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Diploma Semester V OS

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ITM(SLS) Baroda University

School of Computer Science, Engineering and Technology Diploma

Engineering Semester V

Course Name: Operating System

Course Code: C1510C1
Teaching Scheme: 3 + 0 + 2 (Credits: 4)


● Basic knowledge of computer hardware and software.

● Knowledge of programming languages like C, C++etc.

Course (Learning) Outcomes

Course Outcome Bloom

Learn and understand the concepts, core structure of Operating Systems Applying &
and basic architectural components involved in operating systems design. Evaluating

Understand the process management and scheduling policies of processes Applying &
by OS. Evaluating

Evaluate the requirement for process synchronization and coordination Applying

handled by OS.

Describe and analyze the memory management and its allocation policies. Applying

Unit Topics Hours

1. Operating System Overview 12
Computer system overview, Architecture, Goals & Structures of O.S, Basic
functions of a system, Interaction of O.S with hardware architecture
Operating system Overview: Operating system (OS) objectives and
Functions, Evolution of OS, Major Achievements of OS, Developments
Leading to Modern OS, Virtual Machines, OS design considerations for
multiprocessor and multi core system.

2. Process Description and Control: Process, Process State, Process 6

Description, Process Control Block, Process Control and Execution of the
OS. Process creation, Process state transition under Unix.
Threads: Process and Threads, Types of threads

3. Deadlock and Starvation: Principles of Deadlock, Resources, Condition of 6

Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock
Detection, Solution of Dining Philosophers Problem

4. Scheduling 6
Uni-processor Scheduling: Types of Scheduling, Scheduling, Algorithms,

5. Memory 4
Memory Management: Memory Management Requirements, Memory
Partitioning, Paging, Segmentation.
Virtual Memory: Hardware and Control Structures, Virtual Memory

6. Input / Output and File Management 5

I/O Management and Disk Scheduling: I/O Devices, Organization of the
I/O Function, Disk Scheduling
File management, i-node Structure.
7. Shell Programming (Only Practical)

Total 45

Text Book:
1. StallingW, “Operating Systems”, 7th edition, Prentice Hall India.

Reference Books:
1. Dhamdhere, “Operating Systems”, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbot BOS, “Modern Operating Systems”, Pearson, ISBN 978- 93-


List of Practical for C programming and Shell scripting under LINUX/Windows:

1 Install & test different types of Operating System & compare its features.

2 Compare various process scheduling algorithms.

3 Test and run basic unix commands.

4 Test and run Advanced unix commands

5 Test commands related with File editing with Vi, Vim, gedit, gcc

6 Create a shell script to print ”Hello”.

7 Create a Shell script to read and display content of a file

8 Create a Shell script to read from the command line.

9 Create a Shell script to accept a string in lowercase letters from a user, & convert to
upper case letters.

10 Create a Shell script to find numbers of characters, words & lines of a given input file

11 Create a Script to reverse a string and display it.

12 Create a Script to check if a string is palindrome.

13 Create a Shell script to add two numbers.

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