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La Segunda Prueba 02

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La Segunda Prueba 02

Level 2
General History The dungeon was created by a lawful neutral rogue
as a tomb. Its creator was destroyed by attacking
raiders, and the dungeon has lain empty for many
years until recently.
Size Medium (51 x 65)

Walls Reinforced Masonry (DC 15 to climb)

Floor Flagstone
Temperature Very Hot (DC 10 Constitution save each hour or gain
one level of exhaustion)
Illumination Shadowy (witchlight every 20 ft.)

Corridor Features a The scent of smoke fills the

c Numerous pillars line the corridor
e The scent of ozone fills the

Wandering Monsters 1 Hobgoblin (cr 1/2, mm 186) and 1 x Owlbear (cr 3,

mm 249); deadly, 800 xp, consumed by disease and
2 Cult Fanatic (cr 2, mm 345) and 1 x Thug (cr 1/2, mm
350); medium, 550 xp, searching for an object stolen
from their lair

3 Kobold Scale Sorcerer (cr 1, motm 165, vgm 167)

and 5 x Kobold (cr 1/8, mm 195); hard, 325 xp,
actively patrolling their territory

4 2 x Duergar (cr 1, mm 122) and 4 x Giant Rat (cr 1/8,

mm 327); deadly, 500 xp, hunting for food
5 Duergar Stone Guard (cr 2, motm 110, mtf 191) and
1 x Duergar (cr 1, mm 122); deadly, 650 xp, trying to
lure the party into an ambush
6 Hobgoblin (cr 1/2, mm 186) and 2 x Goblin (cr 1/4,
mm 166); medium, 200 xp, bloodied and fleeing a
more powerful enemy
Room #1 North Entry Unlocked Stone Door (60 hp)

West Entry Archway

East Entry #1 Archway
→ Leads to room #14, inhabited by Kobold
Dragonshield and 4 x Kobold
East Entry #2 Stuck Iron Door (DC 25 to break; 60 hp) (slides
→ Leads to room #5, inhabited by Blue Dragon
Wyrmling and 3 x Kobold
South Entry Archway
Monster Cult Fanatic (cr 2, mm 345) and 1 x Cultist (cr 1/8,
mm 345); medium, 475 xp

Treasure: 19 sp; 22 cp

Room #2 North Entry Archway

West Entry Stuck Iron Door (DC 25 to break; 60 hp) (slides to
one side)
→ Leads to room #13
East Entry Bone Portcullis (DC 20 to lift, DC 20 to break; 30 hp)
Monster Duergar Stone Guard (cr 2, motm 110, mtf 191) and
1 x Duergar (cr 1, mm 122); deadly, 650 xp

Treasure: 11 gp; 15 sp

Room #3 East Entry Unlocked Iron Door (60 hp) (slides to one side)
Room Features Someone has scrawled "Trespassers will be flayed
alive" in blood on the north wall, and a rusted axe
lies in the west side of the room
Monster 2 x Duergar (cr 1, mm 122) and 4 x Giant Rat (cr 1/8,
mm 327); deadly, 500 xp

Treasure: 11 gp; 13 gp; 16 cp; 13 ep; 15 sp; 15 cp

Trap Thunderstone Mine: DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable;
affects all targets within 20 ft., DC 12 save or take
2d10 thunder damage and become deafened for 1d4
Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 15 to find) Locked Iron Chest (DC 15 to
unlock, DC 30 to break; 60 hp)

2500 cp, 800 sp, 100 gp, azurite (10 gp), eye agate
(10 gp), hematite (10 gp), 2 x lapis lazuli (10 gp),
obsidian (10 gp), rhodochrosite (10 gp), 2 x
turquoise (10 gp)

Room #4 North Entry Unlocked Bone Door (20 hp)

→ Leads to room #10
Room Features Someone has scrawled "The curse can never be
broken" on the north wall, and unintelligible
whispering can be faintly heard near the south wall
Room #5 West Entry Stuck Iron Door (DC 25 to break; 60 hp) (slides
→ Leads to room #1, inhabited by Cult Fanatic and
1 x Cultist

East Entry Unlocked Iron Door (60 hp)

Monster Blue Dragon Wyrmling (cr 3, mm 91) and 3 x Kobold
(cr 1/8, mm 195); hard, 775 xp

Treasure: 3 gp; 6 gp; 7 gp; 9 gp

Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 15 to find) Trapped and Locked Iron

Chest (DC 20 to unlock, DC 30 to break; 60 hp)
Teleporter Crystal: DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable;
affects each creature which touches the crystal, DC
10 save or be teleported to another location

1900 cp, 800 sp, 80 gp, 3 x diamond (50 gp),

carnelian (50 gp), 2 x onyx (50 gp), quartz (50 gp),
sardonyx (50 gp), star rose quartz (50 gp), zircon
(50 gp)

Room #6 North Entry Stuck Iron Door (DC 25 to break; 60 hp)

→ Leads to room #13

West Entry Archway

Room Features A tapestry of geometric patterns hangs from the
north wall, and a pile of rotten bread lies in the south-
east corner of the room
Monster 2 x Hobgoblin (cr 1/2, mm 186) and 1 x Bugbear (cr
1, mm 33); deadly, 400 xp

Treasure: 2500 cp, 1100 sp, 40 gp, a brass

longsword set with a single chrysoberyl (25 gp), a
malachite bowl engraved with a labyrinth (25 gp), a
pewter mace etched with thorned vines (25 gp), a
pewter medallion engraved with draconic runes (25
gp), a steel pendant inlaid with ornate gold
scrollwork (25 gp), a stoneware bowl painted with
garden imagery (25 gp), a wooden coffer engraved
with floral vines (25 gp), a wooden scepter set with a
single chrysoprase (25 gp), Spell Scroll (Acid
Splash) (common, dmg 200), Spell Scroll (Bless)
(common, dmg 200), Spell Scroll (Find Familiar)
(common, dmg 200), Potion of Climbing (common,
dmg 187), Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187)

Room #7 North Entry Unlocked Bone Door (20 hp) (slides up)
Room Features Numerous pillars line the south wall, and a circle of
tall stones stands in the south-east corner of the
Room #8 North Entry Stuck Bone Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp) (magically
reinforced, disadvantage to break)
Room Features A magical mural on the south wall depicts the
gruesome death of whomever views it, and a mural
of ghoulish carnage covers the ceiling
Monster Duergar Kavalrachni (cr 2, motm 107, mtf 189) and 1
x Female Steeder (cr 1, motm 231, mtf 238); deadly,
650 xp

Treasure: 2400 cp, 600 sp, 60 gp, blue quartz (10

gp), eye agate (10 gp), malachite (10 gp), moss
agate (10 gp), obsidian (10 gp), tiger eye (10 gp),
turquoise (10 gp), Spell Scroll (Alarm) (common,
dmg 200), Potion of Climbing (common, dmg 187), 2
x Potion of Healing (common, dmg 187)

Room #9 West Entry Stuck Iron Door (DC 25 to break; 60 hp)

East Entry Stuck Bone Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)

Room Features A large demonic idol with ruby eyes sits in the east
side of the room, and several pieces of torn paper
are scattered throughout the room

Monster Duergar (cr 1, mm 122) and 2 x Giant Rat (cr 1/8,

mm 327); medium, 250 xp

Treasure: 16 sp; 7 gp; 19 cp

Room #10 East Entry Bone Portcullis (DC 20 to lift, DC 20 to break; 30 hp)
South Entry Unlocked Bone Door (20 hp)
→ Leads to room #4
Room Features A stream of blood flows along a channel in the floor,
and the sound of drums can be faintly heard near the
north wall

Room #11 East Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #15, inhabited by Kobold Inventor
and 11 x Kobold
Room Features A narrow ledge runs along the north and west walls,
and a tile mosaic of a god of illusions covers the
Room #12 West Entry #1 Archway
→ Leads to room #17, inhabited by Cult Fanatic
and 1 x Cultist

West Entry #2 Archway

→ Leads to room #15, inhabited by Kobold Inventor
and 11 x Kobold

Monster 3 x Skeleton (cr 1/4, mm 272) and 3 x Warhorse

Skeleton (cr 1/2, mm 273); deadly, 450 xp

Treasure: 2500 cp, 1100 sp, 20 gp, a bone chalice

set with a single jade (25 gp), a bone puzzle box
engraved with spirals (25 gp), a brass orb etched
with elven script (25 gp), a brocade choker threaded
with silver (25 gp), an earthenware tankard painted
with a distinguished coat of arms (25 gp), an
obsidian orb engraved with dwarven axeheads (25
gp), Chime of Opening (rare, dmg 158), Elixir of
Health (rare, dmg 168), Potion of Diminution (rare,
dmg 187)

Room #13 East Entry Stuck Iron Door (DC 25 to break; 60 hp) (slides to
one side)
→ Leads to room #2, inhabited by Duergar Stone
Guard and 1 x Duergar
South Entry Stuck Iron Door (DC 25 to break; 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #6, inhabited by 2 x Hobgoblin
and 1 x Bugbear

Room Features A rope ascends to a catwalk hanging between the

east and west walls, and the floor is covered in
perfect hexagonal tiles

Trap Earthmaw Trap: DC 15 to find, DC 15 to disable; +6

to hit against one target, 2d10 piercing damage
Hidden Treasure Hidden (DC 20 to find) Locked Iron Chest (DC 20 to
unlock, DC 30 to break; 60 hp)

2100 cp, 1100 sp, 30 gp, a brocade choker threaded

with silver (25 gp), a brocade choker trimmed with
fox fur (25 gp), a copper cup set with black pearl (25
gp), a leather belt sewn with silver (25 gp), a portrait
(of a male half-orc) in a wooden frame engraved with
a labyrinth (25 gp), a wooden plate engraved with
elven script (25 gp), an obsidian scepter set with
carnelian (25 gp), Gauntlets of Ogre Power
(uncommon, dmg 171), +1 Weapon (spear)
(uncommon, dmg 213)
Room #14 West Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #1, inhabited by Cult Fanatic and
1 x Cultist
Room Features Lit candles are scattered across the floor, and a pile
of empty flasks lies in the north-east corner of the
Monster Kobold Dragonshield (cr 1, motm 163, vgm 165) and
4 x Kobold (cr 1/8, mm 195); hard, 300 xp

Treasure: 2000 cp, 700 sp, 100 gp, diamond (50 gp),
bloodstone (50 gp), carnelian (50 gp), 3 x
chalcedony (50 gp), citrine (50 gp), 2 x sardonyx (50
gp), zircon (50 gp), 2 x Keoghtom's Ointment
(uncommon, dmg 179), 2 x Potion of Greater
Healing (uncommon, dmg 187)

Room #15 West Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #11
East Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #12, inhabited by 3 x Skeleton
and 3 x Warhorse Skeleton
South Entry Unlocked Bone Door (20 hp)
Room Features A sour odor fills the room, and a pair of boots lies in
the east side of the room
Monster Kobold Inventor (cr 1/4, motm 164, vgm 166) and 11
x Kobold (cr 1/8, mm 195); deadly, 325 xp

Treasure: 2400 cp, 900 sp, 40 gp, eye agate (10 gp),
hematite (10 gp), malachite (10 gp), 3 x obsidian (10
gp), rhodochrosite (10 gp), tiger eye (10 gp),
turquoise (10 gp), Potion of Clairvoyance (rare, dmg
187), Potion of Superior Healing (rare, dmg 187),
Scroll of Protection (beasts) (rare, dmg 199)

Room #16 North Entry Stuck Bone Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)

East Entry Stuck Bone Door (DC 15 to break; 20 hp)

Room Features A magical mirror on the west wall answers questions
with lies and falsehoods, and a tile mosaic of a water
god covers the floor

Monster Duergar Kavalrachni (cr 2, motm 107, mtf 189) and 1

x Female Steeder (cr 1, motm 231, mtf 238); deadly,
650 xp

Treasure: 16 ep; 18 cp
Room #17 West Entry Unlocked Iron Door (60 hp)

East Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #12, inhabited by 3 x Skeleton
and 3 x Warhorse Skeleton

Room Features A tile mosaic of ghoulish carnage covers the floor,

and several shattered weapons are scattered
throughout the room
Monster Cult Fanatic (cr 2, mm 345) and 1 x Cultist (cr 1/8,
mm 345); medium, 475 xp

Treasure: 14 gp; 7 ep

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