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B Com Sem-2 It - 2024 MCQ

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Suggestions for

Information Technology & its Applications in Business

B. Com. Semester-2 CCF

1. The IT Act of India came into being from which year?

a) 2001 b) 2002 c) 2000 d) 2003

2. In the context of digital computer, which of the following pairs of digits is referred to as
binary code?
a) 3 and 4 b) 0 and 1 c) 2 and 3 d) 1 and 2

3. This is not an open source software –

a) Mozilla Firefox b) VLC media player
c) Windows 10 d) Linux

4. ROM and RAM are types of primary memories –

a) Only RAM b) Only ROM c) Both of them d) None of them

5. _______ is the smallest unit of data in a computer.

a) Gigabyte b) Bit c) Byte d) Terabyte

6. An internet-based computer network for exclusive use by a company is called –

a) Intranet b) Ethernet c) VPN d) Extranet

7. The full form of URL is –

a) Uniform Resource Line b) Uniform Resource Locator c) Unified Resource
Locator d) None of above

8. The following device is an input device –

a) Microphone b) Plotter c) Printer d) None of above

9. RAM is used to increase –

a) Storage space b) Computing speed c) Both a and b d) None of above

10. The following is used to create web pages –

a) C++ b) HTML c) XML d) Both b and c

11. Domain names like .com are managed by –

a) ICANN b) WWW Consortium c) IETF d) IAB
12. The full form of OCR is –
a) Optical Card Reader b) Optical Character Reader c) Optical Cash Record
d) Online Cash Record

13. The following device is an output device –

a) Microphone b) Mouse c) Keyboard d) Printer

14. DVD is an ______ storage device –

a) Optical b) Magnetic c) Electronic d) Digital

15. An example of mobile operating system is

a) Windows 7 b) Netware c) Android d) Linux

16. Which of the following is not a type of cloud?

a) Private b) Public c) Protected d) Hybrid

17. Which is not a cloud service provider?

a) Amazon Web Services b) Netflix c) Microsoft Azure d) Google Cloud

18. It is an example of a country level domain –

a) .in b) .com c) .org d) .net

19. Tally is an example of an –

a) System Software b) Application Software c) Operating System d) Free Software

20. RFID works on –

a) radio waves b) wifi network c) GSM network d) broadband

21. Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 apply to personal data that is:
a) Processed for law enforcement or national security purposes
b) Processed for the purpose of journalism or artistic expression
c) Processed for financial transactions in India
d) Processed for personal or family purposes takes care of

22. The following is not an operating system –

a) Microsoft Windows b) Mac OS c) Linux d) Adobe Photoshop

23. Which one is not a malware?

a) virus b) worms c) firewall d) spyware

24. The components of Wireless Sensor Network include –

a) Sensors b) Radio Nodes c) None of them d) All of these

25. SQL stands for –

a) Structured Question Language b) Structured Query Language
c) Systemic Query Language d) Systematic Query Language

26. The Internet tool used to copy files from one computer to another is called –
a) FTP b) HTTP c) IP d) WWW
27. The most usage of Internet is for –
a) Social Networking b) Online Shopping c) Online Banking
d) All of these

28. This is not a type of computer -

a) Electric computer b) Digital Computer c) Analog Computer
d) Hybrid Computer

29. The primary memory is said to be ………….. than secondary memory.

a) slower b) faster c) stronger d) weaker

30. Which of the following is NOT an anti-virus software?

a) Quick Heal b) Norton c) Kaspersky d) Linux

[The options in bold are the correct answers]

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