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Organizations are constantly looking for ways to improve their processes and
increase efficiency in today’s fast-paced world. Government organizations are no
exception, and many have turned to Six Sigma to achieve process improvement.

In this work, we will explore the benefits of Six Sigma for government
organizations and discuss how it can be used to improve processes and increase
efficiency. We will also explore some of the challenges government
organizationsmay face when implementing Six Sigma and provide tips for
overcoming them. Whether you’re a government employee, manager, or
consultant, this blog will provide valuable insights on how Six Sigma can be
applied to improve processes and increase efficiency in government organizations.

A Quick Introduction to Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a methodology for process improvement that Motorola developed in

the 1980s. It is based on the principles of statistical process control and is designed
to help organizations improve the quality of their products and services by
reducing defects and improving efficiency. Six Sigma is a data-driven approach
that uses statistical tools and techniques to identify and eliminate the root causes of
process variability.

Six Sigma is applied to process improvement using a structured approach called

DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) to identify and eliminate
the source of process variability. It is used across many industries, such as
manufacturing, healthcare, IT, and government.

Six Sigma is a quality management methodology aiming to improve business

processes efficiency and effectiveness by identifying and eliminating defects. In
the context of government, Six Sigma can be used to improve the delivery of
public services and the performance of government agencies. The process
improvement techniques used in Six Sigma, such as statistical analysis and
problem-solving, can help government organizations streamline their operations,
reduce costs, and improve citizens’ satisfaction.

Six sigma for improved quality control in departments

Quality Management and Quality Control are key elements of every business.
There are several approaches to improve the capability of a business’s process and
reduce the likelihood of defects – and one common method of doing so is by using
Six Sigma in Quality Management.

In this short guide, we’ll go over the key elements of using Six Sigma in Quality
Management, and give you practical tips on how you can implement it in your

What Is the Six Sigma Concept in Quality control in Department?

Six Sigma is an approach to quality management that focuses on minimising the

defects in a product or service by measuring the number of defects in a process and
systematically resolving them. The Six Sigma management tool can be widely
applied to manufacturers, supply chains, engineering firms, finance, healthcare,
and many more.

When it comes to quality management, applying the Six Sigma approach does not
only mean solving quality issues. Instead, its emphasis lies on prevention,
continuous monitoring, and data collection.

The main value of the approach is that it focuses on evidence-based decision-

making processes, which are backed up by data and information. So, instead of
haphazardly fixing issues that may not cause any real problems, companies that

apply Six Sigma to their quality control processes target very specific problems
and resolve them in a timely manner.

What Are the Key Principles of Six Sigma?

There are two methodologies that the Six Sigma approach utilizes. These provide a
set of steps a company must follow to optimize processes and ensure quality

The DMAIC Method in Six Sigma

The DMAIC process consists of five steps:

The DMADV method, on the other hand, focuses on the development of a new
product. This method also has 5 steps:

1) Define – Start by defining the purpose of the projects and set measurable goals.

2) Measure – The second step is to determine the customer requirements and

define what characteristics should be measurable, so that data can be collected and
compared with the specified requirements.

3) Analyze – The third step involves developing design alternatives, and

identifying requirements and these determine the optimum combination of
requirements. As well as determining the life cycle cost of the design and
identifying the best available design option to meet the goals.

4) Design – The design phase involves developing a high-level design, and then a
more detailed model prototype to identify potential flaws before production.

5) Verify – The final phase is for the validation of the design. All relevant
stakeholders should be satisfied with the design, and it should be effective in the
real world.

What Are the Benefits of Using Six Sigma in Quality Control?

Different types of businesses can implement Six Sigma. The main benefits of using
Six Sigma in Quality Control processes include:

Cost-savings: Six Sigma helps to identify problems early on, and therefore reduces
the cost of recalls or poor reputation.

Increased efficiency: By removing mistakes and variability, Six Sigma

implementation reduces the time spent on projects.

Better management: The approach requires intensive training and strong leadership
from top management.

Quantifiable decision-making: Six Sigma promotes using data to support all

decisions, making change management and quality control more accessible.

Higher customer satisfaction: More efficiency and improved quality management

ensure customer satisfaction.

Increased profit: Ultimately, fewer inputs and faster processes lead to higher

How HQTS Uses Six Sigma in Quality Control

HQTS implements several Six Sigma approaches in our quality control processes,
which we then transfer to our customers through our quality management services.

Removing variability: we use statistical data to remove variability through a

process called Measurement System Assessment. This helps us to understand the
level of uncertainty in any given manufacturing process. When the uncertainty is
too high (generally over 30%), we suggest process changes.

Risk mitigation: we evaluate the potential risks in the manufacturing process. To
do so, we aggregate statistical data and determine which risk factors rank the
highest. Once we have enough data, we recommend our customers a risk
mitigation plan to ensure high-quality production.

Risk prevention: like the above process, we also use process data for risk
prevention. If our engineers detect a high margin of potential error, we then look
for the root cause of the problem. The result – is less risk and better quality.

The Levels of Six Sigma in Quality Management

Quality management under Six Sigma relies heavily on adequately assigned

management roles. There are typically five levels involved in the implementation
process: 1) executive leadership; 2) champions; 3) Master Black Belts; 4) Black
Belts, and 5) Green Belts.

These designations respond to the level of involvement that each party has in the
project and to their level of Six Sigma understanding. In fact, companies can
certify their staff at different levels to ensure a robust implementation process
when switching to Six Sigma.

Is Six Sigma Right for Your Business?

There are several reasons for companies to implement Six Sigma.

Are you facing frequent customer complaints? Six Sigma is one of the best ways to
ensure customer satisfaction through quality control. The process ensures better
products with more efficient production time. All this equals happier customers.

Are you looking to improve internal communication? Another reason to implement

Six Sigma is for better coordination. When your company gets into the same

mindset, it can do wonders to boost morale. Plus, Six Sigma focuses on better

Do you want to generate better partnerships? Happy customers plus happy

employees, equal improved relationships overall. Also, better processes tend to
make it easier for partnerships to last.


Let use Jordian ministry of Health as a case study

Jordanian Ministry of Health at the top management level, to achieve the study
objectives, a questionnaire was designed which consists of (48) items , used for
collecting primary data from study sample (57) participant of top management
level at the Ministry of Health, Accordingly the data were collected, analyzed, and
hypotheses were tested using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS),
other statistical methods were used to achieve the study, The study finding
revealed that: "There are a statistically significant impact at the level of
significance of recommendations, the most important one are :The Ministry of
Health should introducing Sigma Six concept, standards, and implementing it at
the top level management, and training all the employees at top management on
sigma six, linking Sigma Six standards to ministry strategies, and provide all the
necessary for that.

Conducting further studies that will show the positive effects of Six Sigma
standards application in reducing the financial costs for health services ,and
working to applying these standards to the human resources management

1. Introduction

The first decade of the twenty-first century witnessed a set of economic

technological changes, that creation many challenges for organizations business,
public and private sectors, including organizations specialized in health services,
needing to develop itself and improve the quality of services provided to its
customers, so they can gain an advantage to Their competitiveness with other
organizations working in the same service sector, achieving their priority in
growth, continuity and competition.

Health care organizations face many problems trying to satisfy their patients,
whether in terms of their needs or expectations, employees motivation, intense
competition, modern technology and high costs of health care, which obliged these
organizations to find ways that are effective, useful for health institutions and
patients and employees, and here comes Sigma Six the role as an effective tool that
helps in obtaining accurate explicit data to prevent employees at higher
administrative levels, from making their decisions based on personal judgments,
Sigma Six reduces incorrect solutions , reduces the cost of the service.

Health care institutions are focusing their attention ,on improving the safety and
satisfaction of patients, because patients are, looking for quality as a condition for
choosing a care service ,because there is no way that the quality of service is poor
(defective), because it is sometimes a decisive factor between life and death. Six
Sigma in Health Care, help improve the quality of patient care, and reduce waste
and get rid of defects.

The health system in Jordan, like other health systems in the world, facing
challenges related to comprehensive coverage of health services and financing,
quality of services and governance ,in all its dimensions, and keeping space with

medical technology , information technology, which requires it to address these
challenges in coordination, cooperation with other health sectors, to achieving the
desired goals, and contribute effectively to Reform Plan

Achieving quality in any service process is no longer a luxury but a necessity for
the continuation of this process and reaping the desired fruits, it was necessary to
use the Six Sigma method as one of the methods of continuous development in
which the Ministry of Health found a new method to improve the quality of its
health services.

Based on his position and social responsibility, the researcher seeks to conduct this
study to demonstrate the impact of using Six Sigma approach in improving the
quality of health services in the Jordanian Ministry of Health at the top
management level]

1.1 ResearchProblem and Research Questions

Jordan take a place at middle regional location making it the first attention from
the Arab countries, a good

medical reputation that exceed surrounding countries, made it the first tourist
destination in the Arab world, but Jordan has been exposed during the past years,
to many international, regional pressures, which posed a challenge and burden,
ministry hospitals, facilities as a result of the refuge operations from neighbor
countries, also government pressure and popular demands to develop and improve
the quality of health care services.

The problem of the study was touched by the researcher , from his personal
experience, through his working in the ministry of Health, there is a decline and
disparity in the level of health service delivery between place and another therefore
there is a lack of knowledge about Sigma six approach by employees at top
management levels, and awareness of its importance, in improving the quality of
health service in case It was applied in the Ministry of Health, therefore the
importance of the study coming from answering the following key question

1.What is the effecting by using Six Sigma methodology in improving the quality
of health services provided by the Ministry of Health?

2.The main question has emerged from the following sub-questions

1.2.2 Practical Importance

The study draws its importance from the variables that dealt with, Sigma Six
standers, and its impact on improving the quality of health services provided by the
Ministry of Health, through a field study that leads to a set of results, conclusions
and recommendations, that will be placed in the hands, of decision makers to
benefit from them.

1.3 Study Objectives

This study is the first of its kind, according to the knowledge of researcher, which
dealt with Sigma Six

Methodology in measuring the quality of health services in the Ministry of

Health, the following objectives are set:

1 - Identify the effect of implementing Sigma Six standers at Ministry of Health

through five main axes that considered as the requirements of applying the Sigma
Six standers(commitment and Support of top management, continuous
improvement, availability of necessary human resources, operations and
information systems, feedback and measurement).

2 - Contribution to increase knowledge, and perception of this modern concept at

the level of top management to improve the quality of health services provided.
2.1 Introduction

[As a result of the great developments in the field of management, and continuous
change, in the work environments that imposed, many administrative concepts,
whether new, or existing, but need to develop commensurate with the change
experienced by organizations, and these concepts (Six Sigma), this concept has
achieved widespread, It was first introduced by Motorola in the 1980s, which
began using this method to express its quality program. It was also used by many
international companies, such as General Electric, Sony and Ford, and achieved
success in providing millions of States S correct application of the Six Sigma

Six Sigma Concept

Sigma is a Greek symbol used as a standard to measure standard deviation, or

dispersion of any phenomenon, whether physical, chemical, service, and dispersion
often causes, a departure from the typical values required of that phenomenon.
(Awad, 2012)

The term Sigma Six expresses that 99.99966% of production is not defective or
rather 3.4 million is only defective while the 1 Sigma expresses that 31% of
production is defective production.

As for the number six "6" it symbolizes a level of "Sigma," where there are several
levels of Sigma as shown in the table below where the greater the number
accompanying Sigma, this indicates an increase in the level of quality and decrease
the percentage of defects in the product and vice versa, This is true and there are
segments that use eight sigma instead of six such as the airline sector, and the
ophthalmology sector.

There are many six Sigma definitions all around one content.
Sigma Six: (a process or strategy that enables enterprises to improve significantly
in terms of their core operations, through the design and control of daily business
activities, and reduce waste, and consumption of resources, while at the same time
to meet the needs of the client and to satisfy him. (Nasr, 2009)

Sigma Six: An administrative philosophy, contributing to problem solving and

devising ways to improve both process and performance, through the recognition
and / or elimination of unnecessary goods and services and loss of jobs and
activities and can be described as a tight application of a wide range of statistical
and non-statistical skills and methods to reduce The size of the resulting contrast in
any given process. ( Nazer ,


Sigma Six in the health sector: It is a regular statistical process to detect and
address defects in performance, using the method of Sigma Six to reduce clinical
bottlenecks and mechanism that leads to prolong time and high costs and bad
results (Noor et al., 2012).

The definition according the researcher in the health sector refers to the "process
analysis of technical processes to raise the level of quality of health care, and in
accordance with the requirements of the patient."

Sigma Six Curriculum Criteria

- Crisis management. (Abu Nasr, 2009)

-Feedback and Measurement: Provides feedback on quality programs staff

performance continuously, allowing for improved processes to raise the level of
quality, contribute to the opportunities of excellence, creativity and success of the
organization and the engagement of its customers. (Abdul Rahim, 2014)

-Continuous Improvement: A never-ending-process that aims to make
modifications to processes and work methods to improve the quality of outputs,
with the aim of achieving perfection through continuous improvement of business
and production processes. (Sanjak , 2010)

-Human resources: efficient human resources required before the implementation

of the Six Sigma (or during it in any organization), trained in the management
operations, analysis of customer requirements, and statistical tools in dealing with
problems and linking the Six Sigma approach (promotions, incentives and rewards)
Senior management to successfully apply this approach .(Jaber, 2015)

-Operations and systems: Includes a set of operations and activities carried out by
the organization with the aim of providing service to customers

3. Six Sigma Basic Principles

3.1 Principles of Sigma Six

Sigma Six is based on six principles according to: (Al-Otaibi, 2017)

Principle 1: Customer Focus.

The performance measurements at Sigma Six begin with the internal client “” and
the external client

Is required to strive to meet the needs, and expectations of the client taking into
account the continuous change of their needs and expectations.

Principle 2: Knowledge Management.

By focusing on solving its problems by building performance standards, and
analyzing problems for decision-making based on scientific facts through data and

There are three main groups to choose the most suitable tools for solving problems
through Sigma Six

Principle 3: Focus on the Organization's operations and activities

The term is intended to seek to prevent the problem before it occurs, to focus on
how to address it, to review objectives on a continuous basis, to clearly identify
priorities, and to avoid problems rather than remedy them after they have occurred.

Principle 4: Towards the Summit.

This requires meeting many conditions and requires management to have the
ability to convince employees of the new changes that will occur and that this will
affect them positively

Principle 5: Unlimited Cooperation.

the elimination of administrative and psychological barriers, between the

employees of the organization, and encourage ,and expand opportunities for
cooperation ,between the internal groups of the organization instead of the spirit of
competition, between them at all administrative levels with great care to encourage
cooperation with the outside community.

Principle 6: Striving for perfection while allowing for error and continuous

The idea of continuous improvement stems from the principle of developing

knowledge of the administrative and technical dimensions of the process and
taking the necessary measures to develop to maintain the quality of performance
and the application of new ideas and approaches to strive for perfection and
excellence through Sigma Six

4. Six Sigma Characteristics

The main objective of Sigma Six approach is to improve quality and efficiency,
reduce waste in time, effort and energy, and maximize profits, Sigma Six offers the
benefit of companies in the form of profits, and value to the customer, and high
quality products, and services at the lowest possible cost, thus companies can
improve their competitive position in the markets by reducing defects In this
regard, the organizations are interested in the

The Benefits of Implementing Six Sigma

The benefits of implementing Six Sigma approach are considered one of the most
important reasons that led the major international companies to implement it’s:

1. Rise in the level of revenue: through efficiency and the ability to provide
services and products better and without errors, which reflects positively on

2. Reduce the costs borne by the establishment: Reduce the error rate in products
and waste in resources in addition to saving time and effort.

3. Reducing the cost of poor quality: It is the costs related to the correction of
errors after the occurrence, which is accomplished in a non-conformity and is
called the cost of failure and there are two internal divisions before the product or
service to the client and outside any arrival, and contribute to the application of the
approach to reduce these costs.

4. Reducing the cost of production per unit: The role of the product in reducing
errors or defects of products and services by taking advantage of the property of
production in large quantities, which reduces the cost per unit.



The Need for Process Improvement in Government

The need for process improvement in government is becoming increasingly

important as governments worldwide face increasing demands for services and
resources while also facing budget constraints. Process improvement can help
governments become more efficient and effective in their operations, allowing
them to serve their citizens better while reducing costs.

One of the key benefits of process improvement in government is that it can

streamline operations and reduce bureaucracy. This can lead to faster and more
efficient service delivery, improving citizens’ satisfaction with the government.
Process improvement can also help reduce costs by eliminating waste and
inefficiency in government operations.

Another important benefit of process improvement in government is that it can

help improve government operations’ transparency and accountability.
Implementing clear and measurable processes, tracking progress, and identifying
areas where improvements can be made is easier. This can also lead to greater
public trust in government institutions.

To implement process improvement in government, it is important to involve all

stakeholders, including government employees, citizens, and other organizations.

This can help ensure that all stakeholders’ needs and perspectives are considered
when implementing changes. Additionally, it is important to have clear and
measurable goals to track progress and evaluate the success of process
improvement efforts.

Overall, process improvement is an essential tool for governments to become more

efficient, effective, and responsive to the needs of citizens. By implementing
process improvement strategies, governments can better serve their citizens, reduce
costs, and improve transparency and accountability.

Six Sigma in Government: Case Studies

Many government agencies have successfully implemented Six Sigma to improve

their processes. The government has also used Six Sigma to improve procurement,
IT, and human resources processes. By implementing Six Sigma, government
agencies have been able to streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve the
quality of their products and services.

Several case studies of Six Sigma are being implemented in government


Example 1

One example is the US Postal Service, which has used Six Sigma to improve the
efficiency of its mail sorting and delivery processes. This has led to significant cost
savings for the organization and improved customer service.

Example 2

Another example is the Department of Veterans Affairs, which has used Six Sigma
to improve the quality and timeliness of healthcare services for veterans. This has

included reducing waiting times for appointments and improving the accuracy of
medical diagnoses.

 Improve service efficiency, effectiveness, and quality while reducing costs.

 Implementing Six Sigma in Government
 Implementing Six Sigma in government requires a commitment to change
and a willingness to invest resources.
 Implementing Six Sigma in government can be complex, but it can
significantly improve efficiency, cost savings, and service quality. Here are a
few key steps to consider when implementing Six Sigma in a government
 Establish a clear vision and goals: Six Sigma best aligns with the
organization’s overall mission and goals. Clearly define what you want to
achieve with Six Sigma and how it fits into the broader organizational
 Identify key process areas: Identify the processes most critical to the
organization’s mission and the most potential for improvement. These are
the processes that should be targeted for Six Sigma projects.

Build a team: Assemble a team of employees responsible for implementing Six

Sigma. This team should include a Six Sigma project leader, a process owner, and
a cross-functional team of employees who work in the process area.

Train employees: All employees involved in the Six Sigma process should be
trained in Six Sigma methodology, including DMAIC (define, measure, analyze,
improve, control) and statistics.

Implement a data collection and analysis system: Six Sigma relies on data to
identify problems and track progress. Implement a system for collecting and

analyzing data from key processes to provide the necessary information for Six
Sigma projects.

Prioritize and select projects: Prioritize the process areas identified in step 2 and
select projects that will have the biggest impact on the organization.

Monitor and sustain progress: Continuously monitor the progress of Six Sigma
projects and make adjustments as necessary. Establish a system for maintaining
improvements and ensuring they become part of the organization’s standard
operating procedures.

Overall, Six Sigma can be a powerful tool for improving government operations,
but it requires a significant investment of time and resources to be successful.
Establishing clear goals, building a strong team, and providing the necessary
training and support to ensure success is important.

Overcoming Barriers to Six Sigma Implementation in Government

Some of the most common barriers to Six Sigma implementation in government

include a lack of resources, data, skilled personnel, and a need for more buy-in
from employees and stakeholders.

It is important to obtain buy-in from employees and stakeholders to overcome

these barriers, invest in training and development, and build a continuous
improvement culture. It is also important to use data to drive decision-making and
to allocate resources effectively.

Several barriers can impede the implementation of Six Sigma in government

organizations. Some of the most common include:

Lack of buy-in from leadership: Without support from upper management, it

cannot be easy to get the resources and funding needed to implement Six Sigma.

Bureaucratic resistance: Government organizations often have complex
structures and procedures that can make introducing new processes and methods

Limited data availability: Many government organizations need data and

analytics capabilities to utilize Six Sigma fully.

Resistance to change: Government employees may be resistant to change and

unwilling to embrace new processes and methods.

Limited resources: Government organizations often have limited resources and

may need more time to invest in the necessary training and tools to implement Six

To overcome these barriers, it is important to:

 Communicate the benefits of Six Sigma to leadership and stakeholders

 Get buy-in and support from key stakeholders
 Develop a clear implementation plan
 Provide training and support for employees
 Continuously measure and track progress
 Celebrate success and share them.


Six Sigma is a powerful methodology for process improvement that can help
government agencies improve the quality of their products and services, increase
efficiency, and reduce costs. By overcoming the barriers to Six Sigma
implementation, government agencies can successfully implement Six Sigma and
reap the benefits of process improvement.

The future outlook for Six Sigma and process improvement in government is
promising. As government agencies face challenges, Six Sigma and other process
improvement methodologies will play an increasingly important role in helping
them meet citizens’ needs and adapt to a rapidly changing world.

Want to know more about six sigma? Then, take up our various six sigma related
courses like Six Sigma Green Belt Certification, Six Sigma Black Belt
Certification, and Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification and stand out of the crowd.

Government: The institutions and bodies through which a state or community is

governed. This can include local, state, and federal government agencies and non-
elected bodies such as regulatory agencies and public utilities.

Lean Six Sigma: A methodology combining Lean and Six Sigma principles to
improve efficiency and reduce defects in a process.

DMAIC: An acronym that stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control.
It is a structured approach to process improvement used in Six Sigma.

Green Belt: Six Sigma Green Belt is a professional trained in the Six Sigma
methodologies but does not have the same level of expertise as a Black Belt.

-Organize Corporate Group Six Sigma Green Bet Certification training for your
teams around the world.

Invensis learning provides In-person and live virtual instructor-led corporate

training program customized for enterprise teams who wish to train their
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and enable your teams to utilize their skills to meet industry standards.

Diego Rodriguez works as a Six Sigma Black Belt professional for a leading
manufacturing company. He possesses ample experience in various aspects of
quality management, such as Lean, Six Sigma, Root Cause Analysis, Design
Thinking, and more. His primary focus is to conduct tests and monitor the
production phase and also responsible for sorting out the items that fail to meet the
quality standards. Diego’s extensive work in the field has resulted in being an
honorary member of quality associations globally. His areas of research include
knowledge management, quality control, process design, strategic planning, and
organizational performance improvement.


The Six Sigma concept was introduced as a way to improve quality management
and proactively reduce waste in business processes so that companies could excel
in their markets. The two main methods for Six Sigma are the DMAIC method and
DMADV method (intended for specific product development) and these can be
applied to manufacturers, supply chains, engineering firms, and many more.


1. "The Inventors of Six Sigma". Archived from the original on 2005-11-06.

Retrieved 2006-01-29.
2. ^ Tennant, Geoff (2001). SIX SIGMA: SPC and TQM in Manufacturing and
Services. Gower Publishing, Ltd. p. 6. ISBN 0-566-08374-4.
3. ^ "About Motorola University". Archived from the original on 2005-12-22.
Retrieved 2006-01-28.
4. ^ "Six Sigma: Where is it now?". 24 June 2003. Retrieved 2008-05-22.
5. ^ Jump up to:a b c d Dusharme, Dirk. "Six Sigma Survey: Breaking
Through the Six Sigma Hype". Quality Digest.
6. ^ Jump up to:a b c d De Feo, Joseph A.; Barnard, William (2005). JURAN
Institute's Six Sigma Breakthrough and Beyond – Quality Performance
Breakthrough Methods. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited. ISBN 0-07-059881-9.
7. ^ Jump up to:a b Walshe, Kieran; Harvey, Gill; Jas, Pauline (15 November
2010). Connecting Knowledge and Performance in Public Services: From
Knowing to Doing. Cambridge University Press. p. 175. ISBN 978-0-521-
19546-1. Retrieved 2011-08-22.


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