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1.1 General Introduction:
Employee perception and HR practices are pivotal elements that shape the dynamics within an
organization. Employee perception refers to how employees view their roles, the work environment,
and the overall organization, influencing their job satisfaction, commitment, and discretionary effort.
HR practices, such as recruitment, training, performance management, compensation, and work-life
balance initiatives, are designed to build a positive and supportive relationship between the organization
and its employees. Effective HR practices enhance employee perception by ensuring that employees
feel valued, recognized, and fairly treated.
This positive perception is essential for fostering employee engagement, which is characterized
by employees being fully absorbed in their work, enthusiastic about their roles, and proactive in
contributing to the organization's success and reputation. Engaged employees not only perform at
higher levels but also provide feedback that can help further improve HR practices, creating a beneficial
HR practices in response to employee feedback, organizations can sustain high levels of
motivation, commitment, and productivity, leading to better overall performance and a stronger
organizational culture.
The HRM has emerged and evolved as one of the most important areas of organizational science
and practice. It has not been developed in isolation, but rather in the context of industrial change and
economic development.
The uniqueness of the Human Resources (HR) approach requires a totally different type of
attention from managers. The HR has characteristics that provide the greatest challenge as well as
The patterns of work relationships at work reflect the HRM philosophy. The practices and
philosophy of HRM are perpetuated by managers who are encouraged to follow the role model of their
seniors. In the process of organization socialization they internalize the values and attitudes of their
leaders. The entire process is thus institutionalized.
In general, HRM has been described as: broad and strategic; involving all managerial personnel;
regarding employees as the single most important organizational asset; being proactive in its
responsibilities; and having the objective of enhancing organizational performance and meeting
employee needs.
In employee relations, perception is a major factor. Most of the times, it is formed by
organizational roles, styles of leadership, styles of communication at the workplace etc. and so it is very
important that the organization be able to form the correct perception in the minds of its employees.
Employee perception is the lens through which individuals view their workplace environment,
shaping their attitudes, behaviors, and overall satisfaction. It encompasses their interpretations of
various facets such as company values, leadership effectiveness, job responsibilities, coworker
relationships, and opportunities for advancement. Positive perceptions typically stem from experiences
that align with employee expectations, where they feel valued, respected, and supported in their roles.
On the other hand, negative perceptions may arise from instances of unfair treatment, lack of
communication, or limited growth prospects.

Organizational culture encompasses an organization's expectations, experiences, philosophy, and
values that guide member behavior, reflected in their self-image, internal operations, external
interactions, and future outlook. This culture varies from company to company and is often difficult to
improve. In large corporations, employees at the lowest levels frequently feel insignificant to the CEO
and executive team, leading to a weakened sense of organizational commitment. This disconnect can
result in low engagement, high turnover, and reduced innovation as employees seek environments
where their contributions are valued.
Improving organizational culture is challenging due to entrenched behaviors, diverse
interpretations of cultural elements, and the sheer size and complexity of large organizations. Effective
communication is crucial but often hindered by physical, hierarchical, and functional divides. Aligning
culture with strategic goals requires ongoing effort and adjustment.

Organizational practices are the specific activities, routines, and procedures that define
how work is performed within an organization. These practices are the tangible manifestations
of an organization's culture, values, and strategies, shaping the behavior of employees and the
overall functioning of the organization. They encompass a wide range of elements, including
communication protocols, decision-making processes, performance evaluation methods,
employee development programs, and reward systems.
Effective organizational practices are essential for ensuring that the organization's goals
are met efficiently and that employees are motivated, engaged, and aligned with the
organization's mission and vision. For instance, clear communication protocols ensure that
information flows seamlessly across all levels of the organization, reducing misunderstandings
and enhancing collaboration.
Decision-making processes that involve input from various stakeholders can lead to
more informed and inclusive outcomes, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment among
Performance evaluation methods that are fair and transparent can motivate employees
to achieve their best, while continuous employee development programs help in upskilling the
workforce and preparing them for future challenges. Reward systems that recognize and
celebrate achievements can boost morale and reinforce desired behaviors, further embedding
the organization's values into everyday actions.
Organizations can enhance productivity, foster innovation, and maintain a competitive edge in
their respective industries. This dynamic approach ensures that the organization remains agile and
responsive to changes in the internal and external environment, ultimately leading to sustained success
and growth.


Organizational HR practices encompass the strategic activities conducted by the human resources
department to manage and develop an organization's workforce, aligning employee skills and
behaviors with the company's goals and culture. These practices include recruitment and selection,
training and development, performance management, compensation and benefits, employee relations,
and legal compliance. Effective HR practices attract and retain top talent, enhance employee
engagement and productivity, and foster a positive work environment. By continuously refining these
practices, organizations can build a motivated, high-performing workforce that drives organizational
success and adapts to changing business needs.

Key Activities in HRM:

• Determine organization’s HR needs to build a high-performance workplace

• Assist in design of work systems

• Recruit, select, train & develop, counsel, motivate, and reward employees

• Act as liaison with unions & government

• Handle other matters of employee well-being

Leading Practices:

• Integrate HR plans with overall strategic objectives and action plans

• Design work and jobs to promote organizational learning, innovation, and flexibility

• Develop effective performance management systems, compensation, and reward and

recognition approaches

• Promote cooperation and collaboration through teamwork

• Empower individuals and teams to make decisions that affect quality and customer

• Make extensive investments in training and education

• Maintain a work environment conducive to the well-being and growth of all


• Monitor extent and effectiveness of HR practices and measure employee satisfaction.

Policies in the management of HR cover a wide variety of subjects. A comprehensive coverage
of policies embrace any action or decision, taken by either employees or employers in relation to the
working condition, the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers, and the action of both
society. One policy may be a statement of prevailing for employee attendance and another statement of
employer obligations in grievance handling.
One policy may describe conditions under which loans will be granted whereas another may
indicate conditions under which an employee is subjected to eject.
Procedures advise the details for carrying out policies. They spell out the specific rules and
regulations and personnel responsible for executing policies. Procedures also filter what is to be done in
particular conditions.
HR programme consists of the entire broad course of action regulating employees at all
circumstances (including employers) in an organization. Like any other programme of
management, it can be reflection of as a "stable plan of action that continues over a while." It is
the end product of philosophy, values, concepts, principles, policies and procedures.
Some universal elements in a HR programme are:
1. Recruitment and Selection
2. Training and development
3. Communication
4. Grievances and discipline
5. Pay role
6. Health and safety Provisions
7. Benefits and services etc.
In a modern context, the term ‘IT’ is commonly used to describe computers and
networks within a business environment. It refers to their applications in: generating,
manipulating, storing, regaining, transmitting, and handling, exchanging, studying and
securing all data or information in an electronic format. IT is also used as an umbrella term to
cover: television, telecommunication equipment, software, e-commerce and the internet.
When thinking about IT you need to consider IT support within both your personal and
private life. Especially when it comes to the increasingly sophisticated level of cybercrime we
see every day. This is so that when you are surfing the web on your computer or receiving an
email, your personal and business data is kept safe. IT support also covers technical problems
you may come across, ensuing you are using the most up to date software and finding the best
tools possible to effectively complete tasks.
The first mechanical computer device was conceptualised and invented by English
mechanical engineer and polymath Charles Babbage in the early 19th century. Called the
‘Difference Engine,’ it was originally created to aid in navigational calculations. Often referred
to as the ‘Father of the Computer’, Babbage came up with the more general ‘Analytical Engine’
in 1833 which could be used in fields other than navigation. Funding constraints meant that
Babbage died without seeing his machine completed, however his son Henry completed a much
simpler version of the machine in 1888, which was successfully demonstrated to the public in
Early computers were not developed until the mid-1900s, when a more compact
analogue electromechanical computer, that used trigonometry, was installed on a submarine to
solve a problem with firing torpedoes at moving targets.
The Z2, the first electromechanical digital computer, invented by Engineer Konrad
Zuse in 1939, used electric switches to drive, and relays to perform calculations. Devices like
the Z2 had very low operating speeds and were eventually succeeded by faster all electric
machines, such as the first fully automatic 1941 Z3, also created by Zuse.
Colossus, a set of computers created between 1943 – 1945, are widely recognised as
the world’s first programmable electronic digital computers. Popularised by its use during
World War II Colossus were used in intercepting and deciphering encrypted German
communications from the Enigma machine. English computer scientist, mathematician, and
theoretical biologist Alan Turing conceptualised modern computers in his 1936 seminal paper
‘On Computable Numbers’, whereby programmable instructions are stored in the memory of
a machine.
It was not until 1951 when electrical engineering company Ferranti International plc
created the Ferranti Mark 1; that the world’s first general-purpose computer was commercially
available. Also called the Manchester Electronic Computer, the Ferranti Mark 1 was first
utilised by the Victoria University of Manchester.
The first computer used in processing commercial business applications was developed
by the Lyons Tea Corporation to increase business output in 1951 – Leo I.

2.1.1 A brief timeline of some other important events is listed below:

1835 – Morse Code invented by Samuel Morse
1838 – Electric Telegraph invented by Charles Wheatstone and Samuel Morse
1843 – Typewriter invented by Charles Thurber
1877 – Microphone invented by Emile Berliner
1888 – Hertz produces radio waves
1893 – Wireless communication invented by Nikola Tesla
1895 – Radio signals invented by Guglielmo Marconi
1898 – Remote control invented by Nikola Tesla
1907 – Radio amplifier invented by Lee DeForest
1919 – James Smathers develops the first electric typewriter
1923 – Electronic Television invented by Philo Farnsworth
1933 – FM radio is patented by inventor Edwin H. Armstrong
1937 – Alan Turing conceptualises the computing machine
1948 – One of the first programmable computers, the Manchester Mark 1 designed by Frederic
C. Williams, Tom Kilburn, and Geoff Tootill
1951 – MIT’s Whirlwind becomes the first computer in the world to allow users to input
commands with a keyboard
1956 – Optical fibre invented by Basil Hirschowitz, C. Wilbur Peters, and Lawrence E. Curtis
– The hard disk drive invented by IBM
1958 – Silicon Chip: the first integrated circuit is produced by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce
1959 – The first photocopier, the Xerox Machine enters the consumer market
1961 – Optical disc invented by David Paul Gregg
1963 – Computer mouse invented by Douglas Engelbart – Cloud computing invented by Joseph
Carl Robnett Licklider
1967 – Hypertext software invented by Andries Van Dam and Ted Nelson
1971 – E-mail invented by Ray Tomlinson – Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) invented by James
– Floppy Disk invented by David Noble
– First commercially available microprocessor, the Intel 4004 is invented
1972 – The first video game console designed for use on TV’s is invented – the Magnavox
1973 – Ethernet invented by Bob Metcalfe and David Boggs – Personal computer invented by
1976 – The inkjet digital printer is invented by Hewlett-Packard
1982 – WHOIS (pronounced who is) is released as one of the earliest domain search engines
1984 – The first laptop computer enters the commercial market
1989 – World Wide Web (the internet) invented by Sir Tim-Berners Lee
1990 – A student at McGill University in Montreal develops the first search engine named
1992 – Complete I.T. Founded
1993 – Benny Landau unveils the E-Print 1000 as the world’s first digital colour printing press
– Xerox 914 is released as the first successful commercial plain paper copier
1996 – The Nokia 9000 Communicator is released in Finland as the first internet enabled
mobile device
1998 – Google established – PayPal is launched, enabling large scale payment via the internet
2000 – Microsoft develop the first tablet computer
2001 – Digital Satellite Radio – Apple releases the iPod
2003 – WordPress, an open source website content management system is launched by Mike
Little and Matt Mullenweg – LinkedIn is established
2004 – Emergence of Web 2.0 – Humans move away from consumers of internet material to
active participation – Facebook established by Mark Zuckerberg
2005 – USB Flashdrives replace floppy disks – Google Analytics established – YouTube is
launched as a video platform
2006 – Twitter is launched to the public
2007 – Apple Inc. debuts the iPhone – Amazon releases the Kindle, marking a new era in
reading and book technology
2009 – Bitcoin is developed by unknown programmers under the name of Satoshi Nakamoto
2010 – Apple debuts the iPad – The beginning of responsive website design
2011 – 22 nanometre computer chips enter mass production
2012 – Quad-core smartphones and tablets are releases, offering faster processing power
2014 – 14 nanometre computer chips are released – The market for smart watches reaches 5
2015 – Apple releases the Apple Watch
2016 – Supercomputers reach 100 petaflops – Mobile devices overtake wired devices as a
means of using the internet
2017 – 10 nanometre chips enter service
2018 – AI first publicly emerged alongside 5G technology
2019 – Google released Quantum Supremacy, a machine running on quantum mechanics that
can answer questions that would confuse even the world’s top supercomputer – Sharp acquires
Complete I.T.
2020 – Chatbot-technology and text-producing AI GPT-3 was released.
– The COVID-19 pandemic accelerates digital transformation, leading to remote work and
online education
2021 – GitHub Copilot, a programmer assistant AI, was released – Continued development of
electric vehicles (EVs) with advancements in battery technology.
2022 – Chatbot and text-generating AI, ChatGPT is released, Expansion of Metaverse concepts
2023 – Microsoft released ChatGPT-powered Bing – Sharp launches first-to-market Virtual
Showroom – an immersive and interactive experience
The Virtual Showroom is an award-winning 3D virtual environment that allows users
to view Sharp’s products and services in a ‘real-life’ setting with interactive elements such as
video and the ability to engage with different hotspots and touchpoints to view and learn more
about the product/solution.
Humanity has been manipulating, storing, and communicating information since the
early Sumerians pioneered the written word in ancient Mesopotamia, circa 3000 BC. The term
IT did not appear until the mid-20th century however when an influx of early office technology
The term was first published in the 1958 Harvard Business Review when authors
Harold J. Leavitt and Thomas C. Whisler said “the new technology does not yet have a single
established name. We shall call it Information Technology.”
2.1.2 Industry in India
The IT industry in India came into existence in the year 1974. It was the time when
mainframe manufacturer Burroughs asked Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) to export
programmers for installing system software for a U.S. client. The IT industry was formed in a
very unusual market conditions. During this government was more focused towards the
agriculture sector rather the service sector. Local markets were absent and government policy
toward private enterprise was hostile. The IT industry started its roots from Mumbai based
businessmen. They started their operations by sending software programmers to global IT firms
located abroad and making money from this.
During that time Indian economy was state-controlled and the state remained hostile to
the software industry through the 1970s. Import tariffs were high (135% on hardware and 100%
on software) and software was not considered an "industry", so that exporters were ineligible
for bank finance. Government policy towards IT sector changed when Rajiv Gandhi became
Prime Minister in 1984. His New Computer Policy (NCP-1984) consisted of a package of
reduced import tariffs on hardware and software (reduced to 60%), recognition of software
exports as a "delicensed industry", i.e., henceforth eligible for bank finance and freed from
license-permit raj, permission for foreign firms to set up wholly owned, export-dedicated units
and a project to set up a chain of software parks that would offer infrastructure at below market
costs. These policies laid the foundation for the development of a world-class IT industry in
The industry structure in the IT sector has four major categories. These are -
1. IT Software

2. IT services

3. BPO & IT enabled services

4. Hardware

It is noted that the Indian IT industry is growing at robust pace driven by greater
acceptability of the outsourcing concept, expansion of service offerings and high quality
delivery capabilities. The industry remains one of the highest contributors of employment and
foreign exchange to the country. The key drivers of the robust growth include verticals such as
Banking and Financial Services companies, Pharma and Legal Services. It is useful to
understand the structure of the Indian IT Industry, and the place that the IT software, IT
services, ITeS &BPO, hardware segment has within it.

Cannyminds Technology Solutions is a dynamic and innovative software company

dedicated to revolutionizing the way businesses operate. With a focus on cutting-edge
technology and intuitive solutions, Cannyminds empower organizations to streamline their
processes, boost productivity, and achieve their goals with ease.
As a CannyMinds, they are spreading their wings in the business of Application
Development, web Designing, and Software Development & Support for banks, companies
and Customized Software Development etc. With their unmatched quality of software, easy
accessibility of customer service & technical support, the quality of service or network uptime;
Cannyminds stand apart in the crowd at all levels. Cannyminds are constantly growing by
updating their software skills, adopting new technologies that can perform better functions.
Cannyminds believe in integrating their skills with their clients’ input to achieve desirable
CannyMinds Technology Solutions Private Limited is an ISO 9001, ISO 15489, ISO
27001 Certified Company and a Member of NASSCOM. CannyMinds is having its registered
office at Chennai (India) with Cannyminds experienced Engineering and Management
professionals those who are having rich expertise in Digitization, Document & Workflow
Management, Physical Records Management, Human Resource Management, Maintenance,
Projects and Manufacturing. As a part of business expansion Cannyminds have presence in
USA, Nigeria, Ghana, DR Congo, Kenya, Botswana, South Africa and Zambia.


Innovate , Digitalize ,Transform


CannyMinds works with a vision for the enhancement of its clients’ performance. It
encourages him by swapping the tumults in the journey to get the higher productivity that
ultimately leads to the improvement in Return on Investments (ROI). It assists its clients by
enabling them right technological solutions that involves research, analysis,
implementations on projects etc.

CannyMinds works with a mission in which it wants its clients to perform better in their
business and even a drastic obstruction for its business rivals. Cannyminds provide their
clients a better view of the business world with ultimate righteous solutions.


CannyScan is an advanced digitization software that efficiently converts physical

documents to digital format. It offers batch scanning, OCR for editable text, image
enhancement, document classification, and metadata extraction. Integrated with DMS and
customizable workflows, it ensures productivity and compliance with robust security measures.
Canny Minds provides professional document scanning and conversion services to
organizations in various industries and governments.
Cannyminds combine their rich experience with the best scanning equipment and their
proven workflow process to ensure the success of their clients' digital conversion projects.
Their highly trained team ensures that their documents are processed accurately with the utmost
care. Their services provides instant and secure access to information, enabling increased
productivity, performance and profits. Their ultimate goal is to provide the highest possible
image quality and accurate index data so that their electronic documents can go to work for
you. Their technical capabilities include assuring compatibility with the most popular
document management systems on the market. Here are the various types of documents
Cannyminds digitize for clients across all industries.

CannyDocs is an end-to-end enterprise document management software. Features

include multi-level workflows, contract management, optical character recognition, full text
search, water marking, annotations, Microsoft AD integration and many more. Applicable to
all industries like Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Ship Building, Textiles, IT/ITES, Banking,
Finance, Insurance, NBFC, Law Firms, Hospitals, Pharma and Auditing Firms.
Dealing with the hassles of organising their documents? With Canny Docs you can do
it easily. This can be the ultimate solution to carry out documentation work. While performing
professional tasks, the main challenge while making documents is their organization. Most of
the office work can get obstructed due to this issue. After preparing the documents, the next
task is to access the documents when needed. Therefore, to assimilate these tasks, you should
prefer CannyDocs where along with these tasks you can also retrieve the documents
CannyDocs is a smart document management solution with the capability of organizing
professional documents. This feature also facilitates the retrieval of their documents easily.
CannyDocs is independent software that enables its user to work with proper ease and it works
on any latest Browser.

CannyRMS is an all-in-one physical record management software with features like document
indexing, barcode/RFID tagging, search and retrieval, access control, retention policy
management, storage organization, scanning integration, and reporting/analytics for efficiency
and compliance

CannyHR is a 360 degree Hire to Retire HR Management Software. Features includes

Employee self service portal, Geo tagging attendance, Inbuilt Document Management,
Approval Workflows, Bio-metric based attendance integration & regularization, Connected
Banking, Multiple organization policy, Al based shift allowance, Comp-off for extended hours,
Expense Management, Mobile apps, Shift scheduling, Payroll management, statutory
compliance and Many more.
A tool is only effective when it not only empowers technical aspects but follows the
industry trend and can quickly adapt to the regulation and policies of the organization and
Statutory requirements. Collaboration with HCM/HRMS vendors, CannyHR offers the
industry’s best possible solution that matches the pace with their Human resources capital.
Strategy and implementation are some of the key integral parts of the overall process.
Keeping an eye on individual employees is not an easy task. With their easy-to-manage Payroll
software, you can quickly manage the payroll through on-site and subscription services. This
tool can ease the complex process of payroll with comprehensive and flexible solutions
efficiently and effectively to ensure employees get the salary on time. It also has an amazing
capability to handle the error..


CannyEdu is a comprehensive solution for efficient and simplified management for

school, college and Universities. It's Cloud based user friendly platform. Features includes
Parent/Teacher/Student web and Mobile portal, GPS based ID card and Bus Tracking
Integration, Dynamic Report Card Module, Multi Location and Language access, Zero
Maintenance, Personalised role based access and many more.
In today’s remote classes, Virtual classroom and LMS (Learning Management
Software) has become the most emerging and powerful tool to educate the students online.
CannyEdu has brought the feature that enables one to learn, collaborate and
communicate anytime and from anywhere. This platform gives you a sense of education in
real-time. Schools and colleges can also arrange the video conference for meetings and present
the classes courses in a specular way.


Digitization services convert analog data into digital formats, streamlining document
management, data entry, and media preservation. Through advanced technologies, Cannyminds
facilitate seamless transitions, enhancing accessibility, efficiency, and data security for
Canny Minds offers you a better solution in digital storage form instead of housing physical
copies of every business document. Canny Minds provide companies with the highest quality
of imaging and coded data in the industry, creating a scalable, searchable way to store
information. It's easy to find specific records through a quick search, protect data from theft or
damage, minimize risks and minimize physical storage space.


Digital marketing services utilize online platforms and strategies to promote businesses,
products, or services. Through techniques such as SEO, social media marketing, PPC
advertising, and content marketing, businesses can reach their target audience effectively, drive
engagement, and increase brand awareness.
Get More Traffic with Their Digital Marketing Techniques.

With the exponential rise in the use of the internet, the conventional marketing and sales
method for acquiring customers is fast losing ground. Today, every business requires an online
presence in the form of a website. Moreover, 80 per cent of customers buy small and big
products either online directly or research them online before buying them. It becomes
incredibly imperative that you apply digital marketing techniques to boost their business in
such a scenario. As mobile technology has penetrated every corner, digital marketing services
have become extremely important. This has become more evident in these times of pandemic,
where businesses have to operate in a restricted manner. There is no choice but to create a
carefully crafted digital marketing strategy that will indirectly or directly influence their
prospective customer. It will not be wrong to say that digital marketing services are the route
for survival leave alone boosting the business. Digitalmarketing at CannyMinds Technology
specialize in SEO, SEM, and Email Marketing to provide digital marketing services globally.
Cannyminds have experience in promoting the brand and deliver an enduring impact on the
target audiences effectively.


Software development services encompass the creation, customization, and maintenance

of digital solutions to meet specific business needs. Expert developers utilize programming
languages and methodologies to design and build software applications, ensuring functionality,
scalability, and user satisfaction.
Software development at CannyMinds believe that Custom software development is
essential because it helps meet their unique requirements cost-effectively. Customized software
development is designing, creating, deploying and maintaining software for a specific set of
users, functions for an organization. This process targets a small defined set of requirements.
Whereas, in COTS or commercial off-the-shelf software, a broad set of conditions is targeted,
allowing it to be packaged and commercially marketed and distributed. Customized Software
Development Services


Business process services streamline organizational workflows, optimizing efficiency and

productivity. These services involve analyzing, redesigning, and implementing processes to
enhance operational performance and achieve business objectives. Expert solutions address
various aspects of operations, from finance and HR to customer service and supply chain
CannyMinds brings data, insights, and frameworks to accelerate their business process
transformation journey. Cannyminds accelerate engineering across the complete business
ecosystem, starting from engineering, manufacturing, supply chain to services. Cannyminds
assist their customers to improve their Time to Profit by maximizing Return on Investment
(RoI). In recent years, Cannyminds have fast emerged as a thought leader in digital engineering
technologies; This has been on the three pillars of technology, solution and flexible business
model. Cannyminds have the technical depth in new-age digital technologies and offer a
solutions-driven approach with various solution accelerators across analytics, automation,
platforms, sustenance.
Cannyminds have a gamut of flexible business models aligned to the client's strategy,
such as outcome-based models, risk-reward, co-innovation. Their services help you optimize
and transform their operations, lower costs, increase agility and open new channels for growth.
Their people, technology, and best practices improve and automate highly complex business
processes across front, middle and back offices, thereby facilitating customer experience
transformation. Cannyminds modernize their operations with digital capabilities, agile
processes and data-driven insights to help you achieve better outcomes, greater operational
efficiency and faster growth. Utilize their deep experience in many domains and rely on their
hybrid, digital-first contact centre’s to unify their end-to-end business processes.


Physical record management involves the systematic organization, storage, and
retrieval of paper-based documents and records. This process ensures proper categorization,
indexing, and archival of information, facilitating easy access and compliance with regulatory
requirements. Expert management minimizes the risk of loss, damage, or unauthorized access
to sensitive documents.
CannyMinds Technology provides secure document storage and physical records
management services. Cannyminds understand the critical nature as well as the importance of
physical records for a business. Cannyminds are dedicated to helping companies to improve
their security as well as achieve regulatory compliance. This way, you as a business can save
on long-term document management costs with their detailed, comprehensive solutions.
CannyMinds Technology removes the daily hassle of managing documents with end-
to-end physical records management solutions. Cannyminds have experience in securely
storing all their vital records. This will allow businesses to save physical space, organize
physical and electronic records, protect their assets for the entire document lifecycle, and
control the flow of information. Cannyminds can grant accessible records to the right
employees and the stakeholders. Cannyminds also maintain full regulatory compliance no
matter their industry. Physical records storage consumes resources, and their focus is on
optimized use of present storage space.
Due to professional document management, you save on time and risks are reduced.
This leads to minimization as well as transparency of costs. Since the records are at the site
itself, there is enhanced security, and one gets 24 by 7 access to records. Moreover, Cannyminds
have been certified for ISO 9001. Cannyminds have unparalleled expertise in providing and
setting up shelves and rack systems, IT infrastructure, and topology. Additionally, the staff can
search their records via their online platform and order individual files or documents. Utilize
their services to benefit from their experience in onsite records storage and become free from
all the hassles. You will not have to pay additional rent for the storage space. Just pay the
operational charges for onsite record storage.

Their Global Customers (Current)


Head Office:
No:88, Ramnagar 6th Street,
Velachery, Chennai - 600042,
TamilNadu, India
Ph no +91 9361801926 / 28


United States:
8751 Collin McKinney Pkwy Suite 1102 #525, McKinney, TX 75070, United States
Mob: +1 (214) 727-0422,
Mob:+1 (214) 272 0230

No:16, Adeola Adeleye Street, Off Coker Road, illupeju, Lagos, Nigeria
Mob: +234 708 632 3687
Mob:+234 7010522747

1. Jeske van Beurden , Karina van De Voorde , Marc van Veldhoven,

(2021) “The employee perspective on HR practices” Volume 32 Issue 2

As the number of studies exploring employee perceptions of HR practices increases,

the field of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) faces the challenge of tracking
the evolution of cumulative insights. This paper presents a systematic review focusing on three
main aspects: 1) how these perceptions are studied (as antecedents, mediators, or outcomes),
2) the theoretical perspectives used to explain them, and 3) the different conceptualizations of
employee perceptions of HRM present in existing SHRM research. The findings reveal a
scattered landscape in current approaches to examining employee perceptions of HRM.
Furthermore, a diverse range of theoretical frameworks emphasizing the employee perspective
on HRM have been employed, suggesting the impracticality of a single viewpoint. Lastly,
various descriptive and evaluative conceptualizations have been utilized. The paper offers
recommendations and suggests future research directions to achieve a more comprehensive
understanding of employee perceptions of HRM.

2. Ahsanullah Mohsen, Najibullah Neyazi and Sarwar Ebtekar, (2020) The

Impact of Organisational Culture On Employees Performance Volume

11, Issue 8
This paper delves into the impact of organizational culture on employee performance
within Afghanistan's telecommunications sector. Using established questionnaires,
researchers dissected both organizational culture and employee performance into sub-
elements for focused analysis. The study's significance lies in its contribution to an
underexplored area in Afghanistan, offering valuable insights and recommendations for
sectoral enhancement. Sampling 211 individuals from diverse telecommunications
companies via random selection, the research employed regression analysis to unveil
relationships between variables. Findings reveal significant relationships and impacts of
organizational culture on employee performance, with nuances observed across various sub-
elements like change management and goal achievement.
3. Dr. Sushree Sangita Ray, Dr. Rachita Ota , Pallavi Chatterjee (2022), A

Study on Employee’s Perception of Organizational HR Practices and its

Culture, Vol 3, no 6, ISSN 2582-7421
The HR division of an organization is crucial for creating, implementing, and managing
policies that govern employee relations and workplace culture. A positive work culture and
effective HR practices significantly influence employee perceptions and satisfaction. In today's
environment, many organizations strive to create a worker-friendly atmosphere to retain talent,
especially in light of the challenges posed by negative workplace cultures, poor HR practices,
and the impact of COVID-19. High employee turnover has become a trend, highlighting the
need for organizations to address employees' needs and desires comprehensively. By ensuring
job satisfaction through financial and growth opportunities, employees are more likely to
commit to the company's success. The HR department plays a vital role in this by offering
training, development programs, and fostering a creative, supportive workplace. Empathy in
HR practices is essential. Even a small-scale study can provide valuable insights into employee
perceptions, guiding improvements in organizational practices.
4. Nighat G Ansari July-September 2011, Employee Perception of HRM

Practices: Impact on Commitment to the Organization Vol. 18, Issue No.

The highly competitive environment of today’s business organizations underlines the
importance of developing an efficient and productive work force and then retaining it. Research
has identified various factors affecting employee retention and employee commitment which
has emerged as a significant contributor towards an employee’s decision to stay or leave an
organization. Human Resource Management Practices (HRMPs) of an organization is an
important post-entry variable that can affect the commitment of the employees towards their
organization. The evidence in the literature suggests that it was not the human resource
practices per se but the perceptions of the employees regarding those practices that actually
affected their commitment to their workplace. The study has attempted to investigate three
dimensions of employees’ perceptions, perceptions of fairness, perceptions of effectiveness,
and perceptions of support (FES) of HRMPs of their organization and its relation with their
Organizational Commitment (OC). The descriptive statistics depicted a significant positive
correlation between all three perceptions of HRMPs and OC while regression analyses showed
that the perception of effectiveness of HRMPs was the most significant predictor of
organizational commitment followed by the perception of support
5. Khaled Aladwan , Ramudu Bhanugopan, Brian D'Netto (2015), The

Effects Of Human Resource Management Practices On Employees’

Organisational Commitment Vol. 23 Issue 3 ISSN- 1934-8835
This study investigated the impact of Human Resource Management (HRM) practices
on organizational commitment (OC) within the context of the Middle East. Survey data from
493 front-line employees across various industries in Jordan were analyzed using structural
equation modeling to explore the relationship between HRM practices and OC. The findings
support the hypothesized model, revealing a significant association between HRM factors and
OC. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of how HRM practices influence OC and
offers novel insights into HR policy formulation for organizations operating in the Middle
Eastern region, an area that has received limited research attention in recent years.

6. Maria Luisa , Silvia De Simone , Amelia Manuti (2022), Employees’

Perception of HRM Practices and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour,

Vol. 12 Issue 9

The aim of the study was to explore if and to what extent a positive perception of
Human Resource Management Practices could be related to Organizational Citizenship
Behaviors and if the Work–Family Interface could act as a mediator of such relationship. A
group of 406 employees of an Italian sector of the Public Administration filled in a self-report
questionnaire encompassing socio-professional information and the following psycho-social
measures: Perception of Human Resource Management Scale, Work–Family Interface, and
Organizational Citizenship Behaviors Scale. The results confirmed the importance of Human
Resource Management Practices perceptions for positive Organizational Behaviors underlining
the crucial role played by positive work-to-family and family-to-work spillover as mediators.
The study reflected on the work–family relationships demonstrating the mediating role of
positive work–family spillover in the relationships between perceived HR practices and
organizational citizenship behaviors. The findings showed implications for HR practices to
plan actions and interventions aimed at supporting employees’ work–family balance and at
encouraging organizational citizenship behaviors.
7. Hamzah Mohammad A. Al_Qudah, Dr. Abdullah Osman, HamzahEdris

M. Al_Qudah (2014), The Effect Of Human Resources Management

Practices On Employee Performance Vol. 3 Issue 9 , ISSN 2277-8616

This paper aimed to examine the effect of HRM practices towards employee
performance in Malaysian Skills Institute (MSI). It investigated the factors that affecton
recruitment and selection, compensation toward employee performance in MSI. The study
population, which consisted of employees in the MSI, comprised 40 respondents. To achieve
the study objectives, the researcher developed and distributed a questionnaire, and collected
and analyzed the data using SPSS. An overall analysis was performed based on the descriptive
statistics and correlation analysis. The results indicated that recruitment and selection and
compensation significantly correlated with the employee performance in MSI. The paper
provided recommendations for improving recruitment and selection and compensation in MSI.

8. Shruti Lamba , Nirmala Choudhary (2013), Impact Of HRM Practices

On Organizational Commitment Of Employees Volume 2 , ISSN 2278‐


In this era of highly competitive environment, organizations in Manufacturing sector

and Service sector are trying hard to win the mind of customers by providing them value added
service and quality innovative products to remain competitive in the market. The objective of
this study is to investigate the impact of HRM practices on Organizational commitment of
Employees in various sector in India. The study revealed that how HRM practices provide an
edge to employee’s commitment towards an organization goal in the global competitive
market. Through study it is found that HRM practices influence the Organizational
Commitment of Employees.
ISSN 2091-2986
This paper investigated the employees’ perceptions about association between specific
HRM practices and employees’ knowledge sharing. Based on previous literature, a model
is proposed for the study and hypotheses are formulated. The cross-sectional dataset comes
from a sample of 390 employees of 19 Pakistani KIFs. Confirmatory factor analyses were
employed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the measurement model and the research
model was tested using structural equation modeling. The results suggest that specific HRM
practices, for instance, recruitment and selection and reward systems show a positive
relationship with knowledge sharing, as perceived by the employees of these organisations.
We also found a positive relationship among individual and organisational capability in
workplaces. A key finding of this study is that recruitment and selection have a much
greater impact on knowledge sharing than reward systems. Findings should be confirmed
using a larger sample, as well as through longitudinal study. This study will be beneficial
for researchers, practitioners, scholars, organisational leaders and employees. It will also
be helpful for those interested in organisational structure and relationships across
organisations in knowledge context. This study makes a valuable contribution, given that
there is a lack of empirical studies of this nature focusing on the South East Asian region.
Our findings are more interesting given that the current study is based on employees’
perception and employees’ views are similar to than that of management’s views in KIFs.

10. Chand, Mohinder; Ambardar, Ankush (2020), The Impact of HRM Practices on
Organisational Innovation Performance Volume 13, ISSN 0974-6250.
The paper investigates the effects of HRM practices on organisational innovation
performance: the mediating effects of employees' creativity and perceived organisational
support in the Indian hospitality industry. A conceptual model is developed to examine the
relationship among four constructs namely human resource management practices,
perceived organisational support, and employee creativity as antecedents of organisational
innovation performance and seven research hypotheses are empirically tested using
structural equation modelling (SEM). All the posited seven hypotheses are supported. The
results indicate that the human resource management practices and perceived organisational
support could indeed affect employee creativity with regard to organisational innovation
Research methodology is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select,
process, and analyse information about a topic. A Research Methodology describes the
techniques and procedures used to identify and analyse information regarding a specific
research topic. It is a structured and scientific approach used to collect, analyse, and interpret
quantitative or qualitative data to answer research questions or test hypotheses. A research
methodology is like a plan for carrying out research and helps keep researchers on track by
limiting the scope of the research. Several aspects must be considered before selecting an
appropriate research methodology, such as research limitations and ethical concerns that may
affect your research.


A Study on Perception of Employees About Organizational HR Practices and Culture.


This study can be helpful to the management to understand their employees perception
towards their HR practices and culture. It can help them to understand their employees
emotions better. Adjustable and transferable HR practices and culture cab be sorted for
adjustment. Employees performance and motivation can be improved through proper


• Rules and regulations for HR practices and culture modification for future can be made.
• Priority towards important work group can be made for work efficiency.
• Expansion of firm will have a large scale impact.
• It has a large future usage as it leans towards technological advancement. Guideline
towards new policy creation and rules setup can be achieved.


• To study the existing culture of the organisation and its impact on employees
• To study about perception over HRM practices from employees point.
• To identify areas of improvement in HR practices to enhance employee satisfaction.
• To suggest initiatives to improve the organization culture.

Data is any information that has been collected, observed, generated

or created to validate original research findings. The collection of data is the first step of the
statistical investigation and can be gathered through two different sources, namely,
1. Primary data
2. Secondary data
4.5.1 Primary Data

The objective of the study has been accomplished with the help of primary data
collected from the employees. The data has been collected with the help of questionnaire. The
questionnaire used in this survey consists of structured type of questions. The primary data
refers to the data collected from primary sources.
4.5.2 Secondary Data

The secondary data were collected from official records of the organization,
websites and from other publications. Data which are not originally collected but rather
obtained from a published or unpublished source, are known as secondary data. The main
sources are:
1. Journals and records
2. Magazines
3. Websites


This study is descriptive in nature.
Descriptive research is a type of research that aims to describe a particular phenomenon
or group of phenomena. It is a type of research that focuses on observing, measuring and
analyzing data to provide a detailed and accurate description of a situation or population.
The sampling method used in this research for gathering the data is census method.
Census method is a statistical investigation in which the data are collected for each and every
element / unit of the population is termed as census method. It is also known as complete
enumeration or 100% enumeration or complete survey.
4.7.1 Sample Unit
The sample unit is CannyMinds Technology Solutions.
4.7.2 Population of the Study
The population of the study refers to the set of cases or individuals that will be the
subjects for selecting the sample. The population of the study consists of the employees of
CannyMinds Technology Solutions with a total number of 120.
4.7.3 Sample Size
The Sample size is the number of samples taken from the population. In this research
the sample size used is 120 employees from CannyMinds Technology Solutions.


• Karl Pearson Correlation
• Independent t-test
• Pearson Correlation

4.9.1 Karl Pearson Coefficient of correlation
Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relationship between performance
evaluation and employee satisfaction.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is significant relationship between performance
evaluation and employee satisfaction.

4.9.2 Independent t test

Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between Gender of the
Respondents and the Career Planning of the employees.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is significant difference between Gender of the
Respondents and the Career Planning of the employees.

4.9.3 Correlation
Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relationship between areas of
improvement and employee satisfaction.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is significant relationship between areas of
improvement and employee satisfaction.
A study was under a period of February 2024 to May 2024 during the period of the
researcher collected the necessary primary data and other relevant information needed to carry
out the study.


1. Employees from different cultural backgrounds might interpret HR practices and
organizational culture differently based on their own cultural norms and expectations.
2. Employees on leave were excluded from the survey
3. Due to their workload, fewer employees were not interested in the survey.
4. Employees may misunderstand or be unaware of HR practices if the organization does
not clearly communicate its policies.
5. The questionnaire provide pre-defined options limiting the depth of information
6. The responses collected from employees might be biased.

5.1 Descriptive Analysis

TABLE 5.1.1 Age wise classification of the respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

Below 25 55 45.8%
25-30 Years 19 22.5%
30-35 Years 9 15.8%
35-40 Years 27 8.3%
Above 40 10 7.5%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.1 Age wise classification of the respondents

Age of Respondents
50 45.8
25 22.5
20 15.8
8.3 7.5
Below 25 25 - 30 30 - 35 35 - 40 Above 40

Source: Primary Data


From the above analysis it is inferred that 45.8% of respondents are below 25
years 22.5% of respondents are in between 25-30 years of age group, 15.8% of
respondents are 30-35 years and 8.3% of respondents are in the are group 35-40 years
and 7.5% of respondents are above 40 years.
TABLE 5.1.2. Gender wise classification of the respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 66 55%

Female 54 45%

Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.2. Gender of the respondents

Gender of Respondents
60 55

50 45





Male Female

Source: Primary Data


From the above analysis it is inferred that 66% of respondents belong to male
category and 54% of respondents belong to female category. As per this finding, the
male response are more in count compared to the female respondents.
TABLE 5.1.3. Marital status wise classification of the respondents

Marital Status Frequency Percentage

Single 82 68.3%

Married 38 31.7%

Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.3. Marital status of the respondents

Marital Status
40 31.7
Single Married

Source: Primary Data


From the above analysis it is inferred that the 68.3% of the respondents are
single in status and 31.7% of respondents are married in status.
TABLE 5.1.4. Qualification wise classification of the respondents

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Diploma 23 19.2%

Under graduate 49 40.8%

Post graduate 48 40%

Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.4. Qualification of the respondents

Education Qualification
45 40.8 40
Diploma Under Graduate Post Graduate

Source: Primary Data


From the above analysis it is inferred that 40% of respondents are post graduates,
40.8% of respondents are under graduates, 19.2% of respondents are Diploma holders.
TABLE 5.1.5. Work Experience wise classification of the Respondents

Experience Frequency Percentage

0 - 3 Years 56 46.7%
3 - 5 years 27 22.5%
5 - 10 years 29 24.2%
10 - 16 years 5 4.2%
Above 16 Years 3 2.5%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.5 Work Experience of the Respondents

Years of Experience
50 46.7
25 22.5
5 2.5
0 - 3 Years 3 - 5 Years 5 - 10 Years 10 - 16 Years Above 16 Years

Source: Primary Data


From the above analysis it is inferred that 46.7% of respondents have 0-3 years
experience level, 22.5% of respondents have 3-5 years experience, 24.2% of
respondents have 5-10 years experience, 4.2% of respondents have 10-16 years
experience and 2.5% of respondents have Above 16 years experience.
TABLE 5.1.6. Analysis of Fairness in Performance Evaluation

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 35 29.2%
Agree 49 40.8%
Neutral 32 26.7%
Disagree 2 1.7%
Strongly Disagree 2 1.7%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.6. Analysis of Fairness in Performance Evaluation

Performance Evaluation
30 26.7
5 1.7 1.7
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 29.2% of respondents strongly agree, 40.8%
agree, 26.7% give the process a neutral level of fairness, and 1.7% disagree with the company's
performance evaluation procedure.
TABLE 5.1.7. Analysis of Performance Evaluation to perform at best.
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 46 38.3%
Agree 54 45%
Neutral 16 13.3%
Disagree 4 3.3%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.7. Analysis of Performance Evaluation to perform at best.

Motive to Perform best

40 38.3

15 13.3

5 3.3
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 38.3% of respondents are Strongly agree
about to inspire perform best, 45% of respondents are Agree ,13.3% of respondents are given
neutral level ,3.3% of the respondents are disagree to encourage the employee to perform best.
TABLE 5.1.8. Analysis of identifying the areas of improvement.
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 37 30.8%
Agree 43 35.8%
Neutral 11 23.3%
Disagree 28 9.2%
Strongly Disagree 1 0.8%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.8. Analysis of identifying the areas of improvement.

Identifying areas of Improvement


25 23.3



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 30.8% of respondents strongly agree to help
identify the areas for improvement, 35.8% of respondents agree, 23.3% of respondents are
assigned a neutral level 9.2% of respondents disagree to help identify the areas for
improvement, and 0.8% of respondents strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.9. Analysis of discussing career aspirations and goals.
Particulars Frequency Percentage
Strongly Agree 37 30.8%
Agree 45 37.5%
Neutral 28 23.3%
Disagree 8 6.7%
Strongly Disagree 2 1.7%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.9. Analysis of discussing career aspirations and goals.

Discussing career aspirations and goals

40 37.5


25 23.3



10 6.7
5 1.7
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 30.8% of respondents are Strongly agree to
discuss their career aspirations and goals, 37.5% of respondents are given Agree , 23.3% of
respondents are given neutral level ,6.7% of the respondents are disagree to discuss their
career aspirations and goals, 1.7% of the respondents are given strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.10. Analysis of HR services offered by the company.

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 27 22.5%
Agree 58 48.3%
Neutral 29 24.2%
Disagree 5 4.2%
Strongly Disagree 1 0.8%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.10. Analysis of HR services offered by the company.

HR services offered by the company




22.5 24.2


Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 22.5% of respondents are strongly agree for
the HR services offered by the company, 48.3% of respondents are given agree, 24.2% of
respondents are choose neutral level, 4.2% of respondents are disagree for the HR services
offered by the company, 0.8% of respondents are given strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.11. Analysis of healthy work-life balance.

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 39 23.3%
Agree 18 32.5%
Neutral 34 28.3%
Disagree 28 15%
Strongly Disagree 1 0.8%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.11. Analysis of healthy work-life balance.

Healthy work-life balance

35 32.5

30 28.3

25 23.3



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 23.3% of respondents are Strongly
agree to promote healthy work life balance and, 32.5% of respondents are given Agree ,
28.3% of respondents are given neutral level ,15% of the respondents are disagree the healthy
work life balance, 0.8% of the respondents are given strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.12. Analysis of fairness HR policies and practices.

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 40 33.3%
Agree 45 37.5%
Neutral 22 18.3%
Disagree 11 9.2%
Strongly Disagree 2 1.7%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.12. Analysis of fairness HR policies and practices.

HR policies and practices

40 37.5

35 33.3



20 18.3


5 1.7
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 33.3% of respondents are Strongly agree
about the level of fairness in hr policies and 37.5% of respondents are given Agree , 18.3% of
respondents are given neutral level ,9.2% of the respondents are disagree about the level of
fairness in hr policies, 1.7% of the respondents are given strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.13. Analysis of HR recognizes the performance and achievements of

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 37 30.8%
Agree 46 38.3%
Neutral 25 20.8%
Disagree 10 8.3%
Strongly Disagree 2 1.7%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.13. Analysis of HR recognizes the performance and achievements of


HR recognizes the performance and

achievements of employees
40 38.3

35 30.8
25 20.8
10 8.3

5 1.7
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis, 30.8% of respondents strongly agree that employees should be
rewarded for their accomplishments, while 38.3% of respondents agree, 20.8% choose a neutral
response, 8.3% disagree, and 1.7% strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.14. Analysis of training and development opportunities.

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 26 21.7%
Agree 55 45.8%
Neutral 32 26.7%
Disagree 5 4.2%
Strongly Disagree 2 1.7%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.14. Analysis of training and development opportunities.

Training and development opportunities

50 45.8
30 26.7
25 21.7
5 1.7
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the analysis, it is inferred that 21.7% of respondents Strongly Agree about the
training and development opportunities, 45.8% Agree, 26.7% are neutral, 4.2% Disagree, and
1.7% Strongly Disagree.
TABLE 5.1.15. Analysis of work-life balance has become over the past year.

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 32 26.7%
Agree 46 38.3%
Neutral 30 25%
Disagree 10 8.3%
Strongly Disagree 2 1.7%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.15. Analysis of work-life balance has become over the past year.

Work-life balance has become over the past year


40 38.3


30 26.7



10 8.3

5 1.7
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 26.7% of respondents are Strongly agree
with work life balance over past year and 38.3% of respondents are given Agree, 25% of
respondents are given neutral level ,8.3% of the respondents are given disagree, 1.7% of the
respondents are given strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.16 Analysis of company culture promotes work-life balance.

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 37 30.8%
Agree 39 32.5%
Neutral 29 24.2%
Disagree 11 9.2%
Strongly Disagree 4 3.3%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.16 Analysis of company culture promotes work-life balance

Company culture promotes work-life balance

35 32.5



5 3.3

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 30.8% of respondents are Strongly agree to
promote the company culture and values and 32.5% of respondents are given Agree, 24.2%
of respondents are given neutral level ,9.2% of the respondents are given disagree, 3.3% of
the respondents are given strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.17. Analysis of salary growth based on performance

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 29 24.2%
Agree 47 39.2%
Neutral 34 28.3%
Disagree 6 5%
Strongly Disagree 4 3.3%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.17. Analysis of salary growth based on performance

Salary growth based on performance

30 28.3
5 3.3

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 24.2% of respondents are Strongly agree the
salary growth based on performance and 39.2% of respondents are given Agree, 28.3% of
respondents are given neutral level ,5% of the respondents are given disagree, 3.3% of the
respondents are given strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.18 Analysis of level of flexibility in compensation and benefits.

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 30 25%
Agree 47 39.2%
Neutral 33 27.5%
Disagree 8 6.7%
Strongly Disagree 2 1.7%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.18 Analysis of level of flexibility in compensation and benefits.

Level of flexibility in compensation and benefits

30 27.5
10 6.7
5 1.7
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 25% of respondents are Strongly agree for
the flexibility in compensation provided by company and 39.2% of respondents are given
Agree, 27.5% of respondents are given neutral level ,6.7% of the respondents are given
disagree, 1.7% of the respondents are given strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.19. Analysis of compensation structures and benefit options.

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 31 28.5%
Agree 53 44.2%
Neutral 21 17.5%
Disagree 11 9.2%
Strongly Disagree 4 3.3%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.19. Analysis of compensation structures and benefit options.

Compensation structures and benefit options

30 28.5

20 17.5
5 3.3

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 28.5% of respondents are Strongly agree
the compensation structure provide transparent information by the company and 44.2% of
respondents are given Agree, 17.5% of respondents are given neutral level ,9.2% of the
respondents are given disagree, 3.3% of the respondents are given strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.20 Analysis of overall compensation package is satisfactory

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 19 15.8%
Agree 62 51.7%
Neutral 32 26.7%
Disagree 7 5.8%
Strongly Disagree 0 3.3%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.20 Analysis of overall compensation package is satisfactory

Compensation package


30 26.7

20 15.8

10 5.8

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 15.8% of respondents are Strongly agree for
the satisfactory compensation package and 51.7% of respondents are given Agree, 26.7% of
respondents are given neutral level ,5.8% of the respondents are given disagree, 3.3% of the
respondents are given strongly disagree
TABLE 5.1.21. Analysis of Social interaction among colleagues.

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 28 23.3%
Agree 53 44.2%
Neutral 29 24.2%
Disagree 9 7.5%
Strongly Disagree 1 0.8%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.21. Analysis of Social interaction among colleagues.

Social interaction among colleague

23.3 24.2
10 7.5

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 23.3% of respondents have Strongly Agree for
Social interaction among colleagues is considered an opportunity, 44.2% of respondents are
given agree, 24.2% of respondents are given neutral, 7.5% of respondents are given disagree
and 0.8% of respondents are given strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.22. Analysis of Recognition and appreciation for contributions in the

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 35 29.2%
Agree 56 46.7%
Neutral 21 17.5%
Disagree 8 6.7%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.22. Analysis of Recognition and appreciation for contributions in the


Recognition and appreciation

50 46.7
20 17.5

10 6.7
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 29.2% of respondents have Strongly Agree for
the level of recognition and appreciation for your contributions within the workplace is
satisfactory, 46.7% of respondents are given agree, 17.5% of respondents are given neutral,
6.7% of respondents are given disagree.
TABLE 5.1.23. Analysis of communication and collaboration between departments is

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 34 28.3%
Agree 41 34.2%
Neutral 31 25.8%
Disagree 13 10.8%
Strongly Disagree 1 0.8%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.23. Analysis of communication and collaboration between departments is


Communication and collaboration


30 28.3



Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 28.3% of respondents have Strongly Agree for
the level of communication and collaboration between different teams and departments within
the company is satisfactory, 34.2% of respondents are given agree, 25.8% of respondents are
given neutral, 10.8% of respondents are given disagree and 0.8% of respondents are given
strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.24. Analysis of Resources and tools to perform tasks effectively.

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 24 20%
Agree 56 46.7%
Neutral 24 20%
Disagree 9 7.5%
Strongly Disagree 7 5.8%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.24. Analysis of Resources and tools to perform tasks effectively.

Resources and tools

50 46.7
20 20
10 7.5
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 20% of respondents have Strongly Agree for the
company provides adequate resources and tools to perform tasks effectively, 46.7% of
respondents are given agree, 20% of respondents are given neutral, 7.5% of respondents are
given disagree and 5.8% of respondents are given strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.25. Analysis of resources provided for career development to employees.

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 33 27.5%
Agree 51 42.5%
Neutral 27 22.5%
Disagree 6 5%
Strongly Disagree 3 2.5%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.25. Analysis of resources provided for career development to employees.

Career development
45 42.5



30 27.5

25 22.5



5 2.5

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 27.5% of respondents have Strongly Agree for
the availability of resources provided by the company for career development satisfactory to
employees, 42.5% of respondents are given agree, 22.5% of respondents are given neutral, 5%
of respondents are given disagree and 2.5% of respondents are given strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.26. Analysis of career planning offered by the company.

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 25 20.8%
Agree 48 40%
Neutral 32 26.7%
Disagree 11 9.2%
Strongly Disagree 4 3.3%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.26. Analysis of career planning offered by the company.

Career planning options



30 26.7


5 3.3

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 20.8% of respondents have Strongly Agree for
the level of flexibility in career planning options offered by the company, 40% of respondents
are given agree, 26.7% of respondents are given neutral, 9.2% of respondents are given
disagree and 3.3% of respondents are given strongly disagree.
TABLE 5.1.27. Analysis of Job offers opportunities to complete tasks.

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 28 23.3%
Agree 53 44.2%
Neutral 25 20.8%
Disagree 14 11.7%
Strongly Disagree 0 0%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.27. Analysis of Job offers opportunities to complete tasks.

Opportunity to complete tasks

25 23.3
15 11.7
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 23.3% of respondents have Strongly Agree for
the job offers opportunities to complete tasks, 44.2% of respondents are given agree, 20.8% of
respondents are given neutral, 11.7% of respondents are given disagree.
TABLE 5.1.28. Analysis of employee career path in the organization.

Particulars Frequency Percentage

Strongly Agree 30 25.2%
Agree 49 41.2%
Neutral 25 21%
Disagree 1 9.2%
Strongly Disagree 4 3.4%
Total 120 100%

CHART 5.1.28. Analysis of employee career path in the organization.

Career path




5 3.4

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

Source: Primary Data

From the above analysis it is inferred that 25.2% of respondents have Strongly Agree that
each employee is aware of his/her career path in the organization, 41.2% of respondents have
agreed, 21% of respondents have given neutral, 9.2% of respondents have given disagree and
3.4% of respondents have given strongly disagree.


Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, often denoted as (r), is a measure of
the linear correlation between two variables (X) and (Y). It’s a statistic that measures the
strength and direction of the linear relationship between two quantitative variables.
Hypothesis Statement:
Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relationship between performance
evaluation and employee satisfaction.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is significant relationship between performance
evaluation and employee satisfaction.
Table 5.2.1 shows the Correlation Table.
Performance Employee
Evaluation Satisfaction
Pearson Correlation 1 .452**
Evaluation Sig. (2- tailed) .000

N 120 120

Pearson Correlation .452** 1

Satisfaction Sig. (2- tailed) .000

N 120 120

Source: Primary Data

Note: ** denotes significance at 1% level

Correlation coefficient between performance evaluation and employee satisfaction of
employees is .452 which indicates (.4522 = .204) 20.4 percentage positive relationships
between performance evaluation and employee satisfaction of employees and is significant at
1% level.
The independent samples t-test is used to compare the means of two unrelated
groups on the same continuous, dependent variable to determine if there are statistically
significant differences between these means.
Hypothesis Statement:
Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between Gender of the
Respondents and the Career Planning of the employees.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is significant difference between Gender of the
Respondents and the Career Planning of the employees.
Table 5.2.2 shows that significant difference between Gender of the respondents and Career
Planning of the employees.

Career Planning Male Female t value P value

Mean SD Mean SD

Career development 2.06 0.943 2.20 0.979 2.057 0.154

satisfactory to
Career planning 2.27 0.921 2.43 1.126 3.948 0.049*
options offered by
Task Completion 2.26 0.933 2.15 0.940 0.103 0.749

Aware of career path 2.15 0.939 2.35 1.152 5.474 0.021*

in organization
Source: Primary Data
Note: 1. ** denotes significant at 1% level
2. * denotes significant at 5% level

Since P value is less than 0.05, null hypothesis is rejected at 5% level with regard to
career planning options offered by company and aware of career path in organisation of
employees. Hence there is significance difference between mala and female with regard to
career planning offered by company and aware of career path in organization of employees.
Based on mean score, the female employees have better opinion in career planning offered by
company than male employees because the company provide some training programs designed
to women employees to overcoming their career challenges and advancing in their field.
There is no significance difference between male and female with regard to career
development satisfactory to employees and task completion of employees, sine P value is grater
than 0.05. Hence the null hypothesis is accepted at 5% level with regard to career development
satisfactory to employees and task completion of employees . The company provide equal
career development opportunities for both male and female employees, leading to similar levels
of satisfaction.


Hypothesis Statement:
Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relationship between areas of
improvement and employee satisfaction.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is significant relationship between areas of
improvement and employee satisfaction.
Table 5.2.3 shows the Correlation Table.
Work-life Compensation Work
balance & Benefit environment
Pearson 1 .579** .472**
Work-life Correlation
balance Sig. (2- tailed) .000 .000

N 120 120 120

Pearson .579** 1 .557**

Compensation Correlation
& Benefit Sig. (2- tailed) .000 .000

N 120 120 120

Pearson .472** .557** 1

Work Correlation
environment Sig. (2- tailed) .000 .000

N 120 120 120

Source: Primary Data
Note: ** denotes significance at 1% level
Correlation coefficient between work-life balance and compensation & benefit of
employees is .579 which indicates (.5792 = .335) 33.5 percentage positive relationships
between work-life balance and compensation & benefit of employees is significant at 1% level.
Correlation coefficient between work-life balance and work environment of employees
is .472 which indicates (.4722 = .222) 22.2 percentage positive relationships between work-life
balance & work environment is significant at 1% level.
Correlation coefficient between compensation & benefit and work environment of
employees is .557 which indicates (.5572 = .310) 31 percentage positive relationship between
compensation & benefit and work environment is significant at 1% level.

1. 45.8% of respondents are below the age group of 25 years.

2. 55% of respondents are male employees and 45% of respondents are female
3. 68.3% of respondents are single, compared to 31.7% of employees who are married.
4. 40.8% of respondents are undergrads, compared to 40% of postgrads.
5. 46.7% of respondents have 0 – 3 years experience compared to 24.2% of employees
have 5 – 10 years.
6. 40.8% of respondents agree with the performance evaluation is fair compared to the
1.7% of respondents are strongly disagree.
7. 45% of respondents are agree with evaluation process motivates to perform at best
compared to 13.3% of respondents are given neutral level.
8. 35.8% of respondents are agree with identifying area of improvement compared to
9.2% of respondents are given disagree.
9. 37.5% of respondents are agree with performance evaluation, it is comfortable to
discuss career aspirations and goals compared to the 23.3% of respondents are given
neutral level.
10. 48.3% of respondents are agree with hr services offered by the company compared to
the 4.2% of respondents are disagree with the hr practices.
11. 32.5% of respondents are agree with hr policies promotes a healthy work life balance
compared to the 28.3% of respondents are given neutral level.
12. 37.5% of respondents are agree with the level of fairness in hr practices compared to
the 9.2% of respondents are disagree with hr practices.
13. 30.8% of respondents are strongly agree for the rewards recognition for employee
performance compared to the 20.8% of respondents are given neutral level.
14. 45.8% of respondents are agree with the training and development opportunity
compared with the 4.2% of respondents are disagree about the training opportunity.
15. 38.3% of respondents are agree with the work-life balance has become more balanced
over the past year, compared to the 8.3% of respondents disagree with that.
16. 30.8% of respondents are strongly agree about the company promotes values for work
life balance, compared to the 3.3% of respondents are strongly disagree about the work
life balance.
17. 39.2% of respondents are agree about the salary growth based on performance
compared to the 5% of respondents are disagree with that.
18. 27.5% of respondents are neutral with the level of flexibility in compensation provided
by the company, compared to the 6.7% of respondents are disagree with that.
19. 44.2% of respondents are agree with the transparent information about compensation
structures, compared to the 9.2% of respondents are strongly disagree with the
compensation structures.
20. 51.7% of respondents are agree with the compensation package, compared to the 26.7%
of respondents are given neutral level.
21. 44.2% of respondents are agree about the social interaction with colleagues is an
opportunity, compared to the 7.5% of respondents are disagree with that.
22. 46.7% of respondents are agree with the level of recognition in the workplace is
satisfied , compared to the 6.7% of respondents are disagree with that.
23. 28.3% of respondents are agree with the level of communication in the different
departments are satisfied, compared to the 10.8% of respondents are disagree with the
level of communication
24. 46.7% of respondents are agree about the adequate tools to perform task effectively,
compared to the 5.8% of respondents are strongly dis agree with that.
25. 27.5% of respondents are strongly agree with the availability of resources provided by
the company for career development are satisfied, compared to the 22.5 are given
neutral level.
26. 40% of respondents are agree with the level of flexibility in career planning options
offered by the company, compared to the 9.2% of respondents are disagree with that.
27. 44.2% of respondents are agree about the job offers opportunities to complete tasks,
compared to the 11.7% of respondents are disagree with the opportunity.
28. 25.2% of respondents are strongly agree with the aware of career path in the
organization compared to the 21% of respondents are given neutral level.

1. The organization can come up with employee engagement strategies such as rewards and
recognition, personal development, team building initiatives to improve the employee
engagement practices.

2. The company can come up with new and innovative ideas to improve work life balance
practices, whichcan benefit the organization and its development.
3. Introduce technological change into production department can improve the
efficiency and increasing the productivity, also increases employee satisfaction and
4. By offering proper feedback to the employees related to their performance will
increase the workingcondition of the employees as well as the HR relationship.

5. Effective implementation of training and performance appraisal system can help to

improvise the skillsof the employees from time to time. By the way the behavior of
the employees will improve to enhance organizations productivity
6. Motivated employees makes an organization more productive, efficient and profitable.
Employees are get dissatisfied with motivation techniques. The organization can improve
the motivational practices.

7. Employees are dissatisfied with inequality that existed in the organization. The
organization must treat the employees equally to avoid disputes for better
industrial relationship.
8. Enhance the use of technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of HR practices
and policies.
9. Implement efficient systems and processes for handling HR-related queries and requests to
ensure timely and effective support for employees.
10. Recognize the significant impact of fair compensation on job satisfaction by regularly
reviewing and adjusting salary structures to remain competitive in the market.
11. Enhance transparency and fairness in the awarding of bonuses and increments by
establishing clear criteria and performance metrics for eligibility.

The Study on Employees' Perceptions of Organizational HR practices and culture in

CannyMinds Technology Solutions Pvt,Ltd, Chennai. reveals crucial insights into areas of
strength and areas needing improvement. By examining employees' perspectives, organizations
can better understand the effectiveness of their HR practices and the alignment of their culture
with employee expectations. This study highlights the importance of continuous feedback
mechanisms and transparent communication channels to bridge any gaps between
organizational intent and employee perception. Moving forward, implementing tailored
strategies based on these findings can foster a more positive work environment, enhance
employee satisfaction, and ultimately contribute to organizational success. Moreover, the
findings emphasize the necessity of continuous evaluation and adaptation of HR practices to
meet evolving employee needs and expectations
In conclusion, the firm has employees with different work, different salary, different
work experience, different qualification, etc., which in turn causes the different perception
towards the organization HR practices and culture among differentemployees under different
category. Employees psychology and work differs with categories among themselves which is
inevitable, as such it creates different opinion and agreements towards HR practices andculture.
But even so there is very little common ground where they take on a same stand.
⚫ Emma Parry, Michael Dickmann& Fang Lee Cooke (2020) “Employee perceptions of HR
practices” Volume 31 Issue 1

⚫ Jeske van Beurden , Karina van De Voorde , Marc van Veldhoven, (2021) “The
employee perspective on HR practices” Volume 32 Issue 2

⚫ Ahsanullah Mohsen, Najibullah Neyazi and Sarwar Ebtekar, (2020) The Impact of
Organisational Culture On Employees Performance Volume 11, Issue 8

⚫ A Study on Employee’s Perception of Organizational HR Practices and its Culture

(2022), Dr. Sushree Sangita Ray, Dr. Rachita Ota , Pallavi Chatterjee, Vol 3, no 6, ISSN

⚫ Employees Perceptions of the Importance of Human Resources Management Practices

(2015), Francisco Cesario, ISSN 1819-1932

⚫ Employee Perception of HRM Practices: Impact on Commitment to the Organization

Nighat G Ansari Vol. 18, Issue No. 3 July-September 2011

⚫ The Effects Of Human Resource Management Practices On Employees’ Organisational

Commitment (2015) Khaled Aladwan , Ramudu Bhanugopan, Brian D'Netto Vol. 23
Issue 3 ISSN- 1934-8835

⚫ Employees’ Perception of HRM Practices and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

(2022), Maria Luisa , Silvia De Simone , Amelia Manuti Vol. 12 Issue 9

⚫ The Effect Of Human Resources Management Practices On Employee Performance

(2014), Vol. 3 Issue 9 , ISSN 2277-8616 Hamzah Mohammad A. Al_Qudah, Dr. Abdullah
Osman, HamzahEdris M. Al_Qudah

⚫ Impact Of HRM Practices On Organizational Commitment Of Employees (2013), Shruti

Lamba , Nirmala Choudhary Volume 2 , ISSN 2278‐7763


1. Age
a)Below 25 b) 25 - 30 c) 30 - 35 d) 35 – 40 e) Above 40

2. Gender
a) Male b) Female
4. Educational Background
a)Diploma b) Under Graduate c) Post Graduate
5. Years of Experience
a) 0 – 3 years b) 3 – 5 years c) 5 – 10 years d) 10 – 16 years e) Above 16 years
6. Marital Status
a) Single b) Married

SA- Strongly agree A- Agree N- Neutral DA- Disagree SD- Strongly Disagree

Questions SA A N DA SD


1. The performance evaluation process is fair.

2. The performance evaluation process

motivates to perform at best.

3. Performance evaluations help in identifying

areas of improvement.

4. The performance evaluation process

considers external factors that may impact

5. During performance evaluation, it is

comfortable to discuss career aspirations
and goals.

6. The performance evaluation process is

sufficiently flexible to accommodate
changes in job responsibilities.

1. Employee satisfied with the HR services

offered by the company.

2. HR policies and practices promote a healthy

work-life balance.

3. The level of fairness and equity in HR

policies and practices.

4. HR effectively recognizes and rewards the

performance and achievements of

5. The organization provides adequate training

and development opportunities

6. The overall leadership and management of

HR within the company.


1. Employees feel comfortable communicating

their work life balance needs with their HR.

2. The work-life balance within the

organization is hindered by barriers or

3. The work-life balance impact your overall

job satisfaction and performance.

4. The work-life balance has become more

balanced over the past year.

5. The company culture promotes and values

work-life balance.


1. Opportunities for salary growth and

advancement based on performance are
provided by the organization.

2. The level of flexibility in compensation and

benefits options provided by the company.

3. The organization provides transparent

information about compensation structures
and benefit options.

4. The overall compensation package is

satisfactory to employees.

5. The benefits offered by the company, such

as healthcare and wellness programs, are
considered valuable and supportive of
employee well-being.


1. Social interaction among colleagues is

considered an opportunity.

2. The workplace fosters a sense of safety and


3. The level of recognition and appreciation for

your contributions within the workplace is

4. The company provides adequate resources

and tools to perform tasks effectively.

5. The level of communication and

collaboration between different teams and
departments within the company is


1. The availability of resources provided by the

company for career development satisfactory
to employees.

2. The level of flexibility in career planning

options offered by the company.
3. The level of freedom you have to carry out
tasks in your job satisfactory to employees.

4. The job offers opportunities to complete


5. Each employee is aware of his/her

career path in the organization.

6. The organization prefer an internal

employee whenever vacancy exists.

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