Excel Class Activity 1
Excel Class Activity 1
Excel Class Activity 1
Excel Class Activity 1
1. Starting Excel, knowing the various menus and basic features of the Excel
Open Excel and open the “Diet and exercise journal” template provided by Microsoft. If you cannot
find it, you can use any other template. (Note: this year we’ll only use the Exercise part, not the Diet
What do the following cell names/references mean or refer to? (Note – these references are not
linked to the template)
r) A1 – IJK12345 – Sheet2!B6 – [Book2]Sheet1!C6 – A1:C4.
2: Navigating a workbook (worksheets, data input ,formatting a worksheet and
working with cell ranges)
Save your new file using “Class activity1” as the file name:
z) On C drive
aa) Save it again but on your One drive: what is the very
important difference between saving on C : versus
Hint: Use Save-As
bb) In the Computer Labs; Try saving on the G: drive: what
happens? Write your answer on a newworksheet >> Labs
cc) Save another copy on your OneDrive. (If you don’t have
an account, do the signup process and the saving later in
the day. What is the benefit of saving on the OneDrive?
Sae this answer on a worksheet named>> Labs2
dd) If you have a data stick (USB drive; flash drive), save a
copy there too!
ee) Create a new folder by the name of “Excel Assignments”
on Onedrive: and save your new file there as well.
Hint: Create the folder using Windows Explorer or from within
Excel’s Save dialog
4. Learning Resources
• LinkedIn Learning is a learning company which offers over 2,000 online
courses. UCT staff and students have full access to the online training
library, both on- and off-campus. We will make use of LinkedIn videos at
certain points in the course. Follow the steps here to create your free
account: http://www.icts.uct.ac.za/linkedin-learning
• It is recommended that you strongly complete the Excel Essential Training
(Excel 2019) . These self-guided tutorials are designed to equip you with
additional skills on how to navigate and use Excel.