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Modern Authentication with Azure

Active Directory for Web


Vittorio Bertocci
Microsoft Press
A Division of Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, Washington 98052-6399
Copyright © 2016 by Vittorio Bertocci. All rights reserved.
No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in
any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014954517
ISBN: 978-0-7356-9694-5
Printed and bound in the United States of America.
First Printing
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Support at Please tell us what you think of this
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opinions. The views, opinions and information expressed in this book,
including URL and other Internet website references, may change without
Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are
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Microsoft and the trademarks listed at on the
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Acquisitions and Developmental Editor: Devon Musgrave
Project Editor: John Pierce
Editorial Production: Rob Nance, John Pierce, and Carrie Wicks
Copyeditor: John Pierce
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Ai miei carissimi fratelli e sorelle: Mauro, Franco, Marino,
Cristina, Ulderico, Maria, Laura, Guido e Mira—per avermi
fatto vedere il mondo attraverso altre nove paia d’occhi.

Chapter 1 Your first Active Directory app
The sample application
Microsoft Azure subscription
Visual Studio 2015
Creating the application
Running the application
ClaimsPrincipal: How .NET represents the caller
Chapter 2 Identity protocols and application types
Pre-claims authentication techniques
Passwords, profile stores, and individual applications
Domains, integrated authentication, and applications on an
Claims-based identity
Identity providers: DCs for the Internet
Trust and claims
Claims-oriented protocols
Round-trip web apps, first-generation protocols
The problem of cross-domain single sign-on
Modern apps, modern protocols
The rise of the programmable web and the problem of access
OAuth2 and web applications
Layering web sign-in on OAuth
OpenID Connect
More API consumption scenarios
Single-page applications
Leveraging web investments in native clients
Chapter 3 Introducing Azure Active Directory and Active Directory
Federation Services
Active Directory Federation Services
ADFS and development
Getting ADFS
Protocols support
Azure Active Directory: Identity as a service
Azure AD and development
Getting Azure Active Directory
Azure AD for developers: Components
Notable nondeveloper features
Chapter 4 Introducing the identity developer libraries
Token requestors and resource protectors
Token requestors
Resource protectors
The Azure AD libraries landscape
Token requestors
Resource protectors
Visual Studio integration
AD integration features in Visual Studio 2013
AD integration features in Visual Studio 2015
Chapter 5 Getting started with web sign-on and Active Directory
The web app you build in this chapter
The starting project
NuGet packages references
Registering the app in Azure AD
OpenID Connect initialization code
Host the OWIN pipeline
Initialize the cookie and OpenID Connect middlewares
[Authorize], claims, and first run
Adding a trigger for authentication
Showing some claims
Running the app
Quick recap
and sign-out
Sign-out logic
The sign-in and sign-out UI
Running the app
Using ADFS as an identity provider
Chapter 6 OpenID Connect and Azure AD web sign-on
The protocol and its specifications
OpenID Connect Core 1.0
OpenID Connect Discovery
OAuth 2.0 Multiple Response Type, OAuth2 Form Post
Response Mode
OpenID Connection Session Management
Other OpenID Connect specifications
Supporting specifications
OpenID Connect exchanges signing in with Azure AD
Capturing a trace
Authentication request
sequence diagram
The ID token and the JWT format
OpenID Connect exchanges for signing out from the app and
Azure AD
Chapter 7 The OWIN OpenID Connect middleware
OWIN and Katana
What is OWIN?
OpenID Connect middleware
Valid values
Validation flags
More on sessions
Chapter 8 Azure Active Directory application model
The building blocks: Application and ServicePrincipal
The Application
The ServicePrincipal object
Consent and delegated permissions
Application created by a nonadmin user
Interlude: Delegated permissions to access the directory
Application requesting admin-level permissions
Admin consent
Application created by an admin user
App user assignment, app permissions, and app roles
App user assignment
App roles
Application permissions
Chapter 9 Consuming and exposing a web API protected by Azure
Active Directory
Consuming a web API from a web application
Redeeming an authorization code in the OpenID Connect
hybrid flow
Using the access token for invoking a web API
Other ways of getting access tokens
Exposing a protected web API
Setting up a web API project
Handling web API calls
Exposing both a web UX and a web API from the same Visual
Studio project
A web API calling another API: Flowing the identity of the
caller and using “on behalf of”
Protecting a web API with ADFS “3”
Chapter 10 Active Directory Federation Services in Windows Server
2016 Technical Preview 3
Setup (for developers)
The new management UX
Web sign-on with OpenID Connect and ADFS
OpenID Connect middleware and ADFS
Setting up a web app in ADFS
Testing the web sign-on feature
Protecting a web API with ADFS and invoking it from a web app
Setting up a web API in ADFS
Code for obtaining an access token from ADFS and invoking
a web API
Testing the web API invocation feature
Additional settings
Appendix: Further reading


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The purpose of an application is to take input from users or other

applications and produce output that will be consumed by those same users
or applications or by other ones. That’s true of a website that gains input
from a click on a link and sends back the content of the requested page as
output; a middle tier that processes database requests queued from a front
end, executing them by sending input to a database; or a cloud service that
gets input from a mobile application to look up nearby friends. Given this, a
fundamental question faced in the design of every application is, Who is
sending the input and should the application process it to produce the
resulting output? Put another way: every application must decide on an
identity system that represents users and other applications, a means by
which to validate an application’s or user’s claimed identity, and a way to
determine what outputs the user or application is allowed to produce.
These decisions will determine how easily users and applications can
interact with an application, what functionality they can take advantage of
to secure and manage their identities and credentials, and how much work
the application developer must do to enable these capabilities, which are
known as authentication and authorization. The ideal answers make it
possible for users and applications to use their preferred identities, whether
from Facebook, Gmail, or their enterprise; for the application to easily
configure the access rights for authorized users; and for the application to
rely on other services as much as possible to do the heavy lifting. Identity
and access control, while key to an application’s utility, are not the core
value an application delivers, so developers shouldn’t spend any more time
on this area than they have to. Why create a database of users and worry
about which algorithm to use to encrypt the users’ passwords if you can
take advantage of a service that’s built for doing just that, with industry-
leading security and management?
Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is arguably the heart of
Microsoft’s cloud platform. All Microsoft cloud services, including
Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Xbox Live, and Microsoft Office 365, use
Azure AD as their identity provider. And because Azure AD is a public
cloud service, application developers can also take advantage of its
capabilities. If an application relies on Azure AD as its identity provider, it
can rely on Azure AD APIs to provision users, rely on Azure AD to manage
their passwords, and even give users the ability to use multifactor
authentication (MFA) to securely authenticate to the application. For
application developers wanting to integrate with businesses, including the
many that are already using Azure AD, Azure AD has the most flexible and
comprehensive support of any service for integrating Active Directory and
LDAP identities. Fueled by enterprise adoption of Office 365, Azure AD is
already a connection point for hundreds of millions of business and
organizational identities, and it’s growing fast.
Using Azure AD for the most common scenarios is easy, thanks to the
open source developer libraries, tooling, and guidance available on
Microsoft Azure’s GitHub organization. Going beyond the basics, however,
requires a good understanding of modern authentication flows—specifically
OAuth2 and OpenID Connect—and concepts such as a relying party and
tokens, federation, role-based access control, a provisioned application, and
service principles. If you’re new to these protocols and terms, the learning
curve can seem daunting. Even if you’re not, knowing the most efficient
way to use Azure AD and its unique capabilities is important, and it’s
worthwhile understanding what’s available to you.
There’s no better book than Modern Authentication with Azure Active
Directory for Web Applications to help you make your application take full
advantage of Azure AD. I’ve known Vittorio Bertocci since I started in
Azure five years ago, and I’ve watched his always popular and highly rated
Microsoft TechEd, Build, and Microsoft Ignite conference presentations to
catch up with the latest developments in Azure AD. He’s a master educator
and one of Microsoft’s foremost experts on identity and access control.
This book will guide you through the essentials of authentication
protocols, decipher the disparate terminology applied to the subject, tell you
how to get started with Azure AD, and then present concrete examples of
applications that use Azure AD for their authentication and authorization,
including how they work in hybrid scenarios with Active Directory
Federation Services (ADFS). With the information and insights Vittorio
shares, you’ll be able to efficiently create modern cloud applications that
give users and administrators the flexibility and security of Microsoft’s
cloud and the convenience of using their preferred identities.
Mark Russinovich
Chief Technology Officer, Microsoft Azure

It’s never a good idea to use the word “modern” in the title of a book.
Growing up, one of the centerpieces of my family’s bookshelf was a 15-
tomes-strong encyclopedia titled Nuovissima Enciclopedia (Very new
encyclopedia), and I always had a hard time reconciling the title with the
fact that it was 10 years older than me.
I guarantee that the content in this book will get old faster than those old
volumes—cloud and development technologies evolve at a crazy pace—
and yet I could not resist referring to the main subject of the book as
“modern authentication.”
The practices and technologies used to take care of authentication in
business solutions have changed radically nearly overnight, by a perfect
storm of companies moving their assets to the cloud, software vendors
starting to sell their products via subscriptions, the explosive growth of
social networks with the nascent awareness of consumers of their own
digital identity, ubiquitous APIs offering programmatic access to
everything, and the astonishing adoption rate of Internet-connected
“Modern authentication” is a catch-all term meant to capture how today’s
practices address challenges differently from their recent ancestors: JSON
instead of XML, REST instead of SOAP, user consent and individual
freedom alongside traditional admin-only processes, an emphasis on APIs
and delegated access, explicit representation of clients, and so on. And if it
is true that those practices will eventually stop appearing to be new—they
are already mainstream at this point—the break with traditional approaches
is so significant that I feel it’s important to signal it with a strong title, even
if your kids make fun of it a few years from now.
As the landscape evolves, Active Directory evolves with it. When
Microsoft itself introduced one of the most important SaaS products on the
planet, Office 365, it felt firsthand how cloud-based workloads call for new
ways of managing user access and application portfolios. To confront that
challenge Microsoft developed Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), a
reimagined Active Directory that takes advantage of all the new protocols,
artifacts, and practices that I’ve grouped under the modern authentication
umbrella. Once it was clear that Azure AD was a Good Thing, it went on to
become the main authentication service for all of Microsoft’s cloud
services, including Intune, Power BI, and Azure itself. But the real raison
d’etre of this book is that Microsoft opened Azure AD to every developer
and organization so that it could be used for obtaining tokens to invoke
Microsoft APIs and to handle authentication for your own web applications
and web APIs.
Modern Authentication with Azure Active Directory for Web Applications
is an in-depth exploration of modern authentication protocols and
techniques used to implement sign-on for web applications and to protect
web API calls. Although the protocols and pattern descriptions are
applicable to any platform, my focus is on how Azure AD, the latest version
of Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), and the OpenID Connect
and OAuth2 components in ASP.NET implement those approaches to
handle authentication in real applications.
The text is meant to help you achieve expert-level understanding of the
protocols and technologies involved in implementing modern authentication
for a web app. Substantial space is reserved for architectural pattern
descriptions, protocol considerations, and other abstract concerns that are
necessary for correctly contextualizing the more hands-on advice that
Most of the practical content in this book is about cloud and hybrid
scenarios addressed via Azure AD. At the time of writing, the version of
ADFS supporting modern authentication for web apps is still in technical
preview; however, on-premises-only scenarios are covered whenever the
relevant features are already available in the preview.
Who should read this book
I wrote this book to fill a void of expert-level content for modern
authentication, Azure AD, and ADFS. Microsoft offers great online quick
starts, samples, and reference documentation—check out—that are perfect for helping you fulfil the most
common tasks as easily as possible. That content covers many scenarios and
addresses the needs of the vast majority of developers, who can be
extremely successful with their apps without ever knowing what actually
goes on the wire, or why. I like to think of that level of operation as the
automatic mode for handheld and smartphone cameras—their defaults work
great for nearly everybody, nearly all the time. But what happens if you
want to take a picture of a lunar eclipse or any other challenging subject?
That’s when the point-and-click facade is no longer sufficient and knowing
about aperture and exposure times becomes important. You can think of this
book as a handbook for when you want to switch from automatic to manual
settings. Doing so is useful for developers who work on solutions for which
authentication requirements depart from the norm and for the devops who
run such solutions.
Developers who worked with Windows Identity Foundation will find the
text useful for transferring their skills to the new platform, and they’ll pick
up some new tricks along the way. The coverage of how the OWIN
middleware works is deeper than anything I’ve found on the Internet at this
time: if you are interested in an in-depth case study of ASP.NET’s Katana
libraries, you’ll find one here.
This book also comes in handy for security experts coming from a classic
background and looking to understand modern protocols and approaches to
authentication—the principles and protocols I describe can be applied well
beyond Active Directory and ASP.NET. Security architects considering
Azure AD for their solutions can use this book to understand how Azure AD
operates. Protocol experts who want to understand how Azure AD and
ADFS use OpenID Connect and OAuth2 will find plenty to mull over as
This book is for senior professionals well versed in development,
distributed architectures, and web-based solutions. You need to be familiar
with HTTP trappings and have at least a basic understanding of networking
concepts. All sample code is presented in C#, and all walk-throughs are
based on Visual Studio. Azure AD and ADFS can be made use of from any
programming stack and operating system; however, if you don’t understand
C# syntax and basic constructs (LINQ, etc.), it will be difficult for you to
apply the coding advice in this book to your platform of choice. For good
background, I’d recommend John Sharp’s Microsoft Visual C# Step by Step,
Eighth Edition (Microsoft Press, 2015).
Above all, this book assumes that you are strongly motivated to become
an expert in modern authentication techniques and Azure AD development.
The text does not take any shortcuts: you should not expect a light read;
most chapters require significant focus and time investment.

This book might not be for you if…

This book might not be for you if you just want to learn how to use Azure
AD or ADFS for common development tasks. You don’t have to buy a book
for that: the documentation and the samples available at will get you up and running in no time, thanks to crisp
step-by-step instructions. If there are tasks you’d like to see covered by the
Azure AD docs, please use the feedback tools provided at that address: the
Azure AD team is always looking for feedback for improving its
This book is also not especially good as a lookup reference. The text
covers a lot of ground, including information that isn’t included in the
documentation at this time, but the information is unveiled progressively,
building on the reader’s growing understanding of the topic. The book is
optimized as a long lesson, not for looking things up.
Finally, this book won’t be of much help if you are developing mobile,
native, and rich-client applications. I originally intended to cover those
types of applications, too, but the size of the book would have nearly
doubled, so I had to cut them from this edition.
Organization of this book
This book is meant to be read cover to cover. That’s not what most people
like to do, I know: bite-size and independent modules is the way to go
today. I believe there are media more conducive to that approach, like video
courses or the online documentation at I chose to
write a book because to achieve my goal—helping you understand modern
authentication principles and how to take advantage of them with Azure AD
—I cannot feed you only factlets and recipes. I have to present you with a
significant amount of information, highlight relationships and implications
for you, and then often ask you to tuck that knowledge away for a chapter
or two before you actually end up using it. That’s where I believe a book
can still deliver value: by giving me the chance to hold your attention for a
significant amount of time, I can afford a depth and breadth that I cannot
achieve in a blog post. (By the way, did I mention that I do blog a lot as
well? See and
If this book has a natural fault line in its organization, it lies between the
first four chapters and the last six. The first group provides context, and the
later chapters dive deeply into the protocols, code, libraries, and features of
Active Directory. Here’s a quick description of each chapter’s focus:
Chapter 1, “Your first Active Directory app,” is a soft introduction to
the topic, giving you a brief glimpse of what you can achieve with
Azure AD. It mostly provides instructions on how to use Visual
Studio tools to create a web app that’s integrated with Azure AD.
Instant gratification.
Chapter 2, “Identity protocols and application types,” is a detailed
history of identity protocols. It introduces terminology, topologies,
and relationships between standards and helps you understand how
modern authentication came to be and why identity is managed the
way it is today.
Chapter 3, “Introducing Azure Active Directory and Active Directory
Federation Services,” presents basic concepts, terminology, and a list
of developer-relevant features for Azure AD and ADFS. The hands-on
chapters (Chapters 6-10) provide detailed descriptions of the features
of both services that come into play in the scenarios of interest for the
Chapter 4, “Introducing the identity developer libraries,” covers basic
concepts, terminology, and the features of the Active Directory
Authentication Library (ADAL) and ASP.NET OWIN middleware.
Chapter 5, “Getting started with web sign-on and Active Directory,”
provides a walk-through of how to create from scratch a web app that
can sign in with Azure AD. Starting with the vanilla MVC templates,
you learn about the NuGets packages you need to add, what app
provisioning steps you need to follow in the Azure portal, and what
code you need to write to perform key authentication tasks.
Chapter 6, “OpenID Connect and Azure AD web sign-on,” provides a
very detailed description of OpenID Connect and related standards,
grounded on network traces of the actual traffic generated by the
sample app. This is a very practical way of understanding the
underlying protocol and why it operates the way it does. The
descriptions of the constellation of ancillary specifications for
OpenID Connect and OAuth2 will help you to navigate this rather
crowded space, even if you are not planning to use Azure AD at the
Chapter 7, “The OWIN OpenID Connect middleware,” is a detailed
analysis of how the authentication pipeline in ASP.NET works—with
an emphasis on the OpenID Connect middleware, its extensibility
points, and what scenarios these are meant to address.
Chapter 8, “Azure Active Directory application model,” is a deep dive
into the Azure AD application model: how Azure AD represents apps
and handles consent, and how it deals with app provisioning,
multitenancy, app roles, groups, app permissions, and the like.
Chapter 9, “Consuming and exposing a web API protected by Azure
Active Directory,” does for web APIs what Chapters 6 and 7 do for
web apps—it explains the protocol flows used by web apps for
gaining access to a protected API and describes how to use ADAL and
the OAuth2 middleware for securely invoking and protecting a web
API. This chapter also briefly introduces the Directory Graph API and
discusses advanced scenarios such as exposing and securing both the
user experience and an API from the same web project.
Chapter 10, “Active Directory Federation Services in Windows
Server 2016 Technical Preview 3,” discusses the new modern
authentication features in ADFS, showing how to adapt web sign-on,
web API invocation, and code protection covered in the earlier
chapters to on-premises-only scenarios.
The appendix, “Further reading,” provides you with pointers to online
content describing ancillary topics and offerings that are still too new
to be fully fleshed out in the book but are interesting and relevant to
the subject of modern authentication.

Finding your best starting point in this book

As I mentioned, every chapter in this book builds on the knowledge you
acquire in the preceding ones. That makes choosing an arbitrary starting
point a tricky exercise. I recommend that you look over the description of
the book’s chapters in the previous section and decide whether you feel
comfortable enough on the matter to choose a specific starting point.

System requirements
You will need the following software if you want to follow the code walk-
throughs in this book:
Any Windows version that can run Visual Studio 2015 or later.
Visual Studio 2015, any edition (technically, apart from Chapter 1,
Visual Studio 2015 isn’t a hard requirement; Visual Studio 2013 will
work with just a few adjustments).
A Microsoft Azure subscription and access to the Azure portal.
Telerik Fiddler v4 (
Internet connection to reach Azure AD during authentication
operations and provisioning tasks.
In addition, Chapter 10 requires you to have access to an ADFS instance
using Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 3. Its system requirements
can be found at
For the book, I hosted my own instance in a Hyper-V virtual machine,
running on a laptop with Windows 10.
Downloads: Code samples
This book contains a lot of code, and I present some of it in the form of
guided walk-throughs. The goal is always to unveil the concepts you need
to understand in manageable chunks, as opposed to the classic recipes you
get in traditional labs or exercises. Also, I often discuss alternatives in the
text, but the code can’t always reflect all possible options. Expect the code
to demonstrate the mainline approach; where possible and appropriate,
alternatives are provided in code comments.
You can find the code I use in the book on my GitHub, at the following
You will notice a number of repositories with the form
<ModAuthBook_ChapterN>, where N represents the chapter number in
which the repository code is described and demonstrated. (Not every book
chapter contains code; only the chapters that do have a corresponding
repository on GitHub.) If you are not familiar with GitHub, just click the
repository name for the chapter you are interested in; somewhere on the
page (at this time, at the bottom-right corner of the layout), you’ll find the
Download ZIP button, which you can use to save a local copy of the code.

Using the code samples

Every repository contains a Visual Studio solution and a readme file. The
readme provides a quick indication about the topic covered by the
corresponding chapter, prerequisites, and basic instructions on how to
provision the sample in your own Azure AD tenant. I’ll do my best to keep
the setup instructions up to date.
Once again, don’t expect too much handholding: the code is provided
mostly for reference. (Microsoft’s fficial step-by-step samples and quick
starts are provided at If a sample requires extra steps
to fully demonstrate a scenario (for example, the presence in your tenant of
an admin and at least a nonadmin user), I’ve assumed that you’ll get that
information by reading the book and don’t repeat it in the sample’s readme.
The code provided at is meant to support and
complement the reading of the book rather than as a standalone asset.

We have to go deeper.
—Cobb in Inception, a film by Christopher Nolan, 2010
This book has been a labor of love, written during nights, weekends, and
occasional time off. I have willingly put that yolk on myself, but my wife,
Iwona Bialynicka-Birula, did not . . . she endured nearly one year of
missed hikes, social jet lag, and a silence curfew “because I have to write.”
Thank you for your patience, darling—as I promised in the
acknowledgments for Programming Windows Identity Foundation back in
2011: No more books for a few years!
This book would not have happened at all if Devon Musgrave, my
acquisitions editor, would not have relentlessly pursued it, granting me a
level of trust and freedom I am not sure I fully deserve. Thank you, Devon!
John Pierce has been an absolutely incredible project editor, driving
everything from editing to project management to illustrations. He has this
magic ability of turning my broken English into correct sentences while
preserving my original intent. I wish every technical writer would have the
good fortune of working with somebody as gifted as John. Rob Nance and
Carrie Wicks also made significant contributions to producing this book.
I will be forever grateful to Mark Russinovich for the fantastic foreword
he wrote for the book and for the kind words he offered about me. I am
truly humbled to have my book begin with the words of a legend in
software engineering.
Big thanks to my management chain for supporting this side project.
Alex Simons, Eric Doerr, Stuart Kwan—thank you! I never quite
managed to write on Fridays, but it was a great attempt.
I need to call out Stuart for a special thanks—from welcoming me to the
product team to mentoring me through the transition from evangelism to
product management. A large part of whatever success I have achieved is
thanks to our work together. Thank you!
Rich Randall, the development lead on the Azure AD developer
experience team, is my partner in crime and recipient of my utmost respect
and admiration. Without his amazing work, none of the libraries described
in this book would be around. And without the contribution of Afshin
Sephetri, Kanishk Panwar, Brent Schmaltz, Tushar Gupta, Wei Jia,
Sasha Tokarev, Ryan Pangrle, Chris Chartier, and Omer Cansizoglu—
developers on Rich’s team—those libraries would not be nearly as usable
and powerful as they are.
Danny Strockis has been on the PM team for a relatively short time, but
his contributions are already monumental. Ariel Gordon, responsible for
designing many of the experiences that the Azure AD users go through
every day, is a source of never-ending insights. Dushyant Gill drove the
authorization features in Azure AD, and he patiently explained those to me
every single time I barged into his office.
Igor Sakhnov, developer manager for Azure AD authentication, and his
then-PM counterpart David Howell have my gratitude for trusting us on the
decision to move the web authentication stack to OWIN. It worked out
pretty well!
Speaking of OWIN. Chris Ross, Tushar Gupta, Brent Schmaltz,
Daniel Roth, Louis Dejardin, Eilon Lipton, and Barry Dorrans all did a
fantastic job, both in developing and driving the libraries and in handling
my mercurial outbursts. Dan, I told you we’d get there! Special thanks to
Chris Ross and Tushar Gupta for reviewing Chapter 7 in record time.
I started working with Scott Hunter on ASP.NET tooling and templates
back in 2012 and loved every second. The man cares deeply about
customers, understands the importance of identity, and is a force to reckon
with. It is thanks to him and to my good friends Pranav Rastogi, Brady
Gaster, and Dan Roth that web apps in Visual Studio can be enabled for
Azure AD in just a few clicks.
In my opinion, Visual Studio 2015 has the most sophisticated identity
management features in all of Microsoft’s rich clients, and that’s largely
thanks to the relentless work that Anthony Cangialosi, Ji Eun Kwon, and
all the Visual Studio and Visual Studio Online gang poured into it. That
made it possible for many other teams to build on that core and deliver first-
class identity support in Visual Studio for Azure, Office 365, and more.
Among others, we have Chakkaradeep (Chaks) Chinnakonda
Chandran, Dan Seefeldt, Steve Harter, Xiaoying Guo, Yuval Mazor,
Sean Laberee, and Paul Yuknewicz to thank for that.
The Azure AD authentication service is for developers and maintained by
some of the finest developers I know—Shiung Yong, Ravi Sharma, Matt
Rimer, and Maxim Yaryn are the ones patiently fielding my questions and
listening to my crazy scenarios. The architects behind the service, Yordan
Rouskov and Murli Satagopan, are an inexhaustible source of insight.
The guys working on the directory data model, portal, and Graph API are
also amazing in all sorts of ways: Dan Kershaw, Edward Wu, Yi Li,
Dmitry Pugachev, Vijay Srirangam, Jeff Staiman, and Shane Oatman
are always there to help. Special mention to Yi Li who reviewed Chapter 8
and deals with my questions nearly every day.
Besides doing a fantastic job with ADFS in Windows Server 2016,
Samuel Devasahayam, Mahesh Unnikrishnan, Jen Field, Jim Uphaus,
and Saket Kataruka from the ADFS team were of great help for Chapter
The people on the partner teams are the ones who keep things real: they
won’t be satisfied until the services and libraries address their scenarios,
and in so doing they push the services to excellence. Mat Velloso from
Evangelism; Rob Howard, Matthias Leibmann, Yina Arenas, and Tim
McConnell from Office 365; Shriram Natarajan (Shri) and Pavel
Tsurbeleu from Azure Stack; Dave Brankin, David Messner, Yugang
Wang, and George Moore from Azure; and Hadeel Elbitar from Power BI
are all people who keep asking the right questions and offer priceless
insights. Thank you guys!
The contribution from people in the development community is of
paramount importance, especially now that our libraries are open source.
Dominick Baier and Brock Allen are the most prominent sources of
insight I can think of and are a beacon in the world of claims-based identity
and modern authentication.
The identirati community plays a key role in moving modern
authentication forward, divining what the industry wants and translating it
into the form of RFC stone tablets. I am super grateful to John Bradley for
our beer-fueled chats every time we meet at the Cloud Identity Summit and
to the excellent Brian Campbell and, well, Canadian Paul Madsen for the
friendly banter; to Bob Blakley and Ian Glazer for never failing to inspire;
and to our own Mike Jones and Anthony Nadalin for being dependable,
in-house protocol oracles. Although I cannot stop myself from reminding
Tony that it is imperative that he work on his focus—he’ll know what that
Last but not least, I want to thank the readers of my blog, my Twitter
followers, the people I engage with on StackOverflow, and the people I
meet at conferences during my sessions and afterward. It is your passion,
your desire to know more and be more effective, and, yes, your
affection,that made me decide to invest time in writing this book. Thank
you for your incredible energy. This book is for you.

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Chapter 1. Your first Active Directory app

To give you a good sense of how modern identity works, this book takes you on
a roller-coaster ride, swinging from the heights of highly abstract architectural
diagrams down to nitty-gritty details of implementation and protocols. There
will be time for all that later, though. In this chapter, I provide some immediate
gratification by walking you through the simple task of using Active Directory
to protect a web application—without worrying at all about the underlying
principles at play or the code necessary to implement them. Later chapters will
give you more insights about what’s really going on: you’ll be able to come
back to this example, reinterpret what you see in light of your new knowledge,
and tweak things to your specific needs. For now, we’ll just have some
uncomplicated fun.

The sample application

Here’s what I’m going for. I want to create an ASP.NET application that can be
accessed only by users from a given organization. Furthermore, I want the
application to be able to retrieve data about users and the organization itself at
any time during a user’s session.
I’ve assumed that the organization I’m targeting has an instance of Azure
Active Directory (Azure AD). The organization could have obtained that
instance in a number of ways: for example, having a Microsoft Azure or an
Office 365 subscription automatically provides one. I could just as well have
picked an on-premises instance of Active Directory and the example would
have worked the same, but the setup would have been more laborious.
The application scenario I’ve described can be achieved by relying on Azure
AD for authenticating users to the app and by querying the directory tenant for
whatever extra information might be required.

The use of cloud services and of highly integrated tooling such as Microsoft
Visual Studio allows me to keep the list of requirements very short.
Microsoft Azure subscription
The scenario requires a Microsoft Azure subscription to host the Azure AD
tenant and allow development against it. In fact, to try the code samples for
yourself, you’ll use your Azure AD tenant over and over again throughout this
Developing against Azure AD is free as long as you stay below 500,000
objects. You can get a Microsoft Azure free trial and, assuming that you don’t
use any other paid services, you can try everything you’ll find in this book
without spending a dime—excluding electricity and Internet connectivity bills,
of course.
At the time of writing this chapter, you can set up a Microsoft Azure trial by
visiting I won’t provide
detailed setup instructions here because the process has likely changed since the
book went to press. However, setup should be pretty simple. Please note that
you must successfully complete the process and have a valid subscription to
follow along with the samples. All the other setup steps depend on you having a
subscription available, so you need to take care of this right away.
Of course, if you already have a Microsoft Azure subscription, you are most
welcome to use it here: there’s no need to set up a new one.

Visual Studio 2015

You can choose to develop your app with pretty much any tool you like. To
save time, I’ll use Visual Studio 2015, which contains wizards and templates
that greatly speed up the creation of an Azure AD–protected application.
You can download Visual Studio 2015 from Go ahead
and install it on your development machine.
Once you are done with the setup, you need to tie the user account associated
with your Azure subscription to your Visual Studio instance. This allows Visual
Studio to gain access to your Azure assets, including your Azure AD tenant,
enabling various tools and wizards in Visual Studio to take care of many
configuration steps for you. Later in the book, I walk you through in
painstaking detail what happens behind the scenes, but for the time being,
abstracting away all those details makes it possible for you to protect
applications with Azure AD without having to be a domain expert.
Launch Visual Studio. At the top-right corner of the screen is a Sign In link.
Click on it: you’ll be presented with a dialog prompting you for your
If you associated your Azure subscription with a Microsoft account, enter the
associated credentials here. Once you successfully sign in, you are done with
your setup.
What if your instance of Visual Studio is already tied to a
different identity?
If you are already using Visual Studio 2015, chances are that you
have entered an account in it. If that account is associated with an
Azure subscription, you are all set. If instead you created a
different account during your Azure sign-up process, or if your
company manages your Azure subscription under your work
account, you can simply add that account to Visual Studio as well.
Open the drop-down list at the top-right corner and choose
Account Settings. You’re presented with the dialog shown in
Figure 1-1. Click Add An Account, and simply enter your
credentials to associate the new account with Visual Studio.

Figure 1-1 The account management dialog in Visual Studio 2015.

Creating the application

Let’s get started!
1. Open Visual Studio 2015 (if you do not have an instance already
2. Go to the File menu. Choose New, Project.
3. In the list of templates on the left, choose Web. From the list of project
types in the main area, select ASP.NET Application.
4. Enter a project name of your choice. (I used FirstADWebApp.) Click
5. In the dialog that follows, select MVC (which should be the default).
Click the Change Authentication button on the right side of the dialog.
6. In the next dialog, select the Work And School Accounts option. You
should see a screen similar to this:

7. Leave the top drop-down with its default value: Cloud—Single

Organization. The Domain drop-down will show a list of all the domains
available to all the Azure AD tenants associated with the users signed in
via Visual Studio. You can leave the default here as well. Leave Read
Directory Data cleared.
8. Click OK through all the dialogs to get back to Visual Studio.
9. You’re done. After you click OK in the last dialog, Visual Studio reaches
out to Azure AD, creates a new entry describing your application, and
generates a new project that is already configured to handle authentication
to your Azure AD tenant.
Running the application
Visual Studio creates the application already configured to enforce
authentication on every request. That means that as soon as you try to access it,
you are prompted to authenticate.


This is a common setup for line-of-business (LOB) applications,

where users normally access the application from their workplace.
Chances are that such users are already signed in to their directory,
in which case the application authenticates them transparently,
without showing any prompt.

Go back to Visual Studio and press F5. The first thing you’ll see in the
browser is an Azure AD sign-in page prompting you for your Azure AD
credentials, as shown in Figure 1-2.
Figure 1-2 The Azure AD credentials prompt.
Enter any valid credentials from your Azure AD tenant, and then click Sign
In. You are presented with the consent prompt shown in Figure 1-3. Because
you are running this application for the first time, Azure AD informs you about
the privileges the application needs to acquire in your directory to perform its
function. In this case it is requesting the bare minimum—the abilities to sign in
the user and gather basic information.
Figure 1-3 The Azure AD consent page for the test application.
Click OK. That frees Azure AD to conclude the authentication flow and
return the results to the application, which will sign in the user. In Figure 1-4
you can observe the results.
Figure 1-4 The application home page after authentication.
This is all very straightforward. When it works well, identity is quite boring
and uneventful!
This walk-through demonstrates that you don’t need to read an abstruse book
cover to cover to take care of the most fundamental authentication scenario. As
things become more complicated later on, don’t forget that digging deeper is a
choice, not a requirement!

ClaimsPrincipal: How .NET represents the caller

The process followed in the preceding section injected some authentication
code and configuration settings into the application. That logic ensures that
unauthenticated requests are redirected to the intended Azure AD tenant and
challenged to authenticate; after that, the same logic ensures that only users
from the Azure AD tenant you specified can gain access to the application.
Unless you want to tweak how the default authentication process unfolds,
you can happily work on developing your application without ever looking at
the code that makes authentication happen.
That said, you will often need to work with at least one aspect of the
authentication operation: the authenticated user—or more precisely, the set of
attributes that defines the user (whether a him, her, or it) in the context of your
application. You might want to display a welcome message including the name
of the user, or you might want to authorize an operation only if the caller
belongs to a specific role: in both cases, your code needs to gain access to the
caller’s attributes. For reasons that will become clear in Chapter 2, “Identity
protocols and application types,” in this context, user attributes are called
The .NET Framework features a specific class meant to represent the identity
of the authenticated caller: ClaimsPrincipal, from the
System.Security.Claims namespace. Introduced in the Windows
Identity Foundation package in 2009, from version 4.5 ClaimsPrincipal
migrated to mscorlib (the very core of .NET), and all other principal classes
have been rebased to derive from ClaimsPrincipal. Unless you do some
heavy customization, you can be sure that if your application is accessed by an
authenticated user, you will find the user represented in a
As you’ll discover later in the book, an application can implement
authentication in many ways: different protocols, different token formats,
different providers, different consumption models, different development
stacks. Every combination comes with its advantages and its quirks, and
especially with its own unique implementation details. By representing only the
outcome of the authentication operation, ClaimsPrincipal decouples your
code from all the details of present and future authentication mechanisms: the
code you write for inspecting the attributes of the caller remains the same
regardless of how that information is dispatched to the app and validated.
Gaining access to ClaimsPrincipal is easy. Retrieving individual claims
is even easier; it’s just a matter of querying ClaimsPrincipal’s
IEnumerable<Claim> Claims collection. Let’s take a quick look at a
common task, such as how to retrieve the first and last name of the caller.
Go back to Visual Studio, open the project created in the previous sections,
and open HomeController.cs from the Controllers folder. Locate the Index
action and type the following code:
Click here to view code image

public ActionResult Index()

ClaimsPrincipal cp = ClaimsPrincipal.Current;
string welcome = string.Format("Welcome, {0} {1}!",
return View();

Place a breakpoint on the last line, and run the application. You’ll see that
you end up with the expected values in your welcome string.


The first name/last name sequence won’t work for every culture.
That does not change the value of the code snippet as a
demonstration of the programming model, but I wanted to be sure
to point this out.

Here are a couple of important things to observe in that snippet of code:

The current ClaimsPrincipal can be extracted from the context
ClaimsPrincipal contains a static property, named Current, that
can be used to gain access to the current instance of


Where do the bits of the current ClaimsPrincipal actually

live? There are two places from which the current
ClaimsPrincipal is typically sourced:
Thread.CurrentPrincipal or
HttpContext.Current.User. ClaimsPrincipal also
offers a delegate, ClaimsPrincipalSelector, that
developers of authentication components can use to change
where the current ClaimsPrincipal is sourced from in case
their scenario calls for a different location.

The ClaimTypes enumeration can be used to inspect ClaimsPrincipal

for commonly used attributes Claims are represented by a type,
indicating the specific attribute being described, and the attribute’s value.
In the case of the first-name claim received in our sample application, the
type identifier is Not
the easiest string to remember! The first-name claim type is hardly alone
in its verbosity. Many claim types come from identity protocol
specifications such as Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and
WS-Federation, which define how to represent attributes on the wire. The
top concerns in these definitions were uniqueness and consistency rather
than ease of coding. In the XML-crazy world that they emerged from, the
size overhead that resulted from having a long namespace included in
definitions was only a minor concern.
The ClaimTypes class was introduced to ease the burden of knowing
and entering the exact claim types, and it collects all the most common
types of the era. You can still query the Claims collection by using an
explicit string type, and in fact you have no choice but to do this for
custom types, but when applicable, ClaimTypes makes things easier.
Today, the pendulum has swung decisively in the other direction. Modern
identity protocols go out of their way to be concise. For example, in
OpenID Connect, the first-name claim type is simply given_name.
That’s a good name for saving bandwidth and keystrokes, but one
possible consequence is that it could invalidate the principle that
ClaimsPrincipal is independent from whatever authentication
mechanism is used. If in my claims collection, first name is represented
by a claim of type “given_name”, as might be the case if I use OpenID
Connect as opposed to SAML or WS-Federation, a query based on
ClaimTypes.GivenName (which is equivalent to entering the type, used
by SAML and WS-Federation) won’t work.
As you’ll discover in later chapters, our validation components do their best
to normalize differences such as these. Whenever a modern claim type can be
represented by a semantically equivalent member of ClaimTypes, the
validation pipeline automatically performs the mapping. That allows you to
keep using ClaimTypes.GivenName for accessing the first name of the
caller, no matter what protocol is used.

That mapping is not always available; you can expect to

occasionally see a mix of long and short claims in your
ClaimsPrincipal and to have to use explicit strings to reach
the latter of these.

Before I close the chapter, there are a couple of other things about user
attributes that I want to tell you.
The first is that you should be prepared for every provider to send a different
set of claims. If you list the entire content of the claims collection you received
in the sample application, you will have an idea of the attributes that Azure
Active Directory includes in the context of an authentication operation. Every
Azure AD tenant will consistently issue the same set of claims, but that is not
true if you are authenticating users directly against their on-premises directory,
via Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) or any other identity product.
The set of claims issued by ADFS during an authentication operation is
determined by what the directory administrator has decided to share with your
application. Although it is plausible to expect that some claims will be present
most of the time (UPN, names, and so on), the reality is that what claims are
available is a completely arbitrary decision by the administrator, with no
defaults you can rely on.


This is much to the chagrin of my friends on the ASP.NET team,

who would very much like to have some claims that are guaranteed
to be present at all times, to be used in the likes of cross-site
forgery-request prevention. Unfortunately, there’s no such thing.

Getting back to Azure AD. I cover this in depth later in the book, but I want
to give you a heads-up at this point: ClaimsPrincipal is not the only way
of accessing user info in Azure AD. The claims your app receives contextually
to an authentication operation are not everything that Azure AD knows about
the current user. The directory records a far richer set of user information;
however, including all of it at authentication time would be impractical and
would waste a lot of bandwidth. Azure AD provides a specialized API,
commonly referred to as the Directory Graph API, for gaining access to extra
information after authentication takes place. You’ll learn more about this as you
go along.
There is more to be said about ClaimsPrincipal, in particular about its
structure and usage. For the time being, the preceding discussion should be
enough to get you going for the most common scenarios.

This lightweight chapter started our journey into the world of modern
authentication. You acquired two of the key assets you’ll need through the
book, an Azure AD tenant and Visual Studio 2015, and you had a taste of what
you can achieve with them. The simple web application protected by Azure AD
you created in this chapter will be the backbone of many future explanations.
Finally, you learned the conventional ways in which .NET makes available to
you the user identity information acquired during the authentication phase.
The next couple of chapters will be decidedly more abstract. Hang in there.
Code-level considerations will return—with a vengeance—in just a couple of
Chapter 2. Identity protocols and application types

If experience serves me well, this chapter and the next will likely cost me
one star on Amazon. That’s because I’ll write quite a bit without showing
any code, a mortal sin in a book for developers. Still, I believe that this
chapter is the fulcrum around which the entire book turns, especially for
readers without a background in identity. I like great reviews, but I like my
readers more; hence, I’ll go ahead and write this chapter anyway.


If you are an industry veteran and already fully acquainted with

the modern identity landscape and the road that led to it, feel
free to skip this chapter. I assume you are reading this book
because you want to learn how Azure Active Directory does
things. You’ll find plenty of that from Chapter 3 onward.

Today’s identity landscape is the result of a couple of decades of market-

driven selection, during which time numerous protocols and technologies
evolved to address the needs of the application architectures du jour.
Interestingly, as new protocols and technologies emerged, they didn’t always
supplant the old ones. Rather, they often built on their predecessors to reach
further and address new scenarios. To offer an analogy: Animals on the earth
evolved through a variety of forms, from fish to amphibians, to terrestrial
animals and birds. However, the emergence of a new body plan did not
necessarily mean the demise of the ones that preceded it, especially when the
new form enabled the colonization of yet unexploited environments. Today,
the skies are full of birds, but there’s still plenty of fish in the sea. You can
think of identity protocols in similar terms.
To the newcomer, the world of authentication is a veritable bestiary:
seemingly ancient tecnologies, such as passwords and integrated
authentication, still play a key role in enabling modern scenarios such as
single sign-on from a tablet application, accessing an OAuth2-protected web
API via fine-grained delegation, and many others. That makes it hard to
understand what’s still relevant, what’s outdated, and what has changed its
role to adapt to a new environment.
The best way I’ve found for helping people make sense of today’s
landscape (and maintain my own sanity as I navigate through this industry’s
nuances every day) is to go through the sequence in which technologies
evolved, describing the problems they solved and how and what
shortcomings led to the emergence of each new generation. That also
happens to be a very natural way to introduce you to the terminology and
general concepts I’ll use throughout this book, disentangling that from
specific development tasks.
You can expect the narration to start light and then dive more deeply into
the details as we go along. The first sections will mostly set context. As I get
to modern territory, I’ll build the scaffolding on which I’ll later position
Active Directory features and development guidance. That will preempt an
untold number of questions you would eventually have—I assure you—if
you did not build a solid base from the very start.
Another of the goals of this chapter is to clarify what this book will not be
about. Many of the protocols and standards I mention here are still widely
adopted in the market, hence it is useful for you to know what they are and
what they are for. However, they do not qualify as modern protocols in the
year 2015. As such, they will be briefly described here but rarely mentioned
again through the book.

Pre-claims authentication techniques

Let’s start by discussing the very basics of authentication. I’ll describe a
couple of brute-force approaches to the problem: password-based
authentication and integrated authentication. This section might challenge
some of the implicit assumptions you have on the topic—a healthy thing to
do from time to time.

Passwords, profile stores, and individual applications

For an application, a user is really a collection of attributes that are relevant
for the functionality the application provides. Shipping address, name,
affiliation with a specific employer, native tongue, spending limit, power of
attorney, and birth date are all good examples of attributes.
These attributes, which constitute the identity of the user, drive the
application’s behavior: fetch a specific record, show or hide a certain piece
of user interface, pick a certain locale for a string, allow or deny the request
to perform a given task. Different applications care about different attributes.
Building on that idea, here’s an attempt at an operational definition of
Authenticating a user is the act of recognizing that a certain set of
attributes should be used in the context of the current transaction.
For one application, the brute-force approach to representing a user’s
identity in those terms is to maintain its own user-profile store listing the
attributes of each user. After you have a profile store, the problem is reduced
to how to correlate the current request to the correct user profile.
Passwords are the crudest mechanism the industry has devised for dealing
with this scenario. At some initial stage, the application and the user (this
time, intended as a person) agree on a secret string, entering a contract that
establishes that neither will ever reveal that secret to anybody (or anything)


I mention strings because that’s the most common mechanism,

but in the end, any type of credentials negotiated between users
and apps (certificates, temporary codes, etc.) are architecturally
equivalent for the purposes of this chapter—in the sense that
they still require the app to keep track of user profiles. The
characteristics of different credential types do vary greatly in
terms of security assurances and infrastructure costs, of course.

The application associates that secret to the set of attributes defining the
user for its purposes. If during a future transaction the user presents that very
same secret, the app knows that the identity that should be selected is the one
previously associated with that secret—and voilà, that’s authentication for

Although, technically, the scenario described—in which only

the password is sent—could work, in a real system it would be
impractical to use only the secret to identify the user. As you
know, all password-based systems usually also rely on an
identifier of some sort (nickname, username, email address,
etc.) that is effectively a way of passing an identity by
reference. That decouples the handle for the identity from the
password itself so that you can change passwords without
breaking any reference to any specific user.

If you exclude authentication schemes based on physically accessing

resources (for example, sharing time on a mainframe that can be used only
by entering the building and the room where it is installed), applications
implementing their own username-password-profile schemes represent the
earliest authentication strategy that went mainstream.
Today we know that many issues are associated with the use of
passwords: they can be cracked, leaked, or lost, and we need to memorize far
too many of them. However, most of those problems are felt in large part
because of sheer scale and ubiquitous connectivity considerations. If you go
back a couple of decades or more, before the advent of local networks, those
elements didn’t carry the same weight as they do today. Passwords worked
great for securing the sparse set of independent, disconnected apps that
characterized the early waves of personal computing, as shown in Figure 2-
Figure 2-1 Applications authenticating users directly via a username and
password act as independent entities, each solving credential management
and user representation in its own terms.
For many application developers, username-and-password user-store
systems remain attractive today. That’s thanks to their relative simplicity,
and in no small part thanks to the complete control they grant to the
relationship with the user. The many technologies created to support the
scenario (such as the ASP.NET membership provider, whose recent redesign
shows that this approach still has a lot of fight in it) alleviate the most
obvious development chores and make it (often deceptively) easy to go that
If your solution shares traits with those ancient app topologies, especially
in terms of isolation and independence from other systems, implementing a
username-and-password profile store as an application feature might still
make sense. Both in business and consumer contexts, however, those traits
are increasingly rare. If you can’t afford to reinvent the wheel, if your users
aren’t willing to create yet another account and enter their profile data in yet
another application, or if you need to integrate with preexisting resources,
you might want to read on.
Domains, integrated authentication, and applications on an
One of the strongest influences on today’s world of authentication can be
traced back to the early 1990s, when businesses started to corral their
computers within local networks. An increasing desire to model business
processes with the help of nascent IT departments soon exposed the
limitations of a model in which every application implemented
authentication independently. That was simply not an accurate representation
of the life cycle of real-life employees.
The life cycle of a user in a work environment is inherently tied to the
user’s organization: an account comes into existence as the employee is
hired, attribute values are initialized and continuously updated according to
job functions for the duration of his or her tenure with the company, and the
account is decommissioned when the relationship ends. Projecting that
business process in one unified IT system is nearly impossible if
authentication is a cacophony of multiple apps maintaining their own view
of the user and their own credentials-verification mechanism.
With the advent of Active Directory and analogous offerings, the user-
profile storage and credential-verification functions migrated from each
individual app to a central position—the fabric of the network itself. In the
new approach, users are authenticated as soon as they first touch the IT
system when they sit at their workstation. I am sure you are familiar with
what that feels like: you sit at your computer in your company’s network,
you enter your credentials, and bam! All (or at least some) applications on
the intranet act like they know who you are and handle access accordingly.
In fact, employees aren’t the only ones that need to authenticate with the
system: to even exist as an entity on the network, computers themselves are
required to authenticate at some level (which is basically what you are
enabling when you join a machine to a domain). That’s why every intranet
app acts as though it already knows you.
This new approach was made possible, among other ways, by the
introduction of a new artifact: the domain controller (DC), a server machine
that plays a special role. The DC knows about everything and everybody on
the local network; hence, it can transparently broker secure communications
between any two entities.
The value this approach unlocked was nothing short of amazing, and it is
still going strong today. (Active Directory was in use in 95 percent of
Fortune 500 companies as of March 2014.)1 Administrators finally had a
common repository for modeling their processes and enforcing their policies,
while applications were free to focus on their intended function without
worrying about authentication or user life-cycle management. And, of
course, users enjoyed a much improved and consistent experience.
1. Brad Anderson, “Success with Hybrid Cloud: Getting Deep—Azure Active Directory,” March
11, 2014,
Describing in detail how Active Directory works from the infrastructural
standpoint is well beyond the goals of this book (and, frankly, my own
knowledge). When I get questions about domains, forests, and the like, I
typically feign ignorance of all things related to IT administration and
introduce people to my good friends Dean Wells and Samuel Devasahayam
from the Active Directory fabric team. The details of how Kerberos and
Windows Integrated Authentication work would also not be very useful here,
mostly because they serve no purpose for the apps you’ll write throughout
this book.
What I do want to be sure I discuss is the value that traditional on-
premises Active Directory has for developers—and, along with that, the
tradeoffs it carries.
If your application is going to run on a domain-joined machine, accessed
by a domain user through the user’s home network, authentication is simply
a nonissue. The identity of a user is established well before your application
is even accessed, and (in the general case—forget delegation for a moment)
it is simply available from the environment, just like the IP address of the
machine or the file system. The only task left to you is to reach out and
cherry-pick the user attributes that are useful to your application. The user
changes job role, department, surname? Forgets his or her password? Leaves
the company? Not your problem anymore! Of course, this delivers a great
experience for your users, too: from their first logon to the workstation in the
morning, they have access to every application without any further prompts,
interruptions, or passwords to remember. The topology of the solution is
presented in Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2 In a canonical on-premises Active Directory (AD) setup,
applications can rely on the infrastructure to provide centralized
authentication and identity life-cycle management functionalities.
The price to pay for this awesome convenience is that the magic works
only within your own infrastructure. Joining a computer to a domain is an
important commitment, which makes total sense if that is the reason for
which you got the machine (real or virtual) to begin with. Not every machine
can be joined to a domain: it might belong to your partner, it might be
located in a place where the necessary network infrastructure is not
available, it might be shared by different organizations, and—as is often the
case with modern devices—its OS might simply lack the capability to do so.
AD on-premises is still fantastically popular today. It remains very well
suited for addressing the intranet case. However, it is also constantly adding
features for supporting new scenarios: some of those features entail
venturing outside the boundaries of the local network and complementing
the traditional authentication approaches with something that is not bound by
the same infrastructural constraints.

Claims-based identity
No company is an island, as the old adage goes. The need for cross-company
collaboration solutions was the natural follow-up to the local network era,
but the local authentication solutions that worked so well within the
boundaries of one organization were not as effective in addressing the new
scenario. Company A and company B could both have well-managed
intranets, but company A’s domain controller didn’t help one bit when one of
company A’s users wanted to access an app exposed by company B.
Moreover, the increasing appeal of software as a service (SaaS) apps or
hosting one’s own applications off-premises—hosts at first, cloud providers
later on—further exposed the limits of an approach based entirely on
network locality. Consider this: if your employees log in to their domain-
joined workstation, but the apps they access live on other networks or the
public Internet, all the user identity info known by the DC cannot be used as
is. Nonetheless, business apps still need the identity of the user, and without
a way of making it available via infrastructure, it’s back to a cottage industry
in which every app reimplements identity management.
The industry did not tolerate for long the inefficiencies of having to
reinvent the wheel at every new partnership or purchase of an SaaS app.
Although different people place its inception at different historical moments,
I think it is safe to say that claims-based identity was born to address these
issues. Claims-based identity is not an actual protocol. Rather, it is a set of
concepts that is common to many of the identity protocols that emerged in
the last decade. In this section I’ll sketch its main traits, the ones that—if you
squint hard enough—you can find in all modern protocols. The following
sections will show how the principles of claims-based identity find
application in actual protocols.

Identity providers: DCs for the Internet

That DC idea worked so well on-premises! Couldn’t it work outside the
boundaries of the local network? As it turns out, it could, albeit with some
important revisions.

Reusing Kerberos “as is” for cross-collaboration scenarios has

been attempted. Ever heard of Kerberos federation? The idea
wasn’t terribly successful.

The key point is to let go of the idea that you can have a single,
omniscient authority that knows every possible actor and can broker all
transactions on all possible networks. Such an authority can exist in the
limited scope of a local network, but it is simply unfeasible on the Internet.
More realistically, we should acknowledge that there are constellations of
multiple authorities run by independent business entities, the competence of
each scoped to a specific user population. All the Active Directory instances
out there are good examples of that: Contoso’s AD instance can tell you
whether Mario is a Contoso employee, his job title, and so on, but it can’t
really say much about whether someone works for Fabrikam. There are other
user populations that naturally aggregate through different criteria, with
different degrees of presence on the Internet: customers of a given company,
students of a school, members of a club, citizens of a country, and so on.
In the literature you’ll often find that such authorities are referred to as
identity providers, or IPs (or IdPs). At the level of detail I’m providing at this
point in the story, IdP is a fine moniker. However, later in the book, things
become more nuanced, and the notion of identity provider will not be
general enough for our goals. At that point I will switch to the broader term
authority. (Be prepared for other terms in this chapter to be renamed or
redefined later on, when you’ll have more context to build on.)
We say that an application trusts a given IdP if the application believes
what the IdP has to say about the users the app wants to work with. (An
application that trusts an IdP is often referred to as a relying party, or RP. I
will keep using “application” here, though, given that I feel it is easier to
understand in this context, but I wanted to be sure you are aware of the
A trivial case exemplifying the above is the home network of a domain.
Each and every application on the intranet that uses integrated authentication
trusts the domain controller. If you took one of those applications and lifted
it to the public cloud, conceptually it would still trust the domain controller:
the business requirements have not changed, and the domain’s users remain
its intended audience. In its new environment, however, the app can no
longer rely on the network infrastructure to find the DC and request its
services. The trust is still there, but the infrastructure described so far is no
longer enough to express it.
After postulating the existence of the role of the identity provider, the next
problem to solve is how to ensure that one IdP’s authority is acknowledged
by the interested parties in a transaction—without the luxury of operating
within a closed network.

The details are different for every protocol, but the essence of the solution to
the problem of extending one authority’s scope beyond infrastructural
boundaries is the same across the board:
Be sure that the IdP can be easily identified by every application. That
boils down to describing the IdP through formal means and making
that description available for any entity that wants to work with that
IdP. Unique string identifiers, specific endpoints, and cryptographic
public-private key pairs are the standard arsenal to do that. The set of
coordinates formally identifying an IdP are commonly known as
Represent the outcome of an authentication operation with some
artifact that can be unambiguously tied to the IdP that performed the
authentication, without relying on any special network infrastructure.
The information in the formal IdP description mentioned just above is
used to identify such an artifact as coming from that IdP, through
mechanisms that I will mention in a moment.
To be more concrete, say that you want to use Contoso as an IdP. You
assign to Contoso’s DC an X.509 certificate and a unique identifier,
something like—both technologies that do not require
any special network settings to function. When Mario, a Contoso employee,
authenticates for accessing an app running in the public cloud, the DC
produces a string along the lines of “I,, certify that Mario
is an employee and that at 9:05 a.m. he successfully authenticated for
accessing application A.” The DC uses the private key associated with the
X.509 certificate to digitally sign the string. The application receives the
string, verifies the digital signature, and confirms it has been performed with
Contoso’s key. If everything works as expected, the application believes the
assertions it finds in the string and lets Mario in.
How did the application know about Contoso’s key and identifier? It
learned about those values previously in one offline step, from Contoso’s
metadata. I’ll dig into this scenario soon.

Digital signatures
Oversimplifying a bit, a digital signature is an operation that
combines a document with a certain string (called a key) to
generate a third string, called a signature. If somebody who
knows the key receives the document and its signature, she can
repeat the signature operation and verify that the resulting string
is exactly the same as the signature. That guarantees that the
document was not modified after the original signature was
Signatures are a pretty great technology that makes a lot of
today’s secure communications possible. However, in the form
I’ve described (where the keys are known as symmetric), they
have an important shortcoming: given that both the signer and
the signature verifier know the signing key, we can’t use the
knowledge of the key as a way of distinguishing one from the
X.509 certificates enable what is known as public key
cryptography, which uses two keys. Signatures are applied with
a private key, known only by the signer. Such signatures are
special, as they are meant to be verified by using a different
key: that key is called public because everybody can know it
without compromising the security of the system. I will use
public key cryptography all the time throughout the book, but I
will rarely point that out. It is mostly an implementation detail,
not actionable for you.

Now, everybody (and in particular app A) who has access to Contoso’s

DC description (and in particular its unique identifier and public key) can
verify the signature on that string. A successful verification confirms two
important facts:
The string could have been produced only by Contoso’s DC and
nothing else, given the assumption that only Contoso’s DC has access
to the private key that performed the signature.
The content of the string has not been altered from the moment it was
signed onward; hence, what is in there truly represents Contoso’s DC’s
original statement about the user.
In identity parlance, such a string is universally known as a token.


Tokens come in many formats and variants, almost as many as

the protocols that use them in some capacity: SAML and JWT
(JSON Web Token) are two examples of token formats you
might already have read about. At this point in the story, we
don’t need to pick a specific format.

Set aside for a moment the mechanics of how a requestor can get a token
from an IdP. A token as I’ve described it is a satisfying representation of the
successful outcome of an authentication operation, which can be verified
simply by knowing the IdP’s coordinates (identifier, signature-verification
key) without requiring any special network sauce. In fact, a token can do
much more than that.

Trust and claims

In the first section of this chapter, I defined a user’s identity as the collection
of attributes that are relevant for the application’s context. Just a couple of
pages ago, I also said that an application trusts a given IdP if it believes what
the IdP has to say about the users the app wants to work with.
A signed token is a perfect vessel with which an IdP can communicate just
in time the relevant user attributes to the application—contextually, to an
authentication operation. Given that the token is signed, whatever the IdP
claims about the user at the time the token is issued cannot be tampered with
without breaking the signature. Once again, applications no longer need to
maintain a profile store: they can receive all the user information they need
via a token, right at authentication time, while being assured that the token
originates from a reputable source.


This is an oversimplification that serves us well here but won’t

hold forever. Later in the book I’ll go into details, but I wanted
to give you a heads-up: applications will occasionally want to
remember things about the user that the IdP can’t or won’t track.
Think of a hardware vendor that partners with Contoso: that
vendor’s app can expect to learn from Contoso the name and the
shipping address of each user, but if it needs to track the last 10
items a given user bought, the vendor is better served by saving
that info in its own app.

After an attribute is serialized into a signed token, it becomes a claim. At

rest, a string in a database containing the last name of a user is just an
attribute. Once the very same string is serialized in a token and signed with
the IdP’s private key, however, it is augmented by the IdP’s credibility. It is
the IdP itself that is claiming that the last name of Mario is “Rossi.” For
every application trusting the IdP, that becomes the Truth.
The concept of claims is so pivotal to nearly everything in modern (and
less modern) identity scenarios that it provides the name to the entire

Claims-oriented protocols
Let me summarize the story so far.
An identity solution was needed that would allow applications to run
anywhere, without completely giving up on the investment made in DCs and
local domains. We recognized that DCs are just concrete instances of a more
abstract role, the IdP, which represents an authority that knows about users
(attributes and credentials). We devised a mechanism for identifying IdPs via
identifiers and keys (metadata), breaking free of the network restrictions of
DCs. We invented a new artifact, the token, to make the outcome of an
authentication operation verifiable (via signature validation) by any app
knowing the IdP’s coordinates. Finally, I explained what trust between an
app and an IdP means, and how this allows claims (attributes traveling in a
signed token) to provide to the application just-in-time user-identity
information right at authentication time.
The main concept left to define is how these entities interact with each
other—what messages should be exchanged and in what order—to take
advantage of all the good properties we identified and that make
authentication happen.
As I anticipated a few pages ago, claims-based identity refers to a bunch
of different protocols sharing a common undercurrent—they make
authentication happen through boundaries. Those protocols differ from one
another in various aspects: for example, in the token formats that they
mandate or prefer, the exact message shape and sequence, metadata formats,
names they assign to the roles that identity-transaction participants can play,
and more. Every protocol has its zealots who swear their approach is the best
and insist on renaming common concepts using their own terminology—a
handbook case of Freud’s narcissism of small differences. For now I am
going to ignore all that and paint in very broad strokes the main legs that
nearly all claims-oriented protocols must specify.
Say that you have Mario, an employee at Contoso, and he wants access to
an expense note application from Fabrikam. Fabrikam is a software vendor
offering SaaS solutions running in the cloud. Here’s how claim-based
identity would go. The steps are summarized in Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-3 Entities, roles, and messages come into play in claims-based
1. The application reads an IdP’s metadata Typically, this step
happens out of band, although there are exceptions. Fabrikam decides
that its expense note application should trust Contoso (as a
consequence of Contoso buying a few licenses, for example). In
concrete terms, this means that the application must access Contoso’s
IdP metadata and be sure that its content will be available later, at
authentication time. That will provide to the application the
information it needs to verify whether the incoming token is truly from
2. The user authenticates and obtains a token This step will be
different depending on the type of application. Good portions of this
book will be dedicated to filling in details about how some key
protocols perform this task.
a. Web applications In classic browser-based apps, Mario would type
the address of the expense note app and navigate there. The app
would detect an access attempt from an unauthenticated requestor.
The canonical reaction to that would be to look up its own
configuration, find Contoso’s metadata, and use it to craft a sign-in
message according to the message syntax defined by the protocol of
choice. The browser’s session would then be transferred to Contoso,
which would take the necessary steps to authenticate Mario:
showing a credentials-gathering page is a common way of
implementing that. Upon successful authentication, Contoso issues a
token for Mario in the format that the protocol of choice dictates.
b. Native clients and web APIs Native clients typically pursue a
different strategy. Redirects don’t really work when calling an API
(usually, there is no browser to execute the redirect); hence, even
before attempting to access the API, the client will use a different
protocol for asking Contoso for a token for Mario. The sequence is
slightly different, and the exchanged messages also differ, but a
successful authentication still results in a token issuance.
3. Client sends the token to the application, and the app validates the
token The token so obtained is sent to the application according to the
protocol of choice. The application (or, more likely, the developer
libraries it uses to implement authentication) retrieves the token and
verifies whether it is a valid Contoso token. If that’s the case, it will
extract the claims describing Mario’s persona and pass them to the app
so that it can do whatever the app needs to do with them: welcome
messages, authorization operations, priming of a shopping cart with a
shipping address, whatever.
4. Optional: Application establishes a session For applications such as
websites, where the user interaction consists of round trips, going
through the token-acquisition dance at every request would be
fantastically expensive. That is why various web protocols very
commonly react to the first successful token validation with the
creation of some kind of session—represented by a cookie or similar
mechanism—that can be included in every subsequent request. Such a
session reminds the application at every round trip that a successful
token validation already took place and provides a natural place for
holding the claim values of the current user, keeping them available to
the app through the lifetime of the session.
Recall that the goal of a claims-oriented protocol is to enable identity
transactions to span boundaries, both organizational (Contoso to Fabrikam)
and infrastructural (intranet to public Internet). As such, all the messages I
enumerated cannot depend on any special network requirement. Rather, they
rely on the minimum common denominator of all networks, the public
Internet: every claims-oriented protocol with meaningful adoption is built on
top of HTTP. In the next sections, you’ll see this in more detail.

DCs are just an example of an IdP

The roles I described—IdPs and applications/RPs—reflect the
function that each entity performs in the context of an identity
transaction, but they don’t really say anything about their
internal structure or the technology used to implement them. I
have been using the DC as a practical example to ground the
concept of an IdP, but I want to be extra clear that any entity
that is capable of keeping track of user attributes and can
authenticate and emit and process protocol messages qualifies.
Claims-oriented protocols go to great lengths to define contracts
and interfaces that abstract away the details of every provider,
exposing only the functionality of the role they take. Fair
warning: later in the book, I will routinely go beyond what’s
specified by the contract to take advantage of AD-specific

The pattern described here is very expressive and exceptionally malleable.

It can be used to describe almost all the protocols I mention from now on,
with only minor variations. As you read through the next section, I
recommend that you keep an eye on how the details of every specific
protocol ultimately map to this structure.

Round-trip web apps, first-generation protocols

The first protocols that can be classified as claims oriented appeared in the
early 2000s. Two of them, SAML and WS-Federation, are still widely used
to this day and supported in both Windows Server AD and Azure AD. Both
emerged as solutions to cross-domain single sign-on (SSO), a scenario that
the authentication systems popular at that time didn’t handle well.
The problem of cross-domain single sign-on
The main interaction pattern in traditional web applications is very
straightforward. I’ve shown it in action in the previous section, the last two
legs of the diagram in Figure 2-3 being an example. The user points his or
her browser to the URL of a resource, the web server receives the request
and runs whatever business logic it deems necessary, and then the server
proceeds to return HTML describing the experience it intends to present
back to the user. The browser simply renders the experience, as described by
the HTML it receives. The user interacts with the experience, maybe
clicking a link or perhaps pressing a button or triggering a form post. That
causes new info to be sent to the web server, and the cycle begins anew.
Per the definition of authentication given earlier in the chapter, at every
round trip to the web server, authenticated web applications need to know
which user should be considered the current caller. The most classic, pre-
claims way to achieve this in apps that use round trips can be broken down
into three steps:
1. The application serves to the user some credential-gathering
experience. The username and password form is the most recognizable
2. After the credentials travel back to the server, the application validates
them. If the verification is successful, the application emits a session
cookie, which represents the successful outcome of the authentication
operation. Such a cookie will typically contain some reference to
session data, often the identifier of the current user, and will normally
be protected in some way (for instance, it might be signed and
encrypted so that only the app can read and modify it).
3. From that moment on, every request to the application’s domain will
carry the session cookie. The application will be able to retrieve the
cookie from the request and verify it. The presence of the valid cookie
obviates the need to present the username and password every time,
allowing the app to maintain the current user in scope for the duration
of the session. Cookies will typically have a limited validity window to
minimize abuse.
This validate-and-drop-a-cookie approach is an exceptionally common
pattern, a fundamental primitive you need to understand as thoroughly as
possible. Even if it’s very simple, I’ve gone so far as to put together a
diagram for it in Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4 The credentials validation and session cookie authentication

Session cookies work pretty well: browsers save cookies per domain and
automatically include them whenever a request to the corresponding domain
is made. If cookie A has been saved under, every
subsequent request to a URL starting with will include
cookie A. No explicit work by the developer is required. The browser is even
going to handle the life cycle automatically, omitting expired cookies from
Things start to get less rad when your solution includes applications
hosted on different domains.


For simplicity’s sake, whenever possible I am going to borrow

sample scenarios from the original protocol specifications. I
hope this will help you to navigate the specification documents,
should you decide to dig deeper.

Consider the following scenario. You developed an application for an

airline, hosted at Say that the application is meant to be
used by frequent flyers, who can book flights and manage their benefits with
it. The application maintains its own credential-verification system and user-
profile store following the session pattern described earlier.
Say that the airline enters into a partnership with a car rental company,
which guarantees steep discounts to frequent flyers who achieve the gold
level. The car rental company runs its booking site from
Wouldn’t it be awesome if Mario, a gold user who is already signed in to, could simply follow a link to and
find himself authenticated, his status acknowledged, and his discounts
The session-cookie approach is clearly not going to help here. When
Mario authenticated to, he obtained a cookie scoped to, which is useless for requests to
What to do?

The Security Assertion Markup Language, SAML for short, appeared on the
scene mostly for handling this very problem. Its origin dates back to the
early 2000s as a concerted effort of various industry players that wanted to
establish an interoperable solution to the SSO problem. SAML 2.0 is the
most widely adopted version, with some systems (especially those in
academia) still on 1.1. Although SAML touches on how to secure web
services and lots of other scenarios, its most widely adopted use case is web
browser–based SSO, and that’s what I’m going to focus on.

Although both Azure Active Directory and Active Directory

Federation Service (ADFS) (from version 2 onward) support
SAML, the .NET Framework does not offer any classes out of
the box for building applications that understand the protocol.
Developing with the .NET Framework is the main focus of this
book, so even if I provided a detailed description of how SAML
works, it would not be very actionable for you. However, the
importance of SAML as a framing reference for identity
problems cannot be overstated. Moreover, a good chunk of the
jargon you’ll encounter comes straight from SAML. Learning
the basics is a good investment for any beginner in this space.

In a nutshell, SAML sidesteps the shortcomings of domain-bound cookies

by, you guessed it, adding an extra abstraction layer. Instead of relying on
browser automatisms, SAML introduces a sequence of application-level
messages that enable an application to send authentication requests and
obtain tokens that can be sent across domains. Once those tokens
successfully cross domain boundaries, they can be validated by the target
app and used to initialize a session with the new domain. I’ll unpack the
scenario as soon as I define more terminology to work with.
SAML follows precisely the blueprint introduced in the claims-based
identity section. Let’s draw some correspondences between the abstract
entities defined in the general meta protocol and concrete artifacts from

I am sure you noticed that the sample scenario I introduced earlier contained
one entity playing the role of the IdP (that was and its
profile store). The good news is that in SAML, IdPs are called . . . IdPs.
In the terminology of claims-based identity, the
application is called an RP. In SAML, it is known as a service provider, or
SP. Another important role is the subject, the entity that is meant to be
authenticated. In the vast majority of cases, that’s simply the user. SAML
also describes other roles, but the ones I’ve enumerated suffice for the
purposes of this book.

SAML is guilty of having introduced not one but two widely successful
technologies: the protocol it defines and the specific token format that the
protocol’s messages exchange. I say “guilty” facetiously: people commonly
refer to both technologies with the same term, “SAML,” which has caused
confusion for the past decade or so. When somebody states, “My app
supports SAML,” you always have to ask for clarification: “The protocol or
the token format?”
In SAML parlance, tokens are called assertions. They follow the exact
token semantic described in the preceding section: they are a vessel for the
IdP’s assertions about the user (excuse me), the subject. And they are signed.
The SAML acronym, together with the epoch in which it was conceived,
probably already gave away that SAML assertions are based on XML. In
fact, the entire specification defines everything in terms of XML. That leads
to a very expressive, powerful format that can represent pretty much
anything. However, all that expressivity comes with various drawbacks. The
main one is that XML is very verbose, which leads to big tokens.
Furthermore, in XML, the same document can be expressed in multiple
equivalent representations, and that flexibility becomes a problem when you
need to perform signatures, where two elements listed in a different order
can break a signature verification. Those are the main reasons that you won’t
encounter SAML assertions in modern protocols later in the book, apart
from cases in which they are used to bridge existing solutions to new ones.

It is tempting for me to use the SAML token structure to start

entering into the mechanics of how claims are defined, tokens
are scoped, and signatures are applied, but, as I said, SAML is
not at the core of the modern protocols that are the main focus
of this book. Those explanations will have to wait until a bit

Another important artifact defined by SAML is the format of its metadata

documents. You already encountered the idea of IdP metadata in the section
on claims-based identity. SAML goes well beyond that: it defines an XML-
based format that can be used for describing endpoints, identifiers, and keys
for IdPs, SPs, and many other entities.

SAML defines lots of different messages that support various sign-in flows,
from the one triggered by an unauthenticated request to an SP (similar to
what’s described in the claims-identity section), to one in which the IdP itself
initiates a sign-on with a given SP. One interesting fact is that besides
signing its assertions, SAML often mandates that messages themselves need
to be signed as well.
The other interesting category of SAML messages, Single Logout, focuses
on providing a mechanism to propagate a sign-out operation to all the
applications participating in an SSO session. SAML defines many other
messages for various other operations, which I won’t mention here.
SAML has had an impressive ride from its first versions in the early 2000s.
It’s still going strong in many of today’s SSO deployments in enterprises,
government, and education. SAML is widely supported in SSO products,
developer libraries (across platforms and languages), and cloud services. For
many of those products, the SAML functionality is the centerpiece of their
offering. As I mentioned, Active Directory itself (both ADFS from version 2
onward and Azure AD) supports it. On the software vendor side, many
applications in active development today use SAML, including software as a
service (SaaS) apps. The protocol is alive and well.
That said, if you are starting to develop a new solution, SAML might not
be your best choice. Although really well suited for solving the cross-SSO
domain problem and bringing lots of good features to the table, SAML does
not offer the flexibility for addressing the challenges of the modern
topologies I will introduce later in this chapter. Furthermore, its own
richness translates into expensive requirements in term of cryptography and
bandwidth that are not proportionate to the actual needs of modern
applications. I won’t go so far as to say that SAML is dead, as was
fashionable to say in identity circles a couple of years ago, but it is certainly
no longer the recipient of innovation. I believe it will be around for a long
time still, but mostly as a bridge to existing systems.

Web applications weren’t the only type of application that suffered from
cross-boundary integration problems back in the early 2000s. Nonbrowser
flows between remote components, such as server-to-server requests and
calls from rich-client applications to back-end resources, also had to come to
terms with the facts that any two entities could be separated by
organizational and network boundaries, based on different development
stacks, and hosted on different platforms.
That prompted a number of companies to set aside their competitive
differences and work together to create a set of protocols, languages, and
frameworks that defined how to ensure interoperable, reliable, and secure
communications between software components regardless of their location,
development stack, hosting platform, and similar factors.
This effort led to the creation of a long list of specifications, collectively
known as WS-* (pronounced “WS star,” where WS stands for “web
services” and the asterisk is a wildcard character). You might have heard the
names of some of the most important specifications: WS-
ReliableMessaging, WS-Trust, WS-Security, and many others. The idea was
to provide different specifications for every aspect of communications so
that implementers could pick and choose only the capabilities their system
needed. That was in contrast with some earlier efforts, such as CORBA, that
were delivered as monolithic, monumental uber-specifications.
What Happened to WS-*?
Today, you don’t hear much about WS-* anymore.
Companies poured significant effort into implementing those
specifications in their products. Microsoft led the pack, building
its remote API stack on it from .NET 3.0 on (Windows
Communication Foundation, WCF, is largely based on WS-*)
and exposing its server products through those protocols (ADFS
2.0 supports WS-Trust). Other companies, notably IBM and
Sun, released products and development stacks based on WS-*.
Many of those applications are still around, and, in fact, lots of
customers still use WCF for brand-new applications.
However, WS-* lost traction, and nowadays all of our new
work relies on more modern, REST-based protocols. One can
endlessly speculate on the reasons that led to the demise of WS-
*. My read is that WS-* provided very sophisticated features,
but the price that this complexity carried was not justified for
the kinds of apps most developers wanted to build. For
example, WS-* went to great lengths to enable messages to be
exchanged securely over insecure channels and maintain
integrity also after having exited the channel. Using the feature
required rich development stacks on both ends of the channel
and elaborate setups, which could be justified only in specific
high-value scenarios. Most web apps could live without those
high assurances. As a result, the lightweight REST model
gained ground, eventually making inroads in the business
scenarios and supplanting the old models.

WS-Federation is one of the specifications that was produced as part of

the WS-* effort. Its specific role was to define how to make it possible for a
user in a given organization to access resources managed by another
organization—another form of the same problem covered previously. Unlike
the rest of the WS-* specifications, which focused on web services, WS-
Federation also covered how to achieve its goals through browser-based
applications. Ironically, that relatively minor section of the specification is
what most people identify with WS-Federation today because it is the part
still widely in use.
WS-Federation addresses many of the same scenarios I described earlier
for SAML. However, it does so with a significantly simpler set of messages,
which are themselves more straightforward to produce and process than their
SAML counterparts (no signatures).
In fact, having the WS- prefix causes WS-Federation to give the wrong
impression to the casual observer. Unlike most of the other WS-*
specifications, the web browser flows described in WS-Federation are very
Let’s take a quick look at how the elements of WS-Federation map to the
generic claims-based protocol template.

In WS-Federation, the IdP role is indicated by the same term, identity
provider. However, it is abbreviated as IP.

IP and STS
The WS-Federation specification also refers to a Security Token
Service, or STS, which represents the concrete software artifact
that actually processes authentication requests and issues
tokens. In the literature, you will often hear people use IP and
STS interchangeably, but that’s a slight misnomer: whereas IP
indicates a functional role (the job performed by that entity), the
STS is a concrete component that is used to express that role
(the tool that entity needs to perform its job). Given that every
IP must have an STS, one can often confuse the two in a
conversation without serious consequences. However, you’ll see
that there are times when you need to issue tokens without
being an IP, in which case you need an STS that is not used to
implement an IP.

The other important role defined in WS-Federation is the relying party

(RP), which you already encountered. It is defined, quoting the specification,
as a “web application that consumes [ . . . ] tokens issued by a Security
Token Service.” (See the preceding sidebar on IP and STS terminology
In line with WS-* tenets, WS-Federation does not mandate a specific type of
token. There are some exceptions in the market today, but for all intents and
purposes, you can safely assume that every WS-Federation deployment uses
SAML as its token type of choice.
WS-Federation also defines its own metadata document format, which can
describe both web apps and web services, plus lots of other concerns
(attributes, scopes) of no consequence for our discussion. It serves the same
function already described for SAML metadata.

WS-Federation defines messages supporting standard sign-in and distributed
sign-out operations. Those messages are simpler than their SAML
counterparts. For starters, they do not require any cryptographic operation at
the message level—the only signed (and possibly encrypted) element is the
token itself (for the flows that contain one).
All messages exchanged between the RP and IP rely on a combination of
302 redirects and autoposting forms. You won’t ever use WS-Federation
directly while developing the apps described in this book. However, WS-
Federation is still very much in use as an integration protocol, so you will
often see it in action in network traces. For that reason, it’s good to have at
least an idea of what it looks like. Here’s the simplest sign-in flow you can
enact in WS-Federation, which is illustrated in Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5 An example of the basic sign-in flow with WS-Federation.
1. The user navigates to the RP application, performing an HTTP GET of
one of its protected pages.
2. The RP (or more likely the development library that sits in front of it
and enforces the use of WS-Federation) detects that the request is from
an unauthenticated user. Instead of returning the requested resource, it
returns a 302 code that redirects the browser to the IP. The query string
of the redirect contains various parameters supplying the IP with
context about the request: an indication that this is a sign-in request,
the identifier with which the RP is known to the IP, and so on.
The IP does whatever it deems necessary to authenticate the user. In
the case depicted in Figure 2-5, the user is accessing the IP within the
boundaries of the local network; hence, the request is automatically
authenticated via integrated authentication.
3. Upon successful user authentication, the IP sends back a signed token
with claims describing the user. The token travels in an HTML form.
The response also contains JavaScript code that will automatically post
the token back to the RP.
4. The RP receives the IP response; as it renders, it triggers the POST of
the token back to the RP.
5. The RP receives the token and validates it. If the verification succeeds,
it creates a session cookie to establish a session. From this moment
onward, every request coming from the user’s browser will carry the
session cookie and will be considered authenticated by the RP. The
session will terminate once the user explicitly signs out (another WS-
Federation flow) or once the session expiration time elapses.
Not especially complicated, right? This simple sample provides two
important confirmations:
The claims-based identity approach does successfully cross
boundaries. Here, the user of a local network gains authenticated
access to one RP located outside his or her domain.
WS-Federation, and claims-based identity in general, work well in
collaboration with older protocols. In this case, the user does not
experience any explicit authentication prompt in step 2 thanks to the
existing local network infrastructure. There is no visible sign that all
this dancing is taking place. The user types the address of the RP, and
the next thing he or she sees in the browser is what gets rendered after
step 5—the authenticated experience of the RP application.

Microsoft bet on WS-Federation as a web sign-on protocol early on, from
the very first version of ADFS back in 2005.
That initial choice created ripples through all its offerings. ADFS kept
supporting WS-Federation through all subsequent Windows Server versions,
including the latest one (Windows Server 2016). WS-Federation was the
protocol of choice in the first developer libraries for identity (Windows
Identity Foundation 1.0, in 2009), it was the protocol integrated in the .NET
Framework from version 4.5 onward, and it is still supported today in the
latest ASP.NET OWIN middleware components that I’ll cover later in this
book. Tools for adding WS-Federation support were included in Visual
Studio 2010, 2012, and 2013. In turn, that determined the protocol of choice
of a generation of servers and cloud services, from SharePoint 2013 on.
Office 365 and Azure AD itself use WS-Federation as the backbone of their
on-premises / cloud integration flows. Every day there are new installations
appearing, all using WS-Federation under the hood.
With its widespread presence, you can imagine that the protocol will keep
being supported for a long time. On the other hand, the same considerations
I offered for SAML apply here as well. WS-Federation does a great job of
allowing tokens (hence claims) to flow outside the boundaries of a local
network, and does solve the cross-domain SSO federation problem.
However, WS-Federation is incapable of modeling many of the topologies
and relationships that are required for addressing the challenges of modern
application architectures. As a result, you can consider WS-Federation
“done”: it is a mature protocol, safe to be used in production, but is no
longer a recipient of innovation. In the next sections, I will finally breach the
modern era, introducing the protocols that are best suited for new apps.

Modern apps, modern protocols

This section ushers us to the modern era. As in the earlier sections, I will
first present the forces that have created the ideal conditions for a protocol or
a topology to arise. Then I will give you a brief introduction to the protocol
itself. I won’t go very deep, given that each and every one of these flows
will be explained in depth in the application development chapters later in
the book.

The rise of the programmable web and the problem of access

So far I have focused on the business world and how its authentication
requirements evolved. Let’s step out for a moment and consider what
happened in the public web and the world of consumer-oriented
From its research and business beginnings, the Internet today is a daily
fixture for a large percentage of the world population. As I am typing this
sentence, it is estimated that more than 40 percent of the world’s population
uses the Internet. In the United States, that number is 87 percent, and
Norway, Netherlands, and Iceland exceed 96 percent.2 People devote a
growing portion of their lives to online activities—from how they get their
news to how they learn, from how they do their jobs to how they pay their
bills and taxes, from how they organize their holidays to how they
congregate in communities and stay in touch with friends. Until a few years
ago, my sisters would not have touched a PC in their free time with a 10-foot
pole, but now they are more active on Facebook than I am, an Internet user
since the early 1990s.
2. See Internet Live Stats, (accessed April 23,
Facebook is a perfect example of why this increased online activity is
relevant to our identity discussion. As people spend more and more time
online, it becomes natural to try to compose and combine the many different
services people use on a daily basis in more complex or efficient work
streams. Say that you have a Facebook and Twitter account: you will
occasionally want to publish the same status update on both, without having
to do a lot of copying and pasting. Say that you are a longtime user of Gmail,
where you accumulated a large number of contacts. Wouldn’t it be nice if
when you sign up for a new service, for example LinkedIn, you could
automatically send invitations to connect to all your Gmail contacts, instead
of having to type them in LinkedIn all over again?
In the mid-2000s, those new integration flows were all the rage, with web
apps frantically trying to grow their user base as fast as possible. The way in
which the flow was initially implemented, however, went ahead to become
one of the most infamous antipatterns in recent history, shown in Figure 2-6.
The idea was very simple. Say that web app A wanted to access the
resources that one of its users keeps in web app B. Web app A simply asked
its user to reveal to app A his or her credentials for web app B. App A would
then use those credentials to access B and somehow retrieve the desired
resources, often via brute-force screen scraping.
Figure 2-6 The password-sharing antipattern: (1) The user navigates
through A, landing on a page that needs access to the user’s resources in
B; (2) A prompts the user to disclose his or her username and password
for B; (3) A uses the credentials to establish a session with B as the user
and access the targeted resources; and (4) thinking it is dealing with the
user directly, B complies and returns the requested resources.


This approach unfortunately survives to this day, although it is

much less common. As I am writing this, I visited LinkedIn’s
section “See what you already know on LinkedIn,” and I am
given the choice of entering my credentials for Outlook,
Comcast, AT&T, and many other providers for the purpose of
importing the address book.

That is, of course, all kinds of wrong. Where should I start? Forsaking
your credentials gives the recipient too much power. What if instead of
simply accessing the resources the recipient declared it wants, it accesses
everything else? Changes things? Does bad things on your behalf? And, of
course, there is the matter of the increased risk. Nothing prevents the
recipient from storing your credentials with insufficient care, exposing you
to the possibility of leaks and various other disasters. And just to close, even
if most apps are honest and perfectly secure, this approach teaches users bad
habits, training them to disclose their credentials in multiple contexts, with
great risk.
The need for granting access to resources across applications was not
going to go away, but the brute-force solution simply could not cut it.

OAuth2 and web applications

Those were the requirements that eventually led to the creation of OAuth, an
authorization framework designed to enable those very scenarios while
eliminating the need for sharing credentials.
OAuth and OAuth2: A bit of history
OAuth went through a somewhat tormented history. OAuth 1.0
emerged from an early collaboration of individuals coming from
Twitter, Ma.gnolia, Google, and Yahoo, beginning around 2006
and leading to an RFC in 2010. The initial formulation owes a
lot to the Flickr and the Google authentication API of that time.
OAuth 1.0 solved the delegated-access scenario between web
apps but had many shortcomings. For example, it imposed
strong cryptographic requirements on clients, it did not support
revocation all that well, and its model had important
architectural limitations that made it unsuitable for being used
outside the web-app-to-web-app-server communications case,
which made it hard to generalize the authorization functions
outside specific applications. Among other things, those
limitations made it hard for OAuth to be applied in many
business scenarios.
For that reason, a group of companies (Google, Yahoo,
Microsoft) got together and created an alternative OAuth
profile, called OAuth WRAP (Web Resource Authorization
Profile), which was aimed at eliminating those shortcomings.
The OAuth working group considered the new profile and
decided to build the new version of OAuth (OAuth 2) on top of
it. OAuth2 is not compatible with either OAuth 1 or OAuth
WRAP, although it contains elements of both. Its scope
ballooned to encompass way more scenarios than the web-app-
to-web-app case described in this section.
This context is important. You can still find products and
services in the market that support those old versions, but
they’re definitely on their way out, and spending time digging
any further into those versions would not be a good investment.
From now on, OAuth always refers to OAuth2 unless I specify

The purpose of OAuth can be described in slightly different terms,

depending on the role you play in the scenario.
Say that your web app contains resources that you want to make
available programmatically to third parties. OAuth describes an
architecture and a protocol to use in your solution that allow such third
parties to request and obtain access to your resources, involving your
users in the process so that they can grant or deny consent for the
operation. In short, OAuth teaches you how to expose your resources
for delegated access.
Say that your web app contains workloads that require access to
resources managed by a different web application. OAuth teaches you
how you can engage with that web application so that the user (the
resource owner) has the opportunity of granting or denying the request
—and in case of success, OAuth provides you with the means of
securely accessing that resource. In short, OAuth teaches you how to
be a client.
Here’s a quick, high-level description of the most canonical OAuth2 flow
used between web applications to achieve delegated access. The sequence is
portrayed in Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7 Simplified OAuth2 authorization and delegated access flow

between web applications.

For the sake of clarity, I am going to tweak things a little and

describe the flow on the basis of a scenario that is more
restrictive than the protocol’s real scope. I will also avoid some
of the protocol-specific terminology for now. I will describe the
true flow in later parts of the book, when I have more of a
foundation to build on.

Our scenario includes the following:

Web application A
Web application B
A user (U) that has accounts with both applications A and B.
An artifact that I call Authorization Server (AS); in this diagram, AS is
affiliated with application B.
Here how the action unfolds:
1. U navigates to one area of app A that requires access to resources that
U maintains in app B.
2. App A triggers a redirect to one endpoint on AS, named the
authorization endpoint. App A includes in the redirect information
about the resources it needs access to and its identity (“This request is
coming from A, and it entails access to resource R”). AS responds to
the request by presenting a user experience that authenticates U with
his or her account for app B. Once U is successfully authenticated, the
AS presents to U some user experience asking for consent (“Do you
want to allow A to access R?”). Upon granting consent, the AS returns
an authorization code—a string whose content is opaque to everybody
but the AS.
3. The browser delivers the code back to app A.
4. App A connects to a different AS endpoint, the token endpoint,
sending the code it just received together with some proof of its own
application identity (“I am A; here, there’s a password to prove that,
and here, there’s an authorization code you just issued to one of my
5. AS validates the request from A. If everything is in order, it returns an
access token that reflects (directly or indirectly) the delegated
permissions granted by the user. In this leg of the sequence, the AS
returns lots of other things, including an instance of OAuth’s famous
refresh token, which we will ignore for the time being.
6. A uses the access token to request R from B. B verifies (directly or
indirectly) the token, and if everything is in order, it grants access in
the terms in which it has been authorized.
7. A delivers to U the experience that required access to R (not shown).
Ta-da! Application A gained access to U’s resource in B without ever
seeing U’s credentials for B. The only time U’s credentials for B came into
play were in step 2, with the AS. In the description of the sequence, I
specified that AS is affiliated with B. In everyday reality on the consumer
web, AS and B are in fact the very same entity. That is the case for Facebook
and the Facebook Graph, for example. Ergo, with this flow, only B gets to
see B’s credentials. QED.


The sections on modern protocols in this chapter will not

include the subsections on roles, artifacts, and messages. The
context for describing those, in great detail, will present itself
later, when I demonstrate how to use those protocols to develop
applications and solutions.

This is profoundly different from what we’ve been studying so far.

Whereas integrated authentication, SAML, WS-Federation, and passwords
(in the ways I presented them) were all aimed at establishing the identity of
the user, OAuth’s chief concern is on determining whether the caller is
authorized to perform the operation or access the resource that he, she, or it
is requesting. If identity comes into play, it is only as a factor to help make
that decision.
The differences don’t stop there. All the other protocols included one user
performing an authentication to access a resource directly. OAuth operates at
multiple levels: there is a phase in which the user is involved to allow for the
delegation consent to take place, and another in which web applications talk
to one another through server-to-server channels, where the user is no longer
directly involved.

OAuth2 and claims

What can I say about OAuth2 and its relationship with the general claims-
based identity pattern without going too much into details? Apart from the
fact that access to resources is validated by examining a token, rather than
raw credentials, not much.
Whereas in claims-oriented protocols, the token was used as a vessel for
communicating identity information about the user across boundaries, here
the token might not be crossing a boundary at all. Take the sequence in
Figure 2-7 and apply it to the case in which B is Facebook and A is a web
app trying to write on your Wall. In that case, the AS you need to get tokens
from is run by Facebook itself. That means that the AS might record the
user’s consent in a database and return as an access token a reference to that
database row. Once A sends the token back to access the Facebook Graph
API for writing on your Wall (R in our diagram), all the Graph needs to do is
look up the right row in the database and determine whether the caller is
authorized. Note that I am not saying that this is how Facebook implements
this flow. I am saying that the topology of the solution makes it possible,
whereas in the claims-based scenario, a shared database between an IP and
an RP goes against the premise that the two are separate entities.
The OAuth2 specification does not mandate that the AS and the
application managing the resources must be collocated or owned by the
same entity. On the other hand, it does not provide enough information for
specifying how things would work in case they do not. To help regulate
communications across boundaries, claims-oriented protocols provide
artifacts such as metadata documents indicating which token formats to use
and how to perform validations. OAuth2 does not regulate those aspects,
leaving it to you to decide how to fill in the blanks if your resource and your
AS do not live under the same roof.
Without a specification, every vendor filled those blanks in a different
way. The end result is that interoperability in OAuth2 is difficult to achieve.
You can observe the structure of the most popular OAuth2 developer
libraries to get a feeling of the situation: they’ll typically have a long
collection of modules, one for each provider they work with, each meant to
connect with the specific OAuth2 implementation of that provider. Compare
that with SAML libraries, which implement the protocol logic and expect
every provider and resource to comply with it.
Active Directory, like every other authority wanting to expose its
functionality via OAuth2, did have to fill those blanks, and it chose to do so
by introducing many claims artifacts, as you’ll discover in the later parts of
the book.

OAuth2 is now completely mainstream, with widespread support from
vendors large and small, ubiquitous presence in cloud and server products,
and support in practically every relevant web programming stack. At this
point the protocol is stable enough to be confidently used in all kinds of
applications, while at the same time it is still evolving for supporting new
scenarios. The subtleties about interoperability I mentioned earlier are often
a source of confusion and inflated expectations on what it means for an app
to support OAuth2—“I know that A and B both speak OAuth2. That means
that I can get any OAuth2 library and use it for making A and B
communicate right out of the box, right?” Not right out of the box, pal, but
All of the developer libraries, tools, services, and server products you’ll
learn to use in this book make use of OAuth2 in one way or another.

Layering web sign-in on OAuth

The emergence of OAuth offered a great solution for authorizing server-to-
server access to resources, but that wasn’t the only identity-related issue
waiting to be solved: the consumer web was not immune to the cross-domain
single sign-on problem.
As web apps proliferated, the desire to reuse the same account for sign-in
purposes across multiple apps grew with it. The web community rallied
around OpenID, an effort to devise a general protocol to be used across
vendors and apps. Despite initial support from multiple important vendors,
and peaks of remarkable adoption numbers, the original OpenID formulation
and its successor, OpenID 2.0, never managed to tip the scale and become
the de facto standard. OpenID was never especially easy to use (it required
users to identify themselves with a URL). Moreover, it was conceived to put
every provider on equal footing, regardless of size. That approach proved
less and less appealing to users as the rise of social networks clustered users
around a few big providers that became natural gateways for identity on the
There are other reasons that OpenID 2.0 didn’t make it, but those that I’ve
mentioned should be enough to give you an idea. Most of the big vendors
who did offer OpenID 2.0 implementations are deprecating them and
shutting them down. Nowadays, the OpenID foundation backs OpenID
Connect, a new protocol that is as backward incompatible with OpenID 2.0
as OAuth2 is incompatible with OAuth1. You won’t read anything about
OpenID 2.0 in this book from now on. Conversely, I’ll describe OpenID
Connect in great detail later because it fuels lots of authentication flows in
Active Directory.
As committee-driven efforts floundered, the resourceful web community
devised ways to go around them. People observed that the providers that
were the most attractive identity sources—the major social networks—
already offered an API via delegated access, and in particular OAuth, and
they figured out a schema to leverage those for a kind of poor-man’s sign-in
protocol. There are many individual variations, but in broad strokes the
schema worked as a variant of the canonical OAuth2 flow shown earlier in
Figure 2-7. Say that web application A does not want to maintain its own
authentication schema; rather, it wants to allow its users to sign in using the
account they have with another application, app B. The flow goes something
like this:


I will keep using A and B so that my descriptions remain as

generic as possible, but whenever you lose track, I encourage
you to pick your own concrete example of an app, provider, or
resource and make a mental substitution early on. To make
things more concrete, when I read through these sequences in
my mind, I substitute Facebook for B.

1. When the user tries to sign in to A, A triggers an authorization flow

toward B (steps 1 to 5 in Figure 2-7).
2. After A obtains the access token, it uses it to call B’s API (step 6). In
the ideal case, A will choose to call one of B’s APIs that can provide
some information about the identity of the user, but that is not strictly
3. If A successfully calls the API, it deduces that the user is indeed
capable of obtaining a valid token from B, indirectly proving that the
user is a user of B. If the call carries identity information, all the better.
At this point A can create a session (by dropping a cookie or something
similar) and declare the user signed in.
Ingenious, right? This is a clever hack, which allows applications to do
some form of single sign-on even when the provider does not expose a path
specifically meant to enable that. But, alas, a hack it is. Just think of how
provider dependent the entire thing is. The API for B that A needs to call to
test whether the access token works is an API that B chooses to expose for
its own reasons. Facebook exposes its entities via the Graph, 23andMe
exposes genome-related APIs, and Eventbrite offers event-organization
APIs. That means that the “sign-in” code you write for Facebook cannot
work with 23andMe, Eventbrite, or pretty much any other provider.
In turn, this makes it impossible to enshrine an approach in a developer
library that works with every provider. Many libraries are in fact thin shells
over a vast enumeration of ad hoc adapters that implement each provider’s
specific flow, vulnerable to changes in APIs that are not bound by any
commonly accepted specification.
Although developers targeting consumers and the public web have a
higher tolerance for maintaining glue code to integrate things not originally
meant to be used together, in the business world, repeatability and
predictability are assets that are difficult to renounce. That’s why, in
hindsight, the next step in this journey was truly the obvious thing to do.
OpenID Connect
The previous section highlighted the misadventures that the original OpenID
and OpenID 2.0 went through, just at the same time that OAuth was
experiencing its meteoric rise. Oversimplifying things again: the people on
the OpenID working group (which, by the way, were in part the same people
who were working on OAuth2) decided to formalize the pseudo sign-in
pattern in the third generation of the OpenID standard, which they named
OpenID Connect.
You’ll see all this in much greater detail later in the book, but in a
nutshell, OpenID Connect positions itself as an extension to OAuth2,
formally adding sign-in capabilities and providing prescriptive guidance on
functional areas that the original spec left as exercises for the reader. For
what concerns sign-in, OpenID Connect augmented the bare bones OAuth2
specs with various key extensions:
OpenID Connect explicitly defines an authentication-request message
type, layered on top of OAuth2’s authorization requests. It includes
lots of new parameters meant to allow developers to control important
aspects of the authentication experience.
OpenID Connect extended OAuth2 with a new token, named the ID
token, which is meant to communicate to the client information about
the authentication operation that took place in the context of an
OAuth2 grant flow. OpenID Connect is normative about the ID token
content, defining a set of claim types that must be present, their
semantics, and how to use them for validation. Note that the ID token
is often also used to carry information about the user that authenticated
and gave consent.
OpenID Connect defined a formulaic API whose explicit purpose is to
obtain information about a subject after the token-acquisition operation
takes place. This API is exposed via an endpoint named UserInfo.
Whereas SAML and WS-Federation emphasized the advertisement of
authority coordinates in metadata documents to help apps consume
their services, OAuth2 didn’t offer direct counterparts. OpenID
Connect defines a document format for publishing endpoints, key
material, identifiers, and various other information that provides to
apps the means to automate trust establishment, automatically keep
track of endpoint changes and key rolling, and many of the functions
you’d expect from a modern sign-in solution.
OpenID Connect provides alternative paths for authenticating users. Let’s
take a look at two of them.


OpenID Connect specifies lots of other things. Here I am

focusing on just two flows to highlight the role the protocol
plays in the evolutionary path I’ve been describing. You’ll have
opportunities to explore the other aspects soon enough.

Hybrid flow
As you’ve seen, OAuth2 teaches apps how to be clients—to obtain tokens
meant to be consumed by the resources the app wants to access—but the
information in those tokens cannot be directly accessed from the app itself.
Conversely, sign-in protocols such as SAML or WS-Federation produce
tokens meant to be consumed by the app itself so that it can verify that
successful authentication took place and extract user information.
In the so-called hybrid flow, OpenID Connect combines these two
approaches. It augments the classic OAuth2 flow described in Figure 2-7 by
injecting in legs 2 and 3 an extra token (the ID token) specifically meant to
deliver to the application verifiable information about the authentication
operation that just took place. This allows you to both sign in a user and
obtain delegated access to a resource, all within the same transaction. Pretty
To make the new flow viable, OpenID Connect had to become
prescriptive about the ID token: what format it should be encoded in, the
exact information it should carry, what checks should be performed to
establish validity, and so on.
SAML tokens, the default currency for the older sign-in protocols, was off
the table here. Their size and complex validation rules did not fit the
requirements for simplicity and compactness imposed by the OAuth2
portion of the flow. Luckily, there was another, better-fitting token format
circulating in the wild: the JSON Web Token, abbreviated JWT (and
pronounced “jot”). As you work through the hands-on chapters of this book,
you will become intimately familiar with this format. For the time being, it
should suffice to say that JWT provides SAML-like expressive power (it’s a
great vessel for transporting claims; standard signature and encryption
algorithms; the usual mechanisms for specifying audience, issuer, and
intended validity period; and so on) at a fraction of the size. Just as
important, JWT does not require very sophisticated cryptographic
capabilities from its producers and consumers.
From SWT to JWT: A brief history of lightweight token
Remember OAuth WRAP, the “missing link” protocol that
bridged the evolution of OAuth1 through OAuth2, described in
the sidebar “OAuth and OAuth2: A bit of history”?
Whereas OAuth1 was largely meant to help companies
expose their own APIs—hence coalescing the authorization
server and resource roles in a single entity—OAuth WRAP was
conceived by companies that acted as custodians of other
company’s resources. To take a practical example from the
modern world, Azure Active Directory can be used to protect
calls to the Office 365 API (in which case, the authorization
server and resource belong to the same business owner), but it
can also be used to protect your own custom web API.
(Microsoft provides the authorization server, but the resource is
your own.) This is simply another facet of the phenomenon
described in the section “OAuth2 and claims.”
In their attempt to address this situation and counter the
vagueness of the original OAuth, the author of OAuth WRAP
introduced an explicit token format as part of the core
specification: the Simple Web Token, or SWT. The SWT was
indeed exceptionally simple, just a set of HTML form-encoded
name/value pairs signed by one simple algorithm.
I use the past tense because today SWT is all but dead. When
the OAuth working group decided to take OAuth2 WRAP as the
foundation of OAuth2, its members decided that imposing a
token format was not in line with the spirit of OAuth (teaching
apps how to be clients—and for clients, access tokens are
opaque), and SWT missed its opportunity. You can still observe
pockets of usage of SWT in the real world (Azure Access
Control Service, ACS, uses it for all its management API and
REST workflows), but those are all remnants of early
implementations, still around for honoring support terms but all
unequivocally fading into the sunset.
Naturally, SWT did not make the real-world requirement for
a lightweight token format go away. Evolution took its course,
and at least two new formats, both based on the lightweight but
expressive JSON, independently emerged around 2010. One
was the JSON Tokens, from Google’s Dirk Balfanz. The other
was JWT, from Microsoft’s Mike Jones and Yaron Goland. The
various parties agreed to unify the efforts, and JWT was picked
up by the working group, where it went through multiple drafts
and authors from multiple companies (Microsoft, Google, Ping
Identity, NRI, Facebook, and many others).
When OpenID Connect needed to specify a token format for
its ID token construct, JWT was the obvious choice.

The hybrid flow is represented in Figure 2-8. The sequence is the same as
described in the earlier section, with some extra operations.

Figure 2-8 OpenID Connect hybrid flow.

When the application receives the code and the ID token (leg 3), it can
now proceed to validate the incoming token—just like a SAML or WS-
Federation app did upon receiving a SAML token. And just as SAML or
WS-Federation did not specify how an app should represent its own session,
OpenID Connect does not tell you what to do once you are satisfied that the
ID token represents a successful authentication—but in practice today that
almost always means that you’ll drop a session cookie. That is represented in
Figure 2-8 by leg 4a.
The operations in leg 4a can take place at the same time as leg 4, before,
or after. For example, you’ll do it before if you think that receiving a valid
ID token means you have a valid session in all cases, even when the
authorization code redemption (which in this case would happen after you
already created your session) fails for some reason. This discussion brings us
into philosophical territory, which I’d rather avoid if I can. But I’ll add that,
in fact, if you care only about the sign-in capabilities of the protocol, you can
opt out from receiving a code, telling the authorization server at sign-in time
that you only need the ID token. That brings us full circle, back to the
claims-based identity protocols described earlier in the chapter.
To be strict, the specification suggests that the ID token should relay
information about the authentication operation rather than the subject itself,
with the user information being obtained afterward via the UserInfo
endpoint. The UserInfo endpoint is meant to formalize the functionality that
concrete OAuth2 implementations obtained by hitting a provider-specific
API, like in the Facebook Graph example I discussed in “Layering web sign-
in on OAuth.” In reality, people aren’t always crazy about having to shoot
multiple outgoing HTTP connections from their web servers. A large portion
of the value proposition of claims was precisely to receive everything in a
nice package with no need for follow-ups. That’s why in practice the ID
token does contain user information as well in most cases. There are cases in
which the amount of user information required makes it impractical to put it
all in a token, which would become too big to be handled efficiently, and in
these cases the UserInfo endpoint comes back in the picture. Note that all
this occurs in the context of the authentication phase. Of course, the
UserInfo is super useful afterward for obtaining incremental info about the

Authorization code flow

The authorization code flow is another variation of the base OAuth2 flow
described in Figure 2-7. The difference is that this time the ID token is
returned in leg 6, together with the access token. You’ve got the hang of how
it works at this point, so I won’t add yet another variation of Figure 2-7 here.
The fact that the app receives the ID token from a server-to-server call
makes it possible to dramatically simplify the ID token validation logic.
Think about it. In the hybrid flow, the app receives the ID token from a
browser. Anybody in the winding road from the authorization server to the
app could have tampered with the token or even forged it in its entirety. The
application must protect itself from those occurrences, and the way to do so
is by verifying that the signature on the token was actually performed by the
trusted authority and not compromised.
But when you receive a token directly from a server, you can rely on the
security of the channel to guarantee that none of those attacks could take
place. As long as you are getting a token from a trusted TLS channel (a
channel secured by a certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority, the
subject of the certificate matching the hostname of the authorization server
you trust, etc.), you know that the token is coming from the intended
authority through a direct channel, with no intermediaries. You still need to
verify the information inside the token (for example, the audience of the
token must indicate that the token was issued for your app), but you are no
longer obligated to verify the signature. In turn, this means that setting up an
application that supports this OpenID Connect flow requires extremely
simple code.

OpenID Connect is the area where most of the innovation is taking place
these days, no matter what vendor or platform you pick. Its ability to support
both sign-in and API-invocation scenarios in the same application makes it
well suited for addressing the requirements of today’s solutions. It is the
protocol underlying most Active Directory flows, and it’s going to be the
protocol that fuels all the scenarios I’ll walk you through in this book.
I can almost hear you protesting. “Didn’t you just say the same about
OAuth2?” The fact that OpenID Connect is basically OAuth2 with just a
bunch of extra details makes things a bit confusing. In the literature you’ll
often find that people refer to OpenID Connect when they talk about web
scenarios and stick with OAuth2 when referring to server-to-server flows or
native applications. In fact, even in the latter scenarios you’ll often find that
it’s almost never classic OAuth2—OpenID Connect fills in the details of so
many important functional areas left unaddressed by the original OAuth2
that you’ll almost always end up using at least one or two of its extra
More API consumption scenarios
Let’s take a small detour from our history of user-authentication techniques
and consider for a moment a couple of resource-consumption patterns that
are very common in enterprise scenarios.

Impersonation and acting on behalf of a caller

Chances are that you’ve heard the term impersonation before. Imagine that
you are working on an on-premises solution, perhaps using Kerberos as your
authentication technology. Say that you have a web app that needs to access
some resources and that access to those resources is allowed only to specific
users or groups. (Think specific network shares or rows in a database.) When
Mario navigates to your app and requests a page that retrieves files from a
share he owns, he correctly expects to be authorized to perform the
operation. However, Mario is not accessing the share directly: he is
accessing the app, which is presumably running on a different box, and in
turn the app is accessing the share. At the network layer, the app is not
Mario: it is its own process, whose identity (for what Kerberos is concerned
about) is determined by the web server settings. Kerberos provides a
mechanism, called constrained delegation, which allows a web application
at deployment time to impersonate its caller; thus, inherit its access rights.
That’s pretty neat, but as is common for many of these tricks, this flow is
made possible by the nature of the domain controller and its special network
requirements—to which everything within a domain network must abide.
On the other hand, this pattern is clearly useful outside a local network,
too. If you squint a little, this is something that the authorization code flow
in OAuth2 could enable. The main requirement would be that the end user
give his or her consent to one specific access right, full impersonation. (The
authorization code flow allows for far finer-grained delegation. For example,
the app might ask for read-only access for only a specific subset of
resources.) The identity experts would be quick to say that this would not be
full-blown impersonation—the identity of the app would never disappear
here—but as long as it grants the access level requested, who cares about
those subtleties?
Another hard requirement would come from the need of the code grant to
display a consent prompt, which can happen only if the app has a user
interface. But what happens if the app does not have a user interface? Think
of a web API meant to be consumed programmatically: the client would
simply not know what to do with the HTTP 302 response redirecting to the
consent pages. What to do?
Luckily, OAuth2 has one specific flow, described in the OAuth2 Token
Exchange extension, that describes how to request a token on behalf of a
caller without showing any further prompts. The flow is commonly referred
to as the “on-behalf-of” security token request. You can find a simplified
diagram in Figure 2-9. The on-behalf-of flow plays an important role in
many Active Directory solutions, and I’ll cover it in depth later in the book.

Figure 2-9 Simplified diagram of an on-behalf-of token request. A and B

are web APIs. (1) A is accessed via a user token U; (2) A requests a token
for B from the AS. A presents U and some means for AS to know that the
call comes from A, such as a shared secret; (3) AS issues a new token T
that allows A to access B with the same rights as the user who originally
sent U; (4) A accesses B with T.

No user in sight: Accessing a resource as the application itself

Another common pattern you’ll encounter fairly often is one in which an
application needs to access one resource independently from whoever is
signed in to the application itself. In fact, there are cases in which there is
literally nobody signed in, and the application acts in complete
independence. Here, you can think of daemon apps or Windows services that
start as soon as a server boots, with no need for anybody to log on to the
machine or access a web app running on that server.
OAuth2 has a special grant for this very scenario, called the client
credentials grant. This is probably the simplest grant of all, so I won’t
illustrate it. The client sends whatever credential or authentication type the
authorization server deems appropriate (more often than not, a classic shared
secret in a string or a signed token demonstrating ownership of a private
key), and if the authorization server considers the credentials valid, it will
issue a token to the client. The claims in the token will describe the client
application itself.

Single-page applications
Let’s resume the narrative arc that brought us through the ever-escalating
conflict between evolving authentication requirements and the protocols that
emerged to satisfy them.
Although we saw application topologies change a lot from one generation
to another, one thing remained the same: the round-trip-based request-
response pattern underlying every web application with a user interface. We
take that idea for granted, so you might not think about it too often, but it’s
worth spending a moment teasing it apart.
Web applications run entirely on the server. Their code is expected to
implement both the presentation-generation logic and whatever computation
(old-fashion professionals like me would be tempted to call this “business
logic”) is required for performing the function the apps are meant to offer. In
practice, the web app you use for your tax-filling duties spends CPU cycles
both for sending down the HTML rendering the forms you use to fill in your
hard-earned numbers and for crunching the same number according to the
tax scheme in fashion for the year.
This mechanism is what made cookie-based sessions so handy for web
sign-on. Given that every interaction with the app is actually a full round
trip, having a cookie along for the ride is a handy way of reminding the
server that it’s still you, the authenticated user, at the other hand of the cable.
This pattern does have significant downsides. I am ready to bet that you
are no stranger to Facebook, Gmail, or All those apps have
high-density interfaces, crowded with lots and lots of semi-independent
pieces of information. Whenever you interact with one element, like
expanding a comment thread or selecting one email message, you trigger
changes at the local level. The comment thread expands, moving the rest of
the content down; the email body appears in the main area, while the email
entry shows a “selected” indicator. A large portion of the screen remains the
Think of how wasteful it would be to implement this functionality via a
classic round trip. As soon as you click, the browser would have to tear
down a complex user interface and send a request for the new information
and enough data to reconstruct the current state. Once the server is done
processing your request, it has to send back all the code the browser needs to
reconstruct the entire scene: the parts that changed, but also the parts that did
not. The performance of such an app would be pitiful, and the waste of
resources criminal.
The last few years have seen the rise of a new approach to web
development that provides an elegant and efficient solution for architecting
these kinds of applications. The idea is simple: instead of expecting the
server to handle both presentation and back-end logic, the architecture
separates the two and distributes the work between the browser itself and the
Modern browsers are far more than glorified markup renderers. From
simple origins, the JavaScript language has evolved into a powerful
programming platform that can implement very sophisticated logic entirely
on the client. A developer can now code the presentation layer of one app
entirely in JavaScript: logic-layout management, data binding, dynamic
updates, state changes, and more can now be bundled with one initial HTML
page (or a few more) and sent down at the very first request to the
application. From that moment on, all the UI behavior can be handled
without having to flush the entire browser state and perform a round trip.
That’s why this app architecture is often referred to as single-page
application, or SPA. In theory, your whole app can live in one single page,
the first one, and all the JavaScript files it references.
That sounds fantastic, but clearly something is missing. Thank you,
JavaScript, for having rendered all those tax forms, the experience was
amazingly fluid. But now that I have filed my numbers, how am I going to
deliver them to the tax-crunching logic on the server side?
Simple. JavaScript also allows you to perform programmatic HTTP
requests to the back end. If the back end exposes a web API, the front end
can invoke it via JavaScript, read back the results, and use them to
selectively update the UI. In the Facebook example, clicking a comment
thread can trigger JavaScript logic to perform a request to the server for the
text for all those comments, parse them back, and display them on the page,
without having to touch the UI elements around it. In the tax-return example,
clicking Submit sends all your numbers to the server, which crunches them
and sends back to the client a “total due” number, which the same JavaScript
logic can display in a new text box, once again without having to do
anything with the rest of the UI.
This is a very neat architecture. How do we secure it? Sticking with
cookies is tempting. The browser will automatically attach cookies to every
request heading to the domain a cookie is associated with, and that holds for
JavaScript-generated requests as well. That might work for testing or quick
and dirty prototyping, but as soon as you get serious about your app, the
limitations of this approach become evident:
Cookies go only to the domain from where they originated; but
technically, your JavaScript code might call any API, including APIs
hosted on other domains.
Cookie-based sessions are really children of round-trip applications.
What happens when a cookie expires when working with a web app
protected by WS-Federation or SAML? The app deems the caller
unauthenticated, so it reacts with an HTTP 302 request and a sign-in
message. In a round-trip app, that 302 will be immediately executed by
the browser, prompting the user to authenticate. In an SPA, however,
that won’t happen: a 302 return code is really not actionable for a
JavaScript web API call. Sure, you could write more logic that makes
the redirection happen, but in the process you’d flush whatever client-
side state the app built up to that point. You could prevent that as well
by saving everything, but doing so can get messy.
The solution is surprisingly simple. You secure web API calls just as I
described for other topologies—with tokens. The missing link here is how
do you enable JavaScript to obtain and use tokens? OAuth2 introduced, and
OpenID Connect refined, a special grant precisely for this scenario: it’s
called the implicit grant.
In the implicit grant, an application can request an access token directly to
the authorization endpoint without any interaction with the token endpoint.
The token itself is returned in a URI fragment, which is fancy HTTP jargon
to indicate a string in a URI after the # symbol. Such a string is meant to be
visible only to the browser itself (and everything that runs within it, like your
JavaScript code) and won’t be sent to the server. The JavaScript can retrieve
the token bits and squirrel them away, typically by saving them in some
HTML construct (sessionStorage and localStorage being common favorites).
Once the token bits have been obtained, more JavaScript logic can attach
them to the requests whenever there’s the need to contact a back-end web
API. That is a little more work than letting the browser automatically attach
cookies, but it grants far more control to the developer. Moreover, nowadays
nobody builds a single-page application from scratch: there are multiple
excellent JavaScript frameworks (the one in fashion today is AngularJS), and
the logic to attach tokens can be easily buried there. No action is required for
the application developer.
Azure AD supports the implicit flow, and Microsoft in general exposes
many APIs to be consumed from JavaScript clients.

Leveraging web investments in native clients

This book focuses on web applications, so mobile clients and rich
applications aren’t in scope. However, I’d do you a disservice if I did not cap
my story and say a little about the latest step in the evolution of modern
authentication methods, one in which the authentication logic leaves the
browser to support native apps and then kind of gets cold feet and brings the
browser back, albeit in a different guise.
Throughout this chapter I’ve focused on web applications because they
constitute the vast majority of the apps requiring the identity of the user to
cross a boundary of some kind. However, the reality is that native
applications have been with us every step of the way, although their number
and widespread adoption didn’t reach today’s oceanic proportions until the
advent of application stores. What is a native application? It is one
application that’s meant to be run on a specific platform, intended as an OS
or a set of APIs (Windows desktop or iOS; .NET 4.5 or Java), and built with
the building blocks that such platforms offer: runtimes, visual components,
packaging and deployment technologies, and so on. Microsoft Word, Visual
Studio, Adobe Reader, Corel Painter, TurboTax, Flappy Bird, the Facebook
and Twitter apps on iOS and Android, and the Kindle reader app are just a
few examples of native applications from the devices currently scattered on
my desk.
Native applications running within the boundaries of an enterprise have
always been able to benefit from the Kerberos infrastructure, just like their
web app counterparts in the intranet. In the early 2000s, the WS-* movement
introduced new protocols to obtain the same expressive power and
cryptographic guarantees across organizational and network boundaries. You
know how it went: the people that could cope with the complexity adopted
them, but in the wild web the WS-* specs remained underutilized. All this
happened at the same time as the rise of the programmable web, when web
apps were gearing up to expose (or obtain) delegated access to one another’s
resources via OAuth2.
In 2008 Apple introduced its App Store on iOS, making it extra easy for
end users to acquire native applications on its devices. That marked a turning
point in the ease with which a native app could make its way to a device, and
in the appeal that the native app format exercised on developers. Suddenly,
every website needed to have an app counterpart, and such apps had to offer
comparable functionality to their web counterpart. This meant that they
needed to have access to the same protected resources—before displaying
your pictures, Facebook needs to ascertain that it’s really you on the other
part of the wire, regardless of whether you’re using a browser or an
All those applications had just made massive investments in getting their
identity story straight: supporting the nascent OAuth, providing
authentication experiences, and managing consent-gathering experiences and
lots of other tasks tailored to be performed within a browser. Duplicating all
that work solely to support a new client type wasn’t something anybody
looked forward to.
I am not sure who first came out with the following idea, but whoever he
or she was, it was a stroke of genius. It goes as follows:
What if we pretend that native apps are just a special kind of web
app? One that cannot have its own credentials, given that we
cannot trust a device to keep a secret, but a web app of some sort
nonetheless. When the app needs a token for requesting a remote
resource, we can use the native UI elements to display a browser
surface and host in there the usual OAuth2 code grant dance. That
way we can reuse all our existing authentication and consent
logic. We just need to be sure the layout of the page looks good in
the form factor of the device. After we get back a code, we hide the
browser, redeem the code, and retrieve the access token we need.
Perhaps this is a bit oversimplified, but it’s pretty much what happened.
Today, when you launch an app from your device, it is very common to be
taken to a hosted web experience when you perform tasks that require
authentication and authorization. Hosting the prompting logic in a browser is
exceptionally flexible. It allows you to change the logic at any time—for
example, by inserting an additional step for multifactor authentication—
without having to deliver updates to your client code. Throughout this book,
you will often use ADAL, Microsoft’s library for requesting tokens. When
used within a native app, ADAL has built in the ability to display that
browser surface, using the primitives that make sense in each of the
platforms (modal dialog in Windows desktop apps, full-screen browser
experiences on mobile devices, and so on).
Today we are witnessing the emergence of the next step in this evolution:
the hero app, or broker. When a native application needs a token, instead of
contacting the authorization server directly, it passes the request on to
another app installed on the device that is designed specifically to maintain
contact with the provider of choice. That app plays the role of the broker. It
knows how to talk to a specific authority, it can maintain a cache of tokens to
share among apps (which are normally unable to share any context given
that every mobile platform sandboxes them), and it can even perform
advanced functionality such as proving the identity of the device itself.
The world of modern authentication in native apps is wondrous and
extensive, worthy of a book of its own. For this book, the foregoing should
give you enough background to put things in perspective.

This chapter led you through a whirlwind tour, examining how
authentication requirements and technologies changed and adapted through
two decades of IT history.
I began with a definition of some foundational concepts, such as identity
and authentication. You had the opportunity to see those concepts in action
right away, observing how the simplest authentication schemes implemented
You witnessed the advent of local networks and their influence on
authentication artifacts and techniques: the emergence of the domain
controller, the advantages and limitations of Kerberos, and so on. I also
invested some time introducing claims-based identity as a framework for
understanding the intent and scope of modern authentication protocols,
without getting sidetracked by individual differences in syntax and
You applied what you learned by examining SAML and WS-Federation
under the claims-identity lenses, acquiring basic terminology and an
understanding of how these protocols provided solutions to the main
authentication need of that time, cross-domain single sign-on.
I also presented the life-altering changes brought by the programmable
web and explained how its widespread adoption created the ideal conditions
for the emergence of OAuth2, a delegated authorization protocol. You saw
how that seeded spontaneous extensions that repurposed OAuth2 to achieve
single sign-on and how those initiatives were soon appropriated by standard
bodies and turned into a du jour protocol specification, OpenID Connect.
Finally, you had a taste of how authentication is evolving beyond its
traditional browser round-trip origins by leveraging the advanced JavaScript
capabilities of modern browsers—or leaving the browser altogether to
enable authentication for native applications.
I realize that this is a lot to take in. I don’t expect you to retain all the
content you read in this chapter right away. Some of it will be repeated later
on, when you write apps using the protocols described here. Other content
will be there for you as a reference so that if you get lost you can always find
refuge back here and refresh your understanding of why things are the way
they are today.
You are now equipped with a specific mindset you can use for
approaching authentication problems: by knowing what the problem is
you’re trying to solve, you’ll know what to look for in a solution.
Next, you’ll become acquainted with the entity that will play the role of
the IdP, IP, and AS throughout the book: Active Directory.
Chapter 3. Introducing Azure Active Directory and
Active Directory Federation Services

In this chapter you make first contact with Azure Active Directory (Azure
AD) and Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), the two authority
types that Active Directory offers for protecting your applications.
My goals for this chapter are to inform you about what those services are,
how they are structured, and what they can do for you. I’ll focus mostly on
terminology, components, and functional aspects that you encounter while
using those authorities for development-related tasks. You won’t find fine
details or instructions here—those will be provided in the later chapters of
the book, in the context of the scenarios I’ll describe there.
I purposely ignore tasks and features that are prevalently administrative in
nature, not because they are not important or handy—they are—but because
this is a book for developers, and if I don’t draw the line somewhere, the size
of the book will get out of control.
A warning about content freshness
Azure Active Directory is a cloud service. As such, it evolves at
an exceptionally quick pace. New features are added every few
weeks, and existing ones are refined and improved all the time.
This is a very poor match with the typical time frames of the
printed publishing trade. No matter how fast I write, or how
promptly the production team sifts through the manuscript and
fixes my broken English, you will read those words months
from the moment I typed them. To minimize the aging of the
text, I avoid as much as I can presenting content that has a high
rate of obsolescence, such as screenshots and preview features.
Instead, I focus on topics that are slower to change: intended
usage, supported scenarios, architectural principles. Those
measures notwithstanding, some of my descriptions will
inevitably no longer be the latest and greatest at publication
time. I’ll try to minimize impact by publishing new info online.
If you read something that does not seem to perfectly match
what you see or experience when using the products, please
make sure to check out

Active Directory Federation Services

In Chapter 2, "Identity protocols and application types," I introduced the
concepts of a domain controller (DC) and Kerberos, and I explored how
every aspect of the local network can benefit from their presence and
functionality. As I ventured beyond local network scenarios and acquainted
you with claims-based identity, you learned about protocols such as SAML
and WS-Federation, which are capable of handling authentication and web
single sign-on outside the boundaries of a local network.
As out-of-network scenarios became more common, the use of a DC
speaking exclusively Kerberos was not going to cut it. Administrators and
developers wanted to use their investment in Active Directory also for
exposing or accessing partners’ and customers’ applications. Microsoft
addressed that requirement by introducing a new Windows Server role,
called Active Directory Federation Services, or ADFS for short. For all
intents and purposes, this new role augmented the network capabilities with
the following:
Network endpoints supporting various claims-based identity protocols,
which includes metadata endpoints for the protocols that admit them.
A configuration database for keeping track of applications configured
to operate through those protocols (RPs). This database can be sourced
from Windows Internal Database (WID) or from a full-flown instance
of SQL Server.
Management tools for turning endpoints on and off and for
provisioning and removing RPs. These are mostly a Microsoft
Management Console snap-in and a set of Windows PowerShell
A proxy role for extending the reach of ADFS authentication
capabilities to clients operating outside the local network.
Claim values that are sourced from the local Active Directory and
LDAP attributes. These can also be sourced by custom attributes
A claims rules engine (and associated claims-transformation language)
designed to provide maximum flexibility in the issuance of claims in
ADFS-produced tokens.
That is not an exhaustive list, but it captures the general intended use of
the new service. Figure 3-1 shows the key functional components of ADFS.
Figure 3-1 Main ADFS functional components.
Although the service has evolved significantly from its early days, these
components remain the pillars of its functionality. IT administrators are
typically in charge of local ADFS instances: they are the ultimate arbiters of
which applications can be provisioned, what protocols they should use, and
what user attributes (in the form of claims) they should receive. If you
consider that an app that is not provisioned in ADFS cannot receive any
tokens, you can see how ADFS administrators hold tremendous power over
us developers. This power dynamic changed when Azure AD emerged—and
you’ll see that soon enough.

ADFS and development

Let’s get the basics out of the way. Say that you have an application hosted
outside your intranet and want to make it available to users from your local
AD. Say that your company does have ADFS up and running. How does
ADFS enter your life?
You need to find out which version of ADFS you have, and select a
protocol that it supports for protecting your app.
You need to add code and libraries to your app to support that protocol
(which, by the way, is the reason you are holding this book). Note that
you’ll need to configure the libraries to use the protocol coordinates of
your ADFS instance, which means that you’ll need to find out what
those coordinates are.
You need to contact the ADFS admin to provision your application. If
you work in a small shop or in a test environment, that admin is
probably you. You’ll see the details later, but in a nutshell this means
using the MMC or PowerShell cmdlets to add an entry for the app in
ADFS, supplying information such as the app’s URL and identifier,
deciding what claims should be sent at authentication time, and the


This step cannot be skipped. If an app is not provisioned,

ADFS will not issue a token for it.

That’s pretty much it. After all of this work is in place, navigating to your
app will bounce the user to authenticate against the local ADFS pages. Upon
successful authentication, a token will be issued and forwarded to your app,
which in turn will validate it and sign in the user. All as expected.
Getting ADFS
ADFS is a Windows Server role, its life cycle tied to releases of Windows
Server. That means that every Windows Server release from 2003 R2
onward has had its own ADFS version, with its own features. It also means
that ADFS versions aren’t backported. If you want a certain shiny feature
available in a certain ADFS version, you’ve got to upgrade the entire server
OS to the version of Windows that carries that ADFS version with it. After
that’s done, you can find and turn on the Active Directory Federation
Services role in the Server Roles screen or through any other management
tool you like. And once that role is turned on, you need to configure it. The
good news is that configuration is pretty straightforward; there’s a wizard for
it, and (if you’re okay with the default settings) the biggest task required is
that you create and assign a self-signed certificate.
I am not going to give you detailed instructions because those change
from version to version. I just want to give you a feeling for what setting up
one ADFS instance entails.
There’s more. ADFS requires you to have an AD deployment, even if you
plan to use functions that in themselves would not seem to require AD. You
don’t need to turn on ADFS on a domain controller (though lots of demo
environments do that for economic reasons), but you do need to use a
domain-joined server.
Once ADFS is up, managing it largely boils down to the following:
Deciding which protocols and credential types endpoints should be
Provisioning applications that should be allowed to receive a token,
and specifying what claims such a token should carry.
Keeping certificates fresh, and performing other administrivia.
I am sure that administrators would add tons of tasks to this meager list,
but for developers, I’d say that’s as far as most of us would want to go.

Protocols support
ADFS did have a v1, introduced with Windows Server 2003 R2, and a v1.1
shortly after—but they aren’t talked about nowadays. From a developer’s
perspective, ADFS started to get interesting from version 2.0 onward.
Every version of ADFS has interesting features, besides which protocols it
supports, but from the perspective of how you can hook up apps to it, the
protocol support truly is the higher-order bit.

ADFS v2 came out in the first half of 2010, as an out-of-band download for
Windows Server 2008 R2.
As I write this, ADFS v2 is probably the most commonly deployed ADFS
version. It supports the following protocols:
From the perspective of .NET development, the most interesting of the
supported protocols is WS-Federation. That’s mainly determined by
exclusion: as mentioned earlier, the SAML protocol is not directly supported
by .NET libraries, and WS-Trust is on the sunset path together with all its
other WS-* friends. ADFS v2 uses SAML tokens in all its protocols.

ADFS “v3”
Some ADFS team members get irked when someone refers to the version of
ADFS shipping in Windows Server 2012 R2 as “ADFS v3.” These team
members would prefer that everyone say “the ADFS version that ships in
Windows Server 2012 R2,” but they kind of brought this situation on
themselves by calling the former versions 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 and 2.1. Also, who
has time for that?
ADFS “v3” is a superset of ADFS v2. In particular, it adds the OAuth2
authorization-code grant for public clients. In practice, this means that from
this version onward you can write native applications that obtain tokens
from ADFS and web APIs that validate tokens from ADFS. That flavor of
OAuth2 is not suitable for web applications, however, so no code-behind
token-acquisition scenarios are possible with that release.
Apart from the addition of the OAuth2 endpoint, ADFS had to add a
couple of other features to support the new flow:
The ability for issuing and processing JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).
An extended model for representing applications, augmented by the
definition of a client app, which was absent in the protocols supported
in v2. ADFS "v3" did not add this to its management UI, though, and
only offers PowerShell cmdlets for managing this new type of app.
ADFS “v3” also has some other protocol-related capabilities. In particular,
it has its own ceremony for determining whether a device is “workplace
joined”—an operation morally similar to joining a domain but with far fewer
requirements on the OS and the capabilities of the machine and far less
administrative power. ADFS uses that knowledge to decide whether a token
should be issued or refused in accordance to it. I am not going to detail this
flow any further. There are more modern approaches to this scenario, and I
am bringing it up mostly so that you know that it exists and you have one
possible culprit when you troubleshoot why you are failing to get a token
from an ADFS instance: “Don’t tell me it has the workplace join on. . . .
Let’s check.”

ADFS in Windows Server 2016

Now we venture into highly unstable territory. I pledged to minimize the
coverage of preview features, but the improvements introduced by ADFS in
Windows 2016 are simply too significant and relevant to this book for me to
At the time of writing, Windows Server 2016 is in preview, and so is its
implementation of ADFS. There is no guarantee that some features won’t get
cut, or at least change, before this book finds its way to your shelf. Here are
the protocols currently supported:
OAuth2 authorization-code grant for protected clients
OAuth2 client credentials
OAuth2 on behalf of
OAuth2 resource owner grant
OAuth2 implicit grant
OpenID Connect (various grants and response types)
I haven’t introduced some of the protocols in this list yet, so don’t worry if
you don’t recognize them. I’ll cover all of them in detail in the hands-on
chapters of this book.
Nowadays, software products are released at faster and faster rates, and
ADFS is no exception. However, no matter how much agility you pour into
the process, innovation will always be slower in a product meant to be
distributed and installed on customers’ machines than in a service run in the
cloud. That’s why the features in ADFS will likely always trail a bit behind
its big cloud-based sibling, Azure Active Directory. This is also one of the
reasons that most of the hands-on chapters will mainly use Azure AD as the
reference authority.

Azure Active Directory: Identity as a service

Azure Active Directory is a cloud-based service that is aimed at providing
you with all the features you need to handle authentication in your cloud-
based workloads. It is designed to do for cloud-based applications what on-
premises Active Directory does for traditional intranet applications. Azure
AD achieves this by reimagining key aspects of Active Directory, shedding
the features that make sense on-premises but don’t cut it in the cloud, and
adding brand-new features to offer functionality in a platform as a service
(PaaS) style.
In the previous section, you learned how ADFS, by teaching the DC how
to converse in SAML and WS-Federation, enabled directory users to access
apps hosted outside the corporate network. That was a huge step forward
toward a true claims-based apps-and-providers ecosystem, but, as usual, it
didn’t solve every possible problem associated with cross-boundary
authentication. Two issues proved to be particularly thorny for cloud
Application provisioning Consider a developer who is selling to
organizations access to his application. Although WS-Federation and
SAML establish the roles that each party should play, and define the
trust-establishment ceremony (via metadata) as well as the subsequent
message exchanges, the process is far from being automatic.
Think of this as getting married. Your local government establishes a
process that should be followed to make marriage happen in valid legal
terms, as opposed to the engaged couple just coming up with a private
agreement with no rules or guarantees. The existence of that process
makes getting married possible, but it still takes quite a lot of
There are multiple elements that conspire to make direct trust
establishment an operation that’s difficult to generalize. For one,
administrators are normally the only entity that can modify ADFS (or
any equivalent product) to add an entry for a new application, establish
what claims should be sent, and so on. There is no programmatic way
out of the box of provisioning an app on the fly. Also, individual users
must always depend on administrators if they want to start using a new
application. Another issue arises in connection with the wide variety of
deployment types you’ll encounter. Every administrator decides what
attributes define his or her users, groups, and infrastructure, which in
turn determines the pool of possible claims that applications can expect
to receive. That entails some investigation on the app developer’s part,
possibly followed by the creation of ad hoc code for handling any
impedance mismatch. If your app expects a “street address” claim, but
the IP sends you that information in a claim called , you
might need to work something out before your app can correctly serve
that customer.
Directory queries Claims-based identity provides just-in-time identity
information about the currently signed-in user, which in turn unlocks
all the goodness we’ve discussed so far, and—by this property alone—
it addresses a very large portion of authentication scenarios. However,
that doesn’t help when your app needs information held in the
directory that is not a direct attribute of the currently signed-in user.
Imagine that you are writing a classic expense notes application. Your
users can submit expense notes and, when they receive reports from
others, approve them. The application needs to know for every user
who her manager is and which reports, if any, are his. That information
does not typically travel in the form of claims—including a list of
reports can rapidly lead to untenable token sizes. Even if such
information could go with a claim, where do you draw the line? Say
that you need the street address of all users to mail invoices, or that
you need to traverse multiple management layers to reach somebody
with a purchase limit great enough to approve a particularly large
expense note. All that information is stored in the directory. If your app
runs within the boundaries of the local network, it can simply reach out
and examine the directory. Not so if the app runs in the cloud, because
there’s a firewall between the app and that information. And even if the
app could manage to pierce that firewall, that would mean forsaking
operating at cloud scale because it would introduce in the app’s critical
path a dependency on the performance of individual IdPs.
Microsoft itself felt that pain early on, and very close to home. Its Office
365 services faced the exact problems I just described, with the raging
intensity you should expect when you’re chartered to deliver a service at
mind-boggling scale.
To support Office 365 workloads, Microsoft reimagined Active Directory
functionality, creating a brand-new service—Azure Active Directory, as you
guessed. Almost immediately, the service was made available for securing a
customer’s own applications besides Office 365 and others from Microsoft.
The differences between the on-premises approach and the cloud
approach are numerous and substantial, but to summarize:
For organizations already operating an AD instance, Azure AD offers
the possibility of creating a projection of AD in the cloud. I’ll unpack
what this means in practice a bit later, but for the time being, this
capability allows organizations to continue to manage users and assets
in their regular AD, while at the same time gain the ability to perform
the cloud-based app workloads I’ll describe later.
For organizations that do not have an on-premises AD deployment, or
that want to keep it isolated from their cloud workloads, Azure AD
offers the opportunity of hosting a new directory entirely in the cloud,
with no local footprint whatsoever. Among other advantages, this
finally makes it possible for small organizations (or development
shops) to make use of sophisticated directory-grade features for a small
or at no cost.
Whereas Active Directory is traditionally a singleton service within its
own organization, Azure AD is a multitenant system. It is designed to
provide authentication and directory functionality to multiple
organizations, partitioning the service in such a way that every tenant
has complete control over its data, with the illusion of being Azure
AD’s only beneficiary. However, the fact that every directory tenant
shares the same pipes unlocks scenarios that would otherwise be
impossible, such as just-in-time provisioning of new apps without any
explicit work from administrators or extra integration code necessary
on the app side.
Because Azure AD is a native cloud offering, the authentication
mechanisms that it offers cover the full range of protocols that have no
infrastructural constraints—from the classic SAML and WS-
Federation to all the known variations of OAuth2 and OpenID
The tokens issued by Azure AD contain claims populated with user
attributes maintained in a cloud store. Those values can be cloud-only
or a synchronized copy of the corresponding attributes on-premises.
Traditional on-premises directories offer well-supported querying
protocols, such as LDAP. Repurposing such protocols for cloud
workloads proved to be difficult given their reliance on complex
development stacks (as opposed to the RESTful nature of most
decentralized cloud systems nowadays) and their inflexibility in
matters of access control. To expand on the last point, granting access
to your directory to a third-party expense note app is far riskier than
allowing one of your own users to access the same data, because the
potential for abuse is far higher for the former. Protocols such as
LDAP do not provide the flexibility of modulating access levels very
Azure AD features a new API, called the Directory Graph API, that
allows developers to query and manipulate directory entities by using
simple REST operations. The access control for these operations is
implemented through Azure AD’s own OAuth2 features, making it
possible for application developers and administrators alike to request
and grant fine-grained permissions, to everybody’s satisfaction.
Given that Azure AD focuses on enabling cloud-based workloads, in
its current form it sheds much of the functionality that was instead a
staple of its on-premises origins. You will not use Azure AD for
finding the printers available on your office floor, and (at least for
now) you will not join a machine to an Azure AD domain. Those
functionalities are not entirely outside the scope of Azure AD, but they
are not as relevant to cloud workloads, so they’ll come in later (if
Apart from those changes, Azure AD contains pretty much what you’d
expect from a directory: a store for users with their own schema, groups,
ways of representing applications, and so on.
Figure 3-2 schematizes Azure AD’s main functional components. Please
note that some of these components will be described later in this chapter.
Also, all the components below the cloud/on-premises interface are optional.
Later in the chapter, I’ll describe the difference between managed and
federated tenants.

Figure 3-2 The main components of an Azure AD tenant.

Azure AD and development
How does Azure AD enter into your daily development chores? Say that you
have an app that you want to protect with Azure AD. Also assume that you
already have access to one Azure AD tenant. There are many different ways
in which you can get to the same result: an app protected by Azure AD. The
least sophisticated way goes as follows:
Navigate to the Microsoft Azure portal, and go to the Azure AD
section. Select the tenant you want to use, and then go to the
Applications section. Click Add Application. That will help you add an
entry for the app in Azure AD. Like the corresponding step in the case
of ADFS, this step is not optional. Those instructions might change as
the service evolves, but the intent remains the same.
Add to the app support for your protocol of choice (among the ones
Azure AD supports), and configure the app with the protocol
coordinates indicating your Azure AD tenant and your app entry in it.
I say this is the “least sophisticated” way because it forces you to do all
the steps by hand. There are speedier ways, the Visual Studio wizard you
encountered in Chapter 1 being one of them. However, it’s useful to
remember that behind the scenes, this is what always has to happen for every

Azure AD tokens are Microsoft cloud services’ currency

Accessing custom applications is not the only reason for
requesting Azure AD tokens. Services such as the Azure
management API, Office 365 API, and Intune API all trust
Azure AD: if you want to invoke any of those APIs, you have to
obtain an Azure AD token first.

Getting Azure Active Directory

Getting an Azure Active Directory tenant is very easy. Chances are that you
already have one and you don’t even know yet!
At the time of writing, there are three main ways of obtaining an Azure
Active Directory tenant.

Below I state that Azure AD “developer features” are free to

use. That’s a pretty broad definition written at a specific point in
time. To know for sure what is and isn’t covered by the free
offering, please check out the latest pricing documentation at

Buy a Microsoft cloud service When you acquire a Microsoft cloud

service such as Office 365, Microsoft Azure, or Intune, you get an
Azure AD tenant in the so-called Azure AD Free tier as part of the
deal. Such services need an underlying directory to deliver the
functionality they are meant to perform, hence there’s not a lot of
choice in the matter. Whether you use that directory exclusively as a
piece of infrastructure for the services you purchased, or if you also
make use of it for protecting applications you develop, is of course
completely up to you. Again, as is the case today, all development
features offered by Azure AD are free to use. There are some (very
generous) usage thresholds, and there’s no enforced service-level
agreement, but in practice you’ll find that the reliability and
performance you get is far superior to many (most?) on-premises
And here’s a small note: when you already have an Azure AD tenant,
you can subscribe to new services that leverage that tenant. The act of
activating a service subscription does not necessarily mean creating a
new tenant; it just requires the existence of one tenant, and if one is
already available, that’s great as well.
Create new directory tenants as part of your Microsoft Azure
subscription Creating a new Azure AD Free tier tenant is as easy as
opening the Azure portal, navigating to the Directory section, and
clicking a button that says Add. In mere seconds, you’ll get a full-
featured directory that you can use for whatever purpose you decide:
managing user populations, as a development or staging environment,
and so on. Considering that you can get a free trial of Microsoft Azure
and that Azure AD development features are free, that is a pretty sweet
Buy an Azure AD edition through an Enterprise Agreement This is
one way in which large companies get Microsoft software. You can
also get one via a reseller.
In this book I almost always use the Azure AD Free tier, given that
practically all authentication features used in development are available with
it. Azure AD comes in two other editions: Azure AD Basic and Azure AD
Premium, which offer SLAs, superior administrative features (such as
multifactor authentication and reporting), and much more. Those are
offerings you pay for, so they are available through the last two channels I

Directories, tenants, domains. What should I call this thing?

Blogs, articles, and even official documentation can’t seem to agree
on a definitive term for indicating what one should call “the thing that
you get when you subscribe to Azure AD.” The challenge here is that
all the candidates are already overloaded terms and often have a firm
meaning in the on-premises world that only partially holds in the
cloud case. I am personally a fan of “tenant,” not because it is
especially apt, but thanks to the fact that it carries less baggage.
Saying “directory” is odd for concordance reasons: the name of the
service itself is Azure Active Directory, hence calling a part of it a
directory is weird—even ignoring the potential for confusion with on-
premises directories that might be involved in the federated case.
Saying “domain” is also problematic: every tenant must have at
least one domain, which is why it is assigned one at creation time (the
famous Seeing two phenomena always
occurring at the same time might lead you to believe that they are one
and the same. But correlation is not causation! After creation, you can
register in your tenant any extra domains you own. Cases in which a
tenant has hundreds of domains are not unheard of.
But “tenant” is not perfect. For example, if you are writing a
multitenant application, “tenant” is polysemic. Sometimes it means
your customer, a tenant of your application, and sometimes it means
your own tenant in Azure AD, the artifact in which you developed and
published your Azure AD app entry. But the multitenant case is
somewhat advanced and comes into play when you are already
partially familiar with Azure AD basics. Thus, it is more likely that
you’ll be able to deal with those subtleties at that point—or at least
that’s what I am counting on.

Azure AD for developers: Components

In this section I’ll enumerate the main functional components of Azure AD
that you, as a developer, will have to touch or otherwise leverage while
building and running your apps. At the cost of being pedantic, I’ll stress that
at this level I am only introducing those artifacts and associated terminology.
The features mentioned in this section are the ones you’ll need hands-on
experience with—experience that you will gain in the later chapters of the

Protocol endpoints
The most tangible manifestation of your Azure AD tenant from an app’s
standpoint is the endpoints it exposes. Every Azure AD tenant comes into
existence with a comprehensive collection of tenant-specific endpoints.
Those are the network-addressable endpoints that apps trusting your tenant
need to engage with to complete the protocol dance of choice.
As discussed earlier, when you get a new tenant, you are assigned a
default domain, commonly of the form of The
tenant also receives a unique, immutable, nonreassignable identifier, called
tenantID, in the form of a GUID. The default domain, any domains you add
afterward, and the tenantID itself are used to generate protocol URLs that
are specific to your tenant. Using <tenant> to indicate any of those
identifiers, a protocol URL template looks like the following:
Click here to view code image

To make a practical example: here are three equivalent ways of indicating

the OAuth2 authorization endpoint of one of my tenants:
Click here to view code image

These are all equivalent because even though they use different
identifiers, they all refer to the same tenant. There are tradeoffs. The domain-
based identifiers are easier to remember but aren’t set in stone: I might not
renew my custom domain, and eventually somebody else
might reclaim it for their own tenant. The URL based on the tenantID is the
most reliable, but it is not the easiest to type from memory or to recognize
while you scan the config files of an old project.
The “” portion of the URL goes under the name
of “instance.” That represents the Azure AD service deployment in which
your tenant is provisioned. If you are working in a Western country, in the
large majority of cases you will see “” (or its
predecessor, “”), which represents the public cloud
instance of Azure AD. There are other deployments: for example, in China,
the Azure AD instance is indicated by "".
Azure AD instances are isolated from each other and operate in complete
You’ll get to know the OAuth2 (hence OpenID Connect) endpoints very
well. The other ones (SAML sign-on and sign-out, WS-Federation, and
metadata for both) won’t be covered in any details because those protocols
aren’t the focus of this book. However, you should have no difficulty
leveraging them: they are just standard implementations.

Azure portal
Today, the main user experience for getting settings into and out of your
Azure AD tenant is the Azure management portal
( This might, and likely will, change in
the future, but wherever the component itself is hosted, the function it
performs will remain available.
Today’s Azure AD portal extension offers features for both developers and
administrators. From a developer’s perspective, the main reason you use the
portal is to provision new apps, tweak the settings of apps in development,
and manage apps that are further along in their life cycle.
Admin operations you might catch yourself performing have to do with
creating test users and groups, creating brand-new tenants for development
and staging, assigning users and groups to app roles, and so on.

Application model
Azure Active Directory represents applications following a specific model
designed to fulfill two main functions:
Identify the application in terms of the authentication protocols it
supports In practice, this means enumerating all the identifiers, URLs,
secrets, and similar information that play a role at authentication time.
In this, Azure AD is quite similar to ADFS—at least in terms of intent.
Handle user consent at token-request time, and facilitate the
dynamic provisioning of applications across tenants In practice,
when a user requests a token for a given application and no one has
told Azure AD yet that it is okay to issue a token in that context, Azure
AD will ask the user to consent to the operation. If the consent is
successful, the decision will be recorded so that the next time the token
will be issued right away. There’s more! If the application was
originally defined in a different tenant, perhaps by an ISV, Azure AD
takes care of creating one entry for the app in the user’s tenant,
automating a provisioning operation that on other systems (think of
ADFS) would have required administrative involvement and action.
These two functions shape the way in which Azure AD models
applications and the relationships tying them to one another. The application
model does more than that, but I don’t want to go too much into the details
before you are in the position of actually using those features in practice.
Chapter 8 will describe the Azure AD application model in great detail.
Directory Graph API
The previously mentioned Graph API is the programmatic interface of Azure
AD. This is an OData3-compliant set of entities that you can use to
manipulate nearly all aspects of your Azure AD tenant: users, groups, and
applications are the ones you will most often deal with. Like all the other
endpoints discussed so far, the Graph API is exposed through a tenant-
specific endpoint of the form https://<instance>. You can access the API by
using good old REST, or you can use the client libraries that Microsoft
provides. In both cases, calls are authorized through OAuth2 bearer tokens
issued by the same Azure AD tenant. Chapter 9, "Consuming and exposing a
web API protected by Azure Active Directory," will provide some practical
examples demonstrating how to invoke the Graph API.

Notable nondeveloper features

Just like AD, Azure AD is, first of all, a directory. As such, most of its
surface is really meant to be used by administrators: developers are mostly
along for the ride.
Here I review a selection of interesting features that aren’t directly
actionable for you but can influence in one way or another the behavior of
your apps or create expectations about what your apps can or can’t do.

Directory sync
Earlier I mentioned that an Azure AD tenant can be either standalone and
cloud-only or be a projection of an on-premises AD deployment. How does
such projection work?
Simple. On a local machine, the administrator installs a tool that takes
care of synchronizing users and groups to the Azure AD tenant in the cloud.
As I write this, the recommended tool for performing this function is Azure
Active Directory Connect. Before Azure Active Directory Connect, a
progression of different tools was used to perform that function: the Azure
Active Directory Synchronization Tool (DirSync), the Azure Active
Directory Synchronization Services (Azure AD Sync), and even the familiar
Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2 (FIM). I mention them all here in case
you stumble onto them in the literature. Azure Active Directory Connect
supersedes them all.
Now, how that synchronization takes place is a fascinating subject.
Administrators can elect to synchronize from single or multiple forests,
consider or ignore custom attributes, filter depending on specific values, and
so on. Beyond the Free tier feature set, other editions add advanced features
such as the ability to write back into the on-premises directory changes that
occurred on the cloud data set. I personally try to stay away from admins
when they set these things up, coming back into the picture when things are
ready to consume my apps.
The most important aspect of a sync deployment that a developer should
know is whether it includes the users’ credentials or relies on federation. An
administrator can elect to sync users but keep all credentials-verification
operations on-premises. This is achieved by federating the Azure AD
endpoints of a given tenant with an ADFS deployment on the corresponding
on-premises AD. Applications trusting a tenant configured that way will
send sign-in requests to Azure AD endpoints as usual, but Azure AD will
bounce those requests to the local ADFS. A successful authentication will
yield an ADFS-issued token, which will be forwarded to Azure AD and
exchanged for the usual Azure AD token. This arrangement decouples the
app from the tenant settings—it’s always an Azure AD token no matter who
checks credentials—which leaves admins free to pursue whatever policy
they prefer.
Tenants configured as I’ve just described are often referred to as federated
tenants (tenants configured to operate exclusively in the cloud are known as
managed tenants). Federated tenants have the advantage of immediately
reflecting in the system on-premises changes: if a user is deprovisioned on-
premises, he won’t be able to sign in anymore right away. This won’t rely on
a timely sync. Moreover, federated tenants preserve in the authentication
process whatever customization an ADFS deployment might have. This
topology does have some disadvantages: it requires an ADFS deployment,
which not everybody has, and its SLA is tied to the SLA of the same ADFS,
so if ADFS is down, no one can access apps even if Azure AD and the apps
themselves are up.
For that reason, admins can decide to also sync credentials to the cloud. In
that case, users can get an Azure AD token by entering their credentials
directly in the pages served by cloud endpoints, guaranteeing service
continuity even in the case of downtime of the on-premises systems.
Application access enhancements
This feature is often confused with the Azure AD developer capabilities
you’ve learned about so far.
Azure AD maintains a list of popular SaaS and consumer web apps that
are integrated with the directory out of the box. This means that one
administrator can offer to his or her users the chance to access those
applications directly through their Azure AD accounts—without needing to
memorize extra credentials or worry about application provisioning. At the
same time, this allows the administrator to exercise control over what
applications can be accessed, in what terms, and by whom. It even allows
provisioning of users in the app so that the app’s life cycle can be tied to the
user account in the directory—and automatically deprovisioned when the
user leaves the company, along with his main account. Admins can set all
this up by using the Azure portal. Users have a dedicated landing page
( where they can discover and reach all the apps they
have been granted access to.
Note that Azure AD–app integration is not necessarily (in fact, it usually
isn’t) based on federation protocols such as the ones you encountered in
Chapter 2. In this scenario, Azure AD works behind the scenes doing
whatever it takes to talk to those applications in their own terms. For
example, in many cases Azure AD uses a browser plug-in to perform just-in-
time injection of credentials as soon as the app’s login form appears. Some
apps will indeed use federation for integrating with Azure AD—Salesforce
being a good example of that—in which case the admin setup experience for
the app will be different. The user is none the wiser, of course: the
experience is “I browse to the app I want, and then I am signed in.” How that
happens doesn’t really matter.
This is a pretty awesome administrative feature, but it is not very
actionable for developers. The code to perform that magic is part of Azure
AD itself rather than an extensibility point one can latch on to.
Beyond the Free tier
Azure AD Basic and Azure AD Premium add lots of advanced admin
features: advanced reporting, more sophisticated synchronization options,
many more self-service features for users, and so on. Some of those features
will have an impact on the apps you write. For example, in those tiers an
admin will be able to customize the pages used for gathering credentials and
consent to reflect a specific corporate look and feel or specific policies.
Those pages are the ones that are used in your apps, too. Another good
example is the suite of multifactor authentication features: those don’t really
change the way in which you write your apps—that’s one of the advantages
of claims-based identity, in fact—but they do change the experience of your
app’s users.
Another notable feature in those tiers is the Application Proxy. In a
nutshell, this feature allows admins to expose intranet apps to be consumed
by clients running outside the network—all protected by Azure AD.
Application Proxy is notable because it offers an infrastructural alternative to
using claims-based identity to cross a boundary, and this comes in handy
when you are working with legacy apps whose source has been lost or is as
brittle as a reliquary. The use of the Application Proxy solves the issue
without having to touch the code.
I should again warn you that Azure AD adds features at a crazy pace, so
now that you have this book in your hands, I am sure this list will already be
incomplete. But I hope this will be enough to give you at least an idea of the
kinds of features you should keep an eye out for so that you don’t risk diving
headfirst into implementing custom features at the app level if they are
already present out of the box.

In this chapter I introduced the sources of user identities that we’ll be
working with, ADFS and Azure AD. For the most part, both authority types
share the same goals, but the way in which they pursue those goals varies
according to the workloads they were designed to support: on-premises
direct federation for ADFS, multiorganization identity as a service for Azure
This chapter touched on many features you’ll never see mentioned again
in this book, notably all the admin features that can influence the behavior of
your apps but that are usually managed by an administrator. All the other
features introduced here are instead meant to be directly exercised during the
app development life cycle. Later chapters will revisit them, complementing
the information you learned here with hands-on examples.
Chapter 4. Introducing the identity developer

In this chapter you'll become acquainted with the collection of developer

libraries maintained by the Azure Active Directory team. These libraries are
meant to help you take advantage of claims-based identity, and specifically
Active Directory, in your applications.
I’ll begin by identifying the tasks that, if you coded them from scratch,
would require a great deal of in-depth knowledge of authentication
protocols. Those tasks are the best candidates to be packaged in reusable
I will proceed from there to enumerate the developer libraries that the AD
team offers as of spring 2015, outlining their intended use. The list includes
libraries that you’ll use throughout the book and ones that you won’t touch
Finally, I’ll describe some Visual Studio features meant to enable identity
workloads in your apps that under the hood take advantage of the same

Token requestors and resource protectors

If you think back to the discussion of protocols in Chapter 2, “Identity
protocols and application types,” you might realize that in terms of identity
tasks, all apps can be classified by using two coarse roles: applications that
need to securely access resources, and applications that play the role of the
resource itself.
Those two categories don’t really have official names. The need for a
taxonomy arises somewhat artificially by the fact that I am writing a chapter
about libraries meant to help applications fulfill such roles, and highlighting
that fact makes it easier for me to talk about the big picture. Normally, you
just use those libraries to accomplish the task at hand without thinking all
that much about whether the library as a whole fits a specific role. But for
the sake of classification, I’ll use the monikers token requestors and resource
protectors. I do not foresee using those terms much outside this chapter.
Token requestors
The token-requestor category includes all the applications that act as the
client for some remote resource—think of Outlook consuming an Exchange
API, a web application querying the directory for a listing of all the reports
of the currently signed-in user, a Twitter native client sending a new tweet to
be published, and so on.
All those client-resource interactions have to be secured with a token,
which must be acquired, used, and presumably stored. More specifically,
what logic do you have to add to your application to have it act as a client
when it’s accessing an Active Directory–protected resource? The following
list summarizes the logic you need, and Figure 4-1 illustrates the concepts.

Figure 4-1 The key responsibilities of a library enabling an app to play

the token-requestor role. From the top, in counterclockwise order: acquire
tokens, store them and manage session-related tasks, and attach them to
Token acquisition Your app needs to request a token from AD. That
entails crafting a request in the correct format for the chosen protocol
and specifying all the entities involved: the client application, the
target resource, which directory should be used, and so on. If the
authentication process for your kind of client app requires the display
of user experience (UX) elements, you need to take care of that aspect
as well. And, of course, you need to find the token within a response or
handle and interpret errors that might have prevented a successful
issuance operation.
Token inclusion in requests whenever the client accesses a resource
Inclusion has to take place in accordance with whatever protocol the
resource supports, which might or might not be the same as the
protocol used for acquiring the token. Note that this entails selecting
the right token for the resource if the client uses more than one.
Session management and token caching Acquiring a token anew
every time the app needs to access a resource would be unfeasible for
performance and usability reasons. You would not want to prompt the
user for his or her credentials multiple times. This means that you need
logic for storing tokens and for retrieving them when you need them.
In fact, this task is even more complicated. As you will see in detail
later, protocols such as OAuth2 include special mechanisms for
renewing access tokens without prompting the user again, and such
mechanisms require explicit implementation of renewal operations,
which go beyond the simple act of storing away access tokens for later
Why libraries?
Technically, it is perfectly possible to code all of these token-
requestor tasks directly in your application. That is the case
especially for OAuth2 and OpenID Connect because their
cryptographic and message-exchange requirements are
relatively easy. However, unless some special circumstances
exist (for example, you need to write an app on a development
stack that does not offer any library for the protocol of choice),
you will rarely want to do that.
All of the token-requestor tasks, and the ones listed in the
next section, remain largely unchanged across applications.
Rewriting the same logic from scratch every time does not
make sense, and using a library is a great way to avoid that.
Writing custom security code is dangerous. It requires you to
have deep knowledge of the protocols involved and to
operate at a low level. Knowing how the protocol solves your
specific scenario is not enough; you also need to be cognizant
of the many possible threats the protocol can suffer from and
include appropriate mitigations in your code. Given that
authentication is on the critical path to accessing precious
resources, a bug can be very costly. Libraries aren’t perfect,
but they are usually written by domain experts, and they offer
you a programming model that’s much simpler than tackling
things at the protocol level. Their large circulation ensures
that lots of bugs are identified and weeded out quickly.
Writing custom security code is not fun. It takes a very
special mindset to enjoy menial and repetitive tasks, obscure
cryptographic references, absurdly fine-grained nitpicking,
and outlandish what-if attack scenarios—all part of the daily
diet of the people writing identity libraries.
In a nutshell, that’s why the AD team pours so much effort
into offering identity libraries for development, and on as many
platforms as it can. Doing so just makes a lot of sense. All these
tasks are fully dependent on the specific protocols used to
acquire and use tokens: those determine message formats,
sequences, the artifacts used to shuffle things around, and the
like. Of course, they are also largely dependent on the
development stack that’s used. Every platform will have its own
calling pattern, its own storage model for persisting data, its
own ways of performing HTTP requests.

I want to give you a heads-up here. The identity libraries for token
requestors offered for Active Directory help you with the first and third tasks
(token acquisition and session management) but not the second (token
inclusion in requests). The main reason is that resources often offer client
libraries of their own, and if AD offered an identity library for consuming
resources, you’d be confronted with a difficult choice: use the AD classes or
the client libraries of your target resource. In the time frame of the Windows
Communication Foundation, Microsoft chose to offer specialized channels
and learned a painful lesson. In this generation of its libraries, the AD team
helps you acquire and maintain tokens, but it stays out of the way of any
operation using tokens.

The only exception at this time is ADAL JS. In that case, the
AD team knows how resources are going to be consumed,
hence that library can efficiently inject tokens in the process.

Access tokens are opaque for token requestors

The relationship that a token requestor has to an access token is
a frequent source of serious issues, so I feel it’s wise to point
your attention to the problem early on. When a client requests a
token for a target resource, it does so for the purpose of
accessing that resource. What goes into the token and the format
in which it is encoded is a contract between the resource itself
and the IdP: the client is not part of that contract and is not
supposed to attempt parsing the access token.
Between two requests that look exactly alike from a client’s
standpoint, the IdP might decide to start sending different data
or to change the token format. If your client code has a
dependency on the content of the access token, those changes
will likely break it, forcing you to discover why, fix the issue,
and worst of all, redistribute updated bits to all clients. Note that
some of those changes might actually make it impossible for
your client to peek into the access token. If the IdP starts
encrypting tokens, for example, only the resources will be able
to open them. An architecture that relies on the client being able
to read such tokens would be irredeemably broken by such a
change. Bottom line: resist the temptation of peeking inside
access tokens on the client.


Client is, unfortunately, an overloaded term. In the context of

identity matters, a client is usually a token-requestor
application. But in general IT parlance, a client is a workstation
—or, in general, a device meant to be directly operated by a
user. That is the antonym of a server, a machine meant to serve
content back to remote consumers.
When the discussion is about a client app running on a client
machine, there is little chance for confusion. Common cases are
a rich client app running on a desktop and a native app running
on a tablet or a phone. The discussion becomes trickier when
you have a client application running on a server computer, like
the middle tier of one distributed app accessing a remote
resource, hence playing the role of the token requestor.
No matter what magic terminology guidance I come up with, I
guarantee that the conversation will eventually lead to the use of
the word “client” to indicate both the app’s role and the
machine. It will be up to you to always be sure that you
understand each time which meaning the term client refers to.

Resource protectors
Think of any piece of software that can be consumed by a remote client: web
applications serving UX elements to a browser, a web API consumed by
mobile apps or server processes, and so on. If you want to restrict access to
those resources, you need some component that enforces the necessary
checks whenever a request is made.
To learn what tasks are necessary for protecting a resource, all you need to
do is leaf back a few pages to the section “Claims-oriented protocols” in
Chapter 2. There you will find a list of the steps that need to happen for an
app to authenticate an incoming request. You can read the complete
description there: for convenience, I’ll repeat the highlights here:
The resource app reads an IdP’s metadata to configure itself.
In web apps, in the event of an unauthenticated request, the app must
generate a sign-in message and send it to the IdP of choice.
In a web API, the resource does not (usually) actively involve itself in
the token-acquisition process; rather, it relies on the client to act as a
token requestor before attempting access to the resource.
The client sends the token to the resource app. The resource finds the
token in the incoming message, extracts it, and attempts validation.
In web apps, the resource app marks a successful token validation with
the creation of a session—for example, by issuing a cookie.
Every request carrying the session cookie must also be validated. If the
cookie represents a valid session, the request is considered
These tasks are illustrated in Figure 4-2. The library is represented as
middleware in the diagram—a rectangle that intercepts and filters requests to
the relying party (RP), which is represented by the circle. The tasks
performed by the library are, from top to bottom: interception of requests
and enforcement of the protocol implemented (for example, intercepting
unauthenticated requests and responding with a sign-in message to the IdP of
choice); validation of tokens; emission of session artifacts (such as cookies);
and session validation. Figure 4-2 also shows a store for holding the protocol
coordinates defining the desired behavior—for example, the trusted identity
provider, the application IDs, and so on.
Figure 4-2 The responsibilities of a library providing resource-protector
That’s quite a few tasks. Moreover, some of these tasks are quite
complicated: token validation requires cryptographic logic, sign-in request
generation requires the use of techniques that prevent numerous attacks—
techniques that can become quite intricate at times. The reasons for using a
library instead of coding all of these tasks into your apps from scratch are
generally the same as the ones listed in the previous section.
Whereas you might be required to use token-requestor logic at almost any
point during your app’s activities, the instant in which you need to apply
resource-protection logic is very well defined: it has to happen at resource
access time, of course. That marks an important difference between the two
libraries’ roles. Although a library implementing token-requestor tasks will
offer you primitives that you can access from your code at any time,
resource protectors will tend to be packaged as interceptors—software that
sits between the requestor and the resource the protectors are meant to
protect (hence the use of the term middleware) and triggers automatically
when a request arrives. That has advantages: your code does not have to
change as much, you usually just need to opt in for the portions of the
resource you want to protect, and the protection will happen automatically. It
also carries its own challenges, however: the need for the middleware to
latch on to an existing request-processing pipeline makes it heavily
dependent on the development stack of choice.

Very commonly, a web application plays both the role of the protected
resource and of the token requestor. The classic example of this I can think
of is Twitter. Twitter has protected resources of its own, like the web API
you use for publishing new tweets. On the other hand, if you associate your
Facebook account with Twitter, any new tweet will also appear as a status
update on your Facebook timeline. That means that the body of the Twitter
web API that publishes tweets must also contain token-requestor code,
which is used to gain access to Facebook’s API.
Most of the time, this dual behavior is achieved simply by composing
different library types within the same application. There are occasions in
which those combinations are frequent enough to warrant a higher degree of
integration between scenarios at the library level. At those times, the line
between token-requestor and resource-protector libraries becomes blurred.

The Azure AD libraries landscape

The Active Directory team wants to make it as easy as possible for you to
take advantage of AD from your applications. One of the ways the team tries
to do that is by offering you a comprehensive set of developer libraries that
can help you with your token-requestor and resource-protection tasks, on as
many platforms and development stacks as it can.
Given the number of development stacks you can target nowadays, the
complete offering is an intimidating sprawl of libraries, packages, and
versions, as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3 Most of the development libraries offered by the AD team as

of spring 2015.
A slanted line partitions the diagram into two main areas, gathering
together the libraries that fulfill the roles of resource protectors and token
requestors. The backdrop of the diagram represents the various operating
systems and development platforms targeted by the libraries. Finally, each
box in the foreground stands for a particular version of a library, targeting all
the platforms it overlaps.
The next section introduces each library from a functional perspective:
you’ll learn what libraries are for. In Chapter 5 on, you will finally start
using them. Many of the libraries discussed here are meant to be used in
native applications. Given that in this book I focus on web applications, such
libraries won’t be discussed further after this chapter. The same can be said
for libraries that are now superseded by newer technologies. I mention these
libraries here so that you can correctly position them if you encounter them
in web searches, conversations, and specifications.

All modern AD developer libraries are open source

Back in 2013, the AD team decided that all the developer
libraries it published should be open source and that its
development should happen in the open. At any time, you can
navigate to and see what the team
is working on. It releases binaries whenever it makes sense for
the target platform. For example, the .NET libraries are
regularly released in the form of fully supported NuGet
packages. The availability of the source code and the
opportunity to contribute to it extends the traditional approach
to releases; it is not a substitute for it. The approach has several
advantages, but the one I am most fond of is that it allows a
level of collaboration with developers that was unthinkable
before opening up the libraries. If you spent money to get this
book, you clearly have a deep interest in identity and
development: I warmly encourage you to join the party and
have fun with the AD team—these are your libraries and can
greatly benefit from your contribution!

Token requestors
Currently, the token-requestor category is composed in its entirety by
instances of the ADAL (Active Directory Authentication Library) franchise.
In some philosophical sense, there is only one ADAL, manifesting itself in
different ways according to the characteristics of each of the targeted
platforms. However, philosophy is rarely useful in practice, so I am going to
present each different package and platform as a standalone deliverable.
The ADAL vision
As its name implies, ADAL is meant to help your apps act as token
requestors against Active Directory, either in its on-premises or Azure flavor.
The library is not designed to get tokens from any other authority type. You
cannot point ADAL to Salesforce or Ping and get a token from them.
The reason for this is not immediately intuitive, but it becomes obvious if
you think about it for a moment. The main protocol that teaches apps how to
act as clients is OAuth2. OAuth2 leaves large areas of functionality
unspecified. A library implementing only the common denominator between
all existing OAuth2 providers would not be able to take care of a lot of
functionality, leaving to you the burden of supplying extra logic in your
apps. That logic would be necessary to bridge the gap between the
theoretical OAuth2 and the reality of a provider choosing its own token
formats, credential types, addresses, parameters, and refresh token strategies.
I won’t name names, but there are various libraries like that in the market.
The only other alternative is to embed in a library an enumeration of
provider-specific modules implementing the quirks and peculiarities of every
provider. In a sense, that’s what ADAL is doing, but just for Azure AD and
Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS).
The goal with ADAL is to make it as easy as possible for you to obtain
and use tokens from AD. As the library was being designed, the AD team
realized that it would be better able to achieve that goal by letting go of the
idea of a protocol library. A traditional protocol library is a library that
provides artifacts representing protocol constructs in the programming
language of choice, forcing you to be an expert in the use of said protocol.
The AD team decided to go for the polar opposite. ADAL is not a protocol
library. ADAL provides you with primitives that are designed to help you
perform the token-requestor tasks I listed earlier in the chapter, without
exposing to you which protocol is actually used to make things happen.
Sure, as of today, that protocol is largely OAuth2, and the AD team is not
immune from the occasional abstraction leak, but the point is that you don’t
need to know what protocols the library uses to successfully take advantage
of ADAL.
In fact, if you squint hard enough, every token acquisition in ADAL can
be modeled by the first leg of the diagram in Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4 The main ADAL token-acquisition pattern.
The actors are all well known. There’s the application that needs access,
the target resource, and the authority that takes care of handling token
requests. ADAL provides a primitive that implements the first leg of the
diagram—a function call that accepts as input everything you know about
your scenario (authority, application identifier, resource identifier, and more)
and returns to you a token satisfying those constraints. Once you get it, you
can use that token to access the targeted resource.
This simple pattern can be applied in a staggering number of variants.
Applications might be native clients or web apps. The token might be
requested acting as a user or as an application. The targeted authority might
support or require different protocols. The credential types coming into play
can vary. The token requested might be already cached, or it might be
obtainable without prompting the user again. And, of course, there are lots of
platforms you might want to target, all with their peculiarities and
limitations. The need to support such a wide range of combinations
translates into quite a lot of complexity that’s bottled right beneath the
library’s surface: support for different protocol variants, cryptography,
validations, smart caching, and much more. The libraries can’t always isolate
you completely from complexity. For example, if your subscenario requires
a certain key to function, your app does need to somehow pass those key bits
in, but this approach does simplify things quite a lot.

ADAL .NET was the first library in the franchise to be released. It created
the blueprint for all the others, and as of today it remains the one that
supports the widest range of scenarios. That’s mainly for two reasons.
First, applications written in .NET can be both desktop apps (think of
Outlook, Excel, or Visual Studio itself) and web apps (ASP.NET, Web
Forms, etc.). In terms of OAuth2, those are public clients and protected
clients, respectively. Both support their own set of scenarios, and both sets
are supported in ADAL .NET. Neither are sandboxed in app stores of any
Second, applications written in .NET historically run on Windows, which
means that apps can take advantage of special infrastructure features (such
as integrated authentication) and need special logic to do so (for example,
current machine domain-join detection).
You can find the ADAL .NET source in the GitHub repo The
library itself is distributed as a NuGet package. You can find its entry at
As I write this chapter, the AD team has worked through three major
versions of ADAL .NET.
ADAL .NET version 1.x The first version of ADAL .NET was released in
September 2013, in the form of a NuGet package. That version is based on
.NET 4.0, and it supports obtaining tokens from Azure AD, ADFS in
Windows Server 2012 R2, and the Access Control Service 2 (ACS).
What is (was) the Access Control Service (ACS)?
The Access Control Service, ACS for short, is (was) the first
Azure offering in the identity space. In a nutshell, ACS is a
Security Token Service (STS) designed to sit between your
applications (mostly web) and the IdPs you want to work with:
ADFS, Google, Facebook, and Yahoo! were among the choices.
ACS decouples your app from the different protocol
requirements that each IdP has: your app only accepts tokens
from ACS, hence it only needs to work with the protocol that
ACS supports (mostly WS-Federation). As part of the process of
issuing such tokens, ACS takes care of authenticating the user
against the IdPs you want to work with, without exposing any
of those details to your apps.
ACS was a breakthrough product when it first came out, and
its features are still super useful today. However, it was kind of
a local maxima, with some intrinsic limitations (no
georeplication, no disaster recovery) that did not fit well when
Azure AD came to be. As a result, ACS as a service is being
discontinued, but (most) of its features will resurface as part of
Azure AD. Given the current estimates, I don’t believe that
those new features will emerge fast enough for me to be able to
describe them in this book. But I wanted to at least give you a
heads-up about this, as I guarantee that sooner or later ACS will
come up in your conversations.

ADAL .NET version 1 was a release meant mostly to enable the

development of .NET native clients on Windows desktop. It offers
mechanisms for acquiring tokens by displaying a browser dialog for the
authentication and consent experience. It has a customizable token cache
that automates session management and greatly reduces the number of times
it is necessary to prompt users for credentials.
ADAL .NET v1 also helps with some flows more typically found on the
server side, such as the client-credential and the confidential-client
authorization-code grant. Those flows are somewhat limited in the version 1
release, as they don’t use the cache (which is not designed to operate at web
scale in version 1), and they work only against Azure AD authorities.
The main reasons you might consider using ADAL v1 these days are
platform constraints (your app cannot be moved to .NET 4.5.x) or if you are
still using ACS.
ADAL .NET version 2.x ADAL .NET v2 was released in September 2014.
Currently, version 2.x is the latest stable, production-ready release.
The new version brought a very significant expansion in scope. The
changes can be summarized as follows:
Multitargeting NuGet. ADAL .NET v2 goes beyond .NET, supporting
multiple platforms:
• Any .NET 4.5+ project, desktop or web
• Windows Store projects for tablets/PCs in any Windows Store
language, from Windows 8 onward
• Windows Store projects for Windows Phone 8.1
• Windows Silverlight projects for Windows Phone 8.1
Out-of-the-box persistent cache for all project types targeting a
sandboxed app’s platform (Windows Store, Windows Phone)
Moving from .NET 4.0 to .NET 4.5.x, and the introduction of async
Discontinuation of the ACS 2 support in ADAL
New authentication flows
• Direct use of username-password credentials for .NET native clients
• Windows Integrated Authentication (WIA) for federated tenants and
.NET native clients
• On behalf of—a new flow allowing the user identity to flow through
tiers (for example, user1 calling service1, which in turn calls
service2 on behalf of user1)
Better support for middle-tier workloads. ADAL .NET v2 is more
server-side friendly. A newly redesigned cache makes it easier to meet
the demands of web-scale scenarios, and all the primitives are aimed at
grants more typically used on the server side.
All the Windows Store libraries for Windows and Windows Store in
ADAL 2.x are compiled as Windows Runtime Components (extension
.winmd). This allows you to write apps using any of the languages Windows
Store supports—C#, JavaScript, and C++. In fact, all the samples the AD
team provides are in C#, so targeting the other platforms might not be as
easy, but it is definitely possible.
ADAL .NET 2.x ships in a large number of Microsoft products and is
used in almost all Azure services that need tokens for accessing Azure AD–
protected resources.
ADAL .NET version 3.x Currently, the AD team is working on the third
refresh of the preview of ADAL .NET v3. ADAL .NET v3 expands its reach
further by adding support for more platforms. From this version on you can
use ADAL for writing multitarget applications with Xamarin: namely, you
can write C# apps and deploy them on iOS and Android devices.
Furthermore, ADAL .NET v3 adds support for the brand-new .NET core.
ADAL .NET v3 drops support for Windows Phone Silverlight and
discontinues the use of winMD files. As a result, you no longer can use
ADAL .NET in JavaScript apps. You can, however, use the ADAL
JavaScript versions described later in the chapter.
ADAL .NET and this book This book focuses on the development of web
applications, in particular on the .NET platform. Whenever the scenarios
described require the app to act as a client, I will use ADAL .NET to
implement the tasks that role entails.
The ADAL features used for requesting and handling access tokens from
the server portion of a web application are a small subset of all the things
that ADAL .NET can do. For more details on ADAL and native clients,
please refer to the product documentation. Moreover, I blog about this topic
quite often at I hope to eventually follow up this
book with a second on native clients, but the documentation and samples
should be more than enough to get you going.

ADAL libraries targeting native apps–only platforms

Many of the most interesting development platforms can run only native
applications. Examples include all mobile operating systems: iOS, Android,
and Windows Phone. That holds for both native development stacks
(Objective-C and Java apps for iOS and Android, respectively) and
multitarget stacks (such as Cordova). The AD team maintains a number of
ADAL libraries that target such platforms. I won’t discuss any of these
libraries in detail, but I want to be sure you are aware of them.
ADAL iOS and OS X ADAL iOS is an Objective-C library designed to
help you enhance your iOS and OS X apps with token-requestor capabilities.
You can find it in the repo
ADAL iOS follows the general ADAL franchise tenet that requires all
platform-specific libraries to be good citizens of the stack they target. In this
case that means that ADAL iOS, although featuring all the ADAL primitives
for native clients common to all ADAL flavors, strictly follows the
Objective- C naming and calling conventions you would expect in a native
Objective-C library. Furthermore, it takes advantage of the platform-specific
features offered by iOS. For example, all method names end with the suffix
“with<FirstParameter>”, tokens are persisted on the device’s keychain, and
so on.
ADAL Android ADAL Android is a Java library designed to help you
enhance your Android apps with token-requestor capabilities. You can find it
in the repo
Pretty much everything I mentioned about ADAL iOS applies here,
translated for the target platform: same primitives as all other ADALs, but
coding conventions and affordances that are 100 percent native to Android.
ADAL Cordova ADAL Cordova is a framework meant to enable you to
write one application in JavaScript and execute it as a native app on multiple
platforms. That’s the old idea of “write once, run everywhere”—historically,
that did not work too well, but the conditions have never been better for
making that motto a reality. You can find ADAL Cordova in the repo
ADAL Cordova is a Cordova plug-in that wraps the ADAL native
libraries on iOS, Android, Windows Store, and Windows Phone and exposes
the main token-acquisition primitives through a JavaScript layer. The
advantage of using the native libraries on each target platform—instead of
implementing the token-acquisition code in JavaScript—is that this allows
you to pierce the sandbox that typically isolates web apps from the client
environment, and thus take advantage of device-specific features. For
example, on iOS, that would give you access to the tokens stored in the
ADAL libraries targeting mostly midtier clients
Some platforms are traditionally used for developing software running on a
server. You can put in that category most web frameworks: PHP, Java Server
Pages (JSP), and the like.
To this point, the AD team has released two ADAL libraries targeting such
platforms: one for Java (ADAL4J) and one for Node.JS. They both cover the
basics well, though currently they don’t offer the same exhaustive list of
features you can find on the confidential client portions of ADAL .NET.
You can find ADAL4J on GitHub at
activedirectory-library-for-java, and ADAL for Node.JS at

Resource protectors
Microsoft has been in the business of offering development libraries for
resource protectors much longer than it has for token requestors. That is the
natural consequence of two main factors. The first lies in how natural it is to
provide a resource protector—which can simply be a piece of middleware
that intercepts requests without really disturbing the logic it is trying to
protect—and the mission-critical nature of enforcing access restrictions to
resources. The second is that the claims-based protocols were initially used
mostly on web applications, where there’s not much to be developed on the
client (or at least that was the case before Web 2.0 and JavaScript).
For the sake of brevity, I won’t dig too deeply into the history of resource-
protector libraries, leaving ancient artifacts like the Web Services
Enhancements (WSE) library and Windows Communication Foundation
(WCF) to rest in peace. Rather, I’ll cover the mainstream libraries in use
Windows Identity Foundation
Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) was the first developer library entirely
devoted to identity tasks. WIF is a collection of classes meant to provide
common language runtime (CLR) representations of protocol artifacts (WS-
Federation messages, SAML tokens, session cookies, and so on) and HTTP
modules meant to easily weave claims-based identity support to ASP.NET
applications. For the first time, a developer could take advantage of those
new protocols without having to code everything from scratch, paving the
way for claims-based identity to reach the mainstream status it enjoys today.
Moreover, WIF offered a rich extensibility model, which the community
used to handle scenarios that were far from the basic ones, including entirely
new products, such as custom STSs.
The first WIF version was an out-of-band release based on .NET 3.5. That
release has special sentimental value to me, because at that time I was the
identity developer evangelist at Microsoft and I finally had a toy to play
with. Between 2008 and 2012, I spent a lot of time producing lots of
samples, videos, hands-on labs, training events, even a book (Programming
Windows Identity Foundation, Microsoft Press) to kick-start the claims-
based identity development movement.
In 2012, clams-based identity (and the cloud scenarios it enabled) reached
such an importance that Microsoft decided to take all the identity classes
from WIF and embed them in the next version of the .NET Framework, 4.5.
That was also the time at which I decided to join the engineering team, to
contribute all the feedback I had gathered in years of evangelizing identity to
developers. The process was already in flight, hence there wasn’t much
latitude for big changes. Those came later, with the OWIN wave that I’ll
introduce in the next section.
The .NET Framework 4.5 was reengineered to root all identity
representations to a base class, ClaimsPrincipal, centered on the idea
of claims. That class went all the way to mscorlib.dll, the core assembly of
.NET. All other classes were scattered through various .NET namespaces.
Visual Studio 2012 was extended with specific tools to facilitate the use of
WIF in .NET applications.
Both versions of WIF share a common feature set and only differ in the
degree of integration they offer with the .NET Framework versions they
target. The most common reason for which WIF is used is to secure an
ASP.NET app with WS-Federation. That is achieved by adding in the
ASP.NET pipeline a series of HttpModules and adding to the app’s config
file a special section capturing the protocol coordinates of both the
application and the STS it wants to trust. The developer does not need to
understand any of the intricacies of the protocols and token formats, and the
config file is generated automatically via tools. However, customizations and
troubleshooting quickly raise the level of proficiency required to operate the
The WIF classes in the .NET Framework are still supported today, in the
same way in which the framework itself is supported, and they are used in
Visual Studio 2013 tools to this day. However, WIF is no longer the recipient
of innovation, and all efforts and new features are concentrated on a new
generation of libraries (described in the next section). Although WIF proved
to be an excellent product—ferrying an entire generation to the claims-based
identity era is no small feat—its extensibility model and configuration
mechanisms were too rooted to its XML legacy. Proper modern protocols
support required some backtracking and a fresh start.

OWIN middleware for .NET 4.5.x, or “Katana” 3.x

If WIF’s approach is not fully suitable for implementing modern protocols,
what should be used? The answer the AD team gave to that question is
OWIN stands for Open Web Interface for .NET. It is a community-driven
specification meant to encourage the creation of highly portable HTTP
processing components that can be used and reused on any web server,
hosting process, or even OS—as long as .NET is available on the target
platform in some capacity. This is openly in contrast with the approach that
was popular when WIF was first conceived: the main HTTP processing
primitive was the HttpModule, a construct tied to ASP.NET and Internet
Information Services (IIS). OWIN sheds many other aspects of old-guard
ASP.NET programming that WIF depended on. One glaring example is the
web.config file—a mandatory artifact in the old ASP.NET approach
rendered clunky and inadequate by the new cloud deployment technologies
—which is completely optional in OWIN.
In ASP.NET 4.6 the Web tools team rewrote most of ASP.NET request
processing in OWIN style. The AD development experience team decided to
latch on to that initiative and package all of its resource-protector
components as OWIN middlewares. I will cover all those components very
thoroughly in the hands-on parts of the book. Here I just want to introduce
terminology and provide a basic orientation.
The OWIN components offered by the AD team continue the tradition
introduced by WIF to isolate you and your application from the details of the
protocol being used. In fact, in OWIN even the identity extracted by
incoming tokens is represented by a ClaimsPrincipal—you can keep
your business logic completely unchanged, change protocol, or even switch
WIF to OWIN and things should keep working as usual. What did change is
the development surface exposed by the libraries. Whereas WIF was
designed for a cast of administrators-developers who were rather well versed
in protocol configuration, the OWIN middlewares for claims-based identity
require an absolutely minimal amount of input to do their job—while
gracefully increasing the sophistication that’s needed as you choose to work
with more advanced features.
The source code for all ASP.NET OWIN components is available under “Katana” is the original code name of
the project. It should have been superseded by the official name, ASP.NET
OWIN Components, but you can see how Katana wins hands down against
that any day of the week.
The AD team contributed three assemblies to the project, available as
NuGet packages:
Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnect Contains middleware for
protecting web apps with OpenID Connect.
Microsoft.Owin.Security.WsFederation Contains middleware for
protecting web apps with WS-Federation.
Microsoft.Owin.Security.ActiveDirectory Contains middleware for
protecting web APIs as prescribed in the OAuth2 bearer token usage
These assemblies contain the OWIN-specific logic that is necessary for
implementing the protocols mentioned. There is a number of lower-level
components not tied to OWIN that model protocol-specific artifacts such as
messages or token formats. Those are mostly packaged in two assemblies
also available on NuGet—Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocol.Extensions and
System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt. We keep the source for both assemblies


At the time of writing, Katana 3.x is the recommended library

for modeling protected resources in .NET. Unless you are
dealing with special constraints, you should always consider
Katana 3.x as your first choice for securing your web apps and
web API on .NET with claims-based identity.

One level below: The JSON Web Token (JWT) handler

Katana 3.x depends on an assembly that predates it, what is commonly
known as the .NET JWT handler (the NuGet package is at, and the
source is at
As its name implies, the JWT handler offers classes designed to work with
JWT tokens: it offers primitives to parse, validate, and manufacture them.
This class has been widely used by developers who for one reason or another
did not use higher-level constructs such as OWIN middlewares. If you
decide to handle protocol messages yourself, you can identify a JWT token
in a request and feed it to the JWT handler, and with the proper
configuration, it will be able to validate it for you.
That came in very handy in the past, before OWIN middleware was even
available. In fact, versions 1.x to 3.x of the JWT handler also work within
the WIF request pipeline.

OWIN middleware for .NET core, or “Katana” vNext

The year 2015 brought unprecedented changes in the .NET Framework. The
introduction of .NET core, a version of the .NET Framework that allows
deployment scoped to individual apps, counting only the assemblies that are
needed for the task at hand, marks a turning point in what it means to
develop for .NET.
The ability to obtain tokens and validate incoming requests is, if possible,
even more on the critical path for those new scenarios. The OWIN
components mentioned earlier are being ported to the new framework,
including the OpenID Connect and the OAuth2 middlewares.


WS-Federation support requires advanced XML cryptography

capabilities, which are not part of the first wave of .NET core
assemblies. For that reason, WS-Federation is lagging a bit
behind the other protocols.

Currently, as I write this chapter, .NET core (and the stacks that rely on it,
such as ASP.NET 5) is in developer preview. I expect some important news
to be added to the new middlewares, so I will cover some aspects of Katana
vNext in the pages ahead.

Applications are often not easily classified as pure resources or pure token
requestors. You have seen that in many occasions they play a bit of both
roles. This is normally addressed by using more than one library in the same
app: an ASP.NET web application can be protected by OpenID Connect
middleware and use ADAL to acquire the access tokens it needs to use
external APIs. However, there are some hybrid situations where the library
itself can be seen as enabling both approaches. As of today, the collection of
ADAL libraries counts only one such artifact, ADAL JS.

In Chapter 2, I described single-page applications (SPA), a web application
development pattern that distributes app functionality between a JavaScript
front end and a web API back end. From a purely mechanical perspective,
the front end in an SPA acts as a token requestor. But that said, the front end
also works in a way with resources—it is natural for the developer to treat as
resources the routes and views accessed by the end user, although the actual
resource to protect is the web API that such routes need to access.
ADAL JS is a JavaScript library meant to help SPA developers add logic
to their front ends that acquires, stores, and uses tokens for accessing web
APIs, both those in its own back end and any other web API that can be
called from JavaScript (via CORS or an equivalent mechanism). That falls
squarely in the token-requestor camp.
The library also includes primitives for indicating that a certain route
requires the use (hence the presence) of a token, making it also a sort of
resource protector. Note that this is mostly a convenient model for the front-
end developer: ultimately, somebody must validate the token after
acquisition, and today that’s done on the service side. That means that a
complete SPA solution would include ADAL JS on the front end and perhaps
the OWIN middleware for OAuth2 on the web API back end.
ADAL JS is also open source, of course. Source and instructions are
available at
The library proper is split into two files—a core JS file containing all the
low-level primitives, and an AngularJS module that makes it extra easy to
hook up identity features without disturbing the usual Angular application

Visual Studio integration

Visual Studio has a rich tradition of identity-integration features, dating back
to the first WIF SDK in Visual Studio 2010. In this last section I will list the
identity features you are most likely to encounter while using Visual Studio
to develop apps that leverage AD. I won’t go back further than Visual Studio
It’s worth stressing that none of the tools I discuss here are strictly
necessary to successfully add AD authentication to your apps. Nowadays,
cloning a sample from GitHub and doing some cutting and pasting takes you
a long way. The value of Visual Studio integration lies in its ability to
automate menial tasks such as app provisioning in Azure AD, the inclusion
of identity libraries’ NuGet packages, injection of boilerplate code, and
various other activities that are not rocket science per se but can occupy your
time and focus.
AD integration features in Visual Studio 2013
In the Visual Studio 2013 time frame, the collaboration between the AD and
the ASP.NET teams marked an important milestone. Visual Studio 2013
shipped with a new unified ASP.NET project templates dialog, which
included a section dedicated to creating new ASP.NET projects (Web Forms
and MVC projects) already configured to outsource authentication to AD
from the get-go. The project template instantiation includes a wizard that
gathers basic info about your authentication requirements (which Azure AD
tenant you want to work with, for example) and also does the following:
Automatically provisions one entry in Azure AD for your app,
customized for your project: the name derives from the project name,
the URL is the one assigned by IIS express, and so on.
Adds references to the necessary assemblies and injects config
elements that point to the target tenant and the newly created app entry.
In Visual Studio 2013, the identity library used in the templates is WIF,
specifically the WIF classes from .NET 4.5.x. The only exception to this is
the Web API templates, which use an early version of the OWIN middleware
for OAuth2 bearer token authorization.
The templates allow for few application variants, the main one being Web
API (as in web apps meant to be accessed programmatically) versus Web
UX (as in apps with a user interface served via a browser) and the choice of
Azure AD and ADFS.

AD integration features in Visual Studio 2015

In the development of Visual Studio 2015, the level of collaboration between
teams has reached a new level. Every Thursday morning since the summer
of 2014, I have run a v-team meeting with participants from Visual Studio
IDE, Visual Studio Online, ASP.NET, and Visual Studio tools for connected
services (Azure and Office 365). Our goals are to ensure that Visual Studio
2015 minimizes the number of authentication prompts and that every feature
offers a consistent identity experience by augmenting every other feature’s
functionalities instead of stepping on one another’s metaphorical toes.
Here’s a summary of the most recognizable features you’ll encounter.
Visual Studio 2015 keychain
In Visual Studio 2015 you can associate directly to the IDE users from all
your tenants—or, more precisely, the IDE will save the users’ tokens in a
persistent cache and make them available to all the other Visual Studio
features when they need them. That greatly reduces the need for prompts and
improves discoverability—you always know which directories you can work

ASP.NET templates and Azure Web Sites publishing

The ASP.NET templates in Visual Studio 2015 are entirely based on OWIN.
The wizard experience has been designed to take advantage of the keychain
and make it easy to select which Azure AD tenant should be used. The
generated project templates follow a structure that was agreed upon across
all identity features in Visual Studio so that every tool working on the same
project can successfully modify it. Another improvement in Visual Studio
2015 is that any user can create applications in Azure AD, including users
with a Microsoft account; in Visual Studio 2013, the identity templates are
restricted to admin directory users.

Azure AD connected services

Visual Studio 2015 introduces a feature that allows you to configure Azure
AD authentication for a project after creation time. The experience is very
similar to the ASP.NET New Project wizard, with provisions made for a
reentrant experience.

Office 365 tools

Visual Studio 2013 already features tools for adding to a Web application the
ability to invoke the Office 365 API. However, the tool isn’t very
sophisticated. It creates the entries in Azure AD for you, but it doesn’t emit
the code necessary to leverage it, leaving many developers stranded. The
version in Visual Studio 2015 is vastly superior, building on the Visual
Studio keychain and emitting project code along the same lines as the
ASP.NET and connected services features.
This chapter unfolded before you the full range of the developer libraries
maintained by the AD team. Above all, it introduced the idea of token-
requestor and resource-protector libraries, highlighting differences and the
combined effect of the two.
Many of the libraries I’ve mentioned in this chapter are covered just for
exhaustiveness and for preempting questions you might have about their
relevance to Web application scenarios. The libraries that do not play a role
in Web app development scenarios will not be mentioned again in this book.
Well, that’s it for the pure theory. The remaining chapters in this book will
keep telling you what goes on under the hood, but I’ll always do so in the
context of trying to accomplish something in code. Now the fun begins!
Chapter 5. Getting started with web sign-on and
Active Directory

This chapter opens the hands-on portion of this book, where all the theory
you’ve been absorbing until now will help you to be a more effective
developer for identity-related tasks.
The first task I’ll cover is the most common you will ever encounter: you
will learn how to use Active Directory to sign in users to a web application.
I will focus on the libraries required, the structure you need to use to
organize your project, and the (largely boilerplate) code you need to add. I
will show you how to set an entry for your application in Azure AD by
using the technologies available today. Finally, I’ll walk you through a test
run of the project to ensure that you’ve achieved the results you aimed for.
Literally all of these steps can be easily automated by using the web
project templates in Visual Studio 2015. I am describing how to do
everything by hand because that gives you great insights about the moving
parts and project structure—insights that you’ll need when you find
yourself troubleshooting more complex scenarios.
After the binge of theory in the first four chapters, I’ll let your brain take
a break . . . and avoid discussing protocol details, object model elements
beyond the ones necessary for the task at hand, and the Active Directory
application model. There will be time for that in the subsequent chapters.

The web app you build in this chapter

The app I want you to build in this chapter is pretty much the same app that
you created in Chapter 1, “Your first Active Directory app.” It’s a minimal
ASP.NET 4.6 web application, which makes use of Azure AD for
authenticating users from an Azure AD tenant of choice. The app will also
reprise details from Chapter 1 about how to access user attributes from the
claims in the incoming token. Finally, you will learn how to implement
basic sign-out functionality.
In Chapter 1, Visual Studio did all the heavy lifting for you, but here you
will manually add all the identity logic. Furthermore, you’ll explicitly
provision the app in Azure AD via the Microsoft Azure portal. In this
section, I outline the prerequisites and break down into functional steps the
task of adding authentication logic to the app.

The prerequisites here are even more relaxed than the ones you encountered
in the “Prerequisites” section in Chapter 1.
You still need a Microsoft Azure subscription: please refer to the
aforementioned section in Chapter 1 for details.
Here you can use any version of Visual Studio you like, from Visual
Studio 2013 on. You don’t need any special tooling or automation. I’m
using Visual Studio Enterprise 2015, but as long as you account for small
differences in the user interface, you can easily apply the same instructions
in whichever version you have.

ASP.NET 4.6 vs. ASP.NET 5

I am purposely choosing to focus on ASP.NET 4.6 for all the
code samples in the book. ASP.NET 5 has some awesome
features, and giving them up here is not an easy choice.
However, what you can do in terms of identity does not change
much, hence what you’ll learn here will be applicable to
ASP.NET 5 with just some small adjustments in syntax and
NuGet versions. Furthermore, ASP.NET 4.6 is mature, stable,
and enjoys widespread adoption—and while I write this
chapter, the ASP.NET 5 bits are still a moving target.

Here’s the sequence of steps I’ll walk you through:
1. Create a basic project as a starting point.
2. Add references to the NuGet packages you need.
3. Create the app’s entry in the Azure AD tenant of choice.
4. Write the code that initializes the OWIN pipeline and the OpenID
Connect middleware.
5. Add logic for triggering authentication and access claims and
initiating sign-out
That should all be very straightforward.

The starting project

Your starting point is one of the simplest ASP.NET project templates, the
MVC project type with no authentication. The template bits are largely
unchanged from Visual Studio 2013.
Start Visual Studio, and open the New Project dialog via the File menu. (I
like the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N.)
Under Templates > Visual C# > Web, select ASP.NET Web Application. I
named my project WebAppChapter5. Click OK.
Among the ASP.NET 4.6 templates, choose MVC. That done, click the
Change Authentication button. In the dialog that appears, select No
Authentication. Click OK here and again in the first dialog. Visual Studio
mulls over what you asked for and then opens your newly created project.
The first time I use a new installation, I normally hit F5 at this point to
verify that nothing is wrong with the Visual Studio setup. If you do this, you
should see a rendering of the usual ASP.NET Bootstrap-based template—a
basic home page with tabs for Home, About, and Contact, all corresponding
to basic actions and views in the project.
Before going any further, you should set up the project to operate on
HTTPS instead of the default HTTP. From the earlier chapters you know
that the security in OpenID Connect is predicated on the ability to use
opaque channels. Furthermore, you might encounter providers (such as
Active Directory Federation Services) that will simply refuse to have
anything to do with your app if they do not sit at one end of a secure
HTTPS pipe.
Visual Studio and IIS Express make it super easy to set that up. In
Solution Explorer, select your project. On the Properties page, you will find
a property dubbed SSL Enabled, with a default value of False. Flip it to
Notice that the property SSL URL, previously empty, now has a local-
host-based value (along the lines of https://localhost:44300/), indicating the
HTTPS URL on which your app will listen. Select that value, and copy it to
the Clipboard.
In Solution Explorer, right-click the project and choose Properties. Select
the Web tab. In the Servers section, find the Project URL field. You’ll see
that it contains the old HTTP URL for the project. Replace this with the
HTTPS URL you copied, save your work (press Shift+Ctrl+S), and then
close the Properties page.
Press F5 again to verify that everything went as expected and that the
project does indeed start on HTTPS. If this is the first time you've used
HTTPS with IIS Express, you might be prompted to trust the development
certificate. Doing so will make development tasks much easier, especially
when it comes to web API development.


This is also a great place to remind you that development

should be done on machines that do not run production code or
perform any critical tasks for your business. Development
often calls for relaxing security constraints that would not be
advisable to weaken on production iron or boxes hosting
critical resources.

At this point your starting project is ready to be enhanced with Azure AD

authentication capabilities.

NuGet packages references

The first step toward enabling Azure AD authentication is to add references
to the libraries that will take care of implementing the resource protector
functionality. As explained in Chapter 4, “Introducing the identity developer
libraries,” in the section “Resource protectors,” you can choose from a
number of OWIN middleware packages. There isn’t really a fixed order to
follow when adding packages: I’ll follow a sequence that makes functional
sense according to the features each package provides.
Open the Package Manager Console by clicking Tools > NuGet Package
Manager > Package Manager Console. That done, enter the following
Click here to view code image
install-package Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb

We aren’t in Identity Land yet. The SystemWeb package pulls down the
assemblies required to host an OWIN middlewares pipeline in an ASP.NET
application. At this time, the version you get is 3.0.1: the version might be
higher in the future, and this holds for all the OWIN packages covered in
this chapter.
The command also pulls down as a dependency Microsoft.Owin, the
package containing all the OWIN base classes and primitives.
Percolating up through functionality layers, you’ll add the cookie
middleware next. Enter the following command:
Click here to view code image

install-package Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies

Recall from Chapter 3, “Introducing Azure Active Directory and Active

Directory Federation Services,” that most redirect-based web apps request a
token only for the initial authentication and rely on a cookie-based session
for all subsequent interactions. The job of the cookie middleware is to
generate and track such a session. Note that the package brings down
Microsoft.Owin.Security as a dependency—this is a repository of classes
and primitives that constitute the building blocks of security-related
Finally, it’s time to add the package implementing OpenID Connect web
sign-on. Enter the following:
Click here to view code image

install-package Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnect

This package contains the OpenID Connect middleware proper. It pulls

down as dependencies the JWT handler (System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt,
which you already encountered in Chapter 4) and
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocol.Extensions, a package of classes
representing OpenID Connect constructs (messages, constants, etc.). These
two packages are purposely separate and distinct from the OWIN packages
because they implement concepts and protocol artifacts that can come in
handy even if you decide to build a stack that has no dependency on OWIN
That’s it. All the packages you need are onboard.

Registering the app in Azure AD

Before you do more work on the project, this is a good time to step out of
Visual Studio and use the Microsoft Azure portal for provisioning the
application in Azure AD.
Like creating the package references described in the previous section,
this is a task that in Chapter 1 was performed automatically by Visual
Studio, via an API. That is not meant to hide complexity (as you will see,
the registration steps are trivial); the convenience offered by the tools lies in
sparing you yet another menial task.


Given how frequently the portal experience goes through

iterative improvements, providing screenshots here would be a
sure way of confusing you if things change after the book is
printed. The same level of volatility should be expected for any
detailed instructions based on today’s experiences. I invite you
to keep an open mind as you try to reproduce the steps I
describe here. The high-level goals remain the same; hence, if
you grasp the intent, you should be able to adapt in case any UI
elements move around and no longer match the instructions

As articulated in the prerequisites, you need to have an active Microsoft

Azure subscription. Open a browser, navigate to, and sign in with the account
(organizational or Microsoft account) associated with that Azure
Once in, scroll through the leftmost list of services until you find the
entry for Active Directory, and then click it.
The main area will list all the Azure AD tenants you can work on with
your subscription. There are a couple of common cases:
If you have an individual subscription rooted to a Microsoft account,
you will likely find a single entry—this is the directory tenant
automatically generated for you by Azure. Your current user is a
global administrator in that directory. This will be the case also if you
signed up for Azure on your own and chose the organizational path.
If your Azure subscription is associated with your company, here you
will likely see your company’s directory tenant. Unless you work in
the IT department or your company isn’t big enough to justify a
strong separation of roles, chances are that your current user is not an
administrator in that directory. Don’t worry! By default, any user can
provision one app by using the steps described in this section.
It is also possible to find more than one directory tenant listed here.
That’s the case if you created test tenants or if your user is a guest
administrator in multiple tenants.
Choose the Azure AD tenant that gathers the users you want to be able to
authenticate from your app, and then click its entry. In the tabs list on the
top row, choose Applications. You will be presented with the list of all the
apps that are being developed within that tenant.
At the bottom of the screen, you’ll find the Add button. Click it to start
the provisioning of your new application.
At the time of writing, the first dialog you encounter asks whether you
are adding an application you are developing or choosing a preconfigured
app from the gallery. You’ll want to select the first option.
The next screen prompts you to name your application. I tend to use the
same name I have in the Visual Studio project, so in this case I would enter
The same screen asks you to specify whether your app is a web app or a
native client. That is an important decision, which will determine what your
application can and cannot do in terms of authentication flows. A web
application can be the recipient of tokens issued via redirect-based
protocols like SAML and OpenID Connect, but a native client cannot do
that; a web app can be assigned a secret, whereas a native client cannot be
trusted to protect it; and so on. As you already guessed, we want to
provision a web application here, so choose the corresponding option and
click Next.
On the next screen you are asked to provide the URL of your application.
Azure AD will not send tokens to URLs that aren’t registered. Remember
the URL you obtained earlier, in the section “The starting project,” when
you enabled SSL, along the lines of https://localhost:44300/? Retrieve that
from Visual Studio, and paste it in the Sign-On URL field.
The next field, App ID URI, requests that you provide a unique resource
identifier. That identifier is used for protocols like SAML, WS-Federation
for web sign-on, and OAuth2 for a web API. You don’t need this identifier
for the app you’re developing (given that we plan to use OpenID Connect
for web sign-on), but you need to provide a value nonetheless. I won’t go
into the details of how to choose that value here: for your purposes it should
be enough to say that you need to choose a valid URI that is unique within
the tenant. A common choice is the app URL concatenated to the project
name, as in https://localhost:44300/WebProjectChapter5.
Click the button that indicates the conclusion of the wizard. The portal
immediately provisions a new entry for your app and selects that entry.
From the top tabs row, choose Configure.
On this page you can see all of the app entry’s settings, and you have the
chance to modify them. For the time being, you can ignore everything else
and focus on a single field, client ID. Client ID is an identifier generated by
Azure AD at application-provisioning time. It is used to identify this app to
Azure AD in the context of an OpenID Connect authentication transaction
so that the authentication flow can unfold as configured. For example,
tokens issued for the app with this client ID will be delivered to the sign-on
URL specified at the time the app was provisioned.
You need to plug the client ID value into the configuration of the OpenID
Connect middleware in your app so that it can be used at the appropriate
time when the middleware generates and processes protocol messages.
Keep the browser open on this page because you will need it for the steps in
the next section.

OpenID Connect initialization code

Let’s get back to the app’s code. To enable the app to make use of OpenID
Connect, you need to perform two small tasks:
Add an OWIN pipeline in front of the app.
Add and initialize the appropriate middlewares in the pipeline.
As you know by now, this is normally done for you by Visual Studio. I
am walking you through a manual process so that you can understand what
makes the scenario tick.

Host the OWIN pipeline

Like many other things in the ASP.NET world, OWIN pipeline initialization
relies on naming conventions. You will add the initialization logic in a .cs
file, called Startup.cs, at the root of the project.
In Project Explorer, right-click the project, choose Add New Item, select
the Web node in the list at the left, and scroll through the various item types
until you find the entry for OWIN Startup class. Select it, be sure you
change the proposed file name to Startup.cs, and then click Add.
Visual Studio opens the new file for you. Edit the class declaration to
include a partial keyword, as you have to complement it soon. The
resulting file should look like the following:
Click here to view code image

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Owin;
using Owin;
[assembly: OwinStartup(typeof(WebAppChapter5.Startup))]
namespace WebAppChapter5
public partial class Startup
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
// For more information on how to configure your
application, visit

In Chapter 7, “The OWIN OpenID Connect middleware,” you’ll learn

how the OWIN pipeline works in detail. Here it suffices to say that the
OwinStartup attribute causes the Configuration method to be
invoked at assembly load time—that is to say, when the app first wakes up.
That means that you can use that method to run all the initialization code
you need.
Technically, you could just add the code for initializing the identity
protocols middleware in line here, in Configuration. However, it’s
traditional in ASP.NET 4.6 to include the initialization code for each
functional area in a separate file and to invoke it from the OWIN Startup

Initialize the cookie and OpenID Connect middlewares

Let’s add the identity pipeline init code in its own file. In Solution Explorer,
right-click the App_Start folder and choose Add New Item > Class. Name
the file Startup.Auth.cs.
Replace all the using directives with the following:
Click here to view code image
using Owin;
using Microsoft.Owin.Security;
using Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies;
using Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnect;

Get rid of the trailing .Startup from the namespace:

namespace WebAppChapter5

Change the class declaration to public and partial:

public partial class Startup

Finally, you get to the identity-initialization code. Add to the Startup

class the method shown here:
Click here to view code image
public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
ClientId = "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081",
Authority =

Those 10 lines of code (barely) are enough to initialize the entire OpenID
Connect pipeline. The best part is that they are almost pure boilerplate.
As I mentioned, Chapter 7 will delve into the details of the OWIN
mechanics. Here I’ll just say that the UseXXX extension methods push
middleware elements onto a stack, passing initialization data when
necessary. UseCookieAuthentication adds an instance of the cookie
middleware in the pipeline. UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication
does the same with the OpenID Connect middleware.


The order is important! The first middleware you add will be

the first to be invoked when a suitable request is invoked. The
response will travel through the middleware pipeline in the
opposite order; the last middleware you add will be the first to
have a chance to work on the response.

The OpenID Connect middleware allows you to control nearly every

aspect of how the authentication flow takes place, by accepting as the
initialization parameter an
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions instance.
If you are okay with the default settings, however, you need only to
provide a couple of values:
Authority This is the complete URL of the Azure AD tenant you
want your app to accept users from. If you are following along, you
should substitute the value here with the URL of the tenant in which
you provisioned your app.
ClientId This is the already-mentioned identifier that Azure AD
assigned to your app at provisioning time. Retrieve that value from
the Azure portal, and paste it in here. You can refer to the earlier
section, “Registering the app in Azure AD,” if you’ve forgotten where
to find it exactly.
You are almost done! This is all the init code that’s required. All that’s
left to do is to ensure that the code is called at load time. Back in Startup.cs,
add a call to ConfigureAuth from the Configuration method:
Click here to view code image
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)

Your app is now configured to use OpenID Connect against your Azure
AD tenant of choice whenever authentication is necessary. What does that
mean, exactly?

[Authorize], claims, and first run

The section you just read showed you how to set up OpenID Connect
support in your application. However, the sheer presence of the appropriate
middlewares in the pipeline does not automatically determine when the
protocol enforcement should kick in. The authentication performed via
OWIN middlewares is activated just like any other authentication
technology in ASP.NET—by introducing authentication and authorization
requirements on the app, on individual resources served by the application,
or on both.

Adding a trigger for authentication

The project template you used as a starting point is devoid of any
authentication elements, hence the app and all its resources are accessible
anonymously by default. Say that you want to maintain anonymous access
to the entire app apart from one specific action. For example, working with
the resources already present in the project template, let’s imagine that you
want to restrict access to the Contact action from the
HomeController so that only authenticated users can access it. You can
do so with the same technique you’ve been using for more than half a
decade: simply decorate the action with the [Authorize] attribute.
public ActionResult Contact()
That attribute will ensure that the resource is returned only to
authenticated users and will trigger a 401 upon receiving unauthenticated
requests. Here’s the important point: by default, the OpenID Connect
middleware is configured to react to outgoing 401s by intercepting and
transforming them in authentication requests. In this specific case, this
means generating an OpenID Connect authorization request message and
sending it back to Azure AD in the form of an HTTP 302, which the
requesting browser will receive and promptly bounce toward Azure AD’s
authorization endpoint. As I mentioned previously, you’ll find out in detail
how this all unfolds in Chapter 7.
In this example, I am instructing you to protect just one action, but in fact
you can extend the mechanism to whatever scope best fits the business
goals of your app. If you want to protect all the actions in the controller,
place [Authorize] at the class level; if you prefer to work with the
web.config file, feel free to use the good old <authorization>
element. In general, anything that will generate a 401 will be a trigger for

Showing some claims

At this point you might be ready to give the app a first run, but before you
do, I’d like to add a bit of code that shows in the app’s UI some tangible
sign that a successful authentication operation took place. Modify the
Contact method as follows:
Click here to view code image
public ActionResult Contact()
string userfirstname =
ViewBag.Message = String.Format("Welcome, {0}!",

return View();

As you type this code, Visual Studio shows wiggly red lines
under ClaimsPrincipal and ClaimTypes. That’s
because you are missing the necessary using directives,
hence the types are not available in the current scope. From
now on I will no longer explicitly instruct you to add using
directives unless it serves to clarify a concept. I will assume
that every time you encounter those wiggly lines, you will just
position the cursor on the offending term, press CTRL+. (a
period), and pick the appropriate using directive that Visual
Studio helpfully offers in a context menu.

The effect of this code should already be clear to you. I already covered
how claims are handled in .NET in Chapter 1, in the section
“ClaimsPrincipal: How .NET represents the caller.” If you find that you
need a refresher, I recommend leafing back to that section to bring this to

Running the app

Time to give the app a spin!
Press F5. The app should open just like it did earlier. But the story should
change when you click Contact. The browser should redirect to the Azure
AD authentication pages, and upon successful authentication redirect back
to the Contact view—where your “Welcome, <firstname>!” message should
demonstrate that the user was correctly authenticated.
Voilà. You have a web app that can authenticate users from an Azure AD

Quick recap
Let’s take a moment to summarize what we have done so far:
Starting from a simple project, with no authentication logic whatsoever,
Added three NuGet references.
Stepped through a brief wizard on the Azure portal to provision the
Enabled the OWIN pipeline in your app with less than 10 lines of
boilerplate code.
Configured the OpenID Connect middleware by adding another 10
lines (more or less) of boilerplate code, customizing the values of a
couple of strings: Authority and ClientId.
Added an [Authorize] attribute on the action you wanted to
And that’s all that’s required for setting up a quick web app for users in
one organization, without taking advantage of any of the tools that Visual
Studio offers for automating all this.
Sure, there’s more to do to have a full-featured system—I will add a few
extra details in the following sections—but I wanted to be sure to highlight
the minimal set of actions. If you have been working with enterprise-grade
authentication for web apps in the past, I am sure you appreciate how much
simpler things have become.

and sign-out

Although triggering authentication by protecting individual assets is a fine
mechanism, you will at times want to offer to the user an explicit sign-in
link. And, of course, most apps need an affordance for signing out.


The only common exception to the sign-out requirement is the

class of apps that are designed to run exclusively on an
intranet, where an authenticated user is always present and
signing out cannot really take place until the user logs out of
his or her workstation.

The OWIN infrastructure itself offers two methods, Challenge and

SignOut, that can be used to message the middlewares in the pipeline to
trigger a sign-in and a sign-out flow, respectively. What that means in
practice will be determined by each middleware. For the OpenID Connect
middleware, signing out means sending a message to Azure AD to cancel a
session; for the cookie middleware, it means dropping its session tracking
cookie; and so on.
The ASP.NET Visual Studio templates already come with sign-in and
sign-out logic wired in, but just for kicks let’s add that functionality
manually to our web app.
In Project Explorer, right-click the Controllers folder, choose Add New
Item, pick Controller, select MVC 5 Controller—Empty, click Add, and
then name the controller AccountController.

Let’s start by adding the sign-in functionality. Delete the Index method
from the controller, and add the following:
Click here to view code image
public void SignIn()
// Send an OpenID Connect sign-in request.
if (!Request.IsAuthenticated)
w AuthenticationProperties { RedirectUri = "/" },

HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication exposes
the authentication functions of the OWIN pipeline. The Challenge
method accepts input references to the middlewares that should be involved
in generating the sign-in action.
AuthenticationProperties is a general-purpose group of
settings that are independent from the specific protocol implemented by the
middlewares in the pipeline. For example, RedirectUri here represents
the local address in the application to which the browser should ultimately
be redirected once the authentication operations conclude. In this case, it’s
the root of the app: that’s because I plan to place the sign-in link on the
home page, so I expect the user to be brought back there once the
authentication dance is done. You have already seen in the previous section
that a similar behavior occurred automatically when the authentication was
triggered by clicking a specific action: clicking Contacts triggered the
authentication flow, and you ended up back on the Contact view.


It is an unfortunate coincidence that the RedirectUri

property just described happens to be named exactly the same
as an OAuth2/OpenID Connect protocol parameter. The value
passed in Challenge is not sent to Azure AD and used as
part of the protocol dance: it is a local value that is used after
the authentication dance takes place. All redirect URIs used by
Azure AD must be explicitly registered for security reasons,
and it is clearly not feasible to register all possible controller
actions as return URIs. That’s why Azure AD normally
associates only a few return URIs with each app (typically one
for every deployment root) and the middleware itself takes care
of performing local redirects without involving the IdP to
ensure that requests land on the correct resource. Clear as mud?
Don’t worry. I will expand on this in Chapter 7.

That’s it for the sign-in feature.

Sign-out logic
Implementing sign-out requires a similar method. Add the following code to
Click here to view code image
public void SignOut()
In this case, you are telling OWIN that you want both the OpenID
Connect and the cookie middlewares to act on the sign-out request. As
mentioned earlier, that will cause the OpenID Connect middleware to emit a
sign-out message to Azure AD and the cookie middleware to drop the local
app’s session cookies.


As I write this, the OpenID Connect middleware for ASP.NET

4.6 (that is to say, the one with package version 3.x.x) does not
support distributed sign-out. Say that you have a user signed in
to both apps A and B with an account from the same Azure AD
tenant. Now you trigger a sign-out from A. As a result, the user
will no longer be signed in either in A or the Azure AD tenant;
however, the user will still be signed in to B. That is not the
case, for example, if A and B implement WS-Federation using
Windows Identity Foundation (WIF): in that case, B would
automatically sign the user out as a consequence of the sign-
out triggered by A. You’ll learn more about this in Chapter 6,
“OpenID Connect and Azure AD web sign-on,” but for the
time being—long story short—OpenID Connect handles
sessions via a combination of iframes and JavaScript client-
side logic, making it pretty hard to package automatic support
for it in a general-purpose development library. The AD team is
looking to improve things for ASP.NET 5.

If you leave things as they are right now, you will implement sign-out,
but the experience won’t be great. After performing the sign-out, the
browser will remain stuck on a nondescript page served by Azure AD. A
quick fix to that would be to specify in the OpenID Connect middleware
initialization an app resource you want to land on after a successful sign-
out. (It is usually a good idea to pick a resource that does not trigger an
automatic redirect to the authentication pages, or your user might be up for
a confusing experience.)
It’s easy to do that. Go back to Startup.Auth.cs, and modify the
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions init logic so that it looks
like the following:
Click here to view code image
new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
ClientId = "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081",
Authority =
PostLogoutRedirectUri = "https://localhost:44300/"

Here I am hardcoding the root of my app, but I am sure that in your apps
you will be far more elegant. It’s important to note that the
PostLogoutRedirectUri property is sent to Azure AD as part of the
sign-out request and must correspond to one of the app URLs you
registered. If for some reason you need to pick a more precise app URL as a
landing point, you can pass it via AuthenticationProperties in the
call to SignOut.
At this point the app has its sign-out logic, too. Now you just need to add
some controls on the app’s surface to activate the two new features.

The sign-in and sign-out UI

You need to expose some controls so that the user can sign in and sign out
with your brand-new methods.


Some of the development tasks I need to walk you through

have nothing to do with the API surface of the AD identity
libraries, and this section falls under that category. I do need to
write something so that you are able to see the identity features
in action, but I want to be sure you realize that if you want to
write different code for that, you absolutely can. There is no
hard requirement to do things the way I suggest in this section.

I’ll do that by adding in line some basic UI elements in the default view.
In Project Explorer, navigate to the folder View/Shared and open
Locate the <div> element containing all the links to the
HomeController actions; it’s the one with the style navbar-
collapse collapse. Right below the </ul> closing tag of that list,
paste the following code:
Click here to view code image

@if (Request.IsAuthenticated)
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
<li class="navbar-text">
Hello, @User.Identity.Name!
@Html.ActionLink("Sign out", "SignOut",
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
<li>@Html.ActionLink("Sign in", "SignIn", "Account",
routeValues: null, htmlAttributes: new { id = "loginLink" })

The code is straightforward. If there is no authenticated user, it displays a

Sign In ActionLink that triggers the corresponding action on the
If there is a signed-in user, the code displays a greeting (note that it
accesses claims values through another property, which shows that the
preclaims ASP.NET identity code is compatible with the new protocols) and
a link bound to the SignOut method of the AccountController.
Running the app
To double-check that everything works as expected, press F5. Depending on
the browser you are using or whether you closed the browser after the last
run or not, you might or might not still be signed in with the account you
used earlier. If you are, you will see in the top-right corner a greeting and
the sign-out link. If you aren’t, you will see the sign-in link: click it, and
you’ll have the same experience as in the earlier run.
Once you’ve done that, click the sign-out link and verify that you do get
signed out of the app and brought back to its home page.

Using ADFS as an identity provider

In an ideal world, in this section I would tell you that if you want to
authenticate users coming directly from your on-premises Active Directory,
all you need to do is change the Authority value in Startup.Auth.cs to
point to your local ADFS instance, provision your app there, and you’ll be
good to go. But, alas, this is not an ideal world.
ADFS in Windows Server 2016 is the first version of ADFS that supports
OpenID Connect. As I write this, the functionality is still in technical
preview and very rough around the edges. Setting up ADFS in Windows
Server 2016 to handle OpenID Connect would require me to take a long
detour to describe how the new system works, and I don't want to do that
here. All of Chapter 10, "Active Directory Federation Services in Windows
Server 2016 Technical Preview 3," will focus on taking advantage of ADFS
in the Windows Server 2016 preview to handle modern authentication in
web applications.
I won’t leave you without anything at all on the topic, though. ADFS has
supported WS-Federation since version 2.0. It just so happens that the
ASP.NET 4.6 collection of OWIN middlewares includes one that
implements WS-Federation, and its usage is remarkably similar to the one
for OpenID Connect. In fact, if you were to modify your app to connect to
an ADFS instance, you would have just a couple of places to touch.
You would touch up Startup.Auth.cs as follows:
Click here to view code image
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions());
new WsFederationAuthenticationOptions
Wtrealm = "http://myapp/whatever",
MetadataAddress =

In this specific case, Wtrealm is the moral equivalent of ClientID—

the identifier you would assign to your app when provisioning it in ADFS.
MetadataAddress would point to the metadata document of the
ADFS instance you want to target, performing a function similar to
You would, of course, have to change the sign-in and sign-out logic in
AccountController, but just for retargeting which protocol
middleware is involved:
Click here to view code image
public void SignIn()
// Send an OpenID Connect sign-in request.
if (!Request.IsAuthenticated)
w AuthenticationProperties { RedirectUri = "/" },
public void SignOut()

For what concerns the code, that’s pretty much it!

You would also need to provision your app in ADFS before being able to
run this code. I won’t include the instructions here because supporting WS-
Federation is not much in line with the “modern” moniker in the book’s
title, but this has been a common task for the last half decade, and you can
easily find a lot of content online that will walk you through the process.
Once again, if you are interested in using OpenID Connect and OAuth2
with ADFS in Windows Server 2016 preview, please be sure to check out
Chapter 10. However, I would recommend doing so only after you go
through the other chapters to gain in-depth understanding of how the
protocol and OWIN middleware work, as Chapter 10 heavily relies on you
being familiar with those concepts.

In this chapter you discovered what it takes to add web sign-on capabilities
to an ASP.NET app from scratch, without any assistance from tools and
You wrote your first identity code, familiarizing yourself with the
libraries required, the absolutely essential set of parameters required to
configure meaningful support for web sign-in via OpenID Connect, and the
rudiments of using OWIN for handling session management.
You also took your first steps with app provisioning in Azure AD via the
Microsoft Azure management portal.
At this point, you know enough to understand the code that Visual Studio
and the ASP.NET project templates generate automatically when you use
the organizational identity features, which puts you already one step above
a general developer who just needs to add authentication to an app and is
happy with the defaults.
The next proficiency level entails being able to manipulate how the
protocol middleware operates by changing its defaults and injecting your
own custom logic. But before you can get there, you must first learn in
more detail how the OpenID Connect protocol operates for making web
sign-on happen and what parameters you can use to influence its course.
That’s the subject of the next chapter.
Chapter 6. OpenID Connect and Azure AD web

In this chapter you’ll take a closer look at OpenID Connect. Specifically, I’ll
describe how Azure Active Directory and its libraries use the protocol to
power the sign-in flow you implemented in Chapter 5, “Getting started with
web sign-on and Active Directory.”
I pick up again on some of the ideas that were introduced in Chapter 2,
“Identity protocols and application types,” going into greater detail on
terminology, message exchanges, concepts, and artifacts that come into play
when you use OpenID Connect. Understanding how the basic building
blocks are used in the default case will help you to troubleshoot when
something goes wrong. It also equips you with the knowledge you need for
customizing the default behavior to fit the requirements of your specific
My goal is not to write an annotated version of the entire specification; the
specs themselves are readable enough. Rather, I focus on the aspects that are
directly involved in the default flow that Azure AD and associated libraries
implement for achieving web sign-on. This is not to say that the rest of the
specification is not useful, or that Azure AD supports only the flows
described here. My focus is mostly to keep the size of the book (and the time
it takes to write it) under control. If you want to dig deeper into other
aspects, you will find plenty of material online that expands beyond the

The protocol and its specifications

In Chapter 2 I introduced OpenID Connect’s role in the sequence of
protocols that led authentication into the modern era. In the same chapter I
also described the exchanges that define two of its main authentication
flows, the hybrid flow and the authorization-code flow. In this chapter I
assume that you have read and internalized that description. If your
recollection of it is less than perfect, I recommend that you go back a few
pages and reread that section before going any further.
Figure 6-1 shows the specifications that are relevant for the flow you’ll
study in this chapter. I’ll describe them briefly here, and in the next section,
“OpenID Connect exchanges signing in with Azure AD,” I’ll go into the
details. For now, this will provide you with a map should you choose to
match what you read about here to the formal specifications.

Figure 6-1 The specifications mentioned in this chapter and their

dependency relationships.

OpenID Connect Core 1.0

By default, the OpenID Connect OWIN middleware uses the hybrid flow to
implement sign-on. That flow is described in the OpenID Connect Core
specification, which at the time of writing is in its 1.0 version. You can find
it at
The OpenID Connect Core specification prescribes in detail the format of
authentication request and response messages for the hybrid, authorization-
code, and implicit flows (also described in Chapter 2, in the context of
single-page applications). It also describes in detail the format of the
id_token, the criteria that should be applied for validating it in different
contexts, and a list of canonical claim types that OpenID Connect providers
and clients can use to transmit common attributes.
The Core spec describes lots of other things, such as the UserInfo
endpoint, but those don’t come into play in this chapter.

OpenID Connect Discovery

Throughout Chapter 2 I discussed how claims-identity protocols describe
ways for identity providers (IdPs) to advertise their metadata—endpoints,
identifiers, signing keys, and the like—so that relying parties (RPs) can
acquire the information they need to generate authentication requests and
validate responses according to the protocol of choice.
OpenID Connect provides such a mechanism, too. You can find all the
details in the OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 specification, available at
Azure AD advertises its OpenID Connect endpoints in accordance with
the Discovery specs. The OpenID Connect OWIN middleware leverages that
mechanism to minimize the configuration burden on the developer and to
ensure that the validation info stays as fresh as possible.

OAuth 2.0 Multiple Response Type, OAuth2 Form Post

Response Mode
The Multiple Response Type and Post Response Mode specs (available at and
provide normative guidance on how to control which tokens should be
returned in response to an authentication request and the HTTP mechanism
that should be used to carry them.
In particular, the OpenID Connect middleware asks by default for tokens
to be returned to the RP via form POST, making it easy to work with the big
token sizes that are common in business scenarios.
OpenID Connection Session Management
This specification, available at
session-1_0.html, describes how an RP can inquire about the sign-in status of
a user with the IdP and how to manipulate sessions—most notably, how to
handle distributed sign-out.
Azure AD supports this specification, which works great for JavaScript
apps. However, I am personally not very fond of this spec in the context of
server-based web applications, given that it relies on a hidden iframe and
splits functionality between JavaScript and server-side logic, which makes it
really complicated to package this functionality in a easy-to-use server-side
authentication library.
Another draft spec, available at
logout-1_0.html, implements sign-out through a more traditional mechanism,
one that’s far easier to package in a library. It shows great promise, but it’s
still a draft at this point, so I’ll ignore it.

Other OpenID Connect specifications

The family of OpenID Connect specifications has lots of other members, but
they describe aspects of the protocol that don’t come into play in this book.
For example, there is a spec that describes how to dynamically register
clients with IdPs (available at
registration-1_0.html), which is not a great match for the scenarios that
Azure AD supports today.

Supporting specifications
OpenID Connect as a whole is a high-level specification that relies on lower-
level building blocks for essential functionality such as token formats,
cryptographic operations, and the like.
As you know from Chapter 2, OpenID Connect extends OAuth2 to add
support for authentication. The fundamental OAuth2 specifications are the
core OAuth2 Authorization Framework (available at and the OAuth2 Bearer Token Usage (you
can find it at
Besides those two essential specifications, you will encounter JSON Web
Token (JWT,, JSON Web Signature (JWS,, and JSON Web Algorithms (JWA, If you dig deep enough, you can reach all
the way to RSA cryptography and encoding specifications.
I will mention the relevant tidbits from each of these whenever the need
arises. You don’t need to go into any of these in any level of detail, but it is
useful to know where a given concept comes from so that in case an issue or
ambiguity arises, you can zero in on it instead of playing the whack-a-mole
game specs sometimes like to trick you into.

OpenID Connect exchanges signing in with Azure AD

I want to tell you more about the protocol, but I also want to keep things
concrete. Here is what we will do. We will capture a network trace of the
traffic generated as you sign in and sign out from the vanilla app you
developed in Chapter 5. After we have that trace, I’ll walk you through it,
highlighting the crucial protocol exchanges.

Capturing a trace
Let’s start by capturing a network trace of the flows we want to examine.
You have numerous options for capturing a trace. However, they boil
down to two alternatives:
You can use a proxy, which intercepts and saves traffic. The canonical
example of this approach on Windows is Fiddler, a free web-
debugging proxy utility.
You can use the network tracing features in the development tools of
your web browser of choice (the classic F12 option). Alternatively, you
can use a plug-in such as HttpWatch. The advantage here is that the
plug-in operates at the end of the HTTPS tunnel, hence you don’t need
to make any special provisions to decrypt traffic.
I will use Fiddler in this example, mostly because I am used to it (it was
around well before browsers had decent dev tools) and allows me to give
consistent instructions no matter which browser you’re using. That said,
during development I normally use Chrome. If you use another browser and
something does not look right even when you follow the instructions to the
letter, I recommend that you try it with Chrome before despairing.
Setting up Fiddler
You can download Fiddler from
I highly recommend that you choose the option Fiddler for .NET4.
Launch the setup. Once that’s done, run Fiddler. When it first runs, the
app appears as shown in Figure 6-2.

Figure 6-2 The main Fiddler screen.

As soon as Fiddler opens, it starts to capture traffic. The left pane contains
the list of captured frames, requests, and responses. The right pane shows
details of the selected frame or more general options.
The first thing you need to do is turn on HTTPS decryption, given that all
the flows we’ll use will be on HTTPS. Do this by going to the Tools, Fiddler
Options menu and selecting the HTTPS tab. As soon as you check the
Decrypt HTTPS traffic check box, you’re prompted to trust a certificate that
Fiddler generates for its own HTTPS tunnel. Assuming that you are working
on a development machine that does not run any critical services for your
business, click through the many confirmation dialogs to set up the
certificate as trusted.
Finally, Visual Studio 2015 can be quite chatty with its debug-related
messages, so it’s easy for the messages you care about to be drowned in a
sea of unrelated frames. Luckily, Fiddler provides a superhandy filtering
feature that can clean up the list. Select the Filters tab in the right pane,
check the Use Filter check box, check Hide If URL Contains, and enter the
following in the corresponding text box: SignalR browserLink google By the time this book goes to press, there might be
additional sessions you will want to hide. Just apply the same trick on the
appropriate search term.

The trace
Now we are ready to capture the trace of a sign-in and sign-out to our
application. Open Visual Studio 2015 and load the project you worked on in
Chapter 5. Start Fiddler if it’s not already running, and ensure that the
leftmost slot in the bottom status bar has the label Capturing On. If it
doesn’t, click that empty space, and you’ll see the label appear.
Go back to Visual Studio and press F5. When the application appears in
the browser, click the Sign In link. Sign in with your test user account, and
observe that the app correctly shows the user principal name (UPN) of the
user in its top-right corner. Hit the Sign Out link and confirm that you
successfully sign out.
Switch back to Fiddler and switch off the Capturing label. If you want to
read this chapter in multiple takes, you can save the current capture by
selecting File, Save, All Sessions. That way, you will always be able to
reload the same session and keep following the discussion without having to
capture the trace every time you pick up the book.
Examining individual frames is easy, as demonstrated in Figure 6-3. Just
select the frame you want in the left pane. In the right pane, choose the
Inspectors tab. You will be presented with a split view representing the
request and the response messages. You can choose different views that
highlight different aspects of the message. My default choice for both
request and response is the Raw view, which shows what you would see on
the wire.
Figure 6-3 The trace of the sign-in and sign-out flows. One frame is
selected on the left; the details of the request and response are shown in
the inspector views on the right.
Now that we have the trace, let’s dive in.

Authentication request
Scan the list of frames from top to bottom. Search for requests that aim for
your app: given that it is running on IIS Express, you can expect the host to
be something like localhost:44300.
The first one you’ll encounter is the request to your home page—that is to
say, to the URL /. Just to warm up, select that frame. You will see on the
right side the bits of the request, a simple GET, and the HTML constituting
the response.
If you followed the proposed sequence, the next frame aimed at your app
should be a GET to /Account/SignIn, triggered by clicking the Sign In
link. You know that the Account/SignIn route activates the code that
generates an authentication request. In fact, if you deselect the frame and
examine its response, you will find a 302 redirect toward Azure AD, carrying
the OpenID Connect authentication request message. It looks like the
Click here to view code image
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Cache-Control: private
Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
X-AspNetMvc-Version: 5.2
X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
%3D; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
X-SourceFiles: =?UTF-
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2015 00:43:47 GMT
Content-Length: 0

Because this is the first frame I present in the text, I have

preserved all its parts, including those that are not directly
relevant to OpenID Connect. From now on I will edit down the
information to highlight only that which plays a direct role in
the use of the protocol.

The Location header is the most important piece, as it contains the sign-in
message that the browser will send to Azure AD as soon as it executes the
302. The default behavior of the OpenID Connect OWIN middleware is to
initiate a hybrid flow, though here I will ignore the authorization code
redemption part and focus only on sign-in functionality and authorization
endpoint traffic. Let’s break the message down to its fundamental
components and examine how the protocol is being used.

Authorization endpoint
Each Azure AD tenant exposes endpoints for the protocols it supports. The
message here is sent to the authorization endpoint of the tenant in which we
configured the app:
Click here to view code image

The authority part of the URL indicates the Azure AD instance, in this
case the public cloud. The GUID following that represents the tenant
identifier of the directory tenant of choice.
That GUID could be replaced by one of the domains associated with the
tenant, such as, to the same
effect. But using the tenant identifier is preferable because it can’t be
reassigned, whereas a domain could be decommissioned and acquired by a
different organization later.
The last portion of the path simply tells Azure AD which protocol should
be used. If you were using SAML, for example, the authority and tenant part
of the URL would be the same, but the last portion of the path would be

The first parameter you encounter in the message is client_id. This is
the same value you encountered while configuring the OpenID Connect
middleware. It’s the ID that allows Azure AD to correlate the request to the
app’s entry in the tenant.

response_mode, response_type
The next two parameters are especially interesting.
The response_type parameter indicates which artifacts your app
wants as the outcome of this authentication operation. The value you observe
here is the default because the sample from Chapter 5 did not specify any
custom value for this parameter. The default response_type for the
OWIN OpenID Connect middleware is code+id_token. In fact, in this
particular scenario we ignore code. It would be useful if we had invoked a
web API from our app, but given that we’re interested just in sign-on, we
end up consuming just the id_token. (That means that if we had sent a
value of id_token, we would have achieved the goals of this scenario just
as well.)
The response_mode parameter indicates the way in which we want the
authorization server (that is, Azure AD) to return the requested artifacts to
the application. In this case the trace reports a value of form_post, which
means that Azure AD is supposed to return the id_token in a POST. Once
again, that’s the middleware’s default behavior. This is just like how WS-
Federation and SAML return their tokens—by sending back to the browser
some simple JavaScript that autoposts the token to the application. The main
advantage of this approach lies in the fact that big tokens can be handled
easily, whereas other methods (such as those embedding tokens in a URL)
suffer from stringent size limitations. Another advantage is that token
validation can take place entirely on the server.

The response parameters discussed here are all meant to be sent

to a specific URL that Azure AD knows is assigned to the app
identified by the client_id you are sending. However, note
that the request does not include the redirect_uri
parameter, which the OpenID Connect specification indicates as
the parameter that's used to communicate which URI should be
used for that purpose. You can definitely specify such a value
via the OWIN middleware, and Azure AD will understand that:
in fact, you must do so when your apps have multiple registered
URLs. If you don’t specify it, as is the case in this trace, Azure
AD automatically uses the URL you provided at registration

More response_mode, response_type values OpenID Connect relies on

(and Azure AD supports) various other response_type values. You can
find the complete list in the previously mentioned “OAuth 2.0 Multiple
Response Type Encoding Practices” specification, which extends the
canonical OAuth2 code and token with id_token and combinations.
The same spec defines two response_mode values:
fragment, which establishes that the response parameters should be
returned in a URL fragment. A fragment is the portion of a URL
following the # symbol. Its defining characteristic is that it is not sent
to the server when used in HTTP verbs. An authorization server uses a
fragment when it wants to return values to JavaScript code running in a
browser and ensure that the same values aren’t seen by the server side
of that app.
query, which returns the response parameters in the query string.
query is the Cinderella of response_mode values. It is used only
when returning a code, which is supposed to be mostly single use
anyway, but its use is discouraged for pretty much all other cases.
That’s mostly because of its nasty habit of remaining available in the
browser history and for other possible attacks.
What about form_post? That’s actually defined in an extra
specification, the previously mentioned “OAuth 2.0 Form Post Response
Each response_type value has a default response_mode, which
kicks in in case no overriding value is specified. Table 6-1 shows the
complete list of values at the time of writing. The table is mostly self-
explanatory if you remember that token stands for access token and none is
just an artifact for triggering consent without returning anything. Also note
that some response_type values explicitly disallow the use of query.
The table reports on that, too.

Table 6-1 response_type and corresponding default


Just like in OAuth2.0, the scope parameter indicates which things
(resources and permissions/actions) an app is requesting access to.
If my mention of access control and authorization at this point confuses
you, remember what you read in Chapter 2: OpenID Connect layers sign-in
on top of OAuth2, which remains fundamentally a means for obtaining
authorization. In OAuth2 the scope applies only to the access token, whereas
in OpenID Connect it also affects the id_token, the main artifact making
the sign-in portion of the flow possible.
In our example, scope has two values, openid and profile.
openid is a conventional scope value, used to indicate to the
authorization server (Azure AD, that is) that the client intends to use
OpenID Connect as opposed to vanilla OAuth2. Let me stress this: a
request that does not include a scope parameter that includes the
value openid is not an OpenID Connect request.
profile is one of four special scope values (profile,
email, address, phone) that OpenID Connect defines as a
mechanism for requesting access to a specific set of predefined claims.
That access is expressed in different ways depending on the artifact
requested via response_type. An access token will carry
permission to access that particular claim set, and id_token might
include such claim values directly. You will see in this case that the
id_token you get back will indeed contain some claims from the
profile set (name, given_name, family_name).

The client uses the state parameter for preserving state throughout the
authentication flow. Whatever information the app needs to remember after
the user comes back with the requested token (and/or code) can be squirreled
away here: the authority (Azure AD) has the responsibility of reattaching the
state parameter, unchanged, to its eventual response.
From the trace, you can see that this parameter can be rather beefy. The
canonical function of the state parameter as envisioned by the
specification’s authors is to supply a mechanism for averting forgery attacks
from cross-site requests. The OpenID Connect OWIN middleware goes a bit
further and uses state to remember important information, such as
whether the authentication request was triggered by a specific route (as
happened in Chapter 5 when you clicked the Contact action). If that’s the
case, after the authentication exchange concludes later on, the middleware
can unpack from the state the original path and perform an internal redirect
to dispatch the browser to the requested resource.

The nonce parameter is a hard-to-guess value that OpenID Connect
introduced for mitigating token replay attacks. Here's how it works.
The client generates a nonce value and includes it in the request.
Furthermore, it saves that value somewhere—in the case of Azure AD, it’s
saved in a cookie with a unique name—so that the original nonce value
will be available later, during the last leg of the authentication flow. If you
examine the request trace, you will find the set-cookie directive for the
09WcjUtrNdqM%3D cookie. That cookie is protected by server-driven
cryptography and cannot be forged or tampered with by a client.
When the app eventually receives an id_token, it searches among its
claims for a nonce claim and verifies that it contains the original nonce
value communicated in the request. For the middleware, that’s an easy task,
given that the same value is available in the aforementioned cookie. An
attacker who somehow stole an id_token would not be able to pass this
test, given that he or she would not be able to craft the corresponding cookie.
This is a nice and necessary security measure. However, be warned that it
will occasionally give you pain. Any scenario in which cookies are somehow
deleted or otherwise altered in the time between the sign-in request and the
response will cause the authentication to fail, given that the nonce check
relies on them. There are various solutions to this, up to and including saving
the nonce reference values on the server side. I will get back to that later in
the book when I focus on libraries and the object model.

Parameters omitted in the default request

The parameters described so far are the ones in use in the request generated
in the default configuration of the OWIN OpenID Connect middleware.
Besides the previously mentioned redirect_uri, OpenID Connect
includes many other very useful parameters that can help you to influence
the way in which a request is handled. Here’s a quick list of the most notable
ones. They’ll come in handy when I cover middleware customizations in
later chapters.
login_hint This parameter is used for prepopulating the username
text box in the credential-gathering experience with the identifier of a
particular user. For Azure AD, the identifier must be the UPN of the
desired user.
prompt This is my favorite parameter!
Say that you want to guarantee that the end user is prompted for
credentials, regardless of whether the user is already signed in with
Azure AD. Send prompt=login along with your request, and that
will do the trick.
Now say that you want the exact opposite. Maybe you want to renew
the user session without affecting the user experience, hence you want
to drive an authentication request via a hidden iframe. Sending
prompt=none with your request guarantees that Azure AD will do
whatever it can to authenticate the user without showing any UI. If that
isn’t possible, Azure AD will send a failure message right away.
Another interesting option is sending prompt=select_account.
If the user is signed in to Azure AD with multiple accounts at the same
time, this parameter ensures that the user has the opportunity to choose
which account he or she wants to use for signing in to the application.
domain_hint This parameter is not part of the OpenID Connect
standard. Azure AD introduced it to allow you to specify which IdP
you want users to authenticate with. Say that your app trusts a
federated Azure AD tenant. With the default request, users would first
see the Azure AD authentication pages and be redirected to the
federated ADFS only after they type their username in the text box. If
you send the domain_hint parameter set to the federated domain,
the Azure AD page is skipped, and the request goes straight to the
ADFS associated with the tenant. If the user is accessing your app
from an intranet, and is thus already authenticated with ADFS, this can
actually enable a seamless single sign-on experience.
resource The resource parameter is another Azure AD–specific
parameter, which is used even in vanilla OAuth2 flows. Explaining
what this parameter does requires a bit of a detour, which ties in to the
limitations of OAuth2 that I described in the section “OAuth2 and
claims” in Chapter 2.
In a nutshell, the resource parameter tells Azure AD which resource
you want an access token for (or a code that is eventually redeemed for
an access token). The resource can be a Microsoft API (Office 365,
Azure management, etc.), a third-party web API, or your own web API
registered as an app in Azure AD. Concretely, this means that the
access token you get back will contain a claim stating that its intended
audience is the resource it has been issued for. This provides resources
with a mechanism to verify whether the incoming token is truly meant
for them, as opposed to a token being stolen or reused from a different
resource transaction.
In canonical OAuth2, you indicate the target you are requesting access
to via the scope parameter. However, that usually refers to portions
of an implied resource or to specific actions one can perform. When
you are getting a token from Facebook, the only resource you can
spend it on is the Facebook Graph. The same holds for all other big
OAuth2 providers: they issue tokens for themselves, so there’s never a
need to specify a resource. On the other hand, Azure AD is a generic
authority that can issue tokens for different resources, owned by
multiple tenants—with strong business reasons to maintain
independence and isolation. That calls for a token-validation strategy
that can be applied by third parties as described in Chapter 2. The use
of the resource parameter is part of that.
At this point, I’ll summarize what you’ve learned about the request
message. It’s a 302 redirect toward an Azure AD tenant endpoint, and
specifically the authorization endpoint. It contains the client_id of the
requestor, it specifies which kind of tokens you are requesting (via
response_type) and how you want to receive them (via
response_mode). It uses scope to indicate that you want to talk OpenID
Connect (as opposed to vanilla OAuth2) and what resources you want to
access. Finally, it uses some tricks for protecting the request (state,
The browser will receive the 302 and honor it, sending the request to
Azure AD. Before getting to that point, though, there’s more interesting
traffic we need to examine.
The OpenID Connect OWIN middleware can automatically consult the
metadata published by Azure AD to acquire up-to-date information on how
to validate incoming tokens. (Please refer to Chapter 2 for an introduction to
metadata consumption and token validation.) Given that in this specific flow
we are using OpenID Connect, the metadata document being consulted is the
so-called discovery document—described in the homonymous specification
mentioned earlier in this chapter.
If you scan the trace shown earlier, you will eventually find a request to that looks like the following:
Click here to view code image
/.well-known/openid-configuration HTTP/1.1
Connection: Keep-Alive

The URL path being requested is actually normative—OpenID Connect

mandates that if you want to support discovery from your issuer, you better
publish the corresponding document under /.well-known/openid-
configuration. And, of course, this exchange must take place over a trusted
HTTPS connection. Here’s the discovery document, taken from the body of
the response to the previous request:
Click here to view code image

"authorization_endpoint" :
"check_session_iframe" :
"claims_supported" : [
"end_session_endpoint" :
"id_token_signing_alg_values_supported" : [ "RS256" ],
"issuer" : "
"jwks_uri" :
"microsoft_multi_refresh_token" : true,
"response_modes_supported" : [ "query", "fragment",
"form_post" ],
"response_types_supported" : [ "code", "id_token", "code
id_token", "token id_token", "token" ],
"scopes_supported" : [ "openid" ],
"subject_types_supported" : [ "pairwise" ],
"token_endpoint" :
"token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported" : [
"client_secret_post", "private_key_jwt" ],
"userinfo_endpoint" :

Now, aren’t you glad this document is not really meant for human
consumption and is mostly read by software?
But, in fact, if you give it a second glance, it’s not that bad. The document
provides all the information that a client needs to know to consume Azure
AD (and more specifically, this tenant of Azure AD) as an OpenID provider.
It lists all the relevant endpoints (authorization, token, UserInfo, and session-
related endpoints, including end_session_endpoint, which I have not
covered yet), specific claim types it supports, values of response_type
and response_mode that it accepts, and so on.
The reason that the OWIN middleware reaches out to this document,
however, is to discover what criteria to use for validating incoming tokens.
To that end, there are two crucial pieces of information:
The issuer value, which in this case is:
Click here to view code image
This is the value that applications should expect to find in the iss
claim of all tokens issued by this particular Azure AD tenant. The
OpenID Connect middleware will automatically enforce that the
incoming token complies with this condition and refuse all others,
ensuring that only users from the target tenant are granted access.
The keys to use for validating token signatures, provided by reference
by jwks_uri. The way keys are handled warrants more discussion,
which I provide in the next section.
You might have noticed that the issuer value contains a GUID, which
happens to be the same GUID value that appears in all endpoints. That value
is the identifier that Azure AD assigned to the tenant.

Signing keys
The discovery document does not supply raw key values. Rather, it points to
a different document—
keys—indicated by the value of jwks_uri, which the middleware must
retrieve as well. Sure enough, in the neighborhood of the frame retrieving
the discovery document, you will find another request of the following form:
Click here to view code image


I will discuss at length the strange properties of /common later in the

book, but for the time being it’s enough to observe that its appearance here
breaks the pattern of using the tenant ID GUID in endpoint paths. Despite
the fact that we are inquiring about the metadata of one specific tenant, the
keys are kept at a URL that is not tied to any tenant.
This has a very important implication: all Azure AD tenants issue tokens
signed by the same keys.
A corollary is that the only way of determining whether a token comes
from a given tenant is to check its iss value. I found this to be
counterintuitive for people familiar with “traditional” federation, where
every Security Token Service (STS) has its own keys, which is why I am
emphasizing this here.
Back to the keys. Let’s take a look at the body of the response:


For the sake of readability, I will abbreviate long encoded

values. I’ve used […SNIP…] in the text as a placeholder for
content I edited out. I will use the same approach in later
chapters as well.

Click here to view code image

"keys" : [
"e" : "AQAB",
"kid" : "kriMPdmBvx68skT8-mPAB3BseeA",
"kty" : "RSA",
"n" : "kSCW[…SNIP…]enufuw",
"use" : "sig",
"x5c" : [
"x5t" : "kriMPdmBvx68skT8-mPAB3BseeA"
"e" : "AQAB",
"kid" : "MnC_VZcATfM5pOYiJHMba9goEKY",
"kty" : "RSA",
"n" : "vIqz-4-[…SNIP…]gelixLUQ",
"use" : "sig",
"x5c" : [
"x5t" : "MnC_VZcATfM5pOYiJHMba9goEKY"

I don’t think it would be terribly useful if I were to go into the details of

all the parameters you see here. You can find a detailed reference in the
JSON Web Key specification at
But at a high level, what you have here is a set of two keys, which happen
to be RSA (suited for asymmetric cryptography) and, specifically, packaged
in X.509 certificates. Those keys are used by Azure AD for signing tokens. I
can tell this by the mix of identifiers and cryptographic parameters in the key
declarations. The middleware will parse this response and keep the keys
handy, using them to verify signatures whenever a token arrives.
Why two keys? This is part of Azure AD’s key-rolling strategy. At any
given time, the metadata contains both the key currently in use and the one
that will take over once the first is rolled. As a result, planned key rolls can
take place without affecting the business continuity of the apps that rely on
those values for verifying token signatures.

As you keep scanning down the frames list, you will soon encounter the
GET that honors the 302 with the authentication request. That triggers the
authentication experience for the user.
The details of how that takes place depend on many factors. Here are few
common cases:
Users who are already authenticated will have a session cookie, which
is sent along with the first request. This tells Azure AD that the user is
already authenticated. Hence, if the requested token does not require
any consent, the request will be granted without displaying any user
If user interaction is required for authenticating the request, you can
observe several subcases:
• Managed tenants will handle the full credential-gathering experience
• Federated tenants will redirect the browser to the on-premises IdP,
typically ADFS, which will then have full control over the
credential-gathering experience and any customizations that might
have been applied.
• Guest Microsoft account (MSA) users will be redirected to the
Microsoft account pages for authentication.
• In all cases, the authentication process can be affected by extra
elements such as a requirement for multiple authentication factors
(MFAs) or the presence of Windows Integrated Auth, and so on.
To make things even more interesting, different releases of the service
might handle the details of authentication differently. For example, about
one year ago a trace of the authentication phase of the OpenID Connect flow
would have shown some extra redirects to an internal STS endpoint based on
WS-Federation. Today, such extra redirects are no longer in place.
Tomorrow others might be introduced. The bottom line is that how
authentication takes place is up to the authority you are working with, in this
case Azure AD. The OpenID Connect protocol does not specify what should
be done to authenticate the user; it only regulates how to format requests and
responses without worrying too much about what happens between the two.
That doesn’t mean that you can afford to ignore the authentication phase,
though. Very often, issues in the authentication flows take place in this phase
—misconfigured ADFS, network restrictions, and DNS errors are all
examples of such potential issues. It is useful to know that the solution to
those issues is usually independent from how OpenID Connect is set up for
the application.
For the sake of simplicity, I assume here that you are in a situation in
which you are working with a managed tenant, your user does not have an
existing session, and you do not have any MFA setup in place.


I also assume that Azure AD will be using the same logic for
handling credential gathering, which might not be the case by
the time you read this. Don’t take any of this too literally, and
keep your eyes open for functional equivalents.

Search the trace for the first POST after the discovery frames that targets
4959-b4ea-a80c4e36fe5e/login, where the GUID is the ID of your
tenant. The body of that POST will contain, among lots of other things, your
username and password. (This is a good opportunity for me to remind you to
be very careful with your traces, especially if you save them, as they can
contain very sensitive information, such as passwords.)
The response to that POST is the OpenID Connect response we were
waiting for.
Let’s examine the bits of the Azure AD response. Here’s a dump of it, edited
for clarity:
Click here to view code image
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
12-Dec-2015 00:43:56 GMT; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: ESTSAUTH=QUFBQ[…SNIP…]kNBQQ==;; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: ESTSAUTHLIGHT=+93dba92a-90d2-4f97-801b-a64a3b320f28;
path=/; secure
Set-Cookie: PPAuth=AW4[…SNIP…]HSvk;; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: ESTSSC=01; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: SignInStateCookie=QUFB[…SNIP…]ySUFB; path=/; secure;

<form method="POST" name="hiddenform"
<input type="hidden" name="code" value="AAA[…SNIP…]jyAA" />
<input type="hidden" name="id_token" value="eyJ0[…
<input type="hidden" name="state"
value="OpenIdConnect.AuthenticationProperties=[SNIP]" />
<input type="hidden" name="session_state" value="93dba92a-
90d2-4f97-801b-a64a3b320f28" />
<p>Script is disabled. Click Submit to continue.</p>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
()', 0);


In this chapter, the term response is a bit overloaded. There are

the HTTP requests and responses you find in each frame of the
trace we are examining, and there are the requests and responses
intended as OpenID Connect messages (which are implemented
as HTTP request and responses as well). There isn’t much risk
of confusion, but I wanted to stress this just in case you were

This response might look intimidating at first glance, but in fact the
message follows a very simple structure. The first thing to notice is that
Azure AD saves a number of cookies on the user’s browser at this point.
Some of them are persistent; others are session bound. These cookies keep
track of the fact that the user now has an authenticated session with Azure
AD. Subsequent requests for tokens will carry these cookies, influencing the
experience in a variety of ways. For example, an already-authenticated user
who requests a token that does not require any other interaction (such as
consent) gets back the requested token without seeing any user experience.
Another example is that requests carrying prompt=select_account
will now list the currently signed-in account as one of the options, as
recorded in one of these cookies.
Knowing the details of what each cookie does won’t be of much help to
you. The lineup of cookies is not part of the contract of Azure AD and the
application; hence, Azure AD can change these cookies or the function they
perform at any time, without notice. They truly are an implementation detail,
and as such, creating a dependency on their behavior leads to brittle
solutions that can break at any time, possibly with no recourse. It’s best to
stick with the knowledge that Azure AD sessions are represented via
cookies, without going into the details of which individual cookies are used.
The body of the response is the interesting part. Remember how the
request included a response_mode=form_post? Azure AD is
complying with the request, returning the requested response_type in a
hidden form: it contains an id_token, a code, and even the state
parameter, with the exact value provided in the request.
The HTML that’s returned also contains a line of JavaScript that is meant
to automatically submit the form (POSTing it to the app, as codified by the
form method and action attributes) as soon as the browser loads that
You should be able to locate the subsequent POST request to the app a bit
later in the list of frames. Here an edited dump of it:
Click here to view code image
POST https://localhost:44300/ HTTP/1.1
Cookie: OpenIdConnect.nonce.NtAE[...SNIP...]yUDZOaw%3D%3D

The content of the body should not be surprising. It’s just the execution of
the form_post we just examined. The only thing I want to highlight is that
the request includes the cookie tracking the nonce value, just as intended
when it was generated together with the request. If something between the
request and the response messes with that cookie—say, an antivirus or a
global cookie-cleanse operation—the authentication will fail.
Here’s the response to that POST:
Click here to view code image

HTTP/1.1 302 Found

D=; path=/; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie: .AspNet.Cookies=UhJY[...SNIP...]ZlhlA; path=/;
secure; HttpOnly

The first Set-Cookie invalidates the nonce value tracker, which at

this point has performed its function and is no longer useful.
The second Set-Cookie establishes a local session, in line with the
description of redirect-based sign-on protocols from Chapter 2.
What might surprise you is that the response to that request is a 302.
There are two main reasons why it’s not a 200. One reason is to enforce
logical separation between the management of normal authenticated traffic
and the establishment of a session. The other lies in the fact that the
requested resource might live at a route that is different from the
redirect_uri registered with Azure AD. Just a few pages ago I
described the mechanism of saving in the state parameter the local URL
of the requested resource: this 302 is where that mechanism comes into play.
Note that in this example the requested resource is /, which happens to
correspond to the exact value of redirect_uri, hence the 302 ends up
taking place against the app’s landing page itself.
The subsequent GET shows the blueprint of all authenticated resource
requests from now until the session expires:
Click here to view code image
GET https://localhost:44300/ HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:44300
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: max-age=0
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64)
AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.124
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8
Cookie: .AspNet.Cookies=Uh [...SNIP...] lhlA

Every request includes the session cookie, which is validated by the

OWIN cookie middleware.
And just like that, you have followed a full web sign-on journey down to
the HTTP messages level! This already makes you far more of an expert
than the vast majority of developers. There’s just a couple of other aspects I
want to cover to complete the journey: the content of the id_token and the
simplest form of sign-out. But first, take a moment to step back from the
nitty-gritty details and look at the sign-in flow sequence as a whole.

sequence diagram

Figure 6-4 summarizes the sequence of messages you’ve observed as the
operation unfolded.
Figure 6-4 The web sign-in component of the OpenID Connect hybrid
It took 20 pages to describe that flow, but only because I used it as an
excuse to illustrate OpenID Connect in detail. When stripped of all its
syntactic sugar, the sequence of messages becomes truly trivial. There’s a
request phase, where the app sends an authentication request to Azure AD’s
authorization endpoint. Azure AD then walks the user through the
authentication and consent experience and returns the requested token
following the method demanded by the app at request time.
The first request also includes a discovery step, where the app (in our
case, through the OpenID Connect OWIN middleware) acquires the
information required to validate tokens issued by the Azure AD tenant of
The response is straightforward. The last 302 is left out of the bracket
because it’s not really OpenID Connect; it’s more a service offered to
developers by the libraries for handling local redirects and sessions.
Now that you’ve gained a bit of perspective on the process as a whole,
let’s dive back to the level of the protocol and specs one last time to learn
about the all-important JSON Web Token (JWT) format and its role in
OpenID Connect.

The ID token and the JWT format

The presence of the id_token is one of the key differentiators that makes
OpenID Connect a viable sign-on protocol. It is worth spending some time
exploring its structure, content, and function.
I’ll start by extracting the token bits from the response and decoding them.
There are various tools you can use to help you with this task. For example,
you can find a Fiddler inspector at that will do this for you.
However, the goal of this chapter is to help you understand the low-level
details of the protocol and messages. Hence, I will go about it in organic
fashion, without any tools other than vanilla Fiddler.
Go back to the POST we examined earlier in the “Response” section.
Locate the id_token="[…SNIP…]" part, and copy the string within the
quotation marks. You will notice that the actual trace is not as neatly
formatted as the dump I’ve pasted here, making the task of selecting the
correct string a bit of a challenge. Feel free to click the View In Notepad
button in Fiddler and select the string directly from the Notepad window.
The string should look like the following:
Click here to view code image

You are almost certain not to notice this at first glance, but if you observe
the string carefully, you will see that it is partitioned in three segments, each
separated by a dot ( . ) character. Each segment is a Base64 encoded string.
To reveal the actual content of the string, you need to decode it. There are
plenty of decoders online, but Fiddler includes one out of the box. Search for
TextWizard on the main menu, and click it. Paste the string into the top pane.
Select From Base64 from the Transform drop-down list. Figure 6-5 gives
you an idea of the result.
Figure 6-5 Using Fiddler’s TextWizard to decode the id_token.
Here’s the decoded id_token, formatted for ease of reference.
Click here to view code image
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "MnC_VZcATfM5pOYiJHMba9goEKY",
"typ" : "JWT",
"x5t" : "MnC_VZcATfM5pOYiJHMba9goEKY"
"amr" : [ "pwd" ],
"aud" : "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081",
"c_hash" : "wq7YmU5APff8Lec-k1-uTg",
"exp" : 1434332636,
"family_name" : "Rossi",
"given_name" : "Mario",
"iat" : 1434328736,
"iss" : "
"name" : "Mario Rossi",
"nbf" : 1434328736,
"nonce" :
"oid" : "13d3104a-6891-45d2-a4be-82581a8e465b",
"pwd_exp" : "3137029",
"pwd_url" :
"sub" : "oCyqt3KHjPD-VbiSaRpaAHPSi9Wa2eXf-WaWF6XJ3A8",
"tid" : "6c3d51dd-f0e5-4959-b4ea-a80c4e36fe5e",
"unique_name" : "",
"upn" : "",
"ver" : "1.0"
Mz6 ê c […SNIP…]

As you know by now, the id_token is in JWT format—the lightweight

JSON format for tokens that I introduced in Chapter 2. That alone would be
enough to make JWT a very important artifact for you to grok, but there’s
more: in Azure AD, every access token is also a JWT. As such, it’s worth
investing some time to understand the format in detail.

The JWT format

You read about the history of JWT in Chapter 2, in the sidebar “From SWT
to JWT: A brief history of lightweight token formats.” Standardized by the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in May 2015 (the spec is available at, the JSON Web Token specification
defines a compact token format capable of transporting claims in HTTP
headers and URI query parameters. JWT relies on a lower-level spec, the
JSON Web Signature (JWS; see for the
spec), which describes ways of digitally signing a JSON payload and
attaching to it all the info that is necessary for validating such a signature.


JWT also relies on JSON Web encryption (JWE, spec at for defining how to encrypt
tokens, but Azure AD does not support JWE at this time (so I
won’t explore it further in this edition of the book).

The specs are very comprehensive—and surprisingly readable. I invite

you to check them out if you want to learn about the true extent of the
format’s expressive power. Here, I just want to give you enough terminology
and understanding of the features used in the context of Azure AD to allow
you to competently troubleshoot and customize solutions.
The three parts we identified in the token we captured correspond to three
canonical components of a JSON payload and an accompanying signature,
as defined by JWS:
JWS Protected Header This part contains information about the other
parts: the token format (for our scenarios, it’s JWT), what algorithm
was used to compute the digital signatures, and various ways of
referring to the key that should be used for verifying such a signature.
The header must be a UTF8 string. As you have seen from the trace, it
is Base64 encoded—in fact, to be super precise, it is Base64url
encoded—that is to say, encoded with a URL and a filename-safe
alphabet as defined in A
good trick to recognize it at a glance? There is no trailing equal sign (
= ) in Base64url encoding.
JWS Payload This is the actual content we want to transmit. For JWS,
the payload can be pretty much whatever, but for JWT, it is the set of
claims we want to transport. As such, in JWT this portion is the JWT
claim set. This portion also travels in Base64url encoded format.
JWS Signature This part carries the bits of the signature proper,
performed on the concatenation of the encoded JWS Protected Header
plus the dot ( . ) character, plus the encoded JWT Payload. The
signature is calculated with the algorithm and key specified in the
header, is Base64url encoded, and concatenated (via the usual “.”) to
the other parts. As you might have noticed from the funny characters in
the decoded output in Figure 6-5, this portion is actually binary.
The JWT structure is summarized in Figure 6-6.
Figure 6-6 Functional components of a JWT.
In a nutshell, a resource receiving a JWT will parse the header to confirm
that it’s a JWT, resolve the key references to retrieve the actual key bits (and
take issue if the key cannot be retrieved), and learn which algorithm should
be used to check the signature. It will calculate the signature of the combined
header and payload bits, comparing the value with the one traveling in the
JWT Signature portion. A successful match will indicate that the content has
not been tampered with.


One subtlety that is not immediately evident to everybody is

that a successful signature check is only the beginning of the
validation process. It just means that the token has not been
modified in transit, but per se it does not say whether the key
that was used for signing is one of the keys of the IdP you trust.
Remember in the “Discovery” section, where the middleware
acquired the keys of our target Azure AD tenant? Not only must
the key indicated by the JWT header successfully compute the
signature, it also needs to be one of the keys we discovered.

Please remember that developers will rarely, if ever, operate at this level.
Libraries and middleware are the natural consumers of this information,
taking care of all the cryptography and distilling data away in more abstract
form for the application layer. As usual, knowing what’s going on below the
surface is useful mostly for troubleshooting and customization purposes. The
JWS/JWT parts that hold some actionable value for you are the header and
the JWT claim set, the latter more than the former.
JWS Header For convenience, here again are the JWT header bits of the
decoded id_token from the trace:
Click here to view code image
"alg" : "RS256",
"kid" : "MnC_VZcATfM5pOYiJHMba9goEKY",
"typ" : "JWT",
"x5t" : "MnC_VZcATfM5pOYiJHMba9goEKY"

The JWS spec lists a number of registered header parameter names and
details the possible values they can assume. In so doing it relies on yet
another specification, JSON Web Algorithms (JWA, see, which provides a registry of well-known
values and a central place for future extensions. If you are wondering how
deep this specifications rabbit hole runs, don’t worry: it does go deeper, but
this level is as deep as I will go in the context of this book.
The easiest header parameter to describe is typ, indicating the media type
of the bits being signed. For us, this will always be JWT, but JWT can be
used for signing pretty much anything you’ll find listed at
The alg header gets funnier. A signature operation can be performed
through multiple algorithms. The aforementioned JWA spec lists a bunch of
well-known ones, with detailed guidance on what identifier to use and how
to apply the operation on the bits.
The value we have here, RS256, indicates a signature performed with an
RSA key using the SHA-256 hashing function. I might point you to the RFC
3447 specification to expand on what that exactly means, but I promised I
wouldn’t go any further. Suffice to say that RS256 uses public key
cryptography and, in the case of Azure AD, the keys are handled via X.509
You should not be surprised that the id_token we received from Azure
AD was signed using RS256. If you turn back to the “Discovery” section
and take a look at the .well-known/OpenId-Configuration document, you
will notice that it contains
"id_token_signing_alg_values_supported" : [ "RS256"
]. Now you know what that means.
The kid header carries an identifier for the key used for performing the
signature. If you go back to the “Signing keys” section and take a look at the
keys-definition document, you will notice that the value of the kid header
here matches exactly the one for the second key on file. That means that the
key used actually belongs to Azure AD, as expected.
The x5t header can be used in case the key is stored as a X.509
certificate—it represents the certificate’s thumbprint. It is still an identifier,
but given that it is computed from the certificate bits themselves, it carries
cryptographic strength. You might have noticed that in this case its value is
the same as for kid.
There are various other header types, but you’ll encounter them more
rarely in Azure AD. (Look them up in the specification if you need to.)
JWT Claim Set JWT defines a number of registered claim names that
represent common ground for all implementers. These are mostly claims that
are useful for validating the incoming token. Here’s a list of the intersection
between the claims registered by the JWT specification and the ones actually
present in the id_token from the trace you captured.
iss This claim represents the identity of the issuer of the token. In
this case that’s the Azure AD tenant where you provisioned the
If you examine the value of the iss claim in the captured token (in
my case it’s
4959-b4ea-a80c4e36fe5e/) and compare it with the issuer
value in the discovery method, you will see that they are the same.
The OpenID Connect OWIN middleware validates the issuer by
default, comparing what it finds in iss with what it read in issuer
from the discovery document—and refusing any token that does not
comply. You will see later in the book that you will want to relax this
behavior at times, especially when your app needs to accept tokens
from multiple Azure AD tenants, each with its unique issuer value.
sub The sub is an identifier of the subject that went through the
authentication process—in this case, the user. Azure AD guarantees
that the value of sub is unique and not reassignable.
aud This claim indicates the audience of the token; that is to say, its
intended recipient. The captured token bits will show that in this case
the value of aud is exactly the client_id that was assigned by
Azure AD to your application. You can think of the audience claim as
what’s written for “pay to the order of” on a bank check. If somebody
tries to pay you with a check, but that check indicates someone else as
the payee, you are not going to accept the check no matter how
legitimate it appears. The same goes with tokens. If your application
receives a token with an aud that is different from the app’s identifier,
that token does not prove that the caller successfully obtained a token
for your app from Azure AD. The caller might have stolen that token
from a transaction with a different app, for example.
The OpenID Connect OWIN middleware validates the audience by
default, comparing what it finds in aud with the client_id value
you provide in the middleware initialization.
exp This claim indicates the expiration time of the token. If the token
is received an instant later than this value, it must be refused.
Typically, the request-issuance-validation chain introduces small clock
discrepancies, which our libraries try to account for by introducing
some tolerance, so don’t expect checks to be too strict here.
nbf nbf (“not before") is the partner of exp. Tokens received at a
time that predates nbf must be refused.
iat This claim represents the instant at which the JWT was issued.
This can come in handy in case you want to know how old the token
really is.

id_token validation
OpenID Connect establishes that the id_token is in JWT format and then
proceeds to describe in detail how to validate it. That mostly boils down to
mandating the presence of specific claims and describing what criteria they
must meet for each of the flows it defines—hybrid, authorization code, and
The hybrid flow, chosen by default by the OpenID Connect OWIN
middleware, is the flow with the most requirements. I won’t repeat them
verbatim here. The protocol’s spec is very clear and easy to consult for this
information. I just want to point out the validations that are most likely to
provoke failures on real solutions so that you have a starting point.
The signature must be validated.
The iss, sub, aud, exp, and iat claims from the canonical claims
list in the JWT spec must all be present and validated as I described in
their definitions, including all the ties to the discovery constraints (for
example, the iss value must match the identifier in issuer from the
discovery document).
The id_token must contain a nonce claim, whose content must
match the content provided in the request (in our case, saved in a
This does not really come into play in this chapter, given that in this
scenario we ignore the authorization code returned alongside the
id_token, but per the specification, the id_token must contain a
claim c_hash that is derived from the value of the authorization code.
In practice, if an attacker would substitute the code in the response
message, the c_hash claim would no longer correspond to the code
value and would make the validation fail.

Other claims in Azure AD’s id_token

As I write, Azure AD’s id_tokens come with a number of other claims
that aren’t strictly used for validation, but they come in handy in describing
the subject and piggyback extra functionality on top of the authentication
flow. (Again, there is no guarantee that this list will be the same by the time
you have this book in your hands, but it probably won’t be completely
auth_time This claim captures the time at which the user was
acr This claim, short for authentication context class reference,
expresses the level of assurance associated with the authentication
method that was used for issuing the token.
amr amr represents the authentication method (or methods) that was
used to authenticate the user. The captured token actually includes this
claim, with the value [ "pwd" ]—that is to say, an array with one
single element, indicating that the user authenticated via a password.
email The email address of the user. The temptation to use this claim
as an identifier is strong, but it would be a mistake because an email
address is not guaranteed to be unique.
given_name, family_name, name, nickname These are all
mnemonic identifiers. They mean what you think they mean, but if you
want to be certain . . . check the OpenID Connect Core specification.
oid Short for Object ID, this claim contains the unique,
nonreassignable identifier that Azure AD uses for identifying the caller
within the tenant. Management operations on the caller (creation,
update, modification) can all use this identifier to indicate which entity
should be modified.
pwd_exp This claim indicates the moment at which the password for
the current user will expire.
pwd_url Traveling in tandem with pwd_exp, pwd_url indicates
the URL to which the user can navigate to access pages providing
password-change functionality.
tid tid stands for tenant identifier. If you compare its value in the
captured token with the GUID in all the endpoints and the issuer
value advertised in the discovery document, you’ll find that they are
the same.
upn This is the usual user principal name. It’s a bit better than email
as an identifier but still not perfect, given that it can be reassigned.
Also, not every authentication flow leads to a UPN.
unique_name This is a (somewhat) human-readable identifier that
is guaranteed to be present for users, even when upn is not. In cases in
which upn is present, unique_name has the same value.
groups, roles These multivalue claim types are used to transmit
role and group membership information about the user. Groups are
represented as the object IDs of the groups in the directory. I will have
more to say about these claims when I discuss the Azure AD
application model in later chapters.

OpenID Connect exchanges for signing out from the app and
Azure AD
You have learned how to establish a session, so it seems only fair to
conclude by studying how to end one as well.
Assuming that you captured the trace according to the instructions, scroll
down the frames list to find a GET of Account/SignOut. This is the
action you implemented in Chapter 5 that triggers the
code against the OpenID Connect and cookie middlewares. Select the frame
and inspect the response. It should look like the following:
Click here to view code image
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Set-Cookie: .AspNet.Cookies=; path=/; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970
00:00:00 GMT
The Set-Cookie operation gets rid of the app’s own session cookie.
That alone would not be much of a sign-out because at this point the user is
still signed in with Azure AD. That is, there is still a cookie tied to the Azure
AD domain, which would allow the user to get a new token for the app
without any prompt—signing right back in.
Cleaning the session with Azure AD is the purpose of that 302 message
returned in the Location header. The sign-out request syntax is described in
the OpenID Connect Session Management specification (available at—at this time it is
still an implementers’ draft). Here are a few observations:
The target endpoint,
f0e5-4959-b4ea-a80c4e36fe5e/oauth2/logout, was
advertised by the discovery document under the property
The parameter post_logout_redirect_uri instructs Azure AD
to redirect the browser to the indicated URI once the sign-out
operation concludes.
Although the default logout logic does not use it, you can use the
state parameter to preserve state between the request and response,
just as you’ve seen for the sign-in flow.
It is possible for one user to be signed in to Azure AD with more than
one account simultaneously. What should Azure AD do upon receiving
a sign-out request? The protocol helps to solve the ambiguity by
providing a parameter, id_token_hint, which can be used for
indicating which account should be signed out. In this case, you would
simply provide the id_token you received at authentication time.
The frames that follow show how Azure AD reacts to the request. I won’t
include the detailed traces here. The implementation details (endpoints,
cookies, messages) aren’t part of the contract and are likely to change.
However, the gist of it is that Azure AD updates its tracking cookies (like the
one listing the currently signed-in accounts) and cleans up the ones
containing details of the account session.
That done, Azure AD redirects back to the address specified by
post_logout_redirect_uri, which in our case is the app’s root. The
user is now signed out: access to the protected portions of the app will
require a new sign-in operation.
Figure 6-7 summarizes the flow.

Figure 6-7 The sign-out flow sequence.

This chapter offered you an in-depth look at how Azure AD uses OpenID
Connect to implement web sign-on. I did not leave any stone unturned,
examining the meaning of every parameter on the wire and even mentioning
values that the specs define and that could have been used to customize the
sign-in flow. Although the content of the chapter was undoubtedly biased
toward Azure AD and its defaults, most of what you learned about OpenID
Connect and JWT applies to any service using those specs.
Now that you are aware of what goes on at the wire level, you are ready to
go beyond the basics and customize default request generation, response
processing, and validation to fit your scenarios. The next chapter examines
the OpenID Connect OWIN middleware and supporting classes (such as
those handling the JWT format), showing you what settings and extensibility
points you can use to leverage your newfound protocol knowledge.
Chapter 7. The OWIN OpenID Connect

In this chapter I focus on the OpenID Connect middleware and supporting

classes. These are the cornerstones of ASP.NET’s support for web sign-on.
As you saw in Chapter 5, “Getting started with web sign-on and Active
Directory,” in the most common case, the OpenID Connect middleware
requires very few parameters to enable web sign-on. Beneath that simple
surface, however, are knobs for practically anything you want to control:
protocol parameters, initialization strategies, token validation, message
processing, and so on. This chapter will reveal the various layers of the
object model for you, showing how you can fine-tune the authentication
process to meet your needs.

OWIN and Katana

When I wrote Programming Windows Identity Foundation (Microsoft Press)
in 2009, I didn’t have to spend much time explaining HttpModule, the
well-established ASP.NET extensibility technology on which WIF was built.
This time around, however, I cannot afford the luxury of assuming that you
are already familiar with OWIN and its implementation in ASP.NET—this is
the foundational technology of the new generation of authentication
OWIN is a stable standard at this point, but its implementations are still
relatively new technologies. You can find plenty of information online, but
the details are rapidly changing (as I write, ASP.NET vNext is in the process
of renaming lots of classes and properties), and you need to have a solid
understanding of the pipeline and model underlying the identity
In this section I provide a quick tour of OWIN (as implemented in Katana
3.0.1) and the features that are especially relevant for the scenarios I’ve
described throughout the book. For more details, you can refer to the online
documentation from the ASP.NET team.
What is OWIN?
OWIN stands for Open Web Interface for .NET. It is a community-driven
specification: Microsoft is just a contributor, albeit a very important one.
Here’s the official definition, straight from the specifications’ home page at
OWIN defines a standard interface between .NET web servers and
web applications. The goal of the OWIN interface is to decouple
server and application, encourage the development of simple
modules for .NET web development, and, by being an open
standard, stimulate the open source ecosystem of .NET web
development tools.
In essence, OWIN suggests a way of building software modules (called
middlewares) that can process HTTP requests and responses. It also
describes a way in which those modules can be concatenated in a processing
pipeline and defines how that pipeline can be hosted without relying on any
specific web server or host or the features of a particular development stack.
The core idea is that, at every instant, the state of an HTTP transaction and
the server-side processing of it is represented by a dictionary of the
following form:
IDictionary<string, object>

This is commonly known as the environment dictionary. You can expect

to find in it the usual request and response data (host, headers, query string,
URI scheme, and so on) alongside any data that might be required for
whatever processing an app needs to perform. Where does the data come
from? Some of it, like the request details, must eventually come from the
web server. The rest is the result of the work of the middleware in the
Oversimplifying, a middleware is a module that implements the following
Click here to view code image
Func<IDictionary<string, object>, Task>;

I am sure you have already guessed how things might work. The
middleware receives the environment dictionary as input, acts on it to
perform the middleware’s function, and then hands it over to the next
middleware in the pipeline. For example, logging middleware might read the
dictionary and pass it along unmodified, but an authentication middleware
might find a 401 code in the dictionary and decide to transform it into a 302,
modifying the response to include an authentication request. By using the
dictionary as the way of communicating and sharing context, as opposed to
calling each other directly, middlewares achieve a level of decoupling that
was not possible in older approaches.
How do you bootstrap all this? At startup, the middleware pipeline needs
to be constructed and initialized: you need to decide what middlewares
should be included and in which order and ensure that requests and
responses will be routed through the pipeline accordingly. The OWIN
specification has a section that defines a generic mechanism for this, but
given that you will be working mostly with the ASP.NET-specific
implementation, I won’t go into much detail on that.
I skipped an awful lot of what the formulaic descriptions of OWIN
normally include (like the formal definitions of application, middleware,
server, and host), but I believe that this brief description should provide you
enough scaffolding for understanding Katana, ASP.NET’s implementation of

Katana is the code name for a set of Microsoft’s .NET 4.5–based
components that utilize the OWIN specification to implement various
functionalities in ASP.NET 4.6. It’s what you used in Chapter 1 and Chapter
5 and includes base middleware classes, a framework for initializing the
pipeline, pipeline hosts for ASP.NET, and a large collection of middlewares
for all sorts of tasks.
Katana != OWIN
OWIN is an abstract specification. Katana is a set of concrete
classes that implement that spec, but it also introduces its own
implementation choices for tasks that aren’t fully specified or in
scope for the OWIN spec. In giving technical guidance, it’s easy
to say something to the effect “in OWIN, you do X,” but it is
often more proper to say “in Katana, you do X.” I am sure I will
be guilty of this multiple times: please accept my blanket
apologies in advance.

In Chapter 5 you encountered most of the Katana NuGet packages and

assemblies that appear in common scenarios. You also successfully used
them by entering the code I suggested. Here I’ll reexamine all that,
explaining what really happens.

Startup and IAppBuilder

In Chapter 5, in the section “Host the OWIN pipeline,” you created a
Startup class and decorated its source file with the
assembly:OwinStartup attribute. The function of Startup is to
initialize the OWIN pipeline by having its Configure method
automatically invoked at initialization. To follow current practices, I
instructed you to make Startup partial and to put the actual pipeline-
building code in another file—but you could have just as well added the
code in line in Startup.
Using the attribute is only one of several ways of telling Katana which
class should act as Startup. You can also do the following:
Have one class named Startup in the assembly or the global
Use the OwinStartup attribute. The attribute wins against the
naming convention (using Startup): if both techniques are used, the
attribute will be the one driving the behavior.
Add an entry under <appSettings> in the app config file, of the
Click here to view code image
<add key="owin:appStartup" value=" WebAppChapter5.Startup" />.

This entry wins over both the naming convention and the attribute.
Fun times! I’ve listed these alternatives so that you know where to look if
your app appears to magically pick up code without an obvious reason. I
used to feel like that all the time when I first started with Katana.
Let’s now turn our attention to Startup.Configure. Observe the
method’s signature:
Click here to view code image

public void Configure(IAppBuilder app)

IAppBuilder is an interface designed to support the initialization of the

application. It looks like this:
Click here to view code image
public interface IAppBuilder
IDictionary<string, object> Properties { get; }

object Build(Type returnType);

IAppBuilder New();
IAppBuilder Use(object middleware, params object[] args);

The Properties dictionary is used in turn by the server and host to

record their capabilities and initialize data, making it available to the
application’s initialization code—that is to say, whatever you put in
Configure. In the case of our sample app, the server is IIS Express and
the host is the SystemWeb host we referenced when adding the NuGet
package with the same name.

That host is actually an HttpModule designed to host the

OWIN pipeline. That’s the trick Katana uses to integrate with
the traditional System.Web pipeline.

The Build method is rarely called in your own code, so I’ll ignore it
here. The Use method enables you to add middleware to the pipeline, and
I’ll get to that in a moment.
To prove to you that the host does indeed populate app at startup, let’s
take a peek at the app parameter when Configure is first invoked. Open
Visual Studio, open the solution from Chapter 5, place a breakpoint on the
first line of Configure, and hit F5. Once the breakpoint is reached,
navigate to the Locals tab and look at the content of app. You should see
something similar to Figure 7-1.
Figure 7-1 The content of the app parameter at Configure time.
Wow, we didn’t even start, and look at how much stuff is there already!
Katana provides a concrete type for IAppBuilder, named
AppBuilder. As expected, the Properties dictionary arrives already
populated with server, host, and environment properties. Feel free to ignore
the actual values at this point. Just as an example, in Figure 7-1 I highlighted
the host.AppName property holding the IIS metabase path for the app.
The nonpublic members hold a very interesting entry: _middleware. If
you keep an eye on that entry as you go through the pipeline-initialization
code in the next section, you will see the value of Count grow at every
invocation of Use*.
Middlewares, pipeline, and context
Stop the debugger and head to Startup.Auth.cs, where you will find the
implementation of ConfigureAuth. This is where you actually add
middleware to the pipeline, through the calls to
UseCookieAuthentication and
UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication. Those are convenience
extension methods. UseCookieAuthentication is equivalent to this:
Click here to view code image
app.Use(typeof(CookieAuthenticationMiddleware), app, options);

The effect of Use is to add the corresponding middleware to the pipeline

in AppBuilder—as you can observe by watching the aforementioned
_middleware. Although technically a middleware might simply satisfy
the Func interface mentioned at the beginning, Katana offers patterns that
are a bit more structured. One easy example can be found by examining
OwinMiddleware, a base class for middlewares. It’s super simple:
Click here to view code image
public abstract class OwinMiddleware
protected OwinMiddleware(OwinMiddleware next)
Next = next;
protected OwinMiddleware Next { get; set; }
public abstract Task Invoke(IOwinContext context);

Every middleware provides an Invoke method, accepting an

IOwinContext, which is a convenience wrapper of the environment
dictionary from the OWIN specs. In addition, every middleware can hold a
pointer to the next entry in the pipeline. The idea is that when you call a
middleware’s Invoke method, the middleware can do its work on the
context (typically, the request part of it), await the Invoke call of the next
middleware in the pipeline, and do more work (this time on the response)
once the Invoke method of the next middleware returns. As mentioned
earlier, middlewares communicate via shared context: each middleware can
examine the IOwinContext instance to find out what the preceding
middleware did. You can see a diagram of this flow in Figure 7-2. The
diagram is specific to the sample application scenario—hence IIS and the
System.Web model—to make things as concrete as possible. However, I
want to stress that the middleware activation sequence would remain the
same even if it were hosted elsewhere.

Figure 7-2 The OWIN pipeline as implemented by Katana in the sample

application scenario: an HttpModule, hosting a cascade of
Note that one middleware can always decide that no further processing
should happen. In that case the middleware will not call the Invoke
method of the next middleware in the sequence, effectively short-circuiting
the pipeline.


OwinMiddleware is great for explaining the base

functionality of the middleware, but in practice it raises interop
issues. If you plan to build your own middleware (which is far
outside the scope of this book), you should consider achieving
the same behaviors without using it.

There’s a neat trick you can use for observing firsthand how the
middleware pipeline unfolds. You can interleave the Use* sequence with
your own debug middlewares, and then place strategic breakpoints or debug
messages. Here’s the pattern for a minimal middleware-like debug
Click here to view code image
app.Use(async (Context, next) =>
// request processing - do something here
await next.Invoke();
// response processing - do something here

That’s pretty easy. Here’s the sequence from the sample app, modified
Click here to view code image
app.Use(async (Context, next) =>
Debug.WriteLine("1 ==>request, before cookie
await next.Invoke();
Debug.WriteLine("6 <==response, after cookie auth");

app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions());

app.Use(async (Context, next) =>

Debug.WriteLine("2 ==>after cookie, before OIDC");
await next.Invoke();
Debug.WriteLine("5 <==after OIDC");

new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
ClientId = "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081",
Authority =
PostLogoutRedirectUri = https://localhost:44300/

app.Use(async (Context, next) =>

Debug.WriteLine("3 ==>after OIDC, before leaving the
await next.Invoke();
Debug.WriteLine("4 <==after entering the pipeline, before

The numbers in front of every debug message express the sequence you
should see when all the middlewares have a chance to fire. Any discontinuity
in the sequence will tell you that some middleware decided to short-circuit
the pipeline by not invoking its next middleware buddy.
Run the sample app and see whether everything works as expected. But
before you do, you need to disable one Visual Studio feature that interferes
with our experiment: it’s the Browser Link. The Browser Link helps Visual
Studio communicate with the browser running the app that’s being debugged
and allows it to respond to events. The unfortunate side effect for our
scenario is that Browser Link produces extra traffic. In Chapter 6, “OpenID
Connect and Azure AD web sign-on,” we solved the issue by hiding the
extra requests via Fiddler filters, but that’s not an option here. Luckily, it’s
easy to opt out of the feature. Just add the following line to the
<appSettings> section in the web.config file for the app:
Click here to view code image
<add key="vs:EnableBrowserLink" value="false"></add>

That done, hit F5. As the home page loads, the output window will show
something like the following:
Click here to view code image

1 ==>request, before cookie auth

2 ==>after cookie, before OIDC
3 ==>after OIDC, before leaving the pipeline
'iisexpress.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: /LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT-1-
130799278910142565): Loaded
untime.dll'. Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the
debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled.
4 <==after entering the pipeline, before OIDC
5 <==after OIDC
6 <==response, after cookie auth

You can see that all the middlewares executed, and all in the order that
was predicted when you assigned sequence numbers. Never mind that this
doesn’t appear to do anything! You’ll find out more about that in the next
Click Contact or Sign In on the home page. Assuming that you are not
already signed in, you should see pretty much the same sequence you’ve
seen earlier (so I won’t repeat the output window content here), but at the
end of it your browser will redirect to Azure AD for authentication.
Authenticate, and then take a look at the output window to see what happens
as the browser returns to the app. You should see something like this:
Click here to view code image
1 ==>request, before cookie auth
2 ==>after cookie, before OIDC
5 <==after OIDC
6 <==response, after cookie auth
1 ==>request, before cookie auth
2 ==>after cookie, before OIDC
3 ==>after OIDC, before leaving the pipeline
4 <==after entering the pipeline, before OIDC
5 <==after OIDC
6 <==response, after cookie auth

This time you see a gap. As the request comes back with the token, notice
that the first part of the sequence stops at the OpenID Connect middleware—
the jump from 2 to 5 indicates that the last debug middleware was not
executed, and presumably the same can be said for the rest of the following
What happened? Recall what you studied in the section “Response” in
Chapter 6: when the OpenID Connect middleware first receives the token, it
does not grant access to the app right away. Rather, it sends back a 302 for
honoring any internal redirect and performs a set-cookie operation for
placing the session cookie in the browser. That’s exactly what happens in the
steps 1, 2, 5, and 6: the OpenID Connect middleware decides that no further
processing should take place and initiates the response sequence. The full 1–
6 sequence that follows is what happens when the browser executes the 302
and comes back with a session cookie.
That’s it. At this point, you should have a good sense of how middlewares
come together to form a single, coherent pipeline. The last generic building
block you need to examine is the context that all middlewares use to
Sign out of the app and stop the debugger so that the next exploration will
start from a clean slate.
IIS integrated pipeline events and middleware execution
By now you know that Katana runs its middleware pipeline in
an HttpModule, which participates in the usual IIS integrated
pipeline. If you are familiar with that, you also know that
HttpModules can subscribe to multiple predefined events,
such as AuthenticateRequest, AuthorizeRequest,
and PreExecuteRequestHandler.
By default, Katana middleware executes during
PreExecuteRequestHandler, although there are
exceptions. There is a mechanism you can use for requesting
execution of given segments of the middleware pipeline at a
specific event in the IIS integrated pipeline, and that’s by using
the extension method UseStageMarker.
te) tells Katana to execute in the AuthenticateRequest
IIS event all the middlewares registered so far, or as far as the
first preceding UseStageMarker directive.
This is not the whole story: for example, it’s possible to use
stage markers for requesting sequences that are incompatible
with the natural sequencing of events in the IIS pipeline. There
are a number of rules that determine Katana’s behavior in those
cases. Please refer to the ASP.NET documentation for details.

Context Before getting to the specifics of authentication, let’s invest a few

moments to get to know the OWIN context better.
Place a breakpoint in the first diagnostic middleware, on the line that
writes the message marked with 1. Hit F5, and once the execution reaches
your breakpoint, head to the Locals tab and take a look at the content of the
Context parameter. You should see what’s depicted in Figure 7-3.
Figure 7-3 The structure of the Katana context.
Let’s cover each of the entries here.
Authentication The Authentication property is used for exposing
authentication capabilities of the current pipeline. You saw this in
action when you implemented the sign-in and sign-out features in
Chapter 5, via the Challenge and SignOut methods, respectively.
Authentication is also used by authentication middlewares for
communicating with one another, as you will see in the next section.
As Figure 7-4 shows, when the request first enters the pipeline,
Authentication is empty. You will learn about this property in
detail when we focus on the authentication middleware.

Figure 7-4 The Context.Authentication property content upon

receiving the first unauthenticated request.
Environment As the OWIN specification states, the core status of an
OWIN pipeline is captured by the environment dictionary. Figure 7-5
shows how the Katana implementation features all the values
prescribed by the OWIN specification, plus a few more.

Figure 7-5 The content of the OWIN environment dictionary on first

Request and Response If you are familiar with HTTP request and
response manipulation in traditional ASP.NET, you should be quite
comfortable with their similarly named Context properties in
Katana. Figure 7-6 shows an example.

Figure 7-6 The first request, represented by the Context.Request

TraceOutput This property is mainly a clever way of exposing a
standard trace at the OWIN level, regardless of the specific host used
to run the pipeline.
Add more breakpoints for the other debug middlewares and see how
Context changes as the execution sweeps through the pipeline. After you
have experimented with this, head to the next section, where I review the
authentication flow through the OWIN pipeline in detail.
Authentication middleware
The authentication functionality emerges from the collaboration of a
protocol middleware (like those for OpenID Connect or WS-Federation) and
the cookie middleware. The protocol middleware reacts to requests and
responses by generating and processing protocol messages, with all that
entails (token validation and so on). The cookie middleware persists sessions
in the form of cookies at sign-in and enforces the presence and validity of
such cookies from the instant of authentication onward. All communication
between the two middlewares takes place via the
AuthenticationManager instance in the Context. Let’s break down
the sign-in flow we captured earlier into three phases: generation of the sign-
in challenge, response processing and session generation, and access in the
context of a session.
Sign-in redirect message Assume that you triggered the sign-in flow by
clicking Contact. As you observed, this action results in all the middlewares
firing in the expected order, and it concludes with the redirection of the
browser toward Azure AD with an authorization request message.
If you go through the flow while keeping an eye on
Context.Response, you will notice that after the request leaves the
OWIN pipeline (after the debug message marked 3), something changes the
Response’s StatusCode to 401. In this case, that was the good old
[Authorize], which does its job to enforce authenticated access
regardless of the presence of the OWIN pipeline.
If you go beyond the breakpoint on debug message 4 and let the OpenID
Connect middleware execute, you will observe that
Response.StatusCode changes again, this time to 302. If you dig into
the Response.Headers collection, you will notice a new entry,
Location, containing the OpenID Connect authorization request. Moreover,
you will find a new Set-Cookie entry for saving the OpenID Connect nonce.
Walking through the rest of the breakpoint, you will see the response
message go unmodified through the remainder of the pipeline and back to
the browser.
In Katana parlance, the OpenID Connect middleware is Active by default.
That means that its options class’s AuthenticationMode property is set
to Active, which makes it react to 401 responses by generating its sign-in
challenge message. That is not always what you want: for example, if you
have multiple protocol middlewares configured to talk to different IdPs, you
will want explicit control (via calls to Authentication.Challenge)
over what middleware should be in charge to generate the sign-in message at
a given moment.
Figure 7-7 displays the steps in the sequence of the sign-in message
generation phase.

Figure 7-7 The sequence through which an unauthenticated request elicits

the generation of a sign-in message.
Token validation and establishment of a session The sequence that
processes the Azure AD response carrying the token (characterized by the
debug sequence 1, 2, 5, 6 earlier) is the one requiring the most sophisticated
The request goes through the cookie middleware (breakpoints on
messages 1 and 2) unmodified. However, as soon as you step over the
Invoke call in the diagnostic middleware that calls the OpenID Connect
middleware, you’ll observe that the execution goes straight to the breakpoint
on debug message 5, skipping the rest of the pipeline and the app itself and
initiating the response.
Once again, the Response object carries a 302. If you recall the
explanations in the earlier section, you know that this 302 means that the
middleware successfully validated the token received and is now using a
redirect operation to perform any local redirect and persist the session cookie
in the client browser. If you take a look at the Response.Header
collection, you will find a Location entry redirecting to
“https://localhost:44300/Home/Contact”, which is the route originally
requested. You will also find a Set-Cookie entry meant to delete the nonce,
which is no longer necessary at this point. However, you will not find any
Set-Cookie for the session cookie. Where is it?
Saving the session is the job of the cookie middleware, which at this point
has not yet had a chance to process the response. In fact, saving a session
might be a far more complicated matter than simply sending back a Set-
Cookie header. For example, you might want to save the bulk of the session
on a server-side store: the cookie middleware provides that ability as a
service so that any protocol middleware can leverage it without having to
reinvent the process every time.
The OpenID Connect middleware uses Context.Authentication
to communicate to the cookie middleware the content of the validated token
to be persisted as well as other session-related details, such as duration.
Right after the OpenID Connect middleware processes the request, you’ll
see the Authentication properties
AuthenticationResponseGrant, SignInEntry, and User
The cookie middleware is mostly interested in
AuthenticationReponseGrant. When its turn comes to process the
response, the cookie middleware will find the
AuthenticationReponseGrant and use its content to generate a
session. In Figure 7-8 you can see an example of
AuthenticationResponseGrant content.
Figure 7-8 The AuthenticationResponseGrant content right
after the OpenID Connect middleware successfully validates a sign-in
response from Azure AD.
Properties refers to generic session properties, such as the validity
window (derived from the validity window of the token itself, as declared by
Azure AD). Identity, as you guessed, is the ClaimsIdentity
representing the authenticated user. The most important thing to notice at
this point is the AuthenticationType value that’s shown: that’s a hint
left by the OpenID Connect middleware for the cookie middleware,
indicating that the ClaimsIdentity instance should be persisted in the
session. Recall that when the pipeline is initialized in Startup.Auth.cs, you
started the method with the following line:
Click here to view code image

That told the protocol middlewares in the pipeline that in the absence of
local overrides, the identifier to use for electing an identity to be persisted in
a session is
which happens to be the string “Cookies”. When the OpenID Connect
middleware validates the incoming token and generates the corresponding
ClaimsPrincipal and nested ClaimsIdentity, it uses that value for
the AuthenticationType property. When the cookie middleware starts
processing the response and finds that ClaimsIdentity, it verifies that
the AuthenticationType it finds there corresponds to the
AuthenticationType value it has in its options. Given that here we
used the defaults everywhere, it’s a match; hence, the cookie middleware
proceeds to save the corresponding ClaimsPrincipal in the session.
If you examine the Response.Headers collection after the cookie
middleware has a chance to execute, you will see that the Set-Cookie value
now includes a new entry for an .Asp.Net.Cookies, which contains the
ClaimsPrincipal information. Figure 7-9 summarizes the sequence.

Figure 7-9 The token-validation and session-creation sequence. The

OpenID Connect middleware processes the incoming token, passing the
user identity information it carries to the cookie middleware. In turn, the
cookie middleware saves the user identity information in a session cookie.
Authenticated access as part of a session Once the session has been
established, all requests within its validity window are handled in the same
way: as soon as the request is processed by the cookie middleware (between
debug messages marked with 1 and 2), the incoming cookie is retrieved,
validated, and parsed. The ClaimsPrincipal it carries is rehydrated, as
shown by the value of Authentication.User being populated with a
ClaimsPrincipal; the rest of the pipeline just lets the message through
without further processing.
Figure 7-10 shows how this all plays out through the middleware pipeline.

Figure 7-10 During a session, every request carries the session token,
which is validated, decrypted, and parsed by the cookie middleware. The
user claims are made available to the application.
Explicit use of Challenge and SignOut The explicit sign-in and sign-out
operations you implemented in the AccountController of the sample
app also use the Authentication property of Context to communicate
with the middleware in the pipeline.
If you want to see how Challenge works, repeat the sign-in flow as
described earlier, but this time trigger it by clicking Sign In. Stop at the
breakpoint on debug message 4. You will see that the response code is a 401,
just like the case we examined earlier. However, here you will also see
populated entries in Authentication, in particular
AuthenticationResponseChallenge. If you peek into it, you’ll see
that AuthenticationResponseChallenge holds the
AuthenticationType of the middleware you want to use for signing in
(“OpenIdConnect”) and the local redirect you want to perform after sign-in
(in this case, the root of the app). If the OpenID Connect middleware is set
to Passive for AuthenticationMode, the presence of the 401 response
code alone is not enough to provoke the sign-in message generation, but the
presence of AuthenticationResponseChallenge guarantees that it
will kick in. Other than that, the rest of the flow goes precisely as described.
The sign-out flow is very similar. Hit the Sign Out link. Stopping at the
usual breakpoint 4, you’ll observe that Authentication now holds a
populated AuthenticationResponseRevoke property, which in turn
contains a collection of AuthenticationTypes, including
“OpenIdConnect” and “Cookies”. When it’s their turn to process the
response, the middlewares in the pipeline check whether there is a nonnull
AuthenticationResponseRevoke entry containing their
AuthenticationTypes. If they find one, they have to execute their
sign-out logic. As you advance through the breakpoints in the response flow,
you can see that behavior unfolding. The OpenID Connect middleware
reacts by changing the return code to 302 and placing the sign-out message
for Azure AD in the Location header. The cookie middleware simply adds a
Set-Cookie entry that sets the session cookie expiration date to January 1,
1970, invalidating the session. Figure 7-11 provides a visual summary of the
Figure 7-11 The contributions to the sign-out sequence from each
middleware in the pipeline.

Diagnostic middleware
When something goes wrong in the OWIN pipeline, finding the culprit is
often tricky. Adding breakpoints to an “in line” middleware, as I have done
in this chapter to highlight how the pipeline works, is definitely an option.
Alternatively, Katana offers a specialized diagnostic middleware that can
render useful debugging information directly in the browser when an
unhandled exception occurs in the pipeline. Setting it up is super easy.
Add a reference to the NuGet package Microsoft.Owin.Diagnostics. In
your Startup.Auth.cs, add the associated using directive. Right on top of
your main configuration routine (in our sample, ConfigureAuth), add
something along the lines of the following:
Click here to view code image
app.UseErrorPage(new ErrorPageOptions()
ShowCookies = true,
ShowEnvironment = true,
ShowQuery = true,
ShowExceptionDetails = true,
ShowHeaders = true,
ShowSourceCode = true,
SourceCodeLineCount = 10

The extension method UseErrorPage injects into the pipeline some

logic for dumping diagnostic information on the current page in case an
exception is raised in the pipeline. For that reason, it’s important to place this
method at the beginning of the pipeline (otherwise, any exceptions occurring
before it has a chance to fire would not be captured). All the options you see
in the call control what diagnostic information you want to display; the
property names are self-explanatory.
If you want to test the contraption, you can artificially raise an exception
in any of our debugging middlewares, and then hit F5 to see what happens.
Figure 7-12 shows a typical diagnostic page.
Figure 7-12 The page displayed by the diagnostic middleware from

You should never use this middleware in production

applications, as it might reveal information you don’t want an
attacker to obtain. Please use this only for debugging.
Moreover, this middleware will not help in the case of
exceptions raised in the application itself. It is really specialized
for handling issues occurring in the OWIN pipeline.

OpenID Connect middleware

With the exception of the cookie tracking the nonce, all the considerations so
far apply to the OpenID Connect middleware as well as the WS-Federation
middleware. In this section I dive deeper into the features and options of the
OpenID Connect middleware.

The options you pass in at initialization are the main way that you control
the OpenID Connect middleware. The Azure AD and ASP.NET teams have
taken a lot of care to ensure that only the absolute minimum amount of
information is required for the scenario you want to support. The sample app
you have studied so far shows the essential set of options: the ClientId
(which identifies your app in your requests to the authority) and the
Authority (which identifies the trusted source of identities and,
indirectly, all the information necessary to validate the tokens it issues). If
you want to exercise more fine-grained control, you can use the middleware
initialization options class to provide the following:
More protocol parameters that define your app and the provider you
want to trust.
What kind of token requests you want the app to put forth.
What logic you want to execute during authentication, choosing from
settings offered out of the box and from custom logic you want to
The usual array of choices controlling all Katana middleware
In this section I describe the most notable categories. Two special
properties, Notifications and TokenValidationParameters,
are so important that I’ve dedicated sections to them.
For your reference, Figure 7-13 shows the default values in
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions for our app, right after

Figure 7-13 The values in

OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions after a typical
initialization sequence.

Application coordinates and request options

Besides the already-mentioned ClientId, you can supply the following
application details.

Parameters in the options class corresponding to OpenID

Connect protocol parameters have the same name, with the
notation adjusted to match .NET naming conventions. In early
iterations, the Active Directory team tried to use the protocol
names verbatim—lowercase, underscore, and all—but the
community staged an uprising, and the team quickly settled on
the format you see today.

RedirectUri This controls the value of redirect_uri included

in the request, corresponding to the route in your app through which
you want Azure AD to return the requested token. As I noted in
Chapter 6, if you don’t specify any value, the parameter will be
omitted and Azure AD will pick the one registered at registration time.
That’s handy, but you should watch out for two possible issues. First,
you might register multiple redirect_uri values for your app, in
which case Azure AD will choose which one to use in a semirandom
fashion (it always looks like it chooses the first one you registered, but
you cannot count on that). Second, if you are connecting to providers
other than Azure AD, they might require the request to comply with
their spec and include a redirect_uri.
This setting is ingested at the time the app is initialized and won’t
change later on. In the section about notifications, you will learn ways
of overriding this and other parameters on the fly in the context of
specific requests and responses.
PostLogoutRedirectUri You have seen this in use in Chapter 5.
It determines where to redirect the browser in your app once the
authority concludes its sign-out operations.
ClientSecret This represents the client_secret, which is
required when redeeming an authorization code. I covered this at a
high level in Chapter 2, in the context of OAuth2, but did not look at it
at the trace and code level. I’ll do so later in the book.
Here are a few other parameters that control what’s going to be sent in the
ResponseType Maps to the OpenID Connect parameter of the same
name. Although you can assign to it any of the values discussed in
Chapter 6, only “id_token” and “code id_token” (the default) lead to
the automatic handling of user sign-in. If you want to support other
response types, such as “code”, you need to inject custom code in the
notifications described later in this chapter.
Resource In case you are using “code id_token”, you can use this
parameter to specify what resource you want an authorization code for.
If you don’t specify anything, the code you get back from Azure AD
will be redeemable for an access token for the Graph API. As
mentioned in Chapter 6, resource is a parameter specific to Azure
Scope Maps to the OAuth2/OpenID Connect scope parameter.
Barring any custom code that modifies outgoing messages on the fly, the
settings described here are the ones used in every request and response.

Authority coordinates and validation

The functional area of validation is one of the toughest to explain. It was one
of the main pain points of working with WIF, where the object model
expected all validation coordinates to be passed by value. Although
Microsoft provided tools that generated those settings automatically from
metadata, the obscurity and sheer sprawl of the resulting configuration
settings came across as a bogeyman that kept the noninitiated at bay.
In the new middlewares, the default behavior is to obtain (most of) the
validation coordinates by reference. You provide the authority from which
you want to receive tokens, and the middleware takes care of retrieving the
token validation coordinates it needs from the authority’s metadata.
In Chapter 6 you saw how that retrieval operation takes place when you
pass an Azure AD authority. If you want to customize that behavior, there is
a hierarchy of options you can use. From accommodating providers that
expose metadata differently from how Azure AD does, to supplying each and
every setting for providers that don’t expose metadata at all, these options
cover the full spectrum.
Here’s how it works.
The ConfigurationManager class is tasked to retrieve, cache, and
refresh the validation settings published by the discovery documents. That
class is fed whatever options you provide at initialization. There is a cascade
of options it looks for:
If the options include an Authority value, it will be used as you
saw in Chapter 6.
If you are working with a provider other than Azure AD, with a
different URL structure, or if you prefer to specify a reference to the
actual discovery document endpoint, you can do so by using the
Metadata property.
If your provider requires special handling of the channel validation,
like picking a well-known certificate instead of the usual certification
authority and subject matching checks, you can override the default
logic via the properties BackchannelCertificateValidator,
BackchannelHttpHandler, and BackchannelTimeout.
If you acquire the token-issuance information—such as the
authorization endpoint, the issuer value, the signing keys, and the like
—out of band, you can use it to populate a new instance of
OpenIdConfiguration and assign it to the Configuration
Finally, if you need to run dynamic logic for populating the
Configuration values, you can completely take over by
implementing your own IConfigurationManager and assigning
it to the ConfigurationManager property in the options.
The issuer coordinates are only part of the validation story. Following is a
miscellany of options that affect the validation behavior, and there will be
more to say about validation in the section about
SecurityTokenHandlers This property holds a collection of
TokenHandlers, classes that are capable of handling token formats.
By default, the collection includes a handler capable of dealing with
the JSON Web Token (JWT). You can take control of the collection
and substitute your own implementation if you so choose.
RefreshOnIssuerKeyNotFound The practice of publishing in
metadata documents both the currently valid and next signing key
should guarantee business continuity in normal times. In case of
emergency key rolls, however, the keys you have acquired in your
Configuration and the ones used by the provider might end up out
of sync. This flag tells the middleware to react to a token signed with
an unknown key by triggering a new metadata acquisition operation so
that if the mismatch is the result of stale keys, it is fixed automatically.
CallbackPath If for some reason (typically performance) you
decide that you want to receive tokens only at one specific application
URL, you can assign that URL to this property. That will cause the
middleware to expect tokens only in requests to that specific URL and
ignore all others. Use this with care because embedding paths in your
code often results in surprise 401s when you forget about them and
deploy to the cloud without changing the value accordingly.
ProtocolValidator By default, this property contains an
instance of OpenIdConnectProtocolValidator, a class that
performs various static verifications on the incoming message to
ensure that it complies with the current OpenID Connect specification.
Besides those validations, the class gives you the option of adding
extra constraints, like mandating the presence of certain claim types.

Middleware mechanics
Finally, here’s a list of options that are used for driving the general behavior
of the middleware in the context of the Katana pipeline:
SignInAsAuthenticationType This value determines the
value of the AuthenticationType property of the
ClaimsPrincipal/ClaimsIdentity generated from the
incoming token. If left unspecified, it defaults to the value passed to
SetDefaultSignInAsAuthenticationType. As you have
seen earlier in the section about authentication middleware, if the
cookie middleware finds this in an
AuthenticationResponseGrant, that’s what the cookie
middleware uses to determine whether such ClaimsPrincipal/
ClaimsIdentity should be used for creating a session.
AuthenticationType This property identifies this middleware in
the pipeline and is used to refer to it for authentication operations—
think of the Challenge and SignOut calls you have seen in action
earlier in this chapter.
AuthenticationMode As discussed earlier, when this parameter
is set to Active, it tells the middleware to listen to outgoing 401s and
transform them into sign-in requests. That’s the default behavior: if
you want to change it, you can turn it off by setting
AuthenticationMode to Passive.
UseTokenLifetime This property is often overlooked, but it’s
tremendously important. Defaulting to true, UseTokenLifetime
tells the cookie middleware that the session it creates should have the
same duration and validity window as the id_token received from
the authority. If you want to decouple the session validity window
from the token (which, by the way, Azure AD sets to one hour), you
must set this property to false. Failing that, all the session-duration
settings on the CookieMiddleware will be ignored.
Caption This property has purely cosmetic value. Say that your app
generates sign-in buttons for all your authentication middlewares. This
property provides the label you can use to identify for the user the
button triggering the sign-in implemented by this middleware.

Just like WIF before them, the Katana middlewares implementing claims
protocols offer you hooks designed for injecting your own custom code to be
executed during key phases of the authentication pipeline. Through the
years, I have seen this extensibility point used for achieving all sorts of
customizations, from optimized sign-in flows, where extra information in the
request is used to save the end user a few clicks, to full-blown extensions
that support entirely new protocol flavors.
Whereas in old-school WIF those hooks were offered in the form of
events, in Katana they are implemented as a collection of delegates gathered
in the class OpenIdConnectNotifications. The
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions class includes a property
of that type, Notifications.
OpenIdConnectNotifications can be split into two main
categories: notifications firing at sign-in/sign-out message generation, and
notifications firing at token/sign-in message validation. The former category
counts only one member, RedirectToIdentityProvider; all the
other notifications are included in the latter.
Here is some code that lists all the notifications. You can add it to the
initialization of the OpenID Connect middleware in the sample application.
Click here to view code image
new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
ClientId = "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081",
Authority =
PostLogoutRedirectUri = "https://localhost:44300/",
Notifications = new
RedirectToIdentityProvider = (context) =>
return Task.FromResult(0);
MessageReceived = (context) =>
Debug.WriteLine("*** MessageReceived");
return Task.FromResult(0);
SecurityTokenReceived = (context) =>
Debug.WriteLine("*** SecurityTokenReceived");
return Task.FromResult(0);
SecurityTokenValidated = (context) =>
Debug.WriteLine("*** SecurityTokenValidated");
return Task.FromResult(0);
AuthorizationCodeReceived = (context) =>
Debug.WriteLine("*** AuthorizationCodeReceived");
return Task.FromResult(0);
AuthenticationFailed = (context) =>
Debug.WriteLine("*** AuthenticationFailed");
return Task.FromResult(0);
I’ll discuss each notification individually in a moment, but before I do,
give the app a spin so that you can see in which order the notifications fire.
When you click the Sign In link, you can expect to see something like this in
the output window:
Click here to view code image
1 ==>request, before cookie auth
2 ==>after cookie, before OIDC
3 ==>after OIDC, before leaving the pipeline
4 <==after entering the pipeline, before OIDC
*** RedirectToIdentityProvider
5 <==after OIDC
6 <==response, after cookie auth

This shows that RedirectToIdentityProvider runs in the context

of the OpenID Connect middleware, as expected.
Once you sign in with Azure AD and are redirected to the app, you can
expect to see the following sequence:
Click here to view code image
1 ==>request, before cookie auth
2 ==>after cookie, before OIDC
*** MessageReceived
*** SecurityTokenReceived
*** SecurityTokenValidated
*** AuthorizationCodeReceived
5 <==after OIDC
6 <==response, after cookie auth
1 ==>request, before cookie auth
2 ==>after cookie, before OIDC
3 ==>after OIDC, before leaving the pipeline
4 <==after entering the pipeline, before OIDC
5 <==after OIDC
6 <==response, after cookie auth

This is the same token-processing and cookie-setting sequence you

encountered earlier in this chapter. This time, you can see the other
notifications fire and the order in which they execute. Figure 7-14
summarizes the sequence in which the notifications fire.
Figure 7-14 The notifications sequence.
If you trigger a sign-out, you will see the usual sequence, but look
between messages 4 and 5, and you will find that
RedirectToIdentityProvider fires on sign-out as well.
Keep in mind also that notifications derive from a BaseNotification
class from which they inherit a couple of methods exposing two fundamental
capabilities. The first, HandleResponse, signals to the middleware
pipeline that whatever logic has been executed in the notification concludes
the processing of the current request, hence no other middleware should be
executed. A notification calling this method has the responsibility of having
everything in the context tidied up, including writing the full response. The
second, SkipToNextMiddleware, signals to the middleware pipeline
that whatever logic has been executed in the notification concludes the work
that the current middleware should do on the request. Hence, any other
request-processing code in the current middleware should not be executed,
and the baton should be passed to the next middleware in the pipeline as
soon as the notification concludes its work.
Now let’s look at each notification in more detail.

This is likely the notification you’ll work with most often. It is executed
right after the OpenID Connect middleware creates a protocol message, and
it gives you the opportunity to override the option values the middleware
uses to build the message, augment them with extra parameters, and so on. If
you place a breakpoint in the notification and take a look at the context
parameter, you’ll see something like what’s shown in Figure 7-15.
Figure 7-15 The content of the context parameter on a typical
RedirectToIdentityProvider notification execution.
I expanded the ProtocolMessage in Figure 7-15 so that you can see
that it already contains all the default parameters you have seen in the
request on the traces in Chapter 6. There are a number of fun and useful
things you can do here, so let’s examine a couple of examples.
Say that my app is registered to run both on my local dev box (hence, on a
localhost address) and on an Azure website (hence, on something like That means that depending on where my app is
running at the moment, I have to remember to set the correct
RedirectUri and PostLogoutRedirectUri properties in the
options right before deploying. Or do I? Consider the following code:
Click here to view code image
RedirectToIdentityProvider = (context) =>
string appBaseUrl = context.Request.Scheme + "://"
+ context.Request.Host + context.Request.PathBase;
context.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri = appBaseUrl + "/";
context.ProtocolMessage.PostLogoutRedirectUri = appBaseUrl;
return Task.FromResult(0);

Here I simply read from the Request the URL being requested,
indicating at which address my app is running at the moment and using it to
inject the correct values of RedirectUri and
PostLogoutRedirectUri in the message. Neat!
Or consider a case in which I want to guarantee that when an
authentication request is sent, the user is always forced to enter credentials
no matter what session cookies might already be in place. In Chapter 6 you
learned that OpenID Connect will behave that way upon receiving a
prompt=login parameter in the request, but how do you do it? Check out
this code:
Click here to view code image

RedirectToIdentityProvider = (context) =>

context.ProtocolMessage.Prompt = "login";
return Task.FromResult(0);

That’s it. From this moment on, every sign-in request will prompt the user
for credentials. Easy. Now is the time to reap the benefits of having gone
through all those nitty-gritty protocol details in Chapter 6; you can use this
notification to control every aspect of the message to your heart’s content.
Of course, this applies to sign-out flows, too.
But before moving on to the next notification, I want to highlight that you
don’t have to put the code for your notifications in line. If you have
notification-handling logic you want to reuse across multiple applications,
you can put it in a function, package it in a class, and reuse it as you see fit.
Explicitly creating a function is also indicated when the amount of code is
substantial, or when you want to enhance readability. As a quick
demonstration of this approach, let’s rewrite the latest sample in an explicit
function at the level of the Startup class:
Click here to view code image
public static Task
<OpenIdConnectMessage, OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions>
notification.ProtocolMessage.Prompt = "login";
return Task.FromResult(0);

Assigning it back in the Notifications is straightforward:

Click here to view code image
Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications()
RedirectToIdentityProvider =
// ...

I also like the aspect of this approach that makes more visible which
parameters are being passed to the notification, which in turns makes it
easier to understand what the notification is suitable for. The
OpenIdConnectMessage passed to
RedirectToIdentityProvider is an excellent example of that.
This notification is triggered when the middleware detects that the incoming
message happens to be a known OpenID Connect message. You can use it
for a variety of purposes; for example, for resources you want to allocate just
in time (such as database connections), stuff you want to cache in memory
before the message is processed further, and so on. Alternatively, you might
use this notification for logging purposes. However, the main use I have seen
for MessageReceived occurs when you want to completely take over the
handling of the entire request (that’s where HandleResponse comes into
play, by the way). For example, you might use MessageReceived for
handling response_types that the middleware currently does not
automatically process, like a sign-in flow based on authorization code.
That’s not an easy endeavor, and as such not very common, but some
advanced scenarios will sometimes require it, and this extensibility model
makes doing so possible.

SecurityTokenReceived triggers when the middleware finds an
id_token in the request. Similar considerations as for
MessageReceived apply, with finer granularity. Here, the entity being
processed is the token, as opposed to the entire message.

At the stage in which SecurityTokenValidated fires, the incoming
id_token has been parsed, validated, and used to populate
context.AuthenticationTicket with a ClaimsIdentity
whose claims come from the incoming token.
This is the right place for adding any user-driven logic you want to
execute before reaching the application itself. Common scenarios include
user-driven access control and claims augmentation. Here are examples for
each case.
Say that I run a courseware website where users can buy individual
subscriptions for gaining access to training videos. I integrate with Azure
AD, given that business users are very important to me, but my business
model imposes on me the need to verify access at the user level. That means
that the token validations you have studied so far aren’t in themselves
sufficient to decide whether a caller can gain access. Consider the following
implementation of SecurityTokenValidated:
Click here to view code image
SecurityTokenValidated = (context) =>
string userID =
if (db.Users.FirstOrDefault(b => (b.UserID == userID)) ==
throw new
return Task.FromResult(0);

The notification body retrieves a user identifier from the claims of the
freshly created AuthenticationTicket. That done, it verifies whether
that identifier is listed in a database of subscribers (whose existence I am
postulating for the sake of the scenario). If the user does have an entry,
everything goes on as business as usual. But if the user is not listed, the app
throws an exception that creates conditions equivalent to the ones you would
experience on receiving an invalid token. Simple!
Consider this other scenario. Say that your application maintains a
database of attributes for its users—attributes that are not supplied in the
incoming token by the identity provider. You can use
SecurityTokenValidated to augment the set of incoming user claims
with any arbitrary value you keep in your local database. The application
code will be able to access those values just like any other IdP-issued claims,
the only difference being the issuer value. Here’s an example.
Click here to view code image
SecurityTokenValidated = (context) =>
string userID =
Claim userHair = new
RetrieveHairLength(userID), ClaimValueTypes.Double,
return Task.FromResult(0);
Here I assume that you have a method that, given the identifier of the
current user, queries your database to retrieve an attribute (in this case, hair
length). Once you get the value back, you can use it to create a new claim (I
invented a new claim type on the spot to show you that you can choose
pretty much anything that works for you) and add that claim to the
AuthenticationTicket’s ClaimsIdentity. I passed
“’LocalAuthority” as the issuer identifier to ensure that the locally generated
claims are distinguishable from the ones received from the IdP: the two
usually carry a different trust level.
Now that the new claim is part of the ticket, it’s going to follow the same
journey we have studied so far for normal, nonaugmented identity
information. Making use of it from the app requires the same code you
already saw in action for out-of-the-box claim types.
Click here to view code image
public ActionResult Index()
var userHair =
return View();

This is a very powerful mechanism, but it does have its costs. Besides the
performance hit of doing I/O while processing a request, you have to keep in
mind that whatever you add to the AuthenticationTicket will end up
in the session cookie. In turn, that will add a tax for every subsequent
request, and at times it might even blow past browser limits. For example,
Safari is famous for allowing only 4 KB of cookies/headers in requests for a
given domain. Exceed that limit and cookies will be clipped, signature
checks will fail, nonces will be dropped, and all sorts of other hard-to-
diagnose issues will arise.

This notification fires only in the case in which the middleware emits a
request for a hybrid flow, where the id_token is accompanied by an
authorization code. I’ll go into more details in a later chapter, after fleshing
out the scenario and introducing other artifacts that come in handy for
dealing with that case.
This notification gives you a way to catch issues occurring in the
notifications pipeline and react to them with your own logic. Here’s a simple
Click here to view code image
AuthenticationFailed = (context) =>
return Task.FromResult(0);

In this code I simply redirect the flow to an error route. Chances are you
will want to do something more sophisticated, like retrieving the culprit
exception (available in the context) and then log it or pass it to the page. The
interesting thing to notice here is the use of HandleResponse. There’s
nothing else that can make meaningful work in the pipeline after this, hence
we short-circuit the request processing and send the response back right

You think we’ve gone deep enough to this point? Not quite, my dear reader.
The rabbit hole has one extra level, which grants you even more control over
your token-validation strategy.
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions has a property named
TokenValidationParameters, of type
The TokenValidationParameters type predates the RTM of
Katana. It was introduced when the Azure AD team released the very first
version of the JWT handler (a .NET class for processing the JWT format) as
a general-purpose mechanism for storing information required for validating
a token, regardless of the protocol used for requesting and delivering it and
the development stack used for supporting such protocol. That was a clean
break with the past: up to that moment, the same function was performed by
special XML elements in the web.config file, which assumed the use of WIF
and IIS. It was soon generalized to support the SAML token format, too.
The OpenID Connect middleware itself still uses the JWT handler when it
comes to validating incoming tokens, and to do so it has to feed it a
TokenValidationParameters instance with the desired validation
settings. All the metadata inspection mechanisms you have been studying so
far ultimately feed specific values—the issuer values to accept and the
signing keys to use for validating incoming tokens’ signatures—in a
TokenValidationParameters instance. If you did not provide any
values in the TokenValidationParameters property (I know, it’s
confusing) in the options, the values from the metadata will be the only ones
used. However, if you do provide values directly in
TokenValidationParameters, the actual values used will be a
merger of the TokenValidationParameters and what is retrieved
from the metadata (using all the options you learned about in the “Authority
coordinates and validation” section).
The preceding mechanisms hold for the validation of the parameters
defining the token issuer, but as you know by now, there are lots of other
things to validate in a token, and even more things that are best performed
during validation. If you don’t specify anything, as is the case the vast
majority of the time, the middleware fills in the blanks with reasonable
defaults. But if you choose to, you can control an insane number of details.
Figure 7-16 shows the content of TokenValidationParameters in
OpenID Connect middleware at the initialization time for our sample
application. I am not going to unearth all the things that
TokenValidationParameters allows you to control (that would take
far too long), but I do want to make sure you are aware of the most
commonly used knobs you can turn.
Figure 7-16 The TokenValidationParameters instance in
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions, as initialized by the
sample application.

Valid values
As you’ve learned, the main values used to validate incoming tokens are the
issuer, the audience, the key used for signing, and the validity interval. With
the exception of the last of these (which does not require reference values
because it is compared against the current clock values),
TokenValidationParameters exposes a property for holding the
corresponding value: ValidIssuer, ValidAudience, and
What is less known is that TokenValidationParameters also has
an IEnumerable for each of these—ValidIssuers,
ValidAudiences, and IssuerSigningKeys—which are meant to
make it easy for you to manage scenarios in which you need to handle a
small number of alternative values. For example, your app might accept
tokens from two different issuers simultaneously. Or you might use a
different audience for your development and staging deployments but have a
single codebase that automatically works in both.

Validation flags
One large category of TokenValidationParameters properties
allows you to turn on and off specific validation checks. These Boolean flags
are self-explanatory: ValidateAudience turns on and off the
comparison of the audience in the incoming claim with the declared
audience (in the OpenID Connect case, the clientId value);
ValidateIssuer controls whether your app cares about the identity of
the issuer; ValidateIssuerSigningKey determines whether you need
the key used to sign the incoming token to be part of a list of trusted keys;
ValidateLifetime determines whether you will enforce the validity
interval declared in the token or ignore it.
At first glance, each of these checks sounds like something you’d never
want to turn off, but there are various occasions in which you’d want to.
Think of the subscription sample I described for
SecurityTokenValidated: in that case, the actual check is the one
against the user and the subscription database, so the issuer check does not
matter and can be turned off. There are more exotic cases: in the Netherlands
last year, a gentleman asked me how his intranet app could accept expired
tokens in case his client briefly lost connectivity with the Internet and was
temporarily unable to contact Azure AD for getting new tokens.
There is another category of flags controlling constraints rather than
validation flags. The first is RequireExpirationTime, which
determines whether your app will accept tokens that do not declare an
expiration time (the specification allows for this). The other,
RequireSignedTokens, specifies whether your app will accept tokens
without a signature. To me, a token without a signature is an oxymoron, but I
did encounter situations (especially during development) where this flag
came in handy for running some tests.
Validation flags allow you to turn on and off validation checks. Validator
delegates allow you to substitute the default validation logic with your own
custom code.
Say that you wrote a SaaS application that you plan to sell to
organizations instead of to individuals. As opposed to the user-based
validation you studied earlier, now you want to allow access to any user who
comes from one of the organizations (one of the issuers) who bought a
subscription to your app. You could use the ValidIssuers property to
hold that list, but if you plan to have a substantial number of customers,
doing that would be inconvenient for various reasons: a flat lookup on a list
might not work too well if you are handling millions of entries, dynamically
extending that list without recycling the app would be difficult, and so on.
The solution is to take full control of the issuer validation operation. For
example, consider the following code:
Click here to view code image
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
IssuerValidator = (issuer,token,tvp) =>
if(db.Issuers.FirstOrDefault(b => (b.Issuer == issuer))
== null)
return issuer;

throw new
SecurityTokenInvalidIssuerException("Invalid issuer");

The delegate accepts as input the issuer value as extracted from the token,
the token itself, and the validation parameters. In this case I do a flat lookup
on a database to see whether the incoming issuer is valid, but of course you
can imagine many other clever validation schemes. The validator returns the
issuer value for a less-than-intuitive reason: that string will be used for
populating the Issuer value of the claims that will ultimately end up in the
user’s ClaimsPrincipal.
All the other main validators (AudienceValidator,
LifetimeValidator) return Booleans, with the exception of
IssuerSigningKeyValidator and CertificateValidator.

Of the plethora of remaining properties, I want to point your attention to two
common ones.
SaveSignInToken is used to indicate whether you want to save in the
ClaimsPrincipal (hence, the session cookie) the actual bits of the
original token. There are topologies in which the actual token bits are
required, signature and everything else intact: typically, the app trades that
token (along with its credentials) for a new token, meant to allow the app to
gain access to a web API acting on behalf of the user. This property defaults
to false, as this is a sizable tax.
The TokenReplayCache property allows you to define a token replay
cache, a store that can be used for saving tokens for the purpose of verifying
that no token can be used more than once. This is a measure against a
common attack, the aptly called token replay attack: an attacker intercepting
the token sent at sign-in might try to send it to the app again (“replay” it) for
establishing a new session. The presence of the nonce in OpenID Connect
can limit but not fully eliminate the circumstances in which the attack can be
successfully enacted. To protect your app, you can provide an
implementation of ITokenReplayCache and assign an instance to
TokenReplayCache. It’s a very simple interface:
Click here to view code image
public interface ITokenReplayCache
bool TryAdd(string securityToken, DateTime expiresOn);
bool TryFind(string securityToken);

In a nutshell, you provide the methods for saving new tokens (determining
for how long they need to be kept around) and bringing a token up from
whatever storage technology you decide to use. The cache will be
automatically used at every validation—take that into account when you pit
latency and storage requirements against the likelihood of your app being
targeted by replay attacks.
More on sessions
Before I close this long chapter, I need to spend a minute on session
management. You already know that by default, session validity will be tied
to the validity specified by the token itself, unless you decouple it by setting
the option UseTokenLifetime to false. When you do so, the
CookieAuthenticationOptions are now in charge of session
duration: ExpireTimeSpan and SlidingExpiration are the
properties you want to keep an eye on.
You also know that the cookie middleware will craft sessions that contain
the full ClaimsPrincipal produced from the incoming token, but as
mentioned in discussing the use of SaveSignInToken, the resulting
cookie size can become a problem. This issue can be addressed by saving the
bulk of the session server-side and using the cookie just to keep track of a
reference to the session data on the server. The cookie middleware allows
you to plug in an implementation of the
IAuthenticationSessionStore interface, which can be used for
customizing how an AuthenticationTicket is preserved across calls.
If you want to provide an alternative store for your authentication tickets, all
you need to do is implement that interface and pass an instance to the cookie
middleware at initialization. Here’s the interface:
Click here to view code image
public interface IAuthenticationSessionStore
Task<string> StoreAsync(AuthenticationTicket ticket);
Task RenewAsync(string key, AuthenticationTicket ticket);
Task<AuthenticationTicket> RetrieveAsync(string key);
Task RemoveAsync(string key);

That’s pretty much a CRUD interface for an AuthenticationTicket

store, which you can use for any persistence technology you like. Add some
logic for cleaning up old entries and keeping the store size under control, and
you have your custom session store.
Considerations about I/O and latency are critical here, given that this guy
will trigger every single time you receive an authenticated request. A two-
level cache, where most accesses are in-memory and the persistence layer is
looked up only when necessary, is one of the solutions you might want to
This chapter explored in depth what happens when the OpenID Connect
middleware and its underlying technologies process requests and emit
responses. You learned about the main functional components of the request-
processing pipeline, how they communicate with one another, and what
options you have to change their behavior.
The complexity you have confronted here is something that the vast
majority of web developers will never have to face—or even be aware of.
Even in advanced cases, chances are that you will always use a subset of
what you have read here. Don’t worry if you don’t remember everything;
you don’t have to. After the first read, this chapter is meant to be a reference
you can return to whenever you are trying to achieve a specific
customization or are troubleshooting a specific issue. Now that you’ve had
an opportunity to deconstruct the pipeline, you’ll know where to look.
The next chapter will be significantly lighter. You’ll learn more about how
Azure AD represents applications.
Chapter 8. Azure Active Directory application

It’s time to take a closer look at how Azure AD represents applications and
their relationships to other apps, users, and organizations.
You got a brief taste of the Azure AD application model in Chapter 3,
“Introducing Azure Active Directory and Active Directory Federation
Services.” Later on you experienced firsthand a couple of ways to provision
apps and use their protocol coordinates in authentication flows. Here I will
go much deeper into the constructs used by Azure AD to represent apps, the
mechanisms used to provision apps beyond one’s own organization, and the
consent framework, which is the backbone of pretty much all of this. I’ll also
touch on roles, groups, and other features that Azure AD offers to grant fine-
grained access control to your application.
The application model in Azure AD is designed to sustain many different
It holds all the data required to support authentication at run time.
It holds all the data for deciding what other resources an application
might need to access and whether a given request should be fulfilled
and under what circumstances.
It provides the infrastructure for implementing application
provisioning, both within the app developer’s tenant and to any other
Azure AD tenant.
It enables end users and administrators to dynamically grant or deny
consent for the app to access resources on their behalf.
It enables administrators to be the ultimate arbiters of what apps are
allowed to do and which users can use specific apps, and in general to
be stewards of how the directory resources are accessed.
That is A LOT more than setting up a trust relationship, the basic
provisioning step you perform with traditional on-premises authorities like
ADFS. Remember how I often bragged about how much easier it is to
provision apps in Azure AD? What makes that feat possible is the highly
sophisticated application model in Azure AD, which goes to great lengths to
make life easy for administrators and end users. Unfortunately, the total
complexity of the system remains roughly constant, so somebody must work
harder to compensate for that simplification, and this time that somebody is
the developer. I could work around that complexity and simply give you a
list of recipes to follow to the letter for the most common tasks, but by now
you know that this book doesn’t work that way. Instead, we’ll dig deep to
understand the building blocks and true motivation of each moving part—
and once we emerge, everything will make sense. Don’t worry, the model is
very manageable and, once you get the hang of it, even easy, but some
investment is required to understand it. This chapter is here to help you do
just that.

The building blocks: Application and ServicePrincipal

Since Azure AD first appeared on the market, a lot of content has been
published about its application model. A large part of that content was
produced while the application model had not yet solidified in its current
form. To avoid any confusion, I am going to open this section with a bit of
history: by understanding how we got to where we are today, you won’t risk
getting confused if you happen to stumble on documentation and samples
from another epoch.
In traditional Active Directory, every entity that can be authenticated is
represented by a principal. That’s true for users, and that’s true for
applications—in the latter case, we speak of service principals. In traditional
Kerberos, service principals are used to ensure that a client is speaking to the
intended service and that a ticket is actually intended for a given service. In
other words, they are used for any activity that requires establishing the
identity of the service application itself.
Although Azure AD has been designed from the ground up to address
modern workloads, it remains a directory. As such, it retains many of the
concepts and constructs that power its on-premises ancestor, and service
principals are among those. If you use the Internet time machine and fish out
content from summer 2012, describing the very first preview of Azure AD
development features, you’ll see that at that time, provisioning an
application in Azure AD was done by using special Windows PowerShell
cmdlets, which created a new service principal for the app in the directory.
Even the format of the service principal name was a reminder of its Kerberos
legacy, following a fixed schema based on the app’s execution environment.
Disregarding the protocols it enabled, that service principal already had all
the things we know are needed for supporting authentication transactions:
application identifiers, a redirect URI, and so on.
Service principals are a great way of representing an application’s
instance, but they aren’t very good at supporting the development of the
application itself. Their limitations stem from two key considerations:
Applications are usually an abstract entity, made of code and
resources: the service principal represents a concrete instance of that
abstract entity in a specific directory. You will want that abstract entity
to have many concrete instances, especially if you build and sell
software for a living: one or more instances for each of your
customers’ organizations. Even if you are building applications for
your own organization, to be used by your colleagues, chances are that
you’ll want to work with multiple instances—for example,
development, staging, and production. If the only building block at
your disposal were app instances, development and deployments
would be unnatural, denormalized, and repetitive. For one thing, every
time you changed something, you’d have to go chase all your app
instances and make the same change everywhere.
Although so far we have seen applications mostly as resources one
user gains access to, a directory sees applications as clients, which
need to access resources under the control of the directory. Even the
act of a user requesting a token for accessing an application is seen by
the directory as the application itself gaining access to the user’s
identity information. Through this optic, you can see how some
applications can be pretty powerful clients, performing functions that
range from reading users' personally identifiable information (PII) to
modifying the directory itself: deleting users, creating groups,
changing passwords—the works. Application instances are normally
put in operation by administrators, who enjoy those powers
themselves. Hence, they have the faculty to imbue applications with
such capabilities. If your company is big enough for employees not to
have to juggle multiple hats, however, developers are traditionally not
administrators. If service principals were the only way to create an
application, very few employees in a company would have the power
to develop apps. It gets worse: in today’s software as a service (SaaS)
push, it is in the developer’s best interest that end users be empowered
to elect to start using applications, but most users aren’t administrators
either. Even more than in the development case, this exposes the limits
of perpetrating the service principal model “as is” in the cloud.
Given this, and for various other reasons, Azure AD defines a new entity,
the Application, which is meant to describe an application as an abstract
entity: a template, if you will. As a developer, you work with
Applications. At deployment time a given Application object can
be used as a blueprint to create a ServicePrincipal representing a
concrete instance of an application in a directory. It’s that
ServicePrincipal that is used to define what the app can actually do in
that specific target directory, who can use it, what resources it has access to,
and so on.
Bear with me just a little longer, the abstract part is almost over. The main
way through which Azure AD creates a ServicePrincipal from an
Application is consent. Here’s a simplified description of the flow: Say
that you create an Application object in directory A, supplying all the
protocol coordinates we’ve discussed so far in earlier chapters. Say that a
user from tenant B navigates to the app’s pages and triggers an
authentication flow. Azure AD authenticates the user from B against its
home directory, B. In so doing, it sees that there is no
ServicePrincipal for the app in B; hence, it prompts the user about
whether he or she wants to consent for that app to have access to the
directory B (you’ll see later in what capacity). If the user grants consent,
Azure AD uses the Application object in A as a blueprint for creating a
ServicePrincipal in B. Along with that, B records that the current user
consented to the use of this application (expect lots of details on this later
on). Once that’s done, the user receives a token for accessing the app . . . and
provisioning magically happens. No lengthy negotiations between
administrators required. Isn’t Azure AD awesome? Figure 8-1 summarizes
the process.
Figure 8-1 Simplified provisioning flow driven by consent: 1) a user from
B attempts to sign in with the app; 2) the user credentials are acquired and
verified; 3) the user is prompted to consent for the app to gain access to
tenant B; the user consents; 4) Azure AD uses the Application object
in A as a blueprint for creating a ServicePrincipal in B; 5) the user
receives the requested token.
You can iterate the process shown in Figure 8-1 as many times as you
want, for directory C, D, E, and so on. Directory A retains the blueprint of
the app, in the form of its Application object. The users and admins of
all the directories where the app is given consent retain control over what the
application is allowed to do (and a lot more) through the corresponding
ServicePrincipal object in each tenant.
A special case: App creation via the Azure portal and Visual
As I write, both of the application provisioning techniques
you’ve experienced so far (using the Azure portal and using
Visual Studio) assume that you want to run your application in
the same tenant in which you are creating it. Hence, these
techniques create both the Application and the
ServicePrincipal objects. The presence of a
ServicePrincipal right after creation time in the home
tenant will cause differences in behavior in respect to what
happens when the application is consumed through different
tenants. That is especially true for native applications, which are
out of scope for this book, but in general this is something you
need to be aware of. Note that the current behavior is not set in
stone and not part of any explicit contract. I cannot guarantee
that it will not change after this book goes to the printer.

In the next two subsections, you’ll take a look at the content of the
Application and ServicePrincipal objects. This will give me an
opportunity to introduce lots of new directory artifacts, which in turn will
refine your understanding of what an application is for Azure AD and what it
can do for you.

Your hands-on experience so far has been limited to

implementing web sign-on to applications with a web interface,
rendering their own user experience (UX) in a browser. The
Application and ServicePrincipal objects are also
used to model web APIs, which follow a different set of
protocols. I am going to show you how to write web API
projects in the next chapter, but I cannot wait until then to
describe those concepts—they play such a central role in the
Azure AD application model, in consent, and in provisioning
that everything would sound weird without them. This is just to
ensure that you know what’s coming and don’t get confused
when I suddenly start to talk about OAuth and exposing scopes.

The Application
The Application object in Azure AD is meant to describe three distinct
aspects of an application:
The identifiers, protocol coordinates, and authentication options that
come into play when a token is requested for accessing the application.
The resources that the application itself might need to access, and the
actions it might need to take, in order to perform its functions. For
example, an application might need to write back to the directory, or it
might need to send email via Exchange as the authenticated user.
You’ll have to wait until the next chapter to learn how to actually
perform these actions in code, but it’s important to understand in this
context the provisioning and consent mechanisms underpinning this
The actions that the application itself offers. For example, an
application representing a facade for a data store might allow for read
and write operations—and make it possible for the directory to decide
whether to grant a client permission to do only read operations, or both
read and write, depending on the identity of the client. This feature is
used when the application is a web API, but it rarely comes into play
when doing web sign-on, so I won’t spend much time on it in this
So far you’ve acted directly only on the first aspect. You indirectly took
advantage of the defaults in the second point—every web app is configured
to ask for permissions to sign in and access the user’s profile. You have not
interacted with the third aspect yet, but you will in Chapter 9, “Consuming
and exposing a web API protected by Azure Active Directory.”
Mercifully, neither the Azure portal or the Visual Studio ASP.NET project
templates wizards ask you to provide values for all the properties that
constitute an Application object. The vast majority of those properties
are assigned default values that work great for most of the populace, who
can get their web sign-on functionality by providing just a handful of strings
(as you have seen, mainly name and redirect_uri) without ever being aware
that there are customizations available.
That said, if you do want to know what’s available in the Application
object, how would you go about it? You have three strategies to choose
Head to the Azure portal (, go to
the Azure AD section, select the Applications tab, search for your app,
select it, then click Configuration. You’ll see far more info there than
you provided at creation time. One example you are already familiar
with is the client_id, which is assigned by Azure AD to your app when
it’s created.
The information shown there is what you would probably customize to
meet the requirements of the most common scenarios. However, not all
the application features are exposed there.
Still in the Azure portal, with your app selected, you can use a link at
the bottom of the page, Manage Manifest, to download a JSON file
that contains the verbatim dump of the corresponding Application
entity in the directory. You can edit this file to change whatever you
want to control, then upload it again (through the same portal
commands) to reflect your new options in the directory.
Finally, you can use the Directory Graph API (mentioned in Chapter 3)
to query the directory and GET the Application object, once again
in JSON format.
The first method goes against the policy I am adopting in the book—the
portal UX can change far too easily after the book is in print, so including
screenshots of it would be a bad idea. Also, it does not go nearly deep
enough for my purposes here.
The second method, the manifest, would work out well—and is the
method I advise you to use when you work with your applications. However,
there is something that makes it less suitable for explaining the anatomy of
the Application object for the first time: the manifest is a true object
dump from the directory, and for pure inheritance reasons it includes lots of
properties that aren’t useful or relevant for the Application itself.
To keep the signal-to-noise ratio as crisp as possible, the JSON snippets
I’ll show you here will all be obtained through the third method, direct
queries through the Graph. I am using a very handy sample web app (which
you can find at, which provides an easy
UI for querying the graph. I cannot guarantee that the app will still be
available when you read this book, but performing those queries through
code, or with curl or via Fiddler, is extremely easy. In the next chapter you’ll
learn how.
Following is a dump of the Application object that corresponds to the
sample app we’ve been working with so far. The query I used for obtaining
it is as follows:
Click here to view code image

You’ll likely recognize the typical OData ‘$’ syntax. The GUID you see
there is the client_id of the application. Here’s the complete JSON from the
Click here to view code image
"value": [
"odata.type": "Microsoft.DirectoryServices.Application",
"objectType": "Application",
"objectId": "c806648a-f27d-43fd-9f18-999f7708fcfc",
"deletionTimestamp": null,
"appId": "e8040965-f52a-4494-96ab-0ef07b591e3f",
"appRoles": [],
"availableToOtherTenants": false,
"displayName": "WebAppChapter5",
"errorUrl": null,
"groupMembershipClaims": null,
"homepage": "https://localhost:44300/",
"identifierUris": [
"keyCredentials": [],
"knownClientApplications": [],
"logoutUrl": null,
"oauth2AllowImplicitFlow": false,
"oauth2AllowUrlPathMatching": false,
"oauth2Permissions": [
"adminConsentDescription": "Allow the application to
access WebAppChapter5 on behalf of the signed-in user.",
"adminConsentDisplayName": "Access WebAppChapter5",
"id": "00431d04-5334-4da6-8396-0e6f54631f10",
"isEnabled": true,
"type": "User",
"userConsentDescription": "Allow the application to
access WebAppChapter5 on your behalf.",
"userConsentDisplayName": "Access WebAppChapter5",
"value": "user_impersonation"
"oauth2RequirePostResponse": false,
"passwordCredentials": [],
"publicClient": null,
"replyUrls": [
"requiredResourceAccess": [
"resourceAppId": "00000002-0000-0000-c000-
"resourceAccess": [
"id": "311a71cc-e848-46a1-bdf8-97ff7156d8e6",
"type": "Scope"
"samlMetadataUrl": null

Feel free to ignore anything that starts with “odata” here. Also, some
properties listed are for internal use only or are about to be deprecated, so I
won’t talk about those.
The most “meta” properties here are objectId and
objectId is the unique identifier for this Application entry in
the directory. Note, this is not the identifier used to identify the app in
any protocol transaction—you can think of it as the ID of the row
where the Application object is saved in the directory store. It is
used for referencing the object in most directory queries and in cross-
entity references.
deletionTimestamp is always null, unless you delete the
Application, which in that case it records the instant in which you
do so. Azure AD implements most eliminations as soft deletes so that
you can repent and restore the object without too much pain should
you realize the deletion was a mistake.

Properties used for authentication

The bulk of the properties of the Application object control aspects of
the authentication, specifying parameters that define the app from the
protocol’s perspective, turning options on and off, and providing experience
Property naming galore
One important thing to keep in mind: Although in this book I
am focusing on OAuth2 and OpenID Connect, the
Application object must support all the protocols that
Azure AD implements. As you have seen in previous chapters,
all claims-oriented protocols share some common concepts—
issuer, audience, URLs to receive returned tokens, and so on.
That helps to keep the list of properties short, given that you
need to specify the URL where you want to get the tokens back
only once and use it with all protocols. However, it also creates
a problem: If WS-Federation calls that URL wsreply, and
OAuth2 calls it redirect_uri, what should the corresponding
property in the Application object be called? You’ll see that
the question has been answered in many different ways through
the object model, largely driven by historical circumstances (for
example, which protocols were implemented first). That has led
to some confusion, which prompted remediation attempts by
surfacing those properties in the Azure portal UX under
different labels . . . which led to further confusion. This is just a
heads-up to highlight the importance of being very precise when
you reason about Applications and protocol literature.

Here’s the complete list:

appId This corresponds to the client_id of the application.
replyUrls This multivalue property holds the list of registered
redirect_uri values that Azure AD will accept as destinations when
returning tokens. No other URI will be accepted. This property is the
source of some of the most common errors: even the smallest
mismatch (trailing slash missing, different casing) will cause the
token-issuance operation to fail.
Although at creation time the only URL in the collection is the one you
specified, as is the case with the localhost-based URL in the sample
here, you’ll often find yourself adding more URLs as your app moves
past the development stage and gets deployed to staging and
production. If you want to achieve complete isolation between
application deployments, you can always create an entirely new
Application for every environment, each with its own client_id.
identifierUris This multivalue property holds a collection of
developer-assigned application identifiers, as opposed to the directory-
assigned client_id.
These values are used to represent the application as a resource in
protocols such as SAML and WS-Federation, where they map to the
concept of realm. The URIs are also used as audience in access tokens
issued for the app via OAuth2, when the app is consumed as a web
API (as opposed to a web app with an HTML UX). This often
generates confusion, given that this scenario can also be implemented
by using the app’s client_id instead of one identifier URI. More about
this in Chapter 9.
publicClient In the current Azure AD model, applications can be
either confidential clients (apps that can have their own credentials,
usually run on servers, etc.) or public clients (mobile and native apps
running on devices, with no credentials, hence no strong identity of
their own). The security characteristics of the two app types are very
different, and so is the set of protocols that the two types support. For
example, a native client cannot obtain a token purely with its app
identity because it has no identity of its own; and a confidential client
cannot request tokens with user-only flows, where the identity of the
app would not play a role.
This book focuses on web apps; hence, confidential clients. That
means that the apps discussed here will always have the
publicClient property set to null.
passwordCredentials, keyCredentials These properties
hold references to application-assigned credentials, string-based shared
secrets and X.509 certificates, respectively. Only confidential clients
can have nonempty values here. Those credentials come into play
when requesting access tokens—in other words, when the app is acting
as a client rather than as a resource itself. You’ll see more of that in the
next chapter.
displayName This property determines how the application is
called in interactions with end users, such as consent prompts. It’s also
the mnemonic moniker used to indicate the application for the
developer in the Azure management portal. Given that the display
name has no uniqueness requirements, it’s not always a way to
conclusively identify one app in a long list.
Homepage The URL saved here is used to point to the application
from its entry in application portals such as the Office 365 application
store. It does not play any role in the protocol behavior of the app; it’s
just whatever landing page you want visitors, prospective buyers, and
corporate users (who might get there through the list of applications
their company uses) to use as an entry point. At creation time, the
Homepage value is copied from the replyUrls property. A
common bit of advice to software developers from Office is to ensure
that the URL in Homepage corresponds to a protected page/route in
your application so that if visitors are already authenticated when they
click the link, they’ll find themselves authenticated with the same
identity in your app as well.
samlMetadataUrl In case you are implementing SAML in your
app, this property allows you to specify where your app publishes its
own SAML metadata document.
oauth2AllowImplicitFlow This flag, defaulting to false,
determines whether your app allows requests for tokens for the app via
implicit flow.
oauth2AllowUrlPathMatching By default, Azure AD requires
all redirect_uris in a request to be a perfect match of any of the entries
in replyURLs. This is a very good policy, designed to mitigate the
open redirector attack—an attack in which appending extra parameters
to one redirect_uri might lead to the resulting token being forwarded to
a malicious party. However, there are situations in which your app
might need to have more flexibility and use return_uris that do have a
tail of extra characters that aren’t part of the registered values. Setting
this property to true tells Azure AD that you want to relax the perfect
match constraint, and allows you to use URLs that are a superset of the
ones you registered. Before changing this value, make sure you truly
need it and that you have mitigations in place.
oauth2RequirePostResponse Azure AD expects all requests to
be carried through a GET operation. Setting this property to true
relaxes that constraint.
groupMembershipClaims If you want to receive group
membership information as claims in the tokens issued for your user,
you can use this property to express that requirement. Setting
groupMembershipClaims to SecurityGroup results in a
token containing all the security group memberships of the user.
Setting it to All results in a token containing both security group and
distribution list memberships. The default, null, results in no group
information in the token. Note that the group claims do not include the
group name; rather, they carry a GUID that uniquely identifies the
group within the tenant. I’ll spend more time on this topic later in the
appRoles This property is used for declaring roles associated with
the application. I provide a complete explanation of this property in
later sections of this chapter.
availableToOtherTenants This property deviates from the
strictly protocol-related functionalities: it’s more about controlling the
provisioning aspect. Every confidential client application starts its
existence as an app that can be accessed only by accounts from the
same directory tenant in which the application was created. That’s the
typical line-of-business application scenario, where the IT department
of one company develops an app to be used by their fellow employees.
Any attempt to get tokens for the app from a different tenant will not
work (excluding guest scenarios, which will be mentioned later).
However, that clearly does not work if your intent is to make the
application available across organizations: that is the case for SaaS
scenarios, naturally. If you are in that situation, you can flip
availableToOtherTenants to true. That will make Azure AD
allow requests from other tenants to trigger the consent flow I
described briefly earlier instead of carrying out the default behavior, in
which the request would be rejected right away.
Applications available across tenants (what we commonly call
“multitenant apps”) have extra constraints. For example, whereas
identifierURIs can normally be any URI with no restrictions, for
multitenant apps those URIs must be proper URLs and their hostname
must match a domain that is registered with the tenant. Also, only
tenant administrators can promote an app to be multitenant. The
consent for a multitenant app clearly identifies the tenant as the
publisher of the app to potentially every other organization using
Azure AD—with important repercussions on reputation should
something go south.


Flipping this switch only tells Azure AD that you want your app
to behave as a multitenant app. Actually promoting one
application from line of business to multitenant requires some
coding changes, which I’ll discuss later on.

knownClientApplications The last property listed here is also

about provisioning. You have seen how consenting for one application
to have access to your own directory results in the creation of a
ServicePrincipal for the app in the target directory. To
anticipate a bit the upcoming discussion on permissions, the idea is
that the ServicePrincipal will also need to record the list of
resources and actions on those resources that the user consented to.
This is possible only if the requested resources are already present with
their own ServicePrincipal entries in the target directory. That
is usually the case for first-party resources: if your app needs access to
the Directory Graph or Exchange online, you can expect those to
already have an entry in the directory. It will occasionally happen that
your solution includes both a client application and one custom web
API application. You’ll want your prospective customers to have to
consent only once, when they first try to get a token for the client
application. If consent can happen only when all the requested
resources are present as a ServicePrincipal in the target
directory, and one of the resources you need is your own API, you
have a problem. It looks like you have to ask your user to first consent
to the web API so that it can create its ServicePrincipal in the
target directory, and only after that ask the user to go back and consent
to the client application.
Well, this property exists to save you from having to do all that work.
Say that the application you are working on is the web API project. If
you save in knownClientApplications the client_id (the appId,
that is) of the client application you want to use for accessing your
API, Azure AD will know that consenting to the client means
implicitly consenting to the web API, too, and will automatically
provision ServicePrincipals for both the client and web API at
the same time, with a single consent. Handy!
The main catch in all this is that both the client and the web API
application must be defined within the same tenant. You cannot list in
knownClientApplications the client_id of a client defined in a
different tenant.

oauth2Permissions: What actions does the app expose?

The oauth2Permissions collection publishes the list of things that
client applications can do with your app—the scopes the app admits, mostly,
but that comes into play only in case your app is a web API. If your app is a
web application with a UX, the expectation is that browsers will request
tokens for your app with the goal of signing in. That does not require any
entry for web sign-on, the scenario considered in this chapter, so I thought of
deferring coverage of this property until I get to exposing your own web
API, but some of the concepts will come in handy sooner than that, so I’ll
give you a bit of background now. Let’s take a closer look at the only entry
in the oauth2Permissions collection for the sample application:
Click here to view code image
"adminConsentDescription": "Allow the application to access
WebAppChapter5 on behalf of the signed-in user.",
"adminConsentDisplayName": "Access WebAppChapter5",
"id": "00431d04-5334-4da6-8396-0e6f54631f10",
"isEnabled": true,
"type": "User",
"userConsentDescription": "Allow the application to access
WebAppChapter5 on your behalf.",
"userConsentDisplayName": "Access WebAppChapter5",
"value": "user_impersonation"
Where does the default oauth2Permissions entry come from?
Answering this question requires a bit of history. For the way in
which Azure AD is organized, a token obtained by a client for
accessing a web API must contain at least a scope—which is, as
you have seen, an action that the client obtains permissions to
perform. An application representing a web API but not
defining any scopes would be impossible to access because any
token request would not have any scope to prompt consent for.
That wasn’t always the case! This constraint was added a few
months after Azure AD was released, creating a lot of confusion
for developers who were now expected to manually add at least
one oauth2Permission entry before being able to use their
API. This also influenced all the walk-through and sample
readme files at the time, making it necessary to add instructions
on how to add that entry. I am happy to report that such manual
steps are no longer necessary. Every Application is created
with one default permission, user_impersonation, so that if you
want to implement your app as a web API you don’t need any
extra configuration step, and you can begin development right
away. I am telling you all this because some of the walk-
throughs from that phase are still around. Now you know that
you don’t need to follow them to the letter on this.

The schema is pretty straightforward:

The ID uniquely identifies the permission within this resource.
Each property ending in “description” or “name” indicates how to identify
and describe this permission in the context of interactive operations, such as
consent prompts or Application configuration at development time.
The type property indicates whether this permission can be granted by
any user in the directory (in which case it is populated with the value User)
or is a high-value capability that can be granted only by an administrator (in
which case, the value is Admin).
The value property represents the value in the scope claim that a token
will carry to signal the fact that the caller was granted this permission by the
directory. That is what the app should look for in the incoming token to
decide whether the caller should be allowed to exercise the function gated by
this permission.
I’ll come back to this collection in Chapter 9.

requiredResourceAccess: What resources the app needs

This is one of the most powerful entries in the Application object,
which can lead to utter despair when things go wrong:
Click here to view code image
"requiredResourceAccess": [
"resourceAppId": "00000002-0000-0000-c000-
"resourceAccess": [
"id": "311a71cc-e848-46a1-bdf8-97ff7156d8e6",
"type": "Scope"

You can think of requiredResourceAccess as the client-side

partner of oauth2Permissions. The requiredResourceAccess
entry lists all the resources and permissions the application needs access to,
referring to the entries each of those resources expose through their own
oauth2Permissions entries. For each resource,
requiredResourceAccess specifies:
The appId of the requested resource, via the resourceAppId
Which specific permissions it is after, via the resourceAccess
collection, which contains
• The permission ID—the same ID the resource declared (in its own
Application object) for the permission in its own corresponding
oauth2Permission entry
• The type of access it intends to perform: possible values are Scope
and Role.
In our sample, the resource we need access to is the directory itself, in the
form of the Graph API— the identifier 00000002-0000-0000-c000-
000000000000 is reserved for the Graph in all tenants. The permission we
are requesting, of ID 311a71cc-e848-46a1-bdf8-97ff7156d8e6, corresponds
to “sign in and access the user’s profile.” I know it doesn’t sound that easy to
remember . . . but it is not supposed to be. The Azure portal or the Visual
Studio project wizards normally take care of putting those values there for
you when you select the human-readable counterparts in their UIs.
The type of access Scope determines that the app request the permission
in delegated fashion; that is to say, as the identity of the user who’s doing the
request. Whether an admin user is required for successfully obtaining this
permission at run time, or a normal user can suffice, is determined by the
Type declared in the corresponding oauth2Permission entry—found
in the Application object of the resource exposing the permission. As
you have seen in the preceding section, the possible values are User and
Admin. If the permission declares the latter, only an administrator can
consent to it.
A requiredResourceAccess entry with a Type of value Role
indicates that the application requires that permission with its own
application identity, regardless of which user identity is used to obtain the
token (if any—there are ways for an app to get tokens with no users
involved, and I’ll talk about that in the “Application permissions” section
toward the end of this chapter). This option does require consent from an
Now here is a super important concept; put everything else down and read
very carefully. In the current Azure AD model, one application must declare
in advance all resources it needs access to, and all the associated
permissions it requires. At the first request for a token for that app, that list
will be presented to the user in its entirety, regardless of what resources are
actually needed for that specific request. Once the user successfully grants
consent, a ServicePrincipal will be provisioned, and that consent will
be recorded in the target directory (you’ll see later how that happens in
practice) for all the requested resources. This makes it possible to prompt the
user for consent only once.
The side effect of this approach is that the list of consented permissions is
static. If you decide to add a new permission request to your application after
a customer of yours already consented to it in its own directory, your
customer will not be able to obtain the new permission for your app in the
customer’s own tenant until he or she revokes consent in its entirety and then
grants it again. This can sometimes be painful. In version 2 of Azure AD, we
are working hard to eliminate this constraint, but in version 1, that is the way
it is today.
Figure 8-2 summarizes the main functional groups the Application
object’s properties fall into. Sure, there are a lot of details to keep in mind,
but at the end of the day, more often than not, this simple subdivision will
help you to ignore the noise and zero in on the properties you need for your

Figure 8-2 A functional grouping of the properties of the Application

object in Azure AD.

The ServicePrincipal object

In later sections you will study in detail how an app goes from one
Application object in one tenant to one or more
ServicePrincipals in one or more tenants. In this section, I’ve
assumed that such provisioning has already happened and will focus on the
properties of the resulting ServicePrincipal: what properties are
copied as is from the Application, what doesn’t make it through, and
what’s added that is unique.
Following is the ServicePrincipal for our sample app. It is
deployed on the same tenant as the Application, but for our analysis that
doesn’t matter. At first glance, it does look a lot like the Application
itself, but it is in fact quite different.
Click here to view code image
"objectType": "ServicePrincipal",
"objectId": "29f565fd-0889-43ff-aa7f-3e7c37fd95b4",
"deletionTimestamp": null,
"accountEnabled": true,
"appDisplayName": "WebAppChapter5",
"appId": "e8040965-f52a-4494-96ab-0ef07b591e3f",
"appOwnerTenantId": "6c3d51dd-f0e5-4959-b4ea-a80c4e36fe5e",
"appRoleAssignmentRequired": false,
"appRoles": [],
"displayName": "WebAppChapter5",
"errorUrl": null,
"homepage": "https://localhost:44300/",
"keyCredentials": [],
"logoutUrl": null,
"oauth2Permissions": [
"adminConsentDescription": "Allow the application to
access WebAppChapter5 on behalf of the signed-in user.",
"adminConsentDisplayName": "Access WebAppChapter5",
"id": "00431d04-5334-4da6-8396-0e6f54631f10",
"isEnabled": true,
"type": "User",
"userConsentDescription": "Allow the application to
access WebAppChapter5 on your behalf.",
"userConsentDisplayName": "Access WebAppChapter5",
"value": "user_impersonation"
"passwordCredentials": [],
"preferredTokenSigningKeyThumbprint": null,
"publisherName": "Developer Tenant",
"replyUrls": [],
"samlMetadataUrl": null,
"servicePrincipalNames": [
"tags": [

I am sure you are not surprised to find objectId and

deletionTimestamp here, too.
Notably missing are all the flags determining protocol behaviors at run
time: availableToOtherTenants, groupMembershipClaims,
oauth2AllowImplicitFlow, oauth2AllowUrlPathMatching,
oauth2-RequirePostResponse, and publicClient. Other
properties that don’t directly make it in the form of properties in
ServicePrincipal are knownClientApplications and
requiredResourceAccess, both of which are properties that
influence the consent process and the very creation of this
ServicePrincipal. As you will see later on,
requiredResourceAccess gets recorded in a different form—one that
makes it easier for the directory to track down who in the tenant has actually
been granted the necessary permissions to use the app.
Properties that do transfer as is from the Application to its
corresponding ServicePrincipal are the appId (containing the all-
important client_id), various optional URLs (errorUrl, logoutUrl,
samlMetadata-Url), the settings used when listing the app in some UX
(displayName, homepage), the exposed appRoles and
oauth2Permissions, and finally the credentials keyCredentials
and passwordCredentials. The presence of the credentials in the
ServicePrincipal has important implications: it means that your code
can use the same credentials defined in the Application and those will
work on every ServicePrincipal in every tenant.
Here’s a list of the brand-new properties:
appOwnerTenantId This property carries the tenantId of the tenant
where you’ll find the Application object that was used as a
blueprint for creating this ServicePrincipal—in this case, If you search Chapter 6 for the
GUID value shown in our example’s ServicePrincipal, you’ll
find it everywhere.
publisherName Another property meant to be used for describing
the app in user interactions, publisherName stores the display
name of the tenant where the original Application was defined.
This represents the organization that published the app.
servicePrincipalNames This property holds all the identifiers
that can be used for referring to this application in protocol flows: as
you might have noticed in the sample, it contains the union of the
values in the identifierUris collection and the appId value
from the Application object. The former is used for OAuth2 and
OpenID Connect flows, the latter for WS-Federation, SAML, or
OAuth2 bearer token resource access requests.
appRoleAssignmentRequired Administrators can decide to
explicitly name the user accounts that they want to enable for the user
of the app and gate the token issuance on this condition. If
appRoleAssignmentRequired is set to true, only the token
requests coming from explicitly assigned users will be fulfilled. I’ll
talk more about this later in the chapter.
tags This property is used mostly by the Azure portal to determine
the type of application and how to present it in the administrative
interface. Without going into fine detail, an empty tag collection results
in the corresponding ServicePrincipal not being shown as one
of the resources that can be requested by other applications.

Consent and delegated permissions

Now that you know what application aspects are defined in the
Application and ServicePrincipal objects, it’s time to understand
how these two entities are used in the application provisioning and consent
You have learned that all it takes for provisioning an app in a tenant
(creating a ServicePrincipal for that app in the tenant) is one user
requesting a token by using the app coordinates defined in the
Application object, successfully authenticating, and granting to the app
consent to the permissions it requires. To get to the next level of detail, you
must take into account what kind of user created the application in the first
place, what permissions the applications requires, and what kind of user
actually grants consent to the app and in what terms. There is an underlying
rule governing the entire process, but that’s pretty complicated. Instead of
enunciating it here and letting you wrestle with it, I am going to walk you
through various common scenarios and explain what happens. Little by little,
we’ll figure out how things work.
Initially, I’ll scope things down to the case in which you are creating line-
of-business apps—applications meant to be consumed by users from the
same directory in which they were created. If your company has an IT
department that creates apps for your company’s employees, you know what
kind of apps I am referring to. Once you have a solid understanding of how
consent works within a single directory, I’ll venture to the multitenant case,
where you’ll see more of the provisioning aspect. I’ll stick to delegated
permissions, but there are other kinds of permissions, like the things that an
app can do independently of which user is signed in at the moment, but I’ll
defer coverage of those and describe the basics here.

Application created by a nonadmin user

In Chapter 5 you followed instructions to create an application in Azure AD
via the Azure portal. Did you create it while being signed in with a user who
is a global administrator in your tenant? If not, that’s perfect—the app you
have is already in the state I’ll describe in this section. If you did, you can
choose to believe that my description is accurate—or you can create a new
app, following the same instructions (very important!) but using a nonadmin
user. Note: to be able to sign in with that account in the Azure portal, you
might need to promote that user to coadmin of your Azure subscription.
As you have seen in the preceding section, creating one app via the Azure
portal has the effect of creating both the Application object and the
corresponding ServicePrincipal. What you haven’t seen yet is how
the directory remembers what permissions have been granted to the
ServicePrincipal and to which user. The Application object
enumerates the permissions it needs in the requiredResourceAccess
collection, but those aren’t present in the ServicePrincipal. Where are
Azure AD maintains another collection of entities, named
oauth2PermissionGrants, which records which clients have access to
which resources and with what permissions. Critically,
oauth2PermissionGrants also records which users that consent is
valid for.
For example, when you created the sample app in the Azure portal, Azure
AD automatically granted consent for that app on behalf of your user.
Alongside the Application and ServicePrincipal, the process also
created the following oauth2PermissionGrants entry:
Click here to view code image
"value": [
"clientId": "29f565fd-0889-43ff-aa7f-3e7c37fd95b4",
"consentType": "Principal",
"expiryTime": "2015-11-21T23:31:32.6645924",
"objectId": "_WX1KYkI_0Oqfz58N_2VtEnIMYJNhOpOkFrsIuF86Y8",
"principalId": "13d3104a-6891-45d2-a4be-82581a8e465b",
"resourceId": "8231c849-844d-4eea-905a-ec22e17ce98f",
"scope": "UserProfile.Read",
"startTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"


The query I used for retrieving this result was

Let’s translate that snippet into English. It says that the User with
identifier 13d3104a-6891-45d2-a4be-82581a8e465b (the PrincipalId)
consented for the client 29f565fd-0889-43ff-aa7f-3e7c37fd95b4 (the
clientId) to access the resource 8231c849-844d-4eea-905a-
ec22e17ce98f (the resourceId) with permission UserProfile.Read
(the scope). Resolving references further, the client is our sample app, and
the resource is the directory itself—more precisely, the Directory Graph API.
Figure 8-3 shows how the consent for the first application user is recorded in
the directory; Figure 8-4 shows how the oauth2PermissionGrants
table grows as more users give their consent.
Figure 8-3 The oauth2PermissionGrant recording in the directory
that user 1 consented for the app represented by ServicePrincipal 1
to access ServicePrincipal N with the permission stored in the
property scope, in itself picked from one of the permissions exposed by
the original Application N oauth2Permissions section.
Figure 8-4 Subsequent consent operations create more
oauth2PermissionGrant entries in the directory, one for each new
user consenting for the application.

All the identifiers here refer to the objectId property of the

respective entity they refer to. Given that clientId and
resourceId ultimately refer to ServicePrincipals, it’s
easy to get confused and expect those values to represent the
appId. But nope, it’s the objectId. The principalId is
the objectId property of the User object representing the
user account used for consenting.

When Azure AD receives a request for a token to be issued to the

application defined here, it looks in the oauth2PermissionGrants
collection for entries whose clientId matches the app. If the
authenticated user has a corresponding entry, she or he will get back a token
right away. If there’s no entry, the user will see the consent prompt listing all
the requiredResourceAccess permissions from the Application
object. Upon successful consent, a new oauth2PermissionGrant entry
for the current user will be created to record the consent. And so on and so
If you want to try, go ahead and launch the sample app again, but sign in
as another user. This time, you will be presented with the consent page.
Consent and then sign out. Sign in again with the new user: you will not be
prompted for consent again. If you queried the directory (in the next chapter
you’ll learn how) to find all the oauth2PermissionGrants whose
clientId matches the sample app, you’d see that there are now two
entries, looking very much alike apart from the principalId, which
would point to different users. Note that it doesn’t matter whether your
second user is an administrator or a low-privilege user; the resulting
oauth2PermissionGrant will look just like the one described earlier
when following this flow.
Interlude: Delegated permissions to access the directory
One of the things you have learned in this chapter is that applications can
declare the permissions that a client can request of them, via
oauth2Permissions, as a way of partitioning the possible actions a user
can perform over the resource represented by the app and to provide fine-
grained access control over who can do what. As I’ve mentioned, in the next
chapter you will learn how clients can actually take advantage of gaining
such permissions; here, you’re just studying how requesting and granting
such permissions takes place.
Each and every resource protected by Azure AD works by exposing
permissions—the Office 365 API, Azure management API, and any custom
API all work that way. Covering all those would be a pretty hard task. Even
ignoring the enormous surface I’d have to cover, chances are that the details
would change multiple times from the time I’m writing and when you have
this book in your hands. That said, I am going to describe in detail at least
one resource: the directory itself. Like any other resource, Azure AD exposes
a number of delegated permissions, which determine what actions your
application is allowed to perform against the data stored in the directory.
Such actions take the form of requests to embed information in issued tokens
(what we have been working with until now) and reading or modifying
directory data via API calls to the Graph API (what you’ll see in the next
chapter). You will likely have to deal with directory permissions in
practically every app you write; hence, they’re a great candidate for showing
you how to deal with permissions in depth—well, except for the fact that
they feature lots of exceptions, but you need to be aware of these anyway.
As of today, the directory itself is represented by a
ServicePrincipal in your tenant. You already know both the AppId
and the ObjectId of that principal, given that our sample app had to
request at least the permission UserProfile.Read in order to sign users
in. The AppId, 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000, comes from the
requiredResourceAccess in the Application object representing
our sample. The ObjectID of the ServicePrincipal, 8231c849-
844d-4eea-905a-ec22e17ce98f, comes from the
oauth2PermissionGrant tracking the consent to our sample. The
objectId is enough for crafting the resource URL referring to the Graph
API ServicePrincipal: it’s
I won’t show the entire JSON for the ServicePrincipal here, as it
contains a lot of stuff I want to cover later. But take a look at the
oauth2Permissions, the collection of delegated permissions one client
can request for interacting with the directory:
Click here to view code image
"oauth2Permissions": [
"adminConsentDescription": "Allows the app to create groups
on behalf of the signed-in user and read all group properties and
memberships. Additionally, this allows the app to update group
properties and memberships for the groups the signed-in user
"adminConsentDisplayName": "Read and write all groups",
"id": "970d6fa6-214a-4a9b-8513-08fad511e2fd",
"isEnabled": true,
"type": "User",
"userConsentDescription": "Allows the app to create groups
on your behalf and read all group properties and memberships.
Additionally, this allows the app to update group properties and
memberships for groups you own.",
"userConsentDisplayName": "Read and write all groups",
"value": "Group.ReadWrite.All" },
"adminConsentDescription": "Allows the app to read basic
group properties and memberships on behalf of the signed-in
"adminConsentDisplayName": "Read all groups",
"id": "6234d376-f627-4f0f-90e0-dff25c5211a3"
"isEnabled": true,
"type": "User",
"userConsentDescription": "Allows the app to read all group
properties and memberships on your behalf.",
"userConsentDisplayName": "Read all groups",
"value": "Group.Read.All"
"adminConsentDescription": "Allows the app to read and
write data in your company or school directory, such as users and
groups. Does not allow user or group deletion.",
"adminConsentDisplayName": "Read and write directory data",
"id": "78c8a3c8-a07e-4b9e-af1b-b5ccab50a175",
"isEnabled": true,
"type": "Admin",
"userConsentDescription": "Allows the app to read and write
data in your company or school directory, such as other users,
groups. Does not allow user or group deletion on your behalf.",
"userConsentDisplayName": "Read and write directory data",
"value": "Directory.Write"
"adminConsentDescription": "Allows the app to have the same
access to information in the directory as the signed-in user.",
"adminConsentDisplayName": "Access the directory as the
signed-in user",
"id": "a42657d6-7f20-40e3-b6f0-cee03008a62a",
"isEnabled": true,
"type": "User",
"userConsentDescription": "Allows the app to have the same
access to information in your work or school directory as you
"userConsentDisplayName": "Access the directory as you",
"value": "user_impersonation"
"adminConsentDescription": "Allows the app to read data in
your company or school directory, such as users, groups, and
"adminConsentDisplayName": "Read directory data",
"id": "5778995a-e1bf-45b8-affa-663a9f3f4d04",
"isEnabled": true,
"type": "Admin",
"userConsentDescription": "Allows the app to read data in
your company or school directory, such as other users, groups,
and apps.",
"userConsentDisplayName": "Read directory data",
"value": "Directory.Read"
"adminConsentDescription": "Allows the app to read the full
set of profile properties of all users in your company or school,
on behalf of the signed-in user. Additionally, this allows the
app to read the profiles of the signed-in user's reports and
"adminConsentDisplayName": "Read all users' full profiles",
"id": "c582532d-9d9e-43bd-a97c-2667a28ce295",
"isEnabled": true,
"type": "Admin",
"userConsentDescription": "Allows the app to read the full
set of profile properties of all users in your company or school
on your behalf. Additionally, this allows the app to read the
profiles of your reports and manager.",
"userConsentDisplayName": "Read all users' full profiles",
"value": "User.Read.All"
"adminConsentDescription": "Allows the app to read a basic
set of profile properties of all users in your company or school
on behalf of the signed-in user. Includes display name, first and
last name, photo, and email address. Additionally, this allows
the app to read basic info about the signed-in user's reports and
"adminConsentDisplayName": "Read all users' basic
"id": "cba73afc-7f69-4d86-8450-4978e04ecd1a",
"isEnabled": true,
"type": "User",
"userConsentDescription": "Allows the app to read a basic
set of profile properties of other users in your company or
school on your behalf. Includes display name, first and last
name, photo, and email address. Additionally, this allows the app
to read basic info about your reports and manager.",
"userConsentDisplayName": "Read all user's basic profiles",
"value": "User.ReadBasic.All"
"adminConsentDescription": "Allows users to sign in to the
app, and allows the app to read the profile of signed-in users.
It also allows the app to read basic company information of
signed-in users.",
"adminConsentDisplayName": "Sign in and read user profile",
"id": "311a71cc-e848-46a1-bdf8-97ff7156d8e6",
"isEnabled": true,
"type": "User",
"userConsentDescription": "Allows you to sign in to the app
with your work account and let the app read your profile. It also
allows the app to read basic company information.",
"userConsentDisplayName": "Sign you in and read your
"value": "User.Read"

Here’s a quick description of each delegated permission listed, per their

Value property. Please note that this list does change over time. Funny
story: it changed a couple of weeks after I finished writing this chapter—I
had to come back and revise much of what follows. In fact, the change is not
fully complete, as the ServicePrincipal object shown above still
shows some old values. The first four permissions described in what follows
are the ones that Azure AD has offered since it started supporting consent as
described in this book; the last four are brand-new and likely to be less
stable. Wherever appropriate, I will hint at the old values so that if you
encounter code based on older strings, you can map it back to the new
permissions. Chances are the list will change again: please keep an eye on
the permissions documentation, currently available at

User.Read (was UserProfile.Read)

This is the permission that each app needs to authenticate users. Applications
created in the Azure portal and Visual Studio are configured to automatically
request this permission, which is why you don’t see it mentioned in the UI
you use for creating apps in either tool.
Besides the ability to request a token containing claims about the
incoming user, this permission grants to the app the ability to query the
Graph API for information about the currently signed-in user.
As you’ve experienced, this permission can be granted by nonadmin
users. That is confirmed by the type property of value User in the
permissions declaration.

Directory.Read.All (was Directory.Read)

As the name implies, obtaining this permission allows one application to
read via the Graph API (I’ll stop saying that; just assume that’s what you use
to interact with the directory) the content of the directory tenant of the user
that is currently signed in.
Here’s the first exception. In the general case, Directory.Read is an
admin-only permission: only an admin user can consent to it. However, if
the application is a web app (as opposed to a native client) defined in tenant
A, and the user being prompted for consent is also from A,
Directory.Read behaves like a User-type permission, which is to say
that even a nonadmin user can consent to it. For the scenario we have been
considering until now—app developer and app users are from the same
tenant—this is effectively a User-type permission. When we consider the
case in which the app is available to other tenants, you’ll see that an app
created in A that is requesting Directory.Read and being accessed by a
user from B will be provisioned in B only if that user happens to be an
Directory.ReadWrite.All (was Directory.Write)
Once again, the name is self-explanatory: this permission grants to the app
the ability to read, modify, and create directory data. No exceptions this
time; only administrator users can consent to Directory.Write.

Directory.AccessAsUser.All (was user_impersonation)

This permission, which today is surfaced in the Azure portal under the label
“Access the directory as the signed-in user,” allows the application to
impersonate the caller when accessing the directory, inheriting his or her
permissions. That is a pretty powerful thing to do, which is why for web
applications this permission can be granted only by an admin user.
As a side note, for native applications, this permission behaves like a
User permission instead. A native app does not have an identity per se, and
it is already doing the direct user’s bidding anyway. It stands to reason that
the app should be able to do what the user is able to do, just as happens on-
premises when a classic native client (say Word or Excel) can or cannot open
a document from a network share depending on whether the user has the
correct permissions on that folder.

You can think of this permission as the minimum requirement allowing an
app to enumerate all users from a tenant. Namely,
User.ReadBasic.All will give access to the user attributes
displayName, givenName, surname, mail and thumbnailPhoto. Anything
beyond that requires higher permissions.

This is an extension of User.ReadBasic.All. This permission allows
an app to access all the attributes of User, the navigation properties
manager, and directReports. User.Read.All can be exercised only
by admin users.
Group.Read.All, Group.ReadWrite.All
These new permissions are still in preview at this point, so I hesitate to give
too detailed a description here. The idea is that groups and group
membership are important information and deserve their own permissions so
that access can be requested and granted explicitly. Group.Read.All
allows an app to read the basic profile attributes of groups and the groups
they are a member of. Group.ReadWrite.All allows an app to access
the full profile of groups and to change the hierarchy by creating new groups
and updating existing ones. Both permissions alone won’t grant access to the
users in the groups—to obtain that, the app also needs to request some
User.Read* permission.
As usual, it’s important to remember that scopes don’t really add to what a
user can do: an application obtaining Group.ReadWrite.All will only
be able to manipulate the groups owned by the user granting the delegation
to the app.
Table 8-1 summarizes how the out-of-the-box Azure AD permissions
work. I’ve added a column for the permission identifier, which I find handy
so that when I look at the Application object, which uses only opaque
IDs, I know what permission the app is actually requesting. Let me stress
that there’s no guarantee these won’t change in the future, so please use them
Table 8-1 A summary of the Azure AD permissions for accessing the
Now that you have some permissions to play with, let’s get back to the
exploration of how consent operates.

Application requesting admin-level permissions

Let’s say that your application needs the ability to modify data in the
directory. You might be surprised to learn that you can create such an
application even with a nonadmin user: you’ll simply not be able to use it at
run time.


If you are keeping track of the identifiers in the JSON,

technically I could modify the app we’ve been working on so
far, but for the sake of clarity I’ll create a new one.

Go back to the Azure portal, sign in as a nonadmin user, and go through

the usual application creation flow. Once the app is created, head to the
Configure tab and scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. As of today,
you’ll find a section labeled Permissions To Other Applications, already
containing one entry for Azure Active Directory—specifically, the default
delegated permission Sign In And Read User Profile. Figure 8-5 shows you
the UI at the time of writing, but as usual you can be sure there will be
something different (but I hope functionally equivalent) by the time you pick
up the book.

Figure 8-5 The application permission selection UI in the Azure portal

(fall 2015).
You’ll also see an ominous warning: “You are authorized to select only
delegated permissions which have personal scope.” Today that isn’t actually
the case. Select Read And Write Directory Data, and then click Save.
You’ll receive a warning that the portal was unable to update the
configuration for the app, but that’s only partially true. If you go take a look
at the Application, you’ll see that it was correctly updated. Here is its
requiredResourceAccess section:
Click here to view code image

"requiredResourceAccess": [
"resourceAppId": "00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000",
"resourceAccess": [
"id": "78c8a3c8-a07e-4b9e-af1b-b5ccab50a175",
"type": "Scope"
"id": "311a71cc-e848-46a1-bdf8-97ff7156d8e6",
"type": "Scope"
Thanks to our magical Table 8-1, we know those to be the correct
The part that the portal was not able to add was the
oauth2PermissionGrant that would allow the current (nonadmin)
user to have write access to the directory. If you list the
oauth2PermissionGrants of the ServicePrincipal, you’ll find
only the original entry for User.Read.
That entry is the reason why, if you try to sign in to the app as the user
who created it, you will succeed: the directory sees that entry, and that’s
enough to not show the consent prompt and issue the requested token.
However, if after you sign in, your app attempts to get a token for calling the
Graph, the operation would fail.
If you launch the application again and try to sign in as any other
nonadmin user, instead of the consent prompt you’ll receive an error along
the lines of “AADSTS90093: Calling principal cannot consent due to lack of
permissions,” which is exactly what you should expect.
Finally, launch the app again and try to sign in as an administrator. You
will be presented with the consent page as in Figure 8-6, just as expected.
Figure 8-6 The consent prompt presented to an admin user.
Grant the consent—you’ll find yourself signed in to the application. That
done, take a look at what changed in oauth2PermissionGrants:
Click here to view code image
"value": [
"clientId": "725a2d9a-6707-4127-8131-4f9106d771de",
"consentType": "Principal",
"expiryTime": "2016-02-26T18:17:06.8442687",
"objectId": "mi1acgdnJ0GBMU-
"principalId": "4f6552d5-a87c-473f-a68a-e0454a810496",
"resourceId": "8231c849-844d-4eea-905a-ec22e17ce98f",
"scope": "Directory.Write UserProfile.Read",
"startTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
"clientId": "725a2d9a-6707-4127-8131-4f9106d771de",
"consentType": "Principal",
"expiryTime": "2016-02-26T00:50:43.3860871",
"objectId": "mi1acgdnJ0GBMU-
"principalId": "13d3104a-6891-45d2-a4be-82581a8e465b",
"resourceId": "8231c849-844d-4eea-905a-ec22e17ce98f",
"scope": "UserProfile.Read",
"startTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"

There’s a new entry now, representing the fact that the admin user
consented for the app to have UserProfile.Read and
Directory.Write permissions. As discussed earlier, by the time you
read this, those scopes will likely have their new values—User.Read and
Directory.ReadWrite.All—but it is really exactly the same
Note that this did not change the access level for anybody but this
particular admin user. If you try to sign in as a nonadmin user (other than the
app's creator), you’ll still get error AADSTS90093.

Admin consent
If the consent styles you’ve encountered so far were the only ones available,
you’d have a couple of serious issues:
Each and every user, apart from the application developer, would need
to consent upon their first use of the app.
Only admin-level users would be able to consent for applications
requiring more advanced access to the directory, even when a user did
not plan to exercise those higher privileged capabilities.
Both issues would limit the usefulness of Azure AD. Luckily, there’s a
way of consenting to applications that results in a blanket grant to all users
of a tenant, all at once, and regardless of the access level requested. That
mechanism is known as admin consent, as opposed to user consent, which
you’ve been studying so far. Achieving admin consent is just a matter of
appending to the request to the authorization endpoint the parameter

Scopes can’t grant to the app more power than their user has!
I want to make sure you don’t fall for a common misconception
here. Scopes are a way of delegating to the app some of the
capabilities of their current user. In the most extreme case, this
means that an app can be as powerful as its current user (full
user impersonation). What can never happen via delegated
permissions is that an app can do more than what its user can. If
a user cannot write to the directory, the fact that the app obtains
Directory.ReadWrite.All does not mean that such user
can now use the app for writing to the directory! What that
scope really means is that if the current user of the app has that
capability, the app has that capability, too. If the user does not
have that capability, he or she cannot delegate it to the
application. As you will see later, applications can have their
own permissions (as opposed to delegated permissions) that are
independent from their current user and that can be used when
the app needs to perform things that would not normally be
within the possibilities of its users.

Let’s give it a try and see what happens. From Chapter 7, you now know
how to modify authentication requests by adding the change you want to the
RedirectToIdentityProvider notification. In a real app, you would
add some conditional logic to weave this parameter in only at the time of
first access, but for this test you can go with the brute-force solution in
which you add it every time.

Here I am adding Prompt=admin_consent in the sign-in

request for the sake of simplicity, but you would never do that
in a production application without at least some conditional
logic. In fact, more often than not, you would not include it in
the sign-in action but wire it up to a dedicated sign-up action
instead. Including Prompt=admin_consent in a request
will result in the consent being shown to the user, regardless of
the past consent history. You want to show this only when
needed, and that’s only the first time. Wire it up to some
specific action in your app, like sign-up, onboarding, or any
other label that makes sense for your application.

Here’s the code:

Click here to view code image
public static Task
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions> notification)
notification.ProtocolMessage.Prompt = "admin_consent";
return Task.FromResult(0);

After you’ve added that code, hit F5 and try signing in. You will be
prompted by a dialog similar to the one shown in Figure 8-7.
Figure 8-7 The admin consent dialog.
Superficially, the dialog in Figure 8-7 looks a lot like the one shown in
Figure 8-6, but there is a very important difference! The dialog shown when
admin consent is triggered has new text, which articulates the implications of
granting consent in the admin consent case: “If you agree, this app will have
access to the specified resources for all users in your organization. No one
else will be prompted.”
Click OK—you’ll end up signing in as usual. The app will look the same,
but its entries in the directory underwent a significant change. Once again,
take a look at the ServicePrincipal’s
Click here to view code image
"value": [
"clientId": "725a2d9a-6707-4127-8131-4f9106d771de",
"consentType": "AllPrincipals",
"expiryTime": "2016-02-27T00:38:03.4045842",
"objectId": "mi1acgdnJ0GBMU-RBtdx3knIMYJNhOpOkFrsIuF86Y8",
"principalId": null,
"resourceId": "8231c849-844d-4eea-905a-ec22e17ce98f",
"scope": "Directory.Write UserProfile.Read",
"startTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
"clientId": "725a2d9a-6707-4127-8131-4f9106d771de",
"consentType": "Principal",
"expiryTime": "2016-02-26T18:17:06.8442687",
"objectId": "mi1acgdnJ0GBMU-
"principalId": "4f6552d5-a87c-473f-a68a-e0454a810496",
"resourceId": "8231c849-844d-4eea-905a-ec22e17ce98f",
"scope": "Directory.Write UserProfile.Read",
"startTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
"clientId": "725a2d9a-6707-4127-8131-4f9106d771de",
"consentType": "Principal",
"expiryTime": "2016-02-26T00:50:43.3860871",
"objectId": "mi1acgdnJ0GBMU-
"principalId": "13d3104a-6891-45d2-a4be-82581a8e465b",
"resourceId": "8231c849-844d-4eea-905a-ec22e17ce98f",
"scope": "UserProfile.Read",
"startTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"


As I mentioned earlier in this chapter, Directory.Write

and UserProfile.Read will change to
Directory.ReadWrite.All and User.Read.

I highlighted the new entry for you: it has a consentType of

AllPrincipals, as opposed to the usual Principal. Furthermore, its
principalId property does not point to any user in particular; it just says
null. This tells Azure AD that the application has been granted a blanket
consent for any user coming from the current tenant. To prove that this is
really the case, sign out from the app, stop it in Visual Studio, comment out
the code you added for triggering admin consent, and start the app again.
Sign in as a third user from the same tenant, one that you have never used
before with this app. Figure 8-8 shows a visual summary of this
oauth2PermissionGrant configuration.

Figure 8-8 An oauth2PermissionGrant recording admin consent

enables the app to operate with the requested scope with all users of a
tenant at once.
After the credential gathering, you’ll find yourself signed in right away,
with no consent prompt of any form.
Application created by an admin user
What happens when you sign in to the Azure portal as an admin user and
you create an app in Azure AD? The portal creates the same list of entities:
an Application, its ServicePrincipal, and an
oauth2PermissionGrant. The difference from the nonadmin case is
that the oauth2PermissionGrant for an app created by an admin looks
exactly like the one you observed as an outcome of the admin consent flow:
it includes consentType allPrincipals, which means that every
user in the tenant can instantly get access to the application.


The creation of the ServicePrincipal and the associated

grant is at the origin of the peculiar behavior of native apps
created via the Azure portal by an admin. That is the only case
in which a native app does not trigger consent for all users in a
tenant. In all other cases, Azure AD today does not record
consent for native apps in the directory, storing it in the refresh
token instead—which means that each new native app instance
running on a different device will prompt its user for consent
regardless of its past consent history. This is really out of scope
for this book, but given that you have the concept fresh in your
mind, I thought I’d share this tidbit.

How to develop apps that can be consumed by multiple organizations is such
a large topic that for some time I wondered whether I should devote an entire
chapter to it. I ultimately decided against that. Even if this is going to be a
very large section, it still is a logical extension of what you have been
studying so far in this chapter.
The first part of this section will discuss how Azure AD enables
authentication flows across multiple tenants, and how you can generalize
what you have learned about configuring the Katana middleware to the case
in which users are sourced from multiple organizations.
The second part will go back to the application model proper, showing
you what happens to the directory data model when your app triggers
consent flows across tenants.

Azure AD as a parametric STS: The common endpoint

Ironically, if you are a veteran of federation protocols, you are at the highest
risk of misunderstanding how Azure AD handles multitenancy. The approach
taken here is very different from the classic solutions that preceded it, and I
have to admit that I myself needed some time to fully grok it.
In traditional claims-based protocols such as SAML and WS-Federation,
the problem of enabling access to one application from multiple IdPs has a
canonical solution. It entails introducing one intermediary STS (often
referred to as resource STS, R-STS or RP-STS) as the authority that the
application trusts. In turn, the intermediate STS trusts all the IdPs that the
application needs to work with—assuming the full burden of establishing
and maintaining trust, implementing whatever protocol quirks each IdP
demands. This is a very sensible approach, which isolates the application
itself from the complexities of maintaining relationships with multiple
authorities. It is also likely the best approach when you don’t know anything
about the IdPs you want to connect to, apart from the protocol they
implement and the STS metadata they publish. ADFS, Azure Access Control
Services (ACS), and pretty much any STS implementation supports this
If you restrict the pool of possible IdPs to only the ones represented by a
tenant in Azure AD, however, you have far more information than that, and
as you’ll see in the following, this removes the need to have an intermediary
in the picture. Although each administrator retains full control over her or his
own tenant, all tenants share the same infrastructure—same protocols, same
data model, same provisioning pipes. Focusing on endpoints in particular
(recall their description from Chapter 3), rather than a collection of STSs for
each of its tenants, Azure AD can be thought of like a giant parametric STS,
where each tenant is expressed by instantiating its ID in the right segment of
the issuance endpoint. Figure 8-9 compares the R-STS approach with the
multitenant pattern used by Azure AD.
Figure 8-9 The R-STS brokered trust pattern and the parametric STS
pattern. Besides allowing for directory queries that would be impossible
via federation alone, the latter makes it possible to automate application
provisioning and trust establishment.
In the hands-on chapters, you've experienced directly how the endpoint
pattern https://<instance>/<tenant>/<protocol-specific-path> can be
modulated to indicate tenant-specific token-issuance endpoints, sign-out
endpoints, metadata document endpoints, and so on. You have also seen how
the Katana middleware leverages those endpoints for tying one application
to one specific tenant. For example, in Chapter 6 you saw how the metadata
document published at
known/openid-configuration (which, by the way, is equivalent to
a80c4e36fe5e/.well-known/openid-configuration, where the GUID is the
corresponding tenantID) asserts that tokens issued by that tenant will carry
an iss(uer) claim value of
a80c4e36fe5e/. In Chapter 7, you saw how that information is used by the
Katana middleware to ensure that only tokens coming from that tenant (that
is, carrying that iss value) will be accepted. That’s all well and good, and
exactly what you want for line-of-business applications and single-tenant
apps in general.
You can repeat the same reasoning for all tenants: all you need to do is
instantiate the right domain (or tenantID) in the endpoints paths.
Azure AD makes it possible to deal with multitenant scenarios by
exposing a particular endpoint, where the tenant parameter is not instantiated
up front. There is a particular value, common, that can be instantiated in
endpoints in lieu of a domain or tenantID. By convention, that value tells
Azure AD that the requestor is not mandating any particular tenant—any
Azure AD tenant will do.
Very important: Common is not a tenant.

It is just an artifact used for constructing Azure AD endpoints

when the tenant to be used is not known yet. This is a crucial
point to keep in mind at all times when working with
multitenant solutions, or you’ll end up baking assumptions into
your app that will inevitably turn out to be false and create all
sorts of issues that are hard to debug.

When the endpoint being constructed is one that would serve

authentication UI, as is the case for the OAuth2 authorization endpoints, the
user is presented with a generic Azure AD credentials-gathering experience.
As the user enters his or her credentials, the account he or she chooses will
indirectly determine a specific tenant—the one the account belongs to. That
will resolve the ambiguity about which tenant should be used for the present
transaction, concluding the role of common in the flow. The resulting code
or token will look exactly as it would have had it been obtained by
specifying the actual tenant instead of common to begin with. In other
words, whether you start the authentication flow using or
a80c4e36fe5e/oauth2/authorize for an OpenID Connect sign-in flow, if at
run time you sign in with a user from the tenant with ID 6c3d51dd-f0e5-
4959-b4ea-a80c4e36fe5e, the resulting token will look the same, with no
memory of what endpoint path led to its issuance. That should make it even
clearer that common is not a real tenant: it’s just an endpoint sleight of hand
for late binding a tenant, if you will.
Now comes the fun part. Upon learning about the common endpoint, the
typical (and healthy) developer reaction is “Awesome! Let me just change
the OpenID Connect middleware options as shown here, and I’ll be all set!”
Click here to view code image
new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
ClientId = "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081",
Authority = "",
Let’s say that you do just that, and then you hit F5 and, just for testing
purposes, use the same account you used successfully earlier—the one from
the same tenant where the app was defined in the first place. Well, if you do
that—surprise! The app won’t work. Sure, upon sign-in you will be
presented with your credential-gathering and consent experience, but the app
won’t accept the issued token. If you dig in a bit, as you learned in Chapter
7, you’ll discover that the token failed the issuer validation test.
Recall the id_token validation logic from Chapter 7, and the comment
about how the discovery document of each tenant establishes what iss
value an app should expect. If your app is initialized with a tenant-specific
endpoint, it will read from the metadata the tenant-specific issuer value to
expect; but if it is initialized with common, what issuer value is it going to
get? I’ll save you the hassle of visiting
configuration yourself: the discovery doc says “issuer”:
“{tenantid}/”. No real tenant will ever issue a token
with that value, given that it’s just a placeholder, but the middleware does
not know that. That’s the value that the metadata asserts is going to be in the
iss claim, and the default logic will refuse anything carrying a different


What about all the other values in the discovery doc? Issuer is
the only problematic one, everything else (including keys, as
you have seen in Chapter 6) is shared by all tenants.

This simply means that the default validation logic cannot work in case of
multitenancy. What should you do instead? You already saw the main
strategies for dealing with this in Chapter 7, although at the time I could not
fully discuss the multitenant case. I recommend that you leaf back a few
pages to get all the details, but just to summarize the key points here:
If you have your own list of tenants that your application should
accept, you have two main approaches. If the list is short and fairly
static, you can pass it in at initialization time via
TokenValidationParameters.ValidIssuers. If the list is
long and dynamic, you can provide an implementation for
TokenValidationParameters.IssuerValidator where
you accommodate for whatever logic is appropriate for your case.
If the decision about whether the caller should be allowed to get
through is not strictly tied to the tenant the caller comes from, you can
turn off issuer validation altogether by setting
TokenValidationParameters.ValidateIssuer to false.
You should be sure that you do add your own validation logic; for
example, in the SecurityTokenValidated notifications or even
in the app (custom authorization filters, etc.). Otherwise, your app will
be completely open to access by anybody with a user in Azure AD.
There are scenarios where this might be what you want, but in general,
if you are protecting your app with authentication, that means that you
have something valuable to gate access to. In turn, that might call for
you to verify whether the requestor did pay his monthly subscription or
whatever other monetization strategy you are using—and usually that
verification boils down to checking the issuer or the user against your
own subscription list.
Now that you know how Azure AD multitenancy affects the application’s
code, I’ll go back to how consent, provisioning, and the data model are
Consenting to an app across tenants
The section about the Application object earlier in this chapter, and
specifically the explanation of the availableToOtherTenants
property, already anticipated most of what you need to know about creating
multitenant applications. All apps are created for being used exclusively
within their own tenant, and only a tenant admin can promote an app to be
available across organizations. Today, this is done by flipping a switch
labeled “Application is multi-tenant” on the Configuration page of the
application on the Azure portal, and this has the effect of setting the
availableToOtherTenants app property to true. Also, an app is
required to have an App ID Uri (one of the elements in the
identifierUris collection in the Application object) whose host
portion corresponds to a domain registered for the tenant. In the sample I
have been using through the last couple of chapters, that means that you’d
need to set the App ID Uri to something like
Let’s say that you signed in to the Azure portal and modified your app
entry to be multitenant. Let’s also say that you modified your app code to
correctly handle the validation for tokens coming from multiple
organizations. Let’s give the app a spin by hitting F5.

If you promote the app you have been using in this chapter until
now, be sure to comment out the logic that triggers the admin
consent (for now). Consequently, make sure also that the app
does not request any admin-only permissions.

In case you did not code your validation logic yet

If you are just experimenting and didn’t set up your multitenant
validation code yet, here’s the code you can use for turning off
issuer validation while you play with the walk-through in this
Click here to view code image
new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
ClientId = "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081",
Authority = "",
TokenValidationParameters = new
ValidateIssuer = false,

I cannot stress this enough: you should not go into production

with the issuer validation logic disabled unless you have also
added your own validation.

Once the app is running, click the Sign In link, but this time sign in with a
user from a different Azure AD tenant. As explained in Chapter 3, in the
section “Getting Azure Active Directory,” any Azure subscriber can create a
number of Azure AD tenants, create users and apps in them, and so on. If
you belong to a big-ish organization, you likely already did this in creating
your development tenant, as that’s the best way of experimenting with
admin-only features. If you already have a second tenant and an account in
it, great! If you don’t, create one tenant, create a user in it, then come back
and pick up the flow from here.
Upon successful sign-in, you’ll be presented with the consent page. As
you can see in Figure 8-10, the consent page presents some important
differences from the single-tenant case. For one, the tenant where the
Application object was originally created is prominently displayed as
the publisher. Moreover, there’s now text telling you to consider whether you
trust the publisher of the application. This is serious stuff—if you give
consent to the wrong application for the wrong permissions, the damage to
your own organization could be severe. That’s why only admins can publish
apps for multiple organizations, and that’s why even the simple
Directory.Read permission requires admin consent when it’s requested
by a multitenant app.

Figure 8-10 The consent prompt for a multitenant page.

At the beginning of this chapter, you encountered a description of what
happens in the tenants for this exact consent scenario: the Application
object in the original development tenant is used as a blueprint for creating a
ServicePrincipal in the target tenant. In fact, if you query the
Applications collection in the target tenant (you’ll learn how to do this
in the next chapter), you’ll find no entries with the ClientId of your
application—but you will find a ServicePrincipal with that ClientId.
From what you have learned a few pages ago, you know that if you look into
the collection of oauth2PermissionGrants for that
ServicePrincipal, you will find an entry recording the consent of that
particular user for this app and the permissions it requires. The principles of
admin consent apply here as well: if you want the admin of your prospective
customer tenants to be able to grant a blanket consent for all of his or her
users, provide a way for your app to trigger an admin consent request.

Changing consent settings

I touched on this earlier, but it’s worth stressing that the list of permissions
an app requires isn’t very dynamic. More concretely, say that your
application initially declares a certain list of permissions in its
requiredResourceAccess, and some users in a few tenants consent to
it. Say that after some time you decide to add a new permission. That change
in the Application object in your development tenant will not affect the
existing oauth2PermissionGrants attached to the
ServicePrincipals that have been created at consent time. With this
version of Azure AD, the only way of reflecting the new permission set for a
given app in a tenant is to revoke the existing consent (typically done by the
user visiting, the Office 365 portal, or any other
means that might be available when you read this book) and ask for consent
This is less than ideal, especially if you consider that Azure AD offers you
no way of warning your users that something changed—you have to handle
that in your own app or subscription logic. The good news is that the next
version of the Azure AD application model will allow for dynamic consent,
solving this issue once and for all.
The last section discussed at length the consent framework used for
driving delegated permissions assignment to applications. That is a super
important aspect of managing application capabilities, but it is far from the
only one. The next section will continue to explore how Azure AD helps you
to control how users and applications have access to the directory itself, and
to each other.
App user assignment, app permissions, and app roles
This section describes a set of Azure AD features that seem unrelated but are
in fact all implemented through the same primitive: the role. Here’s the list
of features I’ll cover.
App user assignment The ability to explicitly define which users
should be allowed to get a token for a certain application, at the
exclusion of everybody else.
App-level permissions The ability to expose (and request)
permissions that can be assigned to applications themselves, as
opposed to the users of the apps.
App roles The ability for developers to define application-specific
roles, which can be used by administrators to establish in which
capacity users can access an application.
All these features give you even more control over who can access your
application and how.

App user assignment

By default, every user in a tenant can request a token from any app. Whether
the requested token will actually be issued depends on the outcome of user
authentication, consent, and considerations of user versus admin
permissions, as I’ve discussed in the preceding sections.
Azure AD offers the possibility for an administrator to restrict access to
one application to a specific set of handpicked accounts. In terms of today’s
experience, an administrator can navigate to the Azure management portal at, select the target tenant, navigate to the
appropriate app entry, select the Configure tab, and flip the setting for “User
assignment required to access app” to On.
Given that this feature is related to specific instances of the app in specific
tenants, the knobs used to control it are not in the Application object but
in the ServicePrincipal and associated entities in the target tenant.
You already encountered the ServicePrincipal property
appRoleAssignmentRequired: flipping the switch in the portal has
the effect of setting this property to true.
The Users tab in the application entry in the Azure portal lists all the users
that are assigned to the application. From now on, no user not on that list
can successfully request a token for the application. If you flip the switch for
one of the apps you’ve been playing with in the preceding section, you’ll see
that all the users that already gave consent for the app are present in the list.
Every time a user gives consent to the app, Azure AD adds an entry to a list
of AppRoleAssignment, an entity I haven’t yet discussed. Here’s how
one typical entry looks:
Click here to view code image
"objectType": "AppRoleAssignment",
"objectId": "Bkp-sDgT4kq5a-YB4HMf2q2NyOTf4hpKhVKXXQHxMhA",
"deletionTimestamp": null,
"creationTimestamp": "2015-09-06T08:53:30.1974755Z",
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"principalDisplayName": "Vittorio Bertocci",
"principalId": "b07e4a06-1338-4ae2-b96b-e601e0731fda",
"principalType": "User",
"resourceDisplayName": "MarioApp1",
"resourceId": "725a2d9a-6707-4127-8131-4f9106d771de"

That entry declares that the user Vittorio Bertocci (identified by its
objectId b07e4a06-1338-4ae2-b96b-e601e0731fda) can have access to
the app MarioApp1 (object ID of the app’s ServicePrincipal being
725a2d9a-6707-4127-8131-4f9106d771de) in the capacity of role 00000000-
This is where the role of Role (pun intended) comes into play. As you will
see later, Azure AD allows developers to define application-specific roles.
The AppRoleAssignment entity is meant to track that a certain app role
has been assigned to one user for a certain app. What you are discovering
here is that Azure AD uses AppRoleAssignment also for tracking app
user assignments—but in this case, Azure AD automatically sets in the
AppRoleAssignment a default role, 00000000-0000-0000-0000-
000000000000. It’s as simple as that.
One notable property of AppRoleAssignment is principalType.
The sample entry here has the value User, indicating that the entity being
assigned the role is a user account. Other possible values are Group (in
which case, all the members of the group are assigned the role) or
ServicePrincipal (in which case, the role is being assigned to another
client application).
If you use the Azure portal to assign more users to the app, you’ll see
corresponding new AppRoleAssignment entries appearing in the
application. By the way, the query I used for getting the list of
AppRoleAssignments for my app is:
Click here to view code image

Just for kicks, try to access your application with a user that has not been
assigned. Instead of the usual consent dialog, you’ll get back a lovely error
along the lines of:
“error=access_denied&error_description=AADSTS50105: The
signed in user ‘’ is not
assigned to a role for the application
The behavior described in this section is what you would observe if your
application didn’t define any app roles. In the next section, I’ll explore app
roles in more depth.
App roles
Azure AD allows developers to define roles associated with an application.
Traditionally, roles are handy ways of assigning collections of permissions to
a bunch of users all at once: for example, people in a hypothetical Approver
role might have read/write access to a certain set of resources, while people
in the Reviewer role might have only read access to the same resources.
Roles are handy because assigning a user to a role saves you the hassle of
adding all the permissions a role entails one by one. Moreover, when a new
resource is added to the milieu, access to that resource can be added to the
role to enable access to it for all the users already assigned to the role,
replacing the need to assign access individually, account by account. That
said, roles in Azure AD do not necessarily need to represent permissions
grouping: Azure AD does not offer you anything for representing such
permissions anyway; it is your app’s job to interpret each role. You can use
application roles to represent any user category that makes sense for your
application, like what is the primary spoken language of a user. True, there
are many other ways of tracking the same info, but one big advantage of app
roles over any other method is that Azure AD will send them in the form of
claims in the token, making it extra easy for the app to consume the info they
After you declare application roles, such roles are available to be assigned
to users by the administrators of the tenants using your app. Let’s take a look
at how that cycle plays out.
The Application entity has one collection, appRoles, which is used
for declaring the roles you want to associate with your application. As of
today, the way in which you populate that property is by downloading the
app manifest as described in “The Application” section at the beginning of
this chapter, adding the appropriate entries in appRoles, and uploading it
back via the portal. Here is what one appRoles collection looks like:
Click here to view code image
"appRoles": [
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Approvers can mark documents as
"displayName": "Approver",
"id": "8F29F99B-5C77-4FBA-A310-4A5C0574E8FF",
"isEnabled": "true",
"value": "approver"
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Reviewers can read documents",
"displayName": "Reviewer",
"id": "0866623F-2159-4F90-A575-2D1D4D3F7391",
"isEnabled": "true",
"value": "reviewer"

The properties of each entry are mostly self-explanatory, but there are a
couple of nontrivial points.
The displayName and description strings are used in any
experience in which the role is presented, such as the one in which an
administrator can assign roles to users.
The value property represents the value that the role claim will carry in
tokens issued for users belonging to this role. This is the value that your
application should be prepared to receive and interpret at access time.
The id is the actual identifier of the role entry. It must be unique within
the context of this Application.
The allowedMemberTypes property is the interesting one. Roles can
be assigned to users, groups, and applications. An
allowedMemberTypes collection including the entry “User” indicates a
role that can be assigned to both users and groups. (In the next section, I’ll
cover roles assignable to applications.)
Once you have added the roles in the manifest file, don’t forget to upload
it back via the portal.

Sometimes the upload will fail, unfortunately without a lot of

information to help you troubleshoot: watch out for silly errors
—for example, nonmatching parentheses. I recommend using a
syntax-aware JSON editor, which should take care of most
issues up front.

If you head back to the Users tab and try to assign a new user to the app
like you did in the preceding section, you’ll see that you are no longer able
to simply declare that you want to assign a user to the app: now you are
presented with a choice between the various roles you declared in the
manifest. Assign one of the roles to a random user, and then launch the app
and try to sign in with that user.


Subscribers to Azure AD Premium will also see an experience

allowing the assignment of groups.

If you go back to the appRoleAssignedTo property of the

ServicePrincipal and inspect the role assignments there, you’ll find
the same user assignments from the preceding section, plus a new entry for
the user you just assigned to a role. It should look something like this:
Click here to view code image
"objectType": "AppRoleAssignment",
"objectId": "9pcRosZaC0a10yoa5r0IwZrIr_JYzUxFtCmlWBYn6w0",
"deletionTimestamp": null,
"creationTimestamp": null,
"id": "8f29f99b-5c77-4fba-a310-4a5c0574e8ff",
"principalDisplayName": "Fabio Bianchi",
"principalId": "a21197f6-5ac6-460b-b5d3-2a1ae6bd08c1",
"principalType": "User",
"resourceDisplayName": "MarioApp1",
"resourceId": "725a2d9a-6707-4127-8131-4f9106d771de"

As expected, the id property points to one of the roles just defined, as

opposed to the default 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 used
during user assignment.
Launch the app and sign in as the user you just assigned to the role. If you
capture the traffic via Fiddler (as you learned about in Chapter 6) and peek at
the JWT token sent in the id_token, you’ll notice a new roles claim:
Click here to view code image
"amr" : [ "pwd" ],
"aud" : "1538b378-5829-46de-9294-6cfb4ad4bbaa",
"c_hash" : "EOuY-5M5XFxRyNCvRHe8Kg",
"exp" : 1442740348,
"family_name" : "Bianchi",
"given_name" : "Fabio",
"iat" : 1442736448,
"iss" : "
"name" : "Fabio Bianchi",
"nbf" : 1442736448,
"nonce" :
"oid" : "a21197f6-5ac6-460b-b5d3-2a1ae6bd08c1",
"roles" : [ "approver" ],
"sub" : "OpcgG-Rxo_DSCJnuAf_7tdfXp7XaOzpW6pF3x7Ga8Y0",
"tid" : "6c3d51dd-f0e5-4959-b4ea-a80c4e36fe5e",
"unique_name" : "",
"upn" : "",
"ver" : "1.0"

From your own application’s code, you can find out the same information
through the usual
ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("roles") or, given that
this is a multivalue claim, FindAll. Once you have the value, you can do
whatever the semantic you assigned to the role suggests that your code
should do: allow or deny access to the method being called, change
environment settings to match the preferences of the caller, and so on.
If you are using roles for authorization, classic ASP.NET development
practices would suggest using [Authorize], <Authorization>, or
the evergreen IsInRole(). The good news is that they are all an option.
The only thing you need to do is tell the identity pipeline that you want to
use the claim type roles as the source for the role information used by
those artifacts. That’s done via one property of
TokenValidationParameters, RoleClaimType. For example, you
can add the following to your OpenID Connect middleware initialization
Click here to view code image
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
RoleClaimType = "roles",

Azure AD roles are a very powerful tool, which is great for modeling
relationships between users and the functionality that the app provides.
Although the concept is not new, Azure AD roles operate in novel ways. For
example, developers are fully responsible for their creation and maintenance,
while the administrators of the various tenants where the app is provisioned
are responsible for actually assigning people to them. Also, Azure AD roles
are always declared as part of one app—it is not possible to create a role and
reuse it across multiple applications. There is no counterpart for this on-
premises. The closest match is groups, but those have global scope, and a
developer has no control over them. Before the end of the chapter, I will also
touch on groups in Azure AD.

Application permissions
All the features you encountered in this chapter are meant to give you
control over how users have access to your app and how users can delegate
your app to access other resources for them.
In some situations you want to be able to confer access rights to the
application itself, regardless of what user account is using the app, or even
when the app is running without any currently signed-in user. For example,
imagine a long-running process that performs continuous integration—an
app updating a dashboard with the health status of running tests against a
solution and so on. Or more simply, think about all the situations in which an
app must be able to perform operations that a low-privilege user would not
normally be entitled to do—like provisioning users, assigning users to
groups, reading full user profiles, and so on. Note that, once again, those
kinds of permissions come into play when accessing the resource as a web
API, so you won’t see this feature really play out until the next chapter. Here
I’ll just discuss provisioning.
While delegated permissions are represented in Azure AD via
oauth2Permission in the Application object and the
oauth2PermissionsGrants collection in the ServicePrincipal
table, Azure AD represents application permissions via
Application.appRoles and
The AppRole entity is used to declare application permissions just as
you have seen for the application roles case, with the difference that
allowedMemberTypes must include an entry of value
“Application”. To clarify that point, let’s once again turn to the
Directory Graph API ServicePrincipal and examine its appRoles
Click here to view code image
"appRoles": [
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Allows the app to read and write all
device properties without a signed-in user. Does not allow
device creation, device deletion, or update of device alternative
security identifiers.",
"displayName": "Read and write devices",
"id": "1138cb37-bd11-4084-a2b7-9f71582aeddb",
"isEnabled": true,
"value": "Device.ReadWrite.All"
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Allows the app to read and write data
in your organization's directory, such as users and groups. Does
not allow create, update, or delete of applications, service
principals, or devices. Does not allow user or group deletion.",
"displayName": "Read and write directory data",
"id": "78c8a3c8-a07e-4b9e-af1b-b5ccab50a175",
"isEnabled": true,
"value": "Directory.Write"
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Allows the app to read data in your
organization's directory, such as users, groups, and apps.",
"displayName": "Read directory data",
"id": "5778995a-e1bf-45b8-affa-663a9f3f4d04",
"isEnabled": true,
"value": "Directory.Read"


Directory.Write and Directory.Read will follow the

same update path as their delegated homonyms and become
Directory.ReadWrite.All and
Directory.Read.All, respectively.

You can think of each of those roles as permissions that can be requested
by applications invoking the Graph API. Although in the case of user and
group roles, administrators can perform role assignments directly in the
Azure management portal, granting application roles works very much like
delegated permissions—via consent at the first token request.
A client application needs to declare in advance what application
permissions (that is, application roles) it requires. That is currently done via
the Azure portal, in the Permission To Other Application section of the
Configure tab. In Figure 8-5 earlier, you can see that the middle column of
the screen contains a drop-down labeled Application Permissions, in that
case specifying the options available for the Directory Graph API. It is
operated much as you learned about for the Delegated Permissions list, but
the entries exposed in Application Permissions are the ones in the target
resource from its appRoles collection, and specifically the ones marked as
Application in allowedMemberTypes.
What happens when you select an application permission, say Read
Directory Data, for the Directory Graph API? Something pretty similar to
what you have seen in the case of delegated permissions. Take a look at what
changes in the Application’s requiredResourceAccess
Click here to view code image
"requiredResourceAccess": [
"resourceAppId": "00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000",
"resourceAccess": [
"id": "5778995a-e1bf-45b8-affa-663a9f3f4d04",
"type": "Role"
"id": "78c8a3c8-a07e-4b9e-af1b-b5ccab50a175",
"type": "Scope"
"id": "311a71cc-e848-46a1-bdf8-97ff7156d8e6",
"type": "Scope"

The resource you want to access remains the same, the Directory Graph
API—represented by the ID 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000. In
addition to the old delegated permissions, of type Scope, you’ll notice a
new one, of type Role. The ID of this one corresponds exactly to the ID
declared in the Directory Graph API’s ServicePrincipal appRoles
for the Read Directory Data permission.
As I mentioned, granting application permissions takes place upon
successful request of a token from the app and positive consent granted by
the user at authentication time. The presence of an entry of type Role in a
RequiredResourceAccessCollection introduces a key constraint,
however: only admin consent requests will be considered. This means that
every time you develop an app requesting application permissions, you have
to be sure that the first time you request a token from it, you append the
prompt=admin_consent flag to your request.
If you actually launch the app and go through the consent dance, you’ll
find that after provisioning, the directory has added one new
AppRoleAssignment entry to the appRoleAssignedTo property of
the app’s ServicePrincipal entry in the target tenant. Or better, you
would find it if your app had requested permissions for any resource other
than the Directory Graph API. As I am writing this chapter, the Directory
Graph API is the only resource that received special treatment from Azure
AD: whereas every other resource has its consent settings recorded in the
entities described in this chapter, as of today clients accessing the Graph API
record the application permissions consent for it elsewhere. I won’t go into
further details for two reasons. One, it would not help you understand how
application permissions work in general, given that each and every other
resource does use appRoleAssignedTo. Two, there is talk of changing
the Directory Graph API behavior so that it will start acting like any other
resource—it’s entirely possible that this will already be the case once the
book is in your hands, but given that it’s not for sure, I am not taking any
With their permission/role dual nature, application permissions can be
confusing. However, they are an extremely powerful construct, and the
possibilities their use opens up are well worth the effort of mastering them.

In closing this chapter about how Azure AD models applications, I am going
to show you how to work with groups. Groups in Azure AD can be cloud-
only sets of users, created and populated via the Azure portal or the Office
365 portal, or they can be synched from on-premises distribution lists and
security groups. Groups have been a staple of access control for the last few
decades. As a developer, you can count on groups to work across
applications and to be assigned and managed by administrators: all you need
to know is that a group exists and what its semantic is and then use that
information to drive your app’s decisions regarding the current user (access
control, UI customization, and so on).
By default, tokens issued by Azure AD do not carry any group
information: if your app is interested in which groups the current user
belongs to, it has to use the Directory Graph API (cue the next chapter).
Just as with application roles, you can ask Azure AD to start sending
group information in issued tokens in the form of claims—simply by
flipping a switch property in the Application object. If you download
your app manifest, modify the groupMembershipClaims property as
follows, and then upload the manifest again, you will get group information
in the incoming tokens:
"groupMembershipClaims": "All",

If you are interested in receiving just the security groups, enter

“SecurityGroup” instead of “All”.
After changing the manifest as described, I used the portal to create in my
test tenant a new group called “Hippies,” and assigned to it the test user
Fabio. That done, I launched the app and signed in as Fabio. Here’s the
token I got:
Click here to view code image
"amr" : [ "pwd" ],
"aud" : "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081",
"c_hash" : "zit-F66pwRsDeJPtjpuzgA",
"exp" : 1442822854,
"family_name" : "Bianchi",
"given_name" : "Fabio",
"groups" : [ "d6f48969-725d-4869-a7a0-97956001d24e" ],
"iat" : 1442818954,
"iss" : "
"name" : "Fabio Bianchi",
"nbf" : 1442818954,
"nonce" :
"oid" : "a21197f6-5ac6-460b-b5d3-2a1ae6bd08c1",
"sub" : "0vmQvSCoJqTYby1EE0XR94PgRuveuOWUbAHNkmf0xTk",
"tid" : "6c3d51dd-f0e5-4959-b4ea-a80c4e36fe5e",
"unique_name" : "",
"upn" : "",
"ver" : "1.0"

You can see that there is indeed a groups claim, but what happened to
the group name? Well, the short version of the story is that because Azure
AD is a multitenant system, arbitrary group names like “People in building
44” or “Hippies” have no guarantee of being unique. Hence, if you wrote
code relying on only a group name, your code would often be broken and
subject to misuse (a malicious admin might create a group matching the
name you expect in a fraudulent tenant and abuse your access control logic).
As a result, today Azure AD sends only the objectId of the group. You
can use that ID for constructing the URI of the group itself in the directory,
in this case that’s:
Click here to view code image

In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to use the Graph API to use that URI
to retrieve the actual group description, which in my case looks like the
Click here to view code image
"odata.type": "Microsoft.DirectoryServices.Group",
"objectType": "Group",
"objectId": "d6f48969-725d-4869-a7a0-97956001d24e",
"deletionTimestamp": null,
"description": "Long haired employees",
"dirSyncEnabled": null,
"displayName": "Hippies",
"lastDirSyncTime": null,
"mail": null,
"mailNickname": "363bdd6b-f73c-43a4-a3b4-a0bf8b528ee1",
"mailEnabled": false,
"onPremisesSecurityIdentifier": null,
"provisioningErrors": [],
"proxyAddresses": [],
"securityEnabled": true

Your app could query the Graph periodically to find out what group
identifiers to expect, or you could perform queries on the fly as you receive
the group information, though that would somewhat defeat the purpose of
getting groups in the form of claims.
Consuming groups entails more or less the same operations described for
roles and ClaimsPrincipal. You can even assign groups as the
RoleClaimType if that’s the strategy you usually enact for groups
(traditional IsInRole actually works against Windows groups on-
premises, often creating a lot of confusion).
One last thing about groups. There are tenants in which administrators
choose to use groups very heavily, resulting in each user belonging to very
large numbers of groups. Adding many groups in a token would make the
token itself too large to fulfil its usual functions (such as authentication and
so on), so Azure AD caps at 200 the number of groups that can be sent via
JWT format. If the user belongs to more than 200 groups, Azure AD does
not pass any group claims; rather, it sends an overage claim that provides the
app with the URI to use for retrieving the user’s groups information via the
Graph API. Azure AD does so by following the OpenID Connect core
specification for aggregated and distributed claims: in a nutshell, a
mechanism for providing claims by reference instead of passing the values.
Say that Fabio belonged to 201 groups in our sample above. Instead of the
groups claims, the incoming JWT would have contained the following
Click here to view code image
"_claim_names": {
"groups": "src1",
"_claim_sources": {
"src1": {"endpoint":

In the next chapter, you’ll learn how to use that endpoint for extracting
group information for the incoming user.

The Azure AD application model is designed to support a large number of
important functions: to hold protocol information used at authentication
time, provide a mechanism for provisioning applications within one tenant
and across multiple tenants, allow end users and administrators to grant or
deny consent for apps to access resources on their behalf, and supply access
control knobs to administrators and developers to fine-tune user and
application access control.
That’s a tall order, but as you have seen throughout this chapter, the Azure
AD application model supports all of those functions—though in so doing, it
often needs to create complex castles of interlocking entities. Note that little
of that complexity ever emerges all the way to the end user, and even for
most development tasks, you don’t need to dive as deep as we did in this
chapter. However, as a reward for the extra effort, you now have a holistic
understanding of how applications in Azure AD are represented,
provisioned, and granted or denied access to resources. You will find that
this skill will bring your proficiency with Azure AD to a new level.
Chapter 9. Consuming and exposing a web API
protected by Azure Active Directory

The emphasis on API-centric scenarios is probably the characteristic that

most of all sets modern authentication apart from classic federation
approaches that focus on single sign-on.
The first part of this chapter explores what it takes for one app to gain
access to a web API protected by Azure AD. I will explore the phases of the
OpenID Connect hybrid flow that come after the authentication phase,
picking up the discussion about OAuth2 where I left it back in Chapter 2,
"Identity protocols and application types," and filling in the remaining
details. In the code samples, you’ll learn how to use ASP.NET OWIN
middleware and the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) to
implement those flows. In the process you’ll also get a quick introduction to
the Directory Graph API. As usual, the discussion will be peppered by
architectural considerations and gotchas.
The second part of this chapter will discuss how to use Azure AD for
protecting your own API. You’ll find out that if you squint, the
implementation details aren’t too different from those used to secure a web
app, but the lack of a user experience (UX) and the need to address
nonbrowser clients introduce important differences you need to be aware of.

Consuming a web API from a web application

Nearly every Microsoft cloud service API today requires a client to present
an Azure AD token to gain access. And the things you can do with that
token! You can read a user’s calendar to integrate scheduling functions into
your app. You can send email on behalf of the user, or you can crunch
through the user’s inbox for insights. You can deploy an app automatically to
Azure websites. You can start and stop virtual machines. You can perform
queries against SQL Server instances in the cloud, or you can play with
Azure Table storage, Redis caches, and many other storage types. You can
track contacts and opportunities in a CRM system. You can crawl through an
organizational tree. Although it sounds clichéd, the possibilities are endless.
In Chapter 2, you learned about a number of different ways in which an
application can use OAuth2 to obtain an access token for accessing a
resource (which from now on you can consider equivalent to “invoking a
web API”). In this section I’ll examine in detail the code-flow portion of the
OpenID Connect hybrid flow as the main method for obtaining tokens for an
API. Once done with that, I’ll build on your new knowledge of the protocol
and libraries to present the other methods.

Redeeming an authorization code in the OpenID Connect

hybrid flow
Say that you want to enable our sample web app to query the Azure Active
Directory Graph to find out more information about the current user. How
would you go about it?
You have already configured the sample app to handle sign-in via the
OpenID Connect hybrid flow. Although you’ve so far focused only on the
authentication aspects of the hybrid flow, the use of it means that you are
already getting an authorization code, as described in Chapter 2 and shown
in the Fiddler traces of the authentication response in Chapter 6, “OpenID
Connect and Azure AD web sign-on.” Specifically, look back at legs 4 and 5
in Figure 2-8 from Chapter 2: you just need to retrieve that code from the
response and redeem it.
To clarify things further, let’s pick up the swim-lane diagram in Figure 6-4
from Chapter 6, in the section “Sign-in sequence diagram.” That diagram
focused on the sign-in legs of the process and omitted the ones pertaining to
acquisition and redemption of the authorization code. Figure 9-1 expands the
response phase of the flow originally shown in Figure 6-4, adding the calls
handling the authorization code.
Figure 9-1 Swim-lane diagram of the response phase of the OpenID
Connect hybrid sign-in flow, showing all the authorization-code
acquisition and redemption legs.
Unlike all the old calls, which were always originating from the browser,
the call performed for redeeming the authorization code is a server-to-server
call. The application (in our case, the middleware) POSTs to the Azure AD
tenant’s token endpoint the code and the application’s credentials. In return,
it gets the desired access token and a refresh token. In the case of Azure AD,
it also gets an id_token, which will be used for caching purposes. The rest of
this section will cover those two legs in fine detail.
That’s what you should observe once you implement the authorization-
code redemption flow. Before you do that, however, you need to verify
whether the application entry in Azure AD has the correct permission for
accessing the resource you are targeting.
As you learned in Chapter 8, “Azure Active Directory application model,”
an application that needs access to an Azure AD–protected resource must
explicitly ask for the necessary permissions in its Application object.
That will allow the directory to prompt the user for the proper permissions at
authentication time. For simplicity, here I am choosing a call that requires a
permission that is always automatically granted as part of authentication. If I
had chosen a more advanced task, like reading or writing directory entities,
you would have had to request the appropriate permissions. Conversely, the
permission used for authentication, “Sign in and access the user’s profile,”
also gives the app the right to request an access token for the Directory
Graph (from now on just “the Graph”), which allows it to query the user’s
profile. (That means that even if you are still digesting the information in
Chapter 8, you’ll be able to perform the tasks described in this chapter.)

Application credentials
If you recall the description of the OAuth2 authorization-code grant from
Chapter 2, you know that in order to redeem an authorization code, your
application must perform an authenticated request against the token
endpoint. Applications authenticate with Azure AD by using application
credentials that are assigned directly through their Application object.
Those credentials are stored in the properties passwordCredentials
and keyCredentials, which you encountered in Chapter 8. A more
precise description would say that those properties provide references to the
actual credential values: for security reasons, once assigned, those values can
never be retrieved again. If you lose track of them, your only recourse is to
create and assign new credentials.
How do you assign credentials to an application? One very easy way is to
let Visual Studio do the work for you. If you created the app using the
ASP.NET project templates in Visual Studio 2015, selecting the Read
Directory check box in the authentication management portion of the project
wizard will generate and assign credentials for your app automatically.
However, for existing applications and for all the cases in which you are not
using Visual Studio, the most common way is to assign application
credentials via the Azure management portal. If you head to the Configure
tab of the application entry in the Azure AD area of the portal, you’ll find a
section labeled Keys. Here you can add a new key by selecting a duration
(choices vary from one to two years of validity) and saving the application.
Immediately after saving, the portal will display the value of the
autogenerated string key. As I mentioned, this is the only time you have to
save it. Your application will need to access it later on, during the
authorization-code redemption flow and, as you will see later in the chapter,
for any flow requiring the app to talk to the Azure AD token endpoint.


It is worth stressing that those instructions refer to the “old”

Azure management portal, at the URL, which was the only
management portal available for Azure AD at the time of
writing. The step-by-step instructions will likely change, but
you can expect any new management portal to keep offering the
same functionality.

As counterintuitive as it might seem, this newly minted credential does

not end up in the keyCredentials property but in the
passwordCredentials property of the Application object. If you
take a look at the application manifest after having saved the app, you’ll find
the new element, as shown here:
Click here to view code image
"passwordCredentials": [
"customKeyIdentifier": null,
"endDate": "2016-10-12T18:06:53.0931896Z",
"keyId": "91edc961-4689-4979-84bc-66badbe1b109",
"startDate": "2015-10-12T18:06:53.0931896Z",
"value": null

This naming stems from the way in which this credential type is meant to
be used: the key string is simply included in the request in the
client_secret property of the request, kind of like a password.
The keyCredentials property, conversely, is meant to work with the
private/public key pairs from X.509 certificates. Azure AD stores a
certificate holding the public portion of the key pair. The application uses the
corresponding private key to sign a JWT assertion, which is attached to the
request to the token endpoint. Azure AD uses the public key to verify that
the assertion was signed by the private key owner, and if everything checks
out, the application is considered authenticated. From a security standpoint,
this method has clear advantages over the shared-secret model. Those
advantages come at the price of more complexity in the app (the certificate
must be stored and used for signing) and in provisioning. Although, for the
application side of things, the Azure AD libraries can keep things simple by
taking care of handling signatures and request management transparently, as
of today provisioning a certificate as an application credential in Azure AD
is possible only via Office 365 PowerShell cmdlets.
For the sake of keeping things simpler, in this chapter I will work with
key-string credentials. If you want to follow along, use any of the techniques
described previously to get a key string assigned to your application and be
sure to save the string’s bits somewhere—you’ll need them in the code soon

Handling AuthorizationCodeReceived
Without further ado, let’s go ahead and add code to retrieve and redeem the
authorization code (no pun intended). In Chapter 7, “The OWIN OpenID
Connect middleware,” you learned about the existence of
AuthorizationCodeReceived, a notification in the OpenID Connect
middleware that is invoked in case the authorization response from the
authority includes an authorization code. That’s where we are going to place
our code-redemption logic.
This is where the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) comes
into play. As you learned in Chapter 4, “Introducing the identity developer
libraries,” the ADAL can transparently take care of handling
communications with Azure AD and cache tokens. You are about to see that
in action.

I am going to use ADAL’s default cache settings for a good

portion of the following explanations. However, such default
settings are not suitable for web applications. In the section
“ADAL cache considerations for web applications” later in the
chapter, I will share guidance on how to use the ADAL cache
properly with web applications.

Start by adding a reference to the ADAL .NET NuGet package. As I

showed in Chapter 5, “Getting started with web sign-on and Active
Directory,” I like to use the NuGet package management console because it
ensures that I’ll end up with the correct version. At this time (fall 2015), the
released version of ADAL is v2.*. Open the NuGet package management
console and enter the following command:
Click here to view code image

Install-Package Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory -
Version 2.19.208020213

That is the latest package at the time of writing. However, updates and
bug fixes are released all the time, so be sure you also run the following to
get the latest 2.* release:
Click here to view code image
Update-Package Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory

Once you’ve done that, you are ready to add the implementation of
Click here to view code image
AuthorizationCodeReceived = (context) =>
Debug.WriteLine("*** AuthorizationCodeReceived");
string ClientId = "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081";
string Authority =
string appKey =
string resourceId = "";
var code = context.Code;
AuthenticationContext authContext = new
ClientCredential credential = new ClientCredential(ClientId,
AuthenticationResult result =
return Task.FromResult(0);

Remember, the goal of that code is to redeem the authorization code you
got during the sign-in via the OpenID Connect hybrid flow. To understand in
detail how that is accomplished, you need to brush up on the high-level
description of how ADAL works, and specifically the diagram in Figure 4-4
in Chapter 4. ADAL is a token-requestor library, which helps you to obtain
tokens from Active Directory to access resources. It does so by offering you
primitives that model the main actors and artifacts involved in such
Ignore the various declarations at the beginning of the method and
consider the line initializing AuthenticationContext.
AuthenticationContext is a class meant to represent in your code the
directory tenant you want to work with. Here it is initialized with
“”, the
same tenant I’ve been using for initializing the OpenID Connect
middleware. From now on, whenever I need something from my tenant, I
know I can use authContext to access the tenant’s authentication
The main primitive offered by AuthenticationContext is the
method AcquireToken and all its variants. Its function is simply to do
whatever is necessary to obtain a token from the tenant modeled by
AuthenticationContext, complying with the requirements
represented by the parameters passed to AcquireToken. There are as
many AcquireToken overloads and variants as there are supported
scenarios. All you need to do is pass everything you know about your
scenario (for example, the client_id of your app, the resource you need a
token for, and so on), and AcquireToken will do its best to retrieve a
suitable token, while minimizing user prompts and network traffic.
In this specific case, we know that we want to get a token by redeeming
an authorization code, we know that redeeming a code requires application
credentials, and we know that we want that token for accessing the Graph
API. In that light, the rest of the code is easy to understand:
The ClientCredential initialization instantiates a class meant to
represent application credentials. Note that it takes the app’s client_id
and the string key I discussed early on. In actual production code you
would not hardcode the key but retrieve it from a secure place (such as
encrypted storage or a service such as Azure Key Vault).
The intent of the call to AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode
is self-explanatory, and so is the use of the code and credential
parameters. The second parameter represents the redirect_uri
registered for the client (although it won’t be used in this flow, Azure
AD expects that in the request). The resourceId is the identifier of
the resource we want a token for, in this case the Graph API. This can
be the value you find in the App ID URI field in the application entry
in the Azure portal, but in more general terms, it can be any of the
entries in the servicePrincipalNames property of the
ServicePrincipal representing the resource, or the union of the
identifierUris list and appId properties of the corresponding
Application object.
Note that the call can result in one exception, so you should plan your
code accordingly.
The outcome of the operation is recorded in one instance of
AuthenticationResult. Figure 9-2 shows what it looks like.
Figure 9-2 A typical AuthenticationResult instance.
Before I go into the details of the main properties of
AuthenticationResult, I want to highlight a key point: you can
ignore most of the properties shown here. As you will see in a few pages,
ADAL automatically and transparently takes care of storing tokens and
keeping sessions fresh without requiring any explicit action from you.
Developers who are used to operating at the protocol level or who use lower-
level libraries expect to have to use some of those properties to write logic
for handling token expiration, refreshes, and so on, but that is not necessary
when you use ADAL. ADAL will do that for you, and given that Azure AD
offers some special tricks, ADAL will do it better than you possibly could. In
fact, to remove all temptation, properties such as RefreshToken are
poised to disappear from AuthenticationResult in ADAL v3! That
clarified, here’s a cursory description of the main properties:
AccessToken is really the main result you are after—it is the
token referenced in AcquireToken*. We’ll use it for securing our
call to the Graph API later on.
AccessTokenType declares the type of token usage and
verification meant to be applied to the returned access token. Today it
is always “Bearer”; you’ll see in a few pages what that means.
ExpiresOn indicates the instant at which the access token will no
longer be valid. Today all Azure AD–issued access tokens last one
hour from the instant of issuance, but that will likely become
configurable in the future.
IdToken contains information about the authentication that had to
take place to lead to the issuance of the access token. In this particular
case, the user signing in to the web app and the user obtaining the
access token happen to be the same, but in generic OAuth2 scenarios
that is not the case. I’ll explore that scenario more in depth later.
IsMultipleRefreshToken is an Azure AD–specific property of
the refresh token, which signals whether the current refresh token can
be used for obtaining access tokens for multiple resources in the same
tenant. More details later.
RefreshToken holds the bits of the actual refresh token, whose
function I will describe shortly. Don’t get too attached to this property.
As I mentioned, ADAL automatically uses it behind the scenes, and in
ADAL v3 it will no longer be returned here.
TenantId carries the identifier of the Azure AD tenant that issued
the requested token. In Chapter 8 you learned about the existence of
the common endpoint: when you use common to initialize
AuthenticationResult.TenantId tells you which tenant the
end user ultimately chose to authenticate with.
UserInfo presents some of the information from the IdToken
property in a more readily consumable format, plus some occasional
extra information (such as the imminent expiration of the user
account’s password). Note that the name of this property is a bit
unfortunate, given that it is a namesake for the corresponding OpenID
Connect endpoint; however, the property predates the spec, so short of
breaking compatibility, it could not really be fixed. Remember that the
two have nothing to do with each other.
That’s it! Before using the resulting access token, however, let’s take a
look at the traffic our code generated.

Protocol flow of the authorization code redemption

Fire up Fiddler, and capture the traffic generated during the execution of
AuthorizationCodeReceived. The request should look similar to the
following trace, apart from the newlines I added to make the trace more
Click here to view code image
/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
client-request-id: 172e30f9-54f9-4770-b61b-3aadcbbb8892
return-client-request-id: true
x-client-SKU: .NET
x-client-CPU: x64
x-client-OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.10240.0
Content-Length: 994
Expect: 100-continue
code=AAABAAAAiL9K [..SNIP..] PPf7ErO6oDyZSeiD_UgAA&

In the POST, you can identify all the parameters passed in. The POST
recipient is the token endpoint of the authority passed in
AuthenticationContext; the body indicates the resource,
client_id, client_secret, code, and redirect_uri as passed
to AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode.
Just for kicks
What would this trace look like if you used a certificate instead
of a string key? Instead of a ClientCredential, you would
have used a ClientAssertionCertificate. And the
body of the request would have looked slightly different:
Click here to view code image
client_id= c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081&
code=AAABAAAAiL9K [...SNIP...] PPf7ErO6oDyZSeiD_UgAA&

The main difference lies in the absence of

client_secret, replaced by client_assertion (the
signed JWT described earlier) and
client_assertion_type. If you want more details on
this, please take a look at the proposed standard “Assertion
Framework for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and
Authorization Grants” at

One important thing to notice here is the use of the resource parameter,
which you encountered earlier in Chapter 6. Other providers implementing
this flow would likely not specify anything, given that the resource is almost
always colocated with the authorization server itself, or they would specify
scopes. Please take a moment to go back to Chapter 6, to the section
“Parameters omitted in the default request,” and refresh your memory on
why the current version of the Azure AD model uses resources instead of
The response from the token endpoint is also not particularly surprising,
especially after our peek into AuthenticationResult.
Click here to view code image
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Expires: -1
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5
x-ms-request-id: e551a34e-a2a5-4989-b537-cdb828830269
client-request-id: 172e30f9-54f9-4770-b61b-3aadcbbb8892
x-ms-gateway-service-instanceid: ESTSFE_IN_153
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
Set-Cookie: flight-uxoptin=true; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: x-ms-gateway-slice=productionb; path=/; secure;
Set-Cookie: stsservicecookie=ests; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 20:44:09 GMT
Content-Length: 3809

"access_token":"eyJ0eX [...SNIP...]HWE8aMjw",
"refresh_token":"AAABA [...SNIP...] OIuMXIAA",
"id_token":"eyJ0eXAi [...SNIP...] gZdORQ"

That’s all it takes to get a token for calling an API protected by Azure AD
for which your app requested permissions. Next, you’ll see what’s required
to actually use the token to gain access to a protected API.

Using the access token for invoking a web API

It’s not very likely that you’ll perform your API calls from the Startup
class, but I know you are eager to use the access token you just got back, so
I’ll go over the code used for accessing a protected API right away. Later, I’ll
come back to key considerations such as where to perform API calls, how
OAuth2 uses refresh tokens for establishing a session of sorts, and how
ADAL helps to handle token life cycle and sessions. Those considerations
are super important, so please be sure that you read this section in its
Invoking an API according to OAuth2 bearer token usage
One of the specifications from the OAuth2 constellation, “The OAuth 2.0
Authorization Framework: Bearer Token Usage” (available at, details how you can leverage
tokens for accessing protected resources—for us, that means a web API.
The specification presents various techniques, but the most popular one
entails including the token in the request by embedding it in the
Authorization HTTP header, following the form shown here:
Click here to view code image
GET /resource HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>

The idea is that the resource will expect the token in such a header and
validate it before granting access. As is the tradition for OAuth2, no details
are given in the spec about the format of the token. As a result, there is no
prescriptive guidance on what validation looks like. Every provider and
protected resource will privately negotiate the details. In the second part of
this chapter, you will learn how that works for Azure AD, when you set up
the validation logic for your own web API.
A client should NEVER look inside an access token
I made this point in Chapter 4 while describing token-requestor
libraries, but it is worth stressing it here again. Clients
requesting an access token for accessing a protected resource
should treat that token as an opaque blob. It is extremely
tempting to peek into that token from the client app’s code,
given that it often contains interesting info, but that is truly a
recipe for disaster. From the client’s perspective, the token’s
only function is to gain access to a protected resource. Details
such as token format, what claims it contains, and so on are a
contract between the resource and the token issuer, a contract in
which the client plays no role. If you write client code that takes
a dependency on the content of the access token, as soon as that
content changes (for example, if the issuer starts encrypting the
token so that only the target API can access its content), your
client code will be broken with no recourse. This is one of the
worst antipatterns I have seen in my years working in the
identity space, and it often leads to the unrecoverable loss of
functionality. Don’t give in to the temptation to parse the access
token from the client.

The term “bearer” here hints at the only aspect of the token-validation
logic that the spec does provide. To use a bearer token, a client is simply
required to attach it to the request. This is a bit like money: to use a
banknote, all you need to do is hand it over—the recipient does not need to
do any verification other than knowing the authenticity of the banknote.
Incidentally, that’s why you need to be very careful when handling money
and bearer tokens alike, because if somebody else gets ahold of them, they
can use them with no limitations. Think about it the next time you are
tempted to forgo setting up HTTPS for your web apps!
Let’s add some simple code in AuthorizationCodeReceived to
call the Graph API just after the call to
Click here to view code image
string callOutcome = string.Empty;
HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization =
new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", result.AccessToken);
HttpResponseMessage response =

if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
callOutcome = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

I’ll ignore the Graph API calling syntax for now. At a high level, the code
appears to be doing exactly what I described was necessary for accessing a
protected resource in accordance with the OAuth2 bearer token usage spec.
You add the access token in the Authorization HTTP header right after the
Bearer keyword, and then you perform your call (in this case a simple
GET of the profile of the account that was used for obtaining the token).
This is what the request looks like on the wire:
Click here to view code image
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1Q[..SNIP..]jWxB3LG4UtyQ

That’s as simple as it gets. The response looks like the following:

Click here to view code image
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
Expires: -1
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5
request-id: e260d0b6-b26a-4753-bf02-1f12df4eb85d
client-request-id: c613119a-20b4-45d4-82e3-67b89772c1a4
x-ms-dirapi-data-contract-version: 1.6
x-ms-gateway-rewrite: false
ocp-aad-session-key: qBZHXeGGhx-
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
DataServiceVersion: 3.0;
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Duration: 2036141
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2015 19:50:06 GMT
Content-Length: 2083

Promptly, you get back a nice JSON representation of Mario’s profile in
the directory. Congratulations! You just successfully concluded your first
REST API call protected by Azure AD.
If you compare this trace with the ones you studied earlier for web apps,
one thing should jump out: here, there’s not a trace of cookies. Each and
every call is expected to present a suitable bearer token, which the client
obtained before performing the call. For the fun of it, comment out the lines
adding the access token in the header and run the app again. Here’s what
you’ll get as a response:
Click here to view code image
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Cache-Control: private
Content-Type: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata;charset=utf-
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5
request-id: 8bb21bef-13bd-401a-87dd-b96b7cd6bfb0
client-request-id: 73eebaa6-e588-472a-98c5-215cba480c42
x-ms-dirapi-data-contract-version: 1.6
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="myorganization",
error="invalid_token", error_description="Access Token missing or
2/authorize", client_id="00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000"
X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Duration: 328488
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 18:14:52 GMT
Content-Length: 143

{"lang":"en","value":"Access Token missing or

Get it? Whereas you get a 302 in the case of web sign-on against a
redirect-based web app, here you get a cold 401. In the web sign-on case, the
authentication happens in the context of the browser, hence an
unauthenticated request can be handled by redirecting the user to the place
where he or she can authenticate. However, in the case of a web API, the
client is responsible for obtaining the necessary token out of band:
furthermore, the client isn’t really a browser (here the call is performed from
the app’s code-behind on the server), so the 302 cannot be used to prompt
some kind of action.
Using cookies for protecting a web API is a very common antipattern.
People often use it when performing AJAX calls: they secure the entire web
app by using redirect-based mechanisms such as the OpenID Connect or
WS-Federation middlewares, and then they simply make AJAX calls that
leverage the fact that the browser automatically attaches cookies to requests
and that the cookie middleware validates them. It is an antipattern because it
does not work very well. When cookies expire, the AJAX calls receive 302s,
but those can’t be exploited directly. As soon as you try to access the API
from a different client (a back end or a mobile app), you suddenly discover
that there is no mechanism to obtain suitable cookies. As soon as you need to
call the API from different domains, you find out that you don’t have
suitable cookies for those domains, no mechanism for obtaining them, and
so on. I’ll talk more about this in the sections about exposing your own API.
The Directory Graph API
Although the Azure AD Graph API is not strictly an
authentication feature, it plays such a pivotal role in all things
related to Azure AD that I cannot avoid giving you at least a
quick overview. For more details, I recommend that you refer to
the comprehensive online documentation pages at
The Graph API is an OData API that offers programmatic
access to the entities that constitute an Azure AD tenant and all
that it contains. By “programmatic access,” I mean performing
against directory entities, accompanied by a suitable access
token. (Nearly) every resource in the directory can be
represented as a URL by using the Graph API—as long as you
structure the URL according to the base template:
Click here to view code image<tenant>/<resource path>?<api
version>[odata parameters]

Throughout this book, and especially in Chapter 8, I have

been providing paths for the entities I’ve described. All those
paths match the common URL template. Here’s a quick
explanation of its components:
<tenant> represents the tenant you want to query. Just as
with Azure AD protocol endpoints, <tenant> can be either
one of the domains associated with the tenant of choice or the
GUID representing the tenantId.
<resource path> represents the entity you want to reach.
The Graph hosts a hierarchical structure, where the top-level
features are containers for all the basic entities you’d expect in
the directory: users, groups, applications, service principals,
and so on. If you want to list all the users in your tenant
(ignoring results pagination), users is the value you’d use in
<resource path>.
Individual entities can be selected directly by appending one
of their identifying properties in the path. The exact property
depends on the entity type; for example, users can be
identified by their user principal name, whereas objectId
works across the board.
For example, if I wanted to get the directory entry for Mario,
our test user, I could use
users/" or
Resource paths can get deeper still. Alongside the classic
declared properties, entities feature so-called navigation
properties—properties that refer to other entities to which the
target entity is tied through some kind of relationship. If I
wanted to know who Mario’s manager is, I could simply GET
the corresponding directory entry via
users/”. As
another example, if you go back to the discussion in Chapter 8
about app user assignment, you’ll see that I used
4f9106d771de/appRoleAssignedTo” for establishing which
users were assigned to the sample app. The
appRoleAssignedTo property is an example of a
navigation property (of the ServicePrincipal entity)
that can yield multiple results.
The <api version> value indicates what version of the
Graph API you want to use. It is mandatory and is there for
your protection: different versions will introduce new
behaviors, and you should be able to opt in explicitly by
changing the version number or stick with the version you
coded against. For reference, the current value is api-
The odata parameters are an extremely handy way of
refining your queries so that the work takes place on the server
instead of having your app download large amounts of data
and filtering it on the client side. For example, say that I want
to get the entry for one Application, but I only know its
client_id—that is to say, its declared property appId. Unlike
with objectId, the appId property is not indexed as an
identifier that I can use in the path. But thanks to the $filter
feature of OData, I can still craft a single URL that will yield
the Application entry I seek:
You might have noticed that the sample code you write for
accessing the Graph did not really match the URL template.
Graph API features two special aliases, /me and
/myorganization, which resolve to the signed-in user and his or
her tenant, respectively. Those are resolved from the access
token that accompanies the request to the Graph. Those aliases
are superhandy for writing more reusable queries and provide
very useful adaptive functionality because they resolve
contextually and result in very readable queries.
If you are not a fan of REST and prefer to work with client
libraries, you are in luck: the Graph API team offers a client
library that automates most of these operations for you,
wrapping them through a nice proxy interface. It is, of course,
available via NuGet: the package ID is
Chapter 8 dedicated a large section to permissions for the
Graph API, so I won’t repeat that here. My hope is that you now
better understand how the permissions map to entities. Once
again, I invite you to check out the online documentation. Now
that you have learned how to perform a REST call secured by
Azure AD, it’s time to retrace our steps and make things a bit
more realistic.
ADAL session management and refresh tokens
Your app will likely need to sprinkle API calls through its entire codebase, as
opposed to making a call right after redeeming the authorization code. You
might be tempted to save result.AccessToken somewhere in your
code and retrieve it whenever you need to make a call, but that would not
take you very far. The problem is that access tokens are short-lived: once the
token expires and your API call fails, what would your remediation be?
OAuth2 defines a nice mechanism for extending the time in which you can
access a protected API by providing an artifact—the already mentioned
refresh token—that can be used for obtaining fresh access tokens without
requiring more user prompts. Refresh tokens last significantly longer than
access tokens, which makes it possible to maintain long-running sessions.
Azure AD builds on that mechanism, adding Kerberos-like features to it. I’ll
give you details about both of those aspects in just a minute, but the key
point I want to make is the following: Implementing those OAuth2 features
in your own code is hard. Luckily, you don’t have to! ADAL maintains a
cache with all the access tokens and refresh tokens you obtained through an
instance of AuthenticationContext. When you call one of the flavors
of AcquireToken* to obtain an access token that happens to already be in
the cache, ADAL will return the cached copy without hitting the network. If
the cached token is expired, about to expire, or absent, but the cache contains
a suitable refresh token, ADAL will automatically use that refresh token to
obtain a new access token, cache it, and return it to you. That process is
exceptionally handy and one of the reasons that the ADAL has been so well
received—token life-cycle management is historically one of the hardest
things to do.
To take advantage of this feature, you have to make sure that every time
you need a token, you always use ADAL to get it. Whereas a local copy of
an access token could hold an expired token, asking ADAL (that is, calling
AcquireToken* passing the parameters defining the token you want)
guarantees that the caching and refresh logic have a chance to run and do
their magic.
As a practical example, say that you want to display the user’s profile
from the About action of the home controller of your application
(remember, we are using the default ASP.NET MVC template here). Remove
the API invocation code from the AuthorizationCodeReceived
notification, head to HomeController.cs, and modify About() as shown
Click here to view code image
public ActionResult About()
string ClientId = "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081";
string Authority =
string appKey =
string resourceId = "";

ClientCredential credential = new ClientCredential(ClientId,

AuthenticationContext authContext = new
AuthenticationResult result =
authContext.AcquireTokenSilent(resourceId, credential,

HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization =
new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer",
HttpResponseMessage response =

if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
ViewBag.Message =
return View();

The code is nearly the same as what you wrote earlier. The main
difference is that you invoke AcquireTokenSilent instead of obtaining
a token via an authorization code. AcquireTokenSilent is a method
that attempts to retrieve the requested token only by using the artifacts
already present in the ADAL cache. It has the suffix “silent” because the
method is guaranteed not to throw up any UI, which is somewhat moot in
this particular scenario because no flavor of AcquireToken* shows any
UI on the server side. However, ADAL works both with web apps on the
server and native clients on devices, and the latter can interactively prompt
the user when requesting a token.
AcquireTokenSilent’s parameters can be thought of as conditions
that must hold true for the requested token. It has to be scoped for the
resource specified (in our case, the Graph API), it has to be issued for the
specified client_id (passed indirectly through the ClientCredential
instance), and it has to have been issued for the specified user account (in
our case, we declare that any user is fine, via the
UserIdentifier.AnyUser constant).
By default, ADAL uses an in-memory cache. When the code in About()
executes, that cache has already been primed by the code in
AuthorizationCodeReceived. The call to
AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode has the effect of saving in the
cache a token for accessing the Graph. Hence, assuming that the call to
About() takes place within an hour from initialization and that the process
does not recycle, the call to AcquireTokenSilent will find a matching
access token in the cache and return it right away. Go ahead, try this
yourself. Start Fiddler, and then start the app, sign in, and click About. You’ll
see that the call to AcquireTokenSilent correctly returns the desired
token, but Fiddler will show no network traffic toward Azure AD for that
This functionality is pretty handy, but the serious return of investment
from using ADAL emerges when refresh tokens come into play. Allow me to
spend a moment to describe how refresh tokens work in OAuth2 and Azure
AD. After that, I’ll come back to the code and describe how it all fits
Access tokens are short-lived for security reasons. Say that you issue an
access token for Mario, who can now use it to access your company
resources. Imagine that you discover that Mario is stealing and you decide to
terminate him. Given that access tokens have no revocation mechanism,
Mario will still be able to access resources with that access token until it
expires; clearly, it is in your interest to issue access tokens with a short
validity period. At the same time, forcing Mario to go through the credential-
gathering dance to obtain a new token every time the old one expires leads to
unacceptable experiences, or to antipatterns such as clients caching user
credentials (defeating OAuth2’s purpose). How do you reconcile those
seemingly contrasting requirements? Enter the refresh token.
The refresh token is an artifact that is issued alongside the access token.
Whenever an access token expires, the client can use the refresh token to go
back to the authorization server’s token endpoint (without requiring any user
interaction) and ask for a new access token. If the conditions are right (the
user still exists in the system, consent has not been revoked, and so on), the
client will be issued a new access token. Problem solved. The flow, dubbed a
“refresh token grant” in the OAuth2 core specs, is shown in Figure 9-3.

Figure 9-3 Swim-lane diagram of the refresh token grant for a

confidential client.
That’s all that OAuth2 has to say on the matter. That is, of course, not
enough for fully specifying how a refresh token behaves in a real-life
solution. In the following, you can find more details on how refresh tokens
work in Azure AD. Please note that this information describes the situation
at the time of writing. Things are almost guaranteed to change in the coming
months, as Azure AD introduces features granting you finer control over
token validity times.
At issuance time, a refresh token is valid for 14 days.
If you use the refresh token within those 14 days, together with the
new access token, you receive a new refresh token with a new validity
window of 14 days, starting from the new issuance instant. This
process can be repeated for up to 90 days of total validity from the
very first issuance. After those 90 days, the user has to reauthenticate.
Refresh tokens issued for guest Microsoft accounts last only 12 hours.
Refresh tokens can be invalidated at any time for reasons independent
of your app; the deprovisioning of the user is an extreme example, but
there are far more common circumstances that have that effect, too.
For example, as of today, refresh tokens will be invalidated whenever a
user changes his or her password.
You should not take a dependency in your code on the expected validity
times of refresh tokens. Your logic should always assume that the refresh
token can fail at any time.
I’ll tackle the case in which the refresh token itself has expired shortly, but
for the time being let’s pause and go back to the code. Now we know what
should happen in case the cached access token expires: ADAL should
automatically use the cached refresh token to get a new access token (and a
new refresh token with updated validity). Here’s a little trick you can use to
see the flow in action if you don’t want to wait one hour (actually 55
minutes, given that ADAL will trigger renewal within 5 minutes from the
projected access token expiration time). Place a breakpoint right after the
AuthenticationContext creation in About(), start Fiddler as usual,
and then start the app. Sign in and click About. Once you hit the breakpoint,
go to the Locals window in Visual Studio. Open
authContext.TokenCache, go to the nonpublic members, and expand
tokenCacheDictionary. You’ll see that it has one entry. Expand the
value, and then right-click ExpiresOn and choose Edit Value. Change the
value to something like DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1). Then go ahead and
let the execution go past the breakpoint. Fiddler will display something
similar to the following:
Click here to view code image
/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
client-request-id: 5bbaccbb-82d6-483a-b224-14301c9bfbd7
return-client-request-id: true
x-client-SKU: .NET
x-client-CPU: x64
x-client-OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.10240.0
x-client-last-request: 8ef2acec-c8a8-481e-a1f3-fdd43c0c0059
x-client-last-response-time: 424
x-client-last-endpoint: token
Content-Length: 971
Expect: 100-continue
Connection: Keep-Alive

As you can see in the request, the application must authenticate with the
token endpoint by presenting its credentials alongside the refresh token bits.
That explains why AcquireTokenSilent required a
ClientCredential parameter. Note that overloads of
AcquireTokenSilent that do not require application credentials exist,
but they are meant to be used with public clients (that is to say, native and
mobile apps). Web applications are modeled as confidential clients in Azure
AD and can act autonomously; hence, they are required to authenticate.
The response is equivalent to the one received from the authorization-code
grant flow, although here we don’t get an id_token:
Click here to view code image
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Expires: -1
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5
x-ms-request-id: 05af78be-c6fd-44aa-95b2-42ab4ee77b5d
client-request-id: 5bbaccbb-82d6-483a-b224-14301c9bfbd7
x-ms-gateway-service-instanceid: ESTSFE_IN_226
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
Set-Cookie: flight-uxoptin=true; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: x-ms-gateway-slice=productionb; path=/; secure;
Set-Cookie: stsservicecookie=ests; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2015 22:43:50 GMT
Content-Length: 2371


The nice thing about this exchange is that it all happens transparently
within the call to AcquireTokenSilent. Technically, as long as you use
ADAL, you don’t even need to know that refresh tokens exist—you reap the
benefits of long sessions without having to deal with the associated


Like the access token, the refresh token is also completely

opaque to the client. The only entity meant to consume it is
Azure AD itself, hence there’s no point for anybody else to peek
at it. And, of course, the refresh token is protected against
tampering. The only thing a client can do with it is to haul it
back and forth with Azure AD.

The advantage of this approach becomes even more evident when you
consider another special property of Azure AD refresh tokens—their ability
to be used to get access tokens for multiple resources.
Multiresource refresh tokens As you have learned throughout this book,
and in particular in Chapter 8, Azure AD models very precisely the
relationships between applications and resources. Requests for access tokens
need to specify the resource for which the desired token is meant, and the
resulting access token is scoped down so that it can be used only against the
resource it has been issued for. In the section “Exposing a protected web
API,” you’ll learn in detail how that takes place.
In the sample app we are calling only the Graph API. But what if you
want to also call Office 365 and the Azure API? You already know how
you’d handle that from the permissions-configuration perspective—you’d
just add the required resources and permissions in the client’s
Application. In turn, that would cause the consent prompt to ask for all
the required permissions at once. But here’s the important part: the refresh
token you receive from Azure AD knows about all the resources you granted
consent for. As a result, it doesn’t matter what resource you ask for on your
first AcquireToken* call. Once ADAL gets the refresh token, it can use it
to obtain access tokens for any of the other resources your client is
configured to have access to.
In practice that means that you can make new calls to
AcquireTokenSilent, each time passing the resourceId of any of the
other resources you want. ADAL will transparently use the refresh token
grant to obtain and cache the requested access token. This nice property
earns for Azure AD–issued tokens the moniker multiresource refresh tokens,
or MRRTs. In a sense, you can think of MRRTs as the OAuth2 equivalent of
ticket granting tickets (TGTs) in Kerberos: they are artifacts that allow a user
to obtain tokens to access the resources the directory decides she or he has
access to.
Note that even for those new resources, refresh tokens remain tied to a
particular client ID and user: refresh tokens can only be used together with
the client ID of the application that is used to obtain the refresh token in the
first place, and the user will always be the one that granted the consent
recorded or referenced by the refresh token itself.
Just a closing note on the topic: Until recently, the use of MRRTs was also
limited to the tenant that originally issued the first refresh token. Thanks to a
recent change in Azure AD, however, now you can use MRRTs to ask for
access tokens from any tenant in which the user has a guest account and has
already granted consent for the client app originally used to obtain the first
refresh token. In practice, say that I have an Microsoft account user who is
an administrator for an Azure subscription. All Azure AD tenants created
under that subscription will have a guest account for that user. Say also that I
have tenant A and tenant B and a multitenant web app that needs Graph API
(or any other API) access for which I consented with the same Microsoft
account user in both tenants. I can now obtain a token for the Graph API of
tenant A and then use the refresh token so obtained to request an access
token for the Graph API in tenant B. All I need to do is repeat the
AcquireTokenSilent call, but against an instance of
AuthenticationContext initialized for tenant B, and ensure that the
token cache in the new AuthenticationContext is the same as the
one that was primed with tokens from tenant A. Clear as mud? That’s a good
segue to the next section.
ADAL cache considerations for web applications ADAL began its
existence as a library for native applications, apps meant to be run on
devices and operated by a user engaged in an interactive session. The default
ADAL cache is aligned with that original mission: it is an in-memory cache
that relies on a static store, available process-wide. That means that by
default, each and every AuthenticationContext instance you
initialize within a process will read and write against the same token cache.
However, what works for native clients doesn’t work too well for
applications meant to be executed on midtiers and back ends. Namely:
These applications are accessed by many users at once. Saving all
access tokens in the same store creates isolation issues and presents
challenges when operating at scale: many users, each with as many
tokens as the resources the app accesses on their behalf, can mean
huge numbers and very expensive lookup operations.
These applications are typically deployed on distributed topologies,
where multiple nodes must have access to the same cache.
Cached tokens must survive process recycles and deactivations. Think
of the scenario I already mentioned in Chapter 2, in which you connect
your Facebook account to Twitter so that every time you tweet your
Facebook Wall posts the same update. That is only possible if Twitter
saves in persistent storage the access tokens necessary for calling the
Facebook API—or you’d have to reauthenticate to Facebook to
reacquire the delegated token every time you sign in to Twitter.
For all those reasons, when you are implementing web apps, it is a good
idea to override the default ADAL token cache with a custom
implementation. Unfortunately, the library’s developers cannot predict at
design time what persistent storage you’ll use at run time, hence they can’t
provide a default cache for midtier applications, but the good news is that
implementing a custom cache in ADAL is surprisingly easy.
ADAL’s cache extensibility model isolates you from all the details of its
internal structure, which is always maintained in memory: its primitives are
meant to allow you to persist the token cache on an arbitrary store; hence,
they are mostly concerned about warning you when a read or write operation
is about to happen or just concluded. That gives you an opportunity to
update the private ADAL in-memory copy of the cache from your custom
storage right before a read, or to reflect in persistent storage any changes that
just occurred in the in-memory copy. And, of course, by controlling how the
token cache is instantiated, you can also control its scope: for example, you
can enforce that every web application session have its own cache instance
so that the content of the cache is limited to all the access tokens that a given
web app user accumulated for calling the web API. This breaks down
individual caches into manageable chunks, instead of having to save
potentially millions of sessions in a flat store as the default cache would.
For completeness, here’s a super quick explanation of how the main cache
primitives operate. However, I would recommend that you study the custom-
cache-classes feature in the .NET samples at
You create a custom cache by deriving from TokenCache. You tell
AuthenticationContext that you want to use your custom cache by
passing an instance of your cache class at construction time, as shown in the
following. Note that you have to pass the same cache instance, or instances
designed to work against the same store, to all the
AuthenticationContext occurrences that you want to share the
cache. In our current sample, that means passing the same custom cache to
the AuthenticationContext constructor calls both in Startup and
in About().
Click here to view code image
AuthenticationContext authContext = new
AuthenticationContext(Authority, new CustomADALCache

TokenCache features three notifications—BeforeAccess,

BeforeWrite, and AfterAccess—that are triggered at specific
moments at which ADAL works against the cache.
Say that you make a call to AcquireTokenSilent asking for a token
for resource 1. ADAL needs to check the cache to see whether there is
already an access token for resource 1 or if there is a valid refresh token for
obtaining such an access token. Right before it reads the cache, ADAL calls
the BeforeAccess notification. Here you have the opportunity to retrieve
your persisted cache blob from your persistent store and pass it to ADAL’s
in-memory cache. You do so by passing that blob to Deserialize. Note
that you can apply all kinds of heuristics to decide whether the existing in-
memory copy is still okay and skip the deserialization to reduce the time in
which you access your persistent store.
Now consider a case in which you are invoking
AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode. Once ADAL obtains a new
token, it needs to save it in the cache. But right before that, it invokes the
BeforeWrite notification. That gives you the opportunity to apply
whatever concurrency strategy you want to enact: for example, you might
decide to place a lock on your blob so that other nodes in your farm that are
possibly attempting a write at the same time would avoid producing
conflicting updates.
After ADAL adds the new token to its in-memory copy of the cache, it
calls the AfterAccess notification. That notification is in fact called
every time ADAL accesses the cache, not just when a write takes place.
However, you can always tell whether the current operation resulted in a
cache change because in that case the property HasStateChanged will be
set to true. If that is the case, you will typically call Serialize() to get a
binary blob representing the latest cache content—and save it in your
storage. After that, it will be your responsibility to clear whatever lock you
might have set. Please note that ADAL never automatically resets
HasStateChanged to false. You have to do it in your own code after you
are satisfied that you handled the event correctly.
Other areas you might want to modify in your class concern the basic life
cycle. You’ll likely want to populate the cache from your store at
construction time, you’ll want to override Clear and DeleteItem to
ensure that you reflect cache state changes, and so on.
To make things a bit more concrete, here’s a naïve implementation of a
custom cache that persists tokens in the HTTP session. This comes straight
from one of the Azure AD samples online:
Click here to view code image
public class NaiveSessionCache: TokenCache
private static readonly object FileLock = new object();
string UserObjectId = string.Empty;
string CacheId = string.Empty;
public NaiveSessionCache(string userId)
UserObjectId = userId;
CacheId = UserObjectId + "_TokenCache";

this.AfterAccess = AfterAccessNotification;
this.BeforeAccess = BeforeAccessNotification;
public void Load()
lock (FileLock)
public void Persist()
lock (FileLock)
// reflect changes in the persistent store
HttpContext.Current.Session[CacheId] =
// once the write operation took place, restore the
HasStateChanged bit to false
this.HasStateChanged = false;
// Empties the persistent store.
public override void Clear()
public override void DeleteItem(TokenCacheItem item)
// Triggered right before ADAL needs to access the cache.
// Reload the cache from the persistent store in case it
changed since the last access.
void BeforeAccessNotification(TokenCacheNotificationArgs
// Triggered right after ADAL accessed the cache.
void AfterAccessNotification(TokenCacheNotificationArgs args)
// if the access operation resulted in a cache update
if (this.HasStateChanged)

The main thing I’ll point out about this implementation is that the store is
initialized per user, so every session with the web app has its own cache
instance. If you want to see a more complete implementation, based on the
Entity Framework, you can look at the more advanced samples (such as the
multitenant ones). Alternatively, you can simply create a new project in
Visual Studio 2015 and be sure to select the Read Directory check box in the
authentication settings wizard. Visual Studio will automatically generate a
custom cache class for you, also based on the Entity Framework.
What to do when a refresh token expires The call to
AcquireTokenSilent can fail, and your code needs to be prepared for
Excluding the obvious case in which the cache is empty, there are two
main reasons that AcquireTokenSilent will fail for the scenario we’ve
examined so far:
There are multiple cached tokens that can satisfy the requirements
imposed by the parameters of the call.
Both the access token and all the suitable refresh tokens have expired.
Let’s get the first case out of the way because it’s the simplest. You
recognize that you are in this situation from the fact that
AcquireTokenSilent fails with an AdalException warning you
that “multiple_matching_tokens_detected: The cache contains multiple
tokens satisfying the requirements. Call AcquireToken again providing more
requirements (e.g. UserId)”. How did you end up with multiple tokens in the
cache for the same client ID, meant for the same resource? Sometimes that’s
intentional: our scenario so far expects the user of the web application and
the user calling the web API to be the same, but that’s definitely not the only
valid scenario. Think of an app showing you multiple Exchange Online
calendars: an administrative assistant might sign in to the web app with his
or her own account and then proceed to get an access token for his or her
own calendar and another access token for his or her boss’s calendar. I’ll
examine similar scenarios more closely later on.
In our sample app, having multiple tokens is more likely the result of a
mistake. For example, if you did not override the default cache with one that
has better user isolation, this is your punishment: multiple concurrent users
access your app and all get an access token for themselves via the call to
AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode in Startup. Once the
execution reaches the AcquireTokenSilent call in About(), the
cache will contain as many access tokens for the Graph API as there are
concurrent users. Given that in our call we don’t specify for which user we
want the token (we pass UserIdentifier.AnyUser), ADAL does not
know which token should be returned and errors out.
For this specific case the solution is to use a better cache, but in general
you deal with this situation first by inspecting the cache to see whether you
indeed have multiple entries for multiple users. For this task I like to use
Visual Studio’s Immediate window and perform LINQ queries against the
cache to see how many tokens matching my requirement (same client ID for
the same resource) are stored. For example:
Click here to view code image
var usrz = authContext.TokenCache.ReadItems().Where(p =>
p.Resource == "" && p.ClientId ==

This will return an IEnumerable of entries—if there’s more than one,

the error message is accurate, and your recourse is to specify in
AcquireToken* which user you want a token for. Before looking at how
that’s done, let’s take a look at one of those entries. If you type usrz.First();
in the Immediate window, you’ll get something like the following:
Click here to view code image
AccessToken: "eyJ0eX[...SNIP...]aohJ6LA"
ClientId: "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081"
DisplayableId: ""
ExpiresOn: {10/15/2015 8:47:54 PM +00:00}
FamilyName: "Rossi"
GivenName: "Mario"
IdToken: "eyJ0eX[..SNIP..]oMQ"
IdentityProvider: "
IsMultipleResourceRefreshToken: true
RefreshToken: "AAA[..SNIP..]XIAA"
Resource: ""
TenantId: "6c3d51dd-f0e5-4959-b4ea-a80c4e36fe5e"
UniqueId: "13d3104a-6891-45d2-a4be-82581a8e465b"

The fields DisplayableId and UniqueId are the ones that you can
use for indicating to AcquireToken* which user you want a token for.
The former can contain the user’s UPN or email address, depending on what
Azure AD sends. The latter can contain the users’ ObjectId in the directory
when available, or the NameIdentifier in case it is not. You pass one of those
values to a new instance of the UserIdentifier class, and then you pass
that instance in AcquireToken*. For example:
Click here to view code image
authContext.AcquireTokenSilent(resourceId, credential, new

If you want to use the UniqueId value—a great idea given that it is
nonreassignable—you’d use UserIdentifierType.UniqueId. If, as
I am doing in the snippet, you want to use the DisplayableId, you can
use either UserIdentifierType.OptionalDisplayableId or

On the midtier,
UserIdentifierType.OptionalDisplayableId and
UserIdentifierType.RequiredDisplayableId are
fully equivalent. If you were using them with an interactive
flavor of AcquireToken* in a native client, that call might
trigger a dialog box in which the user can enter credentials.
RequiredDisplayableId would enforce that the resulting
token match the ID that was passed when calling
AcquireToken*, so it would error out if the end user enters
different credentials; OptionalDisplayableId would
instead accept the outcome of entering new user credentials, as
the UserIdentifier instance would be used only as a way
of inspecting the cache and prepopulating the username field.

The case of the refresh token expiration is more complicated and, of

course, far more frequent.
The assumption that the signed-in user in the web app and the user who
obtains the tokens for calling the API are in fact the same user makes the
remediation very clear: that user must be used in the context of a new
authorization request to get a brand-new refresh token, and in the OpenID
Connect hybrid flow, that can be accomplished by triggering the sign-in flow
Before I jump to the code, however, I’d like to offer a few words on what
that means for the experience. A refresh token might expire while the web
session with the app (that is, the session cookie that the cookie middleware
emitted at sign-in time) is still valid. If the nature of your application is such
that the user can still do something useful with your pages even if she or he
is not able to perform the API call you need the refresh token for, then you
should be careful with how you handle reauthentication. Triggering a blind
redirect at a random moment in your app will disorient your user and disrupt
the experience. My favorite pattern for handling this situation is the one that
you can observe when using the Klout ( web application. Klout
integrates with many web APIs to aggregate your activity over social
networks. Occasionally the tokens for invoking those APIs expire. Klout
does not kick you out of your session, however; rather, it informs you that
there are features you don’t have access to until you go through the
authorization flow again—and gives you an opportunity to do so in the form
of a link. You can see an example in the top banner in Figure 9-4.

Figure 9-4 How Klout handles the reauthorization experience with the
APIs it integrates with.
Now here’s a quick-and-dirty way of modifying the About() action to
achieve a similar effect. Again, the “same user” assumption is of huge help
here. I’ve highlighted the new and interesting bits:
Click here to view code image
public ActionResult About(string reauth)
if (reauth == null)
string ClientId = "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081";
string Authority =
string appKey =
string resourceId = "";
ClientCredential credential = new
ClientCredential(ClientId, appKey);
AuthenticationContext authContext = new
AuthenticationResult result =



HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization =
new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer",
HttpResponseMessage response =
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
ViewBag.Message =
catch (AdalException ex)
if (ex.ErrorCode ==
Response.Write("<a href=\"./About?
reauth=true\">Your tokens are expired. Click here to
// more error handling
new AuthenticationProperties { RedirectUri =
"/Home/About", },
return View();

The token acquisition and API call logic is wrapped in a try-catch block.
In the case in which the app fails because AcquireTokenSilent does
not succeed in obtaining a token, we crudely display a message and provide
a link to the same action—but with an extra parameter (of nullable type, so
that nothing happens when the action is invoked without parameters, as is
usually the case). If the end user clicks that link, we know that he or she
intends to perform the reauthentication flow, hence the redirect won’t be a
surprise and won’t disrupt the experience.
At the beginning of the method, the code checks for the presence of that
parameter. If we find it, we trigger a sign-in, specifying that we intend to
come back to the original action once we’re done. Assuming that the sign-in
goes well and that the AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode runs
successfully to seed the cache, this time around the
AcquireTokenSilent call will succeed. Back to business as usual.
You can experience that flow in action by signing in, placing a breakpoint
right after the AuthenticationContext construction, and then using
the Immediate window for cleaning up the cache (via
authContext.TokenCache.Clear();). That will also show you that
if there’s still a valid session with the web app, token acquisition will take
place without throwing any UI—the user will only experience a quick flash
as the redirect goes through.
Let me stress that the preceding snippet truly is quick and dirty—it’s
meant to make the flow as clear as possible, with the expectation that once
you understand the gist of it, you’ll write the proper error-management code,
break down functionality across multiple actions if it fits your app, and so

Other ways of getting access tokens

The OpenID Connect hybrid flow is the one that gives you the most bang for
the buck, thanks to its sign-in and authorization-code flow integration. That
said, it does not cover all the possible topologies of interest for a web
application that needs to access a web API. Two notable examples are the
case in which you want to access an API as the application itself, with no
user involvement, and the case in which you want to access the API as a user
other than the one with which you are signed in.

Accessing an API as an application: Client credentials

As I briefly mentioned in Chapter 2, the OAuth2 core spec defines a grant in
which a client can obtain access tokens directly by presenting its credentials
to the token endpoint. The flow is summarized in Figure 9-5.

Figure 9-5 Swim-lane diagram for the client-credentials grant. Azure AD

requires an extra parameter in the request, not shown in the figure: it’s the
identifier of the resource to access.
In Chapter 8 you learned about the existence of application permissions.
Specifically, you learned how to configure your client app to request them
(via the portal or by adding the right entry in
RequiredResourcesAccess in the Application object/manifest)
and how to handle consent for obtaining them
(prompt=admin_consent is required). After you have done that,
requesting a token via client credentials with ADAL is very easy:
Click here to view code image
result = authContext.AcquireToken(resourceId, clientCredential);

The credentials are passed through the same ClientCredential class

you encountered while studying
AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode. ADAL will cache the
resulting access tokens to minimize network traffic. The flow does not result
in any refresh token because there’s no need for one: when you want a new
access token, you can always use the client credentials again. Note that
ADAL does that automatically when necessary—that is to say, within five
minutes from the cached access token’s expiration or if there’s no cached
token yet.

Accessing an API as an arbitrary user: Raw OAuth2 authorization

The vast majority of the OAuth2 flows you observe in the wild are cross-
provider, as making that integration possible is OAuth2’s main raison d’être.
You sign in to Twitter’s web app with your Twitter user, and the Twitter back
end can call the Facebook and LinkedIn APIs on your behalf. You sign in to
Tumblr with your Tumblr user, and the Tumblr back end can call the
Facebook and Twitter APIs on your behalf. And so on. One has to assume
that the Twitter web app can access the Twitter API on behalf of the user
currently signed in, of course, but for all other APIs, the identity used has to
be different.
In Azure AD land, different providers means different tenants. Or one can
consider scenarios such as for the admin and boss, where a single web
session needs to access the API as two distinct users from the same tenant.
Allowing a web application to acquire and use an access token on behalf of a
user that is not related to the currently signed-in user requires you to
implement an OAuth2 authorization grant flow.
I’ll be honest with you: this is one of the toughest flows to implement
with today’s libraries. But you are not totally left to your own devices—far
from it. ADAL caching will still save you tons of lines of code, and most of
the protocol traffic is generated automatically for you. However, you do
need to write code in your app for handling identity-specific details, such as
receiving authorization code and validating messages. Those things could be
taken care of by a library, but ADAL is simply not at that point yet.
You can find a detailed code sample demonstrating this scenario at
oauth2-useridentity, so I won’t give complete end-to-end instructions, but I
want to be sure that you understand what’s going on in this topology.
At a high level, you can think of this as a variant of the logic you studied
in the hybrid flow for handling the case in which the refresh token expires.
You still attempt to get the token you need via AcquireTokenSilent,
and you still react to a failure to do so by providing the end user with a link
for going through reauthorization. However, the reauthorization logic is no
longer a simple trigger to sign in: this time it entails constructing an OAuth2
authorization-code request, tailored to the specific tenant and user you wish
to engage. There’s more. You can no longer rely on the OpenID Connect
middleware notifications for redeeming the code, which means you need to
provide something (such as a controller) that waits for the authorization code
to come back, validates the message, redeems the code for a token via
ADAL (so that it ends up in the cache), and redirects to the controller from
where this all originated. It sounds worse than it actually is, but it is
definitely more work than all the other flows we have discussed so far.

Exposing a protected web API

The counterpart of consuming APIs is, of course, offering your own API for
consumption—from your own clients and from third parties.
From the project perspective, this is even simpler than setting up web
sign-on for a redirect-based application. Whereas web sign-on entails
orchestrating a dance of redirects and handling sessions, verifying a web API
call simply requires you to expect a bearer token in the request and to
validate it against the requirements advertised by the trusted authority’s
metadata. ASP.NET offers specialized middleware for that, which I’ll show
you in detail.
Web APIs are provisioned in Azure AD through the same application type
used for web apps with a UX. Whether your app serves pages to be rendered
by a browser or JSON to be parsed by a client process is a private matter you
decide in your own code—after you add a web app entry, Azure AD is ready
to support both scenarios at all times. Web APIs do have extra configuration
requirements, though. As you learned in Chapter 8, web APIs have to declare
what delegated and application permissions a client can request at consent
time. At request time, those permissions will be expressed in different ways
in the incoming token. You’ll see how you can tap into that information from
your code and make access decisions.
The following section will walk you through the process of creating a web
API project, protecting it with Azure AD, and consuming it from our sample
application. As usual, I will use the scaffolding offered by that process to
contextualize Azure AD and developer library features, protocol
considerations, and gotchas.

Setting up a web API project

Let’s start by creating a Visual Studio project for our API. Feel free to add a
new project to your existing solution or to start a new instance.
Visual Studio offers a specialized template for a web API protected by
Azure AD, just like the one you used in Chapter 1 for creating your very first
Azure AD application. You gain access to it by clicking the Change
Authentication button in the project creation wizard and selecting the Work
And School Account section. Notably, the web API templates in Visual
Studio 2013 and Visual Studio 2015 are very similar—the middleware for
handling the OAuth2 bearer token usage specification is the first protocol-
oriented middleware Microsoft shipped.
Using the template is very handy because it automatically provisions the
app in Azure AD, adds all the necessary NuGet references, and weaves in
boilerplate authentication code. In Chapter 5 you had the opportunity to
become familiar with all the moving parts the template adds, so there’s not
much educational value to going through the manual route again here. The
main difference from the process shown in Chapter 5 is the protocol
middleware being added. In Chapter 5 you added the OpenID Connect and
cookie middlewares, but here you’ll add middleware that takes care of the
OAuth2 bearer token validation (more details below). Furthermore, in
Chapter 8 you studied how applications can declare permissions in the
Application object/manifest file, so you already know how to handle
that part, and it’s okay at this point to let Visual Studio do the work for you.
Go ahead and create a new ASP.NET 4.6 Web API project, either
standalone or in the same solution. As you go through the creation wizard,
select Change Authentication, and then Work And School Account. Very
important: in the domain drop-down, be sure to select or enter the same
Azure AD tenant you used for the sample web app you want to use for
consuming the new API. Cross-tenant API calls are possible, but they require
some extra steps I will introduce a little later.

Once the project is ready, you can take a look around. First, head to
packages.config. If you compare the list of NuGet packages with the list
from the web app project, you’ll see that whereas the latter references
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Cookies and
Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnect, the protocol middleware
components used for web API are these:
As of today, they are all at version 3.0.1.
At first you might find it strange that the middleware implementing the
OAuth2 bearer token usage lives in an Active Directory–specific NuGet
package. But think of what you know about that flow, and the reason will
become immediately obvious. The function of a middleware implementing
that protocol is to validate access tokens, but the format of such access
tokens (hence their validation logic) is left as an exercise to the reader. When
you connect to Azure AD (or ADFS), it is well known in what format the
tokens will be and where to retrieve the metadata containing the validation
coordinates. Hence, we can enshrine such knowledge in ready-to-use
components. Validation for other providers will follow the same rough
functional steps (retrieve the token from the message, validate it,
manufacture a ClaimsPrincipal with the content) but will have to
differ in the actual validation bits.
Let’s see what this all means in concrete terms.
Middleware initialization code and API controllers
Head to the Startup.Auth.cs. Here's the interesting bit:
Click here to view code image

public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)

Tenant =
TokenValidationParameters = new
TokenValidationParameters {
ValidAudience =

The middleware pipeline is decisively simpler in the case of a web API.

You add only one middleware, through what must be the extension method
with the longest name in ASP.NET’s history:
(I played no part in picking the name! True story, when that name was
picked I was on a tiny Fiji island, 30 minutes by boat from where they shot
the movie Castaway.)
The job of this middleware is very simple: it examines incoming calls, and
if it finds a bearer token in the Authorization header, the middleware extracts
it, validates it, manufactures a ClaimsPrincipal out of it, and marks the
current user as authenticated. That’s it. There is no session creation,
proactive interception of 401s to be turned into 302s, or anything else.
Before I can properly explain the meaning of the properties used to
initialize the middleware, I need to introduce you to how Active Directory
chose to represent access tokens. I have been putting off this explanation as
long as possible to avoid creating the temptation to examine the content of
the access token from the client. But at this point, you are implementing the
intended recipient of the access token, so here you are expected to look into
it to validate it and consume its content.
Both Azure AD and ADFS represent access tokens as JWTs, which closely
resemble the ones you encountered in the form of id_tokens. The rationale
for choosing an actual format, one that anybody with the correct metadata
can validate, is right here in the custom web API scenario we are studying. If
AD would allow you to call only Microsoft-owned APIs—as Facebook
issues tokens only for its own Graph API—then the format would be
irrelevant to you. But AD can also be used for securing your own API, so
you need a mechanism for examining incoming tokens and deciding whether
they are good for you or should be rejected. Given that we already have
logic for validating tokens in the web sign-on case, it just makes sense to
reuse it here—plus some extra checks the scenario calls for.
You validate the JWTs used as access tokens by using the same metadata-
driven logic you saw in action for id_tokens in Chapters 6 and 7. That is the
function performed by the Tenant parameter in the
ons initialization: it contains a string representing a domain associated with
the tenant you want tokens from, or the corresponding tenantId, which the
middleware uses for constructing the URL of the metadata document from
which the validation coordinates should be retrieved. In our sample, the
value in Tenant (saved by the project wizard in web.config) is
“”. The tenant is automatically considered
to be associated with the Azure AD instance If you need to connect to a different Azure
AD instance, you can omit the Tenant property in the options and directly
specify the metadata document’s URL via the property
MetadataAddress. The twist you might not expect is that for this
middleware, you need to specify Azure AD’s WS-Federation metadata. For
example, in our case the equivalent of specifying
“” in the Tenant property would be to set
MetadataAddress to

Why the WS-Federation metadata instead of the OpenID

Connect discovery document? Simple. When the web API
middleware came out, Azure AD did not support the OpenID
Connect discovery document yet.

Remember how in the OpenID Connect options you had to specify the
ClientId of the application? The OpenID Connect middleware uses the
ClientId for two purposes—to identify the client app when generating
the sign-in request to the provider and to validate the audience claim in
incoming tokens—to be sure that the caller isn’t simply replaying a token
stolen from someone else. If you need a refresher, head to Chapter 6 and
search for the aud claim in the section “The JWT format.”
Access tokens are different. Whereas id_tokens are tokens meant to be
consumed by the requesting app itself—so the audience of the token is the
requestor itself—access tokens are requested by a client that is (most of the
time) distinct from the resource it is requesting a token for. You already saw
this in action, albeit indirectly, in the calls to AcquireToken* for gaining
access to the Graph API. You had to pass in the call the identifier of the
resource you wanted, which in our case is “”.
What you have not seen yet is that the same resource identifier is placed by
Azure AD in the aud claim from the access token it issues back. The
OAuth2 bearer middleware needs to check that incoming tokens carry the
correct audience, which is why you are required to set that value in the
ValidAudience property at initialization. The value you want to put in
there has to be one of the identifiers that Azure AD uses for representing
your web API app as a resource—that is to say, as a potential recipient of a
token. In most of the developer guidance, the value put there is the App ID
URI, the value you find in the Azure portal on the Configure tab of the app
entry. That corresponds to one of the values from the identifierURIs
property of the corresponding Application object. In our case, the
project template generated a unique URI
( and used it both
while creating the app and for initializing the corresponding value in
web.config. Another possible value is the ClientId of the app itself, as you
have seen in the OpenID Connect case, or the appId property of the
Application object. In general, all the acceptable audience values for the
app are listed in the servicePrincipalNames property of the
ServicePrincipal, which normally is the union of the
identifierURIs and appId property.


Azure AD will accept in the token request any of the valid

resource identifiers, and will reflect that in the audience. This
means that the client must request the exact resource ID that the
middleware will set in its ValidAudience property;
otherwise, the incoming token will be rejected!

From the code generated by the project template wizard you can already
see that ValidAudience is a property of
TokenValidationParameters, a class you should already be very
familiar with thanks to the detailed analysis of its usage in Chapter 7. The
things you learned there about valid values, validation flags, and validators
can be applied here as well. That includes what you learned in Chapter 8
about how to use TokenValidationParameters for manipulating
issuer validation in the case of multitenant apps.

One interesting thing is that you don’t really need to initialize

an entire TokenValidationParameters class just to set
the audience, because
tionOptions offers an equivalent property directly. You
could successfully set a web API without ever knowing that
TokenValidationParameters even exists. Why did the
template end up using it instead? Long story. Ask me about it if
you see me at some conference!

Here’s one last thing I want to point your attention to. If you take a look at
the sample API controller generated by the template,
ValuesController, you’ll see that there’s a blanket [Authorize] on the
entire class. That means that any caller better be authenticated, or they will
be denied access. You’ll see in a few pages what that means in terms of bits
on the wire.

Directory entries
The Application object for the web API contains a default entry in
oauth2Permissions, just like you have seen for portal-created web
apps in Chapter 8. It’s worth taking another quick look at that property here:
Click here to view code image
"oauth2Permissions": [
"adminConsentDescription": "Allow the application to
access SimpleWebAPI on behalf of the signed-in user.",
"adminConsentDisplayName": "Access SimpleWebAPI",
"id": "f41d8346-0715-4728-83f2-6ee1d817167c",
"isEnabled": true,
"type": "User",
"userConsentDescription": "Allow the application to
access SimpleWebAPI on your behalf.",
"userConsentDisplayName": "Access SimpleWebAPI",
"value": "user_impersonation"
You’ve already seen that those are the permissions (in this case
permission, singular) that a client can ask for when requesting access to your
API. Without an entry in oauth2Permissions, your app could not
operate as a web API, which is why Azure AD provides a default one. One
thing I have not yet mentioned is that if you want your app and permissions
to show up in the drop-down list of potential clients, your application must
already have a ServicePrincipal in the same tenant. This is why the
web API template provisions one ServicePrincipal for the app
directly at creation time.
The value property of an oauth2Permissions entry is especially
interesting when you’re developing a web API because it holds the value of
the scope that a token will carry to indicate it has been granted the
corresponding permission. As a web API developer, it is your responsibility
to verify the scope values in incoming tokens and decide whether they grant
to the caller the right to do with your API what they are attempting to do at
the moment. Just to make that operation a bit more interesting, I downloaded
the manifest of my web API via the Azure portal, added a new entry, and
then uploaded it again. Now it looks like the following:
Click here to view code image
"oauth2Permissions": [
"adminConsentDescription": "Allow the application to
use SimpleWebAPI in write mode.",
"adminConsentDisplayName": "Use SimpleWebAPI in write
"id": "ae08ca44-4241-449a-abbf-a9a0e0ce2730",
"isEnabled": true,
"type": "User",
"userConsentDescription": "Allow the application to use
SimpleWebAPI in write mode.",
"userConsentDisplayName": "Use SimpleWebAPI in write
"value": "SimpleWebAPI.Write"
"adminConsentDescription": "Allow the application to
access SimpleWebAPI on behalf of the signed-in user.",
"adminConsentDisplayName": "Access SimpleWebAPI",
"id": "f41d8346-0715-4728-83f2-6ee1d817167c",
"isEnabled": true,
"type": "User",
"userConsentDescription": "Allow the application to
access SimpleWebAPI on your behalf.",
"userConsentDisplayName": "Access SimpleWebAPI",
"value": "user_impersonation"

I added a new scope, SimpleWebAPI.Write, which is meant to

represent the permission one client needs to have to invoke the sample API
controller with PUT, POST, and DELETE verbs. You’ll see how to do that

Web APIs and consent

If you are writing a multitenant app, or if you are creating apps
as a nonadmin user, you will have to deal with consent. A web
API is just like a web app; in fact it is a web app from the Azure
AD standpoint, but without the benefit of a UX. And without a
UX, there’s no real opportunity to present the caller with a
consent prompt. Technically, you could set up a web sign-in
flow just for the purpose of provisioning the
ServicePrincipal for the web API . . . but most of the
time that’s unnatural. The more common approach is to have the
user consent for the web API in the context of the consent
prompt they are already engaging for provisioning the client
application that needs to call the API. In Chapter 8 you
encountered the Application property
knownClientApplications. If you want the consent for a
given client to be capable of prompting for consent for your API
as well, be sure to list that client in the
knownClientApplications property of the
Application object of your API.

Handling web API calls

If you want to see our web API in action, you need to set up a client for it
Let’s go back to our original sample web application. You need to let
Azure AD know that you want the web app to access our web API. In
today’s portal ( that’s easily done by
navigating to the app entry, selecting the Configure tab, scrolling to the
section Permissions To Other Applications and clicking the Add Application
As I mentioned, I am reluctant to include screenshots in this book because
I am nearly certain that screens will change. In today’s experience, clicking
that button brings up a dialog in which you can choose whether you want
your client app to request permissions to access a Microsoft app (Office 365,
Power BI, Azure management, Directory Graph API, and so on) or all apps
(any web app with a ServicePrincipal in your tenant and a nonempty
oauth2Permissions section). Choose the latter, and locate your web
API project. Visual Studio names the app entry in the same way in which
you named the Visual Studio project, plus some numeric identifier to avoid
collisions: in my case the entry is SimpleWebAPI. Once you find it, select
the entry and close the dialog.
The Permissions To Other Applications section now includes an entry for
your web API. You might notice that it is displayed in purple because the
new setting hasn’t been saved yet. Open the corresponding Delegated
Permissions drop-down: here you’ll find all the permissions defined in the
web API manifest. Select them all, and click Save.
Now comes the fun part. I want the web app’s permission in the directory
to reflect the new requirements. Chapter 8 taught you that if you make the
changes while you’re signed in to the portal as a directory admin, all the
changes are automatically applied to the ServicePrincipal as well. If I
were signed in as a standard (nonadmin) user, we might need to revoke
consent (by visiting and revoking consent for the
web app) before going through the consent experience again.
For simplicity, let’s assume that I did everything as an admin and we are
good to go. The way to be sure that this is the case is to retrieve the list of
grants associated with the app’s ServicePrincipal and verify that the
right entries are there. The entity I need is
where b128da6c-5570-43fa-ab2e-6bc5abb8e6e1 is the objectId of the
ServicePrincipal. Here’s what I have in there:
Click here to view code image
"value": [
"clientId": "b128da6c-5570-43fa-ab2e-6bc5abb8e6e1",
"consentType": "AllPrincipals",
"expiryTime": "2016-04-09T11:52:54.8020064",
"objectId": "bNoosXBV-kOrLmvFq7jm4UnIMYJNhOpOkFrsIuF86Y8",
"principalId": null,
"resourceId": "8231c849-844d-4eea-905a-ec22e17ce98f",
"scope": "User.Read",
"startTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"

"clientId": "b128da6c-5570-43fa-ab2e-6bc5abb8e6e1",
"consentType": "AllPrincipals",
"expiryTime": "2016-04-14T23:56:39.9710775",
"objectId": "bNoosXBV-kOrLmvFq7jm4Ye5XNQ8LzhPkSsr0-GWByM",
"principalId": null,
"resourceId": "d45cb987-2f3c-4f38-912b-2bd3e1960723",
"scope": "SimpleWebAPI.Write user_impersonation",
"startTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"

That’s exactly what we want. The first entry is the old permission, which
allows every user on the tenant to get a token for signing in and for
accessing the profile. The second is the permission establishing that every
tenant user will also be able to access SimpleWebAPI through the web app,
with both permissions granted.
Let’s add a bit of code to the web app to make a vanilla call to our web
API. In fact, you can reuse the code for invoking the Graph API; you just
need to change a couple of lines. Here’s the relevant fragment:
Click here to view code image
string ClientId = "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081";
string Authority =
string appKey =
//string resourceId = "";
string resourceId =
ClientCredential credential = new
ClientCredential(ClientId, appKey);
AuthenticationContext authContext = new
AuthenticationResult result =


HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization =
new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer",
HttpResponseMessage response =

if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
//..more stuff

The only items that changed are the resource ID of the token we are
requesting and the URL of the web API itself (which I got from the property
pages of the project in Visual Studio). As expected, the refresh token cached
from the Startup invocation of
AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode is a MRRT, capable of
obtaining access tokens for any resource the app has been configured to gain
access to. If you set up Fiddler and take a look at the traffic, you’ll see the
same pattern you observed with the calls to the Graph. The only thing that
changes is the recipient of the REST call.

By default, Fiddler won’t capture traffic generated by

HttpClient, especially when directed to localhost. There’s an
awesome trick you can use to fix that: when you initialize your
request, instead of passing plain
https://localhost:44301/, try passing
https://localhost.fiddler:44301/. Fiddler will
now trace that traffic, too. Don’t forget to change the address
back, or your API calls will fail when Fiddler isn’t running.

Before I get to how to handle scopes on the web API side, let’s simulate a
couple of error situations you are likely to encounter while working with a
web API.
First, comment out the client code that adds the Authorization header and
try the call again. The API call is going to come back with a 401; the
response object will carry a StatusCode 401, and the ReasonPhrase will
be the dreaded “Unauthorized.” Just as expected, the middleware won’t let
through any calls not carrying a valid token from the intended issuer.
Let’s try something else. Add back the lines that include the token in the
request headers, and then go to the web API project. In the web.config file,
locate the audience value in AppSettings, and change the value somehow
(for example, add some trailing characters). Now go through the call flow
again. You’ll end up with the same error.
That gives you a taste of a hard truth: diagnosing issues with a web API
on the client side is hard. When the bearer token middleware encounters
issues, it doesn’t usually send back errors; rather, it lets the call proceed
without adding to it the identity of the caller. The error message is generated
when the execution reaches the controller decorated with [Authorize], and at
that point the reason that you weren’t able to get a ClaimsPrincipal for
an authenticated user is lost. All you know is that the caller is unauthorized,
and the message returned to the client reflects that. This means that
troubleshooting issues with a web API is best done statically through a series
of checks that in my experience catch the vast majority of the issues:
Does the aud claim in the incoming token match exactly (down to
casing, trailing slashes, HTTP vs. HTTPS) the value used to initialize
ValidAudience (or Audience in the options) in the middleware
Does the iss claim in the incoming token match exactly the issuer
indicated in the metadata referenced by Tenant or
MetadataAddress in the middleware initialization logic? Special
attention should be reserved for a multitenant case, as discussed in
Chapter 8.
Is the API route correctly configured for using the OAuth2 bearer
middleware, or is it being protected by some other middleware? More
about this a bit later.
When all those static checks fail, it’s time to turn on tracing or implement
some of the validators in TokenValidationParameters just to place
some breakpoints.
Another thing that you already know but is worth stressing is how a web
API protected via OAuth2 bearer tokens doesn’t do much to help you get a
token. Whereas a failed request against a web app results in a 302 and a web
sign-on request—in other words, an attempt to remediate the situation—here
you get a cold 401, an invitation to get your act together in your own client
logic. It is up to your code to decide how to react to the 401, and if the
reaction entails obtaining a new token, it’s up to your code to drive all the
token-request work.

The OAuth2 bearer token usage specification provides a

mechanism for sending back in the 401 response some
information that a client can use to understand what the
authentication and authorization requirements of the web API
are and attempt to comply. The information is sent back in a
WWW-Authenticate header and mostly pertains to what scopes
the API requires and from which authority. ADAL has some
features meant to make it easier for a client to make sense of the
WWW-Authenticate header, but it’s still up to your code to
work with it. Also, you should always be wary of entities
suggesting an authority to authenticate against—phishing and
token forwarding are constant threats. For more details, see

Processing requests
Let’s now take a look at how to process incoming requests, from dealing
with scope-driven authorization to performing some common
Scopes are, as you might imagine, represented as claims. If you fire up
Fiddler again and capture an access token (you learned in Chapter 6 how to
extract JWTs and their claims content from traces), you should see
something such as the following:
Click here to view code image
"acr" : "1",
"amr" : [ "pwd" ],
"appid" : "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081",
"appidacr" : "1",
"aud" :
"exp" : 1445208111,
"family_name" : "Rossi",
"given_name" : "Mario",
"iat" : 1445204211,
"ipaddr" : "",
"iss" : "
"name" : "Mario Rossi",
"nbf" : 1445204211,
"oid" : "13d3104a-6891-45d2-a4be-82581a8e465b",
"scp" : "SimpleWebAPI.Write user_impersonation",
"sub" : "wrFY8NpHyppkDsmTbQV0ZXRkkAtT2sIhnU1LoJYvYZU",
"tid" : "6c3d51dd-f0e5-4959-b4ea-a80c4e36fe5e",
"unique_name" : "",
"upn" : "",
"ver" : "1.0"

This does look remarkably similar to the id_token you saw in Figure 6-3
in Chapter 6. The differences I’ve already mentioned are the audience value
(though technically you could use the client_id of the web API, provided that
you use it consistently in the token request on the client and in the audience
setting on the API) and the presence of a scope (scp) claim. The id_token
also has some extra cryptography tricks used for validation (nonce and
c_hash), but the middleware takes care of low-level validations, so for our
current purposes we can ignore those.
The bearer middleware validates that token and uses it to create a
ClaimsPrincipal. However, you might be surprised by how different
the two look. To see that, go to the ValuesController class on the API,
find the parameterless overload of Get, and add the following line to it:
Click here to view code image
ClaimsPrincipal cp = ClaimsPrincipal.Current;

Now place a breakpoint on that line and run the solution again. Once the
execution reaches the breakpoint, take a look at the ClaimsPrincipal’s
Claims list as shown in Figure 9-6.
Figure 9-6 The list of claims extracted by the middleware from the
incoming access token.
The claim types used in the ClaimsPrincipal are much longer than
the ones found in the actual token. In Chapter 1 you learned that this
normalization is performed for the purpose of helping you write code that
queries claims without worrying about which protocol or token format was
Checking the scopes in the API means ensuring that for each of the
methods offered, the caller possesses the necessary scopes representing the
permissions for accessing the feature. Here’s a brute- force example:
Click here to view code image
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
string [] scopes = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst(
ue.Split(' ');
if (scopes.Contains("user_impersonation"))
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage {
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized,
ReasonPhrase = "The Scope claim does not contain
'user_impersonation' or scope claim not found"

// ...

// POST api/values
public void Post([FromBody]string value)
string[] scopes = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst(
ue.Split(' ');
if (scopes.Contains("user_impersonation")&&
// do stuff
throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized,
ReasonPhrase = "The Scope claim does not contain
'user_impersonation' and 'SimpleWebAPI.Write' or scope claim not

In this case, we impose a rule that every call to any of our actions be
performed by applications that have full faculty for impersonating the user,
as confirmed by the presence of the user_impersonate scope. For
example, this means that calls coming from a web app that acquired tokens
through a client-credentials flow would not be able to invoke any actions.
Moreover, we impose a rule that all actions that can alter the API’s state
(here represented by the Post method) can be performed only by a caller
presenting the scope SimpleWebAPI.Write as well. If you want to test
this, create a new client app and ask only for the user_impersonate
permission. You’ll see that users going through the new client app will not
be able to perform Post calls.
Repeating the scope-verification logic in each and every method might not
be the most efficient way of handling the problem. You might consider
adding that logic in an AuthorizeAttribute.
Customizations As I mentioned, the presence of
TokenValidationParameters in the bearer middleware means that
you can apply to a web API all the tricks it enables for web apps. That
includes everything described in the “TokenValidationParameters” section in
Chapter 7 and the features mentioned through Chapter 8 (such as the use of
One thing that the bearer middleware lacks is the rich notifications
delegates pipeline you encountered studying the OpenID Connect
middleware. That’s mostly because the idea wasn’t fully fleshed out when
the bearer token middleware came out—and, in fact, in ASP.NET 5 the new
bearer middleware sports notifications as well. However, not everything is
lost in Katana 3: there is a mechanism that can be used for injecting your
code in the validation flow, and that’s by specifying a Provider. A Provider is
an artifact used in the bearer middleware to supply a rudimentary
counterpart for notifications. I am reluctant to go too deeply into the details,
given that this has already changed in ASP.NET 5, so I hope you’ll forgive
me if I for once do a bit of cargo cult programming. Suffice to say that
specifying a Provider as shown in the following code gives you an
opportunity to use OnValidateIdentity to make any last-minute
changes you want to make to the identity about to be passed to the
application. For example, here I am using it to add a custom claim—an
analogy with what I did in Chapter 7 in the SecurityTokenValidated
notification of the OpenID Connect middleware:
Click here to view code image
new WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationOptions
Tenant =

TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters

ValidAudience =

Provider = new OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider()
context =>
new Claim("http://myclaimtypes/hairlength",
"pretty awesome"));

Exposing both a web UX and a web API from the same Visual
Studio project
Imagine that you have a web application that is meant to be consumed both
through a web browser and by active clients such as mobile apps or the
code-behind of other web apps.
You can see how this presents an interesting challenge. From the pure
REST perspective, all resources are kind of the same, regardless of whether
the representation sent back from a given route is meant to be rendered by a
browser or parsed programmatically. If you consider the identity angle,
however, there are important differences. Consuming a resource through a
web browser entails the usual dance of 302s, token requests and responses
performed by jerking the browser around, and session cookies. Conversely,
consuming a web API entails sending an access token every time, obtaining
that token out of band, and dealing with 401s and 403s when the API isn’t
satisfied with the token it receives. Say that an unauthenticated user requests
a given route. Should you trigger a 302 with a sign-in request? That
wouldn’t make sense for a programmatic client. Should you send back a
401? That would cut the navigation experience short.
Very well. Maybe having individual routes that work for both
consumption models is problematic; however, you should at least be able to
partition your app into routes meant to serve back UX and routes meant to
expose an API. This is the moment for which all the deep study of the
Katana pipeline you did in Chapter 7 pays off! Consider the following
middleware initialization pipeline:
Click here to view code image
public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
ClientId = "c3d5b1ad-ae77-49ac-8a86-dd39a2f91081",
Authority =
Tenant =
TokenValidationParameters = new
TokenValidationParameters {
ValidAudience =
AuthenticationType = "OAuth2Bearer",

This pipeline includes the cookie, OpenID Connect, and OAuth2 bearer
middlewares. The first two are initialized as usual, and coupled together by
the same AuthenticationType. The highlighted line shows that you
change the AuthenticationType of the bearer middleware to a unique
value, OAuth2Bearer. You can use that value from resources to elect to
work with this specific middleware. For a web API, this is done through the
HostAuthenticationFilter attribute.
HostAuthenticationFilter lives in the
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin NuGet package. You can use it for
decorating the actions or controllers you want to use as an API. Passing to it
a specific AuthenticationType will cause the user’s principal to be set
from the corresponding middleware. Assuming that your app has a
ValueController like the web API we’ve been playing with so far,
you’ll want to decorate it as follows:
Click here to view code image
public class ValuesController : ApiController

All the other routes with [Authorize] alone will keep working with a
browser as usual.
A web API calling another API: Flowing the identity of the
caller and using “on behalf of”
It is exceedingly common for an API to have to call another API as part of
implementing its functions.
The client credentials grant is an option, although it has the shortcoming
of creating a trusted subsystem: the client API accesses the resource API
always with the same rights regardless of the user accessing the client API—
so enforcing what that user can or cannot do is left to the client API instead
of relying on the directory. Another limitation of the client credentials
approach is that granting consent for application permissions always requires
administrator consent, which might not be ideal if you want to maximize the
reach of your solution.
The section “More API consumption scenarios” in Chapter 2 introduced
another approach to address this scenario, the on-behalf-of flow defined by
the OAuth2 Token Exchange extensions (which you can find at If you want to
refresh your knowledge of the approach, turn back to Chapter 2 and refer to
Figure 2-9.
Let’s take a look at the code required to make the on-behalf-of flow work.
Ultimately, the client API needs to send to the authority the access token it
receives from its caller, along with the client API’s credentials and the
resourceId of the API it wants to access. The authority is expected to
examine the request and issue a new access token scoped for the new API,
which the client API can use for gaining access. The operation is
summarized in the diagram in Figure 9-7.
Figure 9-7 Swim-lane diagram of the token request call in the on-behalf-
of flow, as detailed in the OAuth2 Token Exchange extensions
Let’s modify our sample API to perform a call to the Graph on behalf of
the caller. The first step is to retrieve the bits of the access token that our
client sent to our API so that our API can use the original access token to
request a new access token for accessing the next layer. We already know
that the content of the incoming access token is deserialized in
ClaimsPrincipal.Current, but that’s not good enough: we need the
original, unmodified token bits so that the authority can examine them (and
possibly recheck signatures and so on). Since .NET 4.5, the .NET
Framework features a mechanism for preserving the bits of tokens used for
gaining access to the current app: it is simply an option in the authentication
pipeline. In the Katana middleware, that option is driven by the
SaveSigninToken property of TokenValidationParameters.
You activate it by setting it to true, as shown here:
Click here to view code image
new WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationOptions
Tenant =
TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidAudience =
SaveSigninToken = true,

SaveSigninToken is false by default. That does not have much of an

impact on web API scenarios, but for web sign-on cases (in the OpenID
Connect hybrid flow, the token to save would be the id_token), the token bits
would increase the session cookie size, so we keep ahold on the original
token only when needed.
Now take a look at the code you might add to the Get action of our
sample API for enabling it to invoke the Graph API on behalf of the original
Click here to view code image
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
string [] scopes = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst(
ue.Split(' ');
if (scopes.Contains("user_impersonation"))
var bootstrapContext =
string userName =
ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Upn) != null ?
ue :
string userAccessToken = bootstrapContext.Token;
UserAssertion userAssertion = new UserAssertion(
ClientCredential clientCred = new ClientCredential(
AuthenticationContext authContext = new
AuthenticationResult result =
clientCred, userAssertion);

// ...more stuff

As usual, the code is pretty rough—for example, I am not setting up a

persistent cache as I should, given that we’re on the server side—but it
should clarify how to deal with this flow.
The token is saved in the BootstrapContext property of
ClaimsIdentity: this allows your code to gain access to the token bits
in a fashion that’s independent of protocol and token format, instead of you
having to worrying about whether you should search for the token in a
header or in the body of a POST. That’s what the statement assigning
booststrapContext is about.
Once you have the original token, you need to use the ADAL object
model to manufacture a UserAssertion. This class is meant to wrap the
bits of the original token to be sent to the authority, augmenting them with
some extra information such as the token type and the user to which the
token was issued in the first place. The information about the user is
important. Given that ADAL is a token-requestor library, it does not know
anything about access token formats, so it cannot inspect the original token
content—however, ADAL needs to know for which user you are requesting
a new token so that it can look up the cache in case a suitable token that fits
the bill already exists.
The request to the authority must pair the UserAssertion with the
client API’s own credentials: if that was not required, any rogue obtaining
one access token would be able to mint new access tokens at will. The
credentials are represented by the usual ClientCredentials class.
Finally, the call for retrieving the new access token is a simple overload of
the AcquireToken method. As soon as you get the result back, you can
extract the access token from it and use it as shown earlier in the chapter.
Moreover, the cache is now primed with both the new access token and a
new refresh token for the client_id of the client API, so subsequent calls
don’t necessarily need to hit the network again.
Now let’s take a look at the generated traffic. Fire up Fiddler and run
through the scenario. As soon as execution hits the AcquireToken call,
you’ll capture something along the lines of the following:
Click here to view code image
/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
client-request-id: a97cd78d-f147-45d0-b64b-59ea4a99b916
return-client-request-id: true
x-client-SKU: .NET
x-client-CPU: x64
x-client-OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.10240.0
Content-Length: 1626
Expect: 100-continue
Connection: Keep-Alive

The parameters that are sent are pretty much what you’d expect:
client_id, client_secret, the assertion itself, the grant_type,
and requested_token_use=on_behalf_of as dictated by the
OAuth2 Token Exchange spec. The scope parameter is perhaps the only
surprise. It is included so that the token endpoint will also send back an
id_token—an id_token containing user information that ADAL uses for
creating the correct cache entry for the resulting tokens.
And now look at what you find in the response:
Click here to view code image
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Expires: -1
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5
x-ms-request-id: bbfbc87c-4dd0-43e6-a32f-d7c5f9c5e0e1
client-request-id: a97cd78d-f147-45d0-b64b-59ea4a99b916
x-ms-gateway-service-instanceid: ESTSFE_IN_228
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains
Set-Cookie: flight-uxoptin=true; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: x-ms-gateway-slice=productiona; path=/; secure;
Set-Cookie: stsservicecookie=ests; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2015 02:43:57 GMT
Content-Length: 3017

P...]wtyAA","id_token":"eyJ0[...SNIP...] CJ9."}

As predicted, you get back a new token triplet. But how do you know that
the token you get back is actually for the Graph? Well, using it successfully
would be a pretty good indication, but just to be on the safe side, let’s decode
the access token and verify that it’s what we expected:
Click here to view code image
"acr" : "1",
"amr" : [ "pwd" ],
"appid" : "fdb34bf3-74e6-4da7-bf97-de4cb664e261",
"appidacr" : "1",
"aud" : "",
"exp" : 1445226536,
"family_name" : "Rossi",
"given_name" : "Mario",
"iat" : 1445222337,
"ipaddr" : "",
"iss" : "
"name" : "Mario Rossi",
"nbf" : 1445222337,
"oid" : "13d3104a-6891-45d2-a4be-82581a8e465b",
"puid" : "10037FFE894016DA",
"scp" : "Directory.Read User.Read",
"sub" : "VD3MBzqKX_DFcJjwq5K9xa1ODW5AXYNgnci589pLLb8",
"tid" : "6c3d51dd-f0e5-4959-b4ea-a80c4e36fe5e",
"unique_name" : "",
"upn" : "",
"ver" : "1.0"

The token does carry the information for the original user, the one who
invoked the web app that invoked our web API, which in turn is about to
invoke the Graph as the same user. The appid corresponds to the client_id
of the client API, so we are good there. To be extra certain about
distinguishing the various tokens, I changed the resources and permissions
requested by the client API to include Directory.Read, an extra
permission with respect to the other project in the solution. Sure enough, the
extra entry appears in the scope.
The on-behalf-of flow is an extremely powerful one. This is a simple
sample, probably the simplest you can encounter. I encourage you to
experiment with different combinations of APIs, permissions, client types,
and consent models to explore the boundaries of what can be accomplished
with it.

Protecting a web API with ADFS “3”

As you learned in Chapter 3, “Introducing Azure Active Directory and
Active Directory Federation Services,” ADFS “3” introduced the ability for
native clients to obtain access tokens for invoking web APIs. ADFS happens
to be using JWT as the format for its access tokens too, which means that
most of the infrastructure of the bearer middleware can be used for securing
tokens coming from ADFS as well.
It might come as a surprise to you that, in fact, despite the extension
method UseWindows-
AzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthentication, there is no
such thing as a specialized Azure AD OAuth2 bearer token middleware. That
extension method provides Azure AD–specific ways to supply the authority
metadata, but the validation coordinates are fed to another extension method,
UseOAuthBearerAuthentication. That method ultimately
instantiates a more generic OAuth2 middleware,
OAuthBearerAuthenticationMiddleware, which implements a
generic JWT-based OAuth2 bearer token interceptor and validator.
Something similar applies to ADFS. There is a different extension
on, which is typically initialized with an Audience and a
MetadataAddress, the latter pointing to the WS-Federation metadata
document of the ADFS instance you work with. Something like the
Click here to view code image
Audience = "https://myservices/myAPI",
MetadataEndpoint =

That’s all you need to do to configure the OAuth2 bearer middleware to

validate tokens from ADFS. In fact, you can do this even more quickly—all
you need to do is choose the on-premises option of the authentication
settings when using the web API project template in Visual Studio 2013 or
2015. The template will generate this code for you.
One area where ADFS is stiffer than Azure AD is how applications are
provisioned. They both strictly require an app to be registered before any
token can be issued for it, but whereas Azure AD has API and consent flows
for that process, ADFS mandates that every app be created by an
administrator. That can be done through the management console or with
PowerShell. Just to give you an example, here’s a command you can use for
provisioning a web API:
Click here to view code image
Add-ADFSRelyingPartyTrust -Name MyWebAPI -Identifier
https://myservices/myAPI -IssuanceAuthorizationRules '=>
issue(Type =
"", Value
= "true");' -IssuanceTransformRules 'c:[Type ==
ss"] => issue(claim = c);'

In plain English, this command creates a new relying party trust, which is
to say it tells ADFS about one new app to issue tokens and claims for. As
part of that, it also establishes that tokens for that app should contain one
single claim,
ADFS “3” OAuth2 support is limited to public clients—native and mobile
apps that do not have their own credentials. As such, I cannot adapt the web
app sample we’ve been using in this chapter to give the web app a test run—
the web app is a confidential client and must use its credentials when going
through the code grant flow, but ADFS “3” won’t accept it. The good news
is that ADFS in Windows Server 2016 will work with confidential clients,

The ability to invoke an API is a feature of paramount importance for
modern web applications. For the same device, making your resources
available to all sorts of clients via the REST API, while maintaining robust
and flexible authentication capabilities, is table stakes in today’s mobile-
first, cloud-first market.
This chapter walked you through some of the most fundamental
topologies involving web APIs and Azure AD. To understand how things
unfold, you had to recall many of the topics you’ve studied throughout the
book: how protocols work; how OWIN middleware extensibility operates;
and how Azure AD represents applications, grants and denies permissions,
and exposes its own capabilities in the form of the Graph API. I hope you’ve
started to reap a good return for your hard work so far!
Chapter 10. Active Directory Federation Services
in Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 3

In the summer of 2015, Microsoft released the third technical preview of

Windows Server 2016. That version comes with a special present—a new
and improved ADFS, which offers support for OpenID Connect and the full
gamut of the OAuth2 grants you’ve been learning about in this book.
In this chapter I am going to give you a quick overview of the new ADFS,
focusing mostly on the modern authentication functionalities. I will not go
very deep into anything, given that Windows Server 2016 is still a preview
(so prone to breaking changes before reaching general availability).
However, I will at least walk you through one concrete scenario, showing
you how to implement web sign-on with ADFS via OpenID Connect. Not
surprisingly, the code used with ADFS is nearly identical to the code you
wrote against Azure AD.

Setup (for developers)

From Chapter 3, "Introducing Azure Active Directory and Active Directory
Federation Services," you know that ADFS is a Windows Server role, which
augments Active Directory with higher-level protocol capabilities. That
means that before you can set up ADFS, you have to set up Active Directory
Giving detailed Active Directory and ADFS deployment guidance goes
well beyond the scope of a book for developers, but I don’t think it’s a good
idea to put in printed form the cowboy setup process I go through. I am not
an administrator: I somehow stumble through the Active Directory setup and
end up with something that works well enough to code against, but I am sure
that in the process I make all sorts of horrible mistakes that would be
unacceptable on a production system. Add the fact that Windows Server
2016 is still in preview and things are likely to change.
I could always point you to the official deployment documentation, which
is guaranteed to be correct, but that is not always practical for nonadmins
such as myself, and possibly you. Here’s a compromise: back in August I
wrote a blog post that contains step-by-step instructions for setting up a
Hyper-V virtual machine with Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 3,
Active Directory, and ADFS.
You can find it at
connect-web-sign-on-with-adfs-in-windows-server-2016-tp3/. I still advise
you to refer to the official documentation, but if you get lost and want
something simpler for nonproduction systems, take a look at my blog.

The new management UX

Traditionally, ADFS has operated with two primitives: identity provider trust
(defining which identity providers can send tokens to the ADFS instance)
and relying party trust (defining which apps can be a recipient of tokens
issued by the ADFS instance).
ADFS “3” introduced a new entity, the client. A client was defined as one
particular entity, entitled to perform a single operation: engaging with ADFS
“3”’s OAuth2 endpoints to obtain an access token for an application
provisioned in ADFS as a relying party trust. However, the new primitive
didn’t make it to the management console, which remained largely the same
as the one in ADFS 2.x (besides new features such as device registration and
access, which added new knobs for existing protocol flows).
ADFS in Windows Server 2016 changes all that, introducing an all-new
UX section dedicated to modern authentication topologies. Figure 10-1
shows the new UX.
Figure 10-1 The first screen of the ADFS management console in
Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 3.
The notable new entry here is the last folder, Application Groups. You can
think of application groups as templates, representing typical application
topologies used in modern authentication. To see the groups offered by
ADFS at this time, click Add Application Group in the Actions pane on the
right. Figure 10-2 shows the available options.
Figure 10-2 The application group types available in ADFS in Windows
Server 2016 Technical Preview 3.
Perhaps a tad démodé in its terminology, the Client-Server Applications
section provides you with a way to create in a single swoop one entry in
ADFS for a token-requestor app and an entry for a resource app. ADFS will
be configured out of the box to allow the token-requestor app to ask for
tokens for the resource app in the same application group.
The two available templates have self-explanatory names. Native
Application And Web API creates a public client and a corresponding API;
Server Application And Web API creates a confidential client and a
corresponding API. Given that this book is about web applications, you
might expect us to work with the latter, but, in fact, we’ll use neither here.
For the sake of clarity, I will separate my description of setting up web sign-
on from a discussion about enabling a web app to invoke a web API.
The standalone application templates help you to create single nodes of
solution topologies. I’ll ignore the Native Application template and focus on
the other two. Server Application Or Website is your classic confidential
client, be it a website or a daemon application. You’ll see that ADFS
introduces a special flavor of this that makes sense only on-premises. The
Web API template is kind of an incomplete web application—at least if you
only use the UX. It is designed to be a recipient of requests secured via
OAuth2 bearer token, and the setup constrains the settings you can add to
that use case. I’ll go into this in reasonable detail.
It’s important to note that the applications provisioned via old relying
party trust are separate and distinct from the ones created via application
groups. In the preview there is no easy way of having a client from an
application group invoke a web API provisioned via old relying party trust.
It is perfectly possible that such behavior will be maintained once Windows
Server 2016 ships.
I could keep spelunking through the UX and comment on entries, but my
bias for action pushes me to get to work right away. Let’s set up a web app to
use ADFS for web sign-on via OpenID Connect; we’ll encounter the most
interesting UX along the way.

Web sign-on with OpenID Connect and ADFS

As usual, setting up an app to rely on an external provider for authentication
entails two steps: working on the app’s code and provisioning the app with
the provider.

OpenID Connect middleware and ADFS

The code necessary to hook up a web app to ADFS for performing OpenID
Connect–based web sign-on is practically the same as you have already
internalized for working with Azure AD. The main differences lie in from
where you obtain the values you pass to the middleware at initialization
Assuming that you are using the vanilla OpenID Connect sign-on sample
web app from Chapter 5 as a starting point, here’s what you need to do in the
Head to App_Start/Startup.Auth.cs and work on the first few basic
properties initialized in OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions.
Delete the assignment to Authority, given that here our authority will
be an ADFS instance as opposed to an Azure AD tenant.
Next, change the assignment of PostLogoutRedirectUri to an
assignment for RedirectUri, using the same value (the root URL of the
application). ADFS does not support sign-out in this preview release, so you
can get rid of that part. However, you do need to specify a value for
RedirectUri. Although Azure AD will accept requests without a redirect
_uri (and use one that was preregistered for that client_id), ADFS decided to
go the other way and always mandate the presence of one explicit
redirect_uri. That certainly eliminates ambiguity (if your app has many
redirect_uri values, you can never be certain of which one Azure AD will
pick up), but it does require just a bit more work.
You can keep the current ClientId value or change it, it’s up to you.
Whereas Azure AD assigns you a client_id at provisioning, ADFS allows
you to override the self-generated client_id at registration time with your
custom client_id value.
That takes care of storing the application’s coordinates; now it’s time to
provide information about the ADFS instance you want to work with. ADFS
is equipped with the usual arsenal of OAuth2 and OpenID Connect
endpoints. You can find the complete list through the UX by using the left
side navigation pane to reach the ADFS/Service/Endpoints folder. If you
scroll all the way to the bottom of the endpoints list, you’ll notice the
OAuth2 endpoints (or endpoint) at the end of the token issuance section and
the OpenID Connect endpoints under the section with that name. For your
reference, those endpoints normally look like the following:
https://<hostname>/adfs/oauth2/ (applies to both token and authorization
From Chapter 7, "The OWIN OpenID Connect middleware," you know
that you can initialize the OpenID Connect middleware by passing the
address of the discovery endpoint; here, we are going to pick from the
preceding list the URL of this ADFS instance’s discovery document and
assign it to the MetadataAddress property.
Your initialization code should look like the following:
Click here to view code image
new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
ClientId = "98ff52e2-6deb-4029-99e4-6c15486d9c56",
RedirectUri = "https://localhost:44320/",
MetadataAddress =
//..more stuff

It is worth stressing that functionally this is nearly equivalent to what you

did for connecting Azure AD. Instead of using Authority for
communicating data about the trusted issuer, here you specify the discovery
document location directly via MetadataAddress. You don’t include a
sign-out URL because it isn’t supported yet.
Those are all the code changes you need, apart from disabling all the
gestures for sign-out or adapting them to use only the cookie middleware.

Setting up a web app in ADFS

Eventually, we want to have a web app that handles web sign-on and invokes
an API. As mentioned earlier, ADFS provides a template that depicts that
exact topology—however, I don’t want you to have to do too many things
before seeing the app work. For that reason, we’ll start with a standalone
application group representing just the web app. We’ll extend it
appropriately later on.
Head to the Application Groups section. In the Actions section in the right
pane you should see the Add Application Group link. Click it, and then
choose Server Application Or Website from the Standalone Applications
section. You’ll notice that the left side of the dialog now displays a list of
steps, and the dialog buttons become wizard controls. Let’s see what you
need to do screen by screen.

In this chapter I have relaxed my self-imposed rule against

screenshots. Although the ADFS version I am describing here is
still in preview and the screens can still change, I felt that the
more freeform layout of the ADFS UX would have been too
awkward to describe without any visual aids.

On the welcome page, shown in Figure 10-3, enter one application name
that you’ll remember. I am calling my app "Simple ADFS web app." Once
you’ve done that, click Next.

Figure 10-3 The first screen of the web application creation wizard
gathers essential protocol coordinates of the application.
The Server Application screen shown in Figure 10-3 gathers all the
information about your app that’s required to perform the sign-in protocol
dance. The Client Identifier field holds the client_id, discussed earlier. If you
were following the instructions, here you have to paste the value you used in
the middleware initialization code.
The Redirect URI field holds the list of the URLs to which ADFS is
allowed to return tokens. A typical rookie mistake here is to paste the address
in the text box and not click Add; your job isn’t finished until you have at
least one URL in this list. Once you are done, click Next. You’ll see the
Configure Application Credentials screen, shown in Figure 10-4.

Figure 10-4 The application credentials screen offers you various options
to provision credentials for your web app.
The Configure Application Credentials screen is one of the areas where
the difference between Azure AD and ADFS is the most significant. You can
see this in Figure 10-4.
You don’t need to assign an application credential for supporting web
sign-on, but you will need it later on for calling the web API. But because
we are already here, we can just as well explore the options now.
At the bottom of the page you can see the section dedicated to the
generation of a shared secret. This is the near-perfect analogy to the
corresponding functionality in the Azure AD portal. The approach you are
expected to follow for dealing with secrets is the same, too: you are able to
see the secret bits only at creation time, and then they’re invisible forever. If
you don’t save the secret or if you lose it, your only recourse is to create a
new secret.
In the middle of the page you are offered the option to define a type of
application credential that is unique to ADFS, Windows Integrated
Authentication. If your app’s process is running as a given account—as
might be the case for a Windows service, for example—you can use that fact
to fulfill the credential obligations of OAuth2 and OpenID Connect flows for
confidential clients. Very neat.
Finally, the top option allows you to specify a key to be used for signing
an assertion, the counterpart of the certificate credentials in Azure AD.
Although in Azure AD using this credential requires you to use PowerShell
cmdlets and X.509 certificates, ADFS offers a full range of options that you
can reach by clicking the Configure button. The dialog that pops up offers
you a selection of certificate files from the file system or the option to
periodically download key information from a JWKS (JSON Web Keys set)
feed where you can publish and roll keys. This uses the same technology you
studied in the discovery sections of Chapter 6, "OpenID Connect and Azure
AD web sign-on," but this time it is the app (as opposed to the authority) that
advertises the keys it will use to sign tokens to prove its application identity.
The same dialog also offers fine-grained control on how to perform
revocation checks on certificates.
That’s all very nice and sophisticated, but for this sample we’ll stick with
what’s simple. The shared secret is the credential type we’ll use in the next
section: select the corresponding check box, as shown in Figure 10-4, save
the secret string somewhere, and click Next.
We’re done with the wizard. Keep clicking Next until you reach the last
If you are part of the old ADFS guard, you might be wondering about
claim issuance rules at this point. How does ADFS know which claims
should be sent to the application? The answer is that the token sent in the
OpenID connect web sign-on flow is the id_token, which has a fixed
structure. Let’s give the app a spin and see what that looks like.

Testing the web sign-on feature

Fire up Fiddler, go back to Visual Studio, and hit F5. Click the Sign In link
as usual. You’ll be led through the ADFS credential-gathering experience,
which at this point in time has a very similar look and feel to the one served
by Azure AD. Enter the credentials of one of the users from the Active
Directory instance where ADFS is set up. You’ll see that the sign-in
concludes just like the one you experienced with Azure AD.


If you are on an intranet and are using Internet Explorer or

Microsoft Edge, your credential-gathering experience might be
different because the DNS will resolve to the ADFS
authentication endpoints using Kerberos. An easy way of taking
that aspect out of the equation is to debug by using Chrome or

If you take a look at the traffic captured in Fiddler, you’ll see the usual
dance: middleware reaching out to the discovery document, retrieval of the
keys, authorization request to the authorization endpoint, automatic POST to
the app with the id_token and code, a 302 for setting the session
cookies, and finally a 200. Business as usual.
If you peek at the id_token, however, you’ll find it significantly
skinnier than the one issued by Azure AD:
Click here to view code image
"aud" : "98ff52e2-6deb-4029-99e4-6c15486d9c56",
"auth_time" : 1445677071,
"c_hash" : "5h5QGlrTWmSUxVH09sf5AQ",
"exp" : 1445680671,
"iat" : 1445677071,
"iss" : "",
"nonce" :
jkzNm Y4ZDc3OTctN2
"sub" : "/P6RGnF6Q9FbVfyjFY6whvkQIbzQR4z2WurnPHfUSME=",
"unique_name" : "VIBRODOMAIN\\mario",
"upn" : ""

That is pretty bare-bones, but it’s all it takes to sign on with the web
application. Very easy!

Protecting a web API with ADFS and invoking it from a web

Let’s complete our topology by adding a web API to our solution.

Setting up a web API in ADFS

Head back to the ADFS management UX, and specifically to the Application
Groups section.
Double-click the entry for the application group you created in the earlier
section. ADFS will display a dialog with the list of all the applications in the
group, which at the moment includes only the sample web application we
worked on. At the bottom of the dialog you’ll find the Add Application
button. Click it, and you’ll land on a dialog that looks just like the first
screen of the wizard we used earlier for creating the web app; the only
difference is that the list of templates here is limited to the standalone app
types. Select Web API, and then click Next.
The first screen, shown in Figure 10-5, gathers the essential protocol
coordinates describing your web API.
Figure 10-5 The first screen in the web API creation wizard gathers the
web API identifiers that will be used to request tokens and populate the
audience claim in tokens issued for the API.
The only setting of notice here is the Identifier list. That holds the strings
that ADFS will use for recognizing that a token request is meant to grant
access to this particular API. That is also the string that will end up in the
audience claim of the issued token, that the actual web API (or better, its
middleware) will have to validate. Given that I am fundamentally lazy, I plan
to reuse the web API project described in the ADFS section of Chapter 9,
"Consuming and exposing a web API protected by Azure Active Directory,"
so here I need to specify the same audience value,
One interesting note is that ADFS does not ask you to specify a URL for
the web API. It is true that such a URL doesn’t really come into play when
you implement the OAuth2 bearer token usage flow. At the same time, in
Chapter 9 we considered the possibility of web apps exposing both API and
browser-ready routes serving back UX. In this preview, ADFS does not
allow you to create a single app to fulfill both the web API and web app
roles, as the latter would require you to specify a URL (and a client_id, too).
There is an easy workaround: you can simply create two different entries in
ADFS, one for the API and the other for the UX.
Once you have added at least one identifier, click Next. You’ll come to a
page that offers you the chance to define who can access your API and how.
Figure 10-6 has the scoop.

Figure 10-6 The access control policy regulates which users can request a
token for the API.
All the access policies offered out of the box are quite self-explanatory.
Given that most options there would require more setup work, I am just
going to go with Permit Everyone. That applies only to the token-issuance
operation, of course. The API is still responsible for inspecting incoming
tokens for validation and authorization purposes.
After you select Permit Everyone, click Next. You’ll reach the application
permissions section, shown in Figure 10-7.

Figure 10-7 The application permissions screen lists which clients are
allowed to request tokens for the API and the possible scope values the
clients can request.
This screen summarizes which client apps are allowed to request this
ADFS instance for the web API we are provisioning and what scopes clients
are allowed to request.
I will defer the discussion about callers to the end of the chapter. Here it
should be enough to say that given we are creating this API in the same
application group, the sample web API is automatically listed as an allowed
The Permitted Scopes section lists all the scopes that a client is allowed to
request. Note that a client is free to request a subset of these. Here I am
picking up both openid and user_impersonation.
If your web API has its own scopes, it is easy to add them as custom ones.
Click New Scope. You will be prompted to add a scope through the dialog
shown in Figure 10-8.

Figure 10-8 The dialog used for creating new scopes.

Here I am adding a fictitious scope, representing the ability of calling the
API with HTTP verbs that can change its state. This is the same approach
discussed in Chapter 9, and on the web API side the code validating the
presence of the required scopes looks just like the code you used against
Azure AD. Once you create the new scope, you’ll find it in the Permitted
Scopes list.
Click Next all the way to the end of the wizard. As you exit, you’ll see
that your application group now counts a new member—your web API.
Code for obtaining an access token from ADFS and invoking a
web API
The code for requesting an access token for our web API from ADFS is
different from the code used with Azure AD in a couple of small but
important ways.
First, ADFS requires that you have already provided information about the
resource you want to access at the time of the web sign-on request, the one
against the authorization endpoint. Here’s how the basic initialization code
Click here to view code image
new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
ClientId = "98ff52e2-6deb-4029-99e4-6c15486d9c56",
RedirectUri = "https://localhost:44320/",
MetadataAddress =
Resource = "https://myservices/myAPI",
Scope = "openid profile user_impersonation
//..more stuff

In a nutshell, you need to specify which resource you want an access

token for, and you need to specify which scopes your client app needs. Note
that given you want to also get an id_token for signing the user in to the web
app, you always want to specify the openid scope. That will have the (not
always fully intentional) effect of including the openid connect scope in the
access token, too. The need to specify up front the resource you want a token
for might concern you, especially if your client needs to call multiple APIs.
The good news is that with the new ADFS, refresh tokens are multiresource,
too. That means that as soon as you redeem the resulting authorization code,
you’ll get an access token for the resource you specified in the request and a
refresh token that can be used for any of the resources your client is
configured to have access to. Take note that here there’s no concept of
consent: if the administrator wrote in the ADFS settings that a certain client
can access a certain API with a certain set of scopes, that just happens for all
users—no questions asked. It’s like the use of admin_consent described in
Chapter 9, but it is in effect all the time and right after the settings have been
saved via the management UX.
Next, you need to actually redeem the authorization code. For the sake of
simplicity I will do that right in AuthorizationCodeReceived, as I
did in the first sample in Chapter 9; all the considerations and techniques
about how to move that code to actual controllers apply here, too.
Click here to view code image
AuthorizationCodeReceived = context =>
string code = context.Code;
AuthenticationContext ac = new
adfs/", false);
AuthenticationResult ar =
new ClientCredential(clientId,

string callOutcome = string.Empty;

HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization =
new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", ar.AccessToken);
HttpResponseMessage response =

if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
callOutcome =
return Task.FromResult(0);

I highlighted the interesting code in bold—everything else is just like

you’ve seen.
ADAL’s AuthenticationContext is initialized passing the URL of
the ADFS instance. It is important to include the trailing /adfs/ with the
authority as that tells ADAL that this is an ADFS instance, and in turn that
determines whether it is necessary to tweak how the requests are made.
The other interesting thing about AuthenticationContext’s
initialization is that the authority validation is set to false. Normally,
AuthenticationContext verifies that the URL passed as authority
complies with the template describing valid Azure AD tenants—as
advertised by a discovery document. At the time ADFS came out,
comparable functionality wasn’t yet available in ADFS, so authority
validation with ADFS and ADAL 2.x is impossible. If you don’t set the
corresponding flag to false, requests will fail. You might wonder why the
developer experience team did not automatically shut down validation when
the library detects that it’s ADFS. The team working on the library did think
about that long and hard, but it concluded that a decision of this potential
impact (with a malicious authority, people can trick users into surrendering
their credentials to evil endpoints) has to be made explicitly.
The other interesting part is the secret used for manufacturing the
ClientCredential. That has to come from the secret you generated
when you were provisioning the web application earlier in this chapter.
Finally, the resource identifier passed to
AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode is the same as you added to
the web API entry in ADFS.
If you have followed the steps I’ve described so far, your web app will be
wired to call the web API from the project discussed in the last section of
Chapter 9—the one about ADFS. All you need to do is ensure that the
MetadataEndpoint used to initialize the OAuth2 bearer token
middleware points to the correct URL for your ADFS instance. In my case,
the code looks like the following:
Click here to view code image
Audience = "https://myservices/myAPI",
MetadataEndpoint =

If you don’t want to code this manually, it is also worth stressing that you
can ready up a web API project that’s hooked up to ADFS in less than 30
seconds if you use the ASP.NET project templates in either Visual Studio
2013 or 2015. Just create a new web API project, click Change
Authentication, choose Organizational Accounts (if using Visual Studio
2013) or Work And School Accounts (in Visual Studio 2015), select On-
Premises, paste in the ADFS metadata address and the desired audience
value, and you’re done. Figure 10-9 shows you the Visual Studio 2013
dialog box; the one in Visual Studio 2015 looks nearly the same.

Figure 10-9 The dialog you use to set authentication preferences for
ASP.NET projects in Visual Studio 2013. Visual Studio 2015 projects
offer a similar dialog box.
Don’t forget that ADFS does not offer any API for automating the app
provisioning from Visual Studio; the template can only emit the right
configuration code and add the right NuGet references for you, but you still
need to have access to the ADFS management UX and provision the web
API manually before being able to call it.
We’re finally ready to test our scenario end to end.

Testing the web API invocation feature

Let’s start by firing up Fiddler. To test this scenario, we must be sure that
both the web app and the web API are running. If you added the web API as
a project under the same Visual Studio solution, you can simply go to the
Startup Project settings, select the Multiple Startup Projects option, and set
both projects to perform the action Start. Alternatively, you can launch each
instance separately by right-clicking the project in Solution Explorer and
starting a new debug instance.
Once both projects have started, sign in as usual. Here’s the request in
Click here to view code image
nonce=.NGZ[...SNIP...]jh iMzkxOTUy HTTP/1.1

As expected, the core set of parameters we observed in the web sign-on

sample are now extended by the extra settings we injected for telling ADFS
about the resource we want to access and the scopes we want to be granted.
I am assuming that your call to
AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode succeeds and the subsequent
web API call fires correctly. If you extract the token from the trace of the
web API call and decode it, you’ll see something like the following:
Click here to view code image
"_sso_data" : "D3Qox[...SNIP...]gLpeeP1xAm ",
"appid" : "98ff52e2-6deb-4029-99e4-6c15486d9c56",
"apptype" : "Confidential",
"aud" : "https://myservices/myAPI",
"auth_time" : "2015-10-24T23:29:50.181Z",
"authmethod" :
"exp" : 1445733204,
"iat" : 1445729604,
"iss" :
"scp" : "MyService.Write user_impersonation openid",
"ver" : "1.0"

I learned from the development team that the _sso_data

claim is only present in Technical Preview 3 and will be
removed in upcoming preview refreshes.

Once again, the token issued by ADFS is quite bare-bones, but it contains
everything required for authenticating the call. Issuer, audience, scopes . . .
it’s all there. In fact, the OAuth2 token bearer middleware should be happy
with it and allow the API to be invoked. You can apply to this ADFS-based
scenario the same considerations about scope validation and middleware
customization you studied in the Azure AD case, with the obvious
differences (for example, multitenancy for on-premises AD does not really

Additional settings
I hope this chapter has provided you with guidance for solving the core
modern authentication scenarios with ADFS and given you a solid
scaffolding as you decide to leverage new ADFS features. ADFS in
Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 3 is chockful of new features, but
many of them are still very fluid, and I don’t want to mislead you about their
stability by describing them in detail here. Instead, I’ll just mention a couple
of additional features that are especially important for developers—adding
arbitrary claims to access tokens and exercising finer control over which
clients can call the API.
The screens in the application creation wizard tend to ask for little more
than the essential settings ADFS needs to create a functional entry for the
application. The management UX you can access after creation gives you
some more interesting options that are worth exploring.
Open the application group of your solution, and double-click the entry
for the web API. You’ll see a classic multitabbed properties dialog (visible in
the background in Figure 10-11). Go to the Issuance Transform Rules tab.
This screen allows you to specify more claims for ADFS to add to access
tokens issued for this API. Click Add Rule, and you’ll be presented with the
dialog in Figure 10-10.
Figure 10-10 The Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard allows you to
define more claims to be included in the token for the web API.
Figure 10-11 The web API property dialog allows you to extend the list
of clients that are allowed to request a token for your web API.
If you have used ADFS before, you are probably familiar with these
settings. You can choose from where to source the claims values you want to
issue: those typically range from Active Directory itself to custom stores you
hook up to ADFS. Once you have done that, you have a simple tabular
interface where every row determines the attribute you want to retrieve and
what claim types you want to use for representing that value in the token. In
Figure 10-10 you can see that I chose a few user attributes, just to show
something new in the token. Be sure that you give a name to your rule, and
then click Finish. You’ll see the new rule listed on the Issuance Transform
Rules tab.
Claims or attributes?
After about 300 pages of subtleties and fine points, allow me to
bother you with (seemingly) philosophical matters one last time.
People often confuse the concept of attribute with the concept
of claim. The two things are very tightly related, but they are
not the same. Whereas an attribute is a free-floating piece of
information, a claim is information stated by a verifiable source
(as in it travels in a token signed by the source). This is the
same difference that applies to your name written on a random
Post-it note and your name printed on your passport. The string
is the same, but the uses you can make of it change dramatically
—the latter carries all the strength that its source’s credibility
can lend. For many conversations, the two terms might be used
interchangeably without immediate bad consequences, but
occasionally the difference will be relevant, and
misunderstandings are often hard to troubleshoot. I always try
to use the correct term.

I know you are itching to try the flow that will issue new claims in the
token, but given that we have the app properties dialog open, I want to show
you one last thing. Go to the Client Permissions tab: you’ll see a screen
similar to the one shown in Figure 10-11.
That property page allows you to edit the list of scopes that your sample
web client can request for this API, as we have seen at creation time.
More interestingly, this page allows you to manage the list of known
clients that can access the web API. By default, only client apps within the
same application group can access the API. If you click Add, you will be
presented with a list of potential new clients. That list includes clients you
created in this instance under different application groups and some built-in
clients. I won’t describe the built-in clients here, as they mostly come with
heavy infrastructural considerations; please refer to the ADFS online
documentation for that. The main built-in setting I want to be sure you are
aware of is All Clients, which allows you to drop the restriction for specific
clients and opens up ADFS to issue tokens for this API to any registered
requestor. That’s analogous to how ADFS “3” operated.
Let’s not change the client list right now. Click Cancel to get back to the
main properties dialog. Here, click OK.
Make sure that Fiddler is still running, go back to Visual Studio, and hit
F5 again.
Looking at the web API call and decoding the token, you should see
something like the following:
Click here to view code image
"_sso_data" : "D3QoxP[..SNIP..]W_o6VBCA",
"appid" : "98ff52e2-6deb-4029-99e4-6c15486d9c56",
"apptype" : "Confidential",
"aud" : "https://myservices/myAPI",
"auth_time" : "2015-10-24T23:29:50.181Z",
"authmethod" :
"exp" : 1445737813,
"family_name" : "Rossi",
"given_name" : "Mario",
"iat" : 1445734213,
"iss" :
"scp" : "MyService.Write user_impersonation openid",
"upn" : "",
"ver" : "1.0"

As shown in the highlighted lines, ADFS applies our rule and has injected
the claims we wanted in the access token, ready for the web API to consume.

This chapter gave you a quick introduction to leveraging ADFS directly for
implementing modern authentication with your web apps and web APIs.
Although there are some differences with respect to the code you write when
you work with Azure AD, those are largely syntactic sugar. What you have
learned through the book applies nearly verbatim to ADFS, which is what
made it possible to cover so much functionality in a relatively short chapter.
Please remember that the version of ADFS discussed here is a preview,
and it is very likely that some of the instructions provided here will no
longer apply. If you try something and it doesn’t work as expected, before
you add breakpoints and traces take a quick look at to see if there is a
known change.
Appendix: Further reading

The chapters in this book went deep into one specific scenario, modern
authentication for web applications and web APIs. All the code samples
were presented in C# and developed in Visual Studio (although apart from
the Visual Studio wizards, you could have used any other IDE). Many
scenarios and technologies are just as important, but they didn’t make it into
the book for various reasons—sometimes because they are still too early in
the development cycle, but more often because of a lack of time. This
appendix is meant to ensure that you are aware of these important topics
and give you pointers if you want to know more.
If you follow just one link, be sure it’s, which is the
entry point for the online developer guide for Azure AD and offers the most
comprehensive set of links you can find on identity and development for
Active Directory. For keeping up with changes affecting what the book
covers, please refer to
Other platforms The Azure AD developer experience team produces
development libraries for an ever-growing list of popular platforms.
You have explored .NET in depth in this book, but there are
counterparts in the pipeline for popular server stacks such as Node.JS,
Java, Ruby, Python, and more. All the libraries are open source and
can be found at Feel free to explore the
libraries themselves and the test cases. The site I mentioned earlier,, has various quick starts that can get you up and
running. Finally,
directory has a very comprehensive list of samples. The convention is
that the sample repo name includes the platform being demonstrated
—for example, active-directory-node-webapp-openidconnect
indicates a sample showing how to do web sign-on via OpenID
Connect with Node.JS.
Single-page applications Single-page applications, or SPAs, are a
very popular application development style I touched on in Chapter 2,
“Identity protocols and application types.” Azure AD offers
comprehensive support for this style of development, from the
protocol features necessary to implement the token flow to a handy
JavaScript library (ADAL JS; source at and
accompanying samples (
utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=singlepage). I originally considered
adding a chapter on SPAs, but as I started writing, it became clear that
the chapter would have been too much of a detour from the main flow
of the book. You can find more information on this scenario on my
blog ( and, as usual, in
the guide at Finally, on the web you can find
many samples and labs published from Office, as SPAs are a very
popular way of consuming the Office API.
Native clients Modern authentication for native clients, as mentioned
in Chapter 2, is a topic that deserves an entire book (or two) of its
own. The Azure AD team supports lots of platforms through dedicated
libraries: you can find .NET, iOS, Android, Xamarin, Cordova,
Windows Store, Universal Windows Platform, and others at There are lots of samples at and comprehensive guidance at
Business to consumer (B2C) The flavor of Azure AD I discussed in
this book is meant to address classic business-organization scenarios,
such as internal app portfolios, cross-organization collaboration, or
software developer vendors targeting the business world.
As I write, Azure AD has announced an entirely new offer, dubbed
B2C, or business to consumer, which is meant to help businesses
handle authentication for their customer-facing applications and
assets. The new offer makes use of the same infrastructure as classic
Azure AD and is based on the same protocols (OpenID Connect,
OAuth2); however, it tweaks the offer to support the features that
B2C scenarios require. Simple sign-up, fully customizable
authentication experiences, social identity provider integration, and
profile management are examples of new features B2C offers. At this
point, B2C is still in preview, but you can experiment with it by
developing web apps with the same middleware you learned about in
this book. Head to for more details.
Azure AD vNext and convergence with Microsoft accounts The
Azure AD team is hard at work to deliver a new version of Azure AD,
which will introduce some key features currently missing. In the new
system, the team is aiming at allowing you to get tokens from Azure
AD or from Microsoft accounts by using the same protocol and
developer libraries. Furthermore, you will no longer be strictly bound
by the static permissions and consent rules described in Chapter 9—
you will be able to ask for scopes on the fly. This is going to open up
scenarios that are impossible or really hard to achieve today, and
members of the identity team are all very excited about it. The new
endpoints and libraries are in preview: you can read about them at

About() action, 238–239, 241, 249–250
access control
for applications, 216–219
enforcing, 82
groups, 219–221
risk levels, 59
for web APIs, 283
Access Control Service (ACS), 78–79
access delegation, 31–33
AccessToken property, 229
access tokens, 35, 256. See also tokens
claims, 263, 289–290, 292
invoking web API with, 232–251
JWT format, 271
life span, 238–239
opacity to token requestors, 72, 233
refresh tokens, 238–251. See also refresh tokens
renewing, 70–71
requests, 268–269
responses, 269–270
scope, 116. See also scopes
AccountController sign-in and sign-out logic, 104
AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCode method, 229, 244–245, 287–288
AcquireToken method, 228, 269
AcquireToken* methods, 238–239, 241, 247
AcquireTokenSilent method, 239, 241, 243–244
failed calls, 246
acr claims, 133
Active Directory (AD)
access token representation, 255
introduction, 15
as new directory in the cloud, 58
on-premises, 15–16
on-premises vs. cloud approach, 58–59
projection in the cloud, 58
setup in Windows Server 2016, 273–274
token requests, 70
Visual Studio integration, 85–87
Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL), 76–78
accessing APIs as application, 251–252
accessing APIs as arbitrary user, 252
cache, 243–247
handling AuthorizationCodeReceived notification, 227–230
JavaScript versions, 80
midtier client libraries, 81
native apps libraries, 48, 80–81
.NET NuGet package, referencing, 227–228
refresh tokens, 238–251
session management, 238–251
token-acquisition pattern, 77
token caches, 238–239
Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), 9, 25, 52–56
access control policies for web APIs, 283
access token representation, 255
access tokens for web APIs, 285–288
API and UX entries, 282
application groups, 274–275
application permissions for web APIs, 284
app provisioning, 287
Client-Server Applications section of management UX, 275
credentials gathering, 280–281
endpoints, 276–277
federated tenants, 65–66
JWT format for access tokens, 271
management UX, 274–276
multiresource refresh tokens, 286
Native Application and Web API template, 275
OAuth2 authorization code grants, 55
OpenID Connect support, 103
protocol support, 55–56
Server Application and Web API template, 275
setting up, 54, 273–274
signing keys, 280
tokens issued by, 289
web API identifiers, 282
web API invocation, 288–289
web API setup, 281–285
web app setup, 277–280
web sign-on with OpenID Connect, 276–281
Windows Integrated Authentication credential, 279
in Windows Server 2016, 56, 103, 273–292
workplace-joined device detection, 56
Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) “3”
application provisioning, 271
client entity, 274
OAuth2 support, 272
web APIs, protecting, 271–272
ActiveDirectoryFederationServicesBearerAuthentication method, 271
ADAL4J, 81
ADAL Android, 81
ADAL Cordova, 81
ADAL iOS, 80
ADAL JS, 72, 85, 294
ADAL .NET, 78–80
Add Transform Claim Rule Wizard, 290
admin consent, 173, 200–204. See also consent
dialog box for, 202
requests, 210
ADFS management, 53–54, 57
application creation, 204
Azure portal, 64, 66
claims issued, managing, 9, 57
consent prompts, 199
control over trust establishment, 57
directory resource access, 173
directory sync, 65
global, 93
guest, 93
permissions, 59, 198–200
AJAX calls, 235
allowedMemberTypes collection, 214, 216–217
amr claims, 133
AngularJS, 47
anonymous access, 97
APIs. See web APIs
<api version> component in URL template, 237
AppBuilder type, 141–142
appId property, 180, 188
App ID Uri, 209, 256
Application.appRoles object, 216–219
application groups, 274–275, 281–282
application identifiers, 181
application-level authentication messages, 25
application model, Azure AD. See Azure Active Directory application
Application object, 175, 177–186
authentication properties, 180–183
deletion timestamp, 180
JSON file, 178–180
object ID, 180
properties by functional group, 186
for web APIs, 257–258
Application Proxy, 67
access directory as user permission, 196
accessing resources as, 45
accessing web APIs, 252
access through Azure Active Directory, 66
actions, 177
adding to application groups, 281–282
ADFS code, libraries, protocol support, 53, 55
admin consent, 173, 200–204, 210
admin creation, 204
admin-level permissions, 198–200
app-level permissions, 216–219
assigned users, 188
authenticate users permission, 195–196
authentication options, 177
availability to other tenants, 182–183
client role, 70–72. See also clients
credentials, 226–227, 279
decoupling from web servers, 138
delegated permissions, 192–197
directory read and write permissions, 196
display name, 181
enumerate users permissions, 196–197
group read and write permissions, 197
homepage, 181
identifiers, 177, 188
identifying authentication protocols of, 64
IdP metadata, reading, 21
IdP trust, 18
initialization, 140–141
isolated and independent, 14
iss (issuer) value, 120–121, 208
key string assignments, 226–227
multitenancy, 205–211
nonadmin user creation, 189–192
OAuth2 permissions, 183–185
partitioning for consumption routes, 265–266
protecting with Azure AD, 60–61
protocol coordinates, 61, 177, 276, 278
provisioning, 53–54, 57, 189
public vs. confidential clients, 181
relying parties, 18. See also relying parties (RPs)
resource protectors, 69, 73–74
resources, 177, 185–187
roles, 182, 213–216
scopes, 201. See also scopes
single-page, 45–47
as token requestors, 69–72, 74
token validation, 22. See also token validation
user assignment, 211–213
app manifest files, 214, 219
appOwnerTenantId property, 188
app parameter, 140–141
app permissions, 216–219
AppRoleAssigment entity, 212
appRoleAssignedTo property, 215
appRoleAssignmentRequired property, 188, 212
AppRole entity, 216–217
appRoles property, 182, 188
Katana. See Katana
membership providers, 14
project templates for web APIs, 287
support for web sign-on, 137. See also Open Web Interface for .NET
(OWIN) middlewares
templates in Visual Studio 2015, 87
vs. ASP.NET 5, 90
initialization code, 95
web API projects, 254. See also web APIs
ASP.NET 5, 85, 90
ASP.NET applications, 3–7. See also web applications
building, 89
claims-based identity support, 82
MVC project type, 90–91
OWIN components, 83–84
assembly:OwinStartup attribute, 139
assertions, 26
attributes, 20, 59, 290
audience claims, 132, 282
Application object properties, 180–183
Azure AD for, 1
claims-based identity, 17–23
default process, 4–7
defined, 12
failure notification, 166
indicating success, 98
mechanisms for, 7
mode, 152, 158–159
modern, 31–48
multitenant systems, 58
native apps vs. web apps, 94
pre-claims techniques, 12–16
round-trip web apps, 23–31
steps of, 73
triggering, 97–98, 100
type setting, 158
AuthenticationContext class, 228
initialization, 287
AuthenticationFailed notification, 167
authentication flows
across multiple tenants, 205–208
authorization-code, 42–43
hybrid, 40–42, 108
OWIN middlewares pipeline, 148–153
state, preserving, 116–117
AuthenticationManager instance, 148
authentication middlewares, 148–153
Authentication property, 146
AuthenticationMode property, 159
Active option, 149
AuthenticationProperties settings, 100
Authentication property, 146, 150, 152–153
AuthenticationReponseGrant, 150
authentication-request message type, 39
authentication requests, 98, 113–119
authorization endpoints, 114
clientID, 114
nonce, 117
omitted parameters, 117–119
response mode and response type, 114–116
scope, 116
state, 116–117
AuthenticationResult instance, 229
AuthenticationTicket store, 171
AuthenticationType property, 159
authorities, 18
/adfs/, 287
control over user authentication experience, 122
validation in ADFS, 287
authority coordinates, validation and, 157–158
Authority property, 155
authority types. See Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS); Azure
Active Directory
authorization, 33–39, 116
OAuth2 grants, 55, 252
<Authorization>, 216
AuthorizationCodeReceived notification, 167, 227–230, 286
authorization codes
acquiring, 225
client secrets, 156
code-redemption logic, 227–230
OpenID Connect flow, 42–43
redeeming, 224–232, 286
authorization endpoint, 35, 63, 114, 207, 285
Authorization HTTP headers, tokens embedded in, 232–234
authorization requests, 149
authorization server (AS), 34–35
[Authorize] attribute, 97–98, 148–149
on entire class, 257
role information, 216
scope-verification logic, 264
auth_time claims, 133
availableToOtherTenants property, 182–183, 209
Azure Access Control Service (ACS), 41, 78–79
Azure Active Directory, 1, 56–67
access token representation, 255
application access, 66
application entry permissions, 224–225
application model. See Azure Active Directory application model
Application Proxy, 67
apps, adding entry for, 60
authorization endpoints, 114
B2C (business to consumer), 294–295
client-credentials grants, 251
client IDs, 94, 97
cloud workload functionality, 59
consent prompt, 5–6
cookies on user browser, 124
credential gathering, 122–123
credentials prompt, 5
default domain, 62–63
development and, 2, 60–61
Directory Graph API, 10, 59. See also Directory Graph API
directory sync, 65–66
discovery, 119–120
functional components, 59–60, 63–65
group information in tokens, 219–220
libraries, 75–86
multitenancy, 58, 205–208
oauth2PermissionGrants collection, 189–192
obtaining tenant, 61–62
online developer guide, 293
OpenID Connect endpoints, 109
permissions for directory access, 193–197
private/public key pair information, 227
programmatic access to entities, 236–237
programmatic interface, 64–65. See also Directory Graph API
projection of on-premises, 65
protocol endpoints, 63–64
protocols supported, 58
redirect URIs, 100
refresh tokens, 240–243
registering apps, 93–94
resource identifiers in token requests, 256
resource-protector library references, 92
response to POST, 123–125
response types, 124
service deployments, 63
sessions, cleaning, 135
synchronizing users and groups to, 65–66
tenantID, 63
tenants, 62, 93
tokens, 61. See also tokens
token-signing keys, 120–122
token validation, 149–151
trial, 2
tying to Visual Studio, 2–3
user information, accessing, 7–10
Visual Studio 2015 connected services, 87
web API provisioning, 253
Azure Active Directory application model, 64, 173–221
admin consent, 200–204
admin-level permissions, 198–200
admin user application creation, 204
app-level permissions, 216–219
Application object, 175, 177–186
app roles, 213–216
app user assignments, 211–213
consent, 175, 189–192
delegated permissions, 192–197
functions, 173
groups, 219–221
multitenancy, 205–211
provisioning flow, 175–176
ServicePrincipal object, 187–188
service principals, 174–177
Azure Active Directory Basic, 62, 66–67
Azure Active Directory Connect, 65
Azure Active Directory Free tier, 61–62
Azure Active Directory Premium, 62, 66–67, 215
Azure Active Directory vNext, 295
Azure management portal, 60–61, 64
application configuration section, 178
application credentials, assigning, 226
Application entity JSON file, 178
application permission selection UI, 198
application permissions screen, 217–218
application tags, 188
manifest management section, 178
multitenancy setting, 209
provisioning apps in Azure AD, 93–94
Users tab, 212
Azure subscription, 2, 93

back ends, HTTP requests to, 46
Balfanz, Dirk, 41
BaseNotification class, 161
bearer token middleware
diagnosing issues, 261
notifications, 264
Provider, specifying, 265
tokens from ADFS, validation, 271
bearer tokens, 232–237, 262
extraction and validation, 255
BootstrapContext property, 268
broker apps, 48
hosting prompting logic in, 48
network tracing features, 110
presentation layer, 45–46
business to consumer (B2C) Azure AD, 294–295

CallbackPath property, 158
caller identity class, 7–10
attributes, 7
identifying, 23–24
retrieving names of, 7–8
Caption property, 159
Challenge method, 99–100
Challenge sequence in OpenID Connect middleware, 152
claims, 7, 20
from access tokens, 263
adding to access tokens, 289–290, 292
vs. attributes, 290
group information, 182, 219–220
in ID tokens, 132–134
information in, 57
JWT types, 131–132
OAuth2 and, 36–37
sourcing values, 52
type identifiers, 8–9
claims-based identity, 17–23
authentication process, 21–22
identity providers, 17–18
just-in-time identity information, 57
protocols, 20–23
tokens, 18–20
trust and claims, 20
claims-oriented protocols, communication across boundaries, 36–37
ClaimsPrincipal class, 7–10, 82
Claims list, 263
Current.FindFirst(“roles”), 215–216
Current property, 8
in OWIN, 83
saving, 151
source location, 8
ClaimsPrincipalSelector delegate, 8
claims rules engine, 52
claims transformation engine, 60
ClaimTypes enumeration, 8–9
ClientAssertionCertificate, 231
ClientCredential class, 229, 251, 287
client credentials grants, 44–45, 251, 266
client IDs, 94, 97, 114, 155, 190
of application, 256
overriding at registration, 276
refresh tokens and, 243
client-resource interactions, tokens for, 70–71
clients, 70. See also token requestors
access control policies for web APIs, 283
in ADFS “3,” 274
ADFS support, 55
application permissions for web APIs, 284
confidential, 181, 275
definitions of term, 72
entries in target directories, 183
granted permissions, 189–192
identity and resource consumption, 265–266
public, 181, 275
scopes, 284–285
as token requestors, 72
of web APIs, 291
client secrets, 156, 227
cloud applications, 57–58
cloud-based Active Directory, 58–59. See also Azure Active Directory
cloud-based authentication, 56. See also Azure Active Directory
cloud-based directories, 60 blog, 80
cloud services, 58. See also Azure Active Directory
cloud stores, 59
code reuse, 71
common endpoint, 121, 207
confidential clients, 181, 275
ConfigurationManager class, 157–158
ConfigureAuth, 141
consent, 189–192
across tenants, 209–211
admin, 173, 200–204, 210
AppRoleAssigment entries, 212
provisioning flow, 175–176
for resource access, 186
revoking, 259
settings, 211
for web APIs, 258
consent prompts, 44, 191
for admin users, 199
for multitenant pages, 210
constrained delegation, 43
AuthenticationManager instance, 148
Authentication property, 146, 150, 152–153
environment dictionary, 147
middlewares, 142, 145–148
Request and Response properties, 147–149
TraceOutput property, 148
contracts, 23
controllers, MVC 5 Controller, 100
cookie-based sessions, 92
cookie middleware
adding to pipeline, 96
adding to web apps, 92
ClaimsPrincipal, saving, 151
collaboration with protocol middleware, 148
response processing, 150
sessions, managing, 171
sessions, saving, 150
sign-out, 100–101
domain-bound, 24–25
life cycles, 24, 46
limitations, 46
nonce value, tracking, 124–125
session. See session cookies
on user browser, 124
for web API protection, 235–236
Cordova ADAL library, 81
application, 226–227
assigning, 226
gathering, 122–123
grants, 44–45, 251, 266
keys, 181. See also keys
passwords, 181
in ServicePrincipal, 188
sharing among apps, 32–33
storage, 226
types, 13
credentials validation and session cookie authentication pattern, 23–24
cross-collaboration scenarios, 17
cross-domain single sign-on, problems, 23–25
Current property, 8

decoupling web servers from apps, 138. See also middlewares; Open Web
Interface for .NET (OWIN)
default authentication process, 4–7
delegated access, 34–36
delegated permissions, 185, 192–197
scopes, 201
deletionTimestamp property, 180, 188
Devasahayam, Samuel, 15
developer-assigned application identifiers, 181
development certificates, 91
development libraries
in Active Directory, 75. See also libraries
for native clients, 294
for other platforms, 293
development on dedicated machines, 91
diagnostic middleware, 153–154
digital signatures, 19
directories, defined, 62
Directory.AccessAsUser.All permission, 196
directory access permissions, 193–196
directory entities, programmatic access to, 236–237
directory entries for web APIs, 257–258
Directory Graph API, 10, 59–60, 64–65, 236–237
Application object JSON file, 178–180
application permissions, 217–218
calling, 233–234
group information, 219
directory permissions, 193–197
directory queries in cloud applications, 57–58
Directory.Read.All permission, 196
Directory.Read permission, 196
Directory.ReadWrite.All permission, 196
directory services for multitenant systems, 58
directory sync, 65–66
directory tenants, 58
Directory.Write permission, 196
discovery document, 119, 208
keys document, 120–121
location, 277
displayName property, 181, 188
distributed sign-out, 27, 29, 101, 109
domain-based identifiers, 63
domain controllers (DCs), 15, 20, 23
domain_hint parameter, 118
domain-joined servers, ADFS on, 54
domain-joined workstations, 14–16
domains, 14–16, 62

email claims, 133
endpoints, 18
ADFS, 276–277
common, 207
multitenancy and, 206–207
network, 52
OAuth2, 64
protocol, 60, 63–64
protocol/credential type, 60
turning on and off, 52
entities, 22–23, 70
environment dictionary, 138, 147
errorUrl property, 188
exp claims, 132
ExpiresOn property, 230

family_name claims, 133
federated tenants, 65–66, 122
federation. See also Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)
for integrating with Azure AD, 66
for synchronized deployments of Azure AD, 65
Fiddler, 110
capturing trace, 112
HttpClient traffic tracing, 261
setup, 111
Fiddler inspector, 127
first-name claim type, 8
form post response mode, 115
fragment response mode, 115
functions, creating, 163–164

GET operations
of Account/SignOut, 134
for authenticated resource requests, 125
requests through, 182
given_name claims, 133
Goland, Yaron, 41
admin consent, 203–204
AuthenticationReponseGrant, 150
client credentials, 44–45, 251, 266
implicit, 46–47
OAuth2 grants, 252
oauth2PermissionGrants collection, 189–192
refresh token, 239–240, 242
Graph API. See Directory Graph API
groupMembershipClaims property, 182, 219
Group.Read.All permission, 197
Group.ReadWrite.All permission, 197
groups, 219–221
assigning, 215
consuming, 220–221
names, 220
number of, 221
guest Microsoft account users, 122

HandleResponse method, 162
hero apps, 48
homepage property, 181, 188
HostAuthenticationFilter attribute, 266
hosts in OWIN pipeline, 140
HTTP 302s, 98
redirects, 113–119, 145, 149–150
requests, 29–30, 44, 46
responses, 125
HTTP 401 responses, 149, 235, 261–262
HTTP claims-based identity, 22
HttpClient traffic tracing, 261
HttpContext.Current.User, 8
HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication method, 100
HttpContext.GetOwinContext().Authentication.SignOut method, 134
HttpModules, 83, 137
as host for OWIN pipeline, 140
predefined events, 145
HTTP requests to back end, 46
HTTPS URL for projects, 91, 94
HttpWatch, 110
hybrid authentication flow
APIs, obtaining tokens, 224–232
authorization code redemption, 227–232
authorization codes, 166
initialization, 113
OpenID Connect, 40–42, 108
token validation requirements, 133
hybrid token-requestor and resource-protector role development libraries,

IAppBuilder interface, 140
iat claims, 132
IAuthenticationSessionStore interface, 171
identifierUris property, 181
identity libraries. See libraries
identity party trusts in ADFS, 274
identity providers (IdPs), 17–18, 20
endpoints, 18
metadata, 18, 21, 108
public-private key pairs, 18–19
redirecting to, 160
SAML, 25–26
string identifiers, 18
WS-Federation, 28–29
identity transactions, 17–23
ID tokens, 39–40, 116, 127–134, 230, 280–281, 286
claims in, 133–134
decoding, 127–129
from server-to-server calls, 42
user information in, 269
validating, 42, 133
IIS Express, 91
IIS integrated pipeline, 145
impersonation, 44
implicit flow, 182
implicit grants, 46–47
integrated authentication, 14–16
interceptors, 74
intranets, authentication on, 14–16
Intune API, 61
Invoke method, 142
IOwinContext wrapper, 142
IsInRole() role information, 216
IsMultipleRefreshToken property, 230
iss claims, 132
IssuerSigningKey property, 167
issuer validation, 208–209
iss (issuer) value, 120–121, 208

HTTP requests to back end, 46
logic-layout management, 45–46
native apps, 81
token bits, retrieving, 46–47
Jones, Mike, 41
JSON Tokens, 41
JSON Web Algorithms (JWA), 110, 131
JSON Web encryption (JWE), 129
JSON Web Keys set (JWKS), 280
JSON Web Signature (JWS), 129–131
JSON Web Token (JWT), 19, 40
access token representation as, 255
for access tokens, 271
ADFS support, 55
claim set, 131–132
components, 129–130
handlers, 84, 92
header types, 131
specification, 110, 129
tokens, 84
just-in-time provisioning, 58

Katana, 139–154. See also Open Web Interface for .NET (OWIN)
assembly:OwinStartup attribute, 139
context, 145–148
diagnostic middleware, 153–154
appSettings entry, 139
middleware behavior settings, 158–159
middleware execution, 145
notifications, 159–166
OwinStartup attribute, 139
Startup class, 139–141
UseStageMarker method, 145
“Katana” 3.x, 83–84
“Katana” vNext, 84
native applications and, 47
service principals, 174
Kerberos federation, 17
keyCredentials property, 181, 188, 226–227
assigning to applications, 226–227
credentials, 181
IssuerSigningKey property, 167
JSON Web Keys set, 280
keyCredentials property, 181, 188, 226–227
public-private, 18–19, 227
RefreshOnIssuerKeyNotFound property, 158
signing, 280
symmetric, 19
token-signing, 120–122, 158
token-validation, 167
ValidateIssuerSigningKey property, 168
keys document, 120–121
Klout web application, 248–249
knownClientApplications property, 183, 258

in Active Directory, 75
authentication tasks, 73–74
for hybrid token-requestor and resource-protector role, 74–75, 85–86
for native clients, 294
open source, 76
for other platforms, 293
reasons for using, 71
for resource-protector role, 73–74, 82–85
for token-requestor role, 70–71, 76–81
line-of-business (LOB) applications, 4–5
local networks, authentication on, 14–15
localStorage, 47
login_hint parameter, 117
logoutUrl property, 188

managed tenants, 65–66, 122
manifest files, 214, 219
/me alias, 237
MessageReceived notification, 165
SAML, 26–27
signed, 26
WS-Federation, 28–31
metadata, 18, 21
MetadataAddress, 104, 277
metadata documents, 158
discovery document, 119
OpenID Connect format, 39
SAML format, 26
WS-Federation format, 29
MetadataEndpoint, 287
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin NuGet package, 266
Microsoft Azure. See Azure Active Directory
Microsoft cloud service, 61
Microsoft Enterprise Agreement, 62
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocol.Extensions NuGet package, 84, 92
Microsoft Office 365. See Office 365
Microsoft Online Directory Service (MSODS), 60
Microsoft.Owin.Diagnostics NuGet package, 154
Microsoft.Owin NuGet package, 92
Microsoft.Owin.Security.ActiveDirectory NuGet package, 83, 254
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Jwt NuGet package, 254
Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth NuGet package, 254
Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnect NuGet package, 84
Microsoft.Owin.Security NuGet package, 92
Microsoft.Owin.Security.WsFederation NuGet package, 83
Microsoft Visual Studio. See Visual Studio
_middleware entry, 141
middleware initialization options class, 155–159
activation sequence, 142–145
behavior settings, 158–159
building, 138. See also Open Web Interface for .NET (OWIN)
caption setting, 159
context, 142, 145–148
environment dictionary, 138
initialization pipeline, 265–266
Invoke method, 142
message received notification, 164
observing pipeline, 143–145
pipeline of web APIs, 254–255
pointers to next entries, 142
requesting execution, 145
resource protectors, 74, 81
response handling, 161
security token received notification, 164
security token validated notification, 164–165
and sign-out flow, 99–103
skipping to next, 161
stopping processing, 142, 145
UseStageMarker method, 145
midtier clients ADAL libraries, 81
MMC (Microsoft Management Console), 60
mobile operating systems, native apps on, 80
modern authentication techniques, 31–48
multiple authentication factors (MFA), 122
Multiple Response Type specifications, 109
multiresource refresh tokens (MRRT), 242–243, 260
multitenancy, 205–211
MVC 5 Controller, 100
/myorganization alias, 237
native applications, 47–48
ADAL libraries, 48, 80–81
ADFS support, 55
ADFS template, 275
admin creation in Azure portal, 204
authentication flows, 94
broker apps and, 48
development libraries, 75–76
Kerberos and, 47
modern authentication for, 294
popularity, 47–48
tokens, obtaining, 21–22
nbf claims, 132
.NET-based applications, 78
.NET core, OWIN middleware for, 84
.NET Framework
caller identity class, 7–10
SAML and, 25
version 4.5, 82
Windows Identity Foundation classes, 82–83
.NET JWT handler, 84
.NET web development, 138
network endpoints, 52
network tracing features, 110
nickname claims, 133
Node.JS, 81
nonadmin users, application creation, 189–192. See also users
nonce value
of authentication requests, 117
cookie tracking, 124–125
OpenID Connect, 149
notifications, 159–166
AuthenticationFailed, 166
AuthorizationCodeReceived, 166
in bearer token middleware, 264
MessageReceived, 164
RedirectToIdentityProvider, 162–164
SecurityTokenReceived, 164
SecurityTokenValidated, 164–165
sequence, 159–161
of TokenCache class, 244–245
Notifications property, 155
NuGet packages
adding references, 92
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Owin, 266
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocol.Extensions, 84, 92
Microsoft.Owin, 92
Microsoft.Owin.Diagnostics, 154
Microsoft.Owin.Security, 92
Microsoft.Owin.Security.ActiveDirectory, 254
Microsoft.Owin.Security.Jwt, 254
Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth, 254
Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnect, 83
.NET, 227–228
System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt, 84, 92
SystemWeb, 92
for web APIs, 254
web apps referencing, 92

OAuth, 33–37
OAuth2, 33–37
ADAL and, 76–77
ADFS “3” support, 272
authorization grants, 55, 252
bearer token usage, 232–237, 262
claims and, 36–37
client credentials grants, 44–45
endpoints, 64
ID token, 39
interoperability, 37
limitations, 118
Multiple Response Type, 109
“on-behalf-of” security token requests, 44
OpenID Connect extensions, 39, 110
permissions in applications, 183–185
Post Response Mode, 109
refresh token grants, 239–240
refresh tokens, 238–251
scope, 116
support for, 37
Token Exchange extensions on-behalf-of flow, 267–270
web sign-in, 37–39
oauth2AllowImplicitFlow property, 182
oauth2AllowUrlPathMatching property, 182
OAuth2 Authorization Framework specification, 110
OAuth2 bearer token middleware, 287
OAuth2 Bearer Token Usage specification, 110
oauth2PermissionGrants collection, 189–192
admin consent, 203–204
consent entries, 210
oauth2Permissions collection, 183–185, 188, 192–195
default entry for web APIs, 257
value property, 257–258
oauth2RequirePostResponse property, 182
OAuth WRAP (Web Resource Authorization Profile), 33, 40–41
objectId property, 180, 188, 190
odata parameters in URL template, 237
Office 365, 61
cloud-based issues, 58
Visual Studio 2015 tools, 87
oid claims, 133
on-behalf-of flow, 267–270
security token requests, 44
on-premises Active Directory, 15–16, 58–59
on-premises directories
functional components, 60
querying protocols, 59
OnValidateIdentity, 265
opaque channels, 72, 91
OpenID, 37–38
OpenID Connect, 9, 38–43, 108–109
authentication, 122–123
authentication-request message type, 39
authentication requests, 113–119
authorization-code flow, 42–43
authorization requests, 98, 149
discovery, 119–122
document format, 39
endpoints, advertising by Azure AD, 109
ID token, 127–134
initialization code, 95–97
JWT format, 129–132
nonce, 149
opaque channels, 91
response, 123–125
session management, 109
sequence, 110–112, 126–127
sign-out, 134–136
support for, 43
supporting specifications, 110
web sign-on with ADFS, 276–281
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions class, 159
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions parameter, 96, 155–159, 276
TokenValidationParameters property, 166–169
OpenID Connect Core 1.0, 108
OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0, 109
OpenID Connect hybrid flow, 40–42, 224–232
OpenID Connection Session Management specification, 109
OpenID Connect middleware, 92, 155–166
ADFS and, 276–277
authentication flow control, 96
authority value, 97
Challenge sequence, 152
client ID, 94, 97, 256
distributed sign-out, 101
initializing, 95–97, 277
notifications, 159–166
OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions, 155–159
outgoing 401s, 98
Passive authentication mode, 152, 159
postlogout redirects, 102
session management, 149–151, 171
sign-out, 100–101, 152–153
token validation, 149–151
TokenValidationParameters property, 166–169
OpenIdConnectNotifications class, 159–166
OpenIdConnectProtocolValidator class, 158
OpenID Connect Session Management specification, 135
openid scope, 116, 286
open redirector attacks, 182
open source libraries, 76
Open Web Interface for .NET (OWIN), 83–84, 137–138. See also
ASP.NET-specific implementation, 138
context, 145–148
defined, 138
environment dictionary, 138
Katana and, 139–154. See also Katana
Open Web Interface for .NET (OWIN) middlewares
adding to web apps configuration, 92
authentication capabilities, 146
authentication flow, 148–153
for claims-based identity, 83
core status, 147
diagnostic middleware, 153–154
environment dictionary, 147
hosting, 92, 95–96
for .NET core, 85
OpenID Connect, 137–170
flow, 148–152
sign-out flow, 152–153
WS-Federation support, 103
Open Web Interface for .NET (OWIN) pipeline
adding middleware, 141–142
hosts, 140
initializing, 139–141
_middleware entry, 141
servers, 140
OS X apps, ADAL libraries, 81
OwinMiddleware class, 142–143
OwinStartup attribute, 139

parametric STS, 205–208
password-based authentication, 12–14
passwordCredentials property, 181, 188, 226
passwords, 13–14
password sharing antipattern, 32–33
path matching, 182
admin-level, 198–200
app-level, 216–219
on application entry in Azure AD, 224–225
consented, 186
delegated, 192–197
directory, 193–197
for directory access, 193–196
fine-grained, 59
granted, storage of, 189–192
roles and, 213
Permissions To Other Applications, 259
platform as a service (PaaS), 57
postlogout redirects, 102, 156
PostLogoutRedirectUri property, 102, 156, 276
Post Response Mode specifications, 109
pre-claims authentication techniques, 12–16
principalType property, 212
private/public key pairs, 227
profile scope value, 116
profile stores, 12–14, 20
programmable web, 31–33
Programming Windows Identity Foundation, 82, 137
prompt=admin_consent flag, 200–201, 218
prompt parameter, 117–118
Properties dictionary, 140–141
protected APIs. See also web APIs
accessing, 232–251
exposing, 253–272
refresh tokens, 238
protected clients, 78
protocol coordinates, 73–74
protocol/credential type endpoints, 60
protocol endpoints, 60, 63–64
protocol enforcement, 73
protocol libraries, 77
protocol middleware. See also OpenID Connect middleware
collaboration with cookie middleware, 148
protocols, application identifiers, 181
protocol URLs, 63, 94
protocol validation, 158
ProtocolValidator property, 158
claims issued, 9
specifying, 265
in ADFS, 271, 287
applications, 53–54, 57, 189
in Azure management portal, 93–94
just-in-time, 58
relying parties, 52
ServicePrincipal, 186
web APIs, 253
provisioning flow, 175–176
provisioning resources, 183
proxy role, 52
proxy utilities, 110
publicClient property, 181
public clients, 78, 275
public key cryptography, 19
public-private key pairs, 18
publisherName property, 188
pwd_exp claims, 133
pwd_url claims, 133

querying protocols, 59
query response mode, 115

reauthorization, 248–249
redirects, 35
RedirectToIdentityProvider notification, 160–164
modifying authentication requests, 201
redirect URIs, 100, 115, 117, 135, 156, 180–181, 276
for web apps, 278
RefreshOnIssuerKeyNotFound property, 158
refresh token grants, 239–240, 242
RefreshToken property, 230
refresh tokens, 35, 238–251
in Azure AD, 240–242
expiration, 246–251
invalidating, 240
multiresource, 286
opacity to client, 242
validity times, 240
relying parties (RPs), 18
distributed sign-out, 109
IdP metadata, 108
provisioning, 52
user sign-in status inquiries, 109
WS-Federation, 29
relying party trusts, 274–276
renewal operations, 71
replyUrls property, 180–181
Request and Response methods, 148–149
Request and Response properties, 147–148
ClientAssertionCertificate, 231
client_secret property, 227
interception, 73
redirect URI, 156
resource for authorization code, 156
response type, 156
scope parameter, 156
through GET operations, 182
through middleware pipeline, 138
token inclusion, 70
requiredResourceAccess, 198–199
RequiredResourceAccessCollection, 185–187
Role type entries, 218
resource apps
configuring by IdP’s metadata, 73
token acquisition, 73
token validation, 73
resource consumption
identity of clients, 265–266
patterns, 43–45
resource identifiers in token requests, 256
resourceId property, 190
Resource parameter, 118, 156, 231
<resource path> component in URL template, 236–237
resource protectors, 69, 73–74
development libraries, 81–85
interceptors, 74
accessing, 185–187
accessing as application, 44–45
access requests, 70–71. See also requests
authorizing access, 97–98
client libraries, 71–72
multiple, refresh tokens for, 242–243
third-party access, 34
type of access scope, 185–186
resource STS, 205–206
response mode and response type parameters of authentication requests,
Response object, 149–150
handling, 161
ID token, 127–134
OpenID Connect message, 123–125
through middleware pipeline, 138
ResponseType parameter, 156
response types, 124
REST API calls, 233–235
REST-based protocols, 28
REST operations for directory queries, 59
RoleClaimType property, 216
groups as, 220
allowedMemberTypes property, 214
application, 212–219
assigning, 213–214
claims, 133, 215
displayName and description strings, 214
id property, 214
value property, 214
WS-Federation, 28–29
round trips
performance and, 45
request-response pattern, 22–23, 45
web apps, 23–31
RS256 signatures, 131

samlMetadataUrl property, 182, 188
SaveSignInToken property, 171, 268
scope-driven authorization, 262–265
scopes, 116, 118, 156, 201
openid, 286
of web APIs, 284–285
nonce values, 117
for web API calls, 46–47
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), 8, 25–27, 55, 182
security code, custom, 71
security groups, 219
SecurityTokenHandlers property, 158
SecurityTokenReceived notification, 165
Security Token Service (STS), 29
Access Control Service, 78–79
resource, 205–206
SecurityTokenValidated notification, 165–166
server applications, ADFS template, 275
in OWIN pipeline, 140
server-to-server calls, 42
ServicePrincipal, 174–177, 187–188
AppId, 193
oauth2Permissions, 193–196
ObjectId, 193
properties, 187–188
provisioning, 186
for web APIs, 257
ServicePrincipal.appRoleAssignedTo object, 216–219
servicePrincipalNames property, 188
service providers (SPs), 26
session artifacts, 73
session cookies, 24–25, 45, 92, 122
discarding, 135
in OpenID Connect hybrid flow, 42
persisting, 150
validation, 73, 125
session data, 24
session management, 70–71
by ADAL, 238–251
in OpenID Connect middleware, 109, 171
ClaimsPrincipal, saving, 151
cleaning, 135
ending, 134–136
establishing, 22, 73, 149–151
properties, 151
request token validation, 152
saving, 150
validation, 73
sessionStorage, 47
Set-Cookie value, 135, 149–151
shared secrets, 279–280, 287
signatures, 19
signature verification, SAML and, 26
signed tokens, 20
, 37–39, 99–103, 126. See also web sign-on
notifications, 159–160
response phase, 224–225
sequence, 126–127, 224
UI elements, 102–103
user credentials prompts, 163
and sign-out flow, 110–112
SignInAsAuthenticationType property, 159
access in context of session, 148, 152
challenge generation, 148–149, 152–153
OpenID Connect for, 107–134
response processing, 149–151
session generation, 149–151
specifications and dependencies, 107–108
WS-Federation, 29–31
signing keys for web apps, 280
generation of, 149
redirects, 148–149
request generation, 73–74
sign-out, 99–103
distributed, 101, 109
flow sequence, 136
ID hint, 135
notifications, 161
OpenID Connect, 134–136
postlogout redirects, 156
PostLogoutRedirectUri property, 102
redirect URI, 135
request syntax, 135
state preservation, 135
target endpoint, 135
UI elements, 102–103
user credentials prompts, 163
sign-out flow, 152–153
SignOut method, 99
Simple Web Token (SWT), 40–41
Single Logout messages, 27
single-page applications (SPAs), 45–47, 294
ADAL JS library for, 85
single sign-on, hack for, 38
single sign-out, 27
SkipToNextMiddleware method, 161
software as a service (SaaS) apps, 17
_sso_data claim, 289
SSO sessions, 27
stage markers, 145
Startup.Auth.cs file
ADFS identity provider code, 103–104
identity pipeline initialization code, 96–97
Startup class, 139–141
Startup.Configure, 140
Startup.cs file, 95
call to activate authentication, 97
state, preserving at sign-out, 135
state parameter
of authentication requests, 116–117
local URL of resource, 125
storing tokens, 70–71
string identifiers, 18
verification, 19
sub claims, 132
subjects, 25
symmetric keys, 19
synchronized deployments of Azure AD, 65
synchronizing users and groups to Azure AD tenants, 65–66
System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt NuGet package, 84, 92
System.Security.Claims namespace, 7
SystemWeb NuGet package, 92
System.Web pipeline, 140
tags property, 188
target directories
consent, recording, 186
resource entries in, 183
target platforms, native libraries for, 81
<tenant> component in URL template, 236
tenant IDs, 63, 188, 230
Tenant parameter, 255
application availability, 182–183
defined, 62
display name, 188
federated and managed, 65–66
ServicePrincipal and, 176, 193
tenant IDs, 63, 188, 230
third-party access to resources, 34
Thread.CurrentPrincipal, 8
tid claims, 133
token acquisition, 70
ADAL pattern, 77
TokenCache class, 244–245
token endpoint, 35
authenticated requests against, 226
response to token request, 231–232
token handlers, 158
token replay attacks, 117
TokenReplayCache property, 170
token requestors, 69–72, 74
access token format and, 72
client applications as, 72
development libraries, 76–81
token requests, 70
on-behalf-of, 44
resource identifiers in, 256
user consent, 64
tokens, 18–20. See also access tokens
accessing independent of protocol, 268
acquiring by authorization code, 227–229
assertions, 26
audience claims, 282
in Authorization HTTP headers, 232–234
Azure AD, 61
bearer, 232–237, 262
broker apps, 48
caching, 70–71, 238
callback path, 158
for client-resource interactions, 70
cross-domain, 25
group information, 219–220
group membership claims, 182
HTTP carrier mechanisms, 109
ID. See ID tokens
issuance of, 21–22
issuers, 120
JWT format, 40, 129–132
life-cycle management, 159, 238
refresh, 35, 238–251, 286
replaying, 169
in requests, 70–71
response mode, 114
response type, 109
SAML structure, 26
saving, 169
scope, 257–258
security of, 42–43
signed, 20, 120–122
Simple Web Token, 40–41
with user attributes from cloud store, 59
user information, 42, 268
validation. See token validation
for web API calls, 46–47
token validation, 22, 73, 119, 149–151
audience, 167
discovery of criteria, 119–120
issuer, 167
key for signing, 167
notification of, 164–165
parameters, 166–169
signature check, 129–130
validation flags, 168
validator delegates, 168–169
validity interval, 167
TokenValidationParameters class, 155, 157, 167–170, 256–257, 261, 264
IssuerValidator property, 208
ValidIssuers property, 208
TraceOutput property, 148
capturing, 110–112
exposing, 148
traffic, capturing in trace, 110–112
trusts, 18
between app and IdP, 20–21
establishment, 57
type identifiers, claim, 8–9

UI, sign-in and sign-out, 102–103
unique identifiers, 18
unique_name claims, 133
upn claims, 133
URI fragments, 46–47
UseCookieAuthentication method, 96, 141
UseErrorPage method, 154
Use method, 140, 142
UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication method, 96, 141
UserAssertion class, 268–269
user assignment, 211–213
user attributes, 7, 12
user consent for token requests, 64
user credentials. See also credentials
for synchronized deployments of Azure AD, 65
synching to cloud, 65–66
user_impersonation permission, 196
UserInfo property, 42, 230
username-password-profiles authentication, 13–14
UserProfile.Read permission, 195–196
User.Read.All permission, 197
User.ReadBasic.All permission, 196
User.Read permission, 195–196
accessing web APIs, 252
application creation, 189–192
assignment, 211–213
authentication experience, 122–123
Azure AD landing page, 66
consent prompts, 191
identity, 12–13
life cycles, 14
roles and, 213
Use* sequence, 143
UseStageMarker method, 145
UseTokenLifetime property, 159
UseWindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthentication method, 255, 271
UseXXX extension methods, 96

validate-and-drop-a-cookie approach, 23–24
ValidateAudience property, 168
ValidateIssuer property, 168
ValidateIssuerSigningKey property, 168
authority coordinates and, 157–158
components, 9
flags, 169
of ID tokens, 133
issuer, 208–209
session, 73
of session cookies, 73
token, 73
validator delegates, 169–170
ValidAudience property, 167, 256
ValidIssuer property, 167
verification, 19, 24
Visual Studio
application credentials, assigning, 226
ASP.NET 4.6 Web API projects, 254, 287
authentication preferences settings, 288
Browser Link, 144
creating new web app, 90–91
F5 verification procedure, 91
identity-integration features, 86–87
Immediate window, 247
Multiple Startup Projects option, 288
MVC 5 Controller, 100
Package Manager Console, 92
Startup.cs file, 95
using directives, 98
web API project setup, 253–258
web API project template on-premises option, 271
Windows Identity Foundation tools, 82
Visual Studio 2013, 86
Visual Studio 2015, 2–3
accounts, associating with, 3
AD integration features, 86
keychain, 87
tying to Azure user account, 2–3

web API calls
handling, 258–265
securing, 46–47
web APIs
access control policies, 283
accessing as an application, 251–252
accessing as arbitrary user, 252
application permissions for, 284
calling, 260
calling another API, 266–270
claims in token, 289–290
client access, 291
clients, adding, 291
client setup, 258–262
consent for, 258
directory entries, 257–258
exposing, 253–272
failed token requests, 261–262
identifiers, 282
invoking from web app, 223–252, 285–289
invoking with access tokens, 232–251
invoking with bearer tokens, 232–237
middleware pipeline, 254–255
modeling, 177
NuGet packages for, 254
project setup, 253–258
protecting with ADFS, 271–272, 281–292
request processing, 262–265
scope-driven authorization, 262–265
scopes of, 284–285
ServicePrincipal, 257
tokens, obtaining, 21–22
troubleshooting, 261
unauthorized caller errors, 261
web applications
ADAL cache considerations, 243–246
ADFS as identity provider, 103–104
ADFS support, 55
application credentials, 279
authentication flows, 94
claims, 98
client ID, 94, 278
creating, 90–91
delegated access, 34–36
hybrid role of token requestor and resource protector, 74–75
interaction pattern, 22–23
invoking web API from, 285–289
middlewares, adding and initializing, 95
OpenID Connect initialization code, 95–97
OWIN pipeline, adding, 95
Permissions To Other Applications, 259
protocol coordinates, 276, 278
redirect URIs, 278
referencing NuGet packages, 92
registering in Azure AD, 93–94
roundtrip-based request-response pattern, 22–23, 45
running, 98–99, 103
setup in ADFS, 277–280
shared secrets, 279–280
and sign-out, 99–103
signing keys, 280
message generation, 73
single-page applications, 46
single sign-on, 38
SSL Enabled, 91
third-party access to resources, 34
triggering authentication, 97–98
unique resource identifier, 94
user authentication, 21
web API, consuming, 223–252
Windows Integrated Authentication credential, 279
web browser–based SSO, 25–27
web.config files, 83
web servers, decoupling from apps, 138
web sign-on, 29–31. See also sign-in
ASP.NET support for, 137. See also Open Web Interface for .NET
(OWIN) middlewares
hybrid authentication flow, 108
OpenID Connect Core 1.0, 108
with OpenID Connect in ADFS, 276–281
testing, 280–281
URLs, 94
web UX, exposing, 265–266
Wells, Dean, 15
WindowsAzureActiveDirectoryBearerAuthenticationOptions initialization,
Windows Identity Foundation (WIF), 82–83
Windows Internal Database (WID), 52
Windows Server. See also Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS)
ADFS server role, 54
Windows Server 2016, ADFS in, 56, 103, 273–292
workplace-joined device detection, 56
WS-Federation, 8, 27–31
ADFS support, 55
messages, 29–31
metadata document format, 29
OWIN middlewares support, 103
relying parties, 29
roles, 28–29
Security Token Service, 29
flow, 29–31
support, 31
support in .NET core, 85
tokens, 29
WS-Federation middleware. See OpenID Connect middleware
WS-* specifications, 27–28
native apps and, 47
WS-Trust, ADFS support, 55
Wtrealm, 104
WWW-Authenticate header, 262

X.509 certificates, 18–19
Xamarin, 80
About the author

VITTORIO BERTOCCI is principal program manager on the Azure

Active Directory team, where he works on the developer experience: Active
Directory Authentication Library (ADAL), OpenID Connect and OAuth2
OWIN components in ASP.NET, Azure AD integration in various Visual
Studio workstreams, and other things he can’t tell you about (yet).
Vittorio joined the product team after years as a virtual member in his role
as principal architect evangelist, during which time he contributed to the
inception and launch of Microsoft’s claims-based platform components
(Windows Identity Foundation, ADFS 2.0) and owned SaaS and identity
evangelism for the .NET developers community.
Vittorio holds a masters degree in computer science and began his career
doing research on computational geometry and scientific visualization. In
2001 he joined Microsoft Italy, where he focused on the .NET platform and
the nascent field of web services security, becoming a recognized expert at
the national and European level.
In 2005 Vittorio moved to Redmond, where he helped launch the .NET
Framework 3.5 by working with Fortune 100 and Global 100 companies on
cutting-edge distributed systems. He increasingly focused on identity
themes until he took on the mission of evangelizing claims-based identity
for mainstream use. After years of working with customers, partners, and
the community, he decided to contribute the experience he had accumulated
back to the product and joined the identity product team.
Vittorio is easy to spot at conferences. He has spoken about identity in 23
countries on four continents, from keynote addresses to one-on-one
meetings with customers. Vittorio is a regular speaker at Ignite, Build,
Microsoft PDC, TechEd (US, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan),
TechDays, Gartner Summit, European Identity Conference, IDWorld,
OreDev, NDC, IASA, Basta, and many others. At the moment his Channel
9 speaker page at
bertocci lists 44 recordings.
Vittorio is a published author, both in the academic and industry worlds,
and has written many articles and papers. He is the author of Programming
Windows Identity Foundation (Microsoft Press, 2010) and coauthor of A
Guide to Claims-Based Identity and Access Control (Microsoft patterns &
practices, 2010) and Understanding Windows Cardspace (Addison-Wesley,
2008). He is a prominent authority and blogger on identity, Azure, .NET
development, and related topics: he shares his thoughts at and via his twitter feed,
Vittorio lives in the lush green of Redmond with his wife, Iwona. He
doesn’t mind the gray skies too much, but every time he has half a chance,
he flies to some place on the beach, be it the South Pacific or Camogli, his
home town in Italy.
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