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Student Name: Tran Thu Ha

Student ID: 13423682

James Cook University Singapore

Subject Lecturer: Dr. Wang Pengji

LB5232: Marketing and Customer Engagement

Semester: SP 51 Year: 2017

1. Overview of the company
1.1 Brand and product

Founded in 2015, Adayroi is an e-commerce website of VinCommerce General Trading

Services Joint Stock Company, a member of Vingroup. Vincom's head office is located in Hanoi.

Adayroi business model is B2B2C. The company offers a broad list of goods. Therefore,
adayroi competitors are Muachung, Tiki, Lazada, Vatgia, the top Vietnam e-commerce ("About
Adayroi," 2017).

1.2 Target market

Adayroi is a model of electronic hypermarkets - "all in one." Adayroi offers a wide range of
products ranging from high value goods such as real estate to products and services catering to the
daily needs of food, necessities and fashion ("About Adayroi," 2017).

1.3 Standard of the media in the industry

Ngoc (2016) stated that the largest social network in the world is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
in Vietnam is Zing Me. Comply with it the social media, especially the form of marketing and social
sales are developing in various forms and methods.

Shopping through forums or social networks has increased sharply. In 2015, 28% of
respondents said Advertising or selling via social networks, up 4% over the previous year. By 2016,
the proportion of social shopping increased by about 34% (Ngoc, 2016).

2. Summary of social media use, objectives and effectiveness

Adayroi uses Youtube, Facebook and the ecommercial site as the social media for marketing
its products. Volume and sentiment measures are applied to have an insight and understanding about
the company’s social media marketing activities (Dahl, 2015). The objectives and metrics of each
platform is indicated as following table:

Platform Objective Metric

Youtube Raise awareness Likes, comments

Facebook Create engagement, obtain Likes, comments, shares, sentiment

feedback, raise awareness analysis

Website Facilitate purchase Bounce rate, page visit, time on site

2.1 Volume measure


The webpage is the e-commerce site where the company offer product and receive customer
comments and ratings and where customer make payment. Visit via search account for 12.6%,
increasing by 29% for the last 3 months. However, the bounce rate increased by 5% and both daily
page views per visitor and daily time on site decreased by 6.93% and 10% respectively. This is not
significant because the number of view and time is under 10. Moreover, bounce rate is 34.9%, at about
same rate as tiki and lazada. Most of the viewer is directed from google and the rest is from Facebook
and lazada, tiki. Most top searched keywords are about voucher and two of them are more particular,
which is “meal voucher in Hochiminh city”, the rest is “vinpro” and “vinmart”, which are the online
supermarket and electronic store within adayroi. It can be concluded that the most popular product is
voucher, next is electronic devices and supermarket goods. Facebook remains the company’s main
traffic source (" Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa," 2017).

Next, technical aspect is evaluated . The high HTTP request due to the large number of files in
the page. The speed is slow, in view of the large file size. Furthermore, defer JavaScript and CSS that
interferes with loading above-the-fold content cause render blocking, contributing to the low speed.
Lastly, the missing heading tags cause the ineffetive in optimizing keywords in search engines
("Website Grader," 2017).

In short, the website is catching up with the competitors. Despite that, the website is slow and
not optimized for search engine.

Volume measure




0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Average post like Posts/day

The Facebook page is the social media where adayroi creates engagement, raises awareness,
responds to customer’s feedbacks and inquiries and do content marketing. In this platform, the number
of likes is relatively low compares to its competitors such as Tiki and Sendo, which is 3 times and 6
times more than that of Adayroi. As a result, it is inferred that adayroi’s Facebook has lower customer
involvement that its rivals. In terms of interaction, both like and comment of the post is low. Although
the posts are about deal offering and there are over 300,000 page likes, most of them have the
approximated number of likes of 30 and 5 comments and no shares (","). There are about
10 posts per day, which is at the same rate as other e-commerce pages. The posts that have the most
comments and likes are the announcements of giveaway result and that are leveraged by Facebook
ads. The rest of posts are not highly engaged since adayroi does not use other method to encourage
brand interaction such as vote, contest, or content marketing, as well as there is a lack of videos, which
is more appealing and reach more consumers than photos. Moreover, the service and product quality
may also contribute to this circumstance.

The page admin responds to the customer via replying the comments and private message. The
inquiries and feedback’s replies are responsive. Moreover, the positive feedbacks are also responded,
which is an element that retain the customers. However, the message response rate is only 93%, much
lower than that of Tiki and Sendo, both of which are nearly 100%.
In terms of content marketing, the content being used is the video showing how to cook daily
Vietnamese cuisine. Each of the video gains thousands of views and dozens of reactions (like, love,
wow, etc.). A large number of consumers are reached due to the auto-playing video feature of
Facebook and useful content. Nevertheless, Facebook is not the main channel for content marketing.
In one year, there are only 10 cooking recipes video posted.

To boost customer engagement, the page mainly depends on Facebook ads and lucky draw. It
can be assumed that the top posts which have above 100 likes are leveraged by the ads, since they are
viewed by a large portion of page follower.

In conclusion, the Facebook page doesn’t show its effectiveness because of the insufficient
marketing strategy.


Youtube, on the other hand, is the main channel to raise consumer awareness by content
marketing. The content is the same as in Facebook. There are 44 videos posted since the channel was
created, which is 1 year ago ("," 2017). There are only 100 subscribers and 23,091 views
in total, while Tiki has over 6000 and 2,356,262 respectively with 71 videos ("," 2017;
"," 2017). Tiki differentiates itself by using this platform for promoting deals and products,
which makes its channel unique and attractive. Adayroi, however, by uploading Vietnamese cuisine
recipe, make itself unrecognizable among other cooking channels. The last video is 4 months ago.
Moreover, the description of the video is empty, making the video less informative and does not stay
long in customer’s mind. To sum up, Adayroi’s youtube channel does not meet its objective as hardly
consumer awareness is raised.

2.2 Sentiment measures

The measures are taken from All the posts are for selling the product,
which make the sentiment positive or neutral. However, the mentions are in Vietnamese so all of them
are categorized as neutral. Three out of six top keywords are about “special offer”, number one is the
brand name – “adayroi”, the runner-up is “laptop”. It can be assumed that adayroi was popular for its
special offer and laptop at that day. The “strength” is 0% because there is no post for last 5 days
("adayroi - Social Mention search,"). In a nutshell, adayroi has received none of negative feedback
3. Recommendation

It is highly recommended that the company utilizes more video for content marketing on
Facebook to raise customer involvement and interaction. Since auto played feature was introduced in
Facebook in 2014, the number of Facebook video has been increased as users have switched from
Youtube (Kedmey, 2014). Consequently, the videos can reach more people than the previous platform.
There are various types of content that can be considered. First, it can be “How to...”(Dahl, 2015). As
“vinpro” and “vinmart” are the top keywords using the search engine, it can be assumed that the
Adayroi consumers are fond of electronic devices and supermarket items. Therefore, Adayroi should
create content about how to purchase and make payment on adayroi e-commercial website; how to
use electronic devices; cooking recipes and household tips. In addition, the video can be about the
trend of e-commerce industry in the near future.

Beside Facebook and Youtube, Adayroi is suggested to consider Instagram as another social
media. Instagram is an ideal option since it is one of the most popular social network in Vietnam.
Moreover, the platform also allows uploading photos and short videos. Hence, adayroi can continue
to post photos and sales promotion videos as on Instagram what is being implemented on Facebook.
About Adayroi. (2017). Retrieved from
adayroi - Social Mention search. Retrieved from Retrieved from (2017). Retrieved from Traffic, Demographics and Competitors - Alexa. (2017). Retrieved from
Dahl, S. (2015). Social media marketing : theories & applications. Thousand Oaks ;: SAGE.
Kedmey, D. (2014). Facebook Video Uploads Reportedly Overtake YouTube. Retrieved from
Ngoc, Đ. (2016). Mua sắm qua mạng xã hội đang “trên cơ” website thương mại điện tử. Retrieved
mang-xa-hoi-dang-tren-co-website-thuong-mai-dien-tu (2017). Retrieved from
Website Grader. (2017). Retrieved from
- Facebook

- Website.grader
- Social mention
- Alexa
- Messenger response rate
+ Adayroi

+ Sendo

+ Tiki

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