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4.2 Instrumentation: Pressure, Flow, & Level

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2 Instrumentation:
Pressure, Flow, & Level
• Piezoresistive transducers
– Resistance bridge – 4 active arm
– Calibration required at temperature
– Example: Endevco 8510B
– Typical price: ~ $1K per each
• Pressure capillary extension
– Extend capillary from cold
environment up through cryostat to
room temperature environment
– Ensure leak-tight
– Check mean free path length for low
pressure (vacuum) applications

• Variable reluctance
– Magnetically permeable
stainless steel diaphragm
clamped between inductive
pick-up coils
– Diaphragm displacement
changes induction of both
– AC bridge / amplifier circuit
converts inductive change
to proportional DC output
Cryogenic flow metering techniques
Single phase flows
1. Pressure drop devices based on Bernoulli Principle
a) Venturi
b) Orifice plate
c) Pitot tube
2. Friction pressure drop (packed screens)
3. Hot wire anemometers based on h = f(v)
4. Acoustic flow meters based on Doppler effect
5. Turbine flow meters where frequency ~ velocity
6. Optical techniques (Laser Doppler)
These techniques are for
the most part all used in
Two phase flows classical fluid flows.
1. Void fraction measurement (Av/A) The unique “cryogenic”
a) Capacitance measurement features have to do with
b) Optical characterization instrumentation used to
2. Quality measurement (mv/m) detect signal and need
for low heat leak.
Pressure drop devices

Venturi Orifice

• Venturi flow meters have advantage over orifice plate due to low loss coefficient

where β = Dt/D

• Cd is the discharge coefficient (~ 1 for venturi & 0.6 for orifice)

• Pressure transducer should be located at low temperature, if possible
• Requires determination of density at meter inlet
Packed Screen (AC) Gas flow meters

• Pressure drop is proportional to, and in phase with the mass

flow rate
• Other impedance contributions to pressure drop are negligible
• Pressure transducers (Endevco, PCB Piezotronics) can be
calibrated for use at cryogenic temperatures
Hot Wire Anemometers
Turbine flow meters
• Rotation speed is
proportional to volumetric
flow rate
• Linear response function
allows a wide range of

Two phase flow measurement
• Measurement of flow quality (mv/m) in a two phase mixture (liquid +
vapor) is difficult.
– Vapor velocity and liquid velocity may be different
– Flow regime is not known
• Measurement of void fraction (Av/A) is more straightforward
– Capacitive meter based on different dielectric constant

Co-axial capacitor

– Optical techniques

• Total mass flow rate can be determined in some part of the circuit
where the fluid is single phase using a conventional flow meter
RF Void Fraction Measurement
Liquid Helium Flow Visualization

• Heat transfer in superfluid observed by PIV technique

– This is the first time motion of fluid components in superfluid helium has been

Optical cryostat

Normal fluid convection around cylinder
Diameter = 6.35 mm
2-phase Helium Flow Visualization
2-phase Helium Flow Visualization
CHF Investigation: modeling
• A physical description of void fraction growth or force balance requires
knowledge of bubble size, frequency, spacing and velocity

Visualization: Optical fibers
– Fiber bundle: 40,000
20 µm strand bundle
chosen over solid core
• Avoid multi-mode distortion in
larger diameters
• Maximum flexibility

– PVC protective sheath

replaced by braided
fiberglass sheath in LN2
– Fused ends covered by
stainless steel tubes for
mounting & focusing
Visualization: Image Capture

• Phillips CCD camera

– Direct fiber to fiber image
– Camera pixel density
provides ~ 10,000 pixels
for 1.9 mm diameter
– Minimal illumination
required: 4 - LED array
provides more
illumination than
necessary (especially
with illumination increase
when submerged in LN2).
Visualization: Image Capture
• Questar QM100 Images

• Ektachrome P1600,
Digital camcorder ‘still’
pushed to 6400.
• 1/250 s shutter speed • 1/3000 s shutter speed
• halogen lamp illumination • halogen lamp illumination
• horizontal channel - slow • black line spacing in upper right is 1 mm.
bubble motion • vertical channel - ‘fast’ bubble capture
Visualization: Image capture

• CCD Images

• Aperature speed of 1/500 s

• Excellent image quality captured on vhs tape - quality reduced
upon digitization
• Note regular spacing of bubbles (vertical channel flow)
Visualizing Phase Change
Liquid level measurement techniques
 Continuous level measurement
 Superconducting wire level device

 Capacitive level measuring systems

 Transmission line system

 Ultrasonic level measurement

 Hydrostatic (head) level measurement

 Discrete level measurement

 Liquid-vapor detectors (resistive, superconducting)

 Acoustic “Dip stick” method

 Mass measurement (gauging)

Superconducting wire level meters

 Developed by Efferson
(1970), but now a commercial
 Heater drives the normal LHe level
zone of SC wire to the liquid
interface, where it stops due
to improved heat transfer
 Units are most often
calibrated in LHe at 4.2 K
 Variable performance in He
II due to improved heat
 Some SC level meters based
on HTS materials have been
developed for LN2
Capacitive Level Gauges
Most are custom, some are available
as a prototype commercial units,
particularly for high dielectric constant
fluids (e.g. LN2)

Measurement Methods:
• AC Bridge
• High frequency oscillator
• Time constant method
• Phase-lock loop technique

In-situ calibration necessary

Sensitivity =
Differential pressure (head) gauge
Q Requirements
• No liquid in vertical
leg of lower capillary
• dp/dL = Δρ g
= 1.06 (Pa/mm)helium
• Heat load may be
large to keep vapor
line dry

He H2 Ne N2 O2 Ar
ρl 125 70.8 1240 807 1141 1394
ρg 16.7 1.33 9.4 4.6 4.47 5.77
Ultrasonic level measurement
Signal travels at sound speed

≈ 200 m/s for LHe

Level ~ resonant frequency

Discrete level measurement techniques
• Liquid vapor detection (LVD)
• Types of devices:
– Superconducting thin films
– Hot wire or film
– Semiconductors
• Operating current must be
sufficient to self heat the
sensor in vapor, but not in
• Sensor must be small to
minimize heat generation in
“Dip Stick” level measurement
p p

Acoustic oscillation
changes frequency &
amplitude when capillary
leaves liquid
Heat Pulse Mass Gauging
 Measurement of He II volume (mass) by heat pulse technique
mass = Q/∆h
 Technique used extensively for space based He II cryostats but
also pressurized He II systems for superconducting magnets

From Volz, et al
Advances in Cryo. Engn.
Vol 35 (1990)
Summary of Level Measurement
Availability Readout Range of heat Deposition

Continuous Level Measurement

Capacitive gauge Prototype Frequency Less than 1mW

Superconducting wire Commercial Voltage Tens of mW’s

Transmission line Development Frequency On the order of µW

Heat transfer based Development Power/temperature Tens of mW’s

Floats Development Visual/voltage Negligible

Hydrostatic Development Pressure On the order of mW’s

Ulrasonic Development Frequency Less than 1 µW

Liquid-Vapor Detectors
SC wire Development Voltage On the order of mW’s

Resistive Development Voltage On the order of mW’s

Ultrasonic Development Frequency Less than 1 µW

Optical Development Light intensity Less than 1 µW

Mass gauging
Internal energy change Development Temperature On the order of 1 Joule

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