 switches located on the back panel o f the IBM E G A card should be set as follows:


off on on off

Enabling high resolution graphics on the E G A card has some noticeable side effects on the
performance o f the text screens. The text character set is more defined and the border that
is usually displayed around text screens is absent.

If the switch settings are incorrect, the software does not switch into high resolution for the
spectral plot and color plot screens.

Installation Of Mouse Hardware (optional)

Install mouse hardware according to the instructions provided with the mouse.

Printer Setup
1. Follow the instructions in the printer manual to set up the printer and install paper.

2. Connect the male plug o f a RS-232 25 pin connector signal cable to the IBM system
unit parallel port. Connect the other end to the printer.

3. Turn the printer on.

3-2 Installation 08/93

4. The P O W E R and R EA D Y lights on the printer should be illuminated. If they are
not, turn the printer off and on.

Note: The printer contains a group o f switch settings which need to be properly set to
ensure printing o f spectral plots. Please refer to the Computer Configuration Guide for
m ore information.

Sensor Setup
1. Connect the power cord to the sensor.

2. Connect the female plug o f the 25 pin signal cable to the computer. Connect the
male end o f the 25 pin cable to the sensor.

Note: I f you are using an IBM compatible computer you may need to use a 25 to 9pin
conversion cable.

3. R em ove the tape covering the sample port of the optical sensor and the exterior of
the sphere in the transmission compartment.

4. Place the sample port plate at the reflectance port and snap it into place.

5. Locate the reflectance port sample clamp in the standards box and secure it to the
reflectance p o rt

6. Place the reflectance port sample clamp against the sphere. Covering the sample
port when the instrument is not in use prevents dust from accumulating inside the

7. Turn on the sensor using the switch on the right side o f the sensor. If you pull back
the sample clamp you should see light in the sphere.

The sensor should be allowed to warm-up for 1/2 to 2 hours to reach optimum operating

Keep the cables free from all air intake and exhaust vents on
the IBM or the computer might overheat.

08/93 Installation 3-3

Installation of Software
If you puchased a computer from HunterLab, the program files are already installed on the
com puter in the C:\CQ SPE C directory. If you purchased a computer separately, you must
format the fixed disk and load the program files.

Preparing the Fixed Disk

1. Insert the D O S program disk into Drive A with the slot first and label facing up (as
per the instructions in the IBM User’s Guide) and close the door on the disk drive.

2. Turn on the power to the computer.

3. If the fixed disk is not already formatted, type the following command (using the
correct parameter to copy the operating system files onto the fixed disk):
F O R M A T C:/S

This command will erase all files currently on the fixed disk.

4. Copy COM M AN D.COM and ANSI.SYS from your D O S diskette onto the fixed
disk if they are not present by typing the following:

5. Create a D O S directory if one is not present by typing the following command:

M D C :\D O S

6. Type the following command:

C O P Y A:*.* C:\DOS

7. Insert the supplemental D O S diskette into the disk drive and repeat step 6 to copy.

8. Create a file CONFIG.SYS if not currently present by typing:

FILES = 10
BU FFER S = 10
After the commands have been entered, press X and EN TER to terminate entry.

Note: I f a CONFIG.SYS file currently exists, it must include DEVICE = ANSI.SYS to

execute the software.

3-4 Installation 08/93

9. If you need to set the battery backed clock, refer to the manufacturer’s manual in
cluded with the system.

10. Restart the system on Drive C (fixed disk) by pressing CTRL/ALT/DEL simul

Make a backup copy o f the program diskette(s) using the D O S command ’DISKCOPY’.
See the D O S manual for details.

Loading Program Files

When the program files need to be installed onto the fixed disk for the first time, the follow
ing procedure should be used. The installation program will create a directory (\CQSPEC)
with files for the program and data.

1. Place the HunterLab program diskette 1 into Drive A.

2. At the system prompt type the following:

to load programs for the first time.

3. T he screen will display COPYIN G while the files are copied from the diskette to
the hard disk. You will be prompted to insert the next diskette.

4. After all files have been copied, new data files will be created.

5. Y ou will then be lead through the following series o f questions. The default selec
tion for all questions is N o (N).


This prompt will be displayed only if more than one language file is available.


If you respond with Y, a batch file is created which automatically boots the C O
software. If you respond with N, you must type in the command C Q SP E C to ex
ecute the software or create your own batch file.


SO H z power is very common, however, 60 H z is normally used in the United States
and Japan.


T he default selection for all questions is No (N).

08/93 Installation 3-5

Note: I f a CONFIG.SYS file has not already been created, you will be asked if you would like to
create one. Proper configuration is necessary fo r proper operation o f the software.

6. The screen will display INSTALLATION COM PLETE after all parameters have
been selected.

7. R em ove the diskette and restart the system by pressing CTRL/ALT/DEL simul
taneously. Enter the SpecWare software by typing CQ SP EC or CQ. Below is a list
o f the files installed in the C Q SP E C directory which are required to run the


Installation of Mouse Software (optional)

Software accompanying the mouse may be installed so that it will run automatically when
ever the computer is turned on or rebooted. The following instructions will install the
mouse software in the C Q SP E C directory.

1. Insert the software diskette which accompanied the mouse into drive A.

2. At the system prompt type CO PY A:M OUSE.COM C:\CQ SPEC and press

3. At the system prom pt type R EN C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT AUTO.BAT and press


4. At the system prompt type C O P Y C:\AUTO.BAT + CO N C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT

and press ENTER.

5. Type C Q SP E C \M O U SE and press ENTER.

6. W hen the cursor returns, press F6 and then press ENTER.

3-6 Installation 08/93



Standardizing the Instrument

Standardization sets the top and bottom of the scale for the neutral axis. During a stand
ardization procedure the first to be set is the bottom of the scale. For the bottom of the
scale you simulate the case where all the light is absorbed by the sample. This is done using
the light trap for reflectance modes and the black card for transmittance modes. The top of
the scale is then set by scaling the light which is reflected or transmitted to a calibrated
standard. This is done using a calibrated white tile for reflectance measurements and air or
a solvent filled cell for transmittance measurements. Reflectance measurements also use a
gray calibrated tile to correct for changes in sphere wall reflectance over time. At the end of
all standardization procedures the sample clamp is read to set a base value for the Autocal

Standardization Modes
Four m odes o f measurement are available when you standardize the instrument:

• RSIN - Reflectance Specular Included

• R S E X - Reflectance Specular Excluded

• TTR A N - Total Transmittance

• R TR A N - Regular Transmittance

With varying hardware configurations such as U V filter and small area view there are a
total o f 16 ways to standardize the instrument. The instrument can be standardized when
you first enter the software or at any time by selecting standardization from the procedures
menu displayed by pressing F6.

During standardization, follow the prompts on the screen to indicate the proper instrument
configuration. Y ou must manually adjust the hardware for specular exclusion, UV filter,
and small area view.

Note: Be sure that the transmission compartment door is closed while standardizing.

08/93 S ta n d a rd iza tion 4-1

W hen standardizing in transmittance m odes you are prompted to place the white calibrated
standard at the reflectance p o r t Alternatively, a plug o f barium sulfate (BaSC>4) or mag
nesium oxide (MgO) may be used to more closely approximate the actual sphere wall reflec
tance. W hen taking transmittance measurements, the calibrated white tile or the plug used
during standardization must be kept at the reflectance port.

Specular Exclusion Port

W hen using RSIN, TTRAN, or RTRA N mode, you must keep the specular exclusion port
d oor closed. However, when using R SE X you must open the specular exclusion port door
to open up the sphere so that the specular component can be excluded from the light col
lected by the receptor lens. The specular exclusion port is located on the sphere inside the
transmission compartment, but is opened or closed using the knob on the left front o f the
sensor shown in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1

UV Filter

The U V filter is positioned either in or out o f the light path by using the switch located on
the right front ot the instrument as shown in Figure 4-1. T o move the filter into the light
path and exclude U V light move the lever forward to the E X C L position. T o move the filter
out o f the light path and include UV light move the switch back to the O U T position. For
optimum stability the UV filter should be in the source path for ten minutes before stand
ardization. The filter must be removed from the light path after use to prevent degradation.

Small Area View

The small area view lens is longer than the original large area view lens and is marked with
an S. The large area view lens is shorter and is marked with an L. Both lenses are shown in
Figure 4-2.

4-2 S ta n d a rd iza tion 08/93

Figure 4-2

Large area view lens in place Small area view lens in place

T o use the small area view lens:

1. L oosen the thumb screw on the lens receptacle.

2. Pull the lens forward taking care not to touch the lens surface. Store the lens in a
safe place to avoid scratches to the lens surface.

3. Place the small area lens in the lens receptacle positioning the pin in the hole at the
bottom o f the receptacle. The S mark on the lens should align with the white mark
on the lens receptacle.

4. Tighten the thumb screw on the lens receptacle.

5. Pull all the way back on the sample clamp to lock it in the open position.

6. R em ove the 1 inch port plate and snap in the 1/4 inch port plate.

7. Pull back on the sample clamp to release it.

08/93 S ta n da rdiza tion 4-3

Restandardization is available only through the procedures menu displayed by pressing F6.
Restandardization resets the top scale o f the neutral axis. In a reflectance mode, you are
prompted to read the white tile again. In a transmittance mode, you are prompted to take a
reading either through air or through a solvent filled cell (blank). At the end o f any restan
dardization procedure you are also prompted to read the sample clamp.

Verifying Standardization
After standardizing or restandardizing the instrument in one o f the m odes you can recall an
instrument standard from the data menu displayed by pressing F8. Place the appropriate
tile at the port and press F I to read a sample. Compare the standard and sample values on
screen. Immediately after standardization, the two values displayed on the screen should
not differ by m ore than 0.01 units in the X Y Z color scale.

Prompt to Standardize
It is recom m ended that the instrument be standardized at least once every 8 hours. T o
remind yourself to standardize, you may enter a number of hours in the global setup screen
selected from the setup menu displayed by pressing F5. After the designated number of
hours has passed a prompt will appear on screen suggesting standardization.

T o keep your instrument working accurately it is necessary to restandardize the instrument

by setting the top o f the scale every 4 hours in addition to standardizing at the start o f each
day or each shift. In addition, standardize the instrument or recall a standardization m ode
using m ode select whenever a hardware component changes such as the specular exclusion
port door, U V filter, or small area view lens.

The instrument is equipped with an Autocal feature to monitor drift in the standardization
o f the sensor and sense instability o f the sensor. The Autocal feature can be turned on and
off from the diagnostics menu under the F6 procedures function. When Autocal is enabled
the instrument automatically takes readings o f the sample clamp when no samples are
being read. These readings o f the sample clamp are then compared to the reference value
o f the sample clamp that was established during standardization. A warning requesting
standardization appears when the readings have drifted 1% or more at any wavelength. T o
effectively use the Autocal feature remove all samples from the port when not using the in
strument. Frequent warning messages while using the Autocal feature indicate instrument
instability due to fluctuations in power, temperature, or lamp voltage.

The Green Tile

The green tile is not used during the standardization procedure. The green tile can be used
to verify that the instrument is reading properly. Read the green tile using the RSIN mode
once a week and keep records o f the readings. The readings should vary by no more than
± 0.3 units from the values given on the back o f the tile.

S ta n d a rd iza tion 08/93

Saving Standardization
Whenever you exit the software to return to DOS, the current standardization is saved in a
file. When you return to the software you have the option o f using that saved stand
ardization or going through a new standardization procedure.

The saved standardization should not be used if it was com
pleted more than 8 hours ago.

Mode Select
M ode select allows you to save a standardization and recall it at a later time. This is useful
when you are taking measurements under a variety of instrument conditions and you are
switching back and forth frequently.

For example, if you are trying to determine the effect o f ultraviolet light on a produ ct’s ap
pearance you might want to take measurements o f the samples with the U V filter in (EXCL
position) and then with the UV filter out (INCL position). First standardize the instrument
with the UV filter out o f the light path and save this standardization using m ode select.
Then standardize with the U V filter in the light path and save this standardization. You can
then place a specimen at the port and read it under one standardization as a standard, then
recall the previous standardization using m ode select and read the specimen as a sample.
Y ou can then determine the effects o f U V by comparing the standard and sample data dis
played on the screen.

The m ode select feature does not eliminate the need for frequent standardization. Stand
ardization saved under m ode select should be used within 8 hours o f saving. Stand
ardization m odes can be deleted from memory when no longer needed.

08/93 Sta n d a rd iza tion 4-5

4-6 Standardization 08/93

Quick Start

This chapter describes typical operation o f the ColorQ U EST Sphere II system. Y ou can
walk through a sequence o f steps to get started. Normal operation includes:

• Standardizing the instrument.

• Creating a setup to define the type o f measurements you want to take.

• Taking measurements and saving them in a data file.
• Clearing measurements from the screen so that you can start with the next set.

U se this chapter to get yourself started taking color measurements. T o follow along with the
instructions in this chapter you will need 2 specimens o f your product. Designate 1
specim en as the standard and 1 as the sample.

Subsequent chapters describe each function of the SpecWare software in greater detail.

Starting and Standardizing

W hen the instrument has been turned off for long enough to completely cool to ambient
temperature conditions, it will require time to reach operating temperature equilibrium
before maximum performance is achieved. For the instrument to provide full specified per
formance a warm-up period o f 30 minutes to 2 hours (depending on conditions) should be
allowed. Naturally, if the instrument is subjected to a large temperature change such as
being brought from an unheated storage area into a 70° F operating area sufficient time
should be allowed for the instrument to stabilize.

1. Allow the system time to warm up. The instrument may be used after a few minutes
initial warm-up. However, until thermal equilibrium is attained, frequent stand
ardization is required.

2. Turn the printer and monitor on.

3. O pen the d oor on drive A.

08/93 Q u ick Start 5-1

4. Turn the computer on.

5. Type C D \C Q S P E C to switch to the ColorQ U EST directory.

6. Type C Q and press EN TER to start the SpecWare software and display the follow
ing message:

PLEA SE STANDBY, while the following initialization sequence is per

Initialization complete error count = 0

7. T he screen clears and then displays ENTER DA TE AND TIM E with the current
date and time. It is important to maintain the correct date and time since they are
automatically printed with every printout as well as stored with standard and
sample data.

8. U se the arrow keys or the mouse button to select the value to edit. Enter data in
the format dd:mmm:yy for the date, where mmm is a three letter abbreviation for
the month, and hh:mm for the time.

9. Press H O M E to continue. Information concerning the last standardization is dis

played with the prompt:

1 U se last standardization
2 Prompt for new standardization

Selection o f 1 displays the measurement screen. Selection o f 2 begins the stand

ardization routine.

10. Press 2 and follow the prompts on the screen to standardize in the appropriate in
strument configuration.

Note: The sensor must be turned on prior to the computer. I f the system does not
properly initialize, turn o ff all the system components and then turn them on again in
the proper order.

5-2 Q u ick Start 08/93

Creating a Setup
Pressing F5 displays the setup menu. From the setup menu you can tailor the data that is
displayed on the monitor as well as the data that is printed, sent to a peripheral device, or
output to a file. All selections in setup menus are made using the INS key or the mouse. T o
control the information displayed on the monitor you need to make selections in 4 setup

• C olor

• Spectral Data

• Spectral Plot
• G lobal

Y ou may also want to make selections in the print setup screen if you intend to print out the
readings you are taking. Refer to Chapter 8 for more information on setups.

Color Setup
From the setup menu press 3 to enter the color setup screen. The parameters listed here
control the color data and color plot screens. Under display fields you may select SAMPLE,
STANDARD, and D IFFER EN CES so that you can compare measurements on the screen.
You should select TOLER A N CES if you have tolerances to meet for vour product standard
and you should select AVG.COUNT if you are averaging a number ot measurements for
standards and samples. For this example, select all o f these parameters.

Selecting SETUP NAM E displays the current setup name on the screen.

Y ou may also select one DELTA DESCR IPTO R which explains in words the color dif
ference between the standard and sample.

Y ou may only select one color scale, one color difference scale, and one observer. You may,
however, select 2 illuminants and up to 3 indices. For this example, choose CIELAB as the
color scale with D E L T A E CIELAB as the color difference scale. Also select the 10 degree
standard observer, illuminants A and D6S, and MI for metamerism index.

Three choices are available for the type o f color plot to be displayed. For this example
choose the R EC TA N G U LA R plot to graphically display the color differences. The color
setup screen with all o f the selections made for tnis example is shown in Figure 5-1.

08/93 Q u ick Start 5-3

1 fr ln t 2 Send 3 Color 4 Spectral data <Space> Help
5 S pectral p lo t 6 F ile tran sfer 7 Global B Search <Hone> E xit nenu
9 Setup u t i li t i e s
C olor data setup nenu <Ins> to s e le c t
Setup Mae: Arrows wove cursor
— (nax 1)— — (aax 2)— — (aax 3)—
Vxg c APHA-26na
Lab I1EB TI B192S
rz YI E313
C1E LCh TL4 m
Bdab ULT 2/.
AnLab B50 4S7 Brightness
B66 Boa WL
cau» BlfTERENCE B75 EP
----(nax 1)-----
----- (nax 1)----- Il'FXTA E CIELahl -(MX 11- — (m x 1)—
p ola r______ BELTA E Rdab 2 DEGREE KECTANGULARl
jrKCtdHfjUldrj rnc2 10 DEGREEl POLAR

V. J

Figure 5-1

Spectral Data Setup

Press 4 to enter the spectral data setup screen. From the spectral data setup screen select
the ranee and wavelength interval for the spectral data. The selection may be any range
within 400 nm and 710 nm. For this example, select the 10 nm interval for the range 400 nm
to 700 nm. The spectral data setup screen with all of the selections made for this example is
shown in Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2
1 P rin t 2 Send 3 Color 4 Spectral data <Space> Help
5 S pectral p lo t 6 P ile tran sfer 7 Global 8 Search <Hone> E xit nenu
9 Setup u t i li t i e s
S pectra l data setup nenu <Ins> to s e le c t
Setup nane: Arrows aoue cursor


(nax 1)


V y

5-4 Q u ick Start 08/93

Spectral Plot Setup
Press 5 to enter the spectral plot setup screen. The parameters on this setup screen control
the information displayed on the spectral plot screen or the optional plotter. For this ex
ample, select STA N D A R D and 2 SAMPLES to be displayed. The spectral plot setup
screen with all o f the selections made for this example is shown in Figure 5-3.

Figure 5-3

r 1 P rin t 2 Send 3 C olor 4 Spectral data <Space> Help

5 S pectral p lo t 6 P ile tra n sfer 7 Global 8 Search <Hone> E xit nenu
9 Setup u t i li t i e s
S pectral p lo t setup nenu <lns> to s e le c t
Setup sane: Arrows wove cursor

.TftNDfiRD & 2 Nftnnl




— (nax 11— — (nax 1)—
HEADER 8-100* A 8.5 X llin
TIN&'DATE • -28* B 11 X 171n
LINE FORMATS 8 -58* A4 218 X 297nn
8-158* A3 297 X 420m
V. J

Global Setup
Press 7 to enter the global setup screen. From the global setup screen you can enable
parameters that affect most o f the display screens.

Select PRO M PT F O R ID so that a name can be entered before reading each standard and
sample. Select 16 for ID LEN G TH to specify that all data saved in the current data file can
have a maximum o f 16 characters in the name. The global setup screen with all o f the selec
tions made for this example is shown in Figure 5-4.

Note: I f you create a setup with an ID length greater than the one used in the previous setup, then
you must create a new data file to accom m odate the change.

08/93 Q u ick Start 5-5

F igu re 5-4
( “ “ \
1 P rint 2 Send 3 Color 4 Spectral data <Space> Help
5 Spectral p lo t 6 P ile tran sfer 7 Global 8 Search <Hone> Exit nenu
9 Setup u t ilit ie s
G lobal setup nenu <lns> to s e le c t
Setup nane: Arraus none cursor


------- (nax 1)------
------- (nax 1)-------
------- (nax 1)-------


5-6 Q u ick Start 08/93

Saving Setups
From the setup menu press 9 to display the setup utilities menu. Select 1 to save and give
this setup a name such as DEMO. You can create and save up to 40 setups and recall them
when you need them.

Press H O M E to return to the measurement screen after you have saved the setup.

08/93 Q u ick Start 5-7

Measuring Standards and Samples
C olorQ U E S T can measure the color values o f a standard, measure the color values o f a
sample, and com pute color differences. Alternatively, if the standard no longer exists but
the target color values are known, these values can be entered into the system from the data
menu displayed by pressing F8. See Chapter 11 for more information on entering spectral
or colorim etric values from the keyboard.

Current Setup
F or this example you should be using the setup named D E M O that was just created. If you
are not, enter the setup menu, press 9 to select setup utilities and press 2 to recall the setup
named DEM O .

Measurement Screen
Press H O M E to return to the current measurement screen. The screen for this example
should show standard, sample, and difference columns for CIELAB data (L*a*b*) under
the 10° standard observer and illuminant A. If you are not on the appropriate screen, then
press F9 to enter the screen menu and press 1 to select C olor data 1st ilium.

Taking Measurements
Y ou are now ready to take some measurements. You may take reflectance measurements
or transmittance measurements depending on the specimens you have available. Be sure
that the instrument is standardized in the appropriate mode.

Reflectance Measurements

1. Place the standard at the reflectance port. It should be held in place by the sample

2. Press F2. Y ou are prompted to enter an ID for the standard.

3. Type in T E S T as the standard ID and press ENTER. SCANNING appears on the

screen to signify that the sensor is measuring the standard. When the measurement
is com plete the L*, a*, and b* values appear in the standard column on the screen.

4. Place the first sample at the port.

5. Press FI. Y ou are prompted to enter an ID for the sample.

6. Type in SAM-1 as the sample ID and press ENTER. SCANNING appears on the
screen to signify that the sensor is measuring the sample. When the measurement is
com plete the L*, a*, and b* values appear in the sample column on the screen.

5-8 Q u ick Start 08/93

Read the sample two m ore times using the ID ’s SAM-2 and SAM-3.

Transmittance Measurements

1. Place the standard in the transmission sample holder and place the sample holder
in the transmission compartment. Place the standard against the sphere for total
transmittance measurements and against the receptor lens for regular transmit
tance measurements.

2. Place the white calibrated tile at the reflectance port.

3. Press F2. You are prompted to enter an ID for the standard.

4. Type in T EST as the standard ID. Press ENTER and SCANNING appears on the
screen to signify that the sensor is measuring the standard. When the measurement
is complete the L*, a*, and b* values appear in the standard column on the screen.

5. Place the first sample in the transmission sample holder and place the sample
holder in the transmission compartment. Place the sample holder against the
sphere for total transmittance measurements and against the receptor lens for
regular transmittance measurements.

6. Press FI. You are prompted to enter an ID for the sample.

7. Place the white calibrated tile at the reflectance port.

8. Type in SAM-1 as the sample ID and press ENTER. SCANNING appears on the
screen to signify that the sensor is measuring the sample. When the measurement is
complete the L*, a*, and b* values appear in the sample column on the screen.

Read the sample two m ore times using the ID ’s SAM-2 and SAM-3.

The average count for the sample is now 3. Press F7 and the average L*, a*, and b* values
for the 3 samples appear in the sample column. A box also appears on the screen listing the
standard deviation, range minimum, and range maximum. Figure 5-5 shows an example of
the average display.

08/93 Q u ick Start 5-9

F igu re 5-5
r FI Sample FZ Standard F3 Output F4 Clear FS Setups <Space> Help
F6 Procedures F7 Average F8 Data F9 Screen FID Run < ,-> New screen

S td :Green San:Gra 63
16 A Standard AUG SAH Delta Std dew
FASS L« S3.66 57.85 -6.21 L« 6.43
-19.56 -19.41 6.15 a» 6.23
w 9.84 9.82 -6.62 w* 6.69
DC* 6.26
DC* -6.14 San range nln
DH* -6.65 L* 56.87
k> 9.61
HI A /D65 6.64
San range na x
L» 58.65
a« -18.92
h* 9.95

San awg count 3 Sensor Status

Setup: H itch :
V. J

5-10 Q u ick Start 08/93

Displaying Measurements
Measurement data can b e displayed on any o f these six screens:

• C olor data for illuminant 1

• C olor data for illuminant 2

• C olor plot for illuminant 1

• C olor plot for illuminant 2

• Spectral data

• Spectral plot

The data on the first 4 screens is controlled by the selections made in the color setup
screen. If only one illuminant is selected the 2nd and 4th screens in the rotation will not dis
play data. Likewise, if a color plot is not selected in the color setup, the 3rd and 4th screens
will not display data.

H ie data displayed on the spectral data screen is controlled by selections made in the
spectral data setup screen and the data displayed on the spectral plot screen is controlled by
the selections made in the spectral plot setup screen.

Changing Display Screens

You can cycle through all 6 screens by using the + and - keys on the numeric keypad. You
can also select the screen to be displayed from the screen menu which appears when you
press F9.

Color Data
The 2 color data screens can display data for the standard and sample along with differen
ces, tolerances, illuminant, observer, and pass/fail designation. A delta descriptor message
may also appear on the screen along with the average count, sensor status, and setup name
Figure 5-6 shows a color data screen.

08/93 Q u ick Start 5-11

F igu re 5-6

f l Staple FZ Standard r3 Output F4 Clear FS Setups <Space> Hf

K Procedures 17 Average F8 Bata F9 Screen F10 Run < ,-> Hew

S id :Green San:Grn 03

16 A Standard Sanple Delta Tolerai

PASS L- 58.06 58.04 -0.02 10.00 - 10.00
•« -19.56 -19.58 -0.02 - 10.00 - 10.00
9.84 9.73 -0.11 10.00 - 10.00
BE* 0.11 10.00 - 10.00
BC- -0.03 * 10.00 - 10.00
BH* 0.11 10.00 - 10.00

HI A D65 0.03 * 10.00 - 10.00

Sa» avg count 3 Sensor Status

V Setup :DDO________________________________________________________________________ Hitch:_J

Color Plot
The 2 color plot screens graphically display the differences between the standard and the
last 5 samples along with the illurmnant and observer. Color values which exceed the
specified tolerance range are highlighted.

The plot shows the difference between the standard and the samples. The standard is
plotted in the center o f the color plot which is defined by the axes a, b or c*, h*. The stand
ard is also plotted on the center o f the L axis. A red line shows the tolerances.

The scaling o f the color plot can be changed by pressing INS and entering a new scale factor
from .01 to 200. The default value is 10 meaning that the number of units from the center is
± 10 or that there is a total o f 20 units from side to side.

The rectangular plot can be selected when Lab, CIELAB, AnLab, or Rdab is the color
scale. The polar and elliptical plots are available only with CIELAB and CIELCH. Selec
tion o f X Y Z or Yxy disables the color plots. Figure 5-7 shows a rectangular color plot.

5-12 Q u ick Start 08/93

F igu re 5-7

F I S a n p le F2 Standard F3 Output F4 C le a r FS S e tu p s <Space> H elp

F6 Proc e d u re s F7 A verage F8 Data F9 S creen FIB Run < ,— > New s e n n
< ln s > R e s c a le
S e tu p :DD10 RSIN /UUF OUI/LAM
Sae avg co u n t 31 IB DEGREE
S t d :Green
L“ a» L*
SB.B6 - 19.56 9.84
Sample 11* Da<* Db«

3 Crn B3
-B .82 -B.B2 -B .11
2 Grn 82 --- - g a«
-B .89 8.37 -B.B4

. . .
1 Grn San
-0.31 B .22 -B .13

L -
F u ll s c a l e = 1.80 j

Spectral Data
The spectral data screen displays the percent reflectance over the range and interval
selected in the spectral data setup. Data is shown only for the current standard reading and
current sample reading and the difference. Figure 5-8 shows a spectral data display.

Figure 5-8

FI Sanple F2 Standard F3 Output F4 Clear F5 Setups <Space> Help

FS Procedures F7 Average F8 Data F9 Screen FID Run <*,-> New s c ree n
Std none:Green San nane:Grn 83
U/L Standard Sanple D ifferences U/L Standard Sanple D lfferei
400 12.62 12.62 0.00 560 28.88 28.86 -0.02
410 13.37 13.39 0.02 570 24.79 24.76 -0.03
420 14.52 14.52 0.00 580 22.30 22.28 -0.02
430 15.72 15.79 0.07 590 20.71 20.69 -0.02
440 17.12 17.13 0.02 600 19.23 19.23 -0.01
450 IB.53 IB.58 0.05 610 18.01 17.95 -0.05
460 19.98 20.02 0.04 620 17.61 17.60 -0.01
470 21.85 21.91 0.06 630 17.89 17.83 -0.06
480 24.11 24.15 0.04 640 17.88 17.85 -0.03
490 26.64 26.68 0.03 650 17.45 17.44 -0.01
500 29.94 29.98 0.05 660 17.31 17.30 -0.01
510 33.51 33.51 0.00 670 18.08 18.06 -0.02
520 36.61 36.61 0.00 680 21.18 21.14 -0.04
530 37.79 37.71 -0.08 690 27.95 27.84 -0.11
540 36.63 36.60 -0.03 700 37.88 37.76 -0.12
550 33.05 33.03 -0.02

V. J

08/93 Q u ick Start 5-13

Spectral Plot
The spectral plot screen graphically displays the percent reflectance for the standard and
the number o f samples selected in the spectral plot setup. The scaling o f the plot automat
ically adjusts to the range o f data if AU TOSCALE is selected in the spectral plot setup.
Scaling can also b e changed directly from the spectral plot screen by pressing INS ana enter
ing new lower and upper bounds. If the plot exceeds the bounds the message * point(s) ex
ceed scale is displayed.

Although using the INS key to scale the plot overrides the autoscale feature, taking a new
measurement reverts to automatic scaling.

When taking a new measurement from the spectral plot screen, the screen will redraw the
standard ana only the last 5 samples even if UNLIMITED is selected in the spectral plot
setup. Figure 5-9 shows an example o f the spectral plot screen.

Figure 5-9

5-14 Q u ick Start 08/93

Saving Measurements
Measurements can b e saved in a data file set and recalled later. The data file set includes a
file with the extension .DTA where the data is stored and a file with the extension .IDS
where the names o f the records are stored.

Data Files
Data files are selected or created from the data menu.

T o create a data file set:

1. Press F8 to display the data menu.

2. Press 7 to create the data file set. The following prompt appears:

Enter the data file ID:

3. Type in the name o f the data file including the drive and directory. For example
type, C:\CQSPEC\DEM O. If you do not specify a drive and directory, then the cur
rent drive and directory is used.

4. Press ENTER. The following prompt appears:

Create new files using this name? 1 Yes 2 No

5. Press 1 to create the files.

Saving Standards
The current standard can now be saved in the new data file from the data menu. In this ex
ample the standard has already been named since PROM PT FO R ID was selected in the
global setup screen.

1. Press F8 to display the data menu.

2. Press 1 to select save. You are prompted to save either the standard or the sample.

3. Press 1 to save the standard. The tolerance window appears and you can enter
tolerances for the delta values, color differences, and indices being displayed.

4. U se the arrow keys or the mouse to move through the tolerance window and make

08/93 Q u ick Start 5-15

5. Press INS to accept the tolerances and return to the measurement screen. The
tolerances will appear on the display screen only if TOLERA N CES is selected in
the color setup screen.

N OTE: I f PRO M PT FO R ID is not selected in the globed setup, you are prom pted to name the
standard before saving.

Saving Samples
In this example the data displayed in the sample column is the average o f the first 3 sample

1. Press F8 to display the data menu.

2. Press 1 to select save.

3. Press 2 to select sample. The tolerance window appears and you can enter toleran
ces for the delta values, color differences, and indices. Tolerances are entered with
the sample in case the data is recalled at a later time for use as a standard.

4. U se the arrow keys or the mouse to move through the tolerance window and make

5. Press INS to accept the tolerances and return to the measurement screen.

N OTE: To save each individual reading and the average, save each reading after it is taken and
then save the average afterpressing F7. You are prompted to enter a new ID fo r the average so as
not to overwrite the last sample.

Listing Data Records

O nce you have saved several standards and samples you may want to list all the data records
in the current data file.

1. Press F8 to display the data menu.

2. Select 3 to list the record ID ’s. You may list the ID ’s either to the screen or to the

3. Press 1 to list the ID ’s to the screen.

5-16 Q u ick Start 08/93

Clearing Measurements
B efore proceeding with another set o f measurements you may want to clear the data from
the screen, particularly if you want to measure a new product standard.

1. Press F4 to display the clear menu.

2. Press 4 to clear all data from the screen.

The clear function can also be used to clear only the standard, the sample, the average, or
all samples.

08/93 Q u ick Start 5-17

Instrument Status
Y ou can check the status o f the software by pressing the H O M E key from any measure
ment screen. A press o f the H O M E key displays a box containing the following information:

• Current time and date

• T im e and date of last standardization
• D atafile

• Setup record

• Program record
• Hitch status
• C M C status

The sensor status in the bottom right com er of each measurement screen displays the con
figuration o f the instrument at the last standardization. The instrument status is shown in
Figure 5-10.

Figure 5-10

FI Sanple FZ Standard F3 Output F4 Clear IS Setups <Space> Help

K Procedures F7 Average F8 Data F9 Screen FID Run <*,-> New screen

ColorQUEST Sphere, SpecUare Version 1.83
ID A s
PASS L» The current tin e is 15:18 and date is 4/2&/1991 10.00
a* Sensor uas la st standardised a t 14:18 on 4s26/1991 10.80
h« The data f i l e being used is C:\CQSPECnSAHFILE 10.00
DE- The setup record being used is Manual 10.00
DC- The progran record being used is Han-Prog 10.00
DH- CMC Toleranclng is ON 10.00
THE CMC R atio 2.80:1.8
CHC Factor 1.80
HI 10.00
P ress any key to continue.

San avg count 3 Sensor Status

CMC ra tio 2.90:1.8 RSIfl AfJT OUT/LAU
v Setup:Manual CHC fa cto r 1.90 Hitch:

5-18 Q u ick Start 08/93

Pressing the space bar displays the help screen. When the space bar is pressed from the
measurement screen a list o f topics from which you can choose is displayed. When the
space bar is pressed while performing a particular function, help information concerning
that function is displayed. An additional press o f the space bar exits the help menu.
Figure 5-11 shows the main help screen.

Figure 5-11

Arrows to p o sitio n cursor

<lns> S e le cts ite o
<Spux> E xit help



v------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- /

08/93 Q u ick Start 5-19

Exit to DOS
If it is desired to access D O S while in the SpecWare software, enter the Procedures menu
by pressing F6 and press E SC to exit to DOS. Standardization is saved when exiting the
SpecWare software. T o re-enter the software, type CQ.

Upon restarting the software, if a prior standardization is found on the disk, the screen dis
plays the latest standardization date and time and the prompt D O Y O U W ISH T O
R ESTA N D A R D IZE ?. If N O is selected, the saved standardization is reinstated for use. If
YES is selected, then the previous standardization is discarded and you are prompted
through a full standardization.

5-20 Q u ick Start 08/93

T o ensure proper operation o f the instrument read the green tile at regular intervals, per
form instrument diagnostics from the procedures menu once a week, and follow the main
tenance procedures outlined in Chapter 16.

Be sure to keep all tiles and the light trap clean and free o f dust. A lso backup your data files
on a regular basis as a precaution against hard disk failure. See Chapter 16 for details.

08/93 Q u ick Start 5-21

5-22 Quick Start 08/93

F3 Output

The F3 key controls the output o f data to a printer, other communication device, or specific
file format. When you press F3 the following menu is displayed:

1 Print
2 Send
3 File transfer

Note: I/ASSIGN-F3 PRIN T is selected in the globed setup then pressing F3prints the data selected
in the print setup instead o f displaying a menu. In this case, CTRL/F3 can be used fo r the send
function andALT!F3 can be used fo r the file transferfunction.

Pressing 1 prints all o f the data selected in the print setup. This function allows you to view
data under a variety o f color scales and measurement conditions. See Chapter 8 for a
description o f the print setup.

Pressing 2 sends the data selected in the send setup to the RS232-C communications port.
This is an optional feature available as the extended communications package. See Chapter
15 for more information on this option.

File Transfer
Pressing 3 transfers the data to a file in the format selected in the file transfer setup. ASCII,
DIF, and W O R K SH E ET are the available formats. Selections o f data to be transferred are
made from the file transfer setup screen.

08/93 F3 O utput 6-1

T o transfer a file:

1. Press 3 from the output menu or press ALT/F3. You are prompted to enter an ID
for the output file.

2. Type in an ID o f up to 8 characters for the output file and include the drive and
directory. If you do not specify a drive and directory, then the output file is placed
in the current directory. It is not necessary to add an extension to the file name.
ASC, DIF, or WKS is automatically appended to the file name depending on the
transfer format selected in the file transfer setup screen.

Press E N T E R and the file transfer menu appears

1 Single record
2 All records
3 Som e records

3. Type in the appropriate number and press ENTER. Selection of 1 requires entry of
a single data record ID. Selection of 2 transfers all data records of the current data
file. Selection o f 3 allows you to transfer specified data records by entry o f an ID
search string using the ? or * wildcards.

6-2 F3 O utput 08/93


F4 Clear

The F4 key allows you to clear readings when an error has been made or when you are
switching from one set o f readings to another. When you press the F4 key the following
menu is displayed:

1 Standard
2 Sample
3 Average
4 All
5 All Samples

From this menu you can clear the last standard reading or last sample reading from the dis
play and the average register. You can also clear the average after you have used F7 to dis
play it. You can clear all measurements if you want to start a new set of readings with a new
product standard or you can clear all the sample measurements if you want to start a new
set of readings but retain the product standard values.

08/93 F4 C lea r 7-1

7-2 F4 Clear 08/93

F5 Setups

The F5 key displays a menu o f 8 setup screens from which you can tailor the data that is dis
played on the measurement screens, printed, sent to a peripheral device, and output to a
file. The menu also allows you to set parameters to search the current data file for desired
data records. A utility function for saving, deleting, recalling, and listing setups is also

f rovided. All current selections from the setup menus are saved when you exit the software,
orty setups can also b e named and stored on the fixed disk for recall later.

Pressing the F5 key displays the following menu:

1 Print
2 Send
3 C olor
4 Spectral data
5 Spectral plot
6 File transfer
7 G lobal
8 Search
9 Setup utilities

From the individual setup screens the INS key is used to select and deselect items or the
mouse can b e used. When selecting from a field where there is a maximum number of selec
tions that can be made you must turn off the old choices before selecting new ones.

08/93 F5 S e t u p s 8-1
Print Setup
The selections m ade from the print setup screen shown in Figure 8-1 determine the infor
mation that is printed from the output menu. Unlike the data displayed on the measure
ment screens m ere are no limits on the amount o f information that can be printed.

Figure 8-1

r ~\
1 P rlu t 2 Send 3 C olor 4 Spectral data <Space> Help
5 S pectra l p lo t 6 F ile tra n sfer 7 Global 8 Search <Hone> E xit nenu
9 Setup u t i li t i e s
F rin t setu p nenu <Ins> to s e le c t
Setup naae: Arrows nowe cu rsor


a. s in g le sanple
Rdab ULT 2/.
b. u u lti-san p le AnLab D50 457 Brightness
LINE FEED O ptical Density
a. pola r DELTA E Rdab 2 DEGREE
b. rectangular FNC2 18 DEGREE ID IN

Print Fields
From the print fields column you can select the types of data you want to have printed. You
must select STANDARD, SAMPLE or DIFFERENCES to have any data printed. If
C O L O R P L O T is selected you must also specify if the plot is to compare a single sample
with the standard or compare multiple samples (up to 5) with the standard.

The LINE F E E D and FO R M F E E D selections send commands to the printer to break the
print at page breaks and advance to the top of the next page at the end of data transmission.

Selection o f D E L T A D ESCR IPTO R S prints a description of the color difference in terms

o f lightness, red-green, and yellow-blue for RECTAN GU LAR and lightness, hue, and
saturation for POLAR.

Selection o f H E A D E R prints a header that is entered by the user in the global setup screen.

Selection o f STATISTICS prints the standard deviation and range limits for the averaged
data for the first illuminant selected for display in the color setup screen.

8-2 F5 S e t u p s 08/93
Color Scales
All color scales can b e selected from this column.

Color Difference
All color difference scales can be selected from this column.

A ll illuminants can b e selected from this column.

O n e or both standard observers can be selected.

All indices can b e selected from this column.

Spectral Data
If spectral data is to be printed, you must select the desired wavelength interval and enter
the desired wavelength range.

Print Format
U pon exiting the print setup screen the following prompt appears:

Select print format

1 Short print
2 Full print

The short print format can only be chosen when the selections include only the setup name,
tolerances, one observer, one llluminant, one color scale, differences, and two indices for
one standard and any number of samples. The printout will contain a header, a standard,
and one line o f data per sample. When a new standard is read, the paper will form feed to
begin on a new page. When using the short print only one line is printed for each sample
reading which is helpful when reading several samples in reference to the same standard.
LINE F E E D and F O R M F E E D cannot be selected if using the short print format
Figure 8-2 shows an example o f the short print format. Figure 8-3 shows the same data in
the full print.

08/93 F5 S e t u p s 8-3
Figure 8-2

r ~\
L* a* b*
78.66 11.04 73.05
L* a* b* DL* Da* D b*
Yellow 2
78.72 11.02 73.02 0.06 -0.02 -0.03

Yellow 3
78.70 11.05 73.00 0.04 0.01 -0.05

V_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J
Figure 8-3

L* 78.66 78.72 0.06
a* 11.04 11.02 -0.02
b* 73.05 73.02 -0.03


L* 78.66 78.70 0.04
a* 11.04 11.05 -0.01
b* 73.05 73.00 -0.05

V_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J

8-4 F5 S e t u p s 08/93
Send Setup Screen
The selections made on the send setup screen shown in Figure 8-4 determine the informa
tion that is sent to a peripheral device by selection of 2 from the output menu or by using
the CTRL/F3 keys. This is an optional feature provided with the extended communications
package. For more information on the extended communications package
option, refer to Chapter 15.

Figure 8-4

1 Print 2 Send 3 Color 4 Spectral data <Space> Help

5 Spectral plot 6 File transfer 7 Global 8 Search <Houe> Exit Menu
9 Setup utilities
Send setup Menu <lns> to select
Setup nane: Arraus soue cursor
SAMPLE xvz A HI E313
Rdab ULT Zx
AnLab D50 457 Brightness
D60 Don UL ft EP
Optical Density
FHC2 10 DEGREE 10 n*

Data to Send
The types o f data to be sent to the peripheral device are selected from this column. You
may send sample data, standard data, differences, tolerances, and the setup name.

Color Scales
All color scales can b e selected from this column.

Color Difference
All color difference scales can be selected from this column.

All illuminants can be selected from this column.

08/93 F5 S e t u p s 8-5
O ne or both standard observers can be selected.

All indices can b e selected from this column.

Spectral Data
If spectral data is to b e printed, you must select the desired wavelength interval and enter
the desired wavelength range.

8-6 F5 S e t u p s 08/93
Color Setup Screen
Selections made in the color setup screen shown in Figure 8-5 determine the information
that is displayed on 4 o f the measurement screens - the 2 color data screens and the 2 color
plot screens.

Figure 8-5

1 P rin t 2 Send 3 C olor 4 Spectral data <Space> Help
5 S pectral p lo t 6 F ile tra n sfer 7 Global 8 Search <Houe> Exit Menu
9 Setup u t i l i t i e s
C olor data setup Menu <Ins> to s e le c t
Setup nane: Arraus noue cursor
— (nax 1)— — (Max 2)— — (Max 3)—
AnLab D50 457 Brightness
D69 Do n UL
----(nax 1)-----
----- (Max 1)----- DELTA E CIELab -(nax 1)- — (Max 1)—
rectangular FHC2 ID DEGREE POLAR

Display Fields
The selections made in this column determine the types o f information that are displayed
on the measurement screens. You may display sample data, standard data, differences,
tolerances, the setup name, and the average count.

Delta Descriptors
A selection from this column provides a description in words o f the color difference b e
tween standard and sample. Selection o f POLAR states the difference in terms of lightness,
hue, and saturation; selection o f RECTA N GU LA R states the difference in terms o f light
ness, red-green, and yellow-blue.

Color Scales
Only one color scale may b e selected for display on the measurement screens.

08/93 F5 S e t u p s 8-7
Color Difference
Only one color difference scale may be selected for display on the measurement screens.

A maximum o f two illuminants may be selected for display. The first illuminant selected ap
pears on the first color data screen and the first color plot screen. The second illuminant ap
pears on the second color data screen and second color plot screen.

Only on e standard observer may be selected.

A maximum o f 3 indices may be selected from this column. If MI (Metamerism Index) is
selected, then you must have 2 illuminants selected.

Color Plot
O ne type o f color plot may be selected to be displayed on the third and fourth measure
ment screens in the rotation. Selection of RECTAN GU LAR requires that the color scale
selected b e either Lab, CIELAB, AnLab, or Rdab. Selection of POLAR requires that the
color scale b e either CIELAB or CIELCH. The ELLIPTICAL plot also requires either
CIELA B or CIELCH. If X Y Z or Yxy color scales are selected then no data will appear on
the color plot screens.

8-8 F5 S e t u p s 08/93
Spectral Data Setup Screen
Selections made on the spectral data setup screen as shown in Figure 8-6 determine the in
formation that is displayed on the spectral data measurement screen.

Figure 8-6

1 Print Z Send 3 Color 4 Spectral data <Space> Help

5 Spectral p lo t 6 P ile transfer 7 Global 8 Search <Hone> Exit nenu
9 Setup u t i l i t i e s
Spectral data setup nenu <Ins> to s e le c t
Setup nane: Arraus noue cursor


------------------------------ (m x 1)-------- -----
STANDARD 20 im END 710m

v J

Display Fields
The types o f data to be displayed are selected from this column. You may display percent
reflectance or percent transmittance for sample data and standard data, differences, the
setup name, and the average count. K/S & STRENGTH and OPTICAL DENSITY may be
selected to replace the percentages in the spectral data listing.

Wavelength Interval
Y ou may select one wavelength interval that controls the number of data points displayed
over the designated wavelength range.

Wavelength Range
Y ou must enter the range over which you want the data displayed. The ColorQ U EST
Sphere has a maximum wavelength range of 400 to 710 nm. When entering the wavelength
range the STA R T wavelength must always be equal to or lower than the END wavelength.
If the current range is 600 to 620 and you wish to change it to 630 to 650, you must change
the EN D value first and then the START value.

08/93 F5 S e t u p s 8-9
Spectral Plot Setup Screen
The selections made on the spectral plot setup screen shown in Figure 8-7 determine the in
formation that is displayed on the spectral plot measurement screen or the information that
is plotted using the optional X Y plotter.

Figure 8-7

1 Print 2 Send 3 Color 4 Spectral data <Space> Help

5 Spectral p lo t 6 P ile transfer 7 Global 8 Search <Hone> Exit Menu
9 Setup u t i l i t i e s
Spectral p lo t setup nenu <Ins> t o s e le c t
Setup sane: Arrows noue cursor





— (nax 1>— — (nax 11—
HEADER o-ieox A 8.5 X l l in
TINE/DATE e -Z9x B 11 X 171n
LINE FORMATS • -50/. A4 210 X 297ns
0-150/. A3 297 X 420nn
0- 200/

Display Fields
Y ou may select to plot the standard with either the last 2 samples, the last 5 samples, or an
unlimited number o f samples.

Other Parameters
Selections from this column display other information on the spectral plot screen or deter
mine the scaling o f the screen.

Selection o f SETUP N AM E displays the name o f the current setup on the spectral plot
screen. Selection o f STR EN GTH displays the dyestrength (transmittance) or the relative
colorant strength (reflectance) of the sample at the wavelength o f maximum absorption.

Selection o f W L M A X ABS displays the wavelength o f maximum absorption and its value.
The wavelength o f maximum absorption is selected over the range set in the global setup

Selection o f A U TO SCA L E causes the spectral plot to automatically scale itself to the cur
rent data for the upper and lower bounds.

8-10 F5 S e t u p s 08/93
Note: A U TO SCA LE cannot be selected if STANDARD & UNLIMITED is selected.

Plotter Option
T he spectral plot setup menu also controls the information printed on the plot when the op
tional X Y plotter is used. The Fields column can enable the printing o f the header entered
in the global setup screen and the time and date. Selection of LINE FORM ATS prints the
legen a for the plot.

O ne scale may be selected from the Scales column. For normal operation 0-100% is recom

O ne paper size may be selected from the Paper Size column.

08/93 F5 S e t u p s 8-11
File Transfer Setup Screen
Selections made on the file transfer setup screen shown in Figure 8-8 determine the infor
mation that is sent to a file from the output menu or by using the ALT/F3 keys.

Figure 8-8
1 Print 2 Send 3 Color 4 Spectral data <Space> Help
5 Spectral plot 6 Pile transfer 7 Global B Search <Hone> Exit nenu
9 Setup utilities
Pile transfer setup nenu <Ins> to select
Setup none: Arraus nowe cursor


D ir Txy C APHA-20M
CIELab F2 TI E313
Rdab ULT Zx
SAMPLE AnLab D5® 457 Brightness
DATE Optical Density

File Format
From this column you can select the file format for the transfer. ASCII, DIF, and
W O R K SH E E T are the available formats.

File Fields
Selections from this colum n determine the types o f information that are transferred. Selec
tion o f D A T A LABELS transfers the ID ’s o f the color scale, color difference scale, and
index. Selection o f CO L U M N LABELS transfers column headers which are useful in the
W O R K SH E E T format. If CO LU M N LABELS is selected, then it is not necessary to select

Note: There is n o limit on the amount o f data that can be transferred. However, you should
consider file size and spreadsheet constraints when selecting information from this setup screen.

Color Scales
All color scales can b e selected from this column.

8-12 F5 S e t u p s 08/93
Color Difference
A ll color difference scales can be selected from this column.

A ll illuminants can b e selected from this column.

O ne or both standard observers can be selected.

All indices can b e selected from this column.

Spectral Data
If spectral data is to be transferred, then select the desired wavelength interval and enter
the desired wavelength range. The selections made here are versatile enough to allow for a
minimum o f one wavelength and a maximum of all wavelengths.

08/93 F5 S e t u p s 8-13
Global Setup Screen
Selections from the global setup screen shown in Figure 8-9 define parameters that affect
m ost o f the display screens and output data.

Figure 8-9

r 1 Print Z Send 3 Color 4 Spectral data <Space> Help

5 Spectral plot 6 Pile transfer ? Global 8 Search <Hone> Exit nenu
9 Setup utilities
Global setup nenu <lns> to select
Setup sane: Arrows nove cursor
----- (nax 1)----
---- (nax 1)----
HOURS ---- (nax 1)----


V. J

Global Selections
Selections in this column control entry o f an ID for samples and standards, automatic
tolerancing, and the print function.

Selection o f PR O M PT F O R ID requires you to enter an ID for the standard or sample

every time you take a reading.

Selection o f C M C A U TO TO LER A N CIN G automatically computes tolerances for the

standard based on the other C M C parameters selected in this setup screen.

Y ou are required to enter a value for ID LENGTH to determine the maximum length of
the ID that can b e saved in the current data file. If you switch to a new data file that uses a
different ID length, the value on the global setup screen changes.

Selection o f ASSIGN F3-PRINT reserves the F3 key for the print function only. The output
menu is no longer displayed by pressing F3 so CTRL/F3 must be used to send data and
ALT/F3 must b e u sed for a file transfer.

8-14 F5 S e t u p s 08/93
Prompt to Standardize
You may enter a time interval (in hours) for prompting o f standardization. For example, if
8, then a message suggesting standardization appears upon the first key press 8
y o u enter
hours after the last standardization.

Y ou may enter a header up to 80 characters in length which is printed at the beginning of
any printing function including print, print screen, and list. T o clear the header select it
using the INS key, then press ENTER.

Range for Max. Abs.

You may select any range within 400 to 710 nm over which you want the wavelength of max
imum absorption identified on the spectral data and spectral plot screens.

CMC Method
If you are using C M C autotolerancing, you may select either the ABSOLUTE or N O R
M A L IZE D method o f determining the CM C value.

CMC Ratio
If you are using C M C autotolerancing, you may select the DEFAU LT lightness to chroma
ratio o f 2:1 or you may enter your own under USER SELECT.

CMC Commercial Factor

If y o u are using C M C autotolerancing, you may select the DEFAU LT commercial factor of
1.0 or you may enter your own under USER SELECT.

08/93 F5 S e t u p s 8-15
Search Setup Screen
T he parameters selected from this screen control a search o f the current data file which is
executed from the data menu. The search setup screen is shown in Figure 8-10.

Figure 8-10
1 P rint Z Send 3 Color 4 Spectral data <Space> Help
S Spectral p lo t 6 F ile transfer 7 Global 8 Search <Houe> Exit nenu
9 Setup u t i l i t i e s
Search setup ueuu <lns> to s e le c t
Setup aaue: Arraus nowe cursor
------ ( N X 11------- ----(con* t)---- — (nax 1)— --(MX
MI1H1N RANGE YI D1925 D65 D65
YI E313 rz rz
---- (M X 1J----- 2x ULT ULT
XTZ 457 Brightness D5G D5G
Kxy Don ML D6G D6G
DC Lab
AnLab — (M X 1)—
DE m c2

Search Mode
O ne search m ode may b e selected. CLOSEST T O SAMPLE locates the single data record
in the current file with color values closest to the current sample. CLOSEST T O STAND
A R D locates the single data record in the current file with color values closest to the stand
ard. Selection o f W ITH IN R A N G E allows you to enter tolerances. U pon initiation of the
search function all data records found within this tolerance range are printed.

Search Method
Y ou may select on e color scale, one color difference scale, or one index under which to con
duct the search.

You may select on e illuminant under which to conduct the search.

Y ou may select on e standard observer under which to conduct the search.

8-16 F5 S e t u p s 08/93
Ml 2nd Ilium
If you selected M I as the search method, then you must choose a 2nd illuminant under
which to make the comparison for metamerism.

08/93 F5 S e t u p s 8-17
Setup Utilities
When you make a change to any o f the setup screens, the changes are placed in the current
working setup working register. The last used or last changed selections are always dis
played upon start o f the software. It is also possible to save up to 40 setup configurations on
the fixed disk and then recall them as needed.

W hen you select setup utilities from the setup menu, the following menu is displayed:

1 Save
2 Recall
3 List
4 D elete

When a setup is saved, the entire contents o f the current working setup are copied to a file
under an ID up to 12 characters long that you specify. Every saved setup includes selections
made in all 8 setup screens. T o save the current setup:

1. Press F5 to enter the setup menu.

2. Press 9 to display the setup utilities menu.

3. Press 1 to save the current setup. The prompt EN TER ID: appears

4. Type in an ID for the setup and press ENTER. Be sure that the ID does not begin
with a space character.

NOTE: I f a setup with that name already exists, you are prom pted to either enter a new ID or
overwrite the existing setup.

Y ou may also press \ when saving a series o f setups that you want to increment numerically.
For example, if the last setup you saved was called P R O D U C T 17, when you press \ from
the E N TE R ID: prom pt the new setup is saved under the name P R O D U C T 18.

After a setup has b een saved it can b e recalled for use at a later time.

T o recall a setup:

1. Press F5 to enter the setup menu.

2. Press 9 to display the setup utilities menu.

8-18 F5 S e t u p s 08/93
3. Press 2 for recall. The prompt ENTER ID: appears.

4. Type in the name o f a previously saved setup and press ENTER.

There may b e times when it is useful to list the names o f the stored setups to the screen or
to the printer. F or example, when you cannot remember the name o f a setup.

T o list setup names:

1. Press F5 to enter the setup menu.

2. Press 9 to display the setup utilities menu.

3. Press 3 to list setup ID ’s.

4. Press 1 to list the names to the screen or press 2 to list the names to the printer.

Y ou may delete 1 setup or all setups using this function. Use caution when deleting setups
for once deleted they cannot be recovered.

Note: I f you delete the current setup it will be removed from the hard disk, however, the current
selections remain in the current setup.

T o delete setups:

1. Press F5 to enter the setup menu.

2. Press 9 to display the setup utilities menu.

3. Press 4 to delete setups.

4. Press 1 to delete a single setup or press 2 to delete all setups. When deleting a
single setup, the prompt ENTER ID: appears.

5. T ype in the name o f the setup to be deleted and press ENTER.

08/93 F5 S e t u p s 8-19
8-20 F5 Setups 08/93

F6 Procedures

The F6 key displays a menu from which you can perform several standardization functions,
run instrument diagnostics, perform opacity or haze measurements, assemble a program,
and enable the optional plotter. You may also switch between the ColorQ U EST 45/0 sen
sor and the C olorQ U E ST Sphere sensor if you run both from the same software.

Pressing the F6 key displays the following menu:

1 Standardize
2 Restandardize
3 M ode select
4 Diagnostics
5 Hitch standardize
6 Opacity/Haze
7 Program
8 Plotter m ode toggle
9 Sensor type

08/93 P roced u res 9-1

This function allows you to perform a complete standardization routine in one o f the four
measurement modes. Pressing 1 from the procedures menu displays the following submenu
from which you select the instrument mode:

1 Reflectance - Specular Included RSIN

2 Reflectance - Specular Excluded R SE X
3 Total Transmittance TTRAN
4 Regular Transmittance RTRAN

Before beginning any standardization routine be sure that the instrument is in the desired
hardware configuration. For RSIN, the door of the specular exclusion port must be closed.
For RSEX, the door o f the specular exclusion port must be open. Install the SAV lens if
you desire to use the small area o f view. Place the UV filter in the proper position either in
the light path or out o f the light path. Refer to Chapter 4 for instructions on establishing the
appropriate hardware configuration.

After selecting the instrument m ode you are prompted as to whether you are using the
small area o f view or the large area of view and then whether the UV filter is in or out.

You will then b e prompted to set the bottom of the scale. This is done by using the light
trap over the port for reflectance modes or the black card placed against the receptor lens
for transmittance m odes and pressing INS to take a reading. SCANNING appears on the
screen while the bottom of the scale is being set.

Next you are prompted to set the top o f the scale. For reflectance modes, this is done by
placing the calibrated white tile at tne port and taking a reading. For transmittance modes,
this is done by taking a reading with the transmission compartment empty and the white tile
at the reflectance port. A blank may also be placed in the transmission compartment for
this reading. A blank is an empty or solvent filled transmission cell.

For reflectance m odes the gray tile is also read. As the last step in all standardization proce
dures the sample clamp is read to set the reference value used for the A U TO CA L function.

Note: The instrument should be standardized regularly, at the start o f each shift or the start o f each
day and anytime that the hardware configuration o f the instrument is changed.

9-2 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 08/93
Pressing 2 allows you to restandardize the instrument. Restandardizing resets the top of the
scale only. In reflectance modes the top of the scale is set by reading the calibrated white
tile. In transmittance m odes the top o f the scale is set by reading an empty transmission
compartment or a blank. A blank is an empty or solvent filled cell. The sample clamp is also
reatf when restandardizing in all modes. The instrument should be restandardized once
every 4 hours.

W hen you press 2 from the procedures menu a prompt for setting the top o f the scale is dis
played that is appropriate for the current sensor status.

Note: Changing any hardware such as the specular exclusion port, UVfilter, or sm all area view
requires the full standardization procedure.

08/93 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 9-3
Mode Select
M ode select is used to save standardizations under different modes and hardware configura
tions and recall them at a later time. Pressing 3 from the procedures menu displays the fol
lowing menu:

1 Save current m ode

2 Select or delete m ode

Save Current Mode

Pressing 1 allows you to save the standardization under the current m ode and hardware
configuration. W hen you press 1 you are prompted to enter an ID up to 80 characters in
length for the standardization. You may want to enter a name that specifies the particular
application the standardization is used for. The sensor status and date and time of stand
ardization is saved with the standardization. Before starting your work you may want to
standardize the instrument in every mode that you are using and save all the m odes using
m ode select. Then you can switch between moaes easily while taking color measurements.

Select or Delete Mode

Pressing 2 displays a listing o f the saved standardization modes including the ID, the sensor
status, and the time and date o f standardization. From this display you can either select
m odes to b e put into use or delete old modes. The PA GE UP and PA GE DOW N keys can
b e used to display additional modes.

T o select a m ode:

1. Highlight the desired m ode using the arrow keys.

2. Press INS to select the mode.

NOTE: Before selecting a m ode make sure that the instrument is in the sam e hardware configura
tion as the m ode being recalled.

T o delete a m ode:

1. Highlight the desired m ode using the arrow keys.

2. Press D E L to delete the m ode from memory.

N OTE: Standardization perform ed more than 8 hours ago should not be used and should be

9-4 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 08/93
Pressing 4 from the procedures menu displays the following menu of diagnostic routines:

1 Signal Strength
2 Sample Clamp
3 Turn Autocal m ode ON/OFF

If an error message is displayed while running any diagnostic note the m es

sage and call the HunterLab Service Department at (703) 471-6870.
v ______________________________________________________________________________________ J
Signal Strength
The signal strength (A/D counts) are continuously displayed detector by detector for each
wavelength at 10 nm intervals. ITie peak sample signal on the sample clamp should not ex
ceed 55,000 counts.

Sample Clamp
This diagnostic displays the tracking of the sample clamp to the last standardization. For
each wavelength the reference value of the sample clamp R E F is displayed with the ad
justed reference value known as the TRA CK and the current value o f the sample clamp.
The percentage o f the current to the reference, PCT, is also given. When the current differs
from the reference by more than 1% and A U TOCA L is enabled a warning message ap
pears on the screen requesting standardization.

This diagnostic toggles the autocal feature on and off. When autocal is first turned on you
are prompted to read the sample clamp to set the reference value.

08/93 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 9-5
Hitch Standardize
Pressing 5 from the procedures menu allows you to perform a hitch standardization. Hitch
standardization allows y o u to compare color measurements between different instruments
with the highest possible precision.

Hitch standardization requires that a physical specimen be measured on a reference instru

ment and the values recorded. The physical specimen or hitch standard can then be
measured on other instruments and the color values adjusted to agree with those o f the ref
erence instrument. If colorimetric values are used, then data analysis is limited to the il-
luminant and observer combination in which data is entered. If spectral values are used,
then data analysis can include any illuminant and observer combination.

T o hitch standardize:

1. Press 5 from the procedures menu. You are prompted to enter an ID for the hitch

2. Enter an ID o f up to 16 characters for the hitch standard and press ENTER. The
first time the name is entered you are prompted to enter the data as either

1 Spectral
2 Colorim etric

3. C h oose either spectral or colorimetric. When spectral is chosen a screen appears

for entry o f the spectral values in 10 nm increments from 400 to 710 nm. If only 20
nm data is available, then it is necessary to interpolate between values to obtain 10
nm data. When colorimetric is chosen you are prompted to select the color scale,
the observer, and the illuminant, then a screen appears for entry o f the 3 color

During entry o f the data, EN TER is used to move the cursor from field to field and
to edit the data; PGDN is used to display colorimetric data in all available color

4. Press F8 to save the entered values. The tolerance window appears.

5. Enter tolerances if desired.

6. Press INS to accept the tolerances.

7. Place the physical specimen, the hitch standard, at the port.

8. Press INS to measure the hitch standard. You may read the hitch standard several
times and then average the readings.

9-6 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 08/93
9. Press E N TE R to average and save the hitch standard. The measurement screen ap
pears with the hitch standard values in the STANDARD column.

The instrument is now hitched. T o clear the hitch standardization you must perform a full
standardization routine or recall a standardization from m ode select.

Note: I f colorim etric data was entered, then a message appears noting that the standard is
tristimulus and referencing the appropriate illuminant and observer.

N ote: Hitch standards can also be stored in the current data file using the enter function o f the
data menu accessed by pressing F8.

08/93 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 9-7
Pressing 6 from the procedures menu begins either the opacity or haze measurement
routine depending on the current instrument status. Opacity is measured in reflectance
m odes; haze is measured in transmittance modes.

Opacity is the ratio o f the C IE Y reflectance o f the sample backed by black to the CIE Y
reflectance o f the sample backed by white. For normal laboratory use the sample is first
backed by the uncalibrated white tile or white portion o f a drawdown chart and then backed
by the black card or the light trap. For strict aaherence to a test method the backing used
must conform to the reflectance specified in the test method. ASTM D2805, TAPPIT425,
and TAPPI T519 are all test methods for the measurement o f opacity. R efer to these test
methods regarding requirements o f instrument geometry since the C olorQ U E ST Sphere
does not conform to all test methods.

T o take an opacity measurement:

1. Standardize the instrument in one o f the reflectance modes.

2. Press F6 to display the procedures menu.

3. Press 6 to select opacity.

4. M easure the sample backed with white. The color values appears in the STAND
A R D column.

5. M easure the sample backed with black. The color values appears in the SAMPLE
column. The C IE Y values o f the sample backed by white and the sample backed
by black appear with the percent opacity in a box on the screen. Figure 9-1 shows
an example o f an opacity measurement.

6. Press F3 to print the Y values and the percent opacity.

Note: Opacity is calculated using the illuminant o f thepresent measurement screen. I f the spectral
data or spectral p lot screen is currently displayed, the first enabled illuminant in the color setup
screen is used to measure opacity.

9-8 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 08/93
F igu re 9-1

n Sample PZ
r z Standard
stanuurt F3 Output F4 Clear FS Setups <Space> Help
n.« ~JJlW>j,IIIJiaT7 Awerage r8 Data n Screen FIO Run < ,-> hew screen

Std: San:

2 C Standard Sanple Delta OPACITY DALLIES

mss y 84.88 81.44 -3.45
X 8.3780 8.372Z -0.0059 YU = 84.88
SI 8.4108 0.4077 -0.0031 Yk = 81.44
x = 95.94

<T3> Print Opacity Only

<Ins> Repeat Opacity
<Space> Help
<Hoee> Exit nenu
<-> Procedures Henu

San avg count 1 Sensor Status

^ la ta flletSAHTILE Hitch:

H aze is the ratio between diffuse light transmittance and total light transmittance. 0% haze
indicates a perfectly clear transparent material and 100% haze indicates an opaque
material. Before performing haze measurements standardize the instrument using the
calibrated white tile at the reflectance port. In place o f the white calibrated tile, a pressed
tablet o f barium sulfate, BaS04, or magnesium oxide, MgO, may also be used. Whatever
white standard is used to standardize the instrument must also be placed at the reflectance
port while the haze measurements are being taken.

T o take a haze measurement:

1. Standardize the instrument in the total transmittance m ode using the calibrated
white tile or a pressed tablet o f barium sulfate, BaSC>4, or magnesium oxide, MgO.

2. Press F6 to display the procedures menu.

3. Press 6 to select haze.

4. Place the sample flush against the sphere in the transmission compartment and
close the transmission compartment door.

5. Place the calibrated white tile or the pressed tablet at the reflectance port.

6. Press INS to measure the sample. The color values appear in the STANDARD

7. Place the light trap at the reflectance port. D o not move the sample.

08/93 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 9-9
8. Press INS to measure the sample. The color values appear in the SAMPLE column.
The diffuse transmission, total transmission, and haze values are displayed in a box
on the screen. Figure 9-2 shows an example o f a haze measurement.

9. Press F3 to print the diffuse transmission, total transmission, and haze value.

Figure 9-2
PI Sanple FZ Standard F3 Output F4 Clear F5 Setups <Space> Help
n a m a sc p 7 Average r8 Rata F9 Screen F18 Run < ,-> Hew screen

Std: San:

18D65 Standard Sanple Relta HAZE UALUES

FAIL L* 88.32 42.78 -45.61
a* 8.36 -8.58 -8.86 Diffuse transnlssion = 12.96
2.83 -5.84 -7.87 Total transnlssion = 72.73
Haze = 17.82

<F3> Print Haze Only

<Ins> Repeat Haze
<Space> Help
<Hone> Exit new
<-> Procedures Menu

San aug count 1 Sensor Status

Rata fileiSAHFILE Hitch:

9-10 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 08/93
Pressing 7 from the procedures menu displays the following menu to assist you in program

1 Save
2 Recall
3 l is t
4 Enter
5 D elete

T he program menu can also b e displayed by pressing CTRL/F10.

Note: Programs cannot be run from theprogram menu. Programs can only be run bypressing FI 0
from a measurement screen.

Pressing 1 from the program menu allows you to assign an ID up to 12 characters in length
to the program currently in the working register and save it to tne fixed disk. A maximum
o f 40 programs may be stored on the fixed disk.

Pressing 2 from the program menu prompts you to assign an ID for recall of a previously
stored program. T o recall a program you may type the program name at the EN TER ID:
prompt or press INS to list the program names and select directly from the list. The recalled
program is then placed in the working register and may be run by pressing F10 from a meas
urement screen.

Pressing 3 from the program menu gives you the option of listing all the program ID ’s or of
listing the program steps o f the current program. Once you make a selection you have the
option o f listing the information either to the screen or to the printer.

Pressing 4 from the program menu gives you the option o f either entering a new program or
editing the current program . Selection o f program entry displays a blank program screen
and you start by entering step 1 o f the program. Selection o f program editing displays all the
program steps o f the current program and you can use the BACKSPACE key to erase steps
o f the program until you get to the portion you want to edit.

08/93 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 9-11
Be sure that the current program is saved to the fixed disk
before you begin editing.

The maximum number o f program steps is 100. Program steps are entered using the func
tion keys and som e special keys. If a function key is pressed that normally displays a menu,
then that menu will appear across the top o f the programming screen so that you can make

The follow ing is a list o f the keys used in programming and their functions.

• F I through F5 and F7 through F9 perform their assigned functions.

• F10 introduces a RUN/STOP into the program which causes the program to
stop so that information, such as an ID name, can be entered from the key
• \ increments an ID which is numeric or ends in a numeric sequence.

• PRIN T SCR EEN allows you to print the current measurement screen during
the program.

• M allows you to enter a message up to 68 characters in length that prompts the

operator during execution of the program.

• P allows you to enter a pause in the program which stops execution o f the pro
gram for several seconds. This is helpful when extra time is required to
replace samples.

• E N D terminates program entry and returns you to the program menu.

• BA CK SPA CE clears the last step.

Figure 9-3 gives an example o f a program which recalls a setup, reads and saves a standard,
reads two samples, averages the samples and saves the averaged data. The program then
clears all measurements

Note: Be sure to save the program to the fixed disk after you have entered it so that you do not
overwrite it when you enter your next program.

9-12 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 08/93
F igu re 9-3
FI Sanple fZ Standard F3 Output M Clear IS Setups P7 Average TB Data
F9 Screen Fid Run/Stop <FrtSc> <M> Message <F> Pause <End> End entry
<BackSpace> Clear la st step <Space> Help
1 Setup
2 Setup u t i l i t i e s
3 Recall setup
4 ID: Reno
5 Read standard
6 Data
? Save
8 Standard
9 ID: <R/S>
18 Accept tolerances
11 Read sanple
12 Read sanple
13 Average
14 Data
15 Save
16 Sanple
17 ID: <R/S>
18 Accept tolerances
19 Clear
28 All
V_________________________________________________ J

08/93 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 9-13
Plotter Mode Toggle
Selection o f 8 from the procedures menu toggles the instrument to the plotter m ode if an
optional X Y plotter is installed. In this m ode the plot menu is displayed at the top of the

1 Plot Sample
2 Plot Standard
3 Plot Axes
4 Exit

9-14 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 08/93
Sensor Type
Selection o f 9 from the procedures menu toggles the sensor type for the SpecWare
software. This function is only used when one set of software is being used with both types
o f C olorQ U E ST sensors, the sphere sensor and the 45/0 sensor.

08/93 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 9-15
9-16 F6 P r o c e d u r e s 08/93

F7 Average

Y ou can use the F7 key to display the average color values, standard deviation, range mini
mum and range maximum for several samples or standard measurements. Measurements
can b e accumulated by presses o f the F I and F2 keys. While measurements are being taken
the average count appears on the screen if it was selected in the color setup screen.

Changing from measurement o f standard to sample or vice versa resets the average count.

After taking the desired number o f measurements press F7 to display the average under the
appropriate column, either STANDARD or SAMPLE. At this time a box appears on the
screen listing the standard deviation, range minimum, and range maximum. Averaged data
is displayed on the spectral data and spectral plot screens.

The standard deviation is calculated using n-1 weighting.

It is necessary to take measurements in a single color scale, illuminant, and observer in

order to obtain valid calculations o f range and standard deviation. Readings taken from the
spectral data screen and the spectral plot screen, however, are included in standard devia
tion and range calculations. Standard deviation is calculated using colorimetric data. The
average is calculated using spectral values. Therefore, the average values will be different
from a calculation o f the colorimetric values displayed.

The average can b e cleared using the F4 key and selection 3.

08/93 F7 A v e r a g e 10-1
10-2 F7 A verage 08/93

F8 Data

The F8 key displays a menu from which you can save to, recall from, and list the current
data file. Tolerances can be entered with data whenever it is saved. T o edit tolerances you
must recall data, and save the data again with new tolerances under the same or a different
name. From the data menu you can also enter data from the keyboard, search the current
data file, create a new data file set, or change to a different data file set.

Pressing F8 displays the data menu:

1 Save
2 Recall
3 List
4 Enter
5 Delete
6 Search
7 New Files
8 List Files

08/93 F8 Data 11-1

Pressing 1 from the data menu allows you to save either the standard or sample data dis
played on the screen and enter tolerances. Tolerances can be entered for sample data as
well as standard data in case the sample data is later recalled into the standard position.
Data is always saved in the current data file set. Spectral data is saved for each data record
so that it can b e recalled under any color scale, illuminant, or observer. If averaged data is
displayed on the measurement screen, then averaged data is saved.

The default data file set created during installation o f the software is SAMFILE located in
the C :\C Q S P E C y directory. Approximately 1000 data records per file may be stored on the
fixed disk; approximately 500 data records per file may be stored on a floppy disk.

T o save the current data:

1. Press F8 to display the data menu.

2. Press 1 to select save. You are prompted to save either standard or sample.

3. Press 1 to save the standard data or 2 to save the sample data. You are prompted to
enter an ID.

4. Enter an ID. The length o f the ID is controlled by the value entered for ID
L E N G T H in the global setup screen when the current data file set was created.
Y ou may also press \ to increment the ID if it is numeric or ends in a numeric se
quence. The tolerance window appears displaying the last entered tolerances.

Note: Default tolerances are ± 10.00.

5. U se the arrow keys or the mouse to move through the tolerance window and make

6. Press INS to accept the tolerances. If it is the standard that has just been saved,
then the tolerances are saved with the measurement data and the tolerances are
displayed on the measurement screen if they are selected for display in the color
setup screen. If it is the sample that has just been saved, then the tolerances are
saved with the measurement data in case the sample data is later recalled as a stand

11-2 F8 Data 08/93

Pressing 2 from the data menu allows you to recall a data record from the current data file
into the standard or sample position. You may also recall an instrument standard into the
standard position for comparison with a measurement o f the instrument standard read as a

Recalling Standards and Samples

There are two types o f data records that can b e recalled and displayed as either standard or
samples. The first is spectral measurement data that you save from the measurement screen
or enter from the keyboard. When spectral data is saved you can recall the data for display
under any color scale, illuminant, and observer. However, the instrument operating status
including standardization mode, U V lamp, UV filter, and area o f view must be the same as
when the data was saved or entered. If the data to be recalled is stored under a different in
strument configuration you are prompted either to abort the recall or to recall the data

The second type o f data is tristimulus data that is entered from the keyboard in a particular
color scale under a particular illuminant/observer combination. When this data is recalled,
the measurement screen must be in the same illuminant/observer combination, however,
any color scale may be used.

T o recall a data record as a standard or sample:

1. Press F8 to display the data menu.

2. Press 2 to select recall. The following menu appears:

1 Standard
2 Sample
3 Instrument Standard

3. Press 1 or 2 to recall the data as either a standard or a sample. You are prompted
to enter the ID o f the data record you want to recall.

4. Type in the ID and press EN TER or press INS to list the data records and select
from the list. The recalled data record is displayed under the appropriate heading,
either STA N D A R D or SAMPLE. If the data record is recalled as the standard the
tolerances are also displayed if they are selected in the color setup screen.

If the data record recalled was entered as colorimetric data from the keyboard,
then a message appears on the screen noting that it is tristimulus.

08/93 F8 Data 11-3

Recalling Instrument Standards
Values for the instrument standards are stored in the instrument at the factory. The values
may b e recalled as a standard, but the data records do not appear on a listing and cannot be
edited. Instrument standards are used to verify a standardization that has just been com
pleted. T he instrument standard is recalled and then the appropriate standard is read as a
sample and the values are compared. Instrument standards are available for reflectance-
specular included, RSIN, reflectance-specular excluded, RSEX, and transmittance,
TRANS, modes.

Pressing 3 from the recall menu lists the available instrument standards:

1 Rsin white
2 Rsin gray
3 R sex white
4 R sex gray
5 Trans

T o recall an instrument standard and verify standardization:

1. Standardize the intrument in the appropriate mode.

2. Press F8 to display the data menu.

3. Press 2 to select recall.

4. Press 3 to select recall o f an instrument standard. The list o f instrument standards


5. Select the appropriate number for the current standardization mode. The instru
m ent standard values appear in the standard column.

6. Place the appropriate tile at the reflectance port if you have selected one of the
reflectance m ode instrument standards. If TRANS is selected, then place the
calibrated white tile at the port and leave the transmission compartment empty.

7. Press F2 to read the tile or the empty transmission compartment. The measure
m ent values are displayed in the SAMPLE column. If the sample values differ from
the instrument standard values by more than 0.01 in XYZ, then standardize the in
strument again.

11-4 F8 Data 08/93

Pressing 3 from the data menu lists all the data records of the current data file set to either
the screen or the printer. All data records that were stored as hitch standards or relative to
hitch standards are designated with either a (t) for tristimulus data or a (s) for spectral data.
Figure 11-1 shows the listing o f a data file.

Figure 11-1

Arrows t o wove cursor <-> Return to enter ID nenu

<rgUp/fgtn> additional ID's <Hone> Exit nenu
<Space> Help <Ins> S elect I ten
(t) A1R2


08/93 F8 Data 11-5

Pressing 4 from the data menu allows you to enter either spectral or colorimetric data for
product standards that no longer exist or are not available. The enter frinction can also be
used to enter hitch standards mto the system. When entering hitch standards the spectral or
colorimetric values are entered and then the hitch standard is measured. If entering data
when the instrument is already using a hitch standard you may save the entered data as is or
relative to the hitch standard.

Entering Spectral Data

1. Press F8 to display the data menu.

2. Press 4 to enter data. You are asked to select either spectral or colorimetric.

3. Press 1 to select spectral. You are prompted to enter the spectral data in 10 nm in
tervals from 400 nm to 710 nm.

4. Enter the data at each wavelength and press ENTER after each value to move to
the next wavelength. When all the values have been entered you may use the arrow
keys or m ouse to move back and edit any values.

5. Press F8 to save the data. You are prompted to enter an ID.

6. Type in an ID or press \ to increment the ID if it is numeric or ends in a numeric

sequence. The tolerance window appears.

7. U se the arrow keys or mouse to enter the tolerances.

8. Press INS to accept the tolerances. You are asked if the data is to be saved as a
hitch standard or relative to the hitch standard if one is already in place.

9. Press the key corresponding to the appropriate response. If you are saving the data
as a hitch standard you are prompted to read the hitch standard. You are then
returned to the data entry screen to enter more data records. After entering all the
data, press HOM E. You are asked if you wish to display the last record as sample,
standard, or neither.

10. Press the key corresponding to the appropriate response.

Entering Colorimetric Data

1. Press F8 to display the data menu.

2. Press 4 to enter data. You are asked to select either spectral or colorimetric.

11-6 F8 Data 08/93

3. Press 2 to select colorimetric. You are prompted to select a color scale.

4. Press the key which corresponds to the desired color scale. You are prompted to
choose the standard observer.

5. Press the key which corresponds to the desired standard observer, either 2° or 10° .
You are prompted to choose the illuminant.

6. Press the key which corresponds to the desired illuminant. You are prompted to
enter the 1st color value.

7. Enter each color value and press ENTER after each value. When all the values
have been entered you may use the arrow keys or the mouse to go back and edit the

8. Press PA G E D O W N to display the data in all other color scales.

9. Press F8 to save the data. You are prompted to enter an ID.

10. Type in an ID or press \ to increment the ID if it is numeric or ends in a numeric se

quence. The tolerance window appears.

11. U se the arrow keys or mouse to enter the tolerances.

12. Press INS to accept the tolerances. You are asked if the data is to be saved as a
hitch standard or relative to the hitch standard if one is already in place.

13. Press the key corresponding to the appropriate response. If you are saving the data
as a hitch standard you are prompted to read the hitch standard. After entering all
the data, press HOM E. You are asked if you wish to display the last record as
sample, standard, or neither.

14. Press the key corresponding to the appropriate response.

NOTE: Be sure that the measurement screen is using the same illuminant/observer combination
as the entered data if the you want the data displayed as the standard or sample.

08/93 F8 Data 11-7

Pressing 5 from the data menu allows you to delete either a single data record or all data
records from the current data file set. w hen deleting a single data record you may type in
the name o f the record to be deleted or press INS to list all data records and then select
from the list.

Deletion of data records is permanent and cannot be reversed,
therefore, use this function with care.
Pressing 6 from the data menu initiates the search routine according to the parameters
selected in the search setup screen.

The current data file can be searched for the record with color values closest to the stand
ard or sample or for all the records within a selected tolerance range.

Before beginning any search routine it is necessary to make the desired selections in the
search setup screen.

1. Press F5 to display the setup menu.

2. Press 8 to enter the search setup screen.

3. Select the mode, method, illuminant, observer, and 2nd illuminant for the search.

4. Press H O M E to return to the measurement screen.

Searching for Closest to Standard

1. Place the standard at the reflectance port or in the transmission compartment.

2. Press F2 to read the standard. The standard values are displayed in the
STA N D A R D column.

3. Press F8 to display the data menu.

4. Press 6 to initiate the search routine. The data record with color values closest to
the standard is displayed in the SAMPLE column.

Searching for Closest to Sample

1. Place the sample at the reflectance port or in the transmission compartment.

2. Press F I to read the sample. The sample values are displayed in the SAMPLE

3. Press F8 to display the data menu.

4. Press 6 to initiate the search routine. The data record with color values closest to
the sample is displayed in the STANDARD column.

08/93 F8 Data 11-9

Searching Within Tolerance
1. Place the standard at the reflectance port or in the transmission compartment.

2. Press F2 to read the standard. The standard values are displayed in the STAND
A R D column.

3. Press F8 to display the data menu.

4. Press 6 to initiate the search routine. You are prompted to enter the tolerance

5. Enter the lower limit o f the tolerance range and the upper limit o f the tolerance
range. B e sure to include negative signs where applicable.

6. Press INS to accept the tolerance limits and initiate the search. The ID ’s and color
values o f all data records within the selected tolerance are printed.

11-10 F8 Data 08/93

New Files
Data file sets can be recalled or created using this function.

1. Press 7 from the data menu. A prompt for entry o f the data file ID appears.

2. Type in the name o f the data file you wish to recall or create including the ap
propriate drive and directory. If no drive or directory is specified, then the current
ones are used. The data file name can be up to 8 characters long. If the data file
name you have typed cannot be located, then you are asked if you want to create
new files using this name.

3. Type 1 to create new files. Two files are created. One file has the extension .DTA
and stores the data; the other file has the extension .IDS and stores the names of
the data records.

Data files cannot be deleted through the software, they must be deleted from DOS. Be sure
to erase both the .DTA file and the .IDS file. Deletion o f the current data file causes the
software to display two error messages upon initialization. Before deleting the current data
file switch to another data file such as the default SAMFILE in the C:\CQSPEC\ directory.
Likewise, when saving data records in a data file created on a floppy diskette, be sure to
switch to another data file on the hard disk before removing the diskette.

08/93 F8 Data 11-11

List Files
Pressing 8 from the data menu lists the names of all data files in the current directory to
either tne screen or the printer. Figure 11-2 shows a list o f data files of the current directory.

Data files can also b e listed by using the D IR command from DOS. Figure 11-3 shows a list
o f .IDS files from DOS.

Figure 11-2
ColorQUEST Specware, Version 1.09 1: Feb:91 11:39
Data files in directory: C:\CQSPEC\



v. j

Figure 11-3

Directory of C :\CQSPEC
BLUE IDS 172 9-13-90 1 5 Op
GOOD IDS 100 9-13-90 1 5Op
GRAY IDS 82 9-13-90 1 50p
RED IDS 100 9-13-90 1 50p
BROWN IDS 64 9-13-90 1 50p
CHIPS IDS 28 9-13-90 1 5Op
MANUAL IDS 100 9-13-90 1 5Op
SHOW IDS 226 9-13-90 1 51p
TEST2 IDS 262 9-13-90 1 51p
REDl IDS 28 9-24-90 8 15a
SEMINAR IDS 28 9-24-90 8 16a
SAMFILE IDS 46 9-13-90 1 5Op
TEST IDS 154 1-17-91 11 19a
DEMO IDS 388 1-23-91 5 42p

V_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J

11-12 F8 Data 08/93


F9 Screens

Pressing F9 displays a list o f all possible display screens:

1 C olor data ilium. 1

2 C olor data ilium. 2
3 C olor plot ilium. 1
4 C olor plot ilium. 2
5 Spectral data
6 Spectral plot

Selection from this menu takes you directly to the desired screen. You may also cycle
through all 6 screens using the + and - keys on the numeric keypad.

Selection o f 1 or 2 displays the color data screens for the 2 illuminants selected in the color
setup screen. If only 1 illuminant is selected, then the 2nd color data screen does not display
any aata.

Selection o f 3 or 4 displays the color plot screens for the 2 illuminants selected in the color
setup screen. If only 1 illuminant is selected, then the 2nd color plot screen does not display
any data. If X Y Z or Yxy is selected as the color scale in the color setup screen, the 2 color
plot screens do not display a color plot but display color difference data.

Selection o f 5 displays the spectral data screen with a display defined by the selections made
from the spectral data setup screen.

Selection o f 6 displays the spectral plot screen with a display defined by the selections made
from the spectral plot setup screen.

Measurements can b e taken from any o f the 6 display screens.

08/93 F9 S c r e e n s 12-1
12-2 F9 Screens 08/93

F10 Run

Pressing F10 from any measurement screen runs the current program.

Programs are entered from the procedures menu. Refer to Chapter 9 for instructions on
creating and modifying programs.

F10 must be used during the execution of theprogram to resume the program after it has
stopped to allow entry o f data such as an ID. Pressing ENTER instead of F10 aborts the

08/93 F I 0 Run 13-1

13-2 F10 Run 08/93

Measurement Guidelines

Careful attention to proper instrument operation as well as consistency o f sample handling

are required for accurate color measurement.

There may com e a time when you need assistance taking color measurements
for a particular application. HunterLab’s Technical Services Department is
available to help you. When you need some expert advice, call (703) 471-6870
and ask to talk to an applications specialist.
V. J

08/93 M e a su re m e n t G u id e lin e s 14-1

Preparing Samples for Measurement
W hen measuring samples it is important to select samples appropriated, use an established
measurement method, and handle all samples in a consistent manner. The following
guidelines will help you while taking measurements.

Selecting Samples
Specimens representative o f the entire batch should be selected for measurement.

1. C h oose specimens that are representative o f the material used.

2. Prepare specimens in exactly the same manner each time they are measured. Fol
low standard methods if they exist, such as the ASTM or TAPPI methods.

3. Present the specimen to the instrument in a standard, repeatable manner.

4. Results measured depend on the condition of the specimen and its presentation.
For any established procedure, a checklist should be made so that operators may
simply check each step. The checklist also helps in the training o f new operators.

The sample must also be representative of the attributes that are o f interest. If
specim ens are non-representative o f the batch or are spoiled, damaged or irregular,
then the batch may be biased. When choosing a specimen, select in a random
fashion and examine the specimen to avoid bias results. If sampling procedures are
adequate, a different sample selected from the same batch should result in com
parable measured values.

Measurement Method
Establish a m ethod so that the same procedure is used each time specific specimens or
types o f specim ens are measured, then a valid basis for comparison o f measured results is
formed. This also insures repeatability o f results when measuring the same specimen.

Sample Handling
There are a variety o f techniques that can be used in handling various forms o f objects and
materials so that the most valid and repeatable measurement o f their appearance results.
Consideration must b e given to the conditions for specimen preparation that are dependent
upon the type o f measurement to be made. For example, when measuring the color o f a
specim en that might pillow into the viewing aperture, you should hold the surface flat by
using a cover glass taped over the aperture window. Other materials being measured for
color may b e chopped up and placed in a glass specimen cell or made into a paste and ap
plied to a glass plate. Sheets and films should be flattened by tension or by a vacuum, if

14-2 M e a s u r e m e n t G u id e lin e s 08/93


Directionality can b e minimized by averaging several measurements. Examination of the

standard deviation displayed with the average function can guide you to selecting the ap
propriate number o f readings to average.

Non-opaque Samples

Non-opaque specimens must have a consistent backing (the white uncalibrated tile is
recommended). If the specim en can be folded to give multiple layers, such as tissue, the
number o f layers for each specimen should be specified.

Translucent Samples

Translucent specimens should be measured with a larger port opening than illumination
area to allow light to escape. Light trapped in the specimen can distort the color.

When measuring attributes that depend upon the transmission o f light, such as the color or
cloudiness o f iced tea, place the liquid in special optical cells that have flat parallel surfaces.
The thickness o f the specim en presented should be chosen to maximize the haze or color

Fluorescing Samples

For som e applications, the elimination of fluorescence in a measurement is important.

Fluorescence is caused by ultraviolet (UV) excitation o f the sample, where a material ab
sorbs nonvisible wavelengths o f energy and re-emits the energy as light in the visible
spectrum. Since U V light is part of the normal sample illumination, measurements may in
clude U V excitation. T o eliminate fluorescence from the measurement, place the UV filter
in the light path. When the filter is positioned, the energy present in the lamp below 418 nm
is virtually eliminated from entry into the sphere.

It is necessary to know what type o f fluorescence is involved in the samples being measured.
Som e materials fluoresce due to excitation by visible rather than ultraviolet wavelengths.
An ultraviolet absorbing filter does not eliminate this type of fluorescence.

08/93 M e a su r e m e n t G u id e lin e s 14-3

Since color difference measurements are usually made for the purpose o f determining if
samples are departing too far in color from the product standard, provisions have been
made for entering ana storing plus and minus tolerances for each o f the color scales, color
differences and indices associated with each product standard. These plus and minus
tolerances may b e symmetrical or asymmetrical. Information stored for any data record
consists o f either the spectral or colorimetric data and tolerances. When storing a standard
or sample, tolerances may be entered into the tolerance register through the keyboard. If
values are not entered for the tolerances, default values of ± 10.00 are stored with the data
record. Tolerances can also be calculated automatically if CM C autotolerancing is selected
in the global setup screen. C M C autotolerancing can be used to help you set tolerances for
a new product standard.

W hen display o f color differences only is desired, tolerances should be disabled in the color
setup screen.

HunterLab’s Guide to C olor Tolerancing may be useful when establishing

tolerances. T o obtain a copy of the guide, contact HunterLab’s Marketing
^ Departm ent at (703) 471-6870.________________________________________

Note: Tolerances are stored with the standard in reference to the current color scale and
illuminantfobserver combination. I f the standard is later recalled in another color scale or
illuminant/observer combination the displayed tolerances are not valid.

14-4 M e a su r e m e n t G u id e lin e s 08/93

Hitch Standardization
W hen it is desirable to compare color measurements between different instruments, you
should use product specific hitch standards, sometimes referred to as transfer standards.

Product standards are measured on an instrument designated as the reference and assigned
color values. The standard and the assigned color values are then used to calibrate other in
struments. The product standard may be an actual product specimen or a ceramic tile
which represents the target color o f the product.

After measurement on the reference instrument, product standards are shipped to each
cooperating laboratory where they are used as temporary standards for assigmnent o f color
values to m ore durable secondary working standards to be used only on that instrument for
that product. This standard is the hitch standard. Hitch standards should be very close in
color to the sample being measured.

Note: Geometric differences between instruments cause differences in measured values as do

differences in sam ple preparation. Hitch standardization is recommended fo r use among instru
ments with the sam e geometry and using a set procedure fo r sample preparation.

Instructions for entering and using hitch standards are given in Chapter 9.

08/93 M e a su r e m e n t G u id e lin e s 14-5

14-6 Measurement Guidelines 08/93


The instrument can b e equipped with several different options which provide added
flexibility in working with data.

The following options are available with the ColorQ U EST Sphere:

• Extended communications package

• X Y plotter

08/93 O p t io n s 15-1
Extended Communications Package
This option is used to send data to a peripheral device using the send function in the F3 out
put menu or using the CTRL/F3 keys.

This option consists o f an additional bi-directional serial port at the rear o f the comuter sys
tem unit for communication with a peripheral device such as another computer, plus a spe
cial program which is used to set up the parameters for the communications port. A
minimum o f 640K o f memory and at least Version 3.1 D O S are required. The pin definition

Pin 1 Frame Ground

Pin 2 Transmit Data
Pin 3 Receive Data
Pin 4 Request to Send
Pin 5 Clear to Send
Pin 6 Data Set Ready
Pin 7 Signal Ground
Pin 14 Test Voltage
Pin 18 L oop Back Test
Pin 20 Data Terminal Ready

This option provides for output from the computer system unit to the peripheral device,
and input from the peripheral device to the computer.

The second communications port is set at the factory. However, if it becom es necessary to
change the parameters, the CO M M PO R T program can be run to change the baud rate,
parity, number o f stop bits, and number of data bits. See Appendix B for information about
the C O M M P O R T program.

15-2 O p t io n s 08/93
TABLE 15-1


7F, 41, Name, 03

Reid Length Value

Nam e 12 A SCII setup name, uses blank (20H) for fill to 12


7F, 42, Standardization Mode, Standardization Type, Transfer Type, Transfer Illuminant,
Transfer Observer, Transfer Name, Standard Type, Standard Illuminant, Standard
Observer, Standard Name, Sample Type, Sample Illuminant, Sample Observer, Sample
Name, 03

Field Length Value

(Bytes) (Hex)
Stdz m ode 1 30 = RSIN, 31 - RSEX, 32 = TTRANS,
Stdz type 1 30 = Normal, 31 = 100%, 32 = Transfer
Relevant to Transfer standardization only
Tran type 1 30 = Spectral, 31 = Tristimulus
Tran ill 1 30 = A, 31 = C, 32 = D65,33 = F2,34 = TL4,
35 = ULT, 36 = D50,37 = D60,38 = D75
Tran obs 1 30 = 2 degree, 31 = 10 degree
Tran name 16 A SCII transfer standard name, uses blank (20H) for
fill to 16
Relevant to all standardizations
Std type 1 30 = Spectral, 31 = Tristimulus
Std ill 1 30 = A, 31 = C, 32 = D65,33 = F2,
34 = TLA, 35 = ULT, 36 = D50,
37 = D60,38 = D75
Std obs 1 30 = 2 degree, 31 = 10 degree
Std name 16 ASCII standard name, uses blank (20H) for fill to 16
Sam type 1 30 = Spectral, 31 = Tristimulus
Sam ill 1 30 = A, 31 = C, 32 = D65,33 = F2,
34 = TL84,35 = ULT3000,36 = D50,
37 = D60,38 = D75
Sam obs 1 30 = 2 degree, 31 = 10 degree
Sam name 16 A SCII standard name, uses blank (20H) for fill to 16

08/93 O p t io n s 15-3
7F, 43, Scale, Illuminant, Observer, Data Type, Data, 03

Field Length Value

(Bytes) (Hex)
Scale 1 30 = XYZ, 31 = Yxy, 32 = Hunter Lab,
33 = CIELAB, 34 = Rdab, 35 = AnLab,
m 1 30 = A, 31 = C, 32 = D65,33 = F2,34 = TL4,
35 = ULT, 36 = D50,37 = D60,38 = D75
Std obs 1 30 = 2 degree, 31 = 10 degree
Data type 1 30 = Sample, 31 = Standard, 32 = Deltas,
33 = Average Sample, 34 = Average Standard
Data 21 3 Scale values in ASCII, 7 bytes/value,
2 decimal places for all scales except Yxy which has four,


7F, 44, Data Type, Interval, Start, End, Spectral Type, Data, 03

Field Length Value

Data type 1 30 = Sample, 31 = Standard, 32 = Delta,
33 = Average Sample, 34 = Average Standard
Interval 1 30 = lnm, 31 = 5nm, 32 = lOnm, 33 = 20nm
Start 4 375-1100 in ASCII
End 4 475-1100 in ASCII
Spectral 1 30 = Normal, 31 = K/S (Absorbance),
32 = Optical Density
Data Variable Variable number o f spectral data values, based on range
and interval. Each value is 7 bytes/value with 2 decimal
places. K/S only has 9 bytes/value with 4 decimal places.
Differences for K/S will be colorant strength values at 7


7F, 45, Difference Scale, Illuminant, Observer, Data, 03

Field Length Value

(Bytes) (Hex)
D iff Scale 1 30 = DELab, 31 = DELCH, 32 = DERdab,
33 = FMC2,34 = CM C
111 1 30 = A, 31 = C, 32 = D65,33 = F2,34 = TL4,
35 = ULT, 36 = D50,37 = D60,38 = D75

15-4 O p tio n s 08/93

Field Length Value
(Bytes) (Hex)
O bs 1 30 = 2 degree, 31 = 10 degree
Data Variable 7 ASCII bytes/value, 2 values for DELab, DERdab, 3
values for DELCH, 4 values for FMC2. All values have 2
decimal places


7F, 46, Scale Type, Illuminant, Observer, 1112, Data Type, Data, 03

Held Length Value

(Bytes) (Hex)
Scale type 1 30 = WIE313,31 = W ICIE, 32 = YID1925,
33 = YI E313,34 = MI, 35 = Z % , 36 = DW/EP,
37 = K/S, 38 = Optical Density
111 1 30 = A, 31 = C, 32 = D65,33 = F2,
34 = TL4,35 = ULT, 36 = D50,
37 = D60,38 = D75
O bs 1 30 = 2 degree, 31 = 10 degree
1112 1 Same as 111field, relevant to MI only
Data type 1 30 = Sample, 31 = Standard, 32 = Average Sample,
33 = Average Standard, Relevant to WI and YI only
Data 7 1 scale value in ASCII with 2 decimal places. DW/EP has
2 data fields, each having 7 bytes with 2 decimal places


7F, 47, Data, 03

Field Length Value

(Bytes) (ASCII)
Data 54 6 Tolerance values at 9 bytes/tolerance,
4 decimal places


7F, 48, 03

08/93 O p tio n s 15-5

TABLE 15-2


R ead Sample 80 IB 30 0
R ead Standard 81 IB 31 1
Output 82 IB 32 2
Clear 83 IB 33 3
Setups 84 IB 34 4
Procedures 85 IB 35 5
Average 86 IB 36 6
Data 87 IB 37 7
Spectral Plot 88 IB 38 8
Program Run 89 IB 39 9
Send 8A IB 3A »
Data Logging 8B 1B3B J
Plotter 8C IB 3C <
Program M odification 8D IB 3D =
H om e 8E 1B3E >
U p Arrow 8F 1B3F ?
Page U p 90 IB 40 @
Left Arrow 91 IB 41 A
Right Arrow 92 IB 42 B
End 93 IB 43 C
D ow n Arrow 94 IB 44 D
Page D ow n 95 IB 45 E
Insert 96 IB 46 F
Previous Display 97 IB 47 G
Next Display 98 IB 48 H
Print Screen 99 IB 49 I
Program - M essage ** 9A 1B4A J
Program - Pause ** 9B 1B4B K
C olor D atal 9C 1B4C L
C o lor P lotl 9D 1B4D M
Spectral Data 9E IB 4E N
Spectral Plot 9F IB 4F O

15-6 O p tio n s 08/93

TABLE 15-2


C olor Data2 AO IB 50 P
C olor Plot2 A1 IB 51 Q
File Transfer A2 IB 52 R
D elete Key A3 IB 53 S
Print Function A4 IB 54 T
Program ID Entry ** A5 IB 55 U
All other input is in the form o f normal ASCII.
* These are two byte commands.
** Valid only while running a program. Cannot be used from keyboard or communications

08/93 O p tio n s 15-7

XY Plotter
This option consists o f plotter software for a 4 or 6 pen plotter which allows you to output
spectral plots o f the standard and multiple samples with coordinate axes. The plots mav be
differentiated either by the color o f the pen used or by printing the names o f the samples
and the standard.

1. Install the plotter with pens and paper according to the manual accompanying the

2. Connect the female plug o f an RS-232C 25 pin connector signal cable to the com
puter system unit serial port.

3. Connect the male end o f the cable to the plotter.

4. Turn the plotter on.

The communications port used for the plotter is set at the factory. However, if it is neces
sary to change the setup parameters, run the CO M M POR T program from D O S to change
the baud rate, parity, number o f stop bits, and number o f data bits. See Appendix B for in
formation on tne C O M M P O R T program.

Before you begin plotting standard and samples, be sure to make the appropriate selections
from the plotter option field in the spectral plot setup screen. Also select PROM PT FOR
ID in the g lobal setup screen if you want to print standard and sample ID ’s. Selection of
PR O M PT F O R ID requires you to enter an ID each time a standard or sample is measured.

1. Press F6 to enter the procedures menu.

2. Press 8 to toggle on the plotter mode. The following menu is displayed at the top of
the screen:

1 Plot Sample
2 Plot Standard
3 Plot Axes
4 Exit

3. Press 3 to plot the axes on the paper using pen 1.

15-8 O p tio n s 08/93

4. Place the standard at the reflectance port or at the transmission port in the trans
mission compartment.

5. Press F2 to read the standard.

6. Press 2 to plot the standard using the next available pen.

7. Place the sample at the reflectance port or in the transmission compartment.

8. Press F I to read the sample.

9. Press 1 to plot the sample with the next available pen.

R epeat steps 8 and 9 to plot additional sample measurements. The pens cycle in
turn as each new sample is added.

10. Press 4 to exit the plotter menu. The pen number is reset.

Note: A ll operations are available in the plotter mode. For example, measurements may be saved
and recalled.

08/93 O p tio n s 15-9

15-10 Options 08/93


This section describes the maintenance necessary to keep your instrument functioning

Should you have any questions concerning the performance or maintenance

o f the C olorQ U E S T Sphere, call the HunterLab Service Department at

08/93 M a in ten a n ce 16-1

Instrument Standards
It is important that the standards be treated with extreme care. When a standard is used,
center it carefully at the sample port. Never use a calibrated standard to back up samples
being measured. The sample clamp or a white uncalibrated tile is to be used as a back-up

When not using the tiles, keep them in the standards box. Inspect the tiles for dust and
fingerprints before standardizing the instrument. Tiles can be cleaned using a soft nylon
bristle brush and laboratory grade detergent such as SPARKLEEN. W ipe tiles dry using a
clean non-optically brightened, lint free paper towel.

Note: SPARKLEEN is manufactured by Fisher Scientific Co., Pittsburgh, PA 15219 and may be
ordered from them using catalog number 4-320. One tablespoon o f SPARKLEEN is added to
every gallon o f water.

K eep the light trap in the standards box when not in use to prevent it from becom ing
scratched or collecting dust. Before standardizing the instrument, check the light trap for
scratches and dust. Significant scratches may cause standardization to be in error. If the
light trap is scratched, call the HunterLab Customer Service Department at (703) 471-6870
to order a replacement.

16-2 M a in ten a n ce 08/93

Maintaining the Instrument
This section outlines the parts o f the sensor you must maintain in order for the instrument
to function properly.

Source Lamp
The low voltage halogen cycle lamp used in this instrument has an operating life o f ap
proximately 1000 hours at the full-on operating condition. When the lamp is approaching
the end o f its useful life, the light output may fluctuate, causing equivalent fluctuations in
the instrument readout.

Note: Replace with a specified Quartz-Halogen Lamp, HunterLab part # 15015100. Use o f any
other lamp can cause output instability.

T o change the source lamp:

1. Turn off the power switch located on the right side o f the sensor. Allow the lamp to
cool prior to removing.

2. R em ove any samples from the reflectance port and the transmission compartment.

3. L oosen the 3 thumb screws from the sphere end o f the optical sensor and lift the
cover straight up. Figure 16-1 shows the location o f the source lamp.

Figure 16-1

Source Lamp
(from top)

08/93 M a in ten a n ce 16-3

4. R em ove the old lamp by pulling lever toward the outside edge o f the optical sen
sor. The lamp slides up and out o f the connector.

5. Return lever to original position.

6. Insert the new lamp making sure the two pins on the lamp fit into the socket. Be
careful not to touch the bulb o f the lamp or the reflector, as fingerprints reduce
lamp life appreciably. If a fingerprint is deposited, remove it using a clean wipe
and isopropyl alcohol. Note that lack o f proper contact at the connector can be a
major source o f unsatisfactory instrument performance. Always check the lamp
when unsteady operation is experienced.

7. R eplace the optical sensor cover and tighten the thumb screws.

8. Turn on the pow er switch located on the right side of the sensor and allow the lamp
to warm up 15 minutes to 2 hours depending on conditions.

9. Standardize the instrument as described in Chapter 4.

The fuse is housed on the back o f the sensor and shown in Figure 16-2.

F u s e h o ld e r

1. R em ove the power cord from the sensor.

2. Slide back the plastic window in front of the fuse holder to expose the fuse pull tab.

3. Pull the tab to remove the old fuse. Replace with a new fuse.

4. Slide the plastic window in front o f the fuse holder and replace the power cord.

16-4 M a in ten a n ce 08/93

Lens Surface
The lens should b e cleaned using photographic quality lens solution and lens paper. Put a
few drops o f solution on the lens paper ana gently wipe the lens in a circular motion for a
few seconds. Gently wipe the lens with a dry lens paper to remove streaks and any hazy film.

Do not disassemble the instrument and attempt to clean the
optical components.

Care should b e taken to keep foreign materials from entering the sphere. The transmission
compartment should be closed and the reflectance port door placed against the port when
not m use. The sphere is coated with barium sulfate, BaSC>4, which can be damaged by put
ting any objects into the sphere. If any foreign material (dust, lint, etc.) falls into the sphere
use the following steps to remove the matenal.

1. M ove the sample clamp away from the reflectance port.

2. O pen the transmission compartment and place a vacuum cleaner hose at the
sphere opening but do not insert the hose directly into the sphere. Cup your hand
around the end o f the hose to provide a good seal.

3. Quickly cover and uncover the reflectance port with your other hand. This creates
gentle air currents to swirl the foreign matter around and out o f the sphere.

W hen shipping the sensor remove the sample clamp and tape a pad o f foam rubber at the
reflectance port. Failure to do so may cause severe damage to the instrument.

Holographic Grating
T he sensor is equipped with a concave holographic grating. This grating is a 2-inch diameter
concave piece o f glass that disperses light into the various wavelengths o f the spectrum. It is
located under two separate covers in the end o f the optical sensor opposite the reflectance

E ort. D o not remove these covers unless specifically requested by the HunterLab Service

Touching the reflectance area o f the grating leaves marks that cannot be removed and that
affect the performance o f the ColorQUEST. Warranty replacement o f the grating is not
considered for any damage caused by the customer.

08/93 M a in ten a n ce 16-5

Diskette Maintenance
This section provides you with guidelines for handling your original program diskettes and
diskettes containing files you have created through the software. For general information
about diskette maintenance and handling refer to the u ser’s guide which accompanies the
computer system.

1. D o not store diskettes near heavy industrial equipment.

2. K eep diskettes away from any magnets or devices that might be magnetic, such as
radios, loudspeakers, or clips for bulletin boards.

Backing Up Files
When a prom pt is displayed informing the operator that a data file is full, it is then neces
sary to back up all the data files or delete som e or all data records that do not need to be
saved. In addition, it is strongly recommended to periodically backup the data in the unlike
ly event that data is inadvertently lost from the hard disk. In order to back up all data files
and program files onto diskettes, the diskettes must first be formatted for use with the com
puter. See the u ser’s guide for your computer system for directions. The command F O R
M AT should never be used without specifying the drive on which to format the diskette.

T o backup files:

1. Press F6 to enter the procedures menu and press E SC to exit to DOS.

2. Type BACKU P C:\CQ SPE C A: and press ENTER. You are prompted to insert a
diskette into drive A.

3. Place a blank formatted diskette in drive A. BACKUP erases all existing files on
the target diskette before it starts backing up the source disk. When BACKUP fills
up a diskette, you are prompted to insert a new diskette. For more information,
refer to your D O S Manual.

You may also copy just the data files or selected data files to a disk using the D O S copy
command. B e sure to copy both the files with extension .IDS and the files with extension

Reloading Data Files

If the data files and/or program files are lost from the hard disk or need to be reloaded,
copy the data files using the program ’R E ST O R E ’.

T o restore files:

1. Press F6 to enter the Procedures menu and press E SC to exit to DOS.

16-6 M a in ten a n ce 08/93

2. Type R E S T O R E A: C :\C Q S P E C \V and press ENTER. Y ou are prompted to in
sert the backup diskette into Drive A.

3. Place the backup diskette in Drive A. When the files from the first diskette are res
tored, you are prom pted to insert the next diskette.

For m ore information, refer to your D O S Manual.

08/93 M a in ten a n ce 16-7

16-8 Maintenance 08/93

For best performance, the instrument should be placed where there is ample work space
with medium or subdued illumination and no drafts. For optimum results, a clean, air-
conditioned area is recom m ended with a relative noncondensing humidity o f 20-80%
[10-90% for sensor only] and relatively constant temperature not exceeding 90° F (32° C)
[100° F (38° C) for sensor only]. For specification performance, the temperature range is
70-82° F (21-28° C).

The instrument should b e connected to a stable, instrument-grade powerline. If other equip

ment is connected to the same power line, a transient power surge may be produced when
the other equipment is turned on. If this happens restandardize the instrument before
making measurements. HunterLab recommends using a line conditioner with a minimum
o f 600 VA rating and a battery back-up system.

08/93 S p e c ific a t io n s A-1

Instrument Specifications

Physical Characteristics
Optical Sensor - 15.25 in. (38 cm) wide x 24 in. (60 cm) deep x 9.0 in. (22.5 cm) high, 42 lb.
(19.1 kg).

Com puter system - depends upon system selected. Refer to manufacturer’s documentation
for information.

Power Required
Voltage - 115V ± 10 at 60Hz or 230V ± 20 at 50Hz.

Current - 1A at 115V or 0.5A at 230V.

Conditions of Illumination and Viewing

Reflectance Measurements

Port size -1.0 in. (25 mm) diameter

Viewed Area - 7/8 in. (22 mm) diameter

Maximum specim en - size unlimited

Transmittance Measurements

Port Size -1.0 in. (25 mm) diameter

Maximum specim en - size unlimited, but measurement limited to 3.125 in. (7.9 cm) from an


Diffuse 6 inch (15.2 mm) diameter sphere coated with barium sulfate, BaSC>4, illuminated
with simulated C IE D65 spectral distribution filtered to eliminate infrared specimen heating.


8° from specim en normal

Specular com ponent included or excluded

A-2 S p e c if ic a t io n s 08/93
Receptor System

Concave holographic diffraction grating monochromator

32 cell silicon diode array

Lamp Life

1000 hours, typical

Measurement Modes

R eflectance - Specular Included

Reflectance - Specular Excluded

Total Transmittance

Regular Transmittance

08/93 S p e c ific a t io n s A-3

Measurement Values
C olor values as measured on the C olorQ U E ST Sphere are relative to the absolute value of
the perfect white diffuser as measured under the same geometric conditions (see ASTM
M ethod E 306)^according to the recommendation o f the International Commission on Il
lumination, CHE, o f January 1,1969. These values are traceable to measurements made at
the National Institute o f Standards and Technology.

CIE Tristimulus XYZ Scale

The SpecW are software performs 10 nm weighted ordinate method tristimulus integration
o f reflectance values from 400 to 710 nm to arrive at tristimulus X, Y and Z values. These
values simulate the color matching response functions o f the human observer as defined by
the 19312° Standard Observer or the 1964 C IE 10° Standard Observer. Tristimulus integra
tions based on any or all o f the illuminants may be selected.

CIE Chromaticity Coordinates, Yxy

The relationship between CIE X Y Z values and the x,y chromaticity coordinates is as fol

X + Y+ Z y X + Y+ Z

Opponent Color Scales (Hunter Lab - CIE 1976 L*a*b*)

The opponent color scales give measurements o f color in units o f approximate visual unifor
mity throughout the color solid. Thus, L measures lightness and varies from 100 for perfect
white to zero for black, approximately as the eye would evaluate it. The chromaticity dimen
sions (a and b) give understandable designations o f color as follows:

a measures redness when plus, gray when zero and greenness when minus
b measures yellowness when plus, gray when zero and blueness when minus

T he relationship betw een the Hunter Lab Scale and the CIE X Y Z Scale for the C IE 1931
2° Standard O bserver and the C IE 1964 10° Standard Observer for the eight illuminations
are as follows:

L = 100 V Y /Y „
X/X„ — Y/Y„
a — K, i ...
V y /y „

, „ Y/Y„ — Z/Zn
b = K b -----j

A-4 S p e c if ic a t io n s 08/93

X ,Y ,Z are C IE tristimulus values.

Xn, Yn, Z n are tristimulus values o f the standard illuminant as listed in Tables 1 and 2 with
Yn always equal to 100.00 (normalized).

Ka, Kb are chromaticity coefficients for the illuminant used.

Illuminant A represents incandescent lamplight with an approximate color temperature of

2854 K. Illuminant C represents light from an overcast sky with a correlated color tempera
ture o f approximately 6/70 K. Illuminant D65, D50, D 60, D 75 represent daylight with a
correlated color temperatures o f approximately 6500 K, 5000 K, 6000 K and 7500 K respec
tively. Illuminant F2 represents light from a cool white fluorescent source.

Table 1
CIE 1931 2* Standard Observer
Standard Illuminant Tristimulus Values
Illuminant Xn Zn Ka Kb
A 109.83 35.55 185.20 38.40
C 98.04 118.11 175.00 70.00
D65 95.02 108.82 172.30 67.20
F2 98.09 67.53 175.00 52.90
TL4 101.40 65.90 178.00 52.30
UL3000 107.99 33.91 183.70 37.50
D 50 96.38 82.45 173.51 58.48
D60 95.23 100.86 172.47 64.72
D 75 94.96 122.53 172.22 71.30

08/93 S p e c ific a t io n s A-5

Table 2
CIE 193110° Standard Observer
Standard llluminant Tristimulus Values
llluminant Xn Zn Ka Kb
A 111.16 35.19 186.30 38.20
C 97.30 116.14 174.30 69.40
D65 94.83 107.38 172.10 66.70
F2 102.13 69.37 178.60 53.60
TL4 103.82 66.90 180.10 52.70
UL3000 111.12 35.21 186.30 38.20
D 50 96.72 81.45 173.82 58.13
D60 95.21 99.60 172.45 64.28
D 75 94.45 120.70 171.76 70.76

The Hunter Lab total color difference (AE) and chromaticity difference (AC) for any il-
luminant or observer are calculated as follows:

AE = V AL2 + Aa2 + Ab2

AC= V Aa2 + Ab2


AL = L smp - L s t d (if + AL, sample is lighter than standard

if - a L, sample is darker than standard)

Aa = asMp - asm ( if + Aa, sample is redder than standard

if - Aa, sample is greener than standard)

Ab = bsMP - hsro ( if + Ab, sample is yellower than standard

if - Ab, sample is bluer than standard)

T he AE derived from these opponent-color scales approximates the NBS Unit o f Color D if
ference (Judd-Hunter), which represents the average maximum difference acceptable in a
series o f dye-house commercial matches in 1939.

A-6 S p e c ific a t io n s 08/93

T he C IE 1976 L*a*b* Scale is recommended by the Commission Internationale de
l’E clairage (CIE). It is a simplified cube root version o f the Adams-Nickerson space
produced by plotting in rectangular coordinates the quantities of L*a*b*.

T he relationship between the C IE L*a*b* scale and the CIE X Y Z Scale for any illuminant
reference in Tables 1 and 2 is as follows:

If all values o f X/Xn, Y/Yn, Z/Zn > 0.008856, use the following:

L* * 116 V Y /Y n - 16

a* = 500 ( 3V x /X „ - 3V Y /Y n )

b* = 200 ( 3V Y /Y „ - 3V z /Z „ )

If any value o f X/Xn, Y/Yn, Z/Zn < 0.008856, use the following:

L* = 903.3 ^

a* = 500 [ f(X /X n) - f(Y /Y n) ]

b* = 2001 f(Y /Y n) - f(Z/Zn) ]


f(X /X , X/Xn X/Xn > 0.008856

f(X /X „) = 7.87(X/Xn) + 16/116 X/Xn < 0.008856

f(Y /Y n) = 3V Y /Y D Y/Yn > 0.008856

f(Y /Y a) = 7^7(Y/Yn) + 16/116 Y/Yn < 0.008856

f(Z/Zn) Z/Zn Z/Zn > 0.008856

f(Z/Zn) = 7.87(Z/Zn) + 16/116 Z/Zn < 0.008856

where Xn, Yn, Z n are tristimulus values for any illuminant.

Total D ifference (AE*), CDS 1976 a,b Chroma-Differences (AC*) and CIE 1976 a,b Hue
Difference (A H *).

AE* = V AL*2 + Aa*2 + Ab*2

08/93 S p e c ific a t io n s A-7

AC* = c*«nP - c**td where C* = V a*2 + b*2 and is termed metric chroma

AH* = V AE*2 - AL*2 - AC*2

AE* is the same quantity as that described above, using CIE L*a*b* (CIELAB) values. It
approximates the NBS Unit o f C olor Difference.

AC* is the difference between the chroma o f the sample and the chroma o f the standard, as
described in a polar coordinate system. Note that it is not the same quantity as the
chromaticity difference AC.

AH* describes the difference between the hue angle (h° ) of the standard and the hue angle
o f the sample in a polar coordinate system, where:

If h° smp > h° std then A H * is regarded as positive

If h° std > h° smp then A H * is regarded as negative

See R ecom m endation on Uniform C olor Spaces, Color Difference Equations,

Psychometric C olor Terms, Supplement No. 2 to CIE Publication No. 15 (E-l.3.1) CIE,
Paris, 1978.

C IE 1976 psychometric lightness = 1163V Y /Y n - 16

Red( + - Green(-) axis = 50o( 3V x / x n - 3 VY /Y n )
= Yellow( +) - Blue(-) axis = 20o( 3V y / y „ - 3Vz/z„ )

C*ab = C IE 1976 a,b chroma = V a*2+ b*2

h° = C IE 1976 a,b hue-angle = arctan (b*/a*)

AH*ab = C IE 1976 a,b hue-difference = VAE*2 - AL*2 - AC*2

AC = Chromaticity difference in a*b* plane = V Aa*2 + Ab*2

AE*ab = CBE 1976 L*a*b* color difference formula = VAL*2 + Aa*2 + Ab*2
A = Difference between Sample and Standard

Reference: Com m ission International de l’E clairage (CIE): Recommendations on

Uniform C o lor Spaces, C olor Difference Equations, Psychometric Color Terms, Supple
ment No. 2 to C IE Publication No. 15, Colorimetry, Bureau Central de la CIE, Paris, 1978.

A-8 S p e c if ic a t io n s 08/93
Hunter Rgab Color Scale
The relationship between the Hunter Rd,a,b values and the CIE X Y Z values for any il-
luminant (see Tables 1 and 2) is as follows:

Rd = Y


See Tables 1 and 2 for values of Ka, Kb, X n, and Z n. Yn is always equal to 100.00.

Adams - Nickerson (AnLab)

When the instrument is equipped with this scale, the optimal feature provides a readout of
AnLab values. The relationship between the Adams-Nickerson (AnLab) Scale and the CIE
X Y Z Scale for Illuminant C is as follows:

L = 92V y

a = 40 (Vx - Vy)

b = 16(Vy - V 2)

W here V represents the Munsell value function for which X/Xn, Y/Yn or Z/Zn = 1.2219V -
0.23111V2 + 0.23951V3 - 0.021009V4 + 0.0008404V5.

The equation for AE c m c < 1 describes an ellipsoidal volume, with axes in the direction of
lightness and chroma and hue centered about a standard. When the semi-axes lengths for
the AE c m c formula equal the calculated 1SL, cSC, and SH values for the standard, the
resulting ellipsoid describes a 1.0 AE c m c unit volume/tolerance. This volume, and the size
o f its co n - becom e the basis for the establishment of an appropriately sized
volume o for a given commercial situation by the application o f a commercial
factor (cf).

When 1 = 2.0 and c = 1.0, the equation fixes the ratio of the three components
(SL:SC:SH:) to correlate with visible assessment of typical textile samples. Other values of 1
may be required in cases where the surface characteristics change dramatically. The value
o f c is always left at 1.0.

08/93 S p e c ific a t io n s A-9

AEc m c = V (AL*/1SL)2 + (AO/cSC)2+ (AH*/SH)2 A bsolute


ACc mc = cSC

AH c mc = SH

AE c m c cf 0:c) * ^ AE c m c Normalized

ALc MC =
(cf) 1SL

ACc mc =
(cf) cSC

AH c m c =
(cO SH


L*, C*, and H* are those o f the standard unless otherwise specified.

CM C ratio l:c

commercial factor cf

SL = forL * > 16
1 + 0.01765L*

SL = 0.511 forL * < 16

0.0638 C*
S C " 1 + 0.0131 C* + 0638

SH = (FT + 1 - F) SC

C* = V Aa*2 + Ab*2

h° = arctan (b*/a*)


AC* = C*SM P - C*STD

A-10 S p e c ific a t io n s 08/93

AH* = V AE*2- AL*2 - AC*2

F = C*V
(C** + 1900)

T = 036 + 10.4 cos (35 + h) | for h, 164° or h > 345°

T * 0.56 + 10.2 cos (168 + h) | for 164° < h < 345°

Tolerances are:
Absolute Normalized
AL* = (cf) 1SL ALc m c = cf =1
AC* = (cf) cS C AC c m c = cf =1
AH* = (cf) SH AH c m c = cf =1
AEcMC = cf = 1

For a m ore detailed description o f CMC, refer to Calculation o f Small Color Differences for
Acceptability, A A T C C Test Method 173-1989 published in A A TCC Technical Manual.

08/93 S p e c ific a t io n s A-11

FMC-2 (Friele - MacAdam - Chickering) Color Difference
Red-green (RG) differences, yellow-blue (YB) differences, total lightness differences (DL)
and total color differences (DE) between standard and sample are computed according to
the Friele-MacAdam-Chickering metric (JOSA, February 1968, p.292 and August 1969,

The FMC-2 unit o f color difference is based on just noticeable, or threshold, color dif
ference data published in 1942. Friele used the data in his suggested color-
difference formula, which was modified later by MacAdam, and then by Chickering. The
FMC-2 Scale is a color difference scale only and was designed for Illuminant C and 2° stand
ard observer conditions only. It has been successfully used for non-saturated colors under il-
luminants D65 and A as well as 10° standard observer conditions.

Metamerism Index
The Metamerism Index is designed to indicate the degree to which 2 samples which match
under 1 illuminant no longer match under a 2nd illuminant. The metamerism index feature
allows the com parison o f Hunter Lab values relative to operator selectable illuminants.
These values must b e calculated from spectral reflectance values. The formula for deriving
the index is:

MI = V (ALni - AL„ 2)2 + (Aa„ i - Aan2)2 + (Abnl - Abn2)2

where n l is the 1st illuminant and n2 is the 2nd illuminant.

Opacity Measurements
Opacity measurements determine opacity by a contrast ratio measurement. The Y value of
the specim en backed by the black glass or light trap is divided by the Y value o f the
specim en backed by the white tile. The resulting fraction is Y % or opacity.

Opacity = — backing
* white backing

Haze Measurements
A transmission haze measurement is a ratio of the diffuse light to the total light transmitted
by a specimen. Useful measurements of haze can be made on the ColorQ U E ST sphere al
though the results do not conform to ASTM method D1003, because o f differences in in
strument geometry.

„ diffuse transmittance
Haze = — — r------r:-------X 100
total transmittance

A-12 S p e c ific a t io n s 08/93

Whiteness Index
W hiteness is associated with a region or volume in color space in which objects are recog
nized as white. D egree o f whiteness is measured by the degree o f departure of the object
from a perfect white.

Whiteness Index per A STM E313 (displayed as WIE313):

WIE313 = - 3Y = 4Z % - 3Y

Yellowness Index
Visually, yellowness is associated with scorching, soiling and general product degradation
by light, chemical exposure and processing. Yellowness indices are used chiefly to measure
these types o f degradation.

Yellowness Index per A STM Method D1925-70* (displayed as YID1925):

v t - 100 (1.274641506 X - 1.057434092 Z)

• The Y I formula, as shown in ASTM D1925-70, is:

Y I D i r e - 100 (U 8 " 106 ^


The tristimulus values o f clear air (for CIE illuminant C and the 1931 C IE 2° standard ob
server] are X = 98.041, Y = 100.000, Z = 118.103.** The ASTM formula gives YI =
0.303 for clear air, because the factors are truncated to 3 significant figures. In order to have
the yellowness index for air equal to 0.0, the constant multipliers for X ciE and Z c iE have
been expanded slightly. W ork is in progress in ASTM to revise the test method accordingly.

•* Wyszecki, G. and W. S. Stiles, Color Science, John Wiley and Sons, New York,
1982 -p.768.

Yellowness Index per ASTM Method E313 (displayed as YI E313):

YI E313 - 100(1 - — ) = 100 ( 1 - 0,8y " )

08/93 S p e c ific a t io n s A-13

APHA-20 mm
APHA-20 m m is designed to yield APHA values that closely correlate to APHA standard
solutions as defined by ASTM D1209. APHA-20 mm is calculated from the YID1925 yel
lowness index using the following equation:

APHA-20 mm * K1 + K2 (YI D1925) + K3 (YI D1925)2 + K4 (YI D1925)3

The constants are defined according to the value for YI D1925.

The values for the constants along with an upper bound for each range may be specified in
an ASCII file APHA20.DAT. This file may be created by die user. I f the file is not created
the default values given in Table 3 are used.

Table 3
Upper Bound
for YI-D1925 Ki K2 K3 K4
3.0 0.000000 9.063781 0.000000 0.000000
50.0 4369262 7.825047 0.071435 -0.000158
1000.0 4.369262 7.825047 0.071435 -0.000158

Paper Brightness - Z%
Paper brightness or Z % is used in the evaluation o f the degradation o f white materials. It
can also be a measure o f the effectiveness o f bleaching.

100 Z ciE
z% =

457 nm Brightness
457 nm brightness can also b e used to measure the relative brightness o f paper. 457 nm
brightness reports the percent reflectance at 457 nm.

Dominant Wavelength and Excitation Purity

The dominant wavelength and excitation purity chromaticity system was one o f the first sys
tems for specifying the chromaticity o f objects other than by their x, y values. It not only
compensates for the influence o f the illum inant’s chromaticity, but also improves the cor
relation between the numbers and visual attributes because it permits chromaticity
specification in terms o f hue and saturation. The system is based on the additive-color
mixing properties o f the x,y diagram. A color is specified by describing how it would be
matched by additively mixing the illuminant and light o f some single wavelength.

Dominant wavelength is the wavelength needed for mixture with the illuminant. In general,
it identifies the hue o f the o b ject’s color.

A-14 S p e c ific a t io n s 08/93

Excitation purity is the percentage contribution of the dominant wavelength to the mixture.
Thus, 1.00 is the purity o f all spectral colors and 0 is the purity o f the illuminant. Excitation
purity correlates with saturation.

In order to derive dominant wavelength and excitation purity for a sample, plot the position
o f the illuminant C - object color combination on the CIE x,y chromaticity diagram. The
dominant wavelength for sample (S) under illuminant C is found by drawing a straight line
from the Illuminant C point through S to the spectrum locus, where it intersects at the
dominant wavelength. Excitation purity is the percentage o f the distance from illuminant C
to S com pared to the total distance from illuminant C to the spectrum locus.

Dominant wavelength and excitation purity are calculated for the wavelengths o f 397-673
nm. These values are always calculated ana displayed relative to the C IE 19312°
standard observer and C IE illuminant C regardless o f the selected illuminant and observer.
F or complementary wavelengths, the displayed values are 0.

For further information see A Digital Computer Technique fo r Calculation o f Dominant

Wavelength by Charles G. Leete and Jack R. Lytle in Color Engineering, Volume 4, No. 1
(January - February 1966).

K/S and Relative Colorant Strength

Selecting K/S + C O L O R A N T STREN GTH in the spectral data setup screen results in K/S
and colorant strength calculations in the reflectance m ode and absorbance and percent dye
strength in the transmittance mode.

K/S values for the product standard and sample are calculated for all wavelengths. The

{joint o f minimum reflectance or maximum absorption o f the product standard is high-

ighted. This m ethod o f strength calculation is most accurate when the standard and sample
are chemically and physically identical and differ only in depth. The sample strength should
not be m ore than ± 20% that o f the standard. If the strength difference is substantially
larger than 20%, prepare the sample in a new concentration so that it falls within the ± 20%
interval where the Kubelka-Munk relationship is more nearly linear. This calculation is
valid only for reflectance measurements. As in any test procedure, the statistical benefits of
averaging data o f multiple measurements should be considered.

The formula for calculation o f percent strength in terms o f percent o f standard is as follows:

K _ [1 - 0.01 R]2
where R = reflectance
S ~ 2(0.01 R]

K/Sa samp
Relative C olor Strength (% o f Standard) x 100 where A = wavelength
K/Sa std

The relative effectiveness o f a batch o f a given colorant for generating the desired
chromaticity and depth in a given formulation is frequently termed relative color strength
and is calculated as shown above. This evaluation of strength is based on reflectance meas
urements using the Kubelka-Munk relationship between the diffuse reflectance (R) of the
product standard, and the ratio o f spectral absorption (K) to spectral scattering (S).

08/93 S p e c ific a t io n s A-15

Absorbance and Percent Dye Strength
Absorbance values for the product standard and the sample are calculated for all
wavelengths. The point o f minimum transmittance or maximum absorbance o f the standard
is highlighted over the wavelength range specified in the global setup.

Industries using dyes may calculate percent strength o f a dye in solution, relative to a stand
ard, as a method o f quality control o f incoming dyes, or as an indication o f how much addi
tional dye, if any, is needed to bring the shade o f a dyeing to the required depth. Relative
dyestrength in terms o f percent o f standard may be determined by preparing solutions of
the sample and o f the standard as indicated in the reference below.

For further information, refer to A General Procedure fo r the Determination o f Relative Dye
Strength by Spectrophotom etric Transmittance Measurement by Problem Committee 25
(Dyes) o f the Inter-Society C olor Council (ISCC), R olf G. Kuhni, Co-Chairman, Textile
Chemist and Colorist, Vol. 4, no. 5, May 1972, p.133.

The formula for calculation o f dye strength in terms of percent o f standard is as follows:

ABS = — logioT where ABS = absorbance and T = transmittance.

Dye Strength (% o f standard) = ^ “ "P x ioo

where ABSsamp is absorbance o f a sample and ABSstd is absorbance o f the standard.

Optical Density
In the fields o f photography and graphic arts, colorants are frequently characterized by den
sity measurements for their light absorbing ability in specific regions o f the spectrum.
Neutral density values are based on equal weighting o f all wavelengths. Red, green and blue
density values are based on specific spectral response functions designed to measure the
quantity o f dye colorants in photographic and printing materials. For further information,
refer to "Objectives and M ethods o f Density Measurements in Sensitometry o f Color
Films," F. C. Williams, Journal o f the Optical Society o f America, Vol. 40, No. 2, February

The formula for calculation o f optical density values from the spectral values is as follows.

For reflectance:

O pD = - lo g io R where O p D = reflection optical density, and R = reflectance.

Die relationship between optical density and reflectance is a log-reciprocal one. Therefore,
increasing density values denote increasing obstruction to reflecting or transmitting light. In
this attenuating effect, the density values are the exponent o f 10. Therefore, a density of 3.0
means that 1/1000 o f the light has been transmitted or reflected.

A-16 S p e c if ic a t io n s 08/93
Additional Programs

T he follow ing instructions allow you to upgrade to new SpecWare software versions, change
the sensor port, and change the communication port parameters after initial installation o f
the system.

08/93 A ddition al P r o g r a m s B-1

Upgrading To New Software Versions
T o upgrade from a previous version o f SpecWare software use the U PD A TE function to
upgrade the software while preserving data files, programs, and setups.

1. Place the first HunterLab diskette in drive A and close the drive door.

2. At the system prom pt type A: UPDATE. Follow the prompts to switch diskettes.
The software is updated and all previously stored information is retained.

Use of the INSTALL feature overwrites the current data files,
saved programs, and saved setups.

T o upgrade from versions o f C olorQ U E ST software prior to SpecWare:

1. Place the HunterLab supplied diskette in Drive A and close the drive door. Use dis
kette #2 for a 3-1/2" drive and diskette #3 for a 5-1/4" drive.

2. From the SpecW are software exit to D O S by pressing F6 and then pressing ESC.

3. From the operating system prompt type A:INSTALL. The program files will be
loaded onto Drive C and new data files will be opened.

O nce the software is installed on the fixed disk you may copy the data files from the original
software and use the CQ _FILE S program to reformat the data files into the current
software file format.

1. T o translate previously saved files to the format used in this software version type:
A:CQ_FILES. The following menu is displayed:

P ossible file operations

1 sample data files (translation) Specified .DTA

2 index files (recovery)... ......... .. Specified.DTA


3 alter id label lengths.............. . Specified.IDS

4 create new files (initialization)

Select a number (1-4):

B-2 A ddition al P r o g r a m s 08/93

2. Selection o f 1,2, or 3 prompts for the name o f the data files you wish to translate,
recover, or alter. Before using the current version o f software, it is necessary to
translate all data files. If there is more than one set o f sample data files, it is neces
sary to execute this program once for each set o f sample data files.

Note: Sam ple data files are typically reduced in size after translating. This is because
sam ple datafiles n o longer have a fixed size and grow dynamically up to a limit o f
1000records p e r file.

Selection o f 4 displays the following menu o f files to create:

Type o f file to create

1 setups data files.... GSETUP.DAT


2 program data file... PROCFILE.DAT


3 sample data files... Specified.DTA


4 all data files

Select a number (1-4):

08/93 A dditional P r o g r a m s B-3

Changing Communication Port
O nce the software is installed the C Q COM .EXE program can be used to change the as
signment o f the serial port to be used Tor the sensor or to change the parameters o f the 2nd
serial port.

1. At the system prom pt type C D \CQ SPE C to enter the ColorQ U E ST directory.

2. Type C Q _C O M to execute the program. If a 2nd serial port is used you are asked if
you want to change the parameters.

3. Type Y for yes to change the parameters or N for no to keep the current

4. If you select to change the parameters you are prompted to enter the baud rate, the
number o f data bits, the number of stop bits, and the parity.

5. The screen then displays the current sensor communications port and you are
asked if you want to change it.

6. Type Y for yes to change the port or N for no to keep the current port assignment.

B-4 A dditional P r o g r a m s 08/93

Error M essages

If any error m essage is displayed which is not described in this section, check the section on
error m essages in your D O S Manual. Contact the HunterLab Field Service Department at
(703) 471-6870 if the error message cannot be found or the problem persists.

Initialization Error M essages

Can’t initialize the sensor displayed when there is a communications problem between
the computer and the sensor. Reseat all cables, turn off the power and then restart the sys

Can’t open system data file displayed when one o f the files on the disk is inaccessible.
R estore the file onto the hard disk from the backup diskette.

Communications error displayed when there is a communications problem between the

computer and the peripheral device. Reseat all cables, turn off the power and then restart
the system.

Error: unsuccessful initialization, continue? displayed when any error occurs during
the initialization sequence.

File Close error, recopy master disk displayed when one o f the files on the disk cannot
b e closed. R estore the file onto the hard disk from the backup diskette.

File not found, recopy master disk displayed when one o f the files on the disk is not
available. R estore the file onto the hard disk from the backup diskette.

File read error, recopy master disk displayed when one o f the files on the disk cannot
b e read by the computer. Restore the file onto the hard disk from the backup diskette.

File tampered, recopy master disk displayed when one o f the files on the disk has
changed. R estore the file onto the hard disk from the backup diskette.

08/93 Error M e s s a g e s C-1

Incompatible system data file displayed when the setup or program file is not in the ap
propriate format.

Insufficient amount Of data displayed when one o f the user modifiable files does not con
tain enough items.

Invalid data type In file displayed when one o f the user modifiable files contains anything
that is not supposed to b e there, such as a message where a data value should be.

Sensor is not connected displayed when an attempt was made to communicate with the
sensor and it did not respond. Be sure the sensor is connected to the proper port, the cables
are seated correctly, and restart the system.

C-2 Error M e s s a g e s 08/93

Autocal Error M essages
Autocal: Please clear sample clamp for proper Autocal operation displayed if a
sample has been le ft at the port when measurements are not being taken.

Autocal Warning: Please re-standardize. Drift is nearing Autocal tolerances, dis

played at any detector when the sample clamp has drifted between 1% and 2% from the
reflectance o f the last standardization.

Autocal Warning: Re-standardize Instrument. Drift exceeds Autocal tolerances.

displayed when the sample clamp has drifted more than 2% at any detector from the refer
ence o f the last standardization.

08/93 Error M e s s a g e s C-3

Standardization Error M essages

Gray standardization was not valid - try again displayed during the standardization
procedures when the values for the gray tile are significantly different from those expected.

Standardization error displayed when the white tile reading during standardization does
not exceed the level set for the zero level.

White standardization was not valid - try again displayed during the standardization
procedures when the values for the white tile are significantly different from those expected.

Warning: SAV lens option not installed displayed when an attempt is made to select.

Warning: UV filter option not installed displayed when an attempt is made to select U V
filte r in the light path when the instrument is not equipped with a U V filter.

C-4 Error M e s s a g e s 08/93

Operating Error M essages

* point(s) exceed scale displayed on the spectral plot screen when any point o f the
graph exceeds the current scale. Rescale the plot to include all of the points or use the
autoscale feature. Rescaling the plot is not possible when unlimited is selected as the num
b er o f samples to b e plotted.

A/D error: saturated or zero displayed when the data returned from the sensor indicates
that an error has occurred in the sensor. Use the diagnostic section to determine what the
error is and correct it, if possible. If the error persists, contact the HunterLab Service

Can’t display all zero data displayed when exiting the entry m ode and the data record
has spectral values o f zeros. Re-enter the values.

Can’t plot a tristimulus sample displayed when an attempt was made to send a tris
timulus sample record to the plotter which can only plot spectral data.

Can’t plot a tristimulus standard displayed when an attempt was made to send a tris
timulus standard record to the plotter which can only plot spectral data.

Can’t save all zero data displayed when trying to save zero value data. Read a sample or
enter the spectral values again and then save.

Can’t save all zero sample displayed when trying to save a sample which has spectral or
tristimulus values o f zeros. Either reread the sample or enter the values from the keyboard.

Change status or use < F6> to select a mode or standardize displayed when the
sensor is determined to be in a m ode other than what is being attempted to be set. Be sure
that the lens size, filter position, and specular port door are in the proper position.

Color differences may not be printed for tristimulus data displayed when printing
tristimulus data and the illuminant or observer is not the same as those stored with the data.

Data can be displayed for hitch illuminant/observer combination only displayed

when tristimulus data is requested to be displayed for an illuminant/observer other than the
one for the current instrument hitch.

Data can be printed for hitch illuminant/observer combination only appears on the
printout when an illuminant/observer combination other than the one hitched is enabled.

Delta descriptor may not be printed for tristimulus data displayed when printing tris
timulus data and the illuminant or observer is not the same as those stored with the data.

08/93 E rror M e s s a g e s C-5

Data record not found displayed when the selected record ID does not exist in the setup
or program data file.

Delta may not be printed displayed when printing tristimulus data and the illuminant or
observer is not the same as those stored with the data.

Disk error occured while writing displayed when an error occurs while writing the file
translation data file. The selected output drive may b e full.

Error: opening data file displayed when the setup, program, or data file cannot be
opened. R ecopy file onto hard disk from the backup diskette.

Error: no room left in file displayed in the setup program or data m ode when there are
no m ore records available. D elete the setup or program to make room or backup the data
onto a diskette and restore the empty file onto the hard disk from the backup diskette.

Error: reading data file displayed when the setup, program, or data file cannot be read.
R ecopy file onto hard disk from the backup diskette.

Error: seek error accessing file displayed when the .IDS data file and the .DTA data
file d o not match and an attempt has been made to access a record beyond the end o f the
.DTA data file. R estore the last correct set o f data files before continuing.

Error: writing data file displayed when a D O S error has occurred while attempting to
write to the current data file. The selected drive may be full.

File name exceeds 8 characters maximum displayed when entering a name for a new
data file. Press 1 to enter the name again or 2 to return to the previous screen.

Illumlnant/observer does not match for tristimulus data displayed when the selected
illuminant/observer combination does not match the current data records illuminant/
observer combination.

Incompatible data file set displayed when an attempt is made to access a data file set
that is not com patible with the current version o f the data files. Exit to D O S and upgrade
the requested data file with the program CQ_FILE.EXE.

Indices may not be printed for tristimulus sample data displayed when printing
tristimulus data and the stored illuminant/observer combination.

Indices may not be printed for tristimulus standard data displayed when printing
tristimulus data and the stored illuminant/observer combination.

Insufficient disk space for another file set displayed when creating a new data file.
U se a new floppy diskette or erase som e unwanted files.

C-6 E rror M e s s a g e s 08/93

Insufficient memory available in allocation step # displayed during system initializa
tion when additional memory that is needed was found not to be available. Be sure that the
system has 540K bytes o f free memory before running the CQ SP EC software.

Invalid character in file name displayed when entering a name for a new data rile. Press
1 to enter the name again or 2 to return to the previous screen.

Invalid character in path name displayed when entering a path for a new data rile. Press
1 to enter the name again or 2 to return to the previous screen.

Invalid drive specification displayed when entering a drive specification for a new data
file. Press 1 to enter the name again or 2 to return to the previous screen.

Invalid range displayed when the entered range is too narrow or is entered in the wrong
direction. Correct the range values.

Invalid signal due to sensor communications error displayed when reading data and
the sensor does not respond with a complete set o f data. Be sure that the sensor is properly
connected before continuing.

No data file available. Use < F8 > to select a data file displayed when rile transfer is
selected, but an error occurred at system initialization indicating that the last used data riles
could not be found. Select a data file set to use before attempting file transfer.

No file name specified with drive and/or path displayed when entering a name for a
new data rile and the rile name is omitted. Press 1 to enter the name again or 2 to return to
the previous screen.

No format and/or data selected for file transfer displayed when an attempt is made to
perform the file transfer function when an output format is not selected.

No illuminant or observer selected displayed when the current search setup does not
have either an illuminant or observer selected.

No match found displayed when no record currently exists within the selected range.

No output field selected for print function displayed when none o f the output fields
can be printed because source data has not been selected.

No sample available for plot displayed when an attempt is made to plot the sample data
to the externa] plotter but no data yet exists for the sample. Read or recall a sample then

No sample exists for this search mode displayed when the sample register is empty.
R ead or recall a sample, then search.

08/93 Error M e s s a g e s C-7

No sample or standard data for print function displayed when no source data exists
for the print function to use. Read or recall data then print.

No search method is selected displayed when the current search setup does not have a
m ode selected.

No search mode is selected displayed when the current search setup does not have a
search method selected.

No second illuminant for Ml selected displayed when the current search setup does not
have 2 illuminants selected.

No Standard available for plot displayed when an attempt is made to plot the standard
data to the external plotter but no data yet exists for the standard. Read or recall a standard
then plot.

No standard exists for this search mode displayed when the sample register is empty.
Read or recall a standard, then search.

No standard, sample, or differences selected for print function displayed when no

source data is selected.

No standard observer/illuminant selected displayed when haze is selected and there is

no standard observer, illuminant or color scale enabled. Exit haze and return to the color
setup screen to select a color scale, illuminant, and standard observer.

Off hue, 90 + degrees, inapt.msg displayed when polar descriptors are enabled and the
hue angle color difference is more than 90 degrees off.

Option not installed displayed when an option is selected in a setup menu that is not

Path not found displayed when entering a path for a new data file. Press 1 to enter the
name again or 2 to return to the previous screen or exit to D O S to create the path.

Program aborted: Data file does not exist displayed while running a program that at
tempts to use a data file set that does not exist. Create the data file set using the < F8 > data
key, then run the program again.

Program aborted: Data record for save already exists displayed when the program
attempts to overwrite an existing data record. Manually erase the current records, use a dif
ferent file name to save the data into the file, or change to a new data file set.

Program aborted: File switch displayed when running a program and switching data
files. The program cannot continue.

C-8 Error M e s s a g e s 08/93

Program aborted: Setup not found displayed when an error occurred running a pro
gram and switching setup files. The program cannot continue.

Program not found displayed when an attempt is made to recall a program record that
d oes not exist in the program data file. List the available program records and recall from
the available records.

Record not found displayed when the selected record ID does not exist in the setup or
program data file.

Sample data Is tristimulus - spectral data may not be printed displayed when print
ing tristimulus data and the user has selected spectral data printout for the sample.

Sample is not hitched displayed when a record is being recalled into the sample register
that is not hitched to the same hitched standard as is currently being used.

Sample may not be printed displayed when printing tristimulus data and the illuminant
or observer is not the same as those stored with the data.

Sensor not standardized displayed when the initialization sequence has bypassed both
refusing the previous standardization or setting a new standardization.

Setup not found displayed when an attempt is made to recall a setup record that does not
exist in the setup data file. List the available setup records and recall from the available

Standard may not be printed displayed when printing tristimulus data and the il
luminant or observer is not the same as those stored with the data.

Standard is not hitched displayed when a record is being recalled into the standard
register that is not hitched to the same hitch standard as is currently being used. Recalling
this record changes the current hitch information.

Standardization error displayed when the white tile reading during standardization does
not exceed the level set for the zero level.

Standardization time interval has elapsed. Please standardize again displayed

when the time interval set in global setup has elapsed. You may override the message with
another keystroke.

Unable to initialize plotter displayed when an attempt is made to set the initialization
parameters n eeded on the plotter and it does not respond. Be sure the plotter is connected,
turned on, set to the correct baud rate, parity, data bits, and stop bits before continuing.

Warning: both K/S and optical density can’t be selected at the same time dis
played in the setup screen when the user selects both K/S and optical density.

08/93 Error M e s s a g e s C-9

Warning: Do you want to select spectral data (resolution) tor the indices selected
displayed when attempting to leave a setup screen with a spectral data index selected but no
spectral data resolution selected in the same setup screen.

Warning: do you wish to display sample or standard plot displayed when none o f
the available plot m odes have been selected in the spectral plot setup screen.

Warning: do you wish to print sample, standard, or differences? 1 yes 2 no dis

played in the print setup screen when sample, standard, or difference are not enabled.

Warning: do you wish to send sample, standard, or differences? 1 yes 2 no dis

played in the send setup screen when sample, standard, or differences are not enabled.

Warning: do you wish to display sample, standard, or differences? 1 yes 2 no dis

played in the color setup screen when sample, standard, or difference are not enabled.

Warning: message file wrong or corrupted displayed when information is missing

from the m essage files. R eload the message files from diskette before continuing.

Warning: this option is not Included displayed when the user selects an option that is
not installed on the instrument.

Warning: too many items selected - please re-select displayed when the user selects
m ore items than allowed in a setup screen.

Warning: validate statistics for scales, diff or illuminants? 1 yes, 2 no displayed in

the print setup when there is no scale, color difference or illuminant enabled.

Warning: Do you wish to display sample or standard plot displayed when none of
the available plot m odes have been selected in the spectral plot setup screen.

Warning: Do you want to select spectral data (resolution) for the indices selected
displayed when attempting to leave a setup screen with a spectral data index selected but no
spectral data resolution selected in the same setup screen.

Wavelength out of range, please re-enter displayed when in the spectral data setup
screen and an invalid wavelength range is entered.

C-10 Error M e s s a g e s 08/93

Instrument Replacement and Repair

T he follow ing is described in this section:

• Warranty

• Claims
• Returns

• Service

08/93 In stru m en t R e p la c e m e n t a n d R ep a ir D-1

HunterLab warrants that all instruments manufactured will be free from defects in material
and workmanship under normal use and service. Our obligation under this warranty is
limited to repairing or replacing any defective parts which our examination discloses to
have been factory defective when returned to us by prepaid transportation. The time limit
on this warranty is 1 year from date o f shipment o f new instruments and 2 months from the
date o f shipment o f repaired instruments. The printer and IBM computer are covered
under this warranty for a period o f 90 days for the IBM-XT or one year for the IBM-AT or
System 2 computers.

A Warranty Registration Card is shipped with major pieces of HunterLab equipment. It is

important that you return this card promptly upon receipt of equipment. The Registration
Card is kept on file with the HunterLab Service Department with complete information on
the exact equipment purchased. Questions concerning operation, maintenance or repair of
your equipment directed to the Service Department can then be knowledgeably handled.
Before cailine HunterLab please confirm the M odel and Serial Number o f your instrument.
HunterLab Warranty does not cover expendable items such as lamps, fuses, batteries, dis
kettes, etc.

The Warranty is void if the user has made unauthorized repairs, improper installation, or
im proper use o f the instrument.

D-2 In stru m en t R e p la c e m e n t a n d R ep a ir 08/93

All materials are sold F.O.B. Reston, Virginia (unless otherwise specified) and HunterLab
responsibility ends upon delivery to first carrier. All claims for loss or damage must be
rendered by the consignee against the carrier within 15 days o f receipt o f goods. A copy of
this notice must also be forwarded to HunterLab within 5 days o f its receipt.

Breakage or Damage

Freight or Express

A ccording to the contract terms and conditions o f the carrier, the responsibility of the ship
per ends at the time and place o f shipment. The carrier then assumes full responsibility.

1. Notify your local carrier.

2. H old damaged goods with container and packing for inspection by the examining
agent. D o not return any goods to this office prior to inspection and authorization
o f carrier.

3. File claim against carrier. Substantiate claim by examining agent’s report. Certified
copy o f our invoice is available upon request. Original B/L is attached to our
original invoice. If the shipment is prepaid, write for receipted transportation bill.

4. Advise HunterLab regarding replacement.

Parcel Post Shipment

1. Notify HunterLab at once in writing, giving details o f the loss or damage. This infor
mation is required for filing a claim.

2. H old damaged goods with container and packing for possible inspection by postal

3. Advise HunterLab regarding replacement.

United Parcel Service

1. Contact local UPS office regarding damage and insurance claim. Each UPS office
has a different method o f handling these occurrences and will advise you o f proce

2. Retain container and packing.

08/93 Instrum en t R e p la c e m e n t a n d R ep a ir D-3

3. Notify HunterLab at once for replacement.

1. Check packing list notations. The apparent shortage may be a back ordered item
and may b e marked as intentional short-shipped.

2. Re-inspect container and packing material, particularly for the smaller items.

3. Ascertain that the item was not removed by unauthorized personnel prior to com
plete unpacking and checking.

4. Notify HunterLab immediately o f shortage in writing.

Incorrect Shipment
1. If material received does not correspond with your order, notify HunterLab imme
diately referencing order number and item.

2. H old incorrect items until return shipping instructions are received.

D-4 In stru m en t R e p la c e m e n t a n d R ep air 08/93

D o not return any damaged or incorrect items until all shipping instructions are received.

N ote: Unless the above procedures are follow ed and HunterLab is notified within 15 days, we
cannot accept responsibility.

Instruments may also b e returned to a HunterLab service facility for repair. T o facilitate
scheduling and efficient repair, authorization should be obtained from HunterLab Service
Department before equipment is returned. A purchase order or letter giving essential infor
mation on the instrument involved and the way it is malfunctioning should be enclosed with
the instrument or sent under separate cover to the service facility nearest your location.

Custom er is liable for incoming and outgoing freight charges for instruments being
returned to HunterLab for all repairs including warranty.

Sample clamp must be removed from the reflectance port
before return shipment. Failure to do so may cause damage to
the instrument.

08/93 In stru m en t R e p la c e m e n t a n d R ep a ir D-5

HunterLab offers com plete repair service for all instruments it manufactures. Call
HunterLab for the service facility nearest your location. If your equipment is not fimction-
ing properly, contact the closest HunterLab Service Department for maintenance or repair
instructions. In many instances this on-the-spot diagnosis is all that is required.

If repair is required, HunterLab offers two means of servicing. Instruments may be

returned to a HunterLab service facility for repair or a HunterLab Service Department
technician can com e to your location for on-site repair. For schedule and terms for on-site
repairs by trained service technicians, call the HunterLab Service Department.

D-6 In stru m en t R e p la c e m e n t a n d R ep a ir 08/93


Absolute Reflectance Value: reflectance value relative to the perfectly reflecting and
perfectly diffusing surface as 1.0.

Absorption: process by which light or other electromagnetic radiation is converted into

heat or other radiation when incident on or passing through material.

Accuracy: conformity o f a measured result to an accepted reference value or scale.

Achromatic Color: a neutral color, such as white, gray or black, that has no hue also
term ed nonchromatic.

Angle of Incidence: the angle between the axis o f an impinging light beam and perpen
dicular to the specim en surface.

Angle of View: the angle between axis o f observation and perpendicular to specimen sur

Attribute: distinguishing characteristic o f a sensation, perception or m ode o f appearance,

distinction is made between chromatic and geometric appearance attributes.

Brightness: the attribute o f visual sensation by which an observer is aware o f differences

in luminance.

Calibration: the graphic or mathematical relationship o f a desired property to an instru

ment ou tpu t

Chromatic: perceived as having a hue - not white, gray or black.

Chromatic Attributes: those attributes associated with the spectral distribution o f light,
hue, and saturation.

Chromaticity: that part o f a color specification which does not involve luminance.

08/93 G lo s s a r y E-1
CIE, Commission Internationale de i’Eclairage: in English, the International Commis
sion on Illumination: the main international organization concerned with color and color
m easurem ent

CIE Chromaticity Coordinates (Trichromatic Coefficients): the ratios o f each o f the

tristimulus values o f a color to the sum o f the tristimulus values. In the C IE system they are
designated by x, y and z.

CIE Luminosity Function: a plot o f the relative magnitude o f the visual response as a
function o f wavelength from about 380 to 770 nm, adopted by CIE in 1924.

CIE 1976 L*a*b* Color Space: a uniform-color space utilizing an Adams-Nickerson

cube root formula, suggested in 1974 for adoption by the CIE in 1976 for use in measure
ment o f small color differences.

CIE Standard Observer: a hypothetical observer having the tristimulus color-mixture

data recom m ended in 1931 by the C IE for a 2° field o f vision (x, y, z or X2,y2,z2). A sup
plementary observer for a larger 10° field (xio, yio, zio) was adopted in 1964.

CIE Tristimulus Values: the amounts o f the three reference or matching stimuli required
to give a match, with the color stimulus considered, in a given trichromatic system.

Clarity: the characteristic o f a transparent material whereby distinct images may be ob

served through it.

CMC: color difference based on the CIELAB color scale which can automatically generate
tolerances for perceptible or acceptable differences.

Color Perceived: the visual sensation produced by light of different wavelengths

throughout the visible region o f the spectrum. By such perception an observer may distin
guish differences between two objects o f the same size, shape and structure.

Color Attribute: a three dimensional characteristic o f the appearance o f an object, light

source or aperture. O ne dimension usually defines the lightness, and the other two together
define the chromaticity.

Color Constancy: substantial invariance o f object-color perceptions in the presence of

changes in illumination or viewing conditions.

Color Difference: the magnitude and character of the difference between two object
colors under specified conditions.

Colorimeter: instrument which senses tristimulus values and converts them to

chromaticity com ponents o f color.

E-2 G lo s s a r y 08/93
Color Measurement Scale: a system o f specifying numerically the perceived attributes
o f color.

Color Specifications: tristimulus values, chromaticity coordinates and luminance value,

or other color-scale values, used to designate a color numerically in a specified color system.

Contrast Ratio: a measure o f opacity. The ratio of the luminous reflectance o f a specimen
backed with black material o f specified reflectance to reflectance of same specimen backed
with white material o f specified reflectance.

Delta Descriptors: words which describe measured color difference. Both the color setup
menu and the print setup menu have fields that permit the selection o f output o f the delta
descriptors. The descriptors are most valid for small color differences and a message will be
displayed when the measured differences exceed a predetermined level.

Diffuse Reflection: process by which incident light is redirected over a range of angles
from the surface on which it is incident.

Diffuse Transmission: process by which incident light, while being transmitted through
an object, is redirected or scattered over a range o f angles.

Haze: the scattering o f light within or at the surface o f a nearly clear specimen, responsible
for cloudy appearance seen by transmission.

Hitch Standards: standards close in color to the specimens being measured, same as
transfer standards.

Hue: the attribute o f color perception by means of which an object is judged to be red,
yellow, green, blue or purple.

Hunter L,a,b Scales: a uniform color scale devised by Hunter in 1958 for use in a color
difference meter, based on Hering’s opponent-colors theory of vision.

Illuminant: a table o f spectral distribution as close to that o f the natural light source,
usually daylight, to be duplicated.

Instrument Standards: secondary standards which are only used with a particular instru
ment for maintaining the calibration o f the instrument.

Light: electromagnetic radiation in the spectral range detectable by the normal human eye
approximately 380 to 780 nm.

Lightness: perception o f which white objects are distinguished from gray objects and light
from dark color objects.

08/93 G lo s s a r y E-3
Light Source: that elem ent in an instrument or in the visual observing situation that fur
nishes radiant energy in the form of light.

Metamerism: the phenom enon whereby colors o f specimens match when illuminated by
light o f one spectral com position despite differences in spectral reflectance o f the
specimens, and that consequently may not match in light o f some other spectral com posi

Metamerism Index: a measure o f the degree o f metamerism. A general index o f

metamerism is derived from 2 metameric spectral distribution curves without regard to the
illuminant. A special index o f metamerism is specified to 2 different illuminants.

Munsell Color System: the Munsell color identification o f a specimen by its Munsell
hue, value, and chrom a as visually estimated by comparison with the Munsell Book o f Color.

Nanometer (nm): unit o f length equal to 10‘9 meter.

Object Color: the aspect o f the appearance o f an object dependent upon the spectral com
position o f the incident light, the spectral reflectance or transmittance o f the object, and the
spectral response o f an observer.

Observing Conditions: the geometric and spectral conditions o f illuminating and viewing
a specim en for visual or instrumental evaluation. In visual observations, the conditions in
clude the surroundings and the state o f adaption o f the observer.

Opacity: the degree to which a sheet or film obscures a pattern beneath it.

Opponent-Colors System: a color system based on Hering’s opponent-colors theory

which states that there are six independent color dimensions which are perceived by three
opponent color systems: black-white, red-green, and yellow-blue.

Perception: the combination of different sensations and the utilization of past experience
in recognizing the objects from which the stimulation comes.

Perfect Diffuse Reflector: an ideal uniform diffuser with zero absorbance and zero trans

P erfect D iffuse Transmitter: an ideal uniform diffuser with zero absorbance and zero

Polychromator: a device for isolating narrow portions o f the spectrum by dispersing light
into its com ponent wavelengths.

Precision: the degree o f agreement of repeated measurements o f the same property.

E-4 G lo s s a r y 08/93
Primary Light: any one o f three lights in terms o f which a color is specified by giving the
amounts required to duplicate it by additive combination.

Primary Standard: a standard whose calibration is determined by the measurement of

parameters usually different from the parameter for which it will be used as a standard.

Regular Transmittance: process by which incident light is transmitted through an object

in a rectilinear, straight-through manner, without diffusion.

Reflectance: the ratio o f reflected to incident radiation.

Reflection: process by which incident light leaves a surface or medium from the side on
which it is incident.

Refraction: the bending o f light rays as they pass from one medium into another having a
different index o f refraction.

Repeatability: the degree to which a single instrument gives the same reading on the same
sp ecim ea

Reproducibility: the agreement attainable between measurements performed in different


Restandardize: to set the top o f the standardization scale only.

Saturation: the attribute o f color perception that expresses the degree of departure from
the gray o f the same lightness.

Scattering: the process by which light passing through granular, fibrous or rough surface
matter is redirected throughout a range o f angles.

Secondary Standards: all standards other than primary standards.

Shade Sorting: the grouping together of similarly colored materials so that the materials
within each group may be used together in a finished product.

Spectrocolorimeter: visible spectrum sensing full scanning or abridged spectro

photom eters with either integral microprocessors or personal computers programmed to
perform tristimulus integrations; normally with a broad bandpass o f 10 to 20 nanometers.

Spectrophotometer: an instrument used for measuring the transmittance and reflectance

o f specim ens as a function o f wavelength.

Spectrum: spatial arrangement o f electromagnetic energy in order of wavelength. For

visible radiation, the spectrum is a band of color produced by breaking white light into its
com ponent colors.

08/93 G lo s s a r y E-5
Specular: having the qualities o f a speculum or mirror; having a smooth reflecting surface.

Specular Reflectance: process by which incident light is redirected at the specular angle,
as from a mirror, without diffusion.

Standard: a reference against which instrumental measurements are made.

Standardization: process by which a given method, procedure or protocol is made to con

form to prescribed conditions. Standardization can only follow calibration.

Tolerance: Limits that determine how far a sample can deviate from a standard.
Tolerances can b e set for each color difference and index difference.

Total Reflection: diffuse plus specular reflection.

Total Transmission: diffuse plus regular transmission.

Transfer Standards: standards close to the color o f the specimens being measured, same
as hitch standards.

Translucency: the property o f a material by which a major portion o f the transmitted light
undergoes scattering.

Transmission: process by which incident light is transmitted through an object.

Transparency: the property o f a material by which a negligible portion o f the transmitted

light undergoes scattering.

Uniform Color Scale: a color scale or color solid in which the differences between points
correspond to the perceptual visual differences between the colors represented by these

Wavelength: the distance, measured along the line of propagation, between two points
that are in phase or o n adjacent waves. Wavelength distribution determines the color of
light. Wavelengths o f visible light range from about 400 to about 700 nanometers.

fi-S G lo s s a r y 08/93

Richard S. Hunter and Richard W. Harold, The Measurement o f Appearance. Wiley, New
York, 1987,2nd ed.

Fred W. Billmeyer, Jr. and Max Saltzman, Principles o f Color Technology. Wiley, New
York, 1981,2nd ed.

Ralph M. Evans, An Introduction to Color. Wiley, New York, 1948.

Ralph M. Evans, The Perception o f Color. Wiley, New York, 1974.

F. J. Francis and F. M. Clydesdale, Food Colorimetry: Theory and Application. AVI

Publishing Co., Inc., W estport, CT, 1975.

Arthur C. Hardy, Handbook o f Colorimetry. The Technology Press, Cambridge, MA, 1936.

D eane B. Judd and Gunter Wyszecki, Color in Business. Science and Industry. 3rd ed.,
Wiley, New York, 1975.

Kenneth L. Kelly and Deane B. Judd, The ISCC-NBS Method o f Designating Colors and a
Dictionary o f C olor Names. NBS Circular 533, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1955.

David L MacAdam, Sources o f Color Science. The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1970.

G ord on Mackinney and Angela C. Little, Color of Foods. AVI Publishing Co., Westport,
CT, 1962.

A. H. Munsell, A C olor Notation. Baltimore, MD, 1936-1963.

Optical Society o f America, Committee on Colorimetry, The Science of Color. Thomas Y.

Crowell, Co., New York, 1953. Reprinted by the Optical Society o f America, 1963.

W. D. Wright, The Measurement o f Color. 3rd ed., D. Van Nostra Co., New York, 1964.

Gunter Wyszecki and W. S. Stiles, C olor Science. Wiley, New York, 1964.

08/93 R eferen ces F-1


A (tungsten) 2-7
A bsorbance A-16
A ccessories 2-2
AnLab 2-6, A-9
APHA-20 m m A-14
Averaging 5-9, 7-1,10-1

Backing up files 16-6

C (daylight) 2-7
Calibrated tiles 2-2
C IE L C H 2-6
Clearing data 5-17, 7-1
CM C 8-15, A-9
C olor data screen 12-1
C olor difference scales 2-7
C o lor plot screen 12-1
C o lor scales 2-6
AnLab A-9
Rdab A-9
Yxy A-4
C olor setup 5-3, 8-7
Colorant strength A-15
Communication port B-4
Com puter 2-2,3-1

D 50 2-7
D60 2-7
D65 (daylight) 2-7
D 75 2-7
Dam aged instruments D-3
deleting 11-8
entering 11-6
listing 5-16,11-5
recalling 11-3
saving 11-2
Data files
backing up 16-6
creating 5-15,11-11
listing 11-12
restoring 16-6
Date 5-2
D eleting
data 11-8
setup 8-19
standardization 9-4
Diagnostics 9-5
Directionality 14-3
Diskette maintenance 16-6
Display 12-1
Dominant wavelength A-14
DOS, exit to 5-20, 9-1
D ye strength A-16

data 11-6
program 9-11
Error messages C-l, C-4 - C-6, C-9
Excitation purity A-14
Exiting to D O S 5-20, 9-1
Extended communications 15-2-15-6

457 nm Brightness A-14
F2 (fluorescent) 2-7
File transfer setup 8-12
File translation B-2
Fluorescence 14-3
FMC-2 A-12
Full print 8-3
Fuse 2-3,16-4

G lobal setup 5-5,8-14

Glossary E - l - E-6

H aze 9-9, A-12

H elp 5-19
Hitch standardization 9-6 - 9-7,14-5
H om e key 5-18
Hunter Lab 2-6

Bluminant table
10° standard observer A-6
2° standard observer A-5
Illuminants 2-7
Indices 2- 7
Installation 3- 1 - 3-6
computer 3-1
software 3-4
Instrument return D-5
Instrument service D-6
Instrument standard 11-4

K/S A-15

Lamp 2-3, 16-3, A-3

Lens 16-5
Light trap 2-2
data 11-5
data files 11-12
data records 5-16
program 9-11
setup 8-19
Maintenance 5-21
diskette 16-6
fuse 16-4
lamp 16-3
lens 16-5
sphere 16-5
standards 16-2
M etamerism index A-12
M ode select 4-5,9-4
M ouse 3-2

Opacity 9-8,14-3, A-12
O paque materials 2-6
Optical density A-16
Options 2-3,15-1 -15-6,15-8
extended communications package 15-2
light cover 2-4
reflectance sample shelf 2-4
small area view 2-5
transmission specim en holder 2-3
U V filter 2-5
X Y plotter 15-8.--

Paper brightness A-14

Percent dye strength A-16
Plotter m ode toggle 15-8
Power A-2
Power switch 2-1
Print format
full 8-3
short 8-3
Print setup 8-2
Printer 3-2
Printing data 6-1
entering 9-11
listing 9-11
recalling 9-11
running 13-1
saving 9-11
Program files 3-6

Rdab 2-6, A-9

data 11-3
instrument standards 11-4
program 9-11
setup 8-18
standardization 9-4
References F-l
Reflectance measurements 5-8
opacity 9-8
specular excluded 2-6
specular included 2-6
Reflectance port 2-1
Restandardization 4-4, 9-3
Restoring files 16-6
RSEX ' 4-1,9-2
RSIN ; 4-1,9-2
R TR A N 4-1,9-2
Running a program 13-1

handling 14-2
selecting 14-2
data 5-15,11-2
measurements 5-16
program 9-11
setups 5-7, 8-18
standardization 4-5, 8-18, 9-4
Search 11-9
Search setup 8-16
Send 6-1
Send function 15-2 -15-6
Send setup 8-5
Sensor 2-1
installation 3-3
Sensor signal strength 9-5
Service D-6
Setup 5-3
color 5-3,8-7
8-19 msiur^qrfu,'-.,
file transfer 8-12
global 5-5,8-14 ?.«r?s» n-y uasoiti
listing 8-19
print 8-2
recalling 8-18
saving 8-18
search 8-16
send 8-5
spectral data 8-9
spectral plot 5-5,8-10
Short print 8-3
Small area view 4-2 Or.
installation 3-4
upgrade B-2
illumination A-2
physical r .~ A-2
power A-2
viewing A-2
Spectral data screen 12-1
Spectral data setup 5-4, 8-9
Spectral plot screen 12-1
Spectral plot setup 5-5
Specular exclusion port • 4-2
Sphere maintenance 16-5
Standardization 4-1 - 4-5,5-1,9-2
deleting 9-4
prom pt 4-4
recalling 9-4
saving 9-4
Standardization m odes 4-1,4-5
Standards 16-2

T ile maintenance 16-2

Tim e 5-2
TL4 (fluorescent) 2-7
Tolerances 14-4
Transfer standardization u-a 14-5
Transferring files £-c 6-1
Translucent materials r -8 / " 2-6,14-3
(; »'. gniJebb
Transmission compartment 2-2
£I-y ;eu J.F5
Transmission sample holder 2-2 U>C;)V
Transmittance measurements p£~Z -I- 5-9 ;i
haze ? :t -
regular 2-6
total 2-6
Transparent materials 2-6
TITIAN 4-1,9-2

u <'J* .. •»'?.=< ..
in. - ;
UL3 (fluorescent) 2-7 wjnv ,i:.v;. > ; / .
Upgrade B-2
U V filter 4-2 no?:jn3J» f» :
O 4

W ir.iCy^nh^-?.

i '7i'. -?^j
Warm-up time 3-3,5-1
Warranty D-2
Whiteness index
A A-13
X P-8 >-?; -• .:• is'ii '£ i':
X Y plotter 8-11,9-1-
XYZ 2-6, A-4

Yellowness index A-13

Yxy 2-6, A-4

z% A-14
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