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Terrestrial Ecoregions of
the World: A New Map of

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Life on Earth

T he tapestry of life on Earth is unraveling as humans

increasingly dominate and transform natural ecosys-
tems. Scarce resources and dwindling time force conserva-
tionists to target their actions to stem the loss of biodiversity— ECOREGIONS PROVIDES AN INNOVATIVE
a pragmatic approach, given the highly uneven distribution
of species and threats (Soulé and Kohm 1989, Olson and
Dinerstein 1998, Mace et al. 2000, Myers et al. 2000). Unfor-
tunately, the ability to focus strategically is hindered by the ab-
sence of a global biodiversity map with sufficient biogeo- Although our ecoregions are intended primarily as units
graphic resolution to accurately reflect the complex for conservation action, they are built on the foundations of
distribution of the Earth’s natural communities. Without classical biogeography and reflect extensive collaboration
such a map, many distinctive biotas remain unrecognized. In with over 1000 biogeographers, taxonomists, conservation bi-
this article, we address the disparity in resolution between ologists, and ecologists from around the world. Consequently,
maps currently available for global conservation planning ecoregions are likely to reflect the distribution of species and
and the reality of the Earth’s intricate patterns of life. We communities more accurately than do units based on global
have developed a detailed map of the terrestrial ecoregions of and regional models derived from gross biophysical features,
the world that is better suited to identify areas of outstand- such as rainfall and temperature (Holdridge 1967, Walter
ing biodiversity and representative communities (Noss 1992). and Box 1976, Schulz 1995, Bailey 1998), vegetation structure
We define ecoregions as relatively large units of land containing (UNESCO 1969, deLaubenfels 1975, Schmidthüsen 1976), or
a distinct assemblage of natural communities and species, with
boundaries that approximate the original extent of natural David Olson (e-mail, Eric Dinerstein, Eric Wikra-
communities prior to major land-use change. manayake, Neil Burgess, George Powell, Jennifer D’Amico, Holly
Our ecoregion map offers features that enhance its utility Strand, John Morrison, Colby Loucks, Thomas Allnutt, John Lamoreux,
for conservation planning at global and regional scales: com- Wesley Wettengel, and Kenneth Kassem are conservation scientists
prehensive coverage, a classification framework that builds on in the Conservation Science Program at World Wildlife Fund–US, Wash-
existing biogeographic knowledge, and a detailed level of ington, DC 20037. Emma Underwood is a doctoral candidate in the
biogeographic resolution. Ecoregions reflect the distribu- Graduate Group in Ecology, Information Center for the Environment,
tions of a broad range of fauna and flora across the entire University of California, Davis, CA 95616. Illanga Itoua is a conser-
planet, from the vast Sahara Desert to the diminutive Clip- vation biologist, 78230 Le Pecq, France. Taylor Ricketts is a post-
perton Island (eastern Pacific Ocean). They are classified doctoral researcher at the Center for Conservation Biology, Depart-
within a system familiar to all biologists—biogeographic ment of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
realms and biomes. Ecoregions, representing distinct biotas 94305. Yumiko Kura is a conservation specialist with the World Re-
(Dasmann 1973, 1974, Udvardy 1975), are nested within the sources Institute, Washington, DC 20002. Prashant Hedao is a
biomes and realms and, together, these provide a framework conservation GIS specialist with Environmental Systems Research
for comparisons among units and the identification of rep- Institute, Inc., Redlands, CA 92373. © 2001 American Institute of
resentative habitats and species assemblages. Biological Sciences

November 2001 / Vol. 51 No. 11 • BioScience 933


spectral signatures from remote-sensing data (Defries et al. with 463 found in the ecoregion map. Biodiversity assessments
1995, Loveland and Belward 1997). None of these other ap- that employ large biotic provinces or hotspots often fail to dis-
proaches emphasizes the importance of endemic genera and cern smaller but highly distinctive areas, which may result in
families (higher taxa), distinct assemblages of species, or the these areas receiving insufficient conservation attention. The
imprint of geological history, such as the strong influence of island of New Guinea is illustrative. Dasmann and Udvardy

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past glaciations or Pleistocene land bridges, on the distribu- treat the island as a single unit, whereas the new terrestrial map
tion of plants and animals. distinguishes 12 ecoregions: four lowland and four montane
Existing maps of global biodiversity have been ineffective broadleaf forests, one alpine scrub ecoregion along the cen-
planning tools because they divide the Earth into extremely tral cordillera, a mangrove forest, a freshwater swamp forest,
coarse biodiversity units. These units are typically well beyond and a savanna–grassland, all with distinct biotas and ecolog-
the size of landscapes tractable for designing networks of ical conditions.
conservation areas, the largest of protected areas, or the
50,000 km2 threshold for restricted-range species (Stattersfield The delineation of ecoregions
et al. 1998) that are of particular concern (Stuart Pimm We began by accepting the biogeographic realms of Pielou
[Center for Environmental Research and Conservation, Co- (1979) and Udvardy (1975) and modifying the biome systems
lumbia University, NY], personal communication, 2000). of Dinerstein et al. (1995) and Ricketts et al. (1999) (Figure
The average size of our ecoregions is roughly 150,000 km2 1). We then consulted existing global maps of floristic or
(median 56,300 km2), whereas the biotic provinces of Udvardy zoogeographic provinces (e.g., Rübel 1930, Gleason and
(1975) have an approximate mean of 740,000 km2 (median Cronquist 1964, Good 1964), global and regional maps of
306,000 km2) and the biodiversity hotspots of Myers et al. units based on the distribution of selected groups of plants
(2000), which represent threatened regions with high con- and animals (e.g., Hagmeier 1966), the world’s biotic province
centrations of endemic species, have an approximate mean maps (Dasmann 1973, 1974, Udvardy 1975), and global maps
of 787,760 km2 (median 324,000 km2). of broad vegetation types (e.g., UNESCO 1969, deLaubenfels
We subdivided the terrestrial world into 14 biomes and 1975, Schmidthüsen 1976). These were useful for evaluating
eight biogeographic realms (Figure 1). Nested within these are the extent of realms and biomes, the first two tiers in our hi-
867 ecoregions (Figure 2). This is roughly a fourfold increase erarchical classification. We then identified published re-
in resolution over that of the 198 biotic provinces of Dasmann gional classification systems to be used as a baseline for ecore-
(1974) and the 193 units of Udvardy (1975). The increased gion boundaries. Data and consultations from regional experts
resolution is most apparent in the tropics (between the Trop- were also important for final ecoregion delineations.
ics of Cancer and Capricorn) where Dasmann (1974) and Ud- The use of widely recognized biogeographic maps as a
vardy (1975) identify 115 and 117 units, respectively, compared basis for ecoregions enhances the utility of the map as a plan-
ning tool in different regions.
For example, White’s (1983)
phytogeographic regions serve
as the basis for the ecoregions
of the Afrotropics. The Aus-
tralian ecoregions are derived
from Thackway and Cresswell’s
(1995) biogeographic region-
alization. Nearctic ecoregions
are adapted from the ecoregion
systems of Omernik (1995),
Gallant et al. (1995), Wiken et
al. (1989), and Rzedowski
(1978). A more diverse set of
sources was used for the
Neotropics, including habitat
classifications for Brazil from
the Instituto Brasilero de Ge-
ografia Estatística (IBGE 1993),
the vegetation maps of Huber
and Alarcon (1988) and Hu-
ber et al. (1995) for Venezuela
and Guyana, and Holdridge’s
Figure 1. The ecoregions are categorized within 14 biomes and eight biogeographic realms (1977) life zones for Central
to facilitate representation analyses. America. The western Palearc-

934 BioScience • November 2001 / Vol. 51 No. 11


scrutiny to discern the influ-

ence of historic events on
present-day distributions. For
example, the effects of changes
in sea level and land bridges in

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the Philippines archipelago
during the Pleistocene have re-
sulted in several island ecore-
gions in close proximity har-
boring many unique taxa
(Heaney 1986, 1991). Delin-
eation of ecoregions varied
slightly in boreal and polar
habitats, where species assem-
blages are relatively homoge-
neous across large regions.
Figure 2. The map of terrestrial ecoregions of the world recognizes 867 distinct units, Thus, dynamics and processes
roughly a fourfold increase in biogeographic discrimination over that of the 193 units of were emphasized, such as ma-
Udvardy (1975). Maps of freshwater and marine ecoregions are similarly needed for jor variations in climate, fire
conservation planning. disturbance regimes, and large
vertebrate migrations (Ricketts
tic ecoregions (except Africa) were developed in concert with et al. 1999).
the DMEER (2000) project. The ecoregions of Russia are Three caveats are appropriate for all biogeographic map-
adapted from Kurnaev (1990) and Isachenko and colleagues ping approaches. First, no single biogeographic framework is
(1988), Japan from Miyawaki (1975), China from the systems optimal for all taxa. Ecoregions reflect the best compromise
developed by the Chinese Vegetation Map Compilation Com- for as many taxa as possible. Second, ecoregion boundaries
mittee (1979) and the Changchun Institute of Geography and rarely form abrupt edges; rather, ecotones and mosaic habi-
Chinese Academy of Sciences (1990), and Southwest Asia tats bound them. Third, most ecoregions contain habitats that
from Zohary (1973). The major divisions for Indo-Malayan differ from their assigned biome. For example, rainforest
ecoregions are based on the MacKinnon (1997) units that ecoregions in Amazonia often contain small edaphic savan-
build upon Dasmann’s and Udvardy’s biotic provinces. A key nas. More detailed biogeographic analyses should map the less
to the terrestrial ecoregions of the world map (Figure 2), the dominant habitat types that occur within the larger ecoregions,
sources for ecoregions, technical descriptions, and digital data and ecoregion conservation strategies should address their re-
are available at the Web site quirements.
Most existing systems required that units be aggregated or
divided, or that boundaries be modified, to achieve three Ecoregions as a tool for conservation
goals: (1) match recognized biogeographic divisions inade- How can a map of the world’s ecoregions contribute to con-
quately reflected in that system, (2) achieve a similar level of serving biodiversity? Our ecoregion map has already been used
biogeographic resolution of units, and (3) match units and as a biogeographic framework to highlight those areas of the
boundaries in adjacent systems, when necessary. Where widely world that are most distinctive or have high representation
accepted biogeographic maps were unavailable, we relied value and are therefore worthy of greater attention (Olson and
first on landforms and second on vegetation to inform the bi- Dinerstein 1998, Ricketts et al. 1999, Wikramanayake et al.
otic divisions. For example, montane and lowland habitats 2001). Ecoregions were ranked by the distinctiveness of their
support distinct biotic communities and dynamics. These were biodiversity features—species endemism, the rarity of higher
separated where they occurred over extensive areas. Detailed taxa, species richness, unusual ecological or evolutionary
vegetation maps were then consulted. Vegetation is an im- phenomena, and global rarity of their habitat type (e.g.,
portant proxy for both plants and invertebrates, which together Mediterranean-climate woodlands and scrub and temperate
constitute the vast majority of species. Most invertebrates, and rainforests). Ecoregions can also be ranked by threats to bio-
to some extent vertebrates, are associated with different plant diversity, the status of their natural habitats and species, and
communities, particularly where ecoclimatic differences are degree of protection (Dinerstein et al. 1995, Olson and Din-
strong (e.g., tropical wet forest versus tropical dry forest). erstein 1998, Ricketts et al. 1999, Wikramanayake et al. 2001).
The appropriate delineation of ecoregions was obvious in Using this framework, biologists can examine one of the
many cases. The sand pine scrubs of central Florida, for ex- most interesting biological problems: the concordance and
ample, support many endemic species and higher taxa, and mismatches in patterns of richness and endemism for indi-
one can confidently discern the distinctiveness of its biota as cator taxa, often birds and mammals, used in conservation pri-
well as its geographic extent. Other ecoregions required closer ority setting (Stattersfield et al. 1998, Fonseca et al. 2000,

November 2001 / Vol. 51 No. 11 • BioScience 935


Mace et al. 2000). As an illus-

tration, patterns of richness and
endemism by ecoregion for the
world’s 4,600+ terrestrial mam-
mal species reveal some major

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differences. The three richest
mammal assemblages are in the
northern Indochina subtropi-
cal forests, the southwestern
Amazon moist forests, and the
central Zambezian miombo
woodlands (Figure 3), whereas
the ecoregions with the highest
number of endemic mammals
are the Central Range montane
forests of New Guinea, the Al-
bertine Rift montane forests of
Central Africa, and the Sulawesi
montane forests (Figure 4).
Similar analyses for birds, her- Figure 3. The relative richness of terrestrial mammal species by ecoregion is depicted.
petofauna, and vascular plants Warmer colors denote ecoregions containing richer assemblages.
are under way, to be incorpo-
rated into a database that can be continually improved as new herbaria are using this base map to frame discussions with log-
data are acquired. This ecoregion–species database will com- ging companies and wood product retailers about reducing
plement emerging grid-based species datasets by providing in- the loss of forest biodiversity. It is also being used as a strate-
sights into the biogeographic relationship among cells (Brooks gic tool to determine conservation investments for the World
et al. 2001). Bank, the US Agency for International Development, the
The ecoregion map complements global priority-setting World Wildlife Fund, the World Resources Institute, The Na-
analyses, such as Global 200 (Olson and Dinerstein 1998) and ture Conservancy, and several foundations (Dinerstein et al.
Hotspots (Myers et al. 2000), by providing an even finer level 1995, Roca et al. 1997, Olson and Dinerstein 1998).
of resolution to assess biodiversity features. For example, the Conservation strategies that consider biogeographic units
25 terrestrial hotspots identified by Myers et al. (2000) amal- at the scale of ecoregions are ideal for protecting a full range
gamate 414 of the 867 ecoregions of the world, and the 237 of representative areas, conserving special elements, and en-
units of Global 200 contain 402 terrestrial ecoregions. On our suring the persistence of populations and ecological processes,
map, the Indo–Burma hotspot
(Mittermeier et al. 1999, Myers
et al. 2000) covers 37 terrestrial
ecoregions and Global 200’s
eastern Himalayan forests (Ol-
son and Dinerstein 1998) en-
compass four terrestrial ecore-
gions. The rich mosaic of the
map’s ecoregions calls atten-
tion to the importance of global
biodiversity, including those
ecoregions that lie outside the
species-rich tropics.
New ways of looking at bio-
diversity loss and global
threats—from climate change
to oil exploration, mining, road
development, and logging—
are facilitated by this detailed
map of ecoregions. Currently, a
consortium of conservation or- Figure 4. The level of species endemism for terrestrial mammals shows different patterns
ganizations, museums, and than that of richness. Warmer colors denote ecoregions containing more endemic species.

936 BioScience • November 2001 / Vol. 51 No. 11


particularly those that require the largest areas or are most sen- to all public and private schools in the United States to pro-
sitive to anthropogenic alterations (Noss et al. 1999, Soulé and mote biogeographic literacy and a better understanding of
Terborgh 1999, Groves et al. 2000, Margules and Pressey global biodiversity. We are indebted to all of the individuals
2000). Some of the most promising tools for designing net- who helped develop the World Wildlife Fund/National Ge-
works of conservation areas—gap analysis, equal-area grid ographic Society/Environmental Systems Research Institute,

Downloaded from by IFRN - Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte user on 30 April 2024
analyses, complementarity analyses, and other reserve selec- Inc., educational Web site that uses this map to present pat-
tion algorithms (Kiester et al. 1996, Margules and Pressey 2000, terns of biodiversity from around the world (
Williams et al. 1997, 2000)—will be more robust if con-
ducted within the context of biologically defined units such
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938 BioScience • November 2001 / Vol. 51 No. 11

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