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Solutions of Past Paper

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(i) Define communication.

Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, or feelings between two or more
people. It involves a sender, a message, and a receiver. The sender encodes the message into a form
that the receiver can understand, transmits the message through a channel (such as speech, writing, or
body language), and the receiver decodes the message and interprets its meaning.

(ii) What is a paragraph?

A paragraph is a basic unit of writing that consists of a group of sentences that are related to a single
topic. A paragraph typically contains a topic sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph, and
supporting sentences that provide details, examples, or explanations to elaborate on the topic sentence.

(v) What are latest/modern channels of communication

There are many modern channels of communication, including:

* Email

* Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)

* Instant messaging (e.g., WhatsApp, Skype)

* Video conferencing

* Project management tools

* Collaboration platforms

(vi) How is listening different from hearing?

Hearing is the physical ability to detect sound waves. Listening is the active process of paying attention
to sound, understanding the meaning of what is being said, and responding accordingly. Listening
involves more than just hearing; it also requires cognitive effort and focus.
(vii) Give any two purposes of speaking

There are many purposes of speaking, but two common purposes include:

* To inform: To convey information to others.

* To persuade: To try to convince others to believe or do something.

(viii) Define feedback

Feedback is information that is communicated back to the sender of a message about how the message
was received and interpreted. Feedback can be positive or negative, and it can be used to improve

(ix) Why is rehearsal important for making an oral presentation?

Rehearsal is important for making an oral presentation because it allows you to practice your delivery
and timing, and to identify and address any areas where you may need improvement. Rehearsing can
also help you to become more comfortable and confident in front of an audience.

(x) Memorandum

A memorandum, also known as a memo, is a formal written communication typically used within an
organization to convey information or instructions to a specific audience. It's a concise and professional
way to share important details or updates.


Your Name

Your Contact Information

Hiring Manager Name

Avanza Solutions

Hiring Manager Contact Information

Dear [Hiring Manager name],

I am writing to express my keen interest in the [Software Developer/Senior Software Engineer] position
advertised on [website where you saw the ad]. With my [Number] years of experience in software
development and strong skills in [list relevant programming languages and technologies], I am confident
that I possess the qualifications and expertise you are seeking.

In my previous role at [Previous company name], I was responsible for [List your relevant responsibilities
and achievements]. I am proficient in designing, developing, and deploying enterprise applications, and I
have a proven track record of delivering high-quality results on time and within budget.

I am a highly motivated and results-oriented software developer with excellent analytical and problem-
solving skills. I am also a team player with strong communication and collaboration skills. I am confident
that I can quickly learn new technologies and adapt to new challenges.

I am particularly interested in working at Avanza Solutions because of your company's reputation for
developing innovative software solutions and your commitment to providing a professional and growth-
oriented work environment. I am confident that my skills and experience would be a valuable asset to
your team.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I have attached my resume for your review and look forward
to hearing from you soon.


[Your Name]

Question#3) discuss in detail various tips for effective presentation?

Understand Your Audience: Tailor your presentation to the needs and interests of your audience.
Consider their background, their level of understanding of the topic, and what they are hoping to get
out of the presentation.

Clear and Concise Content: Avoid overwhelming your audience with too much information. Stick to a
few key points and make sure they are clear and concise.

Engaging Design: Use visuals like graphs, charts, and images to make your presentation more engaging.
Avoid cluttered slides and ensure your text is readable.

Practice: Familiarize yourself with your content. Practice your presentation multiple times to ensure
smooth delivery. Remember, confidence is key!

Interactive Session: Engage your audience by asking questions, encouraging participation, or including
interactive elements in your presentation.

Storytelling: People love stories, and they can be a powerful way to engage your audience. Try to weave
a narrative around your topic.

Time Management: Respect your audience’s time. Make sure your presentation fits within the allotted
time frame.

Use of Technology: Make effective use of presentation software. Features like animations can add
interest, but don’t overdo it.

Body Language: Your body language can say as much as your words. Stand tall, make eye contact, and
use natural gestures.

Prepare for Questions: Be ready to answer questions from your audience. If you don’t know the answer,
it’s okay to say so.

Question#4) Explain stages of writing?

Here are five common stages:

1. Prewriting:
o Purpose: Brainstorm ideas, gather information, and plan your approach.
o Activities: Choose a topic, research, take notes, and develop a clear understanding of
what you want to write.
o Example: If you’re writing an essay, narrow down your topic and gather relevant
2. Planning and Outlining:
o Purpose: Organize your thoughts and structure your content logically.
o Activities: Create an outline, decide on key points, and arrange them in a coherent
o Example: Plan the main sections of your essay or paper .
3. Writing a First Draft:
o Purpose: Put your ideas into words.
o Activities: Write freely without worrying about perfection. Focus on getting your
thoughts down.
o Example: Draft the body paragraphs of your essay or complete the first chapter of your
4. Redrafting and Revising:
o Purpose: Improve clarity, coherence, and overall quality.
o Activities: Review your draft, make changes, and refine your content. Consider feedback
from others.
o Example: Revise sentences, reorganize paragraphs, and enhance your argument .
5. Editing and Proofreading:
o Purpose: Correct errors, improve style, and polish your work.
o Activities: Check for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and consistency. Ensure proper
o Example: Edit sentences, proofread thoroughly, and make final adjustments

Question#5) Skimming/scanning

Based on the passage:

(i) The most appropriate title for the passage is “The Two Faces of Frugality”.

(ii) According to the passage, a successful businessman who is wealthy is expected to live a luxurious life
and spend money freely.
(iii) The phrase “lavish with his hospitality” means to be generous in entertaining guests.

(iv) Paradox means a statement or situation that seems contradictory or absurd but may actually be
true. In the passage, the paradox is that a person who must be extravagant to be successful in business
is expected to be frugal in his personal life.

(v) Equanimity means mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper. In the passage, it refers to
the ideal wife’s ability to face the milkman without worry or guilt, even though they might be struggling

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