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220 Books Doubtnut Question Bank

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1. Few quantities with their units are listed below. Mark the

units which are not correctly matched.

(i) Density : kg m −3

(ii) Velocity of light : m s −1

(iii) Planck's constant : J −1


(iv) Acceleration : ms −2
A. (ii) and (iv)

B. (i) and (iii)

C. (iii) and (v)

D. (iv) and (v)


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2. Mark the conversion factor which is not correct.

A. 1 atm = 1.01325 × 10

B. 1 metre = 39.37 inches

C. 1 litre = 10

D. 1 inch =3.33 cm

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3. Few figures are expressed in scientific notation. Mark the

incorrect one.

A. 234000 = 2.34 × 10

B. 8008 3
= 8 × 10

C. 0.0048 = 4.8 × 10

D. 500.0 = 5.00 × 10


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4. Markthe rule which is not correctly stated about

determination of significant figures.

A. Zeros preceding to first non-zero digit are not


B. Zero between two non-zero digits are not significant.

C. Zero at the end or right of the number are significant if

they are on the right side of decimal point.

D. All non - zero digits are significant.

Answer: B

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5. Which of the following rules regarding the significant

figures and calculations involving them is not correct?

A. The result of an addition or subtraction is reported to

the same number of decimal places as present in

number with least decimal places.

B. Result of multiplication or division should have same

number of significant figures as present in most

precise figure.

C. The result of multiplication or division should be

rounded off to same number of significant figures as

present in least precise figure.

D. The non-significant figures in the measurements are

rounded off.


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6. The result of the operation 2.5 × 1.25 should be which of

the following on the basis of significant figures?

A. 3.125

B. 3.13

C. 3.1

D. 31.25

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7. How many significant figures are present in 0.010100 × 10


A. 7

B. 5

C. 3

D. 10

Answer: B

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8. What will be the answer in appropriate significant figures

as a result of addition of 3.0223 and 5.041 ?

A. 80.633

B. 8.0633

C. 8.063

D. 806.33


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9. Which of the following is the most accurate measurement?

A. 9m
B. 9.0m

C. 9.00m

D. 9.000m


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10. Which of the following option is not correct ?

A. 2.300+0.02017+0.02015=2.340

B. 126, 000 has 3 significant figures.

C. 15.15μs = 1.515 × 10

D. 0.0048 = 48 × 10

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11. What should be the volume of the milk (in m

) which

measures 5L?

A. 5 × 10 −3

B. 5 × 10

C. 5 × 1000m 3

D. 5 × 10


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12. How many seconds are there in 3 days?

A. 259200 s

B. 172800 s

C. 24800 s

D. 72000 s


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13. 18.72 g of a substance 'X' occupies 1.81 cm

. What will be

its density measured in correct significant figures?

A. 10.3gcm −3
B. 10.34gcm −3

C. 10.4gcm −3

D. 10.3425gcm −3


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14. 4.88 g of KClO when heated produced 1.92 g of O and

3 2

2.96 g of KCl. Which of the following statements regarding

the experiment is correct?

A. The result illustrates the law of conservation of mass.

B. The result of illustrates the law of multiple

C. The result illustrates the law of constant proportion.

D. None of the above laws is followed.


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15. How much mass of silver nitrates will react with 5.85 g of

sodium chloride to produce 14.35 g of silver chloride and 8.5

g of sodium nitrates if law of conservation of mass is


A. 22.85 g

B. 108 g

C. 17.0 g
D. 28.70 g

Answer: C

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16. What mass of hydrochloric acid is needed to decompose

50 g of limestone?

A. 36.5 g

B. 73 g

C. 50 g

D. 100 g

Answer: A
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17. What mass of sodium chloride would be decomposed by

9.8 g of sulphuric acid if 12 g of sodium bisulphate and 2.75 g

of hydrogen chloride were produced in a reaction?

A. 14.75 g

B. 3.8 g

C. 4.95 g

D. 2.2 g

Answer: C

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18. In an experiment 2.4g of iron oxide in reduction with

hydrogen gave 1.68 g of iron. In another experimet, 2.7 g of

iron oxide gave 1.89 g of iron on reduction. Which law is

illustrated from the above data?

A. Law of constant proportions

B. Law of multiple proportions

C. Law of reciprocal proportions

D. Law of conservation proportions


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19. Which of the following statements indicates that law of

multiple proportion is being followed?

A. An element forms two oxides, XO and XO2 containing

50% and 60% oxygen respectively. The ratio of masses

of oxygen which combines with 1 g of element is 2 : 3.

B. Hydrogen sulphide contains 5.89% hydrogen, water

contains 11.1% hydrogen and sulphur dioxyde contains

50% oxygen.

C. 3.47 g of BaCl2 reacts with 2.36g of N a2 SO4 to give

3.88 of BaSO and 1.95 g of NaCl.


D. 20mL of ammonia gives 10 volumes of N2 and 30

volumes of H at constant temperature and pressure.


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20. Give below are few statements. Mark the statement which

is not correct.

A. Atoms are neigther created nor destroyed in a

chemical reaction.

B. Law of definite proportion state that a given

compound always contains exactly the same

proportion of elements by weight.

C. Gay Lussac's law of chemical combination is valid for all

D. A pure compund has always a fixed proportion of

masses of its constituents.


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21. Are the atomic masses of some elements actually

fractional ?

A. They exist as a mixture of isotopes of different masses

B. They contain impurities of other atoms

C. They are mixtures of isobars

D. They cannot be weighted accurately.

Answer: A

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22. Oxygen occurs in nature as a mixture of isotopes

O and
O having masses of 15.995 u, 16.999 u and

17.999 u and relative abundance of 99.763%, 0.037% and

0.200% respectively. What is the average atomic mass of


A. 15.999 u

B. 16.999 u

C. 17.999 u

D. 18.999 u
Answer: A

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23. For every one 37

Cl isotopes there are three 35
Cl isotopes

in a sample of chlorine. What will be the average atomic

mass of chlorine?

A. 35

B. 37

C. 35.5

D. 35.6


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24. Carbon occur in nature as a mixture of C − 12 and

C − 13 . Average atomic mass of carbon is 12.011 what is the

% abundance of C − 12 in nature ?

A. 0.889

B. 0.989

C. 0.899

D. 0.799


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25. What is the mass of carbon dioxide which contains the

same number of molecules as are contained in 40 g of


A. 40g

B. 55g

C. 32g

D. 44g

Answer: B

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26. The number of oxygen atoms present in 1 mole of oxalic

acids dihydrate is
A. 6 × 10 23

B. 6.022 × 10 34

C. 7.22 × 10 23

D. 36.13 × 10 23

Answer: D

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27. The measured density at NT P of He is 0.1784gL


Calculate the weight of 1mole of H e.

A. 3.99 g

B. 22.4 g

C. 3.56 g
D. 29 g


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28. Which of the following gases will have least volume if 10g

of each gas is taken at same temperature and pressure?

A. CO 2

B. N2

C. CH 4

D. HCl

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29. How many number of molecules and atoms respectively

are presetn in 2.8 liters of a diatomics gas at STP ?

A. 6.023 × 10 23

B. 6.023 × 10 23

C. 7.5 × 10 22 22
, 15 × 10

D. 15 × 10 22
, 7.5 × 10


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30. Total number of atoms present in 34 g of N H is 3

A. 4 × 10 23

B. 4.8 × 10 21

C. 2 × 10 23

D. 48 × 10 23

Answer: D

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31. What will be the mass of 100 atoms of hydrogen?

A. 100g

B. 1.66 × 10 − 22

C. 6.023 × 10 23

D. 100 × 6.023 × 10 23

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32. How many atoms in total are present in 1kg of sugar?

A. 7.92 × 10 25

B. 6 × 1023

C. 6.022 × 10 25

D. 1000 atoms


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33. 1.4 moles of phosphorus trichloride are present in a

sample. How many atoms are there in the sample?

A. 5.6

B. 34

C. 2.4 × 10 23

D. 3.372 × 10 24


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34. What will be the standard molar volume of He, if its

density is 0.1784 g/L at STP?

A. 11.2 L

B. 22.4 L

C. 5.6 L

D. 2.8 L


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35. In a mixture of gases, the volume content of a gas is

0.06% at STP. Calculate the number of molecules of the gas

in 1 L of the mixture.

A. 1.613 × 10 23

B. 6.023 × 10 23
C. 1.61 × 10

D. 1.61 × 10


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36. What will be the weight of CO having the same number of

oxygen atoms at present in 22 g of CO ?


A. 28g

B. 22g

C. 44g

D. 72g

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37. Calculate the number of aluminium ions present in 0.051

g of aluminium oxide.

(Hint: The mass of an ion is the same as that of an atom of

the same element. Atomic mass of Al = 27 u)

A. 6.023 × 1020

B. 3 ions

C. 6.023 × 1023

D. 9 ions

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38. Which of the following correctly represents 180 g of water

5 moles of water

(ii) 10 moles of water

(iii) 6.023 × 10 23
molecules of water

(iv) 6.023 × 10 24
molecules of water

A. (i) and (ii)

B. (i) and (iv)

C. (ii) and (iv)

D. (ii) and (iii)

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39. How many oxygen atoms will be present in 88 g of CO ? 2

A. 24.08 × 10 23

B. 6.023 × 10 23

C. 44 × 10 23

D. 22 × 10 24

Answer: A

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40. Calculate the total number of electrons present in 1.6 g of

A. 6.023 × 1023

B. 16

C. 12.04 × 1023

D. 6.023 × 1024


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41. A mixture having 2 g of hydrogen and 32 oxygen occupies

how much volume at NTP?

A. 44.8 L

B. 22.4 L

C. 11.2 L
D. 76.2 L


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42. One atom of an element weight 3.32 × 10

− 23
g. How

many number of gram atoms are in 20 kg of the element?

A. 2000

B. 20

C. 200

D. 1000

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43. How much copper is present in 50 g of CuSO 4

A. 19.90 g

B. 39.81 g

C. 63.5 g

D. 31.71 g


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44. 0.48 g of a sample of a compound containing boron and

oxygen contains 0.192 g of boron and 0.288 g of oxygen.

What will be the percentage composition of the compound?

A. 60% and 40% B and O respectively

B. 40% and 60% B and O respectively

C. 30% and 70% B and O respectively

D. 70% and 30% B and O respectively

Answer: B

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45. A compound of magnesium contains 21.9% magnesium,

27.8% phosphorus and 50.3% oxygen. What will be the

simplest formula of the compound?

A. M g
P2 O7
B. M gP O 3

C. M g 2
P2 O2

D. M gP 2

Answer: A

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46. A compound contains two elements 'X' and 'Y' in the ratio

of 50% each. Atomic mass 'X' is 20 and 'Y' is 40. what can be

its simplest formula?


B. X 2

C. XY 2
D. X 2

Answer: B

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47. The empirical formula of a compound is CH2 O2 . What

could be its molecular formula?

A. C2
H2 O 2

B. C2
H2 O 4

C. C2
H4 O 4

D. CH 4

Answer: C
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48. A gas has molecular formula (CH )

. If vapour density of

the gas is 39, what should be the formula of the compound ?

A. C3

B. C4

C. C2

D. C6


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49. Determine the molecular formula of an oxide of iron in

which the mass percent of iron and oxygen are 69.9 and ,


A. FeO

B. F e 3

C. F e 2

D. F eO 2


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50. An organic compound on analysis gave C=54.2%, H=9.2%

by mass. Its empirical formula is

A. CH O 2

B. CH 2

C. C2
H8 O

D. C2
H4 O


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51. The relative number of mass of elements, 'X' and 'Y' in a

compound is 0.25 and 0.5. The empirical formula of

compound is


B. X 2
C. XY 2

D. X 2


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52. Two elements 'P' and 'Q' combine to form a compound.

Atomic mass of 'p' is 12 and 'Q' is 16. percentage of 'P' in the

compound is 27.3. What will be the empirical formula of the

compound ?

A. P 2


C. P 2
D. P Q 2


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53. 1g of Mg is burnt in a closed vessel which contains


(i) Which reactants is left in excess

(ii) Find the mass of the excess reactant.

A. O is a limiting reagent and Mg is in excess by 0.25 g.


B. Mg is a limiting reagent and is in excess by 0.5 g.

C. O is a limiting reagent and is in excess by 0.25 g.


D. O is a limiting reagent and Mg is in excess by 0.75 g.


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54. In a reaction container, 100g of hydrogen and 100 g of

Cl2 are mixed for the formation of HCl gas. What is the

limiting reagent and how much HCl is formed in the reaction

A. H is limiting reagent and 36.5 g of HCl are formed.


B. Cl is limiting reagent and 102.8 g of HCl are formed.


C. H is limiting reagent and 142 g of HCl are formed.


D. Cl is limiting reagent and 73 g of HCl are formed.


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55. If 40g of CaCO is treated with 40g of HCl, which of the


reactants will acts as limiting reagent?

A. CaCO 3

B. HCl

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of these


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56. The weight of AgCl precipitated when a solution

containing 5.85 g of NaCl is added to a solution containing

3.4g of AgN O is

A. 28g

B. 9.25g

C. 2.870g

D. 58g


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57. How much oxygen is required for complete combustion of

560 g of ethene?
A. 6.4 kg

B. 1.92 Kg

C. 2.8 kg

D. 9.6 kg


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58. How many moles of oxygen gas can be produced during

electricity decomposition of 180 g of water ?

A. 2.5 moles

B. 5 moles

C. 10 moles
D. 7 moles


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59. How many grams of CaO are required to neutralise 852g

of P 4
O10 ? Draw the structure of P 4
O10 .

A. 852g

B. 1008g

C. 85g

D. 7095g

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60. What volume of dioxygen is required for complete

combustion of 2 volume of acetylene gas at NTP ?

A. 2 volumes

B. 5 volumes

C. 10 volumes

D. 4 volumes


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61. What quantity of copper(II) oxide will react 2.80litre of

hydrogen at NTP

A. 79.5 g

B. 2 g

C. 9.9 g

D. 22.4 g


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62. At NTP, 1L of O reacts with 3L of carbon monoxide. What


will be the volume of CO and CO after the reaction?

A. 1L CO , 1L CO

B. 2L CO , 2L CO

C. 1L CO , 2L CO

D. 2L CO , 1L CO


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63. Calcium carbonate decomposes on heating to give

calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. How much volume of CO 2

will be obtained by thermal decomposition of 50g CaCO ?


A. 1L

B. 11.2 L
C. 44 L

D. 22.4 L


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64. Chlorine gas is prepared by reaction of H2 SO4 with

M nO2 and NaCl. What volume of Cl will be produced at STP


if 50 g of NaCl is taken in the reaction ?

A. 1.915 L

B. 22.4 L

C. 11.2 L

D. 9.57 L

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65. HCl is produced in the stomach which can be neutralised

by M g(OH )
in the form of milk of magnesia. How much

M g(OH )
is required to neutralise one mole of stomach


A. 29.16 g

B. 34.3 g

C. 58.33 g

D. 68.66g

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66. Magnetite, F e 3
O4 , can be converted into metallic iron by

heating with carbon monoxide as represented by this


F e3 O4 (s) + CO(g) → F e(s) + CO2 (g)

The kilograms of F e 3
O4 which must be processed in this way

to obtain 5.00kg of iron, if the process is 85 % efficient is

closest to? [M : = F e = 56]

A. 8.12 kg

B. 4.14 kg

C. 6.94 kg

D. 16.8 kg

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67. What is the mass percent of oxygen in ethanol ?

A. 52.14

B. 13.13

C. 16

D. 34.78


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68. How much mass of sodium acetate is required to make

250 mL of 0.575 molar aqueous solution?

A. 11.79 g

B. 15.38 g

C. 10.81 g

D. 25.35 g


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69. A solution is prepared by adding 5g of a solute 'X' to 45 g

of solvent 'Y'. What is the mass percent of the solute 'X' ?

A. 10

B. 11.1

C. 90
D. 75


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70. A 1.50g sample of an ore containing silver was dissolved,

and all of the Ag

was converted to 0.125 g of Ag2 S . What

was the percentage of silver in the ore?

A. 0.216

B. 0.072

C. 0.017

D. 0.248

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71. 2.82g of glucose is dissolved in 30g of water. The mole

fraction of glucose in the solution is

A. 0.01

B. 0.99

C. 0.52

D. 1.66


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72. What volume of water is to be added to 100 cm of 0.5M

NaOH solution to make it 0.1 M solution?

A. 200cm 3

B. 400cm 3

C. 500cm 3

D. 100cm 3


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73. Molarity equation of a mixture of solution of same

substance is given by

M1 + V1 × M2 + V2 × M3 + V3 + … = M1 + M2 + M3

B. M 1
V1 + M2 V2 + M3 V3 + …. = M (V1 + V2 + V3 )

M1 M2 M3 1 1 1
C. + + + …. = M( + + )
V1 V2 V3 V1 V2 V3

M1 M2 M3 1 1 1
D. × × + …. = M1 ( × × )
V1 V2 V3 V1 V2 V3


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74. The final molarity of a solution made by mixing 50 mL of

0.5 M HCl, 150 mL of 0.25 M HCl and water to make the

volume 250 mL is

A. 0.5 M
B. 1M

C. 0.75 M

D. 0.25 M


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75. A solution is made by dissolving 49g of H 2

SO4 in 250 mL

of water. The molarity of the solution prepared is

A. 2 M

B. 1 M

C. 4 M

D. 5 M

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76. What is the concertration of copper sulphate (in mol

) if 80 of it is dissolved in enough water to make a final

volume of 3 L?

A. 0.0167

B. 0.167

C. 1.067

D. 10.67


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77. 4.28g of NaOH is dissolved in water and the solution is

made to 250 cc. what will be the molarity of the solution ?

A. 0.615 mol L −1

B. 0.428 mol L −1

C. 0.99 mol L −1

D. 0.301 mol L −1


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78. What volume of 5M N a2 SO4 must be added to 25 mL of

1M BaCl to produce 10 g of BaSO ?

2 4
A. 8.58 mL

B. 7.2 mL

C. 10 mL

D. 12 mL


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79. What will be the molarity of the solution in which 0.365 g

of HCl gas is dissolved in 100 mL of solution ?

A. 2 M

B. 0.2 M

C. 1 M
D. 0.1 M


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80. Which mode of concentration does not change with

temperature ?

A. Molarity

B. Normality

C. Molality

D. All of these


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81. What will be the molality of the solution made by

dissolving 10 g of NaOH in 100g of water ?

A. 2.5 m

B. 5 m

C. 10 m

D. 1.25 m


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82. What will be the molality of chloroform in the water

sample which contains 15 ppm chloroform by mass?

A. 1.25 × 10 −4

B. 2.5 × 10 −4

C. 1.5 × 10 −3

D. 1.25 × 10 −5


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1. 45.4L of dinitrogen reacted with 22.7L of dioxygen and 45.4

L of nitrous oxide was formed the reaction is given below

2N2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2N2 O(g)

Which law is being obeyed in this experiment? Write the

statement of the law?

A. Gay Lussac's law

B. Law of definite proportion

C. Law of multiple proportions

D. Avogadro's law


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2. Hydrogen gas is prepared in the laboratory by reacting

dilute HCl with granulated zinc, Following reaction takes


Zn + 2H Cl → ZnCl2 + H2

Calculate the voluem of hydrogen gas liberated at STP when

32.65 g of zinc reacts with HCl. 1 mol of a gas occupies 22.7 L

volume at STP, atomic mass of Zn=65 .3u

A. 10.03 L

B. 11.35 L

C. 11.57 L

D. 9.53 L


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3. Chemical reactions involve interaction of atoms and

molecules. A large number of atoms and molecules

(approximately 6.022 × 10
) are present in a few grams of

any chemical compound varying with their atomic/molecular

masses. To handle such a large number conveniently, the

mole concept was introduced. This concept has implications

in diverse areas such as analytical chemistry, biochemistry,

electrochemistry and radiochemistry. The following example

illustrate a typical case involving chemical/electrochemical

reaction which requires a clear understanding of mole


A 4.0 molar aqueous solution of NaCl is prepared and 500 mL

of the solution is electrolyzed. This lead to the evolution of

chlorine gas at one of the electrodes (atomic mass : Na = 23 ,

Hg = 200 , 1F = 96500 C)

The total number of moles of chlorine gas evolved is :

A. 0.5

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3


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4. Chemical reactions involve interaction of atoms and

molecules. A large number of atoms and molecules

(approximately 6.022 × 10
) are present in a few grams of

any chemical compound varying with their atomic/molecular

masses. To handle such a large number conveniently, the

mole concept was introduced. This concept has implications

in diverse areas such as analytical chemistry, biochemistry,

electrochemistry adn radiochemistry. The following examples

illustrate a typical case involving chemical/electrochemical

reaction which requires a clear understanding of mole


A 4.0 molar aqueous solution of NaCl is prepared and 500 mL

of the solution is electrolysed. This lead to the evolution of

chlorine gas at one of electrodes (atomis mass : Na = 23 , Hg

= 200 , 1F = 96500 C)

If the cathode is a Hg electrode, the maximum weight (g) of

amalgam formed from the solution is :

A. 200

B. 225
C. 400

D. 446


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5. The total charge (coulombs) required for complete

electrolysis is

A. 24125

B. 48250

C. 96500

D. 193000

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6. A compound on analysis was found to contain the

following composition :

N a = 14.31 % , S = 9.97 % , O = 69.50 % and H = 6.22 %

Calculate the molecular formula of the compound assuming

that the whole of hydrogen in the compound is present as

water of crystallisation. Molecular mass of the compound is


A. N a 2

B. N a 2
SO4 . 10H2 O

C. N a 2
SH10 O12
D. N a 2
SO4 . 7H2 O


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7. The reactant which is entirely consumed in reaction is

known as limiting reagent. In the reaction

2A + 4B → 3C + 4D , when 5 moles of A react with 6 moles

of B, then

(a) which is the limiting reagent?

(b) calculate the amount of C formed?

A. C, 4.5 mol

B. B, 4.5 mol

C. B, 3.5 mol
D. C, 4.0 mol


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8. The density of 3 molal solution of NaOH is 1.110g mL


Calculate the molarity of the solution.

A. 2.69 M

B. 2.97 M

C. 4.57 M

D. 6.70 M

Answer: B
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9. 1L of 0.1M N aOH , 1L of 0.1M KOH , and 2L of

0.05M Ba(OH )
are mixed togther. What is the final

concentration of the solution.

A. 0.01 M

B. 0.01 N

C. 0.1 N

D. 0.001 M


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Exemplar Problems
1. What will be the molarity of a solution, which contains

5.85g of N aCl(s) per 500mL?

A. 4 mol L −1

B. 20 mol L −1

C. 0.2 mol L −1

D. 2 mol L −1


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2. If 500mL of a 5M solution is diluted to 1500 mL, what will

be the molarity of the solution obtained?

A. 1.5 M

B. 1.66 M

C. 0.017 M

D. 1.59 M

Answer: B

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3. The number of atoms present in one mole of an element is

equal to Avogadro number. Which of the following elements

contains the greatest number of atoms ?

A. 4 g He

B. 46 g Na
C. 0.4 g Ca

D. 12 g He


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4. If the concentration of glucose (C6 H12 O6 ) in blood is 0.9

gL −1
, what will be the molarity of glucose in blood?

A. 5 M

B. 50 M

C. 0.005 M

D. 0.5 M
Answer: C

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5. What will be the molality of the solution containing 18.25 g

of HCl gas in 500 g of water ?

A. 0.1 m

B. 1 M

C. 0.5 m

D. 1 m


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6. One mole of any substance contains 6.022 × 10

atoms/molecules. Number of molecules of H 2

SO4 present in

100mL of 0.02M H 2
SO4 solution is

A. 12.044 × 10 20

B. 6.022 × 10 23

C. 1 × 10 23

D. 12.044 × 10 23


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7. The empirical formula and molecular mass of a compound

are CH 2
O and 180 g respectively. What will be the molecular
formula of the compound ?

A. C 9
H18 O9

B. CH 2

C. C 6
H12 O6

D. C 2
H4 O 2


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8. If the density of a solution is 3.12g mL

, the mass of 1.5

mL solution in significant figures is

A. 4.7 g

B. 4680 × 10 −3
C. 4.680 g

D. 46.80 g


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9. Which of the following statements about a compound is

incorrect ?

A. A molecule of a compound has atoms of different


B. A compound cannot be separated into its constituent

elements by physical methods of separation.

C. A compound retains the physical properties of its

constituents elements.

D. The ratio of atoms of different elements in a

compound is fixed.


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10. Which of the following statements is correct about the

reaction given below:-

4F e(s) + 3O2 (g) → 2F e2 O3 (g)

A. Total mass of iron and oxygen in reactants = total mass

of iron and oxygen in product, therefore, it follows law

of conservation of mass.

B. Total mass of reactant = total mass of product,

therefore, law of multiple proportions is followed.

C. Amount of F e2 O3 can be increased by taking any one

of the reactants (iron or oxygen ) in axcess.

D. Amount of F e2 O3 produced will decreased if the

amount of any one of the reactants (iron or oxygen ) is

taken in excess.


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Nature Properties Of Matter And Their Measurements


Choose the correct statement about I, II and III.

A. I and II have definite volume but III does not have this


B. I, II and III are interconvertible by changing the

conditions of temperature by pressure.

C. In the particles of I, freedom of movement is large.

D. Both (a) and (b)

Answer: D
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2. Few quantities with their units are listed below. Mark the

units which are not correctly matched.

(i) Density : kg m −3

(ii) Velocity of light : m s −1

(iii) Planck's constant : J −1


(iv) Acceleration : ms −2

A. (ii) and (iv)

B. (i) and (iii)

C. (iii) and (v)

D. (iv) and (v)


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3. Match the prefixes present in coloumn I with their

multiples in coloumn II and mark the appropriate choice.

A. (A) → (i), (B) → (ii), (C) → (iii), (D) → (iv)

B. (A) → (ii), (B) → (i), (C) → (iv), (D) → (iii)

C. (A) → (iv), (B) → (iii), (C) → (i), (D) → (ii)

D. (A) → (iii), (B) → (iv), (C) → (ii), (D) → (i)


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4. Mark the conversion factor which is not correct.

A. 1 atm = 1.01325 × 10

B. 1 metre = 39.37 inches

C. 1 litre = 10

D. 1 inch =3.33 cm


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5. Consider the following figure,

The correct relationship between fahrenheit and celsius scale


A. ∘
F =

C + 273.15
B. ∘
F =

C + 16

C. ∘
F =

C + 32

D. ∘
F =

C + 32


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Uncertainty Of Measurement

1. Few figures are expressed in scientific notation. Mark the

incorrect one.

A. 234000 = 2.34 × 10

B. 8008 = 8 × 10
C. 0.0048 = 4.8 × 10

D. 500.0 = 5.00 × 10


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2. Markthe rule which is not correctly stated about

determination of significant figures.

A. Zeros preceding to first non-zero digit are not


B. Zero between two non-zero digits are not significant.

C. Zero at the end or right of the number are significant if

they are on the right side of decimal point.

D. All non - zero digits are significant.

Answer: B

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3. Which of the following rules regarding the significant

figures and calculations involving them is not correct?

A. The result of an addition or subtraction is reported to

the same number of decimal places as present in

number with least decimal places.

B. Result of multiplication or division should have same

number of significant figures as present in most

precise figure.
C. The result of multiplication or division should be

rounded off to same number of significant figures as

present in least precise figure.

D. The non-significant figures in the measurements are

rounded off.


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4. The result of the operation 2.5 × 1.25 should be which of

the following on the basis of significant figures?

A. 3.125

B. 3.13
C. 3.1

D. 31.25


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5. How many significant figures are present in 0.010100 × 10


A. 7

B. 5

C. 3

D. 10
Answer: B

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6. What will be the answer in appropriate significant figures

as a result of addition of 3.0223 and 5.041 ?

A. 80.633

B. 8.0633

C. 8.063

D. 806.33


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7. Which of the following is the most accurate measurement?

A. 9m

B. 9.0m

C. 9.00m

D. 9.000m


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8. Which set of figures will be obtained after rounding up the

following up to three significant figures?

34.216, 0.04597, 10.4107

A. 34.3, 0.0461, 10.4

B. 34.2, 0.0460, 10.4

C. 34.20, 0.460, 10.40

D. 34.21, 4.597, 1.04


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9. Which of the following option is not correct ?

A. 2.300+0.02017+0.02015=2.340

B. 126, 000 has 3 significant figures.

C. 15.15μs = 1.515 × 10

D. 0.0048 = 48 × 10

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10. What should be the volume of the milk (in m

) which

measures 5L?

A. 5 × 10 −3

B. 5 × 10

C. 5 × 1000m 3

D. 5 × 10


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11. How many seconds are there in 3 days?

A. 259200 s

B. 172800 s

C. 24800 s

D. 72000 s


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12. 18.72 g of a substance 'X' occupies 1.81 cm

. What will be

its density measured in correct significant figures?

A. 10.3gcm −3
B. 10.34gcm −3

C. 10.4gcm −3

D. 10.3425gcm −3


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Laws Of Chemical Combination

1. 4.88 g of KClO3 when heated produced 1.92 g of O2 and

2.96 g of KCl. Which of the following statements regarding

the experiment is correct?

A. The result illustrates the law of conservation of mass.

B. The result of illustrates the law of multiple


C. The result illustrates the law of constant proportion.

D. None of the above laws is followed.


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2. How much mass of silver nitrates will react with 5.85 g of

sodium chloride to produce 14.35 g of silver chloride and 8.5

g of sodium nitrates if law of conservation of mass is


A. 22.85 g
B. 108 g

C. 17.0 g

D. 28.70 g

Answer: C

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3. What mass of hydrochloric acid is needed to decompose

50 g of limestone?

A. 36.5 g

B. 73 g

C. 50 g

D. 100 g
Answer: A

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4. Which one of the following best explains the law of

conservation of mass ? (a) 100 g of water is heated to give

steam. (b)A sample of N2 gas is heated at constant pressure

without any change in mass. (c)36 g of carbon combines with

32 g of oxygen to form 68 g of CO2 (d)10 g of carbon is

heated in vacume without any change in mass.

A. 100 g of water is heated to give steam.

B. A sample of N2 gas is heated at constant pressure

without any change in mass.

C. 36 g of carbon combines with 32 g of oxygen to form

68 g of CO 2

D. 10 g of carbon is heated in vacuume without any

change in mass.


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5. What mass of sodium chloride would be decomposed by

9.8 g of sulphuric acid if 12 g of sodium bisulphate and 2.75 g

of hydrogen chloride were produced in a reaction?

A. 14.75 g

B. 3.8 g
C. 4.95 g

D. 2.2 g

Answer: C

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6. In an experiment 2.4g of iron oxide in reduction with

hydrogen gave 1.68 g of iron. In another experimet, 2.7 g of

iron oxide gave 1.89 g of iron on reduction. Which law is

illustrated from the above data?

A. Law of constant proportions

B. Law of multiple proportions

C. Law of reciprocal proportions

D. Law of conservation proportions


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7. The following data are obtained when dinitrogen and

dioxygen react together to form different compounds:

Which law of chemical combination is obeyed by the above

experimental data ?

A. Law of conservation of mass

B. Law of definite proportions

C. Law of multiple proportions

D. Avogadro's law


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8. Which of the following statements indicates that law of

multiple proportion is being followed?

A. An element forms two oxides, XO and XO2 containing

50% and 60% oxygen respectively. The ratio of masses

of oxygen which combines with 1 g of element is 2 : 3.

B. Hydrogen sulphide contains 5.89% hydrogen, water

contains 11.1% hydrogen and sulphur dioxyde contains

50% oxygen.

C. 3.47 g of BaCl2 reacts with 2.36g of N a2 SO4 to give

3.88 of BaSO and 1.95 g of NaCl.


D. 20mL of ammonia gives 10 volumes of N2 and 30

volumes of H at constant temperature and pressure.



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9. Which one of the following pairs of compound illustrates

the law of multiple proportion

A. P H 3
, H Cl

B. P bO, P bO 2
C. H 2
S, SO2

D. CuCl 2
, CuSO4

Answer: B

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10. The statements for laws of chemical combinations are

given below. Mark the option which is not correctly matched.

A. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed: Law of

conservation of mass

B. A compound always contains exactly the same

proportions of elements by weight : Law of definite

C. When gases combine they do so in a simple ratio by

weight : Gay Lussac's Law

D. Equal volumes of gases at same temperature and

pressure contain same number of molecules:

Avogadro's Law


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11. Give below are few statements. Mark the statement which

is not correct.

A. Atoms are neigther created nor destroyed in a

chemical reaction.
B. Law of definite proportion state that a given

compound always contains exactly the same

proportion of elements by weight.

C. Gay Lussac's law of chemical combination is valid for all


D. A pure compund has always a fixed proportion of

masses of its constituents.


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12. A balanced equation for combustion of methane is given

CH4 ( g ) + 2O2 ( g ) → CO2 ( g ) + 2H2 Og

Which of the following statements is not correct on the basis

of the above chemical equation? (A) one mole of CH4 reacts

with 2 moles of oxygen to give one mole of CO2 (B) one

molecule of CH4 reacts with 2 molecules of oxygen to give

one molecule of CO2 and 2 molecules of water (C) 22.4L

methane reacts with 44.8L of oxygen to give 44.8L of CO2

and 22.4L of water (D) 16g of methane reacts with 64g of O2

to give 44g of CO2 and 36g of water

A. One mole of CH reacts with 2 moles of oxygen to give


one mole of CO and 2 moles of water.


B. One molecules of CH4 reacts with 2 molecules of

oxygen to give one molecule of CO2 and 2 molecules

of water.
C. 22.4 L of methane reacts with 44.8 L of oxygen to give

44.8 L of CO and 22.4 L of water.


D. 16 g of methane reacts with 64 g of O to give 44 g of


CO2 and 36 g of water.


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13. Which of the following law of chemical combination is

satisfied by the figure?

A. Law of multiple proportion

B. Dalton's law

C. Avogadro law

D. Law of conservation of mass


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Atomic And Molecular Masses

1. The reference standard used for defining atomic mass is

A. H-1

B. C-12

C. C-13

D. C-14

Answer: B

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2. Are the atomic masses of some elements actually

fractional ?
A. They exist as a mixture of isotopes of different masses

B. They contain impurities of other atoms

C. They are mixtures of isobars

D. They cannot be weighted accurately.

Answer: A

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3. Oxygen occurs in nature as a mixture of isotopes

O and
O having masses of 15.995 u, 16.999 u and

17.999 u and relative abundance of 99.763%, 0.037% and

0.200% respectively. What is the average atomic mass of

A. 15.999 u

B. 16.999 u

C. 17.999 u

D. 18.999 u

Answer: A

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4. For every one 37

Cl isotopes there are three 35
Cl isotopes

in a sample of chlorine. What will be the average atomic

mass of chlorine?

A. 35

B. 37
C. 35.5

D. 35.6


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5. Carbon occur in nature as a mixture of C − 12 and C − 13

. Average atomic mass of carbon is 12.011 what is the %

abundance of C − 12 in nature ?

A. 0.889

B. 0.989

C. 0.899

D. 0.799

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6. Packing of Na
and Cl

ions in sodium chloride is

depicted by the given figure. Choose the correct option

regarding formula mass of sodium chloride.

(A) in solid

state, sodium chloride does not exist as a single entity (B)

formula mass of NaCl is 68.0u (C) formula mass of NaCl is the

sum of atomic masses of Na and Cl (D) both A and C

A. In the solid, sodium chloride does not exist as a single

B. Formula mass of NaCl is 68.0 u.

C. Formula mass of NaCl is the sum of atomic masses of

Na and Cl

D. Both (a) and (c)


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Mole Concept And Molecular Masses

1. What is the mass of carbon dioxide which contains the

same number of molecules as are contained in 40 g of

A. 40g

B. 55g

C. 32g

D. 44g

Answer: B

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2. Match the coloumn I with coloum II and mark the

appropriate choice.
A. (A) → (ii), (B) → (i), (C) → (iv), (D) → (iii)

B. (A) → (i), (B) → (ii), (C) → (iii), (D) → (iv)

C. (A) → (iv), (B) → (iii), (C) → (i), (D) → (ii)

D. (A) → (iv), (B) → (iii), (C) → (ii), (D) → (i)


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3. The number of oxygen atoms present in 1 mole of oxalic

acids dihydrate is

A. 6 × 1023

B. 6.022 × 10 34

C. 7.22 × 10 23

D. 36.13 × 10 23

Answer: D

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4. The measured density at NT P of He is 0.1784gL


Calculate the weight of 1mole of H e.

A. 39.9 g

B. 22.4 g

C. 3.56 g

D. 29 g


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5. Which of the following gases will have least volume if 10g

of each gas is taken at same temperature and pressure?

A. CO 2

B. N2

C. CH 4
D. HCl


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6. How many number of molecules and atoms respectively

are presetn in 2.8 liters of a diatomics gas at STP ?

A. 6.023 × 10 23

B. 6.023 × 10 23

C. 7.5 × 10 22 22
, 15 × 10

D. 15 × 10 22
, 7.5 × 10

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7. Total number of atoms present in 34 g of N H is


A. 4 × 10 23

B. 4.8 × 10 21

C. 2 × 10 23

D. 48 × 10 23

Answer: D

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8. What will be the mass of 100 atoms of hydrogen?

A. 100g
B. 1.66 × 10 − 22

C. 6.023 × 10 23

D. 100 × 6.023 × 10 23


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9. How many atoms in total are present in 1kg of sugar?

A. 7.92 × 10 25

B. 6 × 1023

C. 6.022 × 10 25

D. 1000 atoms

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10. 1.4 moles of phosphorus trichloride are present in a

sample. How many atoms are there in the sample?

A. 5.6

B. 34

C. 2.4 × 10

D. 3.372 × 10 24


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11. What will be the standard molar volume of He, if its

density is 0.1784 g/L at STP?

A. 11.2 L

B. 22.4 L

C. 5.6 L

D. 2.8 L


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12. In a mixture of gases, the volume content of a gas is

0.06% at STP. Calculate the number of molecules of the gas

in 1 L of the mixture.
A. 1.613 × 10 23

B. 6.023 × 10 23

C. 1.61 × 10

D. 1.61 × 10


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13. What will be the weight of CO having the same number of

oxygen atoms at present in 22 g of CO ?


A. 28g

B. 22g

C. 44g
D. 72g


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14. Match the mass of elements given in coloumn I with the

no. of moles given in column II and mark the appropriate


A. (A) → (iv), (B) → (iii), (C) → (ii), (D) → (i)

B. (A) → (i), (B) → (iii), (C) → (ii), (D) → (iv)

C. (A) → (iii), (B) → (ii), (C) → (i), (D) → (iv)

D. (A) → (ii), (B) → (i), (C) → (iv), (D) → (iii)


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15. Calculate the number of aluminium ions present in 0.051

g of aluminium oxide.

(Hint: The mass of an ion is the same as that of an atom of

the same element. Atomic mass of Al = 27 u)

A. 6.023 × 10 20

B. 3 ions

C. 6.023 × 10 23
D. 9 ions


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16. Which of the following correctly represents 180 g of water

5 moles of water

(ii) 10 moles of water

(iii) 6.023 × 10 23
molecules of water

(iv) 6.023 × 10 24
molecules of water

A. (i) and (ii)

B. (i) and (iv)

C. (ii) and (iv)

D. (ii) and (iii)


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17. How many oxygen atoms will be present in 88 g of CO ?


A. 24.08 × 10 23

B. 6.023 × 10 23

C. 44 × 10 23

D. 22 × 10 24

Answer: A

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18. Calculate the total number of electrons present in 1.6 g of


A. 6.023 × 10 23

B. 16

C. 12.04 × 10 23

D. 6.023 × 10 24


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19. A mixture having 2 g of hydrogen and 32 oxygen occupies

how much volume at NTP?

A. 44.8 L

B. 22.4 L

C. 11.2 L

D. 76.2 L


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20. One atom of an element weight 3.32 × 10

− 23
g. How

many number of gram atoms are in 20 kg of the element?

A. 2000

B. 20

C. 200
D. 1000


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21. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option.

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22. The mass of one mole of a substance in grams is called its

A. Molecular mass

B. Molar mass

C. Avogadro's mass

D. Formula mass.


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23. How much copper is present in 50 g of CuSO 4

A. 19.90 g

B. 39.81 g

C. 63.5 g

D. 31.71 g

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Percentage Composition

1. 0.48 g of a sample of a compound containing boron and

oxygen contains 0.192 g of boron and 0.288 g of oxygen.

What will be the percentage composition of the compound?

A. 60% and 40% B and O respectively

B. 40% and 60% B and O respectively

C. 30% and 70% B and O respectively

D. 70% and 30% B and O respectively

Answer: B

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2. A compound of magnesium contains 21.9% magnesium,

27.8% phosphorus and 50.3% oxygen. What will be the

simplest formula of the compound?

A. M g
P2 O7

B. M gP O 3

C. M g
P2 O2

D. M gP 2

Answer: A

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3. A compound contains two elements 'X' and 'Y' in the ratio

of 50% each. Atomic mass 'X' is 20 and 'Y' is 40. what can be

its simplest formula?


B. X 2

C. XY 2

D. X 2

Answer: B

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4. The empirical formula of a compound is CH2 O2 . What

could be its molecular formula?

A. C2
H2 O 2

B. C2
H2 O 4

C. C2
H4 O 4

D. CH 4

Answer: C

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5. A gas has molecular formula (CH )

. If vapour density of

the gas is 39, what should be the formula of the compound ?

A. C 3

B. C 4

C. C 2

D. C 6


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6. Determine the molecular formula of an oxide of iron in

which the mass percent of iron and oxygen are 69.9 and ,


A. FeO

B. F e 3
C. F e 2

D. F eO 2


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7. An organic compound on analysis gave C=54.2%, H=9.2% by

mass. Its empirical formula is

A. CH O 2

B. CH 2

C. C2
H8 O

D. C2
H4 O

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8. The relative number of mass of elements, 'X' and 'Y' in a

compound is 0.25 and 0.5. The empirical formula of

compound is


B. X 2

C. XY 2

D. X 2


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9. Two elements 'P' and 'Q' combine to form a compound.

Atomic mass of 'p' is 12 and 'Q' is 16. percentage of 'P' in the

compound is 27.3. What will be the empirical formula of the

compound ?

A. P 2


C. P 2

D. P Q 2


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Stoichiometry And Stoichiometry Calculations

1. 1g of Mg is burnt in a closed vessel which contains


(i) Which reactants is left in excess

(ii) Find the mass of the excess reactant.

A. O is a limiting reagent and Mg is in excess by 0.25 g.


B. Mg is a limiting reagent and is in excess by 0.5 g.

C. O is a limiting reagent and is in excess by 0.25 g.


D. O is a limiting reagent and Mg is in excess by 0.75 g.



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2. In a reaction container, 100g of hydrogen and 100 g of Cl 2

are mixed for the formation of HCl gas. What is the limiting

reagent and how much HCl is formed in the reaction ?

A. H is limiting reagent and 36.5 g of HCl are formed.


B. Cl is limiting reagent and 102.8 g of HCl are formed.


C. H is limiting reagent and 142 g of HCl are formed.


D. Cl is limiting reagent and 73 g of HCl are formed.



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3. If 40g of CaCO3 is treated with 40g of HCl, which of the

reactants will acts as limiting reagent?

A. CaCO 3

B. HCl

C. Both (a) and (b)

D. None of these


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4. The weight of AgCl precipitated when a solution

containing 5.85 g of NaCl is added to a solution containing

3.4g of AgN O is 3

A. 28g

B. 9.25g
C. 2.870g

D. 58g


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5. How much oxygen is required for complete combustion of

560 g of ethene?

A. 6.4 kg

B. 1.92 Kg

C. 2.8 kg

D. 9.6 kg

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6. How many moles of oxygen gas can be produced during

electricity decomposition of 180 g of water ?

A. 2.5 moles

B. 5 moles

C. 10 moles

D. 7 moles


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7. How many grams of CaO are required to neutralise 852g

of P 4
O10 ? Draw the structure of P 4
O10 .

A. 852g

B. 1008g

C. 85g

D. 7095g


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8. What volume of dioxygen is required for complete

combustion of 2 volume of acetylene gas at NTP ?

A. 2 volumes

B. 5 volumes

C. 10 volumes

D. 4 volumes


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9. What quantity of copper(II) oxide will react 2.80litre of

hydrogen at NTP

A. 79.5 g

B. 2 g

C. 9.9 g
D. 22.4 g


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10. At NTP, 1L of O reacts with 3L of carbon monoxide. What


will be the volume of CO and CO after the reaction?


A. 1L CO , 1L CO

B. 2L CO , 2L CO

C. 1L CO , 2L CO

D. 2L CO , 1L CO

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11. Calcium carbonate decomposes on heating to give

calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. How much volume of CO 2

will be obtained by thermal decomposition of 50g CaCO ?


A. 1L

B. 11.2 L

C. 44 L

D. 22.4 L


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12. Chlorine gas is prepared by reaction of H2 SO4 with

M nO2 and NaCl. What volume of Cl will be produced at STP


if 50 g of NaCl is taken in the reaction ?

A. 1.915 L

B. 22.4 L

C. 11.2 L

D. 9.57 L


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13. HCl is produced in the stomach which can be neutralised

by M g(OH )
in the form of milk of magnesia. How much
M g(OH )
is required to neutralise one mole of stomach


A. 29.16 g

B. 34.3 g

C. 58.33 g

D. 68.66g


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14. Magnetite, F e 3
O4 , can be converted into metallic iron by

heating with carbon monoxide as represented by this


F e3 O4 (s) + CO(g) → F e(s) + CO2 (g)

The kilograms of F e 3
O4 which must be processed in this way

to obtain 5.00kg of iron, if the process is 85 % efficient is

closest to? [M : = F e = 56]

A. 8.12 kg

B. 4.14 kg

C. 6.94 kg

D. 16.8 kg


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15. What is the mass percent of oxygen in ethanol ?

A. 0.5214
B. 0.1313

C. 0.16

D. 0.3473


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16. How much mass of sodium acetate is required to make

250 mL of 0.575 molar aqueous solution?

A. 11.79 g

B. 15.38 g

C. 10.81 g

D. 25.35 g

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17. A solution is prepared by adding 5g of a solute 'X' to 45 g

of solvent 'Y'. What is the mass percent of the solute 'X' ?

A. 0.1

B. 0.111

C. 0.9

D. 0.75


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18. A 1.50g sample of an ore containing silver was dissolved,

and all of the Ag

was converted to 0.125 g of Ag2 S . What

was the percentage of silver in the ore?

A. 0.216

B. 0.072

C. 0.017

D. 0.248


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19. 2.82g of glucose is dissolved in 30g of water. The mole

fraction of glucose in the solution is

A. 0.01

B. 0.99

C. 0.52

D. 1.66


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20. What volume of water is to be added to 100 cm of 0.5M


NaOH solution to make it 0.1 M solution?

A. 200cm 3

B. 400cm 3

C. 500cm 3
D. 100cm 3


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21. The final molarity of a solution made by mixing 50 mL of

0.5 M HCl, 150 mL of 0.25 M HCl and water to make the

volume 250 mL is

A. 0.5 M

B. 1M

C. 0.75 M

D. 0.25 M

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22. A solution is made by dissolving 49g of H 2

SO4 in 250 mL

of water. The molarity of the solution prepared is

A. 2 M

B. 1 M

C. 4 M

D. 5 M


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23. What is the concertration of copper sulphate (in mol

) if 80 of it is dissolved in enough water to make a final

volume of 3 L?

A. 0.0167

B. 0.167

C. 1.067

D. 10.67


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24. 4.28g of NaOH is dissolved in water and the solution is

made to 250 cc. what will be the molarity of the solution ?

A. 0.615 mol L −1

B. 0.428 mol L −1

C. 0.99 mol L −1

D. 0.301 mol L −1


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25. What volume of 5M N a2 SO4 must be added to 25 mL of

1M BaCl to produce 10 g of BaSO ?

2 4

A. 8.58 mL

B. 7.2 mL

C. 10 mL
D. 12 mL


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26. What will be the molarity of the solution in which 0.365 g

of HCl gas is dissolved in 100 mL of solution ?

A. 2 M

B. 0.2 M

C. 1 M

D. 0.1 M

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27. What will be the molality of the solution made by

dissolving 10 g of NaOH in 100g of water ?

A. 2.5 m

B. 5 m

C. 10 m

D. 1.25 m


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28. What will be the molality of chloroform in the water

sample which contains 15 ppm chloroform by mass?

A. 1.25 × 10 −4

B. 2.5 × 10 −4

C. 1.5 × 10 −3

D. 1.25 × 10 −5


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Higher Order Thinking Skills

1. 45.4L of dinitrogen reacted with 22.7L of dioxygen and 45.4

L of nitrous oxide was formed the reaction is given below

2N2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2N2 O(g)

Which law is being obeyed in this experiment? Write the

statement of the law?

A. Gay Lussac's law

B. Law of definite proportion

C. Law of multiple proportions

D. Avogadro's law


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2. Hydrogen gas is prepared in the laboratory by reacting

dilute HCl with granulated zinc, Following reaction takes


Zn + 2H Cl → ZnCl2 + H2

Calculate the voluem of hydrogen gas liberated at STP when

32.65 g of zinc reacts with HCl. 1 mol of a gas occupies 22.7 L

volume at STP, atomic mass of Zn=65 .3u

A. 10.03 L

B. 11.35 L

C. 11.57 L

D. 9.53 L


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3. Chemical reactions involve interaction of atoms and

molecules. A large number of atoms and molecules

(approximately 6.022 × 10
) are present in a few grams of

any chemical compound varying with their atomic/molecular

masses. To handle such a large number conveniently, the

mole concept was introduced. This concept has implications

in diverse areas such as analytical chemistry, biochemistry,

electrochemistry and radiochemistry. The following example

illustrate a typical case involving chemical/electrochemical

reaction which requires a clear understanding of mole


A 4.0 molar aqueous solution of NaCl is prepared and 500 mL

of the solution is electrolyzed. This lead to the evolution of

chlorine gas at one of the electrodes (atomic mass : Na = 23 ,

Hg = 200 , 1F = 96500 C)

The total number of moles of chlorine gas evolved is :

A. 0.5

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3


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4. Chemical reactions involve interaction of atoms and

molecules. A large number of atoms and molecules

(approximately 6.022 × 10
) are present in a few grams of

any chemical compound varying with their atomic/molecular

masses. To handle such a large number conveniently, the

mole concept was introduced. This concept has implications

in diverse areas such as analytical chemistry, biochemistry,

electrochemistry adn radiochemistry. The following examples

illustrate a typical case involving chemical/electrochemical

reaction which requires a clear understanding of mole


A 4.0 molar aqueous solution of NaCl is prepared and 500 mL

of the solution is electrolysed. This lead to the evolution of

chlorine gas at one of electrodes (atomis mass : Na = 23 , Hg

= 200 , 1F = 96500 C)

If the cathode is a Hg electrode, the maximum weight (g) of

amalgam formed from the solution is :

A. 200

B. 225
C. 400

D. 446


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5. The total charge (coulombs) required for complete

electrolysis is

A. 24125

B. 48250

C. 96500

D. 193000

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6. A compound on analysis was found to contain the

following composition :

N a = 14.31 % , S = 9.97 % , O = 69.50 % and H = 6.22 %

Calculate the molecular formula of the compound assuming

that the whole of hydrogen in the compound is present as

water of crystallisation. Molecular mass of the compound is


A. N a 2

B. N a 2
SO4 . 10H2 O

C. N a 2
SH10 O12
D. N a 2
SO4 . 7H2 O


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7. The reactant which is entirely consumed in reaction is

known as limiting reagent. In the reaction

2A + 4B → 3C + 4D , when 5 moles of A react with 6 moles

of B, then

(a) which is the limiting reagent?

(b) calculate the amount of C formed?

A. C, 4.5 mol

B. B, 4.5 mol

C. B, 3.5 mol
D. C, 4.0 mol


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8. The density of 3 molal solution of NaOH is 1.110g mL


Calculate the molarity of the solution.

A. 2.69 M

B. 2.97 M

C. 4.57 M

D. 6.70 M

Answer: B
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9. 1L of 0.1M N aOH , 1L of 0.1M KOH , and 2L of

0.05M Ba(OH )
are mixed togther. What is the final

concentration of the solution.

A. 0.01 M

B. 0.01 N

C. 0.1 N

D. 0.001 M


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Ncert Exemplar
1. Two students performed the same experiment separately

and each one of them recovered two readings of mass which

are given below. Correct reading of mass is 3.0 g. On the

basis of given data, mark the correct optioin out of the

following statements.

A. Results of both the students are neither accurate nor


B. Results of student A are both precise and accurate.

C. Results of student B are neither precise nor accurate.

D. Results of student B are both precise and accurate.


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2. What will be the molarity of a solution, which contains

5.85g of N aCl(s) per 500mL?

A. 4 mol L −1

B. 20 mol L −1

C. 0.2 mol L −1

D. 2 mol L −1


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3. If 500mL of a 5M solution is diluted to 1500 mL, what will

be the molarity of the solution obtained?

A. 1.5 M

B. 1.66 M

C. 0.017 M

D. 1.59 M

Answer: B

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4. The number of atoms present in one mole of an element is

equal to Avogadro number. Which of the following elements

contains the greatest number of atoms ?

A. 4 g He

B. 46 g Na

C. 0.4 g Ca

D. 12 g He


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5. If the concentration of glucose (C6 H12 O6 ) in blood is 0.9

gL −1
, what will be the molarity of glucose in blood?

A. 5 M

B. 50 M

C. 0.005 M
D. 0.5 M

Answer: C

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6. What will be the molality of the solution containing 18.25 g

of HCl gas in 500 g of water ?

A. 0.1 m

B. 1 M

C. 0.5 m

D. 1 m

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7. One mole of any substance contains 6.022 × 10


atoms/molecules. Number of molecules of H 2

SO4 present in

100mL of 0.02M H 2
SO4 solution is

A. 12.044 × 10 20

B. 6.022 × 1023

C. 1 × 10

D. 12.044 × 10 23


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8. The empirical formula and molecular mass of a compound

are CH 2
O and 180 g respectively. What will be the molecular

formula of the compound ?

A. C 9
H18 O9

B. CH 2

C. C 6
H12 O6

D. C 2
H4 O 2


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9. If the density of a solution is 3.12g mL

, the mass of 1.5

mL solution in significant figures is

A. 4.7 g

B. 4680 × 10 −3

C. 4.680 g

D. 46.80 g


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10. Which of the following statements about a compound is

incorrect ?

A. A molecule of a compound has atoms of different

B. A compound cannot be separated into its constituent

elements by physical methods of separation.

C. A compound retains the physical properties of its

constituents elements.

D. The ratio of atoms of different elements in a

compound is fixed.


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11. Which of the following statements is correct about the

reaction given below:-

4F e(s) + 3O2 (g) → 2F e2 O3 (g)

A. Total mass of iron and oxygen in reactants = total mass

of iron and oxygen in product, therefore, it follows law

of conservation of mass.

B. Total mass of reactant = total mass of product,

therefore, law of multiple proportions is followed.

C. Amount of F e2 O3 can be increased by taking any one

of the reactants (iron or oxygen ) in axcess.

D. Amount of F e2 O3 produced will decreased if the

amount of any one of the reactants (iron or oxygen ) is

taken in excess.


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Assertion And Reason

1. Assertion: Solid have definite volume and shape.

Reason : In solid, the constituent particles are very close to

each other and there is not much freedom of movement.

A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.


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2. Assertion: On heating, a solid usually change to a liquid

and the liquid on further heating change to the gaseous


Reason : Arrangement of constituent particles is different in

solid, liquid and gaseous state.

A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.

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3. Assertion : Components of a homogeneous mixture cannot

be separated by using physical methods

Reason : Composition of homogeneous mixture is uniform

throughtout as the components react to form a single


A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.


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4. Assertion: Elements and compound are the examples of

pure substances.

Reason : The properties of a compound are different from

those of its constituent elements.

A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.


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5. Assertion: The mass of a substance is constant whereas its

weight may vary from one place to another.

Reason : Mass of a substance is the amount of matter

present in it while weight is the force exerted by gravity on

an object.

A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.


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6. Assertion : Temperature below 0

C is possible on celsius

scale but in Kelvin scale negative temperature is not possible

Reason : The Kelvin scale is related to celsius scale as

K = .

C − 273

A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.


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7. Assertion: Scientific notation for the number 100 is

expressed as 1 × 10 2

Reason : The number 1 × 10 has two significant figures.


A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.


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8. Assertion: Matter can neither be created nor be destroyed.

Reason : This is law of definite proportions.

A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.

Answer: C

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9. Assertion: 12 parts by mass of carbon in CO and CO2

molecules combine with 16 and 32 parts by mass of oxygen.

Reason : A given compound always contains exactly the same

proportion of elemetns by weight.

A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.


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10. Assertion(A) One atomic mass unit is defined as one

twelth of the mass of one carbon-12 atom.

Reason(R) Carbon-12 isotope is the most abundant isotope

of carbon and has been chosen as standard.

A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.


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11. Assertion: One mole of a substance always contain the

same number of entities, no metter what the substance may


Reason : One mole is the amount of a substance that

contains as many particles or entities as there are atoms in

exactly 12 g of the 12
C isotope.
A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.


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12. Assertion: Molecular formula shows the exact number of

different types of atoms present in a molecule of a


Reason : Molecular formula can be obtained directly from

empirical formula which represents the simplest whole

number ratio of various atoms present in a compound.

A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.


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13. Assertion: The reactant which is present in large amount

limits the amount of product formed is called limiting


Reason : Amount of product formed does not depend upon

the amount of reactants taken.

A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.


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14. Assertion: Molarity of a solution does not depend upon

temperature whereas molality depends.

Reason : Molarity and molality both depend only on the

number of moles of solute particles.

A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.

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15. Assertion: In laboratory, a solution of a desired

concentration is prepared by diluting a stock solution.

Reason : Stock solution is the solution of higher


A. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the

correct explanation of assertion

B. If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not

correct explanation of assertion.

C. If assertion is true but reason is false.

D. If both assertion and reason are false.

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