Mandela Effect Bible
Mandela Effect Bible
Mandela Effect Bible
thus far ... but your detailed Highway / Highways - * Hoods righteousness - Mal 4:2 *
research is outstanding & - * holy convocation - catholic * Sycamine tree - ? Luke 17:6 *
indisputable ... GOD BLESS holy water - Numbers 5:17 - Table - Rom 11:9, let their table
Mandela III (new / old words) II catholic * Impotent - * be made a snare and a trap ... *
KJV BIBLE Modern & Odd Incontinent - 2Tim 3:3 * Infidel Traffickers - * Tablet -(in some
Words are now in the KJ * - 2x’s * Intermeddleth - ? * verses) is now table. Exo 34:1-5
Alway - * Aprons - Adam & Israelitish - * Javelin - * Jupiter ..Moses broke the first set of
Eve made aprons * Attent - * - but sun & moon removed * (tables), & had 2 go back the
Betimes - Job 8:5 * Bishop - * Kidneys - 18 x’s * Lieutenant - next day for a second set *
Bishoprick - * Bonnets - * * Liquor - * Malefactors - Luke Theatre - 2 x's * Tires - Ezk
Booth - * Booties - * Bowels - 23:32 * Mantles - * Matrix (Exo 24:23 2 x’s * Traffick - orig:
37 x’s (bowels of compassion) * 13:12/15) * Meat (is 1400's * Unicorn - * Unperfect -
Brickkiln - * Busybodies - 2 x’s everywhere in the Bible now) * * Unwashen - Mk 7:2 * Vain
* Butler - Gen 4:9 * Cattle - 133 Milch kine - ? * Muffler - Isa jangling * Vexation of spirit -
x's * Chimney - Hos 13: * 3:19 * Musick - misspelled 16 Ecc, Isaiah * Victuals - catholic
Chode - Gen 31:36 /Num 20:3 x's * Naughty - naughty figs * * Vocation - 1x (orig: 1400's)
WARNING: should you look up Needlework - * Nethermost - * catholic * Wax wanton - *
chode, just saying * Cieling - Nurse - * Operation / operations Whoredoms - * Withal - 33 x’s
1Kings 6:15 * Circuits - Ecc 1:6 - * Pacifieth * Paddle - * * Year of (the) jubile, not
* Cockatrice’ / cockatrices - Partners - ? * Pavement - 7x's * Jubilee * Yesternight - (((sun &
mythical * Companion - * Peradventure - * Phoenix - * moon, no longer in Genesis - as
Couch - * College - * Pilots - * Piped - * Planes - * part of creation))) In Acts 2 -
Confederate / confederacy - * Pollute, pollution * Porch - * Jesus is referred to as (thy holy
Crisping pins ? * Crookbackt - Pransing horses, and of the child), when he was an adult
* Curtains - * Damsel - 35 x's jumping chariots? - Naham 3:2 40+ emojis: ‘ hear;) unto’ ...
(orig: 1700's) * Deputy / * Predestinate - not predestined Rom 11:8 GIBBERISH
deputed / deputies * Divers - * Priest - 442 x’s * Priests - 376 VERSES, such as: * Luke 12:28
instead of diverse * Doctor / x’s * Priest’s - 45 x’s * - If God so clothe the grass,
doctors - * Dodo (someone’s Priesthood - 15 x’s Messiah 3 which is to day in the field, and
son) * Dragons - 18 x’s * Drave x’s * Proselyte - * Protest - * to morrow is cast into the
- past tense of drove? 1Ch 13:7 Publicans - * Purloining - * oven...? * Exo 28:13 - ouches of
* Duke / Dukes - * Dung - 26’s Recorder - * Revenues - * Riot - gold ... and fasten the wreathen
* Dwarf - * Election - 6x’s * (Sacrifice sacrifices) doup in chains to the ouches * Gods
(should be elect) * Emulation - 1Sam 1:8 * Sailors - Gen 18:17 name is jealous * Golden
* Ensample - 2Thes 3:9 * * Salute - 33x’s - i.e Romans emerods ... and golden mice *
Ensine - a name of a Mormon 16:16 * Saluted - 9x’s * Jud 5:25 - He asked water, and
book? * Excel - 1Ch 15:21 * Saluteth - 4x’s * Satyr / satyrs - she gave him milk; she brought
Extortion - * Experiment - * mythical creature * Scaffold - & forth butter in a lordly dish. *
Ferry boat - 2 Sam 19:18 * Fins * Scholar - * School - 1x * Killed the Passover 5x’s * Gen
- * Firepans - * Firkins - * Schoolmaster - * Sea saw - 43:34 - And he took & sent
Flagon / flagon - * Fleshhooks - these 2 words together * messes unto them from before
* Floats - * Foreknow - Rom Serjeants - & misspelt * him: but Benjamin's mess was
8:29 * Foreskin - * Forgat - * Sheriff / sheriffs - * Shew - ? * five times so much as any of
Furnished - * Evangelist - Act Shovels - * Shuttle - * Shut up - theirs. And they drank, and were
21:8 * Gay (clothing) - * * Silly woman - 2Tim 3:6 * merry with him. * Gen 40:22
Gazingstock - * Gender - Lev Skirt - * Sluices - * Snow - * But he hanged the chief baker:
19:19 (cattle gender)? * Girdle Sobriety - * Spokes - * Sporting as Joseph had interpreted to
(curious girdle)- * - * Stablisheth - Hab 2:9 * Strait them. Yet did not the chief
butler remember Joseph, but fellowhelper * fellowlabourers breast of kings Job 21:24 - His
forgat him. * Job * fellowprisoner * fellowsoldier breasts are full of milk, The
32:19 ...Behold, my belly is as * fryingpan * gainsaying * Lord's Prayer Luke 11:2-4,&
wine which hath no vent; it is gazingstock * goodman * Mat 6:9-11 ...Used to read like
ready to burst like new bottles. grapegatherers * grapegleanings this*** Our Father who art in
* Judges 5:25 He asked water, * Husbandman * lionlike * heaven Hallowed be thy name
and she gave him milk; she selfsame * stumblingblocks * Thy kingdom come Thy will be
brought forth butter in a lordly trucebreakers * twoedged * done On earth, as it is in heaven
dish. * Deut 32:14 Butter of wellfavoured ZION IS Give us day, our daily bread
kine, and milk of sheep,with fat SPELLED AS SION, IN And forgive us our trespasses,
of lambs, and rams of the breed THESE VERSES Deut 4:48, as we forgive those who
of Bashan,and goats, with the Psa 65:1, Matt 21:5 John 12:15, trespass against us and lead us
fat of kidneys of wheat; and Rom 9:33 & more... NAMES not, into temptation But deliver
thou didst drink the pure blood ARE DIFFERENT Boaz - now us from evil For thine is the
of the grape. * Isa 9:10 The Booz Elijah - Elias 30 x's Kingdom, and the power and
bricks are fallen down, but we Gomorrah - now spelled the Glory... forever & ever
will build with hewn stones: the Gomorrha Isaiah - now Esaias Amen IN CLOSING... Amos
sycomores are cut down, but we 21 x's Jeremiah - now Jeremias 8:11-12 Behold the days come
will change (replace) them Mat 16:14 Jonah - is now Jonas, saith the Lord God, that I will
(with) into cedars. * Mal 4:2 Matt 12:40 Melchizedek - now send a famine in the Land. Not
But unto you that fear my name Melchisedec Messiah - now a famine of bread, nor a thirst
shall the (Sun) of righteousness Messias, 2 x's Nebuchadnezzar - for water - but of hearing the
arise with healing in his wings; now Nebuchadrezzar Horrifying Words of the Lord and they
COMBINED, WEIRD WORDS - now there’s breastfeeding shall wonder from sea to sea &
* axletrees * Bakemeats * males in the KJ’s Num 11:12 - from the north, even to the east.
bethink * cankerworm * nursing father beareth the They shall run to and fro to seek
doubletongued * downsitting * sucking child & Isaiah 60:16 - the Word of the Lord, and shall
dwellingplaces * eyesalve * Thou shalt also suck the milk of not find it
fatfleshed * feedingplace * the Gentiles, and shalt suck the