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Cambridge Primary

World English SAMPLE

For English as a Second Language

Book 4 Gill Budgell
Series editor:
Melissa Bryant

We are working with Cambridge Assessment

International Education to gain endorsement
for this forthcoming series.
We are working with Cambridge Assessment International Education to gain
endorsement for this forthcoming series.

Engage and inspire learners with an international and interconnected approach developed by experienced teachers
and language specialists.
The series offers full coverage of the learning objectives for the Cambridge Primary English as a Second language curriculum
framework (0057) from 2020 and is mapped to the Common European Framework of Reference.

Learner’s Book Boost eBook Workbook Teacher’s Guide with

£12.99 £8.66 for 1-year £5.99 Boost subscription
January 2021 access January 2021 £150 for access until
January 2021 2026
January 2021
Stage 1 (ages 5–6) 9781510467897 9781510462816 9781510467941 9781510468108
Stage 2 (ages 6–7) 9781510467903 9781510462854 9781510467958 9781510468115
Stage 3 (ages 7–8) 9781510467910 9781510467323 9781510467965 9781510468122
Stage 4 (ages 8–9) 9781510467927 9781510467361 9781510467972 9781510468146
Stage 5 (ages 9–10) 9781510467934 9781510467408 9781510467989 9781510468153
Stage 6 (ages 10–11) 9781510468092 9781510467446 9781510467996 9781510468160
* Age ranges are for guidance only

Boost eBooks – interactive, Support knowledge and

engaging and completely understanding from the Learner’s
flexible. Boost eBooks use Book with practical workbooks
the latest research and designed to challenge students to
technologies to provide the develop their learning further.
very best learning experience
for learners. They can be
downloaded onto any device
and used in the classroom, at
home or on the move.

Created with teachers and students in schools supporting and extending learners working at
across the globe, Boost is the next generation different levels.
in digital learning for schools, bringing quality ● Develop key concepts and skills: Let learners
content and new technology together in one see how their skills are developing with a range
interactive website. of activities and end-of-unit worksheets.
The Cambridge Primary World English Teacher’s ● Enrich learning: Character artwork taken
Guides include a print handbook and a from the Learner’s Books to be used front of
subscription to Boost, where you will find a range class, audio recordings of the extracts in the
of online resources to support your teaching. Learner’s Books and flashcards with pictures
● Confidently deliver the new curriculum and words based on the vocabulary covered.
framework: Expert author guidance on
introducing new content, assessment ideas to
check learner’s understanding and ideas for

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Cambridge Primary

World English
For English as a Second Language

Book 4 Gill Budgell
Series editor:
Melissa Bryant
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ISBN 9781510467927


Unit 1 Countries of the world

Unit 2 Let’s feast

Unit 3 Homes

Unit 4 The sun and the moon

Unit 5 Festival of music 

Unit 6 Tales from the past

Unit 7 Robot world

Unit 8 Wild adventures

Unit 9 Planning a trip

Glossary of grammar 
Vocabulary 3
Unit 4 The sun and the moon

The moon is a ball The sun is a flaming

of rock that goes ball of gas. We are
round and round learning to use its
the Earth. energy!

Let’s talk

Talk about the sun and the moon. When in the day do you see each one?
Which is bigger – the sun or the moon? Why are they important?

Listening and speaking

Listening and speaking

Exploring the sun and the moon
We live on Earth, which is one of many objects in space.
solar system star planet moon

Listen to Banko and Jin talking about the sun and the moon. Look at
the facts below. Which ones are about the sun? Which ones are about
the moon?
closest star to Earth
a dry, dusty place
a ball of rock
only star in the
goes round the Earth solar system
never look directly at it because it hurts your eyes

Listen to Banko and Jin Let’s talk
again. Find out what they want to
know about the sun and the moon. Work with a partner and talk
1 What’s inside the sun? about what you know about the
2 How hot is it in the middle? sun and the moon.
3 How do we take photos of the
sun from space? Challenge yourself!
4 Why does the moon look as if
it changes shape? Look at the list of questions
5 Are there other moons in the about the sun and the moon.
solar system? Can you answer them? Find out
6 What do space explorers do on the answers and write them in
the moon? your notebook.

Unit 4: The sun and the moon

Use of English
Present continuous tense for the future
We can use the present continuous tense to talk about what people are
doing. We can also use the same verb form (verb be + –ing) to talk about
plans that we have made to do something in the future.

I’m staying up late I’m inviting some

this evening to see friends here to
the full moon. watch it with us.

Which sentence is correct to talk about the future?
1 a Scientists are building space hotels on the moon next year.
b Scientists build space hotels on the moon next year.
2 a We look for the full moon tonight.
b We’re looking for the full moon tonight.
3 a Are you joining us this evening?
b Do you join us this evening?

Copy and complete each sentence in your notebook.
not is are you you visiting am
1 I ________ looking for stars tonight.
2 Banko ________ making his star model after dinner.
3 Are ________ star-gazing with us this week?
4 Jin and Banko are ________ watching the Space Show
on Friday, aren’t they?
5 We are ________ the science museum next week.
6 What space badge ________ getting for your birthday?

Use of English

Verbs with infinitive

Do you remember?
I use my sketchbook
We often use the infinitive to talk
and pencil to draw
about what something is for.
the moon and stars.


1 Read these captions about space equipment.

We use We use a
a space telescope to
probe look at the
to take night sky.
photos of
the sun.

2 Point to the infinitive verb forms Space explorers

in the captions. use a lunar
module to land
on the moon.

Challenge yourself!
1 Sort the words into the
correct order to make
two sentences for this picture.

can be make Stars joined up

to patterns. a lion. pattern
This is like
3 Write your own caption for 2 Do you know any other star
this picture in your notebook. pattern?

Unit 4: The sun and the moon

Listening and speaking

True space adventures

Listen to the space explorers talking. Point to each space explorer as
you hear them speak.

Yuri Gagarin Laika Susan Helms Neil Katherine

Armstrong Johnson

Try this
Listen again to the space explorers. Copy this table into your notebook,
adding another line for each space explorer. Complete the table.

Name Country Date What they did

1 Yuri Gagarin Russia 1961 first man in space

Challenge yourself!
Do more research on the five space explorers and add the information
you find to your table.

Listening and speaking

Let’s talk

Work with a partner.

1 Listen to information about the International Space Station (ISS).

Solar panels to
make electricity

Built from different Laboratories for

parts joined together science experiments

2 Talk about the ISS:

a Which country built the ISS? Hint
b What is inside the ISS? The word orbit means to go round.
c For how long do space explorers
stay on the ISS? Do you know?
d Can we see the ISS from Earth?
The ISS:
• takes 90 minutes to orbit
Try this the Earth
• travels at a speed of 27 500 km
Work in small groups. Make an hour
a model space station out of
anything you can find. What • has an orbit height of 408 km
will you use to make each part? above the Earth.

Challenge yourself!
Find out more about the ISS.
Make a poster to share what you
find out.

Unit 4: The sun and the moon

Why the sun and the moon live in the sky

Read the story as a class. Split the class into four
Group 1 reads the part of the Narrator. Group 2
reads the part of Sun. Group 3 reads the part of
Moon. Group 4 reads the part of Water.
Speaker What you say super clear.
Narrator: Many years ago, Sun and Water were great friends, and
they both lived on the Earth together.
Sun often used to visit Water, but Water never returned
the visits.
Sun: Why do you never visit me?
Water: If you want me to visit you, you will have to build a
bigger house. But I warn you that it will have to be the
biggest house on the Earth. I have lots of family and
friends and we take up a lot of room.
Narrator: Sun promised to build the biggest house on the Earth
and went to tell his wife, Moon.
Sun: I have promised to build the biggest house on the Earth
so that our friend Water and all his family and friends
can visit us.
Moon: It is the best surprise ever!
We will be happy to welcome Water and his family and
Let’s start building the biggest house on the Earth.
Narrator: When it was finished, Sun asked Water to visit them.
Water: I am here, Sun! Is it safe for me and my family and
friends to flow into your house?


Practise (continued)

Sun and Moon: Yes, you may all come in!

Narrator: The water began to flow in, followed by the fish and all
the other water animals. Very soon, the water was knee-
deep in the house.
Water: Is it still safe for us to keep flowing into your house?
Sun and Moon: Yes please come into our house! You are most welcome.
Narrator: So Water and all his family continued to flow in. When
the water was at the level of a man’s head, water spoke
Water: Is it STILL safe for us to keep flowing into your house?
Sun and Moon: Yes, the more the merrier!
Narrator: So more and more of Water’s friends came in, until the
sun and the moon had to sit on top of the roof of their
When the water flowed over the top of the roof, the sun
and the moon were forced to go up into the sky.
… and that is why the sun and moon live in the sky.

Let’s talk Try this

Now act out the story.

There are lots of stories You need five groups:
about the sun and moon • Narrator
in different countries • Sun
around the world. Some • Moon
people say this story is • Water
an old Chinese story. • Water’s friends
Other people say it is and family.
an African story. Do you
know this story or one Do you need any
like it? props?

Unit 4: The sun and the moon

A story about the sun and the moon
Work with a partner.
1 Look at the pictures.
2 Take turns to retell the story of why the sun and the moon live in the sky.
3 Write a sentence for each picture to retell the story.
1 2 3

4 5 6


Challenge yourself!
1 Write these sentences in your notebook.
2 Listen and fill in the missing words in the sentences. Each missing word is
one we use a lot in English. Remember to check your spelling.

________ years ago, Sun and Water ________ great friends, and ________
both lived on ________ Earth together.
If you ________ me to visit ________, you will ________ to build a bigger

Try this

Listen to the instructions

about how to spin like
the Earth in a day. Work
as class to do this until
everyone understands
how it feels to be the
spinning Earth.

What can you do?

Read and review what you can do.

✔ I can talk about the sun, the moon and space.
✔ I can use the present continuous to talk about the future.
✔ I can read and act out a play in a group.
✔ I can write sentences to retell a story.

Cambridge Primary

World English
For English as a Second Language
Learner’s Book 4
Engage and inspire learners with an international and interconnected
approach developed by experienced teachers and language specialists.
The series offers full coverage of the learning objectives for the Cambridge
Primary English as a Second language curriculum framework and is mapped to
the Common European Framework of Reference.
● Stimulate learners with model texts and activities.
● Clearly address the key objectives: reading, writing, speaking, listening and
use of English.
● Support activities and knowledge covered in the Learner’s Book with the
accompanying Workbook and Teacher’s Guide with Boost Subscription.

This resource is endorsed by Cambridge

For over 25 years we have
king for ove
or r Assessment International Education
been trusted by Cambridge


schools around the world to Provides support as part of a set of resources

m bridge A

YEARS provide quality support for for the Cambridge Primary English as a Second
al E

teaching and learning. For Language curriculum framework (0057)


es i

sm WITH rnat from 2020

e n t In t e
this reason we have been
selected by Cambridge Assessment International Has passed Cambridge International’s rigorous
Education as an official publisher of endorsed quality-assurance process
material for their syllabuses.

Registered Cambridge International Schools benefit from high-quality programmes, assessments and a wide range of
support so that teachers can effectively deliver Cambridge Primary. Visit to
find out more.

We are working with

Cambridge Assessment
International Education to
This series includes eBooks gain endorsement for this
and teacher support. forthcoming series.
to find out more.

I S B N 978-1-3983-1022-3

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