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TC and Loan Agreement Individual Loan

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This Loan Agreement is made and entered into on the date and place as mentioned in the Schedule-I hereto

The BORROWER (s), whose details are given in the Schedule-I, and hereinafter referred to as the "Borrower" which term
shall be deemed to mean and include unless the context otherwise requires or permits all their legal heirs, executors,
administrators, and representatives or, its successors, and permitted assigns of the one Part;
Jana Small Finance Bank Limited, a Company defined under Companies Act, 1956 and registered under Banking Regulation
Act, 1949 to carry on the Small Finance Bank and having its Registered Office situated at The Fairway, Ground and First
Floor, Survey No. 10/1, 11/2 and 12/2B,Off Domlur, Koramangala Inner Ring Road, Next to Embassy Golf Links Business
Park, Challaghatta, Bangalore - 560 071,and one amongst Branch office at the place specified in the Schedule-I hereto,
hereinafter referred to as the "BANK" which term shall be deemed to mean and include unless the context otherwise requires
or permits, its successors constituted attorneys and permitted assigns of the other Part;

The 'Borrower' and the 'Bank' shall together be referred to as 'Parties' and individually as 'Party'.

a. The Bank is carrying on the Small Finance Banking business and extending various financial services.

b. The Borrower has requested the Bank for grant of loan / credit Facility for the purpose morefully described in Schedule
- II hereunder.

c. The Bank has at the request of the Borrower agreed to grant all or some or any of the credit Facilities/loan/s subject
inter alia to the Sanction letter and terms and conditions contained in this Agreement and also in the other Transaction
Documents (as defined below) including Security Documents (as defined below) or any of them and on such other
terms and conditions as may be deemed necessary and notified from time to time by the Bank to the Borrower.

CONSIDERATION of the Bank providing the Loan / Credit Facility to the Borrower, the Borrower hereby agrees,
records and confirms the terms and conditions upon which the Facility is granted as under:

1. (a) The Bank, at its discretion may grant or agree to grant or continue, all or any of the Loan now or hereafter at any time
or from time to time up to the herein mentioned aggregate limit/term loan the details as to the loan/credit facilities, limits,
interest, rests and terms of repayment are more specifically mentioned in SCHEDULE-II hereunder written, for the purpose(s)
set forth in the Borrower's proposal/Application Form, which shall be deemed to constitute the basis and part of these presents.
The Borrower(s) hereby warrants the
correctness of every one of the statements, representations and undertakes to carry out the Borrower's proposal/ Application
Form as set out in its entirety with a further undertaking to notify the Bank in writing of
any deviations or modifications thereto immediately upon such occurrence. The loan granted or agreed to be
granted or continued, now or hereafter by the Bank (hereinafter referred to as "the said facilities/Credit facility/Loan ") shall
be availed / utilized exclusively by the Borrower(s) for no purposes other than those mentioned in the Borrower(s)'s
proposal/Application Form.

(b)The Borrower(s) agrees that the loan granted and agreed to be granted or continued shall be governed by the terms and
conditions as set out in the Sanction Letter as also herein contained as well as those embodied in the relative security

2. (a)Interest shall be charged at a fixed rate of interest being ______% p.a. and calculated on daily balance of the loan
amount at monthly rests. Interest rate is fixed for the tenure of the loan and is linked to MCLR at the time of sanction. Interest
rate on the facility will remain fixed for the entire tenor of the facility from the date of first disbursal. The rate of interest
payable by the Borrower/s shall be subject to changes based on guidelines /directives issued by RBI to banks from time to
time/money market condition. The Borrower/s also note and acknowledge that Bank is obliged to give effect to any revision
of interest rates, whether upwards or downwards, on all Existing advances/financial assistances as per the RBI

(b) Where the interest is charged by the Bank at a concessionary rate(s) owing to the said facilities being granted under the
Interest Subsidy Scheme or any other schemes formulated by the Government and/or the Reserve Bank of India and/or any
other authority from time to time, the Borrower(s) agrees and confirms that in the event of the withdrawal, modification and/or
variation of such scheme(s), the concessionary rate(s) of interest shall stand withdrawn and the usual rate(s) applicable at the
material time shall become effective and be applicable and the Borrower(s) shall also pay the difference between such
concessionary rate(s) and the usual rate(s) of interest from the date, the withdrawal or modification or variation becomes

3. The Loan, interest, default interest, any other charges, dues and monies payable, costs and expenses reimbursable, as
outstanding from time to time and whether any of them due or not, are hereinafter collectively referred to as "Outstanding
Balance". The Borrower shall pay interest on the Loan, the unpaid due interest and all other outstanding charges and monies
(except the default interest), at the rate of interest specified in the Schedule hereto, on the outstanding daily balance from the
date of Disbursement, compoundable at monthly rests. The Borrower shall also pay and bear all interest tax, if any, as
applicable from time to time. The Borrower(s) shall repay the Loan and pay the interest that is due from time to time by way
of equated monthly installments (EMIs) as specified in the Schedule or as may be specified by the Bank from time to time
(time being the essence of the contract). The Borrower has perused, understood and agreed to Bank's method of calculating
EMIs as also the appropriation thereof into principal and interest. The payment of all the monies by the Borrower including
EMIs shall be made on or before the respective due dates, at such place as the Bank may require, without any set-off or
counterclaim or withholding or deduction (save as required by law in which case the amount payable by the Borrower to the
Bank shall be increased to the amount which after making such deduction or withholding equals the original due amount as if
no withholding or deduction were required), by way of one or more modes and instruments including post-dated cheques
("PDCs"), Standing Instructions (SI)/ Electronic Clearing System (ECS/NACH instructions/mandate other mode/ instrument,
as acceptable to the Bank from time to time. If any due date falls on a non-business day of the Bank, the payment shall be
made by the Borrower on the immediately preceding business day of the Bank. In case of cheques/ other instrument, the
payment shall be deemed to have been made by the Borrower only at the point of time the sum is credited and realized fully
in Bank's account irrespective of the date of instrument or time of receipt or presentation of instrument. In case of any default,
the Borrower shall without prejudice to Bank's other rights and remedies, pay additional /default interest at the rate mentioned
in the Schedule hereto/ Application or as may be prescribed by the Bank, over and above the then applicable rate of interest
till full payment is made/default is cured. This liability shall not act as justification for any default.
The due date of EMI to be paid by the Borrower shall be on the last day of the respective month. For the convenience of the
Borrower, the Bank has agreed that the authorized officials of the Bank may visit the Borrower on such dates as laid down in
the repayment schedule for collecting the EMI in part or full. No interest will accrue from the date of payment of EMI, if the
same is paid before the due date.

4. The Borrower(s) shall pay to Bank, the charges, fees, etc, specified in the Schedule hereto/ Application or as specified
by the Bank from time to time, within such time or upon occurrence of such events as specified and if not specified then
forthwith upon demanded by the Bank. All other present and future costs and expenses, taxes (as applicable from time to time),
any related levy, stamp duty, in all jurisdictions, in relation to this document/other documents/any transaction pursuant thereto,
irrespective of who the beneficiary is, shall be borne and payable solely by the Borrower, including for creation, enforcement,
preservation of security, recovery, initiating/defending/pursuing any legal proceedings/ actions by Bank. In case of any such
sums if paid or incurred by the Bank, the Borrower shall be liable to reimburse the same to the Bank in full forthwith.

5. The Bank may at its own discretion and upon Borrower's request, also finance the Borrower for the insurance premium
of insurance policy taken by Borrower as per Borrower's own wish from any insurance company of Borrower's choice, which
sum(s) shall be added to the principal amount under the Loan and all the terms and conditions shall be additionally applicable
thereto All expenses, charges, fees, taxes applicable on any such insurance shall be incurred and paid by the Borrower,
however in case paid by the Bank on Borrower's behalf, the Borrower shall reimburse the same to the Bank within 24 hours
of the Bank's demand. The Borrower shall instruct the insurance company to add the Bank as loss payee in any such insurance
6. The Borrower shall furnish and create such security from time to time in favour of or for the benefit of the Bank, of such
value, in such form and in such manner, as may be deemed fit by the Bank, forthwith upon so required by the Bank. The Bank
shall also have the right to stipulate any other and further terms and conditions that it may deem fit at any time prior to or after
the grant of the Loan, which shall be binding on the Borrower.

7. Borrower shall make good to, and save, defend and hold harmless Bank, its directors, employees, shareholders, agents,
consultants, representatives from or against all, direct or indirect, claims, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including
attorneys' fees arising out of/ in relation to any act, omission, breach, misrepresentation, fraud, misstatement or default by the
Borrower and/or otherwise incurred by Bank as a result of any suit, investigation, etc, any other matter for any reason.

8. The Bank shall have the right to not return the Application, the photographs, information and documents submitted by
the Borrower. The Bank shall, without notice to or without any consent of the Borrower, be absolutely entitled and have full
right, power and authority to make disclosure of any information relating to Borrower including personal information, details
in relation to documents, Loan, defaults, security, obligations of Borrower, to the Credit Information Bureau of India (CIBIL)
and/or any other governmental/regulatory/statutory or private agency/entity, credit bureau, RBI, the Bank's other branches/
subsidiaries / affiliates / rating agencies, service providers, other banks / financial institutions, any third parties, any
assignees/potential assignees or transferees, who may need the information and may process the information, publish in such
manner and through such medium as may be deemed necessary by the publisher/ Bank/ RBI, including publishing the name
as part of willful defaulter's list from time to time, as also use for KYC information verification, credit risk analysis, or for
other related purposes. The Borrower waives the privilege of privacy and privity of contract. The Bank shall have the right,
without notice to or without any consent of the Borrower, to approach, make enquiries, obtain information, from any person
including other banks/finance entities/credit bureaus, Borrower's employer/family members, any other person related to the
Borrower, to obtain any information for assessing track record, credit risk, or for establishing contact with the Borrower or for
the purpose of recovery of dues from the Borrower.

9. Any notice, approvals, instructions, demand and other communications given or made by the Bank shall be deemed to
be duly given and served if sent by courier, normal post, Registered Post, facsimile, electronic mail, personal delivery, sms or
by pre-paid registered mail addressed to the Borrower's address, phone/ mobile number, fax number or email as given in the
Application (or at the address changed on which Bank's acknowledgement is duly obtained as hereinafter mentioned) and such
notice and service shall be deemed to take effect on the third working day following the date of the posting thereof in case of
courier, normal post, registered post, at the time of delivery if given by personal delivery, upon receipt of a transmission report
if given by facsimile, upon sending the electronic mail or sms if given by electronic mail or sms. The Borrower undertakes to
keep the Bank informed at all times in writing of any change in the mailing address, email id, phone and mobile number(s) as
provided in the Application and to obtain Bank's written acknowledgement on the intimation given to Bank for any such

10. The Borrower(s) hereby agrees that notwithstanding anything contained herein or in any other documents, the entire
balances then due under the said facilities shall, if so decided by the Bank, become forthwith due and payable upon the
happening of any of the following events:

(a) Any instalment of the principal or interest remaining unpaid and in arrears for a period of one month after the due date
whether demanded or not;
(b) The borrower committing any breach or default in the performance or observance of any of the terms contained herein
or in the Borrower(s)'s proposal/ Application Form or any other documents;
(c) If any of the representations or the documents furnished by the Borrower(s) in its application are found to be untrue or
false or incorrect;
(d) Upon entering into any arrangement or composition with its creditors or committing any act of insolvency;
(e) Any execution or other similar process being levied or enforced against the borrower;
(f) If the borrower ceases to carry on business or threatens not to carry on business;
(g) If any circumstances shall occur which in the opinion of the Bank is prejudicial to or imperils or is likely to prejudice
or imperil the security or which affects adversely the Borrower(s)'s capacity to repay any amounts under the said facilities;
(h) If the Borrower(s) does not submit the required statements or mis-utilises/diverts the monies or the provided security
without the Bank's prior permission / knowledge;
Whether any of the above events has happened or not, the decision of the Bank shall be conclusive, final and binding on the

PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the Bank may in its discretion refrain from forthwith enforcing its rights hereunder in spite of
the happening of any of the above events and provided further that any failure or delay in exercising any right, power or
privilege hereunder or under other security documents or any single or partial exercise of such right, power, or privilege shall
not impair / extinguish or preclude the Bank any further exercise of the same or operate as a waiver or exercise of any other
power or right or privilege. The rights and remedies of the Bank are only cumulative and not exclusive.

11. Notwithstanding anything stated elsewhere in this agreement, the continuation of the loan shall be at the sole and
absolute discretion of the bank and the borrower's outstandings shall be payable by the borrower to the bank on demand. The
bank may at any time in its sole discretion and without assigning any reason call upon the borrower to pay the borrower's
outstandings and thereupon the borrower shall pay the whole of the borrower's outstandings to the bank without any delay or

12. The borrower(s) hereby further agree that as precondition of the loan advances given to him by the bank, that in case
of default in repayment of the loan/ advances or in the repayment of the interest thereon or any of the agreed instalment of the
loan on due date/s or in maintaining the outstanding amount within the drawing power at any point of time, the bank and/ or
the Reserve Bank of India will have an unqualified right to disclose or publish his/her name(s) as defaulter in such manner
and through such medium as the bank or Reserve Bank of India their absolute discretion may think fit and the borrower will
not claim any right of secrecy to his/her account.

13. The borrower hereby confirms, declares and agrees that for the liability of the borrowers , the bank shall have a
paramount right of set off and in exercise of the bank's general lien under law, the bank shall also have a paramount right of
lien on all monies, accounts, securities, deposits, goods and other assets and properties belonging to the borrower or standing
to the borrower's credit (whether singly or jointly with any other person/s) which are or may at any time be with or in possession
or control of any branch of the bank for any reason or purpose whatsoever and bank is specifically authorized to exercise right
of lien on the securities including title deeds of the property and effect set of against all moneys.

14. Any delay in exercising or omission to exercise any right, power, or remedy accruing to the Bank under this agreement
or any other agreement or document shall not impair any such right, power, or remedy and shall not be construed to be waiver
thereof or any acquiescence in any default, nor shall the action or inaction of the bank in respect of any default or any
acquiescence by it in any default affect or impair any right, power, or remedy of the bank in respect of any other default.

15. The Borrower expressly recognizes and accepts that the Bank shall, without reference to or intimation to the Borrower,
be absolutely entitled and have full power and authority, to sell and / or assign /securitize to any third-party as the Bank may
decide, the loan and all outstanding due to the Bank under this loan in any manner, either in whole or in part and on such terms
as the Bank may decide including assigning or reserving to the Bank the power to proceed against the Borrowers, on behalf
of the assignee, in the Events of Default for any amounts due by the Borrower under this loan. The Bank may, if it so desires,
also assign to such assignee, the right to proceed against the Borrower. Any such sale or assignment shall bind the Borrower
and the Borrower shall accept the third-party as its sole creditor jointly with the Bank and in such event the Borrower shall
pay to the Bank or such creditor or as the Bank may direct the outstanding amounts due by the Borrower under this loan.

16. In the event the Borrower fails to pay/repay the EMI on or before the respective Due Date(s) or in case of any other Default,
the Borrower shall be liable to Default Interest in accordance with the provisions of the Facility Documents. For example, if
the Due Date is last day of every month and the Borrower pays the Instalment amount post 3 days from the due date, the Bank
shall levy Default Interest starting for 3 days of the particular month. In a second scenario, if the Borrower does not pay on
the Due Date and the Instalment amount remain unpaid for a continuous period of 30 days, the Bank shall have the right to (a)
levy Default Interest; or (b) report the Borrower as an SMA-0. If the Borrower further continues to default in repayment from
a period of 30 days upto 60 days, the Bank shall report the Borrower as SMA-1 and levy Default Interest. If the Borrower
further continues to default in repayment from a period of 60 days and no later than 90 days, the Bank shall report the Borrower
as SMA-2 and levy Default Interest. The Bank shall additionally have the right to call an Event of Default in accordance with
the terms of this Agreement, at any time upon an event of non-payment.
18. If the Facility is disbursed after the 7th day of the respective month, a moratorium for the subsequent month shall be
provided to the Borrower and the first instalment shall become due on the last day of the month after the moratorium ends.
Eg. If the disbursement date is 15th Oct 2021, the first instalment shall become due on 31st Dec 2021. The Interest for such
period will be capitalized on the principal.
Other than the moratorium as detailed above, the Borrower (s) can avail moratorium of two instalments repayment in a year.
Opting of moratorium period is optional therefore, the Borrower (s) shall have to submit a request for availing such
moratorium. Upon grant of the moratorium, the Borrower(s) shall be bound by the revised repayment schedule and shall also
be liable to pay interest for such period. Extension of moratorium period is subject to credit assessment and sole discretion of
the Bank.

19. The Borrower expressly recognizes and accepts that the Bank shall, without prejudice to its right to perform such
activities either by itself or through its officers or employees, be entitled and have full power and authority to appoint one or
more third parties as the Bank may select and to delegate to such third-party all or any of its functions, rights and powers under
this loan relating to administration of the Loan including the rights and authority to collect and receive on behalf of the Bank
from the Borrower the pre-monthly repayment installments, monthly installments and other amounts due by the Borrower
under this loan and to perform and execute all lawful acts, deeds, matters and things connected therewith and incidental thereto
including sending notices, contacting the Borrowers, receiving cash / cheques / drafts / mandates from the Borrower and giving
valid and effectual receipts and discharge to the Borrower.

20. Whereas the Bank has displayed in notice board of Branches of the Bank a copy of Grievance Redressal System (GRS)
to redress any grievance before the appropriate authority of the Bank and borrower has duly acknowledged the notice of the

21. That Bank has ensured appropriate staff behavior by providing them adequate periodical training on their areas of
work. Further the Bank has ensured that the Code of Conduct for its staff is in conformity with Board Approved Code of
Conduct. Grievances of whatsoever nature can be redressed in the manner provided in the Grievance Redressal System.
Moreover measures have been formulated to prevent inappropriate staff behavior. If any dispute arises amongst Parties hereto
(i.e., Borrower, Co- Borrower, Guarantor/s and the Bank) either during the subsistence of this Agreement or thereafter, in
connection with the validity, interpretation, implementation or alleged material breach of any provision of this Agreement or
regarding a question, including but not limited to matters relating to default in repayment of principal and interest, enforcement
of security, percentage of interest rate, penalty, tenure of the loan, security, repayment, general terms and conditions or its
revision from time to time, acceptance or denial of any of the terms and conditions by any Parties and such other relevant
matters in connection with or incidental to the operation, implementation or termination of the clauses of this Agreement, the
Parties shall endeavor to settle such dispute amicably by discussions.

21. In the case of failure by the Parties to amicably resolve any of the disputes arising out of the Agreement in the manner
set out above, the said dispute shall be referred to sole Arbitrator nominated by the Bank, by giving a written notice to the
other Party / Borrower. The Borrower, Co-Borrower and Guarantor/s agree to refer or have no objections for referring the
matter to the sole Arbitrator as appointed by the Bank. The arbitration proceedings shall be governed by the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996 as amended from time to time. The place of the court of arbitration shall be Bangalore. The arbitration
proceedings shall be conducted in English language. The sole arbitrator shall also decide on the costs of the arbitration
proceedings. The provisions of this Clause shall survive termination of this Agreement.

22. The Borrower hereby state that she/he has understood all the terms and conditions of the credit facilities extended by
the Bank to her/him as detailed in this Agreement and hereby undertakes and states that she/he shall be bound by all such
terms and meet all her/his obligations arising out of this Agreement. The contents of this agreement was read and explained
to the borrower in the vernacular language known to them and they agree and accept to the terms and conditions mentioned
herein above.

23. The Borrower/Co-Borrower irrevocably undertakes to comply with the provisions of Child Labour (Prohibition and
Regulation) Act 1986 , Minimum Wages Act and Environment Protection Act and all its subsequent amendments.
This document, Application and other documents have been explained to the Borrower in the language known to the Borrower
and the Borrower has read and understood the same.

Certified that the above contents were duly explained to the executants in______________________ language known to them
by the Bank officials, who appear perfectly to understand the same and have signed in the presence of the below mentioned

The Borrower(s) have affixed their signatures after verifying and understanding the contents of this document, at the end of
the Schedule

THE BANK'S BRANCH / OFFICE ADDRESS : Jana Small Finance Bank Ltd




1.Loan Facility
2. Loan Amount
3. Purpose / End use of loan
4. Rate of interest
5. Tenor of Loan
6. Sanction letter date:
7. Penal interest and other charges
8. Security

Borrower Name


Co-Borrower /Guarantor Name


For Jana Small Finance Bank Limited

Authorised signatory

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