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The Thrro

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A Race of Cloth Golems Given Arcane Sentience.

By Christopher Zito
Too Old For Dolls
The Thrro are constructs made entirely of cloth, through a
ritual of conjuration magic placed deep within the body of the
golem, it is given life and told its purpose for living. The
golem will follow its purpose without question, but the race
was not build without empathy, it's design was to bring
comfort but also to act as a guardian for those who
commissioned for such a creature. The mage's began
constructing more of the golems altering their physical
appearances and their attributes with the arcane components
now dubbed "Conduit Cloth", a fabric that surges with arcane
possibilities. As the Thrro were manufactured and altered,
they slowly became the perfect applicants for testing magic
and performing manual labor for the Mages Guild. Even the
act of the construction of a Thrro was used as a way to
discover arcane aptitude for initiates of the guild.
As Thrro perform their appointed tasks they slowly absorb
the world around them. They will form emotions, strengthen
bonding ties with others, obtain a child like curiosity and even
want and desire a future of their own. But even with their
growing humanity they still follow and complete their task.
Some Thrro who have completed their tasks will grow
impatient and even become inert if not given a duty, their
growing sense of humanity will spark them to form a life like
the master's they serve. Thrro cannot reproduce as most
other living beings, however they can create another Thrro
body and with the joining of two Thrro's own conduit cloth
within the new shell. This will give life to the shell and it will
see the Thrro as their parents, creating a kinship and family
but a Thrro must always have a task and see their duties
Conjuring A Friend completed with efficacy and loyalty.
Once upon a time in a far away kingdom, there lived a noble More Than Sentimental Value
King, his beloved Queen and their lovely daughter the
Princess. During the Princess's birthday they were sent a gift Conduit Cloth is drenched in arcane conjuration energies,
from the country's rival kingdom as a peace offering, but this the arcane Weave within the cloth keeping a Thrro's body
was a sinister ruse. When the Princess opened the present a sturdy, strong and resilient to most physical damage. Should
fowl darkness escaped from the box and enveloped the a Thrro's insides be exposed to the elements the arcane
Queen reducing her to bone before her family's eyes. energies within them would vanish and seep into the
While the King prepared to retaliate against his enemies, environment making them wild magical time bombs waiting
he still feared for his daughter's sanity after the horrid sight to happen should their life forces be depleted. So long as a
she witnessed and thus commissioned the Mage's Guild to Thrro's conduit cloth remains within them and maintain their
find a way to safeguard his daughter. Feeling pity for the girl physical body's properly, they could effectively live forever.
and her father the Mage's began to set work to crafting a Any lost conduit cloth within their bodies would regenerate
lovely doll to comfort the Princess, however one of the mages over time just as human hearts regain lost blood.
had an epiphany and asked if they may tinker with the doll to Thrro are build with purpose and sometimes that purpose
test a conjuration ritual. There may be a way to not only is to serve in wars, safeguard a person of interest, or to bring
appease the King's request, but bring a smile to the Princess joy to the joyless. Without given purpose Thrro will venture
who desperately needed warmth in her life. off into the world to find their own. Often times this leads
The next day the Mage's Guild presented a gift to the King them to finding multiple masters in their lifetime, joining a
and the Princess, a lovely and silken box dressed in ribbons cloister of a deity, or even serving a company of adventurers.
and decorated in arcane stars. When the box was opened, the Their physical bodies can be crafted to suit any given
Princess's eyes watered and a smile spread across her face, situation and the magic that keeps them alive makes them
she embraced the mages gift for they gave her the greatest numb to pain and physical trauma, this makes them sought
gift of all; her mother returned from the grave. The King's out by adventuring guilds to aid them in all sorts of quests. As
expression soured and demanded an explanation, and mages long as there is a task that needs being performed a Thrro
with the purest of intentions explained that the creature is will offer its service for as long as it's body remains in tact.
her new bodyguard, a golem soft as cloth but strong as steel.
A doll built to protect and serve the royal family in
unwavering loyalty until death. The King frowned at the
creature imposing as his beloved, but he dare not rip away his
daughter's happiness. There was a war to be won...

Thrro Traits Fluff n' Stuff. You have a slit or pocket on your body that
you can place small trinkets. Your body acts as a pouch that
Your Thrro character will be have the following features. can hold up to 30lb of small items.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by Hug It Out. You have a limb or appendage that grants you
2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1. a natural Constrict attack that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning + your
Age. The first Thrro were said to be given life by a child Strength modifier. If you successfully hit a target with your
wishing upon a star, but this is fairytale nonsense. The Thrro constrict attack, the target is automatically grappled and
mature upon creature they are crafted as humanoid dolls and restrained. You may only constrict one target at a time and
sprung to life with arcane magics casted by conjurers. As so your speed is reduce to 0 while constricting a target. You can
long as they are kept in perfect physical condition could live Constrict an ally dealing no damage, however while
up to 500 years. constricted your ally gains your Dexterity modifier in AC.
Alignment. Thrro alignment is molded around the one Your constricted ally is free to move out of your grapple on
who has brought it to life or by it's surrounding's morality. their turn.
Size. Thrro are crafted around 4'5 to 6'10, your Thrro is
considered a Medium sized creature.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Tool Proficiency. You have proficiency in Weaver's Tools.
Cloth Body. You are vulnerable to Fire damage, but
resistant to Bludgeoning damage. You take no fall damage,
any Medium or Small sized ally that falls ontop of you that
would have received fall damage does not.
Soak. Your body absorbs water hindering your motor
functions and weighing you down. Moving through any body
of water is considered difficult terrain. Touching any body of
water will absorb the liquid, while you are storing liquid your
movement speed is reduced to half. You may spend an action
wringing yourself out to regain your full movement. While
storing liquid you are no longer vulnerable to fire damage.
Natural Armor. Your AC is 13 + Dex when wearing no
Construct. Even though you were constructed, you are a
living creature. You are immune to diseases. You do not need
to eat or breathe, but you can ingest food and drink if you
wish. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4
hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully
aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies
and other events as normal.
Thrro Assembly. You gain various abilities based on your
body's physical design and the arcane magic that makes up
your form. Choose 2 features from the list of Thrro Assembly
Languages. Thrro can read, write and speak Common and
any one language of your choice. (Often of those who made it)
Imaginary Friend. Once per day you can establish a
Thrro Assembly Features telepathic communication with any willing creature you can
Your Thrro character gains two extra features of your choice see within 60ft for 24 hours. You may use Imaginary Friend
from the following list of features. again after a long rest.
Be Brave. You gain the Light, Resistance and Mending In Character. Choose one humanoid race with the DM's
Cantrips using Charisma for Spellcasting. permission, you have advantage to Deception checks made
Comforting. While taking a short rest you can grant any towards the chosen race.
number of your hit die to any willing ally. Light as a Feather. You have wing like appendages,
Creepy. You have advantage on Intimidation checks. You granting you a 30ft flying speed. However on the end of your
may also cast Fear once per day using Charisma for turn you will return to the ground if you end your movement
spellcasting. You may cast Fear again after a short or long within the air.
rest. Menacing Maw. You have a function set of gnashing teeth
Detatchable Arm. Once per day as an action, you can and a gullet that can imprison creatures within you. You have
move your arm 30ft for 1 + half your level rounded down a natural 1d6 + Strength Bite attack. On a successful hit as a
minutes. Your dethatched arm has the same stats as a bonus action you can attempt to grapple the target. If you
Crawling Claw. Your arm can be reattached with the use of succeed you swallow the creature. The creature is grappled
Weaver's Tools. You may use Detachable Arm again after a and restrained, any damage you receive you can transfer onto
long rest. the swallowed target as a reaction. You can only swallow one
Medium or Small sized creature at a time.

Sterner Stuff. Once per day, for 1 + your level rounded
down minutes, you do not suffer any damage from spells that
you or your allies cast. You may use this feat again after a
long rest.
Stretch Arm. Your melee attacks now have 10ft Reach.
Ventriloquist. You gain an extra language of your choosing,
You can throw your voice 60ft, you can make a Deception
check with advantage to throw your voice undetected.
Warm Touch. On a successful grapple check, once per day
you can use a bonus action you force the grappled target to
make a Wisdom saving throw vs Charisma. On failure the
target falls asleep for 1 + your level rounded down minutes.
Does not work on Constructs or Undead. You can use Warm
Touch again after a long rest.
Weighted Cloth. You gain the Grappler feature. You count
as a Large category size creature for the purposes of pushing,
dragging, lifting and carrying capacity. You are capable of
grappling Large category sized creatures.

Constrict Variant Rule

If you successfully hit a target with constriction
you can choose to not deal damage but instead add
disadvantage to an target's saving throw to break
your grapple check on it's turn. You must claim you
wish to use subdue damage before you use your
Constrict feature to impose disadvantage on the
constricted target.

On the end of it's turn if the swallowed target does not escape
from your grapple it suffocates. You can choose to allow air to Additional Racial Features
pass through your mouth as a free action on the start of your
turn. Additional Thrro Assembly
Playing Hazard. You have a hard plastic, stone, or bone (Prerequisite: Thrro Race)
protrusion sticking out of your body, you have a natural horn You may gain one additional Thrro Assembly Feature. You
attack that deals 1d6 Piercing + Finesse. may take this feature two more times.
Possessed. Your movement is under the effects of Spider
Pull String. You have a latch on your body with an Waterproof
extended string you can pull on. Once per day you can record (Prerequisite: Thrro Race, Constitution 13 or Higher)
one creature's verbal conversation word for word for up to Liquids are no longer considered difficult terrain while
one minute. While you have recorded one creature's standing in or submerged for more than 1 + your
conversation stored you can flawlessly mimic that creature's Constitution modifier minutes. If you remain within water
voice. You may store another creature's conversation and after the minutes are up or choose to absorb liquid, all the
voice after a short or long rest. effects defined by the Soak feature occur as per usual.
Seaming. You have advantage to Medical checks using
Weaver's Tools.
Security Blanket. Once per day if an ally 5ft from you
takes damage, you can spend a reaction to take half of the
damage from the attack. Cloth Body applies to the damage
you absorb. You may use Security Blanket again after a short
or long rest.
Shiny Button. You have a detachable button that can be
used as a shield.
Squirmy. You have advantage on Acrobatics checks made
to escape grapples or to escape bindings. You may move at
full speed while squeezing through areas smaller than
Static Shock. You gain the Shocking Grasp and
Thunderclap Cantrips using Charisma for Spellcasting.

Toy Maker New Martial Ranged
(Prerequisite: Thrro Race, Intelligence 15 or Higher) Weapons
With the use of a Weaver's kit and the proper amount of
cloth usually 140-200lbs worth(Or the DM's choice of
necessary components), you can create a new lifeless Thrro Name Cost Damage Weight Properties
shell that has the same natural ability scores and features as Dart 10 3d4 4 lb. Ammunition (Range 30/90),
your own at the time of it's creation. You are able to alter it's Gun gp Piercing Loading, Special
Thrro Assembly Features to any other two features of your Pop 20 2d8 8 lb. Ammunition (Range 10/30),
choosing from the Thrro Assembly Features list. Gun gp Force Loading, Two Handed, Special
You must spend 24 uninterrupted hours crafting a new
Thrro body from the materials required with the aid of a
Weaver's kit, once completed you must imbue the the lifeless Thrro Pillow
Thrro a portion of your conduit cloth forcing you to take half The Thrro Pillow is a small cloth cylinder stuffed with the
your HP in damage. Once the process if completed or you are harden arcane conduit cloth used to create Thrro's insides.
interrupted, you suffer 3 points of exhaustion. Due to the conduit cloth inside them, the pillows are sturdier
Should you die at any time after the creation of the new then they seem and can be used effectively as a club and a
body, your soul is instantly transferred to the newly created throwing weapon.
body with no statistical detriments. You may only create one
lifeless body at a time. Dart Gun
Animate Cloth The dart gun is a small, light weight firearm that can store up
to 12 darts inside it's firing chamber. The Dart Gun is ideal
(Prerequisite: Thrro Race, Charisma 15 or Higher) for long range, rapid fire dart shots.
Once per day you can cast the Animate Object spell only on Special. Firing this weapon uses 3 darts in one action,
objects that are completely comprised of cloth using once all the darts are empied from the chamber the user
Charisma for Spellcasting. This feature does not allow you to must use an action to reload the Dart Gun.
take control over another living Thrro. You may use this
feature again after a long rest. Pop Gun
The pop gun is a two handed long barrel firearm that
New Simple Melee Weapon launches a cork imbued with Thrro conduit cloth,
transforming the otherwise soft material into a harden bullet.
What it lacks in range it makes up for in close quarters
Name Cost Damage Weight Properties combat firepower often used as a means to quell small riots
Thrro 2 gp 1d6 5 lb. Light, Finesse, Thrown by Toy Guardsmen.
Pillow Bludgeoning (Range 5/30) Special. Your ammunition is a cork bullet on the end of a
chain-link is always attached to the weapon, meaning you
never run out of ammunition. You must spend an action to
reload your Pop Gun after each shot fired.

New Racial Archetypes

he following Archetypes are made to be Firearm Proficiency
additional archetype options for the Fighter,
Pugilist and Sorcerer classes tailored You were created to be a peacekeeper and guardian. As a
specifically for the Thrro race alone. member of the Toy Guard the knowledge and responsibility
of using a firearm has been entrusted to you. At 3rd level you
gain proficiency with firearms, allowing you to add your
proficiency bonus to attacks made with firearms.
Class Subclass Available Description
Fighter Toy 3rd A paragon racial varient of
Soldier Thrro tasked with Your creator has tasked you with a greater purpose, thus any
peacekeeping and combative glaring water based weakness your race normally would have
duties. has been addressed in your craftsmanship. At 3rd level,
Pugilist Training 3rd A Thrro designed to take a liquids are no longer considered difficult terrain while
Dummy beating and throw back any standing in or submerged for more than 1 + your
punishment it takes. Constitution modifier minutes. If you remain within water
Sorcerer Blood 1st Imbuded with conduit cloth
after the minutes are up or choose to absorb liquid, all the
Doll and living flesh, this corrupted effects defined by the Soak feature occur as per usual.
Thrro's magic curses it's
victims actions. Additional Thrro Assembly
Your belief in your purpose to ensure the will of the Toy
Toy Soldier Guard's task rises, this surge of devotion enhances your
conduit cloth. At 3rd level you gain an additional Thrro
The first ever Thrro was created to be a gift to a noble king's Assembly feature.
daughter. Seeing the resilience of the golem in safeguarding
his daughter from minor accidents about the castle walls, the Stalwart March
King had requested the mages make more with the means to
defend their kingdom. The mages took this request as a Your convition to the guard's duty has given you strong will to
challenge, a chance to improve their creation's weaknesses to see your current task be done. At 7th level have advantage to
not only abide to a noble's request, but to also strengthen saving throws that reduce your movement speed, you also
their defenses. In a year's time, the king was visited by an gain 10ft of movement.
army of red garbed golems, musket in hand and purpose in
mind. Fight not for conquest, but to protect their new found Conduit Casing
home. The arcane lifeforce that keeps you alive now flows through
firearm you hold in your hands. Starting at 10th level all
shots made with a firearm are considered magical for
bypassing resistances.
Made of Stronger Stuff
After being apart of the Toy Guard for this long, your conduit
cloth has hardened from all the physical truama of the job's
hardships. Starting at 15th level you are no longer vulnerable
to Fire damage and you are immune to Bludgeoning damage.
Peacekeeper's Accuracy
Starting at 18th level, your firearm attacks score critical on
18-20. Once per day on a successful hit on a Medium or
Small sized creature with your firearm, the target must make
a Constitution vs 8 + your Dexterity modifier + proficiency
saving throw. On failure the target is knocked prone. You can
use this feature again after a short or long rest.

Try Harder
Also at 3rd level, when you receive damage from an attack a
target you can reach with melee, as a reaction you can spend
a Moxie point to roll your Hit Die + Your Fisticuffs die. The
result of the roll absorbs the damage you would have
received. If your results absorb all of the damage received, the
target receives the unused amount in Bludgeoning damage.
Try Again
Starting at 6th level, you have afew reactionary abilities to
discipline your target into learning how to better defend
themselves. You can use any of these abilities any number of
times during combat, but using them more than once per
combat grants the target an Attack of Opportunity with an on
you after you use your ability. You may spend a Moxie point to
use repeat an ability without allowing the target to gain an
Attack of Opportunity.
Too Slow. When a target attempts to move away from you
if you successfully hit with an opportunity attack you may add
you Fisticuffs die in damage and also knock the target prone.
Too Predictable. When a target uses the same melee
attack as it has on it's previous turn, as a reaction you can
make a melee attack against the target before uses it's attack
Too Weak. When a target's melee attack against you hits
Training Dummy below your AC by 2 or more points, you can use a melee
attack against the target as a reaction.
Though the Thrro were created as means to safeguard or Too Distracted. When a target attempts to attack another
experiment with magic, some of the common folk started to ally while within your melee range as a reaction you can
learn of these crafted golems. There was fear for a time, make a melee attack against the target before it's attack roll.
however some of the more competitive of the people devised
of a use for the creatures, they came to the mages asking if Pay Attention
they could create a "Dummy" to hone their physical strength
upon. Tired of the constant demand for such things the Starting at 11th level, any time a target fails to hit you with a
mages gave the people what they desired, a Thrro capable of melee attack or takes damage from the Try Harder feature,
handling abuse, however accounts of the Thrro retaliating the target also takes your Fisticuffs die in damage.
began to occur. The mages responded quickly to such events
fearing the worst, but what baffled them was when the Pay Closer Attention
athletic victims assured them that this was acceptable design. Beginning at 17th level, any time a target fails to hit you with
a melee attack or takes damage from the Try Harder feature,
you regain 1 Moxie point.
Wait, what is the Pugilist?
This archetype was created to be an extra class
option with the Pugilist class created by Benjamin
Blood Doll
Huffman. The class allows a player to become a In the name of academic magic, some find the use of
bare fisted strength based brawler, using a resource Necromancy a bit too unethical or even amoral, however
known as Moxie. Moxie keeps a Pugilist in the some mages had devised a brilliant solution to this dilemma.
front line consantly in the enemies face and helps Where is the harm in using willing flesh and tissue in a test
easily shrug off hits that most player classes would subject that is not truly alive? If it was built for
be winded by. If this sounds interesting I highly experimentation then surely level headed researchers in the
recommend picking up a copy and checking out
more of Benjamin Huffman's work.
name of progress would see this as a solution. The Thrro are
made from conduit cloth this is certain, but with the
introduction of flesh along with conjuration, a new breed of
Thrro was born. The academics rejoiced, until the Thrro of
such machinations discovered what pain was. It was not
I Can Take It pleased, and it shared it's grief upon it's creators in more
At 3rd level you are gain proficiency in Athletics, if you have ways than verbal conserns.
so already you may add double your proficiency bonus.

Trace Evil Eye
Starting at 1st level if you have an item that was touched by Starting at 14th level, you may expend a spell slot to mark a
another living creature for the next 24 hours you mark the target you successfully hit with a ranged spell attack with
target and can pinpoint the exact location of the creature so Trace.
long as they are with 120 feet of you. During this time you
also have advantage to all attacks made against the marked Puppeteering
target. After the 24 hours are finished you are no longer able Starting at 18th level, once per day you can spend an action
to track down the creature with the item used during Trace. to completely control a target you have marked with Trace.
If you ingest the flesh, hair, skin, bones, or blood of a You may not command the target to inflict self harm or
creature, you can trace the creature indefinitely, you may only perform an action it is physically incapable of performing. At
ingest one sample of a creature's body at a time. Ingesting a the end of the target's turn it must roll a Wisdom vs 8 + your
bodily sample of new creature or if the creature dies will drop Charisma Modifier + proficiency saving throw. On success it
the mark on the creature. When the creature you mark and breaks free of your control but remains marked, on failure
do not see dies, you gain the knowledge that the creature has you gain control of it's actions on it's next turn.
perished, but not how it has died. If you recieve damage, you can tranfer any amount of
damage recieved to a target that is marked and under your
The Gift of Pain control. Doing this will allow the target to reroll it's Wisdom
Also at 1st level, your body's conduit cloth has become saving throw. If the target rolls a critical failure while
intertwined with the flesh inside you gaining a minor attempting to break free, it becomes Enthralled and is under
acclimation to the living's concept of pain. You are no longer your control for the next 6 hours before it it able to reroll it's
vulnerable to fire damage. saving throw. While the creature is Enthralled, you dealing
damage to the target will not break the spell. You may use this
Evil Touch feature again after a long rest.
At 6th level as a bonus action you can expend a spell slot to
apply Trace on a target you have successfully hit with a melee
attack, received melee damage from, or upon touching a
willing creature. Unwilling creatures must make a Wisdom vs
8 + your Charisma Modifier + proficiency saving throw, on
success they are no longer marked. The target may roll a
Wisdom save again at the end of it's turn to break free of the
When an unwilling creature is marked you may ask the DM
to reveal the creature's modifier of an ability score of your
choosing, you may also pull a number from willing creature
you can see within 60ft and ask them for their own modifier
number for any ability score you choose. You may only have
one target marked at a time, Once you have the number, you
may do one of the following features:
Unease. As a reaction, on the marked enemy's turn you
apply the number received from the mark to their attack roll.
If the number you received was positive it becomes negative
for this feature.
Mire. As a reaction, when you or an ally attempt to attack
marked target, you add the number received to the target's
AC. If the number you received was positive it becomes
negative for this feature.
Revenge. As a reaction, on the marked enemy's turn if they
successfully hit you or an ally you can see within 60ft, the
marked target takes half the damage revieved in Necrotic
damage and you heal for the number recieved. If the number
you received was negative it becomes positive for this feature.
Equalize. As a reaction, if you receive damage from the
marked target you may apply the total recieved + the number
received in damage on the marked target. If the number you
received was negative it becomes positive for this feature.
Empower. As a reaction if you or an ally you see within
60ft fail a saving throw you may reroll and apply the received
number to the roll. If the number you received was negative it
becomes positive for this feature.

Art Credits: Order of Apperance
Cover & Page 1
Page 2
Caitlin Cox
Page 3 & 8
Kichi Art
Page 3
Stacey Lenaghan
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
NutCase Art
Page 7
Obsolete Goat

Everingot Almanac

Patreon Credits
pr0bait | Maverick_Mentation | Brent Bond | Damien Harris | Alpha8087 | alex d schriner | Kevin Reynolds | Navek42 | Achillius |
Randy Goudreau | PKMN Peeps |

Hatchling / Rook / Adventurer

Skyblaze71325 | Chibi Biscuit | John Paul Pierce | cartoonkitsune | Slyfirefox | TheZanic | Dzib | Duvi0 | GrayBeast | LazyBunn |
Tito Velasquez | Jordan Ranger | Saiyanfox10 | Stephanie Shinkle | OwlFluffs | Mohammed Alhamdan | ClockworkShrew |
Geoffery Wolfe | edge foxs | Kevin Reynolds | Kalenidus | Boss Moogle | Gold_Dragon | Kyle Stewart | Seedsoman1 | Aaric Borst |
Bronx Childers | alex d schriner | dawn533k3r | MrEpicDwarf | Andrew Leavens | Le Birb | The Casualest | TheThreadWeaver |
Kade Dettman | Chilly Lich | rafael teran | luzzy | CrimsonChaos | Sky Smith | Giltone | DctrSwiss | Gemini Maxxim | Conner
Wright | Sergio Reyes | Dakota Warcup | Reyes | Hyruke | Arthor Whitewood | pikafan003 | TwofacedShip | Matthew Maldonado |
Cameron Downen | Gunmetal The Immortal |

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